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Collective Motion in a System of Quasiparti,cles
in- after a few more steps f computation is als),given. The
lim""'iting frequency ej*0at f--*O depends on the efi~ctive mass
of quasipartiales and generally differs from the o1rdinary
mass of Darticles. The method sugriested here is suited for
the determimtion of the spectrum,of the plasma-vibrations
of electrons in a periodic field in the presence of a zone.
There are 3 references, 0 of which are Slavic*
ASSOCIATIONt Ural Polytechnical Institute.
(Ural'skiy politekhnicheskiy inatitut),
SUBMITTED: October 26, 1957
AVAILABLE.- Library of Congress
Is Quasiparticles systems-Motion
Card 3/3
Card 1/4
Yeleonskiyj V. 14. Zyryanov,
The Energy-Spectrum of a Bose-Gas~ (Energetichaskiy; ap~ektr
Bozevskogo gaza)
Zhurnal Eksperimentallnoy i Teoreticheskoy Fizikij 1958,
Vol. 34, Nr 3, nn. 770 772 (USSR)
The present report investigates the problem of the determina-
tion of the energy-spectrum of a system, of Bose-p4rtioles
by development of the interaction,kerne '1 into a series with
respect to the moments.This method is in some cases more con-
venient than the method of development -of the interaction
kernel in a Fourier's series. The Hamiltonian of the system
has the form
(~2 -Z
H /2m) V?*VTd-r" + (1/2) (I)G(r-,r r
in the rep esentation of.the second quantization,','
where- The operator of the potential
energy is reduced to the form
SOV/ 56-34-3-48/55
The Energy-Sl:ectrum of a Bose-Gaa
(1/2) Y(-r*)G(J)f r- r)dl df by Introduction of the,new
var-iaile r - rl . The Hamiltonian is still fur~.ther' trans.-
formed and subsequen'tly written down ij i a form which,is ac-
curate up to the square terms with respeot to thei,ope rators.
After diagonalization this square form leads for' thecontral
forces to the following oigenvalu6s of.the energp.
2 _1) 2 2t +2
F-k- 2m [~-km + Ory - -1 F k d
With absolutely solid spheric particles with the diam6ter a
the authors put Gg 2/ma2 ) S( -a), under the c6ndi-
tion of repulsive 0rose and then',;-tle above-mentiolnediequa-
tion for E k furnishes the result s'~obtained by K.,A. Brueckner
and K. Sawada (Reference I)t
B(X) )x x 2 + 2 2 sin x
Heke_.~x ka, A2 a 82ry a3. The weak attractive
forces between the helium-atoms vrere not taken into account
Card 2/4 in 2 previous works dealing with the same subje Ct (References
The Energy-Spectrum of a Bose-Gas
19 2). They can be easily taken into consideration in the
simplest case if the potential of the attra6tive force's is
still added to the above-mentioned term for:G(f The:
authors apply here the term
( h 2/ma2) a)_ Uo
G( v~ere 0
TnWO 00*0 U. denotes the depth of the potential-pot and
b - a - d is Its width. If the binding energy correspond-
ing to one He4-atom (at A temperature:near,to absolute
zero) is known, a correlation between the binding energy,
the width and the depth.of the potential-pot can be do-
termined by using the known results of quantum mechanics'
Then, only one parameter occurs in tba,energy,spectrum of,
the system (apart from ~ and a). The formulae for the,cor-
relation and for the corresponding energy spectrum are writ-
ten down here. There are 3 referencest I of which is Soviet.
Card 3/4
The Energy-Spectrum of a Bose-Gas
-ASSOCIATIONt Urallskiy politekhnicheakiy institut
(Ural Polytechnichl Institute)
SUBMITTED: December 69 1957
Card 4/4
24 (5)
Card 1/2
Zyryanovy P. S. SOV/56-35-2-19/60
Generalized Equations With a Self-Gonsistent Field:
(Obobshchennyye uravneniya s samosoglasoyannym. polem)
Zhurnal eksperimentallnoy,i teoretichesk,oy fiziki, 1958,
Vol 351 Nr 21 pp 448-451 (USSR)
In an earlier paper (Ref 1) the author suggested that in
systems of interacting particles fluctuations of density
be subdivided into fine-scale- and large-scale fluctuations.
In condensed systems large-scale fluctuations describe:
modifications of density in spatial domains, the linear
measurements of which~by far oxce64 thedistance between
particles; density fluctuations in spatial domains with
linear measurements which are small .er than or equal to the
average distance between particles,describe the "fine-13cale"
fluctuations. A description of "large-scale" fluctuations
is successfully accomplished by means of Hartree Is: (Khartri)
self-consistent field. Basing upoh~a Hartree equation
generalized for the case of non-steady dtates by Zyryanov
(Ref 2) it is possible to describe .the short-range scattering
of particles as a source of momentum-interaction. In this
Generalized Equations With a Self-Consistent Pield SOY/56-35-2-19/60
connection a modification of the goneralized
Hartree-equation is given and discussed# Furthermore,the
results obtained are compared vrith the theory developed by
Landau and Silin (Refs 3 - 5). Also theidiapersion ratios
for Permi- and Bose-systems of interactinC particles are
derived. There are 9 references, 7 of which are Soviet..
ASSOCIATIOIT: UralIskiy politekhnicheskiy institqt (Ural Polytebhnic
SUBMITTED: March 19, 1958 (initially) and April 24, 1958 (afte;r r~avision)
Card 2/2
24(3~ S07/56-35-6-22/44
AUTHORS: Skrotskiy, G. V., 0v P S lzyumov.., T. 0.
TITLE: The Influence of Paramagnetic Electron 'Reaon'tince on the
Optical Effect of Faraday at Low Temperatures (Vliyaniye
elektronnogo paramagnitnogo rezonansa na opticheskiy effekt
Faradeya pri nizkikh temperaturakh)
PERIODICAL: Zhurnal eksperimentallnoy i teoretiolieskoy fiziki,-195139
Vol 35, Nr 6, Pp 1471-1474 (USSR)
ABSTRACT: Daniels and Wesemeyer (Daniyels, Vezemayer)(Ref 1) expe .rimen-
tally investigated the influence exercised by magnetic:
resonance on the optical Faraday (Fargd~-y) effect. The rorked
with neodymium ethylene sulfate single crystals at 1-5 K,
9060 megacycles, and 54611. Kastler (R'ef 2)~was the first
to investigate the connection between.Fairaday effect and
paramagnetic resonance, and Opechowski (Opekhovskiy) (Ref 3)
carried out the respective quantum-mechanical calculations.,
The results obtained are diacussed in the introduction, The
authors of the present paper investigated these phenomena on
the basis of the usual macroscopical theory;,an explicit ex-
pression is derived for the angle of rotation of the polariza-
Card 1/3 tion plane of a light wave near paramagnetic resonance in
SOY/56-35-6-22/44 ~
The Influence of Paramagnetic Electron Resonance on the Optical Effect of
Faraday at Low Temperatures
radio-frequency field which is weak in compari'son to the con-
stant magnetic field Ho. The influence of. paramagnetic re-
sonance on the optical effect is based upon spin-orbit inter-
actions. The dielectric constant characterizos the optical
properties, and as the state of the sp in system varies con_~
siderably within range of paramagnetic' iononiincet a change
of the state of the spin system (in consideration of spin-
orbit coupling) leads to a variation of the dielectric con-
stant, which fact explains the influence exercised upon opti-
cal properties. Theoretically, the problem whs dealt with ac-
cording to the method outlined in refer6nce i~. The ansatz for
the specific angle of rotation of the polaritation plane is,
according to Vollkenahteyn (Ref 5) the following:
(0/40 (n 2 _ n2)/n, where the refraotion~index n is ck/0)
for right-handed and left-handed circularly polarize7d waves
respecti,idy. The following approximated'solution is obtained:
9 = (2ny/c)nMo. (see figure). For otron.9 radio-frequency
fields there is only qualitative agreement between this formula
Card 2/3 and the experiments. There are 1 figure and 5 references,
The Influence of Paramagnetic Electron Resonance on the Optical Effect of
iaraday at Low Temperatures
2 of which are Soviet.
ASSOCIATION: Urallskiy politekhnicheskiy institut
(Ural Polytechnic.Institute)
SUBMITTED: June 19, 1958
Card 3/3
24(5) BOV/56-35-6-32/44
AUTHORS: Giterman, At. Sh., Zyryanovp P. S.Pt Talutn' G. 0.
TIT4E: Bose-Excitations in Ion Crystals (BoZovskiye yozbuzhdetliya
v ionnykh kristallakh)
PERIODICAL: Zhurnal eksperimentallnoy~i teoreticheakoy fiziki, 1956,
Vol 35, Nr 6, PP 1532-1537 (USSR)
ABSTRACT: The interaction between exciton and lattice oscillations
has already frequently been investigated. ExPiton energy
and the connection between exciton-phonon interaction and
the internal state of the exciton was investigated for strong
coupling by S. 1. Pekar and I. M. Dykman (Ref 1) an well as
by V. A. Moskalenko Ref 2 who tined the meWiod developed
by N. N. Bogolyubov
; for the ca6a of intermediate
ef 3
coupling it was investigated by 1. P*Ipatova (Hof 4) by
the method developed by Lee, Low and Pines (Li, Lou, Payne)
-(Ref 5) and for weak couplin by I. M. Dykman (Ref 6), as
well as by Moskalenko (Ref 71 and Haken (Khaken) (Ref 8).
The authors of the present paper consider excitons to be
elementary excitations in a multi-electron system, which
interact with the lattice. The Hamiltonian or the system
Card 1/3 consists of three parts:
Bose-Excitations in Ion Crystale 307/56-35-6-32/44
H - Hel + Hph + 11 int the first term corresponds to the
electrons, the second to the phonons, and the third describes
electron-phonon interaction. The energy spectrum of a weakly
excited state of the system is investigated on the assumption
that in every node there exists an electron which is either,
in the ground state ,X = 0) or in an excited~state (X - 1).,
The Bose Boze) excitations of such a Isystembof electrons
(excitons~ interacting with polarization vibrations of a crys-
tal are investigated by means of the second quantization
representation. First, an expression ieAerived for the .
Hamiltonian Hel of the multi-electron system, then one for
H , and finally one for the interaction H Itis found
ph int*
that to the QAPP 9f lv~gk mApling tho. 4
'Idoroddo of dtditon otiorgy and to dn in,-Iteade of the ettective
exciton mass. This is in agreement withAhe renults obtained
by Dykman and Moskalenko (Refs 6, 7). In conclusion, a
quantitative estimate of these effects is discussed in short.
The authors thank S. V. Vonsovskiy for discussing the results
obtained. There are 17 references, 12 of which are Soviet.
Card 2/3
I41W I.," I!" M I= i I i~HIWRh HH! h1i 3 "I'l-H! 4 i I. WNW Lan!! I I MIN
.. W .........
Bose-Excitatione in Ion Cryatals BOV/56-35-6-32/44
,ASSOCIATION: Ural'skiy gosudarstvennyy universitet
(Ural State University)
SUBMITTED: JulY 9, 1958
Card 3/3
U~qmj~jpf In, 1HUM
Theory of the energ7 spectrw of systems of Izteracting particles.
Izv.vys.uaheb.zav.; fix. no.6:152-157 159* (MIRA 22-4)
1. Urallukly politekhnicheakiy institut Ims S.sHe Kirova*
(Particles, 39lementary)
INTIM 1111VIIIIIII -1111". 111,111 RM
Characteristic of sound distribution in metal. Fisi'.met. i metallo-
ved- 7 no.1:153-154 Ja 159. (MMA 12:4)
1. Urallskly politekhnichookly Institut im. S.K. Xlrava i Institut
fisiki metallar AN SSSR.
(Metal cr7stals) (Sound-Transmission)
0 0
AUTHORSi 1zyumova,-_.T1.G. and Skrots kiyo G.V.
TITLE: Electrical Conductivity06f Ferromagnetic MetaISIAIn
a Radio-Frequency Field
PERIODICAL: Fizika metallov i metall6vedeniye, 1959, vol 8, Nr 6,
pp 8ol-8o6 (USSR)
ABSTRACT; It is well known that ferromagnetic.metals,liave an
additional resistivity due to the interaction of
conduction electrons with thermal fixi6tuations in the
magnetization. In the case of ferromagnetic resonance,
the character of the magnetization fluctuations ma~ be
altered quite considerably. The resistivity of a
metallic ferromagnetic may belooke(17'upon~as consisting
of three components, namely those dtio. to the interaction
of the conduction electrons with pholLons and ferromagnonst
and a further component due to the change in the
magnetization in a radio frequency flald.' The temperature
dependence and the order,of magnitude of the first;of~the
above three components is well knowni, The second,.
component has been calculated by Turov (R:~ef 1) for,the.
low temperature region, using the spin wave model- the-
temperature dependence of this component is in a
Card 1/3
.. ..... -V A1 1.11 HIM MI'Milliff lilt, V11114up'-, ........... ..
Electrical Conductivity of Ferromagnetic Metals in a.Radio-Fr,equency
qualitative agreement'irith experiment'. The presents
authors attempt to set, up a quantitative -theory of, the:
increase in the resistivity of ferroniagnetics in 6
radio-frequency field. Near the ferr~omagrietic resonance,
the energy of the radio-frequency field is transferred to
spin waves having a wave number close to zero and~ihis
corresponds to an increase in the precession angle.'.of!.:the
magnetization vector. Since in this case.the
magnetization remains uniform, there:is no additional:
contribution to resistivity. However, in~the case,of:a
ferromagnetic metal in a radlo-frequency fleld, the
magnetization in the skin-layer A~illlno longer be uniform
and the radio-frequency -field will tend to increase this
nonuniformity and excite a spin wave.with a-wave number
k-v.l/6, where .6 is the:depth of the skin-layer. This
increase in thenonuniformity of the :Magnetization in the
skin-layev nea~r r-esonance will give rise~to an additional
interaction-of conduction electrons with the metal and
hence the resistance of the skin-layer has a resonance
Card 2/3 character. The effect c an be observed in thin films
Electrical Conductivity of Ferromagnetic Metals 'in a Radio-Frequency
having a thic SS of the order of the ski n depth.,
Expressions d- -ed in the present p~per~hold only~for
temperatures considerablylower than~pthe,Curie
temperature. Moreover, the analysis:includes only terms
which are of the first order in the amplitude of the
radio-frequency field ho so that the amplitude must be
considerably smaller than the width of the ferromagnetic
resonance line. It is shown that the contribution to the
resistivity due to this effect is given by Eq (27).
It is shown further that, near reson4nce, the ratio of this
additional resistivity to the resistivity'due to the
interaction of conduction electron with phonons is'of the
order to 100 h2MII)2(cf Ref. 2). There are 4 ref erences
1 of which is Soviet and 3 EnSlish.
ASSOCIATIONtUrallskiy politekhniclieslciy institut
(Ural Polytechnical Institute)
SUBMITTED: April 13, 1959
Card 3/3
AUTHORS; Zyryanov, P. S., Taluts, G. G. SOV/56-36-1-20/62
TITLEc On Acoustio-blectric Phenomena in a.Degenerated Electrpn-ion
Plasma (0 zvuko-elektrichoskikh yavleniyakh v vyrozhdennoy
elektronno-ionnoy plazme)
PERIODICALt Zhurnal eksperimentallnoy i tooretiches,koy fiziki,; 1959,
Vol 36, Hr 1, PP 1451- 148 (USSR)
ABSTR&CTt )al ultrasonic wave in an
In the propagation ofa lopgitudil
electron-ion plasma the amplitudeo of,the density:of ions and
electrons are different because of tho.'great difference of the
volume-compressibility of the electron;liquid and;'the ion
:which in
liquid. This fact causes an eleotric space charge
turn generates a longitudinal electric,field (which depends
on the frequency of the ultrasonic waves). Because of the
interaction of the progressing ul Itrasonic wave with thermal
acoustic vibrations, the energy
of the ultrasonic waves is
absorbed and scattered. Theae effects taken into
account by introducing a finite electric conductivity of the
plasma, i. e. by taking into account the collisions of the
Card 1/3 electrons with the thermal vibrat'ionslof a plasma. For finite
On Acoustic-electric Phenomena in a Degenerated SOV/56-36,1-20/62
Electron-ion Plasma
values of 6, the energy of the lon-itud-inal electric field
will be dissipated as Joule's (Dzhoul) he'at. The authors of
the present paper show that this inechanIsm of tho'!discipation
of ultrasonics in a metal gives the right order of magnitude
for the absorption coefficient. The inventigated,dynainic
system consists of a great number~of electrons and ions in
which the ultrasonic,wave propagatea. The basic equatIons of
this system are given explicitly.:Thes(~ aquation,s~have an
exact solutiop for a system beinglin,aistate of constant
density ITrjI - const. denotes tho self-consiste nt wave
th Yrj
function of the j parbicle, r= 1 corresponds t 6 electrons
and j-= 2 to ions. The above mentioned:equations bare a system
of Hartreo (Khartri) equations which wan generalized;'for
unsteady states. Tho present pap:ov dau* a with the calculation
of the potential of the longitudinal electric field 6f the
ultrasonic waves by means of cons:tants.which characterize the
plasma and the amplitudes of theultrasanic waves. The
calculations are discussed step by stup. Especiallyt:the case
of a standing ultrasonic wave is:discissed. The influence of
Card 2/3
On Acoustic-electric Phenomena in a Degenerated SOV/56-0-1-20/62
Electron-ion Plasma
the ions each with another can be' reduced to theishi'elding
of the ion charge, Finally, the dbsorption coefficient a of
sound in an electron-ion plasma is calculated. There are
8 references, 6 of which are Soviet.
ASSOCIATION: Institut fiziki metallov Akademii nauk.SSSR (Institute for
the Physics of Metals of the Academy of Sciences!, USSR)
SUBMITTED: June 7, 1958
Card 3/3
AUTHORS: fO~2 lq~4
Zyryanov, P.S., Izyumova, T.G n rotskiy, G.V.
TITLE: Effect of Electron Magnetic Resona e Optical
Properties of Ferromagnetic and Paramagnetic Bodies I
PERIODICAL: Izvestiya vysshikh uchebnykli zavedeniy, Fizika,
1960, Nr 3, pp 32 -* 38 (USSR)
ABSTRACT: Using a system of macroscopic equations,taking into
account spin orbit interactions, a calculation is made
of the refractive index of a gyrotropic medium under
the conditions of magnetic resonance, An expression is
obtained for the rotation of the plane of polarisation of
a light wave as a function of amplitude and freque Iney
of the rf field for transparent paramagnetic and ferro-
magnetic bodies. A study is made of the effect of ferro-
magnetic resonance on the optical Kerr effect andothe
results obtained are compared with experiment. The
macroscopic equations are taken in the form given~by
Eqs M-M, which must be supplemented by the equation
of motion for the magnetisation M . In paramagnetic
media, the latter is chosen in the:Bloc Ih forin (Fql 4).
Cardl/3 For ferromagnetic materials -the L~tndiiu Livshits form,given
Effect of Electron Magnetic Resonance"00a,01118ptical Properties of
Ferromagnetic and Paramagnetic Bodies
by Eq (5) is employod. It was shown in a previous papar
(Ref 3) that Eqs (1)-.(3) togethor with Eq 1(4) or Eq (5)
take into account spin orbit interactions.. In fact, the
self-consIstent field If 1 is due to spin-spin and~~
spin-orbit interactions. Eq (1) does~not*~iriclude the
damping term-but this has no fundamental effect on the
final results. Thechange in the optical -properties of
solids in magnetic resonance,and in particular the
resonance Faraday effeetmay in the cnse of.paramagnetic
media be used to determine the longitudinal and transverse
relaxation times It is shown that the
relative change in the rotation of the plane of polari-
sation is given by Eq (25)? while the width of the
absorption line can be determined from E~j (26). Eq (25)
is the same as the expression.obtained by'Daniels and
Wesemeyer (Ref 6) by another method., Using experimental
values for A-R/19 at resonance (Aw 0) and H , one
can calculate Y, and rd_L (11 is 'the constant magnetic
.111, :
Effect of Electron Magnetic Resonance o 8ptical~Properties of
Ferromagnetic and Paramagnetic Bodies
field). The effect of paramagnetic a:nd f rromagnetic
resonance on the optical Faraday effect can be used in fast
modulation of beams of light by vary1*11T, tho amplitude
of the rf field.
There are 2 figures and 11 references', ofl-which 1 is
French., I German, 5 English and 4 Soviet.
ASSOCIATION:- --,,Urallskiy politeklinicheskiy insti-tut iineni
S~ M. Kirova (Ural Polyteohnical Institute imeni
S.M., Kirov)
SUBMITTED: March 16, 1959
Card 3/3
1;1['.W P.
Mechanisms of the self-duplication of elementary call structures,
Pt.3r Hature of the reaction forces between chromosomes. T31tologiia.
2 no.i:62-67 Ja-IF 1,6o. (NI]u 13:5)
1. Urallsidy politekhnicheslciy institut, Sverdlovsk,
:S/181 60/002/06/43/050
7,1 Z.0
AUTHORSs Zyryanov, P. 5.9 Skrotskaya, Ye. G.
TITLEt The Interaction of Acoustic Oscillations ~n Ion- and
Electron- ion Plasmas
PERIODICALs Fizika tverdogo tela, 1960, Vol. 2, Mo. 6:, pp. 1316 1320
TEXTz It was the aim of the present paper to investigate the part played
by the nonlinear effects in ion- and electron-ion plasmas in th6,csst of.
acoustic oscillations. The authors calculate the,mean.:free path of Debye
phonons, and they estimate the phononic thermal conductivity and the''
relaxation time in a phonon system. By means of the plasma model of the
metal V. P. Silinj Zyryanov, and G. G. Taluts have already investigated
the velocity of sound, electric conductivity, Debye temperaturej:sound
absorption, and other effects; the results obtained showed satisfactory
agreement with experiments. The advantage offered bythe plasma model is
above all in the mathematical apparatus available for this model (Method
of collective excitations). The free path calculated here within the
framework of the plasma model is used for the purpose of estimating
Card 1/3
The Interaction of Acoustio,'Osoillations in Ion-. S/iSI/60/002/06/43/.050
and Elsotron-ion Plasmas ~BO06/BO56
phononic thermal conductivity# which must be knoxii in order to be~abl'e to
establish the validity of Bloch's assumption concorning -the equilibrium
distribution of phonons when solving the equation'df motion in the con-
ductivity problem. The effect produced by screening the electric field of
ions is treated as a result of the zero plasma osoillations f tho elootron
gas (which are analogous to the optical oscillations En Ion crystads). The
screening constant k 0 of the Coulomb field is at first eatimatedq~and !an
approximate expression for the velooity of sound in ion orystals is found.
Formula (3) gives the Hamiltonian H of the system.,of interacting ionsi in
the latter the chaotic ion motion aria its influence upon collective
vibrations may be neglected. The operators for the production and
annihilation of phonons (4) are defined and introduced into H^. The non-
equilibrium distribution function N-*(k - wave number) of the phonons
during the occurrence of a temperature gradient in~the x-direction is
investigated for the case of a slight deviation from equilibrium. For the
mean path length of the phonons one obtains 1 r-20 n e2/k2
ph d icT 0 0
Card 2/3
The Interaction of Acoustic Oscillations in Ion- '*181/60/002/06/43/050
and Electron-ion Plasmas 30061-BO56
is the electron-phonon interaction constant (of. V. L. Banch-Bruyevich,
Ref. 8), 1/k is the screening radius (of the order of the mean
distance between the ions). For metails one obtainst 1ph"(10-4/T) cm;
the phononio thermal conductivity is found to amount to
,,.,(lo6/T) erg.deg-lcm-'sec-1. V. M. Yeleonskiyo, D. N, Zubarevq and
V. L. Bonch-Bruyevich are mentioned. There are 8 referenoest 6 Soviet
and 2 American.
ASSOCIATIONs Ural'skiy politekhnicheskiy inatitut Sverdlovsk (Ural
Polytechnic Institute, Sverdlovsk)
SUBMITTEDs September 16, 1959
Card 3/3
AUTHORS: Yeleonskiy, VoN. 0
Zyryan v, P.Sc,and silin, V.P
TITLE: The Collision Integral f.dr. Charged Particlos in a~
Magnetic Field
PERIODICAL: Fizika metallov.i metallovedeniye' 1961, Vol. 1
-'wf No. 6, pp. 9155 957
TFM; The present note is concorned with the,dorivation of
-the collision-integral for charged non-relativistic, particled.
in a magnetic field. Result,a arc given for th6 scattering of
charged particles by each other and for the sc6ttering of
electrons by fixed impurities. The i,,iatrix eloment for the
~scattci-ing of particles N and 0 by each othar is
(dq)4xexeo Wle 1k) 171 17)
The Collision Integral E032/Z314
h 01 24' -,Ex Ex (hk' )'12j,, (ni. A, k
~4 exp + q'[.114 LA,.'-n
-21 8
The Collision Integral *too. E032/E314
(f'()~ 2x dk;dk" dqLt
h %(E: x i 40-
X(4x.,Q)" no 1,F.,,9 A 112
+ A k,
10. A k,, A A, +
q'] llw~
45 -
wh ere :,Q is the charge of the impurity. -Since the energy
of the electron is con-served when it is cattered by the
impurity, one can put w = 0 in s(w, q) in thi6 quasi
classical appro:.-~mation the asymptotic form o.T'the function
for large n is
2 2
j (2x(nl,+ n +
n' n Wi no_nc
I -where Ang -n(x) is. the square,of the Bessel f,unction of
Card, 6
The Collision Integral o.oo M032/E314
order n' - n Detailed analysis of Eqs. (3Y,and.(4) will
be given in another paper. Other information related to the
present topic is given by V,P, Silin (Rof, 1t ~ZhETFO
Ref. 2- "ZO and Zyryanov, P.S. (Ref. 3). The:resulis reported
in the present note were obtained while the present authors
attended the Theoretical Physics Winter School~at Kourovka.'
S.V. Vonsovskiy is thanked for inviting the authors to that
school. There are 3 Soviet referenceso
ASSOCIATIONSt Urallskiy politakhnicheskiy institut
(Ural Polytechnical InstituteY
Fizicheakiy institut im, PoN.,Lebodeva
(Physics Institute im. P.N. LebedeV)
SUBMITTED: February 4, 1961
Card 7/7
C21 1/, V/ B1 1 1/:B205
-.AUTHOR: Zyryanov, P. S.
TITLE: Quantum theory of acoustic oscillations of 'an electr6ri-ion
plasma in a magnetic field
PERIODICAL: Zhurnal eksperimentallnoy i teoreticheskoy,Tiziki, v. .40,~;
no. 5, 1961, 1353-1359
TEXTt It is shown that in a strong magnetic fieldj~'longitudinal ultra-,
sonic oscillations with a wave vector perpendiculari'to tho~field de-
generate into ion oscillations, since the screening radius-becomes i
fi'nite in this case. The purpose of this study was to establish a theory
of low-frequency oscillations of an electron-ion plasma,:takins into
account the quantization of energy of the orbital motion,of charged
particles in the magnetic field, and to clarify the dene4dence of the
attenuation coefficient of ultrasonic waves on the pagnetio field strength.
The condition for the existence of acoustic excitations has been studied
on the basis of the quantum dispersion relation for electron-ion Plasma
Card 1/5
quantum theory.of acoustic... B111/3205
oscillations. The effect of the magnetic field on the attenuation
constant is de*scribed in papers by V. P. Silin (ZhETF, 23., 649, 19521
977, 1960) and C. Kittel (ACta Met., 39 295s 1955), ~ !Toy,-,, an attempt hao
been made to study the effect of the magnetic field on the absorption
coefficient of ultrasonic waves whithin the frameuor.< of the plasma theory
of metals. The dispersion relation has the form
(q) 101 (~jl)+ 4 n') 101 (Ew) 11)
_r~x) , - R~). - hw + My,
z x.
2 (2)
+ dk' EO' + 4j, It EZI,n AM + (AT
G (q) 4nel/q2, a' WeH, cafe eIH1mje-,-
Vkp2m +Awl, (n +
(n Itn'l) Itexp (- o0qx'14) aqI r2)n'A
(exn,) n, >:rz,
(x) (I In 1) e-Y
Card 2/5
Quantum-;thqory of acoustic... B111/13205
where e1 e, e2 Ze; subscripts I an Id 2refer to electrons and i on s
respectively; f is the degenerate Fermi function, and f' is the
01 62
Maxwellian ion distribution function. For the existilnee of acoustic
osoillations it is necessary to look for a solution to Vhich exhibits
;,mptotic behavior: lim. E'- co
the following as, nst/q Where
q -~o
2 2 !:, - "
1+k (q I f.~jqz)/ if~ In the absence of, a magnetic fiel&,
0 x
plasma is isotropic, and otherwise it is anisotropic.: k is a
function of the anglet,,~-,j bet-,,en q and H, and also of the frequ
As far as the velocity of sound is determined by k 0 it i.s.seen from
2 - Gj'2 2/1 2 2
o2q Lq + ko(q 11~;jqdl (5) -that the magnetic field causes ~a
dispersion of the acoustic oscillations in space and time and renders
the velocity of sound anisotropic. The author examined the dependence of
k on the parameters of the system for various limiting c,ases ;,Ahere the,
Card 3/5
Quantum theory of acoustic....
general formula for k is too comDlex for investigations.' It is shown
,that the screening radius, which 'is constant along the field, rill,becoiae
.infinite with-'- n/2 and strong magnetic fields. Por Y the att~:nuao-
tion frequency,iu piven by,'
"11030 (q) F2 (15)
X 0 n- E~,,- + 0)
If,the dispersion of the velocity of sound is ignored, then To - V q.
12~ m2 : 0
It may be seen-that for longitudinal'ultrasonic wavoo, y:does not d6pend
on the magnetic field q ii 11.
q (req sin (p) sin tp i(q),
Card 4/5
Quantum theory of acouatic... :11./B205
is given for is the value of foA.- %12). K. N.~ step&nov~
V. A. Yakovlev~ A. V. Kalyash and L. D. Landau are mentioned. There zxe
2 figures and 7 references$ 5 Soviet-bloc and 2 non-Soviet-bloo.
ASSOCIATIONt Urallskiy politekhnicheakiy institut (Ural. Polytechrvie.
SUBMITTEDs NowembeT 15, 1960
Card 5/5
-------------- ----------
355~ 0
B108 B102
6 9 /';:9,
AUTHORS: Yeleonskiy, V. M., Zyryanov, P. S., Silin, V. P.
TITLE: Collision integral for charged particles in a magnetic field
PERIODICA.L: Zhurnal eksperimentallnoy i teoreticheakoy fiziki,,v- 42,
no- 31 1962~, 896-904
TEXT. The collision integral for charged particles in a strong magnetic
field ~ is derived. The particles are assumed to undergo.Coulomb
interaction. Polarization of the medium and quantu'm effects are taken
into account. For non-uniform particle distribution in the y direction,
the collision integral for two sorts.of partiolet# a and P, has the
general form
.,y,Q)j= (2nA)-3~dji-dp'0
I [f. (n., pa dgrM (p-, + p,1 p,- p.0) x*
.~x(2nt&)-3~dp'."dp'.Idp.I.Ab(pl.,+pl.-p.-p. 61E.(V.,
E (E' E' (V') 64 P"'
Card 113 -N) (VA)]
5/05 62/042/003/041/049
Collision integral for charged ... B1 00YD1 02
k(y 1. +y,',') -
ky, exp f+ ks, (Y,4 + !r") -
A 2 -2
X' L 0 X. I L
Xa -2 Y-y- RL
X Xi-.--. X. (n't P. YO (nP
(n., P. t YOq) fo (no P, YO,
CA [[Lp~ g sign (n' np) - 0;
-Tea CA . 0-
X; 2TB
The L's are Laguerre polynonials. The term A implies,the tensor~of
complex dielectric constant involving both frequency and spatial disper-
sion. Consequently, this collision integral accounts also for screening
owinG to polarization of the medium. From the above collision int;gral
another is derived for a distribution function dependinr on the
Card 2/3
Collision intearal for charged ... BIOB/BI02
longitudinal and transverse momenta as well as on the y components of the
Larmor radii. There are 8 references: 6 Soviet and 2 non-Soviet. The
two references to English-language publications read as follows: N.,
ds, 3, 922, 1960; Higher Transcendental Punctions,
Rostoker. Phys. of Flui
2, N,Y., 1953, P- 199-
ASSOCIATION: Institut fiziki metallov,Akademii nauk SSSR (Institute of
Physics of Metals of the Academy of Sciences USSR)
SUBMITTED: October 30P 1961
Card 3/3
-- - --- -- -, . .- -- - --. - - -- - -r-
-- - - - - - - I . , - - . - - - - - -7 -~ --- - - , -- - -- - -
- - ---------
P- -PO-S-0- ------- -- - - - -- - -:; - -- - - - - - -- , - - - - - - --
ziraANOV ~...
L 229h-66,
ACUMSION HRI AP5014W5 mV 1 74917!* 1
qy x
AUTHORt ZManovp P., So% Okulo, 14
TITLEt Thdory of Midi quflinkiiing
SOURORt Fialks trordogo ta lm P. V:. 7t no. 6 j 19651, 174~-'-17%i
n- heitt i6ondtietiofi, fiol: imalt N uatione. !Iuant
TONG TAGSs conductio current', i "Y 0' a:
theory, galvanom-agnatic OfTootj UmperdLturo dependei~i~ta
OU-1ate the a
ABMUCTs The authors cal nbildia; ipative: 1 6:1=61 d' 1141ties ;O~. t
heat flux and of the conduotion current in OL Byatatm ot cari!iora with &~'bjt~rarj-
law of disporciont in the praoonoc- of h strong quantlizing vapiatio Meld,
Those fluxos are necessary for the acnatmation of it quantom thacry (1P tharmo-
galvanomagnotio phonomerja In motalB and comicondtictoi-v. Th-Pi calculationg .,Lro
based an general formulae for the Unetio coaffkoiaml~uj &vfja in the mork of
Kubo et al. (J* Phya. Boo. Japan V. 121, 1203# 1957 CULA, oti Gamiral
loibnomi-I-I .... "llmll"MIRMIMI-I
L 22907-66 L4T(l) . ... ..
ACC NR: Ap6oo6876
OD9: 'A. 0181),,VV008100q~2310626
ORG: Institute of Mysi Ica of Metals, it"ut f ziki Imetillav
TITLE: Concerningthe article by YV. if. obrazt- sov TheriliaeleArtic power!' of: SoAd-
conductors in a quantizing magnetic field"',
SOURCE: Fizika tverdogo tela, Y.-8 no. 2~ 1966, 623-0~q
tbermoel con V
TOPIC ViGS: cctric poweri. demicondiletak duct! 'ity rAbwm ol~ory
transport pbenomenQn., charged particle Mal M_~,
ABSTRACT: The.article in question was published Fat. i~, 1965- i ;It don-
tained, remarks - cone erning work ~V.,. -s b,t the prbil6nt article deaUfig
Pe a1jtho2
certain paradoxes of h nom: C
g_v of transport.p e , bia. The: pbLradox I lonslats
I `C~rea.~Iiz~ idthout:il
in the fact -that the differential tbermoelectric power U ! imit With
increasing temperature, and Einsteln's* relittiolis for in~the V'obime
density of a flux of charges are seeming1y violated. Tho authbra reject Cbraztsovls
claim that some of the deductioni follof from his earliev vork: atid elain that their
3. 0
method is simpler than that of Cbraztsov. I Orig, art. hM r Mulas -
SUB CODE: 20/ SUBM DATE: - 04p--t65/ omd~mn~ 03.0/1, blal~ REF: 001~1~
'Card -1/1
1: fH
Theory of nondissipative electron streams in a quantized magnetic
field. Fiz. tver. tela 7 no.6t!749-1755 J6165.
(MIRA 1816)
1. Institut fiaiki metallov AN SSSR, Sverdlovsk.
Theory of the complex eleotric,permeability of weak sle'etro-
lyte-s,-Zhur. fiz, khim.,3:625-628 Mr 162.
(MIRA 17:8).
1. Urallskiy politakhnicheskiy,institut imeni Kirova,
Theory of transport phenomena in electron-phonon ayotems in a
magnetic field. 7hur. eksp. i teor. fix. 47 no-4:1378-1385 0 164.
(WRA 18:1)
1. Institut fiziki motallor AN SSSR.
Quantum theory of thermomagnstic phenomena In seniconductors
and metals. Piz.-met. i metalloved. 17 no.6:934-9~5 Je 164,
(MIRA 1798)
1. Institut Miki metallov AN SSM.
Oar-illations of the relaxation ti-me in nuclw%r spiri and the
Knight shift. in mei~als and semiconductors. fti.meto I matallmd.
18 no.4;487-491. 0 '64. (MIRA 18%1.)
1. Institu" fiziki metallov AN SSSR.
Quantum theory of transfer phenomena in a high magnetic field.
Zhur. eksp. i teor. fiz. 46 no.2:537-543 F 164.
.NIRA 17:9)
1. Institut fiziki metallov All SSSR.
C, G
Volt-ampere characteristics of bismuth at low temperatures ina
magnetic field. Fia. met. i motallaved. 16~ no-0624-626 a 163.
(MMA 16:12)
1. Institut fiziki metal-lov AN SSSR.
quantum theory of the transfer phenomenon in an electron gas in
a magnetic field. Fiz. met. i metalloved. 16 no.5:798-799 N 63.
(MMA 11 t 2)
1. Institut fiziki metallov AN SSSR i Fizicheskiy institut im. P.
N.Lebedeva AN SSSR.
Effect of phonon drag on the longitudinal thermo-b.m.f. in semi-
conductors and semimetals in a longitudinal magnetic field. Fia.
tver tela 5 no.9:2576-2579 S 163. (MIRA 16110)
1. Institut fiziki metallov AN SSSR, Sverdlovsk.
"PR I M,
firm 14 Ift U, lit I If 11, 11 if .1 A I I 11141 11 thill 11 All I IIIII F fill IN 11111ITIIIIIIIIIII
Quantum Theory of woukly non-equilibrium electron-phonon sys-
tems in a magnetic field. Fiz. tver. tUIa 5 no.10:3011,-3017 0
163. (MIRA 16.1a)
1. Institut fiziki metallov AN SSSR, Sverdloirsk.
Theory of transfer phenomena in 61ectron-phonon systems in magnetic
fields considering the entrainmont or phonoris. Fiz. Met. i metalle-
ved. 16 no.1:13-18 Jl 163. (MIRA 16:9),
1. Inatitut fiziki. metallov AN SSSR,
(Electrons) (Collisions (Nuclear physJou))
AUTHORS: Zyryanovo P. So, Taluts, G. Go
Non-equili iu' electron and'phon
TITLEr br m on systems in an externaV
magnetic field
1 eksperimentallnoy i teoretichetikoy fiziki-, v-~ 3,
no. 6(12)t 19629 2136 - 2142-
TEXT: For electrons interacting with a quantized Bose field in the,-pre-'
sence of an exiernal homogeneous magnetic field, the following kinetic
equations are derivedt 01 (v)
- v) 6 ~Ev E. At0j) x
i Cq 12 wv, i ev I
X [I (V,) (I f (v)) (1VQ + 1) f (v) (I f (v')) Nql +
+1(v'jr1q1jv>j26(Ee-Ev+A,w1) X~ (4
I M) Al + 011,
x V) (I f M) N,
v E. hwq).X
x f (v)~ Nq
Card 1/2
N6n-equilibrium electron
Here, N denotes the phonon. distributign function, and C the electron-7
q q
phonon-interaction constant. Closed formulae are,derived for the ki netic
-Planck~coefficipnts) entering the tic IV
coefficients D4A and A, (Fokker kin,
quation Gf/It - O(D Gf/Op')/Op f ;!M -~~
e j,t a (A,f )/,Op,,t whichlis obtained r,o
Eq. (4) for-h 0.
ASSOCIATIONt Institut fiziki metallov Akademii!t,nauk~SSSR,(Institute~~,of'.~
Metal Physice of the Academy of Sciences USSR)
SUBMITTEDs June 3, 1962
Card 2/2
Absorption of ultrasonic waves in crossed static blectric
and magnetic fields. Piz. met. i metal1oveil. 13 ho-5-- 61+1-61~5
MY 162. (MM 15: 6),
1. Institut fiziki metalloy AN SSSR.
Collision integral for charged particles in~a magnetic field.
Zhur.eksp.i toor.fiz. 42 no,3:896-904 Mr, 162.. (MM 15.14)
lo Institut fiziki met8LUov AN SSSR.
(Collisions (Ruclear physics)) (Mignetic fields)
AUTHOR: Zyryanov, P.S.
TITLE. On the absorption of ultrasound in crossed
electrostatic and magnetostatic fields
PERIODICAL: Fizika metallov i metallovedeniye, v-13, no.5, 1962,
TEXT: The quantum theory of longitudinal dielectric constant
and the dielectric-constant tensor for plasma~in an external
magnetostatic field -which was described in previous papers
(ZhETF11 v.4o, 1961, 1065; ZhETF, v.40, 1961,1355,
ZhETF, v.41, 1961, 1119) is now generalized to the case of
perpendicular electrostatic and magnetostatic:f1elds, lt~is
assumed that the ultrasonic frequency and the~electron cyclotron
frequency are inuch-greater than the relaxation frequency. The
calculations of the first of the above papers Iare repeated for
arbitrary static fields and several kinds of particles. it'is
shown that the absorption coefficient for longitudinal ultrasonic
waves propagated at right angles to the magnetic and electric
Card 1/2
On the absorption of ... E03~/E414
fields exhibits',;pscillations which are of the forin
2 2
that t'
It is pointed 0 hese oscillations would be very difficult.
~, 1-1 ,
to observe'expeil entally (the drift velocity must be comparable
with the v ~Pof sound and the above stringent frequene y
limitations mu's`:V~be satisfied).
ASSOCIATION: 14~*Atut :tizi'ki. metallov AN SSSR
(~49#tute of Physics of Metals AS USSR)
SUBMITTED: Nov"ember 10, 1961
Card 2/2
Qwmtum theory of the dielectric permeability temisor for an
electron pDwma in a magnetic field. Zhur.#.hksp.i teor.fiz. 4-1
no-4:11.19-1124 0 161. OUFA .14:10)
1, Urallskiy polltekhnicheokiy institut.
(Quant= theory) (FJ-anma (Ionized gason)-Electric properties)
(Magnetic field)
TASHKINOV, A. (Perm'); XNYAMV, V.; SYCHEV, B., shofer; TFLITSYN, A.,
shofer; SHIMANOV, fu, I chofer; GORSHKOVp G.,.uhofer; FEDOTOV,
G. (Penza); RYBIN, 11. (Krasnodarskiy kray); 4KRYANOV, T.p
bt9chgalter pozharnoy chasti (Kamensk-Urallskiy,-"*Si6'i~dIo-iWkaya obl.);
KRIVOSHAPOV, I. (Sverdlovsk); VOLODIN, V. (Rostov-na-Donu)
Readers' letters. Pozh.delo 8 no.800 Ag ~.62. (MRA 1528)
1. Nachalfnik dobrovollnoy pozharnoy druzhiny kolkhoza "Rossiya",
Kalininskaya obl. (for Knyazev). 2. Bolfshaya-bfurashklnskaya~
rayonnaya pozharnaya komanda GorIkovskoy oblasti (for Sychev,
Telitsyn, Shirmanovp Gorshkov).
(Fire prewontio.0
a, a fr,~-m Ore concen'tration
proda,-;ts. T3wet. mist. 37
Practice of using the system of complete shrinkage stopping with:
breaking by means of deep holes at the Maslyanskly Mines Trudy
Alt. GMII AN Kazakh. SSR 10:64-69 161. (MIRA 14i9)
(Altai Mountains-Stoping (Mining)) (Boring) (3lasting)
ZYRYANPY,.,Y.,.,,, kand. tekhn. nauky LIZAREV, A. 9 kand. tekbn. nauk; SPEXTOR,
MI. kand. tekhn. nauk
Variants of units for shoring panels of apartment houses in q
series 1-468. Zhil. stroi. no.lt26-28 164. (MIRA l8sll~
L 34o~-66 WT IPF P P 0
JD G/Ga'
AUTHORS: Mazalov, L. N.; VaynBht(31n Al. G#;
TITLE: On the relation of zone and discrete absorption in x,my spectra of ataw
in Dolar cEZstals
SOURCE. AN SSSR. Doklady, v. 164,, no. 32, 1965 t .545
TOPIC TAGS- x ray spectrosco polar crystal,'aikalfbl. tx,ot;l ]AW,
p7i Lil
electron, lithium compound, silver compolmd) sod`fu-zcojF0tmd~ ootassixEci ~Qlzp6uhd
rubidium compound
ABSTRACT: X-ray spectra for LIG1, igcl" NaMi TXI, 60 RbC1' i0re detelmkined. Th6
investigation was initiated to clarif~7 the relation W~wean)tbe zone a~d exoitoa
absorption spectra of atoma in polar crystals. The exrxjriM412ta1 Conditions were
identical to those described by Ex Ye Vaynoliteyn, L, N. Maialov, and 70:, Go
ZManov (Fiz. tverd. tala, 7, v. 5t i96).4 The experimentdl rasulta 09 pr
sented graphically (see Fig. I an the Eftcloaure)* By comb:Wtog their ~e#ariwntal
results with literature data on the photoelectric effliat, altTaViolet opeott1ra,
F centers,.x-ray, K and L spectra, the authors com to the coaclusion that Inan
x-ray com1ment spectra of the polar crystals invostilgated there e3dets a tela-
tively wide region (of the ordor of oovoral electron -Polts) altuated balov the
Card. 1/3--
-L 31~03-66 0l T;,;
I -J
cts 0
41 -H T3
M 41
"a co
to ra
Card - ------- -
W. Now
K-fluorescence spectrum of calcium in soma compounds.
Izv. AN 3SSR. Ser, fiz. 28 no. 51823-824 IV 164, (KRA 17t6)
1. Rostovskiy-na-Donti gosudarstvennyy universitet.
Mineral facies of the alkalinity of astrophylliticirocks. Dokli,
AN SSSR 162 no.31671-673 My 165. OGRA 18:5)'
1. Institut geologii rudnykh mstorozhdeniy, petragritfil
mineralogii i. geokhimii AN SSSR. Submittid January-22, 1965.
Petrochemical characteristics of Permian and Triasoic volcanic
forwtions In southwestern D~ungarla. Trudy Iab. paleovulk.
Kazakh, gos. un. no.56:138-142 163, (MIR-A 16W
1. Geologicheskiy institut AN Kazakhekoy SSR.,
"Canadian region, a geography of Canada" by D.+'#.?utnam, e4. Reviewed,
by Go;ytianov. Geog.v shkole 19 no.6.-75 x-D 56. (KLRA loil) ,
Oanada,--Dascription and travel)
3(5) $0V/10-59-3-26/32
AUTHORSt Zyryanovt G.A. and Lavrushinat N.B.,
TITLEt A New Canadian Atlas
PERIODICAL: Izvestiya Akademii naak SSSRI Seriya geotraficheskayal 1959Y
Nr 3f pp 139-141 (USSR)
ABSTRACT: This is a'reviet of the "British Columbi& Atlas of Resources",
Vancouvert B.C., 1956.-
ASSOCIATION:. Sovet po izucheniyu, prbizvoditel'Dykh sil AN SSSR (Council
for Re8earch"oh Production'Forces, Attached to the AS USSR).
Moskovskiy goo#' univ6rsitet im. M.To Lomonosovat Geogra *fi-
cheskiy fakulftet (Moscow'3tate University imeni M.V. Lomo-
nosovt Department of Geography).
Card 1/1
Gis gangrene infection following appendectocar. Xhirurgli&
no-7: 85 JI 155. 8-.12)
w Doi 0
H.N.Ul"'HIM]EX Iff
M, I M". BIN I I MO.
11111 111111 11 111 A
AP4010316 0/0048/64/028/001/01$2/0186
-.*AUr Smalfn it. P, Drokin,A. 1. Zysi~ysnowl*,(~. 1. Ry* k6v,A. S.;
TITIZ: Temperature nagnotic hysteresis of Mgi-Kh forrit6s Aboort, symposium lon
questions-ofi-Ferro- and Antif orromagAtism. haid in Kramio-yarsk
y 23 June-7 'Jul m77
Izventlya. Serlya ffitichexka~a,v.28', nc.1, 1964, 182
TAGS: temperature magnetic hysteresis, 4sagnes Lumi 'manganese forrito,,~ 'ferrite,
demagnetizing field, coercive force, 'grain-alket hysteresis 'loop
ABSTRACTs Although the potential scientific And practioal value of Investigating
~::tempekaturo hysteresis of the magnetitation of forriteSIT has been pointtia out, by a
.:'number,of authors, so far there have be=; f ei'investlfffttlonsl~ of the affect. D.A.
and-AiI.Drokin (Izv.VVZ,Fizika,4,1ll,l96l) inves''tigatod tesiperature nAgnetic
hysteresis of nickel-zinc and manganese-zinc f arrites, I but iltere have b4:
van ao stud-
ion of the dependence of the effect on the composition' crystal structure, ind oth-_
or properties of ferrites. Accordingly, the Vpreaent study -Oas do0oted to ifivestice
of temperature magnetic hysteresix4a polycrystalline lerrites re preseiiting
various points an the UnO-V&0-rc2O3. *;uncentroXion triangle.: In all, about 70 dif-
ferent compositions were Investigated. All the speatmena Vero Prepared by the usu-
&I Ceramic technique and wore In the form of rods of rec4angular cross section men-
suring 2.8 x 2.7 x 86 mm3. The measurements were carried out on,* vertical astatic
f iv~ -1S30 t the)Curie
magnetometer. In most cases the temperature range extended 0
point. The 'results are presented in the form of curves of the specific na~gnetiza-
tion (gauss cm3 g-1) (or magnetization 1) versus temperature for the fuWheating-
cooling cycle. The effect of different factors on the shape of the curves is dis-
the basis'
cussed. The following conclusions are drawn on of the experimental re-
sults: 1. The reason for temperature magnetic hysteresimiln Ug-Ma ferrite$ Is'ir-
reversible domain wall notion. 2. The hysteresis decreases with increksing MnO
concentration. 3. Increase of the temperature and the duention of annealing leads
to decrouse of the temperature magnetic hysteresis. 4. The size of the crystal
gruins has a significant influence an the magnetic properties of Ug-Un ferrites;
Increase In the grain size leads to reduction of the hysieresinand coercive force.
S. The internal demagnetizing field has a significant influencto an magnetization
--switching in Mg-Un ferrites. S. Most of the other regu1srition observed as regards
.,,temperature magnetic hysteresis In Mg-lin ferrites are similarto the regularities
typical of polycrystalline metals such as nickel,.parmalloy and work "ed Slin-
var. 4 figures.
AP4010317 5/0048/64/028/001/0178/0181
kin, A' L Zy*ryanov, I
AUTHOR: Smolinj R.P,
TITLEi Temperature magnetic hysteresis of polyerystallino moitoferrives /,Report
Symposium on Questions of Ferro- and Antiferromagnotlia,hold in Krasnoyarok
June to 7 July 19617
:�OURCE: AN SSSR Izvestiya, Seriya fiziclieskaya, v.28, Ao. 1, 1964, 178-161
liPPIC TAGS: temperature magnetic hystere-iis, monoferrite', nickel forritoi cobalt
.,f'*rrite barium ferritet lithium ferrite, copper ferritly, manganese ferrite, :mag-
APOLum ferrite
kTRACT: The properties and characteristics of monofeiritesp characterized by the
emical formula MeF0204, where Me in a divalent metal Ion, are of interest not on-
ly because they are employed as such in electronic angineeri g. but al3o~bacAuso
these materials are used In synthesis ofmixed ferrites for different special; appli-
cations. The temperature dependence of their magnetic charactoristics Is of parti-
cular..interest in view of the fact that ferrite components are frequently required
to operate In a wide range of temperatures, The purpoiso of -the present work was to
~VjstigatO'temperaturo magnetic hysteresis of monoterritos of, dif f arent compa.sitJm
SP a were prepared with 50 mole percent Fe203 and 50 mole,parcent MeO, whore
it Mg, Ift, Co, Ba, Cu or Li. The specimens were prepared by the usual coram-
i ology'in the form of 86 x 3 x 2 mm3 rods. The vaAues of the Curio points
a cive.force in an 800 Oo field are listed in the tablo.~Preliminary tests
showed that. the Zn, Cd and 6a ferrites were either nonferromagnetic or exhibited
verv weak magnotisai so that their. temperature magnetic hysterosis was not investi-
gated- The magnetic moments of the specimens were measured9erticai astatic magne-
'tumeter and the results were converted to obtain the specific magnetization a in
3 -1 the Enclos u re.
gauss cm g , The results for nickel ferrite are shown In Fl~,l of
'Analogous curves were obtained for cobalt, barium, lithium, ana copper monoferritoo.
Analysis of the. results indicat that temperature magnetic hyst~resis in monof errites
is associated with the same processes as those occurring! in metallic f err6mAgnota.
:In individual cases, specifically that of copper ferrlte~ the shape of the tempera-
ture magnetic hysteresis curve may be affected by the prosencel In the ferrite of
different magnetic phases@ Ortgooft,hast 4 figures and llablol':
ASSOCIATIONj Institut fitiki Sibirskogo otdolenlys Akideldi Ua6k 889R (Institute
'of Phygic2g-Siberian Divisloal Academy of Sciences, SSSR)
C'. on J,-
Zyn-m.'ev, c;.11-.., dand Phyn-L~ath Sci (diiu) "Study of th,,~i,
contact potonlial of cadmium Pulfide and the nntuirn of its
chanG6 under illumination." LaninC;rad, 1,959. 9 w
(Len Order of Lenin State U im A.A. Zlid-may). 50 copies
(KLI 39-179, 101)
Change of the contact potential of cadmium sulfide due to illumination*
Zhur.tekh.fizo 28 no.12:2657-2668 D '58. Nrn 1212)
1. Leningradskiy gosudaretvenrjy7 universitate, Kafedra ele4r6fisiki.
(Cadmium sulfide) (Photoconductivity)
ZYRYA1xv, N. YE.
KMITONDV, I.T.41.RRYANOV, Me., master lesa.
S-80 tractdre engaged in moving lumber. Lsv:4prem. 35,no.4;,
5-7 AP 'Z (MLEA 10:5)
L,Starnhij, nauchwly ootrudnik Ural Iskogo f1liala tentral. lwgo
nauchno-isalmdovatellskogo instituta makhanisistaii. i energetiki
(for rapitonov).
(Lumbering) (Caterpillar tractors)
ACCESSION NR: AP4004701 S/P126/43/016/005/0798/0799,;
AUTHORS: Zy-*ryanov, P. S.; Bilin, V. P.
TITLE: Quantum theory of transfer phenomena in an electrongas under the influencei
of a magnetic field
~SOURCE: Fizika metallov i metallovedeniye, v. 16, no. 5,, 1963, 798-799
;TOPIC TAGS: electron gas, transfer phenomenon,,quantum theory, magnetic field
.transfer, magnetic field, phenomenon, nonhomogeneous spaced' space temperature,
,'Fermi gasp quantizing magnetic field, spatial inhomogeneitjyj Fermi energy-
~ABSTRACT; The transport phenomena in an electron gas vrith'.weak nanhomogeneity ih
~temperature T and chemical potential t,, under homogeneoua';magnotic and electria
~fields, are studied. Expressions for the current flow and beat flow,veotors are
'derived in terms of a linear combination of electric field gradient, chemical
ential gradient$ and tem-perature.gradient relative to the x-co'ordinate.~ The
.Pot gas
iis assumed collisionless. It is found that the electric field gradient and chemical.
~Potential gradient oppose each other in both the current flow and heat flow expres-.
asions. Orig. art. has: 8 equations.
qq r'd'
i-ACCESSION NR: 'AP4019218 .:6/005~/~4/046/002/0537/0543
-AUTHORS: Zy*ryanov, P. S.; ili'~, V. Pf
TITLE: antuii theory of transp~rt;pheftomena in str6ng magnetic
~fields ~U
o, .2#' 1964, 537
~SOURCE_: Zhurnal eksper. i teors, fizes ya 46s n -543
TOPIC TAGS: transport theory,- transpoft.quantwa theor.'yj theridomag-
netism, galvanomagnetism, collit~ionless'flow* collis~ionless elec-
7,tri!c current, collisionless head flow,.Particle~llevel quantization,
:'Einstein diffusion relation, Landau.di~aagnetism, chemical potential.1
j:gradient,.,temperaturo gradient,'elettric field gradient
i:ABSTRACTs, Expresaions are considered for the ei.ectric; and heat"cur-
lre;ts due to electrons in a magne~tic-fileld strokig enough to require
th t quantization of the partic16 leveis-in the field be taken into
~account. The expressions derivdd do n6.t dqpend on the collisions be-'
-_I -7-
:'ACCESSXOH NR: ':AP4019218
tween the electrons and the scat6rers,-~' in thii,11;case'the result ob-
tained is the 'same as that of A.; I.Anbei'm and iRi M, Askero~!
v. 3,3668, '1961). Xn addition,:fthe u e of the~'raethlod of kinetic'
,equations to 6~tain collisionleqs part cle and.heat flows is &lsoI
.-.,-,#Iconsid,eredL T~p currents produced by Otatistical forces proportiln-
al tothehradlehts bf the tenjp4 ature," And the~themi~al,potential
!are first evaiUated and then adaed to t'h'e currents induced b~, the
'.electric field.1 The violation.6i Einsteinls diifusion relations
lin the case when the quantization of the orbital ele tronic tion
C Mo.
is essential is discussed and is shownito be du6~to Landau diamag-
;netism. Orig.' art. has: 19 fort~ulad.
1! ASSOCZ~Txou: Institut-fizikIm6tallov;~N SSSR (institute pf
of Me
Physics tals,, 1AU SSSR)
TMOV, V.N., inzho;-.ZMLTAIJQY-&-T,P.S.inzh.; KOROGOD, G.A., takhnik; BELTASHOY,
T.N., inzh.
Worldng capacity of rod-type timber joints. Shaklit. stroi. no.8:21-
25 Ag l6o. (MIRA 13:11)
la Altayakiy goruo-metallurgichookly nauchno-IssIddovatel'skly inutitat
(for Turkov). 2. HaslyansIdy rudnik Zyryanovukog6 sviutsovogo kombi"ta
(for Zyryanov, Xorogod). 3'. GlubochanskoA stiakhtostroyupravleniye
(f or Belyaghov),
(Mine timbering)
11 limpid.
M I fl,igl"tl~vil;""4~i~'~,t~'4?1.-4'1;~f"!'!4'0 tMWIF11 NPIV I -lit If If tit I, IV ;I I ~ 11111 it ' f At! HID I I INJI lilt 1 .1111111 MIGIP'll, '11IM111.1 I ......
ZYRYAITOT, TaRal, inzh.; TURGAMTEV, B.M., inzh.; BBLYASHCV, V.11., lnzh.;
YURKOV, V.N., inzh.
Use of rock ammonite'in Altai.Mountain mines. Shakht.stroi. ~4
no.2:19-20 F 160. (MIRA 13:0
(Altai Mountains-Mining engineering)