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DATMV, Mikhail Prokoflyevich,- ZORI, Anstollv Stafannich; XDCURGA, N.. redaktor; VUY , M.. iaracnenW-mantor. (Rapid sinkivg of vertical ohafts] Skorostuals proklaodkit vertikallnykh stvolov. Kiev. Gos.Isd-vo tekhm. lit-ry'DOSR, 1955. 71L P. (VIVA 8:22) (Shaft sinking) I -Z 0 1 I'l, - ~' ~~nov,M.P.; ZCMI,A.S. W"" 202.1 motors of prepared nine ahaft per mouth. Kokh. brud. rab. 1 9 no.5.,21-24 NY 155. MIA 8: 7) 1. irachallnik kombinats, StallaWmMtostror (for Djivydov~ 2. Ilachall- nik tokhaicheakogo otdola treats, StalivehakhtoproModJm tfor Zori). (Mxaf:t sinking) DAVYDOV. M.P.; ZASLA IY I Yu. Z. ; FRI A. - 150 motors of prepared mine shafts per month, Kaldt,trud.rab. 8 no.8:17-20 D '54. (MYBA 80) 1. Upravlyayushchiy treatom Stalinshakhtoprokhodkm (for Ilavydov) 2. Glavnyy lnzhener prokhodcheskogo stroyupravlenlya Vo,.3 (for Zaalavokiy). 3. Nachallnik tekhnicheakogo otdela tresta (for Zori) (Donets Basin--Mining engineering) I DAVTDOV, M.P.; ZORI, A.S. 120.6 n of shaft sinking per month. ltekh.trud.rab. 8 noi3:6-9 Ap-My 154. Oau 7 -.6) 1. Upravlyayushchiy treston Stalinshakhtoproldiodka (for lhrydov). 2. Nachallaik tekhnichaskogo otdela tresta (for Zori). (Shaft sinking) DAVYDOY. M.P.: ZORI, A.S.; YOUBUYICV. S.1h. Sinking of 120.6 motor of completed shaft of a largm diamoter In a month. Ugoll 29 no.6:31-37 Jo 154. (KGRA 7:6) 1. Treat .5talinshakhtoprokhodka. (Shaft sinking) '. 91 , ZORT, ftamplary shaft sinking in the Butovskaia-Glubolmia mine. Gar. zhur. no.7:40-45 Jl '56. (14LU 9 t 9) 1. lachallnik tekhl~cheekogo otdolix treat& Stalinshahtoprokhodka. ('Donets 4sin--Sbaft sinking) I ~, 11 . 1 1.11 - ~ ---. I . ~ .1 1 1. ZORI, A. S. 2. USSR 6oo 4. Shaft Sinking 7. Sinking the skip shaft of the "Vetka-Glubckaia" mine, Ugoll, 26, No. 1, 1953. 1 9. Monthly List of Russian Accessionsp 4ibrary of Congress, April 1953, Uncl. ZORI, A. PA '7/14~,M% 7 111! "Perforwuime, of' the S-153 Ocal Lonider In a;. tbck:11~164,~I A. S. Zori, &gr, StalinabskILtovorjrjtamov].e6,11~l~e Tkxit p -U901" NO 7 (2613) Rock removal Is orle of the uo'dt Imborlow, miidl leftiol meoMnIzed of mizing opi-atlohiff. Zorl a coal-loadIng muchitia, i~au us6I for tbils pujt-pcjse,,~ Conoludes.tbat wohine S-153 ban bo racc=0:111~,.ed f4r 1 drifts passIng thLrough aml ekid &L"gillitef., 'both fiz loading coml an(I =m11, vell-braken rooks. (Yr#&I-611, vu=u tbat mohimi obotilil Im, umfit for,uift, imnkm I riul FM 111-90111~. ANDROS, TLT.- Insh.; ASSONOVg T.Ao, Imud. tiqkhn. nauk, I 2=132PRIN, S.A.,, Insh.; BMIY. B.T., prof.; BROMAN, Th.T., Imth. BOMIMMO, A#P.0 lnzh.; BUCHM. V.K*. kmd. takhm. nauk; VXR "MMOT, GoPo, )mad. tekhn. nauk; TOMOT, A,F*, lzzh. -, GWAM=, NJ., kAnd. te)zhz. naxk; GORODNICEW. VA., inzh.; DUMIMAV, A.U., inhh.; 330MICH&M, MA., insh.;MMKOV, L*To, kand. tekhn. nauk-,UPIFAffTMW', kand. tekhn. nauk.;UMSHKO, I.S., Who; ZEMNOT, S~A., lamd. takhni tiauk; ZILIBARBROD, inzh.-, ZINGEMMO, X.Wv insh,.; ZORj~j&f-Aj,,_., iuzh,; KAJUH, LeBo. tnzh.; UTSMOV, IINI, datino., Y"Pilmly, 1P.T., inzh,; KR&VTS0V,l&.P*, Who; KRIVMOG. S.A., ittzh.; IMINITSKIT, L.H.. kand. tekhn. nayk; LITVIN, A.Z., inzh.: 141XVIC31, N.A., kand..tekhn. nauk.- MANIZOVSKIY,-G.I.0 doktor tolift. mtmq KALTKOVSKIT. AA., inzh.; HUMBLI, 2.0o, kand. te)din. nauk; VtREARDIF, P.P., kRnd. tel&i. nauk; WORM, I.D., kavid. te'khn. nituk; IIMMMURGO 7,Ye.,. kELud,, teklm. mik; PCKHOVSKIY, G.L. prof., doittor teldin. nauk; * FROMMIN', 4.T., kand. tekhn. mmk; ROZIUIBAM4, ituh.; ROS$I, B.D.0 kand. takhn. nauk; SBCUMIY. V.N., dcktor telthn. nank; SKIME110, OlB., lnzh,; SUKRM, A#Ao, inzh.; SUXWOVO A.P., prof., doktor tekhn. nauk; TARANOV. F.Ya., kand. tekba. nauk; TOKABOTIMIT, Mt, iuzh.; TMWAKO N.Go, prof., doktor takhn. naut; HINDOROT, S.A., prof,, dokti)r tekhu. nauk; MYUKIN# V.A., inob.; XHCk-AtbWIJT, D.M., insh.1 KHM13ROV. R.I., kand..tekhn. nauk; CHIUM, T.Ah, imb..' PHIMVICTI, N.N., inzh.: SMYBIRO B.P., Imad.teldin. nauk; AFQT, ll,.koo kand, tekhn. nauk; YAKUSHIN, N.P., Icand. teldim. nauk; TANCM, inth.; WHONTOV, A Do, inzh.; POKROVSKIY, NoH., otvetst,vennrj- rea.; KAPM, Ta.G: [deceased], red.; HONIN, G.I., red., SAVITI'MY, V.T. (Gontinued an next oard~ ANDROS, I.P.-- (I-cab in-aea) C&~.-j 2. red.; SANOVIGH, P.O., VOLOVIOZE, X.Z., :L!od.; GMITWIT, A.V., Inzh., red.; POWTANOT, V.A., v;e4l,. 7AARYMV, R.I., inzh., CMWHKO-,~ L.T., tekh-z- red.; HAIMINSIKATA, A.A..,, [Mim!zz; an spravocl,mike, Glaw. red.,A.M. TaqlL7or-rv. tel-hnicheato-5 fzd-vo and timboring) kollegii,i lluix.: 74 Ste TYIJRKYAN, Raffi Armenakovichj GOIUV* Petr Ivanovicb; WRII Aratoli -AMICHEM, Vladimir Vasil h; XWSW11 p -1-v 0 fanovic4j.- 'yevic )V Fid-.~-CHECHKOVt L,V#j red* izd-Vaj LOMIL114TAt L41., talihn. red.1 ILOINSKAYAp GAV tokhn. TOCI [Information for worker on vertical shafts, sbaft bottomst and chambers] Pemiatka prokhodehika vertikalInykU iotvolcwt okolost-voll- rVkh dvdrav i kamer. Moskva, Goo. nauchno-tekbz. izd-,4,o lit po gornomu ~elu, 1960. 71 p. (MRA 14;71 (Shaft Dinkirg) ZCRI, A*So, gOrW insh, Obsolete book (ORapid shaft sinking" by A,N.Alyinov, by A.Z.Zori). ugoi 'UkT. 3 no.9:46 S 1-59. ROVIeved (S (MM 13:2) haft sinking) (Alymov, A.N.) ZGRIC,-Apica) dipl. e-.0 ... Amortization under the conditions of tho economic growth of electric industries. Elektroprivroda 15 nc.l:,!,D-28 Ja 162. 1. Zajednica elektroprivrednih predumce. Firvatakej Tje~Mba WRIC, Jnioa, dipl. sk. , Influence of the flAancial potentUl of amortintation an selecting the structure of alactric power aftraes. Slekt:raprivroda 17 no.4/5tM2-233 Ap4br 164 Ifitdiikado:,,~ fard cmilplilikol 61kib*d all ,1110 And 'It Fl~, 11-a 141014"'47.10 ItIl3tt, Were olv(tjjl[~. i"Lltu rhf! :Twn_-4:j,. w,re iwiqldi. e;i:d fruira tf~i: aw"wt fty -ow'! ftill(mr(f n'11:1 unjj! I li I! 1'l ~11 ' 1111C L(IO MI CJ,T. 1,1~ "~ ~t- 11) 1, _ AII I I r ;.1k Ir 11 !1- ill, fql, it )-I I V1, a v, 111 11 T 11:1 FA�, ;I~ I ; I `11~ I ""I -(1 3 1 1 1'~ tin I( r1 i, 'If t!~d I it,:11i ! ;; , 11 '11 1 I , ~ft I r I -.. I j q Ilit f Zc:,ac, 1- Shal-c in the Aleksinac deposits. ;-~- 513. I'7T-IK %.,: ; -~A, ',~eograd, Vol. 1C. 110. 4, 1955- M : lonthly List of "ast ~E'Urop~-,an Acuassiom;, u, 701. 4, rv,). 1D, at. 1955, Uncl. ZORICP m "Jackdaw As Our Town Bird", p. 44o, (NAUKA I MUM) ( 'Vol. 6. No. 10 1953, Beograd# Yugqslavia) SO: Monthly List of East European Accession L.C* Vol-,3, Uo. 4, April 1954 zialu dipl. Inz. kmarlber, Pa~Awva 2, -adres for mdern industrIlea. utoxat!,ka 5 .64. ZORIC, Zoran A criterion for the optimal geometry of the reactor fuel i element. Bal Inst Mucl 11:93-103 161. 1e Institute of Nuclear Sciences "Boris Mdriclif" Department of Reactor Engineering, Vinea. - - L' -~;:;h - -11-1 -hill-L -- SMC,Mnrko,dr. ; KOSOKOVIC,Sniljka.dr.; ZORICA,Kladien,dr.; MWMIC.11homilpdr. Occupational lead poisoning in workers employed in the construction of the "Liberty BrIdgem. Lijac. vJas. 81 uo-11:803-805, '59. 1. Iz Instituta za. medicinska. istranivanja JAZU i Tztezme klinike Medicinskog fakulteta Sveucllista u Zagrebu. (LB&D POISONING)' 75MICA SAMC, M. Asbestosis in asbestos-cement workers. Arb. hig. racla 12 no.2-. 97-1.18 161. 1. Zavod za zastitu zdravlja, Split I Institnt za tvidicinska ist.razivanja i medicinu rada, Zagreb. (ABESTOSIS statist) ZORICH, A.S., inch. Bearing coLpacity of reinforced concrete &~nd prostressed elements subjected to cross-bending.;td.IUZOII no -3: 64-75 15 9. 1 (KWA 13: 7) (Girders) (Strains and stresses) ZORICH, A.S., inzh. Determining streases in reinforced concr,ele eleniants duriner theIr compression by prestressed oblique or curvillnear reinforcement. Stroi,konatr, no.W4-44 165, (MIRA 1.8-22) 1. Kharlkovskly PromatxoyNIIprc7(-kt. KALUICHZUO, A.G.; ZORICH, A. S. Iffect of using furnace-slag compositions instead of plain concretes in making certain reinforced concrete construction elements. Sbor.turd.IUZHNII no-31161-199 '59. (KIIA 13 '-.7) (Reinforced conerete) (Slag) ZORICH. A.S., inxh.; DIABAM, N.N., inxh. Stand for testing steel construction elementoo Sbor,trad. IuzwI no-3:323-320 159. (KLU 13t7) (Steel:, Structural-Testing) SOLODKIYJ, A.I., inzh.; WHICH, K.S., inzh. -, =~~ --- - ------ Automation and mechanization of technical-dontrol processes in machinery plants. Mashinostroenie no,1:76--77 Ja--F 162, (MXRA 15;2) 1. Proyektno-konstru,~torskiy tekhnologJ.chaskiy institut, K-.Iyevskogo sovnarkhoza. (Autoinatian) (Quality control) VARFOLOMEYEVA, Ye.K.; BOTOVA, A.S.; SHEFLER, V.F.I_WRICH,.N2- Chemistry evening on the topic f'Metals and allays." thim. v shkole 17 no.2:64-70 Mr-Ap 162. (KIRA 150) 1. Pedagogichaskiy institut, g. U11yanovsk. (Chemistry--S~udy and teaching) (Ifeftala) 1!",illfil ...... RINI" 11"T 1111 7 ;1 n,-i t 4t,14, ZORICH, S. D. Cand. Blolog. 8cl. Dissertation: "The Fundamental Problems of hygiene and Safety in the Manufacture of Trini tro toluene." First Moiucow Order of' Lenin Medical Inst.. 17 Mar 47. SO: Vechernyaya Moskva, liar, 1947 (Project #17836) ZORICH, V. --- .". ~- I Boundary properties of a class of mappings in a space, Dok1. AN SSSR 153 no.1:23-26 N 163. (MIRA 17: 1) 1. Moskovskly gosuclarstvennyy universitet Im. MaV. Lomonosova. Predstavleno akademikom P.S. Aleksandrovym. ZCREHY V.A. Correspondence of boundaftes, in Qn-quasi-conforAMI Aappings of a sphere. Dokl,,AN &IZR 345 no.641209--lM Ag 462. OMA 15:8) 1. Moskovskiy gosudarstvenrqy univorsitet im. 14.V.Lomonosova. Predstavleno akademikom P.S.Aleksandrovyz. (Conformal mappins) ZOEICHY V. Detemination of bratndaT~,r elerrirmt.n by Twan:n of Dokl. All SSZF 164 na.4:736-739 1) 165. (MIRA 18:10) 1. Moskovskiy gosudarstverin,.,y wi:Iv(jrSj'kX)t. (711b7~ I t't,ef4, Miarch 1, Iq65- ;ZCRIGHP V.A. --- -- -, Correspondence of boundaries for Q-quasi-confors4 Sappings of a sphere. Dokl.AN SSM 145 no.101-34 il 162. (MIRA 15#7) 1. MoskovdkLy gaoudarstwennyy universitat imeni Imonooova. Predstavleno akademikom M,,A.,Lavre-nt'yevym, (Conformal mappings) ALIFORS, IAM (Ahlfors,, Inrolp prof.- LIMAN,, Beraj,:jjpwQf,p ZORIP11, V.A. (translator]; KIRILTZVO A.A. ttrawlator]; 0111MAT., ~B'I-'V-O-P- PLUZE41KOVA, N.I., red.; FRIDJUITSINA, S.V.) tekbiti, red. (Space of Riomm surfaces and quaisi-conforvIRI rutlipinal Prt>- stranstva rimanovykh pavarkhnostek i kxazikonforimiyo otobra- zheniia. Pod red. D.V.Sbabata. Moskva, lzd-;vo inostr.lit- 1961. 176 p. OKIRA 15-17 (Rieman surface) (Comformal. mapping) V-6 R 5 --66 -!j r v , b .3 a ;71 "he 1,7E0 11 o p tp r r it 1, 24-685-66 ...... ... .......... ACC NRt Ar-601.5524 A. Mblehn"Itiv, Z. tht-voy'l vm, +:i::wr4bfld fLy L11 r Tit-- '1 "-17 thf! ho; [::oc f- r jo :-I,- i~ T 11 I Card Z/2 fl Ilk, I-FA- FF -1i EITIllil-11i IMIKIN, N.V., kandidat tekhnicheskikh ZULUk; ZORICH&~ V.D. 6&"QIVAW.1- Letter to the editor. Teploanergetlks 3 no.12:58-59 D 156. (KMA 9: 12) 1. Nachallnik otdela maloy energetiki %entrallnop lrotloturbia- nogo institute, (for Kuxlmin). 2. G:Lavnyy linhener Blyakogo kotell- nogo zavoda (for Zorichey). (Boilere) r.". If k 18 m 22 4~) r. IL bl.- r. EL I R -v- PM-. Ok L r 9, L K-" L IL A- 0 -"-'s r OL 0.~i. mom it 10 xe I" "C") L OL %-,d -"bu. IMP- Xo~-Wok' 04 - A AL low it sit Ao 12 tops 9""A tw Us CautmOW WAIIN IC W MOdArts T"WIV481 010141ir It &min Ingtow9m ad Slontri"I Cooddfttlaw is. A. 4. ?"w (Mtt), Obt4m, 8-32 J-4m. SIDORENKO, A.V., glav. red.; 2~,RIChTVA,,_A,j. red.; VOLKOT, S.11. , izd-va; U."IT, soredrActor; SOLOMATBA, j red.izd-va; GUROVA, O.A.0 tekhn. red. (Geology of the U.S.S.R.] Geeologiia SSSR. Glav.rea.A.V. Sidorenko. Moskva, Googeoltekhizdat. Vol.2. [Archangel and VoloGda Fro~vinces and t1-4 Komi A.S.S.H Arkbiingelt- skaia, Vologodskala oblasti i Komi AS-1-111. P;~l.[Gtological description] Geologicheskoe opiounie. Red. A.I.Zovicheva. 1963. 1077 p. (MI RA .16; 12) (Archangel Provi,.ice--C-eoloE:r) (Vologda Province-Geology) (Komi A.S.S.R.-Geology) URICHIVA., A. I. .- Stratigraphy of Phleozole deposits In the northern Russian PlAt- form. Vkt.VSNG]%1 no-14:153-168 15-6. (MIRA 10-.1) * (Russian Platform-Geology, Strntigraphic) BOCH, S.G.; GRUSHNVOT, Y.G.; DWANOTSKIT, Th.K.; AMCP 41TA A.I., ITAWT~ , IMAIII A.A.; XURU, U.N.; LIEWTICH, L.B.; NOR ~"VW.,IWWR0$Mff V.P.; RUSANOT B.S.; S'PIZIIMXIY,. TA: VAUWT~ N.V.; SHAUMV, TO.T., iadakloki DZIVAKOTSKIY, YVA.; radaktor; XROKKOT; V T. redaktor; MIRLIN, G.A., rodaktorl RUSANOV, I.S., w4aktor; SPAM- VA. X.V., redaktor; GUROVA, O.A., takhalchemkiy rsdaktar. [Instruction for coapiling wd preparing for publication th6 st&te geological map of the U.S.S.R., and the map of tho mineral resources of the U.S.S.R.Scale 1:10000001 Instruktaiin po sostaylaniiii i pod- gotovke k isdaniiu gasudarstvannol geologiclisskoi karty SSSR i kaxty polesnyth iskapaemykh SSSR. Kamshb&ba 1:1000000. ltoakva, Gas. naachne- takhn. izd-Y lit-ry po geologil i okhrans nodr, 1955. 52 p., tab%e of symbols, :ape Ifficrofilml (WJU 9~68) 1. Russia (1923- U.S.S.R.) Minletarstv* geologil 1. okhrany nedr. (Geology-Mitpe) I - I ". ".- I 1 11 11 1 ~1- , --., ".." .., 1: -, I -, ., .. .. NERMOVA, 0.1.; OVCHINIIIXOYA. S.Ir.. roUCtor; ZORX(;UWA. A.I.. red&ktor:l GORDITIM, Te.B., takkinich-Rokly Lithology of lover and middle Cambrian deposita in the profile of the Amga base vell (Vastern Siberia). Trudy VMSI 40-68 155, (Amga Valley-Goolojor, Stratigraphlo) (IMU q I I) 13YEM, Ts.S.; LUYASIMM, IT.P.; aMBNOVO M.K.; IMDOV, Natural foci of Xchlnocovcuo milt il oc-ttlart s bi Nomanibirsk Province. 14ed.param. i parms.bol. 28 Hr-Ap '59. (14TRA 12:6) 1. Iz sekto-ra eksperimentallaoy paiazitalogil Inatitlita uslyarit, neditsinakoy parazitologii i gellmintologil Kinistairstva vdravoi- oldiraneniya SSSR (dir.instituta - prof P.G.Soirg,11mv, zav.sektorori prof V.P.Pod"yapoll skayth) i gospitallnoy khirwrgiche-nkoy Irlinild liovosibirekogo meditainmkogo instituta (zav.kTinilcoy LL.BregMza). (RCHINOCOCCOSIS nultIloclilarts. natural foci in Wavosibirsk region, USSR (Rue)) Gzrm, V.A.; ZORIEHINA, V. 1. 101 domiological invest lgatl one of amearinaln twing immun logteal and other methode. Med.paras. x paras.bol, 28 no.4:394-4oo Jl,-Ag 159, (MIRA 12tl2) 1. Is sektora eksperimentalluoy parasitologil Imsttt-ata malyarli, meditelusko7 parazitologii i gellmlntologil 111nistoratva. zdramool&- ranenlya SSSR (dir. instituta - Prof. T.P, Flod"yapollskaya) L mani- tarno-apidemiologicheako.v stantall Hookovsko-Okrumlinoy, zholezno7 dorogi (nachallnik stantaii 1.1. 9 ilevskiy), (ASCARIASIS epidemiolo~l ZORIKHINA, V.I. (Moskva) Use of the intracutaneous allergic reaotion In diagnogin echinococcosis. Felld.i akush. 27 no.7:21-23 Jl 162. IMIRA 15:9) (ALLERGY) TAPEWORMS) LBYKINA, Ye.S.,- ZORIKEIIU. V. 1. Simplifie4 method for an imnanological diagnosis of holaiinthiases. Report nov2: Use of the agglatimatlon reaction with ounAne for the early diagnosis of ascariamis among children, Had.parus, 1, parov. bole 25 no.):245-248 Jl-S 1564 (MIRA 9:10) 1. Is Instituta malyarii, nedittinakoy paratitologii I 4:ellzintologii Kinisterstva sdravookhraneniya SSSR (dire inet. - prof, P.G.Serglyetr, save Pektron - prof. T.P.Pod"yapol'Bkaya) (ASCAR-JA ILO. diagnosis, , l' a gg nt. with carmine technic (Rue)) (AGGIMIX&TIM, carmine agglut. in aseariasis diag. (RUIM --ZORIXHIIIAl V.I. Stud7 on the Immunodiagnosis of echinococcomin. Report IIo,2r New qerological reacticma in the diagnode of e0imoawconiii.amd owNrative evaluation of imiunclogical diapiostic notboda. panwei parawibole no.50"--551 961* IM 10) 1. Ix otdola gollmintologil Irstitut4i mWitilinalw"r jftmflitolo~,Vk i tropicheskoy moditaby Imeni U.I. I(arbPbI#pys)tg')p BRIAstem-11tva zdratookhraneniya SSSR (dir. instituta -- )T~Of* Ft-GO Oergiler, zav,, otdelom - prof. V,,Po Fbd"Yapollska"~ I kalflidT7 gospitall-ioy khirurgii llovosibirl3kogo maditsinskogo inoldtutA (mr. kafmIroir - prof* I*La Pregadze)o (TMATIM) (SEM DIAGROSIS) USSR/Zooparasitoloc7 - Parasitic Worms. General Problems. G, &be Jour : Ilef Zhur - Biol., No 110 1958, 48161 Author : Leykina, E.S., Gefter, V.A., Zorikhina) V.I. Inst : Title : The Application of the AL;alutination Raction with Carmine for the Early Diagnosi3 of Ascariasis in a Mai3oive Exanina- tion of the Population. Orig Pub : Med, parazitol. i parazitarn. bolezni, 1957, 26. No 5, 612- 617- Abstract : With the aid of the a~;~Iutination reaction with cardne (MI) and the reaction of microprecipitation (m), 2o4 men were examined ircunoloL;ically. AR proved to be less sen- sitive than RM, but, due to the hieh percentaC;e of postti- vo results (77.2) and the simplicity oV the method, it Is possible to recommend the practical application of the first reaction. Card 1/1 9 ZPRIKHMIA, V.I. Lntex aggluttnation reaction In the diagnosla of vahlnococcoalv and alveococcosis. Med. paraz. i pitraz. bol. 33 no,,1193-96 Ja-F '64 (MITM 18:1) 3. Rwsperimentallnoye otdeleniye gellmintologiohestogo otdela instituta meditsinakoy pt-azitologii i tr--leheskoy meditsiny (direktor - prof. P.G. Sergiyev) Wnisterstw4 mdrai,ookhraneniya SSSR, Moskva, WMHMZO., N.P.; MRM11NA, V.I. Epidemiology of alveolew echillococcosin in t11q, catilea Mane of the Barabs Forest SteppDs, Novosibirsk Provinimie AidopardLae i parazebolo 30 noa2,159-168 Mr-Ap 161. (KM 144) 1* Iz gel Iminotologicheakogo Wela InmUtut1h MISM +W UA07 Piti-IL- aitologii i tropicheakoy msditain7 imeni To.It MagUiz.cmmkogo, Kiniaterstva zdravoolchraneuiya SSSR (dir. bptitu-,~ - prof. P.G. Sergiyev, V.P. P"110vanal-111kaya). zave otdelom - prol" (NOVWrBIM PROMOS-MMATIDOY'" AUTHOR: ___ZarJJLQY,_A.P., Technician SOV/91-51-1z-28 /28 TITLEt The Mounting of RT-10 01,80hAt'g*1711 Ott 15 kv 11o,ver Wien (Usta- novkii r,-izvy#idm1kcw tip-it mn t1tilynkh 15 kv) of Experience (Obmen opytom) PERIODICAL: Energetik, 1958, Nr 3, pp 24-25 (Us!-*R) ABSTRACTt There are mnny 15 kv power lines in the Hmliningrnd~Oblast', but the area is short of electric equipment, in particular of lightning-protection installations olong the lines ond at sub-stations, Therefore n tube dischargar called R". 1") was constructed In a laboratory (.rnll of 1955) and 0:5-7 tested successfully in practice (Slitmer of 1056). 2he author comDlains that Scviet industry no longer 3:roduces such RTC tube dischargers for C., 10 and 15 kv power lines. There is 1 table. Card 1/1 ZORIKOV, A.F., teklinik, MlIng RT-16 Ij griat-PaIrg arreaterv on 15 knr lines. Anorgetik 6 no.3: 24-25 Mr 158. (M33A 11.-2) (Lightning protootion) ACCESSION NR. AP,4041872 S/101,70/64/000/001/0D57/0061 AUTHOR: Bergellson, B, R#; Z o r i G A# TITLE. Vignar's energy and safe operating conditions for reactor graphite SOURCF: Inzhenerno-fizichaskiy zhurnal, no. 7. 1964, 57-61 TOPIC TAGS: Vigner energy, reactor graphite, nualaar reactor ABSTRACT: A method is suggested for determi-ning ';i~ quantitatilro reia- tionship between the safe operating temperature -vanga for reactor graphite and the integrated neutron flux, ta,king into account,neu- tron energy spectrum. The designers of grap.hite-moderated (or re- flector) reactors can determine the safe raths the curvo and go uving the formulas given in the article. The safo opavating tem?e-rature of graphite is determined from the standpoitit og tbe interzal one gy accumulation in graphite under irradiatLon. Grig. art, hans 2 figures and 11 -formulas* Card J/Z 7 , Will M. r4 7j j Va BTJDILOVq A., pervyy pomoshebuik Icapitana; STAILIS, kalidtanj WRIN~ per-riy pomwahchnik kapitam Merchant aeamen report to the party congreas. Nor,~flot 21 no.10:7112,19p22#29035,39P43 0 161- NMI 14:9) (Shipping) ZORIN, 12 1) 4. 'Jul jt chs rrl;~!T KUTIJS7rF,,V, F.Kh. (Lenlngrud K-156, pro:)p.~kt hrilreViia, (1.24, kv,150)j ZORIN, A.B. Analysis of phonocardlograpiAc data in patent ductus artericaus. Grud. khir. 6 no.2-.67-71 Mr--Ap t6l, (141RA 1844) 1. Khirurglche3kaya klifLika dlya iisov-ri5heni;t;xri:ivar.Li.y~tt vrachey rTO.1 (narhallaik - daystvitelInyZ chlon AMN .53SR I:rof. '-'.A,, (deceased]) Voyenno-maditsinskoy orlenq Lenina ikatir4itil imeni tirova, Leningrad. ZORIN, A.B... (Leningrad, ul. I-layakovskogo., d.11, ky-52);, SILIR., V.A. inical significance of phonocaxdiography.' VestsklAir,90. no.2:45-52 P163. (DURA 16:7) 1. Iz 1-y khirurgichookoy kliniki usovershemstvovaiAya vraO*y (nachaltnik - prof. ?.A. Kupriyanov) Voyeano-medistinskoy or- dena Lenina akademil imeni Kirova. (RWtT--SOU=) ~ ill -~. KUPRIUKOVp F.A. (Leningrad.. D-123,, u1. R71eyeva.,; KOLESOV.,A.P.; KUTUSHEVS F. Kh.;BALMZEK, F.V.; SKOM, V~I.; BURNM3TROV,4LI.; LIBOV, A.S. B..., Practice in usiM artificial blood circulatlan in surgery on the open heart. Grudkbir. 5 J&-V63. ('111RA 160) lo Iz khirurgichemkoy klinLki usovershemstvoirunipt waelloy not'l (nqLchallnik - dayotvitellayy chlon AM 58SR p,of. P.A. Kuyr4smov) Voyeano-moditsinskoy ordena Leuibh "simli .1moni $,~Uirova. (RECU-SUROEM) (BLOCO~~,r, ilic ULAT loll t tjjTlFjCjAL) KUTUSMV, F. Kh, (Leningradp X-156,, pr, Engellisa, d,.28, kll',150)P'KOLB8OVv Yeove; UVAROTO B.S.L~q~ IN A.B.; SIM, II.A. Angiocardiography in cardloplegia and contral of ilip t-%rdlaa rhythm. Vest. khir. 91 no,8tl7-26 Agt63 OXTIU 1793) 1. Iz 1-y khirurgichevkoy kliniki u8overshanotmovanlya vracr-y i kafedry anesteziologil (nachaltnik - prof* P#A. Lpriyanoy (deceased)) Voycquio-noditsinokoy ordena U-inima akadoimii imenl Kirova. R ZOR1211A.B.; PISAREV, Yu.F. Successful radical surgery In Interventriculs;r and interat- rial septal defects. Kaz, mod, zImr, no,2t69J?O KO-Ap"63 (MIRA. 16:11) I Xhirurgicheakaya klinika dlya usovershens-tvionniya vra- C~ey No.1 (nachallnik - deyotvitellnyy chlen AMR SUR, prof, P.A. Kupriyanov) Voyenno-meditsinskoy ordena Lenina akademii imeni Kirova. BUMIISTROVp M. 1. 1 ZORINP A. B.; KOBLEM-MISME, A. 1. Blectrocardiogftpby and phonocardiogmpby in the diAgnosia of defects of the intomtrial septim. Grud. Mr. 4 ilm..1;24~29 Ja-F 162. (MBUL 1.592) 1. Iz khirurgichasIM kliniki d3jm usovershmn-stvowmi7a vrachey No. I (nach - Prof. P A. Kupriy-anov) L klinild Pri"devtiki vnutrennikh bolesmey imah, - prof. N. 11. SavitakIT) Voyanno- meditainakoy ordena Lanina ak!Ldemii imeni S# K. Kiron. Adres aytorov: laningrad K-9, prosp. Kar3a Marksa, d. 5/20. Klinika dlya usovershenstvovaniya vrachey. (MITRAL VALVE- SURGERT) (BLOOD, GAMS) IN) (PSM40rHORAX) q% KUPRIYAROV, P.A.; KUT-USHEV, F.M.; ZORIN, A.B. Surgical treatnent of the tetralogy of Fallot. Ileditttriia IA no.5-156-57 My 162. (Ma 15:5) 1. Kthirurgicheskays, kliniki d17a usbvershent3tvaiwilya vrachoy No.1 Voyenno-meditsinakoy akademii imeni S.M. NJ-rove- (nachall- nik - prof. P.A. Kupriyanav). tTETRALOGY OF FALWr) ZORINP A. B..;. MIKUTEN011, Y1. A. Possibility of re-transfu3ion of the blood auring surgical operations. Probl. gemat. i perel. krovi no.1*19-23 162. (MIA 15-7) 1. 1z kliniki khirurgii dlya ummrshenstwiraniya. wachey No. I (nach. - doystvitel.'EV chlen AMIT SSSR prof. P, A. Kupri7anov) Voyenna-meditainskoy ordena Lenina akademii1meni S. V. Kirova. (BLOOD--TRASSMIGIN) (SURGERYI OFIMATIVS) 11-RIIIII:iI L11111H ET'"11 TI ~Pfl, IF 1111-11 'AIN: lidKII-1111 iIIIIHIIHIM:11111 KUTLUSHEV, F. Kh. (Leningrad, K-156, proop. Ingellsa, d,28,kv-150); SHAM,Tu.H.; .ZORIM A. B. -Fe;~v~al Y-foreign bodies from the respiratory tract. Grud.khir. no.4:104-106 Jl-Ag 162. (MM 15t10) (RESPIRATORY ORGANS-FOREIGH BODIES) i i , I I I I ~ I ! 111i;i 111, 1111111. ~ ~1111 'Ill H R I I', il 11: lllil~ i I : i ; 1 Iii 1 ; ~ : ~ 4; 1: , i I i I I I A ~! I ZPRM,~.NA. De7elopment of inland waterways to be carried mt diving 1959. Rech.transp. 18 no.101-34 Ja '59. 011-R& 12:2) 1. Nachallnik Glavvodputi. FISHZON-RYSS, Yu.I.; UY&VITSER, I.M.; 7.ORIK,, N.A. Mechanism of Oe formation of paroxysmal tachycardialand a form of cardige fibriUation ressmbllng an attaoic, Tnidy MONIKI no.5t237-242 162. OCKILk 16W 1. Iz II terapevtichesko3r Ifiniki Moskovskogo oblastnogo neuchno- issledovatellskogo klinicheskago instituta inank Vladimirskogo (zav. - doktor medonauk L.P.Pressman) i Kllnsk%r,bolld.tsy (glavnyy vrach - B.V.Smirnov). (ARRHI'IIWA) ZoRit], N. A. MIN,# N. A. 117he productivity of labor on itinerary work and "mmivev for ILs improvi-ment.," In the eymposliza.- Materialy tc~ln. nwieshchardti, po putei~M. rebi~tam (11-vo re-.h. flota SSSR)s Moscow, 1949p po 157-175 SO: U-5240s VDec.53s (Letopis 'Zhurnal Inykh Statey,, No. 25j0 1.942). ZORIN~ N. 1. Dubnikovp L. M and ZgKing 11, ., - "The FreWatice of Sulphmr Morlolluoride mnd ils Properties." 6. 191) SO: JoMal of Gengral Chemlitry, (Zhurnal Obahchei Khimii)i L%/Zt_,Vckja 17.1". mimill, B.P.; Z()M,.. I'll~_." Reservoir prassure restoration In the Kutais tield, Neft.khoss. 36 no.2:63-65 F 158. OaRk 12W (Kutaia region-Secondary recovery of oll) ZORIN, N. I. USSR/Chemistry - Sulfur Compounds Chemistry - 5ulfur monofluori-ie Peb 1.90 "The Preparation of Sulfur Monofluoride and Its kroperties, to L. M. Dabnikov, N. I. Zorin, 7 Pp "Zhur Obshch Khim" Vol XVII, No 2 Optimum reaction temperature, gas compositionmd notes on reaction vessel matlixial. It was f ound impossible to obtain S2F2 in a pure forr.-. aft(-~-r the roaction P-Agp 3S = S2F2 A92S since S2F2is subject to dissociation in the reaction conditions. PA 15T30 U. w- W, 1. 4 11, *A, -9 11 1 ~it w !If it if If Ar It it S' A' Al P16~14USIMILL litild 411 S*tfkZ MU111.1111411ildd 3S -.SFi ' *1-, htl(itt% At AlKNt TtW lwielk( MI K.k, is idivill t of 141[-41~0" *Id hills Iq 1.4 And 10AV: tit :.10' Allil 11, Av. itiol, f it (NI 9", 1 00 1,-t 1.4 S*11.,`i 0114 is tit, t'.1. li.,li l"1'- I.J.,jr I- it, ".,% ) 4- 8 i f d b 2 A i f fli , i 4mritie -ii .sk v fro p gLatoli viisel Ill, Nl[t, criulti ill I lie follt'Ati'vi 4 ~,lltf 4tF, canforit IyOr. -4 the 44S ulliallilml at flit 4,101.1,tv,21 ' " 14 " " 41 l 5 q kaut 1 , C Irlup, 114) hts~ I tave . 1 .. sl (A ,1 , 4-28. StIs 4 IN. At IhC IAIIIC ICIU&I , Ill ;I VI (Willi NIA34 1111Kl, Illi, C44V *ij!4 S.4.110, j 1.1, 8111.3 W.SAIii CA4, vilill,wit'v 144" Awl I *jilt 0 Sat A hight-f 19111P. I ItAis il,sca Ali If 4.d Ih. it tilt l,im mi. i~ F (:!I A AO Wi t 1 ~ . . h, ,~V l at F;*gn titilip'; Of At ~~lwdi-r, Si lll~ -in, K cl, it too 0 t4 0)11 , V1PF,W, 0: .1) 17 0 ; Willi N .itilit 1, 4,-ti,wi it It),)", 4tilli N,#,41,. it-ai I!. tot, it, it, ~allv .,loii 41 I'misil Ifilip. I ff,111,41,1. tilt F vill.lif .I rwol 1, Jill. :111-0 1, --J, Iles Ilefill, it tie u ts 19 M) is e 1:1 0 ft A. M .4 it it 911 119 It if t4 I .... .. 0 01 000 0 0 * 000 0 41 0 0 00 000, 0 0 of Go 00 04) 0 sloe .0 es 41 0, (p 41 10 4 0 zcRix,p N.Ig kand. filosiofsklkh na;ukp doteent V.I. Lenin on social detemisdm. Trudy 1111T not.223%W- 156 165, (DIM ISM) PHASSE I BOOK MMLOITATION 9514, Zubtsov, Mikhail Yefimovich, Candidate of Technical Sciences, D"exxt, and Zorin., Nikolay Konstantinovich Eteneer. Shtempovka-vyrubka, krupnogsbaritnykh detaley (Punching Laxge-sized Parts) Moscow Mashgiz.. 1955. 60 p. (Sories:'Bibliotechka shtempovababika, vyp. 2~ 5,000 copies printed. .Ed.: Nedorezov, V.Ye., CandidAt:e of Technical Sciences; Im. of ftblishing House: Leykina, T.L.; Tech'. Ed.: Pollakaya,, R.G.; Managing Ndq for Aterature on machine-building tichnology (Leningrad Division, Masbaz)t Nikitin, P.S., Engineer; General 13d: Romanovskiy, V,P,,, Ctm-&Ute of Technical Sciences, Docent, PURPOSE: This booklet is intended for vx>rkers in preas-forming shaps as an aid In improving skills by means of exchange of progreisrjive VDr1c experience and the introduction of advanced cold-purching methods, COVERAGE: This booklet is the second in the series Bibliotechka shtmqq41twfl&Ua (Press Operator's Little Library). It describes the design of Mee and the Card 1/3 Punching Large-sized Parts 934 processes which can be used for blanking and punching large--sEzed parts in machine-building plants. No personalitims are m'entioned' There are no references. TAKE OF COMMUS: Ch. I. Punching Large-sized Parts for General Machinery 3 1. Some special features in press forming large-sized parts 3 2. Special engineering features and designs of dies 4 3. Special engineering features and desigms of piereJ.D4g difis 10 4. Special engineering features and desigms of combivatiort dies 13 Ch. Il. Ptmching Large-sized Parts for Electrical Machinery 25 5. Laying out of stock 1 25 6, Sequence of operations in punching of electrical sheets 29 7. Typical design of dies for electrical sheets 41 Ch. III. Accuracy in Punching of Large-sized Parts and Vingineering Standards 49 8. Requirements for accuracy of punching 49 Card 2/5 Punching Large-sized Parts 934 9. Engineering and design Standar4a IAVAILABIE: Library of Congress GO/afti 12-12-58 Card 313 56 1 ..1 ''"1 WBTSOV, Mikhail Tefizovich, dote., kand. tekbn. Milk ROWOVMff. T.P., 6ats., IrAnd. teklw. nauk, red.; W=OV, V*Ye., kand. takhn. ilank, rea.; UTM, T,L., red. isil-va; POLISKLYA, R.G., tokhn. rods' [Staqpiz~-, and blankIng of largo parts] Sht#wt(j)ovkn-avrrubkz krupnow- gabaritngkh detalet. Pbd T.P. Romanovskogo. MosIrm, Goo. nauchno-takhn. izd-vo mihinostroit. lit-ry, 1955. 60 p. (Bibliotechka obtampovshchika, no,2). (MIRA Ilt7? (Shoot metal wor1t) VAYIMUUBI D.A., Inzh.; ROHANOVSKIY, V.P., kend.takhn.muk, dots.. red.; ~:LIDV, A-11., kand.tekhn.nmuk, retBenzent; ZOEUVI U.K., Insh. red.; FOLISKAYA, R.G.. [Improving Precision of stamped parts requiriiMt punchiag and bonding] Povyaheale tochnosti Bhtampuemvkh detalei pri vyrubko i gibko. Pod obahchei red. V.P.RommnovBkogo. Moskva, Goo.nauchno- tekha.izd-vo mashinostroit. lit-ry, 1955. 65 p. (Bibliotechke shtanpovshchike, no.3) (HIRA 11:2) (Punching machinery) -47 ,- o ZORIN, V.H. Bp idemiological- -signif ica nee of different agpi graWs of A.maculiponnis in Vitsbak Province. Hadaparsz, i. parat.bol. supplement to rio.1#13 '57. (HIIRA 11:1) 1. Is byvghey Vitebtskoy oblastuoy protivoum~ysriyncy stantail, (YITXBSK PROVIMCN-MOSqUITORS AS CARRIERS OY DISEASE) ZORIN) O.D,) KIrLEBIIIKOV, AsE, "Decarbonization of Metals in Oxygen-Blown Recirculation F~trnmces," lecture given at the Fourth Conference on Steelmmking, A.A. Baikov, Institute of liatallurgy, Moscom, July 1-6, 1957 25(6) $07/32-25-3-52/62 AUTHOR: Zorin, 0. D. TITLE: An Apparatus for Simultaneously Takinj' Gas and Metal umples From Steel-melting Furnaces (Fribor d1ya oflnovremennogo otbora prob gaza i metalla iz staleplavilltioy pechi) PERIODICAL: Zavodakaya Laboratoriya, 1959, Vol 25, Nr .3, PP 375-376 (USSR) ABSTRACT: An apparatus for simultaneously taking samplea of metal and of the gas immediately above the elaC,; is described pia). The water-cooled holdinp, device consists of two steel tubes (D - 20 mo). A brass tube (D - 2 m(n) by moane of whloh tl)e gas sampling is done is containod in one of the Watoi pipes. At the end of both pipea there is a ateel, cartridge contain- ing the quartz vessel for taking the metal sample. The vessel for the metal sample is a quarta tublii of 12o mm length a'nd 15 mm diameter. By the hydrostatic pu-assuxe it is filled with the sample. The fiampling of the gas Js done by means of a vacuum pump. The sampling procens lante for 1-1-5 zdinutes. A table of oxygdn and carbon determiwitions of samples taken with the apparatus described is given (Table). There is. satisfactory agreement between the VOMUltB. There are 1 fig- Card 1/2 ure and 1 table. ODY/52-25-3-52/62 , An Apparatus for Simultaneounly Taking Gaa and Slet,jil SnAlple.9 From Steel- melting Purnaces ASSOCIATION: Tsentrallnyy nauchno-issledovatellokilr insti-but chernoy metallurgii (Central Scientific Research Institutfl of F6:rrousAitallursy) Card 2/2 7T~~~ 111V. 1~(l ZORINp O&D. Mathematical and statistical balance method of cm,lculating open-hearth furnace charges. Met. i gornoru(R. promo m*2: 20-24 Mr-Ap 165- (KrRA 1815) ZORINp 0,D,; KUTSDIKO, A#Do Using a correlatiVe analysis for the study of orygen absor-Ption b7 an open-hearth furnace bath from the furnaas atmovpberes Izve vys* uchabo zave; chern. met. 7 no.7169-416 t64 17 18) 1. Institut artomatiki Gosplana tk-r$= ZORIN, O.D.; SOROKIN, A.A. Investigating the participation Of Rn open-hearth furmace atmosphere in the oxidation of carbon. Izv. vyu. ucheb, zav.- chern. met. 7 no.9:43-47 164. (MIRA 17:6) y 1. Institut avtomatiki Gosplai-ia UkrSSR. ZORIN, O.D~j C110111,14A, L-A.; IMBINA, YuJI. Iron ore consumption In the finishing .1 11 period awl '-hf--, tifflaienc.T of its u3e. Izv. vya. ucheb. zav.j chern. met, 7 no.1.1-53- 58 164. (MIRA M12) 1. Tnst'itut avtomatiki Gosplana lrxrSSR. ZO "It I'L 1, 0 Ij '11(.1 Of thf, -roc7c of decarbonJzinj7~-t(-O1 ill rtJCiI'CL11-.;.tion t- ("Itille ftlinavo.", 17oz, 1959. 2- pp (G17!-V-11-,Lipxo ualdl~r Govl-~11,211 C, i1a.- of copio.,: 39-59, 1,011) 1111JRIHNI; PHASE I BOOK EXPLOITATIGN SOV/6411 Konferentsiya po fiziko-khtmicheaklm osnovam proizvodstya stalt. Sih, Moscow, 1959. Fiziko-khimicheskiye osnovy proizvodstva stali; trudy konferentsil (Physic och emical Bases of Steel hfaldng; Transactions of the Fifth Conference on the Physic othemic al Banes of Steelinfilithg) Moscow, Metallurgizdat, 1061. 612 p. Errata slip innertod. 3,700 copies printed. Sponsoring Agency: Akademiya nauk SSSR, Inutitut metallargii Imeni A. A. Baykova. Reoponsible Ed.: A.M. Samarin, Corresponftff Member, Acadeiv of Sciences USSR; Ed. of Publishing House: Ya. D. Rozemlsyeyg. Tech. Ed.: V. V. Mikhaylova. Card 1/16 I.A I., 7_T Physicochernical Bases of (Cont.) PURPOSE: This collection of articles is Intended for engino-ors and technicians of metallurgical and machine -building plants, senior students of schools of higher education, staff members of design bureaus and planning institutes, and scientific research vrorkern, COVERAGE: The collection contains reports presented at the fifth annual convention devoted to the review of the physicochomical bases of the steelmaking process. These reports deal with problems ()I the mechanism and kinetics of reactions tWdng place In the rnalten raetal in steelmaking furnacen. The following are also discussed: problems Involved In the production of alloyed steel. the structure of the Ingot, the mechanism of solidification, and the converter steelraWdiffl; process. The articles contain conclusions drawn from the results of'experimental studies. and are accompanied by reforettees of%hich most are Soviet. Card 2/10 Physicochem'ical Bases of (Cont.) SOVIS411 Panov, A.S., and P. N. Perchatkin, Comparison of the DoIjul- furizing Capacity of Oxides During the Melting Period in Pro- cessing Low-Manganese Pig Irons 66 Shneyerov, Ya. A., A, G. Kotin, and A.G. Derfell. Accelenting the Open-Hearth Process In the Prep-ar-aTron -of the Charge Wig Iron and Loose Materials) 70 Shneyerov, Ya. A., A. 1. Sukachev, and A. 0. Xotin. Acc-el4rating the Slag Formation and Melting Procesnes by F51owing Oxygen Into the Bath During the Meltdown Period 81 Kazachkov, Ye. A. Kinetics of the Oxidation of Low -Concentrated Carbon in the Open-Hearth Bath as Zorin 0. D., and A. Ye. KhlebnIkov. The Kinetic Decarburization Card 5/16 f f . . ....... .. Physicochemical Bases of (Cont.) 15OVIS411 Regime and the Gas Content in Metal 94 Povolotakiy, D.Ya.. I. A. Lubenets. M. 1. Kolosov, D. Yrt. Vayn- shteyn, and A. N. Morozov. Desillconizing With Oxygen for Pig Iron Open-hea-rTff7F-Ur--i%-d-es go Sh allmov, A. 0., and A. K. Petrov. Investigating the Effective- ness of Treating the Molten Electric Steel by Synthetic Lima- Alumina Slag 106 (The Investigation was conducted under the guidance of S. G. Voinov, Candidate of Technical Sciences, with the parti-tipa- tion of staff members of TsNIIChM (Central Scientific 1R.e- search Institute of Ferrous Metallurgy) A. L Osipov, CaAdi- date of Technical Sciences, Ya. M. Bokshitakiy, Engineer, A.G. Shalimov, Candidaze of Technical Sciences, L.P. Kosoy, Engineer, A. L Polyakov, and staff members of the Zleloustovijkly metallurgicheakiy zavod Card 6/16 NUM1111 25(6); 18M SO '! /':t 24 5 _74 - 5 1/7 AUTHO-1: Zori-, 0, D, TITLE: Sla_- Samplina Apparatua (21-ri`or d1ya otbora prob uhla: