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OGLOBLIN, D.N., prof.; ZORYA, lnzh,
ill V: I.
Investigating fault processes in rocks and earth elxr~acas an
flat models of similar materials. Hauch. dokl, v7s. shkvly; g~or.
delo no.1:77-88 158. (miu li:6)
l.Predstavlena kafedroy awsheyderskogo dela Donetakogo
industriallnogo institilta.
(Geological modeling) (Faults (Geolorr))
ZORJAq N.M., kand. tekhn. nauk; MUZAYAROV9 F.I.x insb.
Using the method of equivu6e'nt'materials in volumettlo modelingo
Izv. vys. ucheb. zav.; goi~ ebar. 6 no.6t64-70 163. (M 16:8)
1. Donetskly ordena Trudovogo Krasnogo Znamemi politekchnicheski~'
institut, Rekomendoyana kafedrami marksheyderskogo dela i
(Rocks--Testing) (Geological wdels)
ZORYAt NA, kand.tekhn.nauk; PROKOFIYEV, V.P., inzh.
Study of the manifestation of rack presaure with it chatige in the
depth of mining. Izv.vys.ucheb.zav.;gor.zhur. 6 no.11:54-58
163, -.(IqIRA 1714)
1. Donetskly ordena Trudovogo Krasnogo Znameni po'J.itekhr0.che,,*iy
institut. Rekomendovana kafedroy marksheyderskago dela.
ZORYAt N.M., kand,tekhn.nauk; MUFAROVp F.I... irmll.
Measuring points of displacement In throe diumnsioval. Diodols.
Izv*vys.uclieb.zav.; gor,zhur, 7 no,2:58-63 164. (WRA 17:3)
1. Donetskiy politeklmicheskiy institut. Pokitriendwrana kafedray
marksheyderskogo dela.
Madlauj2g the process of rook and earth surfarv) faulting by, m(nus of.
-equivalent materials* Izvo vys. ucheb, zav (It z sio.1*7"
(MM ll15)
Donetakly IndustriallAV Institut.
(raults (Goology)) ("ologicaLl modoUng)
ZMrAy 1. Mt, kand. tekhn. nauk; PRONOTOYSTO 1. F.0 Ina.
Ralation betveen the length of a longwall and the wMIftisth-
tion of rock pressure In a rock formationo Ugall Ukr~ 7 z2o.4-,
~-5 Ap '63. (KMA W.4)-
1. Donetskly politekbnicbeskiy institut.
(Coal m1nes and nining)
(Rock pressure)
OG4UN., MI.., prof.; ZOM, U.N., lmad.tekhnonauk; Ja(EXEV,,N,I... inzh.
Fattern of rock shiftirg during the working of a d)nglo plta6ly
dipping seam. lzv,vya.ncheb.zav.; gor.zhur. vo.2:45-48 f60.
(KERA 14:5)
1, Donetakiy, industrial'W ins "" t"
- nqig goology)
ZORTA. 7.G., (Tiunitea)
wInjuries to the memilunar cartilages and their treatuvot" by
A.D. Litvineulco. Raviewed by V.G. Zoria. Ortop.trard. t protez.
20 no.2:65-66 IF 159. (MIRA 12:12)
ZORYA, 1". G. Cond !-Ted bci -- (disz) "On the chr-xZes im '.,flood gaves ocqwlrm;~'
during the post-operative period folloviii% certitin intra-ultdomillel
Odessa, 1911:8. 16 pp (Odessv. StPtd Med Inst in ~N. I. Piralrov), ',.Of) co.~Jes
M, 117)
ZMTAO V.G. (Vinnitea, ul.R. trukeemburg, dolB, kv.110)
Shifts in the body's oxygen suDDIx Immedintely folloving cartgIn
abdominal operations; diita from n study of blood gnmees
Movekhirszrkhe no*2253-57 Xr-Ap 158 (KIRA lIt6)
1. Nafedra gospitallnov k-hirurgii (zav. - prof. I.A. Shrayer)
Vinnitakogo meditsiusko,W inatituta.
1 11 J If.
Study of the mechanism of the effect of reserpiri-, an the function
of the adrenal cortex. Fam. i toks. 28 no.5:547-550 S-0 165.
(14X'RA 18:12)
1. Kafedra farmakologii (zav, - prof, MJ.Vlerlaulov) U Mos-
kovskogo meditainskogo instituta imeni SuInitted
April 17, 1965o
-16ba-gases in peptic ulcer and gastric cancer. Vrech.delo no.10:
1097 0 '5?- NIRA 10:12)
1. Kafedra gospitallnoy khirurgii (zar. - prof. I.A.bhrayar)
Vinnitskogo meditainakogo institute.
zopin V. 0.
Rational nothod of arterial pmucturs, X11n, mad. 32 mp..5:83
My 154. (MIlk 7 17)
1, Is lmfa&7 gospitallmoy &irurgii (tavo profol I-A*,~Qmer)
VInnitskogo wditsluskogo Instituta,
*ywwture, teobzdc)
*arteries, technic)
tf'e' *ww-
Penicillin therapy In hematoganic ostooMelitis of the opines Soya
med. 21 no.4:121-122 Ap '57. (KIMA 10:7)
1, Is kafedry goopitallmoy khtrurgii. (toy. prof. I.A.6-hrayer)
Vianitskogo maditainskogo institute (dir. 4otsent S-I.Iorkhav)
penicillin in hematogenic . ostoom7elitis of opine)
(SPIR3. dis.
hematogenic ostoomyelitim. penicillin ther.)
(PENICILLIN, ther. use
hematogenic osteocqelitis of opine)
SHRAIERf I.A., prof,; ZORYAp V.G.p kand.jned.nauk,0i=1.tiI;" ul.R.Lyuks(mbmr9,
ko-tentiation in local and general anesthesia. Vov. 4LIr. arkh. no.I:
95-98 Ja-F 160. (MIRA 15*'2)
1. Kafedra gospitalinoy khirurgii (sav. - prof. I.A.Sbrapr) Vinnitakogo
meditsinskogo instituta.
ZORYA v kandemed,nauk (Mmitua., ull, E:ovy LrAsellitairgj, c1.2/219 )cv.91)j
PropUiesis in cicatricial obstruction of airt-rikhepatic billary
ducts. Klin.khir. no,,9V?'2-74 S 162. (MIRA 105)
1. Kafedra obshchey khirurgii (ZELVe - PrOfc, Lilo YlXi-ikbin) Vi=itakogo
meditsinakogo inatitutao i
Effect of the precipitation conditions on the diapertgIty of
metal hydroxide precipitates. Mr. neorgo kh1ju 9 noolls
2536-2539 N 164 (MDA 181l)
1. Inatitut otahchey i neorganicheskoy kh:ImU AN Ula-8811.
Date.rmination of the heat of wetting of metal hydroxidep by water.
Kollahur. 26 no.2s263-266 Mr-Ap 164. (MIRA 1714)
1. Institut obshchey i neorganicheskoy khimii AN UkrSSR, Kiyeve
Effect of the precipitation conditions on the watj~r content
and the apparent volum of the prenipitateis of hydroxid4m.
Zhur. neorg. khim. 10 no.l-.265-267 Ja ~65, (MIRA 18-.11)
1. Institut obshchey I neorganichoskoy kbitkil AN UkrSSR.
Short-term forecasting of the atmospheric presoure fiedd Insed
on a two-level scheme with Implicit derivativeii, Izv, AN Arm.
SSR. Ser. fiz.-mat. nauk 17 no.2:105-113 164.
013,11A 17:9)
Translation from: Referativnyy zhux,nal. Mekhanika, 1959, Nr 1, p (i1, (IISSR)
AUTHORt Zoryan, Z.A.
TITIE: The Physical Modelling of' Hydraulic Shook
PERIODICAL: V sb.i Mezhvuz. konferentsiya po primenenlyu fit. modollrovaniyn v el!.-k-
trotekbn. zadacha-kh i matem. modelirovaniya. 140scow, 1957, PP 55-56
ABSTRACT: Th e theses of the lecture are given which containj 1) the conditions of
similarity of a shock established by IN. Yegiazlltrov,, 2) the recommenda-
tion for controlling the magnitude of -the propagation Speed of shock waves
in the model by means of placing inside the air.-duct un air-infle..ed rub-
ber hose, 3) the formula for the determination of the velocity of tave
shock wav? in said case. The latter dLffers from the renWILts of the the-
oreical solution. (afr. ref. 426).
N.A. Kartvelishvili
Card 1/1
Physical modeling of hydraulic impacts. Rauch. dokl. v7s. shkoly;
energ. no.1:231-234 158. (MIRA 11:10)
lJodno-energetichaskly inutitut AN Arm7anskoX SSR.
(Hydraulic models)
Local circulation over a mountain lake. Izv.Alf Arm.SSR.Ser.
fiz.-mat. nauk 18 no.3tll.8-128 165. OUM .18:8)
1. Institut vodnykh problem i gidrotekliniki 1,11inisterstva vod-
nogo khozyaystva Arm;SSR.
'Experimen-IA-1 stidy of the tramforn-Ation of air flou, over a mauntaln
lake. Izv. AN Arm. SSR, Ser.fiz.-mat., nauk 118 165.
(14rRA 180)
1, Instituit vvdny.Idi ypoh).(nn i gidrotokbrAll. Hlrloterit,m vo~ncgv
k)iozyaystvp- Arwyhrs~ny
Study on the problem of adaptation at a mean Inivel with it view
to short-term forecasting of meteorological eltvx~enta, Izir. AN
Arm. SSR. Ser. fiz.-mat. mauk 18 no.6:42-49 1615.
(M.M1 19: 1)
1. Institut vodnykh problem i gidromekhaniki Ar:-,yaniikoy S.3111.
r7 0 /1' y/~/ ~ V
e- 1
The best. way to eatnbligh one's authority. Rnb-l flial. 33
no.P;6-7 S 157. (ML?A 10: 9)
(Timkovichi (Minak Province) -Tegehm)
KEHL-' 7011-~r ~. A-
of F
Arh, H.g. md!t 'I
I I is i! I 1 0
YUGOSLAVIA/Cultivated Plants - Fruits. Berries. m
Abs Jour : Ref 7-hur Biol., No 18, 1958, 82559
Author : Zorzic Milorad, R#
I-O'st : -
Title : Application of Syntilatic Groirth Regalators for Raisi:.C
Grape PIcuiting Material.
Orig Pub : Poljopr. Vojvod., 1957, 5, no 1, 46-50
Abstract : of 6r-ape --,mMu of o!t Barla~,Aiyari
a~d Ripariya with -,allphthylacetic ;ncid ii,, voi,,cc:"-tra-
tioll of 0.021A increased the root tald-.4G to 56,2~'~, with
-i.idolylbutyric nclcl in blhc fonn o~ 11~- pomfter - to 59~,
and in the form oC 0.02'% sol'-ition - to 53.&~. Treatmeja
with the bromthymal bIre sol-t~tion in the conce,.itration
of 0.1% incrensed the root taking by 06.144 with the root-
iiq; of tile contro]. at 46.5% of the planited grafts. --
.Ye A. Parshim
Card 1/1
ZOSIL., Teofil
TiVetigo herpetiformis hq~rae in pregnwier and puerpbriuu,
Ginek. pol. 34 no.2049-152 163.
1. Z Kliniki Poloz~ictwa i Chorob Koblec7.oh A14 v Slm~Dlleclnis
Kierowniks prof. dr T. Zvolinski.
ZOSEL, Teofil
Analysis of forceps deliveries conducted in 1949-1950 in the Obstatr;ic
Clinic of the Pomeranian Academy of Medicino in Szczoc1n. Ginek., P0.1.
33 no.5:697-707 162,
1. Z Klinlki Polowitotwa 1. Chorob KoblecyOi PA14 w S-vizoebilooKierolinik:
prof. dr mod. T. Zwolinalki.
Production of heat-resistfint air-i)ntrained conorete line been
mastered. Stroitell 9 no,100 0 163, (K.Rk 16M)
FIFF -TI FIF 111,111-171 I'M III I 11, 111! 1:1 1:, 111
'-I ! I I - q, If- .. 1 11 .. . - . '. ., . .
=11CIRIK, NT., In"h.; DENISENK01, A.P.,
-- ~
Refractory concrete in the com llxuction of the Karag~~trrjp_ 1~etal-
lurgical lllant,. Prom. Litt-ol. 4"! no.3t24-25 f 6(i - (IMPA lfl:7)
i i i ~ ~ If ;;:: i I . I
ZOSHCHUK, O.N., nauchnyy sotrudnik
Succession of morphological changes in the tia,sues of the parodonti=
during the orthodontic transposition of the t6eth using a constantly
acting force; Report No.l. Trudy Nauch.-issl.inst,btom, no.10:170-
182 162. Om 15:10)
Clinical aspects and treatment of upper canine teetb Mpting-
thraugh the palate. Stomatologiia 42 no.2:65-69 I4r-ApO63
(MIRA 1723)
1. rz otdela ortodontii ( zaveduyushchiy - starshiy nauc~myy
sotrudnik E. Ya. Vares) Odeselcogo nauchno-isaledovateVskogo
inatituta stomatologii (d1roktor - dotsent A,,T.Marchenko),
VARES, E.Ya.,, starshiy nauchnyy sotrudnik; ZOS1fCF1UK 0..11., maiachnyy
Change in the mucopolysaccharides in the tissulao of,the parodontlihm
during the early days of the orthodontic trawipoBition of the teeth.
Report No.2. Trudy Nauch.-issl.inst.stom. no.lOsM~-186 162.
(MIRA 15:10
ZOSHGHUKt O.N., nauchnyy sotrudnik
Frequency and the clinical variability In the allcmajoijij positioning
of the canine toeth. Trudy Hauch.-isslAnst.13tom. ao.M187-193
,62. (XTRA 15S10)
(TFE,TH--AmoRmiTiF.,,,i kim uumnirs)
L., red.; LUCHKIV, M., takhred.
[The Communist Youth League Mina huilt by Transcarpathlaa
youth] Zakarpatelka-Xomsomollalka. Uzhhorod, Mikarpatolks
obl.vyd-vo. 1958. 69 p.
(jaRA 14:1)
(Donets 3asin-Coal mines and mining)
red.; LUCHKIV, M.,, tekhn* red.
NADI , Kalman, zvenevoy'llzlo~~-q 0
[For over-all mechanization) Za komplsksnu nekbitnizarsliu.
Uzhhorod, Zakarpatalke oblasne krqzhkovo-gazet%i9 V:)$
1961. 16 p. guA VoU)
1. Mekhanizirovannoye zveno po virasbchivaniyu,l(ukuM2TkoMoza
"Chervoniy piaport" Deregovskogo rayona (for 10141).
(Pa= mechwjization)
KMUvCHAIIII-1, V.H.; ZOSICH, L., red.; LUCIIKIV, M., teldmaed.
(We ishould carry out our seven~year plan in five ,rears;
an ecmonic conference on the *Za Ilove nyttta" Collective
Farm in Irshava Distri(~tl Sem"ielft - za plint' roM-v;
ekonimichmi k-onferontaiia v kolhospi *Za noire zh:rttia,"
Irshavalkoho rsionu. Uz~ihorod, &ikerpotalkib obl.Tyd-vo,
1959. 42 p. NIRA 13:1)
(Irshava District-Agriculture)
BURMA, Dmitriy Ivanovich; GORSHOV, Aleksandr flikolayovkh; WSTCUP
L.F., red.; LUCHKIV, M.R., tekhn. red.
(Mukachevo; gU4 debookll,'Lukachevo; putevoditelf. Uzhgarod, Za-
karpatskoo obl. knizimo-gazatnoo izd-vo, 1962. 69 P.
(MIRA 15:11)
zoazn) i,-..
Some experiences In the sclecticn of Cyacevini, plants.
p. U (Poljoprivre-de, Vol* lj~ nc. 6, 11,~`56. Heof_-,,rid:
Fonthly Index. of E~-st Lurope3n Accessions (1E'FII) LC. 7'001. 7,
February l9-q8
ROMANKO, Oksana Ivanovnal ptichmit3a; ZOISICIII L.,vid.1'
tekbn. red.
(More poultry) Bil'she ptytni. Uzhhorod, Zakarpatsfke oblasne
1961. 16 1). (MIRA 15 ~-- 3)
1. Kolkhoz imenI Frunze, Vzhgorodskogo rayona (for Rmanko).
Ens nE e7'H
t -k Nc. pr
w r-I F 71i, I
-he r rn,9! 1:' J. t
v for
(50 ~1- Y
C-1 h
1/2 1mmmam Mod
L-T n I
I_n Its, the, v~:.ltagc, aj,,d saler.:)id nliwrerl-i3
ar, a~4dltl.:nal r6si_~,ance. The may._!-71.11- n,~Irjl
:ql., bu
f and f :.r Lkxi. 'l-nItAge Val Ir~ll -Enatic. arc-
USHCHMTTS, P-Te., Wh.; ZOSIM, Teage, inzh~
- - -------
Using germanlia diodes in quenching circuits. liaergetik 8 no.4:26-
27 AP 160a (MRA 13:8)
(Germanium diodes) (Ilectric circuit breakers)
~qIM, Z I., kand.khim.nank; WNIN, G-Ta., inzh.; KOThT,'CBUX, I.M.,
Synthetic latexes in the manufacture of chalk overlay pikpisr.
Bmm-Prome 35 ao.3tl8-20 Kr 160, (1419A 13:6)
1. Ukrainakly nauchno-inaledovatel'skiy inatitut, teellyulowy
i bumazhnoy promyshleanosti.
(Rubber, Synthetic) (Paper)
ZOSIM. Z.L.,, kahd,khim.nauk; SMIKUlf,, T.Ya.
Mastering thb production of paper coated with polyethylene on a ,
flat-mlotted extruder. Bum. i der. prom, no.3:16-20 J.1,S 163.
(MIRA l7i2)
1, Ukrainskiy nauchno-imnledovatel'skiy itistiful, bwazlinoy promysh-
BELIKITIR. V.A.[Belcher, V.A.]; BIRCM(, R.T. (Dinghem, R.T.J; BRIXS, A.H.
(Brooks, A.M.]; KHETTUD, Doh. [Heywood, Jj-, "YOI($, S,Ch. (Lyons,
S.C.]; MTKIKEUSTER, X. (Sutermotater. 3.1t UZUT'll-, U.R. E)QUat",
William R.); SIPITAX. A.Yu.. I~zh. kal3c,"
khjm#naukq:red*; YOM'Mp S.F., red.: BMIGIOU14CO, N.I., red.izd-va4,
[White pigments for paper coating) Pigmenty dlia mela7aniia bwssgi.
Moskva. Goolesbumizdot, 1959, 107 P. (KIRA 13:4)
(Paper) (Pigments)
Effect of tbe thermal dentractIon of wonijAilp oil thm rwinval of
mineral 1,1puritioa from it,, Buri.prom. 34 no-719 JTI 159.
(Mlak 12:10)
New type of paper for multicolor printIng. Dum.prou,);~ no,9;16-19
s '57. (MIRA 10: 12)
1. Ukrainakiy nauennolissladovotollaky Institut bumagi.
(Paper) (Color printing)
zoomt, ~. t.
Z. L. -- "Inve:Air-ation in tbe fiele -)f Viscr),
"') 5 j M) - metry of
Solutions of Cotton Fiber Cellulose." Cand Chem Sci 3f.--lorus,dei'm
v ) -
LT Minsk 1953. (liEFILA V.,TI 7~-RNAL No 1) Jan (;):,)
Source: SU14 163, july 54
Spectroscopic methads of investigating the tbornal dojgradation~
of wocdpulp materials. Ukr. khIm. chur. 28 no.6:729-1131 162.
(14IPA 15: 10)
1. Ukrainakly naufto-insledovatel'skiy Insti-tut Uellyulozuoy i
b=azhnoy proW blennosti. i Inotit-at obaboMy i nsorganicheakoy
khimii AN BSSR.
d Ilk
a ncl
nr P-
NiarlU f 2 t" "E-
W,,-,rk.i ng tne r'rlc'
c,oat~d wj th -,:) - Y~-
WITRITV, AoV,l OSIPOT, N.Y., irsh,
. ~ . I ~ :I - I
Complete mechanization of the unloading of fuel from rmilroad
freight cars. 11sk-sta. 30 noo2s24-25 Y 159* (KIRA 2223)
(Puol) (loading and unloading)
PPIMEZDCHIKOV, Vaailiy MikhaTlovich; ZOSIMOVj, DmitriV,)WdwhjtloviC
glavrU zootekbnik; GUIRMt, it.; -.j--ISU?U7K; j., a red,
(Our experience in the loove housing of cowe) Nshah or~t beapriv~aznogo
soderzhaniia korov. Simferopol', Krymizdatp 19W. 21 p.
I (141RA 14-12)
1. Direktor sovkhoza Im. Timiryazevm, Krasnopardeys&ogo rwna (for
(Dairy barns)
An Important index of efficient freight haulW. Zhal.dor.tranupe
37 no.U,52-55 N 155. WRA 9:2)
1.Nachal lulk otdalm khowraschete. lluaneovogo uprawleniya Ulftiater-
stva patsy soobahchemiyao
KOSAREV, 0.,, shturman; GVILIDIS, B... bortmakhanik (Irkutak); KMLqV;
LOZOVSKU; KUZIMIN, Starmhly inzhener-ekonomi mt; MII=, 1U.,
aviateklmik; FROMMO, H. (flovasibirsk); XRALTMIIM, R.
(Verkhniye Kigi,, Bash1drokoy ASSR); ZOSIMOV, V. (g. KliftUy,,
Bryanskoy oblasti) --. .11 .1 '1.:
Public inspectiorr 10 in dationo rtrughd. av, 20 nqA,,128
Je 163. MIA. 160)
1. Obshchestvennyy inspektor po bezopasnooti poletov,
Novosibirsk (for Kosarev).
(Aeronautical Coininercial)
7. ?k.
. . I p
Dryin, and sort-lI'l-, f~-~Us [,*1 mach'Lz-.,~ y ~.,zokvk, 3os.- ivd-vr, -'--'t-ry, I 9~- 3 4
91 p. ' (54-42P2E"
Z)3I.--,DV, V.A.
Mekhanizat'siia sus',-,ki i sortarovandia
seminn (Oryinif amll iorting seels by nacldnez7).
Sellkhozlqiz, 1953. 96 P.
50; T!ontlily Li:7,t of Ruaslan Vol. 7, "lo. 5, Atilnu;t
AUTHOR: Zosimov, V.V. Novgoroc~l
TITLE: On the Content's of Pbysilcs Textbooks ia Contien'tion With
~tuestions of Polytechnical Instruction (0 soderzhanii kursa
fiziki v ovyazi s voprosami polliteklinichesKogo obucheniya)
PERIODICAL: Fizika v Shkole, 1958, Nr 3, Pp 38-40 (USSR)
ABSTRACT: The knowledge of phycics is the core of poly-technical edu~-
cation, and therefore textbooks on physics should be the main
.14 nir),g. A textbook of general
element of polytochnii~al lr~
physics should contain: 1) the basic pr-Inciples of physics
necessary to form, the foundation of dialectical. materialism
and to attain tho understandinG of the present phase of de-
velopment and aplAication of phjsioij 2) tho experimental
technique of modern physici; ~) thosti eleaents which simul.-
taneously a-pear in experimental, phyr:iics and allow the stu-
dents to unlerstand the principles of phjsics and the corre-
lation between phyoi!~al pro6ress and technique, suoh as;
the principles of power engineering.~ heat and electric en-
gines, Generators; the mc-thods of oLtainft.-nC,,, low temperatures;
Card 1/2 the basic devices and instrumentz of the measuring technique;
On the Contents of Physics Textbooks in Connection With %,tuestions of
Polytechnical Instruction
photodraphy; the prinriplo,3 of radio angi.neoring; alet"tronics;
the principlea of automubion, of automatic control and tole-
mechanics; and the elements of the nuclear ttichnique. Every
textbook on physics should be strictly dividvd, into 2 pnrts.
1) General Physics and 21 Ai).plied fhysi,~:v. Present textbooks
on physics do not appreciate the importance of practical ex-
periments and they are lagging behind tl%f) present development
phase of experimental physics, engineering and productional
ASSOCIATION: Pedagogichoskiy instit-ut (TILe Pedagogical Inatitute)
AVAILABLEs Library of Congress
Card 2/2 1, Physics-Study and teaching 2. Textbooks-Physics-USSR
WA: ~ov, V.
of M
2.) jul,;- P)54
Gm"J27YUK, Nikolsy Denisovich; ORUIV , V.M.,,
imho., retsenzent; TSARWO., A.F.p luzh,~ rad,j, KBITAOVA, N.A,r
tekhn. red.
(Work organization in ticket offices] Organizatsiia raboty bilet-
nykh kass. Moskva., Vses. izdatellsko-poligr. ob"edbieraie M-va
putei soobshcheniia$ 1961. 67 p. (MXU 34110)
lo Zaveduyushchiy Byuro, zakazov na vokzale stautsii Hopkva-Pass.-
Kurskaya (for Gimenyuk),
Tautomerism of some derivatives of heterocyclic conpounds. Part 5.
Zhur. fiz. khim. 37 no.12:271-1-2720 D 163. (MIRA 17i1)
1. Vsesoyuznyy nauchno-issledovatellskiy khim-lko-f-armatsevticheskiy
institut imeni S. Ordzhonikidze.
5(4) $ov/76-?jj-q-33/37
AUTHORS: Shcynker, Yu. V., Peresleni, Ye. MI., Zotiimo,rii, N. P.,
Pomerantsev, Yu. 1.
TITLEi On the Tautomerism of Some Derivativec; of He, Lerocyclic, Com4icands.
X. The Ta-1Atomori-;jra of Acylatcd 110;vrovy,31ic [trJ_11es
PERIODICAL: Zhurnal fizicheskoy lrzhimii, 1959, Vol !j3, M' '9,
pp 2o96 - 21o9 (UISSSR)
Card 1/3
The simplest method. of changing the awino-fl~rz,,(I) irit;o the
imino-forra (I!) of heterocyclic amini--u is ba.,~ed an the, 3utl-
stitution of an electronegative j,7roup ( an aoid, residje, for
example) for the h:rdro6en atom, of the amino group. S-uepcs'ng
that the introduction of such acidifying of vntiri-all
elect ronegat, ivi ty will produce also a _nrop,-,)r1,iona1 vaPiatlon
in the equilibrium. bet-vieen (I) and (17) of~the resultant I
compounds, the acylatea aLlines of the' following iiet-jr6cygles
were investigated: pyridine, thiazo3(-, thiadiazole, (~.,inoline,
pyrimidine, benzothiazole, and acridine. T'ho regidu,~s. of,~tlie
following acids were introducedt acetic, berizoic, monochiorr
acetic, dichloro acetic, trichloro:aeetict -.rlfluoro ace`-
methane sulphonic, sulphanilic, benz,;yl w.,Ipho, and nitric
-7- --luum MD I fy) N-) IT 17 V I W. HINEW MR" 111
On the Taatomerisra or So.,.Qp De.-rivatives of fleterocycll,*c SOV76-3 '/-9-3'1/~7
mp ylatiid I -t(- acyclIc Ami-~
_Con _ounds,-. X. The Ttiatomeriz3m of 1, c,
The authors deter-Arled the' -utroctu.'rol-of., the rejiultant c,bmpo.unda
as well as their tautomeric form iTI SQlation-v -(waterfetharjol-,
dioxane, n-heptane) from the infrared ahf~orp"4ioii ~jpectra
(specl;rometer of the IKS-11 type) 4r cryotal:line state and
from ,he ultraviolet absorption spk?ctra, (sp~!(,I;rophotollidter.of
tho SF-4 tYPe ) in s;alutilon~ The :.ipoctva of 'che amideli,obtained
were compared with their i,,iethyl di.--rivalivez:(with fixeA ar,,Uno-
or imino structure), and 'the characterlstic:'bands in t 'he infra.-
red spectruni of th~., pure. subitaric-2 wari" then examined., ThO
compounds under investigntion and thoii e 1. t,n g voints' are
listed. The infrared spectra (FiF,0 1-31) 7) 11*ldiciLtu th'at 11,11
,, ., - .1. .1 ri
compounds with substitaents of strongly acid * EY inF, P - !Perties
exhibit II) as nay be found even better in the ultralioll?t
upectra W~.Is 4-6),, Th~-., amount of (I,*E) incill:-aases wit;11~111-hei sol-
vent polarity and depends on the
Acyl amines may asoume (1), (11), or y I)i! comrosed of I~oth,
The equilibrium conteiit of (I) and (11) wav determined fi:om
the ultraviolet spectra, and herefrou -~~e authors c-91culated
the constant of the tautomeric ecuilit~riam (Table 1). Thi,~ pro-
Card 2/3 senoe of a linear dependence between the talatoraeric equi*,ibria
On the Tautomerism of Some Derivativoz of .-Heteracycl-ic S,37/76-33-5-33/~7
Compounds. X. The Tautomeriara of Acylated. Heterocyclic AnAnes
of two difl'er(.~nt ,jolvQnto (atv h5.,3 ililroady bown tfliovin bj
K. I. Kabachrit, (Ref 6) confirms that th,~, tl-,Atbz:~erie nylitcrs
under discussion obey the Broensted-lzm,,,iylov~ rule, i.e." ki a
laws of equilibrium betweer acid and 1)!:ve. There are 8 :Cigures,
1 table, and 9 references, 8 of which av? Solijet.
ASSOCIATION: V3esoy-aznyy nauchno-is~-ii.-dcvp-,~.ell.~ikiy
kiy institut im. S. Ordzhonikidze (All-Union Scientific Chl,~-
mico-pharmaccatical Research Institute i--,.cni 11. Ordnholiik-J~Jzp-)
SUTMITTED November 21, 1958
Card 3/3
(goskva) .,,
Tautomerism of some derivatives of heterocyclic cc.Djl)cmnds.
Report 17. Zhur. fiz. khim. 39 no. 1t92-99 ja 165
(MIRA 19 tl)
1. Vsesoyuznyy nauchno-iBsledovatellskiy
institut. Submitted February 27, 1964.
PERESLENI,, Ye.M.; 3UYNKER, Yu.N.;,_203'.11VIA, N.P.
. , 1, ~ . I ; ., .
. 1 .1 .
Tautomeriam of some derivatives of heterocyclic comprianda.
Part 17. 2:hur. fiz. khin. 39 no.4:926-931 Ap 165.
(1431VI 10-11/
1. Vsesoyiiznyl nauchno-isnledovatellskiy khlmiRo-f&ruatsevtJ-
chaskiy institut. Submitted Nov. 30, 1963.
Z(')311,',OV,SY,A A.I.
- -- _1KAY-A
Autoradio,,,raphic detormintitlotl of the tirre of lyttlphocytolE Big in
mice. T!Atologila 6 no.li9,11-101 Ja-F 164. (I'a-RA 17:9)
1. Laboratorlya ekspnrtmontallnoy tpltologli i Uii-tokht"di 1"IstOnta
rallatsionnoy i. fiviko.-kUrnicheskoy blologli AN !ISSR, Moskva.
- 'Im6uto-I I '"- I I
BARKAsHmo, - i.B.';. ZOSIKOVICK, D. I ,
N11colai Nikolaevich fnronin; obituary. tkr,, khim. %hur. 22 no.5rW-
699 156. (KM IOW
(Toronin, Nikolai Nikolae-vich, 1892-1956)
j I If if if 11 U V It tl If 1 9, 1 -7-
III it 14 117 ft- ~41 IN ~]C if
fit 0 of, (0i I of ro. c-'5,
n* 01$r
irow. rais.
1114lik'aigy A-figmiltil firloul 104). 401m. fool (4,r1wo fit
Iho, 04,011 NY rhamso 04 f#14 V! 10,
00 a 14 4110 MI lot Ivor slow- At 'Af, JIM" 4114,v filfwMili" i-
qqtI '1"!1M41411 IRMCI, at M4111 ljlvo~ jqrv
0-bralo, I'mronatka.
?n atorns into The Col. plate im, up to 0.112 Iffin. III.f tile
it to InCt, mth flit data agrm with thme of Stmirmilif ~C. A. -410
16, MM). but in -Am. the I!. in. 1. vajm-% olAmiftled bV P. 890
and Z. are umiewltirl Inwor. The direct
00 411 twit" IM 111 irsiltn& firtfin 4 mi-cM CuFA-7040, *4n.
with a 711 allfx'A- i% iffi-mble, rotiv of very Mur Ir. d%. altil lcm 0
CWill, mornt, and corn Orn flvm smly irregular -,eflow
der.,-At,. An attempt .1miladt- to fle"It a C&M-tli .00
isillm (n,m if itirr-Aft, ~M. rave onbr a Ph-111 sAilm.
00 Rmlittlat'"
Joe el see
'o 0
o" i I t a -.6 r -V' I it 0
10 V, to In It 9 al I W K VX it fit 4C a I IN., all L, i-
40 0 0 0 0 fe 0 0 00 0 0 0 111 1 dad,
:1:04p:o @,It C W 0 4 0
1 0 40 0
------- of
0 Is
- .P.. t-.
OX4UI SlWy 0 Ckmtbw tit ACwts llopmW in Oclulide 13111M1& I P. v.
M. V. Iturlik -411 (yfps'Ai 1-Will. Nk'soli, I'l
roks.1tri". 10J.
CA,11.. Imo, III], K421). -jIll Ckrainian, mith 4;-mati totinnuirt.; Ifti-
nwrolsoin tif stine ar mplis-v Wo-tvisil" in ot(Itimus xins- istillibace.,r It. rusl(ell 1.1no
cliNwide rimulla in tif itim in wplier, llsilll (OM1411iftl il( 4 Nissen
mati1q; at (hl. Sattle littic the V.1111. (14'.rvam-st, (.I Ittfillil it filuil "Illf'Wilt NAV
Irvel. The Wvros, in i)r&r ofilej"lition, art, x-, ':.. mid y-I-ruif,,Iqwmi6,ll 4
er torixtig manxtMof with HA characteriltic lowiniAl. -
vAch fay S.
.......... ... .
..a 14"Ill %wo-3w .11 ON, dot
so 1. It st
,u 4 IT nit Ittwo 4 111i"Stail )4 1
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0 0 a
~!m ..*-Jp teem,@* ***too 00000~
a It 4 a A
-1!~-4!j:.4!A--,.-w-, A-
A.- 4 -i.! 4
Pitattilkov V. A., A~Aqymf g
I M. T-ik*tikW1A4tk:Al. 40
Ndorvam. L
ALVM1%V1A 1111114: VK,IM AtJOILW4 AM141MI'M
jr4fir. Kilim 1,#1,m . ta vil 2;1 --,fl (Ilw~ - ITI flit -flic-
of A41141dim ALOW, uftflimi in * Imil, w1lb A
diaptwcm. M((M). ad 14 4" vilolmd m the fulli'MA,
~V,R~ Mill I I." W 0 b Ift 411100t MM.T.
0*0 ptirv Altoq(xk)~. The frat di 11lit. I.Atth 1#
0*0 4 4-trx*cr koww4 dw vrtd7t:9='=Ay� 0 flow A 111011,v.
IL tur""t offilml attain* 00%, If Atticabolt oulfiltro 11M lk es
Sol .111rd to the stftticm~ tile TAiAltao fath SMA10 (julim in-
rrs-4"tolf)(r~. TIw P11 of tile 440 WuLilim ki tile qath
iflo 4fwm Ine"Appo liml WIN abmtlv Whim Or mwt-
411MV4 Off wt tvd, Tb 401611t; it la-I calloat, tile .11110K
-pt" tn*K fie ofeAt od tic ralgimile 4twe01tiAll. 'Ilw
'Immity d tFw Imit"Mi b" VA to-Kil to if* outpol: ON mil,
lvotristiim of thi- cuirmit Owtvalm It. The witiqlArnIturt-
put jv-Aw~ virlitis thr rievitAmilAot k -tit"A Aq A111111ji'A of
V '' W MOWMA11WIR 4UIIKAr OlVIPOW1 tt- 1141tilkil 4WO
ttf-fil a# tile 11"Iflitliji-
.11141 kMff* th4o .4(h CIU
previoate. 'Me 61crAN41C 01.1fic 14,S0. otw."twilo, in
the anolic Vim! OMA!j~ CITtm tto QmAtFul, if oaly "of flig-
thraVit ii imA A thativeflM AIA output awl A%
wilb 4 &11-~ rputruit wtv folenfirled With lwoL ffia
phrXiffit, Fly it gw,go"C"I clectrdrillf, The r
III 11,SX)i V,4tj 1~ jjWftAjWjj 4C0 With *11 INIfIlIlt Ad
Ilf oflp 0: a, 0 0 0
81 14 jk 4 V X ]Gi At 43~ U .4 Wee
At it, f~ V- 140, to I
~A. '! '4~. 1!1 -t
r ]I- A -t' ;mt- '1!)!pt 'ci
pd., 'O,, 'IfFIV 11
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Vxbta&A WWI" r"11.4clik-
ItUIVO. 110"
',I W 11
so ei- C6-N&C . .
(it 4: 3 3 Al Irmilto In #4 r
of III,. 11M
A-PIC, k the kit" C.
AlCh t coo
Its It
A$f.]iL* 01TALLOGIC&L 1,01441110% CLAIWWATKO
All w 11- 0 0
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I It to to It do
0 Wo 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
0 00 4 of 00 60 0 a 0 0 4 0 0 of 0 IS 0 4D 0 0 d 41 v 0 00 0 0 0 0 0
f, f4*
"Zitay Iftb of Wwo jummwm-&gpw Aum rijejitj 1m 0 vitual
1'. ZosimovkIi. M. V. flurlikimikii. 4W 0. 39. 111mmixen (Niski
Isiddarm KArAff."VEMA41a Abidstais Nail (M#m, foI41,
Amd. Sri-ot IM, 8. M-Ws RailI. 4711evo. As.. 11131~~ Wit 314 -11n,
00 1,11rainiAn. I 7he taloont o( alutrolaium Which combilwo a I.h t'014"r ki, Or
09 a 44-6m of the fumm"I clioctlmilyto imill AIjAK1p--NmI.,IjVu 11KIIISAM "]111 1110
teml*rature from 2(9)' to SW" C. a-Ce-Al a f(xmod at OW-31W C.. uW
transit km to they elloy taLts place at 300"AMV C. $-Cu-A3-wmnntfimutd.
I. wa-,t .4. nag
hi I I
as o
Ire Gi
a of 4 1 w IN 11 4 :1 3 ot It
u S att 10 it Ok
iw I'll or tv It to 441 a a IF. a at a 4014
0,111111111110000 Sea 0000me so a 0*61004, 0 soliloilo: 111 41 sea 00
*L**i* a* 0 * S * III " " *a " .a * " 40 01 4D fa'*
W 'OF ; iew i ; i i-V
1 9 v It It u 7h ti 1 0. 8 v to it it p 41 ft '090
oil Ll V 1 4 4
--owmidift of ahmamumve"4W "d dw Im *Ally$ in
V, A. 14maikof sag 0. 11. Allollo.
OMM. C*m. Vilveim. Ammi. Siti. J. I ;W In'
I IM).-Ilbe t. in. I. of the mill AVAK~rNaCKIi, at
M~W* k% tillib dw ad a motak of tormtim #( a
00 ism d li-cm 4m*r at A; extbock. Sdim"ktakurl W 4 .00
Pb at Cd Sw t4w Os ek%-tro& ftttdts In a sindlae 6A In
00 V. M. f., bUt it* kftW V*hW IN "WA IMMe"OtY ORAh- 400
so a 4*4444 bmtkitz the drTuil, this ptikste Istbr ILMIALAW
it .00
"t wrmdk AW or -09 ;94S. V;wy Wife Alumimittiewl
0017, 10 e- 0- 1. if OkMM III thd tOll 1414T FAISOdF* (1141001, '00
bW IN ekcbvdm dpw treated odkibit mucatmed rttiht-
mmmeammim. Thek1w,41watiskrinMialbood
00 v Culreck!& it MKM famstam to corrunwe than 1hr Z*O
twjd=Lcu stv A'! 8. C. A.
00 =40
If 10 L1T
I . I AR& SNIWI 10 "Igo
10 w is f9 It a a s it a at it U2 it I :" 4"
0 Ws 0S 0 0 0 S, o 0 0 e o o" 6 0 * : 0 0 0 0 0 9 0 1 a 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 4 C
0 0 61-64 00 0 1, 0 0 000000 to 0 goo, 10 0 o o * o o 0 0, 0 to 9 # do 0 a OA
-. -1 '5 -S -F N 'If
a 4-4 '4i S-1-A il
*Mmfp&vudIIu11 of Saw? frollm wan-Atugims aaudl~a* coaltaftills Ju*-
111musl4s. V. A- Mdmk-~ 11, P. Z-01tiftyih, -A K I. Kill
(raptAi br-Ofirwill A-); -it N--k I'll. "- 1-1.
CA- Ckwimi. '.'j ; C.All-, MIT, 1,11. 1,Q%m
lit Ukrainiain.) Al 0.1. 1-5 vilwr fi~-n~ Pilt if lmm,Ov or Aver
ftlootfloitim limati& m4tiflollpil in f1411"Iff. .~r I win(mcl.
i. it '-I PAI 1) 3:1 141010 14-r v 41:1 itilill,
I WIbitilifts tip W I I fill%). wert, jut firm #A. still mim-flior 'him. f6w tl(,#ti #L
rvoilitit, hath. Thi. wq,tk nlwft to, 1,01firk-I oill ill (Ite
I&A itid it. w. ,It I'll Illo
AL Ufflat"t C%AIWICA11411
wz--, --ow".z
I " - - --- -4
w ft .1 g
AV 411* - .
if a it it a
so M 00
All a
* - . J
I -, ; , ;ii. ".- , i # * , , - -
-11. -v-
0111 p 0
0 0 0 go* 0 41 4 6 *
6#h"h&ftA,j* W,41 * 0, 06(o 0 0 qp 0 0 9
*0 *
A A Its# FI-1101!Q11
mus"S In ftudad 4I a Qaw ustbods in 0 cell. Des to 4bly jam(lom,
A. flatni&UV gtki 11. 1. ZgWjtijibvjrh (Zdp&4bj JkMj~ikqw KAjp1jo~
AI-Wcmid Neek (Mow- AmJ. M.), iM, 4, il). pA,
M).. [in t
liftiftwit. with ItIMMI
AM SUMMMY 134, &=A Owntus oumitiwy.
zillUso Vu. #"I Ml M$0,10u.
m"licki. Tho g1m aryl WAK-1 1WR4111111110 1141 11411
altm plentlat "Imilu'l as -- 0- ilk) T. divivig Ov v%rwrim,ni.
Own + 0-22 Y. to .- O-NOw", an.1 Appnmelwel
twit of the thir INACUUM. TkW w4schm to the fomialian dawillow
nmprr wid 4w.-S. (1,
At 03 0 S. visit will matt% OCO"
0 Goof
0 0 0
~! i_ -i r -i 74,
0 0 0 0 0 0 * 0 0 0 0 * Q, 0
file 0:4$0 wee so
A so*
irei 6
19 1p: it to if. tr iv is 41 -0+41
A,11 ie
so A,I #Chjukm rb*w willa VAU111111 00101111111111" Fluded4c 2xilitackh awl
'E. 1. Kirkhritin verwi rismitom wAimii. Ukmia- Abd. X141, Mem. Jkw-
Clis". Ain& M. Vkmim.), 1937. 4111). 2774"; C. AU., 11311. 31L MI),
(In Humimim. with' Gomm itum.mayo 11 balu "141W1
M " M0 imn. thromic " per Iftm. x4did" vvm mad@ In the fordi ot
0 al. AM WMIUMS, IMIC1111011. Of IWflAMdUM AUCCItIcS. In &MMAid n( 01- 1 -3 gtm -, U I M, .*0
A u. (%zrfrnt dirtultica 11 2, 4, 6, and 10 attilp./olm.l. &M W- volmiam *ent
24-34), 3-0-3-1. 3-1-3-3. am! 3.346 v., =vtively. Tht tmn mttmt
AdditJonofammonium. Itim. and paimWmin CE04of ms*
11.1i Of. tni
so') ittlert flit, quiflil)-Of thi-&1xvidd, 11 1 1 =00
a t%3amnitrati-in n(u,11-11,6grim. hydriwa gum+k, per hire. and all, 01 ainp.jAm,1 Fee
and 1-4-1.6 grm. hydrolgwi dwrt& per litm, gwill PkIllimil -to Obuil"l, COO
Additim of 05, 1-0. and 2-0" antphusia " Umitr4 t1w pn)dt ction of itcol
ita to a hydr(wa dim" orinmatemkin vil' 1.3 arm., littv. oil a ruff"t coo
din.2unly. 0immlism pis king of cvpf wr. mio ;el. and ltriwi
el 4-:k-..Pi, i-Igoo
".1-4 ;vm. of hyAnwn dmawi& twr litn-. aull a rutivrd X
0., 24 mp.,14m.l. Thu dimpatills minted mulat air an I :111t, mmimm
U-0 ohinviae Mwb better than Ibm fmin a chromic acid -inillibuno acid both.
-P~Tu- ~;4 to 0
U U AT r
I Ing A
Oslo 00000099 41 a 0 40 a 0 0 04990 66041111) 14)
0 0 eis 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 ties I ~n 6066644
a 111 0 00 0 0 0 0 4) 0 0 0 4) :0 0 0 0 0,a s 0 OAM
I i fll : Jill: ' ;1:11L ~11 'J:Ijl~ I I Ilill- -111 ]'1 ~111;;:! I All;'! i 1.,. 1
emus wn roputdolIt at Angs. .4. ItIollidli-w =i1'11). P.
44 J (AM. clibrJ. Nistok ASAN. (Ponolos. rrmL #(v#4 qei.
Inil. St ill, 31-34 (lit ltinw4m ; and Com"Id. rr*d. Allut Sri.
VASA, tO. (1), 1144 (in FirialiAll)I, 11914.
r.m.r. oftlw Mliii Z11MUNI). Kitil"t-1 .,4111iols Nt At I%l* mul "'(1,
Ili) I*.; Znjfw~l Zti('I,I('u at 3441 Mimi I 1_%*WI:Vu at
l1w 1%4111 1, 4 t1w 1114.1vor off-elmill illollmst 11111A Ifillit 4.1, lit- llci- isfoliff., %Illeh
rtmahtt c4motwill. X ^%, said vilmollivilio g,I,,iirrvml Irn. plimor Ilim lit All ,wa
ati AMY I* furawd cm Out olf-40 noillo Iftef 4- hPlo ito-mitila for t1tit s,dtirtion
00 is
CO 0
:90 0
If* 0
it citip Oit
U 0 AV 00 AS
to It 1p illit of It of Ix It K KW
0 0 lillis is 0 *goo 0 0 * 0 4 010000 040 Goll'o 0 floe* 0 0 o 0 to
4 7pnoo' 0 0 6066 6 0 0 w~s 0 a io's, 0 0 0
tt MIE=i_L~Lzl. to "0 Im. ~ ~tl liv
A11 r ~L_ -1-1-L a 2: R i1. llt_wL ..'I
00 A !T Vt~ illl~t~t~!
Ie*4 Ilk stilturic "dild"s _00
p-c"116- am=11 P*OVP~7~0 1-'). h6m.. AW. N4.4
00 "Ito
/U. it. a AR. 4 bkm. 3-4.tall'.111tin mtsv~kms. uup-$111' I&
0* Ir (jqnmsp4 Vul)(IM) --chadv! to Iko'"Ithd III! Pb ormli
1007,!U47, 18"
o0 Z
Mcammuctus watt aw4c ftth a Rapp Puwi*luwtrr
*WWM remalmd in KH #(I=. a mix. W 100
his, At dest the pa4imtid bccvmts move eloittroizq, 40
90 time k slays ,wst. at -0'n to -0~34 V~ lid a cost-
0 xkbersble k"Ut of time otter wbiorb It dAtigtit skuply
O:v and bomms OxIte Ixil. stod dtop% to 40"it - 0,;111 v. Ttr reo
00 latimm tbtw tot ocII6 of 21.17, 1.10.47 moul 10,11TIT6 wai I**
S.Z.K. aloo
wd; Z
4= %1: woo
....... ............................ .. ...
-2 4 4 Nt Im I a a :2 q; I, MW -too.,
u s A o0 "1 0 a 1111 a a q1 III a it It 01 1 W4 do* I
0, (oil 0 600004 0 0 0 a 0 IF 0 $0 es 41
W& 00 0006 0 4, AD, 0 a 0 0 00 00 slo oft 04)
ANVELIT, M.Yu., kand,tekhn.nauk; ZOSIMOV, V.V.
A bad book ("Manual for practIcal work in electria engine
by A.F. Hemruk nnd L.S. Shlia-pintokh. Revisvmd by ~, IU.
V.V. Zosimov). Politekh. obuA. no.2:84-86 F 158, (HERA 11:1)
1.Znveduyushchiy kafedroy fiziki Wovgorodskogo pedinstituta.
(Blectric o4gineering-Study tood teaching)
(Mamruk, AJP.) (Shliaphtokh, L.S.)
USSR/Gen eral Quest-ions
Ab3 Jour: Ref Zhur-Khimiya No. 7, 1957, 21842
Author Barmashenko, I. B., Zosimovich, D. 1.
Inst None -----------
Titlo Nilcolay Nikola, evich Voronin
Or-l'-, Pub: Ukr. Fhim. Zh. 19%, 22, iio. 5, 697-700
Abstract: A mocrologue of N' 1,11 Voron*Ln - 1!) ',- 1,J) , chalr-
man of dopartment o-L' technology of' cl-hemical. manu-
facturing of the Klev Fol,.technic Institut"e. B-lb-
lio3raphy of his wovk3 Is Included.
Acard 1/1
42075, ZOSIYOVICH2 D.Po-Vtoraya Vaesoyuzaaya konferents:Lya po teoraticheskay I :prikladnoy
elektrokbimii. (Kiyev. Iyun' 194f g.) Uspekhl khinii., 1948, v--p. 6, s- Ah-~O
Sot Setopis' Zhurnaltnvkh Statey, Vol h7x 1948
-j It
4 ,
'- - -
k -1 a, J*
t t 14
W. 14, 01-MI114M.- -To 1 9, tO 1110 Of jillor 144410,11
0 if mi, of pme W AV K011. and daul 0.1 S, IleL,
Of IINt on it wmer Intl) I* dIjW'Av* III* allov. tutit. alld vew
litisle Isr"Ifilm f-W at"ot t I bt viltov, *A4h, dil'I I)A
Nit.Q.%fuldd, with *islet 00
00 all tho /it mul vfry 11111g, ('41 *##,It 411#1 moo,1414 0 1~q .0
o ritmint a v4vallin up Io flit 11,1111114 W III# 111jolil, lk IN
f t
s awt
s"Hablit (tv pAimcm-itkir 4two.
A3, to twevirl't the Ilglifill (4 ()all
thom tile UfA oil 11 (W NJI'
J; Prvxa 4 5-g. wimple thr Zn can brdel,J, tit
41"Im up to 0.1 Ms. In it. L. Komich
If Wj
AA I I nli
of o III
Go of * 44 0 o 0 o 06
6 IN qp~ 0 Ole 0 e 0
16, Will 0
Sodium J~ydroxide
Potentials of decompositicn of metallic oxides in fused soE-um hydroxide. Ukr. Ithim. zhur.
15, No. 3, 1949.
Monthly List of Russian Accessions, Library of Congress, 8'ePtember 1'.)52, MCIASSIFUEDO
~~l Ei 3-~ E
tavedlopman 44 PoNatials ot all4yo forradd to doll"ttic
ceas ad a Methisell of Jaydwhawkw Sadvia. .0-t-
Scr. Vk.. S-S-R., K -1). IINO
3~ &wts in.-Skim. Anal" Itil. 14shchol wrorc. xh"I..
A". Piab S.S.S.R. 19. M40949).-OW119 liul Of-
ruil littw"is 7 IWO vkttf&~ Imilil"Od In It will', 0 4 Olt
4A the IIIINV qWW4144, 44 tit" vilirtAN MUMV tho ItItC1011111
t"91*1 16 IM40. 10 1)[0111 IMIJ rM 1114 #14CIf"KIN. M10 OPM J11111Y
with It. oks tbq Aq liwitsis, It "4 theflugh all this lillwon
4 whirls thir putwillar binary Syst"11 Ill c"ble awl Ow
(1*1114114111 ell Ilk, PhaWil (4 VVIlMial In file rXIII, of Oil,
O(vtp %i" mild Wd.
Zfo-Ag, Co-Au, N1,01, and ?u-01. Thr remiliN wv,
/PkAttd"c=ft1".#.MJ. outlwwbscivw (Ctuvallt~ welt,
I I"i ad Oo complit. ON the altar. Tk bvc~ttts ill 1b: iwv"
o4wrelvatkIcd Willi WWI shot f-awaim (a h It%
A& a atkahk pCocedure in physiccchew. "AlY46.
It. Hosell
: , .
: 1:,ILI
s 1, M o 137-58-5-9357
V'~ C'
Translation from: Referativnyy zhurnal, Metallurgiya, 19.58, Nr 5, p79 (USSR)
AUTHOR- Zosirnovich,.___1L_P_----- - -
TITLE: The Bonding of Zinc to Aluminum During Electrolytic Deposi-
tion of Zinc (Stsepleniye tsinka s alyurniniyein pri elektrolitich-
eskom vydelenii tsinka)
PERIODICAL: Tr. soveshchaniya..po metallurgii tsinka, 1954. Moscow,:
Metallurgizdat, 1956,, pp 195-199
ABSTRACT: Reasons for difficulties encountered in stripping Zn,frorn At
cathodes employed in electrolytic prodaction of Zn are explained.
It was found experimentally that the Zn-Al bonding is attributable
to the F ions only. If this condition is to be avoided, the, solu-
tions must not contain any F ions, or the Al must be covered
with an oxide film of such thickness that it does not dissolve en-
tirely in the presence of F. It is established that the bonding be-
tween Zn and Al can be avoided by introducing Fe or boric a'cid
into the solution; either of these agents will tie up the F into a
very stable com Ilex N. F.
1. Zinc--E.lectrogepos'ition 2. 3. M-2talo--l-londing
Card 1/1 4. AJ.undnum 5. Eller-,-:, o ',~~zls--App J. Lcwt ion--,
USSR/ Physical Chemistry - Electrochemistry B-12
Abs Jour : Referat Zhur - Electrochemistry No 4, 1957, 113118
Author : Zosimovich D.P., Nechayeva N.Ye.
Inst- my of Sciedices USSR
Title : Separation of Zinc and Hyftogen from Acid Electrolyteas at Rickel
and Cobalt Cathodes
Orig Pub : Dokl. AN SM, 1956, log; Ito 3; 569-572
Abstract : Study of concurrent separation of H-;, and M from solutions of 1.85 N
ZnSO4+ H~SO (0a - P_ N) at M and Co cathodes. It iis shcrwn that (ijp' 1)
curves are ~f conplex nature with break and *wxi.wun at the curv*6 coi~rea-
ponding to changes in process taking place at c%thode. With Ni-dathade
the maximim is at 0.67 v for all concentrations of H0504. The b6sic'fac-
tor determining the cathodic process on change in 9 iLi the gradual alte-
ration of the condition of cathocle surface due -V'-o dep:isition of'%n. Pro-
, Le Ovevroltage at
perties of 'resulting surface alloys and magnituite of
them determine mgnitude of maxinun on (i, H) ciarves.
AUTHORS: Zosimovich# V.P. and Klodnitakayal K 534,
TLE: C -ec1-pTfa_Vi`cnof
Nickel with Aluminium Hydroxide in. Cadmium-
. ,
Sulphate Solutions. I * Study of Conditions for CoPrecipitation.
(Soosazhdenie Nikelya s Gidrookislyu Alyumdziya v Rastvorakh
Sernokislovo Kadmiya) .
PERIODICAL: "Zhurnal Neorganicheskox Khimii" (Jouraal o
f Inor anic Chemiztx
V01.11t 0.27 pp,452-455.
ABSTRACT: Experiments have been carried out to explore the possibUity of
3egrating.nickel from cadmium-sulphate solutions containing
Precipitation was carried.. out. at 80,0C, the
Ni 0 as impurity
pitate was filtered off after stuAirqr, at the same tempera
ture for I ho-ar and the concentration of umpreelpitmted nickel
in the filtrate was dete=ined photocolorimetrically. The
filtrate had a pH value of 6.25. Preoipitation was~carried out
by adding the calculated quantity of tlilumluium sulphate and
cadmium hydroxide (as a suspension)'.
It was found that nickel could easily be co-
predipitation with aluminium hydroxila from., cadmiwa~-sulphate
solutions containing 100 grwis per litra oadmium an(I 50t 250 an
500 mg . per litre nickel. The amount. of niokel coprecipitated
depends on its concentration in the C004 solution. and: also an
the quantity of aluminium sulphate and cadmium hydxoxide intro-
duced into this solution. The most complj)te removal of nickel
Card 1/2
CoPrecipitation of Nichel with Aluminium Hydroxide in Cadmium-
Sulphate Solutions. I.Study of Conditions for CoPrecipitation.
(98'.4%) is obtained under the following conditions: nickel con-
centration 500 mg,, per litre, nickel: Al ratio equals 1 41 41
1.5-fold quantity of Cd(OH),,) duration Of Precipitation 30 mins.
and temperature of solution 800C.
There are three references, two of them Russian'.
There are eight tables.
The work was carried out at the Institute of General and
Inorganic Chemistry of the Academy of Sciences of the-Ukrainian
Received 23 JulY2 1956
Card 2/2