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73-1-20/26 The Precipitation of Cobalt from Zino Sulphate Solutions tV, Permanganate. of cobalt ions. Trivalent iron was not foxmd to be suitable. ManGanese has to be completel:7 :Lcidified. to achieve the total separation of cobalt from zi-re aalphate solutions when a large excess of manroines ions is Tim-sent. 7 Tables on the relation of the oxidation of cobalt to the zinc content in the solution (graph 3.), an the relation of the p1l of the zinc railpluito solution and oT the concenti-a- tion (graph 2), t-he separation of col\:Llt iii relation to the content of divalent iron and to -I.-he content of di-valent manganese (graphs 3 and 4) are given. It is shown in table 1 that the se aration of cobi'.ill; dopendz- on the zinc -P content and on the pli value, as viell as an the pmsence of tri- and di-valent iron (table 2). T~Llde3gives data on the oxidation of cobalt at partial aiddation of the diva- lent manganese. Them are 5 graphs, 3 tables and 15 refer- ences, 13 of which are Slavic. SUBMITTLED: October, 30, 1956. ASSOCIATION: Institute of General and Inorganic 01hemistry, AcadeE7 of Sciences, Ukrainian S.S.H. (Institut Obshchey i Card 2/3 Neorganicheskoy Y-bi-mii All USSR.) SOV/21-58-10-11/27 AUTHORS: Zosimovich, D.F, and tiechayeva, N.Ye. TITLEt The SimulteneouB Discliarge of and Nickel Yons SoT- mestnyy razryad ionov kadmiya i niltolya ) PERIODICALt Dopovodi Akademii nauk Ukrainnikoi RSR, I'M, Nr 10, pp 1075 - 1078 (USSR) ABSTRACT: According to existent classical idq!n, the basi c cotdition for the simultaneous discharge of ions is the equa ~of ten- ,?He 2~ do- tials for the discharging of ions. O.A. Tesin 'f veloped the concept on the simultaneous discharge of metal and hydrogen ions. A.L. Rotinyan 4tnd V,L. Kheyfeto fRef 3_7 studied conditions for the stmult-ameoun discharge Of ions in refining nickel and cobalt. An investigation into:the simul- taneous discharge of cadmium and nickel ions represents an important theoretical problem which wan;studied bylthe au- thors by employing the mothod or polarli;ation curvits taken during the process of electrolytic Isolation of cad-mium from the electroiyte. The polarization curves obtained are shown in graphs I and 2, It turned out that the equality of the deposition potentials of metals and the concentration of ions in the electrolyte does not alwaym lead to tha simul- Card 1/2 taneous discharge of ions. Such was the case with the ions The Simultaneous Discharge of Cadmium and Hick*1 Ivan SOV/21-58-10-11/27 of nickel and cadmium. The investigation sho7xed that only cadmium is deposited on the oathodit, in spite of the approx- imate equality of their potentials, TM? concentration of Ni in Cd varied from 0.0001 to 0.01 per cent in the presence of 1-n NiSO in the electrolyte. There are 2 graphs, I table and 5 Soviei references. ASSOCIATION: Inatitut obshchey i neorganicheakoy ",khimii AN UkrSSR (Insti- tute of General and Inorganic Chemistry of the AS,UkrS$R) PRESENTED: By Member of the AS UkrSSR, Yu.K. Dolimarskiy SUBMITTEM April 13, 1958 NOTE: Russian title and Russian namen of individuals and institu- tions appearing in this article have been used in t~Ae trans- literation 1. Nickel--Purirication 2. Cadm1=--Pi_1--; "Ication 3. Electrolytes--Performance 4. lons-~~,.~:'cxrmiance Card 2/2 I/,- ZOSIMOVICH, D.P.; BOGATOVA, II.F. ,----w-r9'*e-`of-Z!uabl9 nickel-molybdenum and nicbol anodes for the formation of nickel-mol7bdeuum alloys from alkalive elactrolytea. Zhur.prikl. khim. 31 no.3:429-434 Mr 158. (MIRA 11:4) l.Institut obahche7 i neorganicheskoy khImli All Mwainskoy $SR. (Nickel-maly-bdenum alloys) (Electroplating) 5(4 ;30V/~-16-3/7 -.15-24/44 AUTHORS: Zosimovich, D. P., Dogatova, ri. F, TITLE: Electrolytic Separation of Zinc in t1no Prooence of 5mall quantities of Antimony and Cobalt (Inektroliticheekoya vydeleniye tsinks v priButstvii malykh kolichoatv suxlmy- i koballta) PERIODICAL: Zhurnal fizicheskoy khimil, 1959, Vol 33, Fir 6, pp 1324-1327 (USSR) ABSTRACT: The quantity of alactrolytically rjopaxatol zinn and that of the hydiogen developed at the -~,athcde irt the prooess. depends among other things on the impuritien in the ale,_,trolytet An investigation is made hare of the simulta;n~) influenot) of antimony and cobalt in the ele3trolytic s.eparation of zinc b-v the method of plotting polarization nurves (PC) on ztnc electrodes in a standard electrolyte (60 g/1 Zn and 100 g1l H SO ) with antimony- (0.05, 0.2, 1.0 and 5.0 mg/1) s/1). The, pole izatl-= ckwves ob- and cobali aiditions (20 -of- r, tained reveal (pigs 1, 2 *that an ;iddil;ian of only 0-05:mg/l Sb shifts the (PC) to more n9gati,?e valuea, whilo an iricrellse in the Sb addition causes -the (PC) lio shifis Lc moro electro.. Card 1/2 positive valuos, i.e. rith a rice iv the 51) ocincentration in SOV/7 -33-6-24/44 Electrolytic Separation of Zinc in the Presence oT Smal.'; Quantittae of Antimony and Cobalt the ele~"trolyte the hydrogen separation invrnase~i and that of Zn drops. The Co additions likewiTe effecL a shift of the Zn-separaticn potential to more negativa wiluiq (Fio~ 1). with the simultaneous addition of Co- arvi Slo-cati-ons the raparation proce3s is datermined by Sb. It is aaa--.imed that the ions of Sb and Co act as surface active substances -,tn thri electrolytic Zn separati.~n. Additioiw of 8b as potams~'un sti'Lium tartrate or antimony sulfate have the eame effe~.t --n t-,,ie (PC). There are 3 Tigure3 and 10 So-j-et ASSOCIATION: Akademiya nauk USSR,Tnstitut c;'bL~-c-hey i neox,Tnnicheak~,,y kh1mii (Acadamy c'k Sciences of the UkrSSR~ Instj.tulo kf (',eneral and Inorganic Chemistry) SUBMITTED: November 22,, 1957 Card 2/2 ZOSIHOVICH, D-P. [Zoolmovych, D.P.]; IMH&'MVA, X.Ta. [Nechievao 11.11.1 Simiatanooits dischargo of cadmium and nickol iOnso NPAN MR. no,10:1075-1078 '58. (NIBA va) I. Inatitut obahchey i neorpaicheakov. khtmit AN UMM, Predstavil akademik AN USSR Tu.I.Deltm%,rskiy [IM-Dellmarall-,H]. (Zlectroplating) (Cadmiwn) Ofickel) 124(s) -OX EXPLOITATION 3OV/2117 3OT4$hOh1nlYO PQ eksparlmentallney tokhnlko I metodau wyackotempers- turnykh iscledowanly, 19% Sksperlmental *Maya tgkbnlka I &Ot*dy Issledovanly pri Tyackikh tea- P~rnturakhl trudy soveshcbmiya JExPerimental Techniques and Methods Of Inveatigation at High' Temperatures; Transactions or the Conference an Uporlmental Techniques and Methods of Investigation h Temperatures) Moscow, AN SSSR, 1959. 789 P. (Series, =!Iya mauk 35U. InAtItut metallurtil. Kamiselya po flzlko- khimichesklm canavan praizvodstra stall 2.200 copies printed. Xesp. Xd.s A.M. Saassrin, Corresponding Member, USSR Academy Of 3alonassi Ed. Of Publishing HOUBS: A.L. Bankyltser. FUPC=s ?his book Is Intended for metallurgists and metallurgical engineer&. COVERAGEt ?tLIA Collection of scientific papers in divided Into six partat 1) thermodynamic actlrlt Y and kinetics of hljLh-texperature processes 2) constitution din %= studies 3) physical propertloo or n4uid metals and siags 4fr::w analytical methods and pro- duation. or pure metals 5) pyrometry. and 6) genera I questions. ?or itars specific coverage, see Table of Contents. Xxperi"nt&l Techniques and Methods (Cant-) SOV/2117 T,r rrbnt2av!ch-ZabludOjkff7a, A.Z. ZAYats- P " ' C?Gyova, and A.T. VAs'kO, 9100tro- N . To, . me ahoolcal ftthad of Chta=ng alckal-KolybdOCUM And Nickel- 505 ?ugotan Alloys bdonum and 1. the jatrOlyte prtelpitation of ftj.kel_aOjy nickel.tuntaten A110.74 from amoonlaaSl 401"t%009, an Increase In the cOftcdntrRt-1ftn Of malybdenUMandfttun62t:n at a given .", IS&OS -0 a Inarv so in their concentration of n1c ralativs Content ift the al-,oy, provided t" experiment@ art ;U;;; of up to 300 C. and (2) a drop carried out at t*=Pa-`1 --es Of 4110Y2 aft ln~ . of C_Orart. In both t3p In the Output areas* in ARROnIA concentration results In An lacrosse In nick&, content a_d & simultaneous drop Irk the *utPut of :urront. A risealn t4mP9Mtu-n lead$ to &A Increase in the u,"at Output, specially In the 44" or V-4ngzz4n-=!ZX=I alloy,. With 4 c"'n9s In cur"nt density the current 'Out- put passes through a maxi- in both LYPIA or &1lays. A rib to r&,um effects the composition of the t-O typos of :111-ftya -d1*ffermat1Y: the relative sma-L or tungsten In the afft;ted. An j"," in .0u,rvnt defteitr nerly always loads to a drop in olybdeaub content. but does not affect the composition of the tungsten alloys. The electrolyte "arz w-'t-1 I mmVaaltj,,_! fer 4--2-1 1 1 ~nt# Or !-- tR ^o4 14iff-4 " rggards the rsiatz" concenrraZiona of trA PrInciPal cam- pmftants. _ nib mm, be t~,* diff ~_ in t~= cc lybdoniferous and tungstafti- officlonts of diffusion a. =a. farcus loan dGt41r='-nIn9 trA transfer of the tons to the oothoft. jxperiment# aonductod In large-scale instAIIA- tjon, donnra the belief that the proposed mothcd Is satisfactory ror industrial application. An advanLage f the suggested type of electrolytes (A"OnlacAl Golu- 0 iire and law,,) is their practically "limited service thair 'hoplean a. 'Ceft-pere-3 with Ox"cid V1c=trQ17zVz- :be Allaws th", or &AtlarjLar~ry P"LLY a& regard* metallic LftpI%l*s J"t norv than 0.0.1 percent). but the, Contain & considerable amount Of nc=Gtall'a *spQ4j&lly oxygen and FkltrQg*n, boomusa, of' the t7pll Of eimtrOi--t_-_j =- ==d tt~_- ---I I riwthor study will be rsQuIrOd to solve this VrOblfft- Card 20/ 32 24(8) rHASE I D= KXPLCrrATIGX SOV/2LIT SOYdebehenlys po eksperimentallnoy terholks I wetodaw wyackatompera- turuykh issledovar,17, 1956 MCAPOrLm"talIna" takhalka 1 actody Inalsdovanly pri vysokikh tea- paraturakhl trudy aov*ahchaniya (Experimental Techniques and thada of Investigation at HIgh' Tomperatureal Transactions or the Conference an Experimental Technique& and Methods or investigation at High Tooperatures) Moscow, AN =R, 1959. T89 P. (Sorloaz Akadtalya nauk SSSR. Institut metall 11 Nomisalya po fixlko- khlaWkvmaktm sanovas ,.u,.rl ,2,, copies printed. loop. 14.: A.M. SamarLn, Corresponding Member, USSR Academy or 301*zzas; X4. of PublishIng House: A.L. BankvItaor. M?=8 This bocic is intended for metallurgists and metallurgical onglasor's. mzuaza Tb-u collection or salentifila papers is divided into six parts$ 1) thermodynamic actlvlt!r and kinetics of high-temperstu" process** 2) constiltuti-cm dim ram tudics 3) physical proportion or liquid metals and slaSs 41 nowoAnalytloal methods and pro- ductlon of pure metals 5) Pyromatr7, and 6) coneral questions. For me-w apsairle tover-agra, 304 Table or Contents. Kaperlsectal Techniques and Methods (Cont.) 3OVt2llT jj&n, D P Printiples of the Electrochemical rzathod 4C jjjtEAj_-*ar1ty Metals It a&* *nown th&t #j"t._-ochcmjc&I methods, If properly do- Tslopva, may provide a cheap and satisfactory way of produe- Ing a =umber of metals or high purity. The cathode process am" ba, used to produce refined motel with al-ninum contaxins- tion m7 more alcctrz-ap~tjvm Imptritits. Phyalcochamical in- Twot1got4ons revealed the possibility of substantially redUc- Ing th* qusttity of precious-metal admixtures in the ~194trO- lyte. thereby obtaining cathode metal in WhICh these metals Bra prvza= in very Baal! q"ntities. Anode refining or metals 21=st ==P!=-== 7--V`*r=---= or ~'7 t~._ *104tre"getiva mvtmlv orIj_,j&IIy grazzant Iz ths astal ta U# rqjrjne4. Anode refining can be -Bad *van before rortnind the metals in aqueous solutions. -,hlch In certain cases maKes It possible to obtain purer metals than when these step& =,a ra- wsrs#j. The prgVored =tnod was uzAa far pr-wl'" hl-h- purit7 cilftl= And a zsing developed rar the prod~zti;n of Oth-P ~L-_talt. =~&4 was or 99~,95- per~"t ?he =~= pr FA U7. containing LaVurl.tiso In the fall Ing anountat PI - 0.07001s; Cu - O.GWIJ91 to -0. 0001jk; Zft -70001%. St - O.CCOMA As - 0.0=%j Fb - 0.0001%. The prop*sod method "Y be used for producing a numbtr or metals with a purity of from 99.99% to 99.999% S/V? ~/60/0:26~005/01 5/019 BOOVBOI".'~ AUTHORS: Zosimovich, D. P., Antonov, S. P TITLE: Stress of Elec~,od`eplosits of Chrcmi'utr, Uniter Different Conditions of Electrolyal~;' Ukralnskiiy khimac.h--,s1-.,y z~'urnal, 1960, 26, No. PERIODICAL: pp. 663 - 668 TEXT: The purpose of the present work was to stmdy tMt effect t:-f th i, stress of electrodeposited chromium upon the d,-:rrcrlopme':nt c,f cracks and surface defects. Flexible steel cathodes 0., nLm tLick, which had bei~n varnished on one side, were used for the purpose, andil, L. Pertsovsk4irvs method was applied. The experimental conditions we'.-e a Or- 203 coricentra- tion of 100-600 g/1, a lurreat density of 10-100 LL/dM2' and a totipera- ture of 220C. The authors de t o, rmi tied: 1) the, vici&l. o~ the cath-o(le bi- fore and after the experiment; 2) the defle,~tion . of tli~~ frart er-d of the -,athode; 3) the function z = f(t); 4) 'he ft;('n+,4,7n f(p), p is the thickness of the dep.,s~t expressed in miorona; 5) the func;tiork Card 1/2 Stress of Electrodeposits of ChrQmiun Under S/0'13/60/0,)6/005/0-15/019 Different Conditions of Ele;-,trc,lysis Boov-.Bo63 2 z f(V). The stress 6 wao ral~~-,:Intod froi,,i Uip oqAt%tion; (I - Ed /.541 (E modulus of elasticity of tl-ii~ ui~thodo; i - P,~, thilt-'knt,-Gs; I it 1: length). z rose a', first NvLtii ~L, zaf"~,:, whioh V1 aa a -~n;5u -1(t, st sed. wttfi currin' of cracking in the deposit, As a ru .-reos in!3"rfi-M I I density and temperature up tc 50')C.. E attained val~.i~!~ b-I,Are-~r ,960 ana 2. Between 00 and 110", ", f 6100 kg/cm I.. s~,rt.)as changed :)nly Blie?htly, atrA U-0 deposits showed cracks already Tith a th-Lckneua of I - 1.5 ii, prot.,-01Y due to an increase in the hydro,, -',n The (W-ixoaa-~ of atress above 500C was ascribed to the I formation C'f stal)le' Cr 'Tystala- The minimum of stress at 20-25 VC might be dui ti-.1 -Lr :.-- lity of hexagoral Cr at these tetnporaturf-.~s. N. P. Yu, M.. P-lz-in, V. S. Ioffe~ A. L. Hotinyttyi, A~ T~ Yu. 3 , T s ar,:- v a .tr.-- 6 -j'-..jrjras an(i. Arkharov, and S. A., Ncetun,~-nov art, Threro A 20 reference8: 11 Soviet, 2 US, 2 Br-itlsh, I Roumanian, tj t1rA I Swiss. ASSOCIATION: Institu-' obshchey 'A. ni~,rganli*,~h~Iskoy kh:ilii AN USSR I n 5 t;'. tute of Oeneral and lrv~rgari~, Chomistry of thr~ AS UkrSSPL) SUBMITTED: April 1, 1959 Card 2/2 ZOSIMOVICHS D.P.; NECHAYEVA., N.Te. Electrochemical inveatigation of a simultaneotin discharge of eadmiim and zinc ions using the tagged atom nothod. Radiokhimiia 3 no.6;743-748 161o (MIRIL 34-- 12) (Zino-Isotopes) (Caanium) (Electrochemistry) ZOSIMOVICHP D.P.; SHVAB, MiA. Semelting high-purity cathode zinc. Mrst. Wtt. 34 no,W7-3~ Je 161. OMLL l4s6) (Zino-El(satrometallurgy) S/0130/61/034/00S/009/018 D204/D365 AUTHORS Zosimovich, D ~P. , Rladnitskaya, X-B . iind Grisevich, TITLE: EIectrochcmicaL production of pui,'-e cadmitun P%RIODICAL- ~,hurnal prikladnoy khimii, v. 34 no, 8, 1961. 1764-1769 TIEXT - The present paper describes experiments i~arried out in a. glass electrolytic cell of I liter capacity using !',&04 as electro- lyte. Two anodes, cast from convaerical Cd Kd-O containing consid- erable impurites (shown in Table 1), and a Cd cathode of metaL con- L tAining small amounts of metals which separates a:t patri.,ntials mor ' negative than that of Cd separation Q,e, Ni, Ile and I-,n) were used, 0 /,- With optimum conditions for electrolysis (Dk of 10 "1. a2, temp. 36 period of 8 hours) about 0.7 kir Cd was produced, '.Lable 1 shows relevant data on the purity of the Cd produced and it: ia clear that the use of a flowing electrolyte with external inter-,~-.cdiate purifi- cation. substantially reduces the Cu. and Pb contents of- cathode Cord 1/3 Electrochemical production... 25226 S/08Y61/034/008/009/018 D204 1)305 residues. Methods of purifying CcIS04 solutions from (.';u were stu- died. The solution was passed through a column of Ud cuttiligs at a certain speed and was also agitated with Cd cuttimp. 'Ilie k;d cuttings were first treated by agitation with dilute 112:1011 to re- move nxide film and basic salts. Optimum conditions f'or PUrifying the solution by Ud metal are: S/V 1,6, duration :50 - 60 adns; temp- erature 18 - 200G, acidity (minimum) 0-5 9/1. 112;~')Z 'Ath these conditions, the Cu content can be reduced to M2 - M3 mg/ll the degree of purification being independent of the (;d content of the solution. After purification from Gu, the acid t3olution was puri- fied from Pb by co-precipitation with SrS04,, The experimental meth- od developed was tested on an industrial scdLe i'a a pilot plant, The cathode metal produced was carefully washed, rem(lLted in a H2 atmosphere in a special furnace. The remelted Gd crtained the following proportions of_impurities-. (%) cu - 1,10- t Ni - 0.5-~10-4. Pb - 4.5-10- 4, Zn - 6 .10 4, Fe - 5,10-4, Sb - 0,6-104.4, TI - 3,,6.1 1()-4. The purity of the Cd was, thus, 99,998,,~_ Further purifica- tion was effected by zone refining. There are 4 tebles and 14 ref- Card 2/3 S/080/61/0!54/008/009/016 Electrochemical production... D204/1)305 erences: 13 Soviet-bloc and 1 non-Soviet-bloc. SUBMIMTED: October 18, 1960 Table I Legend: Impurity content in Cd before and. after refining. A) Im.- A) VA) PeOtCHROOMAIM 11pj13M1Cb Metell purity, B) Impurity con- tent in anode, C) Impuri- k~i1y.".._.- C1 nP"now TOT- "M ty content in cathode cadmium D) Deftee MOAI ...... 0,01 d.001 0.0001 10 10,0 of refining, E) Without Hutmir. 0.13 O.DO02 0.00)2 6150 6 0-03 recirculation, F) With O.W9 000A 3 0.011 0.0001 O.Wh too 1W recirculation, G) Cu, N' . . . . . . 0.005 OM4 04004 U 12 Pb, Fe, Zn. Card 3/3 1048/1248 AWHORS: Vas1ko, A.T., and Zosimovich Pop or Nol TITLE: Electrochemical proparation of nickol-tungsten alloys fron acid peroxide electrolytes S 01MCEP Allmdomiya nauk Institut inetall-urgilo 13aladovanlya po zharoprochn2m splavam, v,Se 1D62, 217-223 TEXT Mckel-tungsten alloys were deposited on a Pt cathode from electrolytes contnining :,a tungstate 30 go/l., hydragen peroxide ,30,-1. solution) 21 ml./l.. P4 borla acid 50 g,/l/. sulruxic acid to * H 1 9-2 3, nnd nickol aii1fate 0,01-600 g /1 , at *O'OC and a cod. of Zit; with high W contents wer 1; amn./, using 11i anodes. Depos obtainud from electrolytes containing small amounts o' 0 Ni, but the current efficiency was extremely poor (0.03)t,); the doposits from plectrolytes containing 20-300 g. wero of poor qualit-y and contained non-metallic inclusions, The current; efficiency with IUS04/1. was about 62%, and the IT con- solutions containing 600 go I tent of the deposit wns 25%. increasing the NR tungtotate concen- S/659/62/008/000/027/028 Card 1/3 S/669/62/008/000/027/028 1048/1248 Electrochemical preparation ofs*s tration above 20 g./1. hlr~d no effect on the 1.11 content of the deposit but roduced the current efficlency. Increasing the p1l within the rAnge 1.0 - 5.0 caused an increase in the current efficiency ac- companied by a sharp decrease In the 7; content of tho deposit; do- nosits Plth a high V1 content (701ti) were obtaincid at pH below 1.5 but the rate of decomoosition of the if 0 was prohibitively high* The 2 2 optimum H202 concentration ivas about 5 nle of the 301,-4 solution per liter electrolyte; the optimurLi boric acid concentral;lon was 30 goll. The tonnernture had to be maintained at 40-50OCt to prevent rtipid decomposition of the H 202 at highor temperatwoos, and to prevent crystallization of the boric acid at lower ones,, The optimum code was 10-20 amp./ On the basis of the above data, the optimum process conditions are, defined as follows: alectrolyto oompouitIon - Na tungstate 20 go/l-,' "1-04 600 g./I. I if 0, W% soiution) 15 mlt,/Io, H2304 to pL,' 2*1; boric acid 50 g./le; tempeflature 500C; code 3.0 ampe/, The IN content of the deposit obtained vnder the optimum 0on- Card 2/3 S/659j62/008/000/027/028 1048[1248 Electrochemical preparation of... ditions was 20%, and Mao energy consumption was 3.7 kvr,hro/kg. de- posit, The acid peroxide electrolyte has a higher stabilityj a lower toxicity, and is associated with higher owrent efficiencies than the ammonia-containing baths used for the depoeltion of NI-W alloys. There are 4 figures and 3 table.s, Card 3/3 ZOSIMOVICH, D.P.; ZAYAIS, A.I.,- RUDAU, LA. Golorimetric study of modifteation -tranagornintiontj in chromiW2 sulfate electrolytes. tIkr.khLm.zhur. 28 162. 1 (NIM 15 t 3) 1. Institut obshchey i noorganicheakoy khimll All UM. (Chromium plating) (Chromium cavounds) ZOSIMOVICH, D.P.; ANTONOVO S.F. Preparation of chramla aoid from chromium Ilydrarlde. Ukr.khim.zhur. 28 no.6z987-9~0 162. (IGHA 15t11) 1. InBtitut obalohey i nearganicheskoy kIdmLi All (Chromic aoid) (Chromium hydroxido) NIHI-14ill'IT;idlll~ I'vl EM I Ill -, , 1.1; i ~ S/080,'62/035/006/016/013 Mo47~307 AUTHORS; Vas1ko, A. T. and Zosimovich, D. TITLE: Electrochemical preparation of Ni-W alloys from acidic peroxide electrolytes PERIODICAL: Zhurnal prikladnoy khimii, v. 35, no. 6, 1962v 1302-1308 TEXT: The experiments were conducted in a cell.of the usual type, with an Ni cathode and Pt or Nii 0anodes, over 15 min to 10 hra, with mechanical stirring: At 50 C and with a current density (D) of 10 A/dm2 and using an electrolyte of Na2WO 4 ~O g/1, 30% H2 02 21 ml/l, H 3 BO 3 50 g1l and H2 so4to give pH 1.9 - 2.3, it was found that the best alloys (--~25% W) were deposited from eolutions to which 300 - 600 g NiSO 4A were added. Under the saine conditions and with 400 g NiSO 4/1 of electrolyte, the optimum Na 2Wo4 content was :-120 g1l, which gave an alloy of -25% W, with--a ourrent efficiency Card 1/3 S/M.10/62/035/006/010/013 Electrochemical preparation of ... D204/D307 (p)> 60/6. Using an electrolyte containing 30 4T, Na WO 2 4/1, 420 g INiso4/1 and 20 ml of 30~'* H202/1, and adjusting the I)H With H2SO41 the preferred pH range was 2.0 - 2.2. With 20 g Na2wo 41 400 9 Niso4 and 50 g H 3B03 per liter, at pH 2.0 - 2,2, it was found that small 5 ml/1) additions of H 2:02 raised the W content and P Of the alloy, whilst further additions lowered p and, to a certain extent, 'T the "A cont6nt. Additions of 30 - 50 9/1 of H BO" to the electrolyte 3 3 con-caining optimum amounts,of Nawo V H202 and XiSO4 , at pH 2.0 2.2 improved the alloy quality and raised p. The optimum range of temperature was 40 - 500C. Increasing the D cowered the W content of the alloy and raised p, but at D >20 A/dml-- the deposits were partly dendritic; low Dis (,,%-2.5 A/dm2) yielded dense, light colored deposits with high corrosion resistance, suitable for use as coat- ings. The reco=ended conditions (electrolyte - Na 2W0 4 20 g/it -30~- H 0 5 MI/l, NiSO 600 g/1, H BO 50 g/lo H 3 2 2 4 3 3 2(04 to give pH Card 2/3 B/080/62/035/006/010/013 Electrochemical preparation of ... D204/D'307 , 2.1; temperature - 50 00 D = 10 A/dm2) give an alloy containing 90a .,.,ith a jo of 83,~~) The power consumption was 3.7 kw-hre/kg of alloy as opposed to 12 kw-h2,s/kg necessary for similar alloys de- posited from ammoniacal electrolytes. There are 4 figures and 3 tables. ASSOCIATION':. Institut obshchey i neorganicheekay khimii AN SSSR (Institute of General and Inorganic Chemistry, AS USSR) SUB1,11TTED; May 9. 1961 Card 3/3 ZOSIMOVICH, D.P.; JMADNITSKAYA, K.B.; DVERNYAKOVA, A.A. Separation of trivalent iron ]'ram trivd1ent chromium in hydrochloric acid solutions. Zhuroprikl,khim. 35 no.7:1479- 1483 Jl 162. (MA 15-8) (Iron-chromium alloys) (Iron-Analysis) (Cbromium-Analysis) ZOSIMOVICHP D.P.; KLADNITSKAU, K.B.; DVERNYAROVAo A.A. Separation of trivalent chromIum from bivalent. iron in hydrochloric acid solutions. Zhur.prik1.1,diim. 35 no.7v 1484,1487 J1 162. (KMA 15:8) (Iron-chromilxn alloys) (Iron--Analysis) (Chromium-Analys-is) ZOSIMOVICH, D.P.; MTONOV, S.P. Physicochamical study of polychromate electro3ytes. &ur.prilrl.- khim. 35 no.12:2791-2M D 162. (mIRA 16:5) (Chromates) (Electrolytes) 111'. Ji ii IH' I ! I ill ZOSMOVICHI D.P., kand.khim.nauk; SHVAB, N.A.; BELEMKIY, V.N. Elec.tromechanical preFaration of pure manganfive by the refi.YLLng of high-phospnorus manganese alloys. Ma. I gorna-rud. SWOM. n0.3135-36 My-Je '63. (MIRA 1791) ,anichankoy khimii AN WxSSR, 1. Institut obalichey i noorp i i i I . 1. - 1 11 11 , 1. .. .. - - . 11 - I - ~ I , - . . I ZOSIMOVICH, D.P.; AFONSKIY, S.S,, Anodic polarization of chromium, iron, and fervochrone in chromic acid solution. Ukr. khIm. ishur. 29 no" 3396-400 163. tHIM :16t6) 1. Institut obahchey i necorganicheskoy khimil A31 UkrI:',SR. (Iron-otwouium allo") (Polaritation(Sleatricity)) ZOSIMDVICH, D.P.; ANTONOV, S.P.; BUDKEVICH, V.V. Anodic oxidation in chromichromete electrol$taa. LTkr.khia.zhxU-. , 29 no.6t642-647 163. (14IRA 10:9) 1. Institut obnhohey i noorganlahoskoy MaLl AN UVrSS311. (Chromium compounds) (Oxidation, Eloatrolytic) ~: I .1 ; I d i, j . I ; .. ~ I 1. ..T i" Ii I " i_ -, dl;ii ~ 1. Il !III! 1 ANTONOV) S.P.; ZOSIMOVICH., D.P. Use of a rotating disk electrode in the stur'17 of anodic oxidation of chromium. Ukr. khJ.m. zbur. 29 no.10iIIII-1-112 163. (MITA .17: 1) 1. Institut obshchey i neorganicheskoy khinii A~ UkrSSR. NEMTSOV, V.D.; SKIBINSKIYI G.V.; ZOSIMOVICII, D.P. Oscillograph for electrochemical measurements. Mr. khim. zhur. 29 no.10:1113-1115 163. (MIRA 17.-l) 1. Institut obshchey i neorganicheskoy Mimi]. AN lbirSFR. I 11,;!AHIIH ~I 11".11 111111 Jillfl'~ I" 111-~h I lIP'' ld-~ 11 ZOSUMCHY D.P.; KIADNITSLUA., K.B.1 IVAITOVA., N.D. Separation of trivalent, chromium from bivalent iron 1.4 omlfurio ij~id solutions. ZhuropriU.khim. 36"'rio.2:333-338 F 163. (MTA 16t~) (Chromium) (iron) ZOSIMOVICH, D.P. [Zosymovycho D.P.]; ANMIZV, S.P, Prepara tion and regeneration of chromic acid 17 anodic oxidat-lan of chromium hydroxide. Flim.prom. (Ukr.) no,1:10-V. Ja-Hr 164. (MIRA 17:3) lidi ~ N111 11fli. P: III' ACCESSION NR; Ap4oilM S/'0073/64/0:10/0()1/0059/0(~~62 AUTHORS: Zosimovich, D.P.; Nem'Ulsov,, V.D. TITLE: Cathodic polarization of the silicon eleotrodd during the electro-deposition of tin and niokel SOURCE: Ukrainskiy khimicheslciy zhurnal, V. 30, ~no, j., 19641 59-62 TOPIC TAGS: tin electrodeposit, nickel electrodeposit, silicon electrode, silioon semiconductor electrode, polarizatlon, rectify- ing contact, ollmic contact, p-type silicon, n-typa silicon, hole conductor, electron conductor, cathode polarization ABSTRACT: The polarization accompanying the eleetrodeposltion.of:~ tin or nickel onto samples of ail-icon nonocrystals, p- or n-type'. both having the same (111) orientation, either p,10.ished with boron 0ZLrbide or etched with SR-8, Is sho,..m in the eno:kosed figures. Greater polarization is 'used to deposit the metals oato a semicon- ductor electrode than onto the metal electrode. Pol.-arization of the Card Oil') ACM9SION UR.- AP4011975 mechanically treated silicon Is hisher tban in tho' otobt(I oleo tr-ode*5; apparontly due to the presence of defomed layer4, polywly4tall Ina powders and oxida film. The holo-type (P-typa-) 31.11.0011 is polar- 1-od more atrongly than the electron type. In ele~ltrodariosi tins nickel onto the silicon electrode, polarization ot the oleatrode with the etched surface is higher than of the pollahed. The char-~- acter of the electrolytic contacts: for nickel on electron or hole type silicon-rectifying; for tin on n-type silicon-ohade; for tin on p-type silicon--reotifying. Orig. art. has: 2 :ftguv~es. ASSOCIATION: Institut obahchey i neorganiobeakoy ldiimii AN Ulcr= (Ins -., -,Atute .:)f General and Inorganic Chemistry AN 'TAcr$SR) SUBMITTED: l0jul63 DATE ACQ: 14-Feb64 EDTCL: 04 SUB CODE: PH., ML NO REF SOV: 003 011111M 008 Card 2/$ STENDER, V.V.1 otv. red.; ZOSIMOVIGHJ DIF#A Pam, OtV# r4j1d*; DELDORSKIY, Y 'iffiRiV M A , red.; NECHLYEVAp r .. LOS S N.Ye,,, red.; NIKIFOROVp A.F., red.j ByNiovi, It.1.0 red, [Yqdroolectrometallurgy of chlorides; reports] Gldroaloktro- metallurgiia khloridov; doklady. Kievt Naukova dumkitp 19640 178 p. (MIRA 17: 1-1) 1. Vsesoyuznyy seminar po prikladnoy elektrokbinLli. 5th, Dnepropetrovsks 1962. 2. Dnepropetravskiy khimilro- tekhno2ogicheakiy institut (for Stender). ZOSIMOVICHO D.P.; NEMTSOV~ V.D. Cathodic polarization of a silicon electrode In the olectro.. deponition of tin and nickel. Ukr,khim. 2hur4 30 no,6s 59-62 164. OIIRA 17s6) 1. Institut obahchey i neorganicheskoy khimii AN UkAISR. AT/J1) L 2L4.2j-67 ACC NR, AP~0_ji~*17 SOURCE CODE: AUVOR:_ " si,movich. D.-F.. Hemtoov, V. D. UR/0073/66/032/009/095T/og6o ORG: rnvtitut~ of _GengX41 and I-nQrxanic Chemistry, AN UkrSSR (Institut-abstichey i neorganicheekoy khimii AN LJkrSSR) TITLE: .,fhotoeltqtrW effect in polarization of silicon 0 solutions of metal chlorides SOURCE: Ukrainakly khimicheskiy zhurnalt v. 32, no. 9, 1.966, 957-960 TOPIC TAGS* electrolytic deposition, indium, tin, antimon, ,r, electrode &*kaatd44S silicon,electrod~, surface ionization, photoelectric method, P-f _J_~ Ilinterface has I)een studied in solutions ABSTRACT: The silicon-electroly-te solution of indium, tin and antimony chlorides by recording variations in the surface photo- potential of the silicon electrode versus its steady-state electric potential under different conditions of polarization. A difference was noted in the photoelectric effect on the n-versus p-type silicon and on the polished versus etched silicon our- face in all solutions studied. The phAopotential drop on p-type silicon in the metal chloride solutions was interpreted as determining the depoiiition potential of t1le metal. The photopotential of the etched n-type silicon 111 46.1 ;,,ettil-contatning solu- tions decreased sharply with the electrode potential shift toward the region of anodic polarization. The photopotential versus steady-state electrode potential data Card 1/2 upc: 54EjA&5_k6,28 ",'L. 02423-67 A 0131511 reflect A%6 surface state of the silicon electrode wider varioud conditions of configuratIda at the silicolk- polarizatton and indicate differences in electronir electrolyte interface, depending on the conductivity typo~,m%4 nuvrace treatnent'of silicon. Orig. art. has: 6 figures, SUB CODE: 0 SUBM DATE: l8Jan65/ ORIG REF: 003/ OTH REF: OOL/ J 1-,;.L~,'~~I- V hs Card 2/2 11]11'11;~ IIIIII! IWI H 11 Ilk ;,:!,11,1111 P L 36875-66 EVIT(m)IT DS ACC NR: AP6017651 (A) SOURCE CODE' UR/0073166/0,121001/0020/0023 -:;-V AUTHOR: Zosimovich, D. P.1; Nemtsov, V. D. ORG: Institute of General 2nd ~no -mic Chemistry, Academy of Sciences UkrS$R (Institut obshchey i neorganicheskoy "N Th mLl All rSS TITLE: Polarization'of a silicon electrodelduring the electtK)lyti,-- deposition of indium and antimony SOURCE: Ukrainskiy khimicheskiy zhurnal, v. 32, no. 1, 1966, 20-23 TOPIC TAGS: indium, antimony, electrode, olactroplating, silicon ;single cry.5tal ABSTRACT: Polarization of a silicon electrode during the electrolytic deposition of indium and antimony was studied in the 201-601C range as a fi.inction of the type of' electrode conductivity and surface pretreatment. Indium ~rds deposited from InC13 (30 g/1) + HCl(lO a/I) electrolyte at pF1 = 1.5. Antimany waif dep(ysited from KSbOC4H',06(60 9/1) + HC1(4 ml/1) electrolyte at p1l = 1.6. The-silicon electrode (made of silicon single crystals) was polished and caustic treated. The effect of temperature on cathodic polarization and the oscillograms of cathodic polari,,,,4~tioa Card 1/2 UDC: - 541.13i L 36875-66 ACC NR: AP6017651 were graphed for In and Sb deposition on p- and n-type silicon electrodes. The potential of deposition of In and Sb on n-type silicon electrode in rore negative than on p-type silicon electrode. Metal deposition on silicoit electrode was fbund ~to be inhibited by the presence of silicon oxide layer on the electrode surface. In ,depositing In on a silicon electrode, electrode polarization Increases with in- ,creasing temperature. On a silicon electrode, an indiUm deposit produces an obmic :contact in the case of n-type conductivity and a rectifying contact: in the case of p-type conductivity. ror both types of conductivity, the antimony doposits on sili-: 'con electrode produced a rectifying contact. Orig. art. has'. 4 figures. //U SUB CODE: BM DATE: 16Sep64/ ORIG REr: 00'6/ 0711 IMF: 008 Card 2/2 ZOSTIMVICH, D.P.; SHVAB, N.A.; ANDREYCHENIO, V.G. '.I Conditions for the removal of impuritiAS fort wingpinese electiolytes. UkT. khim. zhur. 31 no.10:1104-1107 165. (ICERA '19: 1) 1. Institmt obahchey i neorganichenkoy khlmil. All UhrS'S11. Submitted May 7, 1964. ANTONOV, S.P.; ZOSDIOVICL, ~D.P*~11.--; Kinetics of the anodic oxidatloa of tri7alent clrlxomium. Ukr,khim.zhur. 31 no,514-64-491 165* OhariA 181.U) 1. InstJtut obshchey i riaorganichaskoy khimii AN UkrSSR. Submitted Jan. 25, 1964. -ZWIMCVICH.. D.P.; ZAYATSp A.1s; JUDRITSICATA, K~B,; CJIXBTJKYNAI L,X, Separation of Cr3+ from iron by crystallization of wnonilm- chrome altus. Zhur. Prikl. khim. 38 no.5079-987 Ky 165. (KIRA 18:11) ZOSIWVICH D. P. ; SHVAB, N. A. , GBISEVICII, A. N. ; NECUYLIVAO N. Ye .; KLIDNIT13KAYA, K# B. Kiev "Die elektrochemische Gewinnung Yon lie, instmetallen: Zink, KadrJ,.utri ,nd Mwgun." report submitted for 2nd Intl Symp on flypeiTure Matt--ri,,Lls in Sciencc and Tech- nology, Dresden, GDR, 28 Sep-20ct 65, Institut obochey i klAmIA Nkn&!m1l n.-v,ik Oh2SRp K:le%, ZosimOVICHY D.P.; AFONSKI-f, S,S. ~ .- I... -.. Effect, of trivalent c'~-Ircmi!,cA and Ilran iins on hire of clivonium from chroielc nrld solut4ons, U*,r.):M-m.-r-hur. 31 no,~tlS51- 190 165. (MIRA 18:4) 1. Institut obshchey J. n,3----rganlr:he,!31coy Rhil.mij AN UkrISSR. ZOSIMOVICHO D.P.; ANTONOV, S.P.; STEPANENICO, V.G. Effect of the nature of foreign cations on the ancdic oxidation of trivalent chromium. IJkr. khim. thur. 31 no.4:4210-421 165. 041RA 100) 1. Institut obahchpy I neorganicheakoy khlinii AN llkrSSR. ZMIM071CH, D.P., kAnd. khatchftk.Lkh nauk; A.M?SJ,'IY, trvr~b' ElsatroFlposition of chromium In the presence aT a laxp quantity of threavalent chromiumj iron and vulfuric a.cid, Masbinostroenia nos5M-71 8-0 064 (MIRA 18:2) Apolame S,161 Mn(ogmi'Do, CoviditUm of toW&tlca Of CV(* cmd %3*11M OtN=lo oodd 402uti=o Zbw,*5:rttl.kbb*, 38 m 165* (PIPA 20019) U SabrAtted Oatobor jo,, 1963* of of 00 o* 0 0 Ow quo 00 Got b4q~ Abe 4b* #0 two nal"is 6a s IN 000 ",own MVA VV V*d' 0,3 of, th b* UIWt iam r40 i)T IL IL As a ties feel**** .0000'e- .0 0. 4u 49 0 f 0;000*01#00-606 ......... . .... LOM Ow"bw ............ ... . . 0 :vm 0 a 0 0 000 0 ~-ef a goo go goo goo see so V Ti i -AS 3"i- 1~1' 600(boto 0 0 * 0 0 P-'7FZ'--~7~- ft DOUG* d sbuvgm*wn RiA MW hum I* &MAC ellou**6L A. PumoKov ()60. too, (111M4. 17WIMM, cm.r iot If" t ~-'. I . : 4 AIJAl%-.xmaj&' at o"O., fax. willb 4444" .00 too a iimk at v~jon Ad a layer vf Al V* Oluly HULWItutim tit a t% tw Od for Ow 00%1 1 a 1401tor M in fmt. Iful, The is 00 dMI& I " POW.* 40 OhO kV44110 Q( uvmftW AA-ft *r all allb". Y Milo 44311#111"KI tied. ja~dwm by tht boll X4. Zw4)JFO Ili-- WL bta Flo ohmicodto thisq uvdW vxkJU1 atilule"ted rmiMWM 40 MMMW. 7110 k)W 0( 1*600 ANT11"d in tbAn thw uc4&&I 0i Nwfiwe. ,r. it 0 0 W41.0 see go 0* 15, 1 P, 0~ irt'n,z beam ;f, 4 ivi 44 2.1n 9rd It* offrif UK Oft IVA Poe Goe;'*0*00 000 000$* 000 0 0 61cm* k .06 % il the ilk low moo o., dqqi~ od Cog Zo 0 moo moo see woo boo ... ........ fa I 1 0 a 2 a 13 3 4 0 0 a 0 to 0 0 0 0 * 0 a 0:0 0 0 a -2 -0 -1 ; -J, -6 -0 la TI -4 -E~ -W . . . . . . . . . . . . -prulfills 4-0~14 ItIlts.2-1 -Ww A 'aw fit 04 Cv. wo rommea", at of k"s 40w0s; &4 0" *oft+ see low Wet Thtj lm,edw of dova"b*! 06 pj -p, sid Y-bftw~ dIP04kift GEWA flayw be* 4mai4ed wM it* Cho, f4entstla P04411" &T. Des 'as* -8 We low* j 1 -g I 'A 1 .1 too too if 1 "KAk' ;;ItO-a -w *110KAMM Z "T4 too I . 10 it jo a cr it :4 al 0 a or t At ft o' o "0,4 0 000 so os Go 0 0 00 4--# 0 4, 0 9 w 0 W 0 0 : -41- "R.A.1 It It 0 fb 0 # IJoe. 4 ZOSIMOVITSCH, D.P., PLOINIKOV, V. A., ZhOKh,p 1934, 10s No. 10p 50-54. Our! oq,,,cglt4,F A-to fwp,!~44f-rt "we 00 :0 0 0 00 ch god 0 Wft%Wb= UZI.. 00 4j 18-4-tA d6mb 476 Am& At go b* qhAm"d b j so or AjSr b M^i #WCUS 0006d"Ing M illfr 00 OIT&LttAGK&t LITINAU11111 C&AINIFICATMIN %W#11 44t W49 o" $Jigs I il- -T T-v jr-T MI A- I Is 1 31 06 1, a 1 3 4 AV 0 a a t9 Of w I lot to is 0 0 G 0:0 a w 0000 0 0 0060014 .* 0 0 0 a 0 46:0 Ape too See 400 too tot 4 AJ 114-2-F 6_1 A a SO c I-of SON -04 go SO .90 00 do* V, A. Pramb! ond D. P, god -plow wee :0 4 3 1* Ka *A ~ fit, m 09. imip "us) M04 ij~ Wf. V11 (4 W rVil 00 IM wee tuft A hm 014Y. fee Oat AIL]d see lee 77 .. ..... All 4i 4W ~Wf ti, W 0 AV 10 Ali; a It 0 O'k AV is 4g I jIm A" 1 1 4 It V I )f 0 0 41 4 2 1 f 0 91~ 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 ~ p~ 0* 0 0 0 0 go 0 0 0 0 0 0 q 0 0 0:0 a. 0 40 4L SO* CA w W-W- - . - ~ .1 ,- 11 - - -MI. I --I AMIR A~ AL L- Game Imm 4"a" D. 11. gid 0. IWai- -K9mjm"- a 106 Ott froft A Xj~k n 00 2"1 :gy, 0 .3 eat t4o a r* PH 0 w MIA. flNxm 0-11N to 10-14, it d(itut, pmmot~ of :0 al INS0, c4c%, ~w (030 not ird4t0m.. I L a WALMAGICAL Lltld&YWM C"40FOCAM" i 'Mots.. -I.Iu43 ~lv 4"t c4mi 4 4 v so 9 A& u is A, 'o is!; fralfw4l praxot via 0 * 0 0 a 0, 0 0 0 0 M 0000 0 0010 0 0604100006060410 10 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 * 01 a 0 41 0410 0 f 0 0. 41 0 0 IN 0. 0, 0 0 0 (p 0 0 40 0 coo are No* see i *oil fit .... . ..... g00&) 4,*Aj, tw. 104 H" 1" 1 moo too;' If U 7 1. MCA. cog zoo woo a** WWI L A- _.~T_&_ Li-Q-94 K__L_L_ f.pioso .4 #tali At a., 44c -.4 . I r -'j -T I.....-A A" m 44 d m it K vp to .6 . '4. . ! .. ,, ." I of 1~ so so Goal -so i'd Tji L ULMIm AkwA go-, Im, W, Amommt de M Akh Omilmil *ft the mM AIJAIC%-IrAqC# jDW"% the Iwoup, -ailft -00 004-414 (0tw,.W 14 hurAftfiso tat t6m: r4fti W-wl' qgk4*, vj*.44 . =00 A vi 000006600 00014 00 00 V 494 46--0,.-0-k, 04) 0 6 It 0 At 0-0.1 get see !see 440 49 4 Off to 60 6 0 o o a 41 0 0 0 0: 4 F- I -- ~lr L--- Z ;i,44 ioi4 jj~ If-if II&J-4 00 11~9 ......... . 1 0 00 00 00 2 c# V.A. 01141kcir 4411 ti. P. (J. (100MI (111111i ). Wo 4, :IV# ' ehmintAhto dr- -11n Itumaim-I 6s C". Ats., IM, (A), 111W~ fulwa gab, or U) ju-tilliNmo to itudkim cuic brtwwto twortlivOodw iomwr*d infit the bwc atcul in deptWW udk the noWt film-. ykildir4i w idloy. Thi wo.f. l 44 the "a En I fund Zoe Cat c1muWm firith time uj VIAL of Xj1 I two Ij b latfirtoln Amtraik of tjw r erwo acum on p ZK1, JAAnh ~cilio-nWiidttg ;aww julpimbe and tim wiffiAtit4m-S. 0, I've -0 IF `V* '60 r0 0 Ve lee ItTALLU06KIL LITINITIAt Ci.41WICATP;tA If Al "nio oP44 Oliva flon timuott rA 0 wal go a' e a q 0 41 04 0 41 A 4H qp~ r -, , - I i 'Is .... . ........... 74mim)TiWh (Rt#L 1". Oeft. All. (Imix. Antd, AW,, 11m, 1, 1 lc~- m), 0 u III nwilift, with (kernAn aunintary.) so ft%W la -Um ZI~L*lo An KW I** -11flaily dMmIx's "t'i t4mo mmal.1%, itA thr, pnXI"Oon *f ATM~4dbcfgN feM!-jjj4ftgLWw4v, 4 ZOO two 0 Nt 1w 9 a 0 19 ::I:0 *Joe$ oe 041-6:4 41 0 0 * 0 We 0 0 0 0) 0 4) 0 40 0 0 0) 0 OD 41, It 41' 41 0 40 00 WO a 0 0 000 ~nn titu cm, I*. no.- 7!--n c.', M~, -,It: ::.-y ~-'j 7. I~Nw 1 3 u 7 tsz qn A UrR 0 R; Zosimavica. ~;:l r I[ le I rp !Lq q I.L r V '4 L, V'! S R ~Iv z H, f I'v%? 11 y 4 ~~tl I he fflc. I k o'vll 1: (1 R t mi I I 'r v T~ T~ A 1: ill; 7-nn -)T"rl 3 - 12 T a ;I R C ll V L V JV 7 it 7- 4? - e cc rn-n a-I r- a ys o f t h e S!zl rota~, fnL. ~Iorethe- -.11th 1: It q tin 1.7j~ jl' er-iir ta f f cl, I - it I cord-, rI -Mi 5 1 :Irr i ri iii., r j W -1- 11 ,kT502 82 96 d u -n;i i ICTTI V. P. Beets and Deet Sugar Dynamics of loaf growth in sugar toots and its effect on y1eld nnd ijugar cont-Int of biological types of varioLis varieties. ~`Ol- i sem., 19, 1141, 9, "1952 Monthly List of RuRsian Accessions, Librory of Con(;ress December 1952. -11110-TA.SSIFIED. USSR/Cultivnted Plants - Cormorcinl. Oil-b--aring. Abs Jour : Ref Zhur Biol.,, No 12, 1958., 53735 Author : Zosinovich, V.P. Inst %---- -- Title Supplamimitary Pol-linatioil of seed pLu%ts. Orig Pub SaIdmnlayn svekLa, 1957, No 6., 37-40 Abstract ExperLaant's conducted for a IonG tim- by the An-Union Scientific Reaenrca Institute of Su&nr Beets in diffo- rent beat 6=wing re3-lons, colifirned the positive role of supplementary pollination in increasin, the yield and the quality of the seeds, and also in intenaifyIng vital enerar in tJe offspriza. Suppleimutary -pollina- tion proved to be effective not only in rainy weather but also in the presence of clear and windy weather. The increase of the seed yield from polliantion avcraCied 1-2 cwt/1-1a. -- A.M. Smirnov Card 1/1 COuntrY : USSR M CatoG,ory: Cultivated Plants. Cormercial. Oil-Bearina. Suppr-Dearing. bs Jour: 1=iol ., No LI, 1953., no 49c6o land will be sown with sugar beets with sclamte fruits (sinClc seeded or single shoot). - A.M. SrLimov Card 2/2 ZOSIMOVICII, V. P.: Doc Biol Sc~i (dLsr) -- "I'he evaluaticn of the wiLd and cul- tivated su"ar beet". Kiev, 1958. 40 pp (Acad Sci UI?r SSR, D(~pt of Biol Sci), (KL, No 12, 1959, 127) ZOSIMOVICH. VP-.,,- Polyploid varieties of sugar beets. Sakh.prom- 34 no-5::56-62' My 160o (HIPA 3-4: 3) 1. Voesoyuznyy nauchno-isslodovatellskiy indAitut ettkhamoy slrpkly. (sugar beets) ZOSIMOVICH V.P. (Zosymovych, V.P.], laureat ioninskay preadi New forms of plants. Nauka i zhy-ttia 12 no.9:48: 3 162. (MRA! 16: 1) 1. Chlen-korrespondent AN UkrSSR. (Flant breeding) (Vhromoorine numbers) KONDRATYUK Ye.M.(Kondratiuk, IE.Y..],.otv. re TICH Y.F., tzosynovycbp V.P.], red.; MARABEVICH, 1116*11111rf.A.),. red - POPOV V.P., red. RUBTSOV, L I re. -'SDKOLbVBKIY 0.1:(Sokolov's1kyi, O,Ij, red.; IL'i~?: G. :t:tllkun ', Ii. M. I, red.; KOKHHO, M.A., red.;.AUDRIYCHUK, M.D.[Andriielluk, M.D.], red.izd-va; TURBANOVA, N.A., tekhn. red. [Biological problems of acclimatized plants) I)rtannia b1ologii aklimatyzovanykh rosly-n. Kyiv, 1963. 90 p. (KIRA 16:7) 1. Chlen-korrespondent AN Ukr.SSR (for Mhimolrich). (Ukraine-Plant introduction) ZOSIMOVICH, V~.P. Folyploid siUgar beets. Vest.Ari SSSR 33 no.2a6r>.68 F 063 (MTRA 1612) 1. Chlen-korrespondent AN UkrSSR. (Polyploidy) (Ukraine--Sugar beet, breeding) I H1 Nil Tt'1111t 1:1111i:111 111!11 111,111"[111111M., KC~NDI?ATYITK,l~,.,14,[Kondrtitiuk,.11."!.], Otv" ved.i W1051muncli ych, V.P.], red,j VAKAREVIC L, mrovrh, V.A red,i POFf)V, V.P,,, rM. RIIF3TSOVi L.L, rad.; SOKODAISMY, O.I.[SokolovsIkyi,, red,; ILIKUN, G..114.131;kunj H.M.~ rnd,LKOKHNO, M. A.~ AJvDR:tICI!UK,M..D. red, Izd-mi; TIMEIANOV4N.A., to . red (Biological proLlena af acclimutized pIratAj. Flytanide IAolo- gii aklimatyzovanykh roslyn. Kylv, Vyd-vo &N IIkr.hIS.R, 1963. 1 90 P. %MIRA :1.6;11) 1. Akadomtya nauk URSEL Rev., fbtanyohnyl sad~s 2,f GIiI.-m- korrespondent AN URr.,-.SSR (for ZosimovIch), (Ukraine-;-Plant introduction) I . I ~ '. .. I I -, I . " .. ...- ... - 1. ... .. I ZUSTWIlull, V. 1-. - -...... --. - -- "Foci A i a rity in vm.,~, mr! I pror, al h.~J)2- I d.J, Of' C ~ I ItII J . " report submitted to lCrth Intl Botanical Cong, Edinbtu,jrh "' r 64 . .~,, .~-12 Pug' ZOSIMOVICHP V.P. [Zosymovycho V.P.),- PANIN, V.A. fllwnin, 11.0.1 Study of reciprocal. triploid hybridn und pa,i7omtal forwi of vagar beets. Dop. Ali URSR no.7:95(~-953 165. (MIRA,18:0 1. Institut botaniki AN UkrM. (for Zosimovich). 2. Chlen-kox-resporident AN IJkrSSR 7~OSJ~IOVJ ' li.-Ilp-,j red.ot-v.j MODILE-VSKIY, U.S., red.; KOLE.*:,NJK '~11-.11-.,-doktor biol. nank, red.; KIRJDYAK, W.Li kand, blol. nauk., red.; KORDYIR-',, Ye.L., kand. biol. no-ak, red.; MWETSOVA., A.S., red. r(, ,ytolo&l and genetics) T81tologlin i genutlk M ev Naukova dunka, 1965. 223 p. (141~A 19':'1J 1. Akaderdya nauk URSR, Kiev. 21. Chlen-kor-reupondli-ml. AN Ukr.SSR i Institut botaniki PJI Ukr.8,04i (tor Zoadiwvloh). SEPPARP A.; MUMMY, V.;_ZOSIMDVEH;, Yu.. How is your production Ilkely to develop? Koks i Ithim. no.3359-60 162. (HIRL 15t,3) 1. Yag--..'&togorskiy metallurgicheskiy kombinat (fpr $,eppar). (Coke ir4tiatry) TERERIMA, Ye.I.; ZOSIMOVSKAYA,,A.I. Histidinep argininep arA SH-compounds in b1aod wl bcae marrow cells and their changen under the influence of rotintgen.ra Med.~ rad. 5 no.11:20-24 N 160. rmIG RA 13:12) (BLOOD) (I-MIjROW) (.-K BAy8-pjjYSjOL0(,,jCAL MF,07) ZOSIMOVSKA71A, A. I. Study of the mitotic cycles of marrow cells. Arkh. anat., gist. i embr, 43 no.11:99-111 N 162. (14M 17: 8) 1. Laboratoriya eksperimentallnoy- taltologli i taitokhixii Instituta radiatsionnoy i fizikc-ldilziahoskoy biologii AN &SSM. Adres avtorat Moskva, V-312, I-ya Akadamichuikiy yjri:tY---zd, 18, Institut radiatsionnoy i fizIko-IdJmichevkqy blolc~gli AN SSSR. TERENTIYEVAP E.I.; ZJJI(OVSKAY~A A.I.; ;UXANOVAP L,J.; T(A.,SW.As A.A. Cy-tochemical Inveatigation of the elemnts of heAW-poievis. TSitologiia 2 no,4.412-1+27 JI-Ag 160, (KRJL 13:9) 1, TSentralinyy institgt revatolofilii i peralivanipi krovi XWster- stya zdravookhraneni-ya =Rv MosMa. (ffMPOIETIC SYSTEM) WSIMOVSKAYA, A.I. Studying the mitotio cycls in marrvir c,31.1-a of iilce by tho matliod of radloau'llography. Dokl. AN SSSR 151 no0fl'.)137-6,.")D JI 163. (FJRI 160) 1. Inatitut radiatsionncy i biclxglt Ali S5,1M. Pradatavleno akadoml-kam V,A.Engaltgardtom. (AUTORADIOGRAPHY) (KARTOKINESTS) (MARrOW) H110 IN USSR/Gancral PribleLis of Patholo(,,7 - Ti-mrs. C,)nptirativu Oncoioc'y' U Etuan Neoplastm. Abs Jour : Ref Mur Biz)l., No 1, ig5g, 4229 Author : Tereat'yeva, E.I., Zosimovskaya, A.I., Kawnwa, L.I. Inst : - Title : Cytochemiml Investir3pations of the Elenents of Hempoic- sis. I. The Content of Fat, Glyco6eu and Ifucleinic Acid in the Blood Cells and in the Bone Mirrow of Heal- thy Hurrans and Those Sufferinr, from Leukoses OriE; Pub : Probl. Gematol. i pereliuaniya krovI, 1957, 2, No 5., 24-31. 64. Xostract : Drips of fat within the cells of the bone rarrow (BM) of .'-.ealthy subjects are contained in the forn of traces only in sin'-le LWel,)- mad metarxjelocytes, in occasional mture [~Tanulocytes and in 1~mphocytes. TI_,,ey are deix)ns- trated in moderate amomits in leudocytes of the periphe- ral blood. The ~lycotmn coatent in the hempoictic Card 1/4 - 36 - USSR/General Problems of Patllajlo~,V - Timors. Coivarativc Oncol:),~y. U Human. Neoplasms Abs Jour Ref Mur Biol., No 1, 1959, 11229 and lymphadcuosis (CL) (14, 13J. Tbe (;lycogeu content in the henopocitic cells is decreased wi-*u,',:)ut relation t14 the forn of the illness. As the coaditi:m of the pa- tient becomes impaired an increase of the fat coutent and a decrease of Glyco~;cu is observed in the blood colls and in the cells of the bune marrow. In thiz acute and aubacute course of tle disease the dearease of tile qum- tity of iyacleiiiic acids particularily of RM is observed ill the hemopAetic collaq, Wit], impairment of the condi- tion a decrease of the valkie of DNA add RXA is ~)ften 3b- served; with inpr.;vemeit some increase of thf~ nucleinic acids is observed in the IlemopActic cells. In (R4 and CL the content of RM is decreased, and DIM fliatilates withiii a mmll ranC;e as compared with The can- tc,,,,t of DILI in the henopietic cells ii; incinstant in CL. The contouft of nuclciiiic acide increases with the Card 3/1~ - 37 - IWIFANOYA, O.Iq A93P~PYS.KAXAS. A. I.; LUUNMO L. Y41 GEME-11111p N.V.; .,514OLF'I'SKAUl 1.11. Comparative study of the duration of mitosis and interklmals in tissues of miee with the aid of colchicimip and IrTediation. Bial.eksp.biol. i med. 55 no.1:96-100 W63. (IfflliA 1.6:7) lo Iz laboratori~ eksperimentallnoy taitologJA i teitckhimii Instituta radiatpionnoy i fizik~~-~himichoskoy biolollgii (dir. akademik VIA.Engrallgardt) All SM Moskva. Radstalvlen& dq- atvitelny' Y; chlon4m. AJQ SM V.A.Engellgartati, Mulf) (COWHICINF,-FIrLSIOLcGica, (RLDIATIOlt-PHYSIOLOGICAL EF74T) TIRMIYEVA, R.I.; ZOSIMOTSKATA, A.I.; MANOVA, L.I.4, PAYNOWN, F.R. Cytochemical studies in leukemia. Probl.gemat.i perol.krovi 4 no.11: 39-49 N '59. (NIRA 13:3) 1. Iz TSentrallnogo ordena Lenina Instituta gina&tologli i pereli- vanlya krovi (direktor - deystvitellnyy chlen AMN SSSR prof. A.A. Bagdasarov) Hinisteretva zdravookhranenlya SSOR. (14MMIA chemistry) TERENTOYEVA, E.I.p prof.; Zl*p4OVSKAYA, A.I.; I~W-NOVA, L.I.; SUKYASYAIII G. V. - ------- Cytochomical study of henatopoiatic elementa in radlation injury, Probl.gamat.i perel.krovi no,31411-52 162. (MIRA 1-5:3) 1. Iz Mntrallnogo ordena Lenina InatitutA gimatalogii i pareli- vanlya krovi (dir - doystvitelln:rr chlon A1,91 SSSIt prot. A.A. Bagdaearov Idecea;edl) Mimisterstva zdravoolchranenlya Sfk")R. (RADIATION SICEWMS) 001AMIPOISTIC STS11m) ZOSINOVSKAYA, A.I.; ]KAZANOTA. L.1.; IFAYMIMTH, F.B. Cytochemical studies on the homopolatic el*wonts in patients with. aplastic and byoplastic anemias. Probl. gonat, i povel. kroyl 3 no-51 25-31 5-0 158, (11MA 11111) 1. Is TSentrallnogo ordena Iosaina Inatituta g'amatologli I pereliviniya krovi (dir. - doyetvitel'Wy chlen AHN MR prof. A.A. Bagdanorov) Hinisteretva sdravookhranenlya SSSR. (MMIA, APIASTIG, pathologr c7tochom, chaoKoia im- elomonts In splaetM & h3rp*PU'otlo aneollas'l- (Rfts)) TARM Y~ V-A', 'N'. 1. 7081HOVSKAYA, A.I.; XAZANOVA, L.I. Cytochemical examination of hemopoietic elements# Report No.l.- Pat, glycogen, and nucleic said content of blood cells and bone marrow in healthy individuals and in leukoeis [with ou3irnry I* English, p.641. Probl.gemat. I perelokrovi 2 no65:24-31 D-0 157. (MIRA 11:1) 1. Zz TSentrallnogo ordens lenins InstLtute gemstologil. i perelivatilys krovi (dir. - deystvitellnvy chlon AKII SSSR prof. A.A#Bagdanerov) Ministerstva zdravookhranonlys SSSR. (UMMIA, metab. fat, glycogen & nucleic acid content in boric marrow cons & in blood cells) (FAT LIPIDS, metab content In bloat cells & bone marrow cells in leukemia) (GLYCOGEN, metab. same) SAMGINO F.A.;.SHESTOPALp Ya.V.; USIMOVSKAYAp T,V,,; GOUCHAROVO Yo.R. Chemical shrub control from the airplane. Zaskiah. rart. ot vred, i bol. 6 no.,4:20-21 Ap 161. OURA 15:6) (KaUnin Province-ClearinC of laril) - w RABOTNOV, To A., ZOO-1140731CAYAL T. V. Yeadows Use of herbicides in control of meadow weeds. Korm. baza 3 No. 14 1952 Monthly List of Itto-sIgn Accessions, Library of Congre3s, July 1%2. Unclassified. RLAOTNOV, T. A., Z051YOV5VAYA, T. V. Herbicides Use of herbicides in control of meadow weeds. Korm. baza 3 110. 4, 1052 Monthly Lis-t of Russian Accessions Library of Congress. JulY 1952. Unclassified. T . A., A, P. 7 Tlerbicides Use of herbicides in control ol' var-ad-jw wet!ds, Oaza 3 Ito. I.M. "onthly Lict of Rus~inn "Iccessions, Lihrarj of ionq-resa, July 1)52. Unclassified. RA301r"Oll~ T. A-) .osI-'-.VISKAYA, T. V. ~.eadows Use of her',icirles in ;~,)ntrol. of' me4,dow baza 3 1, .%onthly List of Russi-r-n Accessions, Lil:rary of Jorii..,,ress, Iul,,ir 1?~2. 1. Z08-IM-w-r~1Y, X, Eng. 2. ITSM (600) 4. Construction Industry 7. Guaranteeing the fulfillment of public houjirvj construe-Lion. Zhil.-kom. Icboz.. 3, no. 1, 1953. 9. Monthly List of Russian Accessions, Library of Congress, _May 1953. Unclassified.. ZO8lvnv8xTYf X. 0 Emg. Dwellinas Guarantecillf, thO fulfillment of public hemoing contitruction. Mill.-Icart. kho%. -3, no. 1, 1953. 9. Monthly List of Russian Accessions, Library of Congress, 1,fa;r -1953. Unclassified. iT11-,__.__.__ A 1: lot 40 00 60 00.1 =40101."o Obad"Mn 110110 0 A P fto avowa. 44"" t1311111111111. V. fill- 00 .3 044MLIUMMIS 410' mOmfol, drAl ng Okuntmil CITMIL too too too ............ too 99 It W1 A 4 NO 4 W ts 0 Ls 0-4-9 aco N 41.a 0 0 41 0 a, 0 41- 40 41 G, 41 o a 'm 0 41, 0 ft! of 0 s 0 0 log -a Wr 0. 4i 0 3.0- 001 0 a III t' 0 01,41: 0. $1 41C 1111 41