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lo. ~.n~ j~ c9i A", ot frum nit orlXl6l Rusdi Prfo 3r. 4d, Rcv(elml fii!hi Dhimond Rm, is luo; min, (ms),-4-lhe ctotr~(cul 4mirovItfilts and physIcAl nod medanf-ml ptn~Cf4S nf Vnr;AMS tOl 4 ft%A'4.4j;l* -arefliscussed. of the mw matetfixtv. 6rdk st4rdid bwo a Rmliqp;i; I &fans. AM-, Ml, ALC.. it. 137f)j Speclot njetbod; at U&IJLic- irg thcqe tcw4s afe 4esetified. mrA rt;c=nmtvf%dmn em tltclr Iltue- u. -7 -it Mi 101113111101 mlmmwbwu~ I - USSR/Zooparasitoloey. Infusoria. Abs Jour: Ref Zhur-13iol.) No 17., 1958Y 7693ti. Author Chibiras, P.;.gyMs. Inat Title On the Compliections of Dalantidiosis. Orig Pub: Sveikatos apsauea, 1957, No 3, 17-21. Abstract: No abstract. Card I III IW . I I . . . . . . . . . . . .in G ZYGELIS, V. Endobronchial intubation with the use of it bmcheastame. Svaik. Apsaug. no.4:30-32 164. 1. Vilniaus gelezinkelio ligoninea chirurginis sk-yrixis (Ligonines virsininke - E. Patruliene chirurginia 0,yriaus virsininkas- med. m. kand. B. Efrasaa~, I M I; ti ZYGIEREWICZ. Janusz Influence of Re coupling circuits on -the interchanrel cross- talk values of multiplex systems with modulated pulse phase. Inst laczn prace 11 no.2:9-26 t64. 1. Submitted May 30, 1963. M! 'j"JaRg WIN MW M_ M_ 134 cuff 1111111 OlHI r-gr CAbode follower for i)Peratirn. Rnegl ~telakom 36, no.7/9t 204-21-0 Ji-Ag'61, 1., Institute of Communjulat-IL,Jr.. _'~Tlmvvw. hu 0! I 'WFIl iF llff&f. ; 791 El In ZTGMT, Zenona (Warosawa, ui. Hagistracka 27 m 6) Directed bacterial variability-. Polski t7go4. lek. 9 no.32:1022- 1014; conclo 9 Aug 549 (BACTMIA, variability, directed) ZYGIFMI 'anon& -4,k Filtrable forms of bacteria and their cliltical alenifleance. Polaki tygod.lak. 10 no.33:1097-1101 15 Aug 055, 1. Z Instytutu Doskonalania I Specjal,lsacji Kadi Lelceirskich; kierownik: prof.dr mad. Walenty Hartwig; kt"rowalk:UUMn Charob Dsiecl: prof.dr mad. T. Lew~nflx%-Wojnjirowsk&. Waresswa- Kolo, u1. Magistracim 27. (BAUMA filtrabla forms. review) (PLMWPM.T%IONIA-LIKI ORMISM, review) EM I RON IPMOIIMMM IN MM 4, M_~ L IF"-' /Pharnacology - Toxicology, Metal. containipg goulpounds. U-8 Abs Jour Ref Zhur - Biol.3 No 31 1958) 13081 Author Levenfisz-Wojwrowsks T., Zygiert, Z. Inst 'Title The Treatwnt of Mionic Artie ar: newi%ti:amiln ahildren vith Gold Preparations. Ori g Pub Folskie arch. med. wewnetrz.., 1955, 25, ifo 62 1285~-1292 Abstract Six.patients (6-12 years old) vith. chronic articular rheu- matism were treated vith oil prepaxationi3 of: EjAd (.9019D- nal B). The meditation was iajeeted intrazusemlsx4 in a dose of 4-8 mg. q.d., 36-62 m5. per courl5e of,,treatuent. -was clinica-11,y cured and another~si i an- One patient g~ fic tly improved. Side effects vere noted 111 4 ~'tients- in two patients-albuminuria and hematurii, vhich disap- peared soon after cessation of the treatj:eut,~'In OM6 Pa- tient -hemorrhagic diathesis and in another patienV- a papulax eruption. The authors believe that the :Card 1/2 ZTGIERT,-,Zen*na;GRZTBOW3KA. Jozefa. No translation. Polski tygod. lek. 12 no-33.-1267-1269 12 Am 57. 1.(Z II Kliniki Ghorob Dzieciecych A. M.; kierownik: prof. dr.. M. MWialowictj Adres:.-Wttrszawa, ul. Litewsks. 16. 11 Kliniks, Chorob Dzieciecych A. MO (RIBMWISM, in infant and child., Wissler-Fanconi synd. (Pol)) P I ~ III ~fflmmffl v , (~- / A- p f '-- r'- -V JZJMjSZ-WOJMMVSU, TeGf ilia* ZIGLM, Zenona Saleroedema.adLiltorum. Polski tygod. lek. 12 no.43:1645-1648 28 Oct 57. 1. Z II Kliniki Chorob DzIeciecych A. M.; kierownik:,prof. dr M. Hichalowics. Adres: Warszawa, u1, Litewslot 16; 11 Klin, Chor. Dzieoiecych A. K. (SoLmum ADUI-Tomm' clin. aspects (Pol)) ZYGIERT. - Zenona Role of the thymus and immunology. Wlad. lek. 18 no.7-.553-555 1 Ap 165 1. Z* Oddzialu Onkologii przy Katedrze :Radiol,ogii. llediatrycznej Alcad6mii Madyc2nej w Warazawie (Kleromiikt~prof. dr. med. K. Ro'Anski). -7YnTRRT-,zenona Studies on the mutual relationship between erythrocy-te sedimontation and sarmi protein fractions. Acts. phyoiol pol 12'no.3:455-41SI 161. 1. Z ILI Kliniki PeOlatrycznej A.M. w Warazawie p.o. Kierowni1c., prof. dr T. lewenfisz-Wojnarowska. (BLOOD PROTEINS) (BLOOD SEDDIE]TUrION) ZYGIEIG, Zenona Effect of the preservation of serum at C37C, on the rate of erythrocyte sedimentation. Acta physiol pol 12 no,3S1,63-468 161. 1. Z II Kliniki Pediatrycznoj A.M. w Warazawie p.o Kierownik: prof. dr T. Lewenfisz-Wo narowska. iBLOOD SEDIMENTATION) LrdMISZ-WOJnROWS1rA, T,; ZYGIXRTO W.; IESLAK, H. Clinical aspects and pathogenesis of 1upas arythematoeum. Pediat, Polelm 34 no.11: 1449-1460 159. 1. Z II Eliniki Padiatryoznej A.M. w Warusawis. Kierovnik Kliniki., Ho -Hiohalovicz. Zastepoa, Kierownilm: T. Ivorenf iss-WoJuarowska. (WFO IRYTMMTOSUS in inf.& child.) LWMISZ-WOJNAROVSKA, T.,- ZTGIIRT, H. A case of lupas arythematon". Pediatopoluke. 34 no.11: 1423-14?6 '59. 1.-Z Il Iliniki Pedlatryamej A.M. w Warexawis., Kierownik; prof. dr. mad. K. Micholovioz. Zastepos. kierovnikat T.Lm- wenfisz-Vojng owsks. (WPUS IRTUMATOBUS in lnf,& ohild,) PITMAN, P. P. ZYGLYGPVSKTY, A. 14. 29857 0 tyeplotyekhnikye chyerdakov I sokharanyerdi zhyelye-,.noy krov:li. (P.slmo v ryed s primyeoh. ryed.) Gorkhoz-vo moolcvy, 1949, No. 8, a. 35-36 SO:ILTTOPIS' NO.40 ACC NRs AP6028009 SOUM CLTS: AUTHCR: Seidler, R. (&4;Lneer); Zygma, A. (FmgLneer) -13 46 CRG:. Kloment Gottwald Vitkovice Iron Works,, Ostrava (Vitkwdcke ?Ale%*M K.G.) TITIE: Anthracite as substitute fuel in ore aggloweratinn. SOURCE: Hutnik, no. 3, 1966s, 3.15-ne coke, solid fuel, fuel propertyp metallvargIc industry ABSTRACT; Because of a shortage of coke, anthracite ~ is a ~ -,c&luable substituie fuel for iron ore agglomeration in Csechoelovakia - 30-40% of or4m powder =q be i replaced by anthracite, provided the combustion beate are equal,,4ekkout any deteriamtim of the quality of the produced agglomerate. ' The importance of finding additional substitute fuels for coke is emphasized. OtIg. wt. has$ I figure aid 7 toaee (jPRSt 36,6461 SUB COM. 21 05 SUBM DATE t nmA SOW REFi 003 OTH RIW: 004 C Cwd ,AjI i~m i &a I~.-c inlnl -, iy,,r .C', - i(!~%l "P r t),,. r L 4 1 .1 71 p j, j, J'j, U f~ f; 71 Sn plo .1 11) 1959, Ito. 68307 Ity-narz ewstle, J. ; J,3,r, A F. T1 JUI, The Conanarison of Praceqzos Involving fl-e fc,-;~noval of iron ancl Manpitnesp from Weil "Water, Vlat C-.cur4 ,opjc,. pV.,B. Go-snod, vvena, 1058, M, No 11, 4,M1.411,1H, No 10, 475-4:76 ABSTPACT Prenanfczd are of -Llvj Firat str-n, of the worit involving i-a-estiration of tto cffecti-,enoss a,~ iron and manfra-veso renovril from woll wuA4~r, ner-PnYmed cm 'the filter 1-yi)os of I'acs folloirl-ag c(,ntaet, A.K. 11,~. (USSR)p ranid, sn-ray- inp. The most effective fil-tration vras att-ained mi tile conl~'Act and A K Kli filters~ Mie. m-iravitily P;It~,,r nresents f, 11 TUS i d Droble d1fricillties 3'r) itp. nmersition. ZAybevska *in V,e S1,ore Infiltration Wi,i,lv Processes Occuring tn the Filters. Card; Pole. and tasks of sanita-,I-Lon enizine-ors and the rural. byglam In .11mian Vrov1wc-. Gaz wodij. tedin annit 17 no.11079-380 N 163. if' it 14d4imag ZYGMANOWSKI, Yr., dr inz. Characteristics of the a:ctivities of n Branch of the Polish Asoociation of Sazitation Engi Techidaians, ~rzegi -~efhn 84 no.46.-6 17,*-N'63, 1. Przewodniczacy Oddzialu P616ki &go inzynierow I Technikow Sanitarnych., Poznan, I I TT~ I 'J k1saimm :mlM-202M H EURHUX-Vt Ellis* v; M I w.245 I'VErl W I I III 7PIVERBIN 011 111111MIll fill: U ZYGIV-1110113KI) "Organizat*.on of the work of Sawing Lumber in Carpsmtrytf, (Conclusion) p. 1% (PIRZEMO-L DRZ177.4111Y, Vol. 5, No. IOY Oct# 1954, Warszawa, Polard) SO: Monthly List, of East European Accessions, (EEAL), LCt Vol. 4, 110- 5, MY 1955, Uncl. IMP, fill! iid:[ kf:~ i"i'iffIfflim mi . .......... 1 41 il's im 4 4 it -M 'A 4LrAhl Ito. 1 2 1 141111111111111 PIM I z 'FRE V, NOT, 1,;K I Z. "Organization of the 111ork of Sawing Lutiiber In Carpentry", (To be contd..) P. 19, ( MTEMMM nmm~',-nrf, Vol. 5, No. 9, Sept. 1954, Warsvinlia, Poland) SO: Monthly List of DiA European Accessions, (ZEAL) IP Vol, 4, No, 5, 1'rY 1955, Unal. Jim. -11111 Analytic func- IX5aks. ~t-_Iil -W, -adapu "1,nl. ~ .. , tions- Traimlatud by ')~:tafie Mate- Illatyune, Tom XXV111. Pokkie Towarzy two Mate- mat),cuie, %VarsmW&%Vl'OC1aWj 1932. viii-1-451 MathemUcal Reviews This is a translation of the atithora' Funkcje Analityune Vp1. 14 No. 11 (Vol. X of tile Sallie series, 1938]. :1 text whi(h, in spite of Dec. 3-953 linguktic difficulliLs, obtained cowiiderable. fame ootside Analy5is Poland for its. thoroughness, clarity, and originality of presentation. The authors have draim oil both the "get). metric" and "arithnietic. " approac lies to tll(! sl~Fj)ject, arid cover consMerably more na terial th4ri is timial in art intro- ductory text. One of the novel f6twes k tile early intro- duction of Runge's theorem arid it~ application to farilitate the proof (31 Cauchy's theorem imimther results, Conformal i apping is disciiised rAitively late.Thegenc-ral part of tile m book is followed 1)), three chal)[crs. obt! (,it ctifiri-mill pwrw nint-phic fimcHons, one on ellip6c hm(tiowi, and fill(- oil 1'(9), r(5) and Dirichlel seriei. Tht-,tranghtimi lirl- Fill Hit mia I ic. I'- If ZYMUNT, H. Calculating the power of electric engines for mine railroads. P.48 PIRZE)GLAD CORNICZY. (Stowarzyszenic Naukowo-Techniczne lnzytdfrrow J. Technikow Gornictwa) Katowice, Poland Vol-15, no.1/2 Jan./Feb. 1959 Monthly list of East European Accessions (MAI) ILC, VoL8, n0-7, Jul-Y 1959 Uncl. MIZGAISKI,Witold; ZYGXM.Irena Paper microolectrophoresis of proteinim. Postepy biochem 6 no.2: 239-242 160. (BIWD PRMIES, chem. rectiftefi1ranstswitzedetr it-, Ou ABSTRACT:_'After a.brkf descripttmW_ the: method continW~sii.4~tiiot 6 -of: ling t' ot enc'- - the ~rincl~le of oj*'r',t'don d j6tatiedfrodly-action m ors by adjusting the supplyfrequ- frequency converter employing a'thyratron trigger dircult is di wussddj"! and, some !Mal teal ratt on expressions of its performance are presented.' A thjree-phas(~ Toveroc."c9upled t rectifier circuit, used In the trigger I circuit, t:the mean output*14tagevof whichl de nds on the usned an well Ahe toinditiotts of the tri 'e'r dircult position of the triggering pulses, Is dise as for o6taining.sifiusoldal output voltage. The advantages of usl~# tran,~Idttors lit thO trigg'er circuit- are pointed out. , The, equivalent circuit ~ of the convertei~ is di~cqss.ed. H.6dultwobtataed - with an experimental model of such a converter using TC 3.2/f.51 guAlUed tllkxrWon~ and driving a 3-kw asynchronous motor are presented. The system Inikes it possi 1e ~to viry the 1.: 16.736 621 UDC: 62 .313.3q3 C..,d 1/2 j - - - - - - JHT' do i r -: 1 1. zi; '111-11 At Li L I i-I , RW ,p i, , ar i - - W dr. in I . -- - P 1117., J., mg-r. inz.; KUS, Amlrzej~ m V r . n "' . Review of the technical press., Przegl mech 24 no.2:56--61 25 Ja t65. lot ~UIIMIP11611411111111 MOIJIMI 1111111M ZYGMET, Kazimierz (Gdanak) -vr.- . - m, Results of studies on the influence or mafoftal and dwiign Parameters on thn UgnoCol bearings under mixed friction conditions. Archiv bud masz 11 no-3:667-6?7 164. ZXGMUBT,.LLzimierz (Gdansk) DevelopWout of the machine for dynamic tieting of radial bearlAgee Archiw " masz 9 no.3441-450 962. IP014ANID I ROI)Z'.'V-v'.rCZO Jerzy; Hn-TCITM, Z7t7niunt and '.11TURISKA CI .InicLof Barmatolqsv' 1XIInt a;Derm,-Itoloot -opmv or Us AV, CAkademitt. Medyozna MadId&l:3ohooI,'7 %ubliji, Director: , in I Prof tr Cz. IRYLL-ITARDZENSEls arid thr, Institutp. of Miedical Miarobiology (Zaklad Mikrobiolog-ft Lekarsklej) 04' the AM jr- Lifolin, Director: Prof T)r J. FARNASS. JL'Ity-~trIeptolysbis lii:. s 6m 6Skin Dise a9$01 W~~Sawj. 'Pa, Lekiirski Vol, XVI 8~ 18 p Iski Tvq6d~ eb 19631 PPM-o2t$T Abatra6t:j-,uthorA! Zngltsis SU - ni-I ar it M(~dlii,9147 T~e ASO aiit'~ T~jslns A I w a i 20*:p tients suftering strepto~ tre detervdxe~ ir. 4 -a from diseaf3es. A -58 puti, ta'~ With Otaph, lo, vhonp~ 64 V ~ coacia wid streptacoc,,- lc. skin: int O*at !on tl'tre~mbove 200 u/cC Wai datox-mined in 27.6 p4raeat of the 'oaibf~r, airong 22 na- tiente vith crural u1ceration't :in 22.7 pereent. Amicncr ~ pa-: tients with bacterial allergic erythrodermia the artv,'-'!jtreD- 1 2 387. A CLINICAL AND RADIOLOGICAL STUDYOF FJ.7'~%NLL. S'udio cli- nico e radiologico (let torace ad imbuto - Z M t K ad WI a d y s - ~yu n 1% . a 'ERVA law K. Accad. di Med., LaClin. (it k CC intern, ructivia - AILN MED. (Torino) 1058, 49/53 (2623-2630) Graphs 3 Illus.: 13 Funnel chest is a flat chest with a depression in the middle of the anterior thoraci,- wall, dLffering from that In cobbler's chest. It is regarded as a congenital malfor- mation of frequently familial nnture (2256 of the cases studied); it occurs more often tendinous part of the in niales, and I probably due to a congenital shortening of the diaphragn). The present study deals with 152 cases, whith art- 6-assified radiolo- gically into 3 groups according to severity, on the basis of an.ind-!;, expressing the ratio between the shortest ante roposte rior diameter in the lateral teleradiograin anti the maximal sternovertebral length above the narrowing. Kati iologic ally,. the following characteristics were found: (1) unusual lai ge sizatir the chest; (2) low position of the diaphragm, (3) curvature of the spine;(4) slight leftward displace- ment of the cardiac shadow. Clinical, ECG and baUistocardiographic stud, ure determinations, etc. , have shown that 6 correlation existo between the degree of the niaLformation ~nd the leequency and intensity of the subjective und functional disturbances of the carotocirculatory system. In the severest cases, opcratioll~ds indicated (Sauerbruc Mayer, Dorner, Lester. Chin, Adler). A description is given of a case as It was both berare and -after operation (Oszacki); the surgical treat- ment was successful in this case. Vidal -Udine, (XIV, 15, 19) Vol 1216 Gen. Path. Junfii 59 -1 1286. EXPERINIE.NTAI. STUDIES ON HYPEREILGIC FNI71'ANIMINTION ilifowski K. . Krygier A. anti Zyymun"%1, - ~NTIFJC socig,ry MEDICAL "It O.T (,,)7 n 1) V.4) 11 ) 1 57 (irt jng Graphs 23 Tables 35 Illus. .17 Repeated s. c. administration of foreign blood serum U) rabbits produced th following changes: (1) During the first 10 (lays: (a) an increase of a,- 910blilins in Vie blood serum and a decrease of albumins; (b) great reticulum cells anti giant cells in the spleen; (e) In the heart ocoema. decrease ofacid mueopolyouccharide level of chondroitin-sulphuric acid type, and in increase in acid muropoiv-4.1cchar- ides of hyaluronic acid type, changed staining reactloa-i of connective W.,sue fibres (fibres of 8 type), appearance of histiocytes and diffuse infiltration of lymphocytes. (2) After 10-30 days: (a) an Increase Inal- and -y-globulins. (b) many lymphoid colls and lymphocytes in the spleen, the great reticulum cells and giant evils'di"Sippear- ing; (c) further damage to the stromal and vnsrular connective tissue or the heart, with fibrinoid deposits, homogenization, necroses of the vascular Walls ' rocal infiltration with histiocytes and lymphold cells. In the final stage of this period these changes return to, normal. (3) Administration of a provoking close aggravates the changes -POLPM/H~umn-and-Animal-Rlysiology--~-Physiolo6W_pf Work and Sport. Abs Jour : Ref Zhur - Biolo, No 7., 1958) 32298 Author : Dutkiewicz, J.S., Giec. L., Drause, M,, Strzoda, L., zygaunt, M. Inst, : Title : Changes in Humn Or6anism During Work in Conditions of Dry Heat in an Insulated Gasmask and Without It. Orig Pub Acto physiol. polon., 19561 7, No 2, 169-184. Abstract In 130 healthy mining rescuers in a chamber with a tempera-~ ture of 39-470 and low humidity and with radiation and nov-, ement of air, the hemodynamic was studied both at reet and during performance of standard physical work iu the course of 2 hours. In 49 rescuers working without gasmasks, there ,was noted an'avorage a drop in the weight of 1,45:t 0#05 kg, rise of oral teWerature to 37.56 T o-or, arripit tem- perature 37.50:t 0-080,,,rectal 38.1 0#110. Card 1/2 160 FRI, M, "PI, POLUTD/Human- and- Ardial - Sport. Abs jour Ref Zhur - Biol., No 7, 1958, 32298 The 02-enriched air which the tested rescuers breathea In the insulated gasmask exerted a normal Influence on the organisn, of the workers. ~-Mlkv U-11111 III[": lift 1UNIIIIII ZYGXUNT, SnbellL; ZIBBICKI. Lymphoearcoma of the small intestine complicated by acute peritonitis. Polski przegl. chir., 31 no-1:105-110 Tan 59-~ 1. Z III Kliniki Chirurgicznej Slaskiej A. w Bytomiu Kierownik4. prof. dr mad. M. Trawinski i z Oddzialn Chirurgiaznego szpitala . Niejskiego nr 2 w Sosnowcu Ordynator: dr mad. 0. Wroblewski. Adreo autora: Jerzy Ziebicki. Sosnowiec, ul. Rozvojowa 21, (LYMPHOSAMOMA. compl, small intestine,with per4tonitis (~61)) (IMMSTINZ, SMALL, neoplasms lymphosarcom, with peritonitii (Pol)) (MITONITIS, t.-ompl. lymphosarcoma of small intestine (Pol)) ZYGMUNTOWA.9 ja(twiga, rgr Chemical ccmposition of the flesh of carp in two popilat.iDna of different denaity. Acta hydrobiol 163. 1. Zuklad B-4ologil Wodj Polska Akudemia Nauk, KrL&.ow,, "3e4e inzynierem r4talurgierj. (Idytt. 1.) 'War-,.z,-:vaa (Xzt4j. "?,-.natwovego ify"m-'.Ifn~ Naukowego) 1953. 14 p. (I will be a mt-,illuridial engine er. illus.)" SO: East European Accessions List, Vol 3. No. 8, A119 1954. I ~ - IVASZKIEWICZ, Taroslaw; MOZOLEWSKI, Erwin; ZD'ROJ'EWSICI,-- Jerzy;-,ZTGMT7lTOWICZ, MOZOLEWSKI, Erl.4in; HERVY, Tatiana; PI'MA11OWSKI, Zbigniew; Zofia Cortisone in the treatment of esophageal burns. Mcperimental studies. Otolar. polaka 16 no.2:337-352 162. 1. Z Klinikl Otol&ryngologicznoj AM v Gdansku Kierownik: prof dr J. Iwaszkiewicz. (ESOPHAGEAL STENOSIS exper) (CORTISONE exper) ZYK)w The economic impact and industrial sufaty ana reault of electrification oftthe Hit[ ZYK w The economic inpact and industrial safety as a result of oleo trification of the bottom of gassed mines. po 36. PRZBGLO GORNICZY. (Stovarzyezenie HaWcovo-Techniewe Inzynierov i Teohnikow 6i-nic'Wa) Katowice.. Poland, Vol. 15.v~No. 1/2., Jan./Feb. 1959 Monthly list of East European Accessions (E,EAI) ID. Vol. 80 No.*71 July 19 :59. Unal. "Calculating the Pressure on Runni4 Wheeis' in a Cz-ane Crab 6-1, ar. Open-hearth Charging Yachine." P. 145 (HUTNIK, Vol. 20, No. 4., Apr. 1953) Warszawa SO: Monthly List of East European Accessions, Libralary of Congress, Vol. 2,:No.14 October 1953. Unclassified. i p ~6ti;a sell wi 9. %he 'XIVIO diuvICA 'bill in L, c( tile U& . i"g Ou Gila "i'WI, uglilav POLA14D Chemical Technology. Chemical Products. H Ceramics. Glass. Astringents, Concrete. Abs Jour: Ref Zhur-Khimiya, 1958 No20,, 68229. Author, 'Inst No given, Pro'blems,,of Ih Title tensifi.Odti6n-of t,h;p LiWe;Hydratidn Process Encountemd iin'C*omer~iall,,tnbta~llationsis Orig Pub: Cement, Wapno-. GiPs., !1957,, 13.-;$0;7-8P 15.6.-1158-1: Abstract; Experiment~involving,-use of hot:'~a'~ter~!'~in'the hydra~i tion of lime~were.conducted, 1.i'~was,-d6monstrate*d that such a prac ticeq, resulted in,',the ;shortening, of hydration time from:3-15 minut 'es to,l-l 1/~jmin- tilized'Tor utes. Heat of:-lir-e hydration may, be~'U' the preheating of water, It may be removed eitl-er from the storage silos or direat14 ficm a vessel in which hydration was.carried out .2 Kcal/kg of Card-1/2 37 .TANKOWICZ,, Eleoftora; ZYGMUNTOWICZp Zofia Speech disorders in children with an extrapy ramidallbrm of ear3,v infantile cerebral palsy* Neurol. neurochir.,paychiat. pol. 13 no.1:35-39 163. 1. Z Kliniki Cho-rob Nezvowych AM w Gdansku Kierownik KlinN t prof. dr Z. Majewake. i z Kliniki Laryngologimej AM w Gdansku Kierownik Klinikie. prof. dr J, IwaazIdewicz,' SPECH DISORDMS) ~EXTRAPYWMAL TRACTS) (CUMM PALSY) X&GH, Zdzislaw; ZYGOIMAMOWA. 11010M Xffect of mesencephalic anostheoia on radiolodIne metabolism in,the orgauism.Thfpolska, 10 no.I.-19-25:dan-Ka;- 59. 1. 2 Zakladu Patologil. Ogolnej i Doewiadexalnej M. w Xrrkowis Kierownik: prof..dr B. Gideodons. Adres Autorov:'Krako w. ul. Csysta. (IODINB, metabolism, eff. pf methylthiouracil ohenobarbital,,radioigotope study (Pol)) (PHOO13AMITAL, eff. on radiolodine metab., with metbylthiouracil:(POW (THIOURACIL rel. apda. met~;Ithiouracil, eff. on~raclioiodine metab.~,!Iylth phenobafhital (Pol)) L1aZYO, S.; ZYGUISU-YACHOWA. H. Blood sugar curves of the rabbit after irritation of the resipiratory tract, Prsegl, lek., Krakow 8 no, 11030-341 1952. (CIML 23:5) 1. Of the Institute of General an& Aperimentil Pathology (Read-- Prof. B. Giedoes, N.D.) of Krakow Medical Acadesq. LIWSZYC, S.;ZYGUISK&-MLCff0WA, ff. Bl,.~od svgar curves following irritation of the respiratory tract in rabbit; further studies and conclusions. Prsegl. lek. Krakow9 no.2: 55-57 1953. CDC-6 214 1. Of the Institute of General and IVerimen~tal Pathology (Head-4'rof. B. Giedosz, M..D.) of Krakow Medical Academy. IJ I,, IF , I IVI [Elf ........ .... . BAK, S.; ZYGUISKA, H. Pre- and postgastrectomy studUs on glycogeai and:;laotia acid in blood In gastrectonW for peptic ulcer. Polski p3~ibgl. 0~hir.' 25 no'. Feb 1953, (GIML 214.4) 1. Of the Second Surgical Clinic (Read--Pr*f. K.:MicheJda, 146D.) and of the Institute of General Pathology (Head-Prof. Gie'dosz, M.D.), Krakov Medical Academy, --UGUIZICA;my'A CHOWA$-- Kilo tLa -- - ------- ZYGULSKA-WHOWAO Helena Iffect of cobalt on hamopoi6tic funotlom of the liver. ?at* Polake, 5 no.iWX-78 JOAr 1540' 1. Z Zakladu fttologii Ogolnej i Doswiadozslnaj Ak&bmii KOWNUOJ, w Irrakowie, Ilierownik: prof, dr wed. B.Gjed6exe (LIVO, atfoot of drugs on'. *cobalt, hemop6istic funot. changes4n ma) (COMITi effects, *on liver hemopoisitic funct. in rate GUZEK, Jan, W'; ZTGULSKA-MACHOWA, Helena; SUM, Loslaw; RMINSA, Zomm; -GIEDOSZ: -B-r0-nr9j"W^- Central regulation of carbobydrate metabolism in~ bypotbermin. Polski tYgn&. lek. 10 no-3ftl233-123? 19 Sept 55. 1. Z Zakladu Patologil Ogoluej I, Doswiadeizalanj A.K. w Krakovie: prof. dr. med. Bronislay Giedosz. Krakow, ul. CzyetaL 18 Zaklad Patologii Ogolnej i Doewiadezalnej A.M. (BODY TIUMTURI, bypothermia, off. of pbenobarbital on idarbohydrate. motab. in)* (GARBOHTDRATES, metabolism, off. of pfienobarbital in hypotherml (BAIMITURATIM, L of fact 11 pbenobarbital, on carbobydrate meiab. in h7pothervila) t SZAFRAN, Leslaw; R124BIRSA, Boman; GUZEK, S46-N C WA: He Tan; f 150T B ro A i a, fief Central regulation of carbobydrate metabolism in hn~othermia. Pol9ki tygod.lek.10 no.46:1492-1496 14 Nov. 155. 1. Z Zakladu Patologil Ogolnej I Doswiadxalnej 1L.M. w Krakowie,- kierownik: prof.dr med. B. Giedoes-Krakow, Eaklad Patologii Ogolnej i Doswiadxalnej A.M. (HTMTHLMMA, controlled, off. of pbenobarbital"-on,carbobydratek, (BARBITURATES, effects. phenobarbit4l, bu carbobvdrate metab~ in'cont. hypothermia) (CAM-OHYDRATES, metabolism, off. of phonobarbital in controlled b"othervia) j 3ZAFRAN, Lealaw; REMIESA, Roman; GUZEK., Jan, W.. ZYOULSKA-.KACHOWA, Helena Effect of prolonged luminal aneathesi& on car bohydrate motabolisio -in bypothermin In animals. Yat. PolakA 7 lad-3:231-239 July-Sept 56. 1. Z Zakladu Patologii Ogolnaj I Doswladczainej A'.M. w Krakowie Kierownik: prof.~ dr, med. Br. Giedosz, Kra6w, Zalclaa Patologit A.M., Czysta 18. (BWOD SUGAR, off. of phanobarbital anesth. In hypothermla in animals (Pol)) (PHENOBARBITAL. anaXgesia and anesthesia, off. on'~Iood sug& hypothermikAn animah (Pol)), (HYPOTHER!'(1A, experimental, off. of phanobarbital aneath. on b1 ooa sugar in animals ~PO7-)) ZYGULSKA-MACHOWA, Helena a. The hormon i system and oxalic acid in tho blood. -Polski tygod..lek.-11 no.43:1827-1829 22 Oct 56. 1.~(Z Zakladu Patologii Ogolnej i Donw. A.M w Krukovie: Kierownik: prof. dr. mad. Bronislaw Gladooz) adrous Krakow, ul. Czysta 18. (ACTH, effects, on bl6od oxalic'acid (POW (01.UATES, in blood off. of ACTH (Pol)): _-EXCMnAAWIdkZd~V61_._QO :C2 Internal HedicUe D156 7137. MACH B. and ZYGULS)KA H. klin. Chorob Zakatnych, Krakow; Zmkt. Patol.* Ogdlnej L DoSwraWc-Z1UF6T.--Kmkdw. *Glikogen we krwi na He przemlany wqg" lowodanowejuchorychnatqz,3c. Blood~glycogen level and carbo- hydrate metabolism in cases of tetanus PRZEGL,LEK. 1956. 12/1 (25-29) Tables 4 No correlation was found between the blood glycogen level and the courao of the disease. Gibidski - Bytonk z is law-,TOCZYSX I lotline metaboliam In hypothermia. Polski tygod. lek. 12 no.41: 1571-1575 14 Oot 57. 1. Z Zakladu Patologii Ogolnej i Douwiadozalnej A. H. w Krakowis', kierownik: prof. dr mad. Bronislaw Giedosz. Adree: Krakow, ul. Csysta 18. (10DINA, metabolism* eff. of bypothermia & Phenobaxbital anesth. in animals (Pol)) (PHANOBARBITkL, anesthesia and analgesia, eff. on Iodine metab. in animk1s (Pol)) (HYPOTiMMIk, effects, same) -~~~ZMLSKA-41ACHWA, Helenaj WIWZEK, Zygmun4 Study of glutath-tone, protein anu microelactroohoraois of soluble proteins in experimental traiunatic, catarapt. Klim. oama 35 no.2053-358 165. 1. Z Kliniki Chorob Oczu Akademli Pledymnej w Krukovie (Kierownik.- prof. dr. med. M. Vilezek). Z trim i NO IN I IVA W- 14 In -9 M. R MI I I FINES, m m m m m I ZYGUIZU-MACH, Helena Congenital cataraot In the light of studies, cm 91-Lathlone and microelectrophoreais of the soluble proteins of the lenso Acta med. Pol. 5 no.4s421-438 164 lo The Ophtalmologioal Clinic,, Medical Academyq Cvuoow (Directom Prof. dr. 11. VUezek)* WILCZEKI Marian; ZYGUISKA-RACHMIA.,, Rsle-na; WILLZU, Zygmixit Modern treatment of herpetio keratitis. Pol. tylT.. lek. 19 lio.27t 1035-1037 6 To 164 1, Z Klimiki Chorob Ocat AkademR HP(lyemeti v, Kvt~kvwlp,; kbirownik prof. dr. Miu-tan Wilczok. oil POLAND/Pharmacology Toxicology Narcotics. V Abs Jour : Ref Zhur Biol., No 4, 1959, 18485 Author : Szafran, Leslaw; Rembiesa, Roman; Guzek, J~n W.~ ~ygulska-Machoval)i!:Helena Inst Title The Influence of Repeated Introduction of Narcotic Dozes of Luminal on Carbohydrate Metabolism in Cooled Animals, Orig Pub Patol. polsks, 1956, 7, No 3, 231-239 Abstract To babbits, sodium-luminal, was introduced perorally in a dose of 0.05 g/kg for the duration of 10-15 days (1); a number of them were then cooled to 100 (11).~ Sugar cur- ves in I and 11 were flat, without a hYperglycemic phase. The glycogen content in the tissues of,I and II is low; injury to liver tissue was discovered histologicUly. The level of oxalic and ci-lv*ric acids in the blood in- creases in dependence tir. the TO decrease of enyirorment, Card 1/2 ----------- POIAM / Human and Animal Physiology. Inner Secretion. T-7 Abs Jour iRef Zhur - Biologiya, No 11,1959, NO. 3521 Author bboh, Z-;~Zygu.40~a-Nachova, H. Inst Not given Title Effect of Cortisone on Iodine letabolism in the Light of Teats vith ]Radioactive Iodine Orig Pub :Patol. Polska, 1957, 8, No 4, 317-321 Abstract :Following administration,to rate of 5 mg cortisone or 0.25 - 5 u2ite of thyrotropic hormone for 7 dais, the serum concentration of LT131 was riot cbariged.! When thyrotropie hormone and cortisone were a0ministered simultaneously, the serum come j131 decreased. sitration of . The amount of protoin-bound J increased after intro- duction of thyrotropic hormone and decroaaed after corti- sone and cortivone plus thyrotropic hormone. Urinary Oxcretior. of j131. was least in rate which received thyrotropic hormone Card 1/1 TRZEBIATOWSKI, W.; SUICHOWSKA, A.; ZYGMUNIT A Magnetic properties of ura-nirm compounds with arsemic or antimony. Bul chim PAN 12 no.101687-690 164. 1. Institute of Structural Research, Wroclaw of the~Polish Academy' of Sciences and Institute of Inorganic Chemistry of Wroclaw Tecbnical University. Submitted July 25, 1964. Mill MINION I MHMIM I W~ 0 ILI 4 V [,SK] Wl ~olrl; ZVOMUNTO Irma Effoct of chloroqtdne on ~i~n oertim AotA Pol. pliarm. 20 no,6W9.462 163. 1. Z ZaKladu Cliondi Fixycznoj AlademJl M#,dyo.,snej w .11oznaniu Mormiki doc. di, U. Mi2galskl). 1`0LAND Ifurm-m ane Arlinal Ref Physl *ology. T 2,33, lcl~522 106561,j Nitch. Zdzislavt3 Zy Coderd- in T ir, s L, e, s No 26 A r, C, 25,~-C 15 un-, t,-,, of (T12') w,4rc introducc-d cl~,aily in- th.- couu,sc of dayst the ab,,:orptl4cl-, C., Il'l by the; ti.,.,lroid gl",d (I-IG) of rats Inecare incroase6 nn(j a-S Mjg Of ccrtisone (1) were intraduced datly in the f course of 7 daYs. it TH p-n6 T are dmir, . I a . i,,ztere(l v.-ImUltaileoli-Sly, t~ ibaovptioa by. TG is lower than In rats recuiving TH onl.,,r and higher t1lan In rats receivini; I orLI.Y. Vhen 1 or TG vere administered sep-ar--tely tlnoy did 1/2 Cj ry A-ba. A u L' I t (conz) Humlin an~: PjAm"al !;hysiology. T Timer Secretion, Generl:d Pi-oblems. Ref Mir-Siol., 11-1o 239 not change the i131 contents in thp liver, M-64 neyc. and ruselos. TLe sirmIt--viecus Antrudiaction. of T11 and-1 was accQrpan-I.Fd by~ h dilrinutian of I 1131 corruents in the-ve organs. POUND / Human and Animal Physiology. Inner Secretion. T-1 Abs Jour : Plef Zhur - Biologiya, No 1, 1959, No- 3514 Author : Zygulaka4schova, Helona Inst Title : The Endocrine System and Blood Ievels of Oxalic Acid Orig Pub : Polski tygod, lekar., 1957, 12, No 30, 1141-1144 Abstract : Folloving thyroideatomy in rabbits, the oxalic acid concentration of the blood to decreas'ed; additionaI removal of adrenals did not change the concentration. Upon injection of thyroxine (0.25 Zg/kg for lo - 14 days) Into normal rabbits) the oxalic acid blood concentration did not change; upon injection of thyroxine into adrenal- ectomized rabbits, it rose. The blood concentration of oxalic acid is regulated by the hypophysin. Card 1/1 48 POLAM/Humn and 1mimal Physioloa - Body Temperature.' Regulation. T-2 Abs Jour : Buf Zhur - Biol.,, No 13, 1953, 33973 Author : Much, Zdziialaw; Toczyski, Tadeusz; Zygrulskn-Rachowal Holona, Title : The Levels of Iodine Metabolism in Hypothermiao OriG Pub : Polski tyrod. lekar., 1957, 12, -No 41', 1571-1575 Abstract Rabbits were intravenously injected with KI (100 (Vkc;) simultaucously, som, oil the anirals: received intravenous inJections of 0.1 or 0.05 C;lk-a of sodium 'Salts of luzainal for a poriod of 10 days. Then, for,'about 31 hours aII animls (with,tha exception of,controls) were subjected to chi"ing by water containinC; ice, As such hypothen2ia was carried out, the blood's alul the thyroid Glaiidlq (TG) I content became lower&.. TG absorbed 3 times 11C53:0"L I than normlly. In hypothernia, "narcosis of thz dience- phalon" protected TG from losinG I and even increase('- its content, without, however, influencing the abil'ityLof TG Card 1/1 to absorb 1. k---L L 6 x/9. - 14,9 FiCERPTA M-EDICA See 3 Vol 13/5 Endocrinology MaY 59 lh;l. THE INFLUENCE OF THE THYROID GLAND ON THE PYRUVIC:ACID BLOOD LEVEL IN RABBITS - Wplyw tarezycy na poziom k ptro- 'u war gronowego w krwi krdlikdw - ZYIIL~~ chowa It. Zakf. Patol. Og6l. i VodwiadC2alncj Akad"M,, Krakow -T-,%DOKRPOL, 1956, 9/4 (211-214) Graphs 3 Tables I A single dose of L-thyroxine or TSII produced a temporary decr~use or tile pyruvic acid blood level. After administration of L-thyroxine dui ing 7-9 days a marked increase of the pyruvic acid blood level was observed. In thyroidectomize-i animals tile pyruvic acid blood level wag decreas6d. Pt -,On. 777 A. V" KRQILU of the M414;Wilace V890"ll. 0. P. ?.VGIIIVA Olneviery. 20 131 ION-12 OUR -The 14 rcti(m of the Uluvinc. The kuulla-t tum a fiftla AltOLPHAt"I (up toP2.9%. ovrr 45% Wng typkml); Win nn ignitkni in 14 tc, t6%; Fr~Os iS Up to 1.5're in MrAS Cams,; atit; Mft-WtoffOL-SS is above t480*to 15WC. Thn ordy driurfuvck i% wim aduttem Ciao 'Mith Ilyrite. HERVY, Tatiana; MOZOLEWSK10 Erwinj PRUMMIMSK10 Zbipilov; ~AWTSTOWSKL Stanislav; ZEGARSKA, Zofia; ZYGMUNTMICZ JWOA~ Antibiotics and corticoids in the treatment 6f~Aautn lnsophageal,' burns. Pol. tyg. lek. 20 no-5tl63-166 I F165 1. Z Kliniki Otolaryngc,?O iczne Akademii lAzOeMej~'w Gaansk-u 9 (Prof. dr. med. J. Iwanklewic"i i z Zakladu Rstolbgii'i Embriologii Alcademii Medyeznej wGdansku (kiel-lownikt prof. dr, mad. St. Hiller). MOZOL91SKS, fz:-w:!n; PUDIVIOUSKI., ZbIgnic-w- B MIL VT, Tatlanat ZYGMUITT(VICZ, Zof Ia. Corticoids in the treatment of acubs esophageal burns. Clinical obser7ations. Otolaryng. Pol. 1.8 no.4.e4'79-485 1. S KI-iniki Otolaryngoleglorne4 &ii6emli llsdt--.-,znAj v Gdarisku. (Xierownik: prof. dr. med. J. Bmszkiewic;s).