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AP7001224 C D--:--Ult/0666*/~6/000/01710034/0&36----
0 L
"AMOR: makler, V. Ya.; Zyk, S. L.-
ORG: none
TITLE: Air.donditioning for computers
SOURCE: Kholodil'naya tekhnika, no. 12, 1966, 34-36
TOPIC TAGS: electronic computer, air conditioning equip ent
ABSTRACT: An air-conditioning system for computers is doscribPd (see Fig.: 1) in
which surface air coolers with direct evaporation are used. Thelair being forced intd
a computer is maintained at a constant temperature by bridge circuit 13 which, in
winter and during periods of changing temperatures, acts on valve 18 for'the first
recirculation. The ratio of atmospheric -to recirculated air is thereby varied.
W'hen a relative humidity of 40% is reachedi humidity sensor 8, mounted in the air
conduct, opens solenoid valve 7, and water starts to flow to the six sprayer nozzles
(4iameter, 1 mm). When 55% relative humidity is reached, the solenoid valve closes.
When the atmospheric air temperature reaches 17C, the first cooling unit in switched
on; at 17.5C the second is switched on, at 18C the third, and At 18.5C the fo~jrth.
If during summer the relative humidity of the incoming air is 70%, humidity sensor 9
gradually opens the valve for the second recirculation. At 65% humidity this valve
closes. When the heat content of the atmospheric air exceeds that of the r'ecircu-
lated air, the valve for the first recirculation is fully opened by resistance
Ll~qrd' 1/2
UDC: 628.83:681.142.2
NRI AP7001-2-24---
Water suppl Fig. I. Air-conditioning system with
surface air coolers (schematic drawing)
I Eleztric~drive; 2 - release vent;
3 atmospheric air vent;.4 ~-.resistance
all] It
thermometer;~5 - valve for the second
recirculation; 6 -,water filter;
7 - solenoiUvalve; 8 - winter humidity
e sensor; 9 -,summer~humidity s6nsor;
wa 10 - resistance thermometer; 11 inflow
TO )To cooling ventilator; 12 - magnetic starter;
Z __0375,4- un t c 1 13 -
i 6ntro recording hydrometer bridge;
14 - step interrupter; 15 - electric
motor starting switch; 16 - surface air
coolers; 17~-'recording oil filter;
18 valve for the1irst recirculation;
19 recirculation fan.
thermometer 4 and the system operates in a closed air cycle The four cooling units,
mounted on a common condenser, have a capacity of 15,000 kcal/hr each. The Imainlad-
vantage of this air-conditioning system is its relatively small size and low:e1ec',-.
tricity consumption. Orig. art. has: 3 figures. [JR1
SUB CODE: 09, 13/ SUBM DATE: none/ ATD TRESS; 5110
Some remarks con:)erninp, the starting and operation of a watertube boiler.
1953, lVarszawa, Poland)
50; Monthly List of East European Accessions) (EEAL)j LC, Vol- 4) No.5
May 19551 Uncl.
ZYK.. -Witold,, W Inz.
Significance and possibilities of limiting compressed air
consumption in mines. Gosp paliv 11 noAs205-207 A 163.
41111111 MMMMINIW64101409,
1-1. , I
Construction installations for hydraulic and sand pillars in deep mines, p.
(-OPZEGLAD GORNICZY, Stalinogrod, Vol. 11, no. 2, Feb. 1955.)
SO- Yonthly List of East European Accessionso (EEAL), LCJ Vol. 4P No. 42 qno ~1955.t
19, Rene;
Chronic volvulus of the atomoh with spoatanfioug recovery. Cook.
rentg. 13 no.2:101-103 Apr 59.
1. Rentgenologicke oddeleni nemocnice OUNI *,Susial, z4at, pre d-
nosta dr. Rene MetYa.
(STOMLOR, di6,
torsion$ spontaneous recovery*, x-ray (Gig))
1. Central Geological Institute (Geologisches Zentral-
institut) (for Herman 7); 2, Institute for Anal
tical Chemistrys Karlova Universit~ (Institut A;
analytisehe Ohemie,, Karlsuniversit9t), Prague (for
Prague, Colleatfougf Oxechoslojak ~beMiejjj gommunleatic
No 5# May 19668 pp 2005-2013
"Oxidimetria determination and identification of
cobalt and manganese, using titration of a ferrioyanide
solution in a medium of certain aminpalochols."
(1-1-~ -At
Czechoslovakia/Cosmochemistry - Geochemistry. Hydrry--hamistry,ib
Abst Journal: Ref Zhur KbImlya, No 19,~1956;, 61339
It"', llolri_
ins None
Title; On Genesis and Hydrochanistry of KiLneral Waters in the Prerov
Periodical: Ke genesi a hydro-geochemil mineraInIcb. v,-A, Prerovsku. Sbor.
sluko, 1951-1953 (1954), Al, 89-97; Cztch; Ri tssian #Id German
Abstract: In Prerav District ,are found 2 types C-if 4:Lneml waters: (a) of
sodium bicarbonateitype and (b) of calcium-bicarbonate type.,.Of
greatest interest are waters fr= Kh-ripyne of sodium bicarbonate
type ha*g the following compositl-cm (:Ln mg/1):. Cl 1,087.0,
SO4 4-1,71 0-72, Br 2.9. Temperature of wat"Ir 2G.5o., air tem-
perature 8.50, PH 7.3, rH 22.7 (-10 mv), freal C02 30.8 mg/l, free
H2S traces. Otherwaters are typically surface waters but their
Card 1/2
Czechoslovakia/coemochemistry - Geochemistry. Hydr,%chF~mIstrf, D
Abst Journalt Referat Zhur - KhImiya, WO 19.,-ks 6o 61339
Abstract: composition reveals influence of seekage af~pFjtroleum vater although
to a lesser extent than in the case et Mwopyma water, In watme of
sodium bicarbonate type predcoinateB CE4 I-n the other C02,
yucineit-Lolica yLlity ?jL4 oillsoryk: MIN, &lfcl,
Cacti.). Ga. FMj immmarr~.
-Chem. rudyws 2n: 1"ver, of 42 widers- Tlim. luchdo
I -cich w1tem, NAACO, witon daiml from lbetn bp
biegenic reducticn 4 stiOAte w ove urtwmm of )uc ri-slis-1,
and Ca bitzTbocace wawt, QuLd. usiff JuAml Vic pt-1,
aicc of CIA. f19, V. N~- said As. SLIM at t',tc Wactfs wtu,
high in 13r fuld kdifle aud may b" reAud to cd-dl!fd -flillm.
144!rJsad OWndillir
CZECHOSLOVAKIA / Cosmochemistry. Geochemistry'. Hydro- D
Abe Jour: Ref Zhur-Khimiya, 1958, No 20, 67229.-
Author :.gykaV , Juranek J.
Inst : No-f- -given.
Title : On the Problem of GeochemiBtry of Mineral Waters
of the Northern and North-Western Parts of Presov-
skiy Kray,
Orig Pub: Sbirka praci vyzkumn. ust., 1956, E, No,17-21, 81-
Abstract: Based on the data developed by the geoch emical sur-
vey the major mineral water bearing localities are
classified as follows: 1) sodium-bicarbonate type,
Card 1/1
urut, V.
Hydro-,-,enoch,:~uiical zcne~ in wntral Europe.
P. 383 , (ACTA G&('i.CG-,CA), Vol 4, no. 3/4, Jr.-57, in Gennin
Uud.~il-ast, Hungary
SC: Mlenthly Index of East Eluropean Accessions ~ZEAi) LC.~~ Vol. 70 3,
March 195E
CZECHOSLOVAKDI/Cosmehemistry. Geochenistry, Hydrocherdstry. D.
Abs Jour Ref 2hur - Mimiyn, No 11p. 1958, 35820
Author ZykaVaclav
Title The Distribution of Microelements in the Mineral Waters
of Moravia.
Orig Pub Rudy, 1957, 51 No 11, Prace Vyzkumn, ustavu,, 1-6
Abstract The mineral waters of Moravia and Slovakie. were studied.
It is shown that the mjority of the waters studied be-
long, according to their mineral composition, to the
group of cclcium and sodiua waters of the hydrocarbonate
class. A content of Bi, Ag, Pbp Cup Zn, and Fe microele-
ments characteristic of ore deposits was determined
IC' /v 1,
Card 1/1 J.,
country : Czechoslovakia
catogory : Coamochemistry'. Geochevdstry. RydrocbjnmLsta*,.
Abs, jour. : Ref Zhur-Xhimiyaj No 6. 15~59 1902-2
Author : Zykal V.
T it, 1 c. : Hydr6chemistry and Genesis of Eydrogen-Sulfide
6prings. of the Gottvaldovska Reglon.
Ori,q, Pub. ; Geol. sbor., 19582 91 No 11 129-1~7
Abatrnat : A hydrochemical study has macke ~, it possible to
differentiate two types of waters: I. Sodium-hydrocarbonate
type of high mineralization (M). II. C, '-,iium-kiydrocarbon~te
type of lower 14. Data of 18 chemical analyses are'.included.
Group I (mg/liter)% dry residue at 1800 11113.6-4429.6$
10-3-2.0 br 0.?-1+.1, H2S 0.7-28.5$ pH > 7. Group II. dry
residue 2A8.2-1052.6, PH > 7; H2S is present scRiletimes in
small amounts. Waters of group I are waters of petroleum
deposits, the chemism of which is affected to some extent by
waters of infiltration. Group 11 -- their chemical compo.,
sition is correlated with the presence of bitumen in the
sedimentary rocks. Distribution of these 2 types of waters
OILM-t Cze-choslovakia-
I ri r 1. "
Coamachemistry. Geochemistry. Mrdrocheadstry.
Aba. jour, Rer 2hur-xhimiya., No 6., 1959 2
Gric:. Pub.
Abatract is shown on the appended maps Abo-ut 20 analyses
of water are listed.
Card- 2/2
TaraUCKAY 2deneR, Jr.,.*. IYKA, Vac-'q-,r, Inz.
Contribi:tOnn to the cf vold. Sbe~r VSB,C,-t.-ro,.,a .10.
L/4911-22 164~i
Ms t! tu Ku trli-,- 161. Submitted,
e of W-eral Rst-,,!
February 2.66-j
V~ql'av,_#~Dr. kandidat geologicko-mineralogickyah ved
Do not look.for difficulties, but for ways of1performing
the tasks. Geol pruzkum 6 no. 3:74-76. Rr 104.
1. Institute of Mineral Raw Materials, Kutnallora.
AB3. JOUR. RZI(hlrn. ~ No. lio.
T 11-T LE (~eochemlcal Zoning of !~;.Lneral '~'h;te'rS of
Centrral Lurope
O-ftiq. PUB. Geol. sb., 1s-581 C/I I'lo 21 2(5-29~
,AB'-'TqACT There hl-ave been determined c; -'rincipal Lydro-
chemical tyrrs of raineral waters of Central Lurope-
IIC03 -Ca, S04 - Ga, 304 -Fel 11N3 - Ila, CI-Nao Cl Ca,
C 1,tr L) N`i, S04 - Ng. Their occurence in connection
geolc)~!ical cnvironment is reviewed.. B'lItcgr`phy 108
~ref'crence,.,, -- V. Konshin.
-- ---------
COTMI Hungary
6 -21,1 Fliv
C A T2-M 0 P
AL33. JOUR. RZI-Clilu-, NO, 22 19 59, NO 79247
T 1. T L--"
ORIPII. ? U 151
:ir. the ca-ase for the appearance o~f polymeta.111c
and sulfide depoaita which up to the present have
been considered to be of hydrothermal origin. The
majority of known native sulfur d,eposits were
formed by the biogenic reduction of sulfatee in
cil field waters. The mixing of sodiun-bicarbonate
oil field waters with culaivw-sulfat~- waters has
led to the formation of tremendous travertine de-
posits at many point&.
0. Volkov
ADV.,-I.,-DGLEZRAL-t-Ya-i-,-ZYKA-f -Ya-
Use of hydroxy acids in polarographic analysis. Report 2:
Determination of manganese in a sulfosalicylate medium. Zhur.anal.:
Him. 16 no.5:592-595 S-0 161. (MIRA 14:9)
Karlov University, Pra e, Czechoslovakia.
(Manganese--Analysisr (Salicylic acid) (Polarbgraphy)
RYBACEK,.T.t DOLHM,,T..l ZYKA, T.,,?rof. drmr. (Praha 2t Albertov 2030).
Reductometric determination of aromatic nitro compounds with
ferrous sulfate in alkaline triethanolamine. Cesk. farm. 14
no.2t59-64 F 165.
L Katedri analytioke chemie prirodovedecke fra-03y Karlovy
University, Praha,
BERKA,A.; JIROVBC, prof. dr. mr. (PrFha, 2, Albertov 2030)
Determination of organic compaunds by oxidation with rmanpmte
p8 0- DO.
I. Determination of sons mmosaachWideo. Cesk. farm. 14 no.2s
64-67 F 165.
1. Katedra analyticke chemie prirodovedecke, fakulty Wlovy
University, Praha.
Apnlication of coulome-try In con3tant current, to vianwre ,jLoajty
constants. Coll Cz Chem 30 no.51l723-1727 14j, 165.
1. Institut far analytische Chemle, Karl s,.inJvvrsi tat, Prague.~
Submitted April 10, 1964.
14aas analytio datormination of Iodide and brciiilbi tlu~cijgh
lead (IV) aCOtt'O SOIUUMS. Coll Cz Cham 30~no.1:28-33
ja 16ro
1. Institut. far amlytische Chemi-, X&rlsuni vsrsita't Und
Zentralinatltu'4 fur Goologie, Prague, Submit-ted De