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"Desulfurization of Coke Gas and Other Combustible Cases." Metal-lurgiz&4. 1950 Com:mantar~, preface,selected excerpts,, etc. W-19772, 28 Sep 51 Card 1/1 : Pub. 41-13/18 Author : Karavayev,, N. M., Corresponding Member, Academy of Sciences, USSR; Zykov, D. D., and Kondukovj N. B. Title : Unused possibilities of periodic rectification of complex mixtures Periodical : Izv. AN SSSR~ Otd. tekh. nauk 3, 123-129, blar 1954 Abstract Presents the principles of method of rectification with introduction of intermediate fractions which intensifies the periodic process of rectification. Shows a method for practical use of the process in the distillation of coal-tar fraction for obtaining naphthalene. Tables, diagrams. Two references. Institution IVSKII%-B.H*-;-ZMIYI-P.R_--ZYXOV D.D. dotsent;---PIX,-I.Sh..; SMF.-. FILMYBV, A.A.; YUJXLI~&' H.S., rodaktor; JURIYE, M.S., tekhnicheskiy redaktor. [General chemical technology of organic substances] Obshc7haia.khImi- cheekaia tekhnologiia organicheekikh veshchept7. 'Pod,red. D.D.Zyko- va. Moskva, Goo. nauchno-takhn.izd-vo khim. lit-ry, 1955. 463~P- (Chemistry, Technical) (MLRA 8:4) ,f h, on ~111 old ra,mr(hul qvif pmp,-'! F r-'I 1-~ 111;cZf;v' 4,! 19',-,1 - , ~d m . ~Zvd 11":11 a.~- ~um,m j h~t Lod nw,.,tmi lyahs",r- 'm !'-tT v pltw '1-,1l Ill.- c,m-prf, rif the liqijd iq tl~u "me ~t rn I F~Imt "d flit ljl~tr, and that thr -.ADat,l -, lhr p'--Itii tir, TtI tlt~ ii,jr, ' P1.0,s i,~,r V ior, o, thi, -.ul USSR/C hemi atry - Physical chemistry Caxd 1/1 Pub. 116 - 6/24 Whom C Karavayav, N. M.; Zykov, D. D.; and Garber, h4 No Title I Study of phase eqtLtlibriums of a mphthalin-bol~a-c-,Ejtl*q-lnaphthp-Un qysltem POAOdiCdl t Ukr. khim. zhur. 21/2, 176-191, 1955 Abatz-act t The naphtha' in-beta-metIVr1naphthalln system fnvegti.gated for the pur- r . '.h+ Institution The 7. 1-~ I in kn~! Inst. -~, -~*-.,- . :,!. Submitted November 26, 1953 KARAVATEV-N-dX-- ZYK:)V-D-D --KOt1DUKOVj-N4-BO Single stages evaporator dasigned for the study of high-boiling point mixtures. Zav.1ab. 21 no.2:245-246 155 (RUA 8:6) 1. Mookovsk1y institut khimichookogo mashinontroyenlys, (Boiling points) (Evaporating appli"COGY ;111 111F-1111 R -II MITIMM I IM IN RLIN lilt fill "M 11111011111111111 USSR/ Chemi stry - Chemica.~ technology Card 1/1 Pub. 11.6 - 26/30 Authors I Karavayev, N. M.; Zyicov, D. D. 1 Garber, Yu. M. 1, Gumienyuk, T. D. wid Sandul, T. V. Title I Phase equilibriums of naphthalin qith coal Lair framtLons Periodical i tricr. khim. zhur. 21/3, 410-415, June 1955 Abatract I The phase conversions of' naphthalin with varimis coal. tar fractiona was investigated on a laborator], rjictLficatLon -olumn to determine the effect of Ivw boiling camponents (heavy fractions) on the phase equillibrWm curve. 7he fact that coal tar and oil form a paIyaz;eotropIj:.- mixture was taken into consider--,*- ior, ind he axe. evalua-ed. One U'~~ i-eference (1.955,'. Tables: ~rad-s, --.t', 11- D WbVhr4ciII-'-`6r&'7th4--- w'Vil V-- hfitl~ -,Institution- --The Stalirv 0A Chem. Machine Constr.j Yibsbdw Submitted December 24, 1353 and January 14, 1955 0 V, USSR/Chemical Technology Cheiiilcal ProductO aild Their 1-13 Application--~reatment of solid mineral fuels Abs Jour: Ref Zhur-Khimiya, 1!,) 3, 19,57, 9217 Ai.tthor Garber, Yu. IT., Z,,rko4.._~D., and Karav.ayev, N.M. Inst Academy of Scleaves USSR Title Vapor Preswire of Coal Tar Fractions Orig Pub: Izv. AN SSSR, Section on Technical S;Iences, 1950, No 11, 101-105 Abstract: A niethou is described for (Itetermining,the temper- attire depen(Ience of the vapor pressure of various coal tar fracttoiis. 11"Lie coal tar'fractio-ns are treated as binar~~ mi:,Ctilres, one component be�ng a substance, the teinperature dependence,of the vapor pi,essure of uhich is known and the other com- ponent be-Jug all ~Itie otlier substances boiling above or below the inclivi6tial substance. A phase equil- ibriura curve is plotted on the basis of expe.-imental data, and the avera,-e vapor press8re of the complex Card 1/2 VI-lumIcal Tec,rjoj()gy. Application- , Cheajic,11 D -T)'eatinent of-roclucts: and Their 13 Abs Jour: Ref Zhur-KIji In1.1 It,% Solid miileraitfuels .1 1957, 9217 Abstract: cOJnPonent is ec.,~ fro,,, the c the coef iiclents A'al'11(t 'B (which III'Ve character' tion log "tic Of a quantities P "Ive'l 9t,bstance). in ij!) al,le-rage v- A + 13 the equ- aPor PllesSilre aii(I T th -Y where p is the atlire, are de - A graph of th 01 ab,901LIte te'r-per- terIllilled fr':~ril two PO'I1t8 01, th e average 13 their avepar,-e I P Of the fra6t e curve. MlecUlar wci,,Ilt is ~,Ojjs Vs. Ca 0 Presented. Chemical products of cocking (their utilirn:tion in the United States). Koko i khim. no#8:57-58 156. (MLI?A 10:1) 1. MoRkavokiv inatittit khimiche*Okogo vnshinontrVenlya, (United States-Coke Indilitry) --rARAVATZV-,--N.-Ho---;---ZYKGV, - ------------ Answer to the remarks of B.K. Pate. Ukr.khiv.zhnT. 22 no.2:265 056. (M~ 9-.~) (Phase rule and equilibrium) (Naphthalene) (Plate, B.M*-)'~ ASTAKHOV, V.I. (Mcskva),- 2dKOV D.D. (Moskva). KOLYVAGIN, A.A. (Foskva); SEWNOVA, I.M. ~~s ~Va 'Calculating the distillation process on alcomputing machine# Izv.- AN SSSR. Otd.tekh,nauk. MetJ topl. no.43165-riO J1-Ag ;1,62. (MIRA 15:8) (Distillation, Fractional) (Calculating nachines) 1 -041 PIN ! 1. f I, it li;,W, r UWE -T I 1;~;EA I P'Ilrl Mil IIH fl. ITIV. R-IIIIA1111111 IIMI I I V I I'd Regarding the review of Al Chn-fu of 1. R. Korobabanskii and M. D. Kuznetoov's book "Computation of equ ipment used for the recovery of chemical prodnoto in coking*. Koko i khim. no-3:64 '57-- WRA 10;5) 1. Mookovskly institut, kbimicheekogg mashiiiastroyenlyas (Coke industry-kuipment and supplies) V AUTHOR: Zykov, D.D., Candidate of Technical Sciences. 68-6-11/19 TITLE: Calculation of Oompositions of Equili~riuwPhases for Chemical Coking Products. (Raschet sostavov ravnovesnykh faz dlya khimichestikh produktov lroksovaniya) PERIODICAL; Koks i Khimiya, 1957, No.6$ PP- 37 - 41 (USSR) ABSTRACT: A nomogram for calculating vapour preesures from:,temp- eratures and temperatures from vapour as an aid-for calculating distillation processes is proposed. Its use is demonstrated on an example of distillation of tar (composition in Table 3). The difference in the determined and(alculted value of the final concentration did not 'exceed 4% and that of temperature - 1%. The method proposed can be used for~calcul- ating co 1 umns "from plate to plate" checking the behaviour of the individual components of a compiex mixture along the height of;the column, etc. There are 5 tables, 1 figure and 4 Slavic references.. ASSOCIATION: Moscow Institute of Chemical Machine Building. (Moskovskiy Institut Khimicheskogo Mashinostroyeniya) AVAILA13LE: Library of Congress Card 1/1 -C AUTHORS: Zykov D.D., Karavayev, 1I.V1. and Kondukov, II.B. TITLE: Vapour Phase Purification of Benzole from Sulphurous Compounds (Parofaznaya ochistka benzola ot sernistykh soyedineniy) PERIODICAL: Koks i Khimiya, 1957, -No- 12t pp. 33 - 3? (USSR). ABSTRACT: The possibility of a continuous purification of benzole frL~m thiophene and other sulphurous com.pounds by passing a mixture of benzole vapours and hydrogen through a purifying layer in a static or a fluidised state was investigated. The laboratory apparatus used for the investiL..,,ation is described (Fig.1). The addition of hydrogen or some other diluting gas was necessary as when the fluidisetion is obtained by benzole vapours alone, the concentration of sulphur in the vapour is too high. As a purifying inedium, iron ore reduced in~ hydrogen was used. This was activated by a 501o addition of sodium hydroxide. The preparation of the ore is described in some detail. Some of the experimental results obtained are shown in Tables 1 and 2. The results indicated that a complete purification of benzole from all forms of sulphur (including thiophene) can be achieved by passing it through a fluidised or static bed of activated iron ore at 400-450 00. The optimum Cardl/2 velocity of purification in the fluidised bed 0-11 cm/sec at Vapour Phase Purification of Benzole from Sulphurous Compounds the initial velocity of fluidisation 5-6 cm/sec (400-450 OC). In a static layer, the optimum velocity is below 0.5 cm/sec. Summary height of iron ore layer, necessary for complete puri- fication of benzole for the fluidised bed is 300-350 mm and for the static bed 90-100 mm. The sulphur-removing capacity of the purifying mass in respect of thiophene sulphur is 5~-60,6. Regeneration of the mass restores its purifying properties. Laboratory tests and analyses were carried out by Z.I. Anisimova. There are 2 tables. ASSOCIATION: TAM AVAILABLE: Library of Congress Card 2/2 AUTHORS Zykov D D Khlabnikova, V.V. 32-8-1~8/61 0 018vt O.Y. TITLE Heating Devices for Laboratory Rectif ication Columns. (Sposob obogreva laboratornykh rektifikatsionnykh kolonn.) PERIODICAL Zavodskaya Laboratoriya, 1957, Vol. 23, Nr 8, Pp- 995-995 (USSR) ABSTRACT In order to obtain the most favorable:a diabatia conditions in the heating plant of rectification columns a new heating system is suggested in this paper, which is characterized mainly,by the fact that the principal column as well as its covering are made of the same material in order that equal linear expansion of both bQ attained. The device is described as follows: Its basic component is the boiler upon which the rootrification column rests. In the upper part of the column there is the column head with a conden- ser and an outlet pipe for fractions with a straight-way cook. The boiler receives its heat from the electric. heating coil, which i.s wound round the.main column. The outer encasing column also has a heating network, By automatically switching on the two heating systems alter- natingly a uniform heating of the entire rectification CARD 1/2 ~!olumn is warranted, i.e. for the case that the interior column 32-8-48/61 Heating Devices for Laboratory Rectification Columns. receives more heat by rising vapors in the interior, it simultaneously expands to a greater extant than the exterior encasing oolumA. This fact itself causes switching on of the heating network in the external encasement oolumni and the switching off of the interior heating, so that the dif- ference in temperature is soon equalized. This arrangement of the heating order in the rectification column was found to be satisfactory. There is 1 figure. ASSOCIATION: Moscow Institute for the achinesUsod in 0,4 (Moskovskiy Institut khimiclfles ogo masrallostroyeniya). AVAILABLE: Library of Congress. CARD 2/2 AUTHOR: Zykov, D. D. (Moscow). 24-1-13/26 TITLE: Rectification of complex mixtureb, method of calculation. (Rektifikatsiya slozhnykh smesey,,mutod rascheta). PERIODICAL: Izvestiya Akademii Nauk, Otdeleni e Tekhnicheskikh _1~. Nauk, 1958, No.1, pp. 100-106 (USSR ABSTRACT: The fundamental difficulty of rectification calculations of complex mixtures is the determination of the: compositions of distillates and the residue obtained during the distillation. A number of authors (Refs.1-9) determined these values by means of successive , approximation applying a number of assumptions which are accurate to a greater or lesser extent'. In this paper the conception of the temperature boundary of division of the mixture is introduced by means of which it is convenient to analyse the distribution of each of the components between the distillate and the residue. A numerical calculation example is included to illustrate the use of the relations derived in the paper. There are 3 figures, 2 tables and 12 references Card 1/1 6 Russian, 5 English, 1 German. SUBMITTED: March 27 1 1957. AVAILABLE: Library of Congress. 32-2-39/60 AUTHORS: Zykov, D. D. Lytkin, I. A. , Sobolev, G. V. .: Khlebnikova, _777. TITLEx A Device for Recording the Distillation Curve (Pribor,dlya zapisi krivoy razgonki) PERIODICAL: Zavodskaya Laboratoriya, 1958, Vol. 24, Nr 2, pp.12221- 223 (USSR) ABSTRACT; An automatic device recordinS, the~bmling temperature 'and the amounts of distilled substance in rectification columns was developed (according to W'1%) at th~a inWtute mentiom d below. The distillate flows into a container, which is in equilibrium on beam scales with vieights (from an automatic apparatus). The waight of the distillate causes a 'lowerinG of the,beam, which short-circuits a contact anJ thui cauzoo the c:)eration of a relay, which acrain starts off an automatic device. A paper sli bagins to move, which is adj4sted'according to tempera- p ture by a thermocouple, the twem~exatiire being reacrdod on the slip. It galvanometer reCOrd3 the curve until tho appliance Card 1/2 xelea3-~d at the same tima for the balo-noinC of the weight 32-2-39/60 A Device for Recording the Distillation Curve re-establishav aquili~rium and thuit raloami the trip-up .contact. A figure s1i6y;ing the apparatus and a distillation curve ( WK) is given. There are 2 figuros, and 1 reference, which is Slavic. ASSOCIATION: M.00cow Institute of Chmica.1 MacbInp-bulidijig (Iloskovsk.iy institut khimicheskogo marh inostroyeniya) AVAILABLE. Library of Congresa 1. MAMing plantri-Equipment Card 2/2 f t P,,a,, nc).7:5f~ 71 1. Moalovskly ino,j.tu;, k- i 7' Clr'45 -,'~g 0 rN L Fh',nf,,o troyerlya, helm . ~- - . 4 jifllillI 4114111151 11 RM tj Will MH I IIII. I soll'I'll, 111611g,111UH111 III dUVz5;jIlIR KAPAVAYEV, AKOPYAN, L.A VARYGINv N.N.; GUTAREV V.V.;.~RKqy AZUROV, D.U.1 KONDUKOV, N.B,j LASTOVTSEV A.14.; MAKAROV, Tw,I.; 14 MARTYUSHIN, I *Go; MASLOVSKIY, M.F.; NIKOLAYEV,, P.14~V,PLAROVSKU, CHEXHOVP 0.3~ KHVALIXOV~ A.Me' A.N.; AYCHKOV, A.I. (deceasadjl 0. SHAKHOVA, NOA. Theory and Dractice of heterogeneous processa6 in a fluidized, bed. Trudy MIKHM 26:3~-22 164.~ :'(MIRA 19:5) 1ZYKOV, D.D. Distribution of the components of a compoolte mixture under the work conditions of rectification. Trudy 141KH14 26:50-59 164. (WRA 18 5) ALEKSANDROVA, I.M.; ZYKOV, D.D. True boiling point curves oC heavy petroleum products. Khim. i tekh. topl. i masel 9 no.1209-43 D 064. (MIRA 18:2) 1. Moskovskiy institut khimichoskogo mashinostroyeniya. BELENOVI Ye.A.; BOYARCHOK, P.G.; ZYKOVI DO. Method of calculating mass transfer coefficients. Xhim. prom. 40 no.10:754-756 0 164. MRA 18:3) ASTAKHOV, V~Iv; ZYKOVp_D,Ds,- KORTIKOVO V.S, Number of units of tran,3fer In the reotification of binary mixtures. Xhim. prom. 40 no.10.-763-764 0 164. (MIRA 18.3) BEU N 0.7 Yo A.; ZYX07.' MethaJ of' calculiti.rin c;.*" rass in till! binary mixE.-ares. Izv. vyq. ucheb, za,~ . I ldjm~ tckh. 7 no-4:661-o64 t(;,,. NIPUA 17:12), 1. Kafedra m-ash-Iny t appar-aty zavcdov po khitnl~iheslk-v preralbotice topliva Tvlosk:,vqklcfp instituta kh! miche sk-ogo mu-AzIncstroyenlya- ZYKOV, D.D.; MAYMOV, V.P.; NIKITIN, V.A.; TREBIN, A.G. Plotting the mathematical model of the rectification process of'a multiple,component mixture using the data of the column performance, Khim.prom. no.12:889-894 D 163. (MIRA 170). RORtIKOV, V.S.; ZYKOV, D.D., doktor tekh .n,nauk Calculating the distillation process of a multicomponent, m-ixture by conditional equilibrium curve. Koks i khim. no,,11:49~-53 '63. '~ (MIRA 16:112) 1. Moskovskiy institut khimicheskogo ruishinostroyeniya. SELIVANOV, L.M. (Moskva); -006C,-D.D-,-(Moskva)--~'~~- Motive force of mass exchange during the distillstion process in cross flow conditions. Izy.. AN SSSR. Otd. tekh. nauk. Met, i topl. no.2:168-173 Mr-Ap 162. (KRA 15.4) (Mass transfer) (Distillation apparatus) ASTAKHOV, V.I.- (Moskva);- ZIKOV, D,D. (M6rjkva) Analytical Oethod of calculating the number.of, theomtical plates in thb distillation of binary mixtures.;, Izv.. AN SSSR. -(If 14:12) Otd.' tekb. nauk. Met. i topl. nd.6:177-180 11-DA61. JRA (Disti1lation apparatus) 1172 IN 411 111- 1, 011111114 RIECHN, Alfred; LRYINA, Ye.H. (translator]; SUQT,31.~~. red. [2bndamentals of the technology of orgenic'subotances] 08nov'y tekhnologii organicheakikh veahcheutv, Hookya, Goakhimizdat, 1959. 532 ps Wu 14:3) (Chemistry, Organic) ---- ---------- - -- -UGOROT,---Ifik6lay-Nikolayevich--DHITRIYV,- Mikhiil -MikhayLovich; OT, Dmitriy --,BR(MSKIT, Turiy Nikolayevi-ch; TCZWKOIA,-- OL. T-ie-a. i zd-va; KLMM, K.R.,, [Removal of sulfur,from cokeo-oven gas and Othor1ruel gaseelt Ochietka at eery koksovallnogo I drugikh gp~ i luchlIch go zov. ~I%d%:2.# porer, i dop, Pod red, 11.N.Togorova. 14onloa, 12d-vo lit-ry po chernoi i tevetnoi matallurgii, 1960. 341 P. (MIRA 14:3) (Gases-Parification) (sulfur) ZTKOVO D., kand.tekhn.nauk At a coke plant. IUn. tekh. 2 no-7:36-41 JI '58. (Coke industry) (KRA 11:10) ~SOV/24-58-6-.12/35 AUTHORS: Yevstaflyev, A.G., Zyko D-;7-V-.--zMFUrav&yev, N.Ma~ Yt_ (Moscow) TITLE: Relative feet EX ... of Certain Factors on zhe Mass-Excharige Process in a Plate-Type Column Installation (Otnositall- noye vliyaniye nekotorykh faktorov na protses mass .onbmena v kolonnom apparate t0blIchatog6 tipa) PERIODICAL: Izvestiya Akademii Nauk, Otdeleniye tekhnichoskikh nauk, 1958, Nr 6, pp 77-83 (USSR) ABSTRACT: It has already been shown (eg refs 1-3) that among factors influencing the change in concentration along a plate-type cobimn is mass-transfer.between adjacent layers of the moving liquid and the analogou !'asstransferjn the vapour. The author hasipreviatisly analysed ref 1 ) the . change in the concentration of the low-boilingtraction allowing for mixing of liquid and.vapour. In,the present work the attempts to deduce the influence of this and other factors on the change.of c~'Pnce tration ot the com- ponents; along a plate-type columnarei described. He shows that mass exchange in the Inter-plate space can be Card 1/3 regarded as the sum of three mass-exchango prooesses: between liquid and vapour) between adjacent moving liquid SOV/24..58-6-12/35 Relative Sftect,j of Certain Factors on the Mass-Exchanga Process in a Plate-Type Column Installation layers~ and between layers of vapour.: Using his previous (ref 1 relations he shows that the degree of attainment of vapour/liquid equilibrium should always be considered in column design. Because of the complexity of their effect on the overall process the author considers,the other two processes by taking th6 exaipls of a toluene- carbon tetrachloride mixture and'examining seven particular cases. These cover various combinations of degrees of mixing in the liquid and the vapour but apply only to the bottom two plates. The results (tablis I and fig 2) show that mixing in the liquid is an important (table 2) but not controlling factor, while mixing in the vapour can be ignored. On this basis column calculations can be classified in four degrees of ap roximation, depending on the number of the above factors they take into considera- tion: most methods used for plate coolers belong to the second approximation group, in which bnly mass4xchange between liquid and vapour is considered and can lead to Card 22/3 errors of up to 40%. The author elaborates on the weak- nesses of this approach and recommends for technical SOV/24-58-6-12/35 Relative Rffeet.._) of Certain Factors on the Mass-Exchange Process in a Plate-Type Column Installation calculations the third-approximation method, in which tho only factor ignored Is mass exchange between adjacent vapour layers and errors of tp-% are obtained. He deduces suitable equations from the more exact'fourth approach method and concludes with a niimerical example. There are 2 figures, 3 tables and 3 references (1 Soviett I English and 1 German) KHASMIF, S.,,i.; KONOVALOV, V.A.; POIT?111 awing force of a double-deck dram 0 vam. Derv From. no.1 D 164 2 *14 1 all TI, Pat Lill-IMIJI .1 '1111,1111141 USTDWKO Staii iOZhxU-master--Z3ZOV--FX. --otarshiy-dorozfi-;;- 'V Uiaov, Ye,I,, dorank- n-yymaster; KIRRY., P.I.; rVANITSKrY.. Iiw. Mymaster; GAYDAR.. P.R.; SIDOROVp B.N.; SAVKOVj Ye.I.; SAPDRIWI A.N.; FEMVp A.S.; BURLAKI F.V.., inzh. letters to the editor. Putt i put,khozo xio.542-" MV 161 IMM 100 lo Stantalya KupinopCinskoy doroti (for Usti~anko),,2. Staitslya Koteltnicho Gorlkovakoy dorogi or Zykor).,'3* Stantsiya Petto- pav.lovsk, Onskoy dorogi (for Kireyp Ivanitalcly)o 41 Stantalyal Stupino., Moskovskoy dorogi (for Ubanov)* 5,0 Zamestiteal noobal'-~ 'aika distanstaii puti, at., Izytm, Donetsko7 dorogi (for Geti4ar)o i6o Ikehaltnik distantaii. putip St. Berlikj Kazakhakoy dorogi, (ror Sidorov), 7. Nachallnik PW-62, at. Nikitovka'j, D=etakoy clorogi (for Savkov). 8. SgLehW master sbehoibenochnogo karlj,~ra St. Chokparp KazsXbskoy dorogi (for Safonkiu), 9*~ Ifachallnik toUnicheokogo otdela oluzhb3r puti.. g. Yaronlavlv (for Petrov). 109 Dietantsiya zashchittykh lesojaaaasMeniVp St. Artemovsk, Do- netokoy dorogi, (for Burlsk). (HaUroads) ------------- /G- AUTMIOR 6 Nxivich, G. I.; Pe brusenko) K. ORG: none TITLE: Long terni memory device SOUIRCE: Me!~Van. atsiya i av'-;oiiatizd'-siya upravlcrniya, no. 31 1966i 23-26 ,TOPIC TAGS: coinputer mer-Dry, -clect~onic amplifier G B C007': '01) Tho Institfito of Cjbornotion-of tho ko~demy of Sclanoos Pf tho lan SSR haa dovoloped a diode-trannfornor long term ri'emory dovico itith -UkrAnA. -paoity of 3,19252.;.digit numbors. Tho dovico conaists f an addro63 cl 0 A docodor, 64 commutatin-f and a numorical section Pluo 55 readout ampliftor3. in ordor to inc.-a---zo the rolJ~ability of tho mom-ory imit, bidlk.-, in control of -,-.h,) units which detormino th6 addroan of a numbor coll in a foaturos. no (built-in control on modullia 3)6 Tho memory yolumo is dividod into throu portio Compopontz of tho unit '*aaa tontod uaing an o.-qjor:L--cntal modol idth a crapacit7 of 51Z 5Z-d:Lg'u numborz* P-ji:imr-'L3,-r at$oontion vzs Givon to thwo que-zitity and naturo of tho zoi.-oa at tho outvat of tho collo. induotiva'and wpaoltivo noisou di-l n:)'v tho ciZir-:11 lovol. frcquozay is 600 XC3. Orig*. art. has:. 3 figures. 1JPRS: 37M71 j Card lzi iUDC: 681.142.65~ tF_L-j6bL.6-~66-5jT(d_) i~ 1.-Wcc _NR- AT6017030,' SOURCE CODE: Ult/0000/65/000/000/0051/0058 '';AUTHOR: Zykov.-Ft--N, ILI ORG: None TITLE: A method for the synthesis of decodern with a iieparated load soukcE: AN UkrSSR. Kiberneticheskaya tekhnika (Cybernetic techniques).' Kiev, Naukova dumka, 1965, 51-58 TOPIC TAGS: digital decoder, circuit design,. coffing, ABSTRACT: Standard decoding circuits with a separated load require a consider- Iable code excess at the input, which leads to substantiaL expenditures for the de- vices. The present author examines the fea~sibility of constrticting decoders on the basis of reduced codes which use "determining" classes of Like orthogonal code. The employment of this code in conjunction with the simultaneous irse of summation -ent and voltages makes it possible to save on the equi 'ment and to simpufy, of curi P Athe manufacture of decoders. -Designs of several decoders are, studied as an ex- I ample. An investigation is made of the effectiveness of a decoder which combines the functions of decoding and multiplication of matrices with the simultaxieous use of the method of summation of current and voltage, as COMPaTed, for exianple, with a decoder designed according to, the principle of voltage summationj It is .:found that the p ropoued combined method produces a demign oi a decodev'~Mazq ~_Card_l/z L 36046,.~66 J---ACC- N T6oI703C7 than '0 Igns, since it Of the circuit ri's requires jes,, .sias: 4 fiaure 'an,increase in th COMPonen s and I ta le., e nurnber. a The effect! b. deci)d er ougputu,-, S'UB CODE: 09 9rig. art DATE: ZU4165/, ORIG REE-- ont 0i 00z j, w. % .7 F. Cird wi~ 3/696/61/003/000/010/011 D251/D304 AUTHOR., Zykov, F.N# TITLE: Memory unit for a control machine SOURCE: Akademiya nauk Ukrayinelkoyi RSR9 Obehyslyuval,lnyy tsentr. Zbirnyk prate' z obohyslyuvallnoyi matpmatyky i tekhniky, v.,3, 1961, 104 - 110 TEXT: The article discusses the use of semiconductors in.~the ope- rative memory units (0MU1b) of control machines and systems. Such a memory unit wts constructed at the Obehyslyuval.Inyy,tsentr (Com- puter Center) capable of operating under local temperature oscilla- tion of � 6000. As well as the OMUf the apparatus contained a pas- sive memory unit (PMU) with modulus in 1024 numbers. A block-dia- gram and the working scheme of the OMU is given. A diode-transfor- mer rectifier is used to reduce lose in the address net..This rec- tifier cofisists of a double two-coordinate net. The reverse code is-, used in the odd-number matrix and the direct code in the eveni In the experiment a number core of ZT-1 (VT-1) ferrite was used#.measu- Card 1,/2 B169 61/003/000/010/011 Memory unit for a control machine D251YD304 3 suring 1.2 x 0.7 X,0-8 mm . The working parameters of the ferrite are given in tabular form. In practice the temperature range was re---. duced by use of a thermostat. The non-standard elements of the~Omu are discussedo namelyj the address formulatorp the key element' the di3charge recording formulatorp and the amplifier. In all the ele- ments except the first cascade where a P-403 (P-403) triod6 is usedq the triodes employed are ~168 (P16B). All elements are teB-. ted ill the defective-regimea Tests show that the elements are sui- table for use in an OMU scheme with the reduction of highly tech- nical data. There are 1 table and 9 figures. ---DTJBROV ZYXOV-qw-.1.-, --XDW1V4-VOA.---- Improved annealing of electrical steel. Ketallurg no.10:27-28 o 156. (XWA 9: 11) 1. Verkh-Isetekiy metallurgicheekly savod. (St*ol--Roat treatment) SMYMM, H.M.1 SOGACHIV, I.F.; ZYKOV. G.A.; SULTA.H. R.Sh. Study of the plasticityof transformer oteels. ffliz.metA metal- loved. 1 no.1:167-175 155. (XLVA 1. Uraltakiy politsihnicheakiy institut imeni S.M. Kirov& i Verkh~leetvkiy metallurgichaskiy sayod. (Shoat steel) 711; 1,,i 11-1 cd AUTHORS: Zykov, G.A. and Nakhodkins a G. TITIE: Influence of certain Gases on the Emi .ssion of Oxide (;athodes (Vliyaniye nekotorykh gazov na. emissiyu oksidnoCo katoda) PERIODICAL: Radio t ekhnika i Elelktronika, 1058,~ Vol 3, Nr 8, PP 1031 - 1039 (USSR) ABSTRACT: Investigations viere c--rried out, 'on the oxide cathodes of the standard vacuum tubes, type 6Zh2P. For.the purpose of investigation, a special Method of unsealing tubes was.developed and the pressure,of the poisoning gases was maintained constant. The equipment 'and'the methods of measurement are similar to those described by the authors in an earlier work (Ref 1). The oxygen employed in -the experiments was ~obtained by obemi'cal decomposition of potassium permangana-te; tho hydroeen was applied by means of a palladium capillary-tube; the carbon monoxide was obtained by heatinG a mixture of zinc and calcium carbonate and the chlorine was obtained by thermal decomposition of potassium chloride. The gases viere dessic~~ted by ,,-,cans of P20 5' The emission current Cardl/4 as a function of tire for a cathode operatinG' at. a Influence of Certain Gases oa the Emission of oxide Cathodes temperature of 1 020 OK and ox~rgpn pressure of ?.10-2 vi~ffg, Is represented by t.'L-,e curves of FiGure~l; the fallinG -oortions of the.curves represent~the.iocay of current as a function of tine, vjhile the rising 'portions. represent the recovery of the cathode aftp:r the,evacuation of the O'Zllses. The nw-tibers on the curves refer to successive -admission cycles for the oxygen.' SDPilar curves are shown, in Yir,--ure 2 ~for the same temperature and pressure). The poisoning and the recovery effect in a cathode subjected to the action of carbon monoxide is represpnted by the curves of rigure 3. The 9e curves ere~taken at temperatures ranging from 3-10-, to 6.:10 mmHg.~ Figure 4 shows similar curves but theselere taken a varlous temperatures (ranging from 860 K t&I 020 1 t.was found that in the temperature ra'np_e,of 900 :1 020 K and at pressures up to 10-5 mmHg, the presence of hydrogen had no effect on the emission of the cathodes; in fact, in some cases, it ap-eared to enhance the emission. The effect of chlorine poisoning is illustrated in Figures 6, ? and 8. From. these, it is seen that at a Card2/4 S01111054-8-8118- - ----- Influence of Certain Gases on the Emission~of Oxide Cathodes 0 certain temperature (1,020 K), the presence of chlorine does not affect -the emission; thJ..g tarperature is very critical and, consequently, up,,rard or dov-nvard.chaliges lead to a quick deterioration of'the cathode. The-main conclusion of th~is investigation is that the poisoning effect of the gases is primarily (1pendent on the pressure of the gas, the temperature and acLivity of Under certain conditions, such poisonous Gasesas water vapour or chlorine have no poisohinf, effect and, in fact, can enhance the emission. It was1fou-nd that oxygen, carbon monoxide and chlorine have a critical pressure, below, which the gas does not have anj.notic ble ill effect on the cathode. At a temperature of 1 020 :the, rL critical pres-sure for hydxogen is about 5.10 _1mHG f or carbon monoxide it is about 5.10-.? mnlig and for chlorine -6 i it is about 1.10 mL-3 6. The authors make acknowledgment to Corresponding L!ember of the Ukrainian Ac.Sc.~ N.D. 11orEulis for his interest In this work ana,to G.Ya. Pikus for h_JE help in carryinG out the experiments. Card3/4 SOV/1001-3-8-8/18 Influence of Certain Gases on the Emission of Cj,--d- C,-,-.'Lodes There are 8figures and lu" refererices,.'/. of v"hi ch are English, 2 German and 7 Soviet (4 Of these are translations). ASSOCIATION: Kiyevskiy Gosudarstvenriyy univeksitet im. .T.G. Shevchenko~ki'ev SL'Ite,Universitv =eni y T. G. Shevchen1co SUBMITTED: Januarg 29, 1958 1. Cathodes (Electron tube)--Perf6r'mance 2. Metalloxides Card 4/4 --Properties 3. Thermionic emission 4~ Gases--Electrical effects SOV/137-;9-1-1268 Translation from: Referativnyy zhurnal Meta.llurgi,ya, 19i9, Nr I..'p171 (USSR) AUTHORS: Trakhtenberg, B - F.,- Zykov,. G. A. TITLE: The Effect of Annealing Temperature on the:Magnetic P'-operties of Hot-rolled Transformer Steel. iVlivan;ve ternperaturv ot.zhiga na magnitnyye svoystva goryachekatanoy transformatornoy, stali) PERIODICAL: Sb- nauchn. tr. Kuybyshevsk. indusir. in-ta. Mekhanika; 1958, Nr 7, pp 159-168 ABSTRACT: Investigations were carried out in order to evaluate the~effect of annealing temperatures ranging from 750 to lZ000C, with a' soaking period of 4-8 hours, on the magnetic properties of a series of hot- rolled transformer steels, It: was establisl-'ed that a 1,,igh-tf!mperature anneal introduces an anomaly into the'shape of the magnetization curves in regions correspondingto strong tgreater than 5- 15 oersted) and medium magnetic fields 10.2-0.5 amp-t.urns/cm). A number of magnetic characteristics are pre5ente'd graphically as a function of the annealing temperature, and practical indications are given for the manufacture of transformer steel possessing an inc.reas:ed per- Card 1/1 meability in weak and medium fields !E45, E46. E47, and E48 grades). .N, V-V., kand.fiz.-matemnauk;,ZUOV, G.A.. inib.; H3KHA.WVA,, X-I.; inzh. Repeated annealing of droo forgings made of 145 and 346. Vest. elektroprom- 31 ng-5:41--13 W 160- (NUA 13:8) (Steel forging") (Steel--Eleat treatment) W/0 0/ //,~ It, 3/18 1/61/003/'005/016/042 9, 01? as-p B 1 361B201 AUTHORS: Nakhodkinp N. G. and Zykovp G. A, TITLE: Effect of oxygen on the electrical properties of an oxide cathode at low pressures PERIODICAL: Fizika tverdogo telap v. 30 no- 5 t 1961t 1436 1444 TEXT: Insufficient attention has been paid in previous studies to the com- position of residual gases in Vacuum apparatus. The authors have therefore conducted a thorough investigation, in which the sealedapparatus has repeat- edly been filled with oxygen and evacuated to pressures 10-S.- 10-6 mm Hg. The gaeresidue has been analyzed by means of an omegatron. First of.all, two peaks have been observed at m - 16 and m - 32, accounting for 94% of the total amount. Comparative measurements with the 600 mans analyzer b~ 0. Ya. Pikus have shown the m - 32 peak to be higher'. A small nickel tube filled with barium peroxide served as an oxygen source. Two 3p thick plati- num probes were introduced into the oxide layers which had a thickness from 80 to 100V . In addition to the cathode current, thetmeaeuirements comprised conductivityf thermo-emf, and other electrical parameterso The cathode cur- Card 1/ 3 S11811611003100510161042 Effect of oxygen ... B136/3201 rent was measured at normal cathode temperatures with exponential pulses (f - 1 cycle), and at higher temperatures in d-c operation. Resistivity was determined from the potential drop between probe and~core, depending upon the cathode current. The cathode,temperature was determined by.a calibration curve and by means of a thin thermocouple. Experiments have shown that both conductivity and thermionic emission current change almost in parallel and without delay during poisoning and reduction, i.e., almost allthe oxide layers participate in both processes. Two mechanisms are re- ferred to for an explanation: first, the oxygen is adsorbed on all exposed and fully developed grain surfaces of the oxiJe-laye'r, and splits into atoms, whereby the negative surface charge of the grains is augmented; this is accompanied by a decrease of the work function, and, consequently, of all other electrical parameters as.well. Secondly, the diffusion of the oxygen ions or atoms into the grain's,'which is directly proportional to their surface concentrationg reduces the number of oxygen vacancies~which may act as donor centers. Taking account of ditfusion providos an explan- ation for the experimental findings. N. D. Morgulis, Corresponding Member AS USSR, is thanked for his interest in the work. There axO figures and 34 references:' 11 Soviet-bloc and 23 non-Soviet-bloo. The 'three mont recent Card 2/3 511811611003100510161042 Effect of oxygen ... B136/voi references to English-language publications read as follows: G. Higginson, Brit. J. Appl. Phys., 8, 148, 1957; 9, 106, 1958; 11. A. Surplice, Brit. J. Appl. Phys., 10, 359, 1959-' ASSOCIATION: Kiyevskiy gosudarstvennyy universitet imeni T. G. Shevchenko, Kafedra elektroniki (Kiyev State University imeni T.G. Shev- chenko, Department of Electronics) SUBMITTED: August 18, 1960 (initially) December19, 196o (after revision) OV G-.D. -agronom- -KGLMSIIIKOV P.T.- , -inzb ZTY Packing and preservation of silage coverad with a polyethylene film. Zhivotnavodstvo 21 no-507-40 MY 159- (tAIRA 12:7) 1. VoeBoyuznyy nanchno-isaledovatellakiy Institui mellskokhozyay- stvannogn mashinnstroyeniya. (Ensilage) (Polyethylene) Symmmm" MIMI ZYKOV, I.D.; ROZHKOV, V.A. Calculation of wind-driven surface and depth currents based on the example of the 11orth Atlantic. Trudy GOIN no.81:37-53 164. : WIRA 17:11) MOV, I. D. Use of deep-water anchors for erecting buoy stations in tho ocean* Meteor.i.gidrol. no-9:51-52 S 163. (HIRA 16slO) .1. Gosudarstvennyy okeanografichaskiy institut, Leningradskoye otdeleniye. MME l'i'll 1,177% I J, [Auront bomilisin the "Jiteorolo,rical. Abot. tin.) PrirM4,MwoW,36(3),49-30.194T- MV~The Otenomenon was olmivi~d oil Sept. V. 4 I'To. 10 29-29, 1946. in the Kemerovo dintrict (Kusbaiiiii) at WON, 87441M Its rmnlt Intenrity Is explained by weather conditions and the unumil trnnivatent~ of the Otmoqphere. Detaill!d cf(~- Ontobor 1953 acription of formi and co!m Is given. In conclusion.1he author points out the tapid thapo of weather to anticyclanic type which set In alter thin %tight. SomL otsemlions -on tho.- Toltion Part 11 between the aurora borratiq and weather conditionn In northern urtis (R-chota River legiolO am DiblicCraphy on mentioned. Aabjcj:( lleadingi: 1. Aurora of BeVL 28-2tt 1946 I.Venther Influeacta J. xClutrovo 47irarar, Dimtrkt, SiberIA-M.A.S. 110011M ml, ffilmm "llmull IT, 11 Him, I IT "IMIMMAr. 4-1 H R INUI R F,;% mggi g lm',"gt 'n-1, gai'll! -,ill 11 16QIO,6!11t;llllllililigI.1111164tiaLI 111gliglildligmgjugg 1911 ... . ........................ MOVI_L.V. Magrk) Snou cover of the West Siberj,an wooded steppe. tPriroda 51 no.11:103-105 N 162. (MIRA 15:11), ,(Siberiag WoUrn-Snaw) Elm", F~,- M RRINOWIMMINPRISH 01,11111 ORION III ill j~li;lml:qil~gift,7~4~~ill-l-~i3~i-rt-i?~i!T,1;4iiii--,--~~411:~.ilqlb~i~lI R 4ViVqlMR- :1111,P.IF Ill' b.; H it I Ill P-0 -At Ill 911! 111131ill Ill I Hill I I R 4 It 0 a 06 . b Is A dk 1 fmacts"I Abe PEW INT4 so a oiez 10 4 -14 o a S -9- o * 400 ~ct,4ftk isdaut1bytbeauchw. Oey imp. 1mv Orp" rim Knomeak Sol we* 00 00 Not tee* MIALLUR"SL L"ISATbOt CLASWKATIO* M. ullut us* But so u v AV -0 41 it it it it if It i so** 00006969666 No 1 1 M A 4 00 i " v I v a a S 4 Od A a ~310 v 18 . a, 004 000 0l Z 0 W; : 0 A ~ 00 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 111.111111 M 0 0 4p0 0 ~ o IW so : 1-11111 - - 1-11 ZYKOV Illya Vasil'yovich; KUSTOVA, Yo.G., rod.; RUDINA, G'.V. tekhri. (Nature calendar of Kemerovo Province]Kalend'$r' prirody Kew- rovskoi oblasti. Kerqerovo, Komerovskoe knizitiao izd-.voy 19600 126 p. (MMA 15311) (Kemerovo Province-Vature study) 17 Wivit changoi place in Lim Teetlyakovo lAk.,49 I?.v 'lees g6og ob-va 96 no. 1:57-60 Jam-F 164. (MIM 17;5) gri.t.; ons c x1til n-,,i !.:i I n tk~,C~ hc-.2 tLn I~ib. rall. Vast f62. 1715) ZYKOV' I.V. Linden groves in Western Siberia and their preservation. Ok'hr.prir. i sapov.delo v SSSR no.4:29-32 '6o. (MIRX 13:6) (Siberia, Western--Linden) ZYKOT, I T riinak, Kamerovskoy oblasti). The Pechora River as a route of migrator7 bir(la. Pr1roda 46 no.5,- 124-125 My 157. (KCRA 106) (Pechora Valley-Birde-Migratiou) ZYKOV' I.T. Factors in the development of high grass stands on mountainous relief. Bot.zhur.41 no.8:1208-1212 Ag 156. (XM 9:12)~ 1. Novooibirski7 otdel Geograftehoakogo obuhahestys BSSR~ (Siberia, Western--Botanyu-Ecology) -ZTKOV,- ------- A new geographical map, "Kuznetsk Basin." Reviewed b7 I.Y. Zykov.. Izv.Tses.geog.ob-va 88 no.4:396-397 JI-Ag '56. (MA:9310) (ruznetek Basin--Geography) . ......... fill 114144111H 1111111V ---'2be nature of bald mountain landscape. Geog. v shkole 18 no-3:57-59 W-Je 155. (KLU ":8:9) (Kuznetsk Ala-Tau) "r-I" I. V. K 2. TJ-,-!t (Goo) 4. Cedar 7. Phenomenal cedars, priroda 14 no. 3, 195" 9. Monthly List of Russian Accessions, Library of Congress, 1953, Unclassified. AIMMIRTIMMI oil I I MI. a S., M "......... .. 2. uss? (6co) 4. Arboriculture Use planting practice of parks. Leo i step' 5, No. 1, 1950-3. 9. Monthly List of Russian Accessions, Library of Congress, April -1953. Unclassified. 11 1 1.09 WIN 1. IA 14 4 It if At it ti AAA m' m 1) to A' 10 F (A too) 49 0, A a A-1 Ak - " 11~ A, A, _41 0A, 1 "11 Am is fs SSI s74.40 LAIN, (11,K1. -AA 'iml III, hAt"t 4:3 1 !A~' 1451. fig I o 1, DWI, I 1"t .. . ..... I '-pt .'M All, ...... "Aid. A 111".'11N o w0: o I., 040, I III. mv I lgv, ~ I, ,-it I,., I A I ~I' I I 1'. 10 A I. v 1, kIJ."mi'mil A 'w'. if., 44 IhAt 14 AA,ml I,% d., tt~ tf A 4-KI, At'icultswat "Ittear. 048y, .1411OW Ovor. Krrtvts. Sibelid. I t 1) Y. ~j6", AS. I, &IcA& SATWO CLAIIJOICAT40 ILA TAOU u It a it 0 0 * 0 0 r.'0 0 * Q 0 * a 0 goo V 0 09 0 Aij a k 1, ON 0%. 00 0 aA 0 a Ole a IN 40 'a is 40 *'o a ts 414 0 0 tie MAP 0 if* ve * see 44 4 ZJ1 ilLIV , I ,V . ---- 3 3 06 5 Voskhozhdenie Na Polyshoy Taskyl. (ocherk). Stalinskiy Kuzbass, No. 2, 1949p' C. 162-70 SO: Letopis'Zhurnallnykh Stntey, Vol, 45, Moskva, 1949 ZYROV, I.Vo (Marlinek, Kamerovskaya oblasts). The nutcracker in Siberian forents. Prirodm 41 mom7:112-114 J1 153. (MIU 6:6) (Siberia-Ifutoradker.5) ZYK (Mariinsk) Early winter in southern Siberia. Priroda 54 no.12:127-128 D 165, (MIRA 18il2) ZYKOV, K.A., assis Determining exposure station simultaneous processing of photbgrammeti-ic and radiogoodetic measurements.. Izv, vys, ucheb, zav.; geod. i aerof. n0-5:73-78 161. (KRA 15:3) 1. Moskavskiy institut inzhenerov zemleustroystva. (Aerial photogrammetry) )70 /(!~-3/00()/003/(Xe/W5 'I'," A00-/A 10 1 AUTHOR: Zykov, K. A. T3TLE: Possibilities of further Increasing the mceuracy of determination of photographing point coordinates PERIODICALt ReferativuW zhurnal, Gnodoziya, no. 3# 103, 21, abstract 3.52.14o ("Tr. Kosk. un-ta inah. zemldustToymtva", 1952, no. 16, 1-5 2(31 In Atz' -addi Z11- di t4~t tic" Irro ment d effeo of ext6jm a. oDs on tafto wave P 1 ' 16k ipi'o errior's' -an t al Gincuti rdp be taken into account which ard connected with the findIng and plotting an aertal photographs of positions of the nadir points. The effut of tiiaue errora oan be reduced If the accuracy of gyrostabilization of aerial photographs it; incroazed gea,del.ia determinations, up to 1 - 2'. In order to increase the accuracy of radioF it is necessary to take into consideration the errors of initial data, changes in propagati.on velocity of radio vraves and other factors. The acauraay of reuults can be increased by employing repeated radlogoodetic meastaremento and using the mages of nqighboring centers of projecti n. b "I B. Serapanas Abstrac er's note: Complete translation bard 1/1 VERKHOVSKAYA, V.A.; DEYNEKO, V.F.j Prof.; KISLIT6711, A.S.; I-WASHEV~ S.A.; OBIRALOVv A.I.; PETRUP1511111A, R.S.; POPOV, A.F.; RUMER, A.O.; SHOBET.EV, A.T.; KHIZHIIISKIY, D.G.; SHURYGINA, A.I., red. izd-va; ROMMOVA, V.V.,, teklm. red. [Laboratory work in aerophotogeodesy for land utilization faculties of higher agricultural schools]Laboratorge raboty po aerofotogeodezii; dlia zemleustroitellrql:h fakulltetov sallskokhoziaistvermykh vuzov. Pod obshcbei red. V.P.Deineko. I.f.oskva, Izd-vo geodez.lit-vyx 1962. 109 p. (MIRA 15:10) 1. Moscow. Institut inzhenerov semleustroystva. 2. Kafedra, aerofatogeodezii lloakovskogo instituta in2henerov zemleustroy- stva. (for all except Shuryginas Romanova). (Aerial.photogramotxy) ------- i/0019/06 .'ACCESSIo,N NR: AR4o-c-.48o s/ozro/64/666/ob 20, jSOURCE: M. Geodeziya.. Abe. 1-52-107, !AUTHOR: Zy*kov, Ks As TITLE: Soma problems of determining the coordinates of photographic points by the iphase sounding method iCITED SOURCE: Tr. Mosk. in-ta inzh. zemleustroystva, vy*p. 26~~ 1963, 31-42 'TOPIC TAGS: phase sounding, radiogeodetic measurements., Poick,systein, photograph ipoint coordinates, aerial surveying ITRANSUTIMIT: -Increments of differences in distances from the airplaze to baseft4ine'Ll 1ground stations are determined by the phase sounding method in~radibgeodetic mea- isurements using the "Poisle' system. In addition, the phase sounding equation writ-:1 I fiten for one pair of stations, expresses the relationship between increases in the ~difference in distances (between two points), the coordinates of the baae-line eta- and four unknown coordinates of these two points. It io,proposed that Instead Iof tying in the routes to the starting point.. that simultaneous measurements be made_-- 'with two "Poisk!' systems using frequencies which permit their operation without~ .Card 1/2 30) AUTHOR: Zykov, K. A. sov/6-59-10-10/2,1 TITLE: On the Reduction of Air Photographs to the SpecifieA~Scdle PERIODICAL: Geode~iya i Icartogra.fiya, 1959, Nr 109 pp~33-35 (USSR) ABSTRACT: The author demonstrates here the simplest!method of reducing air photographs to the specified scale. it is based on the application of nomographs and standard di6tances. The distance between the collimating points on Xtand YY on the air photograph may serve as standard distancepi The author first discusses the method itselfj and then describes the order in which air photographs are reduced to the specified scale. There are 2 figures. Card 1/1