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~-BE ITSYNA, G.D.; OBUKHOV, A.I. Ufect of the current strength of a carcon are on the evaporation and the radiation Intensity of microelement~ in a spectrum analysis of soils. Pochvovedenie no.54.123-127 Bj, 162. (MRA 15:6) 1. Moskovskiy gosudarstvannyi universitet. (Soils-Analysis) (Trace elements) ZYRM~11 A-.; -BELITSYIM ---G. D-. -; -0--BU-Y-J-l-O--V-, A. 1. Characteristics. and aucce!;:Jcn.o.~Ahe intalca of elements in the flame of electric arc in OpectIVA-001 wlyalls. .-Al6brov0denia no.10.:88-92 0 161. 14-.9) ~.l Moskovskiy gosudarstvennyy universitet im6ni M.11.' Lamonosova. (spectrum analysis) (Soils-An&lysis) Concentration of trace elomenta of the iron :tamil:r in come s 0~ils of the U-8-S-14 Vest. Moak. un. Ser. 6: Biol., poohv. 16 no *5-. 59-71 8-0 161. W-10) ls Kafech-a poclivovedeniya Maskov kogo gostWArstvamo univer~siteta. (TEACE EIZ14ENT MWEruls IN. SOIL) 60 j: ZYRRI S.F. Concerning the assortment and quality of linen fabrics. Tekst. prom. 24 no.9t6-9 S 164- i (MM ~7111) 1. Nachallnik upravleniya linyanoy, promyshlennosti, Gosudarstven- nogo komiteta po legkoy promyshlennosti pri Gooplane S88R. ZYRIN N.G.; BELITSINA, G.D.; OBUXBOV.,.A.I. Possibilities for using absolute blackoningalin the quantitati1re spectral analysis of soils for microelements Nauzh. dokl. vyv: shkoly; biol. nauki no.2tl85-187 162. (MIRA 15-5) 1, Rekomondavana kafedroy pochvovedeniya Mookovskolgo gosudar6tvennogo universiteta im. M.V.Lomonosovao (SOILS-ANALYSIS) (TRACE SM4EkS) (SPECTRUM ANALYSIS) ZYRIN, N.G, KORNBLMI, E.A. CharacterIiatica of the tehavior of iron in Soils n-r the Amur flood plain. Dokl. AN SSSR W no..1:200-203 ja 1621. (MIRA 14:12) 1. 'Moskovskiy gosudarstvennyy universitat im~,M.V., Lomonosova:i fochvezinyy institut im. V.V. Dokuchay8va AN SSSR. 11-i-edstavlano akaddmikom LV. Tyurlmym. (Kmnara reg'ion-4oils-Irori contimt) _RRFj,,NUolay, prgiyevich;ORLOV Dmitriy Sergeyevich; KOROBTSOVA red. (Physicochemical methods of studying soilsl Fiziko'.- khimicheskie metody issledovaniia pochv. Mo~~a, Izd-o vo Mosk. univ.,, 1964. 347 p. (MIRA 17:1~0) BMVA, L.N.; ZYRIN, N.G. Role of the roots of her'baceo-us vegetatiomIn the nitrogen and mineral cycle. Vest.Mosk.un.Ser 6: Biol.,Ipochv. 15 no-3; 67-75 MY-Je 160. (MIRA 13:7) 1. Kafedra pochvovedenlya Mookovakogo universiteta, (Roots (Botany)) (Soilb-composition) DUBBOVOLI IT-~G.Tv;-Z7RIN--&G-0- %WSW Some feat-area in the geography and chemistry of bottom-land soils. Test* Moak. un. Ser. biol., pochv., geol., geog. 12 no,3rl29-135 157. (KIRA 10:12) 1. Wedra pochvovedeniya Moakovskogo gosudarst-wennoga universiteta. (Alluvial lands) 11 W 4POPIMM. M!" Mm M-9--m-41 TIT, ZYRIN, N.G.; OVCHINNIKOVA, M.F.; ORLOV, D.S. Amino acid composition of humic acids and ful,ric acids in some soil Vpes. Agrokhmiia no-4-'108-120 Ag 164. (MIRA 17:10) --G-6-unt-ry : USSA-____ Category Soil Science. Physical. and ~Cliemiqal Pro'yer~- -ties of~sollad Abs Jour RZhBioloq~No 6,~19.59.,,No 2460,6 Author G., in No Go; Orlov, D. So pini Inst j ,, io sc,ow= m Ve oscow n versity. Title Determination Methods of the.Activity of So- dium Ions in Soils and Soil Solutions* Otig:Pub Vest a Mosk, Izi-tal Ser. biol.,~ pochvovedeq pol.49 geogr*2 1958, No. 11 71-80 Abstract The activity:,of so dium -ions An soils and.soll solutions may.-be V' 7 y a , special; gl4ss electrode with Na-function v;ith.the j aid of ., a, , , ..lamp,: potent Iometer6 The magpi~ude::of activ#y ~_is:clogely connected withthe!--genetie PeCU14- rities. of,.,certain soils andm~y servo as a method for an approximate diagnosis of solo- netz and saline soils. For these purposes, it .-Card 1 2 22 ZYRO, Y.; 'el'ORIEKIAN, F. Stamping anO extrusion of sockets from polyj~ronal blar;R5, p. 14,1. (Mechanik, Vol. 30, No. 4, Apr 1-0,57, Wars,3w, Poland) SO: Monthly Lint of East European Accession5 (EE;1) LC, VoI. 6, No. 8, Aug 10,57-t Uncl. WISNliwxi,-Henryk;-WRZOLKOW-,--,Teresa;-ZYRO~ISKA. 2 cases of-cerebellar myeloma in adults. Ne=ol. nomrocUr. pdlychlat. pol. 12 no.4:501-508 162. 1. Z Zakladu Neuropatologii PAN.Kierownik: of dr A. Xunicki-~z Zakladu Anatomii-fatologicinej AN w GdanskJrIer4=Uki prof, dti W* Czarnocki-Z Kliniki Neurologicznej AM w Gdiimsku-,KIerownik-.. prof. dr Z. Majewska. (MYELOBLASTOMA) (CEREBELTAR NEOPLASMS) WISNIEWSKI, Henryk; WRZOLKOWA, Teresa; ZMOMSKA Monika Two cases of medulloblastoma of the cerebellum in adults. Neurol neurochir a ,psych 12 no 4:501-508 'J1-Ag 162. 1. Zaklad Neuropatolofii, Polska Akademia Nauk, Warazava, Kierownik:,prof. dr &.Kunickl; Zakldd Anatoall Patologiamej, Akademia Medyczna, Gdansk; Kierd,~nikt prof. dr W. C.aarnocki;.j Klinika Neurolojiczna,'Akademia Modyczna, Gdamak; Kierownik: prof. dr Z.Majewa6. ,I -,.cl- a ',,,!a nda ; F~', rl -,'-7.11 !'1 41 1 , - *~~) I ~ T, , --, . _ C~ I - _1,1~41~jrj % j N!; Mon i ka rruc- of angi.--neurotlc Inflarrimat4ary rcar7.tion oC I.IN-, con-'ral nentri'a*3 SYBI,~~ty, in a 1--year-Old glirl. fledlat. flol.~ 19 831-8314 Je 164. 1- '! III 51in-Al Padiatryczriej Akadnmii M~,Aycrln~e~ ul Va f, i.1, erawn.1k., pru'. dr med. T. YI~n;ki Neurologiculej Akadertil M,,-,dyczrc-j w Gdrtnai~v dr mod. 7, 1 % Zakladu Anatom,~i 1,01,01.0git'nei Al-adnmii Madyc:~.-.ej w Gdansk-u (Kierowniki prot,, dr- imetz, WO Czarnocki) . HIJU-13KA-FRYDRYCH, 111(mika Thrombo-emb6lic complication3 in acute vascular diseases Of -the brain. Pol. tyg. leke 19 no,41U1533-3-535 5 0 v64 1, Z KlAniki Chorob Nerwowych Akademli Modyc=61 w Gdansku (Kierownik." *orrif. dr. Z.Maiptiaka), ~YRYANOV, A.A., master Device for checking the springs of the socket contact of a VIC-133 switch. Energetik 12 no.S.-20-21 Ag 164. MIA 17:9) ZYRYANIOV, A. I.: Master tied ScL (diss) "Prolbi.e!!is of activa imzzlni-za~ian against dysentery under experimental conditions". Kr"noyarsk, 1959. 14 pp (Tomsk State tied Inst), 200 copies (KL,No 12, 1959, 132) RLT47, Ye.G., gorayy imphener; M*---R7l-YAWV, V.I.. gorWy tekhnik; gornyy tah-hnik; M11MYS11, 3.V., gorr*7 tekhniV. ConvArisort of W-506, TP-4 and MY-4 rook- drilt Derforminnec. Gor shur 09 10:9) TO, (R'Ock triiis) BOBY,LZVI I.P. (st.A&W, Sverdlovskol, dorogi); ZPYANOV, Aje, (st,Aducrp Sverdlovskoy'dorogi); MELUZOVp,V.G. (at.Advy,'Sverdlovskoy dorogi); SINTMIN, F.T. (st.Aduy, Sverdlovskoy dorogi); TALIBULINA, R.G. (st.Aduy, Sverdlokvskoy dorogi); FATKHA-LISLAMOVp G.,(nt.Aduyp Sverdlovskoy dorogi) Inadmissible procedures, Put' put,khoz. 8 ao.2t4l 164. (MIPA 170) -FIDYU KIN,-D.-L~-:--ZYlffANDV, B-.A:;---,-KORDTKOVA-.A-.A. Instrument and method for hardness tests on sponge rubber. Kaucb. i res. 17 ne.11:36-37 N 158. ~ .; (MIRA 11:12) 1. Naucbno-ioaledovatellskiy institut rezinovftb i li~tekarqkh Welly. (Rubber--Testing) AUTHORS: Fedyukin, D.L., Z SOV/138-58-11-12/14 Korotkova, A.A. p. TITLE: Apparatus and M thod for Testing Foam Rubber Products as to Hardness (Pribor i metod dlya ispytaniya Subchatykh,izdeliy na tverdost') PERIODICAL: Kauchuk i Rezina., 1958, Nr 11, pp 36 - 37 (USSR) ABSTRACT: Hardness is measured by the apparatusi showa in the illus- tration by penetration of a steel cylinder,59 mmdia under a.load of 1415 g. This gives a specific pressure o n the s amlle o f 50 g/ci2 which is the average pressure on the seat of a man sitting down. The hardness tester is mounted on a disc 280 mm dia, and the whole unit weights 2.3 kg. The cylinder is held'before measurement by the detents so that it is just level with the surface of the foam article. Hardness is expressed as the deflection measured 30 ' see after zlease of the cylinder. MeasureWent should be made at con- trolled temperature between 15 and 25 0. 'The hardness indicated varies according to the thickness of the spe imen, and for control testing standard thickness specimens must bo used. ASSOCIATION: Nauchno-issloLdovatellskiy institut rezinovykh i lateksnykh izdeliy (Research --lastitute fdk Fdbber and Latex Products) Card 1/1 1e.,, -ZYRYAITUV Ij_.Y* POPOVA, T.S., inzh. Color stability 6f the illuminating kerosene produced-by the hydro- genation. of crude oil; ". i tekh. topl. i masel. 6 no.lOsV, '. 16 0 161. (NDA 14: 3-1) (Kerosene) PODKI-ETHOV, N.Ye.; ZYJIYANOV, P.F. Catalytic reforndng of Sakhalin gavoline. Xhi,m.L tekh.topl. i manel 10 no.1:2E-27 Ja 165. (MIRA 18:4) 1. SakhalinakLy kompleksnyy nalichno-IssledovittelInkiy Institut Sibirskogo otdeleniya AN SS,9R. _L 22113-c4 piT k m) / 1 VIS AM HR, XP _6012993 --~O-URCE COME: TO 0 i; A 755W00170QF670027! yanov B. F. AUTHOR: Podkletnov, H. Ye.; Zyr ORG., Sakhalinskiy KNII SO.AN,SSSR TITLE: Catalytic reforming of Sakhalin gal~361ine SOURCE: Khimiya i tekhnologiya topliv-i m~s 1,~~ no.i.1 i 6,5 2 matir,.* hy"arbon~ batalytia c~ackimg TOPIC TAGS: catalytic reformings gasolxne~:aro a ne 7a vl~ lumina, platinum, catalyeiss .,xyle r. benzene nonmetatir- or hie deri~aft ABSTRACT: In order to determine the possibilI4 Or.. !us' In the lis~ht B 01\ s as petrochemical a ri 00 4 ,the portion of Sakhalin stock .7 ~400~ line obtained by straight run. distillation of , VIdiabf nska-y-d-76 ri nd t-6--talytio ref orming:' over a p :a i4dt.i ~The 13-i7o , arwen a 1--ti-num!qAt, i u gas-oline fraction boiling at 97-1509C undekiw67~F;Oatihliblc re6rml- Ing on an experimental apparatus with2circuldt,1119 Wrogen-eoiitalm- Ing at a pressure Pexc = 40 ks/om , a bulk:flow rate of 2A hourRls, and a temperature of 5050C., Forty ml'o~f AV+56 aluml ' - platina catalyst was placed In the reaotor enoll~osedllh an aluolmm block.' Temperature measurement In the catalydt; laydir was madj3 at three points. The experimi8b lasted 48 hours, The resultjUg catalyst had a density ?t, = 0-8158, refraction index n - m it4740* a 72,2% by weight aromatid hydrocarbon contento, Tito cataTysate yield was 84% by welot with ,rec e 't to'gasoltio. Toluene ~r6do'i. ard 1/2 ~.665.i534.- 665 5~li2(571,64)- i-C . ........ "FEW; jig lull L[ILM11F1111hallij L 22113-4 ACC NRt AFTO~12993 -contexit. ofA9."j%,O. -the C 11 b minated in the catalysate, at vvr9qa~ on*:. -a t "n be ~ 7 . In the initial gasoline and In the qatalysate~, deeh 1~ that B-70 gasoline differs from theicat4ly~ate; in highei:gas6ti~a;. content and In lower xylene eontent. In addit.iOn to P648- hy carbonsq the following derivatives of benzene, 0. the' C C 6 MOO--;~ .sition were detected In the.eatalysate~ wl th c e stibs'MUnt I nk n-propylbenzeney Isopriopyl anzene, be*"butylbe'~~'6ne:~" 1(rith twd~ OY One' substituents -- 19 2-s 19 3-, and l' ''.4-methyl . 1b' neq 1-methyl-4-isopropylbenzenev Isith three substlt4pntj - 1j. 20 3-!V:' 19 2j 4-t and lt 3, 5-trimethylbanzents The h6 lial'!"Ible tulror."_.. content in Sakhalin gasoline and th'a high *raugoto Oydro6aiftA yield upon its catalytic reforming makes this sasoltna a pranid- ing crude for catalytic cracking. Orig. art* has: I tat-Ile. -1apm] ZYRYAMT,---Bi;P~;- KAULSENUOTA, m.r,; ORWHKrIf,- DJO -- Hydrofining of the "galosha" gasoline distillate* Truly Vost.-Sib.fl.AF SSSR no.26:141-146 159. (MrRA 13:6) (Gasoline) (Hydrogenation) ZYRYANOV) E. YE.--"Study of the Mechanical Efficiency of a Steam Hqpine on Redistribution of the Power on the Cylindera.W~D For Degrees In Science and Engineering Defended at U Higher Educational Institutions)(29) Odesaa Inst of Engineers of the Maritime FleetP Odessa, 1955 SO: Knizhaya Ioetopis' No 29, 16 JulY 1955 For the Degree of Candidate in Technical Sciences "M iff"I"WRIPTIMM". ~Im " ~1111 11~1VII"Ir"Il I I IN IIIIII i3l MHi '11,41 Wfrm-k Lim- -1401 Developing productive forces in the northwestern part of British Columbia. Prob. Sev. no.51-130-3-45 163, JMIR'A 16:11) 1. Sovet po izuehaniyu proizvoditeltnyi& sit pri Gosplane SSSR. Ila, "IFNIR vm Plant for the direct reduction of iron In Gamda. Retallurg 5 no-3:38 Wr 160. (NIM 13: 7) 1. Sovet po izucheniyu proizvoditellmykh oil AN SSSR. (Canada--Metallurgical plants) 0.0000 AUTHOR: TITLE: PERIODICAL: ABSTRACT: ASSOCIATION: Card 1/1 7805~3 SOV/130-60-31-22/23 Zyryanov, G. A. Metallurgy Abroad. The Plant for Iron Production by Direct Process Metallurg, 196o, Nr 3, P 38 (USSR), This article de'scribes the ~Ilu new meta rgical plaht to be built by the "Quebec South Steel Corporationil'in the vicinity of Montreal, Quebec, Canada. Council for Study of Productive Forces, Academy of Sciences of the USSR (Soviet o izucheniyu proiz,voditellnykh sil AN SSSR3 R.P.1 ~DROXJJI, A.I.; ILYKOV, A.S. j SALANSKIY, QRYABGV;_,~~.,I. Temperature hysteresis of the magnetic permeability of magnesium- manganese and nickel-zinc ferriteo. Izv. vys, ucheb. zav.; fiz. no-404,39 '63. (MIRA 16:9) 1. Inatitut fiziki Sibirskogo otaoleniya AN SMER. (Ferritas (magnatic materials)) 24(6) AUTHORs Z7rYarI6-v,_G_. SOV/57-56-12-2/15. TITLEs Variation of the Contact Potential or ;Cadmium Sulfide When Illuminated (Izmeneniye.kontaktnogo,potents'lala sernistogo, kadmiya pri osveshchenii) PERIODICAL: Zhurnal tekhnicheskoy fiziki, 1958, Nr 12, pp 2657-2668 (USSR) ABSTRACT: The aim of the present work was to eyplain'the nature~of the photosignal obtained from a cadmium sulfide layer lacking' activating admixtures according to the method of the.dis- placement of characteristics. It was found that the reflection of slow electrons with an energy from.1 to 10 eV from'the semiconductive layer does not take place manotonously,but ,.that at certain electron velocities maxima and minima.exist. A comparison between.the reflection coefficients of the slow electrons with I to 10 eV on,Pt, Ni, and CdS shows that the reflection coefficient-of the-semiconductor is somewhat higher than that of,th.e metals. The eXistence of reflection minima at 2.5 and at 5.0 eV-permits to assume that when an electron is transferred to the zone of conductivity an inelastic collision takes place. This provides an opportunity Card 1/3 of determining the width of the forbidden 4one according to Variation of the Contact Potential of Cadmium Sulfide SOV/57-58-12-2/15 When Illuminated the reflection curve of slow electrons on siemiconductors.: The time- and spectral-characteristics I and -the infrared attenuation of the photo-displacement *show that the kinetics ..of formation and of the decrease of the photo-displacement (shift of the current-voltage characteri;ti 'r, in volts) is*the same with photoconductivity and.that the emission of electrons takes place at the same levels. A general formula isipresented for the increase of the photosignal when the illumination is switched on and for its decreaseafter the'removal of the illumination.'From this formula exponentialland~hyperbolic relations are obtained for specialized cases. The dependence of the photo-displacement on the intendity of illumination is logarithmic, i.e. an analogy with the-DeMber effect exists. It is shown that the experimental data may*be expressed by the known formula for thephoto-e.m.f.,,and-thip without the assumption made by G. Wlerick (Vlerik)(Ref 1) that on the surface of the cadmium sulfide layer a film of adsorbed gases in found. The estimation,of the coefficienta from the experimental formula for the photo-displace.ment by means of Card 2/3 comparison with the theoretical formula leads to a "quantum Variation of the Contact Potential of Cadmium Sulfide SOV/57-58-12-2/75 When Illuminated yield" of the order of~103 . The investigation of the dependence of the photo-displacement on the thickness of the CdS layer shows-that-the phenomenon takes a .thin (10-5 cm) layer on the surface of the semiconductor. The possibility of employing the diffusion theory for the ,explanation of the results is investigated. A. A. Lebedev, Academician,-suggested the theme. IR. Ya. Berlage supervised the work, There are 12 figures and 16-referenees, 6 of which Are Soviet. ASSOCIATIONs Leningradskiy gosudarstvennyy universiiet Kafedra elektrofiziki (Leningrad State Univ6rsity Chair of Electrophysics) SUBMITTED: December 129 1957 Card 3/3 ,,-,,ZYlffANOV, G.K. Taking the diffraction image as a basis,in detgrmining the energy of slow primary electrons by which a dielectric is being bombarded. Vest.LGU 20 no,22:166-169 165, (MIRA 18:12)~ ZYRYANOV, M.N.; SINAKEVICH,, A.S,,; NADOLISKIY, A.P.. ZIRYANCV, Mikhail Nikolayeviohj ~_SINMVICHI -A.S.)_ red,;_ 13011ELIDER, E.Ya. - ----- -KARAS'f-V.D*- tekhn-,- red- red (Dispersed rare elements; propertieop arewof use, production dynamics prices, raw matorial'oourceol toolmology:o.f pro- parationi Rasseiannye rodkie elementy; svoist'vnipoblanti primenuniia, dinamika pralzvodstva, tsergp syrlevye istoohn*i proizvodstva, tekhnologiia polucheniia. Pod redo A.B.SinakOvicha. Irkutsk Ir. kutskoe knizhnoe izd-vo, 1960. 201, p. (MIRA 15M (Trace elements) ,9/137/52/009/006/059/163 A052/A101 AUTHOR: Zyryanov, M. N. TITLE: Thermodynamic analysis of sulfating reactions of some oxides, sul- fides and metals by means of bivaltintl 1ron pulfate PMIODICAL: Referativnyy zhurnal, Metallurgiya, no. 6, 1962, 19, abstract 6014'1 C'Sb. nauchn. tr. Irkutskiy n.-i. In-t redk. met.", no. 9, 1961, 1055 - 171) TEXT: The results of thermodynamic calculations of sulfating Pb, Zn, Cd, In and T1 compounds by means of FeS04 are reported. These'results substantiate the necessity of investigating the sulfating of Pb-powders. There are 8 ref- erences. [Abstracter's note: Complete translation] Card 1/1 --ZYRYLNOV;--M.-Ii.;-NADOLISKIYp--A.-P.- Complex treatment of dusts from the lead Industry telth a high selenium content. Trudy Vost. Sib. fil. All SSIM no,1+1:12e-131 162, (MIRA 15310) 1. Irkutskiy nauchno-isaledovatellskiy insti tmt redki kh metallov, (Lead industx7-By-productz) (Fly ash) Mikhail Nikolanvich; SUIIKIN, A.N., red.; BATOTSYMNOVA, D. B.', tekhn. red. (Rare metals,, their discovery and use] Redhemetally, ikh otkry-tie i primenenie. Ulan-Ude, Buriatskoe knizhlloe izd-vo, 1962. 50 P. (HIRA 16:6) (Metals, Rare and mirtor) (Rare earth metals) now" "Imm"Immm"O. mff"" S/137/62/000/006/049/163 AOo6/Alol AUTHORS: Sinakevich, A. S., Z M anov, M. N. TITLE: Application of the ccntinuous chlorination method to lean oxidized molybdenum raw material PERIODICAL: Referativnyy zhurnal Metallurgiya, no. 6, 1962, 17, abstraA~60131 C'Sb. nauchn. tr. Irkutskiy n.-i. in-t redk.Allet.", 1961, no.,9, 184 - 192) TEXT: The practical possibility is shown of applying the method of~con-, tinuous chlorination with gaseous C12 to lean, oxidized Mo-raw material. The optimum dimensions of granules for continuous chlorination are 2 - 3 mm; chlo_~ rination time is 1.5 hours at 4300C, with addition of 8% pyrite concentrate and 560 - 620 kg/ton C12 consumption, Conditions are given for the selective con-, densation of sublimates and their processingto commercial products. Mo extrac- tion was 80%. 0. Svodtseva [Abstracter's note: Complete translation] Card 1/1 214570 81137161100010051009r,-60 A006/AI06 AUTHORS: Sinakevich, A..S.P ZManov, M.N. TITLE: Chlorination of oxidized molybdenum compounds with vaporous, bhlori- des PERIODICALt Referativnyy zhurnal. Metallurgiya, no. 5, 1961,,18-19, abs .tract 50145 ("Sb. nauchn. tr. Irkutskiy n.-i. in-t redk. met!'), 1959, no. 8, 220 - 229) TEXT: The authors studied the interaction of mol~bdates of Fe, Ca, Pb and Cu oxides with CCI and S2C12. During chlorination of CC14 the temperature should, exceed by 50 - 100 C ahlorination temperatures Of 8 C12 In order to attain an~ equAl degree of decomposition of the salt; or the 812 consumption at the,same temperature must be increased. Chlorination Of CC14, SC12 or Cl with addition of pyrite and solid coal makes full extraction possible at 35d - ~`OOOC. Chlorina- tion Of C12 in the presence of pyrite and chlorination or CC14 should be prefer- ably performed. The reaction produats are Mo oxychlorides, mainly M002CI~, MbOC14 and chloride metals contained in the comnepsition of the compounds. [Abstracter's note: Complete translation] G.S. Card 1/1 Moll ~--.M~111 W M-111. I I'm M.. N.D.; lyttyAN-OV KOHOSTIELEV, P.V,; GOUN, V-Nl- SIIAIA-UNOVY I ." L6 Production of cast# pipe-ro2ling equipment, no.'LC109-10 (Y. T 0 164. -RA 1814) IKFNG, Pikolay Petrovich;-MIYANOV Mikhail-Yegorov~o~h- TSMMOV, Grigoriy Artemtyi-vi~c; KASIHTANOV, F., red,;IMIOLIVKO) V.p tekhn. red. (Conveying system for the transportation of.'Pece freight] Konveiernaia ustanovka dlia transportirovaniia shtuchnykh gruzov. Minsks Cos. izd-vo BSSR. Red, proizvodst,7emol lit- ryp 1961. 52 p. (KIRA 15:2) (Railroads-Freight) (Conveying machinery), 40 (tt 0 .0 4S rj 62 0) -Y 'N 02 "c'l qj r- q, 12 Y~J 01 j., -4 4.. C', q) AR o. w 9 ~j do Av 0 -yg 'zi i 0j (71 Q) A, 14 cy CU Zj Ily I 1;j ,j Q) '1 6) '- q) C) Q Q-1 0 44,3, V 0i o CY CJ C) y4 ry Q) V j~ .11 A . I ".7 cy y 40 'Y A, 0 u 17) cj rv c0 0 A5 'IV C7 CQ -4 s Q ll:~ qj -y 4 Q) q) 4 y 0 #4j (U rj Ci I --~ : ~Q o 444 Ci qf to Q Ay V ICY qoj Ira# SOV/139-58-6-24/29 janoiL P.S AUT"HORS: Yeleonskiy, v.M. aad,~jr TITO on the Theory of the Energy Speatrum of Systems; o:r Interacting Particles~ (K teorii energetiohesiko-b spektra qis.tem -uzaimodeystvuyushchikh chastits~ p&-RIODICAL:Izvestj_,YEj. V),sshikh Uchebnykh Zawdeniy, Fizikas~ 1958, Nr Gr pp 152-157 (USSR) ABSTRACT: In systGms consisting of a large number of interacting particll,-s each paiticle intera~ts'with a larger Il'umber of other particles provided the density is sufficiently hiGh. In the so --alled collective, interactions, COUV,nuous medium properties appear. ~Howeveir, aot~ all the properties cf a system consisting: of diserete p&:ticles can be approximated by the properties of~ a C-Isat'inuous medium. The diseietemss of the aystem Ld-11 appear in prooesses which ta.1w plaie in s 11' spatial regions which am of the brder of -the inter- particle distance. Hartree-Fook,eqpations. may te nically collective used to describe quantum mech& interactions and a Goneralised fo'rM, of these e uativons Card 1/3.~: covering non-stationary states is given by Bq,?].)O, SOV/1300-~-58-6-24/29 On the Theory of the Energy Spectrum of Systems of Interacting Particles The plus sign applies to boson 5 and. the minus sign to fermions. Recently, these e(rfati=s have Wen used both in nuclear theory and the theo'ry of metals .(Ref. 3). It follows from Eq (1) that the density matrix is given by Eq (2). The discrete properties of the system can be described in terms of the scattering problem formalism. One of the properties of the non-linear Eq (1) is that they have solutions inthe fom.of plane waves, i.e. they have a solution ,,,orresponding to a constant density of particles~,ia tha system*' It follows that states of the system in which, the almost; constant may be desoribed by iwans of lineariseld equations of the form (1) in the neigbbourhood of solir'vionz with coastant, density. The present paper is concerned with setting up thedispersion equations for a system of interacting partir-les having small density fluctuations. For this puipose izLstead of the complex fun--tions *i(xt) real fuactions are introduced,by Card 2/3 putting Pj3/2 (Xt),i1J-Sj(xt)h-1. The funations S1)vi7,,9--5,5-,,6-.,24/29 On the Theory of the Energy Spect.rlam of Systems of Interacting Particles P i and Si are then f wind be, gi-7.en by Eq (3). Idn-arisat'lon of the equations In the neighbourhood of e exact solutions: Sj soj = --Eoit + pjx,. Vs J", P()"j IV() j poj const v leads to the syst'jem of Bq W. The se relatJ,ons'are thbn used to obtain dispersi.on ewaal;ionm for boson and feria-Lion systems (Eq 6 and 3.2 :r-espel-Iti-wely),, There ana 7 references of which 5 are 2 Er.LF,1ish- ASSOC IATI ON: Ural T skiy Politekbnicheskiy Inntitiit-, imeni S.M.Kirova (Ural Polytechni~,,al Instital'-.e 'Lm,-ai S.M~Ydvov) SUBMITTED: 20th Janu -rY 1958 Card 313 AccEssiar NR: AP043435 G/0050/64/006/W2/0401/01108 AUMOR: Zy*ryanov, P. Be TM: Quantum theory of thermoga1vunauagnetic yhe TI nonena in metals and semiconductors v. 6 SOLMCE: Physics. status solidi,, no& 2, 1964, 401-1108 TOPIC TAGS: quantum theory, quantized magnetic field, tbLermoGaivanonagnetiam, semiconductor, semiconductor thermogalvaacmagnetism, electric energy opectr=, relaxaticn mechanism, molecular current, ccinduction electica.. coaducticn cur- rent, nondissipative density, dissipaticn density ABSTRACT: Inasmuch as recent attempta to construct a quan th t.UM theory, of e=101- magnetic riiencmena contradict either the clasuical theory or the basic laws of thermodynamica, the author offers an explanation of inherent dilpf icultics throuah a calculation which shows that in a quantizing wagnatic field the vol- t umetric current density of the j charge.. calculated vith tbo. aid of the denBity' matrix,, does not coincide with the density of the coaducticn current jnp$ oving to the appearance of Landau dimawpetiomp which causes a "molecularn a current vp -A al Ia- APIA3435 ACCESSI rot M (M is the magnetization of the conduetioll ejactrolla) a, e oa- long Vith th c auction current in sterie nonuniform systems, but rather is defined by j + c rot M. Similarly, Q rather than % alone (Q is the np /C jnp M QT + %I volme density of the energy current, T is temperature in energy units, (- In the thermal current, 044 is the magnetic energy current, and ~ U the ch'L,12ca1 potential). On this basis the author derives fonnulan :Vor the nondissipative density of thermal and electric currents in a quantizing magnetic field vith electron spin taken into account. Ile also derives expreosions for the dissipa. tion density of these currents on t%e basis of the elastic scattering apprcmi- mation. Me results permit calculatim of any thermogalvanomarpetic effect under conditions of a strong quantizing magnetic field (1Z * I VL io the cyclo- ,I tron resonance frequency, and Via the relaxation time)# Origo art. has: A formulase ASSOCIATION: Institut fiziki metaUov AN WSR,, Sverdloyak (Institute for Physics of Mletals) SUBMIM: LIWWO~ "M41M. 00~ SUB dMR W, 68 NO F" S 0v f 005 .00 I'll :,ca 2/2 L 1 2 -6 F(n)-2/li.~IG(k)/PWP(q)/EWT(m)/BDS~~- 1FFTCA$D/E$D-3/- IJ~P~(CL)1/~SSD Pa-4/~;i7-4. JON T ACCESSION NR: AP3007497 /0181/ 76/25~? S 63/0051009/25 AUTHOR:, Zy*ryanov, P. So TITtEt The influence of phonon drag on the.lon:tlat~ al thermo- electromotive force-of semiconducto-K and setni in longitudi-i m S nal magnetic fields ?X SOURCEt. Fizika tverdogo tela, v. 5, no. 9,, 19630. 2576-2579 TOPIC TAGSs phonon drag:effect,.phonon drag~i the'rMoelectromotive force, thermoelectric power, Seebeck electromotiv f orce 'lonsi- tudinal effect, semiconductor theory ABSTRACTt The part played by phonon drag in~~the longitudi ~al ther-' n 1 momagnetie effect is theoretically investigated by:lthe use of 'in approximate solution of the problem for the inverse square'law; electron dispersion. Formulas for the effect of the phono n dra 9 i on the thermoelectromotive force are worked out for both semicon- ductors and degenerate semiconductors, and the case of vanishing magnetic field intensity is considered. The~substantial part played by phonon drag at very low temperaturao is indicated. Orig. Card 1/2 ---~--7- q 11111114,11 [Hill It IRI SOV/126-7-1-24/28 AUTHORS: Zyryanov, F.S., Borisov, B#S. and Taluts, G.G. TITLE: Propagation in a Metal (Oso,bennosti rasprostraneniya zv-uka v metalle) PERIODICAL: Fizika Metallov i MetallovedOniye~, 1969~'Vol.7y :Nr.l., pp 15.3-154 (USSR) ABSTRACT: For describing the propagation of'sound,waves of;sufficiently high enerSy-donsity (e.g. ultragonic waves) the;lattice binding energies in a metal may be Ignored and the.metal treated as an ionic plasma. The following relation will then hold: M 43 2 02 1 + X, 2 r2-, q 0 Here X is the amplitude of the ultrasonic wave and the associated electric field potontial; M, 9 are respect- ively the ionic mass and charge; 0 , q are respectively the ultrasonic angular frequenoy and wave-nuxbor; finally Card 1/4 to is a characteristic; angular fraquency of the':plasma, 0 SOV/126-7-1-24/28 Singularities of Sound Propagation in a Metal given by: 2 4 r-. no 0 where n is the ionic density. Furthermore the acoustic energy flux S in the z-direction may bo written~as:,: where a is the sound velocity and 2 mnca X12 exp( -2,,r _z) 2 with < denoting the sound absorption coefficient.A relation between the acoustia and electric ener6y~fluxes Card 2/4 which follows from the above is: BOV/126-7-1-24./28 Singularities of Sound Propagation in a Idetal C1 t x where t is time and or is the ble'etrioal conductivity. Now the left-hand side of this last~~equabion must clearly equal div S, and from this follows.immediatel7 tha r6lation between cc and V ** 2 U) x n(3 This shows that "anomalous" acoustic propagation (acoustic absorption bands) will oocur under conditions favouring high electrical conductivity: energy removed from the sound waves appears as electric current. Such a current will produce heating of the metal and th(a magnitude. of this affect is discussed for some typical cases. Therg'are Gard 3/4 3 references, of which 2 are Soviet and 1 English. j1K Singularities of sound Propagation in a Metal ;30V/126-7-1-24/28 ASSOCIATION: Urallskiy politekhnichoskly inst;ltutlimeni S.M# Kirova (Ural Polytechnical Institute imeni S.M. Kirov);~, :In6titut fiziki metallov AN SSSR (Metal Physics Inotitute,:Aa. Be., USSR) Card 4/4. a r1 I HI. I IN H "11 If HOW If 11411HIIIII-11 If HIII PU39 I BOOK EXPLOITATION SOV/4a93 Vxesoyuxnoye soveshchanlye po rlztke. fizlico-Ichimtchaskla 5v*Y8tvWX rerritov I rizichesicia o3novam, 11th primenenlya. 3d, Minsk. 1959 P*rrltyt MIchasiclye I CIZIko-khImichosiclys svoy$tv4. Dokl4dy Physical and Ph"Icochemical Properties. Reports) XlA2k. Ixd-vo AM SUR, 1960. 655 P. ErrAt& 911P Inserted. 4.000 Caplan printed. 3poraoring Agenciest Nauchnyy aovet po magnetlxmu AN SSSR. Otdal f1zlirl tvardogo tela I poluprovodnlkov AN BSSR. 19ditorlal Boardt Rasp. Zd. : N. N. 31rota. Academician or zr,* Academy or Sciences ZSSR; X. P. Belov, Proressor; Ye. 1. Londar- skl7, Professor; K. K. Poilvauqw; Professor, It V. Telesnin. Pro- fessor,.G. A. 5001*"kly. Professor; X. M. Stwi -ts, Candidate of 2. N. 3001yezenko; azd X. A. baswarov; Zd. of Publishing House: 3 . Xholyavskly; Tech, Zd.3 X. TolokhmoovUh. physical Chemists, radio electronics engineers, and tachnicAl persorne, enVLgs4 In the production and use or rerrOcAgoetlo materials. It may also be used by Student* in advanced COUrfed in radio electronics. and physic" ChealAtry. COV12WASs ThO book contains reports presented at the Third All. Union Conference an P.,Itgz hold in Minsk. BelorussS%n S31 .t. The rGP=tx 4041 with uAgnetle transfor--ations, electrical and Sal"AO"PtOtle Properties Of forrites, studies or the groth or ferrite aina'a erystais, problems In the chemical and pftys..- OCChNVICAJ WAlyniX Qf'fCrrjt4G. StUal&X of farritog haVIAg ractafticular brat4reeLs LOOP, and Cult 'Itomponent rerrIte systamn *XXIbit-tog spontaneous rectangullLrLtys problem In magnetic attraction. highly cowrCive rerrltes, magnetic xpsCtrogc*:rY. fsrrO"Znatlc resonextCe, sagnoto-optles, physical principles or Using ferrite compon~ta in electrical circuits, "InotroP7 of electrical and etIc propertles, ate. The Committat On Max- natum. as MRIF V. Vfts"NklF, chairman) Organized the 4r~- fareacw- -ROCtrances. "a0awy 144tvidual articles. rarritos (cont.) Parekallee, T. ft., and A. A, Aakothenskly. rnvostigation or the Fsr~.gnet:4 Rdsonanc* or a cobalt ParrIte In an Internal Field of Anisotro. p7 ara Z". V. Sicrotsicly. %he of%%Crrv~iz r-tgr-tl4 flt'dor=--C an the Optical Properties or Yorroaus&natle and Paramagnetic Dielectrics ' 505 I.j OT, TU. A. . and Q. V- Skrotakly. Magnetic Spin X*80n"c6 In CO"uctlOn SlOctrOns In Alkali "4 PerrO- W&gneclo Metals 513 gotywicy" N., ani A. X. Durnyaheva_ 7b& Ittfect of Aalsot-optc Zlotstic Str*'&sqG.Qn forroOagottiv Resonance lbscr7ttan In XIckel #*"It* S29 OuRbeh LeX. Z. X.. V. A. ftbrikov, and V. D. XWry*vto*v. Temperature characteristics of Ferrite Components In SHP Device* card 1548 card 4Aa' ZYRYANCV, P.S. Quantum thoory of the excitation spectrum-of an electron gas in a magnetic field. Zbur. eksp. i teor. fiz..40 no.4:1065-1071 Ap 161. (MIRA l4i7) 1. Urallskiy politekbnicheskiy institut. (Electron gas) (Magnetic fields) zmtyAmv, P.S. v of acoustic osoilUt~ono of an OUatebn~-Ida! Quantm theor plasma in g mq tic field Zhio, iksp I teor,.fiz. 40 la6,5:: . pe 3.353-1-359 yq' I 61a. OM.14:7) 1. Uralrskiy'ndUtqkhnicbOskiy inatitut.~ ZPla#M- (laxazed gasips.)) (Mdgaetic-tields) ~-lLI-Nj V.P# Integral of charged particle collisions a marmetic field. Fize metj metalloved, 11 no,6*-955-957 A ~~61. (IIMI WO; 1. Ural'skiy politekbnicheskiy institut i,:Fiziebeskiy institut imeni Pe He Lebedeva, (Collisione(Nuclear physics)) ZYaYANOV, P. S. Zyryanov, P. S. "Some Applications of the Method of Collective Inter- actions to the Theory of Metals." Cand'Phys-Hath Sci, Moscow'Order of Lenin State U imeni M. V. Lomonooov, 27 Jan 54 (VecHeFrqaY=aoskva,. 14 3an 54) So: SUM 168, 22 July 1954 USM/Physics Conductivity FD-2872 Card 1/1 Pub. A6 - 9126 Author Zyryanov, P. S. Title eory of the electrical conductivity of metals, Periodical : Zhur. eksp. I teor. fiz., 29, August 1955,,193-2W Abstract : The author calculates the fluctuations executed by the potential of the internal electrical field In the electron-ion plasma of a metal and also determines the electrical resistance which is due to the scattering of the electrons during these fluctuations. Quaatita- tive comparison of theory with experiments indicates the extent to which one can approximate the properties of alkali metals by,the properties of an electron-ion plasma.. He cites his earlier work: ibid., 25, 441, 1953- Thirteen references: e.g.' Yu. L. Klimouto- vich, V. P. Silin, ibid., 23, 151, 1952. Institution : Ural Polytechnic'Institute, Sverdlovsk Submitted : May 21, 1954 USSR/Phyrics Relaxation fluctuations FID-2969 Card 1/1 Pub. 146 - 10/28 Author Zyryanov, P. S. Title Relaxational fluctuations in condensed systems Periodical Zhur. eksp. i teor. fiz., 29, September 1955, 334-338 Abstract The author discusser. the problem of the separation of flu6tua-1 tions into "small-scale" (relaxational) and "large-scale" (vi-. brational). He evaluates the role of rel~xational fluctuations in electrical conductivity of metals. He thanks Professor V. L. Ginzburg for his advice. Eight references: P. S. Zyryanov, ibid., 29, 193, 1955- Institution : Ural Polytechnic Institute, Sverdlovsk Submitted ; May 21, 1954 Category USSR/Magaetism - Diamagnetism. Paramagnetism f Zhur - Fizika. No 2, 1957, No 4026 Abs Jour Re Author Z P.S., Yeleonskiy; V.M. ~;Tyanov., lust Uiair-PbUyEe-MnIc Institute, imeni S.M. Klrov,, Sverdlovsk) USSR Title Collective Description of Magnetic Interactions,. Orig Pub Fiz. metallov i metallovedeniyey 1956, 2, No 2t 2o6-a4 Abstract Discussioa of the problem of separating the magnetic interactions into collective ones and individual ones ("fare' and,"'nearti). 4'. method is described for introftaing the collective operator of spin dewity and is ellustrated with an example in which -the Coulomb and dipole-dipole interactions are calculateC Card :,1/1 B-4 USSR/Theoretical Physics Abs Jour Referat Zhur Fizika, No 5, 1957, No 10W Au~hor Yeleonskiiy, V.M., Z Inst Ural' Polytechnic iMiNoe Title Contribution to the Theory of Collective Motions of~ Particles in Quantum-Mechanicil Sy-steMS. Orig Pub Fiz. matallon i matanovedeniize, 1956, 2, Ito 3~ ~6-2-563 Abstract A general method is proposed for separating out the collec-! tive motions in a system of may particles,by introducing additional variables in the vave fuaction of the system. Upon suitable choice of the variables, one obtta:Lis the sa- me Hamiltonians of the collective notion, as obtained by D.N. Zubarev (Referat Zhur Fizika, 1955, 2627),:Bohm and Pines (Referat Zhur Fiziks, 1955, 71,56), and Tomonaga (Referat Zhur Fizika, 1956, 27839, 2784o)~ A mthod is proposed for separating the collective mation in a system bounded by a surface, for example) volume;,and surface vi- brations in the nucleus.* Card 1/1 ZYRYZNOV, P.S.; TALUTS, "R, Weak excitation spectrum of electron systems in an intermittent field. Fiz.met. i metalloved 3 no.3:547-548 156. (MIRA 100) 1. Ural'skiy politekhnichaskiy institut Imeni S.M. Kirovs, i In8titut fiziki metallov Urallskogo filials, AN SSSR, (Blectrons) (Pield theor7) r Category : USSR/Theoretical Physics Quanttm Mechanics B-4 Abs Jour : Ref Zhur - Fizika, No 2, 1957,No 2936 Author : Zyryanov P.S., Yeleonskiy) V-M. Iust -.-Ur-kF ~iytectic Institute Title On the Linearization of the Hartree Equations Orig Pab Zh. eksperim. i teor. fiziki) 1956, 30) No 3~~ 592 Abstract Explanation of a method for describing the collective interactions'$ based on the linearization of the Hartree equations about soIntions with constant density. The corresponding Byutem of equations nd the dispersion relationships resulting from tbam are written down, Card 1/1 --F 126-5-3-20/3l AUTHOR: ZyrypAo TITLE., The Theory of the Surface Tensions of Liquid Metals (K teorii poverijanostnogo nactyazheni7a zhidkikh meItallov) PERIODICAL: Fizika Metallov i Met allovedeniy6, 1957, Vol 5, Nr'~ 3 , pp 545-547 (USSR) ABSTRACT: The earlier calculations of Frenkei, in~vrhich thIel surface is considered to consist of.a doublY charged layer, are extended by allowing for the thermal oscillations.of the ions. These thermal oscillations are shown to fall off exponentially with depth, and to have the effect of reducing the thickness of the double layer. The initial equations used are the equations of',continulty, Poisson's equation and the Bernouilli-Euler equation; E is the limitin- Fermi ener6y of the degenerate olectr8n gas. The final formula agrees satisfactorily with experiment, as is shown by the table, Which lists the.standard, parameters of some metals; the last,two columns are the theoretical and experimental valueslof the temperature coefficient of surface tension respectively. Card I 1/1 There are 1 table and 8 references, 6 of which are Soviet, 2 En l' h. ASSOCIATI?N: jraTjski~ P9lijekhntqheskij inot't t *4ieni Ura Po yte hnica Ins itute me nph MKkirov) SUMITTED: March 26, 1957 1. Liquid metals--Surface tension Z S. AUTHOR ELEONSKIY 'V U ZYRYANO F4 - 2964 'TITLE On the Theo;; o*l-t~MNUV~ective~gotions of Particles in Quantummocha- nical Systems. (K teorii kpllektl:vnykh dvizheniy chastits v kvantomakhanicheskikh aistemakh -Russian), FaIODICAL Zhurnal Ekeparim. i Toorot, Fizikij 19571 Vol ~2, Nr 3, pp 515-519. Received 6/1957 Roviewed 1/19~)7 ABSTRACT The method of the separating th6 collective,mations in a system-dis- cussed in the presefit paper is simple in-as-much as. voluminous appaxa- tus of second-quantization and of unitary transformation are not r6qui- red. This method is.based upon the transformation of the HAMILTONIAN by the introduction of a system of additional variables Into the, wave'func- tions of the system. Into the wave function.Arj~;;r I t) desckibing the state of a system with the HAMILTONIAN H p, a + (1/2%6(?, i#Vr J)p the authors introduce additional (Ilsurplusllj~ J variable functions-,Pj(rj)-(j * l,2*oaN),vhich$ for the time being remain arbitrary. Instead o 1p, the authors Investijate the new,wave function (functional ofpi) t) The operator Itj is to be replaced by the operator -ift,LVj +.(Vj;-fjWa191ii. Also the share;the potential energy-'can be expressed by,the*16ctions -fj(~j). Next~ the func- tions -pj (rj) are discussed. By )Pi. the coordinates of collective motion can Card 1/2 be expressiM. The describtion of the -collective,matiopp wibbin the system - - ------------ On the Theory of the Collective Motdons of PA - 2964 Particles in Cuanummechanical bystems. will be better, the better the one-particle functions are selected. Next, several special cases of the selection ofpi are discussed.'The interpretation off (r~) (wave function of the steady state of the,j-th particle in zero- A a prbximation) used'herc rendera the determination of previously deriv6d HAMILTONIANS possible and shows possible vay~ for 3Alution of the boundary problems..The authors first put1f th;2 j(rj) expl-A&jI.This wave function describes the steady state of,'.k free particle with the momentum t't. Nexts, another example for the "solution, of the boundary problem is dealt with. The special cases of the selection of the functio63)Pj(r ) dealt with here permit the generaUzation of this method for other problems. (No illustrations). AWOCIATION Ural Polytoohnical Inatito PRESMED SUBMITTED 21.1ol.956, AVAILABLE Library of Congress. Card 2/2 -C 4r i-4 N ~~ V - T_~~ kUTITOU , . -56-T-54/66--- I: 1Y3 V-!J- ZYR'fA_';()V) P -~i IMU On the ApplicatTon- of Mell-artrea-Pok EquatLonn tc a Systtim of ".Uasiparticles. (0 primenerii uravneniy Xhartri-Foka k sisteme PERIODICAL Zhurnal hiksperim. i Teorut.Fiziki,1957, Vol 33, Nr 7,pp 289-291 (Uffsa) A33TRACT The states of a system with many particles rihich. are in strong inter- action and are near a certain !frrourid state cin be describecl. by an a,3- sembly of qaasiparticles near the oround state may be looked uDon 4a insignificant and interaction among them may be di3reLrarded.Hovever, in sy,9tems with strong "non-ideBlityll the number of quasiparticles can be rather high, and their mutual interaction raust then not 13e neglec- ted. The present paper de3cirbee an attempt, made to take interaction among quasiparticles into account within the frp-neviork of the self- consisting field. For a system, which has ~n average of 11 quasi~ar- ticles per volume unit, the systei,,i of Hartree equations can ble -filritton down as fol ows in dependence of tine; r :p 2d'r r i T + fGoje T Here G 0 2m denotes the kernql of interaction among the particles. By:the iiub- stitution T QI/2exp i S /hl these evations can be writt (en do'-un in hydrocynamical from: 1 2 2 (r ')I d? '- -f- S + (VS + fG(j Z Card 1/2 Q, j 2a 3. 4m the-A-pplicati a n- o--the-1 a-rtroe-Fol, 1'q,,uati(n,_- -tc- a --56-7-54/66 System of A'"'SOCI!,TION PRIZEITTED BY AVAIUBLE' Card 2/2 Qj ion with const I/V and eith S0=m(V,90,) r -Eo*t + const, (Here V denotes the volume of the syst-E-m which iz here asB-aned to be equal to 1). The energy spectrum of a syste~i wWch ia nearly in a state with constant density can be determined fro;,i the just, written down lincarized systeia of equations. A dispersion equation is given, and also the equation resulting frora takin.- the exchange interaction into account. A generalization of the here discuiised :aethod consists in the develooment of a -scrieral T)rocess for the determination of the quantity (VP ~)2 which occurs in the aforementioned dispersion equa- tion. ('11o illustrations) Ural Polytechnical Institute (Urallskiy polibekhnicheskiy institut) Library of Congress AUTHORS: Yeleonskiy, Y. M. and 7jyryanov, P. 13. SOV/126-6-1-21P/33 TITLE: On the Possible Effec':~-~ec~trom~agE-e-tie:Radiat ion on Electrical Conductivity of Electron Conductors (0 vozmozhnom vliyanii elektromagnitnogo izlucheniya na elektroprovodnost' elektronnykh provodnikov). PERIODICAL: Fizika Metallov i Metallovedeniye, 1958, Vol 61 Nr 11 PP 171-172 (USSR) ABSTRACT: The interaction of longitudinal ana transverse vi brations in spatially homogeneous electron plasma in conductors is absent in the linear approximation only~in the case of spherical symmetry in the electron-velocity distribution. If, however, an electric current 11 ows through the , conductor7 the electron v-elocity dl .stribution will not be spherically symmetric and this ~;ill lead to an interaction between the transverse:ancl longitudinal. vibrations of the plasma. in metals, electron vibrations cannot be excited by therinal motion since the energy of a quantum of such vibrations hw, is large compared with the energy of thermal motion (kT)~ Card 1/2 However, if the metallic specimen is irradiated with light whose frequency w is greater than w0 then the SOVIL-26 6-1-~v24/33 On the Possible Effect of Electromagnetic Radiation on Electrical Conductivity of Electron Conductors transverse field in the specimen will excite longitudinal vibrations of the plasina. The scattering of conduction electrons on these longitudinal vibrations will lead:to an increase in the electrical resistancd, The calculations reported in the present paper are concerned with the existence of such an effect. It isl Bhown that in, solile cases the interaction between the longitudinal and transverse fields does take place. A quantitative estimate of the effect of electromagnetic radiation upon the electrical conductivity of a conductor will be given in a future publication. ASSOCIATION: Urallskiy politekhnicheakiy institutlimeni S.M.Kirova (Ural Polytechnical Institute imeni S. 19. Kirov., SWMITTED: March 26, 1957 1. Conductors-~-Eleetrical propertidb2Light--Electrical effects 3. Electrons--Vibration Card 2/2 AUTHORS: Yeleonskiy, 7. and S)OV/126-6-3-31/32 TITLI~: On Fluctuations in Spin Density in an. Electron Plasma. (0 fluktuatsiyakh spinovoy ~'Iotnosti v elektronnoy plazme) PERIODICAL- Fizika Metallov i Pile tallovedeniYe , 195;B~ Vol (5: ITr 3, Pp 573-575 (USSR) ABSTIZACT: Pluctuatioas in the sj~in densilty ia a systea. of inter- acting electrons are due to magnetiel(spin-spin -=d sbin- 0 orbital) as well as exchaqf,~,,e Coulomb:~interactions. , The presence of these fluGtuat-ions leads to the apDearance of electromagnetic fluctuation fields which have an effect'. UDOn the physical properties of the system. (electrical canduct-i- vity, specific heat, etc.) These interactions may be taken into account by a method analogous to that Siven in (Ref.1), using Pauli's equations. It is shovw- that interactions associated with spin have only an effect upon the spectrum of transverse vibrations. From the dispersion e uations for fluctuations in the spin density, Eqs.(2Yand (3 , it follows that fluctuations of spin density cannot have a very' great effect on physical properties of metals, ~i-nce these flue- tuations are not excitable by theri-,iaLmotlon or ara small compared with the usual elastic vibrationd. Thero are Card 1/2 BOV/126-6-3-31/32 On Flactuations in Spin Density in an Electron Plasma 2 Soviet and 1 English references. ASSOCIATION: Urallskiy politelchnicheskiy inatitut~,-imeni S. 14. Kirova (Ural Folyteelmical Instibute, im, S.Ail. Kir,ov) SUBMITTED: March 25, 1957. 1. Metals--Physical properties 2. Electron gas--Density 3. Nuclear apijia 4. Mathematics--Applications J AUTHORS: Zyryanov, P. S., Skrotakiyj G. V. 56-1-32/56 .TITLE: On the Influence Exerted by the Electric Polarization Upon , the Magnetic Properties of Forritea (O~vliyanii elektricheskoy polyarizataii na magnitnyye evoystva forritov) PERIODICAL: Zhurnal Eksperimentallnoy i Teoreticheakoy Fizikii 1956, Vol. 34, lir 1, pp. 222-223 (USSRY ABSTRACT: The taking into account of the spin-orbit-interactioh of the d-elootrons in ferritea leads to the fict that the effective magnetic permeability depends on the electrical polarization of the electron shells of the atoms (i.- e. on theidie- electric constant). in the ferromagnetio*metals this dependence is not observed in thelmeasaroments on"the radio frequencies due to the high polarizability of the.con duction electrons. The following may be expected; In some'types of ferrites the electric properties fiot only manifest them- selves in the nature of the frequency-dependence Of the effective permeability as well avin thewidth, shape and position of the lines of the resonance absorptionibut also in the dependence of these effects on the dimensions and the Card 1/2 shape of the sample (which are not taken into account in the .. . ......... On the Influence Exerted by the Electric Iblarization 17pon 56-1-32/56 the MaGnetio Properties of Perrites method of demagnetizing factore)i The s2in-orbit interactions can be taken into account within the fr'ame of the macroscopic theory when starting from a closed set.of the modification .. of this polarization of the totality of the interacting atoms with an internal electromagnetic tield. The authors then calculate the impedance Z by calculating by means of the original set of equations the problem for the semi-infiniti 'te for the-case of a wave normally 1;6dy filled with a ferr-, 'inciding upon the boundary. The taking into account of the electric polarization of the ferrite leads to a shift of the resonance-frequency and to a widening of the resonance line of the absorption. There is 1 reference vhich is Slavic. ASSOCIATION: umi Polytechnic Institute (Urallskiy politekhnichelskiy institut) SUBMITTED: August 2, 1957 AVAILABLE: Library of Congress Card 2/2 AUTHORt Zyryanov, P. S. TITLEt PERIODICALs ABSTRACTt Card 1/3 56-1-37/56 the. Coulomb's Correlations On the Influence Exerted by Vpon Oscillation Spa ctrum of an Eleetron.,Pl'aama (0 Vliyamii kulo- novykh korrelyatsiy na spektr kolebaniV elektronnoy plazmy) Zhurnal Eksperimentallnoy i Teoreticheskoy Fizikiv Vol. 34, Nr 1, pp. 232 - 233 (MR) By the author's opinion the problem 0ifthe influenIce of the Coulomb correlations has.not yet been; determined IinIzany pa- pers on the collective osaillatLons of.a plasma The solution of this problem may be attackedAn different wj-,~s. E. G.~the kinetic equation can be set up'with the taking i nto.account of the correlation and with this equation the dispersion equa- tion for the small oscillations ~of the density can then be determined.L. The dispersion equation obtained in this manner will then express the frequency~~4a (k) by parameter ; which characterized the spatial distribution. The mdn charracteristic of this state is the average energy of a particle with the 56-J-37/56 On the Influence Exerted by Coulomb's Correlations Vpon the Oscillation Spectrum of an Electron Plasma taking into account of all inte:xactione (kinetic energyj ex- change interaction and Coulomb oorrelations). A seeond way for the solution of this problem waslinvestigated by V. M. Yeleonskiy and P. S. Zyryanov.(reference 1). The small de- viations of the density from the homogeneous density are de- scribed by linearized ffartree~(Xhartri)-equatiohs with a time dependence represented in a hydrodynamic form. In this con- nection the coefficients of the linearized equations are expressed by the energy of the particles in the,grourd state. The dispersion equation for the'cawofmak perturbations is explicitly written down. Especially the expressionlocourring in this equation for the average enera for thebcaqe of the electron gas is specialized. Then the author givesan expres- sion for the frequency cf the natural oscillatEons. -In metals the exchange effects play a more important part th= the Coulomb correlations, There arel reterences, 1,of which is Slavic. ASSOCIATIOUs Ural ?olytechnic Institute (Itrallakiy politekhnicheakiy institut) Card 2/3 56-1-37/56 On the Influence Exerted by Coulomb's Correlations Upon the Oscillation Spectrum of an Electron Plasma SUBMITTEDt September 27, 1957 AVAILABLEt Library of Congress Card 3/3 AUTHOR: Z.'__~ryanov, P. S. 56-2-34/51 TITLEt Collective 11otion in a Systerj~of Quaoi-narticles (Kollektivnve dvizheniya v aitewe kyazicbastito) PERIODICAL: Zhurnal Eksperimentallnoy i Teoretic'iesko,f Fi-iUq 1956) Vol- 34, JTr 2, pn. 100 - 509 032R) ABSTRACT: In the approximation of the self consisting field,the tak-ing into account of the stron, interaction leads to .3-dependence of the enerjy of a sin,3le particle (conaidered here an quas--;- particle) on the state of motion of the rest of the P~rticles of the system, Even with spatial homogeneous distribution of the particles of the system the takin.- into account of the interaction leads to a complicate ,d dependence of~thelensr- gy of the particle on its momentum. Firat anexpres3ion for the Hamiltonian of the quasipartioles Le ,,,--;ven fo-- the case of a spatially inhomogeneous diatribution. 'The first.term here takes into account the correlitionlat a snall distance Card 1)3 and the kinetic energy, and the second term takes into ac- H111111111 IlM OWNS INIERMIUMMIMMIEM 56-2-34/51 Collective Motion in a System of Quasiparti.clas count the distant interactions( 11artreu: field). :Then the equa- tions of motion for P. are mentioned. .The author restricts himself to the investijation of tbose states of.the system which come close to the spatially homogeneous distribution of the quasiparticles on the coordinates as well as of the undirectional distribution of velocity: These states .are close to the ground states In thio,caso the Momenta o .f Jhe collective motions will be small and tf .lc operators Occurrin... in the initially,nantloned 11:11ailtoniancan ic re- presented in the form E (-ffo + Here denotes I the momqn- tum operator of collecti4a motion (a small quantity) Knd -It, denotes the operator of the momentum of: URIireotional:no- 0 tion. E - i2 expanded into a series to -P, the auithor,re- strictinG Rimself toAthe squared terms in relatiop, to Then a new variable I canonicallY. conjugated to *-It, is intro- 0 0 duced into the wave function. An equation obtained this way only describes the~collective motion in the sYsten Of the quasiparticles and the coefficients of this equation depend L.quasi- on the characteristics of the undirectional motion of Card 2/3 particles in the ground state. The disperse equation result-