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ZONER.. Yu. Striving for inTroved. navigable conditions, Reobo, tranap. 22 no.9t47-48 S 163. (MIRA 16:10) 1. Nachaltnik Yeniseyakogo tassoy-novogo upravlonlya puti. DEDUCH&HOO M..p :Lnmhoj Z0100t, 1U.0mb.) L;Bmlys P-.t imbe Some characteristics of dredgiM op'uratl.ono tailid*08 of *roolectric power statiots. Reaho trmsp, 19 no.:112336-58 F 16o, (MIRA 3.4$5) (Hydroelectric power stations) Dredgil3g) IL I I 1 11:0 Ll IP111114 I V.1 rill ZON) B.ya. Draft standard for through hole.,i. Stnndnrtl,,ii%tfiiin 29 no.2125 1~ 16 51 OURA ISW BUM. Yu.V., inzh.; ZON VIM lnzh.~ Use of are screens for the olasoiflaation~o;:' sand and gravel, materials, Stroi, mat. 9 no.7tll-13 R 16:16 (MMA 16rll): ZOOA. Maria, dr. Diagaostic value of the time of bromsulphelein necretiono Orv. hetil. 101 no.10:337-)39 Hr 160. 1. Budapeatt Orvostudomnyi Haetem, I. so. Belklinika. (BIDARY TRACT clis) (PNENOLPM&MINS) (D'UODI") ZONDA. P. ZONDA, P. Poasibilties of technical IVrovement In deep boring on the Alfold. P. 175 Vol. 11, no. 3, March 1956 BANTAS7ATIL LAFOK TECHNOLOGY Budapest, Hungary SO: East Xurpean accession Vol. 6, no. 3. March 1957 ZOIDIASHVILI, T.A* Solutic-- nf the funrIF-mentul iYoundary problomn -Jn the d1mensional thu-or7 of th,;vU-nity, Soob. All Graz. SIM 29 no.119-16 J1 162, (MTRA I. TbflissMy gojudarstjannyy Ouhaii.-Lod Ribaur,~-y 13, -961. ZMENASHVILIp I,A. A problem concerning the bandJnjr or an *1afAic pl&te. Soob. AN Gruz. SSR 31 na.lt23-30 JI 163,, (141RA 1?t/) 1. Thilisskiy gosudarstvu-nnyl universitat. Pvedstavleno aka- demikem N.P. Vakua. Z01M.. V.-H-6-Wrev) Produce more roofing tiles. Prom- koop. 12 no.707-19 J1 '58- (Mr." 11:8) I.Glavn" inzhener otdola stroymterialov Mtrproinsoveta. (Tiles, Roofing) ZIITKOV, A.V.; (',OROKFd1jSKTY, A.D.; DR1,ASKIII, &A.; RUDMIX.1 P.m.; ZONOWMG M F DIK(,',VA, S.A.; GATDAY;, V.K.j, rW, [Production of large wall elements frCqa cerardos] Froigilod- stvo krupykh stenovykh konstruktsil iz kerazlld.. FJOVj~ Budivelinyk, 1965. 33 P, (141RA 18:8) 1. MoBcow. Gosudarstvennyy nauchno-is sled ovatel I nkly ftnati- tut stroitellnykh materialov i JLzdaliy. det. nai 1 1 Y, if I yrv. TMKHOV, A.P., kand.tekhn.nauk; ZOIW7MRGP R.M.0 inzh, ,-. --.7. 1... Cleaning sugar beet roots by the vibration method. TL'akt. i sellkhozmash. 31 no.10:32-33 0 161e (miRA i4:v) 1. Ukrainakiy nauchno-issledovatellskiy institut mekhanizatsii i ele.ctrifikatsii seltskogo khozyayst-va.. (Sugar beets) ZOTIENKO T.M.; FROLOVp V.A., gornyy inzh. Z~F~- Progressive operating practice at "Soraki-If Mine. Gor. zhur. no.6:6-11 Ja 162. (MIRA 15:11) 1. Direktor Sorskogo gorno-obogatitellnogo kumbirata (for Zonenko). (Krannoyarsk Territory-Molybdenum) A7THQR: -'Zonenko, V.F. !J07/19-59-6-60/685 TITLE: Device for Separating Cut Strips of 'Yaterial and Feeding Them to Reel Drums (Ustroystvo d1ya razdaleniya i n&pra-~,rle- niya narezayemykh polos materials It nam_-Ilochnym bara1e.n(I-1) PE310DICAL: Byulleten' izobreteniy, 1958, Nr 6, p 1? (USSR) ABSTRACT: Class 7b, 5 - Nr 11366o 084250 0-- Oct 1057). Subrr.,itted to the Commoiltee for Inventions and' D'iscover'ies at the Mi- nisters Council of USSIR. A device consist4_ng of rollers for receiving strips after cutting, rol-leTs with discs for se- parating adjacent strips, and a tracker witi a command- Instrument for control pupcses: this design has --uides for directing adjacent strips in two streams to the upper and the bottom reel drums; these ;-,uldes reduce the over-all area occupied by the installation and impn:lve the quality of the strips. Card 1/1 ACC NR. AP6032534 SOURCE CODE: UR/041316~i66~i,0-17,/O-1-41/0141 INVENTOR: Tselikov, A. I.; Rozanov, B. V.; Nistratov, A. F., C41'nan, L. D.; Maksimov, L. Yu.; Pobedin, 1. S.; Fridman, A. Z.; Kiltain, R. S.; Kurovich, A, N.; Ta-dCo~E6ko,'A. F.; Kaganovskiy, F. I.; Kozhevnikov, V. F.; Zonanko, V. V. Vftu; none TITLE: Hydraulic press reinforced with wire wrapping. Class 511, No. 185696 (announced by the All-Union Scientific Research Institute for tile Plarining and Design of Metallurgical Machinery (Voesoyuznyy nauchno-issladoviltell0ty I proyektno- konstruktorskiy institut metallurgicheskogo Pnshinostroyeniya)7 SOURCE: lzbbreteniya, promyshlennyye obraztey, tovarnyye znaki, no. 27, 1966, 141 11 1ToPI^ TAGS: hydraulic press, reinforced hydraulic pressi 'Vv/.)0Q,'qm/ r, mr-roq'A. ABSTRACT: This Author Certificate introduces a hydraulic press reinforced (see Fig. 1) with wire wrapping. The press includes a cylinder, housing consisting of upper end lower crossmembers and columns with a concave oval;-shaped outside surface which makes it posdible to wind a reinforcing band or wire around the housing. To improve the technical and economic characteristics and the reliability of the press at the same main paramet!.r!_, the housing is provided with stiffenning vibe located or C MRs AP6032534 IfFig. 1. Hydraulic press reinforced with wlr* wra0ping .I - Stiffenning ribs; 2 wra0ping; ~3 - lower crooseember, between the wrapping, and-the 19wr crosemember of the press is lamin4ted and serves as a hydraulic cylinder. Orig. art* hasi I figure. SUB CODE: SUBM DATE: 20Aug64/ GOLDMIRG, Y.,'Dr.; ZONRMEICH, O~ ,dr. 1. ... ~;- 1, t".., Iil-~--. Study of a case of paroxysmal vmntricular fibrillation. Mad. int.0 Bucur. 8 no-3:431-444 July 56. 1. (Clinica a IT-a mediciala- I.M.P. Iasi). (VEMICULAR FIBRIUMON, case reports) paroxysmal ventric. fibrillation) USSR/Himm and Animal Physiology - (Homal and Pathblogical). T Blood Circulation. Heart. Abs Jbur ; Ref 7,hur Biol., No 4, 1959, 17433 Al,thor : Zo,,enroykl,, S. 111st Title Me Influence of Higher Regions of the Drain on Electric Activity of the Heart. Orig Pub Klinich. meditsina, 1957, 35, No 9, 68-73 Abstract 40 patients with hyportem3ion and 20 with hyperthyreosis with elevation of blood presstxre were investigated. After introduction of 0.2 g of Na amytal (internally) or 2.5 g of chloralhydrate (enema), an increaso of vol- tage of the T-wave, a leveling off of the decrerAsed St segment, a decrease of the P-wave, lower frequency of heart beats, and a change of ORS voltage (increase or decrease) were noted, The introduction of these prepa- rations my be utilized as a functional test. Card 1/2 - 41 - .USSR/Human and Anill PhysiolO& - Wormal and Pa*thological)- T Blood Circulation. Heart Abs jour Ref Zhur BiOl- 110 1~1 1959, 11,433 It$ confirm the in:CI"c'1t"" of Ljj,_, higher The obtained rc5l ')f regions of the brain on the electric activity 'he heart. Card 2/2 4 146~! .11 H Aill IW1111 I I HIM: III 11.11M 11111 "11 V-111fill, 11 31 8:8) 4(AP,'F Jtu_& c!U ~-'~IGDANOVA, A;A.,,, llWl',0%KGTJA :?,.1.t ~QJAJR, -y.~ayL _.L --red.lzd-va- UKOVA, V,V~., tekhn. red, (Tectonics of the Western Sayan Vountalmi) Toktonlka Zapad- nogo Saiana. Pod red.A.A.Bogdanov-a.. Moskva,, Goageoltekh- izdat, 1963. 110 p. (MIRA 16ALO) (Sayan Mountains.-Geology, 5truotural) ZONEM;IfA7flp 1'.1). 1... -1- ------ I - . . Uriconfomities within the Vi)rkhoyanrk comp'il-Ig. T,~,,j . AN SSSR. Ser. geol. 29 no.4-,90--94 Ap64a (141PA 17,. 5) 1. VsAsoyuznry rwrologlcheskiy trei~t Gomidarntvennogo geologicheskogo ko2e,~eta SSSR, K)sIctrit, _ACC NR, AP603449o SOURCE CODE: UR/0210/66/ooo/oo6/0050/0059 AUTHOR: Zonenshayn, L. P.; Natapov, L. M.;Uflyand, A.K. ~,,)RG: All-Union Aerogeological Trust((Vsesoyuziiyy aerogeologicheskiy TITLE: 3truc'.iire of the Aldan branch of the Friverkhoyansk foredeep SOURCE: Geologiya j geofizika, no. 6, 1966, 50-59 TOPIC TAGS: geologic eXplu.-,tion, anticline, geologic surve i~ I Wy M (.4, foredeep, tmnt~eb_~_ I ABSTRACT: The structure of the Aldan bran-ch of the Priverkhoyanak foredeep is described. Steep flexures alternating with gently sloping echelon brachysynclines characterize the boundary region between the Verkhoyanak folded region and the Privarkhoyanak foredeep. The folds are oriented at a steep angle to the foredeep otrixe, plunging east-southeast. These folds can be traced vithin the inn%tr zone of the foredeep. A system of narrow anticlines, separated by - broad oynclines is also found in the inner zone of the foradeep. The entire Verkhoyansk complex consists of Permian-Cretaceous formations. The outer zone of the foredeep is componed of Jurasolc and Cretaceous formations superpooed on a Lover Paleozoic basement, The Inner and Card 1/2 tkm% 4!rf3.?jj.. ACC NRI AP6034490 outer zones are separated by a marginal suture-type deep-seated fault. Orig. art. has: 1 figure SUB CODE: 06/ SUBM DATE: 23Apr64/ ORIG REP: 012/ OTH REF: .006 2/2 D)NERSHAYN L P ' -,- -- T A. 4 Dissertation ckfenOed tjitu Gnolo7ical. Inntitilt.i) f:i,,- tlirt~ at!acjt,,-jjc D"ree of Candidate of Sclences.. "Tectonics of 1-i'estern Sayan.'~ Vestnik Akad Nauk No. It, 1963, pp. 119-145 ZONENSHMM , L.P. Lower Cretaceous coal-bearing molasse in the Vurk-ho.,mnsk piedmont. Sov. geol. 7 no-10:154-155 0 164, WIRA 17:11) 1. Aerogeologicheskiy treat. I IA YN L. f'. I'Oet0r, ino ,-,nrl tJ-4! Ims"i GtloLkykf,on'U- 165. (MIRA 18:5) 'r,,o eg. F, ZONENSHAYN L.P.- I.A.; SAYRONOV., V.3,; NINEYMAN, FN'bL'FR, r i V.Ye.; CIIIJPIKOV~, YFOQIIN~ U.I.; X.7VIN, R.,5.1 YHOVU71A, M.N.; LANGE, 0A.; KAIIANOV, M.; KTJZNPT~l~l'0VA,.K.I,; 5INITSYNA, I.N,; S14TRNOVAP T.N.; VENKATAUFALUATI, V.; Mlu)LAKWA, N.T.; br'-'LIUSOVA, Z.D.; YAKUBOVSKAYA, T.A.; YOINA, A.L.; RYBAKOVA, N.O.; WROZOVA, V.G.; BARASH, M.S.; FOLIIARFV, V.1.; NIKONOV, A.A. Activity of the Geologic,~l Spetions of th,~~ Vw*cow Nuturillstql Society. Biul. YDIP. Otd. geol. 39 no.6:1.1'7-111. '64. WTPA IP. 3) I Hoil.; IWMTAVTSIVI GIA, .3XLOSTOTSXIY, I.I.;_ZjDjUUL4UYN.,__L.Pt; MUSILINUO-7, MOSSAKOVSKIT, A.A.; FOUi-k-f4ift. 1.F.1, KRZIU3XOV, U.N. Division of the Altai-Sayan mountainous area Into tectonic districts. Biul.MOIP.Otd.geol. 34 no.4:150-152 A-Ag 159. (MIRA 13:8) (Altai Hountains-Geolo&, Structural) (Sayan Mountains-Geology, Strudtarml) (-, ZONENSHAYNp L.P. - Gharacteristion of the tectonic development of' the Western Sa.-ran Mountains. Geol. i geafiz. no.4t22-35 161. (MM 14% 5) 1. Tubinskaya, ekspeditaiya Vaesoyuzmogo-Aerologichelikot,,o tresta;, Moskva. (Sayan Mountain3-Geologyp Struotura2) ADAMOVICH. A.F.; ZOMSRAYN. L.P.; SULIDI-IONDWITEV. Te.D.; UnYAMD, A.K. Few data on the stratigraphy of sandy-shale series o;f the Western Sayans. Biul. MOIP. Otd.9001. 33 no.4:144 JI-Ag 158. (Sayan Mountains--geolDgy, Stratigraphic) (JURA 11:11) ZONENSHAYN, L.P. %.' I Age and form of granitoid instruAiovii in the viddle J~gttl Valley in the Eastern Sayan Mountains. Tmd4r TAG? noo2196-97 156. (A&ul Valley--Rocks, Ignsoul) 20VI", -58-4- 17 /4 3 AUTHORS: Adamovich, A.F., Zonenshayn, Ye.D., Tiflyand, A.K. TITLE: New Data on the Stratification of the San(-.y Clay Strata of theWwtem Say= (Novyye dannyye po stratigrafti peschana- slantsevykh tolsheh Zapadnogo Sayana) PERIODICAL: Byulleten' Aloskovi~kogo obahchostvA iapytnteley prirody, Otdel geologicheskiy, 1.958, Nr (1, p 1,11, ABST!4ACT: This is a summary of a report given by the author at a meeting of the Yoscow Society of Naturalints an 11 March 1950, In 1957, the authorq of tbiti article, together with O.A4 Semenova, A.E. Valis and others, tried to orialyze the stratification of the sandy clay strata of the Westem Sayan. They reached the conclusion that thero are thro-p iifferent series; the lower neries cortsistt3 of Ike SyvdEholfskaya axAUrskaWa formations; the second series of a froquent, sometimes rhyth- mic alternation of green sandstoneq, 0.1fcitones and nrgi-l- lites; the third series, Of the ShiEpetokaya formation. The names Card 1/2 New Data on the Stratification cf the Sandy Clay Strata of the Western Sayaa of the following scientists are also mentioned; G.M. Vladi- mimIdy, A.G. Sivov, I.K. Bazhenov, N.A. Blitov, as having worked in this field. 1. Geology 2. Earth--Structur-al analyuis :3. Sand--Geology 4. Clays--Geology Card 212 BELOSTOTSKIY, I.I.s-ZOONEINSSILIMAY11 L P ; KUSILINIKOV, B.,If.j OURYAWSEV G.A. .K A. . t ,Y_~ mw x, MOSSAKOVSKIY, A. j FO'Z6,Y?SKTYIO I.F.; Kjww it it Formation and tectonic regiono of the Altai__Sapan folded reCion, Blul. 140IP. Otd. geol. 34 no.613-22 N-D 159. (141RA 14:3) (Altai Mountains.-Foldo (Geology)) (Sayan Mountains--Folds (Geology)) ZONENSHAYNI L.P.; KULRYAVTSEV, G.A.; MOSSAKOVSKIY, A.A. Analysis of Faleozoic geological form-tions in tkje*eamI;ern Altai-Sayan area and their tectonic features. Geol. i geofiz. to k2tl3-23 160. ~IIURA 14t 5) 1. Voesoyuznyy aerogeologichmkiy trestp Moulma. (Altal 140an-Lains-Geology) (Sayan Houn-Wtv--Geology] 0 ". POUND Organizational Development in Commnicationts --- Warsivd, Goopodarka fAqznosci,, Jan 56, MIEN, il. ZONIN, A. Rapitan "Difiny"; i,,5toriche:~l:rtlrt pove3tlo mo~jjv, t ,T. 4 1 1., 0 t-1 rl r, o c) izd-vo, 1946. 1-3 1 p. "LC., Uncletiss. u N 151 ! " I I*c l." j P SO: LC, Soviet Geography, Ff,.rt 1., 1951o Un(NI6 7- STRAT, C. Prof.; ZONMMIGHp S. , 11r.; MOAN, M., Dr.; RAMM, Oh., ar. Adrenal cortex hormone therapy of chronic liver d1seatiou. Ned. int., Bucur. 9 no.7.,1089-1094 JuIr 57. 1. Clinica a 11-2 medicalao Institut-al de IDedician, Iasi. (LIVAR DISFASES, thmpy adranal'oortex Aormones) (AMM" CORTZE HOMORM, ther. use liver dia., chronic) Blectrocardiographin ahango3 caused by sedatIvit dnign im hypertenoive and hyperthyroid patients. qed. int., Bucur. 9 ao.9:1422-1432 Sept 57. 1. Glinica. a 11;-a medicala, Iasi. (HYPERTIMSION, the:!aPy amobobital & chlorul hydrate, eff. an 306) (HYP3RTMOIDISM, 4-,herapy same) (ILSOROCARDIOGRAPHY8 eff, of druge amobarbital & chloral hydrate In hyperthyroidism,l (CHLORAL MUM ther. use hypertension ?a lyperthyroidism, (AMOBARBITAL, ther. use same) on ther. of hypertension & eff. on JrG) ZOUMBIMI. S. (RuEvniya) Affect of higher cerebral centers on the electrical. activity of the heart. -35 no-9:68-73 S 157. (HMA 10:11) 1. Is vtoroy kliniki vautrannikh bolesney Yamskogo moditainakogo instituta Rumynskoy Narodmy Respubliki. (AIRCTROCARDIOGRUIIY, eff. of drugs on amobarbital & chloral hydrate in hypertension & hyperthyroidieu) (AMOBARBITAI. eff. on. ACG. with chloral hydrate in lqpartenBlon hypertbyroidism) (HYPERTMISION, o!Ws'jol. EGG, eff. of amobarbital & chloral hydrate) (HYPZRTHYROLDISM, physiol. same) (CHLORAL HYDRATE, off. on SCG, with amobarbital in hypertension & lVperthyroldies) t'j I ~tj USSR / Cosmochomistr-j, Goachomistry, Hydrochomistrj, D Abs Jour # Rof Zhur - EhImiya, No 3, 1957# No 7876 .Wthor i Fosyonko,, N.G., and Zonin# i,,A. Inst I Not givon Titlo i on tho Chomical Comp6aition of tho Tfator in tho Main Don and Lowor Don Canala, Orig Pub i Gidrokhira, Matorialyp 1955, No 25, 17-175 1 I~bstract # During tho first months of oporation, tho wator in tho e=als wa3 charactorizod by a. hig~or minoral oontont (511 mg/litor) rolativo that of tho Tsimlyan Rosorvoir; this incroaso in minoralization was Gausod ~y tho Imohing of t1w solublo oalts from tho canal bods, Sinoo ',ugust 1962, thu Jon con- tant of th6 canal viators has not ohmigod ovor tho oourno of tho canals, Ovor tho scasons tho ion con'bont of tho canal wators changos in tho samd ordar au that of tho lo-eror part of tho Tsimlymn Rosorvoir, Tho wntor whiah floyre Inh) tho emaltj from tho Taimlyan Rosorvoir iv low in minorala oon- Card I/p, U11 W"am, 112JCCO "i'les Ln~er Ue Q n a filw bol'-Jraktcl L'orld --ar, C' I o rld ar Fer'.;oartL"I. rvirm- W'Lres' trap 1IM!"ll 11111 I'lill Vip I N't I IILIII 1111111111i IVIVII-P til li I it ,7 ~ITIS, B.S.; PIRMLTIJ, V.T. Synthegis of dinitrodleneso Zhur. prikl* khim. 33 w.6:V#27-IIPZB je l6o. (MM 13:8) (Hazadiene) (Malanic acid) (Butane) (Aldobrlos) ~57 J 6 lo AUTHOR6: TITLEt Zonis, E. 3,, Perekalin, V. V. Synthesis of Dinitrodienesl 82565 S/QW/60/033/06/06/006 PERIODICAL: Zhurnal prikladnoy khimii, 1960, Vol. 33, No. 6, pp. 1427-1428 TEM The synthesis of non-conjugated dinitrodieneii, in uhich the 41 nitrovinyl radicals are separated by methylene groups, was carried out by the autYiors for the first time. The condensation or 1,4-dinitrobutane with aromatic aldehydes in the presence of ethylenediamine or ammonium acetate in glacial acetic acid led to the formation of various 1,6-diaryl-2,5-dinitrohexadienes-1,5. To gne of them sodlumdimethylmalonate was added with the formation of the methyl ester of the pertaining dinitrotetracarboxylic acid. In the condensation of the disodium, salt of 1,4-dinitrobutane with paraform, 2.5-dinitrohexadiol- 1,6 was separated which was converted by acetylation and subseqaent deacetylation into 2,5-dinitrohexadiene-1,5 with a m. p. of 79-81 (heptane). The structural formulae of the substances synthesized, their melting pointz, yields and diomlcal compositions are given. There is I table and 3 Soviet references, SUMMED: February 10, 1960 Card 1/1 MEFALINt Vaevolod Vasillyevicb; Prinimll uchavtiye: SOPOVAo A.V.; LEHMV O.M;; ZONIS# B.S.; ZOBACHEVA, H.M.j KVITKOp S.14,; WjjTOVj Tu.V.; UP_~ LIN S.V.-;-?OLTMKAYA# A.S.j PADVAP G.D.; ZONDIj, S.A4 0 rod.; YOWMIA9 T.A.f tekhn, red, (Unsaturated nitro compounds) Nepredellnya nitroooedinonlia, Lenin- grad, Goa. nauehno-tekbn. izd-vo kbin. lit-ry# 1%1. 335 P,. (MA 24:7) (Nitro com;ounde) C, 50) 1:,N/79 -29 -6-3 11/(2 AUTHORS: Rudkovskiy # D. m. , Kets lakh, M., 11. , ZoniO , E .! i. TITLE. Common Synthe3in of Alcohols a:,.id !~~itonqs lilrom Aldehydes of the Oxo-synthusis and Semidary Alcohols (Swimcstnoyo poluoheniye spirtov i ketonov iz alldegidwr oksosint,Lza i vtorichnyk'_h spirtov) PERIODICAL: Zhurnal obalichey kh'Amii, 1959, Vol 29, Nr 6, PP 1914 - 1920 (USS10 ABSTRACT: In the present paper a synthesis of the rAliphatic alcohols C6_C 8 and ketones, of acetone sind m,-_thjl-ethy1--ketone wall de- vised. The yields wero high and. the consiamption of alumizium al- coholates, .,,hich were ur3ed no activatoro in the reaction of the cobalt carbonyls, was loly. As initial product!i for the reduction hydrogen carbon solutions were Lised, iihich 'Were ob- tained via the oxo-synthesis and contained 28--36% aldehjdes C6_C 8 -The reduction was carried out in the preaence of 100- propylate and secondary alurninum buflylat(L- in th-s-- corresponding alcohol solution. It %as shown for the firat tLitte that the cobalt carbonyls activate the reductioi, procew.5. Their offeel Card 1/2 vas more intense when usixiLi, directly the aldeh,ydAea of the ox~_ Common Synthesis of Alcohols and Ketori~s Frox, AI,30*-dos S07)(79-29-6-31/72 of the Oxo-synthesis and Secondary Alcohols synthesis than with an artificially composed inixture. Thd regular addition of the aldehjdes to the nolution of aL.iminum alooholates as well as the continuous difitilling-cirf of the ketones formed favor the formation of the alcohols arid inhibit the condensation of the aldehydea. The optimum laboratory conditions for the reduction of the aldeh.-f,des C6-C 9 in the presenog, of the aluminum isopropylate were determined on which the yield in alcohols (C 6-C8)1 with respect to the reacted aldehyde, was 94$ and that in acetone 95,~. The aluminum consumption w1io there 1.4-3,"d', rf...lated to the reacting alcohols and thtz~ acetone. Vie ane of the second- ary aluminum butylate resulted in likevise hi(:,Ii yield in alcoho- lates and methyl-ethg-k~_-tone in the case of a i3olution in second- ary butyl alcohol. There arEj I figure, 3 tablen, and 13 refer- ences, 4 of which ure Soviet. ASSOCLkTIONt Leningradakiy iiauctino-issledov,.ii;t~l.'skiy institut po pererabotke nefti i polucheniyu iskusstvennogo zYiidko,ila topliva (Leningrad Scientific Research In.;titute for Fatrolelam Refining and Pro- duction of Artificial Llk,,uid Fuels) bUBYLITT,ED: May 12, 1958 Akd 2/2 i ZONIS, E,Sq.~LEMM. 0,M.; PMMALIN, V.V. ------- Syntheals of dinitrotrioneso Zhur,preikl.khim. 34 sio.3-.7U-732 Mr 161. (MM 14 15) (Olef ins) ZONISm, L.S.; KHALETSKIY, A..!,L; PiOIN, Synthesis and study of 1-(P- -di,etliylaminoothoxyplienyl)-p- tolyl-2-p-chlorophenyl] eth ol. Zhur.ob.khin. 33 no-10:3141- 3142 0 163. (MIRA 16111) 1. Leningradskiy khimiko-farmatsev,tichoskiy institut. ZONIS, L.S.# KRALETSXIY. A.M.: PESIN, V.G- zz:~;~~ Synthesis and study of some 5,54.4imlkylamAnaalkyl derivatives of bArbituric and thiobarbituric acids. Zhur.ab.;,him. 31 no.9:3004-3006 S '61. (MIRA 14:9) 1. Leninpradskiy khimiko-farmatsevticheskiy ihatitut. .. I (Barbituria acid) ZONIS, M.,,~olkovuik Tactical and spncial training as an Important 11119ellinff in the training of communications men. Vaen, ~-Via%. 16 110. 6:1.1-1.3 Je 158. (HIRA 11:7) (Hilitary oducation) -Ikovnik ZONIS,,.-M.4-pq Organizatlon of exercines for radio operators. .VOM,"Ote 40 no.11:84.-85 N 160, OMA Von) .1 (Radio, Military-Study-and teaching) SKVIRSKAYA. Ye.S.;ZONIS. M.L. umfltm" Prescription pharmacies of the Kiev regioA. Aptech, delo, gookya 2 no.2:.20-30 Kar-Apr 1953, (OLKL 24:3) 16 Of the Department of the Technology of Medicinal rorms of Kiev Institute for the Advanced Training,_of PharmsalstB (Director - Pharma- cist D. S. Tkaohenko), Ministry of Public Elealth Ukrainian 381. 2. Analysis of types of preparations used, w, W -W-W W W W W mr v W W v!:my-WA ~i 0 q , I "v! 1 1 W W , ~ ' it Tf!1 771 A 1 7 7 71 T. t 1 . f 1 h 'j r . ij4j to Inievokatiftee is usy, ium ilikiteles A syptll,4644, Yu, ad x UAW NOT R S V tee. . . . 1,4me and the "I (k'tiy. Of vinylAqvOYlet"' 11"t" I"T"itoll to a It.() IWth for 3 dityll Idl the 111tot 44 lim.wu- diWAPIWO11141. .00 ;%tl,'l the ll~likl 1144111it'"I it VIWINkh 11~4140. 119., 1). hfcc. I C 1-10. - C Mr. C C 11: C 11 C sl C~ 0 111 C. C C I I C111. N I dem 0,9811. %V 1.=", wi&s klishird. This was "Urrif by allnumit thil Cab!& VS4. 44 11, still it I'd "IAIYSt 10 md-16004huts c1l.. ties 125 V. whk-h miles klendfird by athUtion with K,Cirlll~. This SAVC tvtr*b~Tdr.*Kulllc- (11) Aged to I1iCWI. The better sitlivitt"I to tirrimetatuinilied mil ti d fl l l hA l " 1 le a inct l e ( arctic ey ricy 1 WA$ klentifiCil . M ' * i h Ld k d J by compair wo wit r4 r osia"e, hl.l 112 -IS 0,W ) , i1. d.10 0.9224. my I.47tRJ PA. b l b h b d i If d.l. O tit liti t*tt!ndt ikg k1thIfte With *aM Pul, w Y Y I had inany of the rbet". of villimill hik 'j. ol Irstel toil rAtt show"I ihii% 11 man 0 vilatilln~ 4*6 I-An 1; htllt~lv its 411 ai, N1. a ItTALI~--~Kiwg Lltt"&t~Mt CLOSUMATIC" lee r U I I ew 1 43 0) 0 13 11 1, it 14 of of W u it 11 it .1 *,0 0090 Go*- q *0 to 0 ;4 0 0 0 a 0 09 0 0 00 a 0 0. OIAIA It a 4 it To is it 1 JI it u Is n Is 0, v In a dr it if a a R-1-1 ak V- 1-1, "A 0400%v4t Iflit Y/ PF*dUdM ad "" "0"111 d tAt"CW41*6111"Ift fidd, 4241 lbeff A"&A*S to 6* fif"iftatual and hooktram 00 K. ireterui mimi 4. A. la ., - nim, J. Gto. CAnim, 00 0, Tim muwki) if AT Y orld 0OV141d. V` TV my Ak-*, give u-iih 1 W:- Ovid e mer,; 00 Si WOK" the aid of 0 t*twyvl by redumoot I with a f fiat -0 0 00 4MCV" td to air. (0-2-4 9.) in 2-A Porti; 44 Witt -v P bldr cli id l W b m . a a t o citer im mymd~. Ittirferabiv i bTh dd f Ii l o l e a s. o it e pm~ other. ThisfUmeristwut l so Old ocif with a tairgitt cuirms of Sk. (3- il Pau) Witwo; a olvirut with puboe uimt di t f th 111141 Th hi 0 * . lica- s s, o etwer e q t"k of SWLWMT am. is vewird in 2-41 his. and that 64 zoo %evividwy aks. in 4--d hiri.. Th e exterifwalkiti of 11h, -A1 0 00 CIM14 viummoord ov.!j 10 Irts., irAkiiiiirm the retatitin" 60 j' 44*1 of The pjvmwikr railival. Mom 041 The" r4firl 1, *00, h"*r easily VUS111. 081111 hdVt higher 80, PA. thdO The COM- 00 V-0diax eflors Of 4MINt Winin. TIM @*INN of kmw 01A.M. clet-or"Pow an ho"ing at &"Rr firm". into the Ask. 4nd anhydrikk. while athm ghm unsaid. fit($ am# ifer TAMydride. 71w [otter meti(itt "M be Used (tie the rommikm dif A". iota thr correl ding uttRald. 11 4 with the AM ad te4r"r. iftf hair an. 1 4 hydri(fe as a catolyst. ThuvL ticaryl &k-. (3 g.) with I he 00 imhydrimle (0-3 jj~) di34d. at "&-&I* Role nyrmr. ne 411141 esit-firwation 4A 1111617 mks, in twing inirmligaird- 1,00 oil" 11110 I 4' SS AV to I A It 0 0 104 oil ON 0 0 0 IF It I 0 0 0 0 0 0 M, JA 13 6 00 0 Tip 00 0 9 04 A., a V-W-" 0 VI: 0 4. WWOM(Mli).- I he littlynicti"HOU abiti4y W kligh-totil, Iq celico 0( the M'sufflIld pily1fir" we 014"Unt III, the Q*w tit *0 4 1 ii Of I A-MAYInaphthalim il) Bad its divitiv, ftbatituted In the 1 ItIcaZue (n). xcitcate W, 0 0 011V 0* R e;C1fM and RcFt:ciimc (V~ (it R -CIA We"Prieva by the cewlatd resictiotsbyh1twWOM 00 15 Vio.- of "f,Mgtkr and ~tw entievanditit; ek'-. with *nIv*qu4nt 000 debyiUvion of tho rit-sulting a". wftb KHKh (cf. ShMY- 004 & v4 Sborn!o. C. A. 29, 68W). roe ak-s. wem Wit- dileduthearmestersolc4WIC06H)v 11tepolymesi- 00 92tiM WdS COK-bed Without catalyatm and in the M-0 I t '41 00 of BX%H Mad f4swill at 201, W, 00' am a wt temptit. The poiynte6utioci rat* wais 404. vitbim 137 400 9 vwItawdWri . III the wanmivit asid wrighists tht N191twr firgidw, tc by niessurias The irclAtfire viticoi,111V in ttK- 00 0awsht viw"meter. I under all cxvtidit~xti me otdy A patinwit anti its the gmt. proportioctaf to (lit ekpLrd tittv- iwrcj.%,d at 0 '11W itit'Resity of litilynteficatiod prochICS gmt," vie (bell the Wctatage c4 pdywff in the rr. :V MiAl. 7'h-, visro%k" of 0.81 and 36-28 with 3 podywertiroultH Oer 11 UUMI[XVII, map. Ttw viwotity of a poitymier at an equal cotten, tb, s taiticif at :01' k grvAter then tMs Of the twoduct obtained Ald-ILA NIVALLUACKAL LticiArLow CLAISOKATION 0 0 0 1 0 11 , , 4 11 14 00 1.00 -00 of :00 0 i-00 R40% of 21" afts fW IfId vtxidI;ct ittomitol a, '.M. -40 The P*Mrf of I Mmusicid Ait the pitwiwe W 114W1 00 catalyi, djeln- IOM14 The 11ttlys 0 a 411owt o f o$ . . i , i~f p Allifilim IINvit *1 01Y414,11 lrf[1~11- (14111U)II %witt bstl 1 ag *o Y (111fell fo jkjY111111W 11j"har '41 111 atul tv Z thictw"Inniurt-A-c lit the WL-CIIIIIie-ANIT Ilietizatim In tht, prmj%t at DiC1,H, it hile if i(JV,- d 17V 3 2 l III d l " C60 . ymer. wt ikishle t &t v,ivo4itivi tit ifir % po tx. pre td II(Ifidin Idle( 14) ih~rtfvt LNI'. The'aillifitul"I i 0 Save chiefir diffitro and IMI lWyIntra of III 111.. 1. ! 0 fbt RY111. slarivs. all &IV owtv-14111T pliornefurd sItyms. Otte-,. 1, oil,* I #~N%. 7q. 1( Are 0 U (15111.41 clikil.). exaltaimin 1.10). 11, bt JJWAV, if ' * Z; did 1AW03, "1,1 1 V31, etalcutlaa 2.31. M. k S5103 07.34 ralM.). 1111. 1.4 dr I VV, #IV NO* I ASI42. IV, N 1 41.' 05M, "It' LOW. 9101191- rzaltsitiAm 41.38. M. It. iic,~j CILWA. Affitv than 0) Wervitel-'l, 111;we i 00 ;,too it 0 0 0 0 0 0 40 OT 0 0000000 0~ 0 0 0 0 0 0 $1 0 : to 0 0 To - 0 II-fF,1---JV--P-1--2 4-0 0-1 -0- 0 #*6*S4ofVoo0oeo#oj 0 err* 00~1ML.4 04D'O* 0 ~ 0 0 41 01 wOn the Polymerization of Derivatives of VinyInaphtImleno," ?,hjxr, oballch. Rhill., 9,1ro. 2, 1939. Laborator7 of Organic Chomistrl, Leningrad Ordar ol' 1;~te T'ud Unner Chfunice- Technolopicai rnatitute. Received 27 Pay 19.38. Report U-1517, 22 Oat 1951 CZ -'a Not so c .04 ava- -go U.- wo 0 CLLU '0 too -9SIM VIM!"two AN OKV 419 NOW I v 0 Dow **a 11 4:1 1*41Im to 0 S-0 A -0 40 0 ClqLim, 4-AA1. C0 a 0 oie, 0 *141 04 0 0 4; a mm-- Ing 0 1hu 'I mmlftT m H N 11". Mi P111 1 W. iNT IIK~ lit ~ g~ ,, "HU", I ai Hill. HAi'li Mi.' I I PV 1 ZONIS, S. A. S. A. Zgnis and A. G. Posina. - "Mangarese, tetrancetnte as on m[lent for oxidation of organic compounds. 1. The oxidaticn of a-glycols." (P. IPIO) SC: i0auarnal of General Chemj$t , (Zhurnal Obshchei XhImli), 1940, Vol. 2r, 11o. 7. M, sits t4triscatats as in oxidiwr of ocasinic Costs !1r.z"Is' This featiloo of outUtion of will Cak lkig,. 064A.Mkim. (J. Vets. Cherit.) 20. 1 IN) Pit tate of ciiiUtion of ty-glycols by Sin-OAv)s drimuls on the ternp., wAvvnt, and the s4ruvwye (4 the milwtate. III In"t rgilyclus the tractim b slower than in AcOll. The IT.Iction nwclxtn6tn tsIsmubtol prmetd3 "I ifir (otmatim (4 hill accute ult-oholaics vibich cl, 4ir, viOdmi ,4 tile bulw(filtv, the rAiO.41% t1h.11 chmnK Into 2 1114111.1,44 the ketme. Tile glycols omlioi im-Indol: el4viver gl~ ~1. Ill. 17:11 4'. jv~ fit 1111 IV, ). it, .41 If, IN V1,111W".0 its V," I, III VAN 1~11% 102 .1'. the atut. of 11n(OA0, werr tvarmed its I C(-X imn. ill .311 mi. mjl%-cxjt wid aliquixts were takes, At's '~ I.Ohr mirr- v4ls~ thresiptl. temp. uiigrd ffwt '-Ill Io 1141'. iwcu ill ItsbulAr (orm. lArplarctimit -4 Me by Ph ralilicluls gTrAlly avvIew"I tile 'S.) mg.,ilic-41.1 difference was fVIIIIII bmmell oxill4tion rAtt-4 Ill th, rtj- 1110 IFURS-1,2-CYCIAOSAM11014. elthwIr In ALOH ot III ICIICI.~,. PliCianolpytkfincwetvtlttiittief %4ventsuwIl Ill thesillAy. The jw1w1wits ob(Aitlet! w(w 11141CO frims witscO firmit IshmeA. AcIlh Irmvi (C%IvI*h0Ifl,, AcPh awl Mral'Ofrom IILWhIr*CN1vPh0Il, Hill himilip1w1wimiltv, ASIA whIMIJOlvvir ["Is (11. hl. K. t AA G A P M AA:.B* Iff1trAUAtSts all in olsdaing sprit for orpnit Coj~j;;d Osidation ofj~-Jfycolc li. A. zonk "not A. G, h4m J. G,x. Ch,m. ..S,.S.k 20, W~T (Ftiel Ir.mAiltow. Swr CA 4S. It. M. Z!, Oxf&uoq bit tup-mmatia triaftute. zl*. exidatj~iji 1:0 AC ;MIF, -Tirat*~-.L J.3 tnilm" I abdract).-The merhanhim of oxidation of glyu,1~7111 OACI" nggmted by Crirge'! ef 4~ 19331 SIM 159) 0 11(iti Eqlllfcablo to Mn(OAc), anti fill,. follo-wir.1, ILdyannid j-:t [CRIR" -ONTa (OAc),11 (RAVCO-), --~ "CE'R"O. 'I't velocity of oxidationliq Influf,rt;:,A by the ~wrm~le Of Uls und,~rgoing oxid,-Uiun lund by th- Itmix solvents (81;%ual arid M` AcA I) til, rart:) c4 ()I: alcohols arn arranged ja ill(-- frJlnwip,,~ :wilucom: benErlotteono,: (ClIhMa-C-M!" flydroxycyclopmtyl. Ait-1 41it rate of 13 111fluenail by 1111, 1;011C11. of thl 11olvcta ; ;ia Im"XI ACOH till q1t gl)-COk M"A tj8)tjj!d Alt 11.41dimV more fdowly than ill glad;ll AV'OH' un"~-r tile Imirm (olidlilval, djeerit. glycala un c~u:li-q.--d 11tup! vtjljd!~" thur.) 4111,11. V)PI cluumOk-C of the 11olverd: iwltm7L. .1,t' 0111tiq 1161 Itill Ill Mn(OAc),. fit part`~1.13V IL% -- ne-utrd -lvrntu, (I'lu:10,1 pild CCyCAR-1, glycols are OxIdLwi tparm Ad;ll~', Lxp-mixt'l-A ;Lm earricd mit. in I %lilil a stirrer and a re(kx coqdf,iar,,~t, in Ws. Yh~ qit~jjltity 01 Nln(OAc), (0-001-4 " 102 m,A.) is iliziolyod ill 10-50 ml, i;( tho desired solvent rLt tr-juibit,,- terup. and 11-u jctis,ity h m-mllfred.j Thu t: I or (O.M-5-00025 ut,d) 11; jjddt~jt 1,1,1 'h(11' rt yl~" In a activ of alklums, h 111rill tit-,?(I Ofic-1 defituhl tilr)n in41!rVjtI J! 11 Cases at tivi clid of 111c cxpetitw~nr. twt t,-.t 0- w3k,,mt it i Intoved. and 11,0 k PkIdAul to thc mll,lw% wbii~h ii filtw--A. I'll.- 101lilte it made winflilyalkaline witti INa'CO, oe' 0)"' JO!,01 awl e.-CIf4cli!1I with Ft,O. Solvent 6 rctiwvuc fri,A 11.~! t0rmfm Otri iviltidutt l'ituatell with Nil, 01MIC1. Ytiue. aol in i;7. i.q I --(~Iimand by Na nitroprw'44, 1ivdr;);umio41 '.;04.4 1'1;'* " 10. .Aler'p rc~jjt-tit, Tt!n hfju~tiort : ively by Ner i tho ox; ]a tilill r,~(AjtlCtA of the al-koto.afecholtl Is (!!fL~ctod 6ijjijj~,rly ufter tbo I-IJ10 hils bvm ternoved anti On SwIld TVIMOD cryst%jjij~,(l ir%:,tn EtOll ; b-mt1l and th- ehltinM. It. witlaig. IL to 4#5-~w #j. T'lvij -lenk; Illp-W.; And Ma(OA.-J, giva yAike- not of th(i ~tcmylvnla eilriv-. b(z (OAcl acts nq all acetylatiliq klgi"Ilt ftt: th-I friplo I'lik.1111i mily with reti, Y-acctylvrlic plycofn ci~ [tie tromaiTi, w6v4. Ill thh; iviv Illvir! I I' deriv, (if ill,, 10i)-dralimm A,~rtyjetjic flytol!j of fbe~!'Ili v mvrieq aro o%'i(biwd N~illi rupt'll'o (if Ifi&, G P.41 1 0 isnalclir. 41,ructllro (it th'. q , Iyu,41t. ill bl~ filv chataNur ci tho vitim:iLY'A ill(' j'-%('jljoFu '0.11---b littl ill".. Ib4at A Put a: mrilltd Ill the lo1owavir t4j cler vildt ritgm,,l to eliN of rvac tvm : tctra--,~Aoiyl . c-dillhinlyl-f Jijo)lyl-' taraplollyl-. 41141 yoe-l - Mnj'OA(),, mid Ad)Ij ; ail Otj furlikh C-1111 ill 1) 414-19" Arld th~.- thilliffeU, ('0111(110 j t7l.p. An* ;Iniliellli ind sublrafle'?. Ill. 1 101- 63 'Phlill Di-p-tolyl kaune cannot Ix. made fly cullf, g PIM;' with cii'c in prusertun of I lg~O, but C1 I I'll, ts prupai i (~ by dropwivo additi,m og tonc. 1 l"'O' and 111011 HIM" 10 CHIC) (11111 tlA %Ill It Etof I at, 40-50"~ Thk iq mim-A %kith 1-110 (inntiOnilig " little kb(01~tjj. heid ',-(I e1) Oil 4" will axilksud to COIIIII ~y dr(yvvf!~v additloa (;f IT1110 (T I. Addiiijf, the kvitti to ~ g) 'it -Ctt, -MI'Or almd ni 1), ING 5 - 13 7. V, WMICI' giVi'll A CfIl'ttY,MXl LIA-ar 'with colloe'. d-jv4 tiot: react svich Ag.0 -N 110 or witil ("U'(11 Imit givei a jif;wivo lutit for i tri-1, 11 kJ ith NA;tlCjI"6II. %~-itlfln I hr. to .11 2 : .5 ; 6 3 : 4-dthydr.71wan, C3,lf,,O,, m.p. 85-47". Twitil for lilt Prestric of triple bripjap, cogroulls'and lidive 11 fit WHUnO, InCONte,and lir Ill AcOllprd nA of pcot'll -c") I'Me, ril-P. 5 15-115"1 " witil AlffEir'Cic -M)p9t. gillt-a with an ilonwr (1), C'JI"O" ill p. 132 -13-1, (1 am lrvemct Is O.-Itliqrd by In AOM al. 109; 10 .1-4 (;")I, b,Nj, mll. 251-- 25' ' (flro-mm% or 9 4$- 2, (0 (del"Mill'.) in. I ' %Iqilr . . I a 2 : 5-diphtny1h~X41-yri"2 : 6-djol:' In.p. )23-47.5' ; IvI rAgpedively, the l"riller of 111lidl. it lilt! in--,,re jeaddy xi% Fed. 2 : 5 Difywili lhex-3 yif-2 6-dkA it oxl'~kwd COM j ildil - .... 11-y_ . , 'I .- - . '. . p .. -e af . % .t Oludattian by mauaginrse tijAcetst, 11 it,d, d Ili, ,-Ifycols 4nd -..ke4uslccjwI%, ,;. k, ,' MmO-Ali,ut). IV. The cjj,,n of man'tanlPse trillcet4h. on I Ocetplonic glycols S. A, 1W. 1J I I Ili I; nitt, It m,A,iU,vi0- 14-e CA. 4.1. It I I WA. R, 11, S. Al ~.f~ at V a Iii [a ILL LILL111 11 'A ~u 11 1 F JIF Iddl ry A J il 711 ~q n vrtnuu Institution t pfl NceiTher 11 1 TILL iii ii. 11 1 F11 i I I 11 ZONIS,-Semen A-laksandrovich; WAZUROV, Sergey Ilikhaylovich; MVIN. Z.Ta.. ALIOUMMIL!, To.,Ya., tekhnicheekiy rodaktor [Leaturo exporiments and domonstmtion materials La organic chemistry) opyty i demonstratsionnye materialy p* organicheakol khimii. Pod red. B.N.Dolgova. Leningrad. Gos.aauchno-tokha. tzd-vo khim, lit-ry, 1956. 508 p. (KLRA 9:8) (Chemistry, Organic-Itxperimento) LEBEDEVA, V. M.; ZONIS, S. A. Manganese tetraacetoacetate as oxidizer of orgamic ccuipounds. Iz;v,AN Kir,SSSR,Ser.est,i tekh,naulc 4 no. 6:83-92 162, WIRA 17:5) :1 1~d ~:~ 11 ; i !;. ZONIS, S,A,; LEBEDEVA, VeMo Manganese tetraacetate an an oxiditser of organic tompowiddl kinetics of the oxidation reaction of secondar3r 06-keto alcohols. Izv. AN Kir. SSR. Ser. est. i tekh. nauk 3 no,2:51-56 161. (Ku 16: 7) (&tols) (Manganese acetate) (Wdation) I A! 11!1~ 111,11111 111 111k I 11111111 ~1 11111 1:11: ~:I 11111; iii: I I I pjqy~qh;. MAZIJI'-..'OV, Sergey Mikbaylordch; WDEZIN, Z0NIP_).Aqppjx_AIek,s.wA B.I... red.; MCHAAADVA, Ye.l., red.izd-va; GOINA, T.D., tekhn. red. (Laboratory and lecture exporivents and demonatration materials in organic chepistry) Laboratorno-lektsionrVe opyty i demon:- stratsionnys materialy po organicheskoi khimil. Ind.2., ispr. i dop. Voskva, Gos. izd-vo "Vysshaia shkola," 1961. 720 15W, 41111A (Chemistryp Organic-Laboratory m%wmalit) FEREUMp Vaevolod Vasillyevich; Pritinali iachaotlyer SOPOVAp A.V.; LEPOR" O.M.; ZONIS9 B.S.; ZOBACIXVA9 M.M,; VITKOp 3.14,; BAM=t Yu.V.; )W'- LIHj S.V.; POLYANSKAYA# A.S.; PADVAq red.; M4111HAp T.A.# teklm. red. [Unsaturated nitro compounds] Nepredellnye nitroisoedbionila. grad, Goa. naucbno-tekbn. izd-vo kh1m. lit--rys 1961. X15 po (Nitro compounds) Lenin- 7) ZOHIS, S.A.- IZBEDIVA, V.M. Kinetics of the oxidation of alpha-keto aloocholm by vanMneze triacetate. Izv. AN Xir, S3R# $or. eat. i tekl~. naWc 2 no.5:95-97 160. (IGRA 13:9) (Alcohols) (Manganese acetate) (Cbridation) GARMONOV, I.Y.,; 10ROURVICH, Do$-, ZOUIS_f $.-A.,- red,; SM, Ye,I.# red.; PONKMA, T.A., tekhnaW. [Synthesis of monomers for the produotion of synthetic rubber] Sintes monomerov dlia proizvodotva aintetichookop knuahWw. Leningrad, Gos.nauchno-tekhnoizd-vo khim.lit-ryo 1960. 250 P. (MIRA 13:12) 1. Voesoyuzayy nauchno-lealedovatellitkiy, institut aintati- chaskogo kauchuka. (Rubber, Synthetic) ZONIS, S.A.; W32DLPVA, V.M. Kinetics of the oxidation of alpha-wglycolm by manpLtesa triacetate. Izv. AN Kir. 33R. Ser. eat. i teldi. nauk 2 no.5:85-92 160. (MIlU 13:9) (Glycols) (Manganese acetate) (Omidation) TSTSKOVSKIT, Viktor Karlovich; ZONIS, S.A.. red.; POKKINA, T.A., [Synthesis of aliphatic acids and alcohols 'by the oxidation of liquid paraffins] Sintez shirnyith kislot I opirtov okiele- niem zhidkikh parafinov. Leningrad, Gos.nauahao-takkui.1zd-vo khim.lit-ry, 1960. 143 p. OCULA 13:12) (Acids, latty) (Alcohols) Mraffins) BOGDANOV, K.I.; KOUBIXIEUI, T.A.; ISMOTA, N.A.; GARKOKOVp I.T., red@; ZONIS, S.A., red.; EIIHIRA, To.T.t red.; XRLIKH, Ye,Ts., "t6kkn&r644!-- (Analysis of the products obtained in the industrial -preparation of bivinyl from butane] Analis produktov proizvodetva divinila iz butans. Pod red. I.Y.Germonova. Leningrad, ke.nauohno- tokhn,izd-vo khim.lit-ryp 1959, 115 (MIRA 13:2) (Butadiene) (Butane~a DOLGOV, Boris jiikolayevich; ZONIS, S.A., red,; MBINA, I.K., red.; MIKH, Ye.Ta., tekknired*! [Catplysis in organic chemistry3 Kataliz v organichaskol. khimii. Izd.2., parer. i dop, Leningrad, Goa.mauchno-tekhn. Isd-ve khim.lit-ry, 1959. 807 P- (MMA 12:7) (catalysis) (Chemistry, Organic) ZONJI, Dorde, inz. Certain interrelating phcnotaorz in the cheout caltdiq with br-ine. Kem ind 12 no.9:6X-672 S 163. 1. Gradsko mlekarstvo, 3eagrad. r jla I's 1. IT I 1~0-y UP ,;-t cf Tast C; I'l t Of I T 0 in'5, Uncl. ZIVKOVIC, B.; ZONJICO S. " cul"N' fl. Hemagglutination reaction in epidwmic hepatitis. HiOiJena 14 rtal4.1-- n-20 162. (HEPATITIS UFF#IOU$ diag) (11DWOLUMUTION) I 1~ I i , 3 1 ., I I i I ~ z , I . I . , i I I I , . . , , . i , , , . . Doctor of Geography On., Expedition for the aurvey of location for future port; Diti-Anc Survev. Soviet Source; P: Vokruo Sveta; March-April 1940, Moscou, Abstrnoted In USAF "TreAeure Island" Report Tro. !~Mj, on file in Library of Congress, Air information Division. ZONY and SOKOLOV Armatures Device for reconditioning wind ing wire. Torf. rrom, 2% No. 3p 3A52. Mont List of Russian Accessions, Library of Conip-ess, FOY 1952, UNCLASSIFIE). ZONN. fnu.; SOKOLOV, fnu. Electric Wire Device for reconditioning winding wire, Torf, pTom, 29, no, 3, 1952. Mont List of Russia Accessions, Library of Congress, May 1952t UNCLASSIFIED. ZORN. G.K., Inzhener. Defective index. loobr. v SSSR I no.6i)3-1 .4 D 14 6, (ludustri&I otatinties) (MtA lo,- 4) ZONl;, LS. "A look nt, Canadian floalwavedonle no,.10:11/4-117 ri 161, 1 .. f, ON111RA 1.4-9) MUTIM-T -------- H.11! I'li I' 111"N" Wk~~ It 1TWIMIR W CRMUMOT, A.M,; SHINUMOT, Ms.. otv. red.; GALIC11M v V.T.# tekhn, red, (Instructions for laboratory work In tboi fiela of overitsaa com- munication lineal Rukovodstvo k laboratornym rabotmin po vonduah- nym linilem eviazi. Loningrad, glektrotekhn. in-t aviali., Port 1. (TestW the engineering properties of line wire and insulators and methods for splicing wiros and fastening l1nes to poles) Ispykenle.takhnichookikh svoletv lineinoi provoloki I Izollatorov. sposoby soedinenila konteov provodow, ukroplexxie provodov na oporakh. Pod red. P.IA,Shiniberove. 1959. 29 p. (HIRA 14:5) (Blectrio lines-Dverhead) ZORN,-N.L..; CALIMULLIN) GSM� Increasing the efficieno- of pumping stations, T~-anap. -!. khran. nefti i nefteprod. no.Lt4p-4 1;64 (MrRA 17:7) 1. Ghernikovskoye rayonnoye nefteprovodno~v uj'-x-wrl.enJ.V. 044 *08 P i rant tac'ma, rp-W-C, 00 Itilift m"': wA by dug pk"hft. it. T. !-so ties coo Idui, vfttA Lmmiawl CLawavatis woo ........... lvldq~ .10 two 4qk f4i It lug *-1 41, Av a .0 1 -V--v m a i or lis om a 5 so 7-1-111197 soos, I'll :N, 40*0 0 0 000000000,610 6 IS 0 OL: 0 0 4D 4"1 16 0 10 * 00 0 000000*41019 0 00 welo-06041 IN-06 414 Igoe* 0401 'It4 S. Nt. & 11"Vilt". vil and A. !C Ch"ItIm. 6*vw Itylopwidol, A044. S. S. A., Pull. in a %"k., fill "Whiltif 41% low ibm thrOt W3 fyjw% of 414-- 00 921W" I'MMV3 RIOM f3f IfiC RAILl 41141 n0 -14,10A, pf"pvt - tie.% itre aft to Oetult. ej) NuMste-Olcht4k, iffAlwhak If wbeft it ME". of "lling take's plaft vi h the film IrTjA,% - ilm Athl 0 m". with llot ltlh~rq"l inliontiml: It It 11,11- dolvive W the &WkfjwKmt of tht: 14flonetr Sts4e. (3) -wil~"s-mbem the Drift kyjptke arh" &Wn the aldrw ago so AnAi the next ow, wallpts tlwm out. The tcll&nl-.y h I(.- Of the Will ftk Otto PMdit WtrC tt#A*d Crl M Oki. of *01 WM4 I he AnAr" CIWX in a Affits of tilliki ACA diagrmill. so *9 ties be* is ....... f ;Go-. -4r -4-4, .4111L o", u v a 10 a[; 0 4 r to T F jum7-A-VTT-Q-i-o to i or 9 a 2 0 a 0 0 * 9 99 a tC Itt KAO 01 tole * see 00 so * %W4 0 41 a 4 *1* 1 0 41 0 a 0 4 0 4 0; 001, 0 0 0 7164040 IS is Ole 0 009 010 000 0 is 0 IN 418 ita 0 0 0 0 0 * 4 0 * lF, 4 a 0: -Jo 41 .. . ... - ------- , Ile tW* wa. dclum -hi- And U . %;OMM. d" ""- lrrigkih~jw Amt Sa t v0 a . . . .. , * , (1937).-tUx tam o# lqu al QjCk. 2 t4"0 III Ile, a 00 ir t 1 S04 jLmd 0,15 too of K sJum per ImUrt, wuv awd oil d- o m l F ut U s ts pic"e ik e a COIWUW OAGOttis licas. 1he Na lmwv~- of 16c ocklitr 4arin tive In re ff t e c nvoo g t jude: 00 j -3 so 404 P;01 oil 10 - I L A M41TALLURGICAL LiTfUtWil CLAWFICATION to T r r AV is a 1, to 0 01 0 0 1 11 ;g '109 ;N 40 No log 0 001 1 0 91 * "o 0 0 o CO 0 006 0 0 0 0 0 a 00 4 1* A I Im : 0 :14 M 0 0 a 0 ov 0 to :0 0 go 40 -* 0 4 0 0 10 !(p 0 41 00 .00 .00 ago age SOO ago zoo '00 '00 Noe 11-11 1 A_ II.M. 0 t f_ it. A III It f 41 dotivi f 1110 .01lift v=fl4ojI I'llittlip SIh4 AdAing rtit-rollf fill 0- I Wilf.two 44 to wile to.itt lowilLtil".1 I 'o-Wis -oAl 0 the ovoillniablow III h it IN - f .%mlrl' IYJ J. N'. it, i Rflend, thull. M0, No, 4. 43l %11. f, .4 113. 1,11,0 00 tlypounk was addrd tv mints. tqual tt. I0, 1.,, 211 aiA 30 tow'Im"Art. Luccirnt plattitird wit-bout gypluul thil lx~t offect the structurt. oll Fi4orielt "Is. Added glymil" up. CA l1wvIlle 2.0- 2,.A linirl. I&IIA IUVA a [.41"t - 0 4 fit., I 'At 0w I"Pliation of ho-vt1wr Itwll~ 11%1o III, "A VIP to. 1, .. I lilt 6%, - IIIIIIIIAtion .4 dw will I"o., '.f Ill, s I lit 0 it, I tit Nil !,v J' *0 : I I I n4. lilt. ~.f -1141.11v Ne wi.d. III it. ~11'1 wr.i 0 If 0 j : 'Uni % 4, Ill the filitiol cullictil lks tit Ito%* 1141 wr 1 00 ill gyp~uw and 62 %, for W tonsIlitrinve. Tht! metbW tiotial peplization arvording to Tyulin sbawril that Ill fiat 00 . undet the influvare of gypsum tbctc lakes plave In the zoo l4ovilid toyer a comlidetable lrorreaw of (lit &,:live Irke. 114"lix I wNrls kind it I I"'I tow of t lit, Wyclur. Llitalls, I'llt-I JO Oi 1,01 %1i4, f% a ll~f raw III I I It, Ifitwill I Koil"I I a N, Finial, H. "1141 1100 m.t.,44'. Illitt 010 111,101 fie frilvdi"I ilvi'll Ill, "Iti UM As T I It 14 it It I 'A3 C. 17 n to ft if as 4 w a 99 ff it cc It it a It I 110 -Pi a 0 0 0 CIS * 0 0 0 00 *0 0 * 0 9 to 0 0 0 WO 0 0 0 0 0 00 0 000 0 40 0 0 & * Ole * * * le * * SS 0 0 0 0 %-OLO~150i~_O_W~A_ffi Q 0 0 111 6 0 0 900 0 $0 0 ZAA A-s-A-1-LIA..". A lip .-P 1~0 100firi 4, 00 -OL- 00 Dy"GUILIts Ot altrapa cornpatinds In culdvttvd MIS nf 09 itand doutte x K, Utz, POAr (U. R, ,i. it.) 194(11 1~00 04 So, J- 11M Mi.-UnniditY d 4()-711'q 6101 1-!11111 of.11-14 ift! Oplinjuat for Avirmnlag6in (d nitratri In 94M1.4. The .00 00 0 :,fcwncr Ot nwly Sail At tile level a In?'Iff,crixind WAt(T n"raset the rate cA nitritsvation owing it, the o( 0 vart-O&I" 4-4 %& and Ca. the 1jitirt w tivit A4 a -tmAmi and the N ills -'[wroible f." th~ .00 (Aintrable %lightly alk. fra'Ahm ') bv fliffl%vil tonlent In 00 the rtirwin elipt-i. was esvertally high if to c-rpnk Irrtih- Of xcri was added mineral (milization (S. P K); thill Ihi~ .00 so ct flint. 0( ortt. firftufm can be redul-c4l. i-he rufbomitic r9o lir un-Mali'm In the pandy tuarty V104 irnuu-1 -lowtilithilifT c)( POWn W OthVYWI%', 1444t(W4 AMI Io- go zoo 00 94 zi . . ... .. .. ........ ...- 400 -, -I I., I ,'!, 'I" !" It '1 9 J11 #4 a a 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 u if W o o o 0 0 0 0 a o 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 o 0 o o" 0 0 0 0 Is 0 0 o, 0 0 0 0:0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 4 0 e 0 0.4 0 **1-* W".i I LAL_L_U_Li_Lj'.'_A m". o"Al ;,T...1-k... (9 one 1.A P4. ,w 00 A .. .1 . . . I .. . 1. -I . .I 00 The soft to III (ht stinds I-( the drowirl NdIll KunlY When irricatt-Valleld fit A high "At, r 14blit S. I', it' 00 S.S.R.1 1942, %1'. ~', I.. Pnillit, 'ify"MACI..And vui"I ~itfl th, Night so O,j 1. 1 1 tit 00 001, It... KJ.4lml it it I, _.pj~ 1, 41 1 0. .-1 1'.- 1 it, it, :I. Ill. At IIII kul. Ifir i, high AI D, 'I". SA 1011 ~uvumul,.it .. .,It Ow ,III 1.- 11"', 1 , 00 00 fly iFITI'millcmg 1.)v ill 11 eaj its thc rtteniiiii tit ~It v It,mi irngatoit nm~r ~A. coo use z %*-ILA gl?ALLtJRGKAL U111114TW9 CLAS SIFICAVION luee it) t 61V1411.4 ..... .... . are waill) j 19IJ4) -IV AN. lint u it AV to is It -4--1r -4 _110 fit 0 It it K alto plaff it. A NA I w of 'j III I 00 * 4110 06 0 : 0 0 : 0 0 0: 0 00 0 0 0 0 0 so 00 06 0 0 4p, 0.0 0 0 0 60 0 0 00 a 0 411 it I; IF 90 [ SORAUJI for itifil farmatiol, to 1111t, 111,13914 of OR 4114.1w, 1,66900 00 OIC 144111 Unkb"Wil" tile dirrclicA no Not loililliti'vo. like 1411111 00 I'll, M9 40-1101, w LmOluil-g- 00 .1 And lli,ailr :1, !t :.Nt", .n& 7, calci!Ir 4 Sim Isurv like -Awaul 0 tioll Uki-t PIIIIV 11t tht Alft-A`I IN- Kiving,risor to 11 tfactioll 4.1 paulicie i/mc Owl WIII 11111k. 00 Ible 01101,1oki! N.i. Th, a rho, actum I-owill. UPPTC04 11,111pil. 14 tht 4,11 'A -~AXAIII il al'40 K1% III- 'I"Ifit ID Afe ji, c d", zoo N I. it It At Ilk 'A 00 0 0 0 * . 00 000 060400 00 0 060 0 0 0004 000 T , I C a C L t T - 7 - -- ; 1 7.. " , t ~ ti ti it ~4 it ta 7' 8 it 0 * .4 ip it Wit w it m if *4 v al It ~u 41 t . _ ' r 00 U_A""L --- L~ A A F 4 It I I V Y ~.IL.A Ali, iia 4c M 114 . A; , ... .,: so :1 A '09 so An istiviript id build all Indilaill"I ~nvfk! CIA4641114)11 0 otTlki#ysf,l *Ods of U. N 3 It 'L. /..... k %I N N 7 -so so W, tA-l"Iev. Poioiefy (11. S. S. R.) 104). No, 1-5, 1 to rl"glI41. 3a 1, Folly 11OV1.114wil wil, ji,ir it aim Ic ,I h f _.oo So d, Erf Swidity ths'l t Ifi%vt ( Y fill't lifif -6. X*ILAI qth alld the quljlvjw* of fill--f Are ciw-ifw,l from the Htit of %4kir of Ovir 4ami'llv t-, 00 -00 two -t 00 00 0 0 too ;o o 00 is 0 00 -.00 -00 ;00 1.00 '00 "' " to jq 0 a n m 14 il o 00000000#00 Ogoeoooooo ~ ooo ooooooo0000 4441 0000040 4li A 00 0 a- a 0 4 0 a 0 0 0 0-00 0 0 00 * -0 , 411, -0 0 a 0 0-* 0 0_06 o ~* V ** so. 0 41 : ' 00 4r 00 ISO Of OOU IWZI%79P(4-~---,.-!.,.-~7.~t-l-l~1114,tk.~*-~~~~A J . ..... .. Is Chernical compostlion ol ground waters as arptntlent off soil formation. S. Is'' Alilts. P1. ",.1 R-S ~~. 48, 197 II,TVTV" 7 ifivc-Aig4lrd )it- Atialyficil 111,01.sol, (fit, 01.1fig". if. III'mif is qAc4q1,jm. M gr"lls"I s~3- 1-1111611K 111111's" the 11111:31 A-l' 'If "Id 1-4114111101 Ut Iod- thAt lrach K-il mw I,f life ;I11110.11 tw, -s10, will '114,111111, It. III, ct, III, cht fit. colillm. of th'. In"110 11AW'. T. FAWI! .,TALLU*GKAL 11,11111AItAt CILAWIFICAVIC111 11414410 .4110 0.1, Oki 6'9 IN a it 9 K a ti It IS Ole 0 0 0 a 0 0 4 * 0 0 0 0 ease*&1* 0006 db a 17 40 a 4 if 0 0 40 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 a 0 0 4 IN 0 16 a rf- *0 zoo %00 W48:1 too P? f P ff 'R UR A t A a 6 K -1-3 1% 110 A 00 'rho wisay of like cmund w4torq 1111d.f c"adifiallk "t 4, V. Z.-I go 144,1, in, ril. l1w - Ok Alml, 4 IN 1,16UM vrgi~m% it-4y t*6 I,w'. hv Otil; ik I go l 00 ' - tjh~ uk&fl bmi, Oilly vq%le uhAl wv fVUMf At A dellilk *1 J-01 (in In tht im"i"ht-s Oww'41% 4 OW 5 1tS M I go 4 M COMM 1 It" SAllilAtIOn W* PI"V- T ( I d At i d on an mg rrrmdcd f-w the vurlaw smas of tbt san s n he h J J . . . c m. e trw wknts III-I'thi with Fvfffemv to t E 49 4 A -v j4jj,#K,fK, At ,I it tv Oie0 s00 06 4 go 00000o0 a0 041 so 00 0,00 00-000 0:0 0 0 0 liv fff hl CIA Ch &I comptidtfou of groudd WWWS In ated fil- Z Tr2vd 4. "P" slow i,91. LU I I ;XW, Go4roo I OW.-Chem. modlep In irriorated reciam W& UAAIR. to (let, the Indurth" 0 wason, soil. and evaporatitm (m the "Mpn. of grour'l wairm The mitpra. (in meq.11.), isetd. (or irriXation water, ground water In an Irripint pUlm, and grotind wAttr iii a t3onirrigAIM plain, was, rtop., K"fV, -, .1.10. all-I 12-40; Cl-. 1.20. VA'). and 442.30; SO.$-. 1.40, 41 IN), And IMM; Ca". :?,RI, 42,00, and 411d): Xjg1 I, 311.70. atul MIAO; Sm 43.30, and 3M2.:$;-. Anti (:I-: .At-, O.S. 1.9. and 2.7. The dry residiie in g ft. vs:Li 0.51. 9.19. and 40.72, r"p. V. IL Got1w.411111f