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ZORIN, F.M. (Socid) Foaoibility of surgery in developing now w-wicties. Agobioloria ( 'I I TU~ no.4:633-636 Jl-Ag 163. 11 A 16:9) (Citrua fruitu) (Graftiug) . It JULi ZORINIV F.M. (Sodd) Orchard in a tree, AgrolAologila no.4:623-628 JI-Ig 162. OURA 15:9) 1 (SOCHI REGION-CITRUS FRUITS) (GRAFTING) ZORIN., F,M,, kand.oeliskokhos,nauk (Sochi) Now development in citrus fruit breeding. Prbloda 0 doe5t0t-A.9 My 161, 14.;5) (citrus fruits) ZORINA G I Svaluation of the gerwral conditions fostering the rising of breezesd Trudy OGMI no.28:9-17 162. (winds) (mm 16:6) TIN *Y!uf w"d "A"P In to aftwAmll (q4jjlIjlw R. slot A "d 0. M, Ewhs. uhikk4w. Oilm, a, 96 wool No. )k 190 1 wdor ve to mcmict tx tim 4710F qd $Abu*. -41 wjmwvincw Ilwil 4111,11 findy WRIC4,94d 4bkd at V%tfAMS Wtllpl. I'll-I $r(44" wu wwmm(ul, Lem by dmuMm. of Itle 4001 .00 Igo swa* rtdumd (dows I* t-SAV hr kalivir temp. of list $Msm at 4W-60' MW lbe W lemp, at 151 fio* &VA I* addia. t0ou" tin jams as rq*Uy mptimbil 41ter thei: Inuaduction into tht drying -cbAuub4r-, This wat; ommupff4fied bf mdudng tW particlu Am La OJ*~O.:) sea rmuk L c-g! this i= of tmpm9td-mir isilit Wr vmm-urv 4 M. 0. M;Nolv too sell 000 see see 4040 Igto me* too 0 Boom 111,44siv. it T fe --------- Ir 411P 1 0 6 11 to Ig u 0AV 00 A's al, Z; t, ; 0 904100000 0 94, 0 to 0 41 10 a 0 IF Igo, 0 0 0 IS we 0 0 * 0 is two 0 41 IF 0 41 0 IP 0 to of (so 0 is too 004001 UZE I III 111 21 t q I, - Itury :31 jlll~ A .1 -11 USSR/Cultivated Plants. Fruit Trees. Si:;all Fruit 111rmits. M Abs Jour: Ref Zhur-Diol., No 17, 1958, 77076. Author Zorin, F.M. Inst Title Selection of Subtropical Plants an the Basis of the Michurin Doctrine. Orlr,~ Pub: Michurinsh. sb. Krasnodar. "Sov. Kubtuil", 1957, 30-47. Abstract: The Sochin Eigerinental Station isolated a Beries of plants fron al)otiix:Ls seedlinGs of the Uiishiu mrA.arin which nravided early-maturine- hi6h-taste- quality of the fruit. The mandarins No 23, No 30, No 03 are hiLher tlimi t,ie Unshlu mandarin In frost resistwice. Mandarin No 320, obtained frcm cross- Car~l 1/3 USSR/Cultivated Plants. Fruit Trees, Snall, Fruit Plvntd m Abs Jaur: ref Zhur-Diol., No 17) 1950) 117076- and technoloCical properties. Yubileynaya No 210 ripens in the second half of AuC.;ust, bears fruit annually, Gives blach pluxis of hi(~h qual:Lty. Tho Dlack Sea Krasavitsc, No 711 is noted for hi(,,h harvest, annual fruit bearinC, hieh quality of fruits. Mamcladnaya ITO 373 ripens in the first half of AuGust, bears fruit annually, &rLves fruits useful for desert, dryinG and prenervinG. Medovaya No 396 ripens in the first half of Aujust, Lives fruit of honey taste, is usepo. for dessert and dryinL;. -- V. N. Koll Card 3/3 DIVYATTXH, G.G.; SORIM, A.D.; POOV. S,H- Low-temperature automatic laboratory rectification column, Zav.1ab. 25 no.10:1271-1272 15,9* (Kra 13a) (Packed towers) 1 , . . . . 1 1. ~ . 1 .1 11 11 1 11 1 11 Of 11 B.1; 1 i - P J p T. 1 . I q 1 -7 -7- S-7 - - - -- - 7- it F 1 7. I Ld LI~A-T--6 6 ElUt (d /F-;- T - --------- TITLE SOU Rc E C :t 11 A A rij, ,.. I 1H t ic v 6 NO REF sov - cW Card 1/2 I Hl I i I IN. If 111511 -11:11 hi . I : ~ qll ij,:t! NI V E gra 1~ qT4 I xna o r o Ca d 2 12 Will "I'ACC NRt AUTHOR: ORG: AT6032733 Perellman$ A. L.; Zorin, G. K.; Rabinovich, G. 1, none TITLE: Results of tests of mock-ups and samples of acouitic log,j;ing equIpAent and some prospects of its use SOURCE: AN SSSR. Institut fiziki.Zemli, Geoa~ustika; ispol'zoyaniye zvuka i ul'tra- zvuka v saysmolo8ii, saysmoratvadko L Sornam dole Wa0acoWiticill the una o-' tjoland and ultrasound in seismology, seiamic prospecting, and mining~. Moficow, Xzd-vo"Nau1(a, ~ 1966, 77-84 TOPIC T&GS: acoustic logging, well logging, ultrasonic logging, digital c~imputer/ Alz~'~'o 41 1' C_ ? _4A W-1~ ABSTRACT: The developmen't of pulse ad)ustic logging equipment in the Lenirgrad Branch of VNIlGeofizika and VIRG (All-Union Scientific Research Instit%tte of Proiqlecting Geophysics) since about 1956 is described. The first fieXd test of acoust.-ic logging equipment was made at Ramenskiy well I In 1957. A three-al.emenc well device cantain- ing magnetostrictive emitter and two receivers was used in the iixperiment. Digital analog computers to determine the formation velocity and total titne from t:ha first arrivals were developed by VIRG and LETI (Leningrad Electztcal 1',agineering In3titute) in. the period 1958-1960. In 1962, industrial tests were ~Made of an experi-nencal model of the LAK-1 acoustic logging -device which had been developed by IM11](Aneftegaz and Card 1/2 RASIMNICH" G.T*,,) ~mx GIN, . -11~, M9't'"A *Vaa* faCt"nS Of bOVOOUS 44d*IXU4' 4* 4106MMI of the IAI-4, Vop.nmwd.jge*flv. no.4.41946 Wo Om 19111 SOV/84-58-4-15/48 AUMOR: Zorin, 1. TITLE: ,~W 'f:rr"s7 Steps (Pervrye shagi) PERIODICAL: Grazhdanskaya aviatsiya, 1958, Nr 4, p 17 (WSSR) ABSURACT: The article reports on the permanent production conference at the Kuybyshev kircraft Maintenance Varksbop. The pr6auc- tion conference has 2T elected memberi~ representing varicus lines of work. It convenes at least once a manth. The firat meeting of the confei-ence and the problems dAn=ssed exe dealt with in some detail. 1. Aircraft-Faintenance Card 1/1 ZORIN, 1. 0, 4 1,1,~!-jl' , ~ m steps. Grazhd. av. 13 no*4:17 Ap 158. (KM 11: 5) (Airplanem-Raintenaace and repair) ZORINj I* F. 2. TJM (600) 4o Fertilizers and Manures 7* Our practice in stocking and using local fertilizer!. Dost. sellkhos. No, 2, 1952, 9. Monthly List of Russian Accessions, Library of Congress, January 1953. Unclassified. ZCRIN, 1. Ukraine - Feeding and Feeding Stuffs Feed supply brigades on Ukrainian Collective farms. Kalkh. prof.z. 12 Vo. 60 19$2 Mont List of Russian Accessions~ Library of Congrens, October Y,152. UNCLASSIIIIED. )1694 Zorin, 1. 0. U Povyshenii mater-iallnoy Zainterellovannosti i-olkhoznikov V Hazvitii obahchestvennogo Zhivotnovodstvu. Xiyev, Ciossell khozizdat USSR, 1954. 24 s. 20sm. 24.000 okz. 30k.-na UM yuz. (54-57867) 338.1--0'36(47.71) SO: Letopis' Zhurnall nyph Statey, Vol 7s 1949 ZORTNY I. G. 0':~825. Zorin, 1. G. Orgonizatalya I Kiyev, Gosseltlehozizdat USSR$ 1954. 80 -Na. likr. yaz.-(.55151-2401) 636:6.31.1-5 60: Kntzhnaya Latopts N. 6, 1955 oplita trudn v :rlflvot,rnvolatv9. a. 20 sm. 25.(N,,(1 ekz. I r. &.331.20:6116(47) : 1: Zorm, I. .G. Agriculture - Ukraine Organizing the feed supply on Ukrainian collectLye fama. Horm. bavi 3 r10. /.1 152 Monthly List 2f Russian Accessions, Library of Congress. JuIY 1952. Umclazsified. , 1. 5. SPIUK,K.S., glavn" radaktor; B114M. Y.G.. redaktor; VASILMIXO, PA., redaktor;,4OJ"jh, redmktar; ILICBMM. L.X.# redaktor; NOTAII, A.G., redsictor; XRfLEDY, A.Y.. rodaktor; FVML'11XIT, A.T., redektar; SIDORkWKO,. A.P., radaktar; FOUND, A.R., red4ilctor-, AlIG&LINA, P.R., radaktor; BUZANOV, I.F., radaktor; BOYKO, D-V-. radairtor; BUMTSXAYA, G.Ye.. radaktor; VASILANKO, A.A., redaktor; VIASTUX, redalktor; aORODNIY, N.G.. redaktor; D&HIIJOKO. T.T.. radaktor; I)UBKI)VmSKIY. V.I., redaktor; KIRICHINKO, F.G.. redaktor: LITOYCENUO, G.P., redektor; OZARM, H.Te., redaktor; FIRSHIM, P.H., radaktor; POPOV, F.A.. radaktor; POSMITNYT, M.A., redaktor; FSHCHICHM, P.D., redaktor; RADCHMO, B.P., redaktor; ROKANINK0. I.N., redaktor; RUBIN, S-S.. redAiktor; SAVOINM(G. K.Kh., redaktor; SOKOLOVSKIY, A.N., redaktor; TSYBINKO. K.Ye., redaktar; KOYALISKIY, T.F., tekhnicheskly reclaktor [Practical collective fare encyclopedia] Kolkhog~nais pro! 3:vodE;t venria in entaiklopediia. Izd.2-oe, ispr. i dop. Kiev, (;os.izd-.vo cal'khoz. lit-ry.USSR..Vol.l. Abrikos - Itutserns. 1956. 688 PO (H1RA 10:9) (Agriculture--Dictioaaries) SPIVAK, H.S., golovnyy redaktor; BILOW, T.G., reila:ktor~, VjkS;LLzjffO. P.m., redaktor;~,~14.,,W., redaktor; ILICHINKO, I.K., rectaktor; 10VALIp O.G., redaktor; KRILOV, O.F.. redalctor; PUKHALPS1111T, A_V., redaktor; SIDORMO, O.P.. redaktor; FOCIMMO, O.H., redaktorl ANGELINA, P.M., redaktor; BUZAHOV, I.F., redaktor; BOTKO, D.V., radaktor: BUMTSIKA, G.E., redaktor; VASHMM), A.O., radaktor; TIASYUK, P.A., redaktor; GORCDUIY, K.G., redaktor; DWIDINKO, T.T., radaktor; DUMOVITSIKIT, F.I., redaktor; KIRICHENKO, F.G., redaktor; LrTOVCH31MO, G.P., redaktor; OZAWIY, M.O., redaktor; PARSHI11,P.M., radaktor; PCPOV, F.A.. redaktor; POSMITNIT, M.O., rodaktor; fStMIGOIT, II.D.0 redaktor; RADC10110. B.P., redaktor; POIA111=10, S.3., redaktor; RUBIN, S.S., radaktor; SAVCHUXO, H.Kh., redaktor; SOKOLOVSIKIY, O.N., redaktor; TS113INKO, K.O., rectaktor.; SHCHIRBINA, O.P., redaktor; KRAVCHMO, M.F., tekhnichniv redalctor [collective farm encyclopedia) Kolhospna vyrobucha amsyklopedlla. Yyd. 2-e, parer. i dop. lyiv, Derzh.vyd-vo milialkohospodaralkoi lit-ry URSR. Vol.l. Ab-r7kos - Mutserna. 1956. ',156 p. (MIRA 9:9) (Agriculture--Encyclopedias and dictionaries) I J1 Aj SPIVAK, H.S., glavnyy red.: MOM. V.G., red.; VASILSIX0, P.M,, red.; -ZMII(, I.G., red.; ILICHENKO, I.K., red.; KOVAL', red.; KR red.; PUIGULISKIY. A.V., ra6,; SIDOPSMO, A.?., red.; F=HEFXO, A.H., red.; ANGELINA, P.M., rod,; amuoy. 1.P., red.; BOYK0, D.V., red., BURXATSXAYA, G.Ye., rod.; W112M. A,A., red. ; VIASYUK. P.A., red.; GOROD111Y. N.G., red,,; DDIMENK0, T.T4, red.; DUBKOMSKIY. F.T.j red.; KIRI"'EaNK0i Y.G., rad,;,WT0VGmxKOd G.P., red.-, OZERIffY, Me., red.; KIMSHIN, P.N., red.,- POPOV, ?.A., red.; POSHITHYY, N.A., red.; PSHRITICHM, P.D., rod.,, RADCHRIM, B.P., red.; RONA10MKO, I.H., red.; RUBIN, S.S., red.1 SAVCHENK0. H.10ho, red.; SOKOLOVSKIY, A.11., rod.; TSTHNIC0, X.Ya,, red.- KOVAL14KIY, Y.F., (Practical collective farm emcqclopedia] Kolkhonriaia prottyodstmen- note enteiklopediia. Izd. 2-oeo perert i dope Kiev, Ooz. izd-;Yo aellkhoz. lit-ry USSR. Vol.2. Halina-TAsholmr, 1957- 923 P- (Agriculture-DIct Lonaries) (MIRA 1114) USSR / Farm Animals. Q-2 Abe Jour : Rof Zhur - Biol.., No 100 1958, No 45169 Author *,Zorin, I. G. Inst ~o even Title Breeding Worh and Artificial Insemination of Cattle in the G ,erm.qn Democratic Republic. Orig Pub Sots. tvarinnitetvo, 1957, No. 10, 61-64 Abstract No abstract. Card 1/1 COU't.TRY USSR CATZGOH ABS. JOUR. RZhBiol., 140. 1959, No, AUTHOIR E-7: -.3T, T IT Ll ORIG. PUB, ABSTRACT cent higher than the herd's average milk. fat content for three generation,-,# In, Swedon, arti- ficial. insemInation of cows constitutaO a basict measure which assures the increatso,of the milk's fat content. Th 1956, 40 percent ixf the cows were tuhus.inseml nated. Thera are '15 stiltions foor artifieW lasemination. in thilq iC01~0;1~ry. Each station possesses 30-40 bulls and~the.average load for a bull-amounts to'l 11011 cows. All tli~e6 are kept in premises with'daylightt th-are itre ridizig, CA,ID: 2/3 Card: 24 ZORIN, I.G. ... ... 1:1, - ,!I - Solving the keF problem of animal breeding,, ZhIvolmoodstvo 20 co,4: 7-17 AP '58. (Min no) 1. 2awatitoll ministra sellskago khozyaystvik Ukraiiiskoy 332. (Ukraino-Artiftaial inssidnatiou) - ZORIN, I.G. Organization of bread work In the Ukraine. -Zhivotn*vodotvo 21 no.1:33-43 Ja '59. (IMA 12:2) It Zamatitallministra mollakogo khosymystva USU. (Ukraine--Stock and stockbreaditg) C c un CA-Ta~~OaY I FP ' 11 TI 11 1111 :"l I P! W111141, Ili 11-11VIT-1 lpj~ 1, GGHV~!',A. Prublwn,",. J011R. RZBjoj., 4. 1959, \.,O. v I Jj 59 7 AUTHOR 'Z 0 r 1. n I T ITU -n i: j OR 10t . PU "'e iIV A ? iT F-Jk C T CA. ZORINO I.G.. red. (Practices in the organization of artificial Inaeu1nation of form animals] Opyt organiostaii isimsetvannotto osesmunift sel'okc- ir-hoziaistvannykh shivotafth. Koskva. Gos.Azd-vo aellkhoz.lit-ryp 1959. 138 P. (KIRA 1):16) (Axtificial iz~seminatiaa) POM, O.Ya., otv. red.; QILL,"(Zorin, LIT,], kvid. twl-lf- khoz. nnuk,. red.; 14OKEYEV, O.Yu.~ kilrd. red SHULIZ101KO, I.V.$ prof., red.; ZHELIMICTISKIT, V.I.[Zhelikhovalkyi, V.I.], red. (Possibilities of incroasing the productior) and n~(Iut.Aii the cost of beef; materials of a nession of tlie 5tock- breeding Section of the Scientific Council ol' tho MnJs,- try of Agriculture of the Ukrainmj hozemy zbilltihermim vyrobnyts-tva i =yzheratia nobivartoiti ia1cfv*.qchynyj MR- terialy sesii sektrAl I-varynnytstva vchuriol Rptly pry MSH URSR. Kyiv, Urozbe.i., 1965. 178 1). 'MIRA 1. Ukraine. Ministerstw sillskoho hospadartit-va MISR. 2. Ministerstvo Sel'skago khozynystva (for Zorin), 3. LPArainskaya sellskokhozyaystvennaya akadmviya (for Sim 1 t zhenko) ~O~~, 1. G. (Dr. Agri) "The development of artificial insemination in Ukraine." report presented at the 5th Intl Cong on Animal Reprodudtion & Artificial tneemi- nation, Trent, Itai~, 6-13 sep 64. VIASYUK, P.A.p akademik, otv. red.; WKUSHAp M.A,[R!trkuf;haj M.A.), red. ; LO~IN4_j.,.QaQ '07,1Y, rin, I.H.), red.; X red.,- KUKSN, 14.V., Icand. sell kho:s,nauk.. red.; CHMIKASOVAO V 0.) kand. sellkhoz.nauk, red.; YUM11FICITUR F P.[XTJk1O-mchuk, F j kand. sellkhoz.aauk, red.; LRIOVICHEITICO, LA:V':I,j red.; VIDONYAK, A.P., takhri. red. (Increasing the Productivity of natural foragp lenads in the Ukrainian S.S.R.; transactions of the sessioi) of the Dapaxtment of Agricultures of the Ukrainian Scientific Research Inatitute of Agriculture] Fiftyshchezinia produktyvnosti pryrodnifth kormvykb uhid' Ukrainslkoi RSR; pratsi naukovoi sesii Viddilerinia zemlerob- st-va. Kyivj Vydavnytstvo UASM,1, 1960. 185 P. (~aRA 15:7) 1. Prezident Ukrainskoy akademii sell skoldiozyaystromifth nauk (for Vlasyuk). 2. Sekretar Kiyevskogo obl4st-nogo kotaiteta Kormunistiche.- skoy Partii Ukrainy (for Garkusba). 3. Chlen--korre.,;pon~lent Vicrain- skoy akadernii sell skolchozyaystvennykh nauk, munstitell ndnistra sellskogo khozyaystva USM (for Zorin). 4. 11michno-iesledovatell- skiy institut zemledeliya i zhivotnovodstva zkp-:~dnylch rayonov USSR (for Koziy). 5. Mkrainskiy nauchno-issle-11ovataltakly insti- tut, zemledeliya (for Kukzin). 6. Poltavokaya gofradarstvennaya sell skokhozyaystvennaya iosledovatellskaya st-tintalpa (for Cherkasava). Mrsine-Pastures a=1 memdows) I.H.1, red.; KOVALENKO, 0.1., red.; GULINKO, O.I.[Hulenko, 0.1.]. tekhn. red. (Advanced practices in artificial Inseminati6n of livestock] Peredavyi doevid po shttchnoim osireninniu Vral7n , I~riv Derzhoilthoupvydav WWRI 1962. 142 p. (mKA 15:71 1. Chlen-korrespondent Ukrainskoy akademii s(,IIIsk0:hozyaystven- nykh nauk (for Zorin). (Ukraine-Artificial insemination) I.G.[Zorin, I.H.] red.; LISYY,*I,Y I.11mip 141-10 red.; _'V-M'!CWTKO, I.Yu.IKemcher&o,, LIU.]). t0din. red,, [Intenaiv~ stockbroed~ngj IntencrIvne vedermla tvai-yrmytetva. Za red. I.H.Zorim. Wliv, Dorzh. -i7d-vo sill likohoupodaralkoi lit-ry URSR, 1961. 303 p. : (141M 150) 1. Chlen-korrespondent UkrainBkoy akademil sellskokhozyaystvem- nykh nauk (for Zorin). (Ukraine-Stock and stockbreeding) I.)'*); murfliov, Igax, vull'yovich -2~L~~~~~-Fedor Fedeirovieh (11.14.rmer, MA- k Val V.M., red.; MAVOYLO, Z.T. [Manollo,, Z.T.], tellm. red. (Artificial inserination of livestcck togetbe:j, vith breeding principles] Shtuchne osbiieninnia sill skohospo~km3 I Iqk3h tvar~m z osnovamy pleminnoi sprevy. Kyiv, Vyd-,vo Uktninslko~ akade- mii sill skohospodarslkyl&.. nauk, 1960. Z53 P. (NDU :]~,:12) 1. Chlon-Icorrospondent Ukrainokoy akndemll sol'skokliozyPty-stven- nykh naulc (for Zorin). (Artificial insemination) (Stock and stock breeding) KOVALIZO, Auotoliy Dmitriyeviah-, 101HALVICH, Aleksondr Tladinirovlah; DOBROVOLISKIT, A.A., red.; TIMHXM, T.G., CIAroolav Chyzhg innovator in swine raising, fl lAroalav Chish - novator ovinovodstva. Kiev, Goe.izd-vo sellkhoz.lit-ry, 1960. 34 p. (MIRA 13:12) (Zolochav District-Swine) B"'111111-11: I IIIIIIAHU'll [.I[: ~'k ITO i I!; ktll i I*, I III V IIH U it I iqj'jj' 11i".11l 1!1: ! 71171'I'Jifil" F ZORIN$ I.I.$ N.I. SPITZUIN, ZhRfIVI PROM 1033p No. 3, 50-2 VZOGRADOV, V.S.p inzh.; ALITSIX12a, M.A.# kand. teklin. rLroxk; POIYAJ(OV,, V.G.j Inzh.; WAOCHKIN, A-11., inzh.; YWYAul", Vil t doktor tekht-. nauk; ZAIXIN, S.A., inzll.; 010IT'JOVSKIY, r'.P.O inzl*,. deceased]; NAUMIKO, P.I,, Inzh.; BOBRUSHKIV, L.G., inzli.; 1111 TAMOVI I.I.0 inzh.; SHIFRO, I.I.J !~nzh.; GOLOVPIIOV, G-A-i inAh.; ERASOVallY, L.A., inzh.; TSIl-MALlJ-jj',O, L.N., inzh.; RAUROVICII., I.m.p in"- BAZILEVICH~ S.V., kand.. tekhn.nauk;.Zqpf',.'. ZUBULL~p S.N.0 inzh.; TIKEOVID01r, A.F.., inzh.; OUT4.1, I.S., inzh.; GAMAYUROVI A.I.j inzh.1- KUM,IBAYEV, Kh.N., bizh.; DEKlnkWj S.I.,, inzh.; VORONOV, I.S., inzh.,- BURMIN, 0.1%, inzh.; BARTSIBEV$ V.M.,, inzh.; GOLOVIll, Yu.p.,, inzh.; MAXIMU.'O, K.T., inzh.; ,9YCHKOV,, L.F., inzb.; NESTEUVK0, A.M., inzi.; UBANOV, V.F.9 inzh.; PATRIEMEV, N.N., inzh. (deceased]; HOSRUT, A.F., inzb.; SOSEDOV, 0.0.., ln~h.; FOTCIOVSKIY, M.A., i=J4, retgenzent: POLOTSK, S.M., red.; GOLIDIN, Ya.A., elav. red.; GCJLtJB-yArNIj(OVA,Q.S.q red. izd-va; BOLDYi-EVA, Z.A., tekhn. red. [Iron minin and ore dressing industrylaelezorudnaia pro- qrshlennost'. Mo3kva, Gosgortekhizdat, .19641. 439 p. (MIRA 15:12) 1. Moscow. TSentralln~7 institut informatsiJ. chernoy metaUurgil. (Iron mines and mining) (ore dressing) redaktor; LUCEMO, Yu.T.. redaktor; NOVAUNKO, Y.-I., tskhali hs- iikiWaaktor. [Progressi-we methods In e=uvatiou loading and sorti% of ores] Nre- dovye metody ekskaTatornot pogruski i sortirovki xud. li?erdlovek, Goo. nauchno-telchn. Izd-vo lit-ry po chernoi I tevetn,pt metAllurgit. 1954. 90 P. (MM 8: 1) (Mining engineering) (2kcavation) . ~11 R W ZORIN, "'p. Lolmachi inzh*,; MIOSUM, -ArkadLy 191khaolevich, insli. - -- TARAIT, K,,S,,# I:ALTW. A.K.t red.1sit.; W41LINA, Lfm,o; B3M=, O.G.,, (Porous sion-cable drilling] Udarno-kanatnoa Iyarente. Moskva, Gos.nauchno-tekhn.izd-ya lit-r7 po gornamm dmlv, 196D. 242 p4k; (XIRA 13%5) (Borine) RUDA101, Mikhail Lax4rervich, prof.; GUSZT, likolay Andreyorich, dotsent'. FILATOV, Sergey AleksandrovIch, ksnd.tekhn.wiuk, SHEMITIN, Aleksandr Tasil"yevIch, inshener: RMHKOVSKIY, Yakm ZollmanorrIch, inzhener; SNOWITIZOV, PaTel Alskseyevich, Imshener; ZORE Inshener; LOGINOVSKIT, Vaailiy Mikhnylovich, inshener; BUTKIVICH, T.V., red,; LISHWIN, B.G., rod..; LUCHKO, Yuj., red.isdatelletva; ZV, Yo.M.,, (Mine surveying in strip mining] MarkshelderOzie raboty n& karlerakh. Pod obshchei red.B.G.Lishutina I A.Y.Nenazbivina. Sverdlovsk, Gos.jauchno-tekhnAzd-vo lit-ry po chernoi I tpretnoi met&U,urgii, Sverdlovskoe otd-nie, 1957. 691 p. (MIRA 10:12) (Mine surveying) VAKHTAROV, B.F.; ZORIN, K.K.; UABXHIII, B,M. Use of manipulators in forges. Xuz,-ebtual.proirwo, 2 noslo. 23-27 A 16o. OCRA 13:5) (Forge Shops-Squipment and suppllea) SLIZIKO, I.P.,inxh; ZORIN, L.F.,inzh. Operation of DGI and PKF-6f) cutter loaders. Alekh.tmd,rab. 12 n0.3:26-28 Mr 158. (HIFA 11:4) (Coal mining machinery) 14(5) SOV/3-18-59-2-4/26 AUTHOR: Slizlko, I.F. and Zorin, L.F., Engineers TITLE: Machines and Devices for Minine in Prozon Ground in Winter (Mashiny i prispoBobleniya dlya razrabotki merzlykh gruntov v zimniy period) PERIODICAL: Mekhanizatsiya i avtomatizatsiya proizvodstva, 1959 , Nr 2, pp 15-18 (USSR) ABSTRACT: The article deals with mining problems ia open-out mines in winter, when the multi-buc1cot excavators cannot work satisfactorily (frequen,b braak-dovms)4 because of the frozen ground, The authdr;o recommend the following methods: 1) the warming-up and de- frosting of the mine benchings by means of electrodes driven into the ground vertically or horizontall-y. This method is expensive and may be used only in small open-cut mines; 2) the preliminary loosigning-up of the frozen ground using SE-3 excavators; 3) the blow- ing-up of the frozen ground.. Electric drills of the Card 1/2 EBR-19D type are used for the boring of blast holes. SOV/118-59-2-4/26 Machines and Devices for Mining in Frozen Ground in Winter The firing is carried out in series of 12. This method has been successfully used by Metrostroy, "Blektrostall- stroy" I " Soyuzekskavatsiya" and during the building of the Moskovskiy energeticheskLy instibt (the Moscow Institute *of Power Engineering); 4) the use of drag-line excavators mounted on S-80 tractors (the most economical method); and 5) the use of diesel hammers mounted. on S-80 trac- tors? E-505 excavators, tractor loaders and special framings. The application of diesel ha=ers mounted on D-157 bulldozer13 has been recommended by engineer I.N. Sokolov and was used while bui.ldinr,, -the Institute of Power Engineering in Moscow. Tht.~re are, 4 diagrams,, 1 photograph, and 1. table. Card 2/2 ZORIV, L.P., Inch.; KUSH3TSKlT# ?.Do, Inch, 4 mAk%G" Mine cutter-loaders In the Valeper Coal basIn. Shaiaht. mlroi~ no-10120-23 158. (KrHA 11:11) 1. Treat lleksandriyaugoll* (DaLoor Basin-Coal mining ma(thin6ry) L.F.. ill2h. Mochanicing the uhIfting of railroad tracks 1-.n the open pits of tho "Aleksandriiaugol'" Trust# Mekh.1 avtom.proizv. 14 to.3:18-23 Mr 16o. (PaRA 13:6) (Mine railroado) 11 '2 //V AUTHORSt Slizlko, I.F.t and Zorin, L.F., Engineers TITLE: The Operating Experience of the DGI and PXF-60 Mining Com- bines (Opyt raboty kombaynov DGI i PV--60) PERIODICALs Mekhanizatsiya Trudoy4mkikh i Tyazhelykh Rabot, 1958, 3, pp, 26-28 (USSR) ABSTRACTt In October 1955, the mining combine "DOI-Wl, for the driving of drainage levels, was put into operation at the Baydakov mines. This combine was designed by the Dnepro- petrovskiy gornyy inatitut (Dnepropetrovsk Mining Institute) and the Institut gornogo dela akademii nauk Ukrainskoy SSR (Mining Institute of the Ukrainian Academy of Scienoes), in cooperation with manufacturers of the Trost Ilikopoll- Marganets (Nikopoll-ganganese Trust). In March 1956, the mining combine IIPKF-60", designed by the Konstruktorskiy byuro koksokhimicheskoye mashinostroys- niya chernoy metallurgii (Designing Bureau of the Coke- Chemical Machine Construction Plant of Ferrous Metallurgy) was tested at the "Alokeandriyakaya" mine No 2. The main parts of both combines aret 1) the underframe, Card 1/2 2) the rotary and feed mechanismo 3) the cutting mechanism, 116-59-3-9/21 The Operating Experience of the DGI and PKF-60 Mining Combines 4) the electrical parts, 5) the loadla and unloadIng conveyors, 6) the instrument panel, 71 the hydraulic mechanism and 8) a device for the removal and loading of coal onto the loading conveyor. Both combines are said to have shown certain deficiencies. The chain-tread reducing gears of the type 'IDGI-U-111 are too weak and the specific pressure of the type "PKF-60" is too high, causing difficulty in operation. Of all level-driving mining combinem, types 'IDGI-2911 and 'IDGI-Ull were mo3t suitable for exploitation at the Dnepr Lignite Coal-Fields. There are 3 graphs and 3 tables. AVAILABLEt Library of Congress Card 2/2 IVONITT, Ivan Pavlovich; DAVYDOV, Viktor ~!~9;4d Fadorovich; IVANNIXOV~ Ivan Anciroyevich; AMMOV, V.P., kand. tekhn. naukp retsenzent; BMINSEXIA, S.11., red. izd-va; MAKSIMOVA, V.V.j teklm. rad. [Open pit mining of native sulfur deposits] OtIaTtaia raz- rabotka mostorozhdenii sarorodnoi uei7. Moskva, Gasgortckh- izdat 1963. 303 P. (14111A I) ~Sulfur ndnes and mining) (Strip nining) ZORINO L.F.0 42h.; Knom, G.V.O -inch. Using the ShBM-2m cutter-loader In rapid dowoloprout mining.,; Sh~.kht. stroi. 7 no.1:20-22- Js 163. (MIRA 16:2) Is Shakhta vNov*volywkayO- *48 imeni V.I., Leninji. (L-Mv-volyn, Babin-Mining iutwblno':~7) ZORIN, L.F., Inzh.; KARP-ENKO, V.M. Improving boring and, blasUng Gjlenvlcrt,~ ti", ~h~, RoAdrj 8'vip mina. Gor. zhiir. no.5:;69-70 My 165. OKIlU '180) 1. Trest Novovolynskugoll (for Zrrin'. 2. knzdall,lkly gorm)]~MML- chesRty kombinnt (for Karpenko). Z.ORINt L.P., Inzh.; KUZIKIN, G.V., inzh. Mechanized coal mining with migorij. Mekh. A avtoom,, pralzv. 18 no.4t23-24 Apl(:d,. (MIFA 1745) ZORINj LaFsp gornyy inzh#; G.P.0 g r47 a IK-52m cutter-loader in m1bon of thb Volyn' deposit. Ugoll Rr. 7 no.,6:35-36 Je 161, (MIRA 16:8) F M I Ili IR, ZORIR9,,,L.,F. p insh. Mechanization of d=p piling in lignIta-ccoul open-pit minimi. Mekh. i avtcu.proizv.3.5 no.3:" Hr 161. (K= 14:3) (Mr.mine-Coal mines and mining-Technological Itnovations) 11~ i 11411, M 111 U lilt i.i I r 11. u! i ZORINp L.F,# inzh,; KUSHNIRUKO V.A., lnzh. Prl-tice of draUing the RovdDl oulfO depomit. Gor ahjr. nc. 60-11 Js 161. (YJRA 14,6) 1. Llvovskiy amarkboz, (Rotdol region-Sulfur mines and minlng) (mine drainage) ZORIN, L.F., gornyy inoli.; PCSTOLOVSICIY,, V.I., gornn, inmh. Advanced technology, mechanization.. and autoinatization in the Lvov-Volyn' Basin mines. Ugoll Ukr. 5 :3 161. (MIRA 14 9) (Lvov-Volyn'B&ain--Coal mines and mixtimg) ITIE'llro?"Clyp Mom~,ip PAW10 tol:hut naw"; 2W,111, 1.*?*, Gcl*rlyv i=ajo Effectivancan (2 nethloda In li:LWjd al V!a '11, '1 , T-.,*rit, 1,11'rolt IJX4 01 poolzu, i.*l 1.) t654, 41CILu6 3.9a) BOGOYAVLENSKIY, B.A.I.ZORIN, L.V. Scme-r prol4ems conoarning, the ewoolve avd aactmulative aotivity of rivers- and cartogmphic methods of its r4meoei%tatAon. Tizudy Irk, un, 241209438 158, NIMA 14:7) (Rivers) (PhQtog;raphic bitarpretetion) ZOPIN, L,V. Reflection of the role of ellitnute a.-A rage, in the titiermlo.gical spectra of alluvium. Biul. Kon. chetv. per. no.30-~354-159 '65. (1,LTBA 19.-2) ZORIN. L,-Y, Formation of gold-bearIng placere and tha refloction of the stability of valley drainage and mineralogical composition of alluviumo Izv, v7s, uoheb, cav. I geol. i raw. 7 nool 979-85 JI 164 WINI 1812) 1. Mookovskiy goeudarstveanyy universitate i 7 VOMESEVSKlY, S.S.; POSrOLENKOO G.A.; SDIONOV, Yu.f~,j PA~,M-KAFAI N.G.; Al-IJUIIYEV, G.S.; PIMENOVAp R.Yo.; YLVIIII'VAP I.P".; OVIETSOVA, L.T.; SOROICIVA, Ye.F. ZORIN, L,,V. -I'SEV, S.A.; ARISTARROVA SLADKOPEI LOPATINA. L.I.v red. 6 (Geomcrphological studies; work exper3ence, In southeastern Transbaikallti, eastern Ferganno central Kaz0,hntajiP and the Caspian Lowland) looledovoxiiia; opyt rabot v lUgo-Vostochnom Zabaikallej Voi!tochwi Fergano, I'Sentrallnom Kazakhstane i Prikaspiiskoi nitimennosti. Mo- skva, I7d-vo Monk. uni.v., 1.965. 275 P. (MIRA 18:7) ZORM, L.V. Signs of neotectrnic movements, Vaa~.Ylb,4jk, !jn~ '5: Gesg. 17 no.2:75-76 Mr-Ap 162. (MIRA 15: 501 (Nercha Vallay-Gealagg, 81tructural) Kullart Valley--Gecjlo~ 1; trma tural) ZORIRp L.V.; GROSHENKOVAp N.G. Laws of the formation of placers. Izv. Vses. geog# ob-va 94 no.lt79-83 JaF 162. .MRA 1513) Oiberial 9110terx-Ore depodts) BASBENINA, Nina Viktorovna; LEONTIYEV, Olog Konstantiiiovich; PIOTROVSKIY, Mikbail Vladimirovich; S.UIGEOV, Turt Gavrilovich; VYSKREBENTSEVAI V.S.; ZAiWTSKAYAj I.P.; Prinimali, ucbastiye ZORIN L V.; ORLOV, I.V.; ZVOITOVA, T.V.; FFDOAOVICH, Ye.T., retsenzent; GIAZOVSKAYAs M.A., retsenzent; ARISUMOVA, L.B., re- tsenzent; YERMOV, M.S., tekhn. red. (Methodological guide to geomorphological mapping and the can-,ing out of geomorphological surveys at scaloo of 1:50 000 - 1t25 000 (with legend) ]Metodicbeskoo injko- vodstvo po geomorfologicheskom kartirovaniiu I proizvod- stvu geomorfologicheakoi s"emki v masshtabe 1:50 000 1:25 000 (s legendoi). Pod red.M.Basheninoi., Ros]Oap Izd-vo Mosk.univ., 1962. 202 p. _ [Legend; supplements VIII-(XI])Legenda geomorfologicheskol. karty Sovetskogo Soiuza masshtaba 1:50 000 - 1:25 000; prilozhanic VIII.- (XI] 1960. 25 p. (MIRA 15 0) (Geomorphology-Maps) ZORIK L.T. llz~~ Special featilres of tho goologicsI strueturs of loiter AW and Buguldeyka Valleys In the wosterm part of the Baikal region.amd characteristics of their river channels. Izy.AN SSSR.Serageogo no -5:59-64 S-0 1 58. 1"1 (MR& 11112) (Daikal reglon-Gooloa, Strue"O (Irkutsk Proviwe-Rivers) -' ZORINs L.V. Formation a~d principal difference botv"A ben(tb and chammolr- fill placers. Geog'* i khoz. no.9i2l-26 161.0 (DEIRA 14:11) (Ore deposits) TOMBSIVISKIT, S.S.; ZORIM. L.V.; SIMOKOV, T4. 0. raws ofgtope formation In lantern Siberia. Geop, 15 no.1:119-56 160. NIFA 13:8) 1. Kafedra geomorfologii Hoakovskogo universit0ta. (Siberia. llastern-Gaolog7, Structuria) ZORIN, L.Y. ~~ -0. io=ion of certain Ilatit Siberian river btpdfj (713yurl Markft, 3akhta, and Selenga Rivers). Vope geocs no.01160D-60 '59. , (MIRA 12:12) (Siberia, Masturn-Rivers) ZORIN, L.V. River association with the lines of tectonic.disturbances and tile manifestation of tectonic movements in the hi6tary pf valley formation; using the example of eAstern Tranimblilka.11%, Vent. Moak. un. Ser. 5: Goog. 17 noi410-53 Jl-41 16-16 (141RA 16, 1) 1. Kafedra obshchago zemlevedeniya Hoskovskolto unlvdraitata. (Transbalkalift_V41 1:1 Alys) (Tranabalkalia-Geology, Structur4jl) GROSMIOVA, 11.0~q-LORYkJ!Y.; IULAYTVA, Te.M. q~mternary sedimentation in the Zoya Valley# Sovo geol, 3 :no.2.*39- 47 F 16 0, (MIRA 13 : 11 ) 1. Hoskovehy gosudarst-ironnyll universitot im9ni IftToLomonosova Geograficho- sk17 fakulftet. (Zeya Yallo7-Sodimonts (Geolotn.,)) : 1,. -.I 1 1 ~ H i Al I IIN~. IHIIAI 11T. ZURIN, L.V. Phloogeographic Importance of frozen la;rers. lauch.clokl.vys. sWcoly; geol.-geog.naukl no.2:212-215 '59o (11TRA 12-8) 1. Moskovskly univeraitet, geograficheBI-ly fabilltet, kafedra geono-rfologii. (Transbaikalia-lFrozert grmi)-A) ZORIV, L.T. Formtion of the Selenp Delta and Proval Bay. Uch,%rA1p*Kovk,un, no.182:193-196 '56. (MLRA 10:5) (selenp Delta) (Proval *q) i - Allil!, P-H!i. I 1 0 ~J~: i I I Piql I 11N C111R... HIM 111143 11, I'm ~111 1: 14-57-6-11883 Translation from: Referativnyy zhurnal, GeogrAfiya, 1967, Ur 6, pp 35-36 (USSR) AUTHOR: Zorin, L,-,V, TITLE: Formation of the Selenga Delta and the Pmvel Bay (Formirovaniya dellty Selengi i obrazovaniye zaliva. Proval) PERIODICAL: Uch. zap. Mosk. un-ta, 1956p Nr 182, pp 193-196 ABSTRACT: The author believes that the Prov4tl G-alf in Lake Balkal was formed due to ground shrinking caused by viol6nt earthquake "Jarring." Observations demonstrate that different amounts of alluvial accumulation are deposited in different sections of the Selenga Elver delta. on which the Proval Gulf abats; oonnquently, various deposits are connolidated to a different degree. As V. A. Florinov showed (Izv. AN SSSR Otd. tekhn. n, 1952, Nr 6), particles of earith begin to "float" in'water and the ground "liquofies',t and subsequently contracts, when Card 1/2 the ground with quicksand potenLAIII is dynamically die.- Formation of the Selenga Delta (Cont'.) 14-57-6-11883 turbed. The form of the bay adjacent to a section of the delta, and ground water rise in wells after an earthquake, support this hypo- thesis about the bay forming due to the contraction In'the deposits and the occurrence of subaquoous mud flows. Card 2/2 G. K. I . . 14 .I -- ZORIM. L.Y.-- - Several characteristic features of the relief of Atkhta River bed and valley. IRV-Tses-geog- ob-va 92 no-3:2?2-274 Hy-Je 160. (IMN 13; 6) (Bakhta Valley--4eology, Structuml) ZCRIN, L.T. Indicator of horizontal river bed migratiom. ffawh.dokI.Tys. shkoly; geol*-geogonauki no#2:153-156 9580' (HIRA 12:2) 1. Moskovskiy universitet, geografichesIrly fakulltot, kafedra geomorfologii. (Rivers-Regulation) Z- (5 xl-,Ij Z_ V ZORIN. L.V. Characteristics of the outlet beds of some itiyern of lastern Siberia anA Central Asia. Yest.Hosk.un.Ser:,I~Lol.,,pochv., 9001.9,geogo 12 no,2:22)-227 '57. (MIRA 10110) 1.Xafedra geomorfologii Moskovskogo universitata. (Siberia. Eastern--Rivers) (Soviet Centeal Asia--Rivers) A UT I 10 R I Z'o r i n . L. V :-riv /I o- C) 11 - TITTLE: Structural Peculiarities of the Lower Parts of the Angs and Bugulldeyka Rivers (Western Baykn:l. Area.) and Their River-Bod Activity (0sobennosti stroyeniya dolin nizoviy rek Angi i Bugulldeyki (Zxtp. 1'ribaykallye) i ikh i-uslovoy deyatel'na3ti) PERIODICAL: Izve3tiya Akademii nauk SSSR - Seriya- geoeraficheskaya, 1958 Nr 5, pp I~Q-64 (USSR) ABSTRACT: Information is given on the relief formation of the Bugul'- deyka and the Ange rivers, flowinj:* into Lake Pny-