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--So-I-.j--B--IBIKOVAp Ye V. --------TUGARINOV--A-.I.-.-ZYKOVP Determining the absolute age of sedementary eocks using the lead-uranum method. Geakhimiin no.3:266-283 Mr .163. (MM 16:9) 1. Vernadsky Indtitute of Geochemistry and Analytiral Chemistry, Academy of Sciencoo, U.S.S n4$ Moscow, iLead-uranium, dating) BLUVSHTEYNt M.N.;, TSIXOLINt G.I.jjPLQVAt Z.K. Dynamic method of determining the.elasticity modulus of refractories at high temperatures and the aixtomatic controlof testing, Ckneupory 28 no.W3-17 163., (KRAL 161l) 1. Vsesoyx;zW institut ogneuporov., (Refractory materials-Testing) (Elaksticity-Te Itinig) (Automatic 60:trol) $/007/63/O0(',V(X3/002/033 AUTHOR: Tugarinov, A. I., Zykav, S., Iap Bibikova, 'lei. V. TITLE: On determining of abwluta age of sedizien-~-ary fomations- Vy the lead-uranium metbiod PERIODICAL: Geokhinaip.,, no* 3.. 1963j, 266-283 7W.N Article deals Ydth problea of determining age of sad=amts in absemco of authigenic urardum or thorium minerals therein. -(diiah wild be usefial if 1wesent. The lead-uranium mathod, in combinal4t, on with =-Lhi genic wnu?il um conoentratlons, has been used with good results. Ih-arxLum bearing sulfides and apati tesp as wall as minaccous segments of sandstones and congloineratez, have ~waved the most suitable materials, * ResUta oC age determination by this methad ave ntpoKed for Pre-Ca;ubriali dimenzary rocks of the Ukraine, the Kwak magnetic enoaO~r and the Karalllitn MOW. 9SOCIATION: Institut pokbimil. i analitichaskoy khiaLt ins V. I., 'reawtdo-tougo JON SSSR (Inatituto of Gmachcmistx7 md, Analy-tiaiQ. Ghanislzjr im. 11. 1. Vernadsl-dy, Academy of Sotences MISR), Moscow. Card 1 of I TUGARINOV, A.I.; ZYKOV, S.I... Isotope emposition of lead in ore deposits of ithe Caucasus and Central Asia. Bi~I.Kom.po opr.abs.vozr.gO6i'.forPi. ho.4: 66--76 161. 0,WbI 15:1) (Caucasus--ore deposits) (Soviet Central Asia-,-Ore deposits) (Lead--Isoto s) Pe ZHIROVX-,-V-V. -j-ZUOV--S-e I -.;TRYA-RIWv-~- -A,. Age of zircons of ancient foxnations in tho Kola Peninmila,! Geokhimila no,12.-1043-105,1- 1616 (MM .15:3) le Vernadsky Institute of Geochemintry andjAnalYtical ChemistryIs' Academy of Sciences U.5,S.R., Moscow. (Kola Peninsula-Zirean) ~(Kola Peninsula--Geological timlp 9) ----ZYKOV--S-.I-,--;--STUPNIKOVA,, N.I.; PAVLENKO, A.S.; TUGAIUNOV, A.I.; ORWVA,, L.P. Absolute age of intrusions in the eastern Tuva region and the Yonluey, Range, Geolrbiniia no*7:547-560 161. (MIRA 14r6) le V.I.Vernadskiy Institute of Geochemistry and Analytical Che#stry, Academy of Sciei~ces U.8,S.R. 0 and Chair of Geochemistry M.V.I.bmonosov State Univer'sity,, Moscow.. (Sangilen range Rocks., Igneous) ~X;nis~y *dgo--Rocks.,: igneous) (Geological time) Old 2ead mineralikation in cant-ml lazakth~tnn. 3o7. geol. 4 no.l.- 13s.-143 Ta 161. (mia i4oa) 1. Moskovskiy gosudarstvennyr universitet imeni M.V. lomonooova, (Jrazakhatan-Lead ores) VINOGUMV, A.P.; TUGARINOV, A.I,; ZT=, S.I.P* SNPRIKOVA, N,I, - - ------------------- Age of pegmatites of the Stanovoy, complex.~, Geokhimiia no;5-183~-)91 16o. 13: 8) 1. Institut geokhimil i anliticheoko7 khinii im..VII.Vernadskogo AN SSSR, Moskva i Kafedra gookhimii Hookovskop ~osudarstvenuogo. universiteta im, M.Lomonosova. (Stanovoy Range-Psgmtiteo) (Geological time) VINOGRADOV,- A.P.;- TUGARINOT, --- 4.1.; ZYKOV, S.I.; STUPKIKOVA, N.I. Age of rocks of the AlUa Shield.. Geokhimila noo~7:363-369' 16o. (KIRA 13:11) 1. Y.I.Vernads17 Institute of Geachemistry and Analytical Ch3mistry. Academy of Sciences, U.S.SoR.,Moscow, and Chair of Geochemistry of the M.V. Lomonosov Koncov State University (Aldan Plateau--Rockg--Agei) Uw RA Vp-A;Pv-i,--TARASOVF L.S.; ZYKOV, S.I. Isotopic composition of lead in ores of the Altai amd XazakhBtan [with summary in Enclish). Gookhimiia no.1:3-,',12 '57. (HIRA 32:3) 1.VernadskiK Institute of Geochemistry and Analytical Chemistry, Academy of ciences, U.P.S., MOPCOW. (Altai Territory-Lead-lootopes) (Kazakhatan-Leacl--Isotopen) 14311AV 1 lift LIV IVANOVA, X.S,; ZYXQV, S. I. UMHINA, G.H.; HIMULOVSKATAi A.D0; On the age of some rare metal granite IntrusionsAn Central Xazakhetan [with summary in Muglish]. Gookhtmila'no.8:647-656 '57. (MIRA 11:2) l.Radiyevyy institut AN SSSR, Leningrad. (Geology, Stratigraphic) ,(Kazakstan-Granite) (Nuclear geophysics) _ZYMV, SqI.; STUPNIKOVA, N.I. Isotopic analysis of leaa without preliminary preparation of the mindral.-Gookbimi4a no.5:430-434 ' 57- (MIRA 12:3) 1. Chair of Geocbemistry. Geological Faculty of the Moscow State Uni- versity bearing the name of M.T. Lamonosov. (Lead--Analysis) ZHMCV, K.K.; ZYMV, S.I. Isotopic composition of lead in some deposits of central Xazakhatan [with summary in English]. GeAhimlia no.l:-76-81 159, (MIRA 12:2) 1. Departt~snt of Geochemistry, M.V, Lomonosov Mopcow State Vnivernity. (Kazakhstan-Lead,19otopes) Upil it I I M41 G.G. ZYKOVO S.I.: Alkaline rocks in northern outskirts of thO Siberian Platform and the isotopic composition of lead in them. WK. IAN SS SR 124 no.1: 168 -Ja 159. (MIRA li:l) I.Nauchno-iseledovatellskiy institut geologil Arktiki. Predstavlano akademikom D.S. Korzhinakim. (Siberia' Platform-Rocks, IF40ous) (Lead-Isotopes) 3(8) AUTROR B s Vinogradovf A. P. 9 Zy~~.~- SOV 7-58--6-1/16 Tarasov, L. S. TITLE3 Isotopic Composition of Lead.Imp~rities-in.Ores,.and--Minersla Indicator for.the Daterminatlon, of.TheirAsnesis and i.~V Time-.of Formation (Izot.opnyy sostav svlntsa-priaes , rudakh i minaralakh kak pokazatel.ikh genezisa i Yrenjeni obr,azovaniya) PERIODICAM Geokbimiya, 19581 Mr 6, PP 515 523 (VSSR) ABSTRACTs Samples of Chaloopyrits, pyrite,.pyrrhatine, sphalerite, galenite and ore samples of different pozposition~wers investigated, as well as quartz, scheelite,tungstenite an&.oassiterita. The,'ieotopic ratio in lead wae..determined. , by a mass spectrograph (method aod'ording to. Ref. The, chemical and pyrochemical preparation for mass speotrn- graphical analysis was- made. by Ye.~:~ B. Yevdokimova. i - The.. folloving,samples were investigatedi 27 from.the..Hudnyy Altay (Table 1) 0 9 from the Kalba--YdirymBkiy, rayon. (Table 2), 3 frDm. the Gornyy Altay (Table 3), 7 from northern-, Central Siberia -(Table 4) and 5 from.the Kola peninsula. Some Card samples,were put at the authors' disposal by: T. V. Zorovs, .Isot-opio-CompoBition of Lead Impurities in'Ores~and SOV/7-58-6-1/16 an Indicator for the Determination of Their Genesis and Time of Formation V. L. Baratzkor (GEOKhI), 0. M. Chlrkot"Kineralogi che~kiy ' muzey imeni A. Ye. Persmans. All MR (Mineralogical.Museum- A. Ye. Ferxnen, LS USSR) and 0. Ye. Yushko-gakharova. The.tables and the third chapter contain a mineralogical classification and geological information on the inva:sti-' gated stages. The isotopie ratio~in the mineraliiations of Kalba and Go~~nyy Altay which is almost identical refer clearly to a genetic unity and contemporaneous formation. The..Peohenga orea areprobably Proteroz*oic, oertainly~not Cale.don.ian, Cassiterito has an anomalous ratio of isotopes. It is dua to inclusions of radioactive minerals, 'e',.g. ' oolumbite. There are 5 tables and~ll raferencea, 11 of which are Soviet. ASSOCIATIONs Institut geokhimii i analiticheskoy- khimii im. V.I4 Vernadskogo AN SSSR, Mgskva (Institute of Geochemistri a-ad, Analytical Chemistry imeni V.I. Vernadak:Ly,AS USSR, MOBCOW) .SUBMITTED: 15, 1958 Card 2A 30), 3(0) SOV/7-59-1-10/14 AUTHORS: Zhirov, X. K., Zykov, S. 1. TITLE: On the Isotope Composition of Lead in.Some~Deposits ot Central Kazakhstan (Ob izatopnom sostave svintsa nekotorykh mesto- rozhdeniy Toentrallnogo Ka2akhstana) PERIODICAL: Geokhimiya, 1959, Nr 19 PP 76-81 (USSR) ABSTRACT: The isotope conditions of lead in 17 tlamplda of 15 deposits of Central Kazakhstan were determined'(Table.l). Yu',A. Bor- shchevskiy and I. G. Gan~yev assited in the' taking ;f samples and-also supplied some of them. The object:of the analysis with the mass spectrometer MS-3 were the lead iodides!andv~ in 3 samples, directly the galenite. Errors are'less than 1~o. The different deposits and geographical'oonditions', especially the Kuzhal deposit (Table 2') are discussed. IIt I follows that the isotope composition in a series of sa ~Mpies from rare metal deposits agTee3 with those of manganese, and hydrothermal deposits. The polymetallic stage in deposits of rare metals is probably superposed and in genetic relation with ore-formation processes in lead-,.lead-zinc-, and other deDosita. Genetically related.depositsiand'deposits ai tuated Card 1/2 reiatively close to each other show.,differences in the~isotope SOV/7-59-1-10/14 On the Isotope Composition of Lead in Some Deposits of~Central Karakhatan composition. Most probably tvo gencration6 of galenites 'exist in these regions. The authors appreciate ihe suggestions and help of A. A. Maksimov. There are 2 tables ani 10 Soviet references. ASSOCIATION: Kafedra geokhimii Moskovskogo gosudaretvennogo universiteta im. M. V. Lomonosova i ( Chair .'. of Geochemietry, Moscow State University imeni 1.1. V. Lomonasov) SUBMITTED: 11arch 13., 1958 Card 2/2 Ali 11111 101 NVIVIN 09,11 IF, R. 19 F ffl, I I MI ..... ..... I ...... I 3(0) AUTHORS: Moor, G, G.,-Zykov, S. I., SOV/20-124-1-48/69 TITLE: The Alkaline Rocks of the Northern Border of the Siberian Platform and the Isotopic Composition of the lead in These Rocks (Shchelochnyye porody severnoy okrainy-Sibirskoy platformy i izotopnyy sostav svintea v nikh) PERIODICAL: Doklady Akademii nauk SSSR, 1959, Vol 124, Nr 1, pp 166-170 ~(USSR) ABSTRACT: Along the lower course of the Kotuy afi&Maymecha Rivers a complex of ultrabasic ani alkalic rocks''has been found. The rocks of this complicated,and multiphase complex are, in spite of the great diversity of mineral and chemical compositions, genetically related and originated from~the sane melt. This region can be selected as a special petrographic and magmatic province. With the intrusions in the 60me SreA are trap rooke of effusive and hypabyesal facies. The volcanic cycle during which the intrusions of the alkalic-ulttabasic complex were implaced took place from the end of theTpper Permian to the beginning of the Lower Jurassic. Foremost activity4vaummot1b Lower Triassic when the trap rocks were formed. Both types of Card 1/3 magmatism are clonely interrelated, both spacially and temporally. The Alkaline Rocks of the Northern Border of the SOV/20~024-1-48/69 Siberian Platform and the Isotopic Composition of~the Lead in These Rocks The question of the genetic relationship is not at~present entirely answered. A few researcher&(G. G. Moort T* L. Golldburt and K. M. Shikhorina) consider that an original basalt mIagma produced the alkalic.-oultrabasia rocks as well as the trap rocks. This explains the great diversity of~the rack types. Other researchers (Yu. M. Sheynmann, Ye. L,', Butakova) t1hink that an ultrabasic magma was the common parent. S=6 light is brought to the matter by a comparison of the isotopielcomposition of lead from rocks of this complex. For this purpo,Ise galens. from vein-like, melanocratic syenite from the Odikhincha intrusion (on the right bank of the Kotuy) was used.'The isotopic composition (determined by S. I. Zyko'v) was as follows: 206 204. 207/pb2O4. , 208/pb2O4~ Pb /Pb 17-98; Pb 15036; Pb :- 37.65- Noteworthy is the isotopic composition of load from the alkalic rocks of the Kotuy River and the traps of tlie Siberian Platform (Table 1)(Refe 3, 4). Card 2/3 The Alkaline Rocks of the Northern Border of the SOV/20-124-1-48/69 Siberiaa Platform and.the.Isotopic Composition ofihe Lead in These,Rooks As seen from the preceding data, -,;he,isotopic compositions of the lead of the traps and of the alk~lic rocks of the Kotuy River are very similar, Thus it can be concluded, with dome teservations, that the trap ind alkalic-ultrabasio rocks'come from the same basalt magma. There are I table and 4 Sovibt references. ASSOCIATION: Nauchno-isaledovateltskiy institut geologii Arktiki. (Scientific Research Institute of Geology of the Arctic) PRESENTED: July 23, 1958, by Do So Korzhinakiy, Academician SUBMITTED. July 22, 1958 Card 3/3- 'Umm, .U T ZHIRov, K.K.; ZUOV, S.I.; ZHIROVA, V.V.; STUPMKOYA, N.I. The effect of hydrothermal changes on the radioactive mineral age determiuation, Geokhimiia no.8t657-665 15?. (RIBA ll~.2) 1.1afedra, geokhimii geologicheskogo fakulltata Moskovskogo gasudar- stvannogo universiteta im. M.V. Lomonosova i Institut geokhimii i analiticheakol, khimli im. V.I. Vernadskogo AN SSSR, Moskva. (Nuclear geophysics) ZYKOV) S. 1. Zykoy, S. T., 14.1. Stupnikova - The Determination of I-gotOpe Cantents of SrAaU: Quantities of Lead, The Sixth Session of the Comittee for Determining the Absolute Age.of Geologic Formations at the Department of Geologic-Geographical Sciences (OWN) of the USSR AcadeTV of Sciences at Sverdlovsk in May 1957 Izv. Ak Nauk SSO, Ber. Geol., So# 1. 1958Y 115-117 m'uthor PakmrsU" T,,IZ. Vail WIM04 0111M Fedorova, V. A. - The Age Determination of UPxaintan Granitoids. The Sixth Session of the Committee for Determining the. Absolute Age of' Geologic Formations at the Department of Geologic -Ge6kraphlcal Sciences (OGON) of the USSR Academy of Sciences at Sverdlovsk In May 1.957* 1z7- Ak Nauk SM, Ber. ftol., No. Is Igo# P- 115-11 .7~,Suthorl NkaroMys, T. so ZYXOV,L-S-J-Il, Zykov, �, 1,, Ivanava, K. S., Kuchina,~, a. N., Mikhalt'tvakaya, A. D., Filippov, M. So - The Age of the Rare Metal Akchatau Intrusionlecording to Data~ Obtained by the Lead and Argon Method. The Sixth Session of the Committee for Determining th6 Abs6lifte Age of Geologic Formations at the Department of Geologic-Geographical Sciences (OGGN) of the USSR Academy of Sciences at Sverdlovsk in May 1957. Izv. Ak Nauk SMO Ser. Geol., Ito. 1p 19580 p, 115-11T AILTthor Felwakiiya, To 13. ZYKOV S I ... .... %.Ytov., A,_L, Tugarinov, A. 1. The Suitability of Several Radioactive Minerals for the Age Detemination. The Sixth Session of the Committee for Determining the Absolute Age of, Geologic Formations at the Department of Geologic-Deographical Stiewes (OGGN) of the USSR Academy of Sver~dlovsk ill Ma~ 1957. 1w. AX Ikft::Sw,' ser. 0001. ,.go. I* 195B.- P. 1,15-11f O=tbAir:Petmkaya', T. B. E VINOGRAIOV, A.Pt; TUGARINOY. A.1.; FMROTA. V.A.; ZYKOV, S. 1. Age of pro-Cambrian rocks of the Ulcraihe [with summry In English] Report no.3 Gookhimiiano.7059-565 15y. I.Institut.gookhimii I analitichookoy khimii im..V.I. Vernadekogo AN SSSR, Moskva. (Ukraine--Geology, Stratigraphic) (Nuclear geophysics) ZHIROU, V.V.; ZYKOV, S.I.; TUGARIBOV, A.I. Age of pegmatites of the Slyudyanks, region [with awmry in English]. Geokhimiia n0-7:592-599 '57. (MIRA 11:1Y. 1.Instli-at geokhimil i analiticheakoy khimii im. V.11. Vernadskogo AN SSSR, Moskva, (Slyudyanka region--Pegmtiten) (ftuclear geophysics) STUPNIKOVA, N.I. Determining the isotopic composition of leadilwith. summary in English]. Zhur.,anal.khim. 12 no.4:556-558 ii-Ag 157, (MIRA 10:10) l.Institut geokhimii i analiticheako7 khimii,im. V.I. Vernadskogo AN SSSR i, kafedre. geokhimii Geologicheskogo fakulitata Moskovskogo, Gosudarstvennogo universiteta im. M.N. Lomonosovat (Lead--Isotopes) Man ZTKOV, S.L. Concrete molds for making details of precast cornices. Suggested by S.L.Zykov, Rats.i izobr.predlev strol, no.13:15-18 159i (KUtA'13:5), 1. Starahty instruktor Sibiratogo filiala thstituta Orgetroy Hinisterstva. strottelletva. RSFSR. c'h; SERGRYiV, Siredaktor; PIDTROVICH~ H. ,?trovi: t ~k& c'Relli r%daktdr. [In sunny Syria; a Soviet journalist's notebook] T solnechnoil Sirii; 1z sapisok sovetskogo shurnalista. Hoskva, G,os. izd-vo, poUt, lit-ry, 1957. 62 p. (KIRA 10:5) (Syria--Description and travel) --ZTKOVI B.S. Utillsina the productive capacities of T&J* cotton millso Trudy AN Tadxh.8SR 92t31,.64 158. 041RA 1314) (TaAkistan-Gottou meaufacture') FRUDENSKIY, G.A., red.; STARODUDSM L.V., otv. red.; ZYI;~ red.; PERVUSHIN, V.A... red.; SOBIJI, M.7a., red*i7ROMMOVA, B.A.j red.; MAZUROVA, A.F., tekhn. red,; VYAUKEP A.6111*j tekhn. red. (Problems of labor resources:in Siberia)Vop~osy trudovykh resursov v raionakh Sibiri. Pod obshchei red. G.A.h-udenskogo. Novosibirsk.. Izd-vo SibirBkogo otd-nie All SSSR, 1961. 168 p. (RMA 15:10) 1. Akademiya nauk SSSR. Sibiiskoye otdeleni~m. In3titut ekono- milci i organizatsii pron7shlonnogo proizvod6tva. (Siberia-Labo,e supply-Statistics) 107-57-6-21/57 AUTHOR: Zykov, V. (Moscow) TITLE: Automatic Stopping Device for a Record Player (Avtostop dlya proigryvatelya) PERIODICAL: Radio, 1957, Nr 6, p 19 (USSR) ABSTRACT: The device consists of an electromagnet whoselplunger is mechani- cally coupled with the power supply switch of the record 'player. The electro- magnet coil Is energized by a contact which closes when the tone arm comes to its outermost position. The electromagnet operates and turns off the record player. AVAILABLE: Library of Congress --ZYKOVO V. (Koakva) "WOMOONIMM.ti. top f or record players. Radio no.0:19 Js 157. (MLRA 10:?) (Phonograph) MI! HIM I OIL 131 .1111 1 ....................... ZYKOV v "Automatic shops" created by young mod no.1:64,65 Ja 163. 1. Rukovoditell kruzhka tekhaicheakogo To pionerov g. Glazova, (Glazov-Pioneers (Macuneryj Autom, TT pp ...... 1.1-Allul 14111,111ilillill Emimmlommkiffmom . - - 7 1- -- . - I - . . . - Al L 13181-66 1.27-58-5-8/30 AUTHORSi Yelin, S.N., Chief of the Designing Section of the Apatit~ Combine; 3vining S.F.0 Technical Director of an opewpit of the Mine imeni Kirov; Zykov, V.A.;'Chief Mechanic of the Apatit Combine TITLE: Derricks With "Sunk" Drilling Machines forOpen Mining (Burovyye stanki a pogruzhnym perforatorom dlya otkrytykh' rabot). At the Apatite Mine imeni Kirov (V& apatitovom rudnike imeni Kirov) PERIODICAL: Gornyy Zhurnal, 1958, Nr 5, pp 28-30 (USSR) ABSTRACT: A derrick with a "sunk" drilling machine was designel:,by the authors and manufactured in 1956 in the repair-meaha-:' nical plant of the Apatit Combine. Technical characteris- tics are as follows: diameter of bore holes - 150 mm; depth of drilling 20 ml derrick height B,700 m; width~- 2,700 mm; length 7,000 mm; electric motor power - 4-3 ki; the sunk drilling machine is of the BMK-2 t~rpe and operates by compressed air at 5 atm pressure. This device was-!tested inan open pit of the mine imeni Kirov,~which mines the Card 1/2 western part of the apatite-nepheline ores 'of 8 to 9:hard- 127-58-5-8/30 Derricks With "Sunk" Drilling Machines for Open Mining. At the Apdtite! Mine imeni Kirov nose (by Professor Protodlyakonov scale). Drilling speed, was 3 to 3-5 m per hour. The machine,proved to have~don- siderable advantages in comparison with percussion-cable drilling machines, since it can drill 20 to 25 m of shot-, holes of 150 mm in diameter per shift, wheroas percus sion- cable drilling machines have an average shif.t capacity, of. Only 3 to 5 m of 200-mm shot-holes. The new device is, simple and safe in operation and can be handled by one worker. There are 4 figures. ASSOCIATION: Apatit Combine AVAILABLE: Library of Congress Card 2/2 1, Drilling machines-Design GUEEMMOV.. D.A., gornyy inzh.; ZYXOV V.A.; GUSHCHIN, Y.V.; DEMWIXO~ I.F.; RODIONOV, G.V., -p-r-of., doktor tekhn.nauk Discussion of IA. B. Kallnitskii and S,.P. wmillevskii's artitcle "Problems in the automation of stoping equipment in the mining industry." Gor.-zhur.,no,10:59-" 0 161. (MUL 15:2) 1. GlavW makhanik kombinatA "Apatit" (for Zyko*) 6 2. Glain*ry inzh. kombinata ~Apatit" (for Gushebin). 3*~ 'Upravlyayushchiy rudnikom Odra-Bash KuznotBkogo metallurgichel3kogoAombinata (for Demidenko). 4. Institut gornogo dela Sibirmkogo~otdeleniya AN SSSR (for Rodionov). (Mning machinery) I'S YELIN, S.N.; SVININ, S.F.; ZYKOV, V.A.; IBRAYET, Sh'l., dots, kand.tokh-n.nauk; KATVIYE)MO, A.A. 1.1lachallulk konstruktorskogo,otdela kombinata Apatit (for Telin). 2.Tekhnicheskiy rukovoditell kartyera rudid ka ino' Kirova kombinata Apatit (for Svitin). I.Glavny7 makhanik kombinata Apatit (for Zykov). 4.Inatitut gornogo dela AIT KassSSR (for lbzvev). 5.Gl&vnY7 inzhener Ukrainskogo byuro vzrrvmr& rabot v prograblennoati Oft Matviyenko). (Boring mchinery) ZYMV, V.A., inzharor; SHPAKOV, V.I., inzhener. PChM-4 receiver set. Vest.sviazi 16 no,,2:5-6 F 156. Mn 9t?) 1, Moskovskoy direktaii radianyrazi Iradieveshchanlya. (Radio-Receivers and reception) l'iffinnium W1.411t I W111 41 1 141111t -BORISOV, M.D.; ZYKOV V.0 - STEPANENK01 I.A.; TERNOPOL, A.M.; PADALKA~,--V-.-'G--.-';-MniCHKOy L.V. (plasma production by the radial compression Mmthad~and measurement of certain plasma parameters) Poluo6nie plaz- my metodom radiallnogo szhatiia i izmerenie ee~nekotbrykh parametrov. Kharlkovj, Fiziko-te,khn. in-t AN USSRy 1960* 277-294 P. (,qRA 17-.37) AUTHORS: TITLE: PERIODICAL: 30088 3/05~/61/031/01'1/003/019. B104 B108 111yenko, B. P~, and Zykov Experimental determination of the regions of, magnetic sur- faces limited by a separatrix Zhurnal tekhnicheskoy fiziki, v. 3'1, no,. 11,: 1961, 1289 1293 TEXTt Attempts are made to determine experimentally, the regions of magnetic surfaces limited by a separatrix as functio:s of the longitudinal magnetic field and the current in a stellarator coil, using a model in which the plasma is simulated by an electron beam- The experimenta1de- vice is a cylindrical vacuum chamber made of glass.(10 cm in diameter, 6 80 cm. long), which is evacuated down to 5-10- mat Hg. In electron gun, injecting clectroxis of 1000 - 1500 ev is installed at one.end of theltubet At the other end there is a fluorescent screen for Iob:3erving the shape and size of the electron beam. The longitudinal magnetic~;field is gener- ated by a single-layer solenoid (14 cm in diameter, 60 cm long). The stellarator field is generated by a coil which is mounted to the glass Card 1/3 11 fill )a S/ 3VIA/03 1/011/003/019 Experimental determination of the ... B100108 tube (three pairs of turns with a radius of 5,5 cm,,at a,pitch of,60 cmi), Both coils are fed from separate sources, and the currents flowing:in them can be controlled independently, An out-of-focus electron beam was injected to determine the regions limited by the sL~paratrlx, hleasure-~ merits were made at H = 20 oersteds. When the stellarWr field and,the. z longitudinal magnetic field were switched on simultaneously the image p n the screen changed from a circle into a triangle. Its vertices pointed toward those turns of the stellarator coil, in whiob the current was directed opposite HZI Mhen the screen was moved along the axis of the, tube, the triangle rotated~ L, Soitser (Dckl. na 11 Zh~nev. Konf.:po; mirn. ispolIz. atom. energii, 1958), A, 1. Morozov ,, A~ S., SolovIyev (ZhTF, 30, 271, 1960) and V. F. Aleksin (K raschetp magnitnogo polya stellaratora, nast. vyp., str. 1264) are mentioned~ The authors thank V. F. Aleksin and V. T, Tolok for advice, and K, D, Sinellnikov, Member of the AS UkrSSR, for assistance and interest, There are 8 figures, 2 tables, and 4 references,: 2 Soviet and 2 non-Soviet.. kS30CIATION: Fiziko-tekhnicheskiy institut AN USSR (Pbyt3icotechnical' Institute AS UkrSSR) Uard 2/3 Experimental determination of the ... SUBMITTED: September 10, 1960 j Card 3/3 X I t ~ H. . ,a MEMOMMMMI ACCESSION NR: AT4036069 S/2781/63/000/003/0262/0273 AUTHORS: Zy*kov, V. G.; Stepanenko, 1. A.1 Tolok, V. T.; Sinell- nikov, K.---D;-' TITLE: Investigation of plasma capture in a magnetic trap SOURCE: Konferentsiya po fizike plazmy* i problemam upravlyayemogo.. termoyadernogo sinteza. 3d, Xharkov, 1962. Fizika'plazmy* i prdb- lemy* upravlyayernogo termoyadernogo sinteza (Plasma physics and prob- lems of conit.-rolled thermonuclear synthesis); doklady* konferantsii, no. 3. Kiev, Izd-vo, AN UkrSSR, 1963, 262-273 TOPIC TAGS: plasmoid, plasma source, plasmoid,plasnia interaction, magnetic trap, plasma confinement,:coulomb repulsion for,.-.,e, plasma injection ABSTRACT: The first reports are presented of experiments onthe,con- finement of a plasma in a trap with bucking fields, with simultaneous Card 1/4 ACCESSION NR: AT4036069 injection of plasma in the opposite direction. The.apparatus con- sists of a cylindrical vacuum chamber 20 cm in diame.termade of stain- less steel and placed inside the field-produci nq coils. Each coil is connected to buck the neighboring one, so that th:cee traps with sharp-angle magnetic field geometry are produced, with a 15.6:cm dis- tance between magnetic gaps. Conical plasma guns were used. ;The - 4 JVM2' plasma was injected into the apparatus pumped out to 6.6 x 10, The central trap was the principal one and the outer ones served for injection of the plasma into the central trap. .!Double electrostatic probes were used to measure the ion density, the electron tempera- ture, and the time dependence of the density. The plasma propaga tion in the trap was investigated by using targets of photographic paper, the surface of which burned out after several impacts by the plasma. The apparatus and the probe% are descr ibed.,in detail. The interaction of the opposing plasma streams is confirined by several of the results of the investigations. Estimates also show that Coulomb interaction exists between the plasmoid particles. It is Card 2/4 ----------------- V1.1TIMIUVI 1% 11"1, 1 AR 1111. RE I I fl"~ GI ~tlv~vqm, ~mgl NO _011111. ACCESSION NR: AT4036069 POinted' out that both the and this affects the accuracy 12 figures. ASSOCXATIO~N: None SUBMITTED: 00 SUB CODE: ME apparatus and thO Method of the final resui ate Prelinjinary ts. Orig. art. has: DATE ACID: 21May64 ENCL; 01 NR REF SoV: 003 OTHER:, 003 ACCESSION NR:, AT4036069 ENCLOSURE: 01, 1 2 3 4 V\M iA vmy Diagram of setup: 1 magnetizing coils, 2 plasma Eun, 3 double electric probe, 4 diamagnetic probe, carj 4/4 T1 '1-7 1-M ViG.; STEPAIFENKO, I.A.; MISHIN, L.A.; NIKOI SKIY, K.; PAVLICIP-,'?IFO, O.S.; TOWK, V.T. Spectroscopic study of p-lanma clot's in collision. Zhur. tekh. fiz. 35 no.1:56-61 Ja 165. (I'IIPji 18:3) 11:1 all; rl a I ni 1 L - . . 'I., 1 a I : I I ~! , TOPIC TAM- Tylagm interactian, virt.-ma apectral Itne-, chtifWo Ov~ fiftntm r ne; F r p .3n f i nc P. Az ..4 - V . 0 u ; i : : I... 11 :~ -, I I ~f - ~-- I L 12862-66 ACC NRt AT5022298 time,- 3- sec T, 8 anAiy the P d -- ---- Aso: e It leo& t ani 0 3 cm, urc 0 1To M'eadut4 1 he 010erenc 0 n e f 1p t6 ~po nts.! n the plasma, two aleoi't~%ostati~ probes L were usedt one,jjj~%oqnded4nd 1locat- "d clou;e toii,the !i#011,6f i~e chambez- and: the' se6~iftd ~()Vlll long the bg a cross sectl4ii o#j the ivaou~m., qhambe 'Mdasuremen~i; Of ~ 11:~e; V compowen .t of ."the f iei~ ~. waisl~ taken L~ ithel. mid- dle idn'. 4a 1 ;The" I- oVtot. Fig. 1.1 . - 1 1 i. , ! -. ~ Ii 1 A7 i to''ithe, ~Xls d1r4 a para through the origin.ofthe -large. radius of. curvat6ie.j Itiis C('~firp,ed- at co- Of! Charges r6suiting h mponent V is formed duel to the :s6parat164 t from the drift forces. It was notic6~d that~ 'in t64 citk,ve sect~on,,,the components of the plasmoid's ~.radial polarizatio~ii~erel Q~Iqu'4 to' tthel V_- t dominated thii~; 1 ~1 : :, , : !~ 1 1 Z components Later$ the V componen 'Othmr. two components. irleul ;f: Measurements confirm the fact-that the magnetic.. io spiral,type improves the passing of plas6oids by~,a6o~ut one O~der 6 f. magnitude.! Orig..'' art. has: 13 figures. SUB-CODS4. 20/-.-- SUBW ADAU: 661 0 XTRE 006, CITH: rd 2/2 HWI. Ca ZYF( "I VV V. G, I A., ; TOLOKY V,T., F.-,] ---rization intera(.~tion of of-posing plazza atroama In a txap u1 th magnetic fields. Zhur. teldt. f-lz. 35 ric.19:1385-1559 S 165. 0,Q-RA i8-.10) 'a uml 11 If I Iir"'M REVAIIII j I JIV,IJAII t III P fill 15 1% 1 1 .I - I Ile Ile at ,of 00 CIO ClX, ,N O'soc, ~,o '06 0 N- 40 eov- .a Ge C, .eel C, C, a "o Co 0 to ,a 00,Q , or. C, C, .0 -4 0 O'C L"O C, L". Oo %,.,a 01, c 0 'S.'o all a,(- C, p0- -,,a %Nod q , V 40 ~~ ec, %.0 e 00 CK, 0-3, K. re 0 c0 C. ,0 a v'~ ~e %,,q 6 0 0 &~, X~ .~ e ep '%. C, Oc, el C, , 'a -to a oe C~l ,,e v, 0e CIO 1423 '4 b t% olov. Coo S 4 7.9 7. JA asom t 'pl S5 t 0 j'C '6 '. tovac JAO ov a r' 3V'% ot 34 Cttovk'l jo t t%tl&t 'ate. r "Vale a a e-La j. ONLO1 300 "ll t~o E 'Line-a Altzo. iaeci; rtc a . 0 Lst 0 ttov% AOv`a Lae 3vLrt I 131.0m, 'a-4 C IL'a'j e 6 CSIA CL e e's I. v a CO t 0 r-O 'Tue 0. 60%~ '20 CIA NU t0%% to r0wol., aev .7 C C.C. I V 116 ,0V.Lr Ito t t r'I'm f 0 IC 0b -e'r I CIA 0C.134 C.0 :xt nal e Ll 0 j.1% C'U a Tit% tb 'I; tl ;;I%l.Yes tbetv ;: a V a% bel: OSS a to O~ 0 e Otto 0 rue a 1A olls O'a Irpose co 'robe tt c Cted t%ls t a 'c tt,,lL fas 'to xo ot va 16 'm at c Ot et-C e. 10'as 'aetat E tilt at %A' t ell 1 00 06 0 C. 0,1% A 0 eell %I ttev~ ca a Obe a oars' It 4a6 06 C t'C CT I bl ele t%et t.4 elt attlT Is I&T b1 00 V-1 ACCESSION NR: AP4042928 .Varied from 0 to 0.5 T. Eight plasma Buns were'distributed alon the inner circumference of the central part of tbe chamber. The discharge period was 6 usec. The plasma consisted of fast and slow .1 .1 components with velocities of 8 x 104 and 3 X 104 m/sec respectively at 4 kv potential in the gun and contained hydrogen, carbon, oxygen, and nitrogen ions. High-speed photography was used for recording. "The experiments show that during head-on collisions of the opposed plasma flows in a transverse magnetic field, a strong slow-down 'to a complete stop of their motion in the ~~ initial direc- ~tion occurso Contrary to Coulomb interactions, this interaction Idoes not occur in the volume of plasma streams but in their forward '~fronts and is of a turbulent character. It is important to note J:that such an interaction should take place even when there iv 1 no Coulomb interactiono Orig. art. hast 12 figures and I formulae -TASSOCIATION; none SUBMITTED: 27Nov63 ATD PRESS: 3074 ENCLI 00 SOB CODE: NP NO REF SOVI 004 EH OTHERt 004 Caro.2 ,ZYKOV, V.G.; SINITSA, N.G.; STEPANENKO, I.A.j TOLOK, V.T.1 SINELIKIKOV, K.D. Interaction of plasma streams in a transverse magnetic field., Zhur. takh. fiz. 31, no.8t1417-1423 Ag 164. (MIRA 170). ILITENKOP B.P.; LATSIKO, Ye.M.; ZALKIND, V.M.; ZYKOV, V.G.; TOLOK, V.T. Polarization of a plasma moving in a helicallinagnotic 'Lleldo Zhur. tekh. fiz. 35 tio.9-1594-1597 8 165- Polarization of a plasma moving in a toroidal magnetia fiald, lbid.:1598-1601 Polarization of a pltainoid moving In magnetic fields:with difforent signs of the curvature of the lines or force. lbld,~'602-1605 (MIRA.18::Lo) 0 L 621-66 EWMInCIMO) -2 W/Zk(w) -2 iVWII,~,, 'AT ACCESSION MRS AP5020723 JQOG~UW1301 AM11ORI ZykQV# VoGo t St!PdKen~01 I qj.~V'T'S'1okj V. polaxised t~, it Nq1tiotia! itaid th t11IM TITUS Interaction of jelasna stream -I a. toward the periphery SOURCES Zhurnal telcknicheskoy fIzIki0.V* tog 110. Sp 100 -13Q!e0-i343 TOPIC TA035i turbulent plasma# plasma ob"finamini, iilmspitk injedthon, plasna 10-mr- rf cuFjpe magnil a tion, magnetio.trap, me netto mirro d tic ABSTRACTs The authors and collaborators have: 0"V due Y ftyes~xgated the X'nterw- tion.of oppositely directed plaamm strews :ina unif om Unnsvetwe magnetic f WId (Zh7F, 32, 1050, 1962). The oppositely polarlEed plasmas interacted strovgly =d deceleration occured; turbulence arose, however, which led to loss of pleSM46 In the present paper the authors report experizents with oplKioltely directed p1manam in a biconleal ousped tleld# which ward ukrdertaken w1th thm expactation that tho Imore smoothly varying field would not give rise to turbulence. The bleonleal cusP was produced In a 30 cm diameter stainless steel chamber by the dfisoharge with a J9 Vnea perfad of a 2700 tLfd capacitor through appropriate vLadfings, Ths Wixfmo Cxrd 1/2 L2491-66 XCUSTION NRt APS020723 field strength In' the mirror region:'.wasl 8800 ~aM In jh6 oojj,p~: dit the a 011 -2250 W-: Plasmaa were' iftj6otod frda!~~ M14 J or wall,. two 6ktr oodAcltl Sum' $ym4ttri-* cally dispose d with re speot to the plane of the cusp in a aterlAtan Plano ot till) ;biconioal field. The injection directions wure at 450 to the opxts of the field. Each plasma gun won fired by the 12-15 kV discharge of a t,,2 PW capacitoro thd discharge period being 3*5 ygeo. The behmvior of the plailinaa wan obgerved by ph" Itographing their luminescence from different d1rectiona, omd the plasma polariza- tion at d if ferent points w" measured with a double ftoatlng probe. The Plasm polarization did not vanish when the pInsma croflaed tha o4imltrali popt of--io netic f ield; It dindppe=ed only. of ter, the plasdia boil *V"ditkmxt~~ ~160rttv~e4ti- motors beyond this point-inito the ra&On oil op~64ftalj a~; 6ted! f ield, - Th~! Opp*- sitl3ly dIrs6tM; Plasmas did etilopglly: Lhtaxom4lt' withc4t'ob4i iirab4 - i4bulen6l bu~,, 11, Ll~o 'a art ol the, plasma eaca hrwgh~- the ~ 6sp ark( part cooo thrdugh~ the i~t rt , ped t R In conclusion# we expross our deep gratitude to Aoademi6f, ~ lc.~Ainellnlk~4 f0t, his valuable advice md Latereit in the work. Orlgi tmrts limit AS'SOCIATIONt acne SUMITTMt XeKovG4 Jim UR ROF S(W -"03 OUMM 000~ card 212 M man L~K a- Jill - - -------- ----- Ir777777 AccEssioN HR-m%24w was 0.87. -Plasma bursts from four. conical smal" -pla :gunk laispi6ied symetr1bally in- -of e:mirror systei were injecte~';*~ the equatorial plane th tran06rs*0ly- to`~- 63 in 2. magnetic field- velocity~ of the leading-'O - 'as'' The 9194 et was of -cm/sec and the' ion density *as the:order of 10+-" f th ~rese6i e or t .4~ ~, i~ he auxiliary magnetic field theturbulent pja~mi ~"prAub il, ceal bbserved el,~rli~r by:; e and collaborators- (thtF~ 34v -was the authors in -h d'- t -, 4 ed! As i ~-j difficulty-in-assur g, ea; on on bo !men.; o sitA`,~~Arect t pp, Was -established. with'Ahe -'aid ~'of 1 probes hat', 6. C~Posit$iy p~l~riz6d cdilidi~k jets interacted stronglyot The maximum plasm density in. th~;~ 6ent~r of the is~d.temiwas much greater when the' auxiltuty field, prieseilt than jrhen was notA~'but the confinement time was thesame. in both cases, "Thi6, authi~~w exiWass the1r'1s1*ncsre_.___. gratitude to. Academiciah-IJ'Sirialinik I)eor ~618- viivii6t,16 7. a(M.66 "d'sum"rt tof the work,,"- Orig? art. hats 4~Wes_* 7 cm ASSOCIATION: none 00~ sumin RLF SoV MIUMe! 000 604 U it "Jawaignal _ACCNAs AP603 6030. SOURCE CODE: UR/0057/66/034/ i1/1971/197..5 'AUTHOR: Zykov,V.O.; Stepanenko,I.A.; TolokjV,T, ORGI. none TITLE:' Volume polarization interaction of plasmas in a multipole magnetic field SouRCEt Zhurnal tekhnicheskoy fiziki, v.. 36, no. 11, 196S, 1971-1975 TOPIC TAGS: plasma injection, dense plaaw,'plasma gun, plasma interactlo% non- homogeneous magnetic field, combined magnetic field, magnetic trap ABSTRACT: The authors have investigated the behavioi3of 'Plasma bursts withIvelo- cities of 2 x 106 em see and densities of 1012 to 10 cm-3 produced by comical, plasma guns and transversely injected singly or simultaneously in opposite directions into the magnetic field produced by the Inductively loaded 3 W discharge of,a 2.7 ~ millifarad capacitor bank through four'parallel I cm diamet ,elr'150 cm long brass rods- 'Which formed the edges of a rectangular parallelopipedon with a Cross bection diagonal of 10.5 cm. T~e period of the loaded discharge was 4 millisee and the maximu strength of-the magnetic field produced on-the injection 6xis by the currentsi in~the rods, all four of whichl were in the same direction, was 1.2 10e.~ The injected plasmal were photographed and their behavior was investigated with electr ic and magnetic probes. It was found that a plasma burst of considerable density would.11asi through both magnetic barriers. Yron this it to concluded that sionatanc*us injection from Card 1/2 -ACC-NR,- -AP6036030 I opposite directions is necessary for efficient entrapment of plasma, The magnetic. -field configuration recorded with simultaneous injection of plasmas from opposite direction 's differed considerably from the algabraic sum of the fields recorded with single injection of plasmas from t~e*two dir ,ections; this shows that the colliding plasmas interacted with eachother. -The moving Olnimas were electrically polarized. -TU~ po?larization of a sin gly injected plasma changed sign, butthe polarization passed through zero not on the axis of'the system, but some 0.5 cm beyond-the axis in the direction of motion of the plasma. .,When two plasmas were simultaneously injected in; opposite directions their polarizations decreased smoothly end vanished on the axis of the.system. Plasma was entrapped in the field when; two plasmas were simultaneously injected; the entrapped plasma moved both along the magnetic lines of force and parallel to the axis.of the system. It is planned to lnve,stigatelinjection',of'plasman parallel to the axis of the system and entrapment of interacting plasmasin riagnetic traps. The authors think graduate student A,,V.Pashchenko of the IdIF1 for partici- pating in the sessureftents# Orige art. bass 7 figures. SUB CODE: 20 StMX DATRs' 22Jul65 CRIG. Ws 001 am REP: 002 Catd 2/2 ~iji17 S/7dl `~/00O./dOO/0'36/03 AUTHORS: Borisov, M. IL (deciasdd) ~,,Brz~ Ke6bkoi 1~ Vi 4,00V__v4b~ Padalka V. G.' A.~ Tern I tA. 14~! o~o Ion te, petam idle i~e TITLE:, n~ S3. Y- URCE, z 1 eza;, F1 Lka plaray-i-prob e:. 6~6 t4xrb~4' mctijo Sint doklady I konfemnts1i I' hzik~~ up:favjy;ayemyk~,i probiqu- temnc~yaeemy"ch reaktsiyi Fiz.-texh. inst. R111 Ucr.SSR. Kiev, lz44vo AN T-TL--. SSR, 19 6 2. 170-172 It =XT: Results ane described-,~ obidimd iqith.a~ model of,the p0, ton of raciel tac ap,.,paratus for i~4::sttidy~6.f d1schtirge sTabilivji. The 1 f i rm'. t k , , I ~ T-) ------ IRas T)rcducad by tha me 411 tramsl4fi,, -hod of Colgate and Vlri~rht (refA~ - - i ~ ~ - , ': * cited) -,n a glasp 50 -on, -10m~ ah Udh 1~ "diatetari: 'L~ t"'. pm siir~ 1 longitudi~al-;.=61& c a m fj6_1&~arjcd micx~bs'ewrida. '['he field xi- 6-rof 26rw -the 1~ernter of eic~lco;l vms d&able the value, so that the in~,~Vror ratio was 2!l. The ion terpmerature im, density were datemindd by studyingf the contour of t'-, i e Balmer-series H line. it was estimated that only -the Doppler ef fect and the ---.--Ca--d 1/2 ACCESSION NR: AT4036070 S/2781/63/000/003/0273/0282 AUTHORS: Zy*kov, V. G.; Stepanenko, 1. A.; Tolok, V. T.; Sinellnikov, X. D. TITLE: Injection of plasma*through an annular gap of a trap with opposing magnetic fields SOURCE: Konferentsiya. po fizike plazmy* i problemc-M upravIyayemogo termoyaclernogo sinteza. 3d, Kharkov, 1962. Fizika,plazmy* i prob- lemy* upravlyayemogo termoyadernogo sinteza. (Plasma physics axid .problems of controlled thermonuclear synthesis); doklady* konferen- tsii, no. 3. Kiev, Izd-vo AN UkrSSR, 1963, 273-282 TOPIC TAGS: plasmoido plasma source, plasmoid plaSMEL interaction, magnetic trap, plasma confinement, plasma injection ABSTRACT: With an aim at reducing the particleallost when a plasma is injected into the trap through one of the axial magnetic mirrors, Card 1/4 ACCESSION NR: AT4036070 the authors investigated the injection of plasma through the annular gap in the magnetic field from sources distributed around the gap periphery. The report describes the first experiments in which in- jection was investigated both in a stationary gap in the magnetic field, as well as in the gap existing during a,certvain timeJ"mag- netic valve"). To simplify the initial experiments, the injection gap was produced by a constant field, with the coils connected to buck each other. A 20-cm. diameter and 180-cm~long 'Cylindrical stain- 3. 'lasma guns were less steel vacuum chamber was used. Eight conical p bistributed uniformly around the periphery of the chamber in the mag- netic gap plane. The synchronization circuit permitted sirwaltaneous switching of all eight guns or a fraction V them. The plasmoids 1 cm~- 3 injected by each gun had a density 2 x 10 and a velocicy of 3 x 104 m1sec. The working vacuum was 6.6 x 10-4 n/,.a2. The maximum magnetic field intensity, equal to 2 x 105 A/m,,vras located 40 cm away from the magnetic gap. The experimentshav~e sh .own that~a pl asma injected into a gap between Oppo-sing magnetic fields moves subse-~, Card 2/4 ----------------------- ACCESSION NR; AT4036070 quently along the system axis. A strong interaction was observed between the opposing plasma streams, even inthe absence of external magnetic fields. The nature of this interaction, and,the time of confinement of the plasma in the trap when such an injection method is used, will be investigated in the future. Orig., art. has: 9- figures. ASSOCIATION: None SUBMITTED: 00 DATE ACQ; 2lMay641~ ENCL-. 61 SUB CODE: ME NR REF SOV; 002 OTHER: 002 Card 3/4 "I'M ' MVMUw=___ - ____ , . - 4 3 .4 2 ZI Diagram of set-up: 1, - coil of opposing magnetic field, 2 - coil of main magnetic field, plasma guns, 4 protective shield ACCESSION NR: AT4036061 S/2781~~3/0.00/003/02il/02161 AUTHORS: Illyenko,,B. P.; Zy*kov, Ve (.133 Lats!ko, ite. M.; ~oloki, V* To TITLE: -Measurgment of the twist angle and turning angle of a: force line in a system with albelical magnetic fiel&, SOURCE: Konferentsiya po fizike plazmy* i prdl~lemavl upravly ayempgo termoyadernogo sinteza. 3d, Xharkov, 1962.' Fizika~ lazmy* i prob- j: p lemy* upravlyayemogo-termoyadernogo sinteza (1?lasma' physics and problems of controlled thermonuclear synthesis)t doklady* konfer- entsii, no. 3. Kiev, Izd-vo AN UkrSSR, 1963,'M-2i6 A. TOPIC TAGS: -magnetic mirror., plasma confinementf magnetic fi6ldd magnetic pinch, plasma magnetic field interaction, ilectron beam,11 charged particle motion ABSTRACT: The work described is a continuation-of earlier experi- C~rd 1/5 'ACCESSION NR: AT4036061 ments on the confinement of plasma1n.traps.ok the:'stellarator type (ZhTF v. 31,' 1289, 1961 and v. 32, 1190, 1962)~. The paper is de- voted to an experimental investigation of the,twist angle and turn- j ing angle in systems with helical magnetic fields, using a vacuum q ~chamber 9 cm in diameter and 140 cm-long (straight:copper tube), The longitudinal magnetic field was produced by 12~single-jayer. coils and had a maximum in the axial direction.of 3.4x 10 A/m., .The charged particles were confined in the stallarator by external ;'magnetic field in which each force line was qr4duai.-L y wrapp6d around the axial line of the chamber. The twist angle of.the force lines !were measured with the aid of a rotating electron 9iin, the construe- :tion of which is described elsewhere (ZhETF, v,',32,.1190, 1962)., The meas4 rement results were comparedan an wiial magnetic field 3.4 x 10 A/m and at a current of 440 A) with ~ the theoretical foMU-. la. The force-line rotation angle~was measured on the curved secl- tion of the stellarator model in alongitudinal magil,titic field 7~2 x X 104 A/m andat a current of 1100 A in the coil. The measurements Card ,2/5 ---------- ACCESSION NR: AT40~60661 have shown that the" angrular rotation of the beams on the extornal side of the curvilinear section is~larger than~on the external side. This difference does not affect the motion of the particlea~in this closed system, since the average turning anglel re=,Lns the same *and depends only on the radius. The measurement r6sulta'showed $~atis- factory agreement with the calculated data. 0:~iq. 'art. 'hass 7 figures and 2 formulaso, ASSOCIATION: None SUBMITTED: 00 DATE'ACOt MaY64;~ ENCL: 02 f SUB CODEs ME NR UP: SOVa 004 0=R1 000 Card AU~-.fa~~!-~.~, ENCLOS i o2 A!-tQ500oi - ~ U4-- b 1565 S/057/62/032/010/003/01.0 B104/BlO2 AUTHORSi _Zykov,_3~,_.q_., Illyanko, B P., Lats1ko, Ye. Mot Stepanenkog I. A., Ternopol, A. Mot Toloki V. To, and-Sinellnikov-i-K.~D. TITLEs Investigation into the propertiee.of'magnetic surfaces in systems withahelical magnet-i-a field PERIODICAL: Zhurnal tekhnicheskory-fizikio V. 32,~no. 10, 1962, 11go-1196. _..____TEXTt The shapes of the magnetic-surfaces-in systems-with stabilizing helical windings were studied by the Method of the prqced;ipg electron beaq-i- developed by F. V. Karmanov and P. A. Cheremnykh!at,,the Ihatitut atomno$-. energii im. I. V. Kurchatova (Institute of Atomic Energy imeni-I. V. Kurchatov)-and by-injecting'plasma clouds into a-right cylinder, with-, a 'three-turn coil, or by injecting them into the curvilinear sect:Lozf oe a, stellarator model. In the experiments' with the prec .eding electrtm-beam-a -fluorescent screen was used in the right cylinder (Fig. I in the experi- with the plasma clouds special targets were,used, superficially charged'by the plasma particles. If no current-flowa,in the helical windings, the electron beam forms ooncentric circles on the fluorescent 'Card 1/3. I Ito UNIMU, 91 P I " .... .... .. 3/057/62/032/010/003/gio nvesti gation into B104/BJ02 A screen. -'As the'amperage in.the helical winding increases, the circlea de- generate to triangles, whose,sides later bend inward. The-largest and 3mallest radii of the separatrices measured as funo tions of . ~1 he l/Hz; and the distortions of the magnetic surfaces caused by deviations of the" magnetic axis from the geometric axis, agreement with theoretical results. The cross sections of the plasma.clouds were functions. of I hel /Hzin clouds completely filling the cross.section' of.the tube,.and in clouds partially screened by diaphragms. In the former case two*.-types-- of particles were distinguished, one type remaining,trapped in the-:central---- part of the cloud bounded by a separatrix, the other escaping from-,the-, ..conf inement- -region. In the second case all planma. ~ particles remained- in" the confinement region if the radius of the sep'aratr,ix exceeded that-of,the,-., clouds, but if ft was smaller the same re sult was-obtained as in the-first cased The separatrix. is a function of the confininginduction and of ttre,-,-- amperage-in-the helical windings. This agrees with~the theo . The ry magnetic s,urfaces in the curvilinear chamber of a stollarator model was,--- studied by the same methods, yielding practically the same results with.-Jhe electron beam as those obtained with the right cylinder. It is only in the Card 2/3 S/057/62/032/010/003/010 Investigation into B104/B102 initial stage of the discharge that the.electrons escape to the copper- walls of tho vacuum chamber-(diameter 80 mm) which was shaped an a,, arelmi- tore (mean radius of curvature 42-cm). It is concluded that at'low- 'veloci- ties and small densities the plasma particles move along the lines of the magnetic field. There are 8 figures. SUBMITTEDt November 29, 1961 3 2 f ftyayxL7. 'Fig. 1. Experimental arrangement (right cylinder). LegeAdt (1) coils producing the magnetic rLi, mirror field; (2) coils producing-the main field; (3) mouthpiece for 3-cm-waves;- (4) conic plasma gunj (5) electric probest (6) .4 Hip' screen*; (7) helical winding. Z0 40 40 #0 W 110 NO 160 WCW Uard 3/3 4perimental deteri4nation of the r.egion qf,:rzaratid surfac6a bouncled by a separatrix. Zhur. -tekh, fiz.t~3' 4,11,1289-1243 N 161. NIAA 14;n) ZTKDYS-- Vacuum microscalso used in preparing thin targets with given thidi~eoo. Prib. I tekh. okep. no-1:71-75 XI-Ag 156, (MLRA 10:2) 1. Fiziko-tekhniabaskiy inatitut Akademii ntiuk USSR. (Vacuum apparatus) (Scales (Weighing instraments)) (Ruclear pbysics--Measurnment) 1--AT6031233--7------- 8OURCE CODE.: 5/000/000/0001/0015 IUR[0006/6 AUTHOR- rLova, G Rubleveldy.' V. P. Telushkina, Yg, OL- Z, ORG: none TITLE: Data on the relationship between the amount of.B1rantLuni--aQ'dnd cesium-1.37 in ~he surrounding environment and the hunian organism SOURCE: USSR, Gosudarstvennyy komitet po -ispol'zovaniyu atomnoy pnergii. Doklady, 1965. Nekotoryye dannyye o zavistimosti mezlidu soderzhanly*em strontsiya-90 i tsezi z-137 v ol(ruzhayushchey srede I orgaiiizmc lyudcy, 1-15 y TOPIC TAGS: strontium, cesium, strontium 90, cesium 137, atmospber-10 strontium, fallout strontium, atmospheric cesium, human skeleton strontium accumulation, human skeleton cesium accumulation ABSTRACT: Data are presented on the cone entration of strontium-90 'and cesium-137 in the atmosphere, in fallout, and in milk, and of strontiu,m-90, in the human skeletal system. The data are based on long-term observations made between 1958-1964. The concentration of strantium-90 and cesi-um-137 Card 1/2 -ACC NRI AT6031233 65) between 1962-1964 was n.10-17 cu/1. The mean ratio betweenthese two Isotopes was 1. 4. The density of strontium-90 fallout between 1950 :mand 1964nuctu 'ated between 0. 8-7. 8 mcu/km2/ year, and that of cesium -~137 between 1. 3'-14. 6 mcu/km2/ year. The mean ratio between the two elements' was 1. 5. The dreatesl amount of cesium-137 and strontium-90 in the atmosphere and in fallout was in 1963. The greatest amount of milk contamination was.alsoin 1963; 174 pcull of cesium- -137 and 26. 6 pcu/1 of strontium-90. An analysis of bone ti.sisue showed that the greatest concentration of r3trantium-90 was in childreti between'thelages of 0-1 years, amounting to 5. 9 peu/g Ca in 1964, Annijal averages showed a direct relationship between the concentration of ceslum-137.and strontium-90 in the atmosphere and in fallout. The correlation between the amount o strontium-91 in milk in pcu/1 and the density of strontium-90 in fallout in mcix/km *was 4. A preliminary analysis of the ratio between the amount of strontium-90 in the bone tissue of children in the 0-1 age group, in pcu/g Ca, and the amount of strontium, 90 in'milk, in pculg Ca, showed a value of 0. 2. If nuclear tests are not resumed the density of strontium-90 fallout in 1966 will probably be I1-1. 5 mcu/km2 and, its concentration In milk will be 10-12 pcu/1. Orig. art. 5 tables and 8 figures. (Authors' abstract] SUB CODE: 06/ SUBM DATE: none/ ORIG REF: 007/ rd 2/2 AMOR: Illyeiho, B. P.; Latalko, Ye. M.; Zalkind, V. M.; Zykov. V. G.;.Tolok, V. T,- ORG: none TITLE: Investigation of,plasmoids moving in a toroidal magnetic field SOURCE: AN UkrSSR. Issledovaniye pla=ennykh sgustkov (Study of plasma clusters). Kiev, Naukovo dumka, 1965, 129-136 TOPIC TAGS: plasmoid, plasma magnetic field, plasma inject.ton, plasma gun, plasma pinch, helical magnetic field ABSTRACT: This work reports on three experimental studies of electric fields in'plas- ma. Electric fields arising due to polarization in plasma ih 1) curved magnetic fields with varying radii of curvature, 2) in a toroidal field where two plaslaoids collide and 3) in a case where a plasmoid moves along the toroidal field, are studied. The measurements were performed with two probes, one near the vessel -wall and the other located at a given point in the plasma. The plasma was generated in a conical pinch gun and injected into the working region. The experiments show that polarization fields consist of the.components along the toroid's major alid minor radii and along the toroidal axis. In'itially, the latter two components dominate in the main part of the plasmoid; subsequently, only the axial component is domInant. Plasma density was, 1/2