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USSR UDC 619:576.809.518:576.858.2 BADAYEV, F. A., CHEVELEV, S. F., IMITIN, N. I., and PERSHIN, G. N., All-Union Scientific Research Institute of Veterinary Virology and Microbiology and All-Union Scientific Research Chemico- Pharmaceutical Institute "The Antivirus Activity of Synthetic Compounds" Moscow, Veterinariya, No 6, Jun 73, pp 44-46 Abstract: Indolyl-3-propiohydroxamic acid (1), indolyl-3-acetohydroxamic acid (2), 2,4,6-trichlororesorcinol (3), 2,4,6-trichlorophloroglucinol (4), 2,4,6-tribromopliloroglucinal (5), N-(o-tolyl)-N-cyanoethylaminabenzoquinone (6), tetrahydrotatraoxonaphthalene dillydrate (oxo1in) (7), beta-indolyl- proplonic. acid (8),.and beta-indolylbutyric acid (9)~inhibited to 98.4% of more the propagation of the virus of Auieszky's disease in a cell culture. The prophylactic a-Lid therapeutic activities of (1), (2), (3), and (7) and the prophylactic activity of (4), (5), (6), (7), and (8) in connection with the studied. A prophylac- experimental infection of rabbits with the.virus werL tic activity was exhibited by (1), (3), and (8): 16.6-40% of the infected rabbits that had been treated with these compounds survived, whereas all of 112 85 USSR BADAYEV, F. A., et al., Veterinariya, No 6, Jun 73, pp 44-46 the controls died. A slight therapeutic effect was exerted by (2) and (6): the rabbits treated with (2) died 7 days later than controls, while one out of three animals treated with M-survived. (1), (3), and (8) were also tested in connection with experiments in which sheep were infected with Aujeszky's disease. These compounds had a slight therapeutic effect on the sheep. 2/2 USSR UDC 6191616.981.452.636.4 ARMPQV, N. I., PICHUGIN, L. 14., BURTSEW, V. I., and KUSHNIR, A. T., All- Urff~o~ c tific Research Institute of Veterinary Virology and 1411crobiology fen "Cytochemical Evaluation of Hog Cholera Virus Vaccine" Moscow, Veterinariyal No 4, 1971P pp 43-45 Abstracti Comparative cytomorphological and pytohistochemical study of immunity production was conducted in gilts immunized with avirulent lapinized and cultural hog cholera virus vaccines (by inhalation and intramuscular injection), The lymph nodes, spleen, liver, lungs, and blood were examined at Various times after vaccination. The various changes produced by the vaccines were most pronounced after 4 to 6 dayst hyperemia In the lymph nodes, hyperplasia of the lymph follicles, and a sharp plasua,~cell reactiont especially in the regional lymph nodes and spleen (where the plasma cells - -in the peripheral blood showed a increased 3' to 4-fold). The lymphocytes similar :Increase. Biochemical anAlyais.of the bloodze'vealed marked changes in-the serum proteinsi sharp decrease in albumins and,increase in the alpha- and ganma-globulins. All the animals were completely immune to cholera at this timo, The cultural vaccine elicited the strongest and:most prolonged immunomorphological response and conforod the highest degree of immunity, 1/1 USSR UDC :519.a;62-50 ROTACH, V. Ya. , AJUMIPOV, N. V. "Solution of the Pelegrin Problem for Objects With. DeIay in the Case of Uncorrelated Input Signals" Tr. NII u-oravl. mashin i sisten- Oforks of the Scientific Research Insti- tute for Control Computers and Systems), 1971-, VYP., 5~,~ pp 127-131 (from RZh-Kibernetika, No 9, Sep 71, Abstract No gv3o6) Translation: The Pelegrin problem in the statisticaldynamics of auto- matic systems is the name given to the.igeneralization; of the Wiener problem to systems with a predetermined invariable section-when, in addition to the useful signal with superimbosed interXerence, the system is subjected to other disturbances whose,paint of application does not -coincide with that of the useful' signal. In thia paper, methods of optimizing inul1idi=-_nsionU- system are used to ~ find- a general solution the given with.regard to the limitations ch are imposed by delay in section of the system. From the author's resume- 1/1 - : UNCLASSIFR---D .-2/2 017 UNCLASSIFIED7 PROCESSING DATE--20NOV7C CIRC ACCESSICN NO--AP0115546 ",~--ABSTRACT/EXTRACT-W) GP-0- ABSTRACT. TRIANGLE PHASE DIAGRAMSOF SU83 SYSTEMS (wHGRE:M EQUALS N.At K, OR RB) SPLLT INTO 4 TRIANGULAR PHASE DIAGRAMS. .THE SECTIONS NAI.ALI SUB3-CS,I.,NALI ~.`i:--SUB3 (WHERE N'EQUALS 1 OK 2) AND NAI-C:SI.ALI SU83. APPEAR As QUASIBIt4ARY SYSTEPSAFORYING LIMlITE:) SOLID SOLNS. AND EACH HAVING ONE EUTECTIC, I.E. AT. 1,55~ AND SIMILAR TO 43 MOLE PERCENT: CSI.ALI SU63, 150 AND SIMILAR TO 46 MCLE.PERCENT CSI.2ALI SUB3, AND 240DEGREES AND SIMILAR 8 MOLE PERC~ENT RESP. PHASE DIAGRAMS OF S Y STEMS' OF D~.AL I ~:SU83, W I TH K I ALI SU33 AND RBI.ALI SUW3 ARE CONSTRUCTED.: THEY FORWEUTECTICS1, AT 175DEGREES AND SIMILAR TO 59 POLE PERCENT KI.ALI: SUB3 AND SIMILAR TO 195f)EGREES AND SIMILAR TO 75 MOLE PERCENT. RBI*ALI:SUB3p-RESP. THE SYSTEM OF RBI.ALI L-!1SUB3 HAS LIVITED SOLID SOLY. ATbOTH CONCENTRATIONAL EXTREMES. OF THE TERNARY SYSTEM'NAE-CSI-ALI SUB3~;ARE (H.P.j MOLE PERCENT NAI, AND MOLE PERCENT CSI GIVEN): , 115DEGREESt 2S.5, 5.5; 145DEGREES, 22. 0,~ 21.G;,1600EGREES, 31.0, 21:.0; AND :235DEGREES-, 24,0,:53.0. LNCL ASS IF TED PROC TE ESSING DA -20NOV7C ITLE-SCLUBILITY IN THE SODIUM CESIU'M PARALLEL TO CHLORILDEt CHLORATE H ~-SUB 2O.SYSTEM AT 25, 50, AND 7.5DEGREES,.-U- ~iWTHOR-(02)-ARKHIPOV, S.M., KASHINAS, N.I. ;:C_CU,hTfZY G-F. INFO-LSSR ~~"SGURCE-Zl-.. N E 0 RG .K H 11970, 15(3)j 760-4 T EPUSL ISFE7C-----70 S USJ E C TAREAS-CHEMISTRY ~TGPIC TAGS--ChLCRIDE, SGLID SCLUTIOIN,. SGDIUV. COMPOUNDt CESIUM COMPOUND, -SOLUBILITY C EN TR C LP..A.Q.KlhG--N0 RESTRICTIONS ~~DCCUMENT CLASS--UNCLASSIFIED PRO-kY.REELIFRAME--300110713 STEP NC--UR/0078/70/015/0r-,-/0160/0764 -CIRC ACCESSICN N'O--AP0126et25 UNCLASSIFIED ..,2/2 009 UNCLASSIFIED PROCESSING DATE--20NOV70 -tIRC ACCESSICN NO--AP0126425 ~_ABSTRACT/EXTRACT--(U) GP-0- ABSTRACT. SO LY. OF NACLO SU83, r_SCLQ SUB3, H SU82,0 A N DCSCL, CSCLO SUB3, H SUB2~0 SYSTEMS WAS STUDIED AT 25DEGREES .4ND SOLY. ISCTHERMS WERE CONSTRUCTED. IN NA PRII'LlE POSITIVEt CS .:,._.DEPRIVE_ PCSITIVE PARALLEL TO CL PRIME NEGATIVE, CLO SU83. PRIt-.E NEGAriVE H SL,62 0 SYSTEMS WAS GETD.:AT 2 5 r50, AND 75 'DEGREES AND CRYSTN. -FIELDS ARE PRESENTED FOR NACL, AND CACL,~CSCL AND 1NACL0 SUB3r CSCLO SU133 'SOLID SCLt%S. THE.INVESTIGATED SYSTEMS ARE:OF,A SIMPLE EUTON[C TYPE. A -_~RESLLTS AkE TABULATED. U'Nf_L'~' S s IF un Ye.,. tAkAgbf-,--ite P. "Generator of Specially Formed light Pulses, Based on the Gas Laser" Elekiron. tekhnika. Nauchno-tekhn. sb. Gazorazy~jradn. _pribory g, Scientific~Technical Colle.c1ion of TEI-ectronic Engineerin j~ Gas.Discharge.Devices) 1970, 110. 3(19), PP 33-36 (from RZh- -Radiotekhnik No. 3, March 71, Abstract No. 3D250) Translation: A light-pulse generator is described in which light signals in the nanosecond range are formed with the deviation of beam of a helium"neon laser LG-56 in an electrooptical deviating device under the action of a piLlse controlling voltage. The structural peculiarities and the basic output characterist- ics of the generator are given. Author's abstract USSR UDC: 621-373:530-145.6 I., PAHOV, Ye. I., RYZHAKOVA, Z. L., V. K., YERSHOV, Act. sti a c- t' -Nr: ervice: Code: Ab :14 INTERNAT. AEROSPACE ABSf 0. /Z (D "16106264- 70-28184 .1; A device for transmitting analog signals M. (Ustroistvo dlia pwedachi analogovykhsignalow). V__K Ark-bin v V. Gaifullin, and V_ G.'Shatokhin. A~G;!~~7;e7kh,; lu. N. Kruglov EkWewirnenta, Jan.-Feb.,1970, p. 195-197. In Bussian2 Descriptinn of a device fo~ transmitting informatign in analog form, using He-Ne iasier radiation Ao' ~ attain a time. resolution of 9 nsec. A detailed study is made of the transfer characteristics of an 7 . optic,al teiemetric channel for transmitting pulsed nanosecond signals in analog form. It is shown that, if the light intensity at the modulator output at.the initial operating point amounts to;. 12 to 17% of the maximufn.,a6d,the operatin cornditions~of the photo- detector are correctly chosen, a pulse with an amplitude of up to 300 V can be transmi"ed through the,telemetric channel with minimum ideband ~ feature of. the nonlinear distortions. It is noted that" the wi transmission line in such a system is determined mainly by the th-ne resolution of the photomultiplier. A.G.K;j REEL/FRAME 19881508 USSR UDC: 621.391.1 ARKHIPOV V. S. Active Member of the Scientific and Technical Society of Radio ctronics and Communications imeni A. S. Popov "Cadence Synchronization of a Multichannel Pilot Communications System" Moscow, Radioteklinika, Vol. 26, No 6, Jun 71, pp 7-13 Abstract: A method of cadence synchronization of a system of communications with phase telegraphy is considered. To eliminate phase ambiguity, unkeyed pilot signals are- introduced into the group signal. Benveen the pilot signals are rr,-l information components with frequency spacing wp of the order of a few dozen 11z (where m is a positive whole number). This close spacing ensur es fairly strong correlation be- tween the random phase components of the carriers of partial channels and the closest pilot signal, which makes it possible to compensate for the nonstationary nature of the short-wave channel. The synchronizing method boils down to comparing the posi- tions of the vectors of the group spectrum components in system of coordinates whih are fixed relative to determined components of the above-mentioned vectors. The systems of coordinates are formed by vectors corresponding to the sine and cosine components of reference voltages generated by the frequency-changing circuit at the reception end., if the receiving and transmitting frequency changers are mismatched 1/2 ARKRIPOV, V. S., Radioteklinika, Vol. 26, No 6, Jun 71, 7-13 p by At, then the positions of the above-mentioned vectors,in the corresponding systems of coordinates will not coincide. The difference in the angles of turn of the vectors in the will be.proportional to 4t. A diagram of the device is presented, and the sign of the mismatch:is determined. Coarse and,fine adjustment circuits are the cadence -synchronization system. 2/2 45 USSR UDC 669.15'24-194:539,125.517.2 MEN'SHIKOV, A. Z., ARKHIPOVI V. Ye., ZAKIIAROV, A. I.,.and SIDOROV, S. K., Institute of Metal the.Ukrainian National Center of the Academy of Sciences USSR "Atomic Correlation in Invar Ferro-.NTickel-Alloys" Sverdlovsk, Fizika Metallov i Metallovedeniye, Vol 34, No 2, Aug 72, pp 309- 315 Abstract: An experimental investigation was made of the nuclear diffusion scattering of neutrons on hardened specimens of ferro-nickel alloys (50, 65, and 70 at% Fe). The specimens contained the isotope of nickel 62 having a negative amplitude of scattering. The parameters of theshort-range order (a < 0) in the first and the second coordination spheres were calculated by the method of least squares from experimental curves Of the dependence of the differential scattering section on the~wave vector. The calculation of the number of ator-s in the first coordination sphere indicates that in hard- ened nickel alloys containing 65 and 70 at% Fe, a short-range order of the NiFe or N'Fe3 types is being established. A parallel investigation t-fas made of the change of the linear expansion coefficient and parameters of the short-range order depending on the annealing temperature of the Invar alloy. The experimc~nts roveal(id that Lcrnperature annefflng,, to a development USSR MENISHIKOV, A. Z., et al., Fizika Metallov i Metallovedeniye, Vol 34, No 2, Aug 72, pp 309-315 of a short-range order, decreases the anomaly of the linear expansion co- efficient. Therefore, the atomic correlation of the short-range-order type can only attenuate the Invar phenomenon,-but it cannot be Lts source. Two figures, one table, fifteen bibliographic references. 2/2 - - 1 1 ,:1 1 112 005 UNCLASSIFIED ORnCESSING DATE--18SEP10 TI,TLE--TO IMPROVE THE METHODS OF CONTROLLING THE TRANSPORTATION PROCESS _U_ AUTHOR--ARKHIPOV, YE. C OUNT R YOF INFO--USSR RECHNOY TRANSPORTs NO lt JAN 70t PP 11-13 .",.DATE PUBLISHED ---- JAN10 __-SUBJECT AREAS--MILITARY SCIENCESt MECH.9 IND.t CIVIL ANO M4RINE ENGR :TOPIC TACS--INLA.ND WATERWAY TRANSPORTATIONV TRANSPORTATICIN SYSTEM .Ct-';"'TRGL MAiz.KIkG--N3 ;RESTRICTIONS DOCUMENT CLASS--UNCLASSIFIED -PROXY REeL/FRAME--1987/0917 STEP NO--U"~/0310/70/000/C)01/0011/OOL3 CIPC ACCFSSfnN NO--AP0104339 Z/Z 005 UNCLASSI FLED PROCESSING DATE-18SEP70 CIRC ACCESSION NO--AP0104339 ABSTRACT/EXTRACT--[U) GP-0- ABSTRACTs THIS ARTICLE IS AN.' ACCOUNT OF THE SECOND THEORETICAL SEMINAR (114 GENEPALIZATIO,% EXPER OF THE OF THE TENCE USE OF MATHEMATICALMETHOOS I'N THE CONTROL OF THE TRANSPORTATION PROCESS WHICWWAS HELD IN LENINGRAD ON 7-10 APRiL,1969. MORE TH4N 90 PRODUCTION -AND SCIENTIFIC WOPKERS FROM 20*ORGA.NI:ZATIONS OF RIVER.AND RELATED.FORMS .,OF TRANSPORT PARTICIPATED IN THE WORK OF: THE SEMINAR.: SOME 23 REPORTS 89 i1 A 1. H I 77 USSR AA011POVA,."", ZEL YEV, N S. "Software for M-20 Computer Program-Controlled Indicator" Vychisl. Mat. i Vychisl. Tekhn. [Computational Mathepiatics and Computer Equipment -- Collect-ion of Works], No.2, Kharlk-ov, 1971, pp 76-78, (Trans- lated from Referatixmyy Zhurnal,-Kibernetika, No 2, 1972, Abstract No 2 V701 by the author's). Translation: A description is presented of two standard subroutines designed for display device software. 49 V D C: N... 011CANMATION Mir PMWOMAMI: OF C019-111"IE PITYSICAI. EXAM INATICN; ON HINLAL 1'01111~AIION OF TAIUWV!ila~74 (Article bl.* CI13iL 11, Nld IC II I0, Trn -, 0,vn-I-I Z-y I'lof. 1- member uf the UtbP Ac.d,my ~f~ Institute imeni I.M. Seclo-OOY, R~,vcow. Au..Ian, No 10, 197.1, s0oulttud 3 :!arch ip In il-.e currcnt litcrnt-jr--- jL Ii cug-liaky U, iu";;;" t1o, of 'r H, . ...... ,-va oftun nre 0;n ttagro of orv.~o4zutlon ct rvacrrrh dlsc~tned. A- 0,0 It soLa tivoi, it to V,ry irp,rwnt. i-rtie~Iivlv 1,~% 3;-vcWI1wt0 In j~C-' hygirne. for the Vtv.-wIww portni"Irlit t" orpinlro-Hon of to be Ov, nobjttlct of e-.4culijon and L~,jn of q-cial nt.ud~. in 0i~ prr~vnV ret-rt wo- -~-,Irfre tii~ rvpcr~t.* v.~;tr!tAco ;".!nod In organlr~tng-and Ierfortuln; za-ss ;;h~ZiCals eft the r,,r~l T-,~bovp,koy. 0~,I.ot ~Idefi r.--I-nent M tho rnFr,i- of anclohylift-nic Study! ut.dy'.--, C ndotted 1, 1970-1`471 1-)- ti~o- clu..-r a-t I.-Ith A rti. " ~t a. b.r.' v WtI,4d. U0 " . . ed on .1 ppe'.1"ll' 119finCII t)I1 JbjCCti1C0, took.. 10d QI1,1CGLb of 111vtUtiV.3tLQm- 1"- 7-- a 9,000 person naurpIc of the rur:sI popoIntloo from t~w r-yono ~)f C~,e obl t, 01,borlo.My and ~;-purokf-,-. -rvrd n~ tho Moject fvt of tho ph"Ical Cmiditipo of tOC r~jrnl 1. .-cc'jan~' 1".b tl.~ objcti-, and t.vksk or ti.. qtu,-y o -Cf'rd of m-?dtcal und .~W' of Lim- rui o1, C-!Wonl." -oi dvvvl'r~d Witcl, i'l con'.Igt-lt .11h ZILe of bOth a Nally nod lod1vtdisl. survey. 71he or urk .4re bauod on: 1) Ald of local ."d q' g-ojo-~ 2) util.17ation of tl~v -intIng qy.r- of Public ho.Ith nv~r'cioo A~~ institutiona; 1) acttvs, lovolve-triL of rublic oreunitntions ond tt'~ 1%~'~.4 cof~iuolLy in t1w oLody. InVv,otIj;4tIOo Of ljoi Phymirnk Condition of tio, Popolattan v( ohl,o;L). Moscov, 1930. If ;4/17 - 27 4 '71/ " r4.1-. r-~ ~ i!il"Aii;iciii" .. ..... ;,.",Z. ~ i'll-I.. I......- mi-iiii , : - i, 1 . ~, : ~ ; . . I It it PROCESSING DATE--30OCT70 L/2 026 UNCLASSIFIEDI: AND THERMOOXIDATIVE AGING-AND.STABILIZATION OF POLYIMIDES -~~-AUTHOR-(03)-RAFIKOVv S.R., ARKHIPOVAt I.A.t BUKETOVA# N*I. CCUNTRY. OF INFO-USSR SOEDIN.v, SER. B 1970, 12(3)r 234-7 %~DATE PUBL ISHED---70 ~,"..SUBJECT AREAS-MATERIALS :._TOPIC TAGS-PHENYLENEP PYROMELLITIC ACIDP IMIDE, PHTHALIC ANHYDRIDE, ---,:',',~",.,THERMAL~STABILITYP CHEMICAL STABILIZER, BROMINATED ORGANIC COMPOUND$ _:JENSILE STRENGTH, PLASTIC FILN RESTRICTIONS ,,""DOCUMENT CLASS-UNCLASSIFIED -_*.,__P.R0XY REEL/ FRAME-200010687 STEP NO--UR/0460/701012)003/0234/0237 CIRC ACCESSION NO-AP0124359 UNCLASSIFIED 026 UNCLASSIFIED PROCESSING DATE-30OCT70 CIRC ACCESSION NO-AP0124359 GP-0- ABSTRACT. POLY(OXDIPHENYLENE il) POWDER OR FILMS~CONTG. HALOGENATED PYROMELLITIC DIANHYDRIDE IN THE MIDDLE OF THE CHAINOR AHLOGE NATED PHTHALIC ANHYDRIDE .~.'AT.THE TERMINALS, WAS~DEGRADED AT 500~-630DEGREUESO THE STABILIZED I HAS RESISTANCE~AND HIGH.APPARENT ACTIVATION ENERGY. THE-MOST EFFECTIVE STABILIZERS WERE THE BROMINATED FRAGMENTS. TTHE STABILIZED I FILMS HAD EXCELLENT TENSILE~STRENGTHv WHICH WAS UNAFFECTED ~-EVEN AT:GREATER THAN 500DEGREES. FACILITY: INST. KHEM. NAUK, iALMA ATA, USSR. USSR UDC 541.18.04t547.11118 YATROSOV, YE. 1. , ICUMMOVA, K. ZH. -49mpm 6~~P, )MVED TA. YA. , and KABANCHIX, M. I., Institute of Hatero- a Ompounds, USSR AcadevW of a Qjapo Sciences "Acid-Base Properties of Substituted TetrapheAyl-Mothylene-Diphosphine Dioxides" Moscow, Izvestiya Akad. Nauk SS3R# Seriya )(h1micheakaya# No 1, Jan 72, pp 199-201 Abstraeut Potentiometric titration with perchloric acid of the dioxides of tetraphonylmeethylenediphosphines substituted in the,zethilene bridge -was-carried out in nitromethane. The obtained values of,the alkalinity constant p.K (CH NO.) were found to be linearly.related to the d *-con- 3 stants of the substitutes. 1/1 AA0044784 UR 0482 Soyiet Inv entions Illustrated, Section II Electrical, Derwent, 243014 CIRCUIT ~OR VFRIFYING SIGNALS. A,.ign.1 incoming'on the rail (9)"to the.receivLngf transmitting module (1) is memorized in (2) decoded in (3) and.amplified by (4). Them coder (6) returns to the.receiving module a signal which should be identical to that being verified. The signals are compared at a.control point.(external) and a coded message is the comparison module (7) for another check-. if everything is all right the relay (8) opeiates and oneof the amplifiers (5) issues a signal for operating a required *ce of apparatus, 28.2.0 as 1222288/18-24.N.K.ARKHIPOVA et al. CENTRAL INST.OF COMPLEX AUTOMATION.(23.9~69.) Bul 16/5.5.69. Class 21c, 74b- lnt.Cl.G 05f, G 08c. U-97 1.07715 USSR AMMOVA) 0. G., and PiffLOVA, I. V. Al Chc-i cals" "Biochemical Investi--ations in -,--.-ie Stuld,,- o' the Toy~ ity0 i- tsiny i r~.eto-, r ustanovI. rcdel I, (10i, V sb. P n -0 vo~z~jZne v vredn. ven. n _u -1- of E's-'Uablisai n- -,r..-L T, Pc r-r-L s!b le C onc.., n-- mti ons, oi' '-st"a"Ces in the A4r or industrial Prc:rjJ.!;cs C o I lclc ti on c, f r,-,) 41-40 (frc-l 2, 71, Kostrucct : T 25 Jar ~ic) 2F2,037 by A. I"E' U Translation: Survey. Dibliogra~hy with three titlcz. 1"M MPdiFqERj79X-Fki MOM 'LIZ 025 UNCLASSIFIED.' ~PROCESSfNG DATE--160CT70 %T-ITLE--TOXIC EFFECTS Of ISUPROPYLAITRITE AND ISOPR,OPYL NITRATE _u_ AUTHOR-021-YUNUSOVAT KH.K., ARKHIPOVA, O.G. _,,,COUNTRY OF INFO--USSR :al.1,SOURCE:--FARMAKOL. TOKSIKOL. (MOSCOW) 1970, 33(l), 110-12 ~,_.UATE PUBLISHED ------- 70 :,:-"SUBJECT AREAS--BIOLOGICAL AND MEDICAL SCIENCES -TOPIC TAGS--ISOPROPYL NITRATE, NITRITE,~TOXICITY, LIVER, CONTROL MARKING--NO RESTRICTIONS :DOCUMENT CLASS--UNCLASSIFIED PROXY REEL/FRAME--1987/0047 STEP NO--UR/0390/70/03"2/001/0111)/0112 _..CIRC ACCESSION NG--AP0103727 UNCLASSIFIED 112 008 UNCLASSIFIED PROCESSING DATE--230CT70 ~7~TITLE-THEORETIC4L ANALYSIS OF CONFORMATIONS OF SOME METHYLAMIDES OF N ACETYLDIPEPT IDES -U- AU,THOR-(03)-LIPKIND, G.-M., ARKHIPOVA, S.F., POPOV, YE.M. :.COUNTRY OF INFO--USSR BIOLOGIYA, 1970p VOL 4, NR 3,, PP 331-338 PUBLISHED ------- 70 :.~SUNECT AREAS--BIOLOGICAL AND MEDICAL SCIENCES, CHEMISTRY --PEPTIDE, 5TOPIC TAGS MOLECULAR STRUCTURE -:--COiqTr,OL HAkKING--N0 RESTRICTIONS' -DOCUMENT CLASS--UNCLASSIFIED ,:PROXY REEL/.FRAkIE--1998/0177 STEP NO--UR/0463/70/004/003/0331/0338 CIRC ACCESSION NO--AP0120377 UNCLASS IF IED -2/2 008 UNCLASSIFIED PROCESSING DATE--230CT70 ~CIRC, ACCESSION NO-- AP0120877 -',ABSTRACT/EXTRACT--(U) GP-0- ABSTRACT. THE CONFORMATIONS OF THE MOLECULS WITHITHREE AMIDE GROUPS: N,AC"--TYLGLYCYLGLYCINEv~NtACETYLIL (D) ALANYL9L,ALAN-INE AND NtACETYLvLwVALYLfLtVALINE HAVE BEEN INVESTIGATED. THE GEOMETRICAL PARAMETERS OF FAVORABLE FORMS WITHOUT HYDROGEN BONDING HAVE BEEN CALCULATED USING THE MINIMIZATION PROCEDURE AND DEPICTED ON THE TWO DIMENSIONAL PHI (C PRIMEALPHA MINUS N) MINUS PSI (C PRIMEALPHA ~MINUS C PRIME) THE VALUES OF THE PHI AND PSI CONFORMATIONAL MAPS. ANGLES IN THE PREFERRED CONFORMATIONS OF COR,RESPONDING COMPOUNDS WITH TWO AMINO GROUPS CAN BE USED AS THE ZERO APPROXIMATION IN THE SEARCH FOR THE POTENT"IAL ENERGY MINIMUM OF THE OLIG SIGNIFICANT OPEPTIDES. THE ,SCAT-TER.ING IN-THE PHI AND PSI VALUES FOUND FOR THE METHYLAMIDES OF N ACETYLDIPEPTIOES AS WELL AS THE:DEVIATIONS FROM ADDITIVITY OF ENERGIES ARISING.WITH INCREASE OF PEPTIDE CHAN LENGTH CAN BE CONSIDERED AS THE EVIDENCE FOR MUTUAL DEPENDENCE OF,CONFORMATIONAL STATE OF THE TWO AMINO ACID RESIDUES. THF MOST STABLE AMONG THE STRETCHED FORMS INVESTIGATED ARE THOSE THAT HAVE THE ANGLES OF ROTATION ABOUTTHE C PRIMEALPHA MINUS N'AND C,PRIMEALPHA C PRIME BONDS CLOS E TO THOSE OCCURING IN THE RIGHT HANDE,D.ALP,HA HELIX AND IN THE BETA STRUCTURE. THE EFFECT OF DISTURBANCES OF THE STEREOREGULARITY OF THE ASYMMETRIC CENTERS IN THE '-PE PT IDE CHAIN ARE ALSO DISCUSSED. FACILITjy: INSTITUTE FOR CHEMISTRY OF NATURAL PRODUCTS, ACADEMY OF SCIENCES, USSR, MOSCOW. -- -- --- I I- I I Nxi .11 I -4- 111 USSR ARKHOVSKIY V. F. (Editor) "Conversion and Processing of Information. Collection of Articles" Preobrazovaniye i Obrabotka Informatsii. Sb. Statcy. [English Version Above], Moscow, Moscow University Press, 1972, 191 pages (Tr. anslated from Refera.tivnyy Zhurnal Kibernetika, No 4, 1973, Abstract No 4V642).- Translation: ThLs collection contains a number of articles in three sections: "Programming," "Conversion of information" and "Processin&of li)forination." The.first section of the collection includes articles on programming of statistical problems, editing programs, programs for printer output of graphic and symbolic information, etc. The articles in the second section are dedicated to pressing problems of conversion of information in various computer input-output devices, measuring and control systems. The third section of the collection contains articles which analyze general problems of information processing using correlation devices and conversion devices, test systems, as -well as individual circuits of computer input-output devices, automatic com- puters, computing, measurement and control systems. mini VA i USSR uDc 681-325.65 ARKHOVSKIY, V. F. "Design Methods of improving the Dynamic Precision of- Servo-Type Analog- -Digital Converters" Taganrog, Region. nauch.-tekhni seminar po stat. analizu, modelir. i a:vto- matiz. kontrolya ob"yektov s konstrukt. slozhn. struktu-roy--sbornik (Regi- onal.Scientific and Technical Seminar on Statistical Analysis, Modeling and Automated Monitoring of Objects With a Structurally Complex Design--collec- ti-on.of works), vy-p. 6, 1972, pp 25-29 (from RZh-Av-toma 'tika, Telemekhanika i Vychislitel'naya Telrhnika, No 11, Nov 72, abstract No.llB3o4) Translation: The author considers methods of correcting servo-type analog-digital converters with respect to speed. The base circuit is se- lected, an optimum equivalent circuit is synthesized and the defining equa- tion is aerived, a table of parameters is computed for di:rferent states of the system, and the laws are found which govern the mutual relation between the parameters of the system and its state. The synthesis of the structures contains a check on all possible hypotheses of different functioning of cor- rection systems with determination of the main output ch,~_,racteristics. The results of modeling are given. Five illustrations, bibliography of two titles. L.P. USSR UDC: 681.327 SHEVELEV, A. Ye., ARKHOVSKIY V. F. "Signal-Brightness Converter of Image Display Device" Novyye Beskontaktu. Elektron. Ustroystva., Ch. 2 (New Contactless Electron-ic Devices. Part II -- Collection of-Works], Moscow, 1970, pp 210-212 (Trans- lated from Referativnyy Zhurnal Av'tomatika,,Telemekhanika i Vychislitel'naya Tekhnika, No 10 1970, Abstract No 10B262, by T. R.) Translation: It is noted that when various problems are solved by digital computer, complex functional relationships of three variables must be dis- played. These problems include the following: cross section of a hetero- geneous body, graphs of distributions as~functions of a new parameter (for examplej time or temperature), nonlinear surfacea, etco In these cases, scanning by cross sections or multiple imposition of iriages'(cone-image type) are ineffective. The most successful method is the brightness-modulation method. In the transmission of data from the computer:to the "modulator," the cathode ray tube of the device contains two units:. a digital-analog converter and an interrupter-modulator. -The principal requirements on these units are determined. Three illustrations. 1/1 Reliability.. USSR uDc: 621.396.6.019.3 ARKIN, G. I. "Planning Abbreviated Tests of Articles of Electronic Technology" Elektron. prom-st'. Nauch. tekhn. sb. (The Electronics Industry. Scientific and Technical Collection), 1972, No 1, pp 61-64 (from RZh-Radiotekhnika, No 8% Aug 72, Abstract No 8V316) Translation: A method is proposed for planning abbreviated tests which guarantee the required reliability of estimated quality of articles of electronic technology. UDC 519-33+519-272 USSR lati.tematical ':`corcm-cs 'In ~itut~-, fentral M ARKIN -4 Tcaaenw 51 Sciences of the USSR, Moscow "Variational Problem With Functions of Several Variables and Operator f Ex-stencell Limitations: Principle of the Maximum and Theorem o Moscow,-DAN SSSR, 1971, vol 200, No Sep 71, pp 9-12 Abstract: The following variational Droblem is considered. It is required to maximize the functional c (x, y, u (-T, y)) dx dy 00 assuminlc- the li-M-itations (z, y, u (x, y)) dy 0; 1/2 USSR 'ARKIN, V. I., LEVIN, V. L., DAN SSSR, vol 200, No I Sev 71, pp 9-12 g (x, y, u (x, y)) dx 0- the mappin.- U u (x, y) U is measurable and U (X, 0 E=- U (X, Y) for nearly al 1 (x, y) K where K (x, y) 0 x