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ZYKVIA, K. I. i'Acetone-Butyl-Alcohol Fermentation on Molasses," Mikrobiol, 8, No. 1, 1939; Cen Sci Resr Lab of Fermentation Ind, Moscow.-1939-. li'll'"IMS AND PPCPC#Ffti lbVIA Al A dimixiastall acetoce-witahmouctermtrutatiou v Lialiativicl, Ot~ trail - I in 2-3 urvi le flo 1 II l l l . l ot ni y star ly~ f sep, p p It diffeto froin oth" mcoubtrit tit the spur*% tit tlr%t it dw util lumicut Krabitune, r"lili, b-Aling up its .1 hf,~ iiiwl k abld to (triticrit ctrells, 91v Ing 40,412% (bam"I on t hir it.itellf ol sulveall. Atte too go* woo #IS-ILA ASTALAMCAL U11041WE UAIMFICATAU AM $vM3 41P ;V, got 4084111 Olt 4110,11, M Nj 1181 aft i ' U is 11 PC 11 P"A A 1 0 is I Nil so* 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Go go* 00 0 4 64 0 0 0, a 4 6 it to i 000600 0000*,0004000046 ACC NR,'-' AP6032040 .--'SOURCL" CODE.' Ult/04:11/661002/005/0600/0604 AUTHOR: Zykova, K$ 1. ORG: Laboratory of Hematology and Histologyj Scientific Rcs~carch I,nstitute $n,. t Sklifosovskiy (Nauchno-isaledovatel'6kiy institut, Laboratoriya perelivaniya krovi i konservirovaniya tkaney) TITLE: A quantitative me thod for determining fibrinolyti c~activ ity ,SOURCE: Prikladnaya biokhimiya i mikrobiologiya, v. 2, no. 5, 1,966. 600-6014 TOPIC TAGS: medical research, thromboembolytic disea' se.'circulatory, system, cardiovascular syste5o clinical method, fibrinolytic activity AB5TRACT: ribrinolysin is aii enzyme widely distributed in nature not only ~in animals but in products of bacterial synthessis an.d is widely,~ used in the treatment o" i.:iromboembolytic diseases ofthe cardi6- i vascular system. Blood irom cadavers possesses equal or greater fibrinolytic activity as whole blood from healthy bodies. The method described can determine quantitatively~the fibrinolytic activity of whole and citrated cadaverous blood and can be used for classifying blood samples according to their fibrinolytic :yity. The:. P c!a~i~w of a known amount of fibrin which is Card ORMOV, T.H.; ZYKOVA, K.I. Alloxan diabetes and blood pressure. Jmchobnoe delo 27, 1171-4 (columns, not pp.) 147. (CA 47 no.21:111470 153) 1. All-Uhlon,50J. Resserch Chat.-PhysjQl. Inat., Moscow* 930---6T 7 -M r". 60333M, SO .URCE CODEI Ull/007,r)/60/021/008/,IO22/lo26 AUTHOR: A kh mr B. A. Glushchenlip nedli, M,. shirov, E. Zykova, Ra L ORG: Azerbaydzhan State Un ivers'ity- Im. S.~ M. Kirov, 13aku (Azerbaydzhanskiy gosudarstvennyy universit-ell- TITLE: 'Interaction of -gallium ions;with pyrocatechol violet - [_~`S'OURCE% Zhurnal, ana_litic~h-e' k'o", y. khImii, v.~ 21, no. 8, 1066, 1022-1026 TOPIC TAGS: gallium., ion,-, gallium ion, Ion interaction, ion concentration, ec pyrocatechol, pyrocat hol violet ,ABSTRACT: Gallium- forms colored compound with pyrocatechol violet at pH 5.75-6. 7 in an acetate-hydrochloride -medium. The components interact in a molar ratio of 1 : 2. The maximurn absorption is at 580 nmol, the true molar 014 extinction coefficient is 73, 530,'and', the conditional instability constant is 5 V Solutions obey Beer's law-within the *concentration range of 0. 56- -3. Ili-glml of 3+ -21+ FC3+ Cu2+, and Ti3+ interfere in the gallium. Such elements as. Al. , , In photometric determination'.of gallium; no interference is caused by alkali metals; ' Card 1/2- XDC: 543.70 ---ACC-NRz--L-AP6033387-77-~:-=-- Cd2+ Z 2+,.Pb2+ Cr 0II), C02+j Mo (VI) Sn (IV), N12+ AS (111 n V) Tj (111L , , , , Sb (III) interfere only up to definite ratios. The method has been used for gallium determination in pure solutions. . The relative experimental error is not more than 4016. The sensitivity of the method is 0. 64/zg4ml. Orig. art. has: 6figures and 3 tables. [Author's' abstract] SUB CODE: O~/ SUBM- DAT-P,-,i, 27Ap~r' ORIG REF: 0051 OTH REF: 002/ 65/ . A, io . IA -4.1".1.' -4"5' -1.7 ~Cord 2/2' Z YKO)A, S. .ZYKOIIA, L. S.: 'Workers at the Kazan' University in the struggle against epidemics (smallpox, diptheria,, scarlatina.. plagued, and'eholera) in'~the former Kazan' Gubernia before the Great October Socialist Revolution." Kazan' State Medical Inst. Chair of the Organization ol Public Health with the History of Medicine. Kazan', 11956. (Dissertations for tbai degree of candidate in Medical Sciences). SO: Knizhnays Letopist No. 22, 1956 L, 411 MOVA L. Yu. Report of the Oka State Preserve on birdbalding from 1957 to 1959. Trudy OGZ no.4.#5-31 162.- (,,IIRA 1?;9)' ZYKOVA, Larisa Yurlyevna; RAK, A.S.,, red. (Oka essay] State Preserve; a popular science Okskii gosudarstvennyi zapovednik; nauchno-popullarnyl'oeherk. Pod red. A.S.Rak, Mookvao Lesnaia promyshlennoWo 1965. 53 P. (MIRA 111:12) ZYKOVA, M. With the energy of Communist Youth League members*,P!~om.koopo no.5:13 My '57. (KUU lot 8) 1,Zameatitall predeedatelya pravleniya. arteli iment 6 lUrta, go Kirov. (qommunist Youth League) BOV/136-58-8-113/27 AUTHORS: Kurumchin, Kh.A., Nikitin, Yu.I. and Zykova, 11J. TITLE: Use of the Hydrocyclone for Classifying Roasted,Zinc Concentrate Before Leaching (Ispoltzovaniye gidrotsiklona dlya klassifikatsii obozhzhennogo tainkovogo kont'sentrata pered vyshchelachivaniyem). PERIODICAL: TsvetnyyeMetally, 1958,i\Nr.8, pp.68-70 (USSR) izivod ARSTRACT: The cone classifiers at the Chelyabinskiy tsinkov~ry (Chelyabinsk Zinc Works) have not worked'satisfactoril.y. It was therefore decided to adopt hydrocyclones new classification plant planned in connection with the proposed conversion to fluidized-bed roasting'. A special,investi- gation, the results of which are dealt with in this report, was carried out at the works to study hydrocyclone,operation. A 500-mm diameter hydrocyclone designed by~the TJfimskiy zavod gornogo oborudovaniya (Ufa Mifting Dqdipmentl. Plant) was used (Fig.), the pulp beiAS injected at M-0.7 atm with the aid of a centrifugal sand pwup. The results (Table 2) show that the effluent contained 96~6 of minus Card 1/2 0.5 mm fraction, the main mass of the coarse particles,being Use of the Hydrocyclone for Classifying Roasted Zinc Concentrate Before Leaching. concentrated In the sand, which fulfilled design require- ments. The product was suitable for grinding in a ball mill and the hydrocyclone productivity was 1.5 m3/min. The sand contained (Table 4) 1.5-2 times,more acid-soluble zinc than the effluent; leaching tests Indicated:that pre-grinding of sands was desirable., Considerable erosion of parts of the hydrocyclone were observed. The authors consider that the adoption of hydrooyclones at the:works would be advantageous. There are I figure and 4 tables, Zinc ores--Processing 2. Industrial eq~a#ment--Performance Card 2/2 ZYKOVA, N.A. Intraoisseoue Injection of blood and medicinal Oubutances. SoTo mod. 27 no.1;496-1,00 D'63 (14TRA 17 W 1. Iz-. kafedry obshchey khii-urgii ( zav, - prof. A.r.Sorkina) likutskogo meditsinskogo instituta. VIM PHASE I BOOK E(PLOITATION sov/6181 Urallakoye soveahchaniye po spektrookopii. 3d, Sverdlovsk); 1960. Materlaly (Materials of the Third Ural Conference on Spectroe- copy) Sverdlovsk, Metallurglzdat, 1962. 197 p.. Errata slip inserted. 3000 copies printed. Sponsoring Agencies: InstItut fiziki metallov Akademil nauk SSSR. Komissiya po spektroskooli; and Urallskiy dom teklinW VS11TO. 1, Ede. (Title page): G. P. ~kornyakov, A. B. Shayevich, andJS. 0. Bogomolov; Ed.: Gennadly Pavlovich Skornyakov; Ed. of Publish- Ing House: M. L. Kryzhova; Tech. Ed.t N. T. Mallkova.. PURPOSE11' The book, a collection of articles, Is intended for staff members of spectral analysis laboratories In Industry and acign- tific research organizations, as well as for students of related disciplines and for technologists Utilizing analytical results. COVERAGE: The collection presents theoretical and practical.p ob- .'lems of the application of atomic and molecular spectral analy- sis in eontrallinx the nhemical composition ot'various materials in ferrous and nonferrous metallurgy, geology) chemical Indus- try, and medidine. The authors express their thanks to 0. V. Chentsova forlhelp In preparing the materials for~the press. References follow the individual articles. Materials of the Third Ural Conference (Cont.) 30716181 Preobrazhenakly,-N. 0. New version of the reabsorption method for mea.uring absolute atom concentrations in plasma 8 Prilezhayeva, N-. A. Some exaltation features or gall mix- tures in low-pressure discharges 121 Bhtutman, M; N.0 V. P. Avdeyenko, V. M. Shullmon, and T. A. Y6remeyevae Xnvestigation or pulse-discharge features 15 yko I Effect of the kind op;jjt".. and 0. Yo. Zolotukhih. ance and are current on the size of(cathode and anode spots 20 Zol6tukhln, O..Ye.) H. IJL_7,ykova, and T. A. Yaavchonk ---Me " hits spot" reglo, temperature mea4uFi'ment; in w metallic electrodes in the current of an &a are 23 f ~_q Materials of the Third Ural Conference (Cont.) t Zolotukhin, 0. Ye. , and -T,"ykava. Investigation of thermal processes on surfaces of oxidizing metal electrodos 9.. Topalov, L Experience In pantitative evaluation of the effect ;J~th'lrd components ~Buravlev, Yu. M. Basic features of "third" elements'in spectral analysis of steals :Kozlova, A. V. Effect of thermal stability of compounds during speal.ral.analyois of ferroalloys :Nikitina, 0. 1,4. Ye. Gorevay'a, and M.~G. Sklya,,., Wfect~ of electrode 6iidatlon on the domp6sitlon of the Vapor phaoe.durlng tPectral analysis of ternary 1ron-base alloys, J Card 4/15 Jim I L i lu .1 +61" Wilk i 21114 1 ~ PHASE X BOOK ECPLOITATXON sov/6i Urallskoye soveshchn~niye po:spektrookopii. 34, Sverdlovsk,' 1960. Materialy (Materials of the Third Ural Conference on Spectros- y) Sverdlovsk, Metallurgizdat, 1962. 197 P, Errata slip c op inserted. 3000 c'ppies printed. Sponsorins Agenciest! Xnatitut flziki,metallov Akademii nauk SSSR. Komissiya po, spektrookopiij, and Ural' ekly dom te.khniki VSA%TO. Ede'. (Title page)i 0. P. Skornyakov,'k. BO-Shayeviah, and S.~G. -Dogomolovj Ed.t Gennadly Pavlovich Skornyakovj Ed. of Publish- Ing Houses M. L. Kryzhova;:Tech. Ed.t N. T. Mallkova. -PURPOSE: The book, a collection of articles, is intonded for, staff members of spectral analysis laboratories in industry and scion- 'tific research organizations, as well as for students of related disciplines and foritechnologlota utilizing analytical results.: CW 05. -------- --------- 7-~ Materials of-the Third Uralconferenc.o (cont.) COVERAGE: The collection presents theoretical and praotic lemB of the application of atomic and molecular sp eotra als In controlling the chemical composition oir vO lou In ferrous and nonferrous metallurgy, geology$ cheml try, and medicine. The allthors express their thanks to Chentsova for help in preparing the materials for.the p References follow the Individual articles. TABLE OF,CONTENTS: Foreword PART X Sh eritkov, Tu. Aop ;nd L P. Makelmovskiy, Xnvtftl~auon' 7 t o ~e depondenae tho total intensity of speetral1ines o n the concentration of elements In an arc-dimahArge pl* Card 2/15 M .,Materials of the.Third 'Ural Conference (Cont.) soy/Mi TT Ye., and.T. P. Zykova. Investigation of Zolotukhin, 4. . thermal processes )n ourrMr-Of-oxidizing metal electrodes 1: 28. Topalov, L. I Experience in ranbitabive evaluation of thl~ ; effect of h1rd components t 31 1 Buravlev, Yu. M. Basic features of *third" elements in spectral analysis of steels 39 Kozlova, A. V. Effect of thermal atability.of compounds during spectral analyka of forroalloym, 42 Hikitina, 0. I.,*A. Ye. Oorevaya, and M. 0'.. Sklyar. 131freatJ of electrode oxidation an the composItIon. 6f the vapor ~ i phase during spectral analysis of-ternary iron.base alloyj 44 Card 4/15 P A L Pill THTH L'AlWi-A, V "Formirovaniye intellektuallnykh uraenly v protriesoe oblicheniya report submitted for 15th Intl Cong, Intl Assn of Applie~d psy0hology, Ljubljana, Yugoslavia, 2-8 Aug 1964 Institut psikhologii, Moskva. gig I Opp 111juggly p-pap q IZ91sp, pulrpp I. 1-INVV, AlIfir, Iti ][1 12 11111 11141 !IIIj!IJI1 III U1111 ICIIII kandidat -sell ekokhozyaystvennykh -nauk; TAIROVA, Y.N., redaktor; PZVZNER, v.r., tekhniahaskiy redaktor [Increastng early potato productivity) Priemy Oovyshodla uroshaino- ati rannego kartofelia. Moskva, Goa. Lzd-,ro salkhost. lit-ry. 1956. 23 P. (KIaA 9:11) (Potatoes) I MUM FV11 If! I I III fll~ I N11 111151 ZYKOVA- -,,U -10ORWOV K.P., otyetetveaW red.;. PR;iOYITBVA, U.B., redoizd-vio; PAVLMKIT, A.I., [Scientific congresses, conferences and conventions in the U.S#S.Ro 1946-1953; a' bibliography] Knuohnia oweidy konforents,it i soveshoha-. niia v sm, 1946-1953; bibliografichaskii ukazatell. Moskva01958. 222 P. (MIRA 11:4) 1. Akademiya nauk SSSR. Fundemeutallnaya biblioteks obabehastvan- nykh aauk, (Bibliography--4'cieace--Congreses ani conventions) P Resins, synthetic Chemical structure of cyclohezanoneformaldehyde resins. Zhimr. prikl khim. Z5'0 no. 1, 1952- Laboratoriya Organichaskoy Xhimli Saratovskopp Goniidarstvennogo Universiteta im. 16G. CherTrshevskogo Monthl,r List of Russian Accessions Library of Congress, Auguit, lg'-;2. MTCLASSIFUD Resins, synthetic Chemical structure of cyclohezanone-formaldehyde resins. Zhur. prild. khim. 25, no. 1, 1952. Laboratoriya Organicheskoy Thimii Saratovskogo Gosudarstvennogo Universiteta im. N.G. Chernyshevskogo 2 so: Mo List of Russian Accessions, Library of Congress, August .1953, Uncl. Chemical strudav of crelaboxanone-fortnaldthyde fell. ins, %I N. Tilirhvubi;1!I(u_ 'bry4il 114mc VISIV.. "'Wirs".44" ~ Applied Chni.1 45, fit ll(hkVJI.- Rewho% 4 V x1andive (1) with C1110 YkkI% WAttf-sal. Islittluct, Wtnn: in the presence tit I cuitst. rtcv-," of C11,0 evvit In vvfvajk'~ .Ans,; it) rates whrrr I is III vices* the Ismiacts air Ofir'l-vird: 111044t1l ('4111,116111 Of ,n-11, Vi-44%14 InAtrIfids frOr N-1j; r,ult% fwitudio 1% timplitil fludiudly ium (he ini%t it I; in A S, ot higher. NXII. wheft 10-11W"0 vichf~ th'tu,l ou 1)arc ttlairted. The larlingry prmvvi is lx4youidermt. lion oil 01,0 wilb I by a Tollrn4-lype frrxv,%l whi-11 file, tA. Products are fortned; the formation 0 instil' 11miluet% i4 it rapid ell, bridging In the CO.". itiou.-I. vr~wfivxvd plim. NOW In A tYVk-2I OPMinICIS 1121(h" that progress4ve ljifri~ ytrltb frittlIms whime tmps. decline (frinn 11.1 N) to NS M"). inol. wt. declines (9411 to "j) anti whow ClIrOll ermtold declines at first, thett'r6cs %lightly, Thu% fln- "ttift ~-11. MAlffild COnt'.Iir% CII, cross links with qfw- inethylol grotip- ZYKOVA, N.M. Current density in the cathode dark space of metal electrodis in an a.c. are. Izv. AN SSSR. Ser. fiz. 26 no,7:872-874: J1 ,62. (KRA 150) (Electrodes) (Eleciric aec) VILEMKIT, 1.14.; ZTIWVA, B.A. '~~ ~ qtlc' Distortion of radio waves propagated in the ionospliern. Izv. vye.ucheb.sav.; radiofiz. 2 no.4:543-5.52 159, (1411UL 13-4) 1. Novonibireldy alektrotelthnichookiy Inatitut svyilzi, (Ionospheric radio wave propagation) 699h7 SOV/1111-2-4-2/19 AUTHORS: Vilenskiy, I.M and ZykovaX.A-..,_44.iw TITLE: On the Distortion of Radio Wave urin*g Their PropagationDThrough the Ionosphere PERIODICAL: Izvestiya vysshikh uchebny1ch zavedeniy, Radiofizika, 1959, Vol 2, Nr 4, pp'543 - 552 (USSR), ABSTRACT: Vilenskiy has discussed the propagation of radio waves in the ionosphere (Ref 1) and showed that if the wave is amplltude-modulateA at a frequency 11 then the non-linearity of the ionosphere leads to an iner ease I , r (compared with the linear case) in. the,absorptlon coefficient for the wave, to the.appearance of phase modulation and various other effects. ;The calculations were carried out as follows. Using the kinetic~equations, the current set up in the ionosphere by the radio wave was calculated and thelexpression thus.obtained was substituted into the wave equation. Both the kinetic equation and the wave equation were solved by successive approximations. The non-linearity was allowed]- for on a first-approximation basis. Only collisions of el6ctrons Cardi/6 with neutral molecules were taken into account, since 69947 Sov/141-2-4-2/1 On the Distortion of Radio Waves During Their Propagation through the Ionosphere it was shown in Refs 2 and 3 that non-linear effects associated with electron-electron and olectron-ion collisions can be neglected. In the present paper, the method adopted is as follows. Using the elementary kinetic theory, the current due to the~action of the radio wave is calculated and then6 as in Ref 1,:and to the same approximation, a solution is obtained~for the wave equation. For simplicity, the normal incidenc 'e of a wave on a uniform layer is considered and the non- linearity is taken into account to a first approximation only. The magnetic field due to the Earth is neglected. The incident wave is taken to be of th~o form Eq (1)., where W is the carrier angular Crequoncy, XL:is.the modulation frequency and M is -tile percentage'Modulatior., Under the action of this wave, "a ehango takes place in the average collision frequency botween electrons and molecules. This is estimated with the aid of Eq (2), in which 6 is the mean relative fraction of the kinetic Card2/6 69947 SOV/i4l-2-4-2/19 On the Distortion of Radio Waves During Their Propagation Thro%~gh the Ionosphere energy of an electron lost during a'collision with a'! molecule# IJ is the effective collisiom frequency and .i- is the electron velocity. The latter is determin ed 'from Eq (3). It is assumed that 5: '. is'independent of N) & The effective collision frbquenay is given by ail EqstQ-t) where A) is the value.01f th'e effective 0 collision frequency at E = 0 . Then, using thezwell- known formulae for the;conductivi-ty and.dielectric c onstant given by Eqs (8) and (9), a d1scussion,is given.of the expression (taken from,Ref 2) for the current density in the ionosphere which is given by Eqs (10) and (11). In the case of normal incidence and iii the absence of the Earth's magnetic field, the wave equation is of the'form given by Eq (12), where E and j gre the projections 10 of the vectors E and j onto the ~x or Y maxis. 10 Substituting for from Eq (10) into Eq (12), one~obtains Card3/6 69947 SOV/141-2-4-2/19 On the Distortion of Radio Waves During Their Propagation Through the Ionosphere Eq (13), which is solved,by the method of successive approximations, using the(lybs-titutiTy en by Eq (j4) .7 g1v and neglecting poweis of E10 and V higher than unity and their products, The required solution which satisfies the boundary conditions given by Eq (15) is of the form given by Eq (16). Using Equ (4), (5), (6), (11) and (16), the field at the point of reception is founa to be of the form given by Eq (18), where the subsidiary quantities involved are defined by E4v (18a) and (19). An expression for M .3 is not glven., The~phase change s involved are characterized by the quantities a, and which are given. by Eq (20)., These general 0251 formulae have been used to calculate, AMf.L ad a functlon of-the d1stane 'e between the transm.itt'er _an~d tjie -receiver, the modulation frequency -A and the carrier frequency'! W Card4/6 The calcalations; were carried out for the following model NMI MINE 11 Ill HIM 69947 SOV/141"Z-4-2,119 On the Distortion ofRadio Waves During Their Propatation Through the Ionosphere of the lower -part of the night E-layer of the lonoMpkGres The layer begins at 80 IM, the electron coacentratlon~ 2 obeys the law N N + cz where N 50 electrons/cm 0 0 and to the electron concentratlon at an altitude of* 80-90 kml c is a constant which is:equail to 962 JX 10 electrons/cm-4 z is the altitude measured fr IoM';the level at 90 km and the number of collisions follows an exponential law with altitude, i.e. %)o =))Iexp(-z/h). 0 6 whex-e 3.4 X 10 and Is the collision-frequency,at an altitude 80 km. The results obtained.are shown-in: Figures 2, 3 and 4. These results show some similarity with the experimental results Ki-ng (Ref 9). However, the results of Cutolo (Ref 10) are in disdgreiement with the present theory. There-are 4 figures and 11 references, 6 of which are Soviet English and Card5/6 1 Italian. 69947 so~/141-z-4-2/iql. On the Distortion of Radio. Waves During Their Propagation Through the Ionosphere ASSOCIATION: Novosibirskiy elektrotekhniche-skiy izotitut svyazi (Novosibirsk Institute of Teleconnunications) SUBMITTED- November 29, 1958. After revision: April 27, 1959* Card 6/6 A llu 1 tl~ -,"T F, " ; -wt Hamartoma of the main bronchus. Frobl. tub. no.2,90-92 '64. (MIRA 17: 1~) 1. Kafedra ptologichaskoy anatemll (zav. .. chl,m-kaTreapondent AMN~ SSSR prof. AJ.Strukov) r Moskovskogo ordena Lenina- I meiditsinskago instituta Iment Seclienova J, 12-ya pro'A,.votubqrkUleznaya ballni-,sa Mr,skovskogo otdela zdravookhraneniya. 11' Ila, M-a I a" 1 27750 s/058/6 i/ooo/007/t4 i/o66 A001/A101 AUTHORSt Zolotukhin, a.Ye., Zykova, N.M., Kravehopko, O.A. TITLE# Investigating the interconnection between the temperature of the white spot and plasma composition PMODICAL: Referativnyy zhurnal. Fizika, no. 7, 1961, 1731 abstract *25- (!'Dokl. Mezhvuz. nauchn. konferentaii po bpektroskopii i spektr. analizu". Tomsk-. Tomskiy un-t, 1960, 136 139) TEXT; Starting from the concept of thermal nature of electrode material erosion in the zones of.cathode and anode spots, the authors calculated the rate of"evaporation of atoms of various elements from electrode surface as a function of temperature. They compared the calculated and observed relative concentra- tions of 3n, Fe and Gd-atoms in the aro plasma, considering concentration to be a linear function of evaporation rate. The results agree satisfactorily. Tem- perature in-ttie zones of cathode and anode spots was determined from the continu- ous spectrum of thermal emission from the surface of the electrode. M. Britske [Abstracter's note: Complete translation] Card 1/1 S/048,/02/026/007/009/oD WOVB138 AUTHOR: Zykova, No Mo. TITLE. Current density of an a-c arc in the cathode'dpot of metal electrodes ?"ZRIODICAL: Akademiya nauk SSSR. IzveBtiya. Seriyalfizicheskaya, v. 26, no. 7, 1962, 872-874 TEXT. The dimensions of the arc channel and the,~aurr4nt dendity on steed Duralumin, tungsten, brass, and copper cathodes were estimated from measurements of the cross sections of a-c discharge tracko on rotating disk electrodes. . Part of the electrodes had a p6lialied surfacep and part' were coated with an oxide film. The velocity of.the electrodes lag 4.5 - a' m-sec the tracks were longi and during discharge the' current varied in the ranges 0.5 and 2-7, 8 and 48, 10 and 60 a, The electrodes were mounted vertically, the disc being the lower one. The upper electrode of the same material and 6 mm in diameter was sharpened to a point. The tracks on the disk anode were round spots, 1-5-3 mm apart. No conclusions could be drawn regarding the current Card 1/2 S/046/62/026/007/009/030 Current density of an a-c. are in the B100138 strength at the anode. Exception for the oxide-9oated brass and ste',el specimens, all disk electrodes connected as cathodesAisplayed a ' ~ka branched except fbr;bar&" continuous discharge tracks., Above 1, the trac steel which showed no branching up to 34 a. There are 3 figures and I table. Table. Cross section of are channel and.current density of arc. Legend: Specimen materials, from top to'~bottom. copper) tungsten, brassf Duralumin,. mild steel, hard steel; (1) durrent'strength;;:,(2) diameter of are channel, em;'(3).current density,la/dm2o 0 0,6 .0052 3-104 0.6 0,0044 -4404 0 5 0,0t3 0:8 00074 '2-106 1 015 OIOR .3-iO*:"l 2t 0,0 34 0,025 7' too 7,5 0.012 Card 2/2 ,AUTHORS: TITLE: S/194/62/000/007/1'10~160 D271/D308 PERIODICAL: Zykovat N.M., and Zolotukhinp G.Ye.~ Investigation of the influence of polarity and mate- rial on the disintegrated mechw%ism of are electrodes Re*ferativnyy zhurnal# Avtomatika i radioelektronikap no. 7, 1962# abst;rhct 7zh378'(13~ collection:-Nekoto- ryye vopr. emission.-i moleku:Lyarn. spektroskopii, Krasnd~arsk, 19600 20 26) TII,XT: Surface disintegration of Cup Fe and 911electrodes of'AC arcs was investigated. State of surface was checke d aftek every discharge; the duration and energy of the*discharges were determi, ned by means of an oibillographo Electrode shape and distance bet- ween electrodes viere constant*-Photographs of,discharge traces on-. the anode have shown that the area of anode spots decreases as thermal conductance of electrode material in creases. The size of cathode.spots is greater than that of anode spots; their magftitud�' depends little~on thermal conductance of material. When discharge- energy is increasedo the depth of the anode spot to some extent ex-~ (lard 119 S/1"qY62/000/00t/I 19/160 D Investigation of the influence D271 308 oeade thot; of the 6attiodo apot. Ad diacharge'Auration is decreased," tile size of cathode spots increase6 at a sioiv~er rate than~the.anode spots*' Experimental results confiri the general opinion that melted anode r,,aterial evaporates whereas nielted cathode material can be directly ejected (because of localized heating)- LAbstracterls~note: Complete translation.j Card 2/2 3/194/62/000/005/124/1157~ D230/D308 AUTHORS: Zolotukhin, G.Ye., and _,~,ykova,11. M. TIM: The influence of thermal conductivity of asubstance and the energy of arc discharge,on the variation of temperature field in the white spot-region PERIODICAL: Referativnyy zhurnal. Avtomatika i radioelektronika,. no. 5, 1962, 56, abstract 5zh382 (Nekotorye vopr. emis- sion. i molekulyarn. spektroskopii. Kiasnoyarsk,j 1960, 9 - 19) TOE-EXT; Temperature variations of the white spot an electrodes in the process of discharge were investigated using ai thqrmocouple~(nichro- me-konstantan). Generator P3Y -1 (GEU-1) was~used as a supply sour- ce for the discharge. Ag and Pd-Ag alloy having sharply different thermal conductivities, were used as electrode materials. Duration of discharge was 3#5 and 8 msec. It was established that the white spot temperature depends on the thermal conductivity of the material and the amount of heat on the surface of -the electrode- LAbstrac- tor's note: Complete translationj. Card 1/1 240), 24(7) SOV/46-23-9-9/57 AUTHORS: Zolotukhin, G. Ye.p Zikovaq ff. M. TITLE: The Influence of the Duration of bisobarge on the Evaporation Velocity of the Particles From the'surface of Metal Arc Electrodes PERIODICAL: Izvestiya Akademii nauk SSSR. Seriya fizicheskaya, 1959P Vol 232 Nr 9# PP 1072-1074 (USSRY A13STRACT: 'The experiments described were carried~out on bronzes brass, and copper in an alternating-ourr'ent are; the magnesi .um- and iron-content was low. The duratibn and energy of the,discharge was determined from oscillogramd; heat quantity #as measured as well. The cylind-rical samples wer~p ground and polished and had a diameter of 10 mm and'a length of IS mm. The ex- periments were carried out at 6t amperage of 6 as and the entry velocity of the partic."4es was determined from the de- crease of the weight of the sample. A decrease of the duration of the discharge.decreased the,development of energy on the anode and cathodel less energy developed on the cathode than on the anode. The heat flow ratio 'on'anode and cathode remains unchanged also in the caso of a decrease of the duration of Card 1/3 the discharge 43:57. These results agree with those obtained S 0/48-`2 3 -.9-9/57 Evaporation Velocity .,The Tnfluence of the Duration of the Discharge on the of the Particles From the Surface of Metal Arc Electrodes by Rieder and Germer; the latter carried out his experittents with direct Curront. It was founi th~llt with a decrease of the duration of the discharge also the diao'harge velocity is reducedl and that if the duration Of",the discharge remains unchanged, it ia determined by therinsal conductivity.,,'Substances with a lower degree of thermal conduotivity evaporate more quickly. The evaporation velocity on the cathode is 5 to 10 times greater than on the anode and dependo weakly on the thermalconductivity of the electrode substance and the duration of the discharge. Table 5 shows the measuring results con, corning the influence exercised by the duration of the dis- charge upon the line intensity of a magnesium line and upon the temperature of the gas cloud. Temperature was measured by means of two copper lines in the ISO-26 spectrograph. In these experiments the upper electrode was of copper and the lower one was made from an alloyp and it was found that vi~h a variation of the duration of the discharge the intensity, of the investigated magnesium lines inoreasea more consider.ab- Card 2/3 ly in the case of evaporation on the cal"hode than in that BOV/48--23-9-9/5T The Influence of the Duration of the Dischargn on the Evaporation Vdlocity -of the Particles From the Surface of Metal Arc.Blectrudes of evaporation on the anode. The influente exercised by' the duration of the discharge upon the popper lines was'inVesti- gated by V. P. Borzov (Ref 1). On t-lie babie of the results obtained, short direct curient pulaos and applicatibn of the substance to be investigated as a cathode is recommended for the analysis of copper alloys. There are 5 tables a,nd 4 referencen, 2 of which aro Soviet* Card 3/3 ---------ZYKOVA- N-.Ya.,-KRT~lli-!,NCliTtr--P--Ye. Chemical stud.) of the soapberry Sapindus Mikorossi. Farmiatsev. zhu.r. 17 no.5:51-55 162. 04IRA 17:9) 1. Kafedra te~hnologll lekarntv i galenovykh preparatov Khar, kovsk,ogo gosudarstvennogo farmatievtlchaskogo InstAtuta i ktifedra fariftakognozii Zaporozliskogo gosudnrstvennogo rnrmyitAovtIchoqk-qy,6 instituta. ZYFOVAO N.Ya. Chemical study of the soapberry Sapindus Wcorossi. Report Vo.2. Parmatsev. zhur. 18 no.2:5?-55 163. (MM 17 -. 10) 1. Kafedra teklmologii lekarstv i galenovyMi preparatov gosudarstvennogo fariratscvticherkogo inatituta (rukcrioditel raboty P.Ye. Krivenchuk (Kryvenchuk, P.114)). ZYKOVA. N.Ya. ; KRTWENCW1K P.Ye. Phytochemical Etudy of the scoarberry trerv, Pep-,rt No.3: Study cf saponins In the seed vessel of the soapivrry tree. Famateav.zhvr. 20 no.1:66-70 165. (MIRA 18:10) 1. Kafedra tekhnologli laka-ratv i galenovylth preparatov Kharlkovskago farmatsevticheskogo instituta i kafedra faTmakognozli Zapormliskogo farmatsevtichesRogo instituta. nauchnyy notrudnik Prices for fresh water and methods for computing them in foreign ports. 14or.flot 19 no.1:24-25 Ja 159. WRA 12:3) 1. TSentral,n" na'Ohno-iseledovatel'sBy i~stitut morskogo flota. (Ships--Water supply) (Foreign oxchaw, -----ZYKOVA,-O-.-,-kand.te-kb-n-.Pa-uk-,-st-arelfty-aU-c-W-nyy sotrudnit--------- Chart of economic indices of seagoing ship operations. Hor.flot 19 n0-11:5-8 N 159, (141DA 13:3) 1. TSontrallnVy nauchno-iagledovatellakly inatitut morskogo, flots. (Morcbant Marino--Cost of operation) N NU1111HU I !JWT-W, llili~'Rl I! H III! I I !I UW'd I Ali OR f I INII H 131111111 it H . . . ......... t HIM' ZYKOVA-j- Rao For a more precise s7otem of operating indozeff for the work of the merchant fleet. Mor.i reoh,flot 13 no.4:7-9 Ag 153. MRA 6:10) (Merchant marine) Aim MINI NNW I-Iffff ffi- Ofell ZYK01M., 0.0 Irand. toklm. nauk, otan)hiy muchnyy notrut5nik A shIP's pa3sago and factoro datformining it. Mor. flot 25 no.9t 34-37 S 165. (,"llffil 18:9) 1. TSentrallnyj nauchno-isaledovutellskiy Institut morskogo flota. ZYKOVAI O.P., Cand Tech Sci-..(disn) Study of the 4 11 . ~ ", IA of of -the perform-irjoe of _anoa voscel." Lon, lq~)S. 10 pp ...-ith graphe (Vin of the Laritime Pleet. Odequa Inst of Engineers of the Maritime Fleet), 100 copiea (KIj,25-58, 113) Investigating regularities determining the productivity of a vessel and transportation costs in conditiono:of normal operation. Trudy TSNIDCP no.1307-43 157, (MIU lli2) (Tiansportation-Cost of operation) 'i"Wohant ships) ZYKOVA,- 0-.P.~,--PUSTOVOY,-P.T.,--spetsial I nyy redaktor; TROFIMOV, A. V., tekhnicheskiy redaktor. [Work practice of the tanker OMoskva* using Stakhano-rite hourly work schedules] Opyt raboty tankers. ."MoskvaO po stakhanovskoma chasovomu grafiku. Moskva, 12d-vo "Korskoi transport " 1952. 77 P. [Microfilm] (MIM 7: 10 (Tank vessels) (Petroleum--Transportation) S~;ij tHil 2:. !i!ll I"UW 1:11S,7k. J 1114 V! Vt I Ali If: If Ii I lit WIN '11311 RNIM1111 ", I".1 i I "It M MI lim'' im, 91", NMI" 10, Opyt Raboty t-ankera Hvioskvall po stakhanovskomu chasovomu gnafiku (Hork pract'ice of the tanker III-losk-vall using Stakhanovite hourly work sched%lles) 11,10akwi, 17,d-vo I'Morskoy Transport", 1952. 77 p. Diagrs., Tables Bibliographical Footnotes. SO: N15 756-515 .Z9 4 . , AUJIU. UUALU10 11GUA. Interrelation of the aconomtc, technical, and oparational indices of merchant marine oporations. Trudy TSNUMP no-56: 29-44 164. OMU 17:11) I e I" TFTF~q P '-!I It F-Aff'q Ili M. At! [It, H U 1]: 11 "1 111111151 11 lull I If II I I I fill It I I I IJ1,1111114:111 [III I I If I I lipi If It IIII th on It I fill I I; If N I I IF 111MINIIIIIIII [fill NAM I fill I AIRA It I I i I [It! GODERZIAN, K.K.; POMERUTSO M.L; SHCHERBAKOV, S.A.; ZYKOVA A.A. Determination of internal stresses in BrKMts3-l bronze rods and causes for the cracking of these rods in storage. Trudy Giprotsvetmetobtabotka: no.20:167-186 161'. (MM 15:12) (Drawing (Metalwork)) (Strains and stresses) (Bronze) !If I If!' 11 If I pl!f IRiTIJIMI I If 1! 11111,11111 HIIIII 1111111 1 Hill I Ili "T III 14. 1 If r Ul 119111 1 TIR a -11 -57MM-P ;1MWFI NF~11191 1,41UT. IUIILlIflfJ1I1 0 M" NMI !p", I In, om" MR III I i mmmmmm ""`~M)01503 (,M) SOURCE C DE: UR/01 0 AUTHORS: Dudina, Yu. D.; Jq!2!aj_1_0v_a Z. 3L. I K Ye. ORG?, none TITLE: _Glase_joinforced 21aqkiq_~ased on unsaturated ppqX66 Fegistance SOURCE: -Plasticheskiye mass o no,, 12 190o 55-59 TOPIC TAGS. glass textolite, tensile strength~:,re*sinp -fire elastic modulus, compressive strength impact strength P11-6 resin, PN-62 resin ABSTRACT; The results from an investigation ~-f physical and of polyester fireproof binding agents and glass-r-einforobd"; materials are reported, and the effect of varpus~ glass f All of plastic glass is explained. Resins PN-IS 1D 111-3S P11_6 for this study. Their synthesis and pr-operti6swere de.scrit Mikha va, L. N.Sedov, Ye. L. Kaganova.. and Ye. L. Gefter, 9, 19 ylo 60).and by Pe Z, Lij Ye, Lo Kaganova, and Z. V, Mikhail 13y 1963). Specific impact toughness, limits of bending, t~ -elast -hard strengths, and corresponding Icity~ moduli,. Brinell C '1/2 UDC::: 678.5.06-A1 ard ~1/65/ 000/012/005 ~/Oq ;4r r~sJna of hil't '18 s 'a tant hateri~l is reolin'- ~FN-3S rOsin' i~ach~nical. prop6~ti Iei e; astid tkised on t4es to on the proportils 4 U162 we s 146ted re a d by P. Z. L_1' Z4 V" Plas~. massy, Nb~ 11; va ast. massyi.Noi 8, bile alid compreidive'~ ioss i~-d Mart=0 v 14:6k5n. .6 5, 5(3) si-TI/80-32-5-29/52 AUTHORS: Yakulbehik, A.I., Zykova. a Ic ILlasova, V.Mll TITLE: inv' Drr The Study of the Che.,ni;,&l Stz,.zc',;lra of Div .11sion. Rubbers or, reWrres q0 Obtained at the Tempe 4r I and - 35 PERI ODI CAL: Zhurnal pr'Lkladnoy ld,_imii, 1959, Vol 32, Nr~: 5, pp' 1092-1100~(USSR) ABSTRACT: It is known jief a ~ 1-f t~-iat the tomperatureibas little effecton!the content of 1, 2 lir-Lks iza the mentioned,rabbs.- typesil Irat considerable effect on the content of ci.3- and trans-lizka of t1he 1,4 type. Ozonolysis was uued here to detennizie t-ie relai-live qaantity of these links and their position. T ozonides of the emulsion rubbdrs were decomposed by aaetyl paroxide iuid the obtail%ad aild mixture.~.wera separated by distribution ohroma"',ography. Oaiides the acids which hPd ,Is of ozono .lys ' refs 4. 10 already been found in the product 13 -1f, the followi--Z aoidu were detected: 1,2,3-prop~anetricarboxylic and levulic acid. The origin of the first a,,Ad cian be aplalhed by formation from the 1,4-1,4 part by trw-isfer of the chain to the ce- -methyl one -group, or by the additian of the monomell molsoules to the new radicAl. lite same acid Is found in the ozonolysis of vinvlcyclbhexene jiefs 8j 9, ' Card 1/2 14, lri7 which is a model of the 1,4-1,2-1,4'part. The levulic acid Aa The Study of the Chemical Structure of Divinyl Emulsion Rubbers Obtained at, the' Temperatures +50 and -350C .can be formed from the isomerized 1,4-1,2-1,14 Part LWef W,aa also found in the oxidation decomposition of.the 6zonide of vinyL- cyclohexene jefs 14-19. There were thre non-identified acids land T. The designated in Figures 1 and 2 by 11, Ij IT' inves~tiga;ted rubbers are very similar in their chemical structure. There are: 6 graphs, 2 tables and 17 references,:7 of which are Soviet, 5 English, 3 American and 2 German. SUBMITTED: December 30, 1957 Card 2/2 YxLVA-,S-,-K-.-j-STOLYAROV Inhibited oxidation of Z-octene with molecular oY7 n In the presence of 2p,6-ditert-bu~71-4-mothylphano1 (iozolf. ~ Zhur, prikl. khim. 36 no.4-:870-875 Ap 163. (MM 16:7) 1. Vsesoyuznyy nauchno-iseledovateliskiy institut sintaticheakogo kauchuka imeni S,,V. Lebedeva. (Ooteno) (Ox7gon) (Cresol) ----S-TJB80TIN- S-.K.-- STOLYAROV-B-.V-.--. 8 ZYKGVA- J Effect of the products.of the transformation of 2,6-ditert-butyl- 4-wt~.vlphenol (ionol) on ths process of the oxidation of 2-octone. Zhur, prikle khim, 16 no.4-.875481 Ap 163,, (MA 16:7): 1. Vseooyuznyy naucbno-looledovatellskiy inatitut sinteticheakoco kauchuka imeni, S-.V. labedeva. (Gresol) (Oatene) (Cxidation) TAKBCHIK. AD'I.; ZYKOVA, S-A.; GONCWUX,-S-*P-O- Investi ation of the chemical structure of oodium-divinyl SKB (rod p rubber. Zhur.priklokhim- 31 no.11:1697-1704 N 158. .1 (MIRA 12:2) 1. Xafedra vysokomolekulyarnykh soyedinenly Leningradekogo gosu"rst- vennogo ordens. Lenina universiteta im. A.A. Zhdanova. (Rubber, Synthetic) S/080/61/034/007/013/016 D223/D305 p Vlasovaj Vahlo and AUTHORS: Yakubchikf A*Iop Z k S K Shostatskaya, I*1JQ TITLE: Determining regularity of the structures of isoprene rubbers by the nature of joins of lp4 bonds PERIODICAL: Zhurnal prikladnoy khimii, v. 34, no., 7, 1961, 1608 - 1611 TEXT: The study of the effect of the microstruc,ture of isoprene rubbers on their properties has determined that high~str.ength of unadultered blends was possessed by the polymers having the most regular structure and containing minimum number of 112 and 3v4, bonds produced by the catalytic polymerization. However emulsified isoprene polymers, containing a small percentage of 1,2 and 3,4 bonds (--- 7 ~-) and the main part trans-form of 1,4 bonds had a low strength characteristic (Ref. 2: A.A. Korotkov, K.B. Piotrovskiy, D.P. Feringer, DAN SSSRI 110, 1p 89, 1956). The small strength of, Card 1/5 S/080/61/034/007/013/016 Determining regularity of the ... D223/D305 emulsified polymers indicate their.non-regular structure - non-uni- formity in bonding of 1,4-1,4 and 1,4-4,1 bonds, whose nature was investigated by infrared spectroscopy of the miorostruotures of isoprenes polymers. The present work deals with use of o7onalysis to establish the nature of 194-4tl bonds in macromolecular samples: of SKI obtained at 60Y 50 and OOC and of the emulsified rubber (SKIE) obtained at 50C. The strength of investigated samples of. un- adultered rubbers SKI was 228-235 kg/cm2 and of emulsified 30 kg/ cm2. Since ozonization and decomposition of ozonides from par-~Is 1,4-4pl acetonylacetone is formed, then the principal task was in separating it from the ozonalysis products and its subsequent esti- mation. Below is given the scheme of ozonalyBis of members 1,4-4,1 :1,4-1,4 and 4,1-1,4 of macromolecule of the isoprene'polymer Card 2/5 B/080/61/034/007/013/016, Determining regularity of the ... D223/D305' CH3 A-C'H= Succinic acid C113 C113 --o- -CHX--~-CH-CHj-CH2-CII-~-CHx- vs CIII-C-CH COOH-CIT,-CHs-00011 +"CHT-C-Off- 3+ q -.In:determining the acetonylacetone in the product',of ozonan'alysis of rubbert. the Steimmig method was-used. The four inyestigate.d pplymer8 were methylacetate or chloroform. The decom- cEi- ,position of ozonides was done with hydrogen ueing,,a palladium talyst, suspended on BaS041 at OOC in methylacetate. Under these Card 4/5 ...... .............. S/080/61/034/007/013/016 Determining regularity of the D223/D305 conditions the decomposition of ozonides consumes 98~% of calcula- ted quantities of.1 which indicated the complete reduction of,de- composed ozonides he calculation of acetonylacetone was done.on the quantity of 1 phenylamino-2t5-dimethylpyrole obtained, The. quantity found in the product of ozonalysis of emulsified rubber corresponded to 5.2 % of the carbon skeleton of the polymer. The progress of ozonization sas determined by estimating the ozone in incoming and outgoing guses by iodometric titration. On the basis of results obtained it could be concluded that from the four in- vestigated rubbers only macromolecules of emulsified~polyisoprene contains members lt4-491. Ozonalyeis reactions are given. There are 1 table and 7 references: 5 Soviet-bloc and 2 non-Soviet-bloc,& SUBMITTED: December 23, 1960 Card 5/5 L 13574-63 94P IAW (c /1Wr RM,Akht X=HOR: Subootiny S. A-; ZZL?,_avcL 5 K. Sto.!~~v, B. V. TITLE: Investigation of inhibited qx~Ldationir q=~.1114LIth mriLoiculax oxyggn 1- h in 'the presence of 2,6-ditertiaxy 1~utyl-4-r_vt hyl. phenol (ionol) I SWICE: Zhurnea prikladnoy khimiiA v. 36, no. 4, 1963, 871:)--875 MPIC TAGS: octane-2, ionol ABSTRACT! Oxidation renationai waro rvn on cc-tenm-p with milAeculmr. 0 In continuously circulating ayatems at 80 and 100 degreea vith &%nd Ldthonat antl~oxid&_nt '~o expls..n reaction mechanisu, de,:,uririlne activilt-lon. nrlerF, nd klne-.Iccs, P-nd to Invov..igate ~'Jle L--heivior of' :n ,he 3x'_4_a-.1_on of octene-2, the (J i~i e-ddied al. -.lie !~ho --atom In '~he qdpha-me-nyl position vith respect to -.he dov'%le bon(l. Ac~!-.all_r. ener&i equali; 23.3 K-3-1 Per w-1. 7he are the ~r'g~i-~ -)ran,~e 3--l-lbene quinold t,),ye co-_Fx~-nds, stillbene Vknore, ax.~ 3*_1_1bcrj-_ h :ono-', (2,1~_Jl~ertjaxy 1:Yut)-!-4_meth3r] phenc,..~ tiecnue.w4s, find In -_r , -,D rn 5~ t 1'~s t n(htc I on t) ~ axida-Acn f (:)z OL ,t t.b t) 1~an t'_al t1mv; Gard 1/2 -.11 NoR AP 3 -j-1ded af ter oxidatim is In proffg-Aia_e, 11, II&S lie, Ilign[fteant effect On tl-.e subaequent oxidation process. Orig. Lrt. ties: 4 f-'Agurett emd I table. ASSCCCIA~7101i- Vsesoyiizny*y nauchno-issladovatel'skiy irNaUtul; gintelticheskogo kauchuke Imeni S. V. Lebedeve (All-Union Scl.entific-RitstuLrell Institute f4)r S,ynthetlc lbubber) SUIWITTZD: 25Nov6l DATE ACQ. 12JU-n63 ENCL: 00 Sn CODE: CH NO REF SOV: Oll Omn tard 2/2 W, OWN L j. A.; Z S. K.; sw-ju-nov, B. .V., -dat" on 7 1 TLE Investig_ation of inhibited -Le Pr-sence o' 2,5-dit~ertigxy butyl-4-mftth _fl Veriol 0.0no, SUJRCE: Zhurnal prikladnoy Khimii. V- 36, ao. 4., 1963, 810-875 TIDPIC TAGS: octene-2, ionol ABSTRACT: Oxidation reactiona vere run on octane-2 irith taaeC%ZXr 0 In. continuously circulating systems at 80 wdd 100 degreas vith and vithcnat antioxidant to explain reaction mechanism, determine activation ~.-Hmrg3! and ecuilibrium kinetics, and to tnvestigate tha ~-_Nt_vlor 01, Uln ,.n the ox'_da-lon of oc"ne-2, the ID ia eAdc-d at Q~e double ).,ondm inrd 3~-, --he C-atom in the mlpha-methyl position with m-spect to the d1omble bond. Activation energy equals 23.3 kcal per mal. The oxidation products are the brie.t orange stilbene quinoid t)Te comrownds, atilbeine quinone, and stilbe" ki)droquinone. Ionol (2,6-ditertlary butyl-4-wthyl phenol) decriMses, and In the proportion of inhlbits the Induction of oxidation for a slab s tanti al time; Card 1/2 --AL A, jr~~ I 1357L--/-,3 A'~C--1397--N 3F AJP 30~0 85 if !'~ is added after oxidatlom is in progri-sa, It has nit) slgn~flcant effect or. *he sijbseouen'~ ox-lda*,lon prf.)cqs2i. Or I g has: 4, fl.jipxes owid 1 tab.'le. AS30CIATION: Vsesay-~i=y%,, 31edovatel' ski 3, Inir'.1tul 9Lrtet'-chaslwgD kauchuka Imeni S. V. Lebedeva (AU-1,'nion 3-cientific-Neiearch 'D7, S,n*-he".c Rubber) SUI INJ '117 ED 25Nov6l DKM ILCQ: 12J=63 EUCL: 00 SUB CODE: CH NO REF Sov: oll OTHER: 012 tord 2/2 tom! mm -u-SOURCE CODE t-URIO-07-9-/-6--6-/-036/-0.0-8/.1424/-1-430 AUTHOR: Ttlvunin, V. S._Fridlnn(t, S. V.; Zyl(ovn, T0__YL;. V41may, G. 14ha '33 ONG: KnZnR_' Chemicotec6nologicnI Institute Im. ~* 14.'kIrov (Kazanakiy Idtimiko- tekhno1`5_gT~Ta_RK1y institut) TITLE: Reaction of phosphorus pentachloride with divlnyl other SOURCE: Zhurnal obshchey khimit v. 36, no. 8, 1966, 1424-1430 TOPIC TAGS: phosphorus chloride, vinyl compound, ester, organic .phosphorus-compound, MIR spectrum ABSTRACT: 2,2,2-Trichloro-l-oxa-2-phospholano-J-Methylerfo-.5%as isolated by tne reaction of phosphorus pontachloride with d-i-vin-y-T-e-thir,lidentified by ~_ id,'acotic anhydride, a study of its infrared spoctrum,and reactions with acetic ac ethyl acetate, and bromine, heating at 160-1650, and a study of the proton magnetic resonance and double nuclear-nuclear resonance spectra.: Treatment of'the compound synthesized with nucleophilic, agents yielded 2-chloro-l-oxa- 2-phospholone-3-mothylene-5-cxide-2, further reactions of -which yielded a serics. of derivatives with an oxaphospholene ring. The structures of 2-chloro-l-oxa- A. 2-phospholene-3-methylene-5-o~dde-2 and 2-isobutoxy-l-oxa-2-phw-pholene-3- mathylene-5-oxide-2 were studied by the nuclear magnetic resonance and double nuclear-nuclear magnetic resonance methods. The participation ot the qxygen atom in the ori mod .__gina1_reaqtion.9f PC15with divinyl ether, taG confir Orig, art. hasi 2 f Igures and I table. &PS: 38,97o-7 SUB CODEt 07 SUBM DAM', 10Jul65 ORIG Rut 0o4 oix R171 00.1 1/1 ums 547.37+ 547.3 + 1.2 + 54,6.1850131 all-i 171) Z /-W W W (P 'r 0 11, t 4' a 411 ft is (lill .1111 A 1. -.1 _. - - - I' 'is '1' & IS IF1111F W1 I So 11 1 W tj 4 u 14 to I.- V, J, 'a a q 1 4 -1 - is,r Y. X_A1,1.. A 'AA 00 1111 11K. fir.~A 0 "ll Al~ -00 Tko Influence at forilitflaff liStoo polar Ili sovito.flu With to 141ta an ths And VIO441 at istoop I 00 al".0tedttrovol ills. A'. A.41moryu, /Avll. pg. .0: sn%o 4. Nov. 2. 3-Of 111451,,- Ctvltornli~ 4-1 K. 1111 mild 001 jori 1, o)f nitsigient wilts., VVI11% 111. MN, and Ill, 66111"Isq, A :1 0 0 wrore uwif "s mot- lorlm Ili oirediax, with and wilbutif vri - The rr%liltk indkoll. thill Ille 1161,16, fit k_ 0 YIrld 94 ClAill, 0 lWnVjICIAjj#C~jj-fL~t 'A ith Cl 111CM-W-0 Wile" Ifir Jill to( thlb Milli. Xmi; tip (tons 3.111 fit 8.0. With 11(o.. (fit I'll t1fect il, thv 9 tabror %jy -froms X.I) 8~ Joffe 0-90 200 All' 11LITALUPARCICAL UII*ATU41! CLAttlVICATO" I L ------- 9 S&P 111. Nis'. 0 . 0'.' 144449 -4 30- 69 a If R 0 91 ft ft It oat 0 Is I 00 0 0 0 401; 00 0 09 0 * 0 0 0 0 0 01-0 0 16 0 0 1 6 0 4111 0 0 0 0 CO 0 *a so* 0000000 000,00 041 000 0 0 G!q 0 0 0 0 tom 0 IF a 0 a 01* 60 Is 00 1 00 Ai N 11 i N 10111111 kill!! I III gill I'll till OF PERSHRI,; ZYKOVA. T.N. Tuberculostatic activity and chemother Vtic effects of thic- amides; of pyridinecarboxylio aoid in experimntal tubermlosise Probl. tub. 40 no,6:82-88 162 (MIRA 16t12) 1. 1z Vbe&oyu=dgo nauabno-issledovatellskogo khim-Lko-farma- tsevticheskogo instituta imeni S.Ordzhonikidise. 1-11, - .", I p-I, If J'All Ullt trul FMHINj G.N.; ZYKOVAt T.N. (14IRA 14,-4) Beamk (Bapask), Med, prom, 15 no. /+t32-31+ Ap 161*~ 1. Voesoyuznyy nauchno-isaledovitellskiy khWko-fai:mts9vtichp,;Iokiy* institut imeni S. Ordzhonikidze*: (UUCYLIC ACID) PERSHIN, G.N., prof.; ZYKOVA, T.N. Indophenol oxidase of the acid-resistant saprophyte B-5. Probl.tub. 37 no.?:74-76 159. (MIRA 13:4) 1. Iz TsesoVusnogo nauchno-issledovatellskoeio khimiko-farmats,evtiche- skogo, iustituta imeni S.Ordshonikidze (Hookia). (CTMHROMIS chemistry) (BACTIRIA chemistry) 1:itj WRAl Alit 11 U011 PlUISHIN, GOT., prof.; ZYKOVA, T.H. Catalase activity of Mycobacterium tuberculosis. Probl.tub 36 no.7:83-90 '58- 12:~) 1. Is Vuenoyuznogo nauchno-Issledovatellskogo khiMko-farmatentl cheskogo instituta imeni S.Ordshonikidne (Xoa~kva)e (IMCUCTMMI TUBKRGULOSIS) (GAWASE) G.N." ZYKOVA T.N. Peroxidase activity of Mycobnoterium tubere,ulosis. Probl. tub. 36 no.8:68-74 136. W19A 12:7) 1. Iz Vsesoyuznogo nauchno-isoledovateliskogo khimiko-farmateevtiche- skogo imeni S. OrdzhonWdze (Moskva). (MYGOBAGT3RIUM TUBIRCUMSIS) (PHROXMSE), I Itf, 11 111,; H.S.; Z - P&iNATA IMZYAKOVA, Z.P.; MOU, T.Ye. (Rostov-na-Dom) Methodical instructions on h;: attachement to a standard obstetrical phantom. Felld. iikusho 22 no.12:40-41 D '57. (HM ID2) (GBSTRTRICS--AUDIO-VISUAL AIDS). ACC NR1 AP6026818 SOURCE CODE: UR/0020/66/166/003/0515/0618 AUTHOR: Pudovik, A. N. (corresponding meiber AN SSSR); Gazizov, T. Lhj. -mijoy Yu. Yu... Z ova, T. V. ORG: Institute of Organic Chemistry, AN SSSR, Kazant (Inatitut organicheskoy khimii AN SSSRT TITIE: Reaction of dialkyl acetyl-phosphites.with chloral SOURCE: AN SSSR. Doklady, v. 166, no. 3, 1966,,615-618 TOPIC TAGS: phosphorus compound, chemical composition, chanical bonding, IR spectrum ABSTRACT: the authors studied the reaction between dialkyl acetyl phospbites j*and chloral. Acotyl cblorido was not observed in the productalof reactions :of dimethyl-0 diethyl- and di-n-propylaootylphosphater. with chloral vith a ~Aeld of 70-75%- An analysis of these products shows that they correspond, ito the composition M CH0,(RV2P000CH There in no adsorption in the infray!"Od' apeotrmn in the 1680-1920 ce region ~hch is oharaoteri6tio for valanoy 4vibrations of the Aouble oarbon-oarbon bond. Th9re are bands wbich a characteristics for the P=O bond in the 1.280 cx-)-region and for P-0-H groUP" in the 1070-1020 orri regiono: Orig. art. has: 1'f igure and 2 t able a 36p'053 SUB CODE; 07, 20 SUBM DATE: O9Jul65 / ORIG REF.- 008 OrM REP.- 005 /I UDG: -546.183-515+547.446.1 'I P-11-11W I ~11 I W" FRUM 11111 ]IF ':I F'j I .z Y (- 0 'A USSR/ Analytical Chemistry. Analysis of Organic G-3 Substances. Abs Jour: Referat. Zhur.-Khimiya, No. 8, 1957)12726o. Author : A.I. Yakubehilc, S.K. Zykova.- Title : Application of-D-istributive Chromatography to Separation of Acids Formed at oxidation Decom- position of Ozonides of Divinyl Polymers. Orig Pub: Zh. prikl. khimli, 1956, 29, No. 10, 1591. - 1597. Abstract: The applicability of the method of distributive chromatography to the separation of products of oxidation decomposition of ozonides of divinyl rubbers is demonstrated by the examples of.suc- cinic acid, CH->COOH, HCOOH, 1,2,4-butanetricar- boxylic acid,-1,2,3-propanetricarboxylic acid and 1,2,4,6-hexanetetracarboxylic acid. The silica gel MSK VKhK (mesh 170 to 200 or 100 to Card 11*2 USSR1 Analytical Chemistry. Analysis of Organic G-3 Substances. Abs Jour: Referat. Zhur.-Khimiya, No. 8, 1957P 2726o. 170) was introduced into columns (7',g inIto a small column, 25 g into a middle sized one) as suspension in 6 to 7 or 23 to 25 ml~of water. .The mixture of acids was dissolved in a 5C%-ual mixture of tert-C~~H , OH with CHclj, and this solution (0.3 or 1.~ to 1.3 ml) was;introduced Into the columns. The method of gradient elu- tion was applied, in which mixtures of n-Cf~OH- CHC1 sin ,3 (saturated with 1~,O) with increa 9 polarity (at the expense of the rise of ri-q~,KrOH content) were used as eluants. The eluate was collected in fractions of 3 to 4 ml,each, and these fractions were titrated with 0.017 and 0.029 n. NaOH solutions. In order to identify the separated acids, experiments with standard mixtures were carried out, and the volume peaks and elution limits were compared. Card 212 ZYKOVA, T. 1. Oats Soma characteristics in the formation of the oat panicle relativo to pre-sowing' treatment of seeds with potassium salt solutions before vernalization, Uch. 'zap. Kar.- Fin. un., 3, No. 3, 1948. Month2Z List of f~msian Accessions, Librar-j- of Congress, Qatobei- 1952. UNCLASSIFIM. m5=ERI, I. K.; ZYKOVAI T. N. DetervInation S;;tmwcIn cona~ntmtion by uid-reitat4mt bactftilkb Klin. med.1, Koolva 280, Aug. 50a ~ P,, 75-6 i 1., Of the AU-Union Scimitifio-Reaearch Chemico-Iftumcautic InaUtut-v imuni Ordzhonikidze (Director-Docent N, "Go . Polyd-ov) an4 of the' Childrmg o Clinical Hospital (Ilead PhyadcUn-Ye. V. Px%:)Idhorcvich),, Moscow,, M,FI 19m 5t Nor-s 1950 IXMYAKOVA, Z.?,.(Rostov-na-Donu); ZTKOTA, T.Ye.(Rostov-na-Do:nu); FMTKATA, M.S.(Rostov-na-Donu) Hethods for conducting preclinical practice on phantom- in an obstetrics course, Felld, i akush. 22 no.1;49-43 Ja 15; (MLRA MW (OBSTITRIC&-STUDY AND TBACHING) ARBUZOV, B.A., akadealk; SMIITOVp YUJU,; TIZELI~ A-0.; Structure and certain features of proton nuolen.'- magneUM, resonance spectra of phoophacyclopentene derivatives,with nrn- symetrically located substituents In the cycle, DoU. 91 SSSR 159 no.531062-1065 D 164 Oan 1831) 1. Institut organicheskoy khimii AN SSSR, Katon 7., 1, Kazanskiy gosudarstvenn77 universitet im. V.1. Ulfyanov-~-Tkenina. PUDOVIK, M-1.1 GP7,IZOV, T.Kh.; SAKITOV, Yu.Yu.; ZYK01P, T.V. F -action of dialkylace ~yl phospbltas with chloral, Dakli, AN SSSR 366 no,3:615-618 Ja 166s ' (MIRA 19:1) 1. Inatitut organichaskoy Ichimi:1 AN SS!-,'Il, Yazrml. 2. Chlen-- korrespondent AN SSSR (for Pudovlk), Submittod July 9~ 1965, I . ~ I ~ , , , I III VII 11111 It IHNIF111111xi 11 P H ZTXOVA, V 1! Application of geometricra knowledge to the nolutiop of practical problems. Vop.paikbol, 5 no.2!53-65 Mr-AP '59. (AIRA 12t6) 1, Institut paikhologii Akademii pedagogichaskikh nauk RSYSR, Moskva. (Goozatry)