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ZYBALOVA. G.P. Changes in the permeability of Angren coal during the process of Ats drying and heat treatment., Podzem.gnz.ugl.'no.1:2S-1l 1580' (HIRA ~ 11:4) 1. Voesovuzny7 nauchno-tooledovatel'skly i -proyektnyy instibut T)odzamnov gazifikAtsii ugley. (Goal--Permeability) GOLUBEV, Yu,B,; ZYBALOVAI Q.P.p kaxid.tekhn.naukj PEq'UKfIOVA, N.N,j SFCI,IAD'KO, A.Mo Gas formation dynamics in the gasification of a lignite veam at the experimental, "Podzemgaz" gas generator station in the Angren Basin. Trudy VITNIPodzemgaza no.13:11-17 165o (MTRA 16: 8) 1. laboratoriya, tekhnologil podzemnoy gaziflkatsii uglya Vsesoyuznogo nauchno-issledovatellskogo in8titixta podzemnoy garsifikatsii ugley. BOLTANOVA. Z.M.; ZYBAT-011A, R.F Detection of tecterial poLlution of preverveel blood and ito components, Gemat. i peral. krovi -11125-128 165. (MIRA 18310) 1, Xiyevskiy institut pere.11-varAys. krorg-I iKiTevoknya gorodiskaya stantsiya perelivaniya 1wovi. zyBkm,,,..A,; PAKHOIKOV, D. New hosting system for the ZIL-158 motorbusea. Avt.transpe 38. no.l14O-41 Ja 160. (MM- 13:5) (Motorbusee) ZYBAYLO, A. V. Simplifying the handling and form of technical records Avt.trakt.prom. no.11:4-6 N 154. 8: 1) 1. Moskovskly avtosavod im. Stalina. (Automobile engineering) (factory managoment) .1 ksey Vasil 1yevicb; SHnWV p A.G. I inzh I retuenzent; LEVIN- ZYBAYiLgOip,Awj ',j red.j RADAYEVA9'Z.A., red* izd-va; ELOMD9~V.D., tekbn. red. [organizing preliminary activities in the moos manufacture of maebineryl Organizatsiia podgotovki proizvodetva v masoovom m4shinootroenii, :Mo- skva, Gos. naucbno-tekbn. izd-vo mashinostroit. lit-~, 1961. 234 p. (113~u 14:9) (Factory managerrent) Ways of lowering the production costs in chenical working circloo. Gidroliz. i losolhimsprom. 10 no.5:23-24 "57. (tILRA 10-8) l.Ivatae,iichski.7 khinleskhoz. (white Ruosia--Forest products--Costs) ZYB IN, A. -kore production with less a-pending. IITO 'no*11:17-18 N '59. (MIR& 134-4) 1, Predsedatell soveta pervichno7 organizatmil. Wanchno- tekhnicheskogo obahchestva sel'skogo i leanogo,khosysyetya zernosovkhoza *Gracbevskiy." Stavropollakly kra (Stavropol Territory-Agricultiral research5' USSR/Fam Animals - Donectic Fowls I Abs Jour t Rof Zhur - Biol.t No 6, 1958, No 26248 Author Inst : Not Given Title 3 A Valurblo Animal Feed for Fowls (Tsonnyy zhivotnyy Tcorm dlya Ptitsy) Orir Pub - S. kh. Sibiri, 1957, No 5t 61-65 Abstract s An experiment was orrriod out Inth 'o reising of chicks by, supplonanting feed retions with frosh-wnter shrimp (Go=prus). Feeding fresh shrivps to the chicks otarftod fror, 2-3 dcYs of ago. Daily :!varrgo por head was: during the first ton doys 2-4 C., during the next ton days 4-8 r,., subsequent ton dnys 8-12 E.j nt 2 nonths of ago 20 g., tt 3 nonths 30 g., end grovm-up chicken 60-70 g. of fresh, or.'15-18 g. of dried nhrinr.3. The foods hed a positive influencoon the growthy davolopE:ont, end ourvival of the young;chickcns* There wts. no chicken post in the experimental group of 840 heads. The avorrgo chickonsi weight rt 2 r-ontho:of n6o was 693 S. no Cord 1/2 USSR/Fort-i Anir.:As - Domestic Fowls Q-6 Abs Jour Rof Zhur Biol., No 6, 1958, No 26248 agcinst 651 g. in the control group; young honn ntarted laying eggs at 5 nonths of ago - carliar. thon in the control group. The article gives available publin 'had dnta rogcrding the effectiveness of the use of Gamarus ns a fbod for chickons. The wnsy of catching and ftying Gamiarus in the airmor and winter, as wall ns the oconomicol profitableness of Its utilization, ere Iddicatod. Card s 2/2 Control and protection of ornn-")IM farm in~:Iocal vontilation, Izv. vys. uchob. zav.; gor. AIM. no.8:162,.167. 161. 04IRA 15:5) 1. Vostochnyy skiy. ins titut po bezopaunosti rabo% v gornoy U.-,,~yahlennom,ti. Relcomendovarn Vostochnym nauchno-issledovatel-'skim institutou po bezopamnoati rabot v gornoy promyshlennosti. (Pans,, Electric) URE 1, 1i~i i 1i i; i i 1 3111 HIM IIWIIII~I. ZYBIN, A. S. Mster Biol Sci (diss) "The lake crwftsh (Ga=arus RIVUIo- gammrus lacustris G. 0. Sars) and the outlook for its:,acommio exploitation~ on the basis of experimental data". cmwk, 1958. 25 pp (Tomak State U im V. V.: KUybyshev), 200 copies (n, lio 6, 1959, 129) YASRMA, R.V.; ZYBIN, A.Tu. Method for determining velocity of the lowb~, clamps'of the Rr~2-50~ tearing machine Ased, In testing fabrics. Kossli.-ob )roz. no'04t 17-19 Ap 159-0 '&i' ( RA ~2--?) (Testing machines) (Textile fabrics-Teating) p a m I A I --7 Vjq Sk Uss ail Ramw Uirsms toe I V.Zfflilli mild T. 81IT"I'lar I 1.2t, 4141Wdrit'lli emn lie Ifived surce%stidly bw drohig wrt struin Or nIAJt dowls to 11-12% ntakwit III mixtut 9 111,$. Ulldor 111"d "IMIdilk"IM, Willi 981A ClittfiIIS thtf ditlill At IlIK411 .00 ek, and ledvind III Ab4nit W. swith 00 Ike e X46 0 :4 got see not ;'o 0 41 A 14.1 L 00 "ITALLUOCKAL LITIERAILOC CLASUPKATION slow 11~111k- clam 03-iAns 140041 -6 1 igloo" -ItmTon A all, .1 11.1 0 4 It T't ' '0 it Ko A I 0 0 0 *to;# Cojo 0 0 0 0.411 0 00000 0 0 to 0 0 C of 000 $1 4 0 a 6:0, a o i.0 0 0 0 0 00 Wml~v hZi.,utj And J-1;~6rhJ.1 -d 1-130a2V 8 a5) 7-YEIN Yu.A.; SAW3OWN, KHAW11MR, V.G.; DORMAN E~M. Lined plastics and their testing. Plast. massy no.7:64 165. (MTRA 18:7) IN, PHASE I BOOK EDTWITATION 149 Akademiya nauk SSSR. Institut nauchnoy I tekhnicheskoy informtsii Pribory I stendy. Tema 5. No. P-56-475 (Inetruments.and Instrument Stands.~ Topic 5, No. P-56-475) Moscow, 1956j 10 p, 1,620 ppies.pritted, Additional Sponsoring Agency: Gosudarstvennyy komitet Govete. 14inistrov SS SR po novoy tekhniki. Chief Ed.: Udalltsov, A. N.; Ed.: Yakovlev, D.A.,.Engineer. PURPOSE: This booklet is addressed to those interested in tbe~techniqae~and metering instruments used In the measurement of very low resistances and to earth physicists interested in metering technique in measuring the auscep- tibility of rock samples., COVERAGE: The booklet contains two articles, one deacribing.a pulse microbmmeter, the other an absolute permeability meter. Card 1/3 Instruments and InstrumentStands (Cont.) 149 TABLE OF CONTENTS Iraniy, P. B., Engineer. A Pulse Micbrobmmeter 3 The article describes an instrument for measuring very1ov contact resistances (on the order of 1 michro4 Such meters are uaed$,~~for example, in measuring bus connection resistances an the order of 0.1 to 5:"michrohms. The ameter- voltmeter method for obtaining a visible deflection~,of the needle on a,10 mv scale is described. The method requires very high testing currents, on the order of 100 amperes when measuring I microhm. The author describes the microhmmeter developed by him at the "Uralelektroapparat" factory (author's certificate No. 94385). The operating principle of,'the instrument is based on the generation of high current (200 to 300 amperes) pulses, Fig, 1 is a circuit diagram of a microhmdeter for measuring lowresistances (from 2 to 5,000 microbms) under shop conditions. Fig. 2 is a circuitediagrem of a microbmmeter for measuring low resistances (in the 0.1-10 Vj to 10 ohm range) in a closed circuit through the secondary coil of a':stepdown transformer. Fig. 3 is a photograph of the apparatus used for checking the contact system of the W-110 oil circuit breaker, Fig. 4 is a structural and connection diagram of the instrument used to check the contact system of the VMG-133/111 oil circuit breaker. A table of pulse transformer coil winding data is given. Card 2/3 Instruments and Instrument Stands (Con,~.) 149, There is one Soviet reference. Zybin, K. Yu. An Absolute Permeability. Meter 9, This instrument was developed by A,G, Kalashnikov at the Institute of Earth Physics., AN SSSR. The report is accompanied by,q. schematic diagram of the flu=eter in circuit. Formulas are.given for calculating suscepti- bility, flux, etc. The design and principle of operation of.the instru- ment are described. The instrument is used in measuring the susceptibility of rock samples. There are no references. AVAIWIE: Library of Congress Card 313 jP/Mw 11-5-58 KUASEDIIKOV~ AO G61 MDT, K. Yu "Some results of observing tile variation vector of the horizontal component of the geomagnetic field." report presented at the Intl. Association of Geomagnetism''and Aeronomy, Sy~~osiitm on Rapid Geomagnetic Variations, Utrecht, Netherlands, 1-4 S6P 59- ME* --,too ATHOR: TITLE& PERIODICAL: ABSTRACT. 809 s/olig/60000/02/oo6/022 E13-1/0-59 Kalashnikov, A.y. and Zybin, K.Yu.; Soma Results of Investigating the Variations of the Horizontal Component of the GeomaSnetic~Field-(From Observations During the I.G .Y.) Izvestiya Akademii nauk SSSR, Seri~a geofizicheskayal 196o, Nr 2, pp 236-242 (USSR) The investigations were carried out by,the Station "Borok" of the Institute of Physics of the'Earth,-A-c-a-de-my of Sciences USSR (58*02 Nand 38*58 E,). !A three-c.omp6nent assembly was employed giving the'variations of. Hx"'Hy and Z of the geomagnetic field,, The, was recorded by means of a mesh placed horizontally in the earth, the total surface of which was 15700 m2. The sensitivity of the Z-ohannel -was 1.4 x 10-2 Y/mm. Examples of recordings of the variations of all,three components are illustrated in Fig 2. Vector diagrams of the variations of the horizontal compoinents were plotted showing the amplitudes of the components Hx and : Hy for a given instant (Fig 3). The curves thus obtained enclose an elongate&area, the azimuth of the longer 80944 s/049/60/000/02/oo6/022 E131/E459~: Some Results of Investigating the Variations of the Horizontal Component of the Geomagnetic Field (From Observations During the~I.G.Y.) axis having predominantly a direction NW to SE, ie the mean azimuth was found to be 38" (Fig,4). ~It was found that the diurnal rotation of the vector was predominantly anti-clockwiae. Out 0f'456 cases, 258 rotations were anti-clockwise, 146 clockwise and 52 were variable (Fig 5, 6 and 7). The diagram of the relationships E /H E /H and E/H 2 2 2 X y Y X EX + EY Hx+ Hy was also produced (Fig 8) in.order to ill:ustrate:the relationship between the.amplitude of the variations of the electric field and -those of the 'Magnetic field# The cause of these variations could be the effect of electric eddies in the ionosphere at the heights of 100 km and Card 2/3 809! S/o4q/60/ooq/qz/oo6/o22 EIWE019 Ime Results of Investigating the Variations of the Fiorizontalv. Component of the Geomagnetic Field (Prom Observa~tions During the I.G.Y.) above. There are 8 figures and I Soviet roforenca,~ ASSOCIATION:.Akademiya nauk SSSR Institut fiziki~"Zeml:i cademX of Sciences, Institute of P111sics of the Earth) SUBMITTED% August 6, 1959 Card 3/3 827o6 s/09/6o/ooo/oo6/002/002 ~3. E073/E.535 ,ybin, K. Yu.'and Malftseva AUTHORS: Bol'shakova, O.V#1,,Z TITLE: Certain Relations Governing the Behaviour of the Vertical Component o;vthe Short Period Fluctuationei of the Stable Regime\Geomagnetic~Field (PC) (in accordance with o6-servations 6&rri ed out during the I,G*Yo) PERIODICAL: Izvestiya Akademii nauk SSSR, Seriya goofizlcheskaya, 196o, No.6, pp.818-827 + I Plate TEXT: The authors evaluate the results of ob~servations carried out in the followi IngIthree geophysical stations of them InIstitute of Physics of the Earth, AS, USSR during the first six months (August, 1957 to January, 1958) of'the:I.G.Y.: Lovozero (Murmansk region) - 670 581 northern latitude, 35' 05' eastern longitude); Borok'(Yaroslav :'region),- 58*~OV northern latitude, 380 581 eastern longitude;~Petropavlovsk- Kamchatskiy - 530 06, northern latitude, 158*~380,eastern longitude. The primary evaluated data are the 24 hour photographic rec6rdings of fluxmeter induction apparatus with a 90 mm/hr scanning spe,.,~d. Card 1/4 s/o49/6o/ooo/oo6/OO2/OO2 E073/E535 Certain Relations Governing the Behaviour of the Vertical Component of the Short Period Fluctuations of,the Stable Regime Geomagnetic Field (Pe) (In accordance with observations carried out during the I.G.Y.) The authors investigatedthe frequency spectrum of the field'of the short period fluctuations, the daily characteristic,of the times of occurrence of short period fluctuations, the istic of the average maximum amplitude of the.short period fluctuations and their behaviour as a function of the geographic distribution of the observation points. are described in considerable detail. For the purpose of elticidixting generally valid amplitude relations, the authors introdtice the term 11degree of Pc activity" and investigate its behaviour.~ The degreerof :Pe activity was selected in the same way as the~~nterhational geomagnetic activity characteristics. However, in.the given case the amplitude of fluctuations with periods ofJ0 to 50 seca~ during each hour of the 24 hour day was evaluated at 0.1 to'2 Balls., On the basis of the obtained results the following~conclusions are arrived atz 1) The short period fluctuation spectrum in the range between Card 2/4 827C~ s/o4q/6o/boo/oo6/oo2/002 E073/E535; Certain Relations Governing the Behaviour of 'tile Vertical Component of the Short Period Fluctuations oflthe'Stable Regime Geomagnetic Field (Pc) (in accordance with observations carried out during the I.G.Y.) 10 and 90 seen is a discrete one,~the probability of appearance of fluctuations differs for differing periods'4: 2) According to the daily characteristic of the number of cases of occurrence of short period fluctuations ofivari:ous periods, the spectrum can be divided into groups of 20'~to 3.0 and 90 sees monitored ("controlled") according to~:Iocal time and a: 4o secs group monitored ("controlled") by world time. 3) The daily characteristic of the average maximum amplitude of the short period fluctuations of various periods obeys a genera 1 law and is monitored in accordance with local'itime 4) The group of fluctuations with periods beti~een 60 and 90~sec:.s observed at the station Borok obeys laws similar to those pertaining to the Pe type fluctuations@ 5) The degree of activity Pe evaluated according tp 3-ball scale enables comparing the relations governing the '~behaviour of short period fluctuations of the Pc type with appreciably differing Card 3/4 827C~ s/09/6o/doo/oo6/002/002 B073/E535, Certain Relations Governing the Behaviour of1the Vertical Component of the Short Period Fluctuations ofthe'Stable Regime Geomagnetic Field (Pc) (in accordance with observations carried out during the I.G.Y.) amplitudes at various stations. The degree of activity Pc has a clearly pronounced daily variation with a half-daily maximum 4! * it~has a seasonal -t,"proceeds in accordance with the local time,, k cfi~iractev and indicates a tendency towards a latitude shift, i.e. the maximum degree of activity Pc will occur earlier at the stations in the higher latitudes. 6) Disturbances with periods below 50 sec's shoxxldbe subdivided into proper PcA disturbances and disturbancei!of the same period which occur in absence of stable kluctuations~of the given,period (the latter is particularly characteristic forpolar stations). Acknowledgments are expressed to G. No Petroval~who 'directed the work and to the following who joii%=y with tho personnel of~t'.ie geophysical stations participated in evaluating the obtained experimental material: G.M.Solodovnikov, K.Ya,, Ser&yeva, L.V. Kopeleva, L.V.Pestretsova, V.V.Sperantov4 L.A.Nabatnikova and R.S. Rybak. There ar figures and 2 tai~les. ASSOCIArIUR: Akademiya nauk SSSR Institut fiziki Zemli (Academy of Card 4/4 Sciences USSR, Institute of Physics of thd_SWrTET- SUBMITTED: August b, 1959 ZYBIN,....K. YU.., SHCPETNOVj R.V... ROKIWANSKATAO D.A.,, TROITSKAYA, V.A., E~T~ROKITYAMKYO I.I., "The Comection of Pc arxi Pt Pulsations with Magnetic,stomlp" report presented at the Intl.. Conferonce on CosirEL,, Ran and Earth Storms,, Kyoto) Japan., 4-15 Sept 196le PWE I BOOK EXPLOITATION $OV/5215 Akademiya nauk SSSR. 'Mezhduvedomstvennyy komitet po provedeniyu Mezhdunarodnogo geofizicheskogo goda. III razdel prograinmy.,MGG: Zemnoy magnetizm i zemny3t toki. gn`itnoso polya ze i Korotkoperiodicheakiye kolebaniya elek-roma . ml (Short-Period Oscillations of the Earth's Electromagnetic Field) Moscow, Izd-vo AN SSSR, 1961. 114~p 1,800, copies, printed (Series: Its: ~ Sbornik , statey., No. 3~ Resp. Eds.: A. G. Kalashnikov, Doctor of Phy6ics and Mathe,mlatics, and V. A.-Troitskaya, Candidate of Physic6 and:Mathematics; Ed.: Ye. P. Shchukina; Tech. Ed.: Ye. V. Makuni. PURPOSE: ThAs publication is intended for g6ophysicists, 'COVERAGE: This collection of articles, published!b y the Inter- departmental IGY Committee of the USSR Academy of Sciences.,: treats problems of geomagnetiom and telluric ourrents..*In- dividual articles deal with various (short-period., gigantici ard-3: '5 Short-Period (Cont.) SOV/5215 steady, etc.) oscillations of the terresirial~electromag'netic field, particularly in the arctic region.' No ~Personalities are mentioned. Brief English abstracts accompany each article. References follow individual articles. TABLE OF CONTENTS: Afanaslyeva, V. I. Short-Period Oscillations of the Earth's Magnetic Field Kebuladze, V. V. Some Regularities of the Disturbed Field of Earth Currents 11 Okhatslmskaya, M. V.0 Yu. B. Rastrusinp 1. 1. Rokityanskly., and R. V. Shchepetnov. Regularities in the Axcitttion of Short-Period Oscillations in Middle Latitudes 17 Vinogradov, P. A. Short-Period Oscillations of the Electro- telluric Field (According to Observations in"Irkutsk) 23 Short-Period'(Cont.) SOV/5215 Dubrovskiy, V. G. Rapid Geoelectric and Gedmagnetic Variations and Their Regularities (According to ObservatrionO in AshkhAbad) 35 Troitskaya, V. A. Steady Oscillations and Chain.Oscillations in the Arctic and Antartic 41 Zubareva, E. P. Preliminary Results of Earth Current Obser- vations in Tiksi Bay 62 Nikitina, N. M. Preliminary Results of Earth Current Obserl- vations at the Barentsburg Station (Spitsbergen) 69 Zubareya, E. P.0 G. 1. Korobkova, N. M, Nikitina, and V. A. Troitskaya. Gigantic Pulsations in the Soviet Arctic During the 1935-1956 Period 76 Barsukov, 0. M. and K. Yu b Nonperpe~dlcularity of ~he~: 0 i-n Vectors of the E and 4Aa hA 6ns of the Earth's Blectromag. netic Field 83 Short-Period (Cont.) SOV/5215 Troitskaya, V. A. Beat-Type Oscillations (Pearls) in the Earth's Electromagnetic Field,(T- 1-4 see) 89 Troitskaya, V. A., and M. V. Mellnikova. Characteristic Intervals of Oscillations, Decreasing Over a,Period (10-1 see), in the Earth's Electromagnetic Fieldj 4nd Their Relation- ship With Phenomena in the Upper Atmosphere "u D3* Bollshakova, 0. V., K. Yu 74rbip and N. FI Malltoeva. Some Regularities in the~~effW;ro!-_oPthe Vertical Component of Short-Period Oscillations of the Geomagnetic1ield in a Stable Regime ( pc Kalashnikov, A. G., and K. Yu. Zybjn... Some Results of the Observations of the Vari_at_1~on5-V-e_Fior of the~Horizontal Com- ponent of the Earth's Magnetic Field 110 Kalashnikov, A. G., and Mokhova, Ye. N. Short-PeriIod Variatiobs of the Magnetic Field, Occurring Simultaneously Over a 29886 8/10-D/61/000/009/04t/056' D22~/D3O4 AUTHORS: Baraukov, Oo Ma, and Zybin, X. Tu~~ TITILEj The non-perpendicularity of -the vairiation vectors for E an4 H of the earth's geomaginotic field PERIODICAL: Referativnyy zhurnal.: Geofizlkap!~no. 0$ 19619 20j~ abstract OG210 (Koro,tkoperiod, kof.ebani~ra elektro-'. magnitn. poly& Zemli, noo 3y MaT iA' S"'~r 19619 8348), TEXTs It is shovn theoretically that for an anfoo-tropic medium the principle of the tmtual perpendicularity of veotors of electric and mag- netic alternating fields is violated in horizontal directions. Recordings of short-period variations, at the Lovozero and Borok' Stations were pro- cessed for experimental verification. The principals directions of ve c to ra E and H and their diurnal variation were determined for Lovozero; them perpendicularity deviation is r-.j 9 + I Electromagnetic measuremqntx~. of the impedance for different directions disclosed the anisotropy *'t the ,,,rust in the Lovozero area vhich~ atcording to the calculationag should Card 1/2 ZYBIN, K.Yu.; KLEDENOVA, N.G. Amplitude opoctrum of micropulantiona irt tho froquoncy range of 1 to 20 cps. Guomag. i aerb 5 no.6-.1125-IIP.6 1-1-D 1650 (141RA 191:1) 1. Institut fiziki 2emli AN SSSR. Submitted Maxch 26, 1965. ACC NRI A0007601 SOURCE CoDz: UR/0293/66/004/006/0935/0936 AUTHOR: Zybin M. none TITLE: Dis'tribution of Alfven velocity in the magnatosphero I SOURCE: Nosmichaskiyo Isslodovantya, v. 4, no. 6, 1966,' 935-936 TOPIC MGS: cold plasma, plasma density, magnotic field SUR CODE: 20,22 I ABSTRACT: .klfvc"n velocity in the magnotospher'o usually is c~'mputdd using thol. formula VA -whore H is magnetic field strenzth and- P is the density of charged particles. Tho first computation of Vk was made by Dossler, assiming a monotoac decrease of plasma density"writh heiE;ht and, for the strangth of a dipole field. Howovor, Soviet space rockets ro- Yealed a sharp decrease of plasma density at goocentric distances P ='4-5 RZ. IMIuch more data now is available on this plasma densilty.-liz-ap knoo") near which t:".o densiiy of cold plasma decroases Lyj several tons of times. Suiz:h a sharp decrease naturally should load to a con5idorablo increase of AlfV611 velocity. The graph show a second VA maximmu at R = 4-5 -RE and a region of 'relativoly low vallae-i VA t~oud6d by tw3 aaidma. Thia haa a number of corollaries Jrportant for an underzit-aiiding of the naturo of goomagnatic micropulsationo, 7ho region of docreasod velocities can serve as an additional rosonator for magnatoacountic WMVC3 propagating the oxosphere. This rosonatQr exists on 2 UDC;-550.385.41 Card ACC NR: A117007601 coth L,,,3 dayttime and nighttime sides of the magneto sphere.": This, makes it possible to explain nightttime pulsations of the Pi2 typo. There are .threo regions in the riagnotosphore in which magnetoacoustic roooronces are possible: a.) a region bounded by the "kneel' and the velocity jMP .at the boundary of the magnotosphore; b) a region botween'tho "kneel' and. tho'maximum of tha Al,+'v6n velocity at R-z 1.5 RE; a) a region-whoso boundaries are the ionosphera and the velocity maximwa at Riz 1.5 RE* Those and othor fact ,oj:,s help in e.Vlaining. a broad speotro' of sizi4:- tancously axisting micr9pulsations with different Periods. RS: 3927 1-87 Card -2/2_ L U. Properties and nature of geomagnetic micropulsations with p eriod'a from 10 seconds up to several minutes. Geomag. i aer. 5 no.3,:494- 498 My-je 165. (MIRA 18.5) 1. Institut fiziki Zemli AN SSSR. -_jj 0 UR AS a il".26 '006/1 AUTHOR: - Zybins K, Y!L! KleVOMMOVa 1~ N a ORG: Institute of7 Physics of the Ca hz AWigsiil in t _rt lt~t fWki Zemli AWGSSR) .TITLE: Amplitude' spectrum of micropulsations. io~ith 0 opw frequency range- SOURCE: Geomagnetizm- I iteronomiya - 4 no* TOPIC TAGS4. tic eid: 00 yukes P#! geomagne ~ABSTRACT.-: The a report on, obsilrvatio~~.'Of tdoropul ono n telluric " currents ;at,: arm; ~iz~;W h1k In I- Mitt !jv~ Z cillograms of-the 11ral alectrootaghOtt" Mald 4, 4 t 11 it 1-20-aps f 1 -6 qt v n - cy r.ange show a COMPIeK p4ttaPn 0 V lkegular oset1lationa -whi(A defies analysis. To Isolate the characteristic frequeaoies, meveral of the most typical recordings of micropulsations.,lastitul; about 30 secon4d. each were analyzed on an R-20 computer. The resultant data were analyzdd and a curve of the 9 spectral component was plotted as a functionwof amplitude. This spectrum shows that the natural electromagnetic field observed in the 1-20 cps range is the result of two, dtq~,inlct---, 55T*ilq5. 17 Card 1 2 um 550,385-37 t -- ----------- -.7-7 -ACC-NRt C9 sources. The field energy,diminishe's. stmoothl~,Iaihd rd:the~r ~rapldl Iwith- increasing frequencyjn,the firat~ part of t t t he s oc rUmiup o ~cpo. Above 5 cpsq the field energy, begins, to Oscillate with increasing fre- quency. The low-frequency part of the spectrum (up to 5 cps) dorre- sponds to oscillations of the Pel type)which havo thtir origin in the exosphere. The maxima in the oscillations above~S cps corresp~ad to Schumann resonance frequencies of the'viity idue io ~ p lightning flashes. Three clearly defined maxima are 4beervedlat 8,*5,0 14.51and 21 cps'. This spectrum to uned, to datersoine the Q of It-he earthr ionosphere.::r resonance cavity, giving values of 3tA for 8.5 cps oadl.3,2 for 14,5 cps, which agree satisfactorily with tho dato in the IACeroture~ Resonance oscillations in the middle latitudes aft muoh strong% than in the polar regions, where fluctuatLons are wadkand the ampll.L,149 of the oscillations from 0 to 20 cps are nearly an order, of magait#de low- er than the amplitudes of geomagnstie micvopulsations (1-3 cps)4 Orig. art. has; I figure. SUB CODE i 08j17/ SUBH DATEt 2611ar6S/ ORrG REN 002/ OTH Mrs ~OO~ ATD PRESS: 2/2 --ZYBIN, Kh, inshener, Operatioq recorder of the "Neptun" radar station. Mor.flot 17: bo.3:24 Mr 157s (HIRA 1033) 1. Xlektronavigatsionnayu kamera!Rizhskogo poita. .(Riga-lladar in navigation) (Recording Inatmento) ZYBIM, L.K., starshiyprepodavatell Conditions for convergence of a sequence of IlAear positive operators* Uche saps Kallno goo# pett, inst. no-$03-56158- (MM 13:10) (Operators (Vathemtics)) (Convergence) ZYBIN, L-R-s otarahty prepodavatell Convergence of some sequenaeo of linear operatvra to discontinuous ftnetions. Uch. zap, Kaline goo. pod* inst. no#5:57-63 158* .(KIRA 13tlO) (Convergence) (operators (Mathematics)): (AM0,0-iona, Diaccutinous) 40 of 0-;,4 j4o'i ~?,Pflrlgj 'let$ Ole so j .-00 00 KY k410. A00. W w1w 11 so no. j4 rem *at abkr--.- tkKUldary WrmoM IM-10 OW11111144 With It -RV W 0o9 pw"is of the tonvd0m, 00 Im"I to n *vItits"Wo. pwiculwtY Is tmtwmt W" -t6. 00 julatiftwead wtr&vctwmdy. ctulvakireme It "Y 40wv to en"ths. U. Kiwalapoff zoo al ~so goo JU roe MOO N be* fjo 0 it tv Z%. Jtv 0., Oil I I V! ~4; ............. _-1-' 9 It - 1 0 66 a It N 1 $4 0 0000 0 0.00 0 Ole,* 0 00 0.0 0 0 We a.0 Wo 0 0 00, 0 0 0 * 0 0s0 so 111 0,40 0 O'o 0 0 0 * 0; * All U U, 2 GORODETSKIYO V.I., inzh.; ZYBIq,, P.M., inzh.; ISAKOV,jYu.N., inzh.; DtYACHENKO, :N.Xh.,--~d'"o-VtTo"r"lt"e"k-lffi.nauk, prof.; LIVENTSEV, F.L., kand.tekhn.tauk, dotsent; MELINIKOV, G.V., karid.tekhn.nauk, dotsent A new gas pipe line compressor station with evaporation cooling of the gas motor compressors. Energomashinostroenie 10 no.1:27-29 A 164. (MIRA 17W BOBOREKO; E.A.1 KaYUZHNYYo,,C-HAYKAM -NVD~ ABRAMOVICH, M.M.j SHILOVIV Yu. P. DRUZHININA, A.7.;' L.S. Improving the process of yeast growing an wood hydrol7zateso Gidroliz. i 17 no#8t22-25 164. 1, Woudarstvon*7 nauchno-inaledovatellakiy institut gidralimnoy i oullfitno-opirtovoy promynblennostil Leningrad (for Boborekoi Kalyuznyys Chaykaj Abramovioh), 2o lvdollaltly gidroliznyy zavod (for Shilov, Druzhinina, Zybinp Batikov), FISHER, P.N.; KEYLIO I.A.; VO!~qD'YEVAt:G.I.; SHVARSKROYN, B.N.; ALYAMDVSKAYA, T~S~Q~~; b9UzHllffINA; A..T.; SHILO'V,'YUOP, Growing yeast on hydrolysates from coniferous wood. Gidrolizo i lesokhim, prom. 16 no.50-12 163. (MIRA 17t2) 1. Mookovskoye otdelenlye Gosudarstvennogo nauchno~'issledovatell-: skogo instituta. gidroliznoy i oul,lfitno-spirtovoy promyshlennosti, (for Fisher, Keyll, Voroblyeva, Shvartskroyh)IAlyanovskaya). 2. Ivdellskiy gidroliznyy zavod (for Zybin, Druzhinina, Shilov). KOROLIKOV, I.I.; STRIZHEIVSKAYA, I.S.; LIKHOVIDO R.D.1 PARAM~NOVA, G.D.; ZYBIN S.Ye.; BATIMV,. L.S.; DOLGOKHVOSTOV, I.A. Experiments in the production of hydrolyeates,for grewing yeast at the Ivdell Hydrolysis Plant. Gidroliz, i I-eigokh1m, prom. 16 no.50-7 163. (MIPA 17t2) 1. Gosudarstvennyy nauchno-iseledovateltoldy inatittit gidrolizn6y i s-allfitno-spirtovoy promyshlennosti (for Kbrollkovp Strizhovskaya, Likhovid, Paramonova). 2. Ivdallskly gidroliznyy zavod (for Zybin, Batikov, Dolgokhvostov). Horinsontal percolation in the extract ion-battM hydrolysis of wood. Gidrolis. i lesokhim. prom. 8 no*5:16-17 155. (RLRA 9:1) lAirectorXhorskogo gidroliznogo zavoda. (Wood-Chemistry) (Hydrolysis) Zybin, V. "The fantastic and t~,e Actualoll (Concerning the apeed-~ demon lathe-hand 0. "orthavich. Sketch)); Smena, 1949, No. 4, P. 4, with povtrait. SO: U-3566p 15 March 53,, (Letopis tZhurnal Inykh Statey,.No. 131 1949) 'End 11i'TTI1111 till VOROBOYEVO A.A.; VASILIYEV., U.N.; SAMORODW., L.M.;~YPRONT40Vp I.V.; PATRIKEYEV.. GOT.; MAKWXKO, ~H.M.; ~ pinivau uchastiye. AIIDROSHCHM, KOM=p I.S.; NIXOIAYENKO., Yu.P.; CHEMOVA, V.A.; IGONINA,, Yu.A.,- 14ORDUYEVA,~i A.A. Study of botulin anatoxins. Report,110.4'. B6tulin:.anatoxin type E. Zhur. mi-krobiol., epid. i immun. 33 no.1:72-79 A 162. 0 MIA 15; 3) (CLOSTRIDIMI BOTULINUI) (TOXINS AND'ANTITOXINS) inoculated people the antitoxic titers of typos ; and B &M oX the okqtr 1-3 a/ml, ono mi of oAch proparation is med* to coubain =0 mAtj&wdc.vALtm (LO PW one AS) of the corresponding anat-In with specific activity of no 1"s than EG/1 mg of total nitrogen and not over 3o$ mg of alualam boroxiAeo LSWGIATION t none MMTE)t 18may6o 00 MB CWZs LS NO M7 SOVI rOOD OTMO 000 Car ~~'Ozjly L 42057-65 Vasillyev, V. 4.1 Ntrikqw, 00 AUTHORSs Harkov1ch,_A#_Y&j V5E2~lysv, A. -,-- I - *;- Y'. Was 3.1 0z 3 TIME: Botulitic aAAtQXiA3 of.typos A and B. Claps 30, No. 169751 SOUICEt Byunetent isobrateniy- I tov*rnykh snakovp no..7s, 1965a 92-93' TOPIC TAGS1 Anat0iin, toxic substance, b!sttuU"sm., inoculation' ADSMOTt This Author Oartificata presents bQtuUtio anatomins, purifiodo concentrated, and aorbed with altim' min hydroaddo ' To produ*i'lm the blood of the VOROBIYEV A A VASILMY, N.H.; PATRIKEYEV, G.T.-~ZUMA JDW KO miv, Ls.; AW4 5.M... IG011Ui. U.5.; N '~-& Y,6.P Prinimall ucbazt Y COMMA, Yu*S,; P01MOVA, M.A. Study of botu)An anatoxins. Report No-l. Batulin anat-0-.dn type.A.~ Zhur. mikro~iol~ epid J. i=un. 32 )!10.9:31-36 S 61 WIRA 15-2) tCLOSIOI~A BOTULIMI) (TOXINS AND ~ VIT ITOXINS) VOROBIYEV, A.A.; VASILIX.ETP N.H.; YEIIICW,, VA,- FSTRIKLUX, G.T.; SMWIEV) V.M.; ZYBRI., V~D. - XOldW IS - AlIANIMA Ye.P., Prinimali uchas'bi~"y"e'-:t'~',WlfMl~ICIHJKI S.'M.*I' MKOlAYEAP, Y-U.P.;, RNOVAt Yu.8.pM -11, Yu'.A.;: MAKAROVA, V.A GIIE YARKOVA .-M.A. 1G01111 MORDUYEVA, A. A. Study of botulin amtoxins. Report No.2; Botul in'. anatoxin tyi)oN Zhur.milwobiol., epid. i immun. 32 no.M68-72 0 161. (KRA IWO (CLOSTRIDMI BOTULINUM) (TOMS AND AWITOXI10): - - --------- VLASOV, Haum Illich; SAU11y, Ivan AlettoYeviobj ZTBII~ Y.0,40 Wirt, TOt%OnXOf1tj rad.lad-vat UltAROYA, A.P.,; NO= B.I., (OrgarAzation and planning of mj%terlal nad technical mipply and marketing of macUnary plants] Organizatsiis i planirova- nie materiallno-tekhnicheskogo enabzheniia I sbyta mashino- alvroitellnykh predpriiatii. Kotkva. Gos.nauchno-takha.izd-vo mashinostroit.lit-ry, 1959, ~10 p. (MIRA 13:2.) (Machinery industry) (Industrial management) ZYBALOVA. G.P. Changes in the permeability of Angren coal during the process of Ats drying and heat treatment., Podzem.gnz.ugl.'no.1:2S-1l 1580' (HIRA ~ 11:4) 1. Voesovuzny7 nauchno-tooledovatel'skly i -proyektnyy instibut T)odzamnov gazifikAtsii ugley. (Goal--Permeability) GOLUBEV, Yu,B,; ZYBALOVAI Q.P.p kaxid.tekhn.naukj PEq'UKfIOVA, N.N,j SFCI,IAD'KO, A.Mo Gas formation dynamics in the gasification of a lignite veam at the experimental, "Podzemgaz" gas generator station in the Angren Basin. Trudy VITNIPodzemgaza no.13:11-17 165o (MTRA 16: 8) 1. laboratoriya, tekhnologil podzemnoy gaziflkatsii uglya Vsesoyuznogo nauchno-issledovatellskogo in8titixta podzemnoy garsifikatsii ugley. BOLTANOVA. Z.M.; ZYBAT-011A, R.F Detection of tecterial poLlution of preverveel blood and ito components, Gemat. i peral. krovi -11125-128 165. (MIRA 18310) 1, Xiyevskiy institut pere.11-varAys. krorg-I iKiTevoknya gorodiskaya stantsiya perelivaniya 1wovi. zyBkm,,,..A,; PAKHOIKOV, D. New hosting system for the ZIL-158 motorbusea. Avt.transpe 38. no.l14O-41 Ja 160. (MM- 13:5) (Motorbusee) ZYBAYLO, A. V. Simplifying the handling and form of technical records Avt.trakt.prom. no.11:4-6 N 154. 8: 1) 1. Moskovskly avtosavod im. Stalina. (Automobile engineering) (factory managoment) .1 ksey Vasil 1yevicb; SHnWV p A.G. I inzh I retuenzent; LEVIN- ZYBAYiLgOip,Awj ',j red.j RADAYEVA9'Z.A., red* izd-va; ELOMD9~V.D., tekbn. red. [organizing preliminary activities in the moos manufacture of maebineryl Organizatsiia podgotovki proizvodetva v masoovom m4shinootroenii, :Mo- skva, Gos. naucbno-tekbn. izd-vo mashinostroit. lit-~, 1961. 234 p. (113~u 14:9) (Factory managerrent) Ways of lowering the production costs in chenical working circloo. Gidroliz. i losolhimsprom. 10 no.5:23-24 "57. (tILRA 10-8) l.Ivatae,iichski.7 khinleskhoz. (white Ruosia--Forest products--Costs) ZYB IN, A. -kore production with less a-pending. IITO 'no*11:17-18 N '59. (MIR& 134-4) 1, Predsedatell soveta pervichno7 organizatmil. Wanchno- tekhnicheskogo obahchestva sel'skogo i leanogo,khosysyetya zernosovkhoza *Gracbevskiy." Stavropollakly kra (Stavropol Territory-Agricultiral research5' USSR/Fam Animals - Donectic Fowls I Abs Jour t Rof Zhur - Biol.t No 6, 1958, No 26248 Author Inst : Not Given Title 3 A Valurblo Animal Feed for Fowls (Tsonnyy zhivotnyy Tcorm dlya Ptitsy) Orir Pub - S. kh. Sibiri, 1957, No 5t 61-65 Abstract s An experiment was orrriod out Inth 'o reising of chicks by, supplonanting feed retions with frosh-wnter shrimp (Go=prus). Feeding fresh shrivps to the chicks otarftod fror, 2-3 dcYs of ago. Daily :!varrgo por head was: during the first ton doys 2-4 C., during the next ton days 4-8 r,., subsequent ton dnys 8-12 E.j nt 2 nonths of ago 20 g., tt 3 nonths 30 g., end grovm-up chicken 60-70 g. of fresh, or.'15-18 g. of dried nhrinr.3. The foods hed a positive influencoon the growthy davolopE:ont, end ourvival of the young;chickcns* There wts. no chicken post in the experimental group of 840 heads. The avorrgo chickonsi weight rt 2 r-ontho:of n6o was 693 S. no Cord 1/2 USSR/Fort-i Anir.:As - Domestic Fowls Q-6 Abs Jour Rof Zhur Biol., No 6, 1958, No 26248 agcinst 651 g. in the control group; young honn ntarted laying eggs at 5 nonths of ago - carliar. thon in the control group. The article gives available publin 'had dnta rogcrding the effectiveness of the use of Gamarus ns a fbod for chickons. The wnsy of catching and ftying Gamiarus in the airmor and winter, as wall ns the oconomicol profitableness of Its utilization, ere Iddicatod. Card s 2/2 Control and protection of ornn-")IM farm in~:Iocal vontilation, Izv. vys. uchob. zav.; gor. AIM. no.8:162,.167. 161. 04IRA 15:5) 1. Vostochnyy skiy. ins titut po bezopaunosti rabo% v gornoy U.-,,~yahlennom,ti. Relcomendovarn Vostochnym nauchno-issledovatel-'skim institutou po bezopamnoati rabot v gornoy promyshlennosti. (Pans,, Electric) URE 1, 1i~i i 1i i; i i 1 3111 HIM IIWIIII~I. ZYBIN, A. S. Mster Biol Sci (diss) "The lake crwftsh (Ga=arus RIVUIo- gammrus lacustris G. 0. Sars) and the outlook for its:,acommio exploitation~ on the basis of experimental data". cmwk, 1958. 25 pp (Tomak State U im V. V.: KUybyshev), 200 copies (n, lio 6, 1959, 129) YASRMA, R.V.; ZYBIN, A.Tu. Method for determining velocity of the lowb~, clamps'of the Rr~2-50~ tearing machine Ased, In testing fabrics. Kossli.-ob )roz. no'04t 17-19 Ap 159-0 '&i' ( RA ~2--?) (Testing machines) (Textile fabrics-Teating) p a m I A I --7 Vjq Sk Uss ail Ramw Uirsms toe I V.Zfflilli mild T. 81IT"I'lar I 1.2t, 4141Wdrit'lli emn lie Ifived surce%stidly bw drohig wrt struin Or nIAJt dowls to 11-12% ntakwit III mixtut 9 111,$. Ulldor 111"d "IMIdilk"IM, Willi 981A ClittfiIIS thtf ditlill At IlIK411 .00 ek, and ledvind III Ab4nit W. swith 00 Ike e X46 0 :4 got see not ;'o 0 41 A 14.1 L 00 "ITALLUOCKAL LITIERAILOC CLASUPKATION slow 11~111k- clam 03-iAns 140041 -6 1 igloo" -ItmTon A all, .1 11.1 0 4 It T't ' '0 it Ko A I 0 0 0 *to;# Cojo 0 0 0 0.411 0 00000 0 0 to 0 0 C of 000 $1 4 0 a 6:0, a o i.0 0 0 0 0 00 Wml~v hZi.,utj And J-1;~6rhJ.1 -d 1-130a2V 8 a5) 7-YEIN Yu.A.; SAW3OWN, KHAW11MR, V.G.; DORMAN E~M. Lined plastics and their testing. Plast. massy no.7:64 165. (MTRA 18:7) IN, PHASE I BOOK EDTWITATION 149 Akademiya nauk SSSR. Institut nauchnoy I tekhnicheskoy informtsii Pribory I stendy. Tema 5. No. P-56-475 (Inetruments.and Instrument Stands.~ Topic 5, No. P-56-475) Moscow, 1956j 10 p, 1,620 ppies.pritted, Additional Sponsoring Agency: Gosudarstvennyy komitet Govete. 14inistrov SS SR po novoy tekhniki. Chief Ed.: Udalltsov, A. N.; Ed.: Yakovlev, D.A.,.Engineer. PURPOSE: This booklet is addressed to those interested in tbe~techniqae~and metering instruments used In the measurement of very low resistances and to earth physicists interested in metering technique in measuring the auscep- tibility of rock samples., COVERAGE: The booklet contains two articles, one deacribing.a pulse microbmmeter, the other an absolute permeability meter. Card 1/3 Instruments and InstrumentStands (Cont.) 149 TABLE OF CONTENTS Iraniy, P. B., Engineer. A Pulse Micbrobmmeter 3 The article describes an instrument for measuring very1ov contact resistances (on the order of 1 michro4 Such meters are uaed$,~~for example, in measuring bus connection resistances an the order of 0.1 to 5:"michrohms. The ameter- voltmeter method for obtaining a visible deflection~,of the needle on a,10 mv scale is described. The method requires very high testing currents, on the order of 100 amperes when measuring I microhm. The author describes the microhmmeter developed by him at the "Uralelektroapparat" factory (author's certificate No. 94385). The operating principle of,'the instrument is based on the generation of high current (200 to 300 amperes) pulses, Fig, 1 is a circuit diagram of a microhmdeter for measuring lowresistances (from 2 to 5,000 microbms) under shop conditions. Fig. 2 is a circuitediagrem of a microbmmeter for measuring low resistances (in the 0.1-10 Vj to 10 ohm range) in a closed circuit through the secondary coil of a':stepdown transformer. Fig. 3 is a photograph of the apparatus used for checking the contact system of the W-110 oil circuit breaker, Fig. 4 is a structural and connection diagram of the instrument used to check the contact system of the VMG-133/111 oil circuit breaker. A table of pulse transformer coil winding data is given. Card 2/3 Instruments and Instrument Stands (Con,~.) 149, There is one Soviet reference. Zybin, K. Yu. An Absolute Permeability. Meter 9, This instrument was developed by A,G, Kalashnikov at the Institute of Earth Physics., AN SSSR. The report is accompanied by,q. schematic diagram of the flu=eter in circuit. Formulas are.given for calculating suscepti- bility, flux, etc. The design and principle of operation of.the instru- ment are described. The instrument is used in measuring the susceptibility of rock samples. There are no references. AVAIWIE: Library of Congress Card 313 jP/Mw 11-5-58 KUASEDIIKOV~ AO G61 MDT, K. Yu "Some results of observing tile variation vector of the horizontal component of the geomagnetic field." report presented at the Intl. Association of Geomagnetism''and Aeronomy, Sy~~osiitm on Rapid Geomagnetic Variations, Utrecht, Netherlands, 1-4 S6P 59- ME* --,too ATHOR: TITLE& PERIODICAL: ABSTRACT. 809 s/olig/60000/02/oo6/022 E13-1/0-59 Kalashnikov, A.y. and Zybin, K.Yu.; Soma Results of Investigating the Variations of the Horizontal Component of the GeomaSnetic~Field-(From Observations During the I.G .Y.) Izvestiya Akademii nauk SSSR, Seri~a geofizicheskayal 196o, Nr 2, pp 236-242 (USSR) The investigations were carried out by,the Station "Borok" of the Institute of Physics of the'Earth,-A-c-a-de-my of Sciences USSR (58*02 Nand 38*58 E,). !A three-c.omp6nent assembly was employed giving the'variations of. Hx"'Hy and Z of the geomagnetic field,, The, was recorded by means of a mesh placed horizontally in the earth, the total surface of which was 15700 m2. The sensitivity of the Z-ohannel -was 1.4 x 10-2 Y/mm. Examples of recordings of the variations of all,three components are illustrated in Fig 2. Vector diagrams of the variations of the horizontal compoinents were plotted showing the amplitudes of the components Hx and : Hy for a given instant (Fig 3). The curves thus obtained enclose an elongate&area, the azimuth of the longer 80944 s/049/60/000/02/oo6/022 E131/E459~: Some Results of Investigating the Variations of the Horizontal Component of the Geomagnetic Field (From Observations During the~I.G.Y.) axis having predominantly a direction NW to SE, ie the mean azimuth was found to be 38" (Fig,4). ~It was found that the diurnal rotation of the vector was predominantly anti-clockwiae. Out 0f'456 cases, 258 rotations were anti-clockwise, 146 clockwise and 52 were variable (Fig 5, 6 and 7). The diagram of the relationships E /H E /H and E/H 2 2 2 X y Y X EX + EY Hx+ Hy was also produced (Fig 8) in.order to ill:ustrate:the relationship between the.amplitude of the variations of the electric field and -those of the 'Magnetic field# The cause of these variations could be the effect of electric eddies in the ionosphere at the heights of 100 km and Card 2/3 809! S/o4q/60/ooq/qz/oo6/o22 EIWE019 Ime Results of Investigating the Variations of the Fiorizontalv. Component of the Geomagnetic Field (Prom Observa~tions During the I.G.Y.) above. There are 8 figures and I Soviet roforenca,~ ASSOCIATION:.Akademiya nauk SSSR Institut fiziki~"Zeml:i cademX of Sciences, Institute of P111sics of the Earth) SUBMITTED% August 6, 1959 Card 3/3 827o6 s/09/6o/ooo/oo6/002/002 ~3. E073/E.535 ,ybin, K. Yu.'and Malftseva AUTHORS: Bol'shakova, O.V#1,,Z TITLE: Certain Relations Governing the Behaviour of the Vertical Component o;vthe Short Period Fluctuationei of the Stable Regime\Geomagnetic~Field (PC) (in accordance with o6-servations 6&rri ed out during the I,G*Yo) PERIODICAL: Izvestiya Akademii nauk SSSR, Seriya goofizlcheskaya, 196o, No.6, pp.818-827 + I Plate TEXT: The authors evaluate the results of ob~servations carried out in the followi IngIthree geophysical stations of them InIstitute of Physics of the Earth, AS, USSR during the first six months (August, 1957 to January, 1958) of'the:I.G.Y.: Lovozero (Murmansk region) - 670 581 northern latitude, 35' 05' eastern longitude); Borok'(Yaroslav :'region),- 58*~OV northern latitude, 380 581 eastern longitude;~Petropavlovsk- Kamchatskiy - 530 06, northern latitude, 158*~380,eastern longitude. The primary evaluated data are the 24 hour photographic rec6rdings of fluxmeter induction apparatus with a 90 mm/hr scanning spe,.,~d. Card 1/4 s/o49/6o/ooo/oo6/OO2/OO2 E073/E535 Certain Relations Governing the Behaviour of the Vertical Component of the Short Period Fluctuations of,the Stable Regime Geomagnetic Field (Pe) (In accordance with observations carried out during the I.G.Y.) The authors investigatedthe frequency spectrum of the field'of the short period fluctuations, the daily characteristic,of the times of occurrence of short period fluctuations, the istic of the average maximum amplitude of the.short period fluctuations and their behaviour as a function of the geographic distribution of the observation points. are described in considerable detail. For the purpose of elticidixting generally valid amplitude relations, the authors introdtice the term 11degree of Pc activity" and investigate its behaviour.~ The degreerof :Pe activity was selected in the same way as the~~nterhational geomagnetic activity characteristics. However, in.the given case the amplitude of fluctuations with periods ofJ0 to 50 seca~ during each hour of the 24 hour day was evaluated at 0.1 to'2 Balls., On the basis of the obtained results the following~conclusions are arrived atz 1) The short period fluctuation spectrum in the range between Card 2/4 827C~ s/o4q/6o/boo/oo6/oo2/002 E073/E535; Certain Relations Governing the Behaviour of 'tile Vertical Component of the Short Period Fluctuations oflthe'Stable Regime Geomagnetic Field (Pc) (in accordance with observations carried out during the I.G.Y.) 10 and 90 seen is a discrete one,~the probability of appearance of fluctuations differs for differing periods'4: 2) According to the daily characteristic of the number of cases of occurrence of short period fluctuations ofivari:ous periods, the spectrum can be divided into groups of 20'~to 3.0 and 90 sees monitored ("controlled") according to~:Iocal time and a: 4o secs group monitored ("controlled") by world time. 3) The daily characteristic of the average maximum amplitude of the short period fluctuations of various periods obeys a genera 1 law and is monitored in accordance with local'itime 4) The group of fluctuations with periods beti~een 60 and 90~sec:.s observed at the station Borok obeys laws similar to those pertaining to the Pe type fluctuations@ 5) The degree of activity Pe evaluated according tp 3-ball scale enables comparing the relations governing the '~behaviour of short period fluctuations of the Pc type with appreciably differing Card 3/4 827C~ s/09/6o/doo/oo6/002/002 B073/E535, Certain Relations Governing the Behaviour of1the Vertical Component of the Short Period Fluctuations ofthe'Stable Regime Geomagnetic Field (Pc) (in accordance with observations carried out during the I.G.Y.) amplitudes at various stations. The degree of activity Pc has a clearly pronounced daily variation with a half-daily maximum 4! * it~has a seasonal -t,"proceeds in accordance with the local time,, k cfi~iractev and indicates a tendency towards a latitude shift, i.e. the maximum degree of activity Pc will occur earlier at the stations in the higher latitudes. 6) Disturbances with periods below 50 sec's shoxxldbe subdivided into proper PcA disturbances and disturbancei!of the same period which occur in absence of stable kluctuations~of the given,period (the latter is particularly characteristic forpolar stations). Acknowledgments are expressed to G. No Petroval~who 'directed the work and to the following who joii%=y with tho personnel of~t'.ie geophysical stations participated in evaluating the obtained experimental material: G.M.Solodovnikov, K.Ya,, Ser&yeva, L.V. Kopeleva, L.V.Pestretsova, V.V.Sperantov4 L.A.Nabatnikova and R.S. Rybak. There ar figures and 2 tai~les. ASSOCIArIUR: Akademiya nauk SSSR Institut fiziki Zemli (Academy of Card 4/4 Sciences USSR, Institute of Physics of thd_SWrTET- SUBMITTED: August b, 1959 ZYBIN,....K. YU.., SHCPETNOVj R.V... ROKIWANSKATAO D.A.,, TROITSKAYA, V.A., E~T~ROKITYAMKYO I.I., "The Comection of Pc arxi Pt Pulsations with Magnetic,stomlp" report presented at the Intl.. Conferonce on CosirEL,, Ran and Earth Storms,, Kyoto) Japan., 4-15 Sept 196le PWE I BOOK EXPLOITATION $OV/5215 Akademiya nauk SSSR. 'Mezhduvedomstvennyy komitet po provedeniyu Mezhdunarodnogo geofizicheskogo goda. III razdel prograinmy.,MGG: Zemnoy magnetizm i zemny3t toki. gn`itnoso polya ze i Korotkoperiodicheakiye kolebaniya elek-roma . ml (Short-Period Oscillations of the Earth's Electromagnetic Field) Moscow, Izd-vo AN SSSR, 1961. 114~p 1,800, copies, printed (Series: Its: ~ Sbornik , statey., No. 3~ Resp. Eds.: A. G. Kalashnikov, Doctor of Phy6ics and Mathe,mlatics, and V. A.-Troitskaya, Candidate of Physic6 and:Mathematics; Ed.: Ye. P. Shchukina; Tech. Ed.: Ye. V. Makuni. PURPOSE: ThAs publication is intended for g6ophysicists, 'COVERAGE: This collection of articles, published!b y the Inter- departmental IGY Committee of the USSR Academy of Sciences.,: treats problems of geomagnetiom and telluric ourrents..*In- dividual articles deal with various (short-period., gigantici ard-3: '5 Short-Period (Cont.) SOV/5215 steady, etc.) oscillations of the terresirial~electromag'netic field, particularly in the arctic region.' No ~Personalities are mentioned. Brief English abstracts accompany each article. References follow individual articles. TABLE OF CONTENTS: Afanaslyeva, V. I. Short-Period Oscillations of the Earth's Magnetic Field Kebuladze, V. V. Some Regularities of the Disturbed Field of Earth Currents 11 Okhatslmskaya, M. V.0 Yu. B. Rastrusinp 1. 1. Rokityanskly., and R. V. Shchepetnov. Regularities in the Axcitttion of Short-Period Oscillations in Middle Latitudes 17 Vinogradov, P. A. Short-Period Oscillations of the Electro- telluric Field (According to Observations in"Irkutsk) 23 Short-Period'(Cont.) SOV/5215 Dubrovskiy, V. G. Rapid Geoelectric and Gedmagnetic Variations and Their Regularities (According to ObservatrionO in AshkhAbad) 35 Troitskaya, V. A. Steady Oscillations and Chain.Oscillations in the Arctic and Antartic 41 Zubareva, E. P. Preliminary Results of Earth Current Obser- vations in Tiksi Bay 62 Nikitina, N. M. Preliminary Results of Earth Current Obserl- vations at the Barentsburg Station (Spitsbergen) 69 Zubareya, E. P.0 G. 1. Korobkova, N. M, Nikitina, and V. A. Troitskaya. Gigantic Pulsations in the Soviet Arctic During the 1935-1956 Period 76 Barsukov, 0. M. and K. Yu b Nonperpe~dlcularity of ~he~: 0 i-n Vectors of the E and 4Aa hA 6ns of the Earth's Blectromag. netic Field 83 Short-Period (Cont.) SOV/5215 Troitskaya, V. A. Beat-Type Oscillations (Pearls) in the Earth's Electromagnetic Field,(T- 1-4 see) 89 Troitskaya, V. A., and M. V. Mellnikova. Characteristic Intervals of Oscillations, Decreasing Over a,Period (10-1 see), in the Earth's Electromagnetic Fieldj 4nd Their Relation- ship With Phenomena in the Upper Atmosphere "u D3* Bollshakova, 0. V., K. Yu 74rbip and N. FI Malltoeva. Some Regularities in the~~effW;ro!-_oPthe Vertical Component of Short-Period Oscillations of the Geomagnetic1ield in a Stable Regime ( pc Kalashnikov, A. G., and K. Yu. Zybjn... Some Results of the Observations of the Vari_at_1~on5-V-e_Fior of the~Horizontal Com- ponent of the Earth's Magnetic Field 110 Kalashnikov, A. G., and Mokhova, Ye. N. Short-PeriIod Variatiobs of the Magnetic Field, Occurring Simultaneously Over a 29886 8/10-D/61/000/009/04t/056' D22~/D3O4 AUTHORS: Baraukov, Oo Ma, and Zybin, X. Tu~~ TITILEj The non-perpendicularity of -the vairiation vectors for E an4 H of the earth's geomaginotic field PERIODICAL: Referativnyy zhurnal.: Geofizlkap!~no. 0$ 19619 20j~ abstract OG210 (Koro,tkoperiod, kof.ebani~ra elektro-'. magnitn. poly& Zemli, noo 3y MaT iA' S"'~r 19619 8348), TEXTs It is shovn theoretically that for an anfoo-tropic medium the principle of the tmtual perpendicularity of veotors of electric and mag- netic alternating fields is violated in horizontal directions. Recordings of short-period variations, at the Lovozero and Borok' Stations were pro- cessed for experimental verification. The principals directions of ve c to ra E and H and their diurnal variation were determined for Lovozero; them perpendicularity deviation is r-.j 9 + I Electromagnetic measuremqntx~. of the impedance for different directions disclosed the anisotropy *'t the ,,,rust in the Lovozero area vhich~ atcording to the calculationag should Card 1/2 ZYBIN, K.Yu.; KLEDENOVA, N.G. Amplitude opoctrum of micropulantiona irt tho froquoncy range of 1 to 20 cps. Guomag. i aerb 5 no.6-.1125-IIP.6 1-1-D 1650 (141RA 191:1) 1. Institut fiziki 2emli AN SSSR. Submitted Maxch 26, 1965. ACC NRI A0007601 SOURCE CoDz: UR/0293/66/004/006/0935/0936 AUTHOR: Zybin M. none TITLE: Dis'tribution of Alfven velocity in the magnatosphero I SOURCE: Nosmichaskiyo Isslodovantya, v. 4, no. 6, 1966,' 935-936 TOPIC MGS: cold plasma, plasma density, magnotic field SUR CODE: 20,22 I ABSTRACT: .klfvc"n velocity in the magnotospher'o usually is c~'mputdd using thol. formula VA -whore H is magnetic field strenzth and- P is the density of charged particles. Tho first computation of Vk was made by Dossler, assiming a monotoac decrease of plasma density"writh heiE;ht and, for the strangth of a dipole field. Howovor, Soviet space rockets ro- Yealed a sharp decrease of plasma density at goocentric distances P ='4-5 RZ. IMIuch more data now is available on this plasma densilty.-liz-ap knoo") near which t:".o densiiy of cold plasma decroases Lyj several tons of times. Suiz:h a sharp decrease naturally should load to a con5idorablo increase of AlfV611 velocity. The graph show a second VA maximmu at R = 4-5 -RE and a region of 'relativoly low vallae-i VA t~oud6d by tw3 aaidma. Thia haa a number of corollaries Jrportant for an underzit-aiiding of the naturo of goomagnatic micropulsationo, 7ho region of docreasod velocities can serve as an additional rosonator for magnatoacountic WMVC3 propagating the oxosphere. This rosonatQr exists on 2 UDC;-550.385.41 Card ACC NR: A117007601 coth L,,,3 dayttime and nighttime sides of the magneto sphere.": This, makes it possible to explain nightttime pulsations of the Pi2 typo. There are .threo regions in the riagnotosphore in which magnetoacoustic roooronces are possible: a.) a region bounded by the "kneel' and the velocity jMP .at the boundary of the magnotosphore; b) a region botween'tho "kneel' and. tho'maximum of tha Al,+'v6n velocity at R-z 1.5 RE; a) a region-whoso boundaries are the ionosphera and the velocity maximwa at Riz 1.5 RE* Those and othor fact ,oj:,s help in e.Vlaining. a broad speotro' of sizi4:- tancously axisting micr9pulsations with different Periods. RS: 3927 1-87 Card -2/2_ L U. Properties and nature of geomagnetic micropulsations with p eriod'a from 10 seconds up to several minutes. Geomag. i aer. 5 no.3,:494- 498 My-je 165. (MIRA 18.5) 1. Institut fiziki Zemli AN SSSR. -_jj 0 UR AS a il".26 '006/1 AUTHOR: - Zybins K, Y!L! KleVOMMOVa 1~ N a ORG: Institute of7 Physics of the Ca hz AWigsiil in t _rt lt~t fWki Zemli AWGSSR) .TITLE: Amplitude' spectrum of micropulsations. io~ith 0 opw frequency range- SOURCE: Geomagnetizm- I iteronomiya - 4 no* TOPIC TAGS4. tic eid: 00 yukes P#! geomagne ~ABSTRACT.-: The a report on, obsilrvatio~~.'Of tdoropul ono n telluric " currents ;at,: arm; ~iz~;W h1k In I- Mitt !jv~ Z cillograms of-the 11ral alectrootaghOtt" Mald 4, 4 t 11 it 1-20-aps f 1 -6 qt v n - cy r.ange show a COMPIeK p4ttaPn 0 V lkegular oset1lationa -whi(A defies analysis. To Isolate the characteristic frequeaoies, meveral of the most typical recordings of micropulsations.,lastitul; about 30 secon4d. each were analyzed on an R-20 computer. The resultant data were analyzdd and a curve of the 9 spectral component was plotted as a functionwof amplitude. This spectrum shows that the natural electromagnetic field observed in the 1-20 cps range is the result of two, dtq~,inlct---, 55T*ilq5. 17 Card 1 2 um 550,385-37 t -- ----------- -.7-7 -ACC-NRt C9 sources. The field energy,diminishe's. stmoothl~,Iaihd rd:the~r ~rapldl Iwith- increasing frequencyjn,the firat~ part of t t t he s oc rUmiup o ~cpo. Above 5 cpsq the field energy, begins, to Oscillate with increasing fre- quency. The low-frequency part of the spectrum (up to 5 cps) dorre- sponds to oscillations of the Pel type)which havo thtir origin in the exosphere. The maxima in the oscillations above~S cps corresp~ad to Schumann resonance frequencies of the'viity idue io ~ p lightning flashes. Three clearly defined maxima are 4beervedlat 8,*5,0 14.51and 21 cps'. This spectrum to uned, to datersoine the Q of It-he earthr ionosphere.::r resonance cavity, giving values of 3tA for 8.5 cps oadl.3,2 for 14,5 cps, which agree satisfactorily with tho dato in the IACeroture~ Resonance oscillations in the middle latitudes aft muoh strong% than in the polar regions, where fluctuatLons are wadkand the ampll.L,149 of the oscillations from 0 to 20 cps are nearly an order, of magait#de low- er than the amplitudes of geomagnstie micvopulsations (1-3 cps)4 Orig. art. has; I figure. SUB CODE i 08j17/ SUBH DATEt 2611ar6S/ ORrG REN 002/ OTH Mrs ~OO~ ATD PRESS: 2/2 --ZYBIN, Kh, inshener, Operatioq recorder of the "Neptun" radar station. Mor.flot 17: bo.3:24 Mr 157s (HIRA 1033) 1. Xlektronavigatsionnayu kamera!Rizhskogo poita. .(Riga-lladar in navigation) (Recording Inatmento) ZYBIM, L.K., starshiyprepodavatell Conditions for convergence of a sequence of IlAear positive operators* Uche saps Kallno goo# pett, inst. no-$03-56158- (MM 13:10) (Operators (Vathemtics)) (Convergence) ZYBIN, L-R-s otarahty prepodavatell Convergence of some sequenaeo of linear operatvra to discontinuous ftnetions. Uch. zap, Kaline goo. pod* inst. no#5:57-63 158* .(KIRA 13tlO) (Convergence) (operators (Mathematics)): (AM0,0-iona, Diaccutinous) 40 of 0-;,4 j4o'i ~?,Pflrlgj 'let$ Ole so j .-00 00 KY k410. A00. W w1w 11 so no. j4 rem *at abkr--.- tkKUldary WrmoM IM-10 OW11111144 With It -RV W 0o9 pw"is of the tonvd0m, 00 Im"I to n *vItits"Wo. pwiculwtY Is tmtwmt W" -t6. 00 julatiftwead wtr&vctwmdy. ctulvakireme It "Y 40wv to en"ths. U. Kiwalapoff zoo al ~so goo JU roe MOO N be* fjo 0 it tv Z%. Jtv 0., Oil I I V! ~4; ............. _-1-' 9 It - 1 0 66 a It N 1 $4 0 0000 0 0.00 0 Ole,* 0 00 0.0 0 0 We a.0 Wo 0 0 00, 0 0 0 * 0 0s0 so 111 0,40 0 O'o 0 0 0 * 0; * All U U, 2 GORODETSKIYO V.I., inzh.; ZYBIq,, P.M., inzh.; ISAKOV,jYu.N., inzh.; DtYACHENKO, :N.Xh.,--~d'"o-VtTo"r"lt"e"k-lffi.nauk, prof.; LIVENTSEV, F.L., kand.tekhn.tauk, dotsent; MELINIKOV, G.V., karid.tekhn.nauk, dotsent A new gas pipe line compressor station with evaporation cooling of the gas motor compressors. Energomashinostroenie 10 no.1:27-29 A 164. (MIRA 17W BOBOREKO; E.A.1 KaYUZHNYYo,,C-HAYKAM -NVD~ ABRAMOVICH, M.M.j SHILOVIV Yu. P. DRUZHININA, A.7.;' L.S. Improving the process of yeast growing an wood hydrol7zateso Gidroliz. i 17 no#8t22-25 164. 1, Woudarstvon*7 nauchno-inaledovatellakiy institut gidralimnoy i oullfitno-opirtovoy promynblennostil Leningrad (for Boborekoi Kalyuznyys Chaykaj Abramovioh), 2o lvdollaltly gidroliznyy zavod (for Shilov, Druzhinina, Zybinp Batikov), FISHER, P.N.; KEYLIO I.A.; VO!~qD'YEVAt:G.I.; SHVARSKROYN, B.N.; ALYAMDVSKAYA, T~S~Q~~; b9UzHllffINA; A..T.; SHILO'V,'YUOP, Growing yeast on hydrolysates from coniferous wood. Gidrolizo i lesokhim, prom. 16 no.50-12 163. (MIRA 17t2) 1. Mookovskoye otdelenlye Gosudarstvennogo nauchno~'issledovatell-: skogo instituta. gidroliznoy i oul,lfitno-spirtovoy promyshlennosti, (for Fisher, Keyll, Voroblyeva, Shvartskroyh)IAlyanovskaya). 2. Ivdellskiy gidroliznyy zavod (for Zybin, Druzhinina, Shilov). KOROLIKOV, I.I.; STRIZHEIVSKAYA, I.S.; LIKHOVIDO R.D.1 PARAM~NOVA, G.D.; ZYBIN S.Ye.; BATIMV,. L.S.; DOLGOKHVOSTOV, I.A. Experiments in the production of hydrolyeates,for grewing yeast at the Ivdell Hydrolysis Plant. Gidroliz, i I-eigokh1m, prom. 16 no.50-7 163. (MIPA 17t2) 1. Gosudarstvennyy nauchno-iseledovateltoldy inatittit gidrolizn6y i s-allfitno-spirtovoy promyshlennosti (for Kbrollkovp Strizhovskaya, Likhovid, Paramonova). 2. Ivdallskly gidroliznyy zavod (for Zybin, Batikov, Dolgokhvostov). Horinsontal percolation in the extract ion-battM hydrolysis of wood. Gidrolis. i lesokhim. prom. 8 no*5:16-17 155. (RLRA 9:1) lAirectorXhorskogo gidroliznogo zavoda. (Wood-Chemistry) (Hydrolysis) Zybin, V. "The fantastic and t~,e Actualoll (Concerning the apeed-~ demon lathe-hand 0. "orthavich. Sketch)); Smena, 1949, No. 4, P. 4, with povtrait. SO: U-3566p 15 March 53,, (Letopis tZhurnal Inykh Statey,.No. 131 1949) 'End 11i'TTI1111 till VOROBOYEVO A.A.; VASILIYEV., U.N.; SAMORODW., L.M.;~YPRONT40Vp I.V.; PATRIKEYEV.. GOT.; MAKWXKO, ~H.M.; ~ pinivau uchastiye. AIIDROSHCHM, KOM=p I.S.; NIXOIAYENKO., Yu.P.; CHEMOVA, V.A.; IGONINA,, Yu.A.,- 14ORDUYEVA,~i A.A. Study of botulin anatoxins. Report,110.4'. B6tulin:.anatoxin type E. Zhur. mi-krobiol., epid. i immun. 33 no.1:72-79 A 162. 0 MIA 15; 3) (CLOSTRIDIMI BOTULINUI) (TOXINS AND'ANTITOXINS) inoculated people the antitoxic titers of typos ; and B &M oX the okqtr 1-3 a/ml, ono mi of oAch proparation is med* to coubain =0 mAtj&wdc.vALtm (LO PW one AS) of the corresponding anat-In with specific activity of no 1"s than EG/1 mg of total nitrogen and not over 3o$ mg of alualam boroxiAeo LSWGIATION t none MMTE)t 18may6o 00 MB CWZs LS NO M7 SOVI rOOD OTMO 000 Car ~~'Ozjly L 42057-65 Vasillyev, V. 4.1 Ntrikqw, 00 AUTHORSs Harkov1ch,_A#_Y&j V5E2~lysv, A. -,-- I - *;- Y'. Was 3.1 0z 3 TIME: Botulitic aAAtQXiA3 of.typos A and B. Claps 30, No. 169751 SOUICEt Byunetent isobrateniy- I tov*rnykh snakovp no..7s, 1965a 92-93' TOPIC TAGS1 Anat0iin, toxic substance, b!sttuU"sm., inoculation' ADSMOTt This Author Oartificata presents bQtuUtio anatomins, purifiodo concentrated, and aorbed with altim' min hydroaddo ' To produ*i'lm the blood of the VOROBIYEV A A VASILMY, N.H.; PATRIKEYEV, G.T.-~ZUMA JDW KO miv, Ls.; AW4 5.M... IG011Ui. U.5.; N '~-& Y,6.P Prinimall ucbazt Y COMMA, Yu*S,; P01MOVA, M.A. Study of botu)An anatoxins. Report No-l. Batulin anat-0-.dn type.A.~ Zhur. mikro~iol~ epid J. i=un. 32 )!10.9:31-36 S 61 WIRA 15-2) tCLOSIOI~A BOTULIMI) (TOXINS AND ~ VIT ITOXINS) VOROBIYEV, A.A.; VASILIX.ETP N.H.; YEIIICW,, VA,- FSTRIKLUX, G.T.; SMWIEV) V.M.; ZYBRI., V~D. - XOldW IS - AlIANIMA Ye.P., Prinimali uchas'bi~"y"e'-:t'~',WlfMl~ICIHJKI S.'M.*I' MKOlAYEAP, Y-U.P.;, RNOVAt Yu.8.pM -11, Yu'.A.;: MAKAROVA, V.A GIIE YARKOVA .-M.A. 1G01111 MORDUYEVA, A. A. Study of botulin amtoxins. Report No.2; Botul in'. anatoxin tyi)oN Zhur.milwobiol., epid. i immun. 32 no.M68-72 0 161. (KRA IWO (CLOSTRIDMI BOTULINUM) (TOMS AND AWITOXI10): - - --------- VLASOV, Haum Illich; SAU11y, Ivan AlettoYeviobj ZTBII~ Y.0,40 Wirt, TOt%OnXOf1tj rad.lad-vat UltAROYA, A.P.,; NO= B.I., (OrgarAzation and planning of mj%terlal nad technical mipply and marketing of macUnary plants] Organizatsiis i planirova- nie materiallno-tekhnicheskogo enabzheniia I sbyta mashino- alvroitellnykh predpriiatii. Kotkva. Gos.nauchno-takha.izd-vo mashinostroit.lit-ry, 1959, ~10 p. (MIRA 13:2.) (Machinery industry) (Industrial management) ZYBIN, V. G. 7646. ZYBIN, V. G. Kholodnaya Ghtampovka v mushinostropohil. pod red. V-D. GolovIeva. H., mauhSiz, 1954. 280 n. a ill. 27 sm. . 8.000 ekz. 13Ri~ 30K.: v per. -- pared zagl. nvt: 0. N. Rovinakiy. S. V. Alabin, V. V. Filli' ~ v, PPO K. A. Kalachev I V. G. Zybin. -- Bibliobrr: s. 278(30 nazv.): -(55-3908)? 621.96 (o16-3) SO: Knizhna-va Letopsis' VOL 71 1955 Z7BIN' _Y1949"!uIj"h-_DAVITASHVILI. Mikhail Doxillovi. 6h; SAYZDARG, Y.E., red,; DZYNTI, T.K.. (Tatliana Chkhaidze, prominent tea grower] Zhatnyl chsevad Tatlisna Chkbaidse. Moskva, Gos.isd-vo sellkhoolit-ry, 1960, 70 P. (MIU 14:1) (Georgia--Tea) F eklin. ,., doktor t FADEYEV, Sergey Favlovich[deceasedj;_Zp._4,,,,,,V nauk) retsenzent; POKROVSKIY, A.M., kand. tekhn. nauk, dots.p nauchn. red.; IUFAYEVA, G.I., red. (Preparation of a course project on machine'parts] Kurso- voe proektirovanie detalei mashin. Moskva, Vysshaia shkola 1964. 302 p. (MIM 18: 2) 1. Zaveduyushchiy kafedroy "Detali mashin" Vsesoyuznogo zaochnogo mashinostroitellnogo instituta U~ or Zybin). SOLOY&YEVY F.A., :Lnzh.i ZYBIN) lu,I,y inzh, Erection of polds of electric tranamiaoion lines us,Ixg an amcillary tower, Mont. i 'sOts, rab. v stroi. 25 no,5A9-21 14Y 163. (MIRA 16:7). 1. Gosudarstvennyy proyektnyy ibstitut Ukrpro~ kbtaltkonstruktsiya i trest Krovoroz-hstalikonstruktaiya. (Blectrim lines-Poles and towera) mow ZYBIN, Yu.I.; SOLOVIYEV, F.A., inzh. New method of erecting.the supports for electrie power trans- mission lines and installations of the t6wer type. Prom. stroi. 41 no.11232-35 N 163. (141RA 17:2) 1. Treat Krivorozhotallkonstruktsiya (for Zybin). 2. Gasu- darstvennyy proyekthyyAhatitut Ukrglavetalikonatruktaiya (for SolovIyev). UBIN, Tu.I., inzh.; SOLOVIYEV, F.A., inzh, Ays to improve the design details and methods of dsaemblin~ ~t gas purification of a blast furnace. Prom. s'trol. 40 [1 0 no./+s4649 Ap 163. jKMAi 16:3) 1. Trest Krivorozhatalikonstruktsiya (for Zybin). 2. Gasuclarstvanw proyektnyy_institut po proyektirovaniyup iseledovanlyu i ioytaniyu stalInykh konstrixktsiy i mostov. (Blast furnaces-Equipment and 'supplies) KOCMTKOVA., T.S.,, inzht; PROKHOROVAs Z.V. p inzh.; ~IBINO Yu.F.., doktor tekhn.naukp prof. Scientific method of designing the inside shape Of footwear., IWO vys.uchebezave; tekh.leg.prom. no.2:50-57 !61. ; (MIRA W-5). 1. Moskovskiy tekhnologicheskiy institut lijgkoy ju-omyslilenn WAL Rekomendovana kafedroy tokhnologil obuvnogo prolavodstva. (Shoe manufacture) ANOKHIN) D.I., lnzh.;-ZYBINO Yu.P.0 doktor tekhn.nauk) prof. Studying the moldability prope rties at shoo uppor blanks. liv.Vys. ucheb.zav.; tekh.leg.prom. no.2j67-72 '61... (MIRA .14s.5) 1 Mookovskiy tekhnologicheakiy institut leitkoy prom-ohlonnoiti. ;;komendovana kafedroy tekhnologii obavnogo:proizvodstva. (Sboe manufacture) PIRILIMITER, V.I. inzh,; ZYBIN, Yul.P,, doktor teldm.naulc, prof. Method for investigating the deformation of 4hoe uppers. Izv.v7o, ucheb.zav.; takh.leg.prom. no.5:64-69 1600 .(MIRA 1):11) 1. Mobkovi3kiy- tekhnologicheskiy institut legkoy promythlennosti. Rekomendovana kafedro7 takhuologii izdeliy 1z koshi* (Shoe manufacture) (Strength of materials). ZYWIT, Yu.P., doktor tokhrionaukt prof, Early Russian footwear from t .he 12th to the~:16th.cent=7. iWpori 116.31 Yootwear found in Moscow excavations in 1953- Izv.v7s.ucheb*zav&; tekh.leg,,prom, no,5:84-85 160. (HIPA'13:3.1) (Hoo.cov Province--An Itiquities) Obots and eho'ea) MIN, Y%P., doktor tekhnichaskikh nauk, professor-. STESUIV. I.I., rO.sozixent; Tnmzv)OV, A.P., reteenzent. [Technolog7 of footwear] Takhnologlia obarl. Moskva" Goos nauchno-takha. 12d-vo KiniBterstva promyshlonnykh tovarov shlrokogo potrablenits.; =a, 1953- (MLRA 7:6) (Shoo industry) ZYB IN, V.P., dote.; ROWOV. ~f.ya., insh. InvestIgAting allrOMatiC drIVe Witches in seftinutomatio sewing a machines of 18th, 25th, and 29th grades. Izv,.v7s.ucheb.zav.;' tekh.leg.prom. no-5:119-129 158. (MM :12:2) 1. VoesoyuzW zaochnyy institut teketillnoY,li legkoy promyshlenno~sti. (Sewing machines) (Automatic control) DODONOV,, B.'P.j ZYBINp V.P..j, prof., red. (Hoisting and conveying deviceal manual for students specializing in mechanics and technology] Podklemno-. transportnye ustroistva; uchabnoe posobie dlia mekha- nicheskikh i tekhnalogicheskikh spetsiallnostei. Moskva, Vass. zaochnyi in-t tekstilinoi I legkoi proWshLj 1964. 159 P. (MfRA 1815) ARRHIPOV, Nikolay Nikolayevich; WFACMIN, Paval 8-14ridonovich: MAYZELI, Maks Mikhaylovich, doktor tekhn. prof#; PLEVAKO, Hil-olay Ale)-seyevich; ZAYUICIIX0VGXIY, A.D., doktor- tekhn. nauk, prof., retsenzent; ZOLOTOV,Y.'I., inzh., retsen- zent; ZYBIN., V P. doktor teklin. nauk, retwonzenitj KAPUSTIVI G0KT.o nauk 'of., retuenzent; KOZLOV, B.A., r el . pr inzh., retsenzent; POPOV) S.M., doktor to 'k1m. naukf prof.p retsenzent; EPPEL, S.S.., kand. tekhn.nauko dotig,,p retsen-, zent; 1XIIIJAYEVA, T.N.,, red.; SHVETSOV, S.V. tekbn. red. [Basic processes., machinery., and apparatus of light industx7l Osnovnye protsessy, mashir7 i aparaty legkoi promyshlennosti. [By] N.B.Arkhipov i dr. Moskva, Izd-vo nauclmo-~tekhn. lit-ry RSFSR, 1961. 491 p. (MIFLA 15:2) Undu6try) FADEYKV, Sergey Pavlovich (deceased] ZY13III V P... dOILtor tekhn. z SKIYL-I N. naukp retsenzent; POKROV , 7 dots.., nauchn. red.; KOLODYAZENAYA, Zh.A... red. (Design of machine parts; collection of problems] Haschety detalei mashin; sbornik zadach. Moskva, Vysahaia shkola, 1964. 180 p. WILA 18:3) 1. Zaveduyushchiy kafedroy "Detali mashiri PTut' Vaesoyuznogo za0chnogo instituta tekstillnoy i legkoy prorqshlerwosti (for Zybin). I-S.; YENICHEV, V.M. I MORDUYEVA, A.A. I IGOIIINA Yu.A.; PATRI,KEYEV, G.T.; &ITDROSfr,HUY,, S,M;_ZYF3lN,- V.D.1 S,HISIMLINAI~ L.Mlp Ir MUM 2c b0 00 I r r ud 0 PHI; L FRI VC w lit a if' ul. 11' 1 -.f h. If f q till 1 f P r. SAMOSATSKLY, Hikolay Nikolayevich, inzh. "IFJ..U.ed fluoroplastol NapolnemVe ftoroplasty Tekhnika, 1965. 73 p. I~ao) ZY31N Yu.~.p inzh.; GUT, A.M., inzh.; SOLOVIYEV, F.A., inth. Rapid erection of a head frame during the reconatriiction of a mine. Shakhi.atroi. 8 no.1:21-23 Ja 164. (MIRA 17W 1. Trest Krivorozhstallkonstruktsiya (for Gut). 2' Gosudarstvamw proyektnyy institut Ukrproyektstallkonstrukto.iya (for Solovlyev). -Z~~~vlch. doktor tekhnichaskikh nauk,~professor; STICSIEDT, I.I., retsenzent; VINOGRADDY, A.P., retsenzent; HINATSTA, T.M. redaktor; MIDYEM, L.Ta., tekhnicheskly redaktar. [Tecbn-ology- of footwear] Tekhnologlia dbuvl..Moskva, Gos.nauchno- takhn.izd-vo Hiasteratva promysblennykh tovarov ohirokogo po- treblenlia SSSR,*'Pt. 2. 1955. 446 p. (KLRA 8.110) (Shoo indnatry) KOZLOVA, T.V.; ZYBIX, Yu.P9 Design of shaped upper parts. Leg-prom#[161 no.11:25-27 N '56o (Shoo industry) (HLRA 10a) KOTALINIKOY,,V.M., kand.tekhn.nauk; CMWSOYA, 11.1.,'kand.takhatneuk; ZYBIN T1vP,,,doktor takhn.nauk; KOCHUTKOVAP T.S,; ZAL4TOV1p,NoD## *tka ~Mkhn.nauk; GUBAM, A.S., kand.takivi.0'auk; SHUTSOVA, T.P. lush.; VOROBIYBVA, I.A.. kand.tekhn.naukv KIRSKIY,.T.I.. lush.; NISMICH. Ye.A., kand.tekhn.nauk; GOLODSHTMN, A.Y.. lush.; KALA IIOTA, T.A., lush.; SHMOROVICH, 14,1,4, kand,takha,nauk; KOREKHODOT. G.A.. lush.: ZAKWOV, SORO, tetzenze'ut; BLAGOTBSTOVO B.K., retsenzent; S2ROGINA, O.P.. retsenzent; WHIM. M.L. re- tsanzent; ZUYBT, V.Ts, reivenxent; NOSMY, K,1, petso4zent; STEPANOV, IoSot retsonsent; RMMj $.No, ratitsaxetit; MMR, B.M retsenzent; TEMIRG, I.I., reteensent; TMIN, A.S., reteenzent, SMIRNOTA, Ye.T.. retsenzent; BUGOSLATSKATA,'L.A..'retsensent; GMOVA, A.S.,,reteenzeut; IRWINg 1.14*,..retsonzent;'KURTAfFIDZE, D.S., red.; PLEHYANNIKOV, M.N., red.; GRACHOA, A.V., red.; MEDVZZT. L.Ya., (Shoemaker's handbook) Spravochnik obuvshchike . Voll. Moskvaoi Goo.nauchno-takhn.isd-vo lit-ry po legkoi Vvomyehi. 1958. :54o (MIRA 12:41' I.Gosudarstvannaya Ordena Lenina i Ordena:Tradovogo Krasnogw2nanent obavnaya fabrika "Stcorokhod" imeni Ya.Kaliniza (for Zakharovi~ B1890- vestov, Strongina Shmidt, Zuyev. Kovarey, Ptepanoy.1a=. P~vmner. Veynberg. Turbin. Smirnova, Bugoslavskaya, Gamov&. thanin). (shoe manufacture) PRIWRA, L.I.. inzh.; ZYBIN, Yu.P., prof. Factors affecting the finish quality of leat 'bar 8616 butts. Izvo v7souchob.zav.; tekh,leg. prom. noltO-73 '58. (RIU 11:6) 1,Moskovski,r takhnologichookiy institut legkoy prdmyshlennosti. (Shoe manufacture) BARYKIN, A.M., kand.tekbn.nauk; ZTBI.11, Yu.P., doktor tekhn.nauk. Regularity in the distribution of unable pak,s of sualik skins. Izv. vys. ucbab. sav.; tekb, leg, prom. no#3:14-24 1513. 0111A 11:10) 1. lIbnkovakiy tekhnologicheskiy Institut legkoy promyshlennosti. (Fur) ZTBIM, Tu,P,g prof., doktor takha. naluk, Ancient Russian footwear from the 12th to.~the 14th centuriess Izvevyssuchebosays; takhologqpromo no.406-44 '158. (MIRA 11:12) l.Hookovski.r tekhnologlohaskly institut logkoy promyshlonnesti. (Ooots and shoes) MIN, Tu.P., dokt6r teldin.nauk, profs Inclent Raselau footwear from the 12th to i6th centuz7. lzv-*-vyo uchebesbiv*; tekhologprom. no.6:33-40 158-1. MMA U:4) 1. Moskovskiy tekhnologicheakly inatitut legko7 prouvehlennotitis (Shoo Induatry) ji