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Aerodynamic Improvement of Blading (Cont.) -SOV/4519
M2. XII. Turbine Stage With Long Blades (v.rl. T.Vryswda) 286
1. On desigaing turbine-sta:Se blades vitth, a small vidth
to length ratio 286
2. Ebtperimental investigation of the blading of turblue stages
with awall width to length ratios L,94
3- On the influence of the degree of reaction and of basic
constructional elements on the characteriaties.of a turbine
stage with long b'a4 a 301
Appendix 1. A. Computatioa of Geometric Series Coefficients
13. Computation of Functions According to Given
Geometric Series Coefficients 312
Appendix 2. TiOM Blade Cascade .(See Ch. IX) 318
Bibliography 337
ATAXLAKE: Library of Congmss
Card 9/9 AC/j~w/m~s
S)i 0 62/000/006/002/011
B I 17YB
V2 0
AUTHOR: Zysina-Molozhen,- --IL.
TITLE: Calculation of'the thermal boundary layer in a flow of',.
compressible gas
PERIODICALs Inzhenerno-fizicheakiy zhurnal, no. 61-1962~~21 26.
TEXT: The author suggested a semiempirical approxi 'mation,method for'a
sufficiently accurate determination of the.laminar, the tiansition,~and
the turbulence zones of a boundary layer formed in the flow.of compressi-
ble gas round a surface. On the basis of the integral energy equation
exnressed in variables according to Dorodnitsyn for a plane flow of GOM-
pressible gas, the equation
d&- UO' - . , k - NU,
-w r + v Or 0 -a2)k-1.
T. P-rRe.
was derived, and the parameters
Card 1/3 :j
S/17 62~/000/00-6/00z/o'
Calculation of the thermal ... B1 17Y33138
and X r0 k Nu,,
92 r-1 - Gr
TW PrRe,
were introduced o'h the assumption that they change along the surface under~-
flow and that they clearly define all characteristics of the boundary
layer. Under certain conditions, GT was found to be'equal for flows
round a Drofile or a plate. A formula analogous to that for incompres'si-,
ble flows was found for G To A comparison of the equation,derived for'
calculating local heat transfer numbers.for oompressible Low with the
corresponding equation for incompressible flow showed a formal similarityf
between the equations for calculating the intenaityof heat transfer in I
compressible and incompressible gas flows. The,comparison of these
equations yields the relation
Iqu, Nu' , 2
Card 2/3
Calculation of the thermal B117/B138
v.,hich shows Nu = Nul for ao a or X . This is in agreement
x x 00 M
with ex-jerimental results. p* is the density corresponding to the braking'!
parameters, U 0is the-velocity, and T0 the temperature, outside the
boundary layer, T the wall temperature; the asterisk co .rresponds to the
braking parameters. There are 2 figures.
ASSOCIATION: Tsentrallnyy kotloturbinnyy institut im. I.J. Polzunov'a, g.i
Leningrad (Central Boiler and Turbine Institute imeni 1. 11. :J/
?olzunov, Leningrad)
SUBMITTEDi September 1:, 1961
ZYSINA-MQIDZjffS,-L.H.; POLYAKf M.P.; ATMMV, S.p teirlm. red.
~Calculatiug the temperature. field in a coolO turbize bladel
Conference on Heat and Mass Transferp Minsk 'January 23-27 19611
Raschet polia temperatur v okhlazlidaemoi turb.lmoi'lopatke; sove-
shchanie po teplo-i massoobmenu, g. Minsk.. 23-27 ianvaria 1961 g.
Minsk, 1961' 9 po (MIRA 15:2)
(Thermodynamics) (Gas Umbines-BUdes)
"Determination of the turbulent exchange constanti In a streeal of comprossed
Report presented at the lst All-Union Gonference on HeA- and Hass- Exchfllnge,~
Minsk, B3SR. 5-9 June 1961
"An investigation of the influence of the compressibility anti temperature factor
on the structure of a turbulent boundary layer."
report submitted for 2nd All-Union Conf on Heat & Transfer) Minsk, 4-12 'May
Folzunov Boiler & Turbine Inst.
I.L. Prinimal uebaotiye alIRNOV,, G.V.., Inzh.p
,.L,*M,,s,prof,j doktor tekhn. nauko retsenzent
(Aerodynamic experiment in the manufacture of machiner7l
Asrodinamicheskil eksperlment v wehinostroonii, 2, dop. i
ispr4 W. Moskol Mashitastroenia) 1965. A,79 p.
(141RA 1 3 8 t 1.2)
medium), Minsk.,:, Nauka. i telchnik;4, 19650-103
TOPIC TAGS:.'. Turbulant'heat trawfer,,, fluid n as tqrbiiie, heiitl txi
----AWMACT-:- The-article gives the.rOsuiiso~f.ih-expe ~nwn*i deiermin
the. mean values of the heat transfer,db6fflcie to 6n~! the 'i~nd 4all of - ~n I
blada channels . A;11 measurertlente of the thermal aii4l dv=j,*U characteAst
of the flaw uere made on the three.,'central, bil -.V~e tui b ins an4- ~n tile
.channels formed by theme ;.The end Walls of those thriW ch4infials conatt, tut
heat sorbing surfaces cooled by vater in a flow ty4po
Card 3
- - ----------- -
ACC. MR. AT6002356'
The. side, and Imier wns- of the -04 rimeto : - I - -
OV re aajr4
insuUtion- which -practically axaluded . heat ~ -transfer 1 weeitUdUrtWatici
around the 6alorimater and the cooling'water. The hoat tthwWar coed
was determined by the form;41at
vhare Q is-the heat- flux--through, the erid--wall; i3L of t~elle
t. is the mman temperature of the gas in -the :,~hanna ~an& is:the e
surface temperature of the and wralls: The di6tributu Otaticil reqqqrO,
along the outlet of the profile and:at and vall ~rk Othlb ih- 11 r chaomlo,
as won as at a given distance from th4lnlet sactibilita -1.61 la's a,
measured by a water-filled; manometer. The': total prWIM"a IT.203 Imna in,ithe
entrance to the accelerating convergant,sa6tion by 4L clonvibiMona dWtube.
Mcparimantal results are exhibited in saveral f1gurem# Fb~, approximuto 041cul-
ations of,the-intensity of heat transfor'on the end vans of intarbWa c~enneln,
these formubw am recommendeds
RRP.P: id: Re 4~ L.
Rhore C is a variabld:' 4'_fOj4
.5 figures*'
r!;~rd 2/3
I. - - - ~--7-777 ........ 7-' ~'
-.L 14478-66
~ ~ o~ - '' : - -, , - ~ ~-, - - ~~ '':~~ . 1. ., - ~ -, - i ~ . " ;. . .1
4- ---- :! I ;j
-66 WMA
AT6006917 SOURCE CODE: UR/0000/65/000/000/03o5/0312
AUTHOR: zysina-Molozbenp L, M.;.Soskovas I, N,,; $b9pirps Ie Go
ORG: Leningrad~Centr'al.Boiioi~6~d.Tu~bitio Insti~40 Ormentraltm,,'
kot1o:UurUMyy insEltut)
TITLE: Investigation. of the . turbulent bound a:ry: . jlp~ ~r~~,6rmed b: 'the!
Te 7
of a compressible gas~aroufid a;21qtep4co' anioat,! by,b'ek; trano~ler
plo: i m6ssoplei~fjnos pri
SOURCE: Teplo- i. massoperenos. T.,
vzaimodeystvii tel s potokami zbidkostdy 1 gazov JHeati and masaltranarer.
f 1poelies wj~b 1-i
v. 2.6. Heat and mass transfer in thb lnteraotiot~ o quid
and gas flows), Minsk,.Nauka 1. telthnikap 1965s 30-312
beaLl trolisf er~. go's
TOPIC TAGS: turbuleint bou.ndary layert, conveo.tivo 1,,
flow VA~
ABSTRACT: Tbe'aim of.1be artiole. is stated to bei .;a 000rdt Leal 1, 6 d!
nvestigation,of:tb a-: ii;i-*U
experimentol%i a eff6ct.ontb 100JNI~ of tb(
turbulent bounda r- la or in particulai-r, '-d-n - tbe': t4ilck~iloijiv-of- tll**( Amminar
sublayer, of tba-Mae number and the temperature: foetoiro to evikTuat.0
their effect on the final result of cd1culation's; 'Pr tHe resist"ce ior
~tbe plates and to make more precise the initlai-.h~h)ottos of the iemi-
.empirical theory* The experimebtal investigations of!t o effeo~'d- the
ACC AT6006917
,temperature factor or. beat transfer and ljqziNco~ ~6418i;10606: In 6. Istream
of compressible gas we're carried out tn 'the op t1 uxl-!~.t Of asqper;3oni
aerodynamic tube. The expbriment' wero'; made ~Ovov~ 6 r6h e of t~dl
temperature factor from loO'to 2 2 at'a Vlach numbor ofapproxlrq6tal~ I
and a Reynolds number or 107* Tboe length of the Irorkilie, secti66 wab 0:~
meters, Results are exhibited in a series of curVas. It was toijnd~that
at values of the temperature factor substOntlally'less~than unite" is
necessary to take into account the dep. andance.- of! t1be thIckness'!6'r tbe
laminar sublayer on the'Mach-'number, and particulairly on the te4erhtura
factor. At values of the temperature factor less than unity, tb:, atfeat
of the Mach number and the tempersturo. factor on the tvrbulent t,ablifer
t&- - --- - -o- -- - ---A)(--M-P
.LTSINA-kC HRN~ d6kt r--tekhn.n&uk;--POLY
Programing of the calculation of temperature field distribution
in tail cooled turbine *des. Energomashinostroanie 9 no.8t
43-".. 48 Ag 163. (Gas turbines-Coolipg) (KIRA 160)
7T7 T:2 Calculation of heat 'm-nr,.,jfqr itt Im -!-qn;a aurfacw ,:.r,*,8r;mc-dng at right
-:~zi K_ '-:L-
:-,eat transfer, LritenoCting, planp. surfarje, ggul turbtj~e
A:- 5 7,-' C 7 Ar. a-mrox-Imate mathod of ca2culating the affect on hout tx-arLgfe:r of ithe
aemi e a
v, ; !. I .:
I 1 11
-- . . - V a_- - I,. .~ --- ~ ,
-, --, - . , - , " :- 1 1, ~ , I - , ,- . I
I -~ I I . . ~ i li- Ll- - I ii ~ 1 .1 iii I I - 1-1
--.4, ~, - - ,
. F - 1 tu,~ 1. . - T..
1 -1. 'a. -% - ~
Zysina-Molozhen, L.M.., Doctor of
__F0TY__1171_M_-T-,__Engineer, Uskov, I.B., Engineer
Heat transfer in turbine blading
PERIODICAL: Teploenergetika, no.7, 1962, 77-80
TEXT; The nature of gas flow between gas: 'turbine blades is such
that the heat-transfer coefficient can asbume very different
values at different places and this can give rise to unexpected
temperature gradients in the blades. only approximate methods of,
calculation are available for assessing t ;his ef fect in cooled
blades. Local values of the heat-transfer coefficient were
calculated for root, middle and tip sections ,of*a twis.ted~blade,
and considerable variations were found both'across and along the
blades. The temperature distribution in the blades was~then
calculated by two methods, one employing an average heat .transfer
coefficient and the other dividing the blade up into four sectionst
each with its own value of heat-transfer coefficient. The
differences between the results obteined by the two methods-were
particularly great at high rates of,cooling; thus at a rate of
Card 1/3
Heat transfer in turbine blading E194/E455
40 kcal/hour the difference near the blade'root is 200C,* at
200 kcal/hour it is 950C. , A still greater difference would be
found if the blade were divided into smaller sections. :The
calculation confirms that blade root cooling influences the blade
temperature distribution only in the bottom quarter of the blade.
The influence of cooling is important at heat transfer rates above
100 kcal/hour; here the calculation based~on average heat-transfer
coefficient is inaccurate and overestimates the,benefits of~
cooling. - In calculating heat transfer from the blade ends
the usual boundary layer methods are not strictly valid because of
interaction between the boundary layers of the end and, those
of the adjacent stationary wall. However 'analysis shows that
this interaction has little effect on heat tranoifer unless the
blade pitch'and boundary layer thickness are commensurate whichl
in practice, can.occur only in rather special cases, To ch~eck
the calculations tests war* made in a flow of air at 200% with
stationary flat rows of blades ~rater-cooled near the roots.
Temperature and velocity distributions were measured andagreement
with theory was good; in particular, the effect of interaction
Card 2/3
Ll -1-, -111 1-11-11iL
laboratory chamber for exposure small animals to low pressure with
the apparatus for blood sampling.. Aota physiol. polon, 4 noil-2:69-75
1..of the in'stitate of Genera.I and itrper,imental Pathology (Read-Prof.
J. walawski, K~11.) of Warsaw Medical Academy and of the Gent ral Institute-
of Research on Aiiation Medicine.
- ------- --
Mill J.
Thermal finishing of fil,-s. pt. 1. (To be cont'd). p 271.
0 12; Ja A. -Fe t. July-$ept.,
,ECHAII K. Warszawa, Poland. V 1, 12, nos. 1-21 7-0)
Dec. 1957.
I'lonthly Isist of East European Accessions (EEAI) W, Vol. 91~rO. 2, Feb. 1960.
"Ife~it Tre.,Aracait of Cuttin-, Tool-3 Low-Cantent Wolfrua
Vol... 27, 8, Aug-,i
Steel, SI-1911, (To be contO.) 28-1,
Warssat.,a, PoInnel)
~"O: ITonthly Li,%t of T!,E-.t th~optnn 1,~! vol. 4, to. 5~
May 1955, Uncl.
"H11 ~11411
Thermial fintabLini-, -)f filcq. (Concttitcm) --.005.
',ECI,fV;IK (Stowarzys7enie Inzynierow i TechnVkow Mechnnikov Vl~rszawa
Val. 28, no. 8, Atig. 1955
o. E,
ist Eur.-T,ean Accessions List al. 5, No. 9
24111ORSKI, Edward; ZYSK, Jan
Selection of optimum heat treatment parameters forAhin flatsprings
based on fatigue tests. Inst mech precyz 12 no.2:5-11 164.,
SIChanges of the Amount of blood sugar in the state of an6jda." P. 297 ActaIhy-
siolo&ica Polonica, Vol, 4, no, 4, 1953 Wamawa.)
~~' wit Sla Jena; ZWOMM, Kalsta.
Clio traxelation] Actik physiol.polom 6 zo.4:421-40 1955,
1. Z Wojskowago lnst]rtutu laukowo-Sadswovego'l DoevWenalnego,
Hedycyny Lotniozej.
alcohol, off. of altitude In non-drinking'ffabjeots, Widnark
test (Poi))
(ALOCHOLS, in blood,
off. of altitude in non-drinking subjects, i~idmark test (Pol))
(ANITUDS. effects,
on blood alcohol In non-drinking subjectsi Vidmark test (POM
wSafety and Hygiene in the Work of Artifieially Impregnating Pit Froposw p. 47
(Wlasomosci Gormiczep Vol* 4, No. 2, Feb.t 1953, Kstowios):
SO: Monthly of _EjLg& jacmeln Agggggionst Vol. 3, No. 2. Library of Congress.,
Februaryt 1954, Uncl.
Influence of "he conditions of saturation on the ability 6T-pit props~to
become saturated with moisture. Biule .tyn. p. 14. (,PR7,r,,C-.LAr) W-MIC7Y, Va.l. 10,
No. 6. June 1954, Stalinogrod, Poland)
SO: Monthly 1-ist of East European Accessions, (EEAL), LC,~! Vol. 1". 12,: Dec.
1954, Uncl.
-7 71
Research on the supporting strength of wooden t:W)ering. Diulet~rh
P. 25
Trends in timbering. Biuletyn. P. 27
PRZEGLU CORINICZY. (Instytut Ideglatiy) Stalinogrod.
Vol. 11, no. 9, Sept. 1955
.... .... If 11-111 If III i 111MIR IIIIRII
The useNlness of the magnesium fluosi3icate of Polish Production.for impregnating mine
timbers. (Supplement) P-33
(PRZECLU ODRNICZY, Vol. 12, No. 12# Dec. 1956, Stalinogro