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KLTUCHEKOVA, Y.M., Wirantka; BRIX=, Te.B., student; MIN Tu P
prof.,- doktor takhn.nauk
Dffect of the canntruction of uppers on time expended for
machine sewing. Izv.vys.ucbab.zav.; tek1h.leg.prono no.l:
89-99 (XM 12: 6).
1. 14oakovokiy tekbnologlebaski7 Inatitut logkoy prowyehlennonti,
Rekomendovana kafedroy telchnolo 11 obuvi.
(Shoe Manufactural
KALITA, A.M.1 Insh.; ZYBIN, N.P., prof., doktor teMin.luiult
Tightening of shoe uppers with strings. Izv*vVs.ucheb.xav.:,tekh. no,2:76-60 159o (MM 12:10)
1, Obuvnaya fabrika "Parishakaya komminaP ~for Kalita). 2. Hookov-
skI7 tekhnologicliankiy Institut legkoy promyohlennosti (for
Zybin). 3. Rekomendovana kafedroy tokhnololo-ii obuvi 1408kovokogo
~nkhnologichoskogo inotituta legkoy proqrstilennonti.
(Shoe manufacture)
SAMIANA, Z.V., kand. takhz..nauk;jYSIIT, Tu. P.,,doktor tokhn. i3auk, pr of .
Wfect of the system of preening on the ph~'sicomochanlcal indices
of chrome leather. Izv. vVe. ucheb. zav.; tekh. ieg. prom. no.4:51-61
'59. (WRA 13:2)
l.Mookovokiy tekhnologioheskiy inotitut legkoy promyshlennosti.
Rakomendovana kafedroy takhnologii obuvi.
nYUCHEIKOVA, V.K., aspirantl MIN, Tu.P., doktortnkhn.nank profs
Iffect of the doeigm of the oboe uppers on itime. expanded o3%
mchins stitching, Ilv.vys.uchsbos&v#j takhologoprome noo5t.
95-105 159. OQR& 1314)
1. Haskovskiy tokbraclogichookiy institut, Isakoy -Protwohisimosti.
Relcomandovane kafedroy takhnologit obuvnogo proinvodetva.
(Shoo manufactoi)' (Work measurement)
'Inzh.; ZYBIN, YU.P., doktor tekhnonauk pro
Nonuniformity of lautbar otrotchability. Izv.vVs.-ucbeb.zav.;
tekh.leg.prom, no#5:106-120 159. (KRA 13:4)
1. Moskovokly tekhnologicheskiy inatitut legkoy proqrnhlennosti.
Rekomendovank kafectroy tal.-hnologii obuvnogo proinvodetva.
(Sboe manufaoture) (Leather-Tasting')
Mercury resistance transmitter for measuring large deformations.
in materials. Trudy Inat, mush. Pam, po teor. mah. 19 no.76-.26-33
159. (MIRA lj:3)
(strain gauges)
TSURKAN, V.P.. inzh.: ZYBIN, YU.P., doktor takhu.nauk Prof.
Height of boot tops. Izv.vys.ucheb.zav.; tekh.leg.proms no.3.,
114-118 160. (MIRA 13:8)
1. Moskovskiv tekhnologicheskiy inatitut legkoy piomyshlennosti.
(Boots and shoes-Speoification1s)
ANOXHIN, D.I., inzh.; ZYMN, TU.P., doktor tekhn.nauk, prof.
Investigating the malleability!
,properties of'shoe ~Pper blankiso,
Report No.l: Relationship between the stretababilit.y of shoe
materials and their systems In parallel Jointing. Jzv.VYs.uchsb.
zav.; tekh6leg.prom. no.3:119-125, 160, (HIRA 13:8)
1. Moskovskiy tekhaologicheskiy inatitat legkoy promyshleanosti.
Rekomendovana kafedrcW tekhaclogli obuvio
..(Sboe manufacture)
MIN Yu.P prof.; RMITMOT, S.K., inzho
Diagram of the pressure of the foot on the solo. 1.ozh.-obUv*
prom. 2 no.2:10-13 F 160, 011RA 13:5)
(Boots and shoets) (Foot)
TSILLESH, Tancs [Gilles, Janos]; MARKUSH, Yu. [translator]; Prinimal
uchastiyv_,~TBIN, u.F., prof.
-11pparatus for determining the quality of sole1eather [translated
from the Hungarian). I(ozh.-obuv.prom. 2 no.5:31-35 Mr 16o..
(MIRA 13:9)
"hik I
J Mill
LOPUKTIOVAJ. Ye.N., inzh.; ZYPIN, Yu.P., doktor tekiin. nauk: J---rof.
Design and weaving of ancient Rumaniai~ foo'%V;i~ar. 14-auch, tnOy
RTILP no.27:104-107 t63. (XIFul 17:11)
1. Kafedra tekhnologii izdeliy iz kazhi MosIc.)vskogra tekhnolodi-
cheakogo instituta legkoy promyslilennost.i.
SAOSIJAJSKAS~ Y.V., aoplrarit; 7. YID I fYu . 11 daktor to,~hn. prot.
Ao licatlon ol' lins-ar -rogranrilng in plarn',iij, the cutting
of shoe raterials. triady 1111ILP no.28.:322-312,3 t 63.
(MIRA 17. 11)
Kafedra Lekhtiologil olluvl Moskovr!,koio
instituta legkoy promyshlennosti.
SASNAUSKAS, K.V., aspirant; ZYBIN, Yu.P., doktor tokkin. nauk, prof.
Application of linear programming in planning the cutting of
shoe materials. Report No.2. Nauch. trudy WITILP no.30:155-165
164. (MIRA 18:6)
1. Kafedra, tekhnologii obuvi Moskovskogo teilcbnologicheskogo
instituta legkoy promyshlennosti.
.KALITA, A.N., Inzh.; KOCHETKOVA9 T.S.p inzhq-LYREL,,YUOPr, doktor tokhn.
nauk. prof.
Foot the inetatarsus-phalanx joint during the
raising of the heel. Izv. vys. ucheb. zav.; tekh leg. prom.:
no.2%75-82 163. ~Mk 16:10)
1. 'Moskovskiy tekhnologJ.cheskiy institut legkoy proryshlennosti.
Rekomendovana kafedroy tekbnologii izdeliy 1z kozhi,
_ZYBIN, Yu.P.; AFVJASIYEV, A.A.,, dots., retsenzent; ROSM, G.I.,
prepod., reteenzent;- MBAYENA, T.M.j red.;
BATYMA, G.G.p tekhn. red.; PYATNITSKIY, V.11., tokhn.
[construction of leather goods; footwear and its construc-
tion] Konatruirovanie izdelii iz kozhi; oba4l i ea kon-
struirovanie. Moalcva, Gizlegp'rom, 1963. 314 p.
(HIRA 17sl)
RAYATSKAS$ V.L.., in4 4, ; ZYBINj Yu.F., 4oktor tekhn,jn,&uk,, prof.
Plotting the theoretioal development of Thai de',surface of the
last by means cC stiff sheathingo Izv*vys*twhebiav.; tekh.leg.proak
no.1:126-136 163. (MIA ~"6:3)
1. Mloskovskiy tokkmologichaskly institut legkoy promyshlennobtie,
Rekomendovana kAfedroy tekhwlogii izdeliy #Ahoabl.
(Shoe mnnufacture)
Designing patterns-for flat ana semiflat shoo,uppers according to a-stW
sheathing. -Uw.vys.ueheb.zav.,- tekh.leg.pror~.- no 3-:137-150 163
1. Moskoxakiy tekhnoiogicehokly institut legkoy promphlennosti.
Fakomandovank kafedroy tekbnologii izdeliy ivkozhi,
(Shoo man, acture)
MOREKHODOV, G. A.0 inzh SHUSTOROVICH, M. L., kand'tekhm.nauk (deceased];
ZYBIN, Yu. P.p doktor tekhn.nauk, prof.
Investigating regularities of thickness distAbution throughout
the entire akin*of Russian leather used for sb~e iminufacture. . r
Report NO.13 Characteristics of thickness distribution throughout
the skin of Russian leather during Its manufacture. Izvays.uaheb.
zav,;tekh.leg.prom. no.4386-95 161.
(MIRA 14:10)
K)REKHODOV, German Anatollyevich- ZYBIN Yu P. ddkt,xjr taklin. naukv q
prof., retsenzent; PLE~Y"A_Tl ~ffV,~. re~
XNAKIA11111 M.T.,
tekhn. red.
(EstAblishing norms for the oxpenditure of,auxillary shoe-.
making matrovials]NormirovAnle. raskhoda Ysporiogatellnykh
obuvr,yl,h materialov. trbskva, Rostekhizdat,. 1962. 12-1 Pe
(MIRA l6t2)
(Shoe rm&nufacture)
PLATUNOV, K#M., kand.tekhn.nauk, dotsent; SOTNIKOV'!!V.M., dt6tsent;
KUPRIYANOV, M.P., inzh.; ZYBIN, Yu.P.. doktor tekhn.nauk, Prof.
Wear resistance of soles made from various areas of belting leather.
Nauch.trudy MTnP n6.18:61-75 '60. (MIfIA 15: 2)
1. Kafedra tekbnologii izdeliy iz kozhi VoBkovskoIFlo tekhnologicheskogo
instituta legkoy promyshlennosti.
MOREKHODOV, G*A.) inzhq_~jBIk,_ju.,P., doktor tekhn,ziauk:, Prof.
Studying the regularities of thickness distribution:crver the area
of Rmsian 16ather skins for footwear. Report No.21; Topography
of the thickness distribution over the area of Russian leather
skins during thiir processing. Izvvys,ucheb.zav.; tokh.leg.prom.
no.5:77-86 161* (141RA 14:12)
KAHYSHEVA, S.A.,, inzh.; BULATOV, G.P.,. inzh,; ZYBIN, .XueP,, doktor tekhn.
nauk,, p?rof .
Contact thermodiffusion method of moistening shoe uppers. Izv.
vys.ucheb.zav.; tekh.leg.prom. no.503-97 161. (MBUL 34:12)
1. Moskovokiy tekhnologicheakiy Institut legkby promyshlonnosti.
Rekomendovana kafedroy tekhnologii obuvnogo proizvodbtvn.
(Shoo manufacture)
KGYUCIMIKGVA'',,~V.M., inzh,; ZY0191 Yu.Pip doktor tekbn.naU,),. prof.
Time expended for work breaks for material pi7oting in stitching
shoe uppers. Izv.vyd~ueheb*,,zav.,,- Ukh.leg,pr~m. no.6:71-79 161.
(MM 14-12)
1. Moskovskiy tekhnologicheakiy institut legkoy promyshlennosti.
Rzkomendovana kafedroy tekhnologii obuvnogo O,oizvoidstva.
Shoe manufacture)
tq,itm AtiltIVI
ZYBIN, Yu,P., prof.; GVOZDEV, YU.M.y dotsent
i~' -14~!~-I-v V:~ -
Prospects- of tte api-lication of chGmistry in shoe ranufacturs. leozh.-
obav. prom. 6 no.8:1-41 Ag 164. (14IRA 17 : 10)
KCCHETKOVA, T.S., asslatent; ZYBIN, Yti..P., doktor teklin. nauk, proV.
Studying the plantar part of the foot. Natic-ho trudy 34TILP no.28:
200-213 163. (MIRA 17:11)
1. KaCedra tekhnologii Azdelly iz kozhi Hos'kc-Vskcjg,:i tekhnologi-
cheskogo lnstituta.legkoy promyshlennosti.
ZYBIN, Yu.P., prof,
The problem of the utilization of sides for soles requires some~
study. Kozh.-obuv. prom. 6 no.8:44,45 Ag IQ.. (MIRA 17:10)
ZYBRIA, -4. -0 S
Zybina, A. S. "Or. the diamostic aignificance of punctured I.T.-phat.-Ic ntxle5,11~
(The diagnoisis of tubei-cular lynph glands), Sbornik trudov (Yc-,yen.-iLed. akad. in.
Kirova), Vol. XLIII, 1949, p. 73-78
SO: U-4355, 1/+ Aup~ust 53, (Letopis tZhurnal Iriykh Statey, No. 15, 19/9.)
;!.. S.
MINA, A.S.,.podpolkoynik meditsinskoy sluzhby. kandidat neditsinskikh
Dynamics of changes in the peripheral blood during'and after
operations on the cavities. Toen.-med,zhur.'~oJ006-42 0 155#;
ZYBINA, AoSe, (Leningrad)
leukosis andcurr6at methode of
Unical varintions of acute
treatment, llin;med- 36 no0*716&73 J1 158: (HMA 11311)
1. 1% kafedry fakul'tetskoy terapii GAcho - p.r6f. V.A. Mayer)
Voyenno-maditsinskiy ordena Lenina akademli imeni S.M. Xtrova;
acute, olin* variFttions & ther. (Rua))
Kinetic characteristics of the degradation of'peroxide compounds
in irradiated DNA solutions. Dokl. AN SSSR 158 no.4t935-938 0 164.
(MIRA 17:11)
1. Institut khimicheskoy fiziki AN SSSR. 2. Chlen-korrespondent
AN SSSR (for Emanuelt).
Kinetic characterlstiev of the effecL of chamicaLmutageno (ethyl-
enimine derivatives) on DNA, Dokl, AN SSSR 161 no#3j7l8-720 Mr '65.
(MIRA 18:3)
1. Chien-korrespondent AN SSSR (for Dmnuell).
USSR/agheral Biology Individwil Development B-4:
Abs Jour Ref Zhur Biol-,, Nd 71 19581;0512 j
Title MiThological Obser Ivations,:on Egg Implantation in R.ela-
.tion to the Problem,of Fetus Tmmm
Orig Pub B sb.: Probl. sovrem. embriologii. L.,:Un-t., 1956, 325-326
Abstract A study'of initial atages.of M~ouse; fatli~:; impl~niaiion was:
conducted from 4.5 to 9.5, days' of development4 ;;On the
~th day after fecundation;6hanges are observ(A in~the
uterine wall leading,to. Isqpari%tion of the implantation
chamber in the antimesometral portion of the homw Attach-
ment of the fetus occurs on the 6th dayli Trophoblast cells
during this period become gigantic and form oymplasts.,,
they phagocyte nuclei and degenerating Qvithelium cells,
Degenerating changes are observed nut oilly in the epithe-
lium, but also in the connective tissue, layer) which is"
.Card 1/2
GUREVIGH, M.A., (Krivoy, Rag, 95-y kvartal, ul. Nikopol I akaya..' 17p kv. 31)1
ZYBINA, M.A-. (Krivey Rog, 500 al. Tramvaynaya, 15,lkv. 17)
Generalized lipomyxoearcoruatosis; case reports Vop. onk. 10 no.407-
80 264. (MIRA 17111)
1. Iz Krivarozhakogo gorodskogo onkologichesk6go dispanBera (glavnyly
vrach - MJ. Zybina).
MIITA' Y9;V, (Leningrad, Ifabo' r& Karpovki, d, 34 kr~06'2)
Mechanism of the implantation of blastocyats in rat (with mmary
in Engliohlo Arkh,anato gist. i embr, 35 no,00-6~ JI,-Ag
Is Laboratoriya taitalogicheskikh asnov razmaooheni ya i razvedenlya
Zhivotnykh (zav. - prof. 1.X# Sokolov) Instituta Tsitologii AN SSSR
i kafedra embriologii (zav. - prof. B.P. Tokin) Leningradskogo
goaudarstvennogo universiteta imeni A.A. Zhadauva,
M TILIZATION# physiology,
mechanism of implantation of blastocyst, in rats (RUB))
Z'Mjlly#Al Ye. V., C-and Chorn, Soi-(diss) 'Torphol,),"ic Ob,~,Urv,
~%tions of! the
- ---------
irx-lanlation of 4bl~avtocy~st-~,ro tile of thu, machn-
rdsm of imp1nn",%tion)." LCII, 1953- 17 pp (Lan 6:~&,r of Lunin Statel-I im.
A.A. ZhtLmov), 100 copion (LL126-58P107)
Sex chrovintin in the cells of the various tissues of mamnals.
Tsitologila I ao.4:337-365 Jl-Ag 159. (HIRA 12: 10)
1. laborato~?Iya r2orfologii Irletki Inatituta taitologii AN SSSR,
AUTHOR: Zybina, 'fe. V. 7/2) 0 - 120-4-54/67
TITM- Cytoloj~;ic-xl Observationoz on t1lic 3% t vin I(iland Cells in the
(Tsitologiche8kiye mzblyud,~ni nad 1:lotkami Metriallnoy
PERIODICAL: "oklady Xcademii nauk tMR, 1558j Vol- 12o, ![r 4.1 ~pp.882-885
A13STRACT: A deciduril reaction it~, 11.~,,Vclo-.1,01, vherl t,ie arabryc 1a embedded
in thle uterine rall, -~,,McA ij c4a'racterized by a 'number of
symptobis: iaedcmv. occurs in t1jo stoma, this domain vascu-
larized, moreover a and a hypertrophy of the
connectinG. tissue celIL: end an imm'leration of tho leuc.ocytes
towards the embryo is fourd. AccovdinS to the opinion:of the
author a differentiation o." specific cell elementdin'the
endometrium and In the riyonetrium cz~n be regarded Ii~s al char-
acteriatic feature of~tho deciduallreaction. These elo4menta
are known ao cello of t o ~iotriril glani: Olere I - ~). They
ure kept in the and are able to produce
hormonee, whiea r,~ay be for the development of -
the lactal glando (Ref I). Later utt it *as assumed
(Ref s 7,8)
ard 1/3
that these cello nup-, e 9
-,)ly nutrition to th embyro (glyco en)
Cytological ObservationH on the Gland cells in the ;)at
(Refs 4, 6) or that they phagocytate~the placenta which',remains
after birth, respectivuly.
.he author invbotigated from,a cyto-
logical point of view t*aeue cells from stages of development
of the embryo of white rats, which are early (untilAhe i.oth day),
during the formation of artificial deciduomes, which were pro-
duced by the sening of an "empty" (that in to say, without an
embryo) corner of the uterus with a silk thread. They were pre-
pured, fied- and cut. A detailed description of the different
stages of -.11evolopment follows. The observations made by 'the
author substantiate the data by Selye andAi!cKno--m (Sellye and
Mak Keyn) (Ref 8) concerning the fact that -the cells'of the
metrial gland are produced in an arWid.-. 41"ormed deciduom as
well. Their number and ponition are about-the same a's that In
a normal uterus. Neveriheless the number and the size of these
cells in the deciduom at the loth day of pregnancy is some-
what greater than in cabes, where an embryo is contained in
the uterus. As is known:9 theae cellsl:(Refu 3 - 5) are able to
store glycogen. The cello loaded with glycogen emmigrat6 ac-
tively from the endometrium towards the embryo, whereas,the
trophoblast of the latter seizes such cells and util izes them
Card 2/3 for its nutrition. Hence, a decidual reaction is formedat an
Cytologkcal Observations on the 111'etrial Gland C~Ils in the Rat
invInntation of a rat ov.1'ryo In the ~undo-~ c:rd myometrium of tin
utcruu. One of its -features, accordin to -how in the
tho aut,
differentiation ol opecifIc mi-C of
the alements
the retrial pland. 'Phay ure produced frort connectivp tissue cells
and a&-ronulocytes. They o:;~e n1ble toes torch. non-Inophil-ic ITrains
~tnd glycoger.. They sup --.)Iy -the embryo vvit-Ii, nutritive substances
by immigrating toward.,, Ictie embryo. ~'Ijero o re 3 fi,-nras and 9
referencoup 0 of whia'a --u 5ov.-let.
ASSOCIATION; Instit-ut taitolorii nauk S3 SR
(Institute of Cyto1q;y I.S MI.-MR)
PRESENTED: Yebruary 19, 1956, by ','e. If. Pavlovtkiyr Rember, Acialemy of
Sciences, USSR
WEMITTOD: February 2, 1958
1. Cytology 2. Embryos-Physiblogical effects
Card 3/3
Nature of the sex chromatin. TSitologiia no. 5 1585-601
S-0 165. (MIRA 18:12)
I* Laboratoriya morfologii klet)d Institute tsitologii AN SSSR
i kafedra genetiki Leningradskogo univeroitata, S,ubmitted
June 30, 1964.
Autoradiographic and cytochemletil litudy of nualeia acida (DNA
and RNA) in the endomitotic cycle of giant pells of the
trophoblast. Sbor. rab. Inst. tait. no.504-44 163.
(MIU 17t2)
1. Laboratoriya morfologii kletki Inatituta:tsitologii AN
Endomitotic polyploidization of trophoblast giant cells.
Sbor. 'rab. Inst. tait. no.5:53-63 163. (MIRA 17:2)
1. Laboratoriya morfologii kletki Instituta taitologii AN SSSR
i kafedra genetiki Leningradskogo gosudaratvennoro universiteta.
Clinical characteristic of the course of dysentery in small children
suffering from rickets LwIth eummnry in Nng1.Ivhj. Padlatrli a 36
no.3:59-66 Mr 158. 110)
1. Iz kAfedry propedevtiki detakilrh bolezney: (zFtv. -prof V-A.~
VlAeov) Pediatricheakngo fakulitatn II Hooko'vakogo meditsinskor
instituta imeni b-I-Pirogova na bnze bollnitsy imeni N.F.Filabove
tglnvn.vy vrach M.N.Knlugina)
Cytological study of fertilization and of early stages of developm ;eat
of ovum in rabbit*'.Doklady Akad. nauk SSSIt 88 no. 5:917-919 11 Feb
1953. (CIML 24:1)
1- Presented by Academician Ye. N. Pavlovskiy 18 I~ecember 1952. 2. Ienin-
;~a'd: State University imeni A. A. Zhdanor.~
UOOn/131U_LUgY maryu
/ ,y IYE
Card 1/1 Pub. 17-14/22
Zybina, Ye. V.
Title Morphological observations on the implantatton of the egr re ted'to
the problein of embryonal immunity
Periodical Byul. eksp. biol. i med. 8. 53-506) Aug 1955
Abstract Author continued Tokin's and Filatov's obsemtion on the bactericidal
properties of the rabbit egg and of the fluid. of -t.he blastodermic
vesicle to determine if these properties can explain lysis of.the'
epithelia]. cells at the point of contact with the.egg. Author stud-
ied the beginning stages of implantations of'rat ainbryos on different
days after fertilization. She came to the c6nclusion that trophoblast
cells possess the ability of lysis and of ph,~gocytosis of maternal
tissues which are needed to feed the growing.embryo. This phagcc~tic
reaction of the embryo at a given stage of developimut has morphodenic
significanceltaking part in the complicated proce3s of embryo implan-
tation. Author warns that the above findings must~be considered as
the first step only in the exploration of the subject- 7 referencesy
6 USSR, 5 since 19110. Micrographs.
Institution Medic o -Biological Div, Inst of Experimentaf Medicine, Acad Med Sci
USSR and Chairof Embryoloa, (Head; Prof B. P.' Tokin) Leningrad State U.
'Submitted 7 Dec 1954
ZTSOTj A.M. (Chita)
%Ai~tWrl sties of the course of functional diseAst?m of the atomach
in yo~aW adults,, Sovomed, 22 no-9S82-87 S158 (min 111n)
(STOMAM, ais.
functs disord, in youmg adults (Rue))
Z48 D S F) -
CAT,ZCDRY :Cosmochomistry. Geochemistry. Illydrochemistry
ABS. JOUR. RZXhim., No. 21 1959, 14 74525
AUTHOR Winogradov, A. P,, Tugarinov, A.:'Zh., Zinirova, V.V.,
IFST *.Not given
TI IT LT *.On the Age of Grartit6 and Ore Occurran,ces in Saxony
ORIG. PUB. 'FreiUerger For.SChung&h, 1959, C, No 57, 73-85
ABSTRACT 'The authors have ansljzed 15 aamples of metamorphic
rocks and granites from ciaxony and from Ozechoslo-
vakia. The following COM2013itiOn range Is were ab-
6ervedt Ar,(Lt.2-9.52)-10 5 in!riacks and (8-11.6;)-
5 1i in :; K, 2./2-
0 cttl/v (from 8 samplea) i ica6
5.59 and 5.3-9.9%, respectively;: age by the Ar-
method, 200-630 and 28o(?)-38O.Million years. 'The
uranium pitch Csic3 of various generations con-.
tained 53.3-70.3% U and o.10-24''68% A. The
isotope composition of Ph in the oldent uranium,
CARD. 1/4 *Zybov, S. A., Knorre, K. G., and Lebadev, V. I.,
ABS. JOUR. RZIK'him. No. 21 1959, 1-;0. ?45,525
(3 sal-ir1c,~0 wiv,fo uid t, a b ePb ~CA 0.44,
1-1.4,~,, 10%5Q4- ?3-~91 Pb 20'1
Pb 208 15-7(~,`5-()~, 72.3=,
eBtJwatecl age (from the mtios M 20?/Plz 2061
P-0 206/U 233, Pb .-~U?/U 255) 1-k m~ ill. Ion, years.
TWO other aanpieb Ghowed Pb 2,04 0.'/ and 1.00,
Pb 206 60.08 nnd 86.96, Pb 20? 13-10 4nd 21
Pb 203 2-S.12 and 3'7.47, respectivt-I.y; jj$rt! 1co and
5 m-ill-ion Y,~ar3. Dip Pb from gulenit-J depoGits
in Saxony and :Ln 5'huringia (3 6arnples). waa L'ound
CARD: 2//r
19 5,9
ABSTMOT to bave the isotope.. CoMposition: Pb~2o6/pb 2o4
17.7"?-18.3-, Pb 20?/Pb 204 15.11--15-37-, Fb 208/:
Pb 204 136.77-37.45. The authors conclude.thstt
Saxony has been "he scene of tit. leart three in-
trusive cycles 360-)80, 30U-320, and about 200~
million years ago. The ore deposits in Saxon-
have been subdJected to hydrothermal metamorphism
P-t least twicel this has led to the regeneration
of the ores during the Cretaceoua ~keriod (about',
100 million years ago) and in the Upper-Tertiary
~ ., , L : . L - ~. 0 ) S
CATI O_Ti~ j~
AB3. INGUR. P2 10, 1 M X 0 21
-TZ, 0, RY
ABS. JOUR. A&Zhim., Wo. 21 1.9590 j;o, 7452.5
A B'2;'T R A C T Pericd Caballt 5 millior. yenva ago',). The authors
are, of the Opinicit tliat the Dilvonian-Catbonlieroul;
Period an the geologic time Scaje'shOlLld be rjiodi-':
fied by moving the Garbonif*rou6 Period downwarda~l
an6 the Permian-Triassir Period 'to fyqtingerl timeo
R.~ Khmellnitskiy.
C AR D 4/4
BALASHOV, A.P.,, zasluzhennyy vrach RSFSR,- ZYBOV, A.M. (Uhlta)
Perforating gastric and duodenal ulcers In y0ling rxr-roonno Sov.;
med. 28 no.1:45-48 Ja t65. (MIRA 18:5)
ZYBOV, A.M., polkovnik meditsinskoy sluzhbv
Work of military therapists under the conditions of modern war,
Voen.-med.zhur.- no.~zl6-18 S 161. 15t16)
Estimating gangue parameters..
F. 105 (Z ASTOSCYWIA! ill, Poland
Vol 3, Ho - 1057
SO: flonthly Index of Europel--n Accessions (AFEI) Vol. bf No. 11, November 1957
CZECHOSLOVAKIA/Cosmochemistry. Geochamistry. D
Abs Jour Ref Zhur - Khimiya, No. 81 1957, 20~99.
Author Zyca, Vaclav.
Title Geochemistry of Mineral Waters of Shafarikovo
Luchenets - Levitse Region.
Orig Pub Geol. prace. SAV, Zpravy, 19559 NO-13, 79
Abstract Sources of mineral water of various~chemical
composition were revealed. The min6ralization
(M) of sodium hydrocarbonate sources is 2.5
to 23 g per lit with a great contents of free
C02 from 735 to 1340 mg Per lit, their tempera-
ture is up to 250, they contain a small amount
of I and Br and are connected with mineral oil
occurrences. The mineralization of sodium
Card 1/3
CZECHLOSOVAKIA/CosmochemiAtry.- Geo6hemistry, D
Abs Jour R-ef Zhur --Khimiya, 2957 ~40599-'
chloride sourepA.,is, 5.4,to 1
9 0, 9, per,
:the; cofite''.6f -~Coa is 23. to' 70 mg ~er
lit, thdt-of I, is'..93.5~,and.'that; of~!-Br isJ12
.mg pet 1ito' these' waters -Are of pi~tonicl'ori-
gin. The mineralization of calcium' hyd:rocar-
bonate sources is 238 to 1571 mg pOr lit, the
content of free CO is ~48 to 1815~mg per lit,
their temperaturi .is 20 to 210. The chemical
composition of their water is t1wresult of
mixture of plutonic and surface waters; -C02-
comes into them through fissures of of
tectonic fracturing. According to the presence
of microelements, the region under stud3~ is
divided into two geochemical zones: into the
western zone, which is characterized with Cu,
Hgj Vt Asq Be and Co, and into the'a'a3tern one,
Card 2/3
0 ej
Ad hva do
duio I s
sea a
000 A
littrature ow patenu.
*oil 000
oos 4:0 0
Iola** map a-, Go& blaii-I-OK
u 0 AV 00 IV 04 5 3,a w-
0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 00 00 0400 4 0 a 0 4 4 00000
0 0 lei/
Is :! is
ZYBOV. A.M., poapolkovaik meditsinskoy slushby
Using the classification of chronic gew tritis adopted i nthe Soviet
Army. V06n. -Lied. zhur. no-3t25-30 mr 156. (KIRA 94.9)
ZYMO A.!!.~olkovnik meditsinskoy sluzhby
Studying t6 causes of rebpIspitaUzation ofI a.c1diers ~ fonowir$~
appendectomies, Voon.-med.zhur. no.4182 ILP"60. (MIM 1413.)
3!P Iriternal Led. Anr
6 Vol I
ES OF THE STOMACH IN YOUNG AGE GROUPS (Russ inn text) -Zybov A'. hf.
SOV.MED. 1958, 22/9 (82-87)
Patients in yoting age groups who suffer from various dyspeptic phenomena and!
slight abdominal pains often have predominantly functional gastric disturbances,
They constituted approximately 28% of in-patients with chronic diffuse gastritis,
gastro-duodenal inflammation and gastric and duodenal ulcer. Given timely and
systematic treatment the predominantly functional gastric disorders resolve in tile
great majority of cases. However, if the treatment Is delayed or incon. plete the
predominantly functional disorders frequently pass into the phase of at tu ral
change, viz. chronic gastritis and gastro-duodenal inflammation, the latter pro-
greasing to gastric and duodenal ulceration. The possibility of transitionof pre-,
dominantly functional disorders to marked structural changes In the stomach, and
replacement of one form of gastric pathology by another, suggest a single process
wW close genetic association of functional gastric disorders with chronic diffuse
gastritis, gastro-duodenal inflammation and gastric and duodenal ulcers. Timely
and rational treatment of patients with predominantly functional gastric disorders
is a prophylactic measure against the development of diffuse gastrltis, K~stro-
duodenal Inflammation and gastric and duodenal ulcer.
ZYCH) Dobi*o3.*w; JEZIFMKI, Kazimierz
DiffieultieB in the diagnoois and therapy of,lyzph-P~Wxonary
tubereulosis co-existing with emophageal ehanges. Gmliea 29
o.81741-71+5 Ag 161.
Z Oddsialu Gruz3i*y Plus prof. dr W. -Taromsevissloraz s Oddzialu;
C;drurgiezuego Imstyt-atu Gruzlity Prof. dr Maxtbuffla lmstytubl',
Gruzli,sy-Dyrektor: prof. dr W. Saroszewiim.
-ZTGH, Dobieslav
Paeumomediastimm..Gurzlica 25 no.11:89lo-896 kov 57.
1. Z Oddzialix IT Inetytut .u Gruzlicy. Kierownik: doe, W, ;aroozovioz
Byrektor: prof. J. Riaievics.
(PUNIMMUSTIM, etiol. &pathog*Adi~
pneumoperitonsum,,Iartif., case;r~.qmort4 (Poi))
(PNIMMITONEUK, artificial, compl.,
pneumomediastinum, case report"' ~(Pol))
JAMI'Dobisolaw; MHANOWEZp janj PIEKWIAK. KrSrapln; W)TT.. Maria
Tuberculosio of the breast. Gruzlica 30 no.7.-667-673 162,
L Z Instytutu Gruzlicy Z Oddsialu II Kierov~ik-.- prof. dr med,
W. -Jaroazavies i z Oddzialu I Kierownik: doe' dr med. P.
KrakwkEC Dy~elitor3 prof. cir med.'W. Jaroazovics,
OWALIBOG;, Barbars; SERAPINO Roman; SUMANSKA, Dwluta; ZYCH Dobieolav
On caseo of intrapulmonary oequestration eMdramo, Grusilica
31 no.4:247-252 163.
1. Instytut Gruslicy Z oddzialu 11 Kisrownik-- prof. dr ined
W. %roazewiez Z oddzialn U Kierownik: doe. & mad, -To Q67
Z Zakladu Fatologii Kierownik: prof. dr ked. So Chodkovska
Dy'rektor: prof. dr med. W, Jaros2ewic2*
7.AJACZKOWSKA, Jadviga; MMYNG, Kazimierz-, XLOTT, Maria; KRMWXA, Pamol;
LANGE, Jadwiga; PIXAMAK, Kryspin; ZYCH, Dobieslaw
Effect of chemotherapy on the indications for pneumothorax
treatment and on early cnmplications. Gruzlica 24 no-B,-'707-
718 Aug 56.
1, Z Oddzialow ftyzjatryczrqch Instytutu Gruslicy Kierownik:
doe. dr. W. Jarosiewics, Dyrektor: prof. dr.' Janina Misievicso
chemotber., off. on4ndic. for arW, pneumothorax
early conpl.)
eff. of chemother. on irAic. for pneumothorax)
ZYCR, Dobieslaw; KHYNSKA, Joanna; KWMOWA, Agnieazlm; ZAACMISTIA, Jadwlga
Reaults of treatment of tuberculous meningitis in adalts without intra-
thecal therapy and the role of corticosteroids. Gruzlica 25 no.4.-277-286
Apr 57.
1. Z Oddzialu Gruzlicy Pluc Instytutu Gruslizy w Warstawie Kierownikz
doe. W. jilrestowleve llyrektarsprpf, J. Misisivicz.
ACTH & cortisone with a7stemic antibiotic & chemOther...(Pol))
(ACTH, ther. use
tubero., meningeal, with systemic antibiotic &.chlemother.(Pol)
(cORTMNA, ther. use
ZYC H, Dobiealaw; WARESKA, Wanda
A case of unusual retention of antituberculAr drugs. Gruzlica
33 no.6:513-517 Je 165.
1. Z Oddzialu II (Kierownikt prof. dr. 14. Jaroazat4icz) i z
Zakladu Blochemli (Kierownik; doe. dr. P. Sssarranuki) Inst.-
tutu Gruzliey.
IhYrold Cunntion Irl Vet',Iblotlf, rats . ,.,,14 nsi,
withod. Endo~x. PcI . 25 4*.
I. Zaklad Patojogjj (:!gol 4'j"Awwi'l
Mle d
,Y,czn(ij rynakioggo
Effoot of the administration of thyroxin and methylthiouracil on~.
Islands of Langerhans,, adrenals and thyroid in cautrated mioe~. gndokr.
pol. 13 no.6t685-692 162.
1. Zaklad Patologii Doewiadozalnei PAN w Warazawi6 DMktori of,
dr L. Paszkiewioz Pracownia Endokrynologil bionwiftacialnej Kierownik:
prof. dr K. Duz Zaklad Patolog'ii.Ogolnej i Danwiadazalnej Slabkiej
AM Kierowniks doo. dr B.' Narbutt.
at dr~ 'ZYCH,
NARBUTT., Boleslaw,, do Francissek
Ti-opic activity of the hypophypis in some. whomonally inactive"
turaors of the gland. Endokr. Pol. 16 no.3t2.L7-231 MY4065.
1. Zaklad Patologii Ogolnej i Dosviadowalnej Slaskiej Akademii
Medyoznej (KierownAt doo, dr,,B. Varbutt); PDradnia Mbdokry-
nologiczna Panetwovego SzpitalcL Klinicznego Nr.1 w Zabrzu (Kie-
rownik: doc. dr. B. Narbutt) oraz I Klinika Chorob Wmetrmych
Slaskiej Akademii Medycznej, Pododdzial &dokMologiczny (Kie-
rownik: prof. dr. T. Japa),
ZYCH, Gustav; KOZAK, Tadeues
3--month bilateral tubal pregnanc7. Gin.polska 31 no.1:133-3.36
ja-F 16o.
11. Z III Oddzialu Ginekologiesno-Polomiesego Paustwovego Szpitals
Klinicinego A.M. w Krakovie. Rierownik Oddzialu: dr A. Konstant,y-
(PRWHAMY ECTOPIC case reports.)
ZYCH, Guotaw
Ixyntallization of the cervical mucuB as the :test of the
hormonal st&te of a woman. Pol. ty;,,. lek. 26)io.29:4078-
1080 19 J1 t65.
1. Z Oddzialu Polomiczo-Ginekologicmego Szpttala im.
Uarutowicza w Krakowie (Ordynator: dr. med. A. Konsban-
BOJANOWSKA, Ann&; ZYCH, Kazimlarz
Insecticidal value of szotox preparations. Przogl.peldem. Warsz.
9 no-1:55-6:3 1955.
1. Z Dzialu Spidemiologii Pan , akladu Hi teny:i Labor&-
torium Tachnologiezuego Zarzadu Dazynfekcji, Damynsakcji i
Deretyzacji w Warszavie.
insecticidal valuo of various prep.)!
BOJANOVSKA, Annm; ZTCH, Kasimierz
Insecticidal value of azotox preparations. Prs~'gl.peldem. Wares.
9 no.1:55-6:3 1955.
1. Z Dzialu Spidemiologit Panstwowso 7,akladu Rigiemy-j Labor&-
torium %chnologiesnegn Zarzadu Dezynfekcji, Dezynsakcji i
Deretyzacji w Warozawis.
insecticidal value of various prep.).,
TYNTECKI, Jozef, 'MMPOLSKI, Czeslawo IyCff.,~Liecz7 law, and
SEREWKO, Mieczyslaw, Second Clinic of Obstetrics and Gyne-
cology (II Klinika Poloznictwa i Chorob Kobiecych) of th6
AM [Akademia Medyczna, Medicali Academy] in Lublin (Director:
Prof. Dr. mod. Jozef TYNECKI)
"Effect of Early Interruption of Prognancy,on Blood Sugar
Level, Circulation, and Respiration."
Warsaw-Krakow, Przoglad Lekarski, Vol 19, Ser 11, No 3,
[24 Mar] 63, PP 180-181.
Abstract: [Authors' English summary] lbe.authors examined
the blood sugar level, as well as,the circulation and re-
spiration in 200 cases of early interruption of pregnancy
with the use of various anaesthetics. Tho,results of their
investigation indicate that women should be hospitalized
for abortions and that it is absolutely necessary for the
operation to be painless. Of the 14 references cited only
one is German and the o'thers Polish.
C11011k, Marian; ZTCHp MoczyglAw
Determl-natlo4 of the Permeability- and fmationitig of -fbe
fallopian'tubes with the aid of kpographic pervufflatlon#
Ginak, pol. 34 no-3s387-393 16V
1. Z II Mniki PbloziLiczej I Cborob Kobier.7,-h AM w lablinia
~lerovnlk-. prof. dr med. J. Tymecki.