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ZOIRZOW, S.M.: 197TBS. X.Te. Modernized turret lathe with automatio work cyclei. Stan. t instr. 25 no.7:30-31 J1 154. (Kma 7 . m) (Lathes) Z09TRITIE'rov e~. 114. ZONNZNBZRG, S.M. Pnewshydraulto machine for drilliM ftom undamisth 1g)v*rda. Stan. I instr. 25 no.6:30-31 is 154. (KWIL 7:7 ) (Drilling and boring machinery) ZONnYBARG. 8.M.; LMDEV, AaS.; CURNIAN, A,Y&,, Inshalier, mtlsOnNnt; 6mw .... .. 'X#Ao# radektor, Eftevxatic gripping devices] Pnevmtlcheskim zazhinnyo ~Vrisposoblmniia. Moskva, Goa. rianchno-takha. izd-vo mashinostroit. I sudoistrolt, lit-ryp 1953. 159 P. NM 7:6) (Pneumatic tools) (Wachinery) W, SR/ Hlngll-r.eq ring, VA c h e D -B Card rr77 ZOMWBERG S.M. 7he ST-1520 and ST-1497'mmal macihino units for machining ehaft-type. parts. Biul-* Ukh.-ekon. inform. Goa ,Mxucb,-isol oinstwiacb. i tevi,inform* no.4:31-33 162. (Vachine .tools) (141RA. 15:7) Alf ll-~ :1; A 1 -.1 1 A USSR/Fn ginee ring Fa c h i e t 0 c Card Au'thr' r-o ?I fl-~ .11, ~ . ,-;, , I . ~ - I,' -- k, n~w::. 1! cr. 1,~( rT(I Periodica-I ! 3t'.11. 1 I-A t r. Abstracl - I Submitti*d T Z OiIf0TE7!,RG, S. Pnematicheskiye zazhi=Vye prisFosoIAf-niy,,. (Pnowm:ttlc j;.-i ing rlir;ices, 'ay) S. M. Zonnenbe. (and) A. S. Lebedev. Iiockva, DVAS.h-i'!, 195:14 159 p. Diagrs., tables. 4Literatura i Istochniki": P. (157) SO: N15 741-43 .Z8 ZOIMNBSRG, S.M. The 1408-type small machine-tool unit. Blul.teleb.-el:on.inform. no.11:31-32 t 58. (9111A 11:12) (Machite tools) 25M SOV/1l7--59-7-19/P,8 AUTHOR: Zonnenberg, Engineer TITLE: A Two-Place Device for Clamping Work Pieces PERIODICAL: Mashinostroitell, 1959, Ur 7, pri 34-35 (USSR) ABSTRACT: In machine building many pcxts i:Lre praduced exactly of the same type vrith the only difference that they can be right or left hand side ones. Ge-nerally they are machined on differenb machin!~s. To increase the productivity of lubor, the AVtOZ,~LVO(l imeni Lanina (Automobile Pl,:ait Imeni Lenin) Luis do~~iis)ned and uses a special pneumatic two-place clamp, It has a multi- spindle head, and two rionot,,y;r1o p;art,,.-.i (one right and the other left hand side) ccui bil iliac"ained sitaultaneous- ly. A detailed descrip-tion. and drawing of the ma- chine is given. There ..~re 2 dLi--graino, Card 1/1 I - 1., 1. 1 ~ -1 1- ... 1.1.. 1.11.- 1.11 - , ,,, . ", -- ZOI*IEIIBi-M. S.M. The ST-1470,St-1459 and ST-1464 small drilling and milling machineo. Biul.tekh.-ekon.infom. no-5:35-37 161. (MIR-A 14W (Machine tools) .1%j ZONNINBM, S.N-. Carriage for a vertical waltiple-spindle, lathe for machining spherical warfaces. Stan. I instr. 25 no,10:28 0 '54~ (lathes) (MLRA 7:11) 7 r, 3t i "t I ZONNENBZRGO S.M. ftd- N la Using minor nachine.-stool units- for =Itiple wnchining of parts. Avt. prom. 29 no.4139--42 Ap 163. (WRA jj?S:6) 1. Mookovskiy aytosavod immni Likhaclava, (Metal cuttizig) (Nacktine tools) ,~GMM-.Mir~j,c, 3.1% -41111 -- , ) I - 1-1-1-1- .- I 1 1 11. 1 - .t- "!,Ill. L. ~ ~:.,. . 1 1. 11~111~. ~ U11-, - ~ 4 The ~*T-1543 I I - ; 1. ;. L 1; . . Inoorm. GOO. nilt. I in,C)", - f" . I .. I -I ~. - I " -j- 161~. y ZOMPM10, Robert lullovich Geografiia pochtovoi sviazi SSSR, rThe geoCr=hy, of T)Dst.iLl igervice of the USS90 Moskva, Izdatellstvo NhTT, T927. 330 P- folde In.Rj'j$* (Bi"Iinteka zhumala "zhizn" i tekhnika. sviazi"). DLCt ITE70,52.Z6 SO: SOVIET TRANSPORTATION AND COW.J141CATIONSA A BIBLIOGRAPIff, UbraY7 of Corgroes Rp,ference Depal-tinent, WashinjFn-, 19520 ut~'31;8817M:7- ZOMENB1,11M, R.R. , inzh. Automatic cooler for a JOIX.7-1." Mill.. Mekh.1 avtoza. proizv. 17 ... 3:5-8 M- 163. (MIRA 17t9) aml Toxic,)li,~V - T,;:icz)l:),:Z(. ",I-10 Abs Jour Ic'j Zhur - Biol.; No 14, 1553, 66466 Author Lji=Drcich, S., Kluinstomi~ 1. Inst rIumnian Acadeny Title T',.Q T-11ave in LcaC, OriL~ Pub StuJii si carcetari ~;tii---it. Acac'. RI-7i Fil. Iasi, 2, 6, U,) 1-21 77-8.0", Abstract L-I ECG study of 60workQrs t2w lead bidustry charactcristic T-wavu clmi-cs; in 30%: incm.-ISL'" acutc coiifij~;ization S.-II ia"Lervil vbovc, the bac-,:., 111 7 ~Df 14 rabbits uh-ic',. rcc~Avc(! lead nitrate intrariu~;cularly for 2" 111 a dosa -1 f !C u 1. jy 0 -C were the sarae chaa.:,,cG La -'~-Iic! S-T interval =11 -Liere was also -- I, -tlie T-wave an(l, a no~pvtivc T-wave; in Card 1/2 I" Toxicolw;j C, V-10 _Z7 L,5r ;Lb s j0 ur rcj.' ~Ahur Bi-DI., 11) 114, 1958, 66466 c),,"L~c- Nrcre folzid. Au a ruo, LCG cl-xvlps atwffics o:~ thc ri'jb:!,LG I't L nymarclivn rcvc;,'AlcO parmichy-nal. (Ic';cI'QrXt`O" 01: tl'-" 'Inscul"r chluit~cq - ., -.- n~"C!I ill ; 33.3~. Al ello. ~_,,,nud in 6 c)f th~-)-,c 7 va-Voits t 0- )'-'y Card 2/2 3T DOEVICH, I.; ZONNEMYKH, K. Influenza with mental disorders. Zhur. neyr. i pBikh 59 no.3:268-274 '59. (MIRA 12:4) 1. PoikhIntricheskaya klinika InatitUts us over pben3 tTovfLn Iya vrachey -i 11~-ye otdelenive bolluitsy imeni G. 14arinesloi, 1*harost. (INILUZZA, compl. ment. disord. (Ibm)) (KWAL DISORD=, etiol. &s pathogen. influenza (Rite)) AUTHORS:Shteynshleyger, V. B., Zonnenalitrall, G. A. TITTZ: Vie Fluctuation of Si~m,61-m-PtaduWaed--by a Field ol Randan Reflectors in the Case of Moving Radar (Fluktaatsii si-nala ot mnozhest-va sluchaynykh Obrazhll.t0l'~:Y dIP-1 Y dv2.zhushche-osya lokatora) U PERIODICAL: Radiotekhnika i elektronikat 1958, VIA III, Nr 7, Pp 928-932 (USSR) ABS)TRACT: One of the causes of random :aoises in tnovinfz radar is due to -the fact that the frequency of 'Ube sif7mal received by the system from an elementary volume of the reflecting field differs from the frequency of the trans -1-A lu, to d. sign,-11 by the amount of t.'Ae Doppler shift; thio,, is equal to 2W K-cos P where W is the velocity 0 :f the radar, '% is the wavelength, and P is the angle between the radi~us vector, of the elementary volume of the field and the vec- tor 7 . For the purpose of analysis it is assumed that P is the relative azimuthal angle of the elementary vol- ume (see the ficm.'re on p 929). In practice, the sDe0trjM Card 1/4 T'-e Fj_uctuation'of S1.1m :, als aoduced by a Field of Random Reflectors in th..; OF-se of Movin~, Radar of the reflected sivnal, received by the sy~jtem, can be assumed to have a white noise structure, Whose frequency characteristic is determined by the squiwe of the direct- ional pattern of ~'Ile ai.-Lteana. The envelope of the video pulses (from a given distance) ,:At the olutput, of the dete(,-tor can be expressed by: U = U0 * UH(t) where U 0 is a DC componeut a!.,id UH is the fluctaatinG ,Tolta-e. The envelOT)O a~u the Dutput of the ~avera~rint~ cait is expressed bY Eq.(2) so that it,:i meam square is given b This can also be- 11'rittOr, Ps Eia5 ,~A]Lich p(T~ is -the correlaticn function; T is thf4~% repet-i- tion frequency of the radar pvilses. T*,,L- correlation function of the sy;itei,~i -tat the input to -the d.(.,-te(,,tor is exprefI;e(.I "by Eq.(6), whcIre W is tho I.I.Vorame carriu~r frequency aml r 0 W is a slowly function of -r r ran. be U , U I ,Athc~r by Eq.(7) or Eq.()) if the radir)-fra(j:uency p;-rt of Oa-d 2/4 Lhe system has a or Gau.i-;Lj:Lan charr.-LeterisUc T'iie Fluctuation of S-1.2,mals Produced- by a Field or Random Reflectors, Ln t.).ie Case of Moving Radar 0 ro~31~ectively; Pcri is Lhe bandvidth of t,ae Gaussian --tO.5 the maximum value while. in Eq..M, 4f denotes the bandwidth of the rectanSular filter. If the is fit-bed mith a square detocf;or the correleation ~unctj.cjn p(-c) is Si-,ren by Eq.(15) and tlie nean :3quaro flactuation by Eq.(16), -aliere Af is defined by Eqjl',~,); Dr I in Eq.(13) denotes the 11ori,,,ontal apert~Lre o:f tt"Ie "Titerm-a. On 'U-~~.e other hand, the meau- square outpilt at the detector th - ssian charact~~,riotic m5 ex-,,r l e radar with a GaU es:~ed b', o AT:.proxir1"'_tel,,v, Eqs.(16) and (17) oan lbe',~rritte-_a __c: ,1,;. (10) and (19) respectively. For a linear detector, in a Systam whose bandividtil is Comparatively narrow) thQ ratio bobween the meran square fluctuation volta,~,e and Lhe mmmn squ,nre voltan-e at the output of th,:,, detactor is e>rpreosed L' b~r Eq.(23). On the basis of the above analysis it is con- cluded t~iat the det-,ree of correlation between the Lmj).1A1;,)i1i.-,J SOV/109-3-7-8/23 The Fluctuation of Signals Produced by a Field' (if Ratidom Refle ato!:-s 'a in the Case of.Moving Radar of the pulse signal received from the reflecting field dur- ing various repetition -periods decrease::, WiLh inareat-Ang velocity of the radar and this leads to a reduction In t'he SuOpressibility of the noise. The papar contains 1 fi,-~"Ure and 2 Soviet references. SUBMITTED: March 8, 1957. 1. Radar signals--Analysis 2. Radar refleators-Performance- 3. Radar antennas--Analysis 4. Matherwiticti, Card 4/4 ZONOV, A Cand Phys-Math Sci -- (diss) "Geometry of fishing nets." Kiev, 19~0,-*1,0 pp; (Joint Academic Council of the lnstill-utes of Phyzics, Mathematics, and Metallophysics of the Acarlemy of Ukrainiari -S.S`R); 150 copies; price not given; (KL, 22-60, 147) ZONVI A. I. (IaniiWad) "Statistical Regularities In the Behavior of Fish" Report presented at the 3rd Conference on the use of Math"PAACS411 Biology, teningrad Univereltyj 23-28 Jan- 1961. (Primenenlye matematicbeskikh.1-btolov v Mologii. 11o 10MAMP-all., 1963 PP 5-11) WHIN, A. 1. '0'.- Exothermic lost heads of steel castings. Rataimialloutuila 13 na.1:28,r29 , ~iftjp, wm ZONOV, A.I.; GULIM, M. Statistical regularities In the ~behavior of fishes. Yi-im. mat. metod. v briol. no.2.-140-145 163. (MDU 16: 11) ROMANOVA, A.P.; ZPNOI, A.I. DateryrJ.n!n,,, the production of bacterial biomas3 in bodf.f3a cf wat-er. Doki. AN WSH 155 no.1:194-196 Mr 164. ~ KIM A 1734) 1. Gosudar3tvennyy nauchno-isDledovatellskiy inst.'I.tut mernogo I rechnof,,o rybnogo khozyaystva. Predstavlano akadflml~(m YO.N.-PlIvIovsklm. ZONOV, A. 1. Cand Tech Sci -- (diss) "Geomtry of fishing nata.' Ubs, 1967. 12 pp (Mos Tech Inst of Fish Industrj and Economy im A. J,. Mikoyon), 150 copies (XLP 45-57, 97) -1:,- ZONOV, A.K.. Insh. Intrashop Industrial traverse trucks. Der.prom. 9 ao.4--24 Ap 160. tMn-h 11:9) (Industrial power trucks) ZONOT, A. T. Sound damping attachment for 7-18 m, &n4 IF-V an, lenses of the OKoskvgL' camera. Tekh.kino i telay. 4 no.8: 7o-71 Ag 16o. (KM 13:8) 1. SverdlovskWa kinostudils asuohno-populyarny1ch t khrouik%l'zWkh fillmov. (Motion-Picture cameras) 25(2) PHASE I BOOK EXPLOITA7TON SOV/3089 Koritysskiy., YWwv T-Ilich, Grigoriy NikolAyevieli Zakharov., lev YuiLellyevich Polyakovskiy, Vitaliy Konstantinovich Makarov, and Bori-a Tilrbollovich Zmov Pribory i ustArLpyki d1ya issledovaniya teketIl'uykh mehIm (rnstruments and In- stallations-for Investigating Textils Wehinery) 14oacovp Mash?,ft, 1958. 278 2,4W copies printed. (Series: Vaesoyuznyy,rAnalmo-iss:).Qdovatel'okly institut tekstill-nogo i legkogo mshinostro3reniyu. Sbornik, trtulov, No. Sponsoring Agencies: USSR. Gosudarstvenmays plimovaya komlaslya. Glavnoye Upravleniye nauchno-isoledovatellskikh i proyektaykh Organissatsiy, and Vsesoyuzn.vy nauchno-iosledovatellskiy institut tekstillnogo i legkogo mashin- ostroyeniya. Ed.: S.O. Dobrogarskiy, Honored Worker in Science and Tbohnologyt Doctor of Technical Sciences,, Professor; Tech. Ed.: A. F. Uvarova; 144maglUig Ed. for Literature on Machine and Instrument Construction: N.V. Pbkrov3kiy., Rngimer. PURPOSE; This book is intended for scientific vorkers, aspirants,, research engineers and technicians., desigmers of textile machinery, and. technologiots in the textile industry. Card l/ 12 Instruments and Installatiors for Investigating (cont.) SOV/3089 COVERAGHt The book, conaistine of eight chupteraj, presealis an account of the development and application of modern eVerimental unthods of investi- gating textile machinery. The first chapter deals with general considerst- Rm of wthod, while the second presents information on alectriciLl methods or measuring nonelectrical quantities, on transducers and their connecting circuitsj, on recording devices, and on electrical and xadio q.,quipment. Yethods of determining parameters of parts being subjected U experimental study are described in Chapter III. The four~h chapter dealb with the determination of displacemente, speeds, and acceleraticas of g:Lwn points in machine parts. Chapter V describes methods of meidiuxing fiension. in a single thread as well as in a group of threads under varying operating conditions. Measurements of power, forces, noments, stresser, and deform- ations-are also discussed. Ch. VI presents nethods of measux1jig vibrations in machine parts, while Chapter VII deals wii:h methods and equipaient for dynamic balancing of rotating parts. Chapter VM describes special staLude and equipment for testing the performance of textile -mchinery units. Most of the testing equipment described in tbe book was develorj~ed. by VNI3:LTYeKK4M- The following orsumizationa an pridently engaged Ln the development of instruments and installations for lAvestieuting and testing textile machinery, parts,and subassemblies: 9be Maskovel4y, Lenitigmdskiy, Ivanovsklyi Kostromskoy uchebarfe tekstillan'e instituty (Mbscaw, Leningrad, Ivanovo, and i(ostroma Textile Institutes of Eigher Education); the TsNIKhBI, Card 2/ 12 Instruments and Installationsfor Investigating (Cont.) SOV13089 Bibliography i 35 Ch. III. Determination of the Location of th.- Center of Gravity and Moment of Inertia of Tlextile -machine Partij 36 Experimental methods of determining the coordinates of a nter of gravity 36 = ces for determining the coordimtes of a center of J;MviLy and moments of inertia by the physical-pendulum method 38 Instruments and devices for determining the coordinates of a center of gravity and moments of inertia of parts by a upthod of bifilar suspension 4o Biblio#aphy 42 Ch. IV. Determina#on of Displacementop Vqlocitiei., and Accelerations 43 Mechanical devices for continuous recording of displacements in mechanisma of spinning machines and looms 47, An instrwnent for recording displacements of a rolling beam in the fabric-rolli4g mechanism of a single-process scutcher 43 card 4/12 Instruments and Installatims for Inve stigating (Cont, ) SOV13089 Use of electrical-con tact devices for mcording the position of a shuttle during flight 54 Use of induction transducers for recording positions of a shuttle during flight and upon entrance to and exit from a shed 58 Recording of positions of servo elements and of a bobbia in an automatic bobbin changer of a nine-shuttle two-sided loom (Schwabe type) 59 Device for recording angular displacement of noauniformly rotating shafts 61 Device for recording the moment of contact of the tape neam with the spindle pulley 62 Methods of determining tape slip and the actual tr=sminsion ratios for spindles with tape drives, 63 Slaw-motion filming 66 Filming the motion of a bobbin during its dischargo from a trough at the entrance to an automatic bobbin chanipar 67 card 6/12 Instruments and Installatiousfor Investig%ting (Cont.) SOV3089 Filming the displacement of a shuttle in the shad of' a loom 70 Tachometers 71 Electric-generator tachometers 73 Pulse tachometer with mechazLical contact devifte 74 Induction pulse tachometer 75 Photoelectric pulse tachometer 75, Electronic stroboscopic tachom.-ters 77 Some methods for calibrating stroboscopic tachometers 80 Linear synchroscope 86 Bibliography 89 Ch. V. Determination of Forces.. Moments,, Stresses,, and Deformations 91 Use of strain gages for deterudning strains. atreaws,, and forces in machine parts 91 Methods and devices for determining forces 93 Card 7/12 Instrtmnts and Installatic-,Sfor Investigating (Cont.) SOV/3089 Measurement of forces acting on drafting rollers in spinning and roving machines 93 Measurement of forces acting on the rolling bpam of the fab ri rolling meehanism of k singla-pr"eas sautcher 98 Attachments and devices for measuring basic force and process parameters of loomB 100 Measuring tension in a single thread 103 Installations for;determining tension in a thread in the upper portion of a balloon 115 Installations for measuring friction forces between traveller and ring 117 Installation for simultaneous determination of tension in a thread and the friction force between the traveller and ring 119 Installation for determining the friction force between a thread and the traveller 123 Detemining braking forces of a shuttle during its entrance to and exit from shuttle boxes of a loom 125 Card 8/ 12 jr1l 11 jill 11[11: llj~j 11,1, 1,111 ill I l;)lll'j HA 111!HhT:11,1VA1 Instruments and Installations for Investigating (Cant. ) SOV13089 Devices and instruments formeasuring emk3.1 torqumm and power 128 Stationary dynamometers of -the Plant imeni K. W,rx for measuring power conm d--by a single spindle 130 VNIILTYeKKASh dynamometer for meaourtmg low pover 132 MTI pendulum dynamometer 136 SKF-norm dynamometers tt;orque meters] 137 Power measurement by the 6elf-braking method 137 Measurement of Stresses 139 Measurement of stresses in spindle blades and viactiou in their bearings 1)9 Measurement of stresses in a hackling-machine f3,v comb 146 Measurement of stresses in loom parts 146 Measurement of deformatione 147 Determination of deformations of flyers 14T Bibliography 148 Card 9/12 Inst:mtm~ents and Tastallatiom for Ia~e stigating (Cont. SOV13089 Special machines and instrumnts 216 DPR_l machine for checking the dynamic unbalance of flours in cotton and bast-fiber roving machines 216 PBR-1 instrument for cbeeking the dynamia imbalance of flyers in cotton-roving machines 222 Instrument for balancing flamrs, manufacturdby Ue Roffman Brothers Firm 224 DBV_2 for dynamic balancing of spinning spindles 1224 SBVK-1 machine for investigating dynamic unbelanon of ByindIrs and bcbbins 229 PBSh-3 and PBK-3 instruments for checking dynaudc un- balance of wooden spools and bobbins 231 Bobbin-balancing instrument,, manufactured by the Universal Winding Company 232 PDKV-1 instrument for checking dynamic unbalance of bobbins on a spindle 233 Bibliography- ~34 Cax%l 1-1./ 12 Instruments and Installationsfor Investigating (Cont.) S01113039 Ch. VIII. Special Stands and Ins#llations 235 IM-3 testing stand for centrifuges 235 SKKIV_2 stand for complete mechanical testing of spinning and twisting spindles 24o Vacuum installation for investigating the effect of air resisUnce on the power consumed by a spindle 253 Installations neasuring pressure force between flyer arm Ltd roving bobbin .257 Instrument for checking flyer a.rms of cotton-roving machines 262 Installations and devices for experimeni~i determination of bearing yielding characteristics and the rigidity of spindle bla(les 264 POShV-1 unit for determining deviation of a spindle-blade arls 274 Bibliogmphy 276 AVAMM: Library of Oongress(TS1525.M63) VVfal Card 12/12 4/14/60 KOMMY, I.V.; POLYAEDVSKIY, L.Tu.~'40 V, B.T.; ZARIA20Y. V.A.; KORITYSSXIT, Ta. I. Results of the invamtigation of 2,ultmer looma. Tolkot, prom, 19 no.6:30-35 Js 159. , (141-u 12:9) I.Sotrudniki Vaesoymnogo nauchno-issladovatellsla*go instittita tekstillnoge i legkoge manhinostroyardys. (Looms) MITY=IT, Ya.l., kandidat tekbuicheskikh nauk; ZONOT. inchenor. Testing an automatic bobbin changer by asans of moring plcture4. Tekst.prom. 14 no.6:35-38 Ja 154. .OQU 7: 7) (Textile zachinery) (Moving pictured In Industry) KORITYSSKIY, Takov Illicb; ZLKHMV, GrigorI7 111koWevLih; POrZAKOVSKrT. Lev Tudel'yevicb; KAKAMT, Vitaliy Konstantinovioll; ZOIUT, Boris Tlik~hich; DOBWOURSKIY, S.O.. doktor tekbnonalik, profs, xasluzhenM7 doyatell naulci I tekhnilci, red.; UVIROVA., A.F.. tekbn. red. Devices and equipment for research an textile machina-71 Pribory i ustanovkI dlia isaledovaniAa tekstillrWkh maisbin, Knifta, Oons nauchn.-tekhn. izd-vo mashinnstroit. lit-ry, 1958, 278 P. (Pribary i ustanovki Ms. Issledoveaila tokstIlInykh masbin, vol.4) (HUU 12 -.7) (Textile machlner7-Tasting) (Testing nachinen) BUTANTUTL7. RADMAYN. 0.8h.11:12010,7,,i.,$,.V~i,~,red,,' MOTOT, TUYSK, A.G., red.: spetsred.; ZXWTIII, YU.T., red,izd-va; AKHAMV, Ts.B., CSoviat Buryst-Monrplla; oconomic and goograpbival survoyl Sovetskata Buriat-Mongollia; ekonomiko-g"graftelhaskil obzor. Ulan-Ude, Burtat-Mangollskoe knisbano izd-vo, 195j7. .1-52 p. OU3A ll (Buryat-Romgolia) ----------- ,; ZAVOZrN' L.F., ,ASTRAKRANTSEV, Veniamin Ivanovich; ZQKE,--B--V p red.; LAUT, V.G., (Angara arsd its basin; outline of the hydrologyj Ang$4,& i ea basseiiW .igidrologiche3kii ochirk. McAva, lxd~-iio, )imfl. nauk SSSR. -1962. 90 p. (Akedemiia nauk SM. Sibiroke,4 OW916nia. Vostochno-Sibirskii geologIcheakii inatitut. Timdy, no.12). 11 (MIRA iltill (An&ra Vallqy~--Hydrology) :!ONOV, r..-r- SM,ATZNKOV, S.T.; TUUUYLTA, N'rh.; _ZQW, Iffect of ecological conditions on the quantity and composition of protein In the Diamant spring wheat variety. Vch.zap.:Wu.V#. 186: 121-128 155. OATU 9:8) (Whmat) (Proteins) (Plants. Iffect of wineraln on) LAVROV, I.K.; WTOV, G.B. Distribution and number of the field vole 141:~rotul, ~t,-onormmr in Trkutsk Provdnas. Dokl. Irk. gos. p.-ot,'irafln1m. inst. no.5aU5-116 163 1~ 8z1) rin I I --riovi~JO C)4' ae T'V Mothodology of the c4iuntinjr, and extenalmation 0.)"' field voles. (S-abgomm Platl6ranius). Do-1:1. 1:vk., goo i, I'Alw"110- issl. protivochum. in,"t- na-5t224-4226 163 (14j"P.11 i8a) zwov, G.B.; B.G. Mack-capped chIckadoes FipendIng w1nl,F-r nighta in rodenif, burrowo. Dokl. Irk. go--. nau.:!h.-is;31. pro-1,11voc.'rmiri. ,not* m).5'.153-155 163 (,Mil-71h 18:1) ZONOV, I. I. 20851. Filippenko,, G. 1. 1 Zonov,, 1. 1. Kolkhoznyye agrotekhniaeflifl:re laborstarii --ochagi agrokulltury. Sots. sal. Khoz-vo Uzbekistaria,, 19490 16.1'. a;. 35-141. SOi LETOPIS ZHURNAL STATEY - Vol. 28., Moskvap 1949. A I ~ 11 0 A ;14 :A :I .. . ~ , , I ..; ,J1 'AT f.ww IN F*qr and CM00. of pb"hatt 40 Old VIA" WAS am r got 4 ! Age ILA ORTAUUNSKAL UlFI&TW9 CLAUVICATOw Fie 81 1 -.- - - -:1-11--- : u 0 AV 00 IS!;'W led, $,to, gets rl to 0 * 0 * * A 0 r0 0 MO 0 100 t:6 C.U. ... . .... too ........... 0 00 * 0 0 Q 00 0 Is 0a 0 016. A L- f I. A I A4 sp k~ A- KI, A 4 Igo go The grologic Anichlre of the, ~UIAML AIIII pharite twaring oedinints 11 the fllwtl 01111`11' l " kTa River 141444)%. 1 -- ~', I... I A 00 ' it- S~ S. 14 1 N., 141). 00 Fwu IAj- .4 H.-It""61'. .'I, ~ ".~ , ..". I I I, W14-1, ~ ...... 1, 1 .l - So -ed'41.11 I I" 1. 1- ~l 1 101- : Ow 1-. 1- 4 1 1 ttt I a. 1". 00 ~ , mm 11 1.1011, lh.w 00 00 00 00 00 !~Lj 1. 00 00 ::0 & &0* 00 ~4* 0 00 of so w w j ;-o0 00 00 3 00 : woo is- , I Oro 111 1 1, 0 N ) . 4 1 1 4 0 a 0 0 0 0 0 o o o 0 Is o 70 0 lk I .-I 101i A 0 1, 0 0 0 0 0 010 o 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0,0 0 0 0 0 0 41 4 o o o o o e 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Is o o 0 6 0 IS 0 0 o 0 6 0 0 0 w0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 : 'W Go 0 1 Tj If m n 0 V to S It 4 11 4L1 U it fire 4 R ..A Y_A to to c. I., ZDNDV A &OWCIC&I t0flOw of 'UPOlfilli Of the gbqqf borUO4 Of the S4eftn8 filet bAlifl. N, 'I'. rposmi. /Pit. Ferwaer, 190, 'No, 1. V $.---A detcolud Mit iw~I,Wvaf det-tipthm IIIV 411-P.11111, fif tile ojIjWf CJfrtA-'Mltl j1d h&.1. ;4,211w IOWA it-gion (Kutk proviii,-A 1. I'lit Klwj- r ito-m %~rr Citiord hoin a thin 10m.plo,wi, of uldhoul Ill tillollill" mlifff, 1-141'r)' i,lohr-t.1j,'01t. 111-1 :0 fatwIV golins of clutifIl. jLjAio-t,tjjjc 211,1 , ir'ww graphically they are Pimilar lip floor. phinfilit;41te, foursil orAr Vol',k and In ihe wit-pet rivet baiin. rhi. imanet, ,I or Laver I, o.ifq4).,.n I,,. rhe Pabif.-coe it,j tiiv L-wo, zoo of lityl,lik) couskis of (Itlutt souillmout.,it-Illculk(l [op-thtl !:pre* 00- with light phai,phatc. Thr cumpa. of tile pho,pluirk, 004 Vatio, greally: thv clocittitit Of Pith varks betwern 1:1 awl ,la-loiluution Of j)hOiph,Kiirs it" plAa: in IN- ibill,itor sea basinsm proicvciml mminally toy tht-toptti.-f 'III- ph- phate substatirc in the Atria of collmd,- I )W -')1111) 11 I photipbstr4 its the KhIjwt twill 6 mim-cked 'lift., fly %lilt 0 the leaching of P-M%tr. dvlxw~its .4 She upper 1L.1011to I'll'. aeo Z.Ivject?4 thle poisibi,ltr Of lnvlwumalk~ torolAtit"I lot 1,11-- 200 phowit" frm the cwhocate and Si furl"likkirll. Vwptir- -r of high-catitent lChoiffier pbotphutito Olotill Ill.. 'wull floill 0 t ilt nwr wolicas Or LIMIL 111 th" III-0111' IJkITt1lU- 00 flow tit till- Illor tit pho.pbolile" W lk Itmill ties 0 q MITALL0*6KAL LITRAIATWE CLAIlloolCalrek if I 00 :We -T AT 1 to 17 ir 0 06 a n It fit MW n 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 * 0 4 0 * 0 00 1111, # 0 # 0 0 a 4 0 0 0 0 6 4 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 of 0 0 4LO weemodu~ I Loi~_t_ -0 ! 0 0 0 0 0 0 * 0 00 4~ GLEBOT. I.A., Insh. Adjusting the~ionic excitation device of a hydraulic generator. Mlek. sta- 30 no.1:53-56 Ja '59. (XM 1233) (Illactric generators) (Ilectric current rectifiers) 10 5 -3-21/'41 AUTHORS: Glebov, I. L. Candidate of TechnicLl Zonov, S. F. Enjineer TITLE: Tests on the E*erimerttal Equipment With Gas-tube Bxc1t&t41o;a for Hydroelectric Generators (Inpytani e opyttloy unt-'.Illovki iorluogo vozbuzhdeniya gidrogoneratora~ PERIODICALi Elektric,Pstvo. 19-R, ~1- '5- PP- 77 - 00 (U.33H) ABSTRACT: From 1951 to 1955 a device for the serarate electronic excitation for the hydroelectric power atation Nizhne-Svirl was developed and constructed. Here, 1he apparatus and its testing are described. A 6 phase tranoformation was select- ed for the purpose of guarantee-ing a maximum operational safety. The circuit has a common cathode potential for all tubes and permits an operation with less than all tulles at a_ insignificant reduction of the rectified voltage in comparison to other circuits. The transformer can operate with or without a compensation coil. The sy.5tem consists of a subsidiary synchronous generator, an electronic trans- Card 1/2 former (preobrazovatelf) and of control, safety and signal Ti 17 1-11r-, I 1 1,4111 i3 1'i1 I I 111r],1101U. Null !j!!jpjj1j ITI ~.11 111:11 lull,1,11 5 -2/~il -'j Tests on the Trial Electronic Exciter Equipment for Hydroelectric Gene- rators devices. The type C-15-12-6 with a power of 950 kVA is used as synchronous genera.bor.The electronto transformer possesses 6 ignitron3 from -the All Unicin Inetitute for Electrical Engineering, of the type -1-200 with a mea:n value of the rectified current of 200 A anti an injerse voltage of 1300 V. Tests showed that the s:r,9tea of elec- tronic excitatioa with soldared- in singli-anode valves guarantees all demanded modes of operation (forced and suppressed excitation, operetion with less than all valves etc). The tests also showed that the alectrotiic exciter also has a very fast action (the rise timt being with in the range of 0,01 see). The here given computation method for the current is confirmed by the experimental data. There are 4 fiqures, 2 tables, and I SDviclw- rei!- ereace. AS30CIATION: Institut elektromekhaniki Akademii nauk SSSR Lenenergo (Institute for Electrical and Mechanioal Engineering AS USSR) SURYTTTED: November 1, 1957 Card 2/2 GLEBOV, I.A., Imnd. tekha. neuk; ZONOT S,F., inzh. e: Testing an experimental electronic exciter inutallation. for WaUr-& wheel generators. Bloktrichostvo n0.3!77-80 14r 15A. (912A 11-0) 1 Inatitut elaktromlffianiki Akad adi nauk SSSR (:tor Glebov). 2: Isningradskaya elektroenergetichealaqa sintoma (for Zonov), (Ilectrie gederatars) GAVRILOVA, Kapitol-ina Vladimirom; ZqtLO.VA.K... rettionzent; RLIBISINOV, S.Kh., red.; SYRCRINA, M.K., rod. izd--va; M&LIKOVA, N.T., [Business accounting in the workshops of copper smolting plantil] Vnutritsekhovoi khozmachet na medeplavillnykh zaYodakh. Sverdlovsk, Metallurgiadat, 1963. 49 p. (MIRA l6s6) (Copper industry-Finance) LEBEDEV Viktor Georgiyevich;_ZOU.OV, retsenzeat,j KOCILEIIYjV, I.M., redJzd-Ya,# MATLYUK, R.M., takhn. red. (Growth potentials for labor productivity in tite cc)pl)er industry] Rezervy rosta proizvoditellnosti trlida v midnoi promyshlennosti. 14oskyu, Metallurgisdatp 1963. 110 P. (MIRA 1.6 0) (Copper industry--Labor productivity) BEMI,, Amayak Khristoforovich; ZONOV, S.K., retsenwat; TIFISHINIF, A.M., red.; SKCROBOGACBEVK;x-T---,Ir8a- lzd-val HATIlUX, RAI.,, tekhn. red. (Revealing and using the industrial potentials of neuVerrous metallurgy) Vyiavlenie i ispolizovanie pi-oi-,.-vcwdAvom:jIch re- zervov tovetnoi metallurgli, Sverdlovsk, Ketallurgiiditt ' 1962. 230 P. (141HA 15 t 12) (Nonferrous metal industries-14amagemaht) BEMI, Amayak 1hristoforovich; ZOVOV SA reteenzent; JERYMOVA, HA.v red. ltd-va; TURKIRAO UTD-.j Q4 [Reduction of industrial costs is a source for the growth of national wealth] Snishenle sebestoinosti produktsii - ioWj1mjk rosta obshchestronnogo bogatetya. Sverdlovskv Uoso nauchmo-tekhn. izd-vo lit-ry po chernoi i tovetnoi metallurgii. Poverdlovskoe otd- nie, 1961. 50 p. (Costep Industrial) (MM 1/,:6) S/032/61/07/009/018/010 Biol/B206 AUTHORSs Filippov, S., Zonovp V. TITLEs Plant laboratories competing for the title of a Collective of Communist Labor. In the central plant laboratory of a, machine - building factory PERIODICALt Zavodskaya laboratoriya, v. 27, no. 9, 1961, 1168 - 1170 TEXTs [Abstracter's notet It is not stated which fautory is concerned. According to the institutions mentioned, it is probably located in the Urals It is noted that the equipment of the Central Plant Laboratory (CPL)Ls recently been improved. A AV,10 (DPS-10) quantiim meter with electronic computer, ACT-22 (ISP-22),-.and KCR-28 (ISP-28) spectrographs and a ~3M-10 (UZAI-10~ ultrasonic div1deare now available.. The extent of -the scientific wo-rk planned for 196Y'Va's doubled as compared with 1956, and-the budget tripled. According to investigations of the metallographic laboratory, casehardening with solid carburizing agents was replaced by gas casehardening in 1960. Parts of the workpiece that are not to be hardenpd., arp covr-red with an anti-cementation paste developed by the Card 1/4 Plant laboratori,~s_ 3/03 61/027/009/018/019 BlOIYB208 laboratory. The application of gas casehardening reduced the duration of the process by 250/0. In cooperation with the Sverdlovskiy proyektno- tekh-iolog.-Lcheskiy institut (Sverdlovsk Design, Pianning, and Technological Institute) casehardening was intensified by raising the temperature by 400C beyond the temperature prescribed. In this way, the output of cementation furnaces was increased by more than one-third. Making use of results obtained by several institutes and by the Chelyabin~kiy traktornyy zavod (Chelyabinsk Tractor Plant) and in coo 'peration with the preservation workshop, slushing oils and lubricants were :replaced by volatile inhibitors. 20 t of commercial vaseline are thus saved annually. Together with the division of the chief technologist, the chemical laboratory introduced the electrolytic tinning of radiator tubes in a hydrofluosilicio eleatro- lyte (instead of the hydrofluoborio acid electrolyte hitherto used), which means annual savings of 20,000 rubles. In this year they started repairing casting flaws on surfaces by means of epoxy resins. The chemical laboratory tes~ Ir3 ferrous metals for Mn, Bi, Ni, P, Cu, Ti, and Al on an W-M (FEK-M),Oolorimetrio photometer. Aluminum CaBtillgs (ire subjected to spectrum analysis only. The physical laboratory introduced -hysical P tests methods; e.g., the thermal workshop tests of pills with coercimeters, Card 2/4 S/032/61/027/00;/018/019 Plant laboratories... B101/B208 and gears, shafts, and springs with a magnetic flaw detector of the Institut fiziki metallov (Institute of Physics of Metals). h1aahine parts made from 30XrC (30KhGS) and 65r (65G) steels may be easily distinguished by means of the "T30ft' (TEDS) device, designed by the fizicheskaya laboratoriy~ Uralts7o-go universiteta (Physics Laboratory of the 'Ural University)?* Hig'h-nickel steels, such as 209204A (201=4i) will be replaced by iow-nickel steels, such as 25X2rNTA-(25Xh2GNTA). Together with the Sverdlovsk'plant "Promenergoavtomatika~') automatic dosing devices forthe carburizing agent in ceientaO.1iomfurnaces will be intro- duced during the current year, and an automalJ4 control symtem. for the carbon potential in'cementation will be developed in cooperation with the Vaesoyuznyy proyektno-tekhnologich6skiy inst"Aut (All-Union Design, Planning, and Technological lnstitu~e)# The physical and the chemical laboratory, together with the kafedra, liteynogo proizvodstv~ Urallskogo politekhnicheakogo instituta im..S. R. Kirov& (Departmant.of Foundry Production of the Ural Polytechnic Institute imeni S. if.-kirov), deal with the introduction of automatic rapid tests for molding zaterials. In galvanic processes, the quality of plating is to be impToved by ultra- sonics. Bronze is to be partly replaced by oaprone. Deficlenciess Card 3/4 Plant laboratories... 3/032/61/027/009/018/019 B101/B208 1) The laboratories are scattered over a wide area of the towni 2) rooms do not meet fundamental requirementei 3) control tests of raw materials for which analyses are already given by the supplier, were doubled in 1960 as compared with 19581 4) standards for the spectrum analysis of virious bronzes and aluminum alloys are wanted. The Laboratoriya 6tandartnVkh obrazteov Upravleniya chernykh metallov Sverdlovskogo sovnarkhoza (Laboratory of Standard Samples of the Administration of-FerraaB Metals of the Sverdlovsk sovnarkhoz) does not produce them. The CPL competes for the title of a Collective of Communist Labor. ASSOCIATIONs TaentralInaya laboratoriya mashinostroitallnogo mavoda Central Laboratory of a Maohine-building Pactory) ~S. Filippov, Head of the Laboratory); Otdol glavnogo Metallurga (Division of the Chief Metallurgist)(V. Zonolt Official) Card 4/4 FILIPPOV, S.; ZONOVy V. Central Industrial Laboratory of a maWwry caOatru4tim p]AZ[t, Zav.lab, 27 no.9:1168-1170 161, (I,IKTIA 1419) 1. Ndeballnik I'Sentrallnoy laborwtorii mashinostroit,911nogo zavoda (for Filippov). 2. Otdol. glavn o met-jillurga Tsentallroy laboratorii mashinoutroiteltnogo mvcdao&r Zaiwv). (Machinery-Testing) I . I . 1. ".. .. -1 .1 .. I I- I I. -. I I..... .. '', . , '' ZONOV, V.I.i inzh. II~~: Fhyaical processes in the power circuits of an o1actric loco- motive with compound excitation traGtion motors occurring under transient conditlonB* Trudy Ural. elektroiokb, inst. inzh. zhel. dor. transp. no-5:91-102 162. (tr4RA 17:8) Yt, RODIOMOV. S.T.. kandidat takhaichaskikh aaak; IFMA14 IN, H.O., kandidat takhalabaskikh nauk; ZONOV, tvkhaiaheskAh 2Atuk. '11-1..: 1.1-.111, 1 Computing tachnologycal tolaramese la the wootworkixg indwAry. Der. i lasolchim. prom. 3 no.120-7 D '54. (ML" 81:1) 1. ZanisUadskaya ord*ss Lasina lesotekhnichaskaya skadeuiiva im. S.H.Kirova. (Woodworking industries) A Z c N (,, V) Ye'cr. RMICKOV. S.T., kandidat takhnichsakikh nank; -FMUNKII, H.O., kandldat tekknicheskikh nank; 9400FOP Y*,G., kandidat tekhnichaskikh ammko Planning laying-out processes, DersprovsA no,10335-29 0 055, (a" 9:1) I.Leningradskaym ardam Lenirm lasetakhmicheskay6 akadmiya Imeni 111rovas (Woodworking industries) YANTOVSKlYp A.T.), ZONOVO To.Gsj 8TRELE, L.A.# red. (Drawings in descriptive geornetry; a textbook] Illplury po nachartatellnoi geomatriij uchebnoe posoble. Lomlngrudp Leningre Lanotekhn, skad, im. S.M.Kirova 1.964, 30 13. tMTRA 11113) -4 zoltlv-,- -Yu.A.- Use of a high-frequency discharge for the isotopic anal~fsia of oxygen in organic compounds. Zhur.anal.khim. 17 no.4: 502-505 Jl 162. (MIRA l5t8) 1. State Institute of Appliyed Chemistry, Leningrad. (organic compounds) (Oxygell-_Isatopes) 5(2), 5M AUTHORSt Somenov.,.G. A*, Zonov. Yu. A.. BOY/7'5-14-1-29/32 TITLE: -On the Problem of the Mass-$peotromet:rio A*eLLyeis of the Isotopic Composition of Boron (K voprosu a mas.3-spektronetri- cheskom analize izotopnogo sostava boxa.) PERIODICALi Zhurnal analitichaskoy khimii, 1959, 701 14, Mr 1 , pp 137 -138 (USSR) ABSTRAM For the mass-speotrometric determination of the isotopio composition of boron boron trifluorido is 11,9nerally utied. When investigating the isotopic oompoiiition in B20 3 and in boric acid it is, however, advisable not to convert these compounds into BF 39 but immediately to invostigate them by means of mass-spectrometric analysis (Ref 1). The authors used the mass spectrometers MS-1 and h[S-4, keasuremetitB were carried out by the single-beam method, The ionizing device used diffetq from previously described ion sources (Rofs 3,4) by the fact that the band for vaporizILtiOll in made from platinum and that an inderitiLtiOn shaped like a groove is punched into its suSface. The optimum teLI)erattLre for vaporiza-, Card 1/3 tion is 1000 - 1200 . In the mass spootrum of the vapors over On the-Problem of the-Masai-Spectrometric Analysis SOY/7' I -14-1 -i-29/3z of the Isotopic Composition of :Boron boron trioxide there are the followiadl ionat B,.O P 0 + 2 2 BO and B+ in a ratio of 19 t 3.1 1 2,2 These data tgree well with data given in publications (Ref 2), Ions containitig more than 2 atoms of boron were not found.. Thei isotopic + composition of boron was determined by raing the ions B 20 + 11 10 and B . The results (ratio B s B ) are givetn in a table. The ratio B 11 1 B10 in natural boron trioxide J.S on the I average 4-17. The isotopic composition of boron in B 2 03 Te.c. also determined in the manner that ths oxido was convertat into the phenyldiazonium fluoborate (Ref 5.), which was th-,in thermally decomposed. The boron trifluoride formed was analyzed in the mass spectrometer. ALso these results aro given. It was found that determinations oarried out according to different methods, at different times, and in different mass spectrometers (IS-1 and MS-4) are reproducible with sufficient accuracy. The method worked out viam used also for analysis of boron trioxide with varied ieotopio composition. Card 2/3 The results obtained were compared with measurements which On the Problem of the Mase-Speotrometric Analysis SOV/75;--14-1"29/32 of the Isotopic Composition of Boron had been carried out with BF 3 as a working subotance, Agreement is satisfactory. As the method described is simple and furnishes sufficiently exact and reproduailile results, it can be recommended for the isotopo analyois of boron. There are 2 tables and 5 references, 4 of which are Soviet. ASSOCIATIONt Leningradskiy gosudarstvenny~y universitet im. A. A. Zhdanova (Leningrad State University imeni A. it. Zhd,!~nov) SUBMITTEDt April 1, 1958 Card 3/3 INIF1 Iffli 1111RIF GRAGERCYVt I.F.; LEVIT, A.F.; DDROV ru.A,; TIMKINA, M.Ym, Benzene oxidation mechanisa studied by means of isotopes and mass spectroscopy. Dokl. AN SSSR 150 no.1:109-1-12 My 163. (KRA 16t6) 1. Institut fizicheskoy khimii in. L.V.Pimarzhevakogo AN UkrSSR i Gosudarstvennyy institut prikladnoy khi-mii, Kipw. Predeitavleno akademikom M.I.Kabachnikom. (Benzene) (Oxidation) (tootopes) (Mass spectrometry) 3/075/60/015/0051'004/004 B005/B064 AUTHOR: ~~onov, Yu. A. TITLE: Mass Spectrometric Analysis of the Isotopic Compoitition of Elementary Boron%~ %A PERIODICAL: Zhurnal analiticheakoy khimii, 1960, Vol.. 15, No- 5, pp. 643-645 TEXT: The author developed a method for the isotopic analysin of elementary boron. It is based upon evaporating the sample fron the band evaporator of the ion source of a mass spectrometer and subsequent ionization of the vapors produced by electrons. A mass spectrometer ofthe type M14-1301 (MI-1301) was used; the measurements were made by the single-beam method. Approximately 0.1 mg of boron in the form of an alcoholic suspension was applied to the evaporator, fov the prod.uction of which a tungsten foil was used instead of platinum; the amount of boron used is sufficient for a continuous operation of 5-6 hours, with the ion currents being satisfactory stable. To attain the necessary elasticity of the boron vapor in the anode box of the ion source, the temperature of the Card 1/3 IT I I ~ I III! ~ il 111 flii 411111 1111 11111; 111 11,111] 11:111 ~;I I k Iii!i i 1!! 1: -~! I 111 Mass Spectrometric Analysis of the Isotopic S/075/60/015/005/004/004 Composition of Elementary Boron B005/BO64 evaporator was continuously increased until the ion current Of the mont intensive effective mass to be expected had been reached, Thiei ion current was 1000-1500 mv. In the mass spectrum of vapors over the sample B+, ions were detected which were used to calculate the isotopic comp,")8ition (B 11 /B10) of the sample. Table 1 illustrates the isotopic analysis of five boron samples with natural isotopic composition. Elementary 'boron was obtained from boric acid by reduction with magnesium (Ref. 3). The boric acid used as initial product was also analyzed for ito inotopic coaipotqiticq Table 1 gives the results. Some samples of elementary bi:ron onriched in the isotope B10 were analyzed by the new method, k1so these results were checked by analysis of the initial products (11 3B03). Table 2.shows the results of seven analyses. The results obtained from detormining the rKtiv B. 11 /B 10 are well reproducible and agree with those of the anal ysis of boric acid. In the course of analysis, boron was dispersed upon Individual parts of the ion source, thus effecting the accuracy of daterifl.ninj3- the next samples. To eliminate this effect, the anode box and the holder of the evaporator must be boiled in a 3%, hydrogen peroxide solution and then Card 2/3 Mass Spectrometric Analysi3 of the Isotci)ic S/075/6o/ol 5/0105/004/004 Composition of Elementary Boron BOO5/BO6,j washed with alcohol. A, figure shows the time dependence of Elie ratio B11/B'O during the analysis of the boron sample. 4-5 hours after the beginning of evaporation, the ratio B11/B1O increases considerably, whir-.h corresponds to a normal fractionation of the boron isotopes in evaporation. During the first 4-5 hours of analysis, however, this effect lies within the error limits of measurement, thus affecting the accuracy of determinirg the isotopic composition. With longer duration of analyfl-9, the results obtained do no more correspond to the actual it3otopic rittio Ln the sample investigated. There are 1 figure, 2 tables, and 3 Soviet; reforen-ces. ASSOCIATION: Goaudarstvennyy inatitut prikladnoy khimil , Loniiigrad (State TnE~Itute of Applied Chemistry, benLnLmla) SUBMITTED: October 26, 1959 Card 3/3 PARAMONOVA, V.I.; MOSEVIGH, A.N.; ZOMR, Yu.G. Determination of the exchange constants of somo anions on anion exchangers. Vest. LGU. 18 no.16:115-119 163. 01MA 16:11) KOMHOV, V.S.1 PC;VGPOZNYUKO L.I.1 PLYUSHCHEVSKIY, 11.1.1 ZONCVt Yu,,G. Effect of acid treatment on the structure of Clay mine-riLlt. Dokl, AN BSSR 9 no.7:450-453 Jl 165. (Ml". 1839) 1, Tnetitut obahchey i noorganichoskoy kb!W iff Delorunekoy $8R. Interaction of the satellite with the earth's magnetto fteld. Isk. Oput, x6m. no*31.118-124 159. OdRk 12:12) . (Artificial satellites) (Magnetism, Terroutrial) 315 9o66/5691/0 00/00 7/0 0 3/0 10 a E032/El-14 AUTHORSI Beletskiyj V.V., and Zonov, Yu~V- TITLEs Rotation and orientation of the third Soviet satellite PERIODICALt Akademiya nauk SSSR. Iskuset,vennyye sputniki Zemli, No.7, Moscow, 1961, pp. 32-55 TEXT: The third Soviet artificial Earth satellite carried a "self-orientating" magnetometer whose function was to measure the Earth's magnetic field (S.Sh. Dollinov.. L.N. Zhuzzov, N.V. Pushkov, this journal, No.2, Izd-vo AN SSSR, L956, 1).50). The magnetometer Incorporates a movable framt whose normal is kept parallel to Lhe magnetic-field vector by special probes and -the tracking system. The rotation of the frame relative to the body of the satellite was measured by two probes and telemetered to the P.arth. The motion of the satellite iboji: itt~ centrq of mass and also ils orientation in space can bn detoirmined Pri.-)m the time dependence of these angles. The prptsaiit pexper delocribe" the method used to solve this problem and also Ot, reiuLta obtaitted for the rotation and orientation of the 5atellitf! up to tlie 1091.11 orbit. rhe rotational parameters wero deter-nrttvid t1jef;e au'l later orbit data. rhe first part of the pretietit paper giveii -on account Card 1/11 26659 Rotation and orientation of the .... S/560./61/000/007/003/010 P,032/F.IL4 of the theory of the method. The mot,ton of a satellite about the JL centre of mass Is affected by graviiatJonal and aerodynamic moments (Ref.2: V.V, Beletskly, this io~jrnal, Nit, 1, I~N ISSSR, 1958, p 25. Ref.3t V.V. Beletskiy, this je.-vttrnaL, No. ',I, izd.vo AN SSSR, 1959, P-13. Ref.4j V.V. Bi-letslOy, thim lournal., No. 6, izd-vo AN SSSR, 196.1, p. 11), moments (Ref.3: Yu.V. Zonov, this journal, No. 3, AN SSSR, 1959, p. 118), possible interactions between moments associated Witt-. carrents within the sateLlite itself and the Earth's magnetic field, etc. The motif-in of the satellite is therefore rather complicated, altboijch in priactice the rotational kinetic energy is very much greater t ban the work done by the external forces so that in a finite interval of time (for, example. one complete orbit) the effect of the perturbing forces is small. the first approximation it ina 'v be assumed that within such limited Interval of time the motion of thp amtellite about its centre of mass is identical with the motion of a free solid body upon which no external forces are acting. In particular, in the case of the third Soviet satellite which had two equal principal central moments of inertia, tbe motion of the centre of Card 2/11. 26659 Rotation and orientation of the thled-, s/56o/611000/007/003/010 E03 2/.E 114 mass on this approximation was found to take the form of a regular precession. The satellite's axis z', which is aosumed to coincide with the dynamic symmetry axis, executed a uniform rotation with a constant preteesional. angular velocity t-~ about the angulatr momentum vector L which remained fixed In absolute !!pac:4, (Fig.1). The nutation angl'4~ 0 between z' and L was Furthermore, the sAtellite rotated alcout -z; wttb. a constant angular velocity ~. In Fig.1, XYZ is thp -artesian frame such that the Z axis points in the directLf>n of lbe earth's pole, X points towards the Spring point, 0 iq lbe chngl_~, between L and the Y axis, and yo As the angle betwepn tht, LY and XY planes. The problem can thc!n be reduced tv th:p daltermination of the parameters 0, ~ , 0~ i CL) anI y() for ea-7h oclbit. and also the determination of the angles ~10 ind Ek() v f r o tt i,) n a nd precession as functions of titue. Tho itilicat Ivii.,? :of lbe IiIng,Wto- meter probes can be used to provide all these porametpra, Fig. 2 shows the arrangement of the maxnetameter frames. The axis of the outer frame coincides with the axis of the satollitp, and the frame% can rotate about it. The angle of rotation & of thi..-q system is measured from a fixed (relative to the qirelllte) axis x' which is Card 3111 26659 Rotation and orientation of the thirel..., S/360/61 000/007/003/010 E032/Ell~, perpendicular to the satellitela symmr~try axis P. Tho values of this angle are telemetered to the earth by itipanls (it a probe whose indications are denoted by q1. 14ben 6 -- 0 the x.' ax0i ii normal to the outer frame. The axim of the Iiiner fristnt~ ivi p-prpendicular to the axis of the outer frame. The n,.-:trm,3iI Lo thij itintir frame Is made parallel. to the magnet.1c fleld H by rotatfrig both frameal +,hrough the necesaary angles relative .- to the sat(tllite,, The angle of rotation of the inner frame is alsa telemetered to the Earth by a second probe, whose indicat�nns are denoted by 1.1,). The Indications q2 are not Independent. of q I and the !nll o pendent pa.rt of q2 ia givon by 710%, q, -5q, The angle X then represents the angle between the z1 nxis and H (Fig.2). The angle N in the angle between the z'P.( plane and a plane fixed to the satellite and containing z'. Thus the two angles X and & completely spec ify the orientat ton of the satellite relative to the magnetic field. Thty ave furw-tions of time, owing to the rotation of the satellite about. the centre of mass and the motion of the latter along the orbit. It thp direction Card 4/11 266,59 Rotation and orientation of the thi.rd,.,S/56o/61/()00/007/003/010 E032/EI14 C, f 11 is defined by the two coordinates e and y, whith are defGed similarly to po and yo, then since the. orbit of the -:;atellite and the geomagnetic field are known, It follairs that jnd y are also known as functions cf tinig. In that casz~ X(t) ind /' r, n th. e ,(t are determined by the dependence of A. an,',' I'S -rientation and rotation parameters of the satrllite, and thP I-Atter can be determined from the tels~-metric dati ~,n %1t) and Th- magnetic coordinates p and -( were- obtained FrOL. pW)1ished ~abljlations of the 0.4p and declination angl,~,s D and I a ~F t ~inct ions of' geographic coord inat es onI hf! ight abovP t 111P. (-,-~r th I s i r -f a c~ e .For each height the rf I a nd 1) wsre givtrn in of 10 deg (latitude) and 30 1;~ 'z ( Ic-ng.Ltud- ) . Intermediat'e. -~-alues have to be interpolated (JAnear Ly *I ~ The author.4 then set up ~r~,gonometri.c relationships connect in~~ the varintis ntivleii so that ,hp, above schenip can be carried Ait in quantitativi? form, ~iriil the ansIps X(t) and A( t ) c-:)n tip detormturd Ironi ttie mazn,~tometer readings. Fig.7 Bhowq ; cf-iipa?-ison betwpen t1le ,~-,Jntluted. (dashed curv-) resul;s an.1 thr- i-~~rwrimental (full curve) rl~sv.!-s for orbit No. 15-- Equall) good agreement was obtained other crbits. Fig.8 shows the angular ve lo c. i t y as a 5/11 26659 Rctation and orientation of the third... S/V10/61/000/00/003/010 -I I If Cunction of the orbit number. Fig.9 1411mt,; the jyl'~!~cession angle as function of orbit number, Other nurivy i :i, I rcs~i It ~i 4tiven in th:i.~j parter r ~~ for to the nut at t%)n a ng 1e , t hk~ t~ t i,,vit ioo k;f A he vt~c tot'L tPlative to the orbit arid relative to OLc !iun. The I'Lrial section is concerned with the calculation of the :)t-ientation of the eatellite's instruments in space. This ori~!ritatl,:ln is defined by ?he Eulcri,jn angles %p and 0 -)f- 'he I i,f e rolat ive to the f lKed frams. Various relations are set up, gl-vin.T 1) the crientation relative to the earth'i magneti.: field, and the orientat ion of a given axis in the sat P I ]-it P re Lative to a Z,-Ven direction in space., The theory anti tht numet :,alculaticns obtained by the present authors have that it is possible to determine the orientation of any instrument set up on a satellite. The precession and rotation periods of' the satellite can be calculated by the methods described in this paper to within 5 sec; the angle between the satellite's axis an-l th.? 1wecession axis, i.e. the nutation angle, can be determined to wit h-~il I deg. and the position of the precesSion aXIS if, spact, to within 10 deg. The calculated rotational and orientational. satellite par '-inie te ra provide information about the motion of the satellite about its Card 6/11 26652 Rotation and orientation of the third..S/56o/61/000/007/003/010 E032/EI14 centre of wass during the first few days after iti5 launching. it turns out that during a period corresponding to one :omplate orbit the motion about the centre of mass can be approximately looked upon as a regular precession. The parameters de.!3cribing this precession vary slowly from orbit to orbit. Vie tiatellite rotated about the direction of the vector L so that Olt angle between the satellite's axis and L was near 90 deg. Thou departures from this were not greater than 6 deg. The pre~eqsion period ("somersault?) period ) slowly increased from 1)"-1.40 qfi~: (orbits numbers 1-5) to 195 5,.:c on the 283rd orbit. Tri additAon, the satellite slowly rotated about its own syminetrN, axis. The aiigular velocity of this rotation decreased from 0~375 d-ix/s-?c ill tJIS fir,4t orbit to zero in the 20th orbit. Thereafter thj~ dirt,c-tion the rotation changed sign and varied abOLIt iltl AVr-l'uQ;(I Of 11:,oLlf G.A deg/see, deviations from the average I)eitig tiQt trrcater 011,rin 0.1 ,leg/sec, The direction of the vector L. a:4.ii-- about which the Ilsomersault" motion takes place, slo;vly :-hanqed it.3 pos--tion in space at an average rate of about I de.grele, per orbits, This motion was such that the direction rf L tendr-d tni~ards thr velocity vector of the centre of mass at 1:)erigr,~. r!-- -? two Card 7/ 11 26659 Rotation and orientation of the third-.. S/560/61/000/007/003/010 E032/E-11-4 directions become nearly identical in the 100-1-10th orbit. In these orbits the satellite experienced the maximum aerodynamic resistance, At the perigee and the al.-)ogep the batte of the satellite turned towards the Earth wi'li a period i1qual i.c. the Itsomersault" period. The slow variatJon in the votaticl-I and orientation parameters can be explained L,.r aerod3,jiamic and gravitational perturbations, the lnter~.-f.Jon betwiten cijr'-~Ints induced in the satellite and theEartli;a field, atiel other effects, Acknowledgments are expressed to O.S. Ryzbina arid 0.1. Rau who programmed the electronic computer u5!vd In the numerical calculations. A.I. Repnev and a number ef other vrorkers at the AS USSR took part in the analysis of the data. There are 21 figures, 7 tables and 7 Scviot ri~fervlices. Card 8/11 .,-. ZOMOTA, A.T. BloolectrIcal activity of the ratinn in rOACtJ.Te hn)Ort8n9iOnG* Probl.fisiolopt. 12067-376 158 NMA il:6) (HMR M-S ION) (MCTRORMTOOGRAPHY) okmo NW640 OUL Z. ll~ %u4vm &M I;i,w* WRb 0 mostbw of dkimas droL MmAnj cwmms is pn6aw toct amm MmIll"lot"illim the Y* duffmc itteaming. m lu i I i i i, i i i ~ I ! ii ~ lllilifir~ lll:ill;; !"111111il. 1, ii: ; il : ~ " ! , i~; 1 ~ 1 .1111 dl; 11 lid1!1P1fldIhiIl Lill. .I .1 i i I i t i I ! I i d i I I W i 41 : 1111i I] ]AI 111, !1:11 Ilvil'' wat'l i, i 1~. - -, . I I ZONOVAO Ye.Aj. - -;~, ~ ~4A"p ~. -, --- Printing capron fabrICO With flat white P~stD-, (A)". Wrh- OPYt- CRUI no.9:5-8 '56. (MIRA UtIO) printing) (Nylon) (Textile ZONOVA, Yo.A. - ~-. ~, "we; of,21 _n"Aigosols for natural opyt, [MLPI n0-9#-10-13 156. (Silk printing) silk fabric printIng. Obms telt, (MIRA 11:10) ZONOVA' Ye.Ax- Using direct, color fast dyestuffs for printin1j; natiars-I silk fabrics, Obm. tekh. opyt. CKLPI no.9:14-15 156. (MIRA 11:10) (Silk printitg) ZON07&,-Ie,.A~-,. Colorfast 6T brilliant violet for printing naWral milk fabricu, Obm. takh. opyt. (MLP] no,9:15-16 156. (MIRA 11:10) (Silk printing) SHAROTA, Z.P.; MMINA, G.Ye.; ZWOTA, Ye.A. Use of oleaster gum In silk production. Tekst.prom. III -no.10: 50-51 0 154. 70-10) (Oleaster) (Byes and dyeing-Silk) RODIONOV, S.V.; WNOV, Ye.G.; MAYATIN, A.A. Holding time for the elements of the tweh.,mics of q piano follovIDR decating under conditions of assembly line work. flauch. truly LTIA no.97:3-9 162. IIWRA l7t2) 11,N':