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40MBOF.T, ~F. Thermistors and their uBe, P. 36 RAT11TEUKA (Xagyar (Inkentes Honvedelrd Szovetseg) Mapest Vol, 6, no, 2, .'Feb. Ic',,6 SICIURCW': EEAL LC Vol. 5, no, 73 July 1956 ZOMBORI, E. TherrrXIstors and their use. (To be contd.) p. 70. RADIOTECHNIKA. (YAgyar Onkentes Honvedelmi Szovetseg) I~Udpest. Vol. 6, no. 3, "Lar. 1950". SOURCE: EEAL. Vol. 5, no. 7, JulY 1956. ZOPMORIp E.; CSM.IAITIs A. ------ Therrdstors and their uses. P. 103 RADI001INIKA Budal:p-st, Vol* 6p no* 5s May 1956 SOURCE: East European Accessions Idst (EEAL) Library of Congress Vol* 5., no. 8, August 1956 7-6 m a o R I ~ Fte"L e19 Hungary/Electronics - Semiconductor Devices and Photocells, U-13 Abet Journals Referat. Zhur - Fizika, No 12, 1956, 35193 Author; Zombori, Etelka; Czerhati, Andras Institution; None Titles Themistors and Their Applications Original Periodicals Radiotecnika, 1956, 6, No 6, 125-1273 Hungarian Abstract: None Card 1/1 ZON!v ---No" 046EMW Track maintenance conference in Veozlweh. VasmL 12 xio.10t 16-17 25 0 .,62. ZOIYBORI, Janos, tudomanyos fcmunkatars; HORVAIE, Jozsef, tudomanyos munkataro International situation of tractor production and tractor development. Jarmu mezo gep 11 no.8:296-306 Ag 164. 1. Experimental Institute of Agricultural Machinery, Budapest. ZCM3CRI,, Jazws Surface improvement of vood plastics by synthetic renin fl I , Faipar 12 noa:1-6 Ja 162o , 11 ~ "I A%44 I t. Z(IMBORI, Janos Gluing In the wcK)d Witstry. Ft. 1,, Faij:ox 13 jio,5t.15,lv,.163 My 10, - I Zomwai, Janoso okleveles 11,11-11U;'~LVA one-axle tractors. Janwa mezo gep 1; no. L:26-31 Mx 158, 1. ~Wzogazdaaagi Ga~klsorleti Intozot. ZOMBORI, Janos Slip measurement and its new methods. Jigzuu mezo gop 7 no.6:225-229 t60. ZOMBORI, Janos, okleveles vegyeszmernok; MIATE, Zoltan~ vkleve2ea -vegyeazmernok Complex utilization of wood. Technilca 8 no. 6: 6--!;' Je 164,, I , ~ i! 1P1. , ! I . - -i ~. , 11 11 1 1 1 11 1[ 11,11- - '- " 1". . - I - - , I . I ZOMBORI, Janos Questions relating to the technology of manufacturing glued veneer barrels. Faipar 10 no.lOt3l6-320 0 160. 1. Faipari Kutato Intezet. - ZOIDORI_,_ Janos Some problems relating to the isurfarq treatment of ollip boarda. Thipar 11 no.22s371-376 D 159. - "I. !i 11 1; ZOMBORI, J. -7..- Covering chip boards with olastics. p. 340. I I... I I I - 1-7 -- - _,_ "'- '- - t FAIPAR. (Faipari Tudomanyos Egyeaitlat) Budaj)sat., Hungary, Vol. 9P no. 11, Roy. 1.9,59. Monthly List of East European Accessions (EEAI) LC, vol. 9, no. 1, Jan. 1960. Uncl. ASZODII Zoltan, dr.; ZOMBORI, Jozeef, dr. Correlations between cholesterol, cholic acid mnd blBrubin content of of the plasma in various diseases associated with jaundice. Orv. hetil. 103 no.41+:2074,2078 4 N 162. 1. Orvostovabbkopzo Intezet es Budapeati Orvostudomanyi Egyeteiii, Biokemiai Intezet. (BILE ACIDS AND SALTS) (CHOLEST,:ROL) (BILIRUBIN) (JAUNDICE) 9 ZOMBORI. Janos- Investigations to clarify the optinnm gluaing conditions of chip boiLrds. Faipar 10 no,5:150-155 My 060. 1. Faipari Kutato Intezet. ZGIBORI, Janos --- Plastic covering of chip boards. Faipar 11 tw.11:30-343 N 159- 1. Faip"i Kutato Intezete ZCMCRIj Janos Data on the compari4on of the adhesion conditioms of tractors with back-Aftl and four-wheel drivesi. Jarmu maso gap 9 no.5%189-192 My 162. 1. Hezogazdasagi Gepkiserleti Intezat tudomanyom =ikAtarau. ZONBORI, Janos Application of fiberboards in the construction inia-ustry. MaU ep ipar 12 noo.6.-2/+1-249 163,,. OU ~-TFU " '. 1. .. . ~11 0-1 z JCUR. -AM"Last U0. 10 1,~ 59, No. " Orr"tiori, y and Flant-Scalc To-i3tr of t-he tr,,)int .pplication of CarlDami,le livnim~ and or Fill -rs .vi the Prw of Plyaoud Panels 0 PJ B Faip j r No 1 '(13 -1~ J. It I "Starch, rye flour, and finely ground sunflower huslv~i w-ere uzed in laboratorL y teitti mo f1:41.Qrn for carbamld,~- binuers. "ThoD recult:j Trom wvisure- wente of the bent3in~ str~'mgtkh, warot, abs~)n r Lon cat-kcity, and awellir.K of -ppan!~Im (a0 tim Olick., b 50 kr,/m3 bj].k. wt) contwining from .2 to bl,~ bindiers with fillet added tc he latts+r, a,-* It has beeft fo*.,.xnd thet tne abi~ve- indicate4 fillent impr6ve the qttalitq of the pawils irith reapect LD i4frer-, and tco C' A.-RD q. ZOMBORI, Janos, oklaveles gepeszmarnok Characteristics and problems of the regulating tractw hydraulics. Jarmu mezo gap 11 no.111401-412 N '64. ZCHBORI, Margit, dr.; GORACZ, Gyula, dr.; P.&TAKY,, Zaigpond, dr, Contributions to the pathology of breast sarcoma. Mary. sebesz. 16 no.6:385-389 D 163- 1. A Budapesti Orrostudomanyl Egyetem II oz. Korbonctani Intezetenek (Igazgato.- Harangby Laszlo dr. MTA levelazo tag) es a Budapesti Orvostudoninyi E",fqtem T sz. Sebeszeti Klinikaja (Igazgato-- Hedri Endre[deceas4d) &K 6 t ml'tAnar) koolemenyo. (BREAST 1JEOPLAS113) ~SARMIA70 e (SURGERY, OPERATM) (PATHOLOGL) (CYSTOSARCOMA PHYLIOIDES) I ~11 , I ., '. - - , " .. . . . - - . . , BRAJJN, Peter.. okleveles vi-Uamosmarnok; Emil? okleiveles villa smernok Higb-accuracy electronio measuring device of network models* EUktrotechnika 56 no.4-.165-172 Ap 161, 1. Villamos Energetikai. Kutato Intezet tudomanyos nunkatarsa., Budapestp VI.p Rudas Laszlo u.27* joz'-Ery- Dx A", c f U!Ja r :-a i n i i ii:. a p,-.- f z t Irlio-:5 I yi i!y - tcrva'b;,)!r,,-Pzo "The AcLj in 5 "n. p- 3 lictilaD, 'iol No 11 Absl-rp,;t:~ A!Anlon' 7--.-unman od i on dip.-t!tic ;"fil. al,(~rje, ani oral ccmb-~'rieo,anli oy "Init nenxm chole5ter*l levpl -.4RS 'ilovatod in --ill th~n~E; u:lc Durjaildin.- cri .he ex-~erlL C,~ 1,~Vfjl. wil-s tivii!s tIne rtcwmal L i owi.,14 In -rhu I:alj.i~.-,'~n :!hojt,~~-erol. 'Linreil- - - war, Alet thcl~f! .LV~M- illsul!.-n a more e1 z)repara tions t2 Hunvarian, 22 'ile!~tern Jozsef, dr.; ASZOLDI, Zoltan, dr. Cholic acid content of the blood plasma in diabetes mellitus. Grv. hetil. 103 no.45:2120-2122 11 N t62. 1. Budapestl Orvostudomanyi Bgyetem, Blokemial Intewt, 0ivostovabbkepw Intezet. (BILE ACIDS A14D SALTS) (BLOOD CHOL-~31TEROQ (DIAMTES MFLLITUS) ZOMORY, Lasalop a kemiai tudonanyok doktora I %- I --t"R--Mw4 I --- Modern analytic methods and aluminum industry. ,61.. applied in the Hungarian mltm!na Kam tud kozl ~WA 22 no.108-1011, 1. Research Inatitdta of the Metal Indtmtry, Budajmi3t, ZOMBORI, J. "Veneering of chip boards by carbamide-synthetic resin with the cold method." -n. 100 FAIM. (Faipari Tudonanyos Zgyesulet). Budwpest, Hun,qary Vol. 9, No. 4, A-or. 1959 Monthly list of East Airopean Accessions (MAI), W, Vol.. 8, 11o. 8, August 1959. Uncla. r e.Ar V-, CSRH. G.; H-;OUQM, T.S.; ZORHORI, J. *'161;t The localization and properties of ATP-dephosphorylat Ing enzyme in the brain, Acta physiol. hW. 5 nci.3-4:353.367 1914. 1. Biochemisches Institut 6r Medisinischen Univerattat, Bwhpest. (ADJNYLMOPHOSPZMO wtab. Odephosphorylation in brain) (BRAIR, metab. *ATP dephosphorylation) ZOINTORTI J.. M CSFIT G. Blocher. Inst. , Med. llniv., T~-,darest. *Das ATII-spaltem~'e Enz.,msyift-er des Gehims. T~e AT!-splitting enzyre of I~raln ACTA P[fYSIOL.ACIti).'~C*11,'?~,'?.I~Ut,G. (Puddpest) 1954, 5/suppl. (11-12) SO: FXCERT-TA I-EDICA, Sect-i on II Vol. !~o. 11 J, and, .47 J. Mochern, InA. cler rtd. Univ., lludaT~est. deq rl-o) in T rco i n =F- i ~ F 1 1 1 , I !. II.: IIIII: , il 11.1 Ht [till I Iti'lli I I III'd Iii-It L111 "I 1 1 Ath'i ~ 11, 1. ~~; I I ZOMBORI, Jan" Surface treatment of chip boards by tvansparent and covsring fiim creating substances. Falpar 11 m).9t962469 S 161. 1. Faipari Kutato Intozet. -11.1, -A4 al Y' I(M 06 d A 0 t, 00~3 " V, ul -IT ~sj 'i 4A ' f -C h( I !J, j. 1 1) fFill, jjj~p. ar,imal- physiology 'he i.,19clouterol coritent (1-f tho :.enm a.- ,.,~vnr of White rats ha, beem aru.1 a. liall" hc),!.r:i afl.~ir one on t.-n- 9)-J:~,;. -wa 5 fc;IIro:1, C, 5 -,1: 'Lon r,-ie r y socond. aay for IAIIA L'i 13-1 LrI tr"-~ 5~- r ar-,-. 'Ta6: 2 4'ieuras and I SUB CODZi 06 SUBM, DATE: CY-?Apr61j. ORIG REF CM OTH IRPT: 024 Card 001 1 1 0 MM -Oil -17 "1 1, 1 Mi I I INil A 1 11k1.11 11 1111 1 1 1 11111 " ILP 1 I :111"l M-11 li Hill ImI t 1111 I 111 ~,q ZOMBORY, Laszlo, dr. The "Hungarian silver." Elet tud 18 no.6:lUj-170. 10 F 163. ZOMBORI, Margit, dr.; AN114M, Istvan, dr.; SZWS, Bandor, dr. Carcinoma of the thymis gland vith unusual complicatle)n. Tuberkulozis 14 no.3:78-80 Mr 061. ~votem II oz. Korbonetani Intenetenek 1. A Budapasti Orvostudomanyi Ep, (igazgato: Paranghy Laszlo dr. 14TA levelezej tag) os ffiAmpeati Or7ostudo- many-i Eg7etem Tudogyogyaszati KlInikaja (igazgati)t Kovats Fore-no dr. egyetemi tanar) kozlemenye. (THYMUS GLWID neoplasims) PINTM, Janos, tudomanyos kutato; ZOMBORI, Vilmos, tudomanyos kutato ~_.. ~ Technology of semiconductor basic materials. Tochnika 9 no.1:6-7 Ja 165. VEGSElUrfES, Lajas; MMORI, V. Sp~,ctrochemical artaltrgis of SiCll~. Ch!im arnl 7 ni).2:14!9-43'~ 1621 I 1. TavkUzlesi Kutato Intezet, Budapeat. ll~ I I . I I I "1r 1114 4 ZOMBORY, EnLU Fault locatIrig on power transmission lines by the itapulEe mothod. Elektrotechnika 54 no. 123550-554. D161. '4.0 1 10 "Mamos hnergetikai Kutato Intbzet. L I Ft Hlihidlfl 111,11 U, R 1.111 ~'Ill I, HIII 14hill ZCMORYX Emil Fault localization an power ti-anami8gion lines 1:7 meajw of the impulse method. FUktroteabnika 51+-zLo.l2t550--554 D 161. 1, Villaws &ergetikai Kutato Inteset. I, L. Pocket Tlook on Anal-,rtics, v). 139 (Kofmnati lapok. 7~lie~anpvt Vol, 11, -no. 6, june 1' 5(- Ont(x, . .11. vol. no. 6) SO.: ',-~onthl~~ 1,ist of East Eurc-,,-.enn ,~ccessians (--Eiri*,L) I,C. , VOIL. no. 7, 1957 TInCl. iV. 61. Detlmidnat.ion oAJ' sodixia oiAde i;ll redituid corktairiiiig li'mAl !U vv) Wit art -- L.`Zombat~g -ild (AlimAnium -- Oioha.-~Fmti L:tpok) INOV 14?.$ pp. 5, tabs. Hungarian DeLC:rmJUUT1g, tll,, SD,:Ilwa OxIde 4iontent of red irrad b.* r 1. h j i Technical Abst. 1) app elcctrodlalyA~, reclid.res lttat:s timia Ulall thit V01- 5 No- 4 classical method of grwAvie~lil,- wd-,tlilation of z!od-:Lum slilph'ite. 1953 The essential point of the can:A~-t!l ill the entire qwunt-,ity af UIO M-1thOd'.U`, 11.1.111011 j:1l-0-d.A1-%`d ICIU)".Inglithe four hours of elctrocLInlysis, (lit orl,glnal 1j:~v)cc4im 4!ach portion waj t5ltratod ,~Ojmrately). Tha c,A!~,.!cted catihodiei llquo-r -was acidifi,-,d ill oxce:,,s bir cl.;L n by,1-1n)ch1o,-ic a0id in the presence of methyl red an an was boilrd:fori3 i,~dnutos ard titraf;ed bac), with an (.,.i it 1-qdn,):ddP sdlation, The total amount of im thA ,-a-tholi-Lc 1114torlias thus obtained. From the oi;Iivticl~ calciul,,i wal, pr~- cipitatod in th~a X)N~SOICO of' ',I'll 1:111o"JAe. 1):v wrjr ax Zombory, L. "(~atck Determination of the k2fate Content in Alusinate P. 519, BMUPOst, Vol. 3, no. 4s 1953. SO! Zast Jwop4an Acosselone List, Vol- 3, No- 9, Soptenber 1914, Lib. of CoWees pad ~qiift l tt-r4yAr 44jrlf''Y" and- '~'MITT74ka - "i 1 1951. 1-1 A.A.-A. ( U rmv- i COL-111111CMI: ux=ll. (with rullm of lul ~l and mos, of iti Ti 14nd lj'rulnovt:d) 10.5 a VL-rY 1-11F 14 Con- tent of abc,ut