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.1~10 ;;rj
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1 f 1~ lTrl
I 1 1:1 441 Dill, i.
M11.4"110,11411011-11115 ... to
H UL :'11111' il Ol 41111 di: .1111 Mjilld
,ast'ar.upital or8eLnj%&tj'n Of the 1"0acoTU'98
20% J!" to A the Wor 31_32 Ap 263- ~gjjtL -16~11,)
devsloWon 22 i%o.4?-
tr gods tTanop
UR/0147 66/0'00/003/0098/6103
AUTHOR: Zotin V. K A. V.
ORG: none
iTITLE: Dependence of the flame speed in the turbulent flow of a
!homogeneous mixture
SOURCE: IVUZ. Aviatsionnaya tekhnika, no. 3, 1966, 98-103
TOPIC TAGS: combustion, gas combustion,, burning velocity, propulsion
ABSTRACT: A study was inade of the turbulent burnLn ivelacities of
premixed gasoline-air f lames at flow velociti7es of ' 0-100 m/sec, air
excess coefficients of 1-1.6, and initial temperatures of 423-823C.
The mechod of direct fl-,,tme cone measurement was used. The flame Vas
stabilized with recessed flame holders And turbulence was generated with
grids. The follov~ing relationships were plotted: the turbulent burniq4
velocity v9 air-oxceas coefficient, the combustion temperature to k,
initial temperature ratin 0 v9 turbulent burning velocity, the f luccuatin4-
ve o.ity vs the turbulent burning velocity and normal velocity vg
turbulent burning velocity. The expression UT - 00-0 was obtained for
the t~-irbulent burning velocity. All the experimental resulte could be.1,11.__
correlated by the expression derived from the surface coakMAtion kk model
Card 1. / 2
L 44565-66
UT/UN 0 f(W'/UN)*
where W1 is the fluctuating velocity, and UN is the uormal
velocity. orig . art. hast 9 figures,
SUB C:ODE:* 21/ SUBM DATES 300ct65/ ORIG REFS o06/ OTN REFS 001
TSERTELI, Boris Shalvovicll; ZOTIN, VladAmdr Satw3onovich
(Everyday traumatism] (Bytovoi traviratl=. Tbilisio Goz.
izd-vo "Sabehota Sakartvelo,-) 1963. 72 p. [In Goor~ianl
(Ml RA 1.7 t 5
...... ....
A.I.; ZOTI1M. R.S.
Works of Uroslav Iyanovich Grdina. on the theoretical mechanics
of living organisas. Piof isika 1 no.5:480-492 156, (KLFA 9:10)
ZOTINA, R.S.; ZOTIN, A.Z. (Hoakwa).
Hathepatical theorlso ef the movement of livirg- organimms. Uffp.
flow. biol. 41P na.3,285499 N-D 157, (MIM 11:1)
: "-i , I I : if III ! 111IL;
I -I VA, -A.16 p takhn. red. .. -
(Collection of' problems in mathematical statistics amd
probability theory]Sbornik sadach po matematichaskoi istatietike
i teorii veroiatnostei. Moskva, Goestatizdat, 1962. 183 p.
(MIRA 16:2)
(Mathowtical statistics) (Probabilities)
ACC NRt AP60214oq
AUTHOR: Zotkavichp I. A
SOURCE CODE: UR/O387/66/Oo0/006/or4/O108
ORG: Siberian Scientific Research Institute of
Material (Sibirskiy nauchno-issledavatellskiy i,.
and Mineral Raw
TITLE: Transformtion of the coordinates of the vector of natura renidual magnetiza-!
tion, in paleomagnetic investigations
SOURCE: AN SSSR. Izvestiya. Fizika zemll, no. 6. 3966., w4-3D8
TOPIC TAGS: magnetizationp paleontologys ~Yrospectingp coordinate system, geologic ex-~
ploration, earth magnetism
ABSTUCT: In view of the fact that the interpretation of the results of palcomgnetic;
investigations is usually accoitpanied by the need for,~- ransforming the coordinates*of I
the vector of natural residual magnetization of rS&a\ oordinatel-
., the author deacTibes c
transformation procedures that ensure a sufficient graphic accurmey mhen stereographic'
grids are used or for calculations with accuracy of 0.10j, 'which is the accuracy limit
which can presently be attained in paleomagnetic work. The article gives graphic and]
analytic relations between the different coordinate frames and a nomogram for gmphi-
cally obtaining the residual magnetization in the ancient oystem,of coordinates"tor a-
folding or for a block of rocks in their contemporaa-y position. A numerical example
is given. Orig. art. has: 5 J!igures and 4 formulas.
SUB CODE: 08/ SM DATE: 3.4ma-j65/ ORIG REF: 002
Card UDC-. 550.,AW.13.
Meaeuring magnetic. propertiea of roaks on an astatic wignGto-
meter. Trudy SNIIGGIM no.lOt74-1. 160. (KUM 15 v12)
(Rocks."4tWoic propertie (Kagnotometer)
A few remarks on the germination of none geophytes. Wiadom botan
6 no,3t266-268 162.
1, Ogrod Botanicsrq Uniwaroytotu Warazawasklega, W&rijzmwa.
SHIBNOT, Aleksey Sergeyevich; RADUGIN, Alekj3ey Aleksandrovich; ZOTKINs
TZVOCHKINA, L.I., takhn.rild. ~. - .1. 1- ~
[Efficient designing of molds and dies] Opyt alcoroutnogo
proaktirovaniia pressform i shtempav. Lemingmd, Goo.ooluanoe
izd-vo,sudoetroit.promyshl., 1958- 138 P4 (MM 12:4)
< ZDTKIN, A*P*., meditairwkiy statistik
Medical statistics. lied. sestra 20 no.7:36-38 JI t61.
(1,1IFA 14: 10)
1. Iz Gorodskoy bollnitsy No.15, Kalinin.
ANGELEYROP V.I. (Kharlkov)j ZOTK12l, O.V.,(Kharlko-v)j FEDDRE73, V.M.
f,M,ar2kov),, ISKHAKOV, S.I. (Kharlkov); KlLl',rEi7XOV, K.V.
(raiartkov); RYBIN, A.S. (Kharlkov).
Near grindstones. Pat' i put. khoz. 8 no.11t26-s"l-T 16:1,
(Ml Ril 18s2)
ZOTKINv G.V., Icand. takhn. naulk, dots~?nt
Determining of stressea in the frug. Tru(I.V KRIIT no.57:51-
57 162.
CondItLons of Lhe train movownt over the sirling, of switchen.
58-69 (NIIRII
ZOTKDI, G.V. Cand Te(;h Sci (diss) "Deterioraticin and di
of cross-pieces.#"~,v le-il, 1957 18 0 iJ*Ilt~ Linvar..
Lenincrarl Order of Lon:!n in (-,,I
V-11. Obraztsov) 125.copies
(KL., 11-57, 98)
kUTHOR: Zutkin, 1. 15/2 3
TITLE: ":~-'-ne C-)F ;W1k-C' tL Telc oco,,)o -.019' 1,,y JiL)
izgotov1eniyix lyubitel skogo teleol.-op")
PEHIODICI.L; Te'khnika mulodezhi, 11)5,1, 3r 12, pl,
ABSTRi.CT: In this article the author ,rives eome i:.dvice to amateurs. A
beginner should not st~:.rt by malkin':?- !-. i,Lfflector with a lar~-e
mirror. The best way io to ot.;Xt vith mn object lona not iilore
than 100 11LM irl diFLMI-)ter. Only With experience iri
grinding one should venture an lar,-,er object. icn:ies. .'.t ~'irjt,
2 equal glass panes of perfect rorm huve to be chosen. Thc.
glass should be pure, without bubbles Uvit might get ol)en in
P.rindin,f:;. Thicknei~i3 of the pane should be 1/8 - 1/10 of ito
diameter. For the -rin(ling, a solid, sturdy table is -noces-
sary. 2, cask filled til sand Ui~"., 0 may be Uced as 311('1,
table. Grinding iz done by means of abrasive powder - emery or
carborundum. One ziit:-irts with the =;-Lrse poviaers t-,radually i;dq-
sing to the finer grades. Th,~! lengthy g* indinir procoso consi-its
in pushiig forward and backward the upper glaBs pane on the
lower pane co-vered with wet abr~:!sLvp, tiirn~ng, the pi-,ne ar~lllnd
Card V 3 its axis and walking r-round the table. As a consequenc* of
,~.dvice for Amateurs to Muke a. Telescope I ~-15/ '!~
such t5rinding, I.he 1071QIr P;AP ~,'QtO L convex spherical Torm
and the upper on(-- an c~)napve form. After 6everal
hours Df work, the fUt.',k.L-e mi.1-vor hi-la gr,)t -- --t'ine-,,;,round 3[)Il,,r-
ical surface with ii center deepening of ;Awit 1 mm. The fccus
of such a mirror is I - 1.5 m. :)u.rinI,, the mr-indiiif.7, the ul,pcr
pane may not be lifted; i.nd the abrasiva pow-aer must not nry
out. 'Ihe thu.'~~ Xr!'0111'd is polis?wd with crocus pop.ler wittfl
it has rerained its Then it io 3ubmitted to a control.
Silver CUMUTIJ Cf th(J C,Lftiohed iz; do.114:1 by ~;~C
I)y a workihop. Fomin recommendo tto tiuj the lon.,oa I-W~JIj-13401,~,.
Then the dimensions of thp tube calcul;~ted cunjidorin$~ U!~!
focal dist,-.qce of the object len-, and of the lc-ns.
.p,iid to Ue rack (kremallyernaya' par-,, to
attention should be - J
the attachment of the 'ia~
U gonal mirror and to the. dis~:harL-,e
(razgruzochnyy) -mechanism. Thase Part.'] neei ar- et;pecia!l~
urecise fitt-~rls warl- Fi,-ures 4, 5, and 6 ;31,ow the a----seimbly
of telescopes. The stand must be particularly solid vaid sturdi.
i~ photocgrnphic tripod is quite unsuitfid. A dotail-3d inz-truc-
tion -for making a telescope ior amatears can be foLind 'L,,. 'Ole
technical littirature. 'Ldvice tvn~, -11.!!lp for the lj:L,O-
C a r d 2", curement of requirer'l a.-I-Aerial is griven by the Voesoyuzi-lo.~,-e
dv Iv ;ii t,,~u -.-i tc, a Tt~- I ~i --~co pe
Gi~odotical 6ocioty), Mo~;Cow' lot-t~lr Lax 1126,6. ore
7 fi~-Ureu-
Electric slag remelting of tool steel scrap. Avtom. ovar. 16
no.6:63-65 Je 163. (MIRA 160)
1. Altayskly politekhnichenkiy institut im. IIII.Polmmava.
(Tool steel-Eledtrometailtirgy)
(Scrap metals--Electrometallurgy)
SOV/ 137-58-8- 16472
Translation from: Referativnyy zhurnal, Metallurgiya, 1958, Nr 8, p 34 (USSR)
AUTHORS! ' Zotkin, I.A., Krarnarov, A.D.
TITLE: An Investigation of Causes of Friability of Ferrosilicon (Issle-
dovaniye prichin rassypayemosti ferrosilitsiya)
PERIODICAL: Tr. Sibirsk. metallurg. in-ta, 1957, Nr 4, pp 208-214
ABSTRACT: Investigations Nvere carried out in order to establish how
the friability of Fe-Si preserved in air or water is affected by
various contents of Si, Al, and P. It iv established that alloys
containing 55-655a Si exhibit greatest tendency toward friabil-
ity; the Al affects this tendency only when the Si content is
greater or smaller than indicated above; Al also increafies the
friability of alloys at reduced conc en t rations of P. In labora-
tory conditions, regardless of the conLent of Si and Al, speci-
mens of alloys did not crumble when the P content amounted to
less than O.Vjo; shop specimens, however, did not crumble
only if the P content was less than 0.031a and their friability
increased with increasing P content. An attempt to preserve
alloys with friable tendencies under iviater resulted in a con-
Card 1/2 siderable increaqe in the rate of their disintegration; however,
SOV/ 137-58-8- 16472
An Investigation of Causes of FriabdUty of Ferrosilic:on
alloys possessing no such tendencies in air did not disinteg
,rate in water
ei-,her. Shielding the alloys from air immediately after catiting by means of
H'~, vacuum, or paraffin protected them from crumbling regardless of their
Si and P content. Gases which evolved during the first stalle. of the inter-
action between the alloys ana water were composed of 35-65% liz and 30-60%
P~13, whereas the gases produced in the second stage consisted almost en-
tirely of HZ. Bibliography: 3 references.
1. Iron-silicon alloys--Physical properties 2. 3ilieon--Metallurgical effects
3. Alwinum--MetallurIgical effects 4. Phospliorug--MeA;al'LUI~l,ricaI effects
5. Air--Velallurgical effects
Card 2/2
Translation from: Referptivnyy,-,hurnal, Metallurgiya, 1958, Nr 9, p 54 (USSR)
AUTHORS: Zotkin, 1. A., Kramarov, A.D.
TITLE: Liguation of Silicon and its Effect on the Friability of Ingots of
757o-Ferrosilicon (*Likvatsiya kremniya i ycye vliyanive na
rassypayemost' slitkov 750/0-nogo ferrpsilitsiya)
PERIODICAL: Tr. Sibirsk. metallurg. in-ta, 1957, Nr 4, pp Z15-221
ABSTRACT: The effect of the thickness of 750/6-Fe-Si ingots (1) on the degree
of liquation of Si contained in them was investigated, together
with the effect of the liquation of Si on the fTiability of the 1.
During casting of four-step I in lined molds it was established
that the liquation of Si, which in this case manifests itself by
the fact that the upper portions of the I are richer in this
element, increases with increasing thickness of the I and
attains significant proportions when the thickness is greater
than 100 mm; as a result thereof, the Si content in the lower
portion of the I is reduced to 60-680/6, 1 with such Si content
and with a P content varying from 0. 0376 to 0. 040/6, whether
stored in the open air or in an enclosed dry area, disinteg--
Card 112 rated within one month after casting, whereas I less than 100 mm
SOVI 137- 5 B-9-18557
Liquation of Silicon and its Effect (cont.
thLck did not crumble. When I were cast into cast-iron molds, the degree of
liquation of Si contained in the I was reduced and the nature of the process
was altered, the maximum content of Si being observed in the voper and lower
regions of the 1, whereas the central region exhibited a minimi-m amount of
Si. In this instance only I with a thickness greater than 170 mm were observed
to disint~-grate. Bibliography: 4 references.
A. S h,
1. Iron silicon alloys--Casting 2. Silicon ftiq~iid) effects
Card 2/2
ZOTKIN, I.A#, lrtxh.; MUMMO A.D,,, prof.
In~--tljMtlx'g causes of forrosilicon crumblimg. TruAy Sib. mt. lust.
no.4t2O&2114 157. (XIU 1196)
ZOTKIN, I*A*. Inzh.; KRAWROV, A.D9, prof.
. ....... 1.
2quation of silicon and its affect on the ctimbling of 75 percent
ferroallicon ingots. Trudy Sib, met. inst, no,4t215-221 57,
(Yerrosilicon) (Solidification) WU m6)
Accelerating the melting process by oxygen feed to the cupola hearth.
Izv. vys. ucheb. zav.; chern. met. no.2:132-137 461. (MM 14M)
1. Sibirskiy metallurgicheskiy institut.
(Cupola furnaces) (Oxygen--Industrial apj)lications)
BXLYAjwv, U.S., kand. tekhn. nauk; V-P-, d0ts9flt; ZOTUN, LA.,
kand. tekhn. nauk; TINYBYEV. A.A., kand. tokhn. nawr;
kand, takhn. nauk; APONIXIN, V#A., insh.; INDAIMT, Vol., insh.;
HATVB73NKO, I.S., inzh.
"Youndry alloys" by P.P. Zhevtunov. Reviewsd by R.S. Beliakov and
others. Inv. vys. ucheb. sav.; ihern. mot. 2 no.4:3.57-161 A '59.
DIM 12:8
1.Zaporosholdy mashlnoetroitellnI7 institut (for Belyakov).
2.Sibirokly metallurgicheakiy Institnt (for all except Aalyakov).
(Foundry machinery, and supplies) (Alloys)
(Zhevtunov, P-Pe)
ZoTmI.. I.A.
"Investigation of the causes of the scattering of rerrosilicorl."
Min Higher Education Ukrainian 59SH. Dnepropatrovsk Order of
Labor Red Banner MetallursAcal Inst ireni I, V. Stalin.
Dnepropetrovsk, 1956. (DissorLation for tNti Degree of Candidate
in Techni-cal Sciences).
SO: Knizhnaya letopisl,, No. 16, 1956
1. ZOTKINJ 1. 1.
2. UWH (600)
4. Viticulture
7. Restoring an overgrown vineyard without removing vinoo. Vin. S3slt 13
No. 1, 1953.
9. !!~hl . List of Russian Accessions, Library of Cotigreas, __41tl 1953, Uncl.
2. USSR (600)
4. Viticulture
7. Systematic improvement of scientific practlce3 in agriculture. 'Tin.SSSR .12 uo.10,
9. Monthly List of Russian Accessions, Library of Congress, January -1953. Unclassified.
ZOTIN, IOP. dots., kando takhns nauk
. W,
P Initial stage in analyzing skyscraper frar4a. Trudy Ural.
politekh. inst. no.71:40-61 '59. ()rjRA 12:8)
(Structural frames)
Observations of Venus in 1949 and 1%0. BiuI.TAQ0 no.1213-9
133. iMLRA 70)
1. Moskovskoye otdoleniye VAGO, otdal planet i Luny.
(Veaus (Planet))
.44 - . fth
Lengthening of the horns of the crescent of Yeems. RinI.TWO
no.12:9-12 153. (MLRA 7-0)
1. Moskovskoys otdeleniye VAGO, otdol planet i Inny.
(Venue (Plallst))
Approximate determination of the trajectory of a bollds in the
atmosphere. Biul.VAaO A0.13:23-28 153. 04LRA 7:3)
1. Moskovskoye otdeleniye, VAGO, mateornyy otdol. (Meteors)
ZOTKIN, I.T.,(MoskyaJ
Processing one-sided photographs of meteors. Blml. VAPO no-19:54-61
056. (MLRA 10:3)
1. Moskovskoys, otdeleniye Voeso7usnogo astronoma-geodezicheakno
obahchestva, vateorny7 otdol.
(Meteors) (Astronomical photography)
Fireball over the Ural Kountains. Astron.talrk. no,169;20-21 '56.
(meteors) (KM q: 10)
---7~T - ----- :----->
Studving fall conditions of the 1runashak stone meteorite shower.
I Meteoritiks no*15:51--81 158. (MIRA 11:4)
(Chelyabinsk Proviuce-Hateoritas)
StudYing fall conditions of the 91kolskoye stone meteorite,
Meteoritika no-15:82-96 158. (14IRA 11:4)
(Moscov Province--Meteorites)
C- ZOTnN, I.T.
Popularization of meteoritics; abridgetl report. Moteoritiks,
no.16:120-122 158. (MIRA 11:13)
Shape of the crescent and surfaae featuren of Venue in 1951-
Biul.VAGO no.23:39-45 '58. (MIRA 11:11)
1. Mookovsko7,i otedelenlye V9eOoYuzr-W astronomo-goodesichaskago
obshchestva. p3anetmyy otdol.
(Venue (Plauet))
AUTHOR4 Bronshtr.%n, V.A. and go 33-35-3-207
TI TLE i The Seventh Full AVnnrl,ly of the Comnission "Comets and Yleteor6l'
of the Astronoml-ca_ Council :.f tile Aca(Lamy of Sciencem of the
US3R (VII plenum komimsil po kometam J moteol-an ast~,-ononichr~,3-
kogo soveta aka.danii nauk SSSR)
Pl~,~IODICALs Astroriomicheskly zhurnal, 1958, Vol 35, IIr 10, us.,3,.o
1. PP 503-50 (
ABSTRACT., The seven'.!,. full asriembly of the commission "Comets and, Me-
teors" took place May 13 - 17P 1957 in Odeasa.
The par"-icipating oraanizations wores 1, The Astronomical
Assembly i~f the Academy of Sciences of the USSR 2. The Con-
mittee fc-r Meteor-_+P,,j of the Academy of Sciences of the USSR
3. Th~_As`,,ionomical Main Observatory of the 'Ukrainian 8$R
(KiYev) 4. Astrophysical Laboratory of the Inmtitute for Phy-
sics and Geophysicq of the Icademy of $eiences of the T=k-
menlan SSR (Ashkhabad) Observatory of the
Academy , 3ciencss of the TsdzhikSSR~,Btalinabad) 6.Astrono-
mica! Obnervatory imeni Engellgardt (Kazan') 7- Problem-
,"adl.,)Iaboratory of the Kazaz~ Universit,y 8. institute for
Thc-cretl,~,al Amtronomy of IV-he Academy of Sciences of the USSR
(Leningrad) 9. Obsei4atory of the KlIev Unixersity. 10. Ob-
Cald 1/3 servatory ~,f the O&siaari. University 11.-17. Chairs of istro-
. 33-35-3-24/27
Vae 3eventh Full Assembly of the ccwiasion ,Comets and Meteors"
nomy at tht-i UnIversitle." ViYev, 0dosmaj, Ural 14# Chair Of
Radio+echni~~.s at ti,- Yj=,'kuvPolytochni-3 photograkWhad. 4111-sky
are used in _-he Czach-n-Alovaunn wit."fork. Amataur astrowl.-filra arl"d
the population of East_-Oermar~r chovloValcia~ antiluaimeM.CaLl"'r.
I-report observat on-am-d MR:Ah ~t-rrlit--
able for such observations is 401ho easteam rarit of Ukraine iibiahl
:1- it
a stoppe region a dainso popiilatian. 7his Amailitratmei mil."
loction of meteorites which niq- rall. In additd.aij tIvoiro ail-Nil a
great number of meteorological stat1cas w1wre t3xii1J.0.Aq claim be 11-311d
for making such observations. f i gure s. J
On-g. art. has: 5
"C. 212 /,0,,
AU-jHDRs Zotklnj, 1. TvjTEq~MIj:v;,j
)-,ztiM-fAr to II AMI :1,111SK) In !Df
pt orItIL
11 ~fj q4!1; 1,
Q~, A
TITM- c: 11-Iodeling of the axplp!~ion of the Tlingusl:n witaprita
SaIRGE: All SSSI. DoklaeL3r* v. 161, no. 1, 19CO,, 511--42
TCPIC TAGS: meteoritos blast viaw
Extremely Une-consa=tng IN-ald work iit the SJ-tQ 01" the 4~s."'UIL(AiOr-If
caused by the 7u~njguska ,nsteorite, ca.rried out in nNe-U645, vtUch
factual dat.i, espec.1,3_11,y on 1-1he pa~t.crn of fal:Lng, md of the
forest trees. Data were coUected on the azirnuths of tre:v;-, 14-dch
Were affected by the expiosi,,-)n of 30 'uno 19,Cil, The P-1-ijence indir-al'GO
thaf, the devs.9ta-tion was Cauged b7 a]. pownrNl -..i.r wi.Lve vIth zvi eitiergv of
about j~-10 crG--. The authvrj of this study 'Idw co:llect:,-~d.
data for formulating a modellxg of Uho eve:nt,, The b,,aUVUC; '4(jI;IG waS
sirm-lated by a tj;~ Linear exiAOSIone 11'.3t parUCUUnly 1111,1~ong, ot Qha
end (a photograj:~-i choiTs- the ntrlel). rho trees were oimul 'A~.ed hy vireo
3 em in height to a cyllnd-riciiil plastic lloro~iirn" -~mu 2,ttflched. Mh e
,,dro3 wero bent under Via infllaence ot 'Unie ALiuilatod ewploalOold. IY,,Qi
closest similarity of behdn'r; a1L ti h esbrutlated
trees and the pattern of foreGL de-atructicn at-, the Tung-runk.11 It'd 1, eisaio r4tr
a. alope of 30' to tho 'horizon. Ddfl~"Crcnt vari,-ult!; of t'.he 11"oluled el-peri-
men-_ &re de5cribed. Appas-ently ::"-, thP 7UnC_US5:11, Ate Ukere WAS a VaTe Of
an axia.1 axplosion ,,;hich deterninod ".he p70'1;or,.l ():!' the falb,ni; of "he
trees. 7ne izicrea_nc 34.' '1.h,:_, linear, ~N, QC !:,ho '.T.T'.1n_a.J0r (bILL-1111tA.C.
wave) in ~,na t~erpiinal Dart Of tho tra.~octon Thi Er
"'a 9
wa 9Drq ~e7 i/,
-1,~:uv an Ir Aine 1q(-. Ow~
and 'a f o nmu las, 17ms7
GJB CODEt 03 amm DATEEz 090m65 'ILFt 000 11 on ruuu-: 003
-66 (1
AUTHOR: Zotkin, 1. T. Tai A.
LIStin M
ORG: [Zotkinj Committee for Meteovites AN SSSR (Komitet p6 meteb0ita
AN SSSR); [Tatkulin) Institute of PIMpics of the Earth-,im. 0.
(Institut fiziki zemli AN SSSR)
AN SSSR,_Mosqq
TITLE: Model of a shock wave of Tungus meteorite explosion
SOURCE: Priroda, no. 6, 1966, 81-89
TOPIC TAGS: meteorite, shock wave, shock wave formation, tillock wave
propagation, thermal explosion
ABSTRACT: The author discusses the pneuliar radial fall of tr-it.,es dilring the
Tungus meteorite explosion. The topography Of thi! ilVea i13 LIM] 01C NN~ork
of the eight seasonal field investigating expeditions to the area of the critastrophe
is analyzed. The shock wave of the T-ungus rneteot,ite which impVinted itself in the
area in the pattern of fall of trees, was caused by a flying ineteotite breaking
the end of its flight. The explosion wrw neither chemical aor wiqlear, btit thermal.
UDC: 523. 51;534. 222. 2
Qo i U L
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ZOTKIN I rt Yur!Yaxiah,_inzh.; SLAVENTSOV, P.M., lnth.j VAGIN, V.I.
�Hi"ahin, V.I.], Ineh.; KOLDA, O.P., lnzh.; LEVITSKAYA, G.P.
[Levytalka, H.P.], red.1 OTEFIRENKO, O.Yu.[Olefix-anko, H.A.11
red.; VAYNSHENSR, YJI.[Vabishener, 1.14.1, t0hri, rod.
(Labor safety In agriculturol Okhorona prat4d v all'alkomu
'Uspodaretvi. Kylv, Vorzhsillhospvyday UR.133R, 1962. 258 p.
(MIM 16t6)
(Ukraine--Agricultural machinery--Safety measures)
ZIITK!tl 2 L. L.
Zotkin,L.L.p Evduk, R.A. I Popovkina, R.V.
33866. Ilyenyera V 1948 Godu. Dyullyetyeillp Vsyesoyuz. Astrojj.,- Gyeodyez. 0--,,a,
No 7, 1949. C. 17-21. Bibliogr: 8 Nfizv.
SO: Letopist Zhixrnallnykh Statey, Vol. 46, Yoskva, 1949.
Hydrometeorological Service In the Arctic. Mor. flot 17 no.12rIO-11
D 1,57, (RIBA 11:1)
1. lach9.11nik otdola Arktioheekogo nauchno isslolovatoll;kago in-
atituta Glavoeymorlmti Hinisterstva morskogo fl()ta (for otiA).
2. Zamestittell nwhallnika otdela polyarnykh stantmiy Gleveavigir-
puti Ministerstva morskogo flota (for lrdndraaho-r).
(Arctic regions-geteorologleal stations)
Drift of Soviet scientific research stations in the central Arctic
regions. let, Bev. 2:73-78 157, OGRA 10112)
1. Arktichaski3r nauchno-isoledovatellnkiy Inatitut GlaveavMorputi,
Moskovskiy otdal.
(Arctic regions)
rndaktor; SINELEV, A.A., redEOxtor; POWSIM.. A.S., ttjkh-nrcMa6"""""
COil mining] Shakhtania razrabotka neftianykh mostorochdowli. Pod
rod. M.M. Zotkina i A.A. Simaleva, Moskva, Gots. nauchno-tolchn.
izd-vo naftianol I gornotoplivncl lit-ry, 1955. 273 r.). (miak 8:8)
(Pmtroleum mnginmering)
`0 15 f0 12 1
L i Zctin' V. J,., Talanto-,;,
ORG: ione
TITLE: The effect of initial tenperature on the flame speed :In the turbulent glow of
a uniform mixture
SOURCE: IVUZ. Aviatsionnaya tekh-tika, nia. 1. MA. 115-4,!2!
TOPIC YAGS! combustion, propulsion, buming velocity. air hriliathinq: -engine
ABSTRACT: The tempeuature of a combustible mixture entering im aviatton car-buatiorl.
TI e . 3=p
chamber can vary considerably depending on glight conditions. i to eratur n'~
change considerably with the flight velocity and altitude as,pwotally in air-hroathing
g i nes. Previouq !;t"dier; have- dealt with 0,4-, effect oil tampwr-aturo an the btirnirq~
ve'ocity but in narrow terlperature raiingef.. TI-terefore, In the j)resr-,mt: Eitudy, t1le
effect of temperaturc on the turbulent: burnAiw, velocity 0~ 11 homogr-im:-us gasolfne-alr
mixture was studied at flow velocLtie.,i tron 2.0 to NO m/sec, iilr-flilel rat.Lo,-; 1:1rom
I to 1.6, and initial temperatures from 1.50 to 550C. The exp+eilrleritail assetibly cam-
sisted c-~ a burner, 50 x 50 = in d1aaeti-.-r, Pqufp,,)(!d with recitfiqed Flar-le holdeTS.
ine air flo-wing to zhe burnf-~--r was pteli,ealed by a ht,.Iat e)icharigwr. T'hii! offects Of rL,e
air excess factor, flow -velocity, and teinjWT-I.tUre (.,,f thu j.jji,tj;j,l mlijaure and rxirbu---
velocitty were measured. Vie empertriental results W4!rtl.,
lence on the turbulent burninp
Card 1/2 L29-
J- ! 11 1
ACC NRs AP6011792
correlatedtel by the falIcnoing for-aulat
in 1 '4.
J"t Un
I$ AjI,)ijn
where uT is the turbulent burning velocity at T; u is the vurbuUnt burning lieloaftyl
at -1. 8 T9(T0 (T is the final ten-perature ofT&mbastA4j;ii prodocts and TC1, the-,
'the fliae -front): --I', fluctuating vel-city-, at%(I un Le the norma-I
tPMpe:ature at
burni:ag velocity. The turbtilent burninj?; velocity can be corre-lated -with che tzm?eira-
ture at f1m, conditions of practical interest, i.e., at w 50 in/sec, by the
follawing formula:
which can be u3ed f:)r desio. Ing counbuntion chambarm wiO varLiiblei afir inlet z4IMPeVa-
tures.. Orig. art. has: 11 figures and 3 fatTrmlag.
SUB CODE: 21/ SUBM DATE: 24Kjr65j 02LIC REM 008/ WIN FIEF: aOl/ ATD F~'S":4g-3q
C.,d 2/2
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11 4 It 14 ts 4 " I I - ' " I IN &
a 4, .3 7 ~ I", J~ .1,.A.- A# MPO L. T.,., I ~
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vemlisit 410 P"014111 .1.1.
M"I'la and A.
MO.. AkAd. Mu. lfkt. . .
00 Or 41, bft
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WM'tr 401 MY dil. Ak tkimadt du
, O
-M Plays mia isupo"ant pal (colt,
t M-W$Aul- Ak-- sho pawm 1bg pt buaw 4j lb,
00 47
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1111;!~ IIA!"11 IIT ~;il 1141110
SMIN, V.P., prof.; ZOTIV, V.P., agronom
Collective farm of advanced cultivation practicen, Zerledelle
5 no.12:63-70 D 157. (14IRA 1ltI)
I.Kolkhoz "Iskra" Bogorodskogo ra7ona, Gorikovskay obLoti
(for Zotin).
(Bogorodek District, Gorki Province-CollectIve farms)
AUTHORi Zotkin, V.Ye. Candidate of Technical Sciences Dooent
TITLEi Tungsten Behavior in Steel Smelting In OpeL 'Mwrth Fu=ac*g
(0 povedenii vollframa pri vyplavko stali v ma:rtenovuk11..',i
PERIODICALs, izvestiya vysohikh ujhobnykh zavedeniy~ - Charnaia motalluv-
giya, 1959o Nr 2, PP 27-35 (USSR)
ABSTRAM Different opinions exist on tungsten behavior in liquid ateel,
High-tungsten steel is uaually smelted in electric ar(; or high
frequency furnaces. Smelting in open hoarth furnaces wa3
either rejected or questioned. The author inyestigatcrn
tungsten behavior in basic and acid open hearth furna~oc.
results of physico-chemioul analyses and of e;(perimentfll
veatigations are given. It was atated that in basic open
hearth 'furnaces 1) tungs,ten steel-smelting was accompanied
considerable losses of tungsten due to the formation iJ
tun6stenate in the a 'lag; 2~ tungaten oxidat[on incrensed witii
lowered temperatures of the metal and the alag and witli hither
content of free ferric and calcium oxides In the 31,
z1g; 3)
Card 1/2 carbon steel smelting with tungsten-wastes, Tesidual tungsten
Tungs ten !)e flit viot, J '-cot , it el ting in Open Hearth Furoxces
residual tunL,-sten remained in the steel; 4) tun-Vaten in I
steel 6id not oxidize if tbre alag di~i not contain free
oxide; inLeraction of tungsten trioxide xlth carh~Dri _akou
tun,-,;,3tc-n reluction possible. In nei-I cpwri hwartl'i
1) ture."oten oxidation did riot occur if
directly to the liquid metal ,# 2) tungaten reduction 1,~. ca,_rlbot:
vi~tf; possible; 3) acid open heartb furnace8 c,n t)o use-ri fcr
tungsten waste remelting; 4) fluidity cf forrotungsten was
sL,tisfactory even in t~ie cano of high tunguten content,
Viere are 4 graphs, 4 tables and 8 references, 5 of which are
Sr.,viet, 2 German and 1 English.
SUBMITTED: October 27, 1958
Card 2/2