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I ZUBAREV, V.I. ........ Ways to improve the performance of basic metallfirgic equipoent in copper smelting plants. TBvet. met. 29 no.7:18-21 J1 156. (MLRh 9:10) 1. Ministerstvo tsvetno7 metallurgil Kazalehskn7 SSR, (Gopper industry--Equipment and supplies) AUTHOR. Zubarev, V. M, 20-3-54/59 TITLE: On the Problems of the Relations Existing between the Oak and the Spruce (K voprosu o vzaimootnoshenii duba I yeli). PERIODICAL: Doklady Akademii Nauk,, 1957, Vol- 115, Nr 3, pp. 616-460 (USSR). ABSTRACT: This problem has a long history In the places where the distribution are,:is of these two species of trees meet. Since a long time the majority of vegetable geographers and fore3t expearts consider th-1 displacement of the oak by the spruce as one of the main reasons for the shift of the northern boundary of the oak distril)ution towards the south. There are, however, also other opinions. The author exp1nits. the material obtained by the stiidy of the factors, which determine the northern distribution boundary of the CXertua pedunculata. of today. There are scarcely any references or data concerning tho rr- lations existing between the two tree species at the aorthernmo~,t boundaries of the oak areal. It is known that the qrruca settligst h,:P,~ easily in the oakwoods. The oak offers,, however, strong resiztan-:;-,. to the penetration3 the roots of the spruce sojedlings dry out a~, f;he thick layer of leaves covering the ground,, whereas the small qua--ti"',- of rooted spruces is stifled under further thick layers of falling Card 113 leaves. The spruce can take roots only at ailcro-elc7atioms. The irr!e On the Problems of the Relationa Zxi-,,3tin:7 f,et"'Ifeen the Oak 20-3-54/59 and theSpruce. what regards growth. The annual grovith of the oaln was in the mentionf-; Piceto-Quersetwm aegopodioswm miich lower than uBua)Ily idiat regards volume and diameter. Spruces settling In an oak -wood RP.Qd 3o yea,rq excede in their 301, year of lifa the oaks what coneprrvi: growth. Thus the spruce does not only hinder the oak reprodi-iction b,,it, also Treake,,-13 the life activity of the grown up oak. There are 2 figures and 11 Slavic referencoso ASSOC IATION;Forest Institute of the AN of the USSR (Institut leva. jkkademii nauk SSSR). FRESENTED: By V. N. Sukachev, Academician, Ibbru=7 9, 1957 SUBMITTED. February 7, 1,957, AVAILABLE.' Library of Conares3. Card 3/3 MPARLY, V. K. "Biological Reasons for the Possibility of TranspImtIng Oft.-Treem to the Northern Distr1ats of the European Part of the USM dissertation defended for the degree of a Candidate of Blological sciences at the Inst. of Forestry. Dissertations. Branch of Biological Sciences Jul-Dee 1957. Vest. Ak Hank SM, No. 4, 1958, pp. 119-1M e.) Jx 0 y 0 1044 1959, L) d C , o , I . n Lr a ;X,~ fo: T~,O.R N0.1, ORIG. Rip- r. A T~~, 171 T -A di cli- . i ty j t rf i) t -t:bj.Le. Inne oi 1; 71 to"I t h ro ZUB;Mo V. H. , Zubarov, V. N. - "Experimental Iimetigation of the P, Vs t Relation of Water and Water Vapor at Superhigh Pressures." ' Min Higher E(luzation, USSR,, Moucow Order of Lenin Power KnglneeriM Inst imeni V. H. Holotavt Mouncows 1955 (Dissertation for Degree of Candidate of Technical Scionces). SO: Knizhnaya Letopis', No. 23, Koscow, Jum, 1955v pp. 87-104# Subject card 1/1 Authors Title USSR/Power Eng. Pub. 110-a - 4/17 AID P - 3883 Kirillin, V. A., Corr. Memb., Academy of Sai., USSR and Zub re.v, V. N,., Kand. Tech, Sci., Moscow Power Institute Research on specific volume of water, and steam at super high pressure . Periodical Teploenergetika, 11, 19-23, N 1955 Abstract The article describes methods of research done on water and steam volume at 950 atm pressure and 5000C temperature A table with enthalpy date computed following experimeants is included. Two diagrams. Four Russian references, 1950-1953, 2 English, 1931-1933. AUMOR. Vukalovich, U.P., Dr. Tech., Scl SOV/96-58-7-6,/22 Cand.Tech.Sci. and Prusakov, P.G., Enginmor,. TITLE: Experimental investigations on tho outhalpy of steam (Eksperimentallnoye isele(lovaniye entallpli ipodynnogo para.) I PEEtIODICALs Teploenergetika, 1958, NO~7~ pp. 22-26 (MIL) ABSTRAM. Although extensive work has bfien (lone in thio USSH. on the properties of steam, there has so far been no attempt to determine directly the enthalpy of steam. Enthalpy figures have been calculated either from experimental data for ep, Me apecifit. heIL4. at constant pressure, or from tho specifit voluat. both mthods are theoretically sound but subject to error, for ex=ple irA integration, and appreciable differen:~;es have been found betireert results obtained by the two methods. The method of determining the enthalpy of steam used in the present work is wicurate. In a,umlogmi work carried out in England by Callender and Egerboa, the enthalpy error was Within 0.1%. Ilavlicek and Miskovsky used the satmi method to determLine 'the onthalpy of steam at priinauros up to 400 Iql:/=2 Ififil wil elcmraey of 0.25%. The equipment used for the present work ho illustrated diagr-1, tically in Fig.l., and is describod in iletail. Water is distilled, de-acrated and cooled; it is then p-wsped at the rater of 14 litres per hour to a singlo-pass electric boiler, In the first Card 1/4 stage of the boiler the temperature is raitied to 200 - 2500C and Experimental investigations on the enthalpy of atefui. SM/91", -58 -7 -6 /2 2 in the second the required temperature is reached~ The steam that, passes to a pressure-and temperature-,impasuing chomber, and tben-4: through two similar and separate throttling dovicois,, in which the pressure is reduced to approximately atmoopheiric. Haally the attam passes to calorimeters,. 'file rate of flow through oue throttlkng device and calorimeter is tvire that t1trough the other. Under these conditions, by appropriate calculations, thermal loi5ses beyond the measuring chamber can be allowed for. The experijoevA&I procedure is described and formulae used in the calculations are given. rhe heat extracted from the steam in the calorimeters is measured direatly. A more detailed description of the conatruction ot the apparatu...4 is then givenj including information about the calibra;tion of the I11-ustrated iii Fij;~2, measuring equipment. The alorimetrars used are i and described. The acnxra~-.y of determinations d.tpends mainly oil -the accuruoy of measurement of the temperaturo differunce of the Cooling water, which is estimated at M4 - 0.05 'V Ilie accuracy of w,~ighing the condensate is about 0.,01 '%, The tests ware repeated several times. Other tests established that the louses Dr. the two throttling and calorimeter installastions were equal. Tile inubrium error in enthalpy determination is different for different regions of meetaurement, but should riot, be greater than 1.5 ktal/kg, The Card -9/4- experimental data obtained in the woric are jriven hi Tables I Experimental investigations on the enthalpy of steam. S011/9 ~,-, - 18- 7 - (1/22 which range from 200 kg/e=2-, 4709r,.. to 400 Icglon:2, 5000C. The -tables show that the scatter of enthalpy valittia romad tha nean does xiot exceed � 1.5 kcal/kg~ the greatest scaf;ter bi?ing obiltained in one (if the first tests at 200 kg/cm2 and 4701G. Mean values of enthalpy of steam rounded off to even val".s of pressure axid temperat-ures are given in Table.8, and are tompated with othev available data Values obtained at premsures below 300 kq/rm,- are also includoO The new experimental data, are in good agreement with those of Havic.ek and Hiskovsky and with prev,-('.ous work of VulcAlovii.-Ii, but agreetaeut with the tables of the All-Vnion Therm-Apcludcal Ustitute is not so goods The next task Wore tho authors iS to IMILO at pressures up to 500 kg/ /-~m2 and temperatiwes up to 600OC; the Card 3/4 .1 .. . I 1. -1 1 '' .. ... . Experimental inve&tigations on the enthalpy of steam. region riot covered by previous work will be otudie,l in most detail, because it is here than divergencie3 iii entli-alpy tables "o greatest. When the work has been done it is hoped to corr",t the steam tables accorditilgly. There are 2 fiquroa, 8 tables and 6 literature referenees (5 Soviet and I Germso) ASSOCIATION; Uoskovakiy aergeticheskiy Izatitut (Moscow Power Institute) 1. Steam - Entlalpy 2. Enthalpy - DeterinAmtI)n Card 4/4 VORONIN, Grigoriy IvAnovich, prof. dokt,tekhn*nriulc., YUKADOTICH, M.P., p:rof. do)-,t.tekhn.nnukq ratuenzent,; PMURROV, B.S.. prof., dol:t.tekhn.rLauk. rateenzent,; ZUBARJ,'V_V.11., dots., kwid. telchri.nowk, rittnen7ent,; ISACIUMO, V.P., dotm.,VA-na,tekhn.nmik, retneinzent,: RABSIAZOV, D.S., inzh.,red.; FETROVA, I.A.,; PUMMIKOVA, H.A., teld'in.redi, [Principles of thermodynAmice nnd hont trAmMir] O-zilavy tnmo(linnmAl i teplol)eredschi. 14oskva, Goo. I%d-vo obor., promynhl., 1958. 31#1 p. (MIRA 1119) (Thermodynnnics) (lient-Tranamission) zUBAW,,,-yU,diw;ir RikajaypjLch; rLXBJLIfOT, A.Go, otvoMubi,enzWV rad,; MWA, --l-, ' V,A,, rod. izd-va; IUMINUAYA, AA, tekhn, viL4.; flANITOTo, A., teldin. red. [Accounting In contract building org%nizationa of t-he coal Induatr7j Bukbgalterskii uchet v podriadnvkh stroitelliViWi orpmIzataiialdi ugollnoi prov7shle=osti. Poekwa, Tj~letekhlzdat, 19!;8. 197 P. (Goal mines and mining-Accounting) 04M 11:9) -------------- VUKAWVICR, M.P., doktor te)chn.rsauk; ZUBAREV, V.W*, karA.tVV.1in,u&uk; PqTJSAKOV, P.G., Inzh. Experimental stud7 of the anthalpy of water wypor Cirillh sixmmrT in.Englishl. Teploanergetika 5 n0.7:22-28 Jl 158. (MIRA-Iltg) l.Moskovskiy energetichaskly institut, (water vapor) ---------- Soll/96-59 -1.o -14/22 AUTHORS; Vakalovich, M.P. (Dr.Tech.Sci )- Zubariav 11 11 (Carid. Tech.Sci .) ; Aleksandrov, A.k: lgn-gl~~11121-',-F Kalinin, Yu.Ya. (Engineer) TITLE: An Experimental Determination of thre Specific Volwaos of Water up to Pressures of 1200 kg/cm2 PERIODICAL: Toploenergatikag 1959t Nr 1.0, pp ?LI-77 (UM) ABSTRACT: Available information about the therrao-dyl-aamic, propertiez; of uater at high pressures is inadequate and experimental data on the specific volume of water were required. The data are needed both to formulate tables of specific volume, and also to calculate calorific values of the speo ific heat at constant pressure and of the enthalpy of w,ater at high pressures. Similar vil,)rk Is in hand in the U.S.A. bY Kennady~ Knight and Hojso-.c,, The oquipmotit iised was very similar to tk,,at described by Kirillin in Teploenergeti.ka Nr 11, 1935. The p-iozomnter was made of steel lKhl8N9T~ whose thermal coefficient of expansion Is tabulated. Precautions taken to ewmre accuracy of the experiments are described in considerable detail, Cani 12 Specifti! volumes of water were de-te.-mainod at soix temperaturesj and the experimetital data art-, tabulated, SOV/9 f; An. Experimental- Determinatiorl nf the SPeCJ.fJ.c 0.41, 'Water up Pronsurps of 12.00 kg/cra2 Tho maximuni error of the, teat data in the ,u:t,(3 r lating, to usual way is 0.06-0.08,%", the lattai! f;`LF 0 the maximum test tempe-raturij. The experltaental data obtainad in thi~~ work are corapa-red vi-th publi~ihed A.merican and Soviet data at -aa(.11 of 1;h(3 six temperatti-res., Agreement between the proserit wark a:tjd pi,~blished Amerioan work Is good; such differenc~es as ".I-Lere ave lie wIthin the tot-al expei-Imental erro.r of th,:~ two ~;oto of dat.a. At low temperatures there is good with tlaj published Soviet data, but; diff'eien,,,,,3s app-fe','iSb.1t-- at higher temperatures, This is evidtintly *IDOr1--3u3e valuOs of specAfic volume at', high pressure -pre-iinusly publJsb.Rd 'were obtained by extrapo'Lation of 3xper!,jiiental data Ca rd obtained at a pressure of 100 kg/L~; p,,iblished Soviet data of appop.z to b,)- in need Tharo a-,,o tabloo,., I f:111UTC-1 41M C -,-OfSt ASSOC,IATIONs Mos,-,ow Power Instituta (5 so,lyler,7 3 EngIltsh)" (Mr,s:zcivakI-y energeticheshi-, institut) 24,.5-200 soV/96-60-1,14/22 AUTHORS: Vukalovich, M. P., Doctor of Technical Scien,:,es, and lffzampov, B.-V., and Z~ibarev,--V, N., Candidatos of Technical Sciences I f-- -, --.o. TITLE: Tables of the Thermal-physical Properties of kmmonia PERIODICAL: Teploenerget.-Lka, 1960, Nr 1, pp 63-131) (USSR) ABSTRACT: Extensive use is now being made of ammonia as a beat- transfer')~medium, but adequaLe tables of its thermal physical properties are not available. Accordingly, the authors decided to study, analyse and select the most reliable experimental Ind calculatc!(.1 datiz. on thl properties of ammonia and t,0 Work out the tables Giv:qrl in this article. The tabl(~s of' prE)fl0L1:r:1;, voli;ime and temporaturo covor the i-aw,~~e of 40 - ;,:!C)(): t-hose of specific heat aL constwit pr,-;,s!3ure are :1 ''or the range 40 - 280OC; and the viscosi-Gy tables cover from 2 30 - 250oC. The pressure range is 3. - 800 Jr.jr/cm in all cases. International publiohed wotk on the propol, -tios of amnionia is critically re-~riewed and t.'ae best is UIS,tld in formulation of ("he tables. Table 1 grIves 'values of the specific volume of ammonia for temp-;!raturos up to Card 1/2 2900C; available VZ11U,~S were not 6,7645 GOV/96-110-1-111/22 Tables of the Thermal-physical Properties of A=onia used because there is evidence of decowx)sition of ammonia above 2900C. The values tabulated viere_obtain(*,~d by calculation and graphical methods. Thero is satisfactory af,reement with other aut'llors and differences do not exceed 0.2 - 0.3%. Work done on the s'paoific laeat at constant i)r~)sstire is reviewed. Values ive-re calculated or determined g I U I ::,raphdc,~lly -and the resulti..; are plotted in Fig 2. It was considere-11. thnt; the eri:,ors in this table may be 2 - 3.*%, at-,d on Wi;2 1.500C Isottieviii at pressures of 100 lr~-O Liney lxay lb~i somewhat greater. The properties of ammunj.a on the saturatJon Lixve have been studied by several authors but the data rema-ii). inadeqiiate; the thermo-dynamic properties of ammonia on '61io saturation, line from temperatures of - 70. to + 152.11-00 Lare given in Table 3. Work on the viscosity of ammonia is reviewed and values are given in Table 4. It is considered that the values in this I-,ablp are accurate and. rellable up to 2500C and 800 kg/cm~. T-11ere are 1 figurel 4 tables and 13 references, 4 of which are Sov-iet, 8 English and 1 German. ASSOCT-ATION: Moskovs-kiy energeticheskiy instuitut (Moscow Power Institute) Card 2/2 7- 11 WIR VMLOVICH, 14,P., doVtor telthn.nauk; DZA14POV, B.Y., kand.tekhn.nauk; ZUBARFV, V.N., kand.taklin.nauk Thermodynamic properties of a 96 percent (b7 volune) zolution of ethyl alcohol in water. Teploenergetika 7 ao,2;70-77 F 160. (HIRk 13:5) 1. Mookovskly energaticheakiy inatitut. (Ethyl alcohol-Therml properties) VUKALOVIC11, M.P., doktor takhn.n&-uk;-ZUR-UUV., V.1%, '; DZA:,:IIOV, B.V., k-vnd.tW-jm.naLd,. Calorific properties of the 96 per cent (by vol-time), i-j"b-yl alcohol wator solution. Teldoenergatika 7 noJ.0:63-()'1 0 1( -10. 1. Mookovskiy energeticheskiy inatitut. (Ethyl alcohol) VUKALOVI(It M.P-o 40ktor Voll of, 'Itando 1,akhn.nauk; rjti,jllljl# Yu.Ya.,, imzh. I- AIZYZAJI=v F A# 4. 1 wIll. Eq%i*Uon of st4ta of water baised on experivittrital data. %ploenergetika 8 no.,4s76-451 Ap 161. (14D-tk 14:8) 1. Moskavskiy energeticheskiy institut, Water-TherrAl prcperft*&' u&tjon of stALte) M ZUBAREVI V.P., kand.tokhn.navJc; XMIN, V.A., irmb. Id-dLagr= of inoist air for preasures of 1 to 15 kg./(!m. 2 Teploen-argetika 8 no.7:50-53 J1 161. (MIRA 14:9) 1. Moskovokiy onergiticheskiy Inatitut. (Conpressed air tables, calculatiow p etet) ifli 112k :1 1,1111i 111111 : 11111h 1" T 1111h.111:111 VUKALOVIC4 M.P., 4*tcr tek:hn.nauk, prof., ZUBAREV, il~,N. I IMnd.tekhn,Iiaukj AIEYSATIDP6V . A,A, ) allzh. Experimental determining of the specific volvviti of 11team at temperatures from 7CCO to 90V' C and under a p-assure -up to 1200 Kilogram por square centineter. Teploone:vffetilka 9 no.lU+9-5l Ja 162o OrJRA U,-,12) 1. Moskovskiy energeticheskiy inatitut. (steam) VUKALOVICF, M.P., doktor tokhn.nauk, prof.; ZUBAREV, V.U., kand.tekhn.naulc; PRUSAFOV, P.G., inzh. Experimental study of the enthalpy of water vapz)r. Teploenergetika 9 no-3:56-63 Mr '62. (KJIbI 15:2) 1. Moskovskiv energeticheskiy institut. (Steam-Thvrmal liropertAns) Calculation of the thermodynamic ... Ei94/E455 reviewed: heat of dissociation, saturated vapour preiisure, equilibrium concentrations and'properties of reacting mixturo--,, 'rho available results are us%~d to calculate the values given in Table 2. These values apply on the saturation lints. The results obtained are compared with those of oth,-,jr author.-i and aro discussed. An onthalpy/entropy diagram for potassium is plotted. The likely errors in the results are asscs,.iad and etre mostly of the order of a few percent. There is need for more accurate experimental knowledge of the heat of dissocJation of the molecule K2 and of other properties, The calculations are valid provided that thermodynamic equilibrium Is set up in the mixture, but the extent to which this equilibrium is in fact observed, for example during supersonic flow of vapour, requiresi special consideration. . In addition to the work described in this article, tables have been drawn up and diagrams of state constructed Cor muqerhQ4tQd Votanaium vApottr &tt ul) to 1300C, including the specific heats at.the speed of iiound; and a more complete table of the properties of the saturated vapour has been drawn up. There are 3 figures and 2 tables. Card 2 3 91 s/o96/6,,Voo0/0lO/OOl/0O1 E202/E435 AUTHORS Vukalovich, M.P. Doctor of Tochnical. Sciances,Profeissor, Candidate of Teebriical ;cionces, Fokin, L.R., Engineer TITLE: Calculation of thermodynamic proporties of potassium at temperatures up to 13000C and pressures up to 25 kg/cm2 PERIODICAL: Teploenergetikaqno.10, 1962, 65-72 TEXT: Gases dissociating at high temperatures according to X2 ;~2 2X are treated as reacting, ideal mono- and bi-atomic components of equilibrium mixtures. A table is compiled for partial derivatives of first order for pressure p , temperature T, degree of dissociation a , specific volume v , entropy a 9 4 enthalpy i and internal energy u . This table, compiled on the basis of published work, can also be used for the calculation of '(xT- cOeff- of heat expansion and isotherinal and adiabatic compressibility PT and Os respectively. A detailed discussion of a number of thermodynamic properties in the regions of partly condensed vapour and along the saturation curve bard 1/4 .4. s/096/02/000/01.0/001/001 Calculation of thermodynamic ... E202/1-,435 is given; it includes the differential Joule-Thomson effect aJT for superheated vapour and by referring p, at c to 0 P saturation curve it is possible to calculate the JT effect on the saturation curve, front the side of the single phase region. The Clausius-Clapeyron equation is used for the evaluation within the condensing vapour region. Detailed attention is given to the application of sound velocity in the azinlyses o17 flow processes in vapours. In the calculation of the fortner, it is assumed that the vapours comprise a hydrodynamically hontogenoous medium of reacting ideal gases, their degree of dryness x , boing sufficiently high to disregard the volume and rcinpressibility of' the liquid phase. The sound velocity is calculated from the Laplace equation, assuming infinitely small adiabatic perturbation propagated in the non-viscous and non (heat) conducting medium. Further assumptiona are used in calculating the "thermodynamic" velocity of sound in superheated and saturated vapours on the side of the single phase region of the dissociating vapours. In actual calculations a cont-ept of "sonic adiabatic indicator" was introduced, defined as Card 2/4 s/o96/62/ooo/olo/ool/ool Calculation of thermodynamic ... Z202/Z435 ks V (-DIE) 1) av St which in Cthe case of dissociating gas was expressed as: k where V = 2-(1 - a). 2 The considerably more complex flow processes of the, partly condensed vapour are also considered using largely foratulan and conditions stipulated by I.I.Novikov and Yu.S.Trelln (Prikladnava mckhanika i tekhnicheskaya fi.ziki, no.2, 196r)). The latter are also used to compile a table of thermoaynamic properties of p6tassium vapours front 500 to 1300*C, taking hoat of dissociation 0 DO(K2) = 11842 + 1000kcal/inol and taking the values of saturation pressure by extrapolating -the equilibrium vapour to liquid from 800 to 13000C front the experimental enthalpy daia of liquid potassium. The table of saturated potassium vapour lists: heat con ft Cit, and c"two ph.' tents csatt C p . I v v differential JT effect and a"tIvO ph. and the above It JT JT k as k and k"tt`10 ph- and also sound velocities s a a a"sing~ph. and alftwo ph.. Yet another table "lists the Card 3/4 S/096/62/000/010/00.L/001 Calculation of thermodynamic ... E202/E435 following properties of muperbeated po-tAmsiulli jljjpoiax,~I: a, specific voltulies,i and s . Additional three diagrams give the results of calculations on the side of the superheated vapour viz. C Vs t0c; k. vs t0C and a vs a, the last including the P region of condensing vapour up to 0.6. Brief general conclusions and error analysis are included, Thore are 3 figures and 3 tables. ASSOCIATION: Moskovskiy energetichesRiy institut (Moscow Power Engineering Institute) Card 4/4 32832 8/020/62/142/002/010/029 BI 04/131311 /C 0 AUTHORS: Zubarev, V. N and Telegin, G. S. TITLE: Shook compressibility of liquid nitrogen and dry ice PERIODICAL: Akademlya nauk SSSR. Doklady# v. 142, to. 2, 1962, 309-312 TEXT: The substances resulting from the detonation of Condensed explosives were examined at pressures of several hundreds of thousands of atmospheres. Pressures of up to rv 0-5 million atmospheres were produced in 002 and It2 by slowing down plates moving at high speeds. The characteristics of the shock waves in N2 and C02 were determined from the sho(,k waviia in the Cu and Al shields enclosing the substances to be examined (Tablii 1). In determining the pressure and the maun velocity from the wave velocities the isentropy of expansion of the shield material was assumed to coinaide with the mirror image of the adiabatic shook ourves of the latter. The resulting error lies within measuring accuracy,, Tho adialuitio shock curves of N2 and CO 2 (Table 3) were calculated on the basis of the thijory of J. E. Lennard-Jones and A. F. Devonshire (Proo. Roy. Sooop 163A, 53 (1937)) and Card I/X1, 32832 6/020/62/142/002/010/021 Shook compressibility of ... B1041BI38 calculations of R. H. Wentorff R~ J. Buehler et al. ('T. Chem. P11ye., 18, 1484 (1950)). The pressure produced by the thermal motion of nolocules during the explosiont is about 4N, of thetotal pressure. The thermal motion of molecules is of importance when considering the equation of state of explosion products. L, V. Alltshuler in thankod for itivice and assistance, N. V. Panov, N. M. Filipohuk~ and 1. A. Dolijoy fo.r participating in the experiments, and Yu. M. Shustov and Ye. V. Mokhova for calculations. There are 2 figures, 3 tables, and 11 refsxences: 4 Soviet and 7 non-Soviet. The four most recent references to EagliBh- language publications read as followe: J. M. Waleh, hi. 11. Rioey J. Chem. Phys., 26, 015 (1957)1 J. Dapoigny, J. Kieffer, B. Vodar, J. 11hya. Had., 6 67T1956); F. C. Gibsonp M. Bowser et al., J& Appl. Phys., 22, 62B _~1_958)1 R. If. Wentorf, R. J. Buehler et al., J., Chem. Phya., 18, 1484 1950)- A- PRESENTED: SUBMITTED: Card 2A,_." August 10, 1961, by Ya. B. Z911dovich, Acudemiaian June 22, 1961 IZUELREV, MI.; TEUGIN, G.S. Calculation of the parametern of detonation wavell frm oondemeed explosives, Dok1. AN SSSR 147 no.5:UP2-=5 D Ir:,2. (MM 1612) 1. Predstavleno akademikan Ya.B6 Zelldovicbem. (Datonation) Mplosives) 3/161/63/005/003/026/046 B102/Bi8O AUTHORS: Vashchenko, V. Ya., and Zubarev) V. 11. TITLE: On the GrUneisen coefficient PERIODICAL: Fizika tvordogo tola, v. 5p no. 3, 1963, 886.8,10 TEXT: The-GrUneisen coefficient (ratio between thermal preasure and thermal energy density) is usually calculated by one of the following formulae P., V dV2 is- 3 2 d -dV P. (P. V%) v d VJ TD.W -Y 2 d Card 1/5 (Slater) (Dugd tile -MoDonal d On the Graneioen coefficient 5/11 a 1/63/005/003/028/046- B102/B180 (P. V./.) -V V2 'T/== 7 d -W -V (P. V, (theory of the*free volume) The accuracy of the assumptions made on the derivation of these relations is discussed. The weak dependence of Poisoon's rati,;i p on the volume, in particular, has a considerable effect on Slater's result. Due to the difference in longitudinal and transverse frequemoies in the Debye spectrum r-, dinw, if In W, 2 C21 I is dP, 1-211 dP (5) -V !t. . I-+-,. dV one obtains card 2/ 5 S/18i/63/005/003/0,20/046 On the GrUneisen coefficient B102/B160 d.2 (P. V") 4-3n V dV2 Ti 6 2 d (P. VO) 1 (8) 2 1 - 21L,$ d2 4-3m V j-vt (PV") Tt -6 7- --F d dV (P.V,") where Po is the g val .us at P x.0. for PX.0 is then given by a 110 n*4-5po J"3 being the j value at P -0. JI(V) may be determined S - Z 7-211 0 S x from 0, and 0 S exp. When jexp S, p increases on compression (n> 0) when decreases (n < 0). Up to now only three metal ii, Pt, Pb and Au, S are known for which S. The "' formula was obtained from the exp Du Card 3/5' S/161,/63/005/063/028/046 .On the GrUneisen coefficient B102/11180 oscillator model and is neither experimentally nor thooretically provon. its occasional bettor agreement with experimental datit. is d.00idental. In the theory of the free volumo 3 with leads to where. I 2-nkT Vf (12) I d In (a) din V (14) Card 4/5 S/18 63,100 5AC3/ 02 6/046 On the GrUncisen coefficient B132XB180 The latter relationn agree with the initially given / f formula. For crystalline argon and KC1 ~-(V) (,- as a function of the lattice constant. d) is calculated accordind to Bo'rn I s theory and compmrad with /*S, .11' Dif I -f;I,, -f(V) lies closest to the Barn curve. For KCI the divergence increases with decreasinj; d, due to a phaso transition. There are 2 figures. SUB"I"ITTED: June 4, 1962 (initially) October 25, 10,6? (after revision) Card 5/5 ZUBAM V N, , kand. tekhn. nauk; ALMSAN M-V, A. A, # Juind. tokhn. nauk Heat transmission and viscosit7 of a 96-per cent (in volume) solution of eth7l alcohol in water. Teploemergatika 10 40-39 74-78 Mr 163. (MIRA 16:4) 1. Moskovskiy energeticheskiy inatitut. (Ethyl alcohol-Thermal properties) 7:11111 h~111!; 11H 1~1 H li~ ~di 111 [1A VUKALOITICH, M.P., doktor tekhn. naukp ZUBARV, T.N., karad. tekhn. nauk; PFOSAFOY, ?.G., inzh. I. . l . . . 1. 1 DcperLqlenLal study of tho entMlpy of steam, Toploencirgetila 10 no.1,0:63-69 0163 (pt I RA 170) 1. M-.,!kovakly energaU,,-h,;,qkiy lilititlit, 1 T- 'I I I 1 111; ; I -- F P, - ~ -. I I - - , - .I... i - I I ! j ! ~ :1, .. .1 A - Ild I - ft 11 If 1 , ; c. - ~ ~ 1 12.. !i 1 1 -, "i !F11, i ;, :~ j: , ~ I f~- r I I I . I VUBARU, Vludinlir Nikolaywilch; ALENSANDROV, Ablk--;#,-y A-~-'.; rel.; VUYALOVICH, rr-lfl. (Fractical work in engineering tlhermod.,,maml~:o] Pr-akt-lkum po tekhnicheskoi termodinandko. l4oskva, Eiiox-g-'ll.n., .190~, 295 p. I ,,m rRA ;j: i Nj~ 'I I III H11111:11.1 HIN l y 'All I 2-IC L~ I Id, I .11~ il-.J j I 14 Pi !11 n. lu 14 h I !I; ~.i I -.4ili i I MALOVICHO 1M.P,O doctor toklin.sinuk, protojIUBM V&A., 1ui-jid.tak.%n.n&uk; PAUSAYOV, P,0*0 k-%iid#t,*~ftijna1jkj ALEMAND111ho A4,A*, hj,ni0,t*kkirmLuk Th6 in-diagrain of ittoam at 800-150000, temps ra Lunii u tutil, I-,rr-qmourd3 tip to 1000 bar, Toplo4norgotilta 12 no.1008-89 0 vilA. (MIRA 3,8110) 1. Modkovskly onorgetichbakiy Inatitut., ! I'll 1i, 1, h, I J, 11% 111111 1' T P7~ 11 ff-i ~! ~! i i d; , ~ I I : ~ ZUBAREV, V.V. (simferopolt) Quantitative analysia of tho Initial plathy-amog-,ram. anzl vts- cular reflexes to light utimulie Vrach. delo nc.1121~11-51 N'63 Omiru, *.1.6ti"~) 1. Katedra gospitaltnoy terapli ( iapo3-nyriywh(,',h,17 ohymran- nonti. zaveduywhchogo - V.P.Poinerantsev) fakuliteta Krymskogo meditsinskogo bwtit%ita. 1. P-111'OVCKI 1 C, it C n 9 o r s tv, 1) U 11 H11-11 illfll~l Fill: H I Id 1: 1. - H - --- ----- - - fir r, e. I r :I a c" e r, c, r) ra i',ey, -:if. i, I. I I I '1 N If 11 hill; 11,11d it: 4 III , J, III 1 , i h SVA.'IlrjZE, G.G.; Grapls for ri-IsOrMirs far f1w re-gulation over la nc~,ricd of Trad-~~ Inst. ;Jnerg. Ali "niz. S6R 17.- .1 267-'I'~)(1) 163. (M:1FU 17: 7) ty D, d,> 1 Id Z e ZUBAREVI V.V. Prom. AddItIonal 6(111.1-*21t for ATs4hG-'14,164 tr"'k RA 170) 25-26 161. 11mirdl IN M lull It 11.11puu, 1111111H 1! LU I LILL ~Iw Ill III! AA L it BIT LUML aq A L I. H1 "I i It I : H i1i, 17 MALIMIN, ,.,K,., j,jzjj,j MAVVITENKO, ZlJF,AiR:",l ~ L p0 "I e r Petermina" on of Lhe, Optil"UM Gqpurat,iorl Of a ljydrclel~jclt,r~ stationwitin OPUJOIaL I'8gullit'loll uOll-lo Trudy HEI no./.(,A,3,-24 It: 3. M I RA _18. 3) instituta. iiP Pill! 111111 HH1 irl: 1-Ji AZNAURIYANp M.S., mayor meditsinukoy Bluzhbv; ZUBkLW,, V-V-,F linpitan mditsinskoy sluzhby Electrocardios copy in dispensary and ambul&tory wcamir6ationso Voon.- med. zhur. no.7:72-73 Jl 161. (HIRA 15:1) (EaCTROCARDIOG.APHY) DRTJGAL', Sergey Alek9androvich;.ZUBLHFVYi~t KOGAN, L.A., kand. tekhn.nauk, retsenzent; MARTYNOV, M.S., inzh., retsenzent; FEDORCHTK, V.A., kand. takhn. na,Wk, retsenzent; FILIPPOVA, L.S., red.; SHISHLY)COV, Ye.S.t inzh., red.; USENKO, L.A., tekb, red. [Experience in the mechanization of the nervicing of refrigerator cars] Opyt mekharii3ataii ekipirovid. vaganov- lednikov. Moskva, Transzholdorizdat, 1963. 31 1). (Refrigerator cars) (11TRA 16:5) (Railroads-Equipment and supplies) ANDRIANOVA, Tamara Jlikolayevna; DZAMPOV, Boris VanillyfovIchl ZU MRE' A) r 4 t N m, ..1gypirich; RMIZOV, F Aleisandrovich; VUKALOVICH, M.P.f prof., red.; SINELINIKOVA, L.N.,, red.1 BULIDYAYEV, N.A.j tqik:hns red, [Problems in industrial thermodynamics] Sbornik zadach po, tekhnicheskoi termodinamike. [By] T.N.ArArianova i dr. Moskva, Izd-vo "Energiia," 1964. 199 p. OERA 17:3) z ~Lp~!IEV, V.V., In.,,h. Stabilit7 of long length cargo ir' tTansPr~~2.t-;(:n on -0,ip7ed flat caro. Veat. TSNII MPS 24 no.8:46-,'~9 165. (KIPA 19: 1), ZUBAII&V, V.Ya., inshener. Apparatus for dateraining ox7gon content 1n feed wvter. Elek.sta. 25 no.5:53-54 NY 1.54. (MU ? -. 6) (Feed water) LTMKO, Y.I., polkovnik; ADININ, A.B., polkovnik; 201111AR011.0, Y.Te., polkovnik; ROGACREV, 7.3,, polkovnik; RTBITAKOV, U.N., pod- polkovnik; BKLYAKOV, S.A., polkovnik; ISAKOV. F.F., polkovnik; BURLYAT. A.A., polkoynik; SAVCEMIKO, A.M., -polkovnilq IVANOT. N.I., polkovnik; ODEVENKOV, I.P.. polkovnik; ZUBAUT, Ts.G., polkovnik; DIBROVA, I.Z., kapitan 1 ranga; TSTHTKOV, R.Y.. general-mayor, red.; BR1TVIII, II.I., polkovniki red.; SEARPIW, P.N., podpolkovnik, rod.; HTASVIKOVA, T.F., [Party political work in the Soviet Army and UA Navy] Fartiiao- politicheakaia rabota v Sovetskoi Armli i. Voeimo-Korukom Flote. Moskva, Voenizd-vo H-va obor.SSSR, 1960. 284 p. Ouu 13.6) 1. Voyenno-politicheakays akademiya imeni V.I.Ijeniua (for all, except TSvetkov, Brityin, Sharpilo. Myasnikovm). (Russia--Amed forcen--Nducntion, Ron-rdlitary) L 42170-66 wrq) ACC Ngs AR6013678 SOURCE CODEt U11/0274/65/000/011 AUTHORSt Lyakhovkin)_A. A.; Mikhaylov, A. V.; Zubarevy Yu. 1. -`-- .'"" .' I TITLE: Phase stability of harmonic oscillators '!/~ SOURCE: Ref. zh. Radiotekhnika i elaktroavyazIp Aba. 11D351 REF SOURCE; Tr. uchbn. in-tov avyazi. 11-vo avyazi SSSR, vyl). 23, 1964p 1&-29 TOPIC TAGS: harmonic oacillatorp trannistorizod oecillator, phase analysis ABSTRACT: Certain considerations were cited in reference to the factors detormining the phase stability of harmonic oscillators. A brief evaluation of different moiboda for the generation of harmonies from the point of view of phase ijUbility was given. Two circuits using semiconductor devices were proposed for oscillators of broad uniform and alternate harmonic spectrums with increased phase stability. The . necessary calculation formulas were derived. V. P. Oranslation of abstrac!7 SUB COM 09 1/1 UDCt 621-373.072.6 TI , ;L7 ~!' , :. , ~ . I EOT-IK V 1 -1 11, . I ~, 1(-~: ~' [,I' ~ ~, C 1, ., ..m. ; ': .: 1-1 1 i ~:-: _.j~j 1.11 , ~ f. , .-. , - .,- - -: . 1 :., i ", . " t, " !,-., I t " , 1" ;,." --- . f. . C 1, . ~ ; I - . I - . I :". % !I I - . .. .1 : ., !~:. - . ". C. . I -,,) ONISHCHENKO) fu,A. p kand. tekhn.nauk5 ZT,;.HiiRv,`1. Yu.1 ., Inzh. WAYJ of' Rppri.,XlM4tJ!)g 111horntory rook tenlAng data 'to matie during, mining. :mr.vy3.u,-h3b.Tav.i gor.1hur. F'. nr.11s 21-26 165. 1931) 1. bonutalmlY wdol flornorudnogo instl*uta (for Onlshchenko). 2. Makeyovakiy mmic~ulo-AC31EAC-. vatellskiy irntiti,,t, pr) Inpzopaninns"J. rabot v g.:)rnoy nos~.l (for Zl~barcv). ~~-A hinn t, I Kror ~ v 19t')5 . ZUBAREV, Yu.P. Effect of natural fracturing on the stability o.J.' outuraps. Trudy Inst.gor.dela AN URSR no.lls,37-46 102. 011FU 16:2) (Joint$ (Geology)) (Roolc preamure) ZUBAPLV,,.Yu.po,l inzh.-geolog Role of fractured rocka in E)ixldpn mtbarats, 11gol I Ukr. 7 no.7:49-50 J1 163. (WRA 16:8) 1. Inatitut gornogo dole AN UkrOSR# (Mine gaaes) OuisHCHENKO, Yu.A.;__ZU,BARE,V,_ Wfect of basic geological factors on the bobtuvior of" ro(,.k5 in =lm, workings* by P.V.Vaoillev, S.I.Valluin. Revlewod by M.A.Daishg1ev.1o IU.P.Zubarev. Ugoll 37 no,11:62 N 162a (.MIPA 15'.10f 10 Institut gornogo dele AN Ukr=.. (Coal geology) (Vaail~ev, P.V,) (14hlWnO S.I.) (Coal mines and mi4Yg) 11 IP *11 IIH: 1111 11H1: 11, H, 111M1~'! .1; 8/149/6) /1)00/002/1001).4) 17 AQj6/AV)1 AUTHORS: Lovehikov, V.S., Lipshits, B.M., Obidina, L.A., Zubarev, Yu.V. TITLEt On the Problem of Extracting Tellurium Front Al;10T -Lead -Refin-ing Melts PERIODICALt Izvestiya vysshikh uchabnykh zavedeniy, Tsvetn&ya metallursiya, 1961, No. 2, PP- 97 - 101 TEXT - The hydrometallurgical processing of alkali. lead refining melts is accompanied by the distribution of tellurium over all the produoto. Tellurium may be concentrated sodium antimonate by preoipitation from ttrong alkali nolu- tions with antimony metal. (See tsvetnaya metallurgiya, 111 6, P, 3, 959). 9 1 To determine optimum conditions of this process's. series of dt)tperillients were per- formed. The initial solution contained 1.1 g/l Te; Y,4) g~/l NaOH and 65 g/1 MCI. Tellurium was extracted from the solution with C3 -2 (SU-21) gra/Le nultimony of tile following grain sizes: - 3-2+1.5 mm, - 1.540-85 mm; - 0,8!5-fO.A-2-= and - 0.42+ 40.25 mm, Mien precipitating tellurium the theoretical anount of antimony of the aforementicned granulometric oomposition wan oonsumel, and also its T,1VO-, fDUI,- and nine-fold excess in relation to the theoretical conwtrqtion, The experiments Card 1/4 S11 119/61/000/002/009/1017 A(X6/A00 1. On the Problem of Extracting Tellurium From Alkali Lead Refining* Molts were performed in a glass container with a mechanical mixor Intowhich 500 ml of the alkali solution were filled. 1he solution was heated U 95001. An iron-grid basket containing antimony metal was placed into the ho- isolution and the mixer was switched on. The temperature and volume of the soluticin, aj~d the rotation speed of the mixer were kept constant. Samples of the solution urere subjected to chemical analysis, as to their tellurium content. The roeultii ;Ph-:~w that higher consumption of. antimony and smaller grain size' raise the ta,,e al' t~eparating tel.. lurium out of the solution. It is recommended to conduct tellurtum extraction from a strong alkaline solution at 950C with a nine-fold excess ,.)f antimony over the theoretical amount at -0.8240.42 ram grain size for 3.5 boura, During reduc- tion melting of sodium antimonate tellurium passes into tk16- 131ag whose leaching out with water is accompanied by the formation of a solid reeidub ftontaining over 3% Te. From this product Te may be leached out by an aquecus solution of -sodium sulfide. To determine the optimum conditions of this prooooi3 tivit authors -9tudled the effect of temperature, the concentration of sodium sulfide In the initial solution, the liquid-solid ratio in the pulp and the time of leaching out. Leach- ing out of tellurium from the solid residue was made in a glass ,o).,itainer with a Card 2/4 I 11;:~ ] 111111 1!111.11 : Hill i1i'likIll ::il I N' S/Sq/i5 IPOO/002/009/t 17 A006/A031 On the Problem of Extracting Tellurium From Alkali LA-Rd Rilifining Melts mechanical mixer using an aqueoum solution of eodium stil.ride and a solid residue, containing (in %~i 3.2 Tel 14.0 Sb; 14.1 S102; 7-51 C40; Fe o 2,14 Mgo 2 and 0.18 A120 - The pulp volume and rotation speed of th* mix'Ejr were aintainod constant. P results obtained show that Te should be leaahed out from a solid residue by a solution containing 60 g/l Na2S, for 5 hours at 950C and 12%1 liquid- solid ratio in the initial pulp. This assures a 931) trammition, of To int-D the '~b; L-M S102; solution. The 3olid residue (210%) contains (in %)% O.r* 2 Te~, ~.2 12.4 Cao,, 4 1 Fe 0 8 MgO and 0,29 Al 0 From the obtained tel. ~y sodium hydr 1. (10 g per I g lurium was precipit9ted Os-Ulf Te). Within 1.5 hours at 950C, 95% Te in the form cf metallic powder was *ktracted into the pre- cipitate. The powder was extracted from the solution tri the pialp. The dry powder contained 96% Te. After extracting telljrlum a flltrate wvq cb~ tained containing )2 g/l Na23 and 20 g1l N&2!30 Ilia saillum h:rdr=jlfidiii was removed front id'of Ca(~R'2, 1. --the solution with the a Op-titnim con(litions for clean_ ing the sodium sulfide solution from sodium hydrosulfide viere ansured by using a 50% excess of calcium hydroxide in relation to tAia ffiaanstlcal iuno,,mt, and Card 3/4 3/149/6 i/too/oo2/oog/o 17 A606/AOOI On the Problem of Extracting Tellurium From Alkali Lead ReTining Melts stirring of the pulp for one hour at 950C. The solution si:1 obtedued may be usL-J for leaching out tellurium from new portions of solid res.1(lue. Illiere are 9 figures and 1 Soviet reference. ASSOCIATIONS: Krasnoyarskiy institut tevetnykh metallov (Itrasnoyarsk Institute of Nonferrous Metals), Kafedra metallurgil tyazholykh tevetnykh metallov (Department of Metallurgy of Heavy Non-Favrous Metals) SLTMITTED: may 18, ig6o Card 4/4 LOVCHIKOVp V.S.; LIP511ITS, B.M.; OBIDINA, L.A.; MBARPT,_Yu.,V. Extraction of tolluriwn from vaturated levd D-4&ching rf.'agents. Izv. vys. uchob. zav. ; tavet. met. 4 no,2:97-101 '6L (mml 14:6) 1. Krasnoyarskiy Institut tavetny1d, metallov, liafed.m vietallurgli tyazhelykh tsvetnykh metallov. (Leaching) (Te2lurium--Vetallurgy) ZUBAREVA, A. _ and GELIELM, Z. I. "Experiments of the Use of Soviet Gramicidin and Peidel.1.1in in the Paril'i- cation of Smallpox Vaccine from Foreign 1,1croflora," Trii~~y TrisLitut Epi(jol. I. Mikrobiol. Min. Pub. Health, Kirghiz SSR, Fninze, Vol, 1, pp 043, 1951 i IIIH 111,11 11111i, iIIIII II III,::! -~111 1:1001 ZUBAREVAI A. I. 'lobs ervatIono on Dr7 Smallpox Vaccine, 11 Mikrobiologii Ministerstva Zdravookhraneniya pp. 44-47, 1951 Trudy InstitIlfilL EPIAJOMJ010gii Kirgizskoy 5511, Frumm, Vol. 1, ~ L h ~ ; 1~ I ;*~!! ! i of 11"eir 'r),,:- "t -Hiol 6cl, t R jr, So: Lilfl-l 1~8, ?2 JlZTY Ir)5" pot M I,f" 11#f 43 C- so G"Wih of patH14. spithalilmin tim t0m. A. Z(T"A '44h) iticid. AiNul, Kci. F.H.H.S.. IsMiA It or the fliftill" &if the tifulimuh *00 of nowAxym robtAtot wero p-ml by tim hemallig dfq~'J' see see mathod M a modfush ;if chickm embryatuil varart. lt%,pwriWmd robUt phtm. Gwitrip etitliflitun Vx*vm aU the prol;girtku o( The wilodemid px),;p sea o( timim, rix., hvrimnfal adiomcphy, uM6 miltiar '6! 000 atribuUgm jimiamm d pLigmabo demomn, InIvr. No* 'see ties ........... .. ........... . . ......... ........ r-- too v 44 0 4 a 1 6 ft 9 tq 1: ft it ct to (A "16 AI its 0 glee sloe 00 600 * 0 G, 0 411 a 0 4 0 0 *0 404D 416 sov qfo 0016 0 so a 0 411 i 0 a 0 0 0 10 0 0 (D * 4f 4i 0 41 a 0 0 010 a 0 4) 41 a Q, 4) 46 al 41 0 41 so 0 "D of it "Iffimminim,mmm" - m ii ZUBAREVA, A.V. Aubareva, A.V. If rime ntal -hi st ol ogical investigations of the epith,~!lial elements of the liver"., Trudy Akad. med. nauk SSSR, Vol. 1) 190, p. 221-28. SO: U-hll, 17 July 53, (Letopis' Zhurnal Inykh "Statey, No. 20, 1910) , - -~ * , ~ -, A ? ~ ! 1. .. . : I a. L. % ", ki ,~t . m . Zubareva, A. V. "The riormholo;-4 c;il pronerl"Ien fljl:~~',)-- Ole. Tr rly Al(i;d" n: ;i'~c S'~ 17 t~,lly 195', (IiAto-As G., NIKITINA, N., ZEL "Giant pulsatlons In the Sovie-t Areble. (For 1.1ic p2riod 19~9-19156)." report presented at the Int-1. Association of G~olftagntatis'm arvi Av:.unomy, syr~pjslu,-,l on Rapid Geovaimetic Variations, Utrecht, N(-,Lherlunils, 1-14 Sel: I ~J N' 111 T II;II. Hill! 11 Hiii:111 1!;k Il 1 TOMM11111., L.Ya.- ZUBAREVA E.L. Matorials on the ecology, of the grans frog in the PoIar 11ral.3. Trudy Inat. b1ol, UFAN SSSR no.38:189-194 16~,#. P!1-111A 1. 1i ; .1:i il , i 1, ~ i 1. 1i Ili ~ -1 11 11111 - ''111 11 111111 Ilkill I 11F, 11~`l ~~Il P, ; I ZUBARF.VA E P - NUAJBOVICH, Yu.A. I O'LAL4. New method for recording terrestrial currents. Trudy IAFAN SM. Ser. fiz. no.4:35-37 162. (MVIA 15:12) (Terrestrial electi-icity) .. ;~I:~, ,j 1, 1 ', psl ;-:~ I . ! i; I ii 111!; 11111111 1] 11~ 11' HIN lil I Iii-I!, 111L 11 1 111~, 1~~ .,: PH= I Boax ML101TATION EOV/5215 Akadenlya nauk SSSR. Y~7JIduvc~4owitvcnnyy ko=ltet po provrldeniyu Pazhdunarolnoso eeofI74cheDko-~o roda. III r&zdal pra;,-7z~~y K30Z Ze=oy wiz.~matizn I zc-=y~4 tck:l. XorcitkoperioMeliesk--yu kolebanlya clelctrwaa_-TLitno.~o Polya =tnli (Short-ftirlod 0:)c1llaLtIon3 of the Yz~rthlgs ElectrontT;aellc r1e2d) YoscoN, Izd-vo AN ZZ!;R, 2551. 214 P. I.E00 cc;lea printed (Series: Itz: Sboralk statcy, No. 3) Reap. Zda..- A. 0. Xnlaahnlkov, Doctor of Physics and mind Y. A. Troltakaya, Candidate of Ph"Ica aiid M!Lth~,--Ice; Ed.: Ye. P. Shaliukina; Teah. Ed.i Ye. V. )Wcunl. PMOSE; nUa publicatIon Is Intended for Zc*16ysicinta. COVERAM This collection or articles. publizhed by the L--ter- departmental icy c-ittee or the U=t Acadc--,T of Scle=es. treats proble= or roa=a~ictl" and telixtrIc curr-ent.3. ln~ dividual articles deal with varioui (chort-~-criod, CIZ=t1c, Steady, eta.) 05cillatlcna of' the terrestrial field. Particularly in the arctic raoica. !:* Por--an-itca are Imentioned. Brief Baffliah abatractz =CC-;)anY CL74 article. References follow Individual articles. TADiX 09- Afrinas?ova, V.j. Mort-Pariod Oscillations of the Earth-a '~a-zx~at a-Weld Kobulad=e, V. V. Sane Regularities of the Illaturbod ?LvZ~ or Ckh-atninsInLya, r. -V.. Tu. B. R&"tru;s1n, 1--T- Rokity-en.k1j. and S-- -~: , " , Inov. T-Z&zra-ntie3 in ti-C h~at=ticv-' -Cr -I'latiozia I ,her tfE~0~;i C;. . In Mddlc Latlttdes 17 7 Short-rorlod Oscillations of the raectro- EWIIU-.:F.c Field (Accord-Ine to Observatlopa in Txl--tuk) 23 ,y, V. 0. IL-pid Geo-electric and Gen=z~=UO VarlfttIc-ja Dobrovs~a i6d-Th-a-fr FFee-uraritlea (According to Observations In Alh~~'~Sbnd) 35 Troltok-jo, V. A. Steady Czet1lations and Chain 05cillat-lens in th. Arctla and JLnt3r'IQ 41 2kib&ineya E P * Pral lialn&ry rzeaulza of Mzmx-L~- O~~- it 40:~- i-- t Xjjatjna~ K_ M. Prelltainary Results of Earth Current Ozs.~ -yaffo-nji' at' il~-~ftrcntobur& Station (Spitabargza) 61) zi SL zm. rd T kii176-affuKa in --latle the 1935-1956 rarlod B^ra.kov, 0. M., and K. Yu. 4bin. Nonperpcr,;2l,-ulzr1t7 a!, the -6f-LI-W-9 and H Variations of the Ej%rthlb Electr4-Ag- nette Field 63 Troltak.VA, V. IL., and M. T. Phl-nikova. Characteristic Int~rv&14 of Oar-Illatlaiin-. tcr;taaintd~er a Perlixi (1r- I see), In the karth0a Kleatrc-aViutlo r1isid, Ana 'naIr =a1.&'Uc,,t_ SUP With Fliaw6;.6ML in tha tr-v-z-. A=.--.- 0 V . 9. r". zYt-1D. and :9. P, M3X1lar1LiCJ Uc Behavior of the IVWrtlcal Ci~:.Ponent Or Short-Parlod Oscillations or the Gcomagnatic k1old in a Stxbj. Re"24 C PC Ice AUTHORS: Zubareva, $/81j,:)/62A) oo/oo4/003/01 3 E,3 8' E192 2 and Nadubovich, Yu.A. TITLE. A new method of recording earth currents SOURCF,: Akademiya nauk SSSR. Yakutskiy filial. rrudy. Serivil fizicheskaya. no. 4. 1962. variat.,jii intensivilosti kosmicheskildi lucheY, 35 - 37 TEXT: The measurement and recording.of tellural. currenti by r,I-Lrrt)r galvanometers suffers from many disadvantages and it wa's therefore decided at the research station at Tiksi Bay to employ for this purpose the automatic recording pot tit or, type -09. These recorders have a time-base velocity ranging from 60'to 9 600 mm/h and are fed from 127-V AC mains-, their errors do not exceed + 0-50%. The method of u'sing thc potentiometer . recorder for measuring the currents is illustrated in Fis. .10 'rile potential U to be determined is expressed as., U = U HPM/R1, where R,, is the inter-electrode potential and Li 1-1 is the potentia difference across N. The sensitivity of the device Card 1/2 - , -jj, S/845/62/oOD/004/003/013 A new method of .... B192/E382 is directly proportional to R but this should be less than H 100 -.'1 . The resistances RI and RI, in Fig. 1, to8;~,-A-hcr wit.11i the battery E , are "sed to shift tric zaro of the potentiometer to the centre of the scale (since this is normally on tne lefthand- side end of the scale). The system was found satisfactory in that its results were similar to thoseobtained with the galvaltometer. There are 2 figures. Fig. 1:_ + + R, 13 Car(I .)/P 29888 S., ,.Go "61/000/0091/049/066 s,~ q 622) 8 1/1)D3 64 AUTHOR, Zubqx,~-a,. E~ P, TITLE - Pr,~Iiminary resiult-~ of ob.-)ervataoiis of earth cufrento at Tilcsi Bay PER 10 DI CAL t Ref-~rattvnyy zliurnai. fx-~olizifca, wi,, O~ 1.(143t, NO abi*.ra-~t 9G219 (V ib, K-,)rotkop,';riod,, k,)1-.4)an1ya ~-I,Qhtcomagnil-nc. Zemli, no. :3~9 If., AN SSSR, 1031, ,ult,w of ~nrtb-cjj.,-rent observations 0 the Lime of the MT, jh? IGY art) Th- equiptient tind -)perating cosiditioni, ar-i desc-ribed in detai I , Th-~ m%xiw, in ttv~ diurnaL -ariation of Pt 1:ako place at 20 - 22 lics, Oajo~,, ub-~, w-i,;ima for N, being 0, 11? - 11 firs, (Febm- ary - Jun-, 1958), Tile compartson of t1w mean diticult'i amrlitudes of Lhe magrietir. flel-I's horizonvx-v component and tho fi.411,11s t&tit*-. dinal-comPow,ut 0~3closed tile gciod rorrelt.Ltion betwen tlwq,~ phenomena. At Tifcs;,. a coas tal. wp-s abs!erv-7d in the e;lrth curr,~rjt,1-4 ~ th'? Card 412 Prel irnjirwy re.-iul 0 of D2 2 ~B.f.DJ 04 electrLe fxeld'Et intensity decr~asr~s wifli removal from 010 (-Oust, The hodograph of the pi)tentitl gradienr. has the form of an i'long I ips e ptvd el ,who,-e jong axi!~ is situlated along the meridifutc, AbstracUrIs notei Complete trans latiort.. Card 2/2 297FY 8/169/61/Coo/008;t48/053 AOD6/A1Q1 AUTHORS: Zubareva, E.P., Korobkova, G.I., N!kItina, N.M., T.voltskaya, V.A. TITLEt Giant pulsations In Soviet Arotio during 1935 -- 19-",,r) PERIODICAL: Referativnyy zhurnal. Oeofizika, no. 8, IS61, 3.9, 4tb;~traot 8(3262 ~V sb. "Korotkoperiod. kolobanlya elektt,omaMLtn. p3.1ya Zemli, no. 3", Moscow, AN 833R, 1961, 76 - 82, EngLinh ir.iramary) TEXT: The study of giant pulsations. was carriind out, on the basic of stand- ard recordings of the magnetic fleld with 20 mm/h scivining from data of tile fol. lowing 6 observatories; Dixon, Wellen, Matoahkin Shur, Tlkisi, (.if~lyuskin and Tikhaya Bay. The greatest number of-giant pulsationa was recorded at. the Wellen and Dixon stations. Usually, giant pulsatl=3 were observ,9d wilh T of about 60 and 90 sooonds. For a number of stations T viati also about 115, -1-5 and 135 8(30. It is possible that for giant pulsaticna there are one or Wo WkSIC periods, whose different harmonics appear differently dependLng on 'the conditions of the given station. The amplitudes of giant. pul-sations vary within the limita from a few 21to several tens of T - At Dixt-,n and Wellar, gtant p-alsations arise mainly during the first half of -the day, On Dl-.lccn the niafter of' giant pulsations Card 1/2 29727 -9/169/6 ~/COO/008/04W'053 Giant pulsations in Soviet Arctic during 1935-1956 AOI-.)6/Aioi increases towards the equinox, for the Welien station Eseasemal changea are less marked. -Sfmultaneous giant pulaations on a number of' stations art.'! rather seldom, but some giant pulsations were recorded at the Fame t1ino at Dlxcm &nd Wellon. Sometimes giant pulsations are excited durIng tho day iit lbut clolia hours; in the majority of such cases -they ariae firat at tfie stal,ioni located more to the east. it is concluded that glanT. pulzations are di:;-, I.-Urban ces of the terrestrial electromagnetic field and are typical of polar aurora zones. nMey damp rapidly t) the north and south of th,~ aur-ra. K. zYbin [Abstracter's notel Complete translation] Card 2/2 USSR/O.iltivated Plants - Fr---.its. Bevrii,-s. Ab s Jo x Ref Zhur Biol., No 13, 1958, 82509 Author Zubareva, G, Inst Omsk List-it_,te of Agriml-ture Title Increasing the Gorminnting Ability of Cherry and P-Lun Seeds. Orig Pub S. kh. Sibirl, 1957, 110 12, 43-46 Abstract Trials at the Omskiy Tnstit-,,tf-- of AGr:ic-LL1t,xe showed that leo,-thening the preparatory period (stratification, raised or alternatinG tenmeratuxe[3) ftom 180-200 to 243- 253 days increased the Lerminating nbl" 'ity: in Ly.'askaya cherry 'by 441~, in Stepmr- by 20, in Mauncya by 15-3- In Uss-.xiyakaya P).m 'OY 13-3; in Karziaskaya, pl.= by 11.4%. It is best to prepare and stcTe the seeds in a frost-.proof cellar where conditions of outside onviromnent Card 1/2 123 T. rlvhrp C' zoi I- hy, (t; Y 1, ;I I fn -I ILI I ItT 111-, i I F i 77- 17 C~_ /I /~ 00 0 AUTHOR: TITLE: 3 /05 8 /6 2 /O(R/ia /008 /136 A061/A101 Zubareva, I. F. Beta count scint'llators on polystyrene base with Introduction of 'L POPOP - (ROROR) as a luminescent addition PERIODICAL: Referativnyy zhurnal, Fizika, no. 6, IS?62, 10, abstract 6B74 ("Byul. nauchno-tekhn. inform. po agron. fiz.", 196-0,no. 8 - 9, 55 - 58) TEXT: A technique of plastic scintillator fabrication is dc-scr--bed, and some of the working characteristics of the material are considered. The depen- d,~nce of the effectiveness of beta-particle recording on scintillator thickness and ROROR concentration indicates that the highest effectivenes.1, as meaured with a calibrated Sr9o-Y90 source,is achieved with a scIntillator thIckness of 42 mg/cm2 and a ROROR concentration of 2%. It appears that the scintIll tor under 15 conzideration permits the reliable 2analysis of mixtures of soft W5, ca , 144) and hard beta emitters (such as p3 , Sr69, Sr90-Y90). LAbstracter's note: Complete translation] B. LevIn V Cnrd 1/1 I 44371-66_ E'-ff(M)/EWP(j)LT ACC NR% AP6023059 (A) SOURCE CODE: UR/01.91/66/000/004/000/0011 AUTHOR: Zakoshchikov, S. A.; Zub are va Zolotareva, G. M. ORG: none 1 (3 TITLE: Effect of starting materials on the synthesis of-_polyamidoacids and their hydrolytic stability SOURCE: Plasticheskiye massy, no. 4, 1966, 9-11 TOPIC TAGS: reaction rate, polyamide, synthetic material, polyester plastic ABSTRACT- Kinetics of formation of the high molecular weight polyamidoacids from pyrornellitic anhydridel(PA) and methy~Rhenylenediamine~(MPD), paraphenylenediamine ( P P D ) , he x am e t-h-y-1 e-ne-Mmine (HMD), '#,4'diaminod.1--p-li-eily-l~nlt)lalit.- (DP14), and 4,4--dicmino- -d*ph nyl ster (DPE) was studied in dimethy1formamide solvent. The hy lytic ptqbi~ li - f the product polyamidoacids and the effect of reactivity of diamines on the qual ty of the product polymers were also investigated. It was Found that the optimui concentrations of the individual diamines were: 10% for PPD, 20t for KPD, and 15% f0;' HMD. A maximin specific viscosity of the polyamidoacid equal to 0.8-0.9 was achleved5 from reaction of pyromellitic anhydride with methylphenylenediamine at 0.24 H20 in di: rnethylformamide. It was found that tl~e reactivity of the diamido declines in the fol-~ lowing order: bexamethylenediamine>decamethylene~iamine>4,41-diuminadiphenylmethane>;. UDC: 547.582.4 CQ,,j 1 / 2