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ZON11, Ic. "I.A.Wildels Book 'Forest Soile and Foreut Growthly Prirrda, No.6, 19"o Inst. Timber, Sept. Biol. Sci., AS ZCINN, 8"Y' , ".- - Formation of the cbemical compositlon of grouixl watort in irrigated regions. Trudy Lab.g1dropol.probl. 1:112-120 148. (KRA 939) (Water. Underground) ZONN) I, . v I q "The Soll-Enriching Value of Onk Foronts bi Varlouri ~;olbs IIf Llnkl. AN 6?, t No.6, 1941. Inst. Timber, Dept. Riol. Sci., AS USSR ZONNp S. V. PA 37A9T85 UM/Goolog: teb 4 1. Stratification Soil Science "Baried. Soil Formations of the Northern CaUCAMLAt,'" S. V. Zonn, 2 pp "PrIroda" No 2 Presents results of inyeistigpLtime itarried outi In the Teerik-kell (BJUG I&keo)L resion,'of rabmr&!Um- gkx7a A&SE. Data le of Importance :L of the Quaternary parlocl of the: Caumsual. IO'ludles''I! tvo tables. 7/; USSR/Agriculture - Soil Avr.49 Agriculture - Literature "Reviev of m. N. sabashvilvs Book, The soawor S. V. zo= , 14, pp "Priroda" No 4 Considers this book of great value to the national economy o! Ocorgis, and develppmnt of RepreGantz many _vw=sl work lay the author and other researchers (356 PP,' 44~10iag bibliography of 338 works) - Book is #iviaed into four parts: (1) lab*ren'. G=A-ttionz of Soil Formation in Georgia, (2) Soil Dkft#Iom 4W& 57,AW2 UMA-1griculture = Soi'-' Omtd) Apr 49 of Georgia and Classification of Soils, (3) Marecteristics of the Main Soil of Georgia, and (4) Characteristics of the Soil Regions of Georgia. 57/49T2 0 N SO(I J~-.,~r. _ yl~ polt)Sy oa:) 35367 Ob Osvocii Solon"u-se-vay1di Pocl-,v 1 5 'o , SO: Lotcilsl Zhurnalitri-1 v..J. Info jvaj, 1949 I ANTIPOV-XMTAyST. L. WIN I ~ . v I "The Problem of the Effect of Soll Conditiona on the Nyvelopment olp the florit Systems of lil'ind-Beaten Pines Around Mcsvow," 133,ul. Mook. 01),41Mb. lvj-,~tat. Pi-trody, OtrIel. Biol., 54, No.2, 19/,9 Inst. Timber., Dept. Biol. Set., AS U-SISR i 5=! 5--1u vgy r ury Xoistmre, Sol, wistute Spply in Foreat'a artd .SIteppea" N. Mirm, Inat of For, Acad Aci USSR, 31 -pp :;at Ak rwauk SS n Vol IXVII. -Aro am- atuatles cc ~~qf: obsk Rayon, Vcronezh Ohlazt, gives --cis"It-ire Z-,:,.L 2.M -vi=u or -a-4 an&. fiel R a - voods. cl-a- prizizt-5 irupr-me pbysical proT*rties of cioil:, uw-PTAy or nw. tions necessary rapid draimge Of VvLtar tq iwer levelA) and contribute to Its acc=alation ;SR/Blology - Forestry 'Contz", 3. Am~ 49 m-i-tara belav the s=Tace d=ing moist pericds.' ZWO SOftey nadiodrovieb Stalin Third Prize of 500000 rubles 1950 Senior Scientific Asnociatet Forestry Tnstitute, AcmbW of SejaZce$ USSR. Monograph "Goroleonyye pochvy Severo-wpadnogo '.Kavkaza (Hountalm Foroat Soils of the Northwes t Caucasus), published in 1950, J The Od the AW -is of the cauc4tcus Blauntst in~ P, vo-edexie 1950, 334-0; Mill. 7e"1" thk brown fomt soil h hrrAight 11"Ifer cilitiYado" It III converted Into a dcgt-.ided chernorein, This is accoln. panied by an incmasc in th.! latimui horizon and th(, mint of microaggregate. The CaD divribution is unch-, Nil. C'. ---- ---- -- ------ aplu ZONIN S. v 0 WSR/GeopbYsics -, Irrigation,8 ~41 "Work Expedition of' Academy Cf Sciences SSR In "Iz Ak Nauk SSSR, Ser Geog" No 1,1p 92, 93 Intended task is study of irrigational conliticlis near Stalingrad Hydraelec power plant in the Can- pian lowland and of development of forest-in stoppes and deserts. A new expedition is suppogiail to ccver wide Caspian region between Volga and Ural- 40 -fr)I-rISt "',COJO~7y z.~n(j the interaction )f and 2oils in 3teppes' ibntlhly id-st of !A'vr~xy of Goiva-ea.3, Jl.;-Ly -1952, lit, cia. s ~, --l-fted Forest Soils IDYnamics and nature oC influence of oak foreBts on sails. Trudy Inst. less AN $SSR, no. 7, 1951 Monthly Li~Lt af Russian Accessions, Library of Congress, March 1952. Unclassified. Z0,14N$ 0'. V. Forest Soils Water condition of soils in oak forests. Trudy Inst. lesa AN 5;33R, w, 7, 1951 KQnthlx = 21 Russian Acces2lgns, Library of Congeigs, March 1952. Unclassiflea. I I I: t 1 ZOIR11 so V. Soil Conservation Soil reclurntion, Nauka i zhiznt, no. 2, 195' Monthly List of Russian Accespions, Library of Goncress March 10,52. U17 1ASSIFIE'D. IC 1. ION-4. $.V,, Prof., Y.Ya. VEKSKLUOINOV 2. USSR (600) 4. Forests and forestry 7. For correct elucidatiun of questions oa steppe foreabry. Los i s%ep' 4 no.12 1962 9. Monthly I4st of-I~&-ustga Accessions, 11brary of Congress, March 1953. Unclassified. Z01114, S. .1,. Economic Conditions - Caspian Dcpnession Transforming the Caspian Depression. llauka i zhizrl 19 ','0- 5r 1952. Mlonthly List of Russian Accespionp, Library of G-=Ercss August 1952. ~ Al " ;1N. " 111 r ,, V. Forestri j,7,e3em-_-jj L,iportant research !r, tile fjej~j of fol,e,gt pr C)pa7::a ti nil. Lonthly Li:3t of Eu-'an L-aHL~~~ - Library of Cwl6reasj S. 71, '7 71 1 7, 17, _1 Monthl List of Russian Accessions, Library of Congress,---"] 'l--.`__.___1953, Uncl. Caspian Sea -ReCion - Economic Conditions TransforminC the Canplan Scla ropion. Nauka i zlii,-,nl 11.1), flc. ,;j 11,;'i;! Monthly List of Russian Accessicns, Librnry of Gont7oss August 195". UINCLISSIFID. SUXAGHIF, Y.N., skadenik, otvwtstvonW redaktor; ZOIN, S.V.,' p-rofessorv 4chtor sellsko-khosysystvannykh nauk. at vats tyeaA~y"M'dUtor i KOZWBKIItOf. G.T., redaktor izdatellstva; RUSINA, I., takbnlaheskLjv redaktor [Work of the combined scientific expedition an problems of shelter- belt, afforestatioal Trudy XompleksnoL nauchnoi ekspeditsli po voproman pole na ahchi tnogo lasorazvedeniia. Vol.Z. Rork in, 19-501 Raboty 1950 g. No.4. LNetural conditLoas of the Penn& - Xoneask State Shelterbelt and methods of afforestation.) Prira(Luye unloviU gosudaretyannoi zashchitnot lesnot polosy Penn - Xeconak i oboano- vanie metodov oblesitellnykh rabot. 1953. 237 P. (KLRA 10:8) 1. Akademiya nauk SSSR- Xomplakensys nauchnsys ekspeditaiya po voprosam polezashchitnage lesorazvedenlys. 1949- 2. Nauchzyy rmkoveditall Xomplekenoy nauchnoy ekspeditaii po voproamm pole- zashchitnogo lesorazvedeaiya Akademit nauk SSSR (for Sukachav) 3. Nachallnik Xomplek-anoy nauchnoy skispediteii po voprosam polezashchitnogo lasorazvedoniya Akadomli nauk S88R (for Zonn) (windbreaks, shelterbelts. etc..) SMOHIV, T.N., akademik, redaktor; XONNO S.Y., doktoy- nykh nauk professor, redaktor [Transactions of the combined soisattfle ensdition. on prollems, ~f shelterbelt afforestatioul Konpleksnata nauchgal& Anpoditelts po voprosam polazashchitnogo lesoravvedonlia. d7rudjr, Vol.2, [Works , during the year 19501 Rabotr 1950 g. No.8. [Hatural =41tions of the territory to be oXforented with mak pl"tatfons of industrial importance] Prirodnye uslovita territorii sovdaialia dnbray pro- zqehlennogo zuacheniia. Hotkva, Izd-y-o Abdomil nauk -SM, 1953. 286 P. (MLRA 7r7) (Afforestation) 17Y /71/ SUKACEMV, Y.N., akademik, otyetstyeanyy rpdaktor4j"Im"11, doktor sellskokhozyaystyennykh nauk, professor, otv*tmI:venxw'r reiialrtor; ANTIPOV-XARATATZT, I.I., .15rofezibr, otvetstvenfV-y'redm)ttor-, ZHITOV, S.F., redaktor. 12datelletva: SHEVCHINKO. G.R.. tekhnichaskiy redaktor. [Proceedings of the Joint Scientific 'Rxpedition on Problems of Shelterbelt AfforestRtion] Trudy komplakenoy naischnoy ekspeditaii, polezashchitnogo lesoraivedenlya. ~~.2 [Works] Raboty 1950 g. No.5 [Studies of the permanent field atation at ArshAji-gellmen] Iseledovaniia statsionara Arshan'-Zollmen'. 1953. 106 p. (MMA 10:11) 1. Akademiya nauk SSSR. Ion-plekenayn mauchn&ya skspedit-al'ya po voprosam polexashchitnogo lesorazyodamiya, 1949-. 2. Doystvitelln" chlen Akademii nauk tadzhlk'eko~ SSR. (Yor Ant loorv-1aratwer). (Sarpy District-Afforestation) TT ZO-Z., ~;. - F ) rL --- t '~', -) * 1 s -4. , - -- "", j" F~'. 1 ) C: " .j ~ a t aa a L-I ~ 1 ". - - ~-kl -J '3 ~ ~ -: - .' ; - i I - ~ i . u I . I ~ - - 1A I - , ~ , /.; - 9. Monthly List of Russian Accessions, Library of Congress, I *--.'t -1953. Unclassified. SUKACHNV. V.11.. skedem1k, otvetstvennyy redaktor: 7XIIII, S.T., professor* doktor sell skokhozymystvenrykh nsak, otvFj4,M4"jPjN1TFw- ktor; XACHIRS11Y, J.A., doktor reolog"mi sere In- i0ie i3k Lit nauk, profestior, otvetstvanny7 redektor: MROV, S.P., reda',-,or ip.11a tells tva; ALTUSEYEVA, T.V., teklinicheskiy rodaktor (Works of the combined scientific expediticn on prnbleme of shelter- belt affore5tetioul Tr~dy Komplekenoi usucirwol eknonditoli po voprossm polexashchitnogo lescras-redenils. Mookvn. Vol.?. [Works publisheel in IP501 Haboty 1950 g. Uc.6 [Spot, seedlug of oak In light Cheatnut soil yt 6-jezdovogo poneve dubs na svotlolcashtanovykh u) Oo oochvakh. 1953. 21h p. 11o.7 Datural condl.tIonsin the Stalingrad- Steanoi-Cher~mssir state ahs1terbelt] PTirvin7a usloviia gosuderst-wen- noi zanbehitnoi lesnot polasy - Stalingrad - Stepnot - Chericeze1r. 1953. 360 p. (MLRA 10:10) 1. Akedemiya nauk SSSR, lomplekenays muebt-an Ospsditsiva po voyrcsam ple7eshchitrogo lesorezvedenlya. lrj;!In- ~. Neuchny,"r ruknvoditel Korplesan- wuchnoy ekspeditaii no 7oprosart polesashchit- nago lesoravedeniya -Akadomii nauk SSSR (for Sukaabev), -3. Nachallnik Komplekoncy naucbnoy ekspeditoil po voj)ross,!~ poloj,alphchitnogo logo- re7vedenlyn Akademit nank SSSR (for Zonn). 3 NauchUy rukovoditell Pochvenno-lesomeliorstivnoga otryade (for ;'infilt-iy) (Afforestation) (Vinlbreaks, shelterbelts. etc.) (Ostk) :2 - 5=; E=~ I- _n- ill~~ zi~_ ia ~~ 1. - t L N F -- I- 2197. Zorm, S. V. Bliyani,ye Lesa Na -Pochvv. 11., lzdvVo. Akad. Nauk SSR, 1954. 160 a. a M. 20sm. (Akad. Naulc SSSR. Nauch-PopiLL. Seriya "V Pomshchl Sellako= RiozyVst-vW' In-T Lesa). 10.000 EU. 2r. 65k.- Bibli.ogr: s. 15'1-58- (54-56809)p 634-054B.' 631-4-#(016- 3) Authors Title interaction of I E11%'t vratcj-" Periodical I~rir~.rla 1431/e, 12~-.1'22, ihi.- 105,11, Abstract Rev --,I V',T`3VTT-.H, by k il.. lc,.Ie,. !:ublishk, by tlhe 3tibaitted zo!;N, S. zOnnj So Biocenoiyenni.-.*Ic r-,ethod and its simificance for si;udyiiij, the role of bioloAcal factors in soil formation. P* 327, Vol. 11, no. 7, SePt- 1955 GORSKO ~TMVWI-70 Softya~ Bulgaria SO: I-Ionthly List o7 Last European Ac-ceosiolIfi) L,r', V-11. !;j NO. 2 February) 1956 FTrR,. TR I 1.1, AIM 4 RE "144 U t' ZONIF. S -Y 12yestia (in Bulgarian] of the Soil Institute of the Bulgarian leaderq of Sciences, vol. 2, 1954 and Vol. 3, 1950. Reviewed by S.V. Zonn. (Balgarta-Soil research) ZONN, S.V. I - ~ -. - ,- - - :: ~ Interrelation so interaction of forest vegetation and soils with French summary in insert]. Pochi-ovedenle n0-7:80-91 JI 156. (HIBA 9: 11) 1. lastitut less Akademii nauk SSSR. (Forest aoils) (Forest influtnesti) USSR/Soil Science - General Problqms Abs Jour Ref Zhur Mal., No 19, 1958, 815687 Alit'hor S.V. Inst Title Brief Review of the Res,ilta of Forty Yew~s Work ia Foreit Soil Science. Orig Pub Pochvovederiiye, 1957, No 10, 16-32 Abstract The author begins a literary survey of,tbe question with an evaluation of the works of V.V. DokuctiAyev~ G.N. Vysot~. skiy, A.A. Izmail'skiy and G.F. Morozov In thd development of forest soil science. After the October Rvtoliftion, the study of the forest-plant prupertics of soils'was developed on a large scale and acquired a syuteaottc nature. The chief problems were: (1) forez;t cultivation in 'the steppe zone for the purpose of crouCht control; (2) rej:oresta- tion and raistng forest productivity in the forest-steppe and forest zoiies. Forest soil research the past Card 1/2 3 ,76 A USSR/ Soil Science. General questions. I-1 Abs Jour: Referat.Zh.Biol., No. 16, 25 Aug, 1957, 6G'903 Author Inst Title Interaction and Reciprocal Effect of Forest Vegetation with Soils. Orig Pub: Pochvovedenie, 191--6, No. 7, 80-91 Abstract: Report on All-Union conference of soil scientists January 28 to February 4, 1956. Under different climatic conditions there is noted substantial differences in consumption from and return to the soil of mineral and organic substances by the same woody species; in the varied composition and activity of microorganiSM3 in processes of decomposition and synthesis of organic substances, which is reflected in the composition of humus combinations, and in the final account, on soil formation. The development of 3oila 1.9 determined in greatest degree by constantly changing effects of Card 1/2 - I - ZCBN,S.V.l IRIDLAND. Y.M. Jdzeursion of scientists to the German DemocrMic RwpOlia in the spring of 1956 for the study of soil Console &nd soil clAssification, Ponhvovmdmnie no.9:105-108 S 156, (M1RA 10:1) (Germany X&A-Solls) 11[~'! 1111!~' r I Zcm-'Ij 5. v. firlompaxative chara~;-.Pristir-- rX the earth of ucorfja vrid "hina". report presented at a Joint ~'-cssion of the Diologica) ijel)t. of I'l U!i'.'Afl and Bioj~.)gica2 and Ledical Ic-pts. AN Gruzi.ya IS-S". Tbilisi., IN' 6ept - 3 -:)et 19~7. 'Itlutnik Akad. auk 195~, Vol. 2f, Jo. 1, pp. 121-12F. (atithor Lzienzislivilil fl. ~"r.) ZONH. S.Y. Soviet-Bulgarian wMedition for the study of the forests of Bulgaria. Izv.AH SSSR Ser.blol. 22 no.1:117-119 Ja-F 157o (HLRA 10:3) L.Institut Issa Akademit nauk SSSR. (BULGARIA--FORBSTS AND FOUSTRY) I IV Crfr tr. rk UX14-Aargay.., lf4dimirovich; HOWHAROY, A.A., prof., daktor biol.nauk, otvatstve'niWyr, BIRIIIA, A.Y., red.izd-va; POLYAKOTA, T.Y., [Forest soils of Bulgaria] leanye pochvy Bolgarii. Konkva, Ixd-vo Akad.nsuk SSSR, 1957. 86 p, (MIRA 11:2) (Bolgaria-Forest soils) C zm, S.V. Brief survey of forest soil reae*rch during 40 yanra, Poctivoye4anie no.10:16-32 0 '57. (MIRA 10:12) 1. Institut lesa AN SSSR. Vorest eoils) SMCHEV, HOTOVILOV, G.P.; KABANOV, N.Ye., ot,votstvennyy red.; ORIOV, A.Ta., red.; KASHINA, P.S., [Practical instructions for studying forest ty-peli] Hatridichankie ukazaniin k lzuchenliu tipov lesa. Mosk7a, Ind--vo Aknd.nnuir SSSR, 1957. 113 P. (MIRA 11:1) (Forests and forestry) ZONN. S.V, (Moskva) Re __ WNW The All-Union Society of Soil Scientists and Its Immediate taukas Pochvov*edenie no.1!3-8 Ja 157. (HZRA 10:5) (Agricultural societies) ,;. _ I I ~ -i.l ! I - I - . ~ . 1. 1 .. z. li 4 .. ; . i i "T", I V'I W1 ...... M1!"-:!H1_,i1,M_ _1111HUM''. Cowitry : LISSR Cater,ory: Soil Sciciic,:;. B ii Or-nusis and Abe icur: RMBiol., N, 14, 1958, No 63018 j',.utli, r&nn, S V V. M. Inst Titlu A Scil Excursi;.u InquirinC; mto t'-,: Gwit.:smi -.nd Classif ic,-.ti~ a&AIs Undertalwi in Gq-r..nn Denocratic Uqmblic in t' u SprinG ~,-f 1.350 OriG Pub - Pochvoycdu--dy,, 1956, No 9, 105-108 Abstract: The nost i;zpxtant feature of cAl f ~r-.ztjLn in GDR is tho intunsive dccoqjci;iti-.-.i -x(,anic matter; in Viis c(.mioction, leaf du-,josi.ts ~,f only the curmnt -~uCL -,;mcu(1in(; year .-.m t.~'UsQmQ~., in the forests . 7.iLm-f cre, even in I~cdzi:l 5tAls Vic Cal rd 1/2 J-2 ZONY, S.70 lljl~incipal soila of the Oermn Federal Republic" [in Oermnj by 11. Iftickenhausen. Reviewed by S.T. Zonn. Pbchvoyedenia n0,2177-78 F l 58. (MK 110) (aermany, liest-Soils) 0,Gkonhausen, M. ) ZOEN, S.V. !, .1 Problems of studying aoil genesis (ila connecticla with I.P. I Geresimov's review of "A nav scientiTic work DI. MGIMI;6dU- forest soils of Bulgaria"). Pcohvowdenie no.71121-122 JI 158. (Bulgaria-Forest soils) Weratimov, I.P.) (MMA 11t8) ZONNO -. S L.T~ ...... Regular f6atures In the formation and vertical-2onal aistribution of soils in tropical and subtropical, regions of southkiastern China. Pochvovedenis uo.9:12-21 5 139. (wa 13:1) l.Iaboratoriya Looovedeniya Akademii nauk SSSR. (China--Soils) -- Z0P!--S-V4I CM-XVEY [Li Chleng-klue1J. Genosis and classification of thetropical coils of China [with summary in English]. Pochvovedetia no. 9:57-69 '58, (MIRA 11:10) 1. Institut lema AV SSSR Pochveanyy inatitut imeni T.T.Dokuchayova AN SSSR. (Ghina-Sol,'L formation) AUTHORt TITLE: PERIODICAL; Zonn~ 'j.V., Profoooor 30V-26-58-10-8/51 A Researcher of the Top 3oil of Siberia (Issledovatell pooh- vennogo pokrova Sibiri) Priroda, 1959, Ur 10, PP 43-50 (USSR) ABSTRAM The article deals with K~P. Gorshenin, his research into the soils of Siberia and, in particular, with hie monograph "The Soils of Southern Siberia", published in 1955 and for which he was awarded the Lenin PrivD. There ia 1 phot-o. ASSOCIATION: Institut lesa Akademii nauk SSSR - Moskva (The Institute of Forestry of tile USSR Academy of Sciences - Mosoow) 1. Soils--USSR Card 1/1 -,7 / ~, 7 , r- - i~llI -, I , i -.1 , SbT~GHXT, To; ZORN. 8, (Waakn). In memory of Robert Ivanovich Abolln. Bot. zhur. 43 no.l.-126-131 ja 10. (Abolin, Fobort limnovich, 1886-) (MIRA 1132) (Bib liography-Agricultuve) (Bibliagraphy-Botany) 2ONN, Sargey Vladimirovich; LATMITITSTA, Ye.T., red.; POPOVA, T.I., S.M. , [In the tropics of southern China] Y tropikakh lUthnogo Kitaia. Moskva, Gos.ixd-vo geogr.lit-ry, 1959. 16o p NRA 13:3) (China, Central ana South---Physical geography) ZCKN, Bergey Vladimirovich; ZHUKOV, A.B., prof., doktor sellskokhoz. nauk,; KKMOV, V.Ta., red.izd-va; NOVICHKOVA. N.D.. tekhn,red. (Boil moisture an& forest plantatioas] Pochvennaia vlaga i leanye naaazhdaniia. Moskva, Izd-vo Akad.nauk, SSSR. 1959. 197 P. (MIRA 12:8) (Forests and forestry) (Soil moisture) ZO-NN, S.V. Soil formation on tba red erosion surface. ltv.AJI SSSR.Ssr. biol. no.5:729-74O S-0 159- (MIRA 13:2) 1. Yorestry Institute. AcadeaV of Sciences of the U.S.S.R., Moscow. (China--Soil formation) (Georgia--SoLl formation) Z~Tw_; * a; v -. ' . . Soils of eastern Tibet and their distribution pitttern. Pachyave. dante no.6:1-15 Je '59. NIRA 12:9) 1. Laboratnriya lesovedenlya Akadenii nauk SSSR. (Tibet--Soils) ZODT-rl, S. -j. t' Inf luance of Forests on S)allz In M!~~R. " (Institute of Forestry, Acadermy of Sciences USSIi) report to be presented at the 'Tth Tntl. Soil Science Congre-itti, Mnfll~;On, Wir3laraill, 15-P*3 AlIgnist 106"1 ANTIPoT-KARATAT97, I.N., skedemik,; TYURIN, I.T,, glawnyy redo; GORBUNOT, N.I., reda; VERIGINA, K.V., red.; WIN, S.V.,t_red*; IVANOVA, Te.l.. red.; KEDROV-ZIMWN, O.K., KOHNOTA, M.M., red.; LOBOVA. Te.Y., red.; MIMSTIN, Te,11., rod.; ROBB# A.A., red.; ROZANOV, A.M., red.; SOKOLOV, A.V.. red.; FRIPLA0. V.M., red.; SHUVAIOV, S.A., red.; THFIMOV, A.L., red.lad-va; HAKUNI, Te.T., [Reports of Soviet soil scientists to the 7th International Congress in the U.S.A.] Doklady sovetskikh P0ohvovt3dov k VII Hazhdunarodnomn kongressu v SSbA. Koekva, Izd-vo A)md.nauk SM, 1960, 487 P. (Mm 13:10) 1. International Congress of Soil Science. 7th. 2. AN Tadzhik- skoy SSR (for Antipov-Karateyev). 3. Fochvetayy Inotitnt in. V.V. Dokachayeva Akademii nank SSSR, Moskva (for Antipov-larstayev, Gorbunov, (Coatinued on next card) ANTIPOY-KARATAYN, 1.31. -(continued) Card 2. lvanova,,Kbno'novat Rozanove,Fridland, Sokolov).. 4. Laboratoriya lesovedeniya Akademii nauk SSSR, Moskva (for Zonn). 5. Veesoyuzvy nauchno-iseledovateliskiy inatitut udobreniy i sgropochvovedenlya Veasoyuznoy ordens Unina Akademil sal'skokhot.miuk Imumi V.1.Unimm i Institut zemledellys akmdemil sel'skokhos.naidt Beloruaskoy SIM (for Kadrov-Zlkhman). 6. Inatitut mikrobiologli Akademil imik SSSR, Moskva (for Mishastin). 7. Hauchnyy institut po udobroniyam I InsektofuNji- tsidam im. Ta.V.Samoylove, Moskva (for Sokolov). (Soil research) ZOTINI S.V SMIPIJOVP V.N.; MOLCIIANOV, A.A. ----I "Soil science" by A.A. Rode, Reviewed b:r S.V. Zonn,, V.11. Smimov and A.A. Molchanov. Pochvovedenie no.2:.110-M, F 160. 041RA 15:7~ (Soil science-Study and toac))Ang) (Rode, A.A.) ZORN, S.Y., prof. Stone forest, Wn,nats no.3:20-21 gr 160o (MIM 13:5) (China.-Limestone) S.V.; FMYABDVA, I. I. liev soil typo under dark preen conifer forests of eastern Tibat., ' Pochvovedenie no.6:11-20 Jo ,6o. (MIRA 13:11) 1. laboratorlya lesovedonlya Akademli nauk SS&i. (Tibet--Forest soils) ZONN, S. V. Mergetics of biological processes in tropical fowast soils. Pochvovedenie no.12:1-~15 D 16o. (RIM 14 1) 1. Iaboratori7a lesovedeni7a Akademil rauk SSSR i Pochvlauny7 institut 'K Almdemli nauk Kitaya. .t (Forest soils) (Boll bl.olo&v) ZOHN, S.T.. professor Nature of eastern Tibet. vest*AH SSSR 30 w.7:67-n ii l6o. (Tibet-G %ography) (mmi 13..7) 0 SUKAGHUp Vladimir Nikolayevich; ZWp.Sorg(,qVI&dimIrcvichj VIPMt F.Bov -1 1 . red. izd-va,- YMOROVA, N.Y. p tekbn. rjd. (Instructions for studying forest tn)eo] Mato(Rcheskie ukazanija k izucheniiu tipov lesa. Izd. 2.p peror. i dop, Hosin-a# Izd-vo Akad. nauk SSSRq 1961. 143 p. (14IM 1416) (ForeaU and forelitry) -1,20111, S*V..; LI CHET,'-KV---Y [Li Chlenb-kluefl; Ftlewjye nab.'I.yudaiI:Lya vy-polnyali: KAO-LEV; CHEY-IN; CHEN" -'111-IMITI[Chen IrAlih-vo-al; VAX GUY-KHAY [11ang Knei-hai) Water balance of tropical forout soilo[with ainumiry in -Nnglish]. Pochvovedenie no-3;12-2-2 Mr 961. 0,' URA 14:3) 1. Laboratoriya lesovedeniya Akademii nauk SSSR. ~Iochvevalyy institut Akademii nauk Kitayokoy Narodnoy Respubliki. (Forest soils) (Soil moisture) 0 otv. red.; )*'AVW%,) A.14.., 5 13 KOIDV, Dmitriy Fedorovich; NIT, S.Vtj, red, izd-va; DOROK',HnqkAO-17.1-,-.tabn. red.; FOU-11OVI, T.P., tekbn. red. [Effect of foreat vegetation on the conpsition of.hi=us in soils of various naturtil zones]Vliania lesnoi rastitellnosti na sostav gumusa pochv razlichgykh prirodiWkh zon. Moskva Izd-vo Akad. nauk SSSR, 1962. 182. p. (M-IjU 15:105 (Humus) (Forest influences) prof., otv, red.; 77URINI LV., akademik., glav. red.1 M Is _7 ALEKSR4DROVAj L.N., red.; ANTIPOV-KARATAYKV, I.N.., red.; VWLANDER2 N.V., red.; VOLOBUYEV, V.R.,, red.; DARMELIYA, M.K.0 red.; IVANOVA, Ye.N.p red.; KACH114SKIY, N.A., red.; KONONGVA, H.M. red.; NOGINA, N.A., red.; RODE, A,&,, red.; SODOM, S.S., red.; SOKOWV, A.V., red.; MARKOV, V.Ya.p red. Jzd-vm; ASTAFIYEVA, G.A.p tekhn. red. [Problems of soil research] Problevy pochvovedemiya Hoskva., Izd-vo Aked. nauk SSSR, 1962. 287 p. ~MIRA 150) 1. Vsesoyuznoye obshchestvo pochvovedo;v'. 2. Prezident Vseaoyuznogo obshchestva pochvovedo-v (for Tyurin). (Soll research) WNN, a. V. Principles underlying the classifice.tion of forest aolla and m6thodm for their study in the U.S.S.R. PcN)hvavadenie no.2t 1-6 F 163. (MIRA 16:3) 1. Institut geografii-AN SSSR. (Forest soils-ClagaificatIon) ZONN, S,V. Genesis of spruce forest soils of the Tien Sham. Pochlrovedenie no.5:24-39 W 162. OURA 15:6) 1. Laboratoriya lesovedeniya pri Gosplame SSSR. (Tien Shan-Forest soils) (Tien Simn-Spruce) zaaN. sa. -- The Oecand Congreas of the Delegateei of Soriat Soil Scientleto. Izv.'AN SWR. Ser.geog. no.6:130-1;'12 R-D 162, (Mln 15t12)' (Solls-Q=gresves) I: ZONII, S.V. "Atlas of main soil types of Czechoslovakia" by Sozef Palleek. Reviewed by S.V.Zonn. Pochvovedenie no.8.1106-1.08 A41 '62. O(MA 16:1) (Czechoslovakia-goila-Maps) (Pelise~:, 'T0311f) zois V, - -, 'd "!, L.O.; swwxmil~V'V.; mnwav~ V.Te., 4 I WO, - r~eA.izd-va; SIMKIRA, G.S., tekhh. red. (Forest soils of Kamchatka] Lesnye pochvy Komchatki. Moskva, Izd-vo AN SSSRp 1963. 252 A. (HIRA 16s9) (Kanchatka-Wrest soils) ZOITIP S.V. Conference of Siberian geographers and soil saidintistg. Izv, AN SSSR.Ser.geog. no.2s147-148 Mr-Ap 163. (1,11BA 16:4) (Siberia.-Zoil research) (Soviet Far East-Soll resoarch) zowl, S. V. On the forthcomin.g Eighth Internat4l onal Congroas of Soil ScionfAsto. Izv. AN SSSR. Ser. geog. n0.5:133--234 -S-0 '63. (MIRA ',6j10) ZIM: S.V. 7 ,tp t &CZ.~R _;~ "wj - Brief program for station aoil M~d hydrological resouch In forest biogeocanoses. Poch-vovedenio no.6.15-,!5 Je 163. ('14IRA 160) 1. Inatitut loogmfii AN M. ~Foreat ecologry) (Forest solls.1 VDNN, S.V. Evolution of soils in forest biogewenoseS. Flochvavedenie no..1.0 z 1-13 0 163. (MIRA 16:12) 1. Institut geografti AN SSSR. GERASIMOV, I.P., akademik, otv. red. ZOONN S.V., prof.t doktor sellkhoz. nauk, otv. red.j 6F)WX"A.A. red. 0 [Genesis, classification, and mapping of soils in the U.S.S.R.; reports at the 8th International Congress of Soil Scientists] Genezis, klassifikatslia i kartografiia pochv SSM; doklady k VIII Mezhdunarodnomi kongressu pochvovedov. Moskva, Nauka, 1964. 164 P. (VIRA 17:11) 1. Vsesoyuznoye obahchestvo pochvovedov. ZOWN, Sergey Vladimirovich [Alpine forest soils rf Eastern Til:etj VY94&6jgorr*,a lesnye pochvy Vostochnogo Tibeta. Mask-va, Naulca, l9tS4. 233 P. (mru 17: 10) SUKAr,HxV, V.11., akademik; I-IOLCHANOV.. A.A. ; DILIS, N.V., dolftor biol. nauk; TSELIT110-I", Yu.L.; KARPOVI V.G.; PATES, P.M.; DILE.SMR1, L.G.; MEL', T.S.; YEGOROVA, S,A.; YRIIKEYEVA, M.G.; BOLISELAKOVA, V.S.; ZONNO ALEKSANDROVA~ V.D.; UbEDEV, D.V.) red. (Fundamentals of forest biogeoconology] Onnovy leignoi biogeotsenologii. Moskva, Naulcal 19(4. 573 p. (VJaA 18:2) 1. Akademiya nauk SSSR. Laboratoriya lo8ovederiiya. . . ..... - .~ i--sw -.znrk -.n the history of i.-M -IltudY, gene;ifil, gE~:;grapb7, ~ar.d li, W- , - ; " 1., 1. tunl,l -Joe o f soill a ~-n Hu:qecry, P,,chv~-,vedcnle n,-~ .4~ UO-1 12 !."o 16/~. ( *~,, I I rt A 1 -1 -, I0, ) 2rONNq S.T. Use of the nenr systan in el,-ud7:!ng thoi soils in the wuntaia forest areas; of the U.S.A. Dotbvovstaiinle no.6vA (?,17RA 17u'!) ZAVISEV, Boris Dmitriyovich, doktor miJlkhoz. njiljkj .... ~ZI'Njj, ~").Vjjp. .j doktor callkhoz. naukp rotronzoriti WINUTEVA, M.P.; per"J". retsenzent; MYNTSEV, P.I., red. (Soil science] Pochvovedorde. 2. Moskva, IAwriaia pro- myshlennost', 1965. 367 p. (m,111A 18., 6) KORZHUTEV., S.S.; UTYITS]UTO,~G.Nf YEGOROV, O.V.; UADMOV, S.N.1 ZOLINIKOV, V.G.,., KkPAVAM, M.N.; KACHURIN, S.F.; KMACHEVI K.P.. Prinimali ucbas-'.-Iyc- KORMIKETICH) N.I.; DIYAKOLOV, F.V.; GERASDIOV, I.P., akademik, rad.y PREOBRAMEMKIVY, V.S., red.; RIKHTLER, G.D., reel.; AIRAMOV, L.S. red.; ARMOD, D.I., red., OEUEH, S.T-a., red:, ZONN r., red.; DZERDZEYEVSKIY B.L... red.-, KOMAR, I.V.,, red I 11VItil le.M., TV 1011, -ed red.; LEOUTIM. N.F., rcNi "~rjjj, P.h.q i .; LIVOVICH M.I., red.; MESHCHERYAKOV J, Yu.A.. red.; MINTS, A.A.t red.; MURZAYEV, E.M., red.~ NAS.U.:OVICH, A.A., red.; POKSHISIIEVSKIY, V.V., red.p POVIUS. M.I.. red.., ROZOV, N.N., red.; SOCHAVA, MI.., red.; FORMOZOV, A.11... red.., YXISHIN, A.L,, red. [Yakutia] IAkutiia. 14oskva, Nauka~ 1965, 464 P. (MIRA 18:8) 1. Akaderndya nauk SSES-R. Institut ge-ografti. 2. Instttnt geogra- fii All SSSR (for Korzhuyev. Vitv-!t6kiT)- 3,'Yakutskiy filial Sibirskogo otdeleniya All SSSR (for Tagorov). It. Moskovskly . oblastnoy pedagogirhosk-ly jnqtT:*.at I.m. L.K.Kmpskoy (for Naumov). 5. PochvontWy muzt)y KI (for ZoIlnilkov). fi, Moilkovsk-Ly go.. sudarstvennyy univorsitet, Ir. M.V.,romonosova (for MrRvayev). 7. Proizvodst-,renr(Tj naii--tino-.i-cF3,led!:ltratellaki-,f Institut stroitell- stva Gosstruya SSSR (fcr 8. Insftltut greolp,afti Sibirl. i Dallnego Vostoka S~t-)Ir*k~j,%, otAF31imiya AN (for Koermchov). zowly S. V. Soils trip of the second tour of the Internatlimal Congress of Soil Scientists. Pochvovedenie no.51115-118 Mir 165. (MIRA 18: D I , i:i I ---- -;-I1'I'fA.:;,-~!-, m I ; 1 , H; 1 .. , I . P!q!, I -:71:,j . -, - IFF: 1111ii 11111111 INI 1'~ FH I ~ 1:5. 1114 1 Ifill I ~, 11114.0,114M141161 14146 1 1 - 1 ZONN, S.V. T,N. Sukachev and his role in the developmert of biological and geographical sciences. Pochvcivedenie no.6:1-6 Je 165. (MA 18:1a) ZONN, S.V.,prof.; KOVALEV,R.V.;ptof. ; WBILIN, Ye.V.1 Balm"SM, S.A., dIotsentj KAZBITSEV, A.06, datseintj NMMYUK, 0. n.; cloteentj BLAGORAZUMOV, V.; MAGNUSOV, D.C. In memory of Professor Efim Tedorcivich Pavlov. Pochyovadenie no. 7t120-121 Jl 165 (MIRA 19:1) ilili ill,1111I.A1111 IP! ZONIF) S.V. Some organizational nxid. :,-xintliliflo and 1-1.rr)bj,fr..s of the fui-ther developinpa~t of forest ooll vesiriarch. Pncl,.vo- vedenle no. 12157-65 D '65 (IlTrUt I (I ; -,L ) ZOVI-1, V.; RUDNITSKIY, K. ------- - Devalortaent of the thoory of subay-stoms in st4llar cdemogony. Ist.-astron.isel. no.7:181-210 161. NIRA 14:9) (Stars) (comogony) ZONN, UIODMURZ. ZONN, WWDZIKI-ERZ. Now Aerodynamie theory of Prof. G. 11okmacki about the Origin of the Universe. Problemy, 1947, V. 3, P. 339-345. ZONN, WLODDUM. v--- ZONN, AWDIKIERZ. 0 Gwiazdach i mglavicach (Introduction into the World of Stars and Nebulae). Cz~telnik, 1950, p. 128. ZONN; WLODZDaM. ZQNNp 1,UDZIMIERZ. Shifting of the line in the spectrwn of c oaphryi. Polskle Towarzystwo astronomiczne, Sprawozdania,, 1951, no. 1, p. 19-21. 1 Poland/Astron=y - Radio Stars "Radio Astronomy," 'W'. Zonn,-Astronomical Observ, Warsaw UPE-f 47postepy Fiziki. Vol 3, No 1, PP 59-80 Review of foreign literature on radio astronomy, describirij-!,, techi0queu of obaerilat ions, theory of solar radio 4emisa Ion, and cmission of t~odlpa -wi.thin and beyoncl ZONN, 1 LODZIMIERZ. ZONN, VTWDZIMIERZ. Certain Problems concerning Interplanetary Matter. Postepy fizyki, 1953, V. 4, no. 3, P. 318. ZONN, W. ; SORM, A. (ROMONTY TECHNIKI, Vol. 6. 110- 8, AL'd- 1953, Varszawa, A)la,,d) "From theory to practice." P. 359 SO: MONTHLY LIST OY LUT EUROYMN ACCESSIONS, L.P.. Vol. 3, No. APRIL 1954. ZOMN 11 "Fl. "Some Application of the Calculus of Frobabilitits; Goomtrixal ProbablitiY." p, ,168 (Froblgmy Vol. 9, no. 3. 1953 Warazawa.) Vol. 3, no. 6 �P,- Monthly List of East European Accessions. /Library of Congress, June 1954.* Uncl. ZO! V. Zony., V. In connection with ,14 fSrAVIJ AUM~ Vol. 1,, ro. li, Aug. 195h CAS~A'I!i 7 Wd 0AICKYCH. Pr&a, Czechoslovakia SO: List of East TKuropean Accessions, (IMAL), L",, Vol- , _j u P bruarj, 1QC6 ZONN, Vlodsizierz, professor. Ways of developing astronosW In Pbland. Priroda 4) no.9~6,3-66 8 '54. (KWA 7:9) 1. Astronomichaskaya observatoriya Tarshavskoga usivernit-Ota. (Poland--Astronony) (Astronomy-Poland) if ZOW,, UWDZIKIERZ. Astrofi2yka ogolna; z pripiffem Staf an Piotrovskiago I 1hostrina budowa gwiazd. 1&d. 1. Werssava,, Panstwows Wjdawn. Na%*owe j 1955. 398 p. General astrophysicaj with an appendix W $tafan,Plotrowkit Internal structure of etars. lot ad. illus... fooWoteaj graphs,, index,, tables. SOURCE: East European Accessions List (EM),, Lco Vol- 5,, no,. 3,, March 1956 - '' ~T- - , ; i -: 4 11 A I ~I I !I, ZONN' V. ,4 Observing the eclipsing variable MT Herculls, Per, zvezdy 10 no.6:413-415 J1 '55. (CRA 10:2) 1. Filial Varshavokoy observatorii v Ostrovike# (Stars, Variable) ZONN, V. Interstellar selective absorption In Kaptsyn's fifteen selected areas [with summary, in English]. Astron.zhur-33 n0.6:855-865 N- D 1560. (HLPA l0a) lo Astronomicheakaya observatoriya Varshavskogo universiteta I Varshavoko-Vrotelavska3ra grappa pritsenenlya matematiki k astronomii Pol'skoy Akademil nuk, (Stars--Color) (Gases, IntarstellwO (Absorption of light) ZCHN' V. ON Cassiopelme. Istron.tairk. no.169:9 '56. (BaM 9;.-10) l.Vnrehavaknya AntronomichaskayR observatoriya, Filla.1 v Gstrovike. (Stars, Double) (Stan , Variable) ,M)R4, v double stnr of per.-Yer!dy tl Ap 157. (WMA obsi-rvAtortyn, Fil.In' v Ontrovfka, n ri , 7 P, nh I t) (Utaril. Denxbje~, 3(l) PME I BOOK EXPWITATIal POL/4!5138 Zonn, WIodzimerz Ev.olueja g4azd (The EYOLUACM Of St&M) WarElZaltaj, Mlp 1958- 270 Y- (Series" Btbliataka prolblem6w) Errata, slap ivserted* 5, ~l c ie op a. printed. M.: B. wr6blewska. PURPOSE: The book is interided for studentii of astronany and the pbysical sciences. It will be of interest toothy amateur amtro4onero COVMGE: The author aut3lues ve0ous theories on the aulgin ~e4d evolution of celestial-bodies.-~nd discusseg the problem of Inters,W11ax matter. atar associatiozj4, star t--hains, and dark n6bulw- arje arl~q -Uscussed- The atathor thanks Professor St., hotrovski , Doctor HWnicld' tWrm (Mqviist -r3 Se'r1cowski, andligr. A.* Kruszewski. No references are given. Card 113 The Evc:.11;~,Aon of Staro TABLE OF CONT-wrUS: . Introduetion 9 I I II. B&Az P--~,, II ei,:x in Celestial Bodie,,7~ 12 111. (Jbsermti~m Data 35 IV. The- Hertzsprung. - Ru3scll Diagroiza 65 V. Different 02-igin of S'tars; (According to W. Baede flna B. Kukarkin) 82 VI. Me T 0"DgeGt Stars - Vlen~b!~v3 c:f Associations 116 -VII. Interstellar Mett~.,r 136 VIII. Chains of Sta-rs ,nd Dark Ifebulse 159 Carl 2/3