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VISHNYAKOV, V.A.; ZYKOV A.I. Effect of displacement of the optimum frequency of an injector accelerator. Zhur.tekh. fiz. 34 no. 2:379-381 F 164. (WRA 17:6) 1. Fiziko-tekhnichaskiy institut AN UkrSSR, KharIkov. Z8(5) SOV/115-59-3-20/29 AUTHOR: Zykov. A.I, TITLE: The Measuring of Impedances by',a Directional Coupler (Izmereniye polnykh. soprotivleniy s pomoshchlyu. napravlennogo otvetvitelya) PERIODICAL: Izmeritellnaya tekhnika, 1959, Nr 3, pp 44-46 (USSR) ABSTRACT: In the range of super-high frequencies the di'rection- al coupler with a matched load in one of the second- ary wave guide sections is widely used for finding the modulus of the reflection coefficient in The l s Ii:gzlal basic wave guide in regard to the ratio o amplitudes in the opposite bran 'ches:of the couplers Thereby it is not possible to measure the reflection phases. It is difficult to measure small magnitudes of p, since the sensitive elements are quadratic as a rule Trefore, the signal amplitude ratio is equal i0 p and an indicator with a,wide.dynamic measuring range is required at small magnitudes of p. The consideration of a directional coupler with a Card 1/2 reflecting plunger in the load w*ave.,-uide shows that SOV/115-59-3-20/29 The Measuring of Impedances by a Directional Coupler this device is free of the aforementioned deficien- cies. The author preoents a formula for a wave propagated in the secondary wave guide of the coup- ler and then explains the measurement errors., Final.- ly he compares an impedance measuring circuit com- posed of a directional coupler with a shorting plug with the measuring line IVL-1. The directivity of the coupler at ;6= 10.7 am Nas eV181to 40 db. The graphs, figures 4 and 5, show the results of the comparison. There are 2 diagrams, 2 graphs and 2 Soviet references. 69425 s/141/60/003/01/019/020 E192/E542 AUTHORS: Zykova A~I. and Kononenko,-5-._G. TITLE: Measurement of the Input Impedance of a Periodic Waveguide,by Means of an Arbitrary Load PERIODICAL: Izvestiya vysshikh uchebnykh zavedeniy, Radiofizika, 1960, Vol 3, Nr 1, pp 152-155 (USSR) ABSTRACT: The waveguide considered is shown in Fig:l. The complex reflection coefficient of the system is P = pe-i(TBX - by). whi,~h is a periodic function of L (see Fig 1)~ The narameter p of the above equationiis defined by-Eq;(l), while tg(by) is expressed by Eq (2),, In,these eqtiations X is the wavelength in the waveguide and y is the 0 ~X phase of the reflection coefficient,at -the input~when the wave propagates in the reverse direction.(Ref 4).: Analysis of Eqs (2) shows that if the position of the load is chosen as L = L and L = L ~+ k /4, so that the 0 0 0 input';are Card 1/3 phases of the reflection coefficient at the S/141/60/003/01/019/020- E192/E~82 Measurement of the Input Impedance of a Perio(iic Waveguide by Means of an Arbitrary Load equal or differ by 1800, two equati6ns are obtained. On the basis of these equations it is possible to obtain the expressions for the standing-wnve ratios;, The' final formulae are: K /(K)' (K) BX L Ioo L Lo X /4 (3) (K H L L + nk /4 J% /4 a 0 V/WL Lof (Y" 0- 0 (n= 0, 1, 2, where the two (K) represent the standing wave ratios:of the input line for L - L 0 and L =.L 0 +(X0/4). Figs~2 show th~ graphs of the standing wave at:the input,; these were measured with two different loads at a fixed'input impedance. In order to deterinine.rapidly the input Card !/3 impedance it is necessary to measure only the depende 6945 5/141/60/003/01/019/020 E192/E582 Measurement of the Input Impedance of a Periodic Waveguide by Means of an Arbitrary Load of the position of the standing wave minimum on the, position of the load. The practical experience showed that it is possible to construct a load such that it will be fully matched with the waveguide at pre- determined positions. Fig 3*illustra tes the dependence of the standing wave ratio and the phase of the reflection coefficient on L by employing such a "matched" load. Itis seen from the figure that the extrema are strongly expressed. There-are 3 figures and 4~references.: 3 of which are Soviet and 1 English. ASSOCIATION: Fitiko-toklinicheakiy knstitut AN UkrSSR (PhXsics- Engineeging Institul"-f- ices e Ukratr).-Ian SSR) SUBMITTED: April 21, 1959 Card 3/3 S/W:/60/00~/WoWul E140/Z163 LUTHORS: Zykov, A..I., and Kononenko, B.-U. TITLE: Input Impedance of at Periodically Loaded 144veguide Measured in a.Band of Frequencies Using an'Arbitrary Load PERIODICAL: Radiotekhnika i elektronika7 19607 ~ol 5, Nr 61 pp 926-929 (USSR) ABSTRACTs-"T-his paper was presented at a, meeting., of the Academy, of', Sciences,of the Ukr.SSR, Kharlkov, April 7, 1959. Adjustable absorption loads are used,to match s periodically loaded waveguides to atandard~waveguide supplying~'- power. The article describes a method and formulae for calculating the input impedance of the, periodically loaded waveguide at an arbitrary frequency within the passband. For very long loads.the agreemei~ of theoretical and experimental poorer than Card f,:a short loada. There. are 2 fiErest; 1 table and 1/2 references,9 of which 1 is English P- Soviet d ~translated from English), S/109/60/005/WoWoa. E14o/zl6j, Input Impedance of Periodically Loaded Wave aide Measured~in~ a 9u Band of Frequencies:Using an Arbitrary Load ASSOCIATIONs Fiziko-tekhnicheskiy institut ANIUSSR (Physico-Technical-Institutes Academy !2f Ociend6s, Ukr. SSR) SUBMITTED: May 26, 1959 Card 2/2 S/109/60/00V07/020/024 1914o/sl63 AUTHORSs Grishayev, I.A t and Lkov. A TITLE: The Influence of Production Tolerances on the Bandwidth; of a-Diaphragmed Waveguide / PHRIODICALs Radiotekhnika i elektroni.ka, Vol 5,.]NO 7, 1960) pp 1182-1184 (USSR) 'ABSTRACT: This question has until now been inadequately studied in the literature. From experimental results'it seems.that the optimal distribution of the dimension 2b along the length of the d1aphragmed waveguide is that where it fluctuates about a monotonically increasing mean value (Fig 3, 11). There are 3 figures and 6 referenoes7 of which 3 are Soviet and 3 English. ASSOCIATIONs Fiziko-tekhnicheskiy Institut AN USSR (Phvsinn-Tenhnical Institute of the Academy of: SUBMITTED: June 17, 1959 Card 1/1 83275 s/iog/60/005/009/025/026 ~113oo E14o/E455 AUTHORS: Grishayev, I.A., Zykovj__A,.,.I. and Kononenko, S.G. TITLE: Matching of Diaphragmed Waveguide PERIODICALs Radiotekhnika i elektronilca, 1960, V6.1-5, No.9, pp-1549-1553 TEXT: Matching between a diaphragmed waveguide'delay system gnd~a rectangular waveguide is carried out by a matching transltlon.~ A reflection-factor meter employing a directional coupler is described. Two methods of obtaining travelling waves in the diaphragmed waveguide are describeds 1) the method of adiabatic waveguide; 2) the method of series match. The use of an arbitrary load to measure SWR and reflection phase is,described. There are 4 figures and 4 references: 3 Soviet and 1:English. SUBMITTEDs June 17, 1959, initially February 29, 1960, after revision Card 1/1 i J 904A S/109/~O/005/012/010/035 E192/F,482 AUTHORS: Tkachenko, V.D. and,'Os'trovskiy,,,YC.K.: P' TITLE:' Pulse Measurement of*the Reflection Factor of a Periodic,Waveguide PERIODICAL: Radiotekhnika i elektronikat 1960, Vol-5, No.12, PP-1933-1936 TEXT: The paper.presents a method,and:exp~arimefttal results of measuring the reflection factor of a diaphragmed.waveguide'under pulse condi tions. It is found that the distortion of the'pulse envelope in in Ions is very severe and i6e such a waveguide ~-5 SWR measure , d under stationary conditions does not reflec;t,the true situation. The envelope settling time is much greater than the pulse durat (2 ji sec). The form of pulse reflected back to the ion input of th IV e waveguide at various frequencies is.shown in Fig-3- Under such conditions, the SWR 'measured by a' pulse method canj only have a form al significance; in the present paper the SWR was: measured at the centre of the pulse. Under thene conditions, differences Of UP to 35,o between the pulse and stationary SWRIS were found. There are 3 figures and .1 table. Card 1/2 S/057 60/030/006/014/019 AUTHOR: Zykov, A. I. TITLE: The Separation of an Electron Beam at the:Outlet of, a LiAear AeceleratoPwith the Aid of an Electromagnetic Wave in a Wave Guide PERIODICAL: Zhurnal tekhnicheakoy fizikig 1960, Vol. 309 No, 89 pp. 971-974' TEXT: The author suggests a separation method forihe beam. of accelerated electrons, in which the clusters of electrons areAeviaied from the ori- ginal direction toward different sides by small, equally' large angles (Fig. 1). This method is based on the interaction of the electron cluster with a transverse electric wave in a wave guide. The size of the,shift of cluster centers relative to the original direction is determined with high-frequency oscillations. The forces acting on 'an el6otron in a~reot_ angular wave guide are explained with the aid of Fig. 20 and the equation of motion (3) is derived for an electron* The distances between the clusters are eetimated~ and next the separator shown in the scheme of Fig-3 Card 1/2 The Separation of an Electron Beam at the'Outlet S/05 60/030/008/014/019 of a Linear Accelerator With the Aid of an B019YB060 Electromagnetic Wave in a Wave Guide is discussed. In itv the angle between the neighboring clusters is enlarged by repeating the separati:on in a resonator for traveling waves. A discus- sion is finally made of the consequenoes.arising from the nonfulfillment of the assumption of the phase lengths of electron clusters being equal to zero. Estimations are made of theangle spread of.electrons at the outlet. There are 3 figures and I Soviet reference.- ASSOCIATION: Fiziko-tekhnicheskiy institut AN USSR Kharlkov (Ph.voico-technical Institute of the AS UkrS$R, Khar1kov) SUBMITTED: July 24, 1959 "-"'n V- .5 S/054/'6'j3/.OOQ/OO1/O15/1200 A062/~101 AUTHOR'J: Sinollnikov, K..D., Grishayev, T. A. G Azhko, -'V M.0 Fisun..- A. N., .,Iykov, A. I., Kitayevskly,2L. Kh. TITLE,: A 30 MeV energy linear travelling-wave electron accelerator PER-TODICAL: Reforativnyy zhurnal, Fizika, no. 1,196.3, 39 4o, abstra I6t IA374 (In collection: "ElOktrlon.: uskoriteli,11. Tomsk,, Tomakly un-t, 19610 9) TVXT: The authors describe a 30 MeVjinear ele'tron Accelerator doijigned at. tho Physicu-technical Institute of thp'Academy.*of 8eiencps.of the Ukralnlan Tho accel orator consists of two 6ations connected with each s other the 111joet.or -secUon and the main section (witti'a: Constant wavc'ph~e speed) the length of the main section is 2.8 M, t~e~Value'ka =' 2,'118 W*-.; wave vector, a - waveguirle, rarlius) . The two sections are :energized by,one Iklystron pow .cir~ampli- fiPr, excited by a magnetron generator. The power,'diselpated in the -main 'section and in the output load is-10 Mw (in the load' 3.3 KW) ; -the 'fleld Intensity, Is then 150 W/cm. The accelerating system Is. ciompo'S'ed'of.6eplarate resonatoraj the Card 1/2 MW:: ip '120 il 05W6.3/000M 1/0 15/ A 30 McV energy linear t.~-avelling-wave...: A06V4101: electrical contact between them is reaftied iii, MeChaniOLI ties 14 the Who r,e the system. Is connected to the Input an&'output m6tchlrig,transformert: The- Mac- nators of the main section are disposed tightly 'in a copper tube which le-ala 'Q a vacuum housing. The precision of manufacture of the:fiacole~atlng System. (dleniater of the resonators and diaphragm apertures) Is.+ 0.01 'nii;.The Bource of eleatrww ~ '79 W(the aomespondlns el'P.C- Is an electron Sun operating under the tension of tron velocitY is 0.5c) ; the current Is I amp'. In 'ai PU114. The ~piimpW out of the vacuum volume of the accelerator Is 'effectel bY 5 diffusion pumps; the operat pressure in the klystron amplifler is 2.10- mm H& In ~ tfie, reivaining .15pa0e 3 -' 5 - jo-7 mm jig. Measurements have shown ~~ thaV,~'the maximpm ~,.Intensity and -energy are attained in the accelerator at the frequdhoy 27~6-*Vii.'The.mean durreni-O' the accelerated electrons Is 10 ILA for a pulse 1'ength 6f ~ Ii lAsec. Th Ia-diameter of beam (at the output) under the optimum fodusing Is 3~-, the spectrum width ik~ 6yev [Abstracter's note: Complete translation] Card 2/2 S/120/61/000/002/037/,042,- E210/859/1, -.AUTHORS: Zyko;v 1. N.; A,__T,,s.~ and,Dudkin ,TITLn: Detachable C~upling Device for S6ptateT Waveguidesi PERIODICALi Pribory i'tekhnika eksperimenta,ilqft,~No.2, P. 18JL. _1TEXT.-- T.Ti-. e-author developed.a.detachablei imp e'da nce coupling -device or a a f epta~,e waveguide. The use of the device in~ the! matching junctions of a septate waveguide makes possible their final matching with individual sections of ailong waveguide. For design consideration, -the side half-wave~line was made of ~ two quarter-wave lines running in opposite directions. To eliminate the possibility of a breakdown, all sharp angles.were rou4dedL' (2 to 3 mm radii). The length of the short-cira'uited line wits varied until its standing-wave ratio was less than .1 05. in :,:.A.high-power pulse tests, the performance of 'the device was'equal to.1 ',-that of an entire matched septate waveguide. This made it possilile~j,~,. to incorporate the coupler into a detachable.matching junction (see figure) which performed well at it power up to 12 megawatts. There are 1 figure and 2 Soviet references. ASSOCIATION: Fiziko-tektinichoskiy institut AN Uk-iSSR .(Physico-Technical Institute -AS~: UkrSSR) zz,~Z&4 Z,5i S/1 09/6 3/008/00 1/0112/02 5'. D266/D308 AUTHOR.- TITLE: Approximate calculation of a'matching ~section f br.a waveguide with iris' ERIODICAL; Radiotekhnika i elektronika, v. 8~ no. 1, '19~3111'90~-98 TEXT: The purpose of the paper is to find a method f or calc4at-~~.- ing the reflection coefficient in a rectangular wavegu'ide which feeds.microwave energy into an iris loaded,circular waveguide. The wildth of the rectangular waveguideis 1, its height D and it' is coupled to the circular waveguide with the aidlof a resonator 0~' diameter 2bi. The rectangular wavegui&e"and the resonator lja~e a common symmetrical aperture of width h = 1 - 2d. The parameters'of the iris loaded circular waveguide are given and the amplitudes,of the space harmonics are assumed to be known., The Cartesian coor- dinate system introduced for the calculations in Card 1/3 S/109/63/008/001/01~/025~' ~'Approximate* calculation of D266/D308 x H r cos 9 r! :Itr sin 9 Y 2. .V~iting the general form of the.electric field' tqLken fromL Le- win's Advanced Theory of ~.Ia-~ieguides, Iliffe and Son, London)_,..both~ in the rectangular--walveguide. and-in the reaonator (in terms of .Bessel.and Neumann functions), matching them at~x 0, integrating _.,;-from z 0 to z D the followingrelationship is obtained.~ 1-d 2 1 + R,=If E (y) sin dy (7) d Card 2/3 S/109/63/008/001/012./025'. Approximate calculation of ... D266/D308 ~Thus, if the distribution of electric intensity in the aperture is .known, the reflectioA coefficient can be easily determined. The va- riation of E(y) is assumed in the same form as for a thin iris in a rectangular wav6guide but its amplitude (generally complek) is,. determined by matching the fields of the resonator-and.that of the circular waveguide. It is assumed that the micr~o%vave power (exciud- ing reflection) carried by the rectangular wav Ieguide is completely transformed into the fundamental space'harmonic, of,the iris loaded waveguide. Thus only one mode and one space harmonic are considered in the circular waveguide (higher order modes of the resonator are taken into account). No explicit formulas are given,for the reflec- tion coefficient but the numerical procedurels described in de_"~ tail. The calculations can be extended to the ouse'when the coupling' aperture is -circular by defining an equivaleA~t~rectangular,apprturee1 Measurements were carried out on two different wa aguides showing V excellent agreement with theoretical results. There are 4 figures, SUBMITTED:- January 29, 1962 Card 3/3 W 9 -~Y* ~Pv j Ko nonenk ~jj )4tkhenkc,, L. --K a n o v es 4~2 vK. T IT, LE sInvestigation of a ahaping section with aorisUnt phase velocit:r ror: wave propagation SOURCEc Zhurnal te-khnicheskoy f1r,1ki, V. 33, no. 6, 1'"13, 735-738 TOPIC TAGS: eleatronida,, lineiw pkealAa~ial ABSTRACT: The exiall motion of electrons in a loeded viliveguMe in which the phase velocity for wave propagation is constant mlong its le-,ngth Vas cib.1culated by the method of J. Swiharta and E. Akeley (J. Appl. PIVS., 24., 5, 1953). The irave- guide is intended to be the initial section of an electron linear accelerator. The calculations vere performed for a section 83 am loiiF excited to an electric field strenr-th of (r.5 k'l/cm and wit-1 the electrons in,'Iected at. an enerrj cf P-C keV. 'rhe results are displayed as a f =-Ily of curwie g.-I,irtng, the exit elec- tron energy as a function of the entrance phase for different values of the phase velocity from 0'.91c to G.09c. Froin 'these resulti;, and tinking, into accownt the resolving power of a specific magnetic analyzer, thri average enerE7 Of the electrons at maximum current in the bunch and the current at mmximum density Card 1/2 L 13045-63 ACCESSION NR; AP3001335 were calculated as functions of the phase velocity. Those calculated results do not agree with the expertmental data. The experimontml dete Indicate, that capture and acceleration occur in a much narrower range of plinse velocities. The divergence between experiment Pind the calculations Is ascribed to end ef- fects in the input 'unction, which is an H sub 10 to E oub C1 transformer similar to the Stanford variant. The affect of putting Lnser,,s in the rinal waveguide cavity at the !unction vall ves investigated, znd en insert that greatly improves the operation vas found. The authors do not consider nuch inserts to be a satisfactory solution, however, owing to their deleterious effect on the electric strength and because of the analytical complications they involve. Orig. art. has: 7 formulas and 3 figuroll. ASSOCIATION: Fiziko-tekhaicheskiy institut All USSRj Kh4irlkov Institute AN USSR) I SUMMTED: 2114ay62 DATE ACQ: 01Jul63 SUB CODF,:' 00 NO REF SOV: 001 J ,!,.Card 2/2 (Physical:tT 4c SNCL-.~ OrHER3 06, J A=SIM KR: AF3=336 t AUMOR: Z ov j~kA~ Makimeakop L, A.; Oatrovakiy., Ye. V.; Divilywenko, 0, K.; Kononenko, S. G,; Rubtsov, K,, S.; Kramakoy, G. D.; Mifell, V. '11. 7rMt DGtermination of the aptimm ftequency of th lineva, trmrellng-wave ae- celerator and investigation of the dependence of aticalerated.-partiole ewl:mt on frequency SOMM.- Zhurnal tekhaicheakoy fiziki, v. 33, no. 6, 19631 731)-742 TOPIC TAWt trexellng-wave linsar acaalarator,, pbase voiloeitqr, group velocity accelerator, traveling-vave vacelerator., 11near weelarator AWTUM Simplified calcialeitions of phiwe cmd group vt.Aciilkias of a trtve--ling- wave 1-inear accelerator using a septate uraveWde nattfo:)ji exti! ituggpsted. These are based on the fact that in the caae of smrUl waverpd.dn mli~zptch, i.e., when the VSWR is less than or equed to 1.1, tt Is posajMle I;o ftyroul-sa for these respective parmeters by applying the me-thod of the locations af 11SRT. -~.Minima by moving a ithorting Btiib. This ellr1nate!a t11bJ'-- i)e-d --(j 71:3t complex cir- cular dlagr=s. Since actwd vavlagufd~es c,:rntMn son), It ifj necessary to average the atemiding-wave miniu= displacmllen'.Fi reaul'Ang Irom tr s Corr The phw-fj-1fe1od of cale -ng the parameteis.of a con~sitant:pbnso velocity. bunchor SOU.-CE: Zhurnal ~olthnichpslcoy fiziki, v.33.' no.7, 1963, 802-804 TOPIC TAGS liiwar accelerator bunchor AEST11M The t7/o. total differential equations rolating~tho (longitudinal) p 3~s i- tion oj., an clect ,on in a. constant phase velocity Vmear accolciator; "its 6norv, and iti; p)1.150 wri.11 yospoet to the nceelernting 0-11* -do%m, with r3*fLa- 052 and J74 wili Irt ;o work of r.Akolay and D.Caplzma (J.App1.))hyj-,232 and ::.Al-.olcy (J-p.,A.Phys.,24, 640, 1953). In'tho rolarOncosIcited, thona oqta- tions are solved by a separation of vnrinblc5 wlticl,. loads. in 1h6 Sirst. instan,,o to. c;qm:ssions Sor he onergy and the position oC tho electron as lunctions p6sitidr t1w: is Xr tly )Uasu. Bccau5o t i5 the relation biAwcon enar;,y ind equal s prefer a differenl~ separatioD of the variablis primary in-artst, the author that leads to ox:irossions for the po.,iition and phw;e of;the olactrun as f"CtLons Card 1/2 .L 19079-63 ACCESSION ANR: AP:.003966 of its~ energy. The solution of the differential ocluations by the pref erred. mthod is reduced to a quadrature. - When the phaso:volocity of the accelerating wave equal to the velocity of light, the integral is elementary, and At is ovaluat!jdt. Otherwise, the integral reduces to incomplete elliptic integrals of the Tirat nid third kinds. Tho reduction is not given; the authors troco=ond n=orical intogta- tion. formulas.,' ASSOCIATION- Fiziki-told~nicheskiy instituted UkrSSR, Kharkov (Physiaotechnical AN Instit:ute' All UkrSSR) IS. NovG2- "DA 00 0! BANCL: aLMIJITTED. 01 Aug 'Z= CODE: IM OMER: 002 000 j Card 2/2 A.!.; MAKHNEENKO, L.L. Calculating the phase velocit.,7 of a wave in the eaptate wave guide of a linear accelerator. Zhur. tekht. N.z. 35 no.3., 489-495 Mr 165. Calculation of the group wave velocity and danping in thft septate wave guide of a linear accelerator. ~Ibid.f5O2-507 (MIRA 1816) MAKHNENKO, L.A.,* ZYKOV A.--,.,, KW4SKOY, G.D. Calculating the field intensity in a travellng-wave linear accelerator. Zhux. teldi. fiz. 35 no.3:1,96-501 Mr 165. Determining the eWuivalent reflection coefficient of the septato wave gu!de of a linear accelerator. Ibid.:508-510 (KMA 186) Mr m 1-11-PIRIII 0 "1, 1 M. MI,HM I i M W., IMR111-Imm"I" I M1,11 11"HIMI 'IN 11 ZYKOVY A.M. Reaction smelting of lead concentrates. Trudy LPI no.P23:190-199, 163. (MIRA 17:11) I I . 7 Hill G.*# ]VU-NUFURUB W 41, 1 Arlrj~41',;11'~A R IF? 9.1 1 UIP M I I'Ll. llli I I I fl fl :11 11 W.IJ W.4 .13=1. ZYKOV, A. M. : "Experimental investigation of chemicnI.reactlons in the leEd-sulfur-oxygen system, as the basis of the~reactlve smelting of lead concentrates." Min Higher Education USSR. Leningrad Polytechnic InstAmeni M. I. Kalinin. Uningrad, 1956. (Dissertation for the Degree of Candidate in Technical Sciences), SO; Knizhaya,LetopilL, No 23, 1956 14 1 W WIWI H ZyKOVI,~. M. . mpLater Tech Sci (dif3E;) -- "Amlysis aul inveatigation of basic parameters for determining the dimsnalonq on workLng, machinebuilding dravingsit, Novocherkasek, 1958. 21 pp (Min Higher Educ USSR, Novorherkanak order of IgIor Red Banner Polytech Inst im S. OrdzhonikldzF3), 160 co-pien (HL, No 2, 1959, 121) I! 0H. "M I PIT, IMI-Tiff-Iff NM , I I n .11 : III F llll~ 111111,11191il I I HIN 11 Ili 1111111 U I ZTXOV, A.M., redaktor [Tower silo made of amanufactured parts, with a 250 T. capacity; frame and siding elements for walls) Silbsnaia bashnin it detalei zavodskogo isgotovleniia emkout'Lu 250t,, stony karkanno-obehivaol konstruktaii. Proekt no.1111. Hoskva, 1956. 6 p., 7 plans. (MIRA 10:3) 1. Russia (1923- U.S.S.R.) ginisteratvo gorodskogo I sellskogo 3troitell stva. (silos) ZYKOT, AM redaktor (Silo trenches and pits constructed from manufactured elemento. Plan no.1114] Siloorqe transhei i iamy iz detalei promyshlennogo izgotovleniia. Proekt no,1114. Koskva, 1956,,~q p.. .8 plans. UMA 100) 1. Russia (1923- U.S.S.R.) Hiniaterstvo gorodskogo i seltakogo stroitalletvas rr ,.YKOV,, A.M., redaktor [Sheep barn housing 300 oboe for central and northern regionag log walls with brick columnsi Ovcharqta na 300 ovets dlia tsentrall nykh i severnykh ralonov-, Bteny brevenchatye v kirpichnykh stAbakh. Froekt no,0303. Koskva, 1956. 11 po, 8 plane4 (MLRA 10:3). 1. Russia (1923- U.S.S.R.) Ministorstvo gorodskogo i Bellskogo3 a troitell stva (Sheep houses and equipment) ZYKOV. A.H.iredaktor [Stable for 20 work horses; walls made of reeds on framaj Xoniushaia na 20 rabochikh loshadei; stany karkatino-kamVshitovye,: Proakt no. 0434. Moskva, 1956, 12 0., 10 plans (MLRA 10:4) 1. Russia (1923- U.S.S.R.) Ministeretvo gorodsk6go i sellakogo stroitellatva. t o r (Swine house for 20 saws with young and fattening swiTs or for Wows with young up to 4 months of age; walls - brick, coluans with adobe filler] Svinarnik na 20 avinomatok a molodpiakon i otkormochnym pogolovIam ili na 30 oanov"kh matok a priplodon do 4 mesiateav; stony - kirpichnye. stolby a samennym zapolneniem. Prookt no.0286. Koskva, 1956. 15 p., 13 plans. (HLRA 10:3) 1. Russia (1923- U.S.S.R.) Kiaisterstvo gorodskogo i sel'skogo strottellstvat (Swine houses and equipment) ZYKOV, A.M., rodaktor (Swine 6use for 25 sows with young and fattening swino or for 40 sows with young up to 4 months of age; brick Valle] i8vinarnik as 25 evinomatok a molodniakom i otkormochnym pogoloyPom ili na 40 oanov- nykh matok 9 priplodom do 4 mesiatsev: stony kirpichnys. Proekt no. 0284. Moskva, 1956. 16 p., 14 plans. 04W 10:3) 1. Russia (1923- U.S.S.R.) Hintateretvo gorodskogo i sallakogo stroitelletva. (Swine houses and equipment) ZUBKIN, (Houses for fattening 150 swine; walls of logs] Svinarnik-otkormochnik ni 150,,golov; stony rublenyes Tipovoi proakt 116.0231, Moskva, 1.936* 16 pe~.~14 plans. (KM 9:12) 19 Russia (1923- U.S.S.R.) Xinisterstvo gorodskogo i sallskogo stroitelletva, (Swine houses and equipment) -ZYXOTi-Ai;K. -,redaktor [Silo trenche's and pits of local building materials, Plan no.1113] SilosnVe transhei i iamy is mestrqkh stroltelfafth materialov..Proekt no.1113. Moskva, 1956. 17 P-, 5 Plans. (KIBA 10:3) lo Russia (1923- U.S.S.R.) Kinisterstvo gorodakogo i selickogo stroitelletvao (silos) or ZYaK2!....A. k v.a.VzF (Swine house for 15 Bove; wooden frame walls) Svinarnik na 15 avino- matok; stony dereviannye, karkasn" . Proekt no-0278. Moskva. 1956. 28 p., 15 plans. (MLRA 10:3) 1- Russia (1923- U.S.S.R.) Hinisterstvo goradekogo i sel'skogo atroitelletva. (Swine houses and equipment) ----ZYKOV-, 14E I i JWKO ~A-.M-.. L I IC red. (Yanual of consolidated indices of the coat of planning and research. Effective January 1, 19581 Spravochnik ~krupnonzykh, pokazatelai stoimosti proektnykh i izynkatellskikh'tabot. Vvoditsia v deistvie s I ianvaria 1958 go Houkva,.Goo. izd-vo lit-ry po stroit., arichit. i stroit. materialam. Pt. 21.[Agrioultural ontarprises, buildings, and structures] Sol likokhoziaistvannyt predpriiatiia, zdaniia i sooruzhaniia. 14d. 2. 1958. 22 p jKIRA 11:12) 1 Russia(192j- U.S.S.R.) Gosudaretvannyy koImitat po delam z;roitel'stva. (Agriculture) IT -17-1, ,r J71 FILT INP N.A.; Z'YOV, AJI LUV Kinetics of Sulfurizing r1okel and cobalt by =Jium s-alfater, in presence of carbon. Tr-.-,dy LPI no.223zI6l-AM 10,35. (MI&k l7t1l) ILINP N.A.; ZYKOV, A.M.; 1VANOV, Ye.V.; KRASAVIN, V.V. Sulfurizing oxidized nickel-cobalt oren by scdltim sulfate. Trudy LPI no.223tl74-189 163. (MIRA 17M) - z II IftMISAUM, P.I.; ZYKOV, A.N. Working schedules in rolling mill operations. Proisy.opyt T tiash-mash. no-3:3-16 155. (MLRA 1012) (Rolling Mille) (The Irkutsk Cam-nists in the struggle for the development of socialist relations in rural areas after the defeat of the Kolchak forces in 1920] Irkutakie kommisty v borlbe za raz- vitie sotsialisticheskikh otnoshenii v derevne posle razgroma kolchakovshchiny, 1920 god. Irkutsk,, Irkutak6e obl. ot-nie ob-va po raspr. polit.i. nauchn. smanii RSFSR.. 1960. 36 p. ~ WIRA 1534) (Irkutsk Province-Communist Party of the Soviet Union-Party' work) (Irkutsk Province--Agriculture) VOYTENKOP A..Y(j.; ZYKOV A.P.- SAMYLOV, J.V, Noninductive cable for the wiring of capp-c-I'Lor ba:teriesl "rib. i tekh. eksp. 9 no.5:202 S-0 164. - ----- - ------ - ---- ZTKOY.L A. V. (Moskva) Doctor dissertations approvnd by the ffigh Commoslon for Car- tification in Decemlvr 1961. T-rap., arkhe 35 no.,5z106-108 My'63 (MIRA 16:12) 1. Starshiy inspektor V~mshey atteatatsionnoy konmiusii Mbsk7a. A; H ~FIITNAL,FL~ i I I I 1"11- 1114111141 1 -1:11, 1119 1 111 I'll Ill 2 11 ItiIll I I I It I AXIS ZYKOV, A.V. (Hoskva) --------Do~et-ora-d-io-sertationB approved by the Higher Certifying Commission in January 1962. Terap. arkh. 35 66*5:120-122 S163 (MIRA 17:4) 1. Starshiy inspektor Vysshey attestatsionno7 komissii. ALICEIKIN. S.L.; AGRINSKIY, N.I.; ANDREYET, G.F.; RAMIENKO, G.D.; VORONTSOV, S.M.; VOYSTRIKOV, I.T.; GRADTUSHKO, G,M.;.,gTKPT,,.4 IVANOVTSLT, P.V.; KIITBURG, M.Ta.; KOVALEV, P.A.; XOzimKir, TO.T. KORNIYENKO, A.P.; KOLTAKOV, Ta.Te.; IAKTIONOV, A.M.; LBVADNYT, B.A. MEDVE13V, I.D.; NOVIKOV, V.V.; ORLOV, P.M.; OSTROVSKIY. A.A.; ORTSEV, V.P.; PERIONZHKO, A.M.; POLOZ, D.D.; PRITUIN, P.I.; PY.TUKHOVSKIY, A.A.; ROGAIXV. G.T.; RYBAK, P.Ya.;.SUTTAGIN, G.P. TUKOV, R.A.; KnVCHENKO. D.P.; CHERNETSKIY, T.I.; SHPAYER, N.M. SHUSTOVSKIY, P.A. Nikolai VasiVevich Spesivtsev. Veterinariia 35 no.2:96 F 158 (MIRA ii:i) (Speaivtsev, Nikolai Tagillevich, 1901-1957) YL Liz Rill; t A A RE a fill.. ~~l fig iA lo F IF It all gig! cc 149" piliv wl H7 to R rr too I K Hil Raj F 1 r Con Ir rr IrL ou V I i I j ZYKOV B.I.., inzh.j NZKRASOVj V.A., inzh.; CHURAYEVO G.P., inth. Manufacture of peat -litter slabs vith a istampdng press. Torf. prom. 39 no.7.-25-27 162. (MIRA 160) 1. Filial Vaesoyaznogo.nauchno-isoledovatellokogo inatituta torfyanoy rosVehlennosti. Ubat industry-Equipment and supplies) ZYKOV, D., kand,tekhn.nauk Harnessed time. IUn.Tekb. 4 no-5.,12-15 Mr 160o (MMA 13: 7) (Chemical engineering) i ZYKG7, D., kand.tekhn,nauk Xlectrons work witb chemists. lUn.tekb. 4 no.i.-63-65 Ja 160. (1411M 13:5) (Electronic control) (Distillation, DestrUctive) . ..... I I I I; P; IN IIFI,.I go 1111141 A III It All 2 1 111 $ I ~ ROM, 1M.-OR W.- am ........... UWAU U, "all ZTEOV, Do d.tekhn.uauk Machines used by chemists. Wn.tekho 2 no,8-.24-26 Ac 159. (MM 72:7) (Chemical engineering-Apparatuo anct oupplien) 11[flifflulflip. will wil III AVROV, P.Ya.; AYTI'ILIY~117, Zh. A.; AULMOV, M.O.; AY191OMSA-FIN, ITJ%; BATISHCH37- TARASOV, S.D.; BA7.4-110VA, Y.U.; RAISHV, S.B.;~BAYXOllfM7, A.B.-, B-vXTUROV, A.B.; BOGAVREV, A.S.; BOK, I.T.; BORTMIYEV, R.A.; M73LI141.411C ILL.; 13YKOVA, U.S.; ZHILITTSKlY, 4.n.- ZYKOVA D.A.: IYAllIll, P.T.; rA7.AITLI, DA; KAYUPOV, A.R.; h-MTAYEV, D.Z; KUSUN, G. L. -, L~'! i.l.; HASHANOV, O.Zh.; mmra' rr.T$.; 110111CHt V.K.; MMWOV, S.; 14118IRTEPOVP G,; 14U0AtU'DZHA'lOV,- S.M.; PAR-SHIN, A.V,; POTROVSKIY, 8,11.; POWSUKRITT, A.P.; RUSAKOV, M.P.; SERGIYEV, N.C..; SAY'rWAll, S.Sh.-, TAUIBAYU, P.T.-,~'BSIVKOV' 7.G.; SHLYGIII, Ye.D.; SOWIRBA, G.N.; CHOKILT, Sh.Ch.,- CHOlPArr2JIDV. TI.Q Sixtieth birthda7 of Academician ranyah Imantacyich Satnaev. IVest. AN Kazakh. SSR 15 no.4:58-6i Ap 1~9. (MIRA 12:7) (Satpaev, Kanyah Imantaovich, 1899-) Zykov, D. A. L~ "Heredity and variability in the light of Academican T. D. Lysenko's Teaching." Trudy Alra-At. vet.-zoo-telchn. in-ta, ' Vol. Vt 19480 p. 18-27 So: U-3566, 15 March 53, (Letopis tZhurnal Inykh Stateyt No. 13, 1949). r1YKW D. A, Zykov, Do A& "Field grass sowing on irrigated soils in Alma-Ata oblast," Trudy Alma-At. vet.-zootekhn. in-ta, Vol. V9 11,148, p. 300-07 SO: U-3566, 15 March 53, (letopis 'Zhurnal Inykh Statey, No. 13, 1949Y D. A,!.t Agriculture & Plant & Animal IndustrY- Agronomic principles in organization of a fodder depot for livestock raising in the northeastern provinces of the Kazakh S.S.R. Alma-Ata, Kazakhoskoe gos. izd-voj 1950- Month3y List of Russian Accessions, Library of Congress., April., 1952. UNCLASSIFIED. TIOV, 2..Au,,deystvitel'nY7 chlen. Tasks of scientific Institutions in the creation of a stable forage supply. Veat. AN Kemakh. SSR 10 no.11:3--12 N '53. (MA.6:12) 1. Akademiya nauk Kazakhokoy SSR. (Forage plants) UM/Agriculture - Stock feeding .Card 1/1 t Pubo 123 2/17 Authors I :Zykovs D. A.$ Act. memb, of the Acad.-of'&J~~ of 'tits Ut. SiO Title t Jwlysie of problems dealing with the estib3lishatod of stabilis-44 feedir*~~. bases for animls Periodical I Vast. All Kat. SS o n/3:(108),, 3-Is MAr 19!0 Abaft-act 0 An account iagiven of: a atud3r, condu(Aed i~146toi~lda4 uadai~, - *ihkai Ilitura resources can be utilized in eatablishin otabilizad bases hr Vieding animals. USSR/ j'.gricu-'Iture Card 1/1 Pub. 123 3/16 Authors j Zykov, D. A., Act. yemb. of tho Acad. of Sc.0 :Ka-L-1-Sp Title I J1(;ri',,UlturiO In the Aktykiblnsk rogion in connjjuti()tj* %lith the 4t1iWat).6 of virgin soil Periodical I lost. &N Kaz. Sal 1-38. D66. 1Z4 Abstrdat I The conversion of lax~ge~arid 14 &~r as or tiio Akttlrubinsk re: n a gt;'on (Knz-SSR) into wheat growing ahd ceazinp, lands is onnounced. The measures taken in protecting the newly acquired agricultural areas against the elements of winds and sand storimij are described. ~A 1P .......... 1H LIS Scientle-a Agr= Card 1/1 Pub. 123 5,11-11 Authors t Zyicov, D. A., Act. memb., Acad. of' Sc.,, Kaz. SM Title I The teaching of 1. V. Yxichurin ,great contributor to miteriallatic; a.grobiological science Periodical t Vest. AN Kaz. SSR 12, 43-51, Dee 1955 Abstraot I Lecture presented by the author honoring the, 100--th Urthday of the famous Russian agrotiologist 1. V. Michurin. Institution Submitted November 5, 1155 ---FXDORCVICH- -B.A - prof. doktor geograf nauk oty.relo; .-j9PV__ D_.T, a~;demii: agronom-rasteniyevod,*red,; ITANOYA, To.N., prof,o doktor sellskokhom.nauk, red.; KALININA, A.Y., kand.biolognauk, red.; LAVRENK0. TeX, red,; KUM# S,,L.o Imnd.Vogra*naukondo,* Prinimali uchastiye: THROUINA. A.A., pochvoved; ITANOTA, Ye.i., pochvoved; ROZOT. N.N., pochvoved; ZATINATSKATA, X.P., gidrogpo- log; IrA KIRA, L.S., red.izd-,va-. SMIRNOTA, A.T., [Division of northern Kazakhstan into natural regions; Kustainay Province, North Kazakhstan Province, Kokchetav Province, Akmolinak Province, and Pavlodar Province]. Prirodnoe raionirovania Severnogo Kazakhatana; Kustanaiskaia, Severo-Kazakhatoneksia, Kokcheta*jakaia, Akmolinskaia i Pavlodarskaia obleati. Moskva, 1960. 468 p. (KMA 13:7) 1. Akademiya nauk SSSR. Sovet po izuchaniyu proizvoditellnykh ail. 2. Institut geografii AN SSSR (for Yedorovi6h). 3. AN Kazakhekoy.~ M; Sovet po izucheniyu. proizvoditelInykh mil (SOPS) AN Kazakhakoy SSR (for Zykov). 4. Chlen-korrespondent AN,~SSSR (for Lavrenko).: 5. Pochvennyy Institut im. Y.V.Dokuchayeva AN SSSR (for Terokhina, Ivanova. Rozov). 6. Sovet po imucheniyu proizvoditellufth oil AN SSSR (for Zatenatakaya). -(Kazakhstan--Physical geography) 11 PI ...... ........ ....... ........ MIMM ZYKOVJv D.A... prof. Green fallows in northern Kazakhstan. Trudy AZVI 906-41 156. (MnU 15 24) 1. Iz kafedry rasteniyevodstva (-zav. kafedroy - ak-ademik., zasluzhennyy deyatell nauki KazSSR, doktor prof. D.A.Zykov) Alma-Atinskogo zooveterinarnogo institutao (Kazakhstan-Fallowing) "The Science of Agriculture in Kazaldistan," P. 295. In Science in Kazakhstaxn durina Forty Years of the Suviet Reaime. Alma-ata. Izd-vo AN Kazakhskoy SSE, 1957, P. 452. TEE Satrayevl, K. 1.) This is a collection of articles (20) compiled 'by 24.authorn on various aspects of scientific -progress in Soviet Kazakhstan. One third of the articler, also deal -4th the progress made in the main fields of industrial endeavar. The afticles on the. dev,elopment of science suiniey the main contributions made in the respective branches by Kazakh scientists, and enumerate and describe the existing scientifte inotitutea, brizanizationa, and uniliersities. A larg-e number of scientists are mentiowid and their fields of interest stated. "mikliOVA, K.I.;!~ZIXOV. U.U.; GM!MINAp D.H., red&; ATZMOVA, O*Y*~_','I6k'hn'. redo [Proceedings of the Joint scientific session in Kiistanay de4otsa, to the problems of the Turgay regional ecoaamic complaxi Trudy Obledinennot Kustansinkoy nauchnoy ses'eii, posvieshchannoi r lexam'Turgainkogo regiondL'no-ekonomiebAskogo komplakes. Vol.1 Kiterials of the agricultural"section] Nateriely seliskokhoslaistven- noi saktoR. Alma-Ata, Izd_vo Akad.nauk Kasakhakoi SSR. 1958.-239 P. (MIRA IW) 1. Ob"yediuenneya Kustareyokaya nauchnays sessiya., poevyashchannaya problexam Turgayekogo regionallno-okonomiohaskogo kompleksaP,Kustaney, 1957- 2. Hinisterstvo sel'skogo khosyaystva KazSSR (for Andrianova). 3. Inatitut poohvoved niya Akedenii nauk Ka!zSSR (for Uspanov). 4. Aka- demiya nauk Ka%SSR (f:r Zykov) (lustansy Provi;CS---Agriculture) S"AY19, skademik,; BALBACHAN, Yaj red.; or BOGATMM, A.S,, red,; ZYKOVO,,D.A,.-O--red.,-,UIIKA, D.G., doktor takhn. nauk, red.; CHOKIN,' 3~1.'h., skadamik, doktor telrkm.nauk, red.; ZA- PLA VHOVo O*V,, otv. sa vypusk; POGOZHZV, A.$., ofv. za vypusk; ALMOVA, P.P., [Productive forces of central Kazakhstan; s tudie"'of the Karagnnds Joint Academic Session which took place ouIovember 17-229 19581 Proizvoditallnye ally TSentrallnogo Kazakhatana;:trudy Karagan- dinskoi Ob'Oedinennoi nauchnoi seseii, sosti.ievsheisia 17-22 noiabria 1958 gods. Alma-Ata, Izd-vo Akad.nauk lazakhakol SSR. Vol.l. [Plenary session] Planarnye zasedaniia. 1958. 218 p. (HIRA 12:9) (Continued on next card) SMAYEV, K.I.--(eontinued) 'Card 2. 1. Earagandinakaya Cb"~sdinsnnaya nauchnara'seemlya. Alma-Ata, 1958.) .2. Prazident. Akadsmii'rouk KazSM (for.satpaySTL 3. ! Prednedatell Gosudaretvannogo nauchno-takhnichaskogo komital.8' Soveta Kinistrov Kazakhokoy SSR (for B&lbAch&n).4* Ministr geologii I okhrany nedr Kasakhokoy SSR-(for Bogatyrev). 5,. Prod- sadatell Karagandinakogo sovuarkhoss (for Onika). 6. Akedamiya nauk Ksz.SSRI Institut enargetiki AN K82SSR-, akedemik-makretarl Akade~mii nauk KazSSR (for Chokin). (Kazakhstan-Economic conditions) ZYKGV~ D.A... akademik Soil erosion in Kazakhstan and measures to: oontrol it. AN Kazakh. SSR 20 no.I:J-10 Ja 164. (MIRA 17:3) 1. Akademiya nauk Kazakhokoy SSR. ZAGOREVSKIY, V.A.; ZYKOV, D.A. Problem of the condensation of o-hydroxyucetophenone with diethyl oxalate. Zhur. ob. khim. 33 no.8:2469-24'11 Ag 163. (MIRA 16s11) 1. Institut farmakologii i kbimioterapii AMIJ SSSR-, a lot 5"NAMM, W - ---- ---- --- ZAGOREVSKIY, V,A.,- ZYK(*j D.A.; ORLOVA, E.K. ives with ardn Interaction of chromazie-2-carboVUe acid derivat as Zhur.ob.khim. 34 no.2039-50 F' 164. (MIRA 17;3) Institut farm~kdj~gii i khimioterapii AMI MR. IF, I, rTi~F;1 IF I JF14 MATYSHUK, Igor' Vladimirovich; ZYKOV, D,A,,,_9kademik,, otv. red.; KOROTKOVA) Ye.A., red.; KHUDYAKCV, A.G., tekhn. r6d. (Tillage and fertility of Chestnut, soils in central Kazakhstan] Obrabotka i plodorodie kashtanovykh pochv TSentraltnogo Kazakh- stana Alma-Ata, Izd-vo Akad. nauk Kazakhskoi SSRi 1962. 164 p. WM 15: 12) 1. Akademiya nauk Kazakhskoy SSR (for Zykov). (Kazakhstan-Soils) (3) AMHORS TITLE4. PERIODICAL: ABSTRACT: Card 1/2 Zagorevskiy, V. A. Vinokurovj V. G. khromon- Derivatives of Chromonecarboxylic-2-acid ~(Proizvo karbonovoy-2-kisloty) Zhurnal obahchey khimii, 1959, 7ol 29,:Nr 7v PP 2302 2306 (USSR) In the preceding paper (Ref 1) the synthesis of ainumber of aryl eaters of the chromonecarboxylic-2-acid by moarispof the acid chloride of thin acid was described. The acid chloride was prepared by reaction of thionyl chloride in h1pyridine so- lution of the acid and the crude mixture used witl~out~purifica- tion. In the present~investigation 15 new and different W-sub- stituted amidee as well as some other (lerivatives,of the chro- monecarboxylic-2-acid were search of pharmacolo- gically active compounds (Table)_All the eubstances,(I)-(XV) were synthesized by reaction of the acid chloride'ion the above acid with the corresponding amino, oxyil aad mercapto deriva- tives. The crude acid chloride, obtained by the previously proposed method, was used for reaction in dichloro ethane so- lution. In every case, excepting (XIII)-(XV), sodium bicarbon- Derivatives of Chromonecarboxylic-2-acid SOIF/79-29-7-43/83 ate was used to bind the HC1 formed in the reaction. By syn- thesizing the aryl esters (XIII~4iV) it wits demonstrated that the acylation of phenols with thia~;acid,ohloride b~ the Schot- ten-Baumann method is possible. The compounds (VIII)-(XII) form water-soluble salts when treated with sodium carbonate or so- dium bicarbonate (carboxyanilide (IX)). Tho relation between the color of the chromonecarboxylic-2-acid anilidei and the kind of substituent in the benzene~~rine~of the aromatic amino group is of interest. Thus, for instance, the anilide of the chromoneoarboxylic-2-acid is colorless,,-the'p-toluidide (II) is light greenish-yellow. The p''meth(jxy--(Iji) aria P-'oxy- anilide (IV) are yellowish-green, rhereas the anilides (VI) and (VII),are yellowish-orange or rea. The aryl esters;of the chromonecarboxylic-2-acid show similar dffects. An'!explanation of this phenomenon will be the subject of further investiga- tions, There are I table and 5 reforences, 4 of which are Soviet. ASSOCIATION: Institut farmakologii i khimioterapii Akademii meditsinakikh nauk SSSR (institute of Pharmacology and Chemotherapy of the Academy of.Medical Sciences, USSR). SUBMITTED: June 5, 1958 Card,2/2- 5 (3) SOV/79-29-3-58/61 AUTHORS: Zagorevskiy, V. A., Zykov, D. A., Pronina, L. P. TITLE: Syntheses in tiie Series of the Chromone-darboxylic Acidi.2 Derivativ,_~s (Sintezy v ryadu proizvddnykh:khromonkarbonovoy-2- kisloty) PERIODICAL: Zhurnal obshchey khimii, 1959, Vol 29, Nr 3, pp 1026-1030 (USSR) ABSTRACT: It is known that several chromone derivatives are physiolcgical- ly active compounds. Recently it was found that chromones sub- stituted more simply than the kellin~ (2-methyl-5,8'-dimethoxy- 6,7-furanochromone), like e.g. the chromone-carboxylicacid-2 and its esters are active as well (Refs -1-4). This aci(i has a distinctly marked antispasmodic activity~(Ref 5). The authors synthesized chromone-oarboxylic'acid-2 derlvatives in order to find new pharmacologically ac t4 ve chromone preparations and in order to clarify the problem of the dependence of the activity on their structure. In publications (Ref 3) or'ily the phenyl-ester is mentioned of the aryl. esters of this acid (yield only 18%). In the present paper the aryl esters of the ,Card 1/3 acid (I-VIII) given in the table were synthesized proceeding from its acid chloride and the corresponding phenols. The acid SOV/79_29-3-58/61 -carboxylic Acid-~2 Derivatives Syntheses in the Series of the Chromone chloride'was used in the form of itis pyridino solution which was produced by the treatment of'thfl'chromone-carboxylir. acid-2 solved in pyridine with thienyl chloride. In order to obtain a higher yield of acid chloride thienyl chloride has to be in ex- cess in the reactions with the chromone-carboxylic acid-2. The synthesis with the o-oxyacetophenone as initial product was, found to be the best of the syntheses of the chrcmene-carboxylie acid-2 worked out by the authors. The o-oxyacetophenone~was condensed with di6thyl oxalate in the presence of sodium ethylalte (Ref 3). The mixture of 2 molecules'o-oxyacetophenone and di- ethylcxalate was added to the solution of sodium ethylate in alcohol. The derivative of the ethyl-ester of the 0--oxybenzoyl piroracemic acid (CH CO.COOH) produced in the case of heating 3 was transformed into the chromone-carboxylic acid-22 first by boiling,with concentratedg then with diluted hydrochloric acid (yield 72-80%). Thus alseries of aryl esters of the~chrbmone- carboxylic acid-2 is synthesized. Vie suggested improved syn- thesis of the chromone-carboxylic a6id-2 can be used preparative- ly in the laboratory for greater quantities as well.. The result.9 of the pharmacological investigations of some synthesiz ed pre- Card 2/3 parations are published later on, There are Itab-lb-and 17,7d(;,-r (Mes Syntheses in the Series of the Chromone-carboxylic Acid-2 Derivatives 2 of which are Soviet. ASSOCIATION: Institut farmakologii i khimioterdpli Akidemii medits-inskikh nauk SSSR (Institute of Pharmacology and:Chemotherapy of the Academy of Medioal Sciences, USSR) SUBMITTED: February 16, 1958 Card 3/3 "IM11 M., IMIMM 0111 Em, M "IM! I "Will M, ZAGOREVSKIY, V.A.; ZYKOI., D.A. Mechanism of formation of 4-chlorocon-a in from 2-chromonecarboxylic acid chloride. Zhur. obe khimo* 30 no.9:3100-3103 S 160. (Kira 13:9) 1, Institat farmakologii i khimioterapli Akadomii meditsiuskikh nauk SSSR. (Coumarin) ZAGOREVSKIY, V.A.; ZTMV, D.A.; ORIOVA, M. Some derivatives of gallic acid. Zhur. ob. 1Wm. 30 no.9:3103-3104 s l6o. (MIRA.13:9) 1. Institut farmakologii khimioterapii Akadamii meditsinskikh nauk (Gallic acid) I IMI Mll M111 1111P.1 I I I ii I 11MIS Ilk L III I III It,;' I "Eli III L It I I Will IIM I Hill If] . I - 1 11 UP1111 11AP1143t, 41 .......................... - sill IN lillryu 119 11111,11411 PIR4#19IO!"i H 100 IM I i R 0 1 i I'M 11, 1.11R,."..- ...... .......... ..... ZAGOREVSKIYj, V.A.; ZYKOVp-,D.A.1 Conversion of 2-chromonecarboxylic acids to 4,ochlorvawmarlnso Zhur. ob. khim. 31 no* 2:568-574 F 161.' (MIRA 14,12) 1. Institut farmakologii i khimioteranii AMN, (Chrom~necarboxylic acid) '(Cotmarln) NNW ZAGOREVSKIY) V.A.; MOV, D.A. Series of pyran,, its analogor and related C'ompounds. Part 2: Dialkylaminomethylation of esculetin and 4--methylesculatino 16:3) Zhur.ob.khim, 33 no.3:793-797 Mr 163o (MI 1. Institut farmakologii i khimloterapii ARN SSSR. (Pyran) (Esculatin) (Coumarin) ZYKOV, D.A. d at t Methods for davelopiqg a re2iabie feed aupply on ,c 6 Bn a e fams of Kazakhi3wn, ftv. All Kaza'kh, W)R. Et--tr. biol. -.riaulc ao,.247--~15 2 63, (MIRA 17~10) ZAGOREVSKIYP V.A.; TSVETKOVA, J.D.; ORILVA, E.K.~ ZYKOV, DJ, Rare case of a direct formation of imines in the chromane series. Zhur. org. khIm. 1 noA1517-1518 Ag 165. (MIRA 18.-11) 1. Institut farmakologli i khiml-oterapii AMN SSSR. .............. v ? Ija oil mum 41:41410 Mal 0 ' A O -00 it 0 ' T Go he MUM Of OICTS109mout *f the N~xukakfna imr~cm so. G :* blac " j * o ar I jr. ew, Its, tkV944111101 44 111t P(Occa Wid its fuloto In the LI, S.S.1K, moo c diftum4. A"vmI* knowledra of the Wchoulloolcul WN lite Of the taw materk) Is towatial In defg. the m4fitions for low,tgmp. ~61"11&4000. moo Woo woo Ilea 13411411 WITALU"ICAL LITIVAUNg CLAUVICATION slow 11"431" %Jul io.m. woo Il 191daq Uto ORP gat 131041 Sol - As u ; st st ff P tug a 7 a l .0 'aa p000 0 0 04 0 0 _ 0 0.0 0 00-00 0 0 0 06 0 0 0 0 0 000 4 00 0 4091 WOOD 0 e r ,,jj PHASE I BOOK:FjawITATION SOV15329: Yegorovs Kikolay Nikolayeviohs-Mikhail Mlldi~ylovioh Dmitrlyev,! DmitrJLy. Dmitriyevich Zykovo and Yuriy Nikolaydvich Brodikiy; Ochlstka-ot.sery~koksovallnogo i drugikh.gbryuchikh gazov: (Purification of Coke' Gas and,Other 066bustible.-Oases Prom: Sulfur) 2d ed.,,.rev. and suppl,.'Mosoow4,Meta*ll~urigizdato 1960. 341 p, Errata slip inserted,' 3s2OO copies printed. Ed. (Title page)t N, N,~Yegorovj, Ed. of Pul~lishlng House::* M: L, Yezdokova; Tech,,Ed,t M, R.,. Kleyrxman, PURPOSEt This book is intend6d for technioal peroonneXiof t,he by-product coke and gas industries..and inay ~Iio:be ubed bj students specializing in the processing of fuels and odmbiistible gases, COVERAGE: The book reviews methods of rerOving hydro Ifide and organic sulfur compounds from oombutiblo gaaas748th"!6VaIu- ations and comparisons of the more widely used and promising methods, For those techniques which aro of praotioal value in Car4=-/10~- 5