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The Evolution of Stars IX. Problem of the Evolution of Single Stars X. Evoluticm of Binar7 Stars XI, The Role of Accretion in the Hvolution~ of Stars e4d Interstellar. Matter XII. Evolution of Galaxies XM. Conclusions AVAIIABLE: Library of C~Dgress Card 3/3 rnp%n 163 211 237 248 261 '141/amp 12,~1?2-59 r,Eriodicals: 11-STEIPY A,STR-7'71~1' Vol. 6, rin. 3, Jul., The influptice of tic no:i-uniforid ty (:I" ri~,tter 6n tiieies1:1ts of the investigations (-,f tile cistribi-tion stars. p - 114- ~-onthiy Ust of E~,,sl Furopezin ',;cc.9sm:s (Ti'lif) .,,,C Vol. 9, no ay ffriclass. zot IN W Oul z , 1A . ACTA ASTRONOMICA. (Polska Akadernia Nauk. Komitet Astrononii) Wars.awa. Vol* 8. no. h, 195b, In English. Poland/ Photographic observations of the eclipsing binary V5h1 Eygni. 1). U7. Monthly List of East European Accessions Index (EUI) ,p Vol.. 8, No. 6., June 19,59 ,, Ir Uncl MIT W. W. 1,!;kLIS ladioastronrytija a boo', rovimt. -),361 POSTEPY FIZYKI. Warszmvra, Poland. Vol.. 9., no. 3, n,-58. Mon-thly LJL7~t of Ea3t Evzopenn Accessior-I indnx (ET-y1j), If.:. ",()I. Septem'.--ir Uncl. 7 (Zann, Wlodzimier~j, prof.; RUDNITSKIY. K. Elludnicki, Konrad), do~�r, ~~Ad6, P.P., red.; PAVLOVSKAYA. Ya.D., kand.fiziko- matemat.nauk, red.; REZOMOVA, A.G., [Stellar astronouq] Zvezdnala actrononiia. Pod rod. P.P. Parenago. Moskva, Izd-vo inostr.lit-ry, 1959. 448 ~inu 13 11) 1. Direktor astronomictioskoy observatorii Urshavokogo uni- versiteta (for Zonn). (stars) ZONN' T. V Cassiopeiae-An eclipsing variable with a great Occentrlcit7 of the orbit. Astron, teir. no.201:11--12 Ap '59. 6~U 13:2) 1.Varshavskaya observatoriya. (Stars, Variable) ZONS, T. PhotogMhic observatfons of Cl Casslopeiae. Amtron.toir. no.9-061l2-13 D 159,, OCIRA 13:6) 1. Varshavskmya a Imya Anarvatoriyao (Gepheids) VRUBLEVSKAZAt Nev variable star in the vicinity of )S CassitOpeiae, Astron.-tair. no.217:11 D 160. (MIRA 140) 1. Varshavskaya astroncardaheskaya observatoriyu. (Starog-Variable) A 11~, 11:1 11RI k 1 W. I,ONN P I-- Impression8 from the Fifth COSPAR Symposium, Florence, May 7-20p 1964. Postapy astronom 12 no.4:273-279 C-D 164. I a LUGOWSKI, Antoni; ZONN, '.4lodzimierz, prof. d.-.~ Dilettantes and their defenije. Frohloiray 20 jiO.5:.303--.-JO-4 164 1. Tecbnical University, Warsaw (for Lugowskl). 201-1112 11, "... 1. - . . ~ ~ , Couri I, I. nf 4hk iv~ I I kil A 1u7. I fl, it 1, If, tJ,~. , In. 'I.; I I ~ f, ~fj f I ~, ',.'I !J ot, t I Lgi j .1 1 Atlas. a!3t,rnnom 1,! 16/,* ZO.Vp W. The Fourth International CW-PAR Symposluin, W.-.r-aaw, Jine 1963, Postepy astronom 1.2 no.'.451-54 164. 1-11! J: I I I ZONN. W. Activities of tho Cormnittoo of Space Research. l1rwEll goofi2 9 no.1:85.-90 tb4o ZO..IIN, Wlodzi.-Uer-zY Prof. dr Pseudo science; remarks on quacks and maniacs,. oblemy 19 (i.e. 20) no. 2:114-115 1640 1. Head, Department of Astronomy, Universityj Warsaw. CICHOWICZ, Ludoslaw; ZGMp Wlod.zimierz Poland's contributions in cosm1C space mao-arch. Fostepy astronom 12 no.3:189-194 6z. 1; -1:1 - -try 2,~ ZOIRI, 1-ilodzimiarz (Warozawa) Activitien of the Cormitteo an Space Renourch, flaulal Polska 11 no.6:43-49 163. k~ ZONNY W.; WROBLLWSKA, B. Photographic observations of variables in the v-Lcinity of Cassiopeias. Pt. 2. Acta astroncim 14 no. 103-76 164a 1. Astronomical Observatory, University, Warsair. : 1. 1. 1 1 ..., I '. .. ~ . . Zollui, Wlodzimierz, .prof . dr. Warsaw Symposium of the Co=ittee on Space Researob. Problemy 19 no.8:52CL-521 163. 1i Z ONN, W On the distribution of color excesses in clouds of intgrstellar dust. Acta- astronow:U no,.3:1a--153- 162. 1. Astronomical Observatory,, University., Warr3ow and Astronomical Institute, Polish Academy of Sciences, Warsaw. ZONN ) W. Statistical studies an tbe clw, ter populationo of thj3 galaxiou. Postepy astronom 11 no.1:81413 163. f . ~. i i . :i i I .1 j ~.. ~ -1. -. I - ~t~f~ 1-- ==l-.! - -.- ,-1 . Z01-1111. On the distribution of the absorption in the soveral clouds of interstenar dust. Postepy astronom 10 no.3.-.93 Xa4l 162. The 3d International Symposium of tby Comaittee on Spa,.~e Research (COSPAR), Washington D.G.9 April 30 May 9. 1962, 11oistepy astronam 10'no.4s369-373 O-D 162. WIN, Wlodzimierz Cn pulsating stars, in the light of stellar evolulion.. Elostepy astroncm 8 no.4:183-196 160 Z01IN p W. Again on variable stars of the RR Lyrae type. Postepy astronom 10 no.2:179 '62. . ; ; 1~ ; ~ T; ~: ; 11111 M;1 11 Ii I III ~:I I I 1W, 1 ~ k"111 1111 VH111-1 TIN 1I. ~ I I ;I ZONN, W. Report on the activities of the Warsaw Astronotaii-ml Observatory during the period 2950-1961. Postepy astromuz 10 noe,3.,263-271 162,, - ZONNI_W. On the application of two-color rkotometry to studies on the distribution of stars and interotenar matter. Postepy astronom 10 no.3:257-261 162. ZON11, W. Wladyslaw Dzievulskij o'bituary, Foatopy a~troncalc) no.3:301-302 -62. ZOMI y W. The Second International Symposium of the COSPAR lu Florancat Apri.1 1961. Postepy aistron= 9 110-4:2J+9..,,1.5:L 161., , ZONN, W. __ On the distribution of the color surpluseo in individual cloilds of interstellar dust. Postepy astronm 10 no.2:161-164 '62. I I I I ~ I I i IN; - 'I ~t -111 [k 71111 H 11 ; i '! i H; ; ~: , ~ .: i~ I' I z . , In -~ 01 U15/62/000/003/012/0531 AOO!~AlOl AUTHOR: Zonn, W. TITLE: On some problems of extragalactic astronomy PERIODICAL: Referativnyy --hurnal, Astronomiya i Geodezziya '. ilo, 3, 1(YS2, 45, abstract 3A330 ("Postppy astron.", 1961, v. 9, no, 2, 63-'O~, Polish) TEXT: Conclusions arrived a,. by cosmologists and-laws discovered by them might have been true or false but as a rule these law,,-, were Universal. In extragalactic astronomy, which is a science more empirical, the laws or regulari- ties being diocovered may, but not necessarily. N) Col'N.10t With re;;peot -to lt~ie whole Universe. Two problems beemme during the recent times especially actual in extragalactic astronomy, They pertain to gravitation and photormetric'para- doxes.; they are closely connected with the problems of distribution of matter in the Universe and with V. A. Anb,3artsumyan.,-. question, whether clusters of galaxies are stable formations or not. Analyzing, the works (in thef3c probleiris the author writes that there is no trace of any order or permaliency and there is no homogeneity in the observed picture of the Universe, As 'to the problem of Card 1/2 8/0315/62/000/003~/O 12/05 3 on some probloms of extragalactic astronomy w0 IAI 101 the "birth" of the Universe, which was so actual recently.. this probi~~m cea-nd to be essential, because the Universe is daily being born and L~ daily dying. W. Wi6niewski [Abstracter's note: Complete translation] Card 2/2 ZONN, Vlodsimiexz (Warszawa) The part of the amateur astronamar. Urania -32 no.11:322-327 11 161, (Astronomy) 14 ,;o affiliptiuli given but town of Ilarsaw Crahow, Uraniat Selytember 19650 No 9t Vp 24Z.-247 "Space science, Part 4- Planet research.11 .............. 1 T, P % I CIIIJIJ ZONN" Illod-zimier", NO affiliation rrivoll but City Of Wiir,;Ilw Crakow, brania, No 12, Docernbor 1965, p1) 338-43 "Space science. hirt. g., llytratorrestial ob.-ervatw-ieq." H ~;_ll :1 L 1313-66 1) (a,) ACCESSIM IR: AF 5 02 2 2 (d4 Mi (CrJ63116 5 04111/0.01 (11.2 811129 546. 6 5 5'62.3 AUTHOR: Zormg Z. R. A i~ J ' ' pl, I - j TITLE: Growing of ceritm aluninate aLngLa crysta a 11 SOURCE: M SSSR. N',S01:'PMnlLCllPf0LiY0 MatC,rild" . V. I., no. 7, M15, 1L29 TOPIC 'rA','---: cerim cmpouitd~j altraitute, Tln,gle cryfatid, graliflail-, ABSTRAM To prepare cerimyt aluninfite gLiagle crystialu, thrive prablems had ca be -11 ve 1) of if -educ%.n~j~ e.tmnii.r,~ivre inder vol-ct t J,.cimi ~ermii:t tri;R 3 1 Zii ti I- Al- C Of rjoll~" r ". a p I i f! p 1-111 e 1) '! 11 t I 19 1 chiv d if [ e -vent ir trita au-!jp'-jl'j(.!' s ~ :j" - -it:. "(: L .)I) " c I 11c:' 1, e fm t of r 11D.L n ~: 'I L if -I t mo i ~h ~- r P a rid ~ ne r t ! nva r t ti u q o I v -a n t~ , Th.e. crucLble :vad,t of molvhdenigan, MCWel, cr fmied gr-;iphA,i:,0 vn~i~ plar(~d in a -:oru-lidum rsi.psultj amd vich a clix~Xre of ll(:l:i-'arl!!d 'ar"60m a n d K Y- y p -k cll , F'otiisn.'Lum fluaukt-e vaF 'h~2 iiolvenr 'i"he r~l ti'l :f ylluql'ja'~d IMA plll~lllru-j if', ~:hrq.-'v 11 (1) c,:-,nbtne,l grindlriq; :if Ce(-4 Frmi Al,t), fn tati0i', VIL11 4-11111011iii tt(Wl, SOIAlt'0~s of (;(?vl,,.m w'r.:i-vre- and rLmpoace rec t 1) 1 1 11 ri traLt; and ronetLru to dri.'ve ofl! Lha ammunita kialtfl;; (3) preliminavi sy-mt:hifisLa Card I i I i::11 ; Ilk ill:111111,111 11411111 111M M1111 It-1:1111411 I it L 131 ACCESSION RR: AP5GZd!2.64 I of I' XA103 at 1600C in an aAMO-aid allmaphere. A ad.xtuve af 301t CeALOIJ aih4 7%, KF was used, and the crystaU ivat ton ims carried out by~,! vatmAINI: the t=V,~drwttira to 1300C, then towerfing it at 4-5 &gveez per houir to 811-0C. A radiogram of tihib CeAlO3 single crystals obtainad is g .,Iven. Tbe propomed vethod can be ull'"d for the svnthesis of othar conrpoundo aii wilt. Orij, airt. haw 3 ftguzes. ASSOCIATTON: Institut khimil aALLILatarv MuLdemii mauk- SII$IR (Ell-stitute alf SiLirate Chemistry, AcadeM- (,If ScLimraosISSSR) U-1324 I T-1 E D -23Apr63 ENCL: 00 SUB UIOM I!L%j. 10 140 REF SOV - 001 (MIER., WZ Card 2/2 Z01M) Z.N.; YANMEEVSKAYA) I.S. --------- Crystallization of aluminosilicates in low-malting salts." 7 no.9;2213-2216 5 162. (mm~ 1,7~-.q) 1. Institut 1-himii silikatov AIT SSSR. (Aluminosilicates) (Crystallization) (Fused salts) AUTHORS TITLE PERIODICAL ABSTRACT CARD 1/2 loffe, V.A.# Xhvostenko, G.I.j 57 - 9-10140 Zonn, Z.N. The Electrical Properties of Somm Single Crystals and Polyorystallil2o yerritea. (Blektricheskiye avoystva nakatorykh monokristalloy L polikristallioheskikh forritov.) Zhurnal Tekhn. ?is., 1957t Tol. 27, NX 9, PP#1985-1995 (USSR) The dependence of the opeoilio rosistamoe, of the dieleotrioity constants and of the anfl7le of dielootrio losses on temperature mt sound frequencies and for solid solutions of niokel-ferrite and zino-Territe, of magnesium-ferrite and vianganese-Territe as well as in the case of two single cryntals and a oeramio sample of a solid solution of oobalt-forrite and mine-ferrite was investigated. All ferrites investigatud have a high dieleatrioity constant within the range of low frequencies and high temperatures. The dependence of the dieleotrioity constant an frequency and temperature is due to relaxation processes. It is shown that the dieleotricity constant of ferrites is a property that is independent of their poly- 24934 8/18 61/003/006/031/031 152120 3102yr,214 AUTHORS: loffe, V. A. and Zonn, Z. N, . ......... TITLE: Glasses with high dielectrin constant PERIODICAL: Fizika tverdogo tela, v- 3, no. 6, 1961, 1902-1904 TEXT: The authors investigated the possibility of making irlasn- on a Bi2O 3-basis by adding T102, BaO, or PbO without using a v:L,iitying oxida (such as SiO 2, B203P or P20 5). With 70-60 M010 Bi2 03 and addition of 20-30 mole% at 1100-11500C a transparent melt was obtained which crystallized when cast into molde. The material had an L of 75-80. In the range 100 cps -2-5 Mo/sec i was independent of freqiaency. tan6 -0-005 -0.006 at 100 cps, and 0.01 et 2.5 Ma/pec. On addition of 10 mole% S102 or B2 03 transparent glasses were obtained wfiich, however, still had the tendency to crystallize and devi,.rification. Stable glasses were obtained only after adding StO 2 In quantities of over 15 mole%. The composition of the glasses investigated are shown in Fig. 1. Card 114 24934 3/181/(')1/003/006/031/031 Glasses with high dielectric constant B102/'B214 The glasses were founded in corundum anI platinum crucibles in a silite furnace for 30 min. Longer holding timps led to a darkening of the glass and a tendency towards devitrifi7,at,rn. The softening point of, the glasseo was 550-8500C. They were ~itnble against water. The qlas3e3 with '7-25 riole'/~ SiO had an z of 3P-40 decreaned :Ln.,re-,sing SIO 2 2 content (40 mole% S1.0 L = 2 e w,ia ~_--de-oenlpnt (.-,r frequen(.'y in the 2' rang se~~, and ificre!~opd lltneE:rly 7wh incre-ging tempera- ~e 100 cps-:?.r Mc/ / 3 ture; tan6 .0,,002-0,005 at 100 cps, and was only alightly frequenoy dependent, The orystalli7ation of the glasses led to a rise in the values of r. and tan6, e. of ordinary silicate glasses and borate glasses lies between 6 and 10, of silicate glasses with high (50 Molelfo) PbO content between 17 and 18. G. I. Skanavi and A. 19. Kashtanova (ZhFT, XXVII, 1770, 1957) obtained devitrified boron-lead-titanium glasses with F, -35. They explained the high t value as being due to the formation of crystalline lead titanate. Glasses on the basis of TeO 2 have s valuos of 28-321. Glasses on the basis of bismuth oxide have the highet3t t of all inorganic glasses known; their tanb has the same order of magn-.Ltude as in alkali-free 0 silicate glasses. Their use in industry appears very promising. There are Card 214 24934 Glasses with hirrI" (liol-eatria con"tant 0 2 /31114 5 fjC~,rea allij A. ref erenoeo I Soviet-bloo and 3 non-1bloviet-"bloc. Vie th-ree references to English-language publicationo -ead tis A1011ows'. H. 11. Reaton, H. lloor,,. J. Soc. Glass Tealin. 41, 3, '15157? X. HeYnes, H. Rov;son, J. Soc. Glasslechn., 41, 3471 1957; J-Ph. P~loy. Vature, 174, "o. 4423, 268, 1954. ASSOCIATION: Institut~khimii silikatov Mt SSSR Leningrad (Institute of Silioate Chemistry of the AS USSR, Leningrad) SUBMITTED: Pebruary 24, 10,61 of cf~ri-,lrl 1 no.7:1128-11.29 i1 '6-5. 1. Inotitut; khimil silikatov 11 ACC NRI; AT61702243 SOURCE CODE: AUTHOR: f0fro, V. A. ORG- TITLE: Growing; of rare 2~~5h, aluminate offiglie cryslalq vili(h p-musilcHe stru&ilrv SO~*RCE- 'AN SSSR. fm~titut kristall-og-r.-Afl.i. 1-Unt kristitlim,, v ~ G, 19-15-5, 122-126 TOPIC TAGSI: single crystal. g,rovrinjr ., Ilanflianurn ecompound, pirrisr-or'll,vilium mmlvourld., samarium compound. noodymiuar! mmpi)urid, Athmiltiate .1 1-1" STRACT- Single cryatals of Li:Ai0-1, PrAJO3, Sm.A10j and NdAIG~j m.oasuriml ur, fri 15 x 10 x io rnm were -,Trrri-)hir i'tiix1ui,r., ni Pi-ji um P' V) ;r:iti, A A o, . It- a v di 11 :j it, Id I WI I 1~1'011p ;uId 1-11) 1 c I'llui frnpur-flu!l X - ra I , - - ~ -a -,kj ~.i 7-1,, il-mi: ~.h~ mirnher )( I r :I ulc~ t 'th ne 91 i,.(, r)-, ub,! ; r) lit mi, 1. Or-tl;:. ~t rt, hAIR, S1 FJ CODE- S 1 1 B M DATE: none/(DRSC RV F-, 002/ OT Ii RMI: 007 I ITIM ff --M 1 1 Ulm II 77 A.CC NR- AP60G1654 SOURCE CODE- A171MR. Zorn, 7. !T. ; loffia, V-4. I Peoflictv, F.0, ORG: noue TYME- Daminescence of chrandufm ivind mr4jiganvae (ansi Of h1utthartion aluintnaite crvKC-da SOURCE: Optika i spektroskopilyn, v. 191, no,. fi, 1965,, 973-11115 TOPIC TAGS: manganese, ch-romium, [(-*, fant-hanum cowl-4tiund, 0.wiide ervO-.0, ImInin- ef-(---nce, a1uminate ABSTRACT: The authors dismtes cerbin restults of thdi r4titidy of tho spPctra and [,~YnAua- esr--,!Zgt-dUr,VJD,TL-of isocle&=ownic iarts Cx;lf- axyl Mn't, wleeto$Oc ccrdig-iirition 3d intro- ('ucEA into the (,i-vqtal latoce rif Poth frion 'er MAii fi-,in- it --;ohM,,w In a -9- Y.1; L.4 I S 16. rro-l! v~; vvell its pow-,dered ~aniplrr v,--ro I I'llr 1-01) v I--' dw lh.~, i, T-!-tir,,; )f fv~lb.d- Cr, zt.:0 yl- ,e:x-~wv , tm-aterj 11 %~v and I)p;Ir fit zYwctruni ~1%1 an ii-j, t1irough "I :1t ('1;"""4 p)ititi,111, -x!1it'll 1-,ad the efrect 01 w%iz 1.hp long--wav(- f