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TISHCHEIIKO) G31~; VORKIY, P.M.; 110JOY-YOSHITS, M.A. Electron diffraction study of the crystal strilctur-wof nickel and copper inner complox canpounds of valicylmllmimo 4ind its dorivatives. Zhur,atxmk~khim. 2 no-4:04,4/ji. XI-Agr ,61. (PINA 14-9Y 1. MoskovBkly Conu darstvenW univorsitot lnumii H.T. Lmonosovit. (Nickel compourds) (COPIY317 4.-CPAPOUI:418) (Salicylaldehide) ZOMTY,, F.M.; ?ORAT, -KOF'OHV3,, M.A. Structure of molecular arystalo. Part J.t (iltaphio- dijtonainatil)r~ of the mayimm dawjity disti-ibilti,oli of flgaNia on ii (Alule. Kri-staUografiia 6 no.5.655-661 S-0 16.1. (1-aa V+.. A 0) 1. Moskovskly gosudarstyeraqy universitot ivid. Dmionoooirut (crystallography) Ancluroo of c C); q,.'o ur r-, 2 1:2C-25 J---F oric,- (Cop-;cr cc~i-cxmr:s I - Z=NTSOVp V.V.; WRKIYj P.M.; FORAt4OSHXTA; N.A. p Comparison of the structure of crystals of inner-complex compotmdo of nickeX.~&nd cobalt group -M'/,. Zhur.otrukt.k.)im. It no.3:45$458 Hy-je 16). (xMA 16t6) 1. Nbskovakiy gosudarstvennjry universitet imni Lomornosova, (Nickel compounds) (Cobalt compowids) (Crystallogi-aphy) --p-0 0 a wo-9 IF a I Ile ti A- 7F I: A 8 JL .00 lit, Vf f ;if ve 06 0 SIGOIS fG1110AMt t0 bid Abd GCWS ift WMIldne toloillity, 1414 An pf"A Mkjmtr 21 1511441 06 WWI P44 Fin, I ie Cr Oterls gm, FwltAlsk In Clold 14401tj 14ml 0 at IW4411,11 Wfivill' 141114-1 Mild 00414 911-C 119"111 lit 111111,to, (4 V141fil'1110114 11,140-IffitililrM4 IW till 1111CO111111100 It 41411 and file u%r *4 witirnitia, O-Ni sleth i- rr"xi-itnewl"I. 00 Cr-8i, and Cir-Al arcliard ."ifabir x4 heat -lesi.411114 wir'.6 1*0 06 replaving NI itti-ch, .1111vin.Fujilly 0 Is Tj -00 log :00 I L I OITALLVJ~IiKAL Lllftl"Of cWtificiltick V) o Im., =41i jig --- - ------- .1 .- or W 04 41 u 10 4 It It It up it it .1 tl 000 0 0 0 o4 0 It fait it follullw 4 0 4 0Mv, wal's "~Irm I A LA 4int 4P. r#c4f.j1i A~ .C* 00 00 f! 00 04 clap go KM .00 VOL U1. 1951 0 q ci go. 2, Feb. 00 x, 00 00 Sov rjjf4 list OW 11PP, itsN 001 'Sy"Clioll 1AVOIN A 9 1-- 1.00 -64 ..Go :00 0 IX .06 zoo Ole 0 a-SLA AfTALLUOMICAL LITERAI"t CLA$SWICAVIOM It- Ue* v A --r ............. IC i R4 AM I S I w 0 4 0 1 V 0 t It tr Of KO A I 0 a o 6 a 0 0 0 C. a 00 06 ZCIRKOCZY, B.; ULVMERv A. Zvamie Vol. 4o no. 20 Feb. 1955, Repairing cast-iron parts by welding. p. 37. SOt Monthly list of East Buromm Accessionsp (EM),, LC,, Vol. 4. No. 9, Sept. 1955 :11111,: 11111.11' 1 1 11H1 1111 V I 4~, 1*11' 1! 111 ]1! 1: k 16, 111 11 "T T. 1 1din-I lf~d- it it. LK~ :1) !V) 2y no - ~:-I: nt 1, Y~ 5 Vol il I:1111i 11']; 111 IT I I I I !:~ 11 1111T. ill 111-111111 111 Illilk IH 11 11 oistrn -- 4v :iLieldaUt Magi -mf TrI Ve-mlog 4a f,~111-~UktC St 52 Stcla (trimile Stitrigth, ;:~i,; vict-d Point, 3,11 frum.) by using: aLloying; mauri,ils irl litulgary, the - ,- c r , i r0!!I CC Qcel axit Un V11 o h ti 5 L J i tr , or 1vt i 3 , aut t , fn L p ii. Al. and Ti. Tbc%- fousid. tha Ti Sleellir 11) Show up tavcrably in Wit.& (notdicd4mr Ef,.Xx:k riwilitAnce alt ~0, to 4-, 01! 5"nx-.1th, "C-InEly barennw), com- W, tcns l- of dA St U L l i l ctri igir cj I l E ol Paring (116 T rucc t. piN)Ixrt stects. Lom of tc.-iffle strringth o:% cimlitif to -40*, (,.-1 aging, and in the litittlest porlica of Ilia: w6liag zone 6 ' T1 St 52. Thla caut- less for ste-1 conjr. T1 thazi im - - d 1f h U i ff f TI I f I i h re ;o t m ensat ctt o e mme mair cr s t ac c g P coatcrit. The flnc-grutwi. state of Ti itect is mate stable than clut of Al mtc-ds or of r4lvir time-graincli ac:tl. charv~ and photomitrarragia3 lllu:~Mta view voints. G-Sl- 11 zo!2E~~~ i=. Experience with using high-atrength weldablo stdol im the Hungarian industry. Zvar obor 10 no.D41-50 061.: lo Vyokwmq ustav zolesta, Budapest* ZORKOCU, Bela, Dr. Modern welding methodq In the rAmufacturing of mschinery for the food industry. Elelm ipar 15 no.5-136-11+3 D13r 161. 1. 141skolci Ifuszaki Egvetem. CZECHOSLOVAKIA BANIKOVA, H.; ANTAL, J.; HALABRINOVAj V.; gORMCY ,P , -partapnt of Q ~j Physiology., Medical College, Comenius Unive TM-111T, tlogick,y t(stav LFUK), Bratislava. "Effect of Muscular Effort on Renal Function in Dogs." Prague, Ceskoslovenaka Fysiologie, Vol 14, No 5, oct 1965; P 338. Abstract: A decrease of renal function during 30 minutos rwining by 8 dogs in 5 experiments was found in all of the 7 parameturs measured, including 53% decrease In diuresis. This was found to be due toreduced glomerular filtration rate. Changes( reverted to normal within 30 minutes after exercise. 4 Western references. Paper presented at thig 15th Physiology Days, Olomouc, 27 May 65. r 1 10 1 a a In a a a )u si 11 JI m x It It 4 If 4; 41 1) Is It m 11 4 fr III If 0 1 Q i 0 4d e1 . 11 F F. f Tka formauall of wCatc4rof in Cad t"A 'b" d . . In . 4 Itr Rujapeo J 11) JOUVIII) I , . I-mir 1940, it "4S(')jjjh 11, kt, % (If I in h i III I - A... . ....... wr I Tv'4- in I, rXI-ImIt (uvtnt. twk pjw, lh-P vm't tw IV, I &~ IN-44111Y ritilliA.Ift ifitt, "IfL'4IC IIIV I)tL%I.ttV (4 f"I'M141114ta,11 i4j, , J. An ilu'rram, in qiXosti rig ointeist lip it) ;1._j #1111t of 11"Citud yel"t vitild Is: ublikilud (in a ti-ch. It b 0 nm -I r.)r ibe ctil.,sorelite MR. cig.uer,l which is ui-. 111& 6w olorratWud cyjntr 4 goo 490 .3 , M. (I. MIM41' It =00 490 ro 40 00 ago 00 w 00 4 as# to 0 00 204D 200 no a v- ties I L A LITIOlitURN CLA&$WKATION 1t*O Iz.. W ;j~7 gee 41 riviL ,two Ifni of 5 is Q 3 11 Ig- -um in A, no it at x a a of III x 9~0 0! go 0 g 010 006 00060 mose 4 1 0 0 0 0 0 * goo 09900 0 0 omo_.* 0 a 00 41 0 4 '00 SOV/137- 58- 12-24426 Translation from; Referativnyy zhurnal. Metallurgiya, 1958, Mr 12, p 68 JUSSR) AUTHOR: Zorkov, A. F. TITLE: Making Balls on Rolling Mills (1Lzgotovleniye sharov na prokatnYkh stanakh) I PERIODICAL: Prom--ekon. byul. Sov. nar. kh-vaSverdl. el(on. adm. r-na, 1958, Nr 4, pp 43-44 ABSTRACT: Special automatic rolling mills are used &I the Novo -Kr-)matorslciy Machinery Plant to make steel balls 30 to 125 mm in diameter. The "billets" are hot-rolled steel rounds 2-6 m in length and 2-4 ali-xi less in diameter than the resulting balls. Below-standard steel niuy be used. The production of the mills in malting ballis of 30-40, 40-80, and 80-125 mm diam is, respectively, 120, 60- 120, and 40-60 pieces per min. V.D. Card 1/1 0. L JL C. A"- A. IL UM AL A. 6w man (c 10 AD 16 q~) Mato% t "ftstf U"tpnmw%IK L IL tw- 1--w-I A. n N-t L L r~.-. 4-IrL C-..Al- 7. IPL k4tom a c &~. & & r o a IL IL r. OWN"% L I UUMN 00-M wlpx mOrA"09 tw ift coamd" "Ou" -e up sawairle %mmuefti OWo 9"t0 awimmWift =A 2:00*68LL CummloOLfte in. A. 8-12 ZMA. (C AD wpk- sat mt-- N.-MA P. P. Af-a I'L CtRottill 191MINKU AL A. tpg-..L RUN IL K 0 0 ti-iii W~4 -071"""W*04 A. A. I AL tow- i 06 rp- Im" -6 "Win-buimlit" fp- AL m ro~ I L & r-imfti. FAIM"L (c 10 AO is w%) r. It ft-~. A.'4.% 0 4 .0- JL IL Rev.. -P-M~ -ritftwiw, 0- T. IL Am.^ %0m T.P. 1. If= remltbm t- to casum"I omit" or the IWIS"I"s 1%41001 t"I aswtr lit anglawrOg ima glorkl"L O=Mat"Mms in. A. S. him (mix), ww", . 'MiliIIIIII U'll it TIMT, =1 i millhill l1 k 1 ; fl! 1 SHDYKM, 14.1.; ZOROV, V,P. 1 .1 Determining the content of alcohol and of oxtract in alcohol containing julcen, Spirt.prom. 25 no,8026-27 159, 011RA 1.3..)) (Fmit juicoo) (Alcohol) Chemical Abst. Vol. 48 No. 3 Feb. 10, Ir , 51 4 llnoralogj -Qj an,,! (;fin 9 1 G' H!1E It T) etn'ut"N --h -Ki~b 40 rdtr- zolmov'Ras Telo b. lo, 195/. Pr stry lifl I [I:! 1 11; m "i I I t'Id ~nd r1twi: Ilk: I Hl ZORKOUKY,,_~. ZORKOVSKY.. B. A few notes on the question of finds of, nagrupaite near Plleaovcee Pa134% No. 3j, 1955j, GEOLOGICKE PRAC3; ZPRAVYp BR&TISLAVA,, 'CzWHCGUJVAXrA. SO: Monthly List of East Earopeazi Accessions., (EEAL),, LC.. Vol- 5v No. 10., Oct. 1956. ZORKOVSKY, B. New classification of the depoeits of julmoral raw materalu. p. 148. Slovenska akadenLa vied, (JECRULOCk"Y $BORMIG CZE(NI03LOVAKIA Vol. 6, No. 1/2. 19,55. SOU'CE: Sast Europgan Aw?s-,Lons LIA ('91"AL) Library of Corugrmss- Vol. 5, No, 1, 11,nuaryi :1.9,56. ZORKOVSKY, B. Problem of the ori,-7,in of magnesite. p. Slovenska akademia viel. '.;FORUJLOCKI SWIMIK. CZECHOSLOVAICIA Vol. 6, Vo. 1/2, 1955. SOURCE: East Europeqn Acceosions List L,'Lbrary of Gon~rass. Vol- 5. No. 1, Jamiar7, 1956. ZO':IFOVSKY, B. Short outline of' the j.-cologic atnicture. of 5loviakia al-A t,l,(!t ocu,111'rence of I.,sefld minerals. p. 100. I I R)YI, Praha 4 R, , Vol. 3, no. ', Apr. 1955. SO: !.'onthly List of &-ist European Accessions, LC, Vol, 4., r,:). 10, tict- 1955, Uncl. L CZECHOSLOVAKIA/Cosmochemistry Geochemistry. Hydrochemistry. D. Abs Jour : Ref Zhur - Hbimiya, No 9, 1957, 30382 Author : Zorkovsky Belo Inst ------------ Title : Chemical Nature of Garnet from GEametized Amdesite North- West of the Village Vellky Sarii (Eastern Slovakia) Orig Pub : Geol. sbor. SAV, 1956, 7, No 3-4, 321-331 Abst : A study of andesite with large porphyric xeixoblasts of amphiboles, pyroxenes, plagloclases of andeointi-labrado- rite series and garnet phenocrysts (of Plinandine); Proncipal body consists of microcrystals of more acidic plagioclases, ore minerals, chlorite and calcite. Che- mical composition of andesite (in %): SiO2 58-71, T102 o.61, A120 16 82 Fe 0 3.02, FeO 3-3.3, Idn') 0-15, M90 2-59, CaO 9.78: Na'20 1-15, k0 1-81, P,O 0-13 ko- 0.62, other extraneous admixtures 2.23, ~Otal 919075. Chemical compoBition of al=dine (in Card 1/2 CZECHOSLOVAKIA/Cosmochemistry - Geochemistr-y. HydrochemistrI. D. Abs Jour : Ref Zhur - Khimiya, No 9, 1957, 30382 SiO2 38.20, TiO2 0-15, Ia203 21.611, Fe203 3.32, Fe:O 23-51, MnO 2-15, CaO 4.62, M90 3.90, other extraneous admixtures 1.72, total 99.20. Formation of rarnet is due to processes of autometamorphism. Card 2/2 ZORKO-VSPd-, Belo SURT'li-,tiven' Nams Country: Czechoslovakia Academic Degrees: Dr, Professor Chair of Geology and !~~oneralogy.,. Affiliation: _T~Aqialty of JJi4,jing, Inititute of T6-dhH-61&~,y ogie- a mi-rieralogie ~-axi~;kej falculty Vyso- Ice j Source: skoly technickei), Kasice 3rati3lava, Napa Veda, Vol VIII, No 8, IcI161, i:.p 4G8-41:,24 Data: "Last ~;Iovakian i-Iineral and Healing Oprings." 14 31o l , a e t o 9 H 5 1 -.I :1 ii Q* ~ 1,, '; 9 , I a j do 'w 34 Incy ZOR A. '0~ ~140_ T EG' I I N G L CG Y periodicals: S30:'11'I' VFL'~ 111CII FUC Vol. 2p 1957 B. A shert survey rf jr.eologic condl.tiono iug] irdiviral ret3eurces of the Fbmanian People's I-eplblic. p.179. Montlily List rf Eas;t Eul,n rj,,.).5 penji Am ~mjon (FVAT) U. 77 77, Vlr\ Pet:cg;:apl!lc-cllen:lcll ebox-Reter ot me mieut4pli III f0=1 ct "Panks." AOrth of WkWil. Belo ik I . Kr,jfg, Czech. 1. (1 Ii -4~74MY'l ,6,i:MFiM'h s,4mffi&ry),--l'ctroqrz00c ~ td cnil Chem. allalyttol c.1 3 tLk--U are gi-jdn. PrqIjrj:,jgj fic 11. LrIyo. duttil l4glij 4- 6-01, Itit) q;c. ZCRKOVSKY, B. A brief survey of the Reologic conditions and the occurrimce of ore depo:r~its in the Pumanian People's Republic. P-11.,3- (Rudy, Vol- 5, No. 5, May 1957~ Praha, Czechoslovakia) SO: Monthly List of East European Accessions (EEAL) LC. Vol. 6, No. 9, SePt- 1957. Uncl. ZORKOVSKY,, B. GEOGRAPHY & GEOLOGY Periodicals: GEOLOGICKE PRACEj ZFRAVY. No- 14, 1958 ZORKOVSKYp B. Report on petrographic-chemical studies:of tho melaphyro rocks rising southeast of the ftUage of Hcxlrova in tbe Inovec massif of the Vah River area. p. 17, Monthly List of East European Accessions (EEAI) 90, V,.X. 81 No. 5p may is'59, Unclass.. ZCRKMKY',_~p~1j.profe,q dr, (Koaice) Saxon Erzgebirge, the ore base of the German Dtimocratic Republic. Rudy 10 no.2-.37-43 F 162. A. itd4l IOWX Jamm"a Auld F"Imh mm. wArks).-Amilym an tim. TWw %bow admoMlom f4l, 663, a., Wko 37A, 211.5, opmunfor 3.2, XIM 5.2 " 2A%. mv, Ackhmi CZECH/3-59-16-21/28 AUTHOR: Zornik, Lugnik, K.; Pjaaeck4, G., Stasevi'C', P; and Stordienko, P. TITLE: The Parachutist's Physical Training (taken from a book by the above listed authors; "Theory and Prac- tice of Parachutist Training) PBRIODICAM; K~i'dla Vlasti, 1959, Nr 16t pp 24-25 (COR) ABSTRP."T: This is the concluding part of a serial article con- taining physical training instructions for parachutists, There are 14 drawings. Card 1/1 If- '50) SOV/62 - 59-9-10/40 AUTHORS: Arbuzov, B. A,, Zoroastrova, V. M., Saykina, It. K. TITLE: Thermographic Studies of the Isomerizatton R-6twtion of the Glycol Phosphorous Acid Estero, Containfng a 3~ix-memberi,d Win- Under the Action of Alkyl 11alides PERIODICAL: Izvestiya kkademii nauk SSSH. Otdoslenttin kbimlcheskikh nauh, 1959, Nr 9f Pp 1579-1584 (USSR) ABSTRACT: The authors had carried out previous -J.'n-vestigatione similar to those mentioned in the title, in whioki the,,j proved thq~t tile isomerization reaction proceeds in two pha 'boa. They also suc- ceeded in finding information on the influ!.Mce of the rr-dical structure exerted on the capacity 6f the giaters to i0oweVize (Arbuzov and Raztrnova, Ref 2). In th(.t.- preaent paper the in- vestigations are continued with the reaction of the asters of trimethylene (1) and a-methyl tr~methylsne phosphorous acid (II) with alkyl halides. The withodtj of iinvestigation were similar ~o those of reference 1. A pyroamU.-r of t eLPF.'_ U h ~32-type was used and butylphthalate was takpix a,,s stazdard. Tatdle 1 contains the physical constants of the aWtipounds i6vestigated. Card 1/3 Only one phase could be observed on the thermograind of the metlkyl- so'f/619-59-9-10/40 Thermographic Studies of the Isomerization Reaction of the Glycol Phoaphor:ous Acid Esters, Containing a Six-membered Ring, Under thij A c ti oti of Jllkj!~ flakidefl ethyl- and n-propyl eaters of compounds (II), find the met~byl- and benzyl estera of (1). Vie expqrimonval d'ata are sh6un on table 2 and figures 1-7. Herefrom the, 1!ollowing could ~e con- cluded; the isomerization process of &'!Yyl 4,1-ycol esters w.ith six-membered rings occurs under participation of the a'llql: radical without dei;truction of the ring, according to the : scheme already earlier assumed by Arbazzov; a sifaultane'ous forma- tion of the eaters of alkyl phosphirit; sc$.,,1. takea plate. The iaomerization of the phenyl aster of opwxrred unexpectedly also in one phase only, a ring opening was, h,-,,vieverj obstrved in the aaalysis of the reaction prodoats. A mLxture of phenyl- y-iodine propyl ester of nothyl phosp1liinioo ficid forlaij yrhan methyl iodide acts upon the phenyl eater of 1. In libe ifioneriza- tion reaction of the etbyl ester of jqrooate,~,hol phosphorous acid with etbylb"Romide aeain only ar, exothernic, efrect 'i(as ob- served. A cyclic pyrocatne-hol estor of othylpbosphillic -acid was formed, which iv in accordancei with, the xqwilts of Arbijzov and Valitova (Ref 9,11. The ester radicals were the,-Leforo fovind to Card 2/3 ezert an influence on isomerizatiort, Thq.-re are 7 riguros, svrI62-59-9-10140 Thermographic Studies of the Isomexization Reaction of the G.1yr,'01 FhOJ5~phorous Acid Eaters, Containing a Six-membored Ring, Undur thii Action of Alk"I flaildvi 3 tables, aad 9 references, 7 of which 11~re Sovtet. ASSOCIATION: Nauchno-isaledovatellskiy inatitut khimii im, A. Al. Bmtlerova Kazanskogo Gosudarstvennogo universiteta im. Y~ I., UllyanoTa- Lenina (Scientific Research Institute 01f Ch6mistry imerii A. M. Butlerov of the Kazan' State Unirijraily imeni V. I. Ullyanov-Lenin) SUBMITTED; January 9, 1958 Card r sea AIL.! Cl( III lot b4 (ROL I# Mao uft4q .4 At *IV got b.p. 13 In g" age A L L 1- 1 1 4104% Not. 00 v **A 000 Koe ot fiv" AvA ludoli- pa*-ftdW V. Cruww4lill ot V. M, zaaww"m Kimis, ~' A '74 a" with =-7-Kil WI ffl & W ~ 4v o, GO r4" the 4 f 00 Go l i 01141 *45 X'. Be, b.p. 134- ' la" M X 004 1! ,-Is - 1. b.p. 130-141 jls 1114n. / 1 b 4 r 1 - 4( Ill -P. ~ 004 x ~~ipm b.p. L L fl l, son S j V 0 0 0-0 Olo a Is 0 0i 0 o 0 0, w i, 40 'i .7d 900 all** of 44-00 NNW 0000000* 0 4.41 0111- 0 41's cl- 00000 *1 a 0 -00 woo zeo coo 00,0 600 Cos woo SOO woo- tio woo a tta-111-11 tits: I a A -1 41 00 r A flawo &211 fidert al'atji- load diarylsonaidoull OdCa. foll !_Q* CIR ill Exalul uml V. M. L~rwmnlvti. J. 4;tq. (Afm ;I . s. s~ M.) 10, vv) lqlywr Iflaim ill tp 0 toixtumrik- I-ams. AlljOll), itud Old itikyl 041.1111 to "I - d"A diarKumniou" acid% 4X11161 'lm m limp "I" 01104111411M- t-1 I 111W, 4d Ph"VIUMAIN 411,'Id 11492% 00 NAj(0Jfr),, It,# 1119-141', (C k.15*141, d4, I n4r aw ! 1-00 . i . 004 I.Ur. Y"! Pit 008 ivo-Pr&A ON, ho, IIM-19' (it 1.74,51 d" I 'IfUlt taW I.ARRI; 11k,1 see owd U~11 P I.Wil I, yichl All 11%,; (fitt,AwO1,.0l% t~a 43 r*0 *00 1.21)419, (10" 1.2M, o4ij I.Muz, yi.61 M. 1%; P11"Is. ()FJ (1). ta~ W.5-7". dt lZ744, d4l LVAS, W4,19OL5. =00 174-11", ct LZI31, cl. roe I.r.49. xj,1 I U.4_125; PA(p.-Cilli AWRI, b. 179-141P d: yk-ld K14%; it I.-ta IffroNI. to 11U.0 Ulm avid Oll! alculwitate. r1w Ovive vululd 004 lic Oammilood by lot-40% witih alLyt 2. Tbm It. Im. of asim ofth* matiove ccoults. amet d Igoe *lit, flujitil (it ittsalitiptits dojvc lid O"4101.01j'a 4111r.1til It*, "jj'Vtj in to 14111r, tit'.10iff 1k4j Ili* 'IffiVI'L 4 A% boo ,1,4 ti-A higir AwsLyt, a IdOwit It. r. Oat% the *,t4ii-4licti-tint of P. llelitill 7 Wor"t -6 lqb,l.j At Ov Most it n a it 1111 49 It 0; 1111 0 0 6000 41 0 0 $1 0 lb~ $1 0 e 60 ill of 0* 0* *0 4111 a a 641 do Q a 41 ift 0.6 W; 41 qp, 0 0 6, a Ill W! it, 4? * fl~ 0:0 Of * 41 : #,, *at T-T- .- at vlogr4p czFt4ajT:WfA' 111. fit Dial J, CM, Clem. (~' S' S. 14.) Old ( I I - Al utlifr (Ij wail cisluics3d ficita 27 ll. ANCIL&I lhj 711 T4 t(MIS10,5111 Mifill. vin avilUed P Inv. witb a %file, of tA CICH.44hil mmilzird with N4011. 110 orm IvAM to (be C6%t- ualiL acill to Canto rid. Thot valvicat w1wi anod. cet gi watts loath, N%CI was dt(tomil nd mod ktv Workte put in a Jit--kicator it"r LU50,, Mici ti-McIlims 00 4 the aq. Mae. CA twItiqloll rilylaccilc " vith f4h A Witt'l if vAn. *Ad 65 cc. 90% sic. 60 g. litAsio vmm m6fed vl;h S ewling. Tim rviullt;4 drAr u4n, im ttmted th $015 0 ba-Prot bi 10" T1110 maxt. W" Wild & big. (a a Wake t4mw' W~kh iilif 9k. 920 41WO). A. The 019dwit wail I&d 0b 110 llad W was Pilmd tbxmWi the rrlkrt~:.. A d0k titagm oil ItIld, ltl~'Wux vulittl wftb 1110:1 and dried co-ts C4". Itumitill (1111J1. (13-14 rum.) pit the f0aiming fmctkms- 87-90'. Q-6 12j'-7*. 16.4 Un " 9 1"An 111C 0 1., a. [it ftlatim b. 0 ~-flo in Sm 4; J is a bm madl usittiff. coll-., C4110, ist"ll. in IV,). It 6 a Wiley- W" zRized 14111 6 cc, 11) N NouGH 4n4 ci*cifed, A Y" cl 76 t1ji.4vy (2.2 C.) of kilide bit 14". vivi *WLIMC It 4 4 CA'Klftl. dly aLide (8u6-W% -rkW) d: t 404, if%* IA4 0 st., 1jjW'0. bh(tth71P1Wuvli-; QWK Rrg lidd)., d: U.-sm. W04" *III.%& led WIP11inzi.- too I'JIrsirtal) (11101, Itt. I%4 ( I be na "tv'r* C IV so is v ovepi vfx-3d Wool &a&= tv to 4c on a rt t2 9 1 Its 1 0 a 4fle, flits 0 $ a 0 41 0 1 (Sa 0 Ce e 0. 0 0 41 el0 0 41; 4 - Go (6, 0 40: -0~1111.1 4W 4-:0 a 4 Sir! s4JALLL"C" LCIPOW1 tLASIOKATItM tr -7 Ono$ w4trMIA01.0 u v LV 40 d a -C fit t$ if 14,~ a A I C 'T 41- * 0 411 0 0 40:6 ... .. .......... 00 A Pt*p4mOm 61 Me didWe d ddiple iidd. V. M. I Zorj_ hj;kt1f1;t. alul the diltilortil! -thtd. 4if m JM-3101. r4i, 41, of - "truvit, S. R. Rotlikarv. and B, A. Arbutiov (Icte. Orif. fivauml wx~bcd gryevaii tlltlq,.i with 14 vlt!mk sq. opoNliotl fit 1041 00 9 MI,. The aq-fxrff A Ilia d6tiIl&lf:AmJ th wititin vvem lit4ved In th," W(Im. dAA fitill tile twor &Scd. 0 C'. (if potelin fit 641111wflitrite ("n" a W Rrm fir its rAltr Them the verMlic (flixtrile 111111de of Willk twil. fit. (,a. 4 f di,tlfl~le, I'dirtil. Ill & MMI'm atul Ill t1w w%4,H,,!d.&rAio m it sirvion(ildrrNkli, witlic)Z 02j.44 b 00 jwr~rm- W mh-ft~ tA voiAly,u. hx. i-o %ludkA. T1w A111W vottalvi,11. 111t% olittatima O*a% mauled ah-cot .; led go Ol. little". The NZ11% mat %ut 1 11,111 rummit, 51" lfjKlo. 3'- uw 14 N1_jp rudures the cartifint"tkicl. Altimit 0 3-1 M fill. I'M -V) Its 4 %%'fill* fl*,k w44 h"I"I lif I I P(h, V~v KA KJO. 311; 419 :1VI.O.. al., lim. ~Jitdme. 34 N 00 r,, M, 11M, waLs plosed thl"OUGh the f4lift (01111;1. no-Ayll.111c ianhyttoWco, $rj, % titivialikit, 5! c V*"bq,- of N If.); mt tilfwaic florid. IIY'J, IVll. The t 0 ~e if) 11M ml- accompotmied lite falnx0m 021111. Y" (0-413,) 0 ., 1, the eM of the troacti,m. the terip. vtvnt up lip aidiwanitrile. vm obiltolned in the lipisetim of 2&4474, If,1% j6 00 1 Ill it Oic catulyNt falls bilrodtkvd, tile truip. vmg misod by 'rile OffiTt (if tile lix-114 lie. "111fril tilt? Blip. was moode W tile yieki of VAII&Xmitrile WgA Atitiltit. Al wilts tim"d that In "I Fit &A jullpic W+t fit tin Al 44LA Mol Yield If wilomfirde with 71, Ill, V, w4# 18.1", anot with n1l, 0 Ifitar), It wigg 113% . 11 a !it NA 4 1 o! piclil (4adhotinilftiv Without coment"t WFA 410 11, and voilli 3~,, JIM0. it -4, W.6%. The fit qpn,tif Allip"tiuiltrits the Poo- ence ed lIgMa (Kj!i irevcMi If" a4back ": Ill olfLms docl. with "44). 11.1 4., Wat THA".. 111hibid ikide m4old ituil I* joretal. hV It Ihi. infAiml: lAthlibillivit. 14 f,trindd. G. LAV4,10111 'COO 6111.11L4 OCTAL4,4111141CAL &ITIEWSOR41 rtAtWICATIft 14 .4~ KOO 14,13410 IVIONO .11 C-4 W cat &1 4711 il -al; flat 01 p . '!T4n v V 4 W I V al I 1 4 Iii 0 it 0 1 hu 1A 111 4 it I 'I P 4e or dl Q: * 1`1 0, it t9 at 410 A gels 0 900*100 W-11111100 *1111,4110 0 00 0 0 0 a 0- 0 00 104tt 6 0 It 101 41, 0 * 4 41 0 111111, : a 0 sf*~G 0 a * (11 ate W. S (0- a 0 -01 a 4 , is 0 .41, A GI & (I A 9 A I-I-J-v AUL `A: I n-- . .......... ... Dhak Ilp [is. I U PA i V 0 tutitus "dau 44 4mmim taill editlav #" m A. Asbuscru iiiiij., a, IC1418d fit, bmi jitm -14U14mi. 044w" the WoOttv. tlkti W"t2l. Of Old Okmilmts 14 CICHIC11010 at the 14- *ad 1.4. 111"(1 th# IkItIft, Ill 2 111(40,44 Ct(:IIICII#X,'l 1116 of All tht Imiductif of aildn. hmtvt~ [fem Imillota. go Poe 00 go -3 CID 6 00 "ea Lk IIIIIIALL"611CAL LIT1111141110111 CILLISOKATION too Me -40-- U Nt 41 Rawls 1111111 it IN W a i 0 111 0 43 Qo'O 916641 0 0,411 0 41 4 o IGO IlLmuiurleou mW5 of ciliftlAti mt a uda lu- CGbdld* isit weU 94 Chlocine mind ocotlC #,Xhy4j-'dO) a4 00 biltAldiClIc'. It. A. Artmeov wid V, H, Z [e~q taimm4i vom (A Cl wid &A III thr t"wiltv l4 amilyt, Comod. re-vi, je4d- ui. U.R.';.S. St. 114(14yol i:r:... Nx0Ar. on butaditue Is Uewitf! irmicictM. Re"mt-I 00 C.A. J4, 44:1141. -A ta-ly 1 ifir, VA14111. 14 St fructimm r-mItIml the il~ilnwiqj ImIltucill so a 14YI-IlAhl.- Altl 91110-1 1110 (hit"k iwuw%V~J butitie (Ti) , It, SO' 111. 1144,15#41.5% NI: J!" IXEN), mit. 3.1,10 60 2 4R4 -Al' I*lw fullowillig (Vill, 1'. - -4.114. s.J.- Joe FrIwAled !mAia"tatimA 411 tIW 'Lql n-tulti2tiftco jmrv'ILWt% frillm tit aw. *Ali. 4 No Nud. With Q SU41 bivit I oil, ItiLN. 4 1., Cl mmill to V1 o1- V 1. 131 114- 16 . 41; until the rrmilting rAmIn. imas dislindIr #Ak.: 1.4711.1, d."' V.-Will, MR (11alltiolow mAl I Iw.*Im A 1131), tit. I rt-ultlijt Ifforu t-lin W46lo 1.4 ag7gl' X(Ru 15A) (flimwetk4d 33.90): FWAs. A,00 tit bivicIIII. V1 "$a I-vaimmed by I At 4 u I I .- 4 1.41-10C (H), th. Ill-4% a.* 1.111M. dj* 1AW71), Milo K014 imin I.-I-IllylKvillyl IV, 11. its-r, "": 1.4m Irr andlylis t4l (Imm), vil all , CAK i*tl;llrd in Ille juirit silitte btm v P-1. ficuted by the 441n, of 2 ltw(f. G1 1400 grol I cont'll'Itid ut 2-1141I.-tic-I 0-6,4 dtl:t 46PA 4knu llmtr~ Into fill-, 'llm"flite AsAll;'.11,01:0101PU got tilvinyl, b. tk)-I*. %I.* LOW, dV' 1.1", 34tto of 6IZI (IttrAirgilcal. 3I.V). Fut, Mmi.16"Uml. I W.Lo '1.- 10442, Art.' Wit -4434 Iran-I,Nmvql by 1k. *%all Irto citiviaxyl"ne ClIA:C- (flurmiiiA-41. fl'"t. Vill 111,1W,114 tit lie Alcittv"I We" 0* IN donilmil-ly from VII. Thi stru Ilint ut 11 Is HIC4000 (10POCII[Xilt (IV) b.94--4* mV I ,46XI ,d44 (I ,Oro, am[ I Ow it Off aftur the hydrdlils Inde6itAv but oil g.4am 14 IvAult fil"ll the linvalitam0"s tortuat iicirich; ",fit,