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:i/ H.11/6 1/0()o/oo I/ oo:2/ool)
I., 1.,) 4 / ~, -3 r ri
Tubular Surf aces with Long r t ij~"v,~ I Ri b b 1_n(t for Regune I at or s
and Water Heaters of Gas~ tut t, tn~, Sei s
are arranged to flow countvi- Io one anoLher so as to make the
best use of the temperature differeziLe between them. The
longitudinal ribbing increases the vigiditv ol the tubes and
makes them stronger, so that with relatively smatl i.ncrease
in resistance a heat-exchanger --an be constructed for higher
gas speeds, The ribbing is not partic:ularly !3ubject to
contamination and is convenient for
Accordingly, the Khar;kov TUrbiiie Work,-4 was vecommended to
use such tubes for theirmgenerator for Xas turbine type
jo-80U~ By agreement with the works, the In6titute of'
Aiermal Power of the AS Ukrainian SSR ma&t invest igat ions of
1he heat transfer and resistance of lt)Tk,%I.A 'Utdilvil Iy -r ibbed
ttibes of' 16 itun diameter, with ri.h!; I"' mni highi :ovvenlent
:or use in the regeneratcr The i)bject of' the investigation
was to obtain more accurate dosi-vit Uormulae on heat transfer
and hydraulic resistancp of' ribb i tjibi~s wilh -,-ar:tc-us numbars.~:
round the tube perimeter.
Tubular Surfaces with Longitudinal Ribbing for Regenerators
and Water Heaters of Gas-turbine Sets
Simultaneously, the Institut elektrosva.-ki imeni Ye,O.Patona
AN UkrSSR (Electric Welding Institute imeni. Ye.0, I)aton of
the AS Ukrainian SSR) developed automatic equipment for
manufacturing longitudinally-ribbed tubes by ;sreld;ng the ribs
to the plain tubes. Aluminium tubes may be made by pressing
or drawing from molten metal.
Heat-transfer investigations for a single ribbed tube were
made in an open-circuit wind tunnel of cylindrical shape,
a sketch of which is given in Fig, 2,
In the test rig the tube consisted of measuring, stabilising,
experimental and tail-end sections. Comprest5ed air was '
obtained from a compressor and tould be passed at rates from
5 to 30 m/sec. The seamless tubes and ribs were made of
steel, grade 20, The tubes were electrically heated and the
power input measured. The instrumentation and experimental
procedures are described., The accuracy of' the experimenti4
depends very much on the correct measurement of the mean
Card 3/7
Tubular Surfaces with Longitudinal Ribbing ft)r Regenerators
and Water Heaters of Gas-turbine Sets
temperature of the tube surface and so partitialar atteintion must
be paid to this point, An assessment of the accuracy of
determination of the heat.-t.ransfer coefficient ine-ludmg heat
lost by radiation showed that the maximum relative error is
8 .. 10%.
Heat-transfer coefficients were determined and for comparison
and generalisation the results were expressed as relationship.41
between the Nusselt and Reynolds criteri.a, the resistance
being also plotted as a function of the Reynolds number, The
tube dimensions are tabulated,, The tests ware made with
air-flow rates of 7 , 26 ni/sec. which ccorresj)ondli to Reynolds
number range of 3 000 to 20 000 with a difference
of 30 - 75 0C and with the 9ppcific thermal loadl_nz in the
range 11 000 to 36 000 kcal./an hour.,
Experimental heat -transfer re,sults are plotted it, Flgs~ 3
and 4 and it will be seen Lhat the Points tend to lie highor
Card 4/7
i .. I I"... I 1 1. -1 1 ~ - .1
Tubular Surfaces with Longitudinal Ribbing fo.r Ragenerator.s
and Water Heaters of Gas-turbine Sets
as the ratio of length to equivalent diameter 1.3 decreased,
For all tubes investigated the heat-transfer rasults are
satisfactorily described by expression (1).
Resistance tests were made under isothernial conditions, The
test results plotted in Fig. 5 show that within the limits of
experimental error the msistance follows the usual relation-
ship for smooth tubes given by expression (3), Comparison
between ribbed and smooth tubes shows that. tho r[bbad tubcs
have considerable advantages in weight, volumn and heat-
transfer characteristics., This is partizu.1avly noticeable
when the thermal resistance of the heat-tranitfer medium
flowing within the tube is small compared with the resistance
to gas flowing over the outside of the ribbed surface,
O~omparative data were obtained by building up bundles of tubes,
some smooth with longitudinal gas flow., others smooth with
c;ross-flow of gas, and longitudinally-ribbed tubes with gas
flowing along the ribbing, In each :;ase the bundles were made
Card 5/7
Tubular Surfaces with Longitudinal Ribbing for Regenerators
and Water Heaters of Gas-turbine SetH
equal in volume and in active section for pasisage oC gika~
The comparison is made in Fig. 6 and c;onsidering iis uuity
g. 'i a
the heat-transfer coefficient of smooth tijbes with lon itudn I
flow, smooth tubes with a cross-flow havo a :.nefficient of .1.2
and the longittidinally-ribbed tubes have a coeffi4ienl of 2.2,
In gas-turbine regenerators the longitudinally-ribbed tubes
will not give all of this improvement but the redu:.tion is leiti
when the heat-transfer coefficient from the air side is highs
Thus, even with the present ~_imple fc.-rin of ribbing an the gas
side it is necessary to intensify the heat -tt'ansftr pro-ess on
the air side, A simple way LS to raist, the air cij).qed by
reducing the active sertion of the tube ivith Ii.ght i ns or t 5
Internal ribbing could be used but would he rather difticuLt
to make, Thus, the use of tubps with kongitudinal ribbinA has
improved the pro,:.ess of heat exzhangc, I'lip use of these tubts
for gas-turbine regenerators witli high cnwpr,~,sqion ratios and,
for gas water heaters makes 3-1. pos!-ihle Lo preserve thf~
Card 6/7
r. 1911/E3'-
Tubular Surfaces with Longitudinal Ribbing for Regenerators
and Water Heaters of Gas-turbine Sets
advantages of the tubular construction. At. the iame time,
the amount of metal used in manufacturing heat-exchangers,
their size and the consumption of' seamless tubes are all
reduced, Acknowledgment is made to senior tpchni~;xan
V.I, Kosov for his assistance in the experunental work,
There are 6 figures, 2 tables and 2 Sovxet references,
Card 7/7
ZOZULYA, N.V.[Zozulia, M.Y.); rJIAVIN, A.A.[Khavin., 0.0,11 KA01111., B.L.
Heat transfer and 17draulic: resistance of pipes jr1th spirally
winding fins. Zbir. prats' Inst. topl. Ali IMR no.22331,40
161. (KIRA 1.6t 6)
KREWEEV, O.A. (Kremnlov, O.C.); ZOZIJLYA. N.V..__[ZoZulia, M.V.1
Int,ansification of heat losses in longitudinal flow past trans-
versely perforated plates. Dop. AN URSR no.41484-1,,36 162.
(MIRA 15:5)
1. Institut teploenergetiki AN USSR. Predstavlano akademikom
All USSR I.T.Shvetsom j3hvets', I.T.).
(ilea t--Conve c tion) (Hydrodyneumics)
KREWEVp O.A., doktor tekhn.nauk; ZOZU..LYA-,_.N,.V..,....-kand.teklinnauk;
101AVIN, A.A., inzh.
Heat transfer of tubes with loop-wiref~ibbinc in case of
longitudinal flow around them. Energomashinostrocnie
8 no-5:30-31 My 162. (MMil 15: 5)
III 'I It ;till: I;; :j!1;1II.!;A1II1jlII
ZOZULYAI N.V. LrZo=lia', M-V.1; KHAVINY A.A. [Kbavln, 0.0.1; RUB, Yu-I-
Layout diagrams of heat exchangers made from longitudinally finned tubes.
Mr. pratst Inst. tepl. AN UfSR no.24:24-32 162p (mlFj, lb-.J)
(Heat exchangers)
AUTHORS: -Kremnlovt 0.0., and Zozulya,, MT,V-
TITLE: Intensification of heat transfer by naeans of vertical
perforation of Plates in a horinxiti-Lal flaw
P_1,,'[iIODICAL: Alcademiya nauk UkrRSR. Dopovidit no. 4, 1962, 484-4s6
TEXT: The thickness of the lainin-ir boundary-iayer, ai, viell a,-, the
formation of this layerf depend on the length of the heat trun.9fer
element. A shortening of these elements leadO to intensification of
heat transfer. This can be achieved by perforation of the plates
,,,ihich constitute the heat-transfer elerient4 Exporime-ats were cariled
out at the Institute of Ifeat and Pot-;er Engineering of the AS UlcrIM
with various types of perforated plateaq having, following ratios of
length a of surface element, to size b of perforation.- Vb _~ 5/1 ;
5/1.5; 7/1.5; 10/1; 10/1.5; 10/2; 15/1.5; 20/2, It was found that
the intensity of the heat transfer is conaidereably affected by a
decrease in the length a, and to a much lesser extent by the size b,
The best results were obtained with smallest a (a = 5). A comparati-
ve study was made of heat transfer in perforatod- oid in wiperfora-
Card 1/2
Intensification of heat transfer D299/D302
ted plates. It waa found that the pQrforations increase the heat
transi-er by a factor of 1.75 (with a = 5 n1m). By procesoing- the ob-
U'ained data, the heat-transfer coefficient was determined by means
of the function Nu = f(Re). This function has th,'.~ form
Nu = 0.038 100.8
for tubes with perforated plates (a = 5 mm, b = 1.5 rL11). It is no-
ted that the size b shouid equal 1 to 1.5 Mm. A Turther reduction
in size is hardly possible from technological coit.s;-ide-rations. The
above type of surface can be used for heat-transfer ele-mentst if
the heat carrier does not form precipitates on the sixrface of the
heat-exchanger. There are 4 figures and 3 Soviet-bloc, vefereneac.
ASSOCIATION: Instytut teploenerhetyky AN URSR (Institute of Heat
and Power Engineering of the As UkrRSR)
PRESE11TED: by Academician I.T. Shvets', As UkrRSR
SUBMITTED: July 27, 1961
,Card 2/2
k;ind.tokhn.nauk; Wld~'f 3, V.A., im~-,-
Heat transfar and hydraulic rumiotmca In a buril: ol,* tulms IwIth
b. 6
lontritudinal ribbing W. vys. u('114
119 A(:,, 163.
1. Institut teploonurgo'lliki A" UkrSSR i Kliaxlkovskiy birbinn,
%,^",rod Kirova.
"I Tli- T-1111"ll 11 ilk
Z024,11 LYA )J[.V [Zozulil, I.f.V.]; DAHTAFY, S.A. Z'.,".,!
Analytical ip.,(~thod for detorminin(!, tho .511"tJ111 th'l~-Akrios:~ or a .Ilcj%,~d
layer durirg boiling in a downward flowbij-, fi'm. 1) r). .;A" C).I:
.1 oz '- n ,
342-344 '65. MINI, i8:3)
1. institut tpkhnicheskoy tel).Ic)fi,,,,Iki AN
L 4005--66 E',,,-r (d )/EE1,'1T( I )/EP= (c)1F*-';TF qn)--._/_-1U,,m, 1;/0'G0/015/0125/01 26
j' tj 14 t; 0
g ur
I Z r- -3 n -n 1,f
A,,,- 11,13 AlItnCr ',,3rt pro -ort-ri a tdlb-l lar
i i a. r,. e r s i, r p1_- P- L r Tw!] c, f !,utii: t--, Ir 5oe Fig. 1 orl
e f~ f i c- 0 s u _r e ---reas,~ 111`i~i A' frontal J,;-~cruave its
c 0 c ff - -~ ~-j ",. 1;:,;n -w1jacoln ~.~r Flutes
Unif 1"~Us 0j, %lbo-a o1- ploltoa
a~-- pjat,.L~a an:j -tr,~s ua f I., I ccI'larm iteSuoers,
r I g n as i I
et jj