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ZOITOWSKI, Zbigniew Studios on repelling effect of phthalic acid labnotl;rl eater on mon. quitoos. Wiadomosci paraayt.. Warsx. 4 no.5-6i?83-784.; Ugl. tranol. 784-786 1958. 1. Z Wojakowego Gentralnego laboratorium Sanitarno-411gienictnsgo w Warosawis. (MMZQAT3S. effects, nhthiilio acid dimethyl ester, mi)nquiW-repelling (Pol)) (MOSqUITM, repelling with phthalic acid dittothyl eater (Pol)) KI, Zblanlew Ropn,ntiorts for d!imoigots cauand by geologin, wirkii. Przog] gool 11 no.101470-02 o;6~. 1. CantraIny Urzed GcologlL, Waraxava. WROBLMKA-MULARCZYKOWAg Zofia, APLTOWSK1,P,,ZWpj4i4; DORMSKI, larmak; PRZESMYCKIO relikel 821PLAO Romn; OLKOW8XNj Damuta; SWOBODUNAj M; SZYMANSKI, Stanislaw; KOZLMSKI, Slawardrt ZUKOWSKI# Kaximierz, A search for arborviruses previously not known to occur in Poland. IL Sarologic and virologic studies In salected are4w- of Warsaw abd Bialystok. Praegl. epidem. 18 no-4081-390 164e Kazimilerz: FRM-SHYCKT, Felibot PIZMSKT. Zypnmt; RySZKMXI Lealaw. A search for arboiviniocs, not kiio'.ai I,D Pol.-~2d. T'T. :I ~iill6tll or Kwmpinc~5 Fores'!. and Fit"llo"nini- ICA117I. nc. 4:391-399 164. ZOLTOWKI, Zbigniew Admission to and temporary occupation of real proportles for geological research. Prriegl geol 11 no,5:24)+~-246 My 163. 1. Cantralny Urzad Geologii, Warszava. IHi ZOLTOWSKIS Z. The scope of activities and the organizationof tte agencies. ~ for geological affairs of the preiddia of Vim voiTodeship people's councils. Przagl Vol 10 no,3:169 Rr 14Q, ZCLTOWSKI, Zbigniew The arttelp- cf th,! Institute of Geolog I .y. Frz"6il geol 10 nc. 4/5t 245-246. Ap -Yv 162 1. Centralny Urzad Geologit, Warszawa. And FerSP-OtIvec Tf the of Cmcvv." 1,91-6r of t~~q Pr= _*=Ict~ -M.== 2. -!!ev On Or-np~rlnE: 13M-773. or cf t~a It, t'.-.* =!!as*_ft_:r.1z2W 7t--=Z= *-=m Of zr.7, 112'rey"Our P.97JI'l Of C-1 tl.~ Util-ty ef tie Dlatonaoc~-Jm slates (Dimtc~!.'en, f~_-01 of n,!Ar !~Iqoryslsv p tt:e rice.1 Emtor;r-sez. -f Crac:w-. Zn.-un- wz-7~ry, 46. -.A_-tLVIt~ of tha GeOlD-_*M_' t!"3 Oeo' Ital inattnto "Sev Trendo In vto Ccmstm:t*A:,-7 ~f spl!vsle ,ccphv~lc2 Imm !Cal lnzti- ttzo r-e01OF T6r!od mr..l .1rcts,.!!e:u2 VJrtollmtmm zf atofW1 -he Inz-Itntn; znlt,~T.. 10. and Cr-Anlz~~tcnml 1-mob'1_1 smc- ,Ml '.I. P1. .-C;-1.72. 1/2 ZOLTOWKI, Migniew Coordination of all departmento concerning tjj,~ bydmgaolo OgI and geological engineering activities. PrzagI gwil 11 no.7k,5 - 3f0 JI 161. 117 . i ~ i .1 : ZOLTOWSKI, Zbigniew A study on the mechanically active spread of Viral-Imfection br mosquitoes, Viadomosel. parazyt. 7 no.2:391-394 16L 1. Zaklad Epideniologli Wojak. Inst. Higieny i Epidlemlologii, oms Zaklad Wimsologii PZHP Warszawa. (VIRUS DISEASES tranam) (MOSQUITOES virol) -ZqLTqdsKip Z.- --MlULARCZr=Ap Z. , WROBLEWSKA Introductory research in the role of mosquitoes in Vne transpoTtation of the virus of tick encephalitis. Iiiadonosci parazyt. 7 no.2: 395-397 161. 1. Zaklad Wirusologii PZK, Warszawa. (ENCEPHALITIS EPIDDIIA transm) (MOSQUITOES virol) ZOLTCJWS VI;- WROBI-MISKA-MUUMUMNA, Zofjd KI, y studies on the role of mosquitoeh in the tmnaminsion 'Of Preliminax- tick-borne encephalitis virus. 14ed.dosw.nIkrdb. 13 no.3:241-249 161. 1. Z Zakladu Wirusologii PZH Kierawnik: profod F. Przesmycki Z Wojsko- wego Inst7tutu Higieny i Epidemiologii. (MOSQUITOES virol) (MICEPHALITIS snumm' transm) ZOLTWKI I Z. & szmm, J. The Organization of the State Geolo&~cal SeCagib in Polands by 4. SZONERTj, 9, ZOLIMSKI. Polisho bk,, Organizacja Panstwowej Sluzby Geologiomej v ftlecaj, Warsaw, pp 3-31#4. ZOLTOTWII I Z. "Instraction Concerninp the Determinatinn nf the Volume of P&IT"litts Of Solid Materials," p.61 (P!IZ'~P'P.,.AD GEOLMIC'ZITY No. 112, An. /Teb. 1954 WArstawn, Nland.) SO: Monthly List of East Purope AgpelLip 8, I.C. vol. ',1 110. 5. MaY 1954/Une-1 . - J- ZOLTOVI;Kj. Z~; JANISMISKI, J. "Exploiting a Local Deposit of Raw Materials." lp.20 (PRZEGLAD GEOLOGICZNY No. 1/2, Jan./Feb. 1954 I(amawa, Poland) SO: Monthl List of East European Accessions, 11% Vol. 3, no. 5, May 1954/Uncl. ZOLTOWSKI, Z. "Problems facing economic geology and t~e docinaoritation of eatimittes,," Przeglad Geologiczny, Warazawa, No 5, May 10,54, 1). 1.93. U SO: Eastern European Acce8sions List, Vol 3, Yo 11, Nov 1954, L.C. i Zor-TOWSKII Z , "Problem of investments in establishments which exlJoit ca~rtala mineral deposits." Przeglad GeologlcmV, Warszawa. No 6, Jwie 1954. P. 216 SO: Eastern European Accessions List, Vol 3, No 11, 1954, L. 0. ~Jgl i: ZCITCWSYII Z. ZC'LTCWSKI, Z. Contracts concerning geologic dommentatIon. p. 569. Vol. 12, Lee. 1955 i,.ijEGU.D GECILACGIC4~4'iY TLUNOLOGY Warszawa, Poland 0o: Last Europeon Accession, Vol. 5.. No. 5, May 1956 ZOLTOYr,,V3 K. D. ZOLTOYEV, K. D. -- 111-fechanical and Electrical Propertien of Fitip, Liquid Film." Sub 26 Jun 52, Moscow Oblast Fedagogical Inst. (Disuertstlon ior the Degree of Candidate in Physicomatherratical Sciences). SO: Vechernayalloskya January-Decerber 1952 IJI~I, WSRAhysic~s Film, Liquid Oct 49 Ntrcury LTic~trlca-' and Mechanical Propcrtie-s of,,rhin Liq,.;:~ 7 K, D- Z--Iteyt-v., _8 p3~ T e kh Vol XIX, No 10 =thod to obtain a film between saild and a a~-r4i out. --r-s-liable method to thifAmess of film. Showed an oil film 3.0-Ile CM thick ha5 ex-Ectly the llms - Shows ad that th-Ickness of an oil film f --med b:c -0 tween two mercury aturftces, gradually AL 151T94 /Pbyalcs F-'Ia6, Liquid (Contd) Oct k9' decreazez =d reaches a size. at which electrical re - ~--ii5t-wace of tb film approaches zero. Submitted 12 j--m law 151T94~ AUTHOR: Zolutukhin, G. 3. 126-2-23/30 TITLE: Investigati)n -of tFw thermal conductivity of ordering alloys under conditions of steady state the=al equil,ibrivm. (Issled6vaniye teploprovodnosti 'uporyadoohivayashchikhsya splavov v usloviyakh statsionarncgo teplovogo ravnovesiya). PERIOD1CAL: "Fizika Metallov i Metallovedeni-ye", (Phys1cm of Met4ls and Me-1511urgy), Vol . TV,, N-0-.77"VV7-1 -PP .35 2-35 9 (USSRY. ABSTRACT: A-* A'. Smirnov (1) -used successi,*ully the theorr of Bram and Williams for solving the problem of the mobility of the electron in the crystal latt.'Lce of an alloy,with an arbitrary state and degree of the distant order. Applying the theory of motion of the electron in alloys of arbitrary composition and distant order del;ree# Smirnov derived an expression for the electric resistance a s a-! function of the concentration of the components and the degree of the distant order. The results of t'4e theoretical calculations of the electric resistance are qaalitatively In agreement with experimental data of Johanson-Linde and of Komar (2), who gives experimental data of the electr-ic resistance of Card 1/3 alloys of compositions approaching AuCu and AuCu~. The derived relation is in good agreement w1th the theory of Smirnov and Rizhanov but is in contradiction with a similar Investigation of the thermal conductivity of ordering alloys und-er conditions of steady state, thermal equilibrium.0ont.) oomFjy6;J-231_jO theory, of Mito. The investigated alloys s alloys the oomposition of which corres]ponded to the stechionetric compositions: AuCul AuCu , PtCup PtCUA OxI also comprised alloys of intermediate c4positiod'. imaltajieous~, Study,00 the thexmal conductivity of ordered and of disordered stric- tures by mean of the same method of investigation enabled bringing out more clearly the featuxes of the compared struotures~. The coefficient of' thermal oonftativity was measured under conditions of a steady state thermal opi- librium by a method described in an earlier paper M4 A definite sequence in the distribution of atow was obtained by annealing in certain temperature rangres inmide a Muff]le furnace at a temperature below the critical one'. Durl=! annealing the temperature ,was controlled on the basis ~? the indications of a recording potentioneter.; after a cer- tain time the current supplied to the muffle f`arnace vras cut off-and.the specimens cooled down with a. speed of 10 to 12 (!/min. After annealing 'the thermal conductivity of Card 2 3 the entire group of alloys was measured. By alternating annealin&-and measurement of the=al conductivity, of the annealed alloys the influence was studied of the order of /-7A/VEXCF.RPTA MICA See 1,r es 209. ZOLrAN L and Nf-METH M. State Inst, of Ncurosurg, Butlapest The patho- loginit-a-n-(T -neurosurgical aspects of tu6ercrdous sItiondylitis (1101's diorate) Aitta tried. Acad. Scient. hung. (Budapest) 1956, 9/-l (3-15-361) TIljlcs I Illus. 1G Study of 89 caws of Pott's diiose operated on account of cord rimililications 1e2(13 to tljc conclusion that tile comprevsion syndrome Is brought about by tile SI)C(ific proccNs involving the intervertebral system or disc (production of proliferative granulation tissuc. sequestration, dislocated disc or abscess). A circurnscrilwd focus in the vertebral Wy dws lint cause symptoms. Lisle jr - Oklahoma City, Okla. (VIII, 9, 15) -rA A,~ V,' IAJOS, L. -, IIAGT, D.; GATI, 1.; 4- ZORA.Ko V,; GW;, 1. The gonadotropic activity of the human hypoplqsis during pregnancy, Acts med. hung. 10 no.4". 363-373 1957. 1, Department pf gynecology and obstetrics. Medical University, Fees, (GMDOTROPIIIS, PITUITART, phyiiiol. ,onadotro-pic ftictor excluiiively during .secretion of a r pregn. ) .(PRF,GNANCY, phyeiol. secretion of a pituitary gonadotropic factor exclusively daring pregn.) 7-A A,*, V IAJOS, L.; NAGT, D.; GATI, L; ZOLTAN, V.; GLOS, 1. The gonadotro-oic activity of the hnman hypophysin during pragwmay. Acta Tned. hung. 10 no.4.- 363-373 1957. 1. Department pf gynecology and obstetrict., Mediaal University. Peas. (GONADOTROPIM , PITUITARY, physiol. .,secretion of a gonadotrcq)ic factor excliasively- during ,pregn.) .(PREGRA)ICY, physiol. secretion of a pituitary gonadotropic factor exclusively during pregn.) /64, A I- Z9 i Ae,4 IF, Conp,enitdl'-"dholo,rde-7*16"ment A I 6f thOnbdominal rntacleit trith simultaneous Od,iz, ii-, Ur 71 -". VIT9.4817, 2. Chan.-es in the remlations conceming the deter-iination of frimlodlj- charactmlzritivs of mining deposits. P 310 �Przeglad C-cologiczn1v Vol. It, no. 7, Jilly 1556, Wassmia, FKaTid) Monthly Inde--- of FstEuroppan Accessicno (TTAI) U,Vol. 72 no. 29 February 1958 137-58-5-~lj,56 T" P, V) Translation from: Referativnyy zhurnal, Metallurgiya, 1958, Nr 5, p 322 (bSSR) AUTHOR: TITLE: A Universal Generator (UniversalInyy gerierator) PERIODICAL: Uch. zap. Buryat.-Mong, gos. ped, iri-t, 1956, Nr 10, pp 31-34 ABSTRACT: A ryenerator (G) is described which is capable of producing c' a high-voltage spark as well as an A-C arc. Such a G car. be manufactured by equipping an industrial spark 0, with a com- mutator arrangement and certain other components from an arc G. The changeover from arc to spark operation is accomplished by means of simple switchin~j circuits. The author contends thot the universal G can fully replace the spark G as well as th~, twin-feeder G, i.e. , that it can be employed for spectral anal- ysis of ferrous and nonferrous metals and their alloys. S.S. 1. Generators --Deve lo-,"inen Card I/I ACC NR- AP70057GI SOURCE; CODE. Ult/OL,',6/67/02.',,/(JOL/0173/01,76 AUTHOR: Postnikov, V. S.; DeLikov, A. Al.; Zolutulthin, 1. V. ORG: Voronezh Polytechnic Institute (Voronczliskly pD1itckhn1cheskiy institut) TrrLE: Effect of cyclic heating and cooling on the fragmental structure of monocrystils o aluminum and cadmium SOURCE: Fizilka metallov i metallovediniyo, v. 23, no. 1, 1967, 173-176 TOPIC TAGS- x ray diffraction analysis, cadmium, allurninwn, healing, structure coolkig, crystal structure analysis / URS-50LM diffractorneter ADSTRACT: The article presents some findings on the effect of cyclic boat, treatment (C11T) on the fragrnental structure (angle of random orientation, size and mutual etrientatior. of frag - ments)of monocrysLals of 99.997c pure Al and Cd.17he maximurn tenh1wraLures of the Lycle were 260 and GOOT and the minimum,* 100 mid l80*C,'fo,,- Cd and Al, respectively. Fra-mclital structure %%-as examined by the method of tvvo-crystal x-ray spectrometry with the aid of a modified URS-50LM diffractorneter. In the Al monocryst-3.1s the plane of the sectLon coincide-4 with the plane (1) and the axis of the specimen coincidel with the dLrection (110). In the Cd Card 1/3 UDC; 548.4 ACC NR. AP7005761 .monocrystals the plane of the section coincided with the plane (1100) and the axis of the speci- men was parallel to the direction (100). The increase in fragmentation and changes in the. orientation of individual fragments as a result of CRT were determined by photographing the unbounded (nondiaphragmed) reflected i)eam following every discrete movonient of the riLyn and rotation o f the monocrystal through 11 for Cd and 1-21 for Al. After tht-s the specimens again were subjected to CHT and again inserted in the holder in their previous position with the add of a microscope and the beam from the same fragments was photographed. The static angles of random orientation of the fragments, which in Al and Cd monocrystals amounted to 20-30' and 5-7', respectively, were determined as a function of the half-N~Idth of the recorded curve of oscillation of the monocrystals. Findings: For Al monocrystals, the maximum angle of random orientation Is 18'. After 1000 heathig cycles there is still no mariked change in fragmental structure; the fragments retain their equiaxial shape and there is no marked change in the angles of their mutual orientation. A completely different picture Is observed for Cd monocrystals. Their fragments display a lamellar structure and following CHT they are com- minuted and bent. The larnellae lie in the (0001) plane and extend in Uie direction (IF20). This is due to the anisotropy of the coefficient of thermal expansion in bexagonal fragmental mono- crystals of Cd due to the random orientation of neighboring fragmenti, and hence also to the occurrence of considerable stresses which may crush the fragments and alter their orientation during CHT. " In conclusion the authors wish to express their gratitude to Ir. A. Likhachev Card 2/3 ACC NR: AP7005761 and A. N. Orlov for discussion of this project and valuable commctits. Orig. art. has: 2 figures. SUB CODE: 20/ SUBM DATE: 04NIayGG/ ORIG REF: 005/ (*.)Tll RE];: 002 card 3/3 M.-M. T 911 MM ml-nff 11 "ll I "I " 1-1 M I I -01 -f _': ACCESSION NFU AP4033102 S/0120164/000/~D,~2/00,34,/0039. AUTHOR: Zolotukhin, V. G. , 10am'Yanov, L. P. Bly*s7rjtvka, 'A. A. TITLE: Calculating the cliaracteristicip of multirotor choppers SOURCE. I?ribory* i tekhnika akaperimenta, no. 2, 1964, ti6-39 TOPIC TAGS: neutron chopper, mechanical neutron choppe:t, nrn~ltirotor acuiron chopper ABSTRACT: -The problem of the tiansmission of a. neutron lpeam by a set of rotors can be reduced. to a consideration of the sw.,cesaive trans vii1r. s ions by individua:.L rotor. Next, the relations bet%veers, the by each rotor vutd,i as- the transmission by all preceding rotors can be established. A olle-rotor tiFlt mission is desciribed by tvrQ-: consistent equations; these are combiaod with t1a equations of the next rotor, and so on. The resulting numar:6-ml =Authad was tried Card ...... ACCESSION NR-. AP4033102 *in calculating the characteristics of a 3-rotor chopper (installed at the First Atomic Power Station) on a digital computer., The transwIsstan, fumc:tion, spectral, line, counting rate in the time-analyzer clix~anel and, aperture :ratio weia astimited and found to be in good agreement with exp~rixnental resultit., Orig,,. art. has: 4 figures and 2.2 formulas. ASSOCIATION: none j SUBMITTED: 21May63 DATE ACQ.- 11 ~,04 SWCU 00 SUB CODE: NS NO REF SOV; 003 TMM 005 2/7. Card'.- -- ZOLOIIIKHIN V.V,,, . , Reaction formations in I!orilsk ores and the problem of dissendnated sulfide mineralization in gabbro-dolerites. Do'kl. AN SSSR 154 no. 3:600-603 Ja 164. (MIIIA 17:5) I. Institut geologii i geofiziki Sibinikogo otdolerdya kil B."SH. Predstavleno akademikom V.S.Sobolevym. JURETIC,, Miro,, dr.; AL-TINOVICp Gorica,, dr.; ZOLTNM, I)otagojg (Ir. Hereditax7 orura vara. Lijecn, vjecno 84 no*6:,li65--573 162. 1. Iz Djecjeg odjela i Rendgen odjela Opce i I'Modicinskog Centra R.M. u Splitu. (LEG abnom) ZOLYAN, T.S.; ;iW-'L', A.H. -- l~,11,.-~...:",!~:~,1-~i,.,.Vt,.~,i,,.-: .14 Electroconductivity and thermo- e.m.f. In varvvd-,um pw toxide in tho solid and liquid statos. Fiz. tvor. tcj:Ltt 6 t1o.5-.1520-25".1, My 164. 0,1:11-a 17:9) 1. Institut poluprovodnikov All SSSIC, Leningrad. ZOLYAN, T.S.; REGELI, A.R. Electric conductivity and thermo-e.d.f. Of B120) in the solid and liquid statbs. Fiz. tver tela 5 no.9:2420-2427 S 163. (KRA 16: 10) 1. Institut poluprovodnikov AN SSSR, Leningrad. V1 17111 D) U. LYA of to derivatjva.3. of 2, VO 12 1952 9. AMOnthly List of Russian Accessions, Library of Congress, 1953, Unclassified. TALETAVICIUS, Vladas; ZOLYNAS, Ricardas; PIWIAITIFMp 14) red.; - lbkbf 4 .1-1-1--l. ~ PAKERYTE, 0.) 10'-i~d .-' ' [Sand concrete$ a building material of the future.).Ikelio I betonai - progresyvi statybine =dziagu. Vilnius,, Valsty- bine politines ir mokslines literaturou lei klat 1.962. A p. (Concrete) IMIRA .15'.12) .710LYOMI, Synecologic studies of a basiphile-calciphili~ indivator- forest plant (Lithospermum purpureo-coaruleum). Icta bot Hung 9 no. 3A461-472 163. 1. Korresp. Mitglied der Ungarischen Akadami* der"ilissenschaften;. Botanisiches Forschungsinstitut der Ung. Akademle der Wissenschaf ten, 1~ - Vacratot; "litgUrd, RedaktAonskoilegimi, '#Acta Botanica Acadeviiae Scientlarum Hung,1XIcae." M 0, B.; ZOLYOMI. B. Salvia nutans L. and Salvia betonicifol4o 'tottl. iii Hungary. Aota bot Hung 8 noJAt20-277 1621. 1. Botanisches Institut der Ungarischen Akadexto der Wiesen- sehaften, Vacratot. 2. Mitglied, Radaktionskollegimn, "Acta Botanica Academiae Scientiarus Hungaricae." (for Zo~fcmi). ZOLYOMI, Balint, dr. Soiehtific work of the Botanical 8action of the Pff~-ncun. of Natural Histavy. Term tud kozi 6 no.5025426 My 162. 1. Magyar Tudomanyos Akademia lavelazo tagja- es:Termeozettu- P domanyi Muzeim Noveny+Ar Geobotanikai Munkakozositag vatt4toje, Budapest. . - -, , ZOLYOMI.. Balint ---------- Sandor Javorka, 1883-196.1; an obitwkx7. Ifagy tud 68,no.ID683-06 N 161. 1. %gyar Tudmanyom Akademia 10VOUSO tAgJa; igazgito, Magyar Tudo.. manyos Akademia Botanikai Kutato Intezate, Vacrutot4 (Javorka, Sandor) (Botaniai*,.s,, Hungarilin) M 11 F T, r Z.r-'LYOII,I, B An account of the work of the Botanical Garden and Gaobotanical Laboratory of the Hungarian Academ of Sciences. (To bit contd.). ;:. 425,, A DIAGYAR TUDGIMYOS AKADMIA V. 0,UTALYA BOIC-GIAI CSO.PORTJAIIAN KOSI22-1a,1111RI. Budapest, Hungary. V"Is 2, no 1, 1959 6 0 j 1-Ionthly List of East European Accessions (EE&I). U,'. VOL. 91, no. 1, Jan. 1960 Uncl. ZOLYUII~~. An account of the work, of the Botanical Gar-,Jen and GtobotznLcal Laboratolry of the Hungarian Academy of Sciences. Pt. ;2) P. 51. A MAGYAR TUD01MANYOS AKADIVIIA V. (jXZTA-LAT BO-GGIAI CSOPjrF.TJAijU( HOSMIENII. Budapest, Hungary. Vol. 3, no. 1, 1969 Monthly List of Fast "uropean Accessions (EIAI). LC. Iral. 9, no. 1, Jzn 1960 Uncl. ZOLTOM11, Belintl KASZABI Zoltan Report on the Lvov conference dealinIg with the ~rosearcb on the flora and fauna of the Carpathian Mounta n (=. Mag txi(~ 68 no. 1: 56-57 161. 10.,3 1. Magyar Tudamany szerkesmtobizqttaatSi tava(for Zolyami) (Carpathian Mountains) (Fauria) Florit) -ZCILmmrt- ~-- ~~ History of the Evolution of ffAwgary's Vegetaticn -~Ir.,ce the Uwt Interglacial Epoch," 367. _U2_S coe acid Biolgalo Acader Vol-4, No-314p 195.3, Budapest.) Fast European Vol.21 No-,9 1953, Uncl. Lecessions /Library of COngressp SO: Monthly List 2f ZcTyclli 1 11. ~r,LYCMT, 1. Faillts fic..-urnine In h*C..:h trio muchlreo their elim-Inaticns. P. 3. Vcl. 4, .."0. 1, jen. 1956. VIHAYCS,I;t~G. udapr-st, !,unE!Pry SO: East Europern jlccessicn 9,:6 expf-ditf, t.~ work Of T T T T A, 7ol. Lonthjv Li.-;, of a-L-!, I" I1 14 IS If- T7 TA It -A IFZI il- $4 1, --M -f, ..2 it .. 01 t: )j it !11 U o~ 6 10 4 .1 Q fl; POP ,60 A II L A-L-1. fi- A, L r f I f.C IID 1! 1 - 4 *. It, nerVe stimillatioll ill buragg 40 160. V. H. Alpern awl P. 1), Zq[qys espa U it S 3 S . . . . , . two. I. I 11K --- Alter pirlifujilarv lill,"611, j,f I 11f,, tq ,jill, i 1 I4d6CYkLtt E41 ULWIAII IhU NAIIJVIM' Of d.-Wit-WINA ,= I i~ r l o Io w dtt the vagus oubitam acotykhrAhju touw l X, 00 bltmd ulpationts suffermp frow isk-us ventrividl oedipWai, asthma a(MI c(Aitil qlarowa. Thu 11614f 44 hy1wmilic. ln-~ . h b t di id d W O i I . el c su aur. v to cou a ut s als;wAre IL sympAl o , 00 %I f Nlfwwr *0 - 9 e Z ~ , 6 b 1 d , . to CL ASSIMATICIN Ur A)..$& A fTAtLL,.GICAL LirroArL*r 0 0 is LI ; O I I V It Is If it A or La t 0 4 *0 ; 01 r 64 w 9 0 0 * 0 a 0: . Is G to of* 49 0 0 0 0 0 a 0 0 0 a 0 'D 0 0 *a* 0v 0 0 to 0 0 0 v 0000 4 0 0 0 0; 0 a a 0 0 a 0 0 1 O a 0 0 0 ZWBAI, Erzssbet; KELET-M, G. 1.1yeloperoxydase activity In normal rat bona mrrow. Aota biol. acad. sci. Hung. 1J. no.1:51-56 161. 1. Department of Pathology, Medical UniversitT G. Romhanyi). j (PEROXIDASF."')) (BONE MMOV) (BODY WEIGHT) (HEMORMGE) (LEYROCYTE COUNT) (E031141OPHILS) Z043AII Erzoebet; KEUNYI, Gabor J-- Myeloperoxydase aotivity of rat bone marrow. Kioerl. w-vostud. 15 no.2:153-157 Ap 163. 1. Pecoi Orvostudomanyi Egyatem KorbonGtani Intozate. (BONE MARROW) (PEROXIDA3.95) (BODY WEIG11T) (LEUKOCYTES) (LICTABOLIV) ZOMBAI, Pal *Atlas of the vorld comoditieoll by Oo JorAsmons 13. WXIOund. Reviewed by Pal Zombai. Good kart 15 no.40CO~-309 161, ZOMBAIO Pal uGeography of Afghaniatan" by T. Huml=. Revisired b:r Pal Zombai. Good kart 15 no.5097-398 163.1 T;; i. Z CMAI., Pal . ...... '"Atlas of Western Europe" by J. DoM'ua. iteriewa by Pda zombai. Good kart 15 no.1%76 163. 191 1 zcmWs--?4,~- %Antax~c-tica _0 Reviewed by Pal 2aWmi, Geol kart 15 no,2: 146-147 163. TS ZOI4BIK9 tvan, okleveles banyamernok-, MUCS, Bela, oklowelep hanyamernrk Loading mechaniz(Alon and its acl.-'evemento in the of the Bakony Bauxite Mine Enterprise. Bany Iiip W, ilo.11- 760-765 N '64. I. Bakony BairzitEI Mine Mterprise, Ev Jn n,:,, s t ,.u n r v t, 1y L t of E: f c; s [111 IT, I'll I iiiiiii I I III Hi I! ,,!I I E "Illilli TWRIN, V.P., vedushchiy inzhener; Z'CH'Bx9T�&ATA,- ILY., red.; A]ITOHM, P.D.,, Uquipment for the nanufacture of electrodes] Obonidovaale dlia proizvodstva alektradov. Moskva, TSentr.biuro takha. Informateft, 1958. 37 p. (KIRA 13:10) 1. Russia (1917- R.B.F.S.R.) Moskovskiy ekonomichoskiy admi- nistrativnyy rayon. GoTet narodnogo khozyaystva. (Blectrodes) (Welding research) --f-F A1-:_', 1. v 'A Title T I fl!*m M'm rim M EMU ii MINH .1111:1AII at. r rin vi ii rii 11, F i NINITIN, S.Ta.; SILEKTOR, Taogo; BUGONOIDT, Ire.G.; ZOIMWVSXIT, 3,14 Scattering of 460-MO Hey protons by protons. Izw.AV 88SEI.Ser.f it. 19 ne.5:561-572 S-0 155. WaA 9:4) (Cosmic rays) (Nuclear phyvics) -le acattcrln:~ of .tr L; by protons (11/59) C:,, orcr~,, y Accelara"or! [un:l Pion Physics. G~.,rcva, 11-23 JiLme ln.T,ranch a`5 ' ' gmOWL'Ov'' RIKITv, :5.-Ya., SELT'VOR'' A.M. Z01410my. 5.m., Slastic Scattering of Protons with an Energy of 660 MeV by Protons at Small Angles," paper presented at CERN Sy#osium, 1956, appearing in Nuclear Instruments, No. 1, pp. 21-30, 1957 iACCESSION URs AP4042376 8/0056/64/047/001/0100/0106 AUTHORSs Aynutdinov, K. 6.1 ;Qwbkov*kLy*,2. H.1 f4laktart Ya. 3401 Shulyachenkos V. V. ~c negative pion$ with Inelastic interaction of 3*5-DeVj TITLE: protons SOURCEt Zh. eksper. i'teor. fiz., v. 47t no. lo 1964, 100-106 TOPIC TAGSz inelastic scattering, negative pi meson, pion scatter- ing, proton scattering, resonance scattering, bubble chamber ABSTRACT: This investigation was motivated by the growing evidence that the statistical theory cannot expleLin multiple production pr*- cesses in either pion proton or proton proton collisions. The negar j tive pion beam from the,ITEF proton synchrotron was momentum-analyzed, by a deflecting magnet, collimated, and directed to a liquid-hydrcgeh bubble chamber of 25 cm diameter, placed in a 14 kOe field. Particu-' 1/3 ACCESSION NR: AP4042376 1 lar attention was paid to two-prong stars, that is, the reactions PC Anyviriezve majim: W�15 3R� 50~ 4 4envelay"Gue ZMAM. 3800 - no �10 aa~ 35 The angular and momentum distribution of! the secondary particles are presented. For the reaction iT- + P -0 IT- + it + n there were ob- served two resonances with masses -750 (PO meson) and -1250 (fo meson) MeV. The angular distributions of the two reaCtions offer evidence in favor of the one-pion exchange mechanism. A hypothesis is ad- ,.vanced that simultaneous production of ZL P0 meson and isobars with masses -1300 MeV is possible. "The authors thank A. 1. Alikhanov for numerous useful discussions, the mathematics group headed by R. S. Guter for the calculations, and the photograph scanning group headed by D. 1. Tumianova and N. V. Vasillyeva." Orig. art. hasi 8 figures and 2 formulas. ASSOCIATION# Inatitut teoraticheskoy'i eksperimentallnoy fisikii 2/3 ACCESSION NR: AP4042376 (Institute of Theoretical'and Experimental Physics) SUBMITTEDt l9Feb64 IMCLS 00 SUB OODE# UP MR REP SOVj 000 OTMI OOS 3/3 AYNUTDINOV, M.S. ; VA31 1, 1 YEIVA , N.V. ; WM13I(OV;3K'lY , 3. M. ; OLUTT(r" , Yll.:,, ; SWINACHE'lill,'k, V.11. I.- I I -.', Study of four-pointed stars Jn at a. priMary momentum of 1.5 Gev./s. lAd. f I tio.6:107.1-:1U78 N 165. (vIlRA 18:6) 1. Institut teoreticheskoy i t:ksperinrientallnoy ftzlki GosudeLrst- vennogo komiteta po ispollzolraniyu eitomnoy criergil 8SSR. MR AYPTDINOV, M.S.; ~O~P~Qyp~;4, P,M.; SELEKTOR, Ya.M.; SHULYACHENHOO V.11. StudyingZ70-resonances in )C -p-collisions at a primar7 /t-meson momentum of 3.5 Bev/c. ZhUr. eksp. i teor. fiz. 45 no.5tl682-1684 N 163. (MIRA 17:1) 1. Inatitut teoreticheskoy i jk*mrimentallnoX, fl*414- 7,T'M'- -w~-:Tjj -~j - Ii t : RSMACIT: Ille elastic sccr. 'ti-IT Ejq protons waa invest iqated %-Ch a-A of a fir!- S/05 63~044/002/004/06s DI 02YI11 0 AUTHORS: Aynutdinov, 11. S., Zombkovski At Nikitin, S. ya., kuL_~" Selektor, Ya. M. , Sri'ulyachenko, V. N. TITLE: Multiple production of piona In 7.2 Bev %'p collision3 PERIODICAL: Zhurnal eksperimentallnoy I teoretichesko'y fiziki, v, 44P no* 2f 19631 413-4120 TEXT: The authors here continue previous Inveatigatione 154;3, 1961) in which they had shown that the resonances obaerved in inelastic np collisions (cf. e.g. rhys. Rev. J,ett., 6, 1324, 628, 1,1161) an important part in multiple pion production,, Now the Angular and momantum distributions of pions and protons are investigated for iiic!la_-tic -, 7) interactions of various multiplicities. The reaonaiivi~u in three- and four-pion systems are also studied, and the results are compared with the statistical theory. The measurements were made in a liquid-h-,dro-en bubble chamber positioned in a magnetic field of' 13.5 k6e. 'he n '00an was obtained from the inner Be tarGet of a proton oyachrotron. The mean beam energy Was 7.2 Bev, the it- nomentum distribution was Gaussian with a Card 1/2 s/o 5 6 /6 3 /rj4 .4/Cr,2 1001;10.5) 5 t-lultiple production of pions ... 1) 10 2'~j -1 166 sitrea,i of - +0.6 Bey/c. A total of 13,00o emulsion plat~,s %here scanned, and 157)o -,cp interaction events found, there I.Q elajtic ones. The mean multiplicity -nao -:;3.0, i.p. there Nyero and 8-pronj;ed otari e,,Ilth a percentage of 36.6, 13.2, and rita2ectivelly; the were 10.0, 13.5, 5.6, and 0.2 mb. The total croas-iwetion 31 .0 + 3 -1 rib , an.:1 d - 2'1 . I + 0. 3 mb . 3.90 + 0-54, LfLae~l ,nd. 6-pronded atirz; in the c.m.s. V "o I the pvotozi momf-mtu M, fll t fer ;,rlreatly tho protor, &rqrnlli~r ~Ustributioris &nd di,-tributionu are, more gimLlar. The -T,--,-reconarces ar:Laing ik.!!,t 1:1 ~-,l production play %,lie main role . It in that in this pro~e-,,;.3 fitatoB of throo or A'our piona tLre -.*o:r;.iPd, w.'%ich dl,~cay ~.Ao 3nk.,~3 or .-Aons. This io vt?-c-ifkd in 0.1ternina-tion o' the 011,1,00tivi, of all poso-ible cumbin-ntions of ji-ions for fc~;r- .)ronL;,3 1 jtarj ~::-d - n .1 izivt-3tir~,ation of thii ox1ster,,.,c of hound states A -itii :,:-v-j I Dev. Th,~re are 12 f i ~;,,u reo ,indl ", tal~l 10~ -- 0 i tu t t o o re ti ch fa.,fl, oyi ul,.sp, m4me tallnoy :fiziki (I.-Isti- o" "Iheor,,,tical and Experinental Hiysica) S U B ~ i' 1T TE, D i-ily 21, 1961 Card 2/2 AYNUTDINOV, M.S.; ZDH9XG7B=4--$,M ; NIKITIH, S.Yaq SELEXTOR, U.N. SHUL-YACHgNKO,, V.H. 77r-Interaotion in matiple 574-moson production Jm Zp-collisions. Zhur. eksp. i tear. fiz. 43 no-W50-1546 0 162, (MIRA 1502) 1. Institut tooreticheskoy i eksperimentall-ftoy fiziki AN SSSR. (mesons) (Nuclear reactions) A.YNUTDINOV, M.S.; KUM, S.Ya.t SELEKTGIR.. Ya.m.; - * "-f a. SHMACBR~b, - multiple r/ -mason production in 7.2 Bev. P'-p-callisions. Zhur. eImpo i teor. fiz, 41+ no.2t413-420 P t63, KRA 160) 1. Listitut teoreticheskay i eksperimentall3tay flisiki. ZOMKOVSV.TY - %,457 WrHORSO 0. T. an& K. R. TITLEo Nauchneya konforentmiya Moskovskogo inshenortso-Clatchookoflo inatituta (Scientific Conference of the 904COM Vnilineefing Physics InstiOts) 1962 PERIODICkLa Atoanaya, entrgiya, Y.. 13, no. 6, 1962, 603 - 606 TEXT3 The annual conference took place In May 1942 with acre than 400 delegates participating. A review Is given of theme lectures that are assumed to be of - interest for the readari of Itossnays. ecorgiya. They eve followings A. 1. Loypunsklyj future of fast reaotorsp A. k. Itell'yevp design of accelerators for superhigh onergles*1 1. la. Pomeranabuk, oityp unitarityq and seyaptatio behavior of strong interaotionis at 'atna1hr*ti*'r4 its I A. B. KiSdelo -phenomenological. theox7 for the vazq-bodj probleal Yu.'D. Fiveyskiy, deceleration of sodium-oa*rgy antiprotons In- ziatterl Ya. A. Icsilevsklyt theory oe the WaSbaueV effoot'l M. 1; Rrasanave theory of ionization losses im sonkomogsa*oum mft4iu4j* Yu. ;. Ivenovp A.,&. gukhadso, h-f conductivity of suboritioal 'plassao .-Card 14 $10091621013100610191027 Nauahnoya koaf*rentsiya ... 0102/BI86 Too Te. Loyetakiy, L. L. Rukhidso, electromagnetic waves in nonhomogenecus plasma; Yu. D. Kotoy., 1. L. Rozentalf, the origin of fast cosmic msional Yu. M. Ivanov, muon dopolarization in solidel V. 0. Varlamov, Yu. It. GraGM14, B. 1. Dolgoshein, V. 0. Kirilloy-Ugryumov, V. 5'. Rogenov, A. To Samoylov# jh- capture by various nualsil V. S. Demidav, V. Go XirLl1cY-'Ugryua*,;, A. K. Ponoiov, V. P. Protasov, F. It. Sergeyey, ocittering of t- Monona at 5 v 15 May in a propAno-bubb-lo-chaaborl S. Ye. Kikitin, M. So Aynutdinor, Too M. 3*lektor# H. Zombkois-E~-~ )t. F. GrashAn, nuon produotion In %'p interaotions; a. k a 0 9-s-i-Pirk chamber4i 1. Q. Valkov, To K. Lyapidovskiy, 1. M. Obodovokiy, study of operation of is convoollon ohamberl K. 0. Finogenov, produation of square voltage pulson of high explitudeal G. P. Altkookov, probleas of color visionj V. X. Lyapidovakiyo relation between nuab*r of receivers and number of Independent oolarel Ye. M. Nudryavtsey, N. No Sobolov, No 1. Tissagausen, L. No Tunitskiy, F. So Foyxulov, determination of the moment of olootron transition of as-, cillstor fore** and the vidthe of the Schuhaan-tungo ban4s, or aoleoular oiWgenj D. To. Gavrilov, A. To Zherikov# To 1. layko#' decomposition of tho' volume charge of Intense ion beamal To. A. Xramor-Agoy*Vp To P. Troshims measurement of neutron spectral 0. 0. Doroahsako, now methodA of Ust- - 1. Ivanavt dosixttry taftinalogyS. 1. 11. Varoakov# noutrog' r7o"041 T Aard, 914 AYWUTDINOV, M.S.; WMBKOVSKIY, S.M.; NIKITIII, S.Ya.; SELEXTRO, Ya.M.; 7. , ! GRASHIN , 0 OnTr-interaction in 7-p-collisions at an enargy of 7.~ Bev. Zhur. eksp. i teor. fiz. 42 no.5:1413-1415 MV 162. (MIRA 15:9) 1. Institut teoreticheakoy i eksperimettallnoy fiailti. (Viesons) (Collisions (Nuclear physica)) AYNUTDINOV, M.S.; ZOMBKOVSKIY, S.H.; 1111CIT11TO S.Yn.; SINEKTCR, Ta.M. Elastic scattering of 7,2 Bev* ezmemow on protons. Zhur. ekap. i teor. M. 42 no.6-1495-149EI A 1621- (MDIA 15:9) 1. Institut teoreticheskoy i eksperimentallnoV fizild AN SSSR. (Mesons-Scattering) (Protomi) 5/056 62/043/004/C55/C61 B1 04X1 66 Nikitin, S. Ya., AUTI"04',15; Aynutdinov, M. S. , Lon, I Selektor, Ya. M., ShUlyachenko, V. N. TITL2;-. 7tR-interaction during multiple pion productiGn in nn-collisions PE'RIODICAL: Zhurnal eksperimentallnoy i teoretich03koy fiziki, v. 43, no, 40,0), 19052, 1543-1546 T~XT : r-,.-interact-Ion 'Was studied on 7.2 Bev primary z -mesons whose velocity distribution was Gaussian with a hali ididth of 0.8 Bev. 13,000 photoEra.phs were taken from a 25 cm wiae liquid-hydrogen bubble chamber placed in a magnetic field of 13,5100 gauss. The reactions -E- + p --1, 2.x- 2.t" 4- n + k,~, --3a-+3.t*-i + p were sttdied. k is the known number of r C'- mesons. The reactions bard 1/2 S/056/62/043/0C4/C55/061 mn-interaction during multiple ... B104/Bla6 p'7'k:O, a - 3.E- + 2.E- + p + kaO (4) + p were excluded by identifying the protovis from their moraenta -,nd by estimating; the ionization. The numbers of possible cot;i`binations -I It R 70) as + + functions of the effect-ve masses have sharp maxima at the mass values of 0-33, 0-44, 0-58, 0-76, a.99. Evidently, there are resonances at these mass values in the syst;~::is with two pions. It iG -,)roved that one and the same pion is not involv,~41 in t,.,)o maxii..a. It is concluded that in 2ysters equal m.~s3 valui:~z, but witla diffe~rent isotopic opins and mechanical spins, there exist t-,v,:) llt!SlonaICV W,'IsteLls. This 1"iealiz that in tie case of stronC; interaction th,~r,~ is a tleGeneracy with res,,2ect to he ~wo spin3. There are 2 figures' and 1 tabrle. ASSOCIATIC'N: Institut teoreticheskoy i eks.~eri,.-,antallnoy fiziki Akaderi'.' naul, SSS.R (Institute of Theoretical and Lxpe:imental Physics of the Academy of Sciences USSR) SU3":1TT.-"_-): June 20, 1962 Card 2/2 AYINFUTIDPIOV, 'l, S.; Ull"ITIM, S. Ya.; KTOR, 7it. H I "Inveatigation of liosanancte Staton ln.)I' - M--am, Syr-tul-4," Report Prenom'.,ed at the Int. Conference on 11.1gh Fx,3rnr Ph/sicap Genovap 4-n July 1902 7 IT! 5/056/62/042/006/014/041 B104/B102 AUTIHORS: Aynutdinov, 16, S, , Zombkovski2 _1111t.k, fliki tin, S. Ya. Selektor, Ya. M. TITLE: The alastJc scattering of 7.2-Bev x mesona by protons PERIODICAL: Zhurnal eksperimentallnoy i teoreticheskoy fiziki, V. 42p no. 6, 1962, 1495-1498 TEXT : The elastic scattering of the mesons was ineanured In a liquid- hydro6~en bubble chanber (25 cm diameter) placed In a magnetic field of 13-5 koe. The chamber was exposed to a beam of external it- mesons from the proton-synchrotron of the Ob"yedinennyy inatitut'yadarnykh (Joint Institute of Nuclear 'Research). The meson beam wait produced in an internal beryllium tar&et, focussed by four quadrupole lenses, analyzed by the magnetic field according to the momentum, and directed to the entrance of the bubble chamber. The meson energy Ixad a Gaussian distribution with a half-width of 0.0 Bev. From 10 to 25 mesons were recorded for each expansion. From '13,700 photographs, 1619 events of np interaotions'were foundl whereof 192 nere identifiei as Card 1/3 S/05 62/042/006/0i4/047 The elastic scattering of B I O-jYB1 OR elastic scattering events. The differential cross section of the elastic n-p scattering was determined for angles between 4 and 28.30 in the c.m4s. (Fi6. 2). The scattering amplitude was calculated for P - 1.02,10-13 cm, K - 0-70-10 23 cm-II k1 - 0, and ,50) - 3.90 � 0.54 mb; 00,W) - 39.2 mb/ate- radian. The results can be expressed very well in termn of the optical model of a proton (a opt(99) - 33-5 mb/at,aradian), There are 2 figures. ASSOC IATION-:%J,,~.1na ti tut teoretichookoy i eksperimentallnoy fiziki Akademil nauk SSSR (Institute of Theoretical and Experimenttl F. Physics of the Academy of Sciences USSR) Card 213 The elastic scattering of SUB7111TT2D: B1056 62/042) B104 B102 100616141047 Janu4r, 3., 1962 YB Flo* 2, Angular dependence of the elastic Ocatterine cross section, Card 313 3 7 V, 9.3 0 0'0 B/056/62/042/005/044/050 B100138 AUTHORS: Aynutdinov IIA. S. Nikitin, S. Ya.', Selektor, Y'. 41.P n, A* Fs TITLE,: r.-n interaction in n -p collisions at 7.2 Bev P_---4I0D1CAL: Zhurnal eksperimentallnoy i teoreticheakoy fiziki, V- 42, lio- 5, 1962, 1413-1415 T 'XT: e :, In order to collect information on pion multipi production the aut,'-Icrs studied 7.2-Bev n--p collisions using a liquid hydrogen chamber in a muz;netic field. The distribution of n- + p - P + n + kx 0 events according to the square of the pion total energy W has a narrow peak at 2- 30. This is attributed to participation of spin 1 Q-mesons in the 0 reaction n- + p - p + Q_ - p + n- + x . The production cross section of Q -mesons is - 1 mbarn. The scattering croas section a 7EX for primary momenta of 2.8 Bev/c is about 300 t 100 mba:rn for u) 2 w 20-30. There are 2 figures. 0 Card 1/2 i ~ S/056/62/042/005/0*44iO5O r,-n Interaction in ... B'I 08/1) 136 ASSOCIATION: Institut teoreticheskoy i eksperimentallnoy fiziki (Institute of Theoretical and Experimental Physics) SUBLYUTED: March 5, 19.62 Card 2/2 AYNUMINOV, M#S.; ZOMBROVSKILs S.M.- , REITIM, S.Ya.-, SELEVIOR, Ya..K. Liquid hydrogen bubble chamber with a 25 cm. diameter, Prib. i tekh. eksp. 6 no.1:35-39 Js-F Oft. (MIRA 14:9) (Bubble chamber) IIEKETOV, V.A.; SELEKTOR, Ya.M.; ZOMBKOVSKU, WT.; ATNUTD1110y, M.S. Sealing glass illuminators in liquid hydrogen bubbte chanbera.i Prib. i tekh. eksp. 6 no.1:182-1133 Ja-F 461. (HIRA 14-.9-) (Bubble cftmber) (Sealing ('rechnolopy)) S/120/61/000/ U01/009/062 E03")./En4 AUMORS: Aynutdinov, M.S., Zombkovskiy, S~M., Nikitin, S.Ya.. and Selektor, TITLE: A 25 cm Diameter Liquid Hydrogen Bubble Chombi-r PERIODICAL: Pribory i tekhnika sksperimental 1961, No.1, Pp-35-39 TEXT: A description is given of a liquid hVdrogen bubble chamber having a working diameter of 25 cm and a depth of 10 cm. The chamber is operated in a constant magnetic field of 14:000 oe (556 uniformity over working region). The expansion ii; carried out by means of stainless steel bellows, 10 cm it% diameter. About 12 litres of liquid hydrogen are necessary in order to cool the chamber from the liquid nitrogen tempevature to the liquid hydrogen temperature. The time necessary to cool the ohamber from room temperature down to 20 CK is about 24 hours, and under dynamic conditions (expansion after each 111 sec) the liquid hydrogen consumption is 2 to 2.5 litres/hour. The upper and lower pressure on expansion is 5.5 and 1.5 atm respectively. The corresponding temperature of the chamber and the hydrogen bath is 27 OK and 26-5 OK, respectively. Card 1/2 s/i2o/6i./ooo/001/009/062 E032'/M1.14 A 25 cm Diameter Liquid Hydrogen Bubble Chamber The bubble chumber has been used :in the 3t-meson bean of the 7 GeV machine oA1 the Joint Institute of' Nuclear Studies, (Oblyedinennyy institut yadernykh issledovaniy). A detailed sectional drawing of the device is glVeTL. Acknourledgements are expressed to V.A. Seketov and A.P. Besschetniy for developing parts o1' the chamber and to V-T. Smolyankin and A.A. Sokolov for valuable advice. There are 4 figures and 4 referencest 1. Soviet and 3 non-Soviet. SUBMITTED: FebruarY 5, 1960 Card 2/2 S/12()/61/000/001/056/o62 E032/E1111 AUTHORS: Beketov, V.A., Selektor, Ya.M., Zoinb1covskiy-, S.M., and Aynutdinov, M.S. ___1_'.---, -------- I ~------- TITLE: Vacuum-Tight Glass Windows for Liquid Hydrogen Bubble Chambers PERIODICAL: Pribory i tekhnika eksperimenta, 1963.,No.l,pp.182-183 TEXT, One of the most difficult problems in the design of liquid hydrogen bubble chambers is to produce a reliable vacuum- tight union between the body of the chamber and the glass windows through which tho working volume is photographed and illuminated. Existing designs (D. Parmentier Jr. , A.J. Schwemin, Ref 4. 1, and V.Z. Kolganov at al. Ref.2) are said to be either unretliable for chamber diameters in excess of 25 cm, or requiro replacement of the sealing elements after one or two successivs woricing oycles. The present authors have used the design shown in the figure. The copper gasket I is inserted into a groove in the body of the chamber and is in contact with the teflan ring 2. In the upper part of the copper gasket there is a rectangular groove carrying a further teflon ring 3. When the arrangement is compressed by Card 1/3 s/12,,o/61/ooo/ooi/o56/o62 E032/E1111 Vacuum-Tight Glass Windows for Liquid Hydrogen Bubble Chambers the brass bolts the copper gasket is squashed and the teflon rings provide the vacuum-tight seal. In order to achieve a uniform transmission of pressure to the glass a f~irther copper gasket 4 is placed between the glass and the flange 7. The copper gasket 1 was 3.1 mm -,-ride and 7-5 mm high. The width and height of the teflon ring 3 were 1 and 1.8 mm respectively, Glass windows up to 40-50 cm in diameter can be produced in this way. There are 1 figure and 2 references: 1 Soviet Lind I non-Sovict. SUBMITTED: December 10, 1959 Card 2/3 V'~ ef or) 9-e-A 0 AUTHORS: Selektor, TITLE: A Device ~\ Hydrog S/120/60/000/03/006/055 EO32/E5i4 . Ya. M., Aynutdincv, N,S. and Zorabkovskiyl S-M- for Measuring the Pressure and the Level of in Liquid Hydrogen Bubble Chambers ? PERIODICAL: Pribory i tekhnika eksperimen-ta, 19601 No 3, pp 29-31 ABSTRACT: A description is given of an instrument which can be used to measure the pressure and'stidden pressure changes in bubble chambers. The sensitive elemtnt is a capacitor. Changes in the pressurm lead to changes in the capacitance, and the present paper consists essentially of a. description of an electronic circuit which can be used to measure these small changes in the capacitance. The circuit is shown in Fig 1. The working frequency is 200 kc/s. The change in the capacitance is converted into a phase'i:hange and this is measured by the circuit. A 40 m. cable connects the capacitative probe to the control unit, Steps are taken to compensate changes in tho cable dapacitance. A sensitivity of 0.5 - 10 lilLP'per full scale deflection Card 1/2 can easily be obtained. The zero drift does not exceed I-ff- -91 8198.1. , S/l2o/6o/ooo/o3/oo6/055 E032/E514 A Device for Measuring the Pressure and the Lovel of Hydrogan In Liquid Hydrogen Bubble Chambers 1% of full scale per hour. The instrument can also be used to measure the level of liquid hydrop geniland jj_quid nitrogeMin closed metallic cEn_tiilfi~Wis. In the latter cases use is made of the fact that there is a relatively large difference between the dielectric constant of hydrogen in the vapour and liquid atates. In the circuit shown in Fig 1, the alternating voltage front the 200 kc/s oscillator J1 is applied through the cathode follower J14 to the grid of the amplifier J) I' The probe unit is connected to the anode of JI I through the long high-frequency cable K,. The phase shift at the anode of J1 is determined by the difference between the oscillator frequency and the resonant frequency of the circuit R,,L,,,C C. The carrier frequency from the tg oscillator a e phase-shifted oscillations from the anode of J1I are applied to the phase detector J1 A ' A I and A 2' The output of the plimse detector galn 9e Card 2/2 connected either to a pointer instrument or a CRO. There is 1 figure. SUBMITTED: May 23, 1959 AYNMINOV, M.S.; ZOMBKOVSKlYt S.M.; SELFKPDR, Ya.M.; SHULYACUNKO, V.H. Study-Ing the reaction-it' + p 4'9~ 2 213,8~; -.'-,k Ot n -, -mesons ~, t V. T Thur, ekap, at a momentum of primary T' 95f . 5 i teor. fiz. 47 no.1083-~85 J1 164. (MIRA 17-.9) 1. Institut teoreticheskoy I eksperimentallnoir fizW Gosudarstvennogo komiteta po ispollsovaniyu atamnay energii SSSR. AYNUTDINOV, M.S.; ZOMBKOVSKIY, S.M.; SELFK'A)11, Ya.M.1 SHUHACHEINKO, V.N. Inelastic interaction of 3.5 Bev./c pr-mesons with protons. Zhur. eksp. i teor. fiz. 47 no.1:100-106 J1 164. (14IRA 17:9) 1. Inst1tut teoreticheskoy i eksperl.mentallnoy fiz!A. Uribor, G.; Oyorgy, Z T,,,e Mechanical Meawn-ing Instruments. Yactory. on the road of developing and mmfacturing complex automation devices. p.206 MZIIES ES AUTOW19A. (Verstacbmikal. es -Autonatizalatim Tudoommos Egyesulet) Budapest, Hungary- Vol-7* no-6/0o 1959 Monthly List of East European Accessions (ESAI) LCO VoI.8,, nooll No7mber 1959 Uml,