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- --------- -`ACC~Mi -AT6020410- ,also found to increase by an order of magnitude at the exit from the helical:magnetiq field of a curved toroidal section. Data for the varioun cases diowing both:space t~~ and time dependence of the various quantities measured are. graphed. OrIg. urt. has:` 9 figures. SUB CODE: 20/ SUBM DATE: IlNovGS/ ORIG REr; 00,31 OTH RM 001 2/2 Cc AUTHOR: I ~.t Zhdanovt; S. 1. 76-32-3-23/43 TITLE: The Reduction of the Br0_ knion on the Dropping-Mercury. 3 Electrode (Vosstanovleniye aniona Bro- ft&' kapellnom, 1 3 rtutnom elektrode). I. The Polarography of BrO 3 in the *Presence of Monov,alent Cations at Various pH Values (I. Piolyarografiya Bro- v' 3 prisutstvii odnozaryadnykh kationov.pri riLzlichnykh :pH) PERIO]DICAL: Zhurnal Fizicheskoy Yhjmii, 1958, Vol. 32p Nr 3, pp. 644-653 (USSIR) ABSTRACT: In the investigations performed by Orleman and Kolthoff! (reference 2))the observations made wiere not explained, whereas the explanation of the distorted polarization curves by the expression "water Wave"" ia~to be considered wrong. M. G. Kozlovskiy et al (referencp,~4) calculated, n for the reduction of BrO; in the'preseince of bivalent cations, according to the f8rmula by Illkovich..,and obtained the result that n varies beiveen~3 and 6. From the C aid 1 Pyperimental data o'; presen, -%Lper it~fol2ows that the The Reduction of the BrO- Anion'on the Dropping-MerculY 76-32-3-23/43 Electrode. 3 I. The Polarography of Bro in the Presence of 1,16novalent Cations 3 at Various pH Values authors polarographed with visual re~adinrp A capillary with a circular passage was used and "he current intensity was measured with a galvanomete r of a maximum' sensitivity of 3-5-10-~8. Thd investigati ons were pe rform-d at 250C in neutral, alkaline and acid'media. From thp:.given investigation results,follows that in neutral and alkaline solutions n = 6, whereas q 1/2 in the order Li+ Cs+: becomes more positivep .at the same c .oncentration of , the indifferent electrolyte. An addition.of gelatine to~the solution independent of. pH brings about a chan of~, ge ~ (P '/2 to negative value3. The reduction velocity of Bro- in 3 n.eutral, acid and alkaline solutions is independent,or. pH. According to the obtained results for T 1~"BrO-, does not depend on the concentration of BrO indidatibg a first order reaction-. Reference is made to~ the more e~acti significance of 71 according to the eiplan6tion by A. IX. Card 2/4 Frumkin (references'7,8), where a derivation according The Reduction of the BrO~ Anion on the Dropping-Mercury 76-32-3-23/43 Electrode. I. The Polarography of BrO - in the Presence of Monovalent Cations at Various pH Values 3 to the theory of the binary electria.layeT of diffusion! is performed.-An increase in.the reduotion-velocity in the '0, + '_2 series Li __4 Ce was observed in 8 0 by K. V. 2 8 Nikolayeva and B. B. Damaskin (reference 10) and reported on the occasion of the:electrochemic~al conference in May 1956 in Villnys. In a further test~s6ries;lt was determilned that when PH.,,4 further acidification Changes the reaction mechanism and thus other polarization ourves occur, which .was also obsefxed on a further addition of BrO- solution. 3 From thisit/concluded that the.kinetic equation. of reaction must contain 'a value which,exprepses ihe Ponnection of the reaction velocity irith the concentration of*E+ ions. It is assumed that in acid solutions the nondissooiatea HBrO molecules decomposp, I towever, another interpretation acoording'to Rylich (ref 1) in also cited. Finally the author's thank*A. 1. Prumkin, Member of Card 3/4 the Academy of Sciences, USSR. -The Fedfict,ion .- of the BrO-Anion on the Dropping-2dercury 76-32-3-23/43 Eleotrode. 3 1. The Polarography of BrO in the Presence of Monovalent Cations 3 at Various pH Values There are 7 figures, 2 tablespand 12 r6ferenicasi 6 of ihiA are Soviet. ASSOCIATION: Akademiya nauk ISSR,Inatitut' fizicheakoy khimii Moskva (AS USSR Institute of Physical Choaiistry, Mo's0ow) SUBMITTED: November 28, 1956 Caid 4/4 '-ZYKCJVj V.I. Moscow) Effect of certain surface active organic catidms on.the reduction kinetics of the 105 ion on a droppira mereury:electrode. zbur,~ fiz. khimo 35 no.2055-362,F 161, OMA 16:7) ,(~odates) (Reduction, Electrolytio) (Surface active agenis A=-'R R AT(MI023 SOURCE CODFi UIV2563~165/00/47/00694 AUTHOR.-_ Gaiefr 2~ -Yu B- --Zykov 0-.--4 AA7n - fth K ORG: Leningrad Polytechnic InstAute (tenfngradski~ TITLE: Investigation of Interstage'passages in-a c6ntrj 90 P" or pl,~t-~ SOURCE:.- Loni d. Politekfinichaqkiy~ ihstiWt'.~~ Trudy, 10~,. 2 P.1565. Tu~xa_dlhirq (Turbomachines W7-,4f TOPIC.TAGS: compressor, centrifwa1'tcomproosor con~"sbj'g~ de~'pke,6, comprO' 60r;stage, model test, test stand, air flow ~fl' tqg OW fieldLs~b__ jMd, teak liiti~dl ABSTRACT; The effects of themeridional pr6filiq -of intpr~4igeJa$*gen Q~ ~71hf? 0 1 ga-611 j ~ 1) performanco,or a centrifugal: compressor,$ act- ion, wore, Invopiti ' d 8 von ~v i6tions of the initial profile in which'onli'the Ion was =I) .g = chAii~j,~6d (A, i~ 20,#11- i. ._ with other parameters hold cowtant (b = 35 6, rj~ 17~0,1 51 r 10.. - .=. 36 0 2 - ITM) and two types with slightly different g6amat,.*, I h11. scalp! stage. characteristics vere obtained on test standZTA-m'l ~at i~61 -.202.1, ond 253 nj ec Wooden models (five timos- actual _iT_ze)--_iWr_e the 4oit, 'Using e.ectr 0 analog techniques (EGDA) and static blower testion teit ~91;nnd Thai dqulp- ment and methods used were described proviovo. i~ :arw F. ly by Yme Dj'..581erl~h Rekstin (Eksperimentaltnaya ustanov~ka dlyn isoledovaniya ti ntrD6zhmykh stlipeney. Card 1/2 ZYKOV, V.I. New possibility for lowering etching brittltineas. Zhur. k1, khim. 34 no.5:1031-1040 My 161. (WRA 160 ZHDAIIOV, S.I.; ZTXDV, V.I. Microcoulom-'e"tric determination of the number of electrons involved in electrochemical reactions. Trud7 Inst. M4 I-thim. no.6t2g-38 157. (Mu 11:10) (Nlectrochemlstry)~ '(Electrons) 66742 0 SOV/20-129-2-39/66 AUTHORt - Zykov, V. I. - ------------ - TITLE: A New Type of Amperage Jumps on a Dropping the Reduction of the BrO--Anion 3 PERIODICALt Doklady Akademii nauk SSSR, 1959, Vol 129,'Nr 2, PP 376 - 379 (USSR) ABSTRAM The jump-like incroane of amperage cauned by the auto,catalytic course of the reaotionp ouch as may b'a obsv-ir Ivod with 'a adrtain potuntial on the potontial ourves oi~ -the vodaotion of no.-to oxy- gun-containing anione of' the typo xo ;, hniD, ropeatodl y bvion I . deacribod in publicationn (Rofn 1 7)1: blit lina hitheito boor) obourved onl in the pranunut, of trl-'sind i1madvivalont oationo Oj.g. LIAP Ce~. Tho author dooorlbod tho aahj arfoct 111 tflo PreFjonov of bivd1ont Iona. Ile InVOMLIJ-,~tvd,thv 1"Iduotion of BrO3 by tetrcibutyl iAnonanium (TBA), whdtlo 13110.1,) "ovvod no bauk- drOiAnd (Fig 1), With An i0dition of' v j)A iti~ tho f:irdov of wogiii- 1 tud~ of 10"4 moll th~ firgt Oympbohlo i5f, lAh~ AhattiniuUi3 dopondonat of 4inp�rap on tho putontiAl oodvivi,od Th-~ wftvo b~;oqtmo fjfiP_Pp~rj and It� boginning, ohlftod towtivd L4 mokAtIvii At a 19DA Qdvd 1/4 00110~11tratioll of filorp thAll 9. 10,4 fllol~ Wo~ 014.1 C?Pq~!,P jump oriotir ad A X~w Typ~ of Aiftp~ra9~ Jumpo on A Dropping Nl~tArfjdv in tit~ R@dution of th~ hvOi=Ani~fi At higher TBA th~ pot~Mimlo oV thi-I JR .-51 P b~~offi~ imr~4~ingly nL:~dativo-1 but tho hhMilld (F h. 2 of th~ bvwfM~ loti wibh tha lAolivoafid oonotntriAtion and th~ THA v~1114ining bho 14AoOl 01C. mllp~va-po of th@ limit (jupv~Flt ih~v~gA~nI but tho po~IL4ont rjr tho w4Y4 1� not �hift@d with PO�p~Ot to th~ p0joill-ifil iixl�, If bh~ blmlont Odtion io rOPlA~~(A by ml Alkall ugAL-ionj no Jlj!;lljA OW)UP1 In figum 3 and 4 th~ 9401~ d4ta ar~ gimi r~r mop!p4vidon for th~ pt~duoti~n of JJT05 land Ja with LAOI ;Ah A b4akgro4nd. Th4 author draw@ th@ f~ll~wlng oonl~iom fropl tit~ ~~p~viraarit4l d~~q ~b= t4in~di 1) Th@ iamp~vAg~ Jump~ in thF6 bromA-1,~ ank-n v~Auntion by TIM with �lkglt-n~ ~grth o4tiono 4p !i W40liavoi4nd ov~ go to their origin, ba~1~41ly d!ff~v~jA VvOm j4ftip4, 9) Tit~ ~4u~@ of tho J"mp-llk~ inovoa~io or wtipprio4p, lo it 4tv"o- turAl @hang@ of th@ ~l~otrimAl doulilti litypr kikip to d~-.�ovpLlon of tit@ TBA o4ti@np wh1oh ooouj,g In joilm 41! A ot?vt.4111 pp�~1ltlql' Th@ guth~p d4g~vib@d thio ~ff~ot am do-oorption jqmp.1n th~ 4gubl~ layer he- gm~ump~ a dynq-i!ijo thco ~qtion M"-"-* adgoiUd ort tho nurf4ap 01' tho 0141'hodli 4114 tho [11'03.'won Oard 2/4 #ul)jpotAd to roduotlony mo thAt Ic'm 11141ro 14pil T1141 - 6674~ A New Type of Amperage Jumps on a Dropping Electrode in the Reduction of the BrO--Anion 3 2+ added TBA cations displace the M cations from the double layer. As, however, the TBA cation has a radius that is con- siderably larger than that of the M2+,cation, the concentra- tion of the reacting particles in the double layer, and thus also the probability of the formation of an ion pair from BrO- and + +3 (C4H9)4 N becomes less. As soon as the potential of TBA. de- sorption is attained, the double layer attains its old st.ruc- ture abruptly. The shifting of the po Itential, at which the jump occurs,inanEgativedirection at a higher TBA+ concentration is ex- plaiped by a shifting of the desorption potential of this cation. In the presence of alkali ionsas background, the reduction of BrO_ occurs w,ithin a potential range in which the + 3 TBA is no longer adsorbed, and therefore there is no jump. in this case. It is mentioned that the author thanks A. N. Prumkin for valuable advice. There are 4 figures and 11 ref- erences, 6 of which are Soviet. Card 3/4 66742 New Type of Amperage #umps on a Dropping Electrode in the.Reduction of the BrO--Anion ASSOCIATIONt Vsesoyuznyy nauchho-isaledovatellikiy:inatit'ut aviatsionnykh materialov (All-Union Scientific Research Institute for Avia- tion. Material) PRESENTED: May 29, 1959, by A. ff. Pruinkin, Academiciati SUBMITTED: March 26, 1959 Card 4/4 AUTHORS: Zykov, V. I., Zhdanov, S. 1. 76-32-4-10/4.3 TITLE: The Reduction of the BromateAnion at the Dropping Mercury Electrode (Vosetanovleniye bromat-dnio'na na kapellnom rtutnom elektrode) 11. The Influ6nce of Temperature on the Reduction Kinetios~of the Bromate Anion in Neutral dad Alkaline Medium (Ili Vliyaniye temperatury na kinetiku. vosetanovleniya bromat-anions. v neytrallnoy i shcheloohnoy srede) PERIODICAL: Zhurnal Fizicheskoy Khimii, 1958, Vol- 32,fir 4, pp- 791-796 (USSR) ABSTRACTt The investigations are continuing a previous paper and the author mentions in the present work the results of the investigations mentioned in the title carried out with Li +, Rb +, Cs+ , (CH') N', Ca + , 13a +2 at from 50 i0 0 3 4 65 C. Several investigations of the temperature influence on similar,reactione have already been carried outy as Card 1/3 there are, for instancep the works by Nejedly (reference.2), The Reduction of the BromateAnion at the Dropping T6-32-4-10/43 idercury Electrode. II. The Influence of Temperature oh,the -Reduction Kinetics of the Bromate Anion in Neutral and Alkaline Medium Kametskiy and Sutskiy (reference 3), Belahay and Mattax (reference 4), Kuta (reference 5) as well is by X. V. Nikolayeva and G. Furazhkova (reference 8). From the experimental data of this work can be~seen.that the method of operation corresponded to that of the previous work, and that some explanations of the calculation of results, mentioned graphically and on tables are given. It was observed that in the case of a raise of temperature the limit current of the Br03 reduction increases, with the temperature coefficient varying per dogreelfrom U,25 to 1,34%, and the semiwave potential becoming'more negative. The first is in accordance with the equation by 111kovich, while the influence of temperature on the xeduction velocity of the Br03 i0n. decreases at the background of univalent cations, while it inareases:with~bivalent ones. Finally the authoz~thank A. N. Frumkin, Member of the Academy. There are 4 figures, I table, and:13 references, 9 of which are Soviet. Card 2/3 The Reduction of the BromateAnion at the Dropping 76-32-4-10/43 Mercury Electrode. II. The Influence of Temperature'on thi Reduction Kinetics of the Bromate Anion in Neutral ta~d Alkaline Medium ASSOCIATION: Akademiya nauk SSSR, Institut fisishookoy khimii (Physico-ohemicai Institute AS USSRY SUBMITTED: June 28, 1956 AVAILABLE: Library of Congress 1. Bromate ions-Properties 2. Bromate ions-Temperature factors Card 3/3 tilt 14 05809 5W SoVfi6-33,-~'10-7/45 AUTHOR: Zykov p V6_4 TITLE: Reduction of the-.BrO- Anion on a Mercury Dropping Electrode. I - w ~3 III. Effect of La3+ Addi-tions.on Ahe.Diachaig)a Kinetics of Bro in the Presence of Cations of SmAller.Charge 3 PERIODICAL: Zhurnal fizicheskoy khimiip. 1959t Vol 33 P Nx 10, pp 2156-2163 (USSR) ABSTRACT: Previous publicationa have already indicatea ihe formationl~ -d an the decisive part played by the a8sociations' of'ions in cei~tain reaotions on electrodes; there is, hbilover, Ino generali,agrg;e- ment on this problem. Heyrovsky (W*~.) assiumes that theso associations be formed*in the solvent,lUper'iments made by'~ Holleck (Aefs 5, 10), on the part played by -the aasooid ;tions in the migration of NO i0ne have shown that the nitrate i4iih arrives at the cathode3by.way of diffuslan. 0. M. Flori .anovich and A. N. Frumkin (~ef 11) made a aompliately different assump- ,may be f6imed in the double tion, i.e. these associations 0 layer of the cathode. In order to solve this problem, the author investigated,the effect mentioned in the title. Polariza- tion purves'were obtained at 25 + 0-1 C by mia;w of a P;evi.oua- Card 1/4 ly described device and method (Ref 1). The ~Luthor studied 05 SOV~TO9-331-1 0-7/45 Reduction of the BrO_ Anion on a Mercury Dropping Bleotrode. III.'Bffe6t of 3 La3+ Additions on the Discharge Kinetics of BrO_ in the Presence of*~Cations of Smaller Charge 3 the influence exerted by,LaCl addition Iaon the polarization 3 curve of Bro.3 In 0010 1.09 2aO, 4oO n:solutions, in #aturdted, neutral and acidified solutions of KCi. 0.1 and 1.0 n'LiCl solu- tions, 1.0 n BaCl and (C H ) TTBr- and In ~(C H ) NBr-solultions 2 2 5 4 . i 4 9 4 of various concentrations. Results obtained from the ~olaro_ grams (Pigs 1-7) are inteirpreted by tile conciopt of dinon tinuous density of the electric fieldialong the electrode sur face as well as on the assumption that those BrO_ anions par- ticipate in the discharge Iwhich eater,the associhioni. k double role is ascribed to the .LO+aa~tion~adBcrbed on the cathode surface: 1) It'promotes the formation of ion Associa- tions in the double layer of the oleot-rode'(action through the ~1-potential); 2) it activates the particles und4rdis- charge. Interaction of particles results in'a division of the polarogram wave, produces wave I which corresponds to a diB- Card 2/4 charge of associations of the type 05809 sov/T6;-33-;- 10-7/45 Reduction of the BrO_ Anion on a Mercury Dropping~Rleotr,)de. III.;Effeclf of 3 ~3+ La Additions on the Discharge Kinetics of BrO_ i' the Presence of Cationo of Smaller Charge 3 3+ (3x-y)+ xLa yBrO and accordingly, 'wave Il )+ (zx-y xMz+ yBro (Mz+ - backgr,ound 61ation). The com- position of the associations is depend on1Ae ~H- value in the boundary layer of the ele6trod4. At a certain R - u pH-value of the reaotiont the reduction of irO becomes a~to- catalytic and is accelerated by OR- ions (in 3the Presence of La3+). The inhibitory effect of tho I~cations (C H ) I,+ 2 5 4~ and (C H if+ on BrO_ discharge is att ibuted to the con- 4 9 4 3 tribution of associations to the discbwTge and by the red~b- tion of their concentration In the double layer an a result of the effect of surface-active organic oationB. Therepare, 7 figures an.d.23,referencesq 10 of which are Soviet. Card 3/4 Ell bl!l I HIM 11 1 111 ,I I ~11' " " rMillown dill-T, 05809, SOV/76-33 '10 7/45 Reduction of the BrO- Anion on a Mercury Dropping~plectj~ode. Ill. 'Effoct of .3 La3+ Additions on the Diacharge~Kinetios of BrO- in the Yresence of Cations of Smaller Charge 3 SUBMITTED: March 79 1958. Card 4/4 I ~"" ~ai ACC NRt =~_Al 036032 SOURCE CODE: uR/0057/66/036/011/1990/1994 AIMIOR: Zykov,V.M.; Yedyanin, 0.1. ORG: Physics Institute im. P.N,Lebedev, Moscow (Fizichoskiy institut ims po me Lebodeva) TITLE: An electrical method for cutting off a plasma str'onm SOURCE: Zhurnal tokhnichaskoy fiziki, v. 36, no, 111 1966, 1990-1994 TOPIC TAGS: moving plasma, plasma control, electric field, magnetic field,, valve ABSTRACr: The authors have employed the ap0airatus diagram mod in the figure to test the operation of an electrostatic plasma gate consisting o .f a nu.mber of 0.12 mm. thick 20 mm long stainless steel plates mounted parallel on; a 2:mm spacing with slte~nate plates oppositely charged. The gate is intended for use in a-plasma purification system. in the figure, 1 is a spark plasma source of the type described by IV H. Bostick (Phys. Rev., 106, 1957), which produced plasmas with densities tip 101~ cm-3, 2 is a 12 cm diameter glass vacuum chamber; 3 is a diaphragm motinted 20 cm from the plasma source and having a 3 cm diameter opening; 4 in a solenoid producing a quasi- steady magnetic field of up to 3 k0e; 5 is the gate under ,test; end 6 is aA cm. diameter shielded electric probe for measuring the plasma passing through the gate. When no voltage was applied to the gate its transparency Increased with incroasing Cc d 1/2 UDC: 533.9 AC4 NR, AP6036032 strength of the longitudinal magnetic' field; in a 2 We field the trans- parency of tho-gato was 0.85, which is close to tho geometric value. When P=3d a potential of 100 V was applied t~ I the gate its transparency to wplasma, with a maximum'density of I was O.G4, and at a potential 200 V1 12 Y its transparency to a 10 CM1 plasma, was 0.01.~ Thtilgate was also tested with 100 V squqre pulses, and it was found to be possible to cut off a seleated'portion .of the plasma burst. It is suggested that. the operation of the gate involves separati6t of the plasma into electron and ion components in the strong electric field. A correct theoretical discussion of the results will require a rigorous treatment 01, the diffusion of plasma in crossed fields'. The authors thank I.B.Shpigel for valuabIJ discussions, and Yu.V.Kbol'nov and P. *V.Perov for assistaincowith the experiments. Orig. art. has: 2 forsulas and 6 figures! SUB OODE: 20 SUMDATE: O5NbY63 ORIG.REPI 007, OT11 REF1 002 2/2 MOMM, W., ZYKOV~ V. M. Work practices in longwalls with powered suTports. Ugoll 39 no.7%69-71 J1 164. (MIRA 17zlO) 1. Institut gornogo dela im. A.A. Skochinakog'o, ProduotivenoBs of stoping agregatea for ling stopes. Gor. i akon, vop.trasrab. ugoll. i rud. most. no.li39-49 162. (MIRA 16r7) (Stoping (Mining) -Equipizent and supplies) IVANOV, N.I., kand.tekhn.naukj SOCHINSKIY, V.P., inzli#,- KAGANSKIY, M.Te.,, inzh.1 ZTKOV, V.M., inzh. Efficient methods of developing new levels in the operative, Donets Basin mines mining flat seams. Sbdr4DonUG.I: no.21t3-35 161. (NIRA.15:6) (Aonets Basin--Coal mines and mining) - --- - - - ~ - - - - - - ---- --- -- --- - - - - -- IVANOVp N.I., kand.tekhn.nauk; MOV, V.M., inzh.; KAGANSKIY, M.Ye.t inzh. ZYK07,-V.M.I. orr*7 inzh.l- DUUWV, M.Fop kand.takhm.nauk Effect of the longwall length and rate of advamaing of the face on the value of its output Pind on the technical and economic indices, Ugoll 37 no*2s54-55 F 162o (KIRA l5s2) (Coal mines and mining) IVAIIOV---N.-I*-;-SHTEDJYG- -A-.E,--,i-~Prinimali-uchAstiyd-. BMZNITSKIY, I.L., inzh.,- ITOMKO, N.A., inzb.; SOCMIISKIY,, T.P.,, otv. red.; 1004MAHOMMA, V.F., red. izd-vaj PROZOVVSYMA, V.L... tekbn. red. [Reorganization of coal mines I Rokonstruktoila ugollnykh shakht. Moskvaj Gos.paucbno-tekhneizd-vo lit-r7 po gornomu delu. Pt*l# [Practices of foreign countries in the reorganization of coal, mines] ZarubezhrVi opyt rekonstruktsil-ahakht. 1961. 222 p, (MA 15:1) (Coal mines and mining) I -r-k- - --- 74-1 n-aii-K * - 1~ 1. ,;1 1 ) &* " i" I IV , I: an va 1i hn gornyy lzizh. Sya tang of. mini ng coal r-eams Irl lorigwa:L2o equlppe~, of machines wl~,h pDwered fiupports. Ugol 5 5, - IY (14TPUll: 1. Institut, Somcgo d,3~A iat. A..A.SkcilAnvkqLt~C# KURNOSOV, A.M., kand.takhn.nauk; USTINOV, M.I.p ~Jxpv? V'M.11 kand.tekhn.nauk; LIKALITER, LvAo. gornyy Inzbe; Aur.91MKINI goxVy inzh.; USATOV, A*Io, gorrqy. inzhe Use of designmetbods in determining optimumiparameters for coal mines to be.-reorganized. Ugoll 40 no.9252-58 s 165. (KRA 18:10) 1. Institut gornogo dela. imeni A.A.Skochinakogo (for Kurnosovp Ustinov, Zykov,, Likallter). 2. Luganskproyekt (for Anisimkin, Usatov)o S/0.5 '62/042/001/018/048 B104YZ102 AUTHORS: Sumbayev., 0. 1,, Smirnov, A, I, Zykov, V. S. TITLE, Mossbauer effect on tungsten Isotopes PERIODICAL: Zhurnal eksperimentallnoy i teoreticheakoy f2.zik4-., v, 42, no. 1, 1962, 115-123 TEXT: In the present study -of the M6ssbauer effect, the intense lin-:,~s niar thf~ -esona7.~-,* energy were examined with a focusing cr~Tstal diffraction r~,Pectrometer of the Da Monde type with a resolution of several ten,chB of a per ~'-~nt . The experimental arrangement also perm'-ttiYd ouiitcmary inent's by separating thp resonance lines with a scintillation coin"Cer. Tbe of nonre--oil nuclear resonance absorption at the '00.09-kev 182 '63 level" Qf W a--d at the 99.,07-ke-,- and 46-48-kev levels of V1 On th'3 relat--'ve velocity between the source (Ta) and the ab'sorber (W) was, In contradistinction to the findings of do,Nercy et al~ (C.R, . Parii~ 250~ -.031, ~,960), the observed Mossbauer effect was in no case less than the theoretical value,, The Debye temperat-ures, calcuated C a S/05 6/62/042/001/0181'048 Mssbauer effect on tungsten isotopes B100102 +28 from the magnitude of the effeat, were found to be 283 1 deg, for -the -4-70 a tantalum source$ and 320* deg. for the tungsten absorber, The total .- 40 9-ke Coulomb lav,;-L width of the 100,0 v level fits data obtaln;irl by,the excitation technique and by delayed coincidences; but is not conslistent with the results of a previous expsriment. on nuclear resonance absorpt-,,-.-- D, M- Kamnker is thanked for interest, A. A, Netsetakily and A, S. RY11nikov for assistance in setting up the expc-rimental arrangement and In measurements, as well as the staff of the BgPM (VVR21) reactor at- FTI AS USSR imeni A. F. Ioffe. K. P. Mitrofanov and V, S.., Shpinell (ZhETF, 40, 963, 11961) are mentioncd, There are 6 figures, I table, and 13 references: 4 Soviet and 9 non-Soviet. The four most recent referen.--es lo Erglish-'anguage publicat-io L, tee, us read as follows: L, L., Meyer-Szhutzmaeister, J- P. Schiffer, Phys- Rev, Lett.,, j, 223, ',9.119', A W S-,-nyar, Phys, Rev. ~ 18, 6531 1955; F, K. McGowan; P,~ H. S*,elson, Phys.. Rev., jQ2, 901; 1958; E, Cotton, J~ Phys. Rad., g1, 265, 196o, ASSOCIATION: Leningradskly fiziko-tekhnicheskiy inatitut AkadAmii nauk SS8R (Leningrad Physicoteehnical lnstitute of thc~ Acadonny 0- So'lences USSR) Card 2114~ QF1KUVVRTj '1111=1! 11 0-111 i 11111MINS11. MEMEM= S/056/62/042/001/018/046 &Gdasbauer effect On tungsten isotopes B10002 'VIBMITTED: AuFunt 24, 1961 VIble. -Experimental results. -7 end' 0) ieveli (2) total 16V 1 width, 10 ev; (3) experiment; other-authors datal (6) authors' own ~data;~, (7) without theoryl I t :fllowance'fdr (1/2-3/2), in eraction; k8) with allowanoe for, interaction; RUN, 51 L. L-. Lee et .al.,-Phys. Rev. Lett.1 3, 223, 1~59; Ref. 6: -111 W. Sunyarl. Phy F. K. McGowan et al.p I a Rev.j 98, 653, 19551 Ref * 7: 4f~ys. Rev., 109o- 901, 1958; Ref- 13:- A. K. Kerujan. litat.-lye; Ifedd. Dan'o 'Old. Selsk., JO, 15, 1956. #F-rd L 11958-66 EWTUMEWWwW/ke(b~ 600-0 -0 A~C_ - N 5Q2&5 AMR., AUTHORS: Zykc Petro-~Icil~, Ve. 1, j.pot Yu. -777-77- _7 ~Pt T_ t:tpte 11h. -0e ORG.0 Phy-sicot"Weal 0 fenced' , Li4gal n SSSR t-2 Fiziko-tekbnicheskly instittit Akademi u TITLE: Influence of stoichipme-try on the; Moat, baueT erfect iii.t.- dioxide SOURCE: Zhurnal eksperimentaltnoy I teoretidhoakoy, 49 no.z., 4, 1965, 1019-1021 p ~b'136rjp tidn: Icom ourid, ,he ~,r6aden TOPIC TAGS: 'Mossbauer effect, tin in line, stoichiometry is ad' ABMACT: A hypothesis'at o ~tbe~caases of~ the -ob- ne ,served broadening'of the Mossbauer 066rptfon line In 8n0 2 18 vU)latlon 1 of the exact stotchiometric composition In the sampl-em prepai~od in ttie usual manner. To check on this hypothesis, the authol?s compared -th~_- resonance-absorption spectra for Wo Sn02 samples or differeni-stoichio- metric compositions. One of the absorbers waot1wepared from tin dIoXide produced by dissolving metallic tin In IDIO wi subsequent evaporation 1/2 IR - - -- ------ ~L 11958-66, ACC NRt_ AP5026 87 of the solution and roastini-g-W- the ptedlpltAt.: at .-I R~Od for~~.30'_' Aj a ted t i L I hours. The second absorber was a e a itional f4rind -in 0 0 0 vacuum at 6000 for 24 hours, with subsequent dooling for one hp~r. The: measurements were made at room temperature umtng apparatus with an electromagnetic vibrator executing simple harmonic motion. 'Me resonance-absorption spectrum vas recorded with a multichannel analyzer. The results showed that the Monsbauer line of the sample fired in vacuum is broader than that of the standard sample, and exhibits in addition a fine structure. A possible cause or thio broadening Is the formation of SnO grains when the s iometry of tl,,* tin dioxide Is disturb Authors thank D. M. KaMar for inter-est i trork, 1. SumR for help and valuable remarks, and A. I. Yek7drwv for help in preparIN-g the samples. Orig. art. has: 3. figure and I table. SUB CODE: 20/ SUBM DATE: 27Mar65/ NR REF SOW 009/ OTH MP: 003 j ZYKOV, Ye.l. Automatic machine for polishing roller patho of inner.races of,, spherical-bearings. Stal.tekh.skonAhfom*Gom.nau(iti.-Lael.intt,nauoh. i tekh.inform. 164. (MMA 1.814Y qPY,.Yu.,,kand. sellkhoz. nauk; NAZAREIIKO, L., red.; IIAGIBIN,P., tekhn. red. [Pulse crops serve animal husbandry) Zernobobovye kulltury aluzhat zhivotnovodstvu. Alma-Ata, Kazsellkhozgiz.. 1962. 26 nos. in I v. 22 p. (kIRA 17: 1) YU.A.. m,~,Iiqfrnt Some proble= In the surgical frnfifmontl ~,f n-P thr duodenal papilla. Trudy OMI no.4livIII-116 16-4. I (MIFIA 18:9) I. Tz kafedry gospitallroy khirurgil (zav. dotsent N.S. Kakokha) O.mskogo meditsinskogo instituta. GRIGORIYAN, D.G.; NAZARENKO, N.A.; LYSEHO, V.B.; WRKUWYEVA, R.V.; ZYKOV, Yu.V.; MAKOVEYEVA, G.M. Dynamics of antibody formation and the fractional composition of blood serum glycoproteins in immunization with tissue antigens. Biul. eksp. b1ol. i med. 60 no.7r75-78 Jl 165. (MIRA 18:8) 1. EksperimentalInyy otdel (zav.- prof. F.D Vasilenko), biokhimi- cheskaya laboratoriya (zav.- do-tsent V.A. S~allmov) TSentrallnogo institut kurortologii i fizioterapii (direktor - kand. med. nauk G.N. Ponpelova), laboratoriya immunokbimil (zav.-prof. V.S. Gostev) Instituta eksperimentallnoy biolcgii ON SSSR (direktor - prof. I K. Mayskiy) i biokhlmicheskaya laboratoriya (zav.- prof. Ye.P. Siepanyan) Instituta serdechno-susudistoy khirurgii (direktor prof. S.A. Kolesnikov) AMN SSSR, Moskva. 5.3900 77351. S011/79-'~0-1-12/78 AUTHORS: Shostakovskiy, M. F., Rabinovich, M. S., Preobra.zhon--kaya, Ye. V., Zykova, G. N TITLE: Investigation of the Synthesis of Precursors and Structural Parts of Antibiotics.J. Q--Aminoadlpic: Acid PERIODICAL; Zhurnal obshchey khimilo,1960, Val 30, Nr 1, pp 67-71 (USSR) ADSTRACT: The Cy.-aininoadipic acid can be oynthesized by the following two methods: (1) by condensation of - bromobutyronitrile with N-acetylaminomalonle-ester Z 01 lowed by hydrolysis and decarboxylation; and (2) by amination of diethyl eater of CL-bromoadipic acid with subsequent hydrolysis. The yie10 of a-aminoadipic acid prepared by the first and second methods is 44% (based on starting 7-bropiobutyronitrile) and 82% (based on diethyl ester of (L-bronioadipic acid)., respectively. The technical CL-aminoadipic acid is Card.1/4 purified by dissolving in I N NaOH and treatment with j Investigation of the Synthesis of 7735-1 Precursors and Structural Parts of SOV/79-30-1-12/78 Antibiotics. I. a -Aminoadipic Acid activated charcoal (pH 8.0). Upon acidification (PH 3-3-5) of the colorless filtrate Cl?ystalline 0. -aminoadipic acid precipitates (Yield 94%), mn 173- 1711o (decom). Heating of dlethyl'ester of a -bro'mo- adipic acid in absolute alcohol sat8rated with gaseous ammonia in the autoclave at 100-110 (pressure 7 atm~) for 12 hr yields amide of CL I-piperidonecaIrbo5cy- lie acid, mp 168-1690. When a -aniinoarlipic acid is recrystallizel-from water, about 50% of it is converted into CL , U piperidonecarboxylic acid. Esterifica- tion of CL -aminoadipic acid by heatin'r; with iso.propyl alcohol in ~he presence of HCI yields 1-,~,opropyl ester of c7. CL -piperidonecarboxylic. acid, mp 65.6-66,50, This was verified by parallel synthesic. of this ester from piperidonecarboxyl.le acid. The ~j -aminoadipic acid was also synthesized in the~folloi,.,Inr g way: Card 21L1 Invez-3tigation of' the SynthesI3 of Precursors and Structural Parts of SOV/19-30-1-12/78 Antibiotics. I. CL-Aminoadipic Acid, C112=CHC112Br DrC1fX11-jC112Br - BtC112C11Y.(:f12CN---* (COOC.1 W.Gl IN 11COC Ili COOC211'. 11611 C,11,ON:s CHU0112CHIGN -~10. C/ "ll,cilcooll '\N11COV,11, cooc~ll, N 112 - UO (I V) 01) C111('112cooll C112-GlIC0011 Nil, (VI) The authors wish to thank A. S. Miolchlov and Ye. M-~ Kleyner for samples of Ctraminoadipic.acid, and:F..M. Meller for performing elemental analysis. Ther6 are 10 references, 2 Soviet, 5 U.S., 3 German. The U.S. references are: Schwenk, E., Papa, D.,, J. Am. Chem. Soc., 70, 3626 (1948); Bun Hof, Demorsinan, J. Org. Ch., Card 3/4 18, 649 (1953); Waalkes, T. P., Pones, W. S., White, J., investigation of the Synthesis of 77351 Precursors and Structural Parts of 'SOV/79-30-1-12/78 Antibiotics. I. GL-Aminoadipic Acid J. Am. Chem. 3oc., 72, 5760 (1950), Derlclc" C Gay Hess, R. W., J. Ain. Chem. 800. 1 4OY 51V( (1918~; !Brown, 0. B., Baker, B. R., Bernstein, S., Safir, S., J. Org. Ch., 12, 162 (19117). ASSOCIATION: All-Union Scientific Research Institute of Antibiotics (Vsesoyuznyy nauchno-issiedovatellslciy institut antibiotikov) SUBMITTED: December 29, 1958 Card 4/4 ZYKOV, V. I., Candidate of Chem Sci (diss) -- "Investigation of the mechanism of electrochemical reduction of the BrO3" anion on a meraux7drop electmde'14 Moscow,, 1959, 20 pp (Moscow order of Lenin and Order of IAbar ~ed Barmor State U im M. V. Lomonosov), 200 copies (KL, Vo 21, 1959, 1M) AUTHORS: TITLE- PERIODICAL: ABSTRACT: Card 1/2 32-2-37A0 Zykov, V. I. Makarova, Ya. V. Construction of a Vibration Exting .uisherlWith an Air Therno- stat (Ustanovka vibro-oasillelya a vozdushnym ternosta,tom) Zavodskaya Laboratoriya, 1958, Vol-~24,.Nr 2, pp. 220 221 (U59R) The device deacribed here renders very good serviec. infseveral polarographic inventigratL ono of electrochemical processes, in which the operation effect of thecapillary, which is de- perdent upon vibrations, is of particular iuportanc2. Describ- ad achematically, c. plex-'-lass. encaearii-,.sii- i-i i.,ounted on a nas- ,.74 t:1a sive iron plate , ~.,eicht of 50 - 60 w1hich:is suspr~.,nd- ed by mepra of bolta n aprirv V I _;o. Tb~~ ercaue-ment serves as air 11 -thermostat, it can be oiened and ~Ortainj in the conter a base plate ausperded on springs, on which th3 support for the polarograph in mowited. The support base plate has on its lo-u- er side a proje:tion wituh a fan like oxten3ion, dividing into V : ca a viscous liquid. The plexit;lass casement containst a yenti- 32-2-37/60 Construction of a Vibration Extinguialier 17itqan Air Therucstat ASSOCIATION: AVAILABLE: Card 2/2 lator, a heating stove or lamp, respectival IY, a contact- and a ccntrcl thermometer, and an electronic relay. The tpmpeza- 0 Uure can be kept constant with an accuracy of + 011 C fron 0 3) - 25 - 60 C. Polarograms of BrO. in In (C11 ITBr, which were obtained by the application o? t'he device discribed here' with a droppinG mercury electrode, ale 'given. It is possible to operate with potentials up to 2.6 V With a capillari ra- dius of 0,0438 mm. The apparatus described here may also be used for the inveotication of temperature effects. There are 2 figures. Institute for Physical Chemistry AN USSR (Institut fizichesko~i khiniii Akademii nauk SSSR) Library of Congress It Folarographie analysis-Equipment ZYKOV, V. 1.1 MAKAROVA, Ye.V. ........ ... Arrangement of the tibration damper with an air thermostat. Zdv.16b. 24 no.2t220-221 156* 11--3) i.Institut fizichesko7 khimii nauk SSSR. (Damping (Hochanics)) (Thermostat) 15-!-1957-10 44013 Translation from: Referativnyy zhurnal Geo.logiya, ~1967' Nr 10 p 98 (USSR) AUTHORS: Zykov Ye. A., Priamonosov, P. S. TITLE: Minerals of Gold and Tellur~lum:and :the lvarageneti6 Asso- ciations of a Deposit i 'n the Southern Aita'y (Miner:aly' zolota, tellura i parageneticheskiye asootsi6taiiiodpogo iz mestorozhdeniy Yuzhnogo AZ,-~gyW PERIODICAL: Nauchn. raboty stud, Sverdl. gorn. In-ta..:19,57,, 3,, pp 5-14 ABSTRACT: The gold quartz veins of this deposit are confined to small granite stocks. The vein minerals are quartz,i ankerite, sericite, chlorite, albitle, toarmaline-,,;and calcite. The ore minerals are pyrite, ohalcopyri.bex* tetrahedrites galena, ache lite nativelgold, nagyagite, I krennerite, natives, altaite, calaveritej tetradimitoo tellurium, rickardite, tellurobismathinite, azurlte,' anglesite, cerussite, hydrotelluride, and native copper. Card 1/2 A list is given of the paragenetie associations in their I "I ... . . .... .. ....... - -.. - -2,TKOV.P Yu.D.9 kand. sel'skokhoz. nauk Alfalfa in southern Kazakhstan,, Zemledelie 26 no.5#62-64 My 164, OURA MO COUNIRY s CATMORY : AtLvatel ?1~unts ~ropu. Ail APZ. jOn, RM-111.6-L.0 N6.14, 195-41 Nn.6)434 AUTHOR 'D DIST. 5QTentffic -Ro~iearcth La3tLt%lto~ ()V heada and PiiaUwtus TI TLE Steamer wi~i Fosthurvuiit ;u,4u~;j of Iraal B, - 1 .9 . 11,).-W:; Jnd;~r tno -'onc uon~; o' frrilatAd , vicultire in Mie xid-iteppo 4ont Ana-,'kta UbL~j4o' . ABSTrO.OT Jtvsly -arrLoj O..,t at uv.] Dzhambwll base or ~ha Ln3tltut~_- of Fupdu ao'd Pa3turea of Aua~cll jrr:tuuw,1 o.r ;,tsmixii, ),.,1 1-)52- 1954, zhov~~' fAut full vilew- oproutial of -fraaz,~.a and A~ nq t~hinrL,~T .,k' biv,-4 can bo seourod iaivlar tho condt pu t;~113 of irrigatt )n in the urid-atep)~ zona ~ of Ama,%ta, oblisl,f I only by sovini. wi-~hr)uL covar, The surznar par-od (jf aovJL'nz,r -~~rusijoss on V~toh-odts (1-1D*Vr July) or barley (210-31') or J-A.Y) diskad jtubble Is On beat. Thil, ag-rro,,-, ate 4. yitil,l of hay from the tuterqrup of alfult'a-aro4aiq ~-rass on 3131ced barley stubble for Card: A 18 COU"Jurf : USSR CATEWRY : Cultivated OropB - Forage Crops. NST. TITLZ .4 T a/hu, oil Lhe plowrod-over barley at'abbli) 317, J.P)m sprin,&~ sowina u,-Aer the oover Qf apring whe~.t 22D., 3 from spring ~ sawlag without, cover - 298.2, ozx bare IaLlow (summr soviz 282.7 a/ha. Application of UW60Kjo inareased the hay yield oC the grass blend; application at tho rate of 150 a/ha of granular ?a Ath friable uro, on barley , creased tho hay yield by a'-tr;te.!~ of 62.6 a/ha in atubble , for the second &ad third yaaru. The grasq blu.-A of alf!al- fa (50,4) with tall ry3 gruss OW a the higjiesi; yield of hay (total for 3 years - 385.3 &rass blend of alfalfa and orchaid grass - 361.5 c/h!L, aM grass bIGIA of Ca rd: 2/4 cou nHY Uloixt CATEGOPY Gultivatad. Plants - Forage Gropa AaS. JOUP. RMD101.5 Mo.U, 19,1~8t Un. 63434 AUTROF :IFST. TI TILE ORD-1. PUB. alfalfa and meadow fescae - 337,2 a/ba% Grai;s blend of! aJfalfa and miscellaneous omhard grasr, in rcoonmended. The sawing rate of 6 kg/ha of alfalra and 6 I:g/~a OC miscel-laneous 6-rasp- produced the beat results. 'rhe hig, ne3t yields of seeds were secured from silmm.0fr 30WirgS Of alfalfa, in mixv.1-e with dew i,-rasd wl' th- the scwing rate of the grasu blend seeds of 12 I-&/hm and with the same periods of sowing as for hay. Application of fertilizera considerably raised the arop.of alfalfa ueeds. Artificial complemental pollination o r alfalfa Card: 3A 79. kand*oe1'okokhozMstvennykh nauk Effect of enviro=ental conditions on the dovelopmd4t of Semir6chys alfalfa,, Agrobiologiia no& 3:397-401 lty~-.Te 1~61. (MIRA 14:5) 1. Nauchno-iseledovatell'skiy institut komovj past-bishchp ga~ Alm-Ata, (Alfalfa) ZYKOV., Yu.D., kand, sellskokhoz. nauk Development of now vegetative shoots on the alfalfa seed plant and, measures for increasing seud productivity. Agrobiolo ia no-4:565- 570 J1-Ag 63. ~i'-IIRA 16:9) 1. flauchno-issladovatellskiy institut zemledeliya Alma-Atinskaya oblastt. (Alma-Ata Province-Alfalfa) (Alma-Ata Province-Seed production) ml off 11Sumer and Secondary Sowing of Luceme-Grain Gralis Eirtures Un6or Irrigated Farming Conditions in the Dry Steppe Zone of Alna-Atinskaya blast." Cand Agr Sci, Kazakh Agricultural Insb, 30 Dee 54. (KPI;15 D6c 54) Survey of Scientific and Technical Dissertations Defended at USSR Higher Educational Institutions (12) SO: Sum. No. 556) 24 Jun 55 fill", I POZDEYEV, A.A.; TARNOVSKIY, I.Ya.; ZYKOV, Yu.S. Principles of the theory of hot plastic deforlmiatidn of metals: during rolling. Izv# vys. ucheb. tav.; chor,n. met* 4 no.101 50-58, 161. (miRA 14m) 1. Urallskly politekhnicheskiy institut. (Rolling (Metalwork')) (Deformations (Me-chanics)) 5/0136/64/000/004/6' 06 3 ACCESSION NR: AP4029706 061/0 AUTHORS: Stukachs A.G.; Lyashkovs V.B.; Lakarenkol Ye.M. (Deceasrod) Pokrovskayaj G.N.; Zy*kovj Yu. S.; Cherny*khp:K.P. TITLE: beformation resistance During Impact Testi~g SOURCE: Tsvetny*ye metally*j no- 4, 19641 61-65 TOPIC-TAGS: deformation resistanceg impact test I:static test, tric tion press hot rollings alloy, copperl brass, zinc, bronze (ABSTRACT: The authors'invest -igated the deformation resistance.df "M-lff copper, "TsOff zinc, "Nlff nickel, "L62" brass, ",BrKDlff, "Br0Ts4j "BrMts3-lff, "BrB2" and MMMW-2,5-1,5" bronze and "M9" chrome specimens* Impact teats approximated the~servite conditiolls during hot rolling. 25 mm long'cylindrical specimens with a 20 mm diameter-were reduced by 50% at a rate of deformation of 10 m/3ed. A 60-ton was used in,combination~Vith an electric fur-.~ nace equipped with a Silite resistore A study of the hardening., dia- grams showed that the hardening curves ascend low temper-L atures for most of the apociiaens submitted to Increased defonoation. card ACCESSION NR: AP4029706 This shape of the curves is characteristic of hig)ft-melting and, complex alloys. Low-:melting resistant alloys show a peak which:falls off as the degree of deformation is increased andideformation re- sistance declines (zinc, "BrBZ bronze,alloy). For "L6211 brass and copper the work hardening is eliminated above 7000'owing tothe,high rate of recrystallization. These findings stand in good agreementi with the results obtained by other authors. Bronze allo "BrOts4-3ff and "BrUlff specimens were reduced at a rate of 0.045 mlysec in.a series of static tests. This tremendous inerease,in tho rate of deformation resulted in an increased-specific pretsure' and, conse was tri- quently, the deformation resistance of "BrMs4-3"'spedimens pled. The same dependence was observed'in "BrKDI" specimens. The results of static tests showed their unsuitabilit, for the calcula- tion of the industrial processes which,occur at h 1~,h rAtes of do- !,-formation. Changes in the rate of deformation by!about:1.5 to 2 times do not affect the deformation resistance. Ther6forej tho spec- ific pressures obtained at a 10 M/sec rate are aPplicable to eim~iUrl rates. The orig. art. has:'3 figures Card 2/0 71. R- ...... STUKACH, A. G.; LEKARENKO, Ye. M. [deceased S -'AIL POKROVSKAYA, G. N.; BOG01,101M, Yu. L; CHERWYKII, Ka.p. Increase in width and the coefficient friction during the shape rolling of nonferrous metals and alloys. TSvet. met. 36 no. 11:65-69 N 163. (MIkA 17:1) Variational method of investigating the widening of plastic tough-1 ness metal during the hot rolling process* Itv# vyso ucheb. zav.;- chern. met. 4 no.12:61-?O 61., (MIRA 15-1) 1. Urallskiy politekhnichnskiy institut. (Rolling (Metalwork)) (Deformations (Mechanics)) INV I Fj 77~~! -41 1 iffl 119-V F IDA HNH. 11 RUMMEMMUNIANSIME M."i I I I S/148/61/000/010/002/003 E193/E435 AUTHORS: Pozdeyev,. A.A., Tarnovskiy, I.Ya., ZY TITLEr. Foundations. of the theory of visco-plastic deformation of metal during rolling PERIODICAL% Izvestiya vysshikh uchebny1ch zavedeniy. Charnaya metallurgiya, no.10, 1961, 50-58 TEXT., Experimental evidence indicates that a h~ot-worked metal possesses both plastic and viscous properties and should therefore be considered as a complex visco-plastic medium. In contrast to. the theory of.small elastoplastic deformations in which the equations of state for a deformed metal establish the relationship between the stress and strain components, the corresponding equations forthe theory of viseo-plastic deformation describe the relationship between stress- and strain (deformdtion)-rate components, One-advantage of,using the'latter,theory as a iool for studying the mechanism of hot deformation is that, it is., concerned with increments of stress-and strain rates,i As a result the,limiting condition of small degrees of deformation no longer applies and the theory can be applied to studyirig the variation of t.he stress-stra�n state at any moment of the deformation process. Card' 1/ 8 Foundations ofthe theory of ... r,.193/E435 In the present paper, this theory is applied to,the-analysis Of the mechanism of flat hot rolling. A slab of'rectangular cross- sec'tion is-considered whose dimensions area Ho (thickness), Lo (length) and- Bo. (width). its thickness is reduced during rolling by AH and its,final dimensions are 111, Ll and Bl, the half-thickness-and half-width being denoted by h and b with appropriate indices (0 or 1). The relationship between stress and strain rates is described by a set of equations for a visco-plastic medium (Ref.2:.L.M.Kachanov. Mechanics of Plastic Media. Gostekhizdat, 19118) as 'a 2,c, txy*~F' Is + 11 71xy* gy 2,r$ 2 Vly; TYX 4- ie-q dy H H Yt 2 t 2 + H Carct 2/8 S/148/61/900/010/.002/003 Foundations of the theory of ... E193/E4351 lo in which PI (tensor coefficient).represents the coefficient of 10 proportionality between the components of stroaa,and lhe rate: f ation. .Jordan's principle (Ref-3, L.S.Ley:benzon. deform Gostekhizdat, Course of Theory of Elasticity, 1947) 'appli-ed to 'i. n an incompressible metal is expressed by Y 4VY + n S I Y. RY + + S I V,; V S, + Z,, 8 v.) dSj .(4) where Xn, Ynv Zn projections of external forces applied to the body under deformationt on the axis of the 66'ordinate96 6vx, bvyt 6v, - variations of velocity coTponentis of-the displacements on the points of the-body on which' external forcos .are-acting. The left hand side of Eq-.(4) represents the variation of-the work of internal forces, while the right hand,'aide represents the variations of the work of external irokees. Uti-lizing Eq.(l), applying calculus of variations and'introducingla 'Card: 3/8 s/148/61/060/010/002/003 -Poundations of the theory of ... now system of coordinates t6 the right hand sidIa. of Jordant'j:p equation it will become V d8 .0 (16) + V12 + vl~ 2 where-. H the intensity of' the velocity of deforw;.it'.ion due :to shear; VB - roller velocity;, fox the angle characterizing~the, point considered (0 < yx < a) I a contact angle;, rs yield point under shear; vxgvytvz - velocity componbntz IVZ vxtan (PO. Jordan's equation presented in this form is applicable to the analysis of the process of rolling ah plain irollers. If theMork of shear lost on overcoming resistances is in also included, it becomes.* Card 4/8 t I If U I a III I flul If it 1141FIlln S/148/61/000/010/002/003 Foundations of the theory of ... E193/E435 IP),tv + C1.1ull dS A-, 2 f~ St + V,2 U8 - -)2 its 0, Cos epv S (17) in which summation is extended,over the surfaces of the discontinuities of the velocities and vt represents the difference between the velocities on th6surface of discontinuity.. Eq.(16) or (17) should be combined with ail equation expressing the law of energy conservation. The work done on'direct rolling,is: Nrji,=M,,Pu)=MD[~'i dS dS 4s, S~ where MTrp roll torque'(for two rollers); w: anpular velocity; R - roller radius. Themork done on-overconting friction forces and internal resistances is Card: 518 S/148/61/000/010/002/003 Foundations of the theory of ... E193/E435, 'VA ks H + t,'111) dV + VI -1. Us- dS. COs 4F~ (21) Taking into account the work lost on the surfaces of Aiscontinuities and the conditiori N np N pleads to 7 b 0b IS a0 10 - C~ + (V. ylr )2 dS 7 ri Iv,) d~ 0. COs V 5S (26) where y critical angle. Eq.(26) and (17) taken together~ define the problem for the calculus of variatio,fts. They contain three unknown quantities vx,vy,vz and their derivatives which have to be determined in such a manner that, on one hand, the Card 6/ 8 s/i48/6i/ooo/oio/oo2/003 Poundations of the theory of ... EIWE435~ integral is to assume its maximum value and, on the,other, the Eq.(26)'be satisfied. Moreover,'the functions vX1vyjvz should satisfy incompressibility conditions + 0. .0 X The solution can be obtained with the use of the calculus of variations (Ref.10: S.G.Mikhlin. Direct methods in m6themFticdl physics. Gostekhteorizdat, 1950; 'Refoll: L.V.karitoravich, ViI.Krylov. ~Iethods of approximation of higher analysis. Gostekhteorizdat, 1949). Thus, the velocity of the metal a t any point of the volume of deformation region can be determined', whence'all i-olling parameters can be calculated. The power expended on deformation N A can be found from Eq.(21). If NA is known, the rolling torque N rt p can be determined from Eq:. (18) , and the roll force can be calculated for a given roll radius.* The velocities at the entry and exit points of the deformation region (vo and v1) are calculated from the known value of vx~. Then', from the ratio of the initial-to-final cross-section area of Ca';rd- 7/ 8 S/148/61/000/010/002/003 Foundations.of the theory Of B193/E435 this slab or~from the values of v1 and v2 ~the elongation X can-be calculated.from Vi, PO P1 v The lateral spread can be then calculated fora given draft,.from 'the'condition of constant volume or: the doformed matial. The. velocities vx-,vy and vz can bd used also to eonstruct trajectories of displacementof metal particle.s in.the deformed region relative to the rolls, as has been described earlier (Ref.12: A.A.Pozdeyev, V.I.Tarnovalciy, Izv*. VUZ. Chernaya metallurgiya, no.6, 1959). There~are 12 references: 11 Soviet- bloc and l.Russian translation of non-Soviet-.bloc publication. ASSOCIATION: Urallskiy politekhnicheskiy institut (Ural Politechnical Institute) SUBMITTED: March 9, 196o Card* 8/8. GOSTEV Y V.S.; SAAKOV, A.K.1 AZLE, TSKAYA:P: A.Ye. I FEREViZM-pt A.A.;. NAZAUNK0.) N.A.; MAZINA, N.M.; KIJLAGINO A.N.; ZYKO' .V Yu~V.; XXXITENFO A.A.; SKACHKOV, N,I. comparative immunochemical study of antisera,~I;to tiiisue,homogein6tes' and the mixtures of their nonpr'otein'fractibrio. Bi~l~ eksp. biol.; i med. 57 no.4:94-97 A 164. 1 (MIRA 18-3) P 1. Laboratoriya imn~iunokhimli (zave Prof. -V#!S. Goi3tov) Instit~qta eksperimentallnoy,biologii (diri. prof. IAI!~Maysjci-j)~AMll SSSR Moskva. Submitted May 17,1963. GOSTEV, V.S. (Moskvay D-284, Begovaya, u.., 11, kv. )7); AZLETSKAYA, A.Ye.; SAAKGV, A.K.; GRIGORIYAH, D.G.; CHAWVAp K.G.I_~YKOV -4.1 PERELAZNYY,A.A.; MAZINA, N.M.; KULAGIN, N.A.; MAKOUYEVA, G.M. Study of the antigenic properties of human tuiwro fractions deprived of soluble proteins. Vop. onk. 8 no,9t18-26 v62, (MIRA 17.-6) 1. Iz laboratorii immunokhimii Instituta. eksperiment-allnoy biologii AMN SSSR (dir.- prof. I.N. Mayskiy). --Yu.V IWOMEVA, G.M. AIIY)ILIAIIGVA, S.V. Effect of Iyophilization oti the polymariam '4mad Ul.-nimological properties of devoxytibonvolooproteinti. BN1. oksp. blol i mod.- 52 no.11:51-54 11 161. (14ITM 15:3) 1. Iz laboratorii immmokhimii (zav. - prof. V.S. Gostev Instituta eksperinugntallnoy biologii (dir.' prof. I.N. ~4yskiy) A121 SSSR) Moskva. Bradotavlona dO:'r~vtvitbl'rvm chlenom SSSR) 11.11. Zlmlcovpa-~ereihnikov~m. (MCLEOMMUS) (FfMZE-DRYINr,) 9FREMOT, M.I.; ZMV, Yu,V. Switching-over of automatic block systems in the Moscow-Ryazan -electrified district. Avtom., telem.i sviaz' 4 n0-2:25-28 F 160. (MIRA 13:6) 1. Rachallnik otdola spetsializataii, teentralizataii. blokirovki i avyasi Koskovsko-B~azanskogo otdeleniya MoBkovskoy',dorogi (for Yefre- mov). 2. '~'tarshiy inshener otdola spetsializataii, tsentralizataii blokorovki i avyazi Moskovsko!-4a%anskogo otdalealya Koskovskoy dorogi (for Zykov). (Aleotric railroads--Signaling) ZYKOVA' A.S.,nauchnyy sotrudnik Lead air pollution and its effect on the health of the population [with summary in English] Gig, i san. 22'ao.12:12-17 F '57: (baa& io:4) 1. Iz Moskovskogo oblastnogo sanitarno-gigiyen1cheskog6 instituta. (AM POLLUTION by lead discharges from indust. plants, eff. on healthl (LEADPOISONING from air polluted by lead discharges of~indust. plants) PY, A.A.; KIMANTSHY, L.A.; SHMSOT, U.I.; THLEGIN, Ya.I,9,% SHNIN, Y.P.; NWRUSOT, A.A.; GAYRILOY, T.Y.; IPOAII.~'AYRNKO, 2h.1' all VOMOY, N.Y.; KALAWINIKOY, A.A.; PLIKSIN, S.T ; Affoy, N.N.; - YAKDIOVA, T.A.; SHALAMOV, T P. KOSONOGOY IL.A.; KARMINOY, L. U., PUS3MOY, U.N.; MADKOYSKIY, M.I., red.; ITANOV, 4.1., red.6 IJOTIKOYA, Ye., red.; MOSOINA, R., [Rconomic development in the people'a -n-To-MTEM , review for 19581 Razvitie ekonomiki stran narodnai ir; MMM34;.; obzor za, 1958 9. Pod red. N.I.SladkovBkogo I dr. HOSkVD. 12d-vo aotsial!_ no-ekcn.lit-ry, 1959, 358 p. (MM 13:?) 1. Koscow. Nauchno-i-asledovatellakiy ;TMUT-11 =-yy inatitut. (Communist countries--Economic conditionO 1: fill B T. 05=07 Yu-. H M,xov v-s --jKisVYANTSEVL.Ai-;TSL9GIY, j-- PMHEV,Yu.A.; LENSKIYO V V . . Ya.I.; POTAPOVp V.I.; IMMUSOVI A.A.; ZYKOVp A.A.; XUDIHq B.H.;IUKSI- MOVA2 A.P.; VIKOLUENK01 Zh#I*j VOLKOV OVg Kole'; PLAKSIfif S.V.; POPOV, N.N.; KARSHINOV, L.N.;.YAKIMOVAj, T.A; 8HALASBOV# V.P,; VISYAFIN~.Yu.L.; ERMNOV., L.V.; PUSFSKOV, X.R.; IWOV, R.I., red.; ZOLCTAREVI V.I.j red.; SLADKOVSKIY, M-1., red.- LMIIXOVA, Yee, red,; KOROLEVAj A.,, mladshiy red.; NOGINA, 11.9 tekhn. red. [Economic development of the pe6plels demoerac,i0s; sulvey for 19591: Razvitie ekonomiki stran narodnoi demokratU4, 1959 god# Pod red. N.I.Ivanova i dr. Ploskvaj lzd-vo sotsial.Ino-okon. lit-ryj 1960. 305 pe (MIRA 14t*6) 1. Moscow. Nauebno-isoledavatellskiy kon"yukturvyy iratitut. (Europe f'Eastern-toonwde co~ditiono) ZYKOVA7,-A-,--(K-iro-v-)-;-- -BERL- IZOVA--p.L-.- ---------- Without quality inspecIt-lors. Mest..prom.i 'khud.promys, 2 no.8:6. Ag 161. (MIRA 14:9) 1. Predsedatell fabriohnogo komiteta Ki-rovskoy shveynoy febriki (fdr Zykova). 2. Nachallnik-proizvodstvenno-tekhnicheskogo otdela fabriki (for Berlizova). (Kirov-Clothing industry-Quality control) Iffootivonsem of purification installatione,at Ourboa-blaok plague a~d the von4a distribution of atmospheric pollutio'm~by 8604. (W IMOSSA (1923- U.S.8,R. ) VemmoynswWm gosudaretvenviya smidt4rnaya Wspektut Ochietka provWshlenzykh vybromov v atmeferu, 1953. pjr.28) (MU 7: 1. Wookovskiy oblastuoy eanitarno-SigiyentohemkI7 inatitut, (Air-PurIfication) I'M! M! i W.4 ZYKOVAI A. S. Cand Med Sci -- (diss) "Polliition o m --plier by industrial axtd ito izrrr"faencD-- upon the health of the population", Plosi1957- 8 ppi,20 cm. (Acad Med Sci USSR) 140 copies. (KL,9-57, 102) YK 6 VA, 'Contakaftation 61 eat va the Health of the Population," by A. S. Zyko zcientific associate, Moscow Oblast Sanitary-Hygie6e -Institute, Gigiyena iSanitariya, Vol 22, No 21 Feb 57, pp12-17 Investigations were conducted of air sampler collectedl:in the vicipiV of a battery-cell plant and a tin smelter, where the atmosphere was contam nated by waste discharges from the plants. The investigations established[~,- Ahat lead concentration in the area of the plants wao'considerably in ex- ss of the limits of the allvjable concentration or oxoo7 rainigram per e cubic meter of air; it was cumulative JIM nature, it penetrated into build- and dwellinGs together with dust)i persons living in anatmosphere contaminated by lead 'for prolonSed periods suffered.Trom,functional JIB- tiarbances of the nervous system Lind Gastrointestinal affections; lead was ii 'in:" dr. : . , t 661106 orgatlaijg ZYKOVA, A.S., SCHASTNYY, Y.A.p TWOMOVA, G,P* Determination of nataral radioactive aerosols In tbn atmosphere* Gi-& i san 23 no.10:62-64 0 158 Otru nin). 41R, natural radioa.-tive aerosols, det-orms (Run)). (RADIOAOTIVITY, natural radioactive aerosols in air, determ. (Rus)) --PHASE I BWK- E)UWITATION ____S 0Y ~1'3) /3589 Sbornik radlokhimicheakikh i dozimetricheskikh metodik (Collection of Ra416- Chemical and Dosimetric Methods) Moscov, Medgiz~ 1959. 459 p. Errata slip inserted. qp000 copies printed, Edo. (Title page): N.G. Ousev, U.Ya. Margulis, A.H. Marry, N.Yu. Tarasenko, Yu.M. Shtakkenberg; Ed. (Inside book): V.I. Labaznov; Tech. Ed.: A.X. Zakharova. PURPOSE: Thig colleat'Lon of articles is intended for physicists, sanitation and I p1b3ic health dectors., chemists and other specialists,vorking in radioactive dosimetry. COVERAGE: This vork discusses the follawing subjects: (1) priteiples of organizing sanitation and dosimetric control in institutions vhere work is: carried nm vith radloactive sabstances; (2)radio-chemlcal and chemical methods for deternining certain radioactive substances in samples of air2 vater., soil and foodstuffs; (3) 1rhysical nethods of measuring contanination of the radioap.tive gases and aerosols., and methods for determining the level of contamination of vorking surfacesp clothes and leather coverings; (4) methods Card l/ U Collec-,t:',.rjn-cf-RacU-.)~l-=adea3.-and-I)(;i3imetrie-Kethode, _S07/3589 of measuring external stre&w of x- and g -radiation, and.methods of in- dividual doeimetric monitoring; (5) Absolute and relative methods of measuring the activity of solid and liquid radioactive sources. There are four ampendixes de&Ung with methods of calculati% the total doi3age f=m sources of ionizing radiation., units of aativity, and doses from natural (background) radioactivity in the calcium of foodstuffs. Sanitary regulations observe(I during transportation., storage.. and handling of radioactive substances axe discussed., as well as the permissible level of ionizing radiation. The editcre; tbAnk Yu.V. Sivintoev and D.P. Shirshov. References ajTeear at the end of each chapter. TABIE OF CONIEUM: Preface Ch. I. Prdblems in Sanit&ry Dosimetric Control of the Envirornent (A.W. Marey and N.Yu. Tarasenko) 5 Ch. II. Organization and Methods of Sanitary Inspection,of Environwntal Hiesento Contaminated by Radioactive Substances 12 1. Sanitation inspection of drainage systems used for disposal of livid radioactive wastes (A.N. Marey) 12 2. Sanitation inspection of open reservoirs (A.N. Marey) 16 C ard 2A1 Collection of and Desimatric Wthoda soir/3589 3. Sanitary dosimetric inspection of underground vuter supplies (A.N', Yiarxey) 25 4. Sanita-,.r ins.peaction of water conduits (A4I-q, Marey): 2T 5. Sanitary inspection of a region (A.11. Marey) 20 6. Organization of sanitary dosimetric inspection of foodstuffs-(A.N. Marey) 32 7. Organization and methods of detervining contamination of the air by. radi,:)actiN-- substances (A.S. Zykovs .............. 36 Recamended literature Ch. IZE, Radic-Ch3micd Methods of Determining Radi oactive Substances inWater,, Soil, Bialio-gical Materials and Air k5 Introduction (YedN. Belyayeva) 1. Pre-paration of samples of material for radioactive measurements (Ye.N. Belyayeva) 47 2. Prepearation of samples of radioactive contaminated air for m6asurements, of activity (G.P. Yefremova) 51 3. Prepexation of samples of vater,, biolor~ical materialj soil and benthic de-W6its IN, fadio-chemical anmlysis (Ye.H. Belyayeva-) 53 Card 3A1 - -.- - I".... -.- .1 . "'. .. I I-It Ill 11 tit Ill-, lall I Ill 113111,1111MIlliful 1 , .1 -, . 1 11 ZYKOVAP A. T., aspirant (Sverdlovok) ---------------- Clinic4tl characteristics of angloreticaloma of the carebrum..Vop. neirokhir. no.6:28-3o 161. (141RA 1/.:12) 1. Klinika nervrqkh bolezney i neyrokhirurgii i kafedry nervnykh bolezney Sverdlovskogo meditsinakogo inatituta. (BRAIN-TUMORS) (ANGIC14A) SHlMg D*G** professor; MORKIN. T.R.; ZTKOVA, A.Twi Tropecin therapy of disoasse of the centrala'arvou s aretem vith extrapyramidal dtsorderx'#~ Soy. zed. 18 noIM24-25 19 154. (MM 7:12) 1. Is klinlki nervnykh bolesney yerdlovskogo mad. Instituta I' Inatituta fisich.askikh notodov loobaniya (rukorod.-prot, D.G.Shafer) (ONVIRAL MMVOUS SYSTBR, diseases extrapyramidal disorde, ther., diphanylacetic,acid. 3-tropyl eater) (ACITIC ACID, derivatives diphanylacetic acid 3-tropyl eater, ther. of dim. of M) ifirim!V1111111t] jig 11111W 11"-- AUTHORS: Kobozev, N.I., Lebedev, V.P., Strakhoy, B,V. 76-11-25/35 i TITLE: The Physical Ohemistry of 0 1oncentrated Ozone (Fiziko-khimlya, konteentrirovannogo ozon&) III. The Explomive Oxidation of Nitrogen in Mixtures Containing Concentrated Ozone (III.: V2-ryvno 6 okisleniye azota v smeayakh a kontsentrirovannym ozo FERIODICAL: Zhurnal Fizicheskoy Khimii, 1957, Vol- 31t' Nr 11, pp. 2547-2550 (USSR) ABSTRACT: An oxidation of nitrogen under explosion in mixtures with concen- tratea ozone within the pressure range of from 25 to 100 nm torr was carried out. It is shown that within this range a linear In- crease of the nitrogen oxide leakage was observed in the aue of increased pressure. The nitrogen oxide leakage curves in dependence on the composition of the initial mixture pass through a maximilm at about 75% 03- In the case of the here.e )loyed composition and the highest experimental pressure exercis ej 150 mm) the nitrogen oxide leakage amountea to about 2%. Oomparatively small additions of oxygen considerably reduce this leakage. There are 4 figures Card 1/2 and 3 Slavio references. 76-11.2!v35 The Physical Chemistry of ooncentmtea Ozone. 111. The Explosive Oxidation Of. Nitrogen in Mixtures Containing Concentrated Ozone ASSOCIATICK: Moscow State University imeni M.V.Lomonosov (Moskovskiy gosudarstvennyy univervitet im. M.V.Lomonosova) SUBMITTED: September 18, 1956 AVAILABLE: Library of Congress Card 2/2 FINIKOVO V.G.; ZYKOVA, G.N. (Moscow) Isotopic axchang~'~k7gaii in the uyatems WOJ- O.Land Nay 0 0 Zhur. fiz. kbim.'38 no.3:542-546. Mr ,64. (*,-',IRA, 170) 1, Institut fitichaskoy kldmii AN SSSR, so 4ACC-~ ARs-AP6032040- SOURCE ... CODL,-.--'Ug/0411/66/002/005/060010604-'! AUTHOR:, Zx~~~-: ORG: Laboratory of Hematology an 'd.Histology, Scientific Research Institute im. Sklifosovskiy (Nauchno-issledovatel'skiy institut, LaborAtoriya perelivaniya krOVi i konservirovaniya tkaney) TITLE: A quantitative method. for determining fibripolytic activity SOURCE: Prikladnaya blokbimiya i mikrobiologiya, v. 20~ no. Sv~ 1966, 600-604 TOPIC TAGS; -%bU4c4=, medical research, thromboembolytic disease, circulhtory system, cardiovascular system clinical in4ethod, fibri'no'*tic ictivity ABSTRACT: -Fibrinoiysin is aii enzVme widely dis'tributed in na6um,not only .in animals but in products of bacterial synthesis alaA is widely used in the treatment of thromboembolytic diieaseniof the catdio- .1 vascular system. Blood from cadavers possesses equal or greater ,fibrinolytic activity as wholeblood from healthy ~bodies. The. method described can determine quantitatively the fibrinolytic. activity of whole and citrated cadaverous blood and can be used for classifying blood samples according to their fibrinolytic;~ Activity.' The7 vercent~ge of a known unt'of,fibrin which is amo- Card 1/2 UDC: 542.98+615.388