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71 rr__ .14 of ittliltionimi6ru. k',.Jieop ioitli W- 4~ lw" Cent Ki M 't"In" Kt;IuP W11 afl ("a lIP! t" rr'l Ati c1 In vaf I,Tlt "Iti. 11 1 1~ 'Fe " ll~, It" It"I d.r.wwl V- I ri ADAMOVA.Zva; ZYKA, Jaroolar . Complex titration In pharmacoutic analysis. V. Determination of codeine phosphate. Cook. farm. 4 no.1:9-1.0 Jan 55. 1. Z katedr7 analyticke chomis Irarlovy university, v Praze. (COISINS, phosphate, determ., complex titration technic) SOUCKOYA, Milena; ZYKA, JaroslAv Polarimetric titration of organic bases. I.; titration bY silicotungstic acido Cook@ fArm, 4 no*4:181-185 MaY 55- 1. Z katedry analyticke chemie Karlov7 university. (TUNGSTINN, derivatives silicotungstic acid, t1trntlon of organic bases, polarimetric) (ALKAIDns, determination in pharmacoutic prep*, polarimetric.titration by silicotungstic acid.) r-A V 449 New itibmairlo me4hots, hi this dun4fda d Orv&IL, subjtamm& L Waraft:11w ed , J &aa,4,sis and tteir drawbackv am discunwil Ai .noxe canyenicnt and rapid mintood wm duvefo~,%J, r liazod in the convertion al all-it nylthwu- by boiling With Ul .4H. I*NCI MILYI- 4-Cd -~ Ain- 7 7, 'umd far end-Foint deftniiautiom Dst~ bf MA 1 titration with ICIO, =d KBr()a are givan. -Thd iodata fitration Is canfitd out in M HCI: the and. point is takEW'as tlIe fi3at trifection (occurdag at = 120 mVp at tha icLitially atcaA t vaLm-t of thic potential. nw wuna ~,pplles to t[W browatia titra- t tfvn~ but hem Ma rileatim is 7 N F ECI at 11G, C. w .hkh a iniall amount (it ICPr ik added. Tlw, 'CalLction Occurq it n! lid rntr I'a h&-ft cases an ,imtmu,< -atinerteT is u9nd, tht indicating efectirridat. I Ding plati,,un-, -mn ,~d the ~ I die ~ ~7 F The procedures (uT =ning Allyl- -thv~~anala in the all, seed and aicuhalk axtract ,I mustard am isho givent Tho tneQhod :an altzo hin 4phed w -.1w drIerminaition ol thiMma, A 11,011 E. VNIC41HICtfill -METIMISUOU UV WEIIII IlItzas. A, I- It III IVII I!! !1I-t IN I P I IIt --- ---- --- T- 17i I "MI.M.1alfp., Ul HP Ul. IIII 1iL'i1I0IH1R' H11,1111111112", tmmrllllmwlnh Ell bMUKLNA, Milena; 41AA, Jaroslav Polarometric titration of organic bases. ir, Titration with phosphotungstic and phosphomolybdonic aolds, Ceek. farm. 4 no-5:227-230 June 55- 1. Z Katedry analyticke chemie Karlovy university v Prazes (TUNGSTICT phosphotungstic acid, use in polimimetric titration of organic bases.) (HOLYBDI=4 phosphomolybdic Acid, use in polarimetric titration of organic bases) ZYKA, Jaroelav, Polarometric study of the cadmium salts of citric and tartaric acids. Ceek. fam. 4 no.5:230-231 June 55, l.'Khtedra analyIticks chemis Karlovy univerelty v PrR20. (CITRATES citric acid. precipitation reaction with cadmium salts, polArometry) (ACIDS tartaric, precipitation reaction with cadmium o*Llts, polarometry) (CADMIUM salts, precipitation reactionof citric & tartaric acids, polArometry) ZTKA, Jaroslav Polarometric titration of organic bases. III. Titration of picric picrolonic, styphnic. flavlanle acids. and of,sodium alizarine sulfonate. 4 no.6:301-305Jl t55- 1. Z katedry analy-ticke chemis Karlovy university r Praza. (CIMICAL AMMTSIS, polaromatria titration of organic bases) (ACIDS, determination, organic acids. polarometric titration) BIUKA, Antonin; ZYKA, Jaroslav Coupling reaction with p-diasobenzosulfonle acid. 11. Colorimstric and oscillograplicatudiss. Caskofarm. 4 no.6:305-308 Jl '55- 1. Z Ustava pro chemii, analytickou Karlovy university v Praze. (BE==. derivatives. p-diasobanzosulfonic,acid, colorimetry & oscillograpby) (COLORIMRTRr, of p-diazobenzosulfonic acid) uviroms -.;~ ociLanir bitten c=-rA!r1mg z4fp~-- L"I V.- '4--mo' it'; '71 Ql(ij 4- =U~ rptli I~Imd'41 A Fitri lit Lnmlr~'A. IM thc!je d'Km 0'! wti, Lied 03 mdafc. am the 611t: Calk-Itl cb!t:1m'dc us nix1e. Ch=M in culmr.1 rotinge W"e dl~mvs nit"'Icxxi Wit 11 of the witir.-INfe titruiml 1-giml Fliv alid uwl,ir PI- p,rat. . A.j-e-~r ~'-w Art-n"wre, -ocir-ri, HC f~td vft~. opI ~dd amit) etilm. LrImcipt-f- !~lililb- -tall F'! :f(-! 41 1 V. &I j~M4.411rjjft tj if JiY4 4 jff-.l IT Fu- Ib, A" m iml -fi'! tmau-' M jt~~% 1, ~. 1".. 1 klnt). . Aull, fA act.." 011.t~ 1,111 oid-pituU W lit. tstxiatu~ can 1~ i1cwet,d vwWal It will 11111111110,01 411i1 31 ;Ill 1111111M he A OlM Intl Atichal attil lam - j , pi dillaT 'Tn-451, slmlmir,', ~f C-I 43. I*-rf (1) in a ipeglik mievnt lur ~:~t -fith !"'wh ;4-i) oliltu. r-ql, I, CL Id-A R611-alli 3 1111. of it ;D.01, r [oh A, 1 Ill A"', rd)tf, Make, tilt, t,? 30 nil. and in~imrt ~,Ie it-iiti-I )f on, -Ior (1,rvi'lopf-A iftri .", rn'. 1'. '"I'wl ,,-,,.h Il't ffit" 4,5 11 If ic c,: V Ait. T-i-t tcIy lk%!I. wfi-t-.11 %",I. Ill .$,i .41t 1 A! ",V. I i.,;f Y f. 11 j) 1" j7T Ia i A, ji, j WOMF mmman Czechoalovakia/Analytical Chemistry Analysis of Inorganic Subetanceo, 0-2 journall Referat Zhur Xhimiyar, No 1, 19571,1249 Author: Marxova, L, Institution 1 None 41,.~/, Titlet Hydrazine Sulfate as a Reagent in.,Voltmetria'~ Analysis (Hydrazinometry). V1. A New Volimetric Determination of Nitrites Applicable to the Control of Medicinal Compounds Original Periodical: CeskoBl. farnac., 1956, Vol 5, No 4, 218-221 (published in Ciachvith summaries in German English, and Russian) Abstract: The determination of nitrites is based on the reaction -t- 200~ 4* N2 + N26'+ 3HpO which proceeds quantitatively inlacid solution (5-10% HC1). Three to 5 ml of 0.005 M hydrazine sulfate solution are dl- luted t0-30 ml withvlo% hydrochloric acid and titrated potentio- metrically with -0.01 M solution of the nitrite to be determined. At the equivalent point a considerable variation In potential is ob- served (--300 mv). It is thus possible to make a quick determination ce 'C, Card 1/2 Czechoslovakia/Analytical Chemistry - Analysis of Inorganic Bubstances, 0-2 Abst Journalt Referat Zhur - Khimiya, No 1, 1957, 1249 Abstracti of NaNO2 in the presence of 10r, theophylline, theobromine, caffeine) barbital, phenobarbital, sodium salicylate, sodium benzoate, papaverine hydrochloride, and belladonna extract. For Communication V see Ref erat Zhtxr - Kh1miya., 1956, 19585. CZECHOSLOVAKIA/ Analytical Chemistry. Analysis of Organic G-3 Substances. Abs Jour: Referat. Zhur.-Khimiya, No. 8p 1957, 27280 Author Karel Habersberger, Jaroslav Zyka. Title Oscillo-Polarograph.Le'lluu- Alkaloids. Orig Pub: Ceskosl..farmac.,.1956, No. 5, 264T- 2.71 Abstract: Alkaloids W containing tropan or piperldine rings (hydrochlorides - cocaine, trobacocalne, pseudopelletierine, lobeline; sulfates - atro- pine, apoatropine, pelletierinej and'bromides homotropine and coniine)~were studied oscillo- polarographically. The measurements were carried out in acid, neutral, alkaline and buffer solutions. All the studied I~showed characteristic oscillo-polarographical teeth, the shape of which changed at the transition from an Card 112 L CZECHOSLOVAICIA,/Analytical Chemistry - Analysis of Inorganic G-2 Substancee Abs Jour Ref erat Zhur - Xhimiya, Wo 2, 1957, 4781 Author Dolezal Jan) Simon Vladim:-Lr,.Zyka_jArosIav Title _ Micro-Determination of Cyanides in Bitter Almonds Water by Visual Titration. Orig Pub Ceskosl. farmac., 1950", 5, No 6, 339-340 Abstract The method is based on the formation of,a relatively stable cyanide complex in ammoniacal mediim.', 1-5 ml bitter almond water~are diluted with water tO 25 ml, 1 ml of ammonia and murexide are added and the red- violet solution is titre6ed with 0.01 14 solution of NiS04- Just before reaching the end point the solution' is orange-red and on addition of one more drop of the titrating solution ~he color changes to yell6w. The method yields accurate results. Card 1/1 CZECHOSLOVAKIA/14nalytical Chemistry - ameral ~tiastians G-1 Abs Jour RQferat 7hur - Khimi-a, No 2, 1957, 4651-r- Author Simon, V., Zyka, J, Inst ,Title Hydroquinone as a Now Redactometric RcnL,,~nt Orig Pub Sb. chekhosl~ Min. rabot, 1956, 21) No 21 327-338 Abstract See RZhKhim, 1956, 58338- Card 1/1 6 A ~Yllrwn Few do'. Cam ~4 1 5:1111 ve. dvi,~. tkWINA it-lit) IL 1 411 of alli lust VM1jj,j 11C1 o'll-I f %I d,, islerf"I! - illl-fl-r,-, J~,Jt ... lall illit, Lhi. 1-Y- ELM HORAK'P.; ZYKA'.T. Indirect photometric determli"ion of alldaoidis after prior chromatographic separation. 17.~,Chromatoi~iphi~ sepa'.1ration of tropane alkaloids.. 12 no.9094-3618 ~0%3- 1. V~,zkwmy ustav prixodnich lecivy Praha, Katedrs-jkji~~ticke chemie Kar'lcv7 university, Praha. CZECI[OSLOVAKIA/Analysis of Inor&anic Substances G-2 Abs jour: Ref Zhur-Khimiya, No 6, 1957, 19600 Author : A. Berka, J. Zyka. Inat Title Potentiometric Microtitration of Irldim with Hydroquinone and Other Reducing Compouzn-d8. Orig Pub: Chem. Listy, 1956, 50, No 5, 829 831. Abstract: On the basis of information obtained during the study of hydroquinone (I) and othe ~reducing argents (n-methyl phenol, n-phenyldiamine., n-amine,-- phenol)., a sensitive and selective method of vol- umetric determination of little amoiints of Ir (4~-) in presence of a great excess of Pt '00-), R11 (3 f) and Pd (2t) salts was developed. This m6thod was Card 1/3 - 77 -77777-::7:7 CZECHOSLOVAKIA/ Analytical Chemistry - linalycis of Organic G-3 Substances Abs Jour Referat zhur nimiya, tio 4, 1957, 12174 Author Berka A.,- ZY1M J. Title Indirect TitrimeTric Determination of the Chrbonyl Group Orig Pub Chem. listY, 1956, 50, No 5, 831-833 Abstract The method consists in determining the excess of precipi;-'-, tant, 2,4-dinitro-phenylhydrazine (I), byititration with 0.01 M solution of chloramine T W) in.the presence of KBr. The aldehyde or ketone under study (2-10 nig) is dis- solved In 961% alcohol and precipitated with 5-10 ml of 0.01 M solution of I. After 12 hours the precipitate is filtered off (paper-filter "Blue Band") and washed with 20 ml 2 N HC1. Filtrate ieo diluted to twice itsvolume, 1-2 g KBr are added aiid unrea.-ted I Is tit ,rated by the potentioriictric procedLire vith a tiErated nolutiort of II. Potential of the inflection point of the titration curve Card 1/2 CZECHOSLOVAKIA/ Anal~tical Chonistry AI'llysis of Organic 0-3 Substances Abs Jour Referat Zhur Khiniya, No 4, 1957, 12174 is at 500 mv; change in potential at the terminU point amounts to '-'250 mv with 0-05 m. *L II. It1was ascertained that 1 mole I interacts with 2 mles of 11 but,the reac- tion mechani-sm has not been studied. In determination of, 1 MG 0.001 M solutions of both reagents are,used. ExariPles of determinations are described-~ Errors of the described method do not exceed the usual analytical li- mits, but with samples 1 mg.the results are usually too high. Card 2/2 CZECHOSLOVAKIA/tnalytical Cheristry - Analysis of Organic E-3 Substances. Abs Jour : Ref Zhur - Khimiya) No 2, 1959, 4373 Ahthor : Berka, A., Zyka, J. Inst : - Title Volumatric Methods for the Analysis of Oreanic Subs-taiiecs. IV. Application of the N-Dromosuceinimide Addition Reaction. Orig Pub Coskoslov Farmc,, 6) iio 4~ P12-215 (1957) (in Czech with all ries in German, English, and Russian) Abstract A vblumotric method is proposed for t1le deiermiiiation of a number of organic compounds containinr ., the allyl ~Toup by titration, (visually, in 'clie presence of metityl red taitil me -Uie latter is discolored, and potentio trically) with a A-10.01 N solution of 11-bromosuceinimidel leading to the bro. mination of unsaturated compounds. The titer of the jlf-~ bromosuccinimide solution is dctonidned a0ainet aracnitee co -:J1 V2 CZECHOSLOVAKIA / Analytical Chemistry. Analysis of E-2 Inorganic Substaftes. Abs Jour: Ref Zhur-Khimiya., 1958, No 17m 57163- Author t V6 Krejzova Eap Simon Vap"~ ka J. VI* Mras L*y Simon Vt., Zyka Inst : Not given. Title : Titration with Hydroquinon and Similar Reduoing, Agents, V. - Determination of Cerium In Pharma-~ coutical Preparations, VI* - Utilization of the Exchange Reaction of Tetravalent Cerium with the Salts of Divalent Manganese# Orig Pub: V -Ceskosle farmaoe., 1957j, 6.9 No 862~38 4401, VI-Cheme listyo 1957jp 51, No 10,, .1 -1531- Abstract: Ve A new method for determining Ce In the Card 1/6 CZECHOSLOVAKIA / Analytical Chemistryo Analysis of E-2 Inorganic Substanees. Abs Jour: Ref Zhur-Khimiyas 1958P No 17, 57163- Abstract: the true Ce content of a sample, whereas.the weight, determines-content of other lanthabides.: Presence of La and Y in certain "Kbemotser" preparations Is established by means of speotograp~hiz analyses. The eescribed methods are considered suitable for control purposes. VI A method for the selective determination of Cea+-in the presence of strong oxidizing agents (Cr207 2-, in partic4ar)., has been developed. It is based on the 2 Ce4+ + Mn' + 2420 = 2 ce3+ + + Mn02 + 4H"'. An analysed solution that oontains, Card 3/6 CZtCHOSLOVAKIA / Analyti6a! chemistry, Analysis of E-2 Inorganio Subs~Anbbsel Abs Jour: Hof Zhur-KhimiyR~ 19581 No 17.s 57163e Abstraet: residue is conducted either by an,indireat or by.a direct reductometrioal titration with I solutiono or by the complaxometrioal titration method. In the former ease, the redidue is dissolved in 4 n H that contains an excess of 0*1 n~solution of 2S04 concentration Is increased to a level. I* The H2SO4 of approx, 2 nj and the excess of I is backtitrated with 0*1 n Ce(804)2 solutionj while resorting to either potentiometrical visual observation of at end point obtained with ferrion indicator, The direct potentiometrical titration of Mh(4+) with I Card 5/6 BERKA.A.; PROCHAZKOVA,V.;_Z.XU,.T,,-., New volumetric methods in the analysis of organic substanceo. Me Titration of some phenothiazine derintives by lead totraacetate. Cesk. farm. 13 no.3t121-122 Kr.T64. 1. Katedra, analyticke chemie KU, Praha. r,zechoslovakia Analytical Chtimistry. B-2 Anal~,sis of Inorganic Subatamcaa. Abs Jour: Ref. Zhur - Kh1miya No. 2g 1958o 4276 Author Michal J.,, Zyka J. Title Tetraethylthiuram Disulfide As An Analytical Reagent. N. The Photometric Dete2%lnatlon of Mercury and Silver. Orig Pub: Chem. Listy., 1957, 51, No--l, 56-62, Abstract: An indirect photometric method for the dLitermina- tion of mercury and silver is described.. The method is based on a decrease in co2or intensity of_%he colored intsr-nally complexed compouhd of CuIfT with tetraethylthiuram disulf1de (11 a s a result of the exchange reaction with Hg2 and Ag*. The complex of CO"With (1) was named mer- cupral (11) by the authors. It is obtained In a Card 14 Czechdslovakia Analytical Chemis-try. E-2 Analysis of Inorganic Subotances. Abs Jour: Ref. Zhur - Khimlya No. 2o 1958, 4276 only by HN03 and CeW and largw!ox M-ts of Sb and Bi. In the presence of Cu the' Bal%ltian (11) haz to be free from umombinedjl).: Sil- .P.d similarly; ra ver is determin discold tion of solution (11) Occurs faster than in the Xg-deter- mination. Seareport 3 RzhKhim, 1955, 26 396. Y, A Jv A CZECHOSLOVAKIA/Analytid Chemistry - Analysis of Inorerxdc E-2 Sub3tancesi AN3 Jour Ref Zhur - Khimiyaj No 10) 195a, 32162 Author t Jan Dolezalp Vladimir Sinonj Jaroslav ZYIM Title Titration with Potassium Cyanide Solution* Orig Pub : Chem. listy, 1957, 51, No 5., 880-883: Sb. clieldiosl. khim- rabot, 1957, 22, No 6, 1605-18o8 Abstract : The complexometric titration of Cu2"~_and M2 *with 0.1 to 0.01 M ON solution in NH OH medium vith the use of murexide as an indicator is rescribed. N12-tj H82* Ag+, Au+ and Pd2tare determined even in very low concen- trations by an indirect method - by the t4tration, of the excessive KCN with 0*1 to 0,01 M NiSO4 aolution in the presence of the same indicator. This titratioa nethod is very accurate and it is suitable also to the determi- nation of cyanides. The direct Ni determination in Card 1/2 CZECHOSLOVAKIA Analytical Chemistry. Analysis of E-2 Inorganic Substances.. Abs Jour: Ref Zhur-Khimiya, 1958, No 17, 57214. Author Krejzova E., Simon Inst Not given. Title Titration with Hydroquinon and SimilariReducing* Agents. IV. Determination of Azid6s of the Ex-,~ change Precipitation Reaction. Orig Pub: Chem. listy, 1957, 51, No 9, 1764-1766'. Abstract: A method of determining small quantities of azide (A) based or. the exchange between~'ft and A92CrO4 Is described. Since AgN3 is less soluble,than AS2 Cr04, when a suspension of A92 Cr04 is added to 'an Card 1/4 CZECHOSLOVAKIA / Analytical Chemistry. Analysis of E-2 Inorganic Substances. Abs Jour: Ref Zhur-Khimiya, 1958, No 17, 57214. Abstract: A solution, the following reaction takes place: 2 NaN3 + Ag2Cr04 = 2AgN3 + Na2CrO1j, An equivalent A quantity in the filtrate is determined from Cr04_, by titration with the solution of hydro- quinon (I). Due to a~lower NaN equivalent (100 of 0.1 n I corresponding to 4-31mg NaN ) this me- thod is more sensitive than thatinvol.Rng the direct titration of A~with ASN03 00 lution (1cc,of 0.1 n AgN03 corresponds to 6.50 mg NaNj). In de- termining A, the analyzed samples, containing ap- prox. 3-60 mg NaN3, are dissolved in a small volume of water followed by the addition of approx. 12 Sr of pure A92CrQ4, and of 1 drop of'2% KN03 solution, by the d1lution with water to 50c6 volume and by the filtration. 25ce of the obtained tiltrate is Card 2/4 28 CZECHOSLOVAKIA / Analytical Chemistry. Analysi3 of E-2 Inorganic SUbstances4, Abs Jour: Ref Zhur-Khimiya, 1958, No 17, 57~14. Abstract: then.acidified with 20% H2SO4 (2060 and t1trated (with the use of either potentiom6~ltric:or visual I methods) with 0.1 n I solution and using diphenyl- amine as indicator, The above method is also suit- able for the determining of Cl-, Br-, and I-. Prip-7 ciple of this method is alBo applicable to the SOI~ determination. In this instance suspension of BaCr04 is being employed (Ref Zhur-Khimiya, 1957, 8534). In order to obtain quantitative exchange involved in the latter reaction, the reactants are acidified with hydrochloric acid up to approx. 0.1 M concentration, heated for about 10 minutes on a steam bath, neutralized with NH3 while hot, kept Card 3/4 CZECHOSLOVAKIA / Analytical Chemistry. Analysis of E-2 Inorganic Substances. Abs Jour: Ref Zhur-Khimiya, 1958, No 17, 57214. Abstract: for 8-10 hours and then subjected ;to theIanalysis steps similar to those used in the determination. of A. For Part III refer to Ref ghur.-Khimiya, 1957, 196oo. czEcHomolmaAfthemical Tachnolo(g. Pharmceuticals. Vitardho -, Ahtibiotidh. Abs Jour: Ref Zhur-Rhim-t No 24, 1958, 82711. Author Krejzova E.',:.Simon:V. I-MIP -J. Inst Title The Oxidimetric Daterrdnation of Tartaric Acid and its Salts. Orig Pub: Ceskosl. farmc., 1958, 7, No 2, 82-83. Abstract: The indirect oxid~metric determination'of tartaric acid and soU of its salts with K2Grl.'7 and with salts of Ce was investigated. The eat reoults were obtainedwith iVr2 - The conditions were found under which the metlod can be used for volu. netric determination. The excess of the reagent Card 1/2 -ZYK4 ytical cilartistry - orcpnio Amlysis - CZECIISOLAVOM/Anal No eo, 1959, Abs JOur Ref Zhur KhiniYat Barka, Antonin; zYka, jaroslav Autlior I I :r Analysis of Or6a~jc Substan'05 Inst lwiAric mctlwds 0 potassiur., Porio- Vo vith Title oxidation of Tarterit data and Lead Totraacetatc OriF, Pub Cesk,381. farma.) 1958) If) No 3) 141-143, uantitati-ve detai'millatIjon of tartaric The methad if q by KIC14 (II) ill the wostract acid (1) based on its Oxidatioll; .8 ccordinG to the acetate buffer solution at p11 of 4 a :10 ,H 0 -t- 3no 1~ MOOR -r 2CO2 -t 39 3 equatiOn C4 6 6 To 5 ml of solution (,--3 has been vorkGd Olit Iv,0H solutionj 2 30%! 1) 1 a Glacial CH C0011-, '2 21 d- After 4 r~aO 0.01 m SolUjjoj of ii are addc a and 10 ml concentrated S04 is adddd vhile oolinG hours 4 ml itra ad pptentiowtricallY vit" and excess 3f 11 is t cord 1/ ---,memo -LLY4 HO 20 1959, 7j.~74 -2: Peso 4soluti6i, corresponds to . 1 17111 0.01 solutl error 1 0-5003 n 3 0-3Q%. a Of X. Aver Oil Of 4t Pli 0 7210 re tl ac-p xx f 4.8 Cc o (C4I'~06 -~ 3(cll tcl](es 12 W1 th Pb l'Q4tIv,0 3"00)4Pb , P14ce Ill: Cil Ct0trnCetCt 3 (Cll. COO) 21120 2c02 n41003US Wza 0xtdjzIn ePb *- 6cjj - the I qucliltItailva d , 100og C0011); kiweve colmaun't t forrieci r a 017,U t, and L, J XXX 1~ Turke'"lon IV sea na oll Of X. ailn:)t be Qf vIch RZIQIIZI I NO 2.0 1959, ad for th, 43 73. 01 o!i nt x-i G?XGROSLOVAKIA C:-.tcr,..jrY Analytical Chemistry. Analysis or organic Substances il-lur Ref ULIr Miw~,, jt~a 5, 1959,1 110. -5144 I)Utilor Kracmar, J.; Zyka, j. Titlo Polarimetric Titration of;~Orgauie Bases VI. The Use of a Nitranilia Acid Solution an a Volumetric Reagent Gric, Put~- Ceskosl. farmac., 19,e,8, 'I, No,5, 246-2)~-~ A03-15r-aCt *Polarimteric and gravlmetric 'methods were do- velopad for the determin6tion.of salts of or- ganic bases by means of their, precipitation with nitranilic acid (NA) (3,6-dInItro,-2.*5- dioxybenzoquinone-1#4) (Ref Zhur-Xh;U*, 71577). 100-200 r4. of a.,Solution are'dis.- solved irx 10-20 ml. of 0.01 n. KC1 solution and titrated with a 0.1 M solution of,NA with an applied voltage of 0.5 v., using a;type V 101 Geigor polarograph with a 4-volt OLOCUMu- . 1,44 3 37 cau;gor Analytical Cliemi3tryj An Plysia of Organic Subatanc's Ref thur- KAM-, ILO 5, 1959) No 3:5144 ,'im thor inat i bit, Titlo Orir~ 'Pub. -1.0%. In gravimteric determlndtlon.P 10 ml. of TX ~ Cont'd 3,5% solution of NA, and the ii5 Mlb of alcohol are added drop by'drop during~~mixing to a ao~_ lution -of -100-200,mg.. of ~suba~=ce~ 1n 10 ml.~ of water* :During three h6urz:*~st~nding In refrigerator, thelpre6lPitato is ftitered oft in a.G3 or G4 arpoible and,W~6&d'!tbre'e time's, in 5-ml. of.alcohol ,(t6mperattre_10'4~ :and 10 Mi. of ether. It is., dried at, iOO ilLO 'for two I hours-and weigheC One mole of,Nk,binds two; Card: E 38 GDR- / iuialytical Chemistry. Substances. .,I,bs lour: Ref Zhur-Khimiya, No 1, 1959, 932. ,',uthor :Uraz, Lo, Simon, V., 2awLI-Z- Inst : Not given. Title : Titration With Hydroquinone and With a Similar, w Roducer. VI. The Utilization of the Reaction of Four Valent Corium With the Salts of Di-valent Manganese. Orig Pub: Collect, Czechosl. chem. commun., 1956, 23, No 6, 1061-1065. Abstract: See R. Zh. Khim., 1958, 57163. I-IV-1, J.; BERYI, I. "Oxidation of some ox-l--,ydroxy acids and m-Annitol with leid (TV) acetate and potassium periodate.11 (in German), Prali Czechoslovjl~,Ia* COUECTION OF NE MIEI-9-CAL CO!"'KiNir, ITICTIS, 0 Vol.~ 23, rLo. 11, Nov.; 195P. 1UNTPLY LIST of EAST EUROPEIN ACCESSIONS (EMI), W,, Vol$' Pli Nr). 7t July 1959,:Unclas. "Imlysis of OrCM)ic Substances. Abs Jour: Ref Zhur-Khim., Ho 9, 19,59, 31205. ,'.u'C.-wor Derka, Antodn., Zy1m, Jaroslav. Inst Ta.-,;I(-- Titration with Lead To`k;ra-Acet~nmte. Ori6 rub: Chem. list3r, 1958, 52, Vo 5, 926-Q29. .'-bstract: The oxidizing t-itrat-.i.on with Pb(Cu5coo) solution (I) in glacial CH C007- (II) for whIdi a waterless II modiun. is recomme4ded and'which is hirdc'rcd by the slm-r rate of oxida,Clion of the substance boing.deter- raned, can in many caaes be carried out quicker in the presence of water in a diluted 11 m4ditmi or in aqueous solutions acidified witn mineral acids by Card 1/3 CZE Cl-iOSLOVAIMI"malytica- I U-icaj s I'lry. ;xalysis of Ora;=-ic Substanecs. Aba Jour: Bef Zhur-lCd. o 9, 1959, 31105- using potentiomatric t-~tration. 7he 0.0~1, ijalution of I in the glacial IT is prepared by diaqo1v.-.nL about 50 g of powdc:rcd PbPj~ in one liter of lg#~c:;.nl II at 55-650 and by f iltcrinC, the hot, so3.txuoii*, We titer of tile solution is dutuniinecl by. poton%'A~.,,~'Lltr:?Lc Litra- tion of hydroquinoaQ. 1%,o presence of 10x-1-sr.1t does not hinder the process., The titer of solution is stable for 2 months. Ouantitative detoitiination of hydrazine (III) and of its' derivatives (J'!%cnyLhydrazine, semicarbazide, n-ni~ro-,.~)cn ;ylhy~azinc miO. o'-*,116x3) an(I deterritination of ascorb,.C acid. (IV) was 611%rric'Ll 'out by mans of the dcscribcd method.' The titrdtion of IV is carried out in 50~ II adding for each 20 ~ tL1 of the solution about 2 g of solid Oil COOK in the presence of Card 2/3 ,S/ ------------ CZr~,CTT-OSTOV;*iK3',*./,'.,I~-1-y~--co.I ;Malyois of E Subs,;a-1.1ces. Abs Jour: Rcf Zhur-Miiia-, No 9, 1959) 31101. Nu,: -ior rka, *.ntonin, Zyka, JLroslav Ins Oxidation of Carta~..l a-ftyacids and OJL Lannitc with Lead ."Icetate and Potassium Porj.oda~L~. Or-,.g Pifb: Chem. listy, 1958, 52, F-b 5, 930-935. In the study of the ox-clation processes of tar-"ric acid (I), amygdal'i*c ac-.,.d (11), of manitc. (ITI) and of Ca Glu=taa~ra (W) with Fb(C-"'COO)4 M; or with KJO~ (VI), d-rect potenUomeeric. titration of I-IV with 0.05 lil V solu'u-ion in glacial C143=1 (VII), and the indirecil- dc-U'ormination of excess V or VI were utilized. Suxl)lus V was titrated -boten"Cliometri- Card 1/3 Substances. ,,.'os Joixr: RQf Zhur-Khim.; !To 5~ 3.959) 31101. cally 0.05 M ydroquinone solutioa.~, Tiia dater- rdi,zuion of excess VI :.a based on iLs "A'.166 ~o witl~ 0.02 Yozmi ~KJO LL FoSDI solution of the evolved Fc2**w--t'-. 6.05 M so1U0.oi:.iof V1, ~n -the presence of a d-.qp' enylamine indica-'Cloi~. The optimum pH value of o solutions undcrLoi.nG tion is' 4.6. Thoroforc. titration was ca- ~Lucl ou" )n the acetate buffer iwdium. Under Uiu tic, condj..tions V proved to be a stron-clr oxidizing V:1- Only V can be used for oxidation of II. 17aliuver, in nost cases V is 'U,oo s'.,rong an oxidizing a6ent,.Vro- ducinG secondary oxida'%lion of Un priwary jmxliacl~s of the reaction (:,'C. 7:0., ICOOH)~ wbich leads to irre- producible results. For the analysis of.K, III and IV Card 2/3 C f, Du n t r-y-,. - C z e c h o s I o v a k -i a Category : AnsJytieal Chemistry - kwjysis of, Inorganie Subatances Abs. Jour, : %f Mur-Khimiyup No 61 1959 19105 Author : Krejzova, E.-, Simon, V.; Zyka, J. Inatitut. Titlo Titration with Hydroquinone and Similar Re-~ ducing Agents. VIII. Potentimetria Determi- nation of 3-Valent Thallium 8alt. Orig Pub, Chem, listy, 1958, 529 No 5~ ~936-938 Abstract Hydroquinone is used as a reduct-ig agent in~ potentiometric, determination of T13+. Oxidation of Tl+ prior. to analysis can be effected with (NF.4)25208 in~acid medium; Br-water usually utilized for this purpose, is not suitable.. The solution to be titrated must contain 5.20$ by weight 'of H2SO4 and 3-30 mg Tl, and its maximum volume should be 30 ML On determination of Tlj approximately 20co' solution Of H2804 is added to the solution being analyzed, % a 50 ml beaker, diluted to about 20 ml added about 0.5 g solid (NH,,)2S2O8, heated gently for 15-26 minutes (final voltme of the solution should be about 15 ml), and after cooling it is potentio- metrically titrated with 0.01 N solution of hydroquinone. Card: 1/3 C&tosory= :Analytical Chendstry - Analysis of, Inorsanic, Nbatances Abs, Jour. : 19105 rof 2bur-Wmiya; No 6, 1959 Author Institiit, T itlo Orig.. Pub. Abstract The. inflection point is at about,500 mv (relathe to saturated calomel electrode),--change it! potential at~ equivalence point is well,defined (angle Coefficient about 1 00). Determination of Tl is,n - interfeiel+w4h by th~; presence of Cu2+, Pb2+, Ag+ + C02+,:Zn A13+ mg2+, As5+,I M001,2- and Wo42-, even when they are present In 10-+fold excess; also no interference results from the presence of considerable amounts of Po,,3-, No3_, BOI,2..i,, and Cl- (up -to a concentration of aboat 0.01,N). The presence of Fe3+s Sri4+t Sb(5+), Hg2+, Ce4+, Cr2o?2-, Mao -, interferes as doesther; presence of even small amounts o~ Br- andI-. Por reasons Card: 2/3 C. our, t rY :Czechoslovakia -("Cto3jrY= :pmalytical Chemistry - Analysis OT Inorganic Substaaces Abs, u'rour# :Rof zhur-miziva) No 6., 1959 19077 Aut'a3r :Krejzoval E.; Simon. V.; Zykaj J, Inatitdt. Titlo :Titration with Hydroquinnne:and Similar Re- ducing Agents.VII. Determination of Higher Oxides of Manganese and Lead. orig. Pub. :Chem. l1sty7 19587 52, No 5t 976-978 Abstract :A titrimetric method was developed for determi- nation of 14nO2 . Mn203 and Pb02 , which is, based on their re- duction with hydroqu1none (1) and subsequent titration of excess I with Ce(S 04) 2, usinf ferroin as indicator. To the finely comminuted sample (about 60 mg Pb02, or 45 Mg Mn027 or 40 mg Mn203)are added in a titration flasit with a ground glass stopper, 10-20 ml 6.1 N solution of I and about 10 ml 2 N H2SO (10 ml of 5%CH COOH in the case of Pb02)j the, mixture Is shaken with giass beads (5 to 10) for ~-~10 minute until the sample is completely dissolved ferroin is added and titration with 0.1 11 solution Ce(S64L is carried out Card:1/3 E-9 j . V dw UA1UZ2.LU V CA r-Lct X-Cw o Analytical ChendstrY - Analysia of liaorgwde Substancia Abs a Jour, nef zhur-Khimiya, no 6, 1959 19077 Author Inst ittit. Titlo OrIS. Pub. Abstract until the color of the solutdon cluinges from red to brilliant-blue or green. In dete vaiinat ions of oxides of Mn the back-titration. of I can be effected with K2Cr2O7 using diphenylamine as indicator, h9wever the titration with Ce(SO4)2 is more sensitive. Fe-3+ and Cu2-+ nced not be removed or masked, since they do not reac4 with 1. By the described procedure active 0 is deterzined in the samplel the total metal content can be complexometry after reduction of the higher oxides. To do this, there are added to the sample in the titration flask, an excess of NH2OH,H2SO, solution and 0.1 M. solution of Complexon III, Card- 2/3 C7X,CHOSI,OVAKIA/.'~iialyt~Lca.L Chom:tstry& Go-neral To.-pics. E kbs Jour: Ref Zhur-Miim., No 9, 1959) 30926. Aixt'hor Mrdz., Ladislav, Simon, Vladimir, Zylm,~Jaroslav. Inst Title Titration with Hydroquilione and SirLilarx 'ReducinG Agents. IX. On the Stability of Hydroquinone Solutions. Ori*-[; Pub: Chem. listy, 1958, 52, No 6, 1083-1o88. Abstract: The effect of various factors on the stability of hydroquinone solutions (I) was t=ns of systenatic control of the titer of 0.1-0.001 nornal. solutions of I by visual, photometric or potentionetric titration with K~Cr solution or with Ce(soj)~ solution (in the case of highly.di- Card 1/4 CrIECTIOSLOVAKIA/finalytical Chai.,Ost'ry- General. Topics. B Jour: Ref Zhur-Miri., Wo 9, 1959, 30926. luted solutions of 1), and also by mana of photo- metric neasurarxat of the intensity of the brown- ish-red color which formed in the pras.a,cc of the disassociation of 1. It was established thatthe I solutions acidified 11ith 1-3% H, f tSO,~ ara tho' most stable ones. The titer of these solut"ima does not begin to cl-k-u-19c until 3-4 months after their preparation. 'Xien boiled these solutions retain their stability for at least I hour. Neutral solutions of I have a somewhat lesser simbility, but even in this case chan(,es were observed only after 2-3 nonths. The concentration of I has practially no effect either on the acid or on the noutral solutions of I. The I solutions allmllized with the addition Card 2/4 CZECHOSLOVIUMI/1'nalytibel Chozustrf. Gcneral Topic-a' . E Abs Jour: Ref Zhur-Khim., No 9, 1959, 30926. of MCO (0.1 norml) quicIdy become darl: brain (close to blach) in color and become turbid. UonG with this the titer of these aolut~'Lons di-. ninishes rapidly especially when greatly-, diluted. When acidified theze solutions precipitate an amorphous brownish red sodiment irbich is e3cpresscd~by the:Aene- ral forj-.mla C~71110j- The stability of th'a acidified I solutions is somewhat lowered by the effect of light but does not at all. change through the action of the 04 in the air. Ho effect was detected of Yctal traces, the presence of which is possible in I'Vropardtions. With the exception of the purest I prep6rati.ons, the titer of I solutions (even of the acidified ones) fluctuates somwhat for 1-2 days after their prepa- Card 3/41 CUCHOSLOVAIM/Analytical Chemistry. General Topics. Abs Jour: Wf Zhur-Khim., No 9, 1959,3092-6. ration but at the end of this time the'Aiter becomes completely atabilized. The degree of titer deviation depends on the purity of the utilized I and in the ordinary I preparations fluctuates within 0.5-1.5~- For report VIII, see: !,of Zl,.ur- I,GiiL,iya, 1959, 19105- Karel Kamen. Card 4/4 CZE,CIIOSLOVAIM/Analytical Clicmistry. Aralysis of Inorgmic E Substances. Abs Jour: 11of Zhut-I(hiti... 146 9) 1959., 30966, kuthor Mr~z, Ladislav, dii~on Vladird/r, Zy1m, Jaioslav. Inst Title Titration with Hydroquinono and Similar lbducing tZents. X. Titration of Cerim, Chromium and VaiiadiirA and the Feasibility of Their DetexTaination Men present Simul- tancously. Orig Pub: Chem. listy, 1958., 52, ijo, 6, lo8g-1092. Abstract: A method of accurately determining synl). quanti-ties of Ce, V and of Cr has been developed. This method is based on the potentiometric titration of CO"" Cr .401,v and V03- with I-Wdroquinor-c solution (I) Card 1/4 CZECI[OSLOVAICTA/Analytical Clicnistry. Analysis of InorGanic Substances. Abs jour: Ref Zhur-Ehiri-, No 9, 195% 30966. (in the process of t-itration the enw-iorated ions are reduced to Ce 4 Cr 31- anil V02 4-reap6otivel Y). Cc ~'t- and CrZO I - are var/ accuTtely detomLnocl -15 5 - 10 - m and 2 close to concentratio, 10 M respectively by titm-tion in the 2-15~*' TIAS04 , modiun. With greater dilution nogative errors are observed. 0-1-0-05 nomal solutions of VO - can 'be titrated in the 15-301,C H~,SO tiediun 9~ 0 .05-0-005 norml solutions can be tttmtcd in the 25-30'; HISO~ mediuTi. For the solutions of 0-005 nomal VO the results obtained are too high. Instead of H SO+ M-10j (0-2- 15 normal) can also be used. The dCte=dmtion of Ce is hindered by the presence of HC1 wid of large Card 2/4 CZE-CHOSLOVIUM./filAytica"I Charxiatitt. taalysis of ImorGanic E Substdnces. Abs Jour: Ref Zhur"Mirl., No 9, 1959,3o966. quantities oi- 11 P04, -and the dote=inationL of is.hindered byl~eu I .: %116; presenc,~i of . HC titration. of all 3*of the above-mentioned ions cvm~be carried out in the presence of M04 silica the I jurU) in - po- tential. correspondii!G to Mn'O -, is cleari~,Aistinct fron the jurTp in the I)otentils of -"he ions bein6,-. determined. In couparisonivith, the mthcId c;f ii- tration~with re-zl- bolutiont the liydroquli~ana M'- thod, is mch raora. smisitive'. Prol:i t1he clomb --'nations of Cc, Cr and V it is I)bSsib,lc*to reliably detere. mine VO;- toup"Clier with Cef~" and oaticirhat less -clearly'CrI.07,76- vitll Cc 4+. SimatzlicoUs deter- nination 6k tr 0 and V03- is difficult 0* r Card 3/4 '-_" - k:_~ ~- I ~ , ~'- ~ ~. -" I -.: ~" 'WL HI Fit 10 -'~i 'I. w LA i,d=& abestr. --c e wwl dild, in molumir 94ineii :al~ in flit pi-_n,~r it ?.flil n4qai' ir Ind F, a"A "11;411 aInn of Ni"~i. (,I. deg"r"11"u wils"'It rim terials frcntg. C., Pr, Sin, old Nd', iiad in katr metal by titnition wi M, hY&Uquimile SOW. vrith ra-mfil'. Ai f 4,1 TT iij, 5 (2)9 5 (3) AUTHORSs Michal, Jan, Z~ka, Jaroalav SO-V/75-14-4-6/30 TITLEt The Determination of Small Amounts of Copper in Metals With the Help of Tetraethylthiuram Dioulfido PERIODICAM Zhurnal analiticheskoy khimiiq 1959t Vol 14, Nz 41 PP 4221426(mm) ABSTRLCT: Tetraethylthiuram di6:.ulfide (C H .3. -is a 2 02NC(s) 3-(5)Cff(Ce5)2i very easily accessible compouna# which is 'saaas a pharmaceutiocl u preparation and in'the rubber industry. it,is aifficultly.soluble in water --nd better soluble in organic solvents (e.g. in ' alcohol). cetrizethylthiur2m disulfideTform6 almost colorless crystals with a melting point of 700:- Its Acoholic solution reacts with copper(II) salts in weakly acid. solutione'to form an intensely yellow-brown compound. The anthors propose,~the,name "Dikuprall" for tetraethylthiuram disulfide. The proof of~copper . with the help of Dikuprall is only up set by salts of "ivalent mercury and by nelenites, which are roclucod to the element by the reagent. The sensitivity of the proof of copper is asifoliows: PD - 5.70 on a drop plate; pD - 5-01n a microscopical test-tube; PD - 7.18 in an extraction with other; pD 6.48 on filter paper. Card 1/3 Excess amounts of nitric acid and other strong oxidizing agents The Determination of Small Amounts of Copper in Meta".s SOV/75-14-4"6/30 With the Help of Tetraethylthiuram. Disulfide are upsetting. Silver-and meraury(XI) ions form colorless compounds with Dikuprall, which are more stable than the. corresponding copper complex. In the:pIresence of meroury-~ and silver ions a surplus of the reagent'';must,be added,Ihezefore, for the proof of copper so that the Yellov(-brown coloring occurs. On the other hand, Dikuprall can be'uaed for the sensitive selective determination of silver or'mercu:ry (Refs 5-7)- The absorption maximum of the solutions of the copper complex with Dikuprall appears at 435 m)w The authors %'t'orked out the opti:rim conditions of a quantitative photometric determination of copper with the help of Dikuprall. At the same time, the influence exercised by a great excess of various metal ions onihe:photo- metric determination was inventigatedo It,turned outUat in many cases the determination of copper in;pure metals with, contents of only 0.01 fa of CU is possible without separation,''The elaboration of ontimum. conditions for the determination of copper is described in detail. Specifications for the quantitative determination of small amounts of copper in the metals zind, aluminum, mercury, tungsten, tin, manganese.. and antimony and Uso Card 2/3 arsenic are given in the paper. The conbtanoy of the coloring of the The Determination of Small Amounts of Copper in Metals BOT/75-14-4-6/30 With the Help of Te-traethylthiuram Disulfide compound of copper with Dikupralf in the following media is shown in a tablet 0.01 N 8 N H so 1 0,001 N - 4 N NCl;. 2 4 0-01 N - 4 N H010 N 6 N H PO 1 0-05 NP and 0.08 11 ENO 4 3 4 3 5% oxalic acid; 5% tartaric acid. There are 4 figures, 11table, and 12 references. ASSOCIATION: Scientific Research Institata~of-Oros;,.Charles Univdr6ity) Prague (6SR) SUBMITTED: September 20, 1958 ZYKA, J.; BEMA, A. "Titration vfLth lead (IV) acetates" In German. p. 105. COLLECTION OF C'?ECHWLOVA- CHE CAL O'DW141CATIO 6111 NS, Praha Czech., Vol. 24, No. 1) Jan. 19 9. Monthly List of East European Accessions (E?~Al), LC, Volffi* B, No. 6),SePt- 59 Unclassified. a-"K~ J.; "I"MOVA., E.; SDION) Vol "Titration with hydroquinone and analo~-jous reducing agenLs'.'l VII. Determination of the higher mides of rznganese avd lead. In Crermn. p, 2930 COLLE,-MON OF CZECHOSLOVAK CREMCAL CGLMUNIGATI CRIS, Praha, Czech., Vol 24j No. 1, Jan. 1959. Monthly List of East European Accessions (EFAI), LC, Vol. 8, NO. 6, Sept. 59 Unclassified 0 Czecnoalovakia C A 1'.3GORY .103, JOUR. A t I T H OR: Krejvoya, E., Simon, V., and Zyka,'J.; Mxazj : Not given TIYL!~ : Titrations with Hydroquinone and Similar Reducing Agnets. IIIII. The Potent3-ometric'Deterninati-or~ of Saltis of Trivalent Thallium. IX. On theArm ORIq. PUB. : Collection Czechoslc%r Chem Commun, 24, ,.o e, 448- 451; No 4, 1054-io6o (1.959) ABSTRACT see RZhKhim, 1959, No 6, 19105, For Communica- tion VII see RZhKhim, 1959, No 15, 5~103- ii~Simon, V., and Zyka, J. "'Stability of Hydroquinone SolutioIno. DOLEZAL, J.; DROOYOV=, J.; ZYKA, Use of metal reducsrs'aa~ amalgams in chomioal anAlysis. 1. Silver 19' reducer. In German. Coll.Ozb'Chem. 24 uo.lit3649-3653 N I (ZW 90) I.,Iustitut fur analytische Chemle, larluniversitat, Prag. - (Reduction) (Analysis (Chemistry)) (Silver) (Ama]gamo) DOWAL, J.; HOLMY, B.; ZM, J. Uoe of metal reducers and amaigams In chemical azalysis, IL Redox effect of molybdenum. In German. Coll.Cz.Chem. 24 no.11:3769-3776 N (MAI 9 5) 1. Institut far analytische'Chomie, larleuniversitat, Prag. (Molybdenum) (Chemistry, kral~tic) (Amalgamis) (Reduction) Mi TO."P: Rfii IV WOT ~ld , ~ 11 ~:~: ~~ i 11" 1 i' i ; ;~L-ll -a" , Fir V1, leli i4- ol -- 7111 f7 T: "jj/60/000/07/0(wou E1-12/053 THORS 1 Jarmila-PrXchenska and, Jaroslar 1.:'TLE Identification and Spe C tr6p'-ho--='~-'--- toineti-ic Determination of HYdrazine and its Derivatives by ans of Vanillin Me PKRIODICAL3 Chemicky"'Pruomysl, 196o, Nr 7, PP 343-346 Many of the spectrophotometric methods,for the determination of small quantities of hydrazine are based )n its reaction with aromatic,aldthydes, forming a1dazines of intense yellowish or yellowimh-orange colouration. The preferred aldehydes weret p-diniethylaminobenzaldehyde or sallcylic aidehyde. The authors describe the use of vani-Ilin its an analytical reagent for the determination of. hydrazine and its derivatives, in spot tests and In spectraphoto- metric analyses. They claim that tile reaction with vanillin is more sensitive than that with p-dimethylaminobenzaldehyde. It is also claimed that great excesses of hydroxylamine, nitrates, ammonium s<s or urea do not interfere with the analytical method. The spectrophotometric determination' of hydrazine or Its ~,-,rd 1/3 -urilratives Li.: c;%rrit~~t out in a K-~'-O, ~)OO/07/ cl~i,? E112/E453 3dentification and Spec trophotometric Determination of Hydrazine ,nd its Derivatives by ~Ieans of Vanillin using blue violet filter,'Nr 42, with a wavelength of 420 M11. The reaction of hydrazine or its.derivatives with vanillin proceeds in an acid medium and the authors have studied the effects of different acids on the course of the reaction. It is shown that the absorption curves of hydrazine and semicarbazide with vanillin in a medium of sulphuric, perchloric or phosphoric acid is characterized by a sharp maximum in~.a range of 460 to 410 M-~L. In an acetic acid medium,'a maximum with a sharp notch appears at about 365 mp. In order to establish whether hydroxylamine canAnterfere with the reaction its absorption in the same' reaction medium WaS measured. Hydroxylamine showed a maximuniabsorption at 370 m1i and will, therefore, not interfere with the hydrazine or semicarbazide determination if filter Nr 42 of wavelength m is used. I.Aialytical methods similar to that for hydrazine can a3so be, used for'. phe~nyl hydrazinesl p-nitrophenylhydra'zine and vanillin Card 2/3 gives an orange colQration in the) spot test, with '_i i~u)/6O/OOO/U7/0()3/o I F I)-2/E)k53 Identification and Spec trophotometri c Determinntion o~~' P-40ra,-,, i tit, And its Derivatives by Means of,Vanillin characteristic fluorescence under ultra violet light..: 2,4-dinitrophenylhydraziiie gives a klack"colouration under the same conditions. Both reactions are, however, not very sensitive, The authors have also studied the effects of the concentrations of the acids an the spectrophotometric determinations and hav e astablishud that results are unaffected by increased'concentration. Large excesses of vanillin had also no effect upon the determination of either hydrazine or semicarbazide. There are 4 figures, 2 tables and 9~refer'encesj 3 of which are English, 1 Czech, 2 German, I Soviet and 2 French. ,'SSOCIATION;Katedra analyticke' chemi, Karlova universita, Praha (Chair of Analytical Chemistry, Charles tjnivertLt~_, Prugue) *UBMITTED: June 15, 1959 ard 3/3 VULTERINj J.; ZYKA, J. Hydrazine, sulfate as a volumetric agent (hydrozinometr7). VI, Coll Cz Chem 25 no.1:206-209 Ja 6o. (EEAI 9:12) 1. Kafedra kbimicheakay promWahlennosti Inzhenerno-okonomicheakogo fakullteta i Kafedra analiticheakoy khImU Karlova universitetas Praga. (Volumetric analysis) (Hydrazine sulfate) ZYKA, Jaroulav, prof. dr. PhMr.CSc. Survey of the newest oxidation-reduction measuring methods. Rudy 12 no. 6t177-180 Je 164. 1. Chair of Analytical Chemistry, Charlas Uni"rsityi Prague. _ROVI DOLEZAi,,; J.; ~JV, 04 App.,J.,,ai,lon cf oscillograpUc po_lar,~.graphy in quan'.1tative analysis. Coll Cz Chem 29 no,9:2240-22.1a 6 If4. 1. KasachiljcM Staatsutiveraltat, Llia&-Atap Ud~iSR (for Zakharov). 2. InsLitut fur analytische Chemic, KarlsunAveraltat, Prague (for Dolezal and Zyka). 3. Memberj, ;dvisory Boardo ~*C,:Ilaction of Czechoslovak lul~emical Commurt cations" (for Zylkn). BERD-v A.; JANATA, Jr.,*, ZM, J. t-, the fact!-,,r dhtermination, of lead UV)-acotlate. mass solatlnns. Coll Cz Chem 29 no.9.-2242-22,44 S Y64- J. Ir3f,itull-I far analytisebg Ghende, YarlsunIversitat, Prague. NOVOUIT-M, Helena; ZjKa, jaro.;Iav Co2or-Imetric determirvitloa of c.-),,)por in sw-lp 1*,.),.vi prod,-'cts by tetraethflthiuram disulfiflo. 1rum potravln 15 -lu,&".()-.52('-522~ 0 164. 1. Chair of Analytical Chemrtry, Charles UniveroLty, Prague. W1-F,ZALv J.; LITYSYTE, E., RYBACEK, V.; ZYKA, J. Reductometric titration with iron (11) sulphate In trlethanol- amine medium. Chem Cz Chem 29 no.lls2597-.2606 N 164. 1. 11notitut fur analytische Chemie, Karbsuniversitat, Prague.: 2. Frosent addresasChomische Fakultat, Universi~at, Vilnius, Uthunnia (for Lukayte), TISHCHENKO, G.N.;.ZYKA )VAt A.A.; SILANTIYEVA, I.A. Cr7stallographic study of iodomercurate gramicidin C. Kristallografiia 9 no.1:37-43 A-F 164. (MIRA 17:3) 1. Institut kristallografii All SSSR. --ZYKIN, A., starBhiy nauchnyy sotrudnik Powdery mildew on potatoes. Zashch. rast. ot vred. I bol. 10 no.3: 33 165. (NIRA,19:1) 1. Vaesoyuznyy nauabno-Issledovatel'skly institut rastenlyevodstva.; -i-A---kand-- -nata-- ZYKIN .1. m, ed. Observations on correct posture at the school desk. Zdrav. Bel, 7 no.9154-55 S 161. (MIRA 1/0 10) 1. Iz kafedry organizatsii zdravooldiraneniya 1.1vovaltogo meditsfitskago instituta (zav. ka'r0roy - dotsent S.Z.Tkacbenko). (POSTURB) (SCHOOLS-I?URNITUM,;I,;qUIPIENT, FTO.) ,,Tl-,e nei-., ~'eEiin.lf report si-Imitted ~qt the 13th A-1.1-Union ll'onp-css of Hy,-Jenr-qts, snd infectionint's, 1959. ZYK11V,-A-.L; SHAPIRO, A.D. Prevention of mercuz7 poisoning while checking water gaugtag equipment.,01g. I san. 21 noog:91 0 15:6s (MLRA 9:1D) 1. Is Vvovskoy gorodskoy manitarno-apidemilogichookoy stanteii., (HERMRT--TOXICOLOOT) (PIMSSM GAUGIUS) IZBEDEV, V.A. inzh. (Sv9rdIavsk);.ZXYVI- A P.,, irLzh. (Swirdlovijk); KUDRYAVTSEV A Te inzh. (Sverdiovak); SVYAT47SKAYA E.L., inrh. (Sverdlovsk~; ~iRO*W'ATNIKOV, V.N., inzh. (Sverdlmk~ Conversion of the control' system of the AP-25 turbIna, to hydraulic. operation. Energetik 13 no,10:11-.3.4 0 165, advantage tt~e, pitertial-'V-s of labor pro~uc- tivity in "he industry of SII;sria, Tzv. Sib, otd. AN SSSP no.9.-3-12 162. (MIRA 17:8) 1. Institut, r~rgantz,-..U,11 mmnyr-hlimnogr) proiz- vodstva Sibirukogo otclalnniy~k AN Nov(..,;fbirsk, TJT CODE:--UH/0105/60/0001006/0023/C,02.r~ SOURCE AUTHOR: Bayev, A. V.; Zykin$ F. A.; Ushakov, 1. ORG; none TITLE: Network simulator for computing the optimum operation of power systems SOURCE: Elaktrichestvo, no& 6. 1966, 23-26 TOPIC.TAGS; computer design, electric network, electronic ongineoring ABSTRACT: The article describes the principle and operation of a network model-computer designed and built at the-Chelyabinsk Polytechnic Institute.* -do This device simulates actually installed power networks and automatically: termines the most economical use of equipment under whatever pruvalling load conditions. The ultimate aim is to establish the minimum fuel cost and this ileads to the solution of four series of equations involving: 1) derivatives':, of fuel cost with respect to load on the station, 2) derivatives of power losses In the network with respect to terminal station voltages'and with res- pect to increments of regulated transformer voltages. The essential components' pf this device are: 1) automated electronic models of generator stations, 2) automate.d.el.ecCronic models of system loads, 3) model of the electrical' UDCg 621.142.33:621.311.153.001.24 Card 1/2 _kCd__N_R,_t_AP70031.00 bower network, 4) automated electronic models of regulated transformars,"5) instrumentation for measuring total losses In the power network, 6) automatic ! find the mose'economica-l.modo of. sys-tem operation, 7) limiter funits 'fo*r voltages .- In the system network 'as'well as' .or'eh~e. lo~V,6A generators.: land synchronous compensators, 8) a measurement panel. The process of Computini lth~ network and Its operation is followed-up stop by stop and the usefulness iof each of the simulator components Is thereby precisely defined. -The device !described here makes it also possible to stabilize thq_oPtIq M944_09..qY .. . I . qpj tem. ,pperation automatically and without interru Orig. art'4 hass 2 figures and 3 formulas. EJP,'S: 37p47g SUB CODE: 09 SUBM DATE: 2ONov64 network planning r,.4 80) AUTHORS: Pinohuk,.I.S.0 Candidate,of Technical. SOV/105-60-1-16/25 ienceFi So kin Candid te of A a ., ,_ ~ ' ~ Technical Sciences /7 TITLE: Some Methods of Improving the Characteristics of Reactors With Direct Current Magnetization ,z/ PERIODICAL: Slektrichostvol 1960, Nr 1, PP 78-80 (USSR) ABSTRACT: The so-called characteristics of simultaneous magnetization B, - f(H,~ I Hj are often taken as initial date for the oom- puting of reactors with magnetization (Refs.lp2). BN is the mean value of the amplitude of the alternating component of the magnetic induction. R,, is the mean effective value of.the alternating component of the core magnetic field. H is the mean value of the constant field strength component ;f the: magnetic field.--!. The results of experimental investigations of the influence of some factors on the form of the character- istics are given here. To utilize the power of a motor &Vite peak speed as completely as possible* it is necessary to make Card 1/2 the voltage in the reactor get smallest. This can be achieved Some Methods of Improving the Characteristics of SOV1105-60-1- 16/1-0'r, Reactors With,Direot Current Magnetization by reducing B, p at a chosen number of"windinga of thelworking winding and core cross section. From this toint of view it Is desirable to obtain characteristics of-i'simultaneoue mapetiza- tion, at which there to A; Pmalleat poij,oiblo Anolination lit thoir initial atago, doponding not only on tho type of steel but tl~ also on a number of other factors. The characteristics of a reactor with two magnetic conductors (Fig 1) for example, can thus be altered by varying the gap 6.-' By increasing 6, the B" value can be reduced by 15-200 for the,~greatest field'intensity of the magnetic field. The explanation for'thie process is given. Based on these statements, the shape of the shoot proposed in the paper (Ref 1) is unsuitable, the air gap being practically nil for this design. A considerable improvement of the reactor characteristics can be obtained by using split working windings (Fig 3). An explanatioa for this improvement is given. There are 5 figures and 2 Soviet veferences, SUBMITTED: June 13t 1959 Card 2/2 112-57-8-16469D Translation from: Referativnyy zhurnal, Elektrotekhnika, 1957, Nr 8, p 65 (USSR) AUTHOR: Zykin, F. A. TITLE: ;L__P_o_es_15_1e_1R`crease in Carrying CapacRy of Electric Half-Wave Tuned Transmission Lines (Vozmoz1tnosti uvelicheniya propusknoy sposobnosti liniy elektroperedachjnastroyennykh na poluvolnu) ABSTRACT: Bibliographic entry on the author's dissertation for the degree of Candidate of Technical Sciences, presented to Tomskiy polite!thn. in-t (the Tomsk P'olytechnic Institute), Tomsk, 1956. ASSOCIATION: Tomskiy politekhn. in-t (the Tomsk Polytechnic Institute) Card 1/1 MKIII) ?.A., kand,tekhn.nauk Problem concerning current distribution and looses in half-wave tuned elo'ctric power tremmiesion lineos EnerIg. abor. no.2t104h, 1?1 159. 11GRA 15:1) (Electric power distribution) MOV It V.1f.- - kand. tekhn onauk; ZYKIN I F. A 0 kand. tekhn.nauk; USHAKOVj I.M. . ksnd.teLE.-~~ Device for measuring the total power losses in the model of an a.ce network* Izv. vyss uchebe zave; energ. - 5 no,1:37-42 J& 162. (HIRA: 15:2) 1. Chelyabinskiy politekbnicheakiy institut. Predstavlans. kafedrami elektricheskikh stantsiy, setey i sistem; tooreticheskikh oanov elektrotelrbriki; ekonomiki promyshlennosti. i or~anizatsii proizvodstva. (Electric power distribution) ( analy-~6rs) ZYKIR, P.A., kand,telrhn.nauk Losses and efficiency in an electric transmission line tuned,on a half-wave. Izv.vys.,ucheb.ziave; energ. 2 no.12:11-14 D 159. (MA 13:5) 1. Chalyabiuskiy politakhnicheski3r itotitut. Predstavlena kafedroy teoratichookikh ounov elaktrotekhnilci. Mectrio lines) th ZYKIN, F.A., kand. tekhn. nauk (Chelyabinsk); LYSKOVp Yu.I.i inzh. (Moskva) Tuned electric power transmission lines. Blektrichostvo no.12: 81-83 D 163. (WRA 17:1)i 1;11 IRII IMR, I ON Ono RMIM, P11 UP MWE MI .......... P.A., kand.tekhn.nauk Equation of heterogeneous electric transmdouion lines and ways processes under steady-state conditions* Imvovysoucheb.zav.; energ. 3 no.5:46-50 Yr 160. (MM 13:6) 1.,Chelyabinskiy politelthniqheskiy institute (Alectric lines-Overhead) ZyIdn, F. A* "The possibUlty ofincreasina; the carrytng capacity of electric tra;nsmi.ssion linms tuned:to the half-muve." Tonsk Order of Mbor Red :Ntnner Polytechnic Imt imeni S. M. Kirov. Tomsk, 1956# (Diusertations for the Degree of Candidate in Technicial Science) So: Knizhnaya letopis', 1%. 27, 1956.' Moscow. Pagrl-ls 94-109; 111. ZYKIN,-F.A.-,.kand.tekhn.nauk Wave processes in the normal operation of electric power transmission lines with aeries and parallel connected re... actanoes throughtautthe line. Snerg. abor. po.2:46-54 '59, (MIRA 15-1) (Electric power distribution) (Electric lines)