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Vest. vozd. flota, 7, 73-77, JI 1955 AID P - 2250
I Card 2/2 Pub. 1-1.5 - 14/19
Institution: None
Submitted : No date
. -1
- '' ,,,I ~ ][I, ,,
. I ,
caaareass 21-UGAL" 0. the Nothada at I~Wtls.%&Ad Sba
P.Mauan in solutia.6
JaUchaelyS v ~tr*raltk)
076&hikA -#bObAFkJk 86-04-04Y- lhl&&Y- I
khIsLahms"Ya takh"lasiyA. 1958, ar ). sp 173 - 174 (v3u)
ADEMACT& Pv lebroary 13 to 21. 1958 a *onforsaot timOUN&IOD lbank
0"" as Who 10" of Iven"Ol is &.&it .1th $1t. "I'3-ts
awasion" is sb& %&%I*. It .6. ..IL.4 0. . d..&.Lav. of uh.
vu" All-vates, comf*routo Go the cbmftiatr7 of CMD1.1
remaslea~ xora lb" 2" P.r.caa the comforomma.
so&" sbas 103 delegate& from I.... of the v3sx.
A% the *~fwrsaa- &*that* of d*I-rxIaIm Lhe ao~wpo-ltios of
She samplax.e in salw1ana .*,* dLe-sawd. as wall a. %he
methe" of salelanAl the G."t"ta mard"4
to eSporianstal talb WA p~Ulwms so"*rALMS the Influence
_4f the **Lv"t p" tk. 1"Gewass of ."Flox zormsu~
0 . - . . . u in %be leawOre ky A. IL Sabha am
n. X. ?-Vigo. 'Thasiaal sad ch." the
3 icaicra complexes L. t" ulssi-A'. tbs "wato
ua me v
of a OwNtemalls IA-asilso.tion 14
an 0614 " La MW*to" Ily fta~ of
Um 4#11464 **%hot wers 4..1t ilk. 1. t1he Lva%"~ Ity 1.. 4.
Idea, of a fu"h.r LOrsatlgaxl." or %be CKWP
_rLa lax
ces4batim Iwases". la ..lutione ." C.-I-red. se*Ld.* the
of Ib* 7ampo"glaa ad Labililty Of Sao a-plea*4
&Isw me pbo.&Ial A" chmal.Ol kh. amoal"I "ture
QW4 ang 9X& otr"Swra of she a"pl" ~peamd. Omet be LAL".t4-
Alk mid X. A. ya%atnizaki, I&
. Pulzmerizatize at I.-P.LY A.". ,
. solatia".
931"fid experts.4tal ro.katm of she 1_=vAtIg*jl= or sh.
in 6416tic.4 Of &OIY%dld sa'-d. The n,th".
P"Mod tut 0*"OIA!4 the ..JbU. 6024 wituss 0
TGOSS Of ft* 29 Ts4u" and tt. aal"g a&
&"hax of Shot Om he 031~-Oaad U7 A. ~Ilaj termala
3b04(xN-4)*-'- Z4 %he I.Gt~ b7 1. T. Akaal'~w *at T-J.
Once. 4/76 sollaka-sx-Ax immestsgallon "6"t2 44 b"A* malts takLm late.
ACCOURS "a ~Plax formation 1. solutions b, no... or ch.
Pateationstri= na%bod ea'. O'fttila" ro, mr.teas *Lth Olne.
""1- -4 -~ .0 th. of their res"t. tu.
"P147" "A -44,04 -! CUS t#410 ikfforemae. ft.
of ift. vo=_=X=:4 - o~_=
=6 1-t-riolAst" formuls X3 Z-~ SL
~'_' A *ojoro .. -,a *-G-4-1-of
the sozots... zz cambi"Stod Wlth th 3 AIL61111. of be
f th
e ttaa C.
6109 C-UP.'" C.22*r C-9- -4.
tax% zz. *.].at-* .% the wait= t*- lt--=
fto" be"- i- =a r-khorm.". the
i"V Of %be a4l-tl-d fro. %be $..pots$ of 1b. ge_eetj~
at bjdrw-"-L_ *-vlax4s L. the sol.ts" ." oxyl
I- zaetalw~ vi~*O&4 the died ... I.. wlift =. .4-S
go ;" ea.-Awl of tillatas &ns .."Vto *~ftod
0, In "a I&vs.Tlj4SLoss or the pqLymor%a&tjox -a orjaag.
..Istr7 LA It^ abemlojr7 of aaall.coa. &. j,
c"d 1/16 October& thisaw tt's the a- .;,;ro"A f 9" tra~jjaj.
0- Mmo 21s"..1on on she X.Shodo of SOT/153-5&-3-50/30
lallostgatiad "A C"Plax Foreatioa Is 341.&L"m
Lwassigation, as de'*10P.4 by the Saundlea-l" sahaal 1. of
b"A sa-. Be &183 pol.144 to the of at'Aying
"A ILLsouge at the palruerisatLan 1"0*4* "4 a quuntA1411ve
deseratuatloa or the stroses1o of the paltaors. A, 9. Zabko
PaLftled out Sbat to. .%.Air of the V.ljAwr *%raaturw, was
s"oseary. J. P. tower' sentia"4 in his lecture the% the
ratuar widely Lan type assardtag to %be
WIMS -analeas + ah"s embers- to not ."s4s.4 In all cases.
fts tolloulas asionUs%o %Oak part Is to. &L#o.%.Laav V. 1.
V. A. V. Ablow. 1. S. &.4tatia. 1. T. 0, "
Z. 9. Tututr4rstly. A. 9. Seats than tist"e.d in his Imturo
voift*40 of V*t.mialg the DIS.Saiation Coast"% of the
Cowill" Groups in Solutloss. the sain pric*tpl*& of d.%.mj.Lg
no Lz4t&b4litr dazatesto. 1. F-L"", dA.000a.d LA his
Iml- -Calwal.tion, Usbade of %be I"t"111%jr Coast"%. of
Us C40plex Cospoundo A44-4LP4 to 1xV#r1-w-vsl ]).to, the
Possibilities of maing %be known caloulbAl-D Solhads of %to
Lues4billty 4"Otents for Orion. so.. of Th. Onpl-,
%1" 1A sciatica. It -,area O"pl.xo* ar. fors.1
out 4" the &&4pl.fomat asibea. ky a4" &04 1.41.4der (O-FIsted bw
A- Jr~ Sakka) exacist be reaca".dod -or she -10-1.tiox at
%be 1"IbiLiSy Th. lecturer Us-SsOd the ALS-
Osamu" Method* of %be polya.xl.le proposed bT 3'yor~'
Won, Somali. Skolah". JAe4j'.wy and *%her "the". Tbo
mosteass caloaLA144 Is tbA. way arv, Act very "Gurste- It
use prs-64 Shat %b- *01h.4 of *nOce-siv- ;Pr4siA-%iQM6 -ax
I*.& ta Wrong eaealusi#4. as so Sho prvvovs.s %"Lad
flown is %be Iowa- inva.ligs%". Th. axa% pz-balol* &I-
Of "a NW.Lcal. acc*$woto coa " 069".64 bjr the method at
the I**" squ&".. S. T. plilays, To. X. Tak.tur sad 1. 1.
WL"Cr,atara 4.acrtbed. the sathdo of the
instability Ownatents .2 %be -'44. Mplex6a of aigbi",
WSALM a" troa. which are based as tZO javesz.16tion or %be
equillbrias tisplaamwas of the .-Pl*s I.rustio. by oil,"
lose. S. X. val'ahAko... 1. T. Tmeany.. a" 4. 3. Umbe,.ka
held a loalre-C-a-,"Tu. Ul* Or %be TZZ4 y"tar 1. S1o-._TU_..OSL4rs,
S14ft of tza Cosplax romatioO. In %be diocaoslas as ta*
1"%Wva A. A. Grzabors swattoad That Aue 1. the blow
444"toteat of %h* too ~L_-&..*awt Of
Crd 1/16 d*SSZUi&ibg the instability 0DAMOSSMIR (;414l'A41wW aZa 00160,1t
a" -to" "t be ";24104. A. 1r. AbI.W Foisted
"s 4~"Sv of 46.i.tsd dir.zs awth.40 of Sze
"Saveace at Lagamediat& tam. Is a 4tAP-zwv czx;,las IVm4_
t1*36 X. 2L. Tulslaimk4 i"S the laslability
*.."XXTA .1 61001Y 4LawOS1sZ4ftC ===4r:_ =S= S. "ja'4'jwd
Z.4- _- p. A, X. :41
Sao" -tzars '_4 --.r- la the AL .... sz- oft The
A. 4. Debk* raq...t.4 Inal.o3on 1. ". -.1 ..Or.r.aa. 04 &be
kowilasry of couples aospoundo . Lodz.- ic .-J.h
:&J,V4,tj,O, wjh %k0 jawl.biltS
4186-mvi CS U1. vTz=-.:A .1 actuu! a--*. ?hl.. fitz--a 4is=_ry
to "1=z &1-64AC1.4 as b. ."ce. ~f oz. air-
tso"t 23--a4- Or the data coo L..A.
A- ?- 1~' -tZ*4--A S~St In the d.TOrW1A.t10* of 11b.
lasta,UILty 03ast~ts all ahoeical &AwlltbrLs. ah"Ld be takes
let* meaun% %b*t ""or caF.41 the 0-ples #raa.*$
in t" 44004WLY Ib* %Ydraly.16 pz ... *to. Or %W.
;q4trol Is& oad %be oate.aus. 1. the I#C%4re by
and L. P. toa.lys LP$Lltas%tcM at tk, D&vZSt"_
go" 0/16 "1*4 Method to t=a Cow,ts"'.
Cdateromos Visommolon no the uthods at
1151*64tISSIMS the C"PIsS POMMA461% 1.
of 3mo Tbarium; Complex CampoundO sewave obtalniat f~aa Ila.
SP-rumaw lave4tilstla. of she distrib.slam, of th"Iwa
mpobm:.Ia the Yet:::. - %.a"*&* - ..tsr. WA
2-ov-1, -M.Aphth4jui a - Iklavof*" - later -re fives-
rtalk 9"am tate. the InAtakility conot-10 at the tharl"
oompl".8 wish AM 2-etY-1.4-"VAtbequ4m;:Q
"to salwalated. 1. T. Tmosamwev, S. S. i"oelto amA . V.
Goashar,as, halt & l.o%ure *a %be at %A. bOlbMlr
offtww"Its, the dot-rMication of um stability at $"Pl-
:00pawads I& eatQtioun. 14 this Leotaxo at" otter eattoda
r 1 0 $1 StAf~"p Ims: tamest.. proco.eas to On "lot&.&
"re"X4.44'", .1 th. 43,lical
dansl%7. as 0-11 se, of the boas of UIXIA4) 1. U. 3 ... It.
WA is loctura .. the of the
In At"riag the phtamlacy"Lam compLa",w of H.Vals. no
wood the iatormlood toantitative, obaraotorlsslas of tbe,
of $be Srs."ti.. of tkw of cob.1%.
alobst, topper and at". as Wall " of the free TA0410.
card W16, OWS&L" into the SlafuXI's "It oalstaa. rer the tLe."Utai
"eacalAd. out a - - - xv.rIx..t.1 treat at the oxistanna, at
jf-boats IS -I,* 4"Plowas in .. claalemi- nows,
&I" "rood Uss as a yroof of mes, *Lactraslc farmozoe, of
othalooramlee, and It* VOKPI" darl.aliv.s. 1. the I'maturs,
31-74,4 %7 1. L. lt~vwtxla ass -rbo S*tb" at the -so 3ojwaat*
AWN a SSAIGA of Inv..-M-arthe the Jrarmazzom ant ?"Forties of
orgmuo c4sol"to it was, pro,44 tk.% this metbat &"** is
goe'" blo to des.ral" $On &.&bar at .-MIsszom fam.4 in Zak.
dwat4m. their Sompoaltion and miall- Stalsillsy. T. 1.
X-Aimalsov. A- 1. babko, 2. P. xass-'. X_ 2. 3I..Zafla aza
Y" 1. Tar,yami look wl is Shia "Sov,0*194- in %NS 1.4tar.
delivoced Wj A. a. GrL.harg &.4 2. r. Xtowlens, an the **I"
P4110412A a ooord!Z ~tiaa ~btr ak*vw
9~ IS ome, pror*4 that I& the Came, or . 1-4. blar.L- oad
bleestiss I" Complexes sith $,he .0ovdian%I.. bugs,
are, famed- The Instability conotasat& of Is,." ."Plazz.
me" GRUS4,104- L I_Aj_~-wldh Isawltanod a asw ma"s-lation
u the, mpoolgovOotoad trio Am"Sucatics, of tuo =mP.,em, 0=.
P06"s that W&A 10 u"A In xWeVesse alth tun rarstsua. for
PCO40SZO&AIVIS) Or *on *1.910 .-Plast- ?Ula "lhad ask., It
*art 10/16 Possible to tournin. the nowspamitio. A" Lzatsbutty cona%ant
of a. In the 1"%u" douvoz," 7AY I- I. Tft%2iw-iiy
and 1. 3). larabl-a tb- apsliz.3.4" at ~" Swxx7 of erfo%al-
tigto fl.lla -to.- L. d.tsrui-tleis of tb. O*VO"Zlo- OnS
of UA alarlte or O.balv. ulzx.4 not
4*"-* *qoord4ag so $be absorptiou opeatris of tboss
ene IS w** przv&4 that ia a krarookslorto an=
ak"* 5 -Wit-sn-j, the-- -Let*
Z-4,rwa= ZU. -Omft-Cr-z forn
ir iie, aoieat cxL,-. ra~ i,. x4sscemaxO p.--d In
tie 1"mro -The or 2e4i_Tl-v.-lmwSOp-a to Sze
larommicalica at %be Sal'ation jkulubrtm I-- S-I..4tris Of
C0014" COSPO."O %!bS p4ootti*.ty of ,-, 4-.% = tL.
I"ACTO 49-he"3 t~ .1grzf7 I;- struat_ of the cant-'es, **:I
awc-4-ion of zit* 4r4z*tlpn vraoo,_~. T. Klll~ -11-4
I; his I-*%-- %:.. ~" or r.4l.anti-O Soctop-a In %h- st~U
tin AM axmia,sv G.Api ... a --a -nu.M6 "Inuoun. &. 1.
T. X. ToLmac-u-, Ir. 1. jf-tmas~ " a- M. 461.6 so"
pan In *be at It* ll.=-.~- Tb. Soof.1"80 of
ampl4yista %b* th6ory of "a arrotallIsm, flat" In eXS~ISIOLAS
Cart lyid the va-LIs h%610.4 fe- th. szmOxvtIm, spectra of tba 4v0-
C"EmSo". 3asoossiou 04 the Roth-d- of 30 vp 53-58-~- 30/30
,U,*S1lC&%LAC the CMVIWX 70=49104 IA SOIUIIQAS
plex o"paquas vu# 4%r .... 4. :4 the 1-wre bT
I., A. SAk on 'Th* 1--ustAl-SLOA Of %ft' Cany"s
%y %W-Z-Othod of %be D1.14.1rio P&M-bilitJ ~4 the P01"t4s-
%Lee- 111be prLnuiplee of the aethads "z%zcAo4 w4re rr*ssA,9s4.
We **$boa 0.4 employed for La'ostlisslad %b& **&;;an". of
Ike S"o of the -Affills3t.4- produsto, T" loatur. dolt..r"
sky 1. A. Shok An& I TU grits -z4pjylAc the Method at the
3401"t". toomtaztei.r jx,a& Complex Compau". of
no T"o of Crystal Solvates in Solutions. dealt vith to*
Xwvv*%Lg^%i" of the oal-tes Of l^.tA^avmi And curl" cAllart4as
With " well .. .11b the stuly of it'. anopounds
forma in beterogemomss *yet"& with trI44tyl pboapbato and
24trio "I4. V. T. T.r._po,. CA,o 1. her 1-turO 'Th* Pol&"-
ST601a Method of She COKPI-A ForSati-s in
Solusl4as- . anavoy of the P;llc.tiQz. of tzo
owsbad IA the study of the *"plot .-Po"do. AA4 illm.%r.ted
several rize fs.%-oa of lot. MtLod. 1. the
Oka.& -rt. Cry .... Fla Nota*4
letter* doll'oreil b7 f. X.
of 1AWSAtla.21nd %he Campl" U.ttlanal a *~.y at
.-Cact Us ""illilltine of She aryo-opla "that ..s Silon, &rA Lt.
4SP1144bilLty In the AAU4 of sover4t aan;lax aaarounds at
6I&NUS ObIST146 -1th orgazlo osbstava.s ." ;~asd. A. X.
$&lab dentriust the Seoul" of his of this-
47-* of #mv.rl "Wa. A 1,14 41**"xl" took
F24AW AS %be 200SUX-S b*14. Ia. A. 71.1ka- sea ft. Ts-
rl"be,, ssms,14#r" the "796"Pio xmttaa of is-stlasAlAf
*OMPISS 044pam"m to be of 006414.r.blo .t1-. S. D.
Tmalm,lankly sub the% %Ike pollc.tI4. of Ilk* sux~wey.
*a LAUVIA"I otkods of is-otlaottag the ..Plot Cornett"
"-$"o wola be d*slrda we "Acor" %be
pol"W.Phic 30%Z44. The ov7."oplo mAtkod ob.ull be Umught
Is a LmoeL that 0".a the "!..Lost" of tba equilibrium.
*00o'"Is of she P.,aa*-4 to be The
problem of %be gethad *f rrajutim the sp-t"Aw r*sulva
*10MRS MAX4, end mare Lap4rt=t. Nany sal"91.9. a" $be
U00--usu sn"A"ta WISAO.S t&kld into - - - S %be say
Ia eatea Lk-Y had been obsuxuoc Th. K4%%440
employed by L. JL ~vlvb art - .%*p beax. As #=We& to
0#00 unple"d as prex.A%. 1. his 1-turo Y'JaWA&,
_joL&A.4 049 the ..%rawS4 grout lap4r%-** SA.
4-al.&U-00 .1 %be "S.11, obtel-ed. As -11 #r t" vj.&t,Ac
At serves- A. r- P&bXz 0-49-9104 "I*otixg ons or tea
s&V =9481mossalLy -11 LZ-04tig.1", &" %a
"*Alts 0s"Oed to diff."', ns,:~,. so. %I-.,
I' Possible so sneak And U.S. T- Z. T-',-
=1-, IA %IL- diSCU-14A. 74, A- F-jz= -C-Oss" in
04seJ4, -Tb Zffv--- ~f =- t.-. :-?I*x ft-ra.,jo,
1'rzz+" -1411 " " -.44 at.%. of tla~jtbrj- %a 1h. 3.J.""As
$t caufl-m :Aap#-4o- Jz. laflue". stories by tt;4
upmat 94'. "104.1ar tst.. .,a, tb. val-alig. or I!zn
n0epe"Als. you the Of tv.
I& "* ;," kup xt..~-74 of be O~,
end A! '" A Z%at- f *;b- pro-o".. Ite a.-% 4.4
the -PO= the "-;1-x f*r*.ILQ. pro.**&
4l'-x-ea- SS 10- IZ141 a 41~t rvZ&&a.a date
no$ exist- ead th&t t" W:MaL." -%-. of too _1,.A% _*t
be sames less sannual. 1, 1. Abl-- =9 V. S.9-01. bola
-?h. I-
*A -..%Sao% On .1 XlOx.j c,belt
,yrrial"Ves. I4 F~iauo 3.1-aw LAAt.bSll%y San.sento
CA&A 14116
of %be couples., "r, A" it -.8 P"..d ItAt tA4
9tht Tzal
TV% gav-sle aq. TTS gas m." 970O.Assa a"
",~j svzftoo ##-9-10 t41 j0 -Tivill I
.11. J. 0.1. -RI us "-- "t so SO ItV. " 16"Otgume
OR% so R4 $4 rp"%ee, fill. so veto
1vTP Ais, *,VA *Vv"*JwoV 0 Isms Surn
u-.!de.,vT: .1 :TV ...gcra;cvXqmw
vsv~ ;v: q., , 1%0*w TOVIS a" ty
13M IA3mex ,T -T
."TV@ Derv T41 I t"d was SINTSVOT" PWWTTVS
oqx -"Z,X~4 11 -x CR -^10.1 ORI lm USSOMMS pm7sv.=
-1110; 2.11100 or% 10 f&oTjV1T%1.,vT a%% so VOWS284wr *
-ni sse mulad mm *x *v v- ox"I .2 .1 --'
-OTSUATOR #VS so TV.V-*X Pau .6011000 @JOS 10 JO
JT.41 WT AftX#W .. ------
'AOR---T-4 -1 'A
logg%* 0.0-be us _%-we%vF" at% sm wattel"*wTv
&q1 'To sin Up T-Ti-mve Tviveirtzeit" Pm
po..Jd V. -T 69"TdO04 aft1w OR$ J0 JIT"400f
P" "XIS .""T"Otev R% ml "Insw OT0*42
.1 *47 q% ;a W
_oJvT.A ." so LjIjq.*j7dd0 .,Rj -*Tsvwoj raltvas airt u3
.S9j::)s& VOtXVAjtP *tj% $0 VOTPJVOWt SATSOSTT"b Oln 16 ATS
00 qj *% "A ojv.&tjv v-Tvv a" .8%vtOlet low=
us ve.V-,-1vaD "tT so wn va "S 179V& -ig -A
ul 'po-cid ww& Neveld"* posvitse*AWT a"
go 04% so %vv%"6* OTAI"JOTT "a
.,Jz -0.2016-0 wqj J. v%v",wvm* A1&jjjqv%wv.F
r--J 09- UCTSOU"S "111000 -R$ :0 9000 A 'r
It .401*211 *TOO; %"%*W" I TO Pat $VO&J*m
:ft.*,bw-vvv OR$ JD %sMIV** 1vwO;J1V %* "GISM" 19 04 0
at W.-T 10 .62014me I.MVIVOT114 Par O"r" *ws
."4106 j%Jdvj1.~TO4 a%% veeneetv .0val
told*.* so AsTiTimis rm Mllvbd~!D~Wvda svw" Olt* im
*:Q"TM an&. ~%.Oz OTiRlu, - I -VA, ;%*OAT" a"
.0wer"d.v VI WWII 0 =.-a. Vg a ATIT%*"
"ofintoc UT "Tavejoi retieva Sq4 B"Ivrisevan
0(/0C-4-1K-(S&/AtX so vole""Te 9"S.M"03
.~'%JTFOHS P e- s hk ov.~~ ,7 . S! Z,) 7 u 1y A .1P 0 7/ 15& 5 5 52
The Investigation of' the Complex Formation in the System
TO +-Acetyl acetone 0-7 11 by Means of the Di,3tribution
1.1ethoi (Issledovaniye rri!- fri,
v aisteme
. motolom vaspredolenlya)
Nnuchnyye doklady v.yjshe,- ahkol-, E.10.mlva J khi mJ clip. Ovaya
tekhnologiya, INr '4, pp. 470-474 'USER)
A I T R A CT The low solubility of many intcrnal conplex salt8 corz.plicat,!o
and even preventi, the rietermination of their con-itants of
formation 1),~, the ii-iti_-l !i-~i,thndo (Opttc- 'ar'l potentiomctz.ic).
It is, horever, ea!3y to det,.-rmine thpzw comzttmt!~ by 111~pl`s
of the distribution Lin ,I extraction method, as the~:e comparni,-,
mray be extracted Iny OrCanic solvents. 'The re.-ults of the radio-
chemical, opectrophotomotric Prid extrvction j,".ethodis aFree well.
The distribstion of Th4+ in the systert C
if If
at 25
� 0,1 vm-2 Invectigated; the ionic .9 rength in the
a m
,P.ueouu pha~,e amountiA to 0,1. A certain a ount of Th'"IC
solution was mix,~d with thr- calculated amomit of NaOll-
Naclo solution inl t1ilutc.-A with viater to VZOO ml. 15,0 ml
Card 1/3 2olution of acotylacetorip in benzene were a('Ided to this. The
5 8 - 35
n Th'+~~- * cet-riace tone-
TnC anve!:Tigation of the Complex Formation in -Ahe 3yatar A
2 O-C6116by Means of the Distribulion '(;'ethod
nomple vian stored In a thermontat for wrtially ?o hourn 1,o
establish equilibrium. The phtsus nore calaratod by cetitrifuvrin~.-
The authors deternAnP4 in beth pha-,~es by means of rnoria;
the pH of the aqueouc. phack., determined usin,7 a plans elec-
trode. The concentration of tha free ncvt,,,.,.1uaetone (it) in the
aqueous phaoe was culoiflated according to the eqmation of Rlrcl-
berp, + f 3). The derendr-nce of the ratio of the (Vstril:ution
of Thl~lieon the concentration of the froo acetyla'-~O'tone Ions
is shown graphically In diagram 1. The numerLcal reoulta are
given in 4 tables, The coefficients of the divIxibution of
ThA and the constants of the formation of the various thorium-
acelylacetonate complexes rLre. given In table 9. There are 3
fipures, 5 tables, and-29 references, 2 of ahich are Soviet.
Card 2/3
SOV/~w58-3.~-l 6/52
The Investigation of the Complex Formation in the System T101--Acutyl6cet one-
H2O-C6H 6 by 1.1eans of the Distribution Method
ASSOCIATION-, Kafe&M naliticheakoy khimii 1110skovskor,,o
gosudarstvennoro univei,siteta im. M, V, Lomononova
(Chair of AnalytLcal Chopilatry of 1.11cecow 'State Vniver*ity
imeni MI. V. Lomono~-,ov)
SUBMITTED: Ncvember lo, 1957
Card 3/3
ZOZTjLYAp A. P.: Ruster Chem Sal (diss) -- "A utudy of tho of complex
compounds of thoriuni, using the distrItrution met'hod". Mosoc7W, 1959. 13 P.P
(Moscow State U im M. V. Lomonosov, Chem Faculty, Chair of Analytical Chem) ~
120 copies (KL, Vo 14, 1959) 118
,!;;I! IIIII d-1:1111f ;
5W, 5(2) S07/78-4-242/40
AUTHORS: Zozu1ya Poshko-va, V, M.
TITLE: Investigation of Complex Formation ir. the System
2-Oxy-1,4-Naphthoquinone-Th44-.,CHCI 3-El20 'qy the Distribution.
Method (Issledovaniye kompleksoobr,%zovani.ya v sisteme , 4-naf tokhinori-Th 4t.0H01 3-11 0 mebodoM :ra8p,Vod~'14iriyAA)
PERIODICAL: Zhurnal neorganicheskoy khimii, 19~9, Vol ij, Nr 2,
PP 379-392 (USSR)
ABSTRACT: In the syetem 2-oxy-1,4--naphthoquineine-.Th't~ -hCHCl 3-K20 the
complex-forming processes were investigated by the distribution
li-"id-liquid at 250C. For determining the distribution
- H
coefficient of Th4+ in the systems CHC1.
0 and C6H6-H2 0
the radioactive indicator Th 234 was used. The dissooiation
constant of 2--oxy-1,4-nephthoquinona and the distribution
of this compound in the systems mentioned were
determined 'at 250-+0-10 and the ionic strength of 4- Oal.
Card 1/3 The following values were found:
Investigation of Complex Formation in the System 2-OXY-1,4-Naphtho-
quinone-Th4+_CHCI 3-H20 by the Distribution Method
pK diss - 2-38 + 0.1; K distr. CHCl 3-H20 = 183.3 � 4.6;
K distr. C6H6_H20 . 102.8 + 1-5.
The absorption spectra of the aqueous solutions of 2-oxy-
1,4-naphthoquinone were recorded at various pH values and it
was found that at pH5 completely dissociated. The complex formation of "horium
with 2-oxy-1,4-naphthoquinone in an aqueous solution and in
organic solvents was investigated. The,complex formation
proceeds gradually in the aqueous phase without the formation
of polynuclear complexes, hydrolysis products, or other
polymers. The consecutive complex-forming constants of -thoriL.m
with 2-oxy-lv4-naphthoquinone ions were determined:
K - (5.6310.9).104; K - (1.65j#.0-0-10 41 K~ - (1.3CL+q.1).1O 4
1 2
Card 2/3 K 4= (1-3 L+0.1).10 3; 'z1= 5.83o104; X 9.62.106 ; 14 3 ' 1.25-10 13
A.nvestiF,ation of Complex Formation in the System 2-Oxy-1,4-HaPhtho-
q u i none -Th4 +_CHC1 3-'H 20 by the Distribution Method
64 ' 1.56.1o (25~+O.10; /- 0.1). A compare -n of the oom
plex-forming processes in the system acetyl av,,otone-Th4+.
CHC1 3-H20 to those of 2-t-oxy-,1,4-naphthoquinon4i-Th4+ .-Clial 3-H20
shows that the second complex is less stable* The distribution
constant of this complex was determined in the system
CHC1 3-H20 (at 250 and Lt.- 0.1); \t 4 ' ".16+0*7-
There are 11 figures, 9 tables, and 28 references, 4 of which
are Soviet.
ASSOCIATION: Moskovskiy gosudarstvennyy universitet im. M. V. Lomonosova
(Mosccw State University imeni M. V. Lomonosov)
SUBMITTED: January 11, 1958
Card 3/3
iu i O1V
U- too!,
SIMMS 11115 g
IP11 Will. 1111~ [11, Ill
101,-1C tcrj,~ tic 2 of
U- C
y 1y
ollw*" o1].
01) ;7% vi,~r
.-0 coul J
'j, -c
'A 7, ) . - lizo..
. , - : 110
pcdW; 0-
-o,- ion opecti-c'
f 1-0:7 m0
.,: ~ t C
O~' b0,,;11 CO, V
'ho (1i:'Zoeilitio'l Coi~!!
j c 0 - v i o n - f o, aff o
n .3 .-1-ncC c):, t.'-u Q--,
m'du'.ionr on
.1-1 -J, - ~ , , .
fj.-r. + j 1Jj b I'., -
sclenanoyl-')-acc 'd. t o
On /1U1 in ;-,o t:,;. d.'
anO 1'.Uazoyl Acetone
constantc o' bo.-3. i~o~ in different systems at 25 0.10
and 0.1
C = 2.922tO.Oc% uua
tr I'- J
diet- = 10. 010 (~;Yc tc~- - G 6
3.14520.010(System C 6 E6 - i,20)
.~he dict--ibution of both compounda are indepandeat of
th.cir conccnt-r~%tion in o~-(--,anic phalso (benzene, cluaroform
rCL:r,.). 'this ic. inlilli(;.--t--'v,~ of the fact that neither of the two
compounds is ac-ociated in the anueous nor in the organicphase.
There are j fic;urcc.. f, tablco, and lit rofor,-mces, 3 of' which
are Soviet.
..ockovskiy gosudaroLvemiyy universitet im, M. V. Lomononova
(,':o:-,cow Otate Univc-rniluy inoni 71. V. Lomonosov)
Anril 24, 1958
5(2), 50) SO/75-14-4-4/3o
AUTHORSs Peahkova, V. M., Zozulya, A. P.
TITLEs Investigation of Complex Formation in Solutions by the DIstri-
bution Method. The Syntem Selenenoyl-2-%cetone - Th(IV) - CH01
- H20
PERIODICALi Zhurnal analiticheakoy khimii, 19591 Vol 14, Xr 4t
PP 411 - 416 (USSR)
ABSTRACTs All experiments on the distribution of thorium between an or-
ganic phase (chloroform) and an aqueous phase took place at an
initial cc centration of thorium in the aqueoun phase equal
to 1.0.10-
g-ion/1 and an ionic strength of 0.1. The temper-
ature was 25 + P.10. For the determination of the composition
of the complexes which form in the aqueotis phase between selen-
enoyl-2-acetone and thorium, the diatribution curves of thorium
selenenoyl-2-acetonate w9re plotted at three different reagent
concentrations in the chloroform layer. The measuring results
are shown in table 1. In figures 1 and 2 the distribution of
Th4+ in the system CHC1 3 - H20 is graphically shown in dependence
on the pH-value and in dependence of the log~]BA~/~H 3 at various
Card 1/4 concentrations of selenenoyl-2-aceto
ne (HA - mo ecule of the
Investigation of Complex Formation in Solutions by the SOV/75-14-4-4/30
Distribution Method. The System Selenenoyl-2-acetozie - Th(IV) - CHGl 3 - H20
organic reagent). The results agroo vory well with the theot
retical expectations for complexes of the type
M In (N-n)+ (M - metal, A - addendum, H - chargo of the metal
ion). In order to determine whether complexes are also forzed
which contain molecules of the organic solvent, the dependence
of the distribution -.oefficient of thorium-selenenoyl-2-ace-
tonate on the pH-value in the systems OHCl 3 - H20 and
C6H6 - H20, at constant reagent concentration in the aqueous
phase. The results are sh+ in table 2 and figure 3. The
course of the curves obtaihed indicateo that the complex does
not contain molecules of the organic i3olvent. Under the above
conditions, only complexes of the form
Th An(4-n)+ are therefore formed. The authors also investigated
the dependence of the distribution coefficient q on the con-
oentration of selenenoyl-2-acetons in the aqueous phase. The
Card 2/4 results are shown in table 3. Table 4 ahows a compilation of
Investigation of Complex Formation in Solutionaby the BOY// 75-14-4-4/30
Distribution Method. The Byatem Selenenoyl-2-acetono - Th(IV) - CHOI 3 -02 0
the main characteristic feutures,of the oomplex-forming
processes in the system selenenoyl-2-aoetone - Th(iv) - clici 3-
- H20 at 25 t 0.10t and of the ionic strength P 0 0.1. The
results obtained were used for a deterninatLon of the peroen-
tage distribution of thorium between complexes of various
composition as a function of pk ( pA - negative logarithm
of the concentration of free reagent). The corresponding
curves are'shown in figure 6. Thorium-malenenoyl-2-acetonates
differ considerably, on the basic of their physic*-chezical
characteristics, from the complex compounds of thorium with
other reagents which contain the same reaotiTe grouping. The
former possess considerably higher stability constants and
distribution coeffioJ-nts than, for example, the corresponding
acetyla4etone complexu.. of thorium. Selanenoyl-2-acetone in,
therefore far better suited as a reag*nt for the extraction
of thorium from aqueous solutions than aaetylacetone, which
is frequently used for this process. There are 6 figures, 4
tables, and 15 references, 5 of which are $oviet.
Card 3/4
Investigation of Complex Formation in Solutiow by the BOV/75-14-4-4/30
Distribution Method.. The System Selenenoyl-2-aaetone - Th(IV) - CHOI 3 -H20
ASSOCIkTIONs Mo8 kovBkiy gosudarstyennyy universitat im. M. V. Lomonosoys.
(Moscow State University imeni 9. V. Lomonosov)
SUBMITTEDi September 10, 1958
Card 4/4
AUTHORS: Zozulya, A.. P., Peshkova, V. M, S/07 60/029/02/005/007
t ------ BOON001
TITLE- Inveotigation of Compl x Formatiod-in Solutiona by the
Distribution Method
PERIODICAI: Uspekhi khimii, 1960, Vol 29, Nr 2, pp 234-268 (U,,;SR
ABSTRACT: The possibility of using the distribution method for the
investigation of complex compounds in solutions is considered
in this paper. The foundations for the distribution mothod
(or extraction) were laid down by Nernst in 1891. But it was
not until 1941 that the first experiments were made to find
a quantitative relation between the distribution ratio of the
metal in the system and the parameters of the latter. As may
be seen from existing publications, informations on the composi-
tion and physicochemioal characteristics of complex compounda
in every system can be obtained by tho treatment of experimental
data with corresponding mathematical methoda. Theoretical
prinoiplos of the distribution method and -the oQrreaponding
equations are quoted in this paper. On inveatigating systems
Card 1/4 with chelate compounds~ the investigation of the oomplex-forming
Investigation of Complex Formation in 8/074/60/029/02/005/007
Solutions by the Distribution Allethod B008/BOOI
process, proceed3 in stages, and no stage mw9t be omitted. The
inve3tigation consists of the following stagess 1) Determination
of the dissociation constants of the organic reagent HA with
selected constant ionic strength and solution teaperaturel
2) Investigation of the distribution of the j.*ea,..-,(jnt between,
the aqueous phane and at least two organic solvents in a
sufficiently wide range of ILA concentratione in the solvent
layqr 3) Dntermination of tho conocritvation rang*,of metallic
ions in the aqueous phase in Ythioh the formation of multi-
nuclear complexes and hydrolysis products may be neglected;
4) Solution of the problem as to whether comylbxes can be
fornied which contain molecules of the used o'"ganio oolvental
5) Determination of the composition of complexen which are
formed in the aqueou3 phase; 6) Drawing of the distribution
curve with rational selection of the factors determined
and their mathematical treatment by one or more computation
methods (Refs 48-52, 260) otc~ In some caoes~ one experimental
result can be treated by mathematical as well as graphical
methods. Ylith regard to the latter, it is referred to references
Card 2/4 260-264. On considering variousspecial cases (complex forzation
H- 'I 1 11 11 1- ~, f
Investigation of Complex Formation in
Solutions by the Distribution Method
Card 3/4
with organic and inorganic addenda, use of polar and non-
polar solvents, otc), sometimes a corresponding modification
of the ro3pective equations may be neceBuary, the peculiari-
ties of the system to be investigated being tuken into
consideration. Mathematical methods, which are used in the
investigation of complex formation by the method of metal
distribution between two immisuible solyfints, may be con-
aidered wall devoloped at prooent. All oimplex types, which
can be formed in aqueous solutions, were theoretically
investigated. Many of these complexes were inveBtigated
experimentally, at least in solutions with lo-jr and donstant
ionic strength. It may be concluded from the theoretical
principles and the consideration of the 4Feat number of
systems investigated by the distribution method that this
method is one of the most reliable, fastost, und relatively
simplest methods for the investigation of complex formation
in solutions. A. K. Bubko, A. T. Pilipenico, I. P. Alimarin,
V. N. Polyanskiy, F. G. Zhurovskiy, V.. V. Fom:jn, Ye.P.Uayorova,
N. S. Povitskiy, A. 3. 3olovkin, 1. M., Korencvin, F.R.Sheyanova,
Investigation of Complex Formation in
Solutions by the Distribution Method
K~ V. Chmutov aro montionod, FIgure 1 mhowzi ciiri,eti
log q * f(PIO, figure 2 dietribution curvola oA' tiletal betteen
the phases. Table I shows constants of mtability and
distribution of acetyl acetonatee of some actinides, table 2
the composition of chelate compoundo of ttome actinides which
were determined by the distribution method. There are 2 figures,
2 tables, and 264 references, 47 of whioh are Soviet.
Leningradskiy gos.un-t im.. A. A. Zhdanova
(Leningrad State University imeni A, A. Zhdanoir)
Card 4/4
'. . I I.". -I ~ ., , -, , , - T - , . , ., , , I - ~ I . - I ~ I
Coulometric determination of small amunto of furan in
tetrahydrofuran. Zhur. anal. khim. 18 no.ID1300-1383 M '63.
OMIRA 17: 1)
1. Goaudaretyennyy Institut prikladnoy khimii# LanIngraxi.
Coulametric determination of small amounts of mothyl vinyl ketone.
Zav.lab. 29 no.5:543-545 163. (MIRA 1635)
1. Gosudarstvennyy institut prikladnoy khimii, Leningrad.
(Ketone) (Coulametry)
Coulomotric titration of p-quinone dioxime with 61ectrogenerated
trivalent titanium. Zhur.anal.khim. 17 no.2:148-19t Mr-Ap 162.
(MIRA 15:4)
1. State Institute of Applied Chemistry Leningi-ad.
(Benzoqulnone~ (Co'ulometry)
Physicocbomical cbaracteristica of dimethy1dloxime and
benzoylm(3thyldioxime and of their compounds with W%kel.
Trudy kom. anal. kbim. 11:69-81 161. (HIRA 13:10)
1. Mookovskiy gosudarstvevM univei-sitot Im. M.Y.Zooonosovat
(Oximes) (Nickel compounde)
Complex formation insolutions, as studied with the aid of
separe.tion, . UspAhim. 29 no.2:234-268 7 160#
(KIRA l3sO
le Leningradskiy gosudaretvenn" universitat imazd A,A.
(Complex compounds), (Axtraction(Chealabi7))
USSE/Cultivatca ilants - Gralm.
Abs Jour : ~lcf ::21u1: - Riol.) lio ir,",
Author : ZoaLlyo., B.
Inst :
Titla : Agvitccilinics of Corn D-Ultivai-linia
-ww Tw-iu~-S,,Mytl 01310.0,C1.
i 14
1,S.5C, 44c65
~n the ur
OrIg ;:-Lib : 9- k:'- Gibiri, 1957, ilo I..). 26-w
;,batract ITJ don,;lract,
Card 1/1
IZOZULYA, Aleksandr Polikarpovich; T0MARCHr,?1f,()l S.L.# redl.
[Coulometric analyBis] Kulonomatrichoskii annliz, Mt>i.
skva, Khimiia, 1965. 102 p. (MIRA 18:7)
ZOZULYA, B.I.; WROZOV, V-N-; SEHEHOV, YU.N.; Pinlivil uchastiye ANTOSHIM, V.G.
Ceramic metal filters for the automatic analysis of InLIp in
the production of alumina. Porosh. met. 3 no,4;101-3.05 Jl-Ag 163.
1. Zaporozhakoye otdoleniya Instituta motAllokarnmiki I spotsinlInykii
splavov AN Ukro"SR i Zaporo-zhokAy filial Instituta. avwmatild.
(Filters and filtration) (Hydrometallurgy-)
ZOZULYA, F. admiral
Let us shcw special concem for the training of young naviLl
officeri. Komm.VoorushoSil 3 no.24#17-U D OR.
(MM 15 212)
1. Nachallnik Glavno o morskogo shtaba,
V v
LVCHMO,G.I., admiral, otvatstveaW red.; DIMIN, L.A., dots., kand. gvogr.
nau , inzh.-kontr-adadral, glavmyy rod.; YRUWXN. 11.3., polkovulk,
zameatitell otvatstvemogo red.; ABANIKIN, F.So, admIral, red,;
AIAMOV, V.A., prof., !mnd. voenno-morskikh wak, admiral, red.;
AWIICH, V.Yb., kontr admiral zapasa, red.; ACIDMSOT. V.I., kwd.
istor. nank, kapitan I ranga, red.; BJkWOV~ AIN*. red.; 31M.
V.A.0 prof., kontr-admiral v otatafto, red.; 31PISHRUM, L.G.,
prof., doktor iator. naulk, polkovnik sapasa, rod.; MCAMN. Te.A..,
]mud. voen, nauk, general~-mayor, red.; VEMINN. D.A., kapitat 1
ranga, red.; VITVER, Z.A., prof., daktor googr. naWc, red.;
GILIPOND, G.H., dote., kand. voonno-morskilth vadc. luipitan 1 rwiga,
red., GZINXOV. Ye.G.. inzh.-kontr-admiral v otmtavke,, red.;
MISHM, vitse-a&miral, red.; ZOZULYA, F.V., admiral, red.;
ISAKOV, I.S. prof., Admiral 7lota 3~v-MM"O',407M, red.;
KAYRAYGKIT, M. [deceased], prof., doktor fiz,'-mt. nauk, inzh.-
kontr-admiral v otstafte, red.; TALISNIX, S,V.t red.; XOZLOV, I.A,,
dote. kand. voenno-morskDdi nauk, Impitan. 1 raliga, reii.; XWROV,
A.V., vitae-adndral. red.; KMYAVTSN, M-1C., i;eneral'leytenant
tekhnicheskikh voyek, red.; LYUSHKOVSKIY, M,V.0 dota., kand. istor,
nauk, polkornik, red.; MAKSIMOT, S.N., date., IaLind. voenno-marokikh
nauk, kapitan 1 ranga, red.; 0=19 SIB,, prof., dol-tor Istor. *auk,
red.; CRLOV, B.P., prof., doktor geogr. nauk, red.; PiVZOVICH, 1.2s,
prof., kontr-admiral v otatavke, red.; PAMAIMM. Yu.A., admira-1,
red.; PITIPSKIY, N.A., Imnd. roanno-morskikh nark, kwntr-admiral,
red.; PIATONOV, SIX., general-loytonant, red,; POUTME, T.G., dote*
general leytenant, red.; SALISHOW. r.A4, prof., daktor tekhn. nauk,
(Continued on next card)
IJVGHNNO, G.I.- (continued) Card 2.
red.; SOMY, A.L., prof., doktor intor. nanko, "do; =011=W,
L.A., kontr-admiral, red,; ONMIMIT, prof., doktor
voonno-morskikh nauk, inxh.-Impitan:1 ranga, rod.; 801JOV1131V, I.I.,
, kand. voonno-morsldkh
dots#$ nm*, kapitan 1 ranga, red.; STALBO,
K.A., k6utr-admiral, red.; STWAXOT, GA, (doemneed], dots., vitse-
admiral, red.; TOMSHVICK, A.Y., prof., daktoT voGnuo-morskikh
nauk. Imutr-aamiral * otetayke, rod.; TWDVS, T.Y., kznd. voonno-
morskikh nauk, admiral. red.; GMWEIMOV, ?.I., kontr-admiral, "id.;
SHTM, TeJe., prof. doktor voonno-morskikh nauk, Itautr-wirdral,
red.; C=AKOT, A.I.,,tekhn. red.; TASILIMA, Z.P., toldin. rea.;
VIZIROVA, G.N.~ tektm.-red.; GCRWOV, V.I., teWa. red.; GRINIKO,
A.M., tektin. r;d.; KOLIKOVA. N.M., tokhn. red., M&LINK0. V.I,,
tekhn. red.; SVIDBHMY&, G*VO, tokhn. rod.; OFnNMWTA, L.P.,
tekhn. red.; GUR11VICH. I.V*g tekhn, red.; WKWOVAO H-lo, tekha,
red.; EXCILAY31VA, 1,,N*,'tekbn. red.; RADOVIL111KAYA, Z.O., toilm.
red.; TIUOMIROVA, A.$.. tekhn. red.; BUOMYN. P.D., ts~Ahn. red.;
LOTXO, T.I., tekhu. red.; ROKAHM. I.G., toklm. red.; UMSMICa,
)[.To., tekhn. red*
[Sea atlas] Horskoi atlas. 0tv. red. G.I. lavchonko. Glav. rad.
L.A. Demin. (Moskva] Izd. Glav. ahtaba Toomm-mor'skofo flota.
VC1.3. [Military and historical. Pt.l. PaCes 1-451 Taenno-ietori-
chookil. Zamestitell otv. red. po III toma M.S. 1finmirin. Ft.l.
Listy 1-45. 1958. _ ClUlitary and histo-r1cal namm a 46-521
(Contirmad on next eak!7
LITCR.i.M, G.I.---(aontimwd) Card 3.
Vaenno-ietorichookis karty, Ust7 46-52. 1957. (MIRA 11110)
1. Rassia,(1923- U.S.S.R.) Ydnisteretvo obororq. 2. Nachallnik
Glaynogo upravleniya. odazii i kFLrtogr&fii WiListerijtva vreAromikh
dal SSSR (for Bamnovr, 3. Chlon-korrespondent Almdamil nauk SSM
(for Kaleanik). 4. Daystvitellnyy chlon Aka&amii petbigogichaskM
nauk RSPSR (for Orlov). I
7Z o Z Lle-
ISAKOV. I.S., prof., admiral flota v otntavko, otv.rorl. SHU1, ='Ili, V.V.
skadamik, lnzh.-kapitan I ranga. zamqst1tol' ntv.rotd. PO II tolfri;
DEMIN, L.A., doteent, kandqgeograf.nauk, imh.-kapitan 1 ranga,
glavW red.: ABANIKIN, P.S., admiral, rm&d.; VIZE, Y.Tu.. rod.;
GFRAS11CV, I.P.. red.; GLIEW. Ta.G., Inzh.-kontroadtalral, red.;
DROZDOT, O.A., prof., doktor gmograf.nauk, rsid.;_;~)ZULTA, F.T..
vitse-admiral, red.; PAVIk)VSKIY, To.N.. akadomik, ji~ftajaj-jeyltle-
nant mmditsinokoy sluzhby, red.; POOOSY.Ul, Kh.P., prof., doktor
geograf.nauk. rnd.: R70WVITS, L.F.. doktor goograf.muk, red.;
SKORODUICV, L.A., kontr-admiral, red.; SHIRSIDW, P.P., akademi1c,
red. [deceased]; BASHILC)V, G.Ya., insh.-Impitan 2 ranga, uchoW
sekratar'; SEREGIN, M.P., kapitan I rarga, rod.kart; RYABCHIKOV,
S.T., podpolkovnik, red.kart; YWORITEVA, A.V., kand.goograf.nauk,
red.kart; AVFMITANOVA, P.S.. kand.geograf.nauk, rod.kart; BUGORKOVA,
O.S., red.kart; GAPONOVA, A.A., red.kart; D141TRIYWA, T.Y., red.kart;
DOTSM,O. Ta.I.. rnd.kart; KOTUXOVA, L.G., x-fid.kjort; XOMIOVA, Te.N..
red.kart; LUKAIUVA, L.S., red.kart; SHIRNOVA,T.G., kand.geograf.pauk,
red.kart; CMDCHULINA. Te.P.. red.kart; SHKOLIVIKOV, A.M., red.kart;
GRINIKD, A.M.,; IVANDVA. M.A., telchn.rwi.; WROZOVA. A.F., I
[Marine atlas] Morskoi atlas. L.A.
Demin. Tzd, 14orskogo gf~nerallnngo shtaba. Tol.2 [Pbraical ee'ograpbyl
Fiziko-geograficheakii. Zano"titell, po It tumu V.V. Shalel-
kin. 1953. 76 maps. (MIRA 12:1)
1. Russia (1923- U.S.S.R.) Voyanno-morskoye ministarstyo. 2. Chlen-
korrespondent Akadamil mauk SSSR (for Visa, Gerasimov).
(Ocean--KLPs) (Harbors--Wapo)
ZOZULYA, F.V.j admIral.
Faithful guard of the sea boundarieoo
. P~ I I
1*.~ .
. ,..I
Voibnozimn. 37 no.7t.1-2, It
(KMA ~14:6)
_ admiral
Prepare youth for naval service. Voon. znan. 38 no-4113 Ap
162. (MIRA 15114.)
i I k- I . :1 1 1 ~ .i
KOSITSIN, V.I.; ZOMYA, F.Z., inzhener.
Xconomizing metal in forging. Yest.mush. 33 no.303-35 Mr 153, (KUU 60)
Zozi.11ya, I. A. - "The residt- ],,)(ml nn:! Slri-~~rita'
catile in the 11raine", Trud-,
- I , 7' Ill
SO: U-32f'q, 1~' A7ril 53, (Letoris lrykh Statey, No. I-L, 194~1-).
i ~h~
; I i
I ; ;
1 11'
Increasing the efficiency of slurry flotation. Koks :1 khim. no.9-.
18-19 163. (NIRA 160)
1. Donetskiy politekhnicheskiy institut (for Yellyashevich, Zozulya,
Shteynberg). 2. Makeyevskiy koksokhimicheskiy%,avod (for Sergeyev,
Lokshi,n, Shchepin). (06&l Preparation) I
B. T. 1. KrVtrgld. (Rttfllon.~T'o
V. 3 Had
var. 1064 1 IMAMS.
Kstalt- Fxtrultio~W(AWWKY a( ltmh" c4t, be
and RorWug pliflps fcwviird fit oteetallitio 1,1 uler ftedb. f"
Old! pulp. capim disigmins.
jlqljJ7 ~'~t,
. Introduction of an efficient flotation system at the coal-cleaning
section of th4,Secherbinovka Coking Plant. Kokis i khim-. no.9:6-10
16o. I (MIRA 130)
1. Donetakiy ~olitekhnicheakly institat (for Tellyashavich, Zozula).
2. Shcherbino*skiy koksokhimicheskiy zavod (foT Odintdov. NaUMOT).
(Shcherbinovka-Coal preparation) (Plotation)
KOTALSNKO, V.I., bzndidat khisichookikh nauk; ZOEULYA, I.I., Icandidat
takhnichaskikh nauk; ZEUIDMK, V.S., kandi-SITIRMNW-kh nank.
linrichmant of local quartz sands. Stroi.prom. )2 no.jt42-45 Kr 154.
(MM 715)
(Building materials) (Sand)
Chemical Abst.
Vol- 48 No. 4
Feb. 25, 1954
Metallurgy and letp-linfirraphy
lid'. - i I iiilii '
protesn of Sul v 1%) 11
L I Z lit ' I ii I. sl,lad' X4fi* S.S.S. R., Ofilef. Tekb.
* .'"i"N' h -'it
MrV -s Amin eitptrinicii"liv dint It Is
po!i ible to lVeill"g- proitil'.flivi C4
rilim r;il 4urfavim lit rollijil,! illilp.-i-ill litilp I)V intmiudion ef
fonnvA dirt,cily In Jim mnis by 0i,:tmlytid timmlin, of
Ow :icl- suspenOoii.' '131-joJ colltv!i ivith slAch gwri gTratry,
inWn!,iJkq tile (ItiCtlinit jqoeii tivi rellitc,% the limic C011-
1115. pylitc-i, 01 pjrlk~, :11111 syllillielic quartz-Aalvil
11~61(q inixt. The e1ject 6 i1roduct,of by the clectrolyticallif
oro'lilut"I 0 lit tile allo'll!. 1C., M. Kolot-1poff..)
YEL'YASHEVICHs H.G.0 kjmd.tekhn.naj*;.ZOZVk4., I.I.p Icuald,Uhn.nauk; WAUMOVv
N, G. lnzb.
Coal flotation at the coal preparatidn'oection of the ShcherbinoTla Coke
and Chemical Plant. Ugoll UkT. 5 no-3:9-11 Hr 161. (HIM 34:~)
Qonsts Basin-4oal preparation)
ZGZnU, I.I.; PUMIN, I.N., chlen-korreffpondent.
Intensification of the flotation process of sulfide minerals. Irv.AS S=
Otd.tekh.nank no.7:964-968 J1 153. Off-RA 6:8 )
1. Akademlya nauk SM (for Plaksin). (Flotation) (StLlfides)
Is [44
I .
Production and service of graphite containing ijLsertn. Ogneupory
29 no.22:536-540 164. (MIRA 1$11)
1. Ukrainskiy nauchno-issledovata]"skly institut ognatporov (for
Zhikharev~ch, Zelenskava, Safronova)~ 2. Kanstayitina% kiy
ognoupoinyy zavod "Kraanyy Wyabr" (for ZOZUl,'fALO VItreako,
Chernyavskaya, AmnovIch).
ill' IIJ: 1 1111111111 111,111d
Ophthalvolaa May
ZKCiaPTK MEDICA Sec.12 V61.11/5 117
381. ZOZULIA L. * Pseudo- albuminu ric retinitts in intracranial
__`ft y ~ _e FT-en a I o nR u a a I a i t e x t) VESTN. OFTAL. 1956, 6915 J34-37)
Tables I
The examination of 653 patients with hypertension syndrome showed in 12 patienta
pseudo- albuminuric retinitis and papilloederna. The cause of Increased intra-
cranial pressure was in 5 intracraniaL turnours, in 6 infectious disease$ of
the nervous system, aracholditis. meningo- encephalitis, and in one a tubercuLo-
ma. The age of the patients was from 9 to 43 yr. In all of them the kidney function
was normal. In the majority of the patients there were retinal haemorrhages and
a star-shaped figure In the macular region. These changes in tho retina took place
in a slowly developing pathological. process in the brain (from 10 months to 2 yr.).
The cause of the appearance of this type of retinitis is not clear and is peobably
caused by the pathological changes In the end capillaries of the retina due to in-
creased intracranial pressure. Sitchevska -New York, N.Y.
USSR / Human and Animal Physiology (Iforza PathologRa T
Nervous System.
Abe Jour :Rof Zhur - Biologiya, No 13, 1958, No. 60791
Author :Sorgiyonko, T. 14.; Zozulya, L. N.; 11~,ikhodchonko, I. A.
Inst :Not given
Title :The Blood Ves3ol State and Roactivity in the Dynauica
of Intracrapial Hoportonsion 'Roflectc1d In tho Fluid
Prossuro and Ophthalmoseopy
Orig Pub :V ob.: Probl. noyrokhirurgii. T. Z. Kiev, Goarxdizdat
LISSR, 1957, 253-264
Abstract :No abstract Sivon
Card 1/1
zomzU L.&.
~ i
Ophthalmodynamometric and ophthalmoseopic indexom in brain tumoes, of
varying histostructure. Probl.neirokhir. 4:99-106 159. (MIU 13:11)
A lad from Sovetskaya Gavan'. Radio no.5:15-16 bLy 162.
(MIRA 15:5)
(Radio clubs) (Radio operators)
107 -j'I - 6 -'5/58
AUT110H'j: -.Zozulya, 1". , 14anager of' the Crimfian D03AAF `,adio Club;
H~_ydl_e_i-97a. , judge of First Category
TITLE: Their EXDerieflCe .90 (Fkh nad,) lopolIzovat')
How 74'e Conduct Compeiiti,:)ns (Xak my Tirovoclim ochnyye kon-
PERIODICAL: Radio, 1958, Nr 6, pp 6-,T (u,.;sR)
ABSTRACT: The authors explain briefly how competitions of radio ama-
teurs are organized by the Crimean IOSA.11F Radio Club. Th e s e
competitions are said to have increased the number off ama-
teur radio operators. Previously not more than 50 - 60 ama-
teurs participated 4n the competitions while their namber
is presently arourv.] 1,000.
Card 1/1 1. Radio-Amateur personnel
Radio amateurs of Lvtkarino. Radio no-317 Xr 161. (MIRA l4t8)
(Lytkarino--Radio clubs)
; . f. i I
111111711 1h1l;i 11"111111 Wii i~,'l
. it
ZOZULYA, M. (g.Shatura)
Worthy roplacements. Radio no.4:14,15 Ap 161. (MIM 14:7)
(Radio clubs)
Crasakhatan, a republic with developed irrigation farming] Kazakhaten
reopubliks razvitogo polivnogo zemledeliia. CAlms-Ata, Xazakhokoe goo.
Izd-vo, 19551 (14LIA 10:2)
(Xasakhatan-Irrigation, farming)
i k
The club council and its active manbirs. Radio no#8:11-12 Ag 156.
(HLRA 9:10)
1.Nachallnik Kry-makegs, radisklubs Debrovolln*ge obahchostva sedwetylya
armii, aviatsil i fl*tu SSSR (for Zozulya). 2.ln#truktor Krymoksgo
radiokluba Dobr*v*lIn*g* obahchostva Waystviym armil, xviateii i
flotu (for Reydler), Simfor 011.
(Radio clubev
TITLE: The Collectives of Radio Clubs Are in Competition. (Kollektiv:r
radioklubov sorevnuyutaya) 107-6-19/62
high-speed wireless operators.
More than one third of the club members avo girls who have
completed radio operator courses. Some of them are specialized
in high-speed telegraph communication.
Permanent teams of wireless operator are affiliated with the
radio sections of the Kercht and Sevastopol Navy Clubs and with
the Feodoaiya and Simferopolli~DOSAAY-organizations.
The number of radio amateur-deeignere must be increaasd,
especially in the application of radio engineering to the na-
tional economy.
The Crimean "DOSAAF11 Radio Club promised every assistance to
amateur radio clubs.
AVAILABLEt At the Library of Congress
Card 2/2
ZOZULYA, H.; RMLM, Yo., sudlys pervoy kategorii
Neir experience must bm utilized. Radio no. 6:6-7 J& f58.
NIRA 11:7)
1. Nachallnik Kryisskogo radtoklubs Dobrovollnv(b *bsh.,-b*vtvv sodeystylya
armii, aviatoli I flota(for Zonulys)
nwzL-U- ~
Radio amateurs of the first atomic plant. Radio no.3tlI-12 Mr
16o. (Radio) 01IRa 13:6)
ZOZULTA, M. (g.Blektrogorsk)
-- --- -.. -... ...
Birth of a club. Radio no.4:20 Ap t6o. (RUA 13:8)
. w (Blektrogorsk-Radio olubo)
Metal workers who Lire intereste4 in radio. Radjo no.a:11-12
;%g 16o. (KIRA 13s9)
kRadio clubs) (Radio operators)
Our achievements, Radic nool.1;25 N 162. (MIA .15:12)
I. Nachallnik Krymakogo oblastnogo radiokulba Dobrovallnogo
obahchostva sodeystviya armu, aviataii i flotu.
(Crimea-Radio operators)
ZOZULYA, M. fSeveromorsk)
- --------------
Medical doctor, a designer, and sportaman. Radio no.lt6 in
163. (Radio operators) (KM 16 13.)
Amateurs become professionals. Radio no.2t8-9 F 164, (MIRA 170)
ZOIZUIIYA) 14. (Cherniyov, Ivanc-h-ankov,,dwy oblasti)
Pre3ent-day problems and aspirationa of the radio amathurs of
Cbernievo. Radio no.12:6-7 D 164. 18:3)
i I HAI '115! :1 ite.11111''T11 11,111[! 1111111111111, .1
The astroraut rema-'.ns a rad! ~ I :f~; r I'-
Converoation on the ova of thu A", nal, Radili nv4?:L,-l'r ;']. 165*
(I'All"A 18:9)
ZOZULYA.,-Ilo,-.,,,.,-, -
A meeting in Borovichi. Radio no.1:12 Ja t66.
(Mlldt llf -'.I )
The main thing is the concern for the young. Rad-la no.3.8-9
Mr 165. (MIRA 18:6)
jUITHORS: Z02RIY N-havin, O.Q. and ru:)zub, Yu.1.
-_L _A
TITIZ: Composition diagrams of heat exchangers consisting
of longitudinally ribbed.pipes
SOURCZ: Xcademiya naul.-Ulcrayins"Itoyi MR. Instytut tcpl.oerLcr-
hctylW. Zbirnyk prats', no. 24, 3.962. Teploobmin ta
hidrodynamika, 24-32
TLZ~'T: The authors give several diagr,-6s of heat exchangers,
classified into tydes with one or two pipe racks and with collector
outlet of the heat carrier. Versions with one rack. require U-shaped
bonds in a non-ribbed section of the pipes. Itesults of design o-Z' 3
different versions are tabulated and compared with thp. parameters
of an ordinary smooth pipe heat exchmiger, showing t1mt the Cornier
arc more advantageous. There are 7 figures and 1. table.
Card 1/1
I Nil i1:1111 111-1,11111:11, HIM !W! PH IN `III
IRWIM, L.A., inshener; ZOZULTA, K.L. In-hener,
Some problems on stnndardization of electric lighti iastqlls;tlons.
Svetotekhnika 3 no.6:26-29 Je 157. WRA 10:7)
1. Voesovuznyy evototekhnicheakiy institut.
(Bleetric lighting)
" X, U ! Vt.. . ,
- I !. .. . !, lr~ i. . 1.,,t ~l - - " ,
i , t,.qM,,.ri jt~tj- trrigtitior. in thf, vc. of feed
of thr-
prolblem:j 1.1 ~,Iza~.nstpn~ Czidr~. I mo,~ " 1~ no" J "I my 'A"'..,
( M! R, 17 ~ 6 J'
ZOZULUI M.Sh., inzh. (g.Alma-Ata)
. .... .....
Water supply and irrigated oases in the pastr-godof la;akhatan,
Gidr. i mel. 13 no.5s32-37 My 161. WIRA 14: 5)
(Kazakhstan-Water supply, Rural)
(Pastures and ineadows)
ZOZULTAp 9,Sh,, zasluzhenr#7 g1drotekhnik KAzakhokoy MR; TAt.ARjjjTSL?V,
Water resources of the Volga-Ural region at the nervi,es of anU~j
husbandr7 in Kazakhstan. Zldvatnavodstvo 23 no.&36.33 Ag 161.
(MRA 1612)
1. Nachallnik otdola proyektno-isynkatel'skikh rabor Ministerstwa
sel'skogo khozyaystva Nazakhakoy SSE (for Zoxulyt). 2 Nachall.
nik otdela orosheniy Leningradskogo gosudarstvemogo Itistituts,
po proyektirovaniyu vodokhozyaTstvennogo i*i welloratimogo
,dest Kazakhstan Province-4 t S 1 Rural)
ft 8, 0; Upp y
(Gurtyev Province-Water suppl , Rural~
Polint [n
"Nit 4
ZOZULTA. U.S., insh.
Modernization of the blocking magast of a diolial regulator.
Elek. i tepl. tiags 4 no. 9:13 6 160. (MM& 13:1Z)
1. Depo RtiBbeheyo II Privoighakoy, dorogi.
(Diesql locomotives)
Subject USSR/Engineering AID P - 2771
Card 1/1 Pub. 110-a - 13/14
Authors I ZOzUl'ya, N. V. and Dyban, E. P.
Title Scientific and Technical Conference on heat transfer
in homogenous media
Periodical Teploenerg., 9, 61-63, S 1955
Abstract The article reports on the conference organized by
the Commission of Superhigh fteam, Power Institute,
Academy of Sciences, USSR, and the Heat and Power
Institute of the Ukrainian Academy of Sciences,
held in Kiyev, this June 4th. The author lists
the names of participants and gives a very brief
account of their reports,
Institution : None
Submitted : No date
Zozulua, IN. V. '111WeSti~-atiOl'A Of 11-at 3.1bel-iltiOn in th-13
condensation of 3feari in vertic-A, tube;,;." sci
Ukrainian M. Inst of Heat Power Kiev,
1956. (DisLiertatlons for the Degree ol' G-:-;ndLd.Ae in
Technical Science)
So: Knizhnaya letoms', 110. 27, 1956. Voscow. Pw-es 94-109;111-
Measuring the thickness of film in the condensation of water vapor.
Trudy Inat.tepl.AN URSR no-13:8549 156. (MLRA 10:5)
(Steam) (Boilers)
96 3-23/20
AUTHOR: Zolulya, N.V. (Cand.Tecli.Sci) &Balltsicly S.A. (Engineer3
TITLE: lie-at exchange during change oX aggregate state of matter.
(Sessiya po teploobmeau pri izmencaii agregatti-ogo sootoyaniya
PIMIODICAL: Teploonergetika. 1958, 140.3. pp. 91-93(USSR)
ABSTILICT: Th(- CimmAission, oi~ Mith Steam Conditions (if the Power Institute of
the Acad.Sci. of thii, U.S.S.R. and the Instituto of Thermal
Engineering of tho 21,cad.Sci. of the TlkrAtnian .80, held a iicieritific
and technic~,.l ko!s-3itsn iu Kiev on Suptombo.M-28, 1957 on questions
of heat exclizingn atu.-big --lianore of aggregabe state- of matter.. The
sessiGn was attended by acientific workitra (if academic and research
inatitutnE aud colialre~i. and workers in dt~tsi_~n institutes und
industry. Forty reports ivere read in the plenary and sectional
acs.9ions. The main tasks of the session irere to consider Uie
rese&rch worls that had been carried out, to co-ordinate researth work
and to determine the most promising lines for investigation, into
heat exchange during change of aggregate iotate of matter. In his
report 'Some problemis of the theory of heiLt exchange during large
volume boiling in tvbesl corresponding meuber of -the Aead.9ci.
Ukrainian SM, V.I. Tolubinskiy, critically exiumined the best known
criterial equations for boiling liquid. Dr.Tech.Sci. S.S, Kutateladze
of the Central Doiler Turbine Institute made a report about 'S(Yme
Card 1/7 problems of the theory of crises in the riechaninm of boil!Dg' which
Session on heat exrhange during bliango of aggregate atate, of matter.
systematised the results of investigations on critical densities of
heat flow during boiling in large volume tubos. 1)r,Phys.Uath.Sci.
A.A. Gukhman of the Moscow Division of the Contral Boiler Turbine
Institute made a report 'On the mechanism of inflvence of nass-exchange
on heat-exchange during boiling', which analysed the influence of the
developing gas phase on heat exchange during evaporation. Dr'.Tech.Sci.
L.D. Berman of the All-Union Thermo-Technical Institute delivered a
report on the interrelationship between thermal anti mass exchange
during evaporation of a liquid and condensation of the steam im the
presence of permanent gases. Corresponding Member of tho Acad.Sci.
of the U.S.S.R., G.N. Kruzhiliu, discustsed Tolubinskiy1% report.
Dr.Tech.Sci., V.G. Pastovskiy of the All-Union Eleetro-Technical
Institute, gave information about experimental data obtained during
boiling of a number of organic liquids and mixturea of them with
water. Dr.Tech.Sci., B.S. Patukhov, Moscow Power Institute, pointed
out the need for profound study of the mechanism of boiling of liquids.
Cand.Tech.Sci., D.A. Labuntsov, ?.kscow Poiror Institute, expressed a
similar opinion. The session on he4t exchange duri;ng boiling in the
region of moderate thermal loading heard 7 reports. Dr.Tech.Sci.,
V.D. Popov, (](TIPP) made a report on 'Heat transfer cluxing boill
of crystallising solutions' , Cand.Tech.Sci.. Ir.G. (jaxyazha(KTIPPI
Card U/7 presented the reault8 of an experimental inv'eoti.vation of beat
Session on heat exchange during chango of aggragato istat-%, of matter.
tr&nsfer during the boiling of matisecuite. Dr.Tonh.Sci., I.I.
Chernobyliskiy (Institute of Therrial En~ ineoring of the Acad.sci.
Ukrainian SSR, Engineer S.A. balitskiy dual" Ills titute) 4uld
Engineer V.P. ginchonko (if the Central Boiler Turbine Inatibute
reported the results of an experiminital invostigal,ion of heat
trwitifer during hijilit-ig of aqueons) fdolutionn of UtIliunt bromide
and chloride under vanuum. Cand.Tech.Sci. I.E. Vanoraki, of the
Kiev Polythechnical Int3titute, reported the resultii of investigat-
ions an heat transfer of a horizontal bundle of tubo--s to boiling
viater and sugar solution under conditions vf free convection and
vacutm. Cand.Tech.Sci. R.Ya. Ladiyev of the Riev Polythechnical
Institute reported oil "The use of approximato therino-dynamic
similarity to establish hent transfor rolationshipa during boiling.
Dr.Tech.Sci. I.I. Chernobyltskiy of the Themal aigiueoring
Institute of the Acad.Sci. of the Ukrainian $Srt and Cand. Tech. Sci.
G.V. Patiani of the Power Institute of the kcad.Sal. Georgian SM
reported the results of investigations (in the heat transfer
co-efficient when boiling Freon 12 in large volume oil horizontal
tubes. Contributions to the discussion iere 3amde by Cand.Tech.Sci,
V.Ya. Golltsov V.D. Popov of K71F.11, Cajid.Tech.Sci.
V.11. Borishanakiy of the Central Boiler Turbino Institute,
Card 3/7 Cand.Tech.Sci. N.Yu. Tobilevich (TsINS). The session on heat
Session on heat excha;,.ge during change of aggregate state of matter. 96-11-23/26
exchange' duz ing boiling in the region of high thet-mal loadings
heare. 13 reports. En.1rineer V.G. ChalErygin, and Caud-Toch-Sci. V.A.
Lokshin )f the All-Union rhermo-Te chit i cal rastibute, reported oil the
results of experiniental investigation of tbe influence of non-
uniform~ty of heat oxchangre roulid the perimeter (it a horizontal steam
raising tube. Cand.Te%ch.Sci. V.?.(. boriahanskiy (Central Doiler
Turbine Institute) reported the results of experinents on beat
transfer to boiling water at super-high and near critical pressures.
Cand.Tech-Sci. E.I. Aref'eva and Cand.Tech.Sci. *I.T. Aladlev of the
Power Institute of the Acad.Sci. of the U.S.S.R. reported on the
influelice of wetting on heat exchange during boiling. Cuid.Tech-Sci.
Z.L. Ifiropollskiy anti Cand.Teclh Sci. M.E. Shitsmitn of the Pover
Institute of the Acad.~`ci. of the 1j.9.S.R., jr,ave the results of
experiments oil heab transfer and permissible specific thermal loading
in the steam rai3ing tubes of 5oilers. Cand-Tecb-Sci. N.V. Tarasova
of the All-Union Thermal Technical Institute, gave the results of
investigation oa cri-tical -uhermal londin.f-s tLnd heat transfer from
the walls of tubes to water, and steam-tvater mixture. Cand.Tech.Sci.
1.T. Alad'ev, Digineer, L.P. Doduriov itnd V.S. Udalov of the Power
Institute of the Acad.Sei. of the U.S.S.R. jrave it report on 111eat
Transfer and Critical Tliermal".Fluxeq during boiling
., (if under licated
Card 4/7 water in Tubes'. Carid.Tech.Sci. E.N. AvoriiL of the Power Institute
Session7heat exchange during change of arrjr egate state of matter. 98-3-2;3/20
. r
of the Acad.Sci. of the U.S.S.R., reported on 11nat exchange during
boiling wider conditions of forceJ cireulcitit,n of iYater'. Engineer
G.G. Treshchav of the All-Utiiori Theritio-Toolittied Institute, reported
on III-q)erimental investigation of the mcclianism or the heat exchange
during surface boiling'. Dr.Tettli.Sci. S,1S. Kuta.teladze and cana.Tech.
Sci. V.N. Hoskvicheva of the Central Boiler Turbine Institute,
considered the relationship between -the hydro-dynamics of a two-phase
layer with the tbe~,.:~y (if cri3eq in the niac~.iianism of boiling. Cand.
Tech.Sci. L.S. Stermx-i, L-igrinaers V-V. ~Iorozov And S.A.. KoLlev of
the Moscow Division ol the Central Boiler Turbine Institute, reported
on 'A study of heat exchange during boiling of liquids in tubes at
various pressures tip to 85 atzas. Caiid.Tenh.Sci. r,,A. Kazakova (GIAP)
reported on questions of heat exchange during the critical point under
conditions of natural convection.. The following took part in the
discussion:- Dr-Phys.1l'ith..Sci. A.A. Giddizieii, Dr~Tech.Sci. B.S.
Petuldiov, Correspondin.- Hember of the Acad.Tech.Sci. Ukrainian SSR,
V.I. Tolubinskiy, Cand.Tech.$ci. A.P. Ornatskiy, Dr.Tech.Sci. V.G.
Fastovskiy and Cand.Tech.Sci. H.1. Korneyev. The nection on heat
excliange during condensation and evaporation heard 7 report3.
Dr.Tech.Sci. L.D. Deruaii, of the All-Uuion Thez%io-Technical Institute
reported on 111oat and Mass exchange durijig condensation
of steam frcn a movintr steam-air mixture on horizontal tuben' .
Card 3/7 Ca-rAd.Tec1j.Sci. S.V. Z'ozuli of the Institute of Th.,ertaal Diginecring
2 41 ~
Session on heat exchange during change of aggregate stato of matter. 94-:1-23/26
of the Acad.Sci. Ukrainian SS11 considered the study of the process
of heat exchange cuid the hydro-dynamics of flow of a film of
condensate. Cand.Tech.Soi. 0.A. Kremnev, (if the Institute of Thermal
Engineering of the Acad.Sci. Ukrainian SS11 gave tho results of an
experimental investigation of heat and mass exchange in models of air,
and water coolers used in deep mines. Caud.Tech.Sci. K.I. Reznikovich
reported on a theoretical solution of the problew of calculating the
parameters of a cooled steam gas mixture. 03ginoer A.L. Satanovskiy
reported on 'Heat exchange during air-water evaporative cooling of
equipment'. Engineer L.I. Gel'man of the Contra). Doiler Turbine
Institute reported about investigations on heat transfer during
condensation of mercury vapour on a steel wall. Dotsent V.F.
Yancherdio of the Ural Polytechnical I-astitute, Canil. Tech. Se i. O.A.
Kremnev, Dr.Tech.Sci. L.D. Dermaii and V.A. Snirnov of the Power
Institute Acad.Sci. Ukrainiaii SSR contributixt to the discussion.
Me session noted the need for farther development of investigations
of combined processes of heat and mass exchongel further development
of study of beat excharip during change of iq;gregabe conditions of
promising new working substance.-i; a profamid stiudy of the
relationships and mechanism of the proce.-is of heat exchange and the
production of data for practical calculatious, and recommendations
Card 6/7 for the design of new power plant. The session directed the
Session on heat exchange during change of aggregate state of matter. 96-3-23/2G
attention of the Acad.Sci. U.S.S.R. and Gotiplan U.S.S.R. to the need
for rapid study of the physical properticH of neir trorking
substances. It wa.9 decided to call a session deroted to convective
heat exchange in uniform media in Leningrad, in 1959.
AVAILABLE,: Librvry of ConL.-,ress.
Card 7/7
ZOZULTA, IT.T. [Zozulia, M-Vol
Heat transmission during the condensation of VapDr so effected
.,Iioh]. Dop, AN URSR
by the condensate viscosity [with summary in Ing
no.3:272-275 158. (MIRA 11:5)
1.Institut teploenergetiki AN U.RSR. Predstavlorio akademikom AN USSR
I.T. Sh7etsom.
(Heat-Transmission) (Oondenuation)
Translation from: Referativnyy zhurnal. Khimiya, 1959, Nr 16, p 247 (USSR)
AUTHOR: Zozulya, N.V.
TITLE: The Problem of the Method of Investigation and the Physics of the Process
of Heat Emission in the Condensation of Steam
PERIODICAL: 3b. tr. In-t teploenerg. AN UkrSSR, 1958, Nr 14, PP 32-4P-
AaSTRACT: An installation is described for studying heat oidtasion in the condensation
of steam In vertical pipes at atmospheric presBure and under conditiona of
a technical vacuum. It has been shown by experiments on the. condensation
of water vapors that at atmospheric pressure a mixed cor0ensation takes
place; the intensification of the heat exchange in thto vase is de~texinined
not only by the presence of Zones of drop condennittion, but also by the
perturbations of the laminar flow of the condensirte film which enters these
zones periodically. Two forms of condensate film flow have been estab-
lished: in the upper part of tho pipe a thin film flows in a laitunar flow,
but after the film has reached a certain thicknetts, r:L-rur waves appear on
it, the height of which increases in proportion -to the flowing-off of the
condensate. In the flowing-off of a glycerol film the formation of soli-
Card 1/2 tary stretched waves has been noted; the transition from the laminar flow
The Problem of the Method of Investigation and the Physics of the Process of Heat Emis-
sion In the Condensation of Steam
to the wave flow takes place at Ren - 4qH/(r-CV) - 25 - 35, where q is the specific
head load, 11 the height of the pipe, r, r and V the latent heat of ateam formation,
the density and the kinematic viscosity of the liquid, It has been found that the
process of heat transfer through the film Is Intensified in prcportlon to the develop-
ment of the wave flow on the cooling 4urface; the length of the zone of wave flow which
Is the transition zone between the zones of laminar and turbulent flow lies in the range
30 < Ren < 2,000 - 2,500 and the coefficient of heat em ion'd* In this zone can be
determined by the equation (&/A)(V2/9)l/3 - 1.05 Ren-05, where g; is the accelera-
tion of gravity, _Athe thermal conductivity of the liquid.
Card 2/2
ZOWLYA, N.V., kand. tekbn. nauk; BALITSKIY, S.Ae, inzh*
C__---'l* _'_ __ SIa,selon on heat transfer in different states of vegregation of
substances. TOploenergetika 5 no,3:91-93 Mr 158, OGR& IlItO
Akadenlya asuk SSSR. EnergetLchoskly Institut
Toplopersdacha I t*plovoy:, model I rovan I yo (Moat Transfer and
Modeling of Beat Proce as) Moscow, ltd-vo AN SS53. 1959.
1619 P. grrata slip inserted. 3.500 copies printed,
Rsop. Zd.s R. A. 111kheyev, Academician; td. or Pu*11shIng
Rauset D. A. Ivanovai Tobb. Ed.: 0. N. Shavcheaka.
PURPOUS The book Is Intended for scientists concerned with heat
transfer. boat emission, and hydraulics of liquid metals. 0 tc.
COVMUGNI This collection to dedicated to 'he memory 0.1 AcadomIcIon
X. V. Kirplaboy who In the twenties initiated a systematic
Investigation of heat transfer processes and. the efficiency of
beat apparatus. Later he led the development of research work In
this field. Two special collections devoted to marks of Klrplcttev-x
school have boon published. one In 1939, Ratorialy soveshchaxsys,
po modellrovanlya (Materials or the Conference an nodeling) and in
1951o T*Orlya podobtya I modoilrovanlya (Theory of Sinjiltud*
&M Rodoling). The present collection prepared in 1956 ropmsento
further development of the work of this school. ThLS theory is
fundamental for the analysis or many boat problems In the r.eld of
electrical and radio engineering. Or grant Importance are the
first systematic Investigations of heat transfer and the
b7draulion of liquid Metals which as a now kind of' na&t carrier
NOY be used to the various branchoo of modern engic"ring. As a
result or special investigations at' same cases or ccr...Ctt 10
beat transfer, a dependence of the process on the kind or liquid.
942"rAtUM, Pressure, direction of the beat rice. &=d other
facto3 , was discovered and established. On the main of a Zdo
mlizatIOn Of experimental data, new dependable recommendations
1mr beat analysis of engineering equipment wore developed. Cif no
less Interest Is the work on heat tra="Lxnlon in boiling I-quids
AM Lb* 00040MRAtiOn Of vapors. All investigation* are based on
the theory or similitude. the nature Of which. a=v-ding to -4. V.
KIrplobev, to that of *experimentatic=_0 work an zae theory or
0 regUl" regime applied to a system or bodies with an Inter"al
of heat Is of' Interest for the future.
card 2/20
Meet -..,amsfer
1 5 V Experimental Datersinatl0c of the
the Condensation Of Vapor* of viscous ra;ariola _17a
sxperimmots ware made by the author at the *,nszi* t
t*ploo" tIkI, An USSIt (Instit-to a, Moat po.or zzelc*orizd~,
Academy TSci*ftQ*4eUXrSS10- COrd*fWd&t*.Zr. Of C""r!A
On Vertical pipes was studled. A-sults "" obtinffl_d for One---
In which the viscosity or the extorlal -~4 100 tjm~ff Ernst.,
th" 43M vincomity or water. There am 3 Zollft mf-~o"'
Heat Transfer (Cant.)
of ;;_t Tr&~fa__ r. Vapor ~%=-anzat-mmt
Esperimant.1 studies Of he=' tra-r*P I= --c-nde"A"O'
vertical Pips* were -do in the Institute Of Heat ?Over
oorlng. Acad**Y Of ScI0nc4G,UxrS~1 S.r Or4 giyzarLm -ere
Ulked ne viscous Materials. 90sult; trx are
Lcadomictan ?. L. KapItsa %8
with thin layer rlOWS- StPOrtmertal da'a M;t"r
y-_tol~&zo-s coordinates. Aesde.1c-1- !1. A. *A1kh&7*v'~
formula is used for the dot*111A&t1On -Of. 91-Sgel-a fl.,Ccor-
There am I? mrararces; 6 BavLet. 6 -AdIts"- 4 GermP,~a"d
I French.
AUTHORS: Pernadskiy, V.Y. , Pngrineer rind 7ozulypt, I'% V. 0 Candi-
date of Technical Sciences
TITLE: On the Production of Pie-Welded Ylentirw
PERIODICAL: Avtomatichskaya svarka, 1959, Vol 12, Nr 6 (75)
pp 31-35 (USSR)
ABSTRACT: The article presents investigations with test samples
of a not sectional panel he,,ting radiator. Py the In-
stitut elektroevarki imoniYe.0. Patona (1-institute of
Electric Welding imeniYe.0. Paton) together with the
Institut teploenergetiki. AN USSR (Institute of Heat-
Power Engineering AS UkrSSR) several variants of a not
sectional panel radiator for a water-heating system
with a working pressure up to 4 atm. wRs constructed.
The test sample of the radiator conDisto of two symme-
trical pressed parts made of low carbon steel, 1,0 mm
thick. They are connected at perimeter by gas-welding.
Card 1/2 The results of the tests showed, that the heat trans-
,301IT11 2 5-12-6-5/14
On the Production of Die 1,11elded Thin Walled Feating Radiators
fer coefficient of the panel radiptor is about ~5-354,
higher than the one usually used stRndard sectional
cast iron radiator. Also in building appartment hou-
ses, the not sectional panel steel radia-'Uor is of im-
portance. The standaV cast iron rmdiator needs 3.6-
3.9 Kg metal for 1 m living area. q1he panel steel ra-
diator with a metal thickness of 1,75-2.0 mm needs
not more than 1.9 - 2.2 Kg metal for the same area. It
is supposed, that the not sectional panel steel radia-
tor is going to become greatly important- in national
economy, There are 2 diagrams and 2 graphs.
ASSOCIATION: Ordena trudovogo krasnogo znameni institut elektro-
svarki imeni Ye.O.Patona All USSR (Iv.1stitute of V !-P(,+.ric
Welding imeniYe.O.Paton AN Ukr9r)R)(Bernad&kiy) and lUstitut
teploenergetiki AN USSR(Institute of Th-ermal-Power PnArinee-
ring AS TJkrSSR)(Zozulya).
SUBMITTED: April 4, 1959
Card 2/2
AUTHORS., Kremnev, 0,A,, Zozu1ya. N,V,, Candidatus of
Technical Science-'; 7an ~a`V-tn, A: A: Engineer
TITLE1 Tubular Surfaces with Longittvkinal HiLbbing for
Regenerators and Water Heaters of' Gas-,turbLixe Sets
PERIODICAL- Energomashinostroyen_Jy,-_,, 101~ No I- Pl)~ 5-8
TEXT- Por gas-turbine regenerators,, smooth-tubed heat
exchangers have two important disadrantages: the entire
heat-exchange surface is mechanizally loaded, and there is
no way of compensating for the different rates of heat
transfer from the inner and outer surfaces- Accordingly,
except under the mcd favourable condLtions, iimooth., tubed
heat exchangers are heavy and cumbersome, The tubes need
ribbing, particularly on the gas side. to incroase thQ rate
of heat transfer where it i9 least ,
The Inst Ltut teploonerget 'It X AN IJKrSSII (, hi sL i tut,:! at' 'I'llerma I
Power of the AS Uhrainian SSR) Soler_tCd tUbVII with Longri!udittal
ribbing for heat exchangers in power sets nif,,
heat-transfer media., air on the insidr and ga.,5 on the. outside..
Card 1/7