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EXCERPTA MFDICA See 8 Vol 12/7 Neurology JUIY 59
ANEURYSMS - Ax agyi 4ranomdlidk seb6szi kezeldse, kolonas telintettel
a saccularis 69 arterlovenosus aneurysindkra - Z o I t A a 1. Az Orqzagos
Idegsebeszek tudomanyos Intezet k6zl., Budapesf-- MM-MVE'sz. 1957, 1013
(65-73) Tables 4 Illus. 19
Report on the clinico -pathological problems, the diagnosis and tive surgical therapy
of 51 cerebrovaacular anomalies. The material consists of 18 ctwesof satcular
aneurysms, 21 cases of arterlovenous aneurysms, 2 cases of saticular w"d arterio.
venous vascular anarnalieti, 6 cases of carotid cavernous fistuliko, 2 cases of
intracerebral angloma and 2 cases of extr cerebral angloma. Late results in cases
of radical operations were most favourabl:. The mortality in the non-optrable
cases was 55.5%, In the palliatively o rated cases 35.776, while omong the radi-
Call o erated cases it a only 14AZe (Vill. 16)
'd Hill,;
EXCEPIPTA MICA See 8 Vol 12/12 Neurology Dee 59
6210. CEREBRAL ANGIOURAP11Y W1711 JOVUROW AM THIOPAC 300 14)t jorilron ond Trio.
p4c 300 ausgef0tirta xerebrtid An 1" hLien z An L. Wisurt4ck frial. for No-uro-
chir., Budapost. FORTSCHR, IONTGENSTH-1% S-7m6is-116j
At the Budapest Institute for Neurosurg-ry, 2DOO carotid und 50 vertebral angtographlea were
performed. 35% to 50% joduron and. move recently, trio;Ac 300 were undd its contraut media in
amounts of 6 ml. for * single injtction, and riot exceeding- 24 ml. for the sintire exitmination. No
deaths occurred after carotid an4oatraphy but 3 patients showed lncreaaeW tveurolog-ic signs. 7
others exttlbite4 tra"ient hendparedis and aphasia. On occasions, convulitive selvirns develmd
shortly after the Injection. T~jero wed unit cue of netk h4ematoma requiring trachtclorny am
surgical drainage. Aner vertebral tr4tolgraphy 2 fetalitlem (4%) ftcwrad In erterlosclaratic
patients. LJAt Grand Rapbla, Allch. (7111. 14. 181
V;7 L7 jj_AK~m
pit, -I, .1.~pvnf 0, 'i~iv.
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Oat r, -40
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so *=W 4mW imd cintrutatm (vitsunin A) Amlved in
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11T 1111 .I TWIN, j
ZOLTPN, L. 19118
( A Budupesti 7sidommnyeg~,etene Ill nz Sel~ernti Mnikajarol)
"A Case of Post-Operativp Fistula of the Thorvcic Duct end GrAiipartitive Examinntion of
hum,nn Elood L3nph."
Orvosok lapja, 1949, 4A1060-363)
Abst- Med. 11, Vol. 11, tic. 110 p.
budapesti. Tudomanyegyetem III sz. Sebeszeti Klinikajarol. RuUt uteod ductus t?ioracLmL%-
sipoly es ezen alkalombol vegzett eUdeju osszehasonlito vizhalatok az emleri ver es~
nyirok kozott A case of postoperative fistula of the thoracic duct and comparative
examination of human blood and lymph Orvoslok Lapia Jft 4111 (360-363) Graphs 2
A case is described in which in the Course of an opera ion a fistula oC the there.Cie
duct occurred. Lymph could be collected si,-.111taneously with blood and comparative
examinations for sugar, Ca and prothronbin tL 'e were carried out,. The analysis
of glucose tolerance ciLrves revealed the fact the post-absorptive ride in blood-
sugar precedes the rise of lymph sugar and the authors take thio. as proot of reflectoric
glycoge olysis of the lever after ingestion of glucose. Later on the lynph sugar
rises to higher values, but there is no paralleli.%a bot-ieon the two mirves.
B&I-'nt - Budapest
SO: Excerpts. Medics, Vol. 11, No. 4, Seat. 11 - April 1949
ZOLTAN L. Koltoi Anna Baleseti Korhaz Idegosstaly-anak es Dudstpesti TudonuMe47ertem III.
sz, Sebeazeti Klinikajanak Kozlemenye. A hydro-acphaluoic ouiteti imigolditeanak
kerdese, kulonos tekintettel a Torkildsen mutetre (yontrictilo,:ist,tirzios-tomia)
Surgical treatment of hydrocephalics with special regard to Torkild -lien Is method
Orvosi Hotilap, Budapest 1949, 90/24 (742-746) Mus. I
Complete recovery after Torkildsen's operation can, only be e3q)ected i-n hydrocephalus
without tumoure Such a case is the non-conmnicating hydrocephalms, in which
ventriculo-cisternostomy restored the OF circulation. Therin is a iMsibility of
neurological disease causing hydrocephalus without complete block of' the CSF circulation.
In such a case it can be supposed that the full restoration of the CSF circulation
leads to recovery. Inoperable tumour which causes partial block msV likewise give
rise to It seems reasonable to perforin the Torkildsen operation
in all three types of hydrocephalus. First case: non-corimunicating, hydrocephaluss
with intalerable headaches vomiting., and very severe cerebellar at,%)da. The operation
resulted in full. recovery. Second case; poet-traumatic kv&,o-cephalus with partial
block, Uie clinical siggis being very severe headache, giddiness, diplopia, and
chocked disc of 4-5 D. Eight weeks aftew the Torkildsen operation there was
subjectkirely full recovery, objectively, clearing of the cholted di cc. Third caste;
inoperab;.Le pontine tumour with partial block. The operation produced on.1,y subjective
De Lehocisk7 t~- Budapest
SOt Neu]-ology & Psychiatry Section VIII Vol 3 No. 7-12
Cerebral and spinal cord Injuries, and their nsmr*log4'1coil sad
neurosurgical aspects. Orv.hetil. 91 mo.20:624-6,~9 14 My 150.
Problems in brain tumor surgery. Cirv. hetil., Budal). 92 no.
45:1445-1452 11 Nov..1951. (CL;4L 21:3)
1. Doctor. 2. Neurosurgical Institution (Director - Prof.-Dr.
Laszlo Zoltan), Psychiatric and Neurological Clinic (Dirdetor
Prof.-Dr. Gyula Nyiro), Biulapast Medical University,
ZOLTAN, L. -:--
?4 "
~a Y;,
Ventrioular suture. Ma. belorv. arch. 5 no.1-.40-45 Mar 1952. (0= 25:4)
1. Doctor, 2, Psychiatric and Neurologioal Clinic (Director - Prof.
Dr, Gyula Nyiro) and Institute of N(mrological Surgory (Head - Doeent
Dr. lassio Zoltan) of Budapest Medical University.
TA 11)
Postoperative carebroyontrimlar collapse. Magy. beilftwv. arch* 5 nd.4.-
174-178 Doe 1952. (CTXL 25:5
1. Doctors. 2. Psychiatric and Neurological Ce'llnic (Director Prof.
Dr, Q~nUa Hyiro) and Neumurgary Institute (Read -- Docent lkr. lasslo
Zoltan), Budapest MSdical University.
Roontgenotherapy of brain tumors. Hagy. radiol. 5 no.?,:87-92 MAY 1933.
(CIA11- ~4:3)
1. Doctors. 2. Second Surgical Clinic (Director -- Prof. Dr. XAdre
Hedri) and the Roentgen Department (Head -- Dooent Dr. Zoltan %$abolt)
of the Nerve Surgery Institute (Ilead -- Docent Dr. Zaszlo ZoltaA)I,
Budapest Medical University,
Craniocerebral injuries. Ory. hetil. 114 no.27:729-738 5 July 1953.
(ODG 25:1)
1. Doctors. 2. Second Surgical Clinic (Director -- Prof. Dr. 3�2dre H(ldri)
and Neuroaurgery Institute (Head -- Docent Dr. Lanslo Zoltan) of Budapest
Medical University,
Behavior of, extragenital tuxors during pregnancyp Act& mad.
6 no.3-4:291-303 j954.
1. 1. Institut fur Pathologleche Anatonle der VlolizInlachen
Universitat. Budapeat unA Wissenadhaftlichas Forischungstntstitut
fur laurochirurgis, Budapest.
(PRIGHANCT. coupl.
cancer, extragenital)
(RIOPLASMS, In pregn.
ZOLTAN, Lasslo, dr,
Traditions and development of Soviet neurosurg917. Wig, scaule
In HaV. belory. arch. 7 no.5:706-72 0-3t,, 54.
lo AS Oresagoo Idegsebeezeti Tudotunyos Inteset (Igugatot loltea,
Laszlo dr.),koclemenye.
In Russia)
ZOIVU, laazlo
Surgery of cerebral vascular anomalies. especially of saccular and
arteriovenous aneurysms. Ideg. szemle 10 no.3:65-73 July 57.
1. As Orazagos Idegaebeezet TudomwWoo Intezet (11,vasgato: dr. Zolban
Ia9zlo) Kozlemerye.
(CVMML MIRY514o surg.
arterioveiioile & saocular anewyoxto (lium)
ZCITATI, IAnz1o, Dr.; SZMIASY, Jossef, Dr,; )?A)?AIC?,, kvin, I)r*
Supratentorial tumora in childhood. Wermek~gomrassat 9 no.8-9:225-232
Aug-Sept 58.
1. Az Orazagon Ideguaboozett Tudomarqos Inteaet (1pagatolDr. Ulta*
Iaszlo) gyermekoustalyan *A kozldmanya.
(BRAIN H"WHS, irl W. & chil'I
supratentorial tWors (Mm))
ZMAN, Lal~zlo, candidate of m(--dical sciences, director; "(,ijrosurj:Ica1
56rPjjt1M-6-1j Ultute (Id%sebeszetl TudomanVou D1tezP-1:Y'.
',Outlookfor of Brain and lieurosurtery."
Budapest, Fa~Tyar Tudomany, Vol LKXIII, Nnw Vol XI, :,io 10, Out 66, pp 614-618.
Abstract: A brief survey of the diao'nostic and sur,-~icll milestones in the
field is followed by a -discussion of certain featuriis, whluh, may become the
cna racteris ties of the erA to follow in neurosur.,.,,~!vy. Dr;ep hy~,Y)thermla and
the future possibility of J--clated cerebral hypothermia, the. use of Isotopes
to locate cerebral tumors, therapeutic X-ray and ch emoth era py, stereotaxis
are the trends disc A sed in some detail. These favorable Prospeets could
be further improve.4. if neurosurgical knowledge would be made 4hore generally
,available to practtioners In -other areas of medicine. As to the situation
An Hungary, without an adequate neuro5uraical network, many of the patients
4 ical and trauma-
V~wlth traumatic brain injuries are brought to general tjur~
tological departments which are unable to care for thpm in a satisfactory
manner. No references.
~I)LTAN,, Laszlo dr.
On isotope hypophysectomy. Ideggyogy szemle 17 no.? t193-205
ilo 164
1. Az Orszagos Indegsebeszeti tudonumps Intent (igramptot
Zoltan, Laszlo, dr.) kozlemenye.
ZOLTAN, Laszlo., dr.; PALYI , Iren, dr.; AVU, Deneis drf
The behavior of gliomas In tissue culture. III. Comparative
studias on gliomas irradiated in ilivo. T.;I(jftl;,,yogy Sim-,le 16
no. 7:193-198 J1 163.
1. Orszagos Idegsebeszeti Tudomai%iros Inteze-t (igal.-TtLto:
Zoltan Laszlo dj,.), Budalmati Grvootudomanyi Bgyetam
Szovet- es Fejlodojtani Intezot Toro Irnret dr.
ZOLTAIN, Lazzlo, dr.,MMLES, Istvan, c1r.
Occult brain tumors of epileptic patients. fdoggyog:r. szemle
16 no. 6:161-167 Je 163.
1. Az Orszagos Idegaeboazati Tudomanyos Intorset (1g. Zoltc%n Iasslo dr.)
PALYI, Iren, dr,; TOTH, Gem, CAKY, Laszlo;. AFRA, Denes, dr.; ZOLTAN, Lazzlo,, dr.
Behavior of g~iomas in tissue culture. 11. The effect of x-ray
on the phosphorus metabolism of 'giiom, cult=es. Ideggy-ogy. ozemle
16 no.3:93-96 Mr 163.
1. Budapesti Orvostudomanyi Egyetem Szovet- es Fe,jlodestani Intlazate
(Igazgato: Toro Imre dr. akademikus), Orezagos I(bB03ebesZeti tud-omanyos
Intezet (Igazgatoi Zoltan Laszlo dr.) kozlomoriye.
ZOLTAN, Laszlo, dr.; DEAK, Oyorgy, dr.
The application of surgical in nem-osurgery. Di-v. hatil. 104
no.44:2085-2087 3 N 163,,
lo Orazagos Idegsebesteti Tudomanyos Intezet.
ZQ_jMN_.._La_U,jQ, Dr, PALYI, iren, Dr, AFR,~, Denes, Dri tlatioral Neuroaur-gical.
Scientific Institute (direc'Wr: ZOLTAN, Laszlo, Dr) and Medical Univerl3ity
of Budapest, Histological and DEnbr-vological Institute (direator: TOP4, In-re,
Dr academician)(Orszagos Idegsebeszeti Tudomanyos Inte zet ea Budapesti
Orvostudomanyi Egyetem Szovet- es FejlOde5t.-A lntezet).
"The Behaviour of Glionas in Tissue Cultures."
Budapest, Ideggyoryaszati Szemle, Vol XIV, No 7, July 1963, 111ges 193-198-
Abstract: [Authors' Hungarian summal-j modified] Comparative studies were
made on samples taken during the first and second opemtionln four cases
of glioma. Two patients with glioblastoma multiformo and one with astro-
cytoma malignum received radiation treatment after surjrery iehile a second
patient with astrocytoma malignum was not treated by irradiation. The ir-
radiated tissue cultures showed evidence of degeneration alm-ady in the
third week. The decrease of biological activity in irradiated tumor cells
can be considered the result o~' radiation effect. During recidive surgery
there was evidence of a chancre toward increased malionanoy in the non-ir-
radiated tumor tissue. In one of the cases, the activity of the tumor tis-
sue removed during the initial surgery showed evidence of malignant astro-
cytoma, indicating the malignant change which was actutilly found in the
tissue whi,.,h was removed during the second operation. 2 Hungarian, 14
Western references.
zum. Neurosur-Ical Sci-
Dr, FENYES, Istvan, Dr; National
entific Institute (Orszagos Idegs6beszOti 'rudO',,any0s Intess("t) (direc-
tor: ZOLTAIT, Laszlo, Dr),
"The 'Silent' Brain Tumors Pmong EpilePtics-"
Budapest, jL~cMY_2ZY!1_G'Zft~:.L_ _S7,211112, Vol xv, tio 6. Juno 63, piges 161-3.67.
Abstract: [Authorst German sm=lryl The authors presOnt th,~- clinical
data on 2 (3) epileptic patients where clinical ex=lnatians including
neurosurgical diagnostic procedures gave no evidence of a tumor or
the ep a , ec
_Llopsy-operation, n in :pected tumor
reduct-`_on of space. Durinc,
(astrocytoma, heman7iMa) ims detected In each case which could ba r-a-
noved completely. Since the operation, the patients 1,ave bsen free of
seizures. All Western references.
1/1 _j
ZOLTAN, Lazalo
Some problems in nowra closed injurian of tho brtlin itora. 116zhI,
chir. 41 no,4:271-273 Ap 162.
(BIUIN SMI wds & inj)
VOLLEMANN, Maria, dr.; ZOLTAN, Laszlo, dr.
Cholinesterase activity in timorm and neopbutic ~ejrsts of ths tvoiiu.
Icbggyog:r. szemle 14 no.4:119-12,1 Ap 161.
1. Orszagos Idegaebeazeti Tudow-myos Intezet (Igqtsr,
Laszlo) baxlemanye. ,atot Dr. Zoltan
flImIll it
pp, 110!
77 1 "'!. ~
TOTH.. Szaboics, &-.; ZOLTAN, Laszlo, dr.; DOVIOTOR, lajofj, dr.
Treatment of movement disorders t!y peduaculotom3r. Ideggyogy. Szemle
15 no-4:104-109 Ap 162.
1. Orazagoo Idegaebeareti Tudom&xQros Intemet (Igangatol Zoltan 140310
dr. kozlemanye.
TOTH, Ssaboles, dr.; ZOLTAN, laszlo, dr.
Hyduation of Intradural radicotmW in triqlaminal neuralgia, Ideggyoff.
szemle 15 no./+:124-128 Ap 162,
1. Orazagos Idegaebeezeti Tudomnyos Intemit, (Ig4mgato: Zoltan
taszlo dr.) kcalmmys.
11 1 '111 FN' rI 11 TI'"' -!" H'i M F. Wf, f F
XWES, Istvan, dr.; ZOLTAN, Laszlo, dr.; FEMS, qn-irgy, ar.
Results of surgical therapy In cages of deep temporal epiiermr-~
Idegaogy. szemle 14 no.10:293-300 0 161.
1. Az Orazagos Idegaelesiseti Tudomanyos Intawlt (Ig!*isgato: Zol~-Iin 141stlo
dr. kozlemenye.
Surgical therapy in hornlas of the intervertebral disk OP
neirokhir. 24 noo4t29-31 Je-Ar, 1600 (14f R'AV13-:*l2)'!.
loazlo, dr.; YMMIS, Istvan, dr.
Now stereotactlo surgical methods An the diaposin &rA thorapW
of ohordorm of the olivus, NaMr.rMlol. 11 no.41202-209
H '59.
1. As Orazagob Idepebeezeti TudovwVos Intomet (ijjji%&utoI-
Zoltan Laszlo dr.) konlemenys.
(CHOLDM slArg)
(DR&IN neopl)
ZOLTAN, JA%azlo, Dr.; MY , Istvan, Dr.
Problems of surgical treatment of cervical merve root lee ionsp Major.
sebeszet 12 no-2:115-118 Var 59.
1. Az Orssagos Idegesebeazeti Tudomanyos Intevet kostlemenye lgazgato:
Zoltan Laszlo dr.
ju 12pul Disk At" W-
Cervidiwl. 1: disk prolapse Orhn))
T 0.'
..I sabolPch (Tot.h, Szabol,~:aj- lezlo [Zoltfmp r4ot'00idapdall-0
Evaluation of intra rill trigernliml ra,
-16 N-04i. 2
26 no.6 14 (MIRA 1793)
ZOLTAV, faszlo, dr.
Importance and pozmibilitieo of efirly diaglicisilt, III ti-.r.) 5--jr-gary
of brnin t-,imors. Onr. 1105 no.,2.1(,"Ol~-19"j'5 0 1.8 1 6Y..
1. Orszagos Maeogboazeti Tudoinzinyoo futeZot-
:31 111P ildl 111111,; "fill 111;:11ii 1411:11 1:411111 IN Wildf
Electric resistance themometers for the nie~lsuremcrnt of tempol,atures ;-:It.
a distance. P. 679.
RE-VISTA DE CHEUE. (IMUnistarul Industric-I Petrolulid ni CI&-ilej A Asociatia
StUntifica a InCinerilor si Tehnicieid-lor din Rord-nia) -Ouvaresti, Rum;'xnia.
Vol. 9, no. 12, Dec. 1,058.
Monthl,v List of East Luropean Accessions (W,*AI)LC, 'Vol.. 8, 110. 7~ Jily, 1955).
GOUUV~1' liumania
A cJ
"; RZKIum.,
T IT L ctric pesjutant~,e Tl'~fvrrilomet~r!i for Remote
T c ripe rature YeasW'(~M-rllt
pU jc'5~j 9t NO
Kiev. chim. I 1~j
&-STRACT k roview. Bibli-ograPA"(
B. ~.anoie
Studies on the absorption of 1311-albumin and K1311 f.-om the Lsubcitaneous
tissues of the dog. Acts. physiol. acad, sciv hung. 20 no./,:361-372 161.
1. 1 Department of Medicine, Medical Univerolty, Budapest, Biowtry
Department, Mathematical Research Institute, Fhm jtrti,~n AcadevW of
Sciences and II Department of Medicine, D%dlaal C!7,ersity, Szeged.
(IODDE vaiioactive) (IODIDES me ttib)
(SERUM ALBUMIN inetab) (SKIN metab)
FOLDI, Mihaly, dr.; ZOLTAIT, Ors Tamas, dr,.
Effect of hyaluronidase on the disPersion and reso~qtion of radioactive
proteins injected subcutaneous3,v. Orv. hatil.; 103 no.i4t636-637 AP 162.
1. Szogedi Orvostudomanyi Egyatem, II Belklinika on Rudapesti Omositu-
domany-i Egyetem.. I Belklinika.,
ZOUrAN, Om Tanas; FOLDI, Milmly
Effect of local cooling, stagnant hypoxia an-d henor-TMaIc
on the distribution and mbsorption of ombcutumously Jnjected 1:,tibelod
protoina. Kagy. Bolorv. arch. 15 no.3:IV~'120 Ja 16-2.
1. Szogedi Orvostudomanyi Egyetem IL :3z Klini'mijanak
(Igazgato-. Foldi 111haly dr. egyetem tamw,) ko3lemenya,
(PIOUDIS matab) (GOLD) (AROXII exper)
(11:--NOIUUIAGZ exper)
On the effect of vonous otasin and hypoprotAtInomil, on transcapL11=7
albumin exchange.' Acta-ced. Hung. 18 no.2%219-234~ 162.
1. 1. Medizinische Klinik der Medisinischon Univorsitatj BudapeBt.
(PERIGARDITIS exporimental) (SERM4 ALMIMAII plWsiology)
(BLOOD PROTEMS deficiencry)
Effect of local coolingp stagnant byp=iaj, and haewrrhagic hypowsicn,
on the dirfusion and absorption of subcutanecnwly aifidmistered isotope
protein in the subcutaneous connective tissue. Acts. mad. acad. sci.
hung. 18 no-4:417-422 162.
1. Second Department of Medicine (Director: Prof. bi-, Foldi)., University
Medical School, Szeged.
FUDI, N. , dr.; KUKAN, F~ , fir.; SZ--:GIlY, G. , dr.; G;;IJX11J', A. . dr.j FUZ14A.., II: ,
d-r. ; POMIRAl ) I'll. y dr. -, ZOLTAFj,-A"-. , -.,z .; VjUll'Al, L, , ir.
Anatomical, hiitoloirical and exporimental data on t.lio fluld cirolilatir-n
of U-1-0 eye., Orv, liatil. 103 rio,38:1789-17r,Q) 2.1 3 16;~.
1. szogedi E'f_vvtom' 11- Eoiul` t!!3
(L.;-n) (i;*rk: FRCT:,I;'7S) (L'WHATIC
FOLDIO Mihaly, dr.; LAKW, Antal, dr.; SZABO, Mihaly~ dr.; l,'OLTAN, 0. Tamas, dr.
The increase of barbiturate sensitivity of the central nervous orstem
in lymphedema. Magy. belorv. arch. 15 no.6:216.-220 D 162.
1. A Szegedi Orvostudcmanyi Egyetem II. oz. Bellklinilmja (1gazgfLto:.
Foldi Mihaly dr. egyet. tanar).
OBAL, Ferenc, MADARASZ, Istvan, ZOLTAN ORS, Tamas, GSANDA, Endre, FOLDI,
Mihaly; Medical University, 2nd C11-nTc___or_D ternal Yed~ cine, Institute
of Physiology and Clinic of Neurolo-y and Psychiatry (Orvostudomanyi F_
gyetem II. 3z. Belklinikaja, Elnttani Intezete e.,; Ideg,,-Elmekortani kld-
nikaja), Szeged.
"Effpct of Cerebral Lymph Node Inoufficlency on the Disposition toward
Cardiazolo Induced Spa3ms."
Budapest, Kiserletes Orvostudomany, Vol 15, No 2, Apr 63, IT 196-199.
Abstract.- [Authors' Hungarian summary] Lymphudema, following after t1he
ligation of the lymph nodes and vessels of the neck, re-sults in an en-
hanced disposition toward cardiazole-induced sfamna. Of 4 references,
one is Hungarian, the rest is Western.
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - .. . . . .
FOLDI, Mihaly, Dr of mod. aci., THUTWISZKY, Karolyo SZABOO )Waly ZOLT
Tamass., SAGI, Istvan; Medical University of Szeged, .medi ~&l ~un - 0"
Institute of Pharmacology (Szegedi Orvastudomanyi Egy*tem, 11, Belklinika es
Cyogyazertani, Intezet)
"The Bf feet of Butylaympathon (DOIN) on the VoluLm of Plasma Flow Through the
Kidney and on Renal Function in Hemorrhagic Hypote-i3ion"
Budapest) A Maaar Tudomanyoa Akademia, V. Orvosi TuLa,:!~Mk. OaztgZanak
Kozlemenyei, Vol XVII, No 1, 1966p pages 89-92
Abstract: CAuthors I itungarian rsummarZ7 In the prosence of. hemorrhagic
bypotonsion, an elevation im noted in the rAe of diuresis, sodium ex-
cretion, PAH clearance and Slomerular filtration in response to BON adnin-
istration. These results are not changed, in principle, by the fact that,
because of the high degree of oliguria in cases of untreated hemorrhagic
hypotension, PAH and creatinine are unreliable indicators of the renal
plasma flow and of glomerular'filtration. On the basis of the results, the
compound, Aich in practicaDv free of side effects, should be tried out in
human shock thers;V in combination with fluid replac antp 3 9"tern Diropean,
1 Ifestem references. CHanwoript receivvd 33 Jul 05.7.1
FOIDIp Mihaly, Dr of mod. sci-p GEUMTp Albeit, Cand. or med.
Marta, POMM, 1,Saria,, ZOLTAN 0. Tamasa re Cand. ot med. Bci.,,
Ile-dical University of SQ"w-,Mw Irm-c -MRAARZ of kiatomy,, wd
Neurological and Psychiatric
(Szegedi V"voatudo=Wi Egyetem, Ile sze
Belklinika, Anatomiai Intezet es Ideg-Famekortani Klinika).
"Recent Data on the AnatonW of the Connection Between ths Bra:W and Lymphatic
Budapest, A Mar-yar Tudcmanyos Akadmia V. Om)si TadoMMk Osrst4yanak
Xoz1cmqjyeij Vol XVU, No 1, 19660 pages WIVI
Abstract: CAuthors' Hungarian suwary7By the method of *xpertiental lymphatic
edema produced by Itself-injecticti wZh lymphatic fluid," the lymphatic vefwls
In the substance of the dura mater at the skiiLl base and their connection udth
tba tr. lymphaticua cervicalis were dewnstmtod- In contrast to the uxk.-
certanities and inadequaoies found in the liatarature, t1wis observation pmvides
a morphological confirmation of the lymphatiom in the arna of Lho dorsal adcus
and also explaim tts severe morphological arA functiatal changes som after
radical IlAation of the cervical lyaphat duote. A.11-i 9references are
Wostem, &muscr4t rooeind 33 Jul 6*0
Medical Univ
FOLDI, Mihaly, Dr of med. sci., LQLTAN. Ors T~04 ersit~ of
Szeged, JI. Medical Clinic and Instliute-y'-;fLB-inocheini.,itry (Szegedi Orvos-
tudomanyi Egyetem, Il. Belklinika e3 Blokemial Inteut).
IlMechanism of the 'Barbiturate Resistance' of the Pa~iteur Effect in
'Cerebral Lymphedema'.1'
Budapest, A Ylaryar Tudomanyos_Akademia V. Orvosi Tudomanyok Osztalyanak
Kozlemenyei, Vol XVI, No 4, 1965, pages 377-384.
Abstract: [Authors' Hungarian summary] 1) The aerobic glycolysis of the ra
1, r- y
matter homogenate of both normal cats and cats with "cerebral lymphedema"
is slower than that of the semihomogenate. 2) A statistically significant
inhibition is produced by the gray matter homogenate of anaesthetized nor.
mal cats on the aerobic glycolysis of the gray matter semlliomogenate of
anaesthetized normal cats. 3) The inhibitcry effect iDf the 11 gray matter
homogenate of amesthetized cats with "cerebral lymj:aiedem;-A on the glyco-
lysis of the gray matter semihomogenate of anausthetized normal cats is
more pronounced, to a statistically significant deglree, than that of the
gray matter homo.genate of the normal cat. 4) It appears that. in "cerebral
lymphedema" the brain tissue contains sortie "inhibitory" substance. 4 Hun-
garian, 9 Western references. [Manuscript received 24 Jun 65.1
- 5
ZOLTAN Ors. Tamas- Medical University of Szeged, 1j. Medl4al Clinic
BaYetems XI- BeWiaika)
"The Effect of Noradrenalin and Angiotensia on the Lymphatic systemo
Budapest., A YaM= Tudomanyos Akademia V. Orvosi Tudamanyok Oszta3,vanak
Kozlemenyei., Vol XVII, No 1, 1966, pages 121 128
Abstract: 5-uthors' Hungarian summary7l) The M. xUnal final pressure do-
veloped in the obstructed ductus thoracicu:3 can be fixther increased with
noradrenalin or hypertensin injections. 2) The tone of the isolated ductus
thoracicus and of the external jugular vein can be increased idth nor-
adrenalin and hypertensin- 3) The decreased 1,~mphatie flo,,F of the ductus
thoracicus during elevaticn of blood pressIU-e caused by noradronalin and
typertensin is not the result of a decrease in lymph prodlt*rtion; contrMZ7-
the lymph producticii in the abdomina:~. cavity ani.
.1 lolvor limbs is In-
creased under such conditions- The decreased lymph flow it; the result of an
increase in tcne of the thoracic (tact, 4) The Venoconstriction prodilcted by
noradrenalin and hypertensin is responsible for the increased lymph production,
on one handj, and for the decrease in the rato of Passage of the lymph produced
following suspension of the arterial vasoconstriction., on the other hand.
2 Hungarian, 6 Western references. �fanuscript receiveKi 19 Ju.1 65.1
- 83 -
I Fl. I, I" T4 I ~ I it: ~- IIIt I
FOLI)I, Mihaly, Dr of med. sci., CSANDA, Endre, Cand. of med. sal, CS
Bertalan, Cand. of med. sci., MDARASZ, Istvan, Cand. of med. sci.t-OBAL#
F"veiwr-0&rKh- of med. sci., ZOLTAN, 0., Tama3it JAKI, Ames-, Medical Uni-
versity of Szeged, II. MedlcAl i"iological-Psychiatric Clinics, and
Institutes of Physiology, Anatomy and Biochemistry (Szegedi OrvostudwAnyi
Egyetem, 11. Belryogyaszati es Ideg-r-lmekortani Klinika, es. Elettani,
Anatomial es Biokemial Intezet).
"Prevention of the Symptoms oflLymphogenic Encephalopathyl by Means of
Panthotenic Acid-Pyridoxine Treatment.ft
Budapest, A Magy!r Tudomanyos Akademia V. Orvosi Tudomanyok 03ztalanak
Kozlemenyei, Vol XVII, No 1, 1966, pages 101-120.
Abstract: (Authors' Hungarian summary modified) The experimental syndrone
of "IymphoFAnic encephalopathyll can be produced by cervical lymphAtic
blockade; it is characterized by well defined nouropathological and funa.
tional changes. On the basis of theoretical considerations, the working
hypothesis was set up that the symptoms of %lymphogenic enc6phalopathy
can best be correlated with the absolute and relative absence of coenzyne
A and pyridoxal phosphate. for this reason, therapeutic attempts were
made using the above ,vitamins, The hypothesis was confirmed by the experi.
monf el --14- 0 A*^4-4e*4,q%I 4ilso reporUd.
Dr., C,
VARGA, Dr., PIUKOVIC11, 13tvan,Dr., ZOL.'j~NA 0.
Miklos, Dr., and FOTMI, 1n=77Tr_.1 !re"N"na '8V_n[r_P6.r Internal He-
dicine (11. Balklinika) (Director: FGL:)I, Mihaly) atd Clinic for Obstetrics
and Gynecology (Szuleszcti es Nogyogyaezati Klinika)(Director: SZONTAG11,
Ferenc, Dr.) at the Medical University (Orvostudownyi Egyatem) in S3egid.
"Invcstigation of the ConcenLration of Carbohydrato Bound with Sorkrl-
Lymph-Proteins in Experimental Inflammations"
Budapest, Or-m-i Hetila , Vol 107, No 2.,, 26 Jun 1966, pp 1203-1206.
Abscract: Vile pt*,, :a-sugar level and the concen~riLtion of carbohydrate bount;
with the protein Of Lhe ductus thoracicus showed an increase in aninala eXPLCL-
m2ntally -Led to turpentine inflammation. On the oLher hand, the --Iyco-
protein conLLnL in the truncus cervicalls f rom the inf larned area was ; i,.,a L r i-
cantly lower, even after 24 or 48 hours, than in the serum or in the duct~u.
thoracicus. It was assumed that 016 organism retattis glycoproteins it% L*_
Zlamed areas for use in the regeneration processes. 26 rfiferences, inclu,
2 German, 1 Hungarian, and 25 Western.
FrI?D'I*, Vlhaiy, Navoly, U:11VI'l-s-, Ly of'
Yc-dio,ll ClLnix, all" ln7it
fiiarm"Aco'o;I, (~SVi-tz,(11. CIMM3-
tudomanyi 7gy(A.~m, II, oz. Relklinlkn es llyow -rtani inifizet).
.yr,,,*,, 1, 6
"Oehavior or the 1-3100,1 21'ensure an,:' of 1-11-.e Extevoceptiv.7 '-,:lool Pr,-:,,i3urc-
Reflex in Cases of `ncop'nalorAthy."
E-Ud"I'pe-st, Oi, vOS t Vol XVI-E, x0 :J, &"t 056, pa--~--.s 471-1176.
") After oi-i-vical
Lly Liid,lons in blood pees5u,-n can bl~ obverv;,d. 2)
in Pnc~pialo~athy, lh~--rher L. in norr~al lowl pr~.ssu.~,c Irc.---asI
anl~. a ~ecrcasecl bicpharosp~,rr.-~,Iimi can be noted in resronsc to the introduc-
tior, of a of .-nto thr oyr;, Thi5
r,henom,ir= 4-:r, b,,r the authovs as Ehi~ msult of an unz;ct
--.ntral witonomic "ibr ur ' of
il anl to CiLrtain, crntral
ncrvoi15 zv*tcmic ,4..-uctun~s. 81 Hun~-arian, 13 rafLCrn-.ncns. [Yanuacrilpt
ecc Lvr;Ll
J 2 9 6
11, Yedical Lin ic and
Etlyetem, P.,edical
_Jklin ika ",9 Biok ' iaillioclemistry (sZ."e6i
PDM Intezet). 1-6 [Ini"'-3ity Of SZ--,,Id
Instrum, I-IrvostudoMIM,
.n tal me
Spinal Fluid."' a'su'-P-ment Of the
Budapest, Perma"'lnatP Reduction Pest Of Cel-ebro-
LAuthor-~~~n2-r' Vol )(V111I 1,'0 5. Oct 66. Pa-,*es
Mentaj- Measurement s' Hungarian SmmarYj A rnethod -554-558.
described for the abjee
- The protoetinthe Permangan4te reaction of t've, inStr,,2-
the am As removed from c0rebrospina-i
Ount of ftO4 used it, pOrencz, the cerebrospi.,a fluid IS
course Of the reaction Is ell Odification is jnclflUid to bfj te'st'a'd,
reaction aracte S m
-13 Hung,%ricaurve Plotted the rizod 43atod
n, frcm in by the direct and the
15 Weste ext atiOn valuos 0 'Onal t1ingent of the
rn references. [,, btained W.Lth
anuscrIpt rece a photom,,t,,,.
IYed jan 66.]
Hootela for forest wo koro. M=ka A~ no,,!Vf-2!? Ft,
'r jt'~ ,
.'*-- , ~,~ 4
1 Fl4i
iii it a I v - .4-1
1 0 to it u it m t$ m v w
A A-, lk.-D r 4 A -I - 1 11 V- y I I
POC,C f 44f 1-11 -11, PI IIA I
. ............. .........
of ;M1$ ~r~lmbw We%
*pt. In. )w (Ili t IN't
ki 11 $1 m
M J$ A It 6 41
4 41
.4, A
-von .**
-Wv a,
v In
.0 is ft d 4 W 6 .1 ON to Ix I ma 4 .. I . I , 4~ too
000 6 a * 00 00 0
0.0 0 9 00 0 Go # 0 41 0 0 0 0 its
I I jl,,~~t~~,,.!-'
Organization and means of the technloal davelopitont in
the food industry. Elelm ipax 18 no. 5: 139-IM0 bly 164,
1. Technical Department, JUnistry of' Food.. Buda.1-m at.
ZOLTAN, Tamas, okleveles banyamemok
Selection of up-to-date supporting atethods on the bauis of
convergence measurements. Bany lap 96 no.11:88~ H 163.
1. Banyaszati Kutato Intezet, Budapest.
HARTOS Ferenc., dr., oklevelea tyinyamernok, a rriuszakl. tudonanyok
,0 r r,,,
kandidatusa, ciwzetes etryetemi- (iocon~3; 1,
Some data on the carrelation beWeen thf! winning c&paclty of
country rocks and their cupporting de,~ietw. Biiny Ijap C/I
no.11:736-741 N 164.
I. Mining Researoh Insti.tute, budapent. 2. Vxbl,orlal t,.)ard
member, "Banyaszatl Lapok" (for Marto3'
ZOLTAN, T. : JO1,11j"O"TrIl T
"Smoot~npsq of Li-,!ii-, er Surfaces ard i t.:j l.oRsi-irr-nent" ,
'101. 4, Flo. 4, April 10'~4, PUdrc:est, llurF_,ary)
SO: Yonthly L4st ol~ EAqt lxror-~~in Accp-,,~sio-is, (EEZ'L), I.C. Vo:t.
I,o. 1, Jan. 1~1,5, Uncl.
"Materials Used for Staining Lunber and Their Exo1h1wition1w Qualit7Op
P. lh6j (FAIPAR, Vol. 40 No. 59 may 1954, Budapestj liungmry:)
SOt Monthly List of East European Accessions, (FEAI,)) IICJI V*14 3, No. 12,
Dec. 1954, Uncl.
"Articles About Trees", P. 1491 (FAIPAR., Vol. 4o No. 5s Ny 1954,, Budapest,
501 Monthly List of East European AccesBions, (EUL)) LC, Vol. 3, No. 12,*
Dec. 1954, Uncl.
Dril-Itrig a special slant well to ell-minate a~,illdenta. Neft. khoz.
41 no.4:60-63 Ap 163. (MFU 1'/:10'I
,--- . OW!, b;
, , + -07
~'-4~ -
Treating generalized forps of malignant tumors byinjecting Y10 into
the hypophysis. Vop. 64k. 6 no. 10:9-18 0 16o. (MMRA 1/+:I)
ZOLTAN Vilmos; BACSA, An+,Al.
Ctuantitativ-i determination of chorianic, gonadot-ropins in prog-
nosis of threatened abortion. Kw.!3corv.1&p. IS nob7-111~-121
gar 55.
1. A Pecei Orvostudomanyi Xj7eten Souleazati 1t11ntkujttmk
kotlemer,ore (Igarrato- la,jos Laszlo dr. saAtmni War)
threatened, chorAonic pona,dotropins in)
(GONADMROPIIIS, CHOR01410, determination,
in threatenad abortion)
MICARY / Hu~~n aL Animal Physil6gy - Internal Secretion.
Abo Jour: Ref Zhur - Biol.p No 2~ 1956o 8920
Author : Laszlo Lajoz, Deaso Nagy, Istvan Gati,, Antal Bacna, Bnbor Seres,
Ivan Clos, Vilmo% Zoltan, Ference Husiret and Jozaef Adam.
Inst : - - - -.-A-
Title : New Endocrinological Observations of Pregnent Wamn.
Orig Pub: Orv. hetilap, 1955, 96, iio l4, 366-373-
Abstract: A gonadotropic substances vas isolated from the urine of pregnett
women which stimulated spermatogenesi-c in earthwarms and ftaled to
give a positive reaction in frogs. This distinquishes It from thle chorionic
gonadotropin, which is isolated from the urine along it-ith it. In a normal
pregnancy 60-1000 units of the gonadotropic substances are found in a liter,
of urine or serum, from the second trimester on. Wh" totemia Is prezent,
the concentration of the gouadotropin, even in the eai!lir period of
pregnancey, atains 1000-5000 units. The gonadotropic aubstance usually
accompanies the chrorlonic ganadotropin which, iii a Imthological preg-
nancy, is formed in Invge qiwntitles od; the expeowie cie a dwinged plwinta.
"CLIPAP-1, 0!'3; T.
ZCITAN C"'.3, T. Industrial LEd oratory of tho !.'Praq-tmont cif thi) Fvrni bxz--~ InchisIxy i,f,
the AnCyelfold Furnii.Ure Factcr.v. in 3 .1
Index for 1955.
vol. 5) No. 12J. rec. 191.1...
Eudepest, Fungary
So: Er;st European Accession, Vol, r, No. 5) Y,y 19r.6
V HII! 11 U11 IIF 4 1-111; HIIII, 11144VIT 1,111"11 I"W"
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
HUNGARY/ laialytical Cheixistry - .'inalyai-i of Crganic Subiqtancoti 0-3
Abs Jour Referat Zhur - Khimiya, No 4, 1957, 12203
Author Zoltan Oro Tamar,
Title -T_eT_er_m_Tn_at1-o1T~~_fthe Concentration of Shellac 13olutions
Orig Pub Faipar, 1956, 6, No 5, 132-135
Abstract A rapid refractorietrL- method has been developed for the
determination of shellac(I), which is suitable for plw-it
control and research work. It descriptiun is given or the.
fundamentals of refr,,.ictometry, laws goveriAng the pass'lge
of light rays from one i,.iedium into anotht!r. For -the plot.
ting of a calibration cum! 5 series uf were pre-4
pari,.,d containing I of different L~rade and at different con.
centraLions (fror,1-5 to 20 g 1 per loo ml tialutirin.). Grade
of I is characterLLed by inoitturo and ash conterat, melting
poiilt, contant of wax anarl substrAnces solublo in alcohol.
Indices of refraction were determined for all the solu-
tions at 200 (table included) with an Pibbit, refractomoter.
Card 1/2
Wilding machines at tha R~Lauover fair. Magy -op ipAr 12 no.9.-
408-416 163.
The Leipzig Spring Fair. Magy op lpar 10 n6orl:2594.,,2153 .161.
ZOLOTAREV, I.I., kand. med. nauk
Significance of tomography in the diagnosis of adrenal tumors,
Vest. rent. i rad. 39 no.1:48-51 Ja--F 164.
(KIRA 18:2)
1. Kafedra urologii (zav. - prof. I.M. Epshteyn) I Maelcovskogo
ordena lAnina ineditsinskogo inStitUtEL imeni Sachenovil.
ZOLOTARITp M.G. (Fftahov)
Now noms for deftations for the works f=d. ftereins pr"4 no.,6z
10-14 N-V 164 Wrim 18e2)
ZOLLNER, Domagoj, dr.
Possibility of roentgenological diagnoLds of' diseases of -the
small intestine. Lijeano vjesne 86 noo5t591-596 IV 164
1. Randgen odjelenje Vojne bo2nice u Splitu.
EXCE,ar-TA 1;,!',.DICI,. Sce 7 Vol. I
3029. !~-~WS~KAA. Zakt. Anat. Pat. A. M. GdaeWIC.
lenie plazmocytowe ptuc u dziect. Intraparen hyr~lial pla fjmocv trc
pulmonary inflammation in children PATOL,POL. 19.m, 7
(313-319) Illus. 4
A case of paeumonia in a 2-month-old child. The pathatogic4l chanr~es were di:tfuse
andprominent most of all in the dorsal partu of the luri-9. The Oia-vacteristic feature
was an enlarged interittitium, with plasmocytic and lym phacytic infiltrations. Alveoli
show a granular exudate and peculiar foainy structurl!s in which the paraniterwith
1, 2, 4 and 6 nuclei in the cyst are, found. W the intraptirench yrnal iissuc.-,t of Qthcr
organs, there are histiocytes and lymphocytic Infiltrtitiona, (V11i 5)
Fill 1111,11 WV111 F-Ill If IT1,11111, 1141TIPTE Ili 1" 11
---- ZE
An attempt of evaluatin.., by cbjectilre measurer-en,I,,,3 thn, nrc!,.irojentic.
quality of selected e)"qmples of canned,ham. Praell~ ine:tyt i labor i
bad przem spoz 12 no.1:1-10 162.
1. Institut Przem~islu Miesnego, Zaklad Technolol;,,,ii, Warswiwa.
7-4)LTOWSKA, Albino
Interstitial plasma-coll pnounout& In childrem, Pwt, polsks,
7 n0-3:313-319 Julr-GsPt 56, 1
1. Z Zakladu Anat. Pat. A.M. w Gdausku. 119rownik: .~rof, dr.
nauk med. W. Cairnocki, GUask4raesics, u1. Rsclawlckk 15/4.
Pneumonia In now orn"Infents during their first fow days of
life. PAdIat. poloka, 31 no.10:1101-1107 Oct 56.
1. Z Odds. Noworodkow I Wczesniakow I KlIn. Polozm~ i Chorob
Koblecych A.M. v Gdansku. Kierownilc kliniki, prof, dr. mtsd.
14eller Kierownik naukowy: prof. dr. mad. K. Araclaiski i s
Zakladi Anatomii Patologicznej A.M.G. Klerownik, lirof. dr.
med. W. Czarnocki.
(PIMMNIA. in Infant and child,
newborn (Pol))
(I NPART. NMORM, diseases,
pneumonia (Pol))
Pneumatosis cystoides intestinalis and pulmonary mycosis in a ',,-dav-
old infant. Pat. pol. 13 no-4:503-506 162.
l. Szpital Powiatowy w Pucka-Dyrektoi,* Szp1talar dr mod, J. Grafkcii.
A case of chronic umifent, retim-aosia. Pol. lell'- 19
no.44al.099-.1700 H 2064
1. Z TIT Kliniki Chorob Wewne-trmych Akadem-li Itadyczmej V
Gdaneku (Kiercwniks prof. dr. 14, Gamnski.) i z AbbiallA
Wemnetrznego Sz itala Powiatovego v lljher-,)wi.Lwj (Drdynntirt~,T
lek. J. '#Tangler
--., -
Genesis of focal thickening of children'ti myranary arteries
in the light of morphologieal examination. A.uta bJ.o:L. med.
(Gdansk) 8 no.ltU-23 164
1. Z Zakladu Anatomii Fatologiamej AkadunliMedytmej v
Gdansku (Kierownik Zakladu: Prof. dr. Wilhelin Czarnocki).
Case of serious myocardial damge In a prepamt women. Pat. Pol.
16 no.3061-365 JI-S 165.
1. Z'Prosektury Szpitala Powiatowejgo we Wajherowim (Dyrektor
Szpitala: dr. med. A. Jagalski).
2 caseu of Schoenlein-Henoch syndrome. Wiad. lek. 18 no.17:
1413-1415 1 S 165.
1. Z Oddzialu Chorob Wewnetrznych Szpitala Powiatowego w
Wejherowie (Ordynator: lek. mod. J. Wongler).
Poland/chemical Technology Chemical Products and Their Applicatiali. Fermentation
Industry, 1-27
Abst Journal: Referat Zhur Kh1miya, No 1g,, 1956.. 63537
Author: Zoltowska,, Irena
Institution: None
Title: Investigation on Utilization of Thaimophilic Yeast for the Production
of Feed Yeast
Petiodical: Badania nad zastosovaniem termofilnych ras dj,*ozdzy w produkcji drozbzy
pokarmawych. Przem. spozywczy, 1956., 10., No 2, 92-93; Polish
Abstract: By re-seeding and cultivation over 6 months at steadily increasing
temperature from 34 to 400, adapted thermophilic yeast has been ob-
tained which produced the same yield of feed yeast at 400 as the orig-
inal (not adapted) yeast at 300. Adaptation pro&TemB of the yeast can
be followed on the basis of the coloration or culturea on agar and
also by microscopic exanination of' the stainIng of yeast cells vith
methylene blue.
Card 1/1
. I - : I I - I I ; I ; : [ 1 11 1 1 1 1 * 1 1 1 h 0 11 3 _ I , , . I . . . , ' , .. , . . , , . . . I ' - -
ZOLTOWSKI, Andrzejp zgr inz.
Selected problems concerning autcmatio control of small. municipal
water supply systems. Gaz woda tachn sayiit 37 no.20028-330
0 163.
1. Stolics. Design Offico of Cowunal Cons truc tions, Vswsaw.
IMEMINSKI, Wojciecb; UHFJNOWSKIp Andrzej;.,
The not of secular variation stations in Poland. Prace, Inat gsoA 8
no.2:93-154 161.
(Poland-Magnatismo Terrestrial)
Secular changes of mapetio declination in pol"p 14.5V-196ir P~aaqi:
Inst good 9no.2ilOO-108 162.
-ZO."L,TOIRSKI, Andrzej
Method of preparing the new tyTx of magnati:iaeter for
measurements of the vertical componunt Z on th* torrItory
of Poland. Prace inst geod 1.0 no. 2: 123-132 10.
KRMNINSKI, WoJciech; [JIIRMOW5KT, Andrzej; -~PYTWSKI F Aadr2ej
Iletwork of secular magnetic variation stations in PolIrod . I
Ft. 2. Prace inst geod 10 no. 2.- 90-122 163. .
ACCESSIal NR: AP4040347 P/2505/63/010/002/W/U?2
AUMOR: K~,zeminski, V0Jciech (xsheminlski, Voytoekh);
(Uldu7*novski, -Andzbey); Zoltowaki, Uhrynamki, Andrzej
J,(Zhultovskj, Andz)IeV)
TITM: Network of secular mapotic points ir, Polands 17
SOU'RCE: Warsaw. Instytut Geodezji i Kartogimflie Prace, v. 10, no* 2(22), 1963p
TOPIC TAGS: secular variation stations, magpetic points, Askadis, GV 3
clinatowp BUZ, 6eelluator
field variograph, declinator, QM4 de
ABSTRACT: This paper is one of a series an the resulto of observations madt by
the not of secular variation stations in Po~xncl. 3:n 1961 the Askamia Gv 3 field
varie-graph stations belonging to the Institute ol! Geodesy aad CartWapby and
the Geo;bysical Institute or the Polish AcadaW of Sciences vere use4 tar deter-
mination of magnetic elements on seculax points. sm locatIca of variograph
stations, and-reducing area- -a giveno Durdag the work. 0 the variogm1J'a at,
certain Points observaticas. _~th the uze of the aeciumtors c~v and M were per-
foxmede This paper contains tba results of determinsUM5.13t 13 "'Re __0_A re--
rd 7
Acmsicu NR; AP00347
suite of Z dete=inations will be publiahed in the future,, The bases of vari-
cmeters D and H vith reference to individual points were tAlculated :rrcm these
measurements for any station. The differences of values D and H for the epoch*
i961, 5 between the points and. the reference observatory at SidbBr vere deter-
mined by cciapariacci of the reg;tstraticns during the nigbt befca*e and exter the
meazumcat dayas Any vulue of4 in thoso tables is a mean eil: three valvas
detenained at selectecl., noadistu*ed mauents. The rar3j memn have beeA ob-
tained as
DJI.N.1142 +',do
Tables shov values & D and H, D and g for the perlci& considered
varD D,941.s Djju.*~
CGtd IMd a'do/year and dAil/year.
Acci.;ssiai IIR: AP4040347
The results vere elaborate& in fo= of isolpr malme Mierzaa errar of the value-a
thus obtained are assumed to be:
I mDjjdjA - Vj6
m var D - t 1',0
inUj"j,s 21
7n var R.-
error is the consequence of the lower accuracy of the it. datemu4nations. The
isopor maps obtainedwhpn compare(I Nrith fo=er claboratims, indicate a conolder-,
oC secular ch an in ivcent ynaxs. Mae auth-
able increoze of horizontal gradient ang
ors conclude that =e of field vario,,rra1% staticaa for djsej!yaticin CC the mat of
secular stations is valuable. Ne thank for help and cooperatim Dr. Z.
14~~.ajald and the group he directs at the Geophysics laboxator7, Volish Acn4amy CX
~cicnccs, Z. Kalinowaki director o: the Swider Maervatoq,, and Z. Czysk, director
6f the Hal Observatory.1, Orig. art* has: 10 VaVaics and 0 tablimi.
a SUBZWXM: OCV=63 rATz Acq: 25j=64 311CL.- "OD
I T , n TM
UIIIHO-11~ mi"Ski~ Wojciech, uIlryllowski, Arldrzo!J and 61-
towski, Andrzej
T i T 12, Grid of magnetic secular variation points in 2oland
PETITODIC": Referativnyy zhurnal, Goefizika, no. 5, 1962, 28, ab-
stract 5G204 (Prace Inst. geod.'i kartogr., 81 no, 2,
1961, 93-154)
TIEXT: A -rid of 20 secular variation points was set up in Poland
-4 -
19,55. 'he points are secured by granite columns; no IbuildJng
'ew yearo. TI
1.11d fileld distortion are to be expected in the next I 1e
d ac ent areals field was exaraned; the horizontal g&-adients of
u 7,
lio no-t e-,"Ceed 10r1100 m. A map of Poland on a scale of 1 :4,000tlo.~
-s -iven; i4lu shows the loca-tions of the poi,.,l+us ,:aid also of tho
)rese.nt magnetic observatories in Poland. The googri:phic coordi-
ion dovai -to the tenth part of a minute; the
101.ita a precis
height in meters above sea-level; the approximate values of Z a.",
Card 1/2
S/169/6 '!/000/005/'035/093
Grid of marrnetic ... D228/D307
and the years of previous observations are adducod for all 20
p:)ints. In addition, a copy of the large-scale map, -tile plan of
-,.he area adjoining the point, a description of -the surroundin&b,
and a s~'cetch of the external appearance are givei,.i for each point.
'-he next observations at all points were made in 1957. D, I, and
H were observed. The results of each series of determinations are.
cited with an indication of the date and the time of the observa-
1..~_ons `Lor each element separately. The values of seven elements,
reduced to the 1958 epoch, are given in a composite table. Obser-
vations were made in 1901 at 8 of the 20 poinis. Maps of tile ieo-
-f the summary secular variation from 1901 to 1958 'or -the
01 U I
elements D, I, and H were also prepared with respect to these
oo'n-us. 15 references. ~ Abstracter's note: Complete translation-_7
Card 2/2
More on acom sowing. p. 18
(Las Polski,, Warszawas Vol. 30., no. 9. Sept. 1956.)
SO: MoWay List!.of East European Accessions (EEIL) LC., Vol. 6. no. 7s July 195L Uncl.
Macropteryx longipennis Raffl. Wszechawiat no.11:251 11 164.
Caloenas nicobarica L. Ibid:251
POLAND/Foreetry - Forest Cultures* K-5
Abs Jours Rdf Zhur - Biol,j No 19., 1958p 86890
Author : - Zoltawski,, Jerzy
Inst I
altle A Further Note on the Planting of Acorns
No 9. 18
Orig Pub: Las polski, 1956., 30 --20
Abstract: For the successful creation of oak cultures when
planting in soils wbich readily become iffested
with weeds, the recommendation is made to plant
the acorns in autumn under the canopy of mature
stands intended for cutting. The planting should
be made by hoeing the acorns into tiny elevations
which are rich in mulch several. days before felling.
The soil under cultivation is carefully looeonedl
the emergence of seedlings is desirable when the
threat of late spring frosts is over. Several affro-
technical recommendations are presentod, -- N. Is.
Card 1/1
AUTHORs i6ltowski, Piotr
TITLE; CoAxial ceramic-to-metal exUrnal seols of
18-67 mm dipineter
4ay-MIODICALos' PrzeglRd Slektroniki, no6,61 1962, 31~5-317
T2XT: Vacuum-tight coaxial external asuals (~i e t 1out-
side, ceramic inside) with diameters 18-67. mm. in-vitig good rezis-
tance against fast temper-ature variatidna. Invtstidations were
Performed for connecting steatite with the all-ay FON150 and with'
nickel, and in connecting the ceramics called 7,r-9 (containing
about 66.5P' A1203 9 18% S1021 7.% Zr()2, and 3~ B&O with t7ae
alloy FeN128Co2l. 2or the metal parta of the esalmq~ oheste of,
Card 1/2
'I of
AUTHOR: i6ltowski, Piotr
~TITLE; Coaxial ceramic-to-metal exUrnal seals of
18-67 mm. diameter
'PZRIO.DICAL: Pr%eglAd Zlektroniki, no#:6. 1962, 316-317
.TEXT: Vacuum-tigat coaxial external 'seals (mets.1 ou-b-
side, ceramic inside) with diameters having good resis-
,t2nce against fRBt temper..vture variatidna. InvestigRtions were
Performed for connecting ste"ite with the alloY FeNi50 and with
,nickel, and in connecting the ceramics called Zr-9 (containing
.about 66.5% A1203 18% S102, 7,9% ZrO2, and 3$ BaO) with the
.alloy FeN128Co2l. 0o&- the metal parts of the smale, aheeta of
,'"Card 1/2
CoaxiAl ceramic-to-metr~l...
0.6 mm thickness were used. The we-re mAde usin*g the- powder
technology and soldering with vELcuum copper for the given diameter.
The vacuum tightness w" checked at a pressure of 10-9 mmHg. For
Ceramics Zr-9 connected with Kovax, leaAs of an order of lo-13-io-14
mmHgl/sea were noticed. A high increase of the~'.pressure,was seen
at temperatures above 40000. Steatite--nickel and 8teatite-FOMO
seals did nbt resiA %he fast temperature variations. Them are
2 figares.
ASSOCIATION; Prtemyelowylnstitut Elaktroniki (Industrial
Institute of Electronics)
~'Card 2/2'
Coaxial ceramiometal outside seals of 18-66 rm. diameter. Przevl
alaktroniki 3 no.6016-317 Jr) '62.
1. Przomyslowy Instytut Elektroniki, Waramawa.
Clothei i=repmted with dimethyllahthalste lit -orevontion of rediemlosit"
Frxegl. qnidem., Warst. 11 no.2tl?5-178 1957.
1. Z Jojskowego Cantralnego Iaboratorinm Sanitarao-Hig ten in, zn4i;o w
Warsemule Kierow-iik; nrof. dr He Illkonorm,
(PT)ICIDW313', prev. & control
di-nottrrlt)hthalate-i,vt~rognated clothlr4~ (Pol))
kil T I MA TAI IA6 16
dilwtlrjlphth&late-i=rsgnated clothing I-a Drev. of
'nedinitlosiq 0101))
................... .... .I"....." ..... ..
Pneumonysous airaicola Banko, 1901 ne a pulmomary pvasite in monkeys
l4acacus rhesus and Kneacus cynomoIgus, WlAdjolaosci parazyt., Warox. 4
no.5-6:751-752; tranal. 752-753 1958.
1, Z Zakladu Wiruslogii I Zakl. ft-razytologil PZH v Waresawie.
PneumoVesus simicobi pulm. infect. in monkeys (Pol))
Pneumonyesue simicolix infect. In monlreys (Pol))
(KOIMYS, dis.
Case of generalized poroosphalosis in a Mora-,V indued by xqmph Armillifer
moniliformis Diesing, 1936. Via(lomouct. paxaijyt., Warez. 4 no.5-6:755-756;
Engl. transl. 756-757 1958.
1. Z Zakladm Wirusologii i Zakl. tarazytologii FtH w Warenawle.
Armillifer moniliformin infeat. in monkey (Pol))
(HOI03TS 0 die.
Armillifer moailltornia infect (Pol))
Determination of species and acquired resivtance of nymntropic inmects
to hexachlorecyclehexane. Viadomoacti Darazyt., Waraz, 4 no-5-6t?79-780;
lj'ngl. transl. 780-781 1956-
1. Z Centralnego Wojskowego laboratoriun Sanifarno-Higlenioznap w
species & acquired retsist. in s7wntro-,iic insects (Pol))