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22227 S1 124/6 i/boo/ocn /0 1 9/0~8 Investigation of the dependence ... A005/A105 on pressure"(uP to 5,000 kgf/cm2) of some mineral oils, rl(ilnus oil, and silicone liquids are presented. The experiments shoW that the dependence of the viscosity of mineral oils on the pressure is near the exponential law, and for silicone No. 3-it considerably differs from the latter. A, Golubev [Abstractor's note: Complete translation] Card 2/2 23270 A0O,:4/A1(,A A'LJ-','HOR- Zolot:ykh, Ye.V 4 In ve tiga lln~ the Jepend;_lr.-_~, cf flul.d V41:11'cii.?,jr on pralsi-ires up t'0 ~-),000 kaf/,_-i)4 PERIODICAL- Referat.Ivr.;y zh-urnal, no., 5, 11961, 19, abst-1-act. 5E16~ ("Trr. -In-tov Kom-.-a V:anlaxto-j', mer I izoiai--t. Yrlborov" pri. Sov Min. S83R., 1960, ncz~ 46 F.1061, 81 - 951) PXT The al_--hor presentS a ~urlfey an ~he exist-Ing vti~cc,st!:y reaauring me,'hods. indicating llhe~.r error5 Hc~ descrLbes a visccinri1,3r vri h f ret-f alling osteel tall nhe droppl-rig of which can obiferved v1stia-Ily through tic Les, Thi! ~ ut.,1iza-.'_cn ;:f ral .,.'s m-al-Z Ii r f: ~ F~ r ' .. I - .. r ip jj;~ r f 17-he lnve~-.ijzaticn cf Nm' rL,,,.F_-j. e,,_th an axia" svlindr-_~O ::r~~nn.~' N irr -1n j~ whii:h, ar. t-hL .-B-nAs, lk! i-sFerin't3 Cf.L to 6 mm , Ln ~hs narrow car- inte.-2hangea_~Ic _.,pj,_!nz cipes, avid plaqei wh~zh hc1d the and impart -~o i- -the axiial Jrc;p- Th~~- wh~:'.e Inner- of 'rlh~- -1 , 1!~ I mer r iZ f,!J.,~ wi,h h.--- fl~jid ltr7 d ~~f ~he dror"I'llig 't-All '_-i dependirg on Hi,:- init"al of f1iiii, -ri t~he rAnge, 0 mm 1he Card 1,1;12 #/1 161/000/00 /0161j,"01.7 invc--Agat-ing imli/A104 is adju~-';-,d To ml~n~uln the ri~*-.),,~4*.tc~liitrj- ~Ilper d-~Ure vla,-ed 1,11 a lorze~),~:z- wl,*.h 14th J~ oun '~;.irm oc ball. beaz,!r.-g,,z t,hroigh. 1800 rc,,ir~d thtz f~-'f.-~Ung pip,,-;, c-.n~ of which Jo to a hydraul.-- ~ pre ~,:s .Af,er tho nece!~zarq htii Is dl!F~onne:- ed frcm th,:- presz The a,-uhor lnve,-tigalleci th- m~~Jwds' and results of Investi.garicP2 of various flu-ld!'~ Itt temr~,ra`-.iree, of 11~ .. Pc) - Y) .. .350-C and at, varicu2 pre!~E,~res. The ;~rrm~% ~,,f ~hr~, vLstcc-wO.~-I, a-, a-m!Dv.-i;jjPp,j~, p1,114-AitIrc~ jjTOtjftt' ~ 2%., Rvadj-i~.,men---, hy high are InsignIfIc!ipt ard are de',etImInfid by cal~u-ation, Th,? -~olal error a-. 'i- pr-~qt'4re -T ~3'000 kg/crfl'a maintained wlth an ft~cura~-'j( of - 10 r,;~t PXCeEd 4- 5% ~Jlmqre tire V- ~refc-rencas [Abst.rac'er's note, Ccmriet~ t-ranalatiord Card 212 ZOLOTYXR,Ye.V, M.K.Zhokhovskiila 50th birthday. Ism. W:h. no.1:59 Ja-lF 055. (VJAA 9:9) (Zhokhovokii, Mik-lMil Koristantluovich,1904--) ZOWTM, TO.T. Investigation of fluid viscosity-presottre doendanee at 5000 wCap. Ism. takh. no.3:42-46 Kjr-Ja 155. (HIRA 8: 9) (Preamwe (Pbysics)) ZOLOTUTI, Ye. V. "Investigation of the Dependence of Oil Viscosity on Prelijure -up to 5000 kr/aq CM." Sub 26 Jun 51, Moscow Order of the labor Red Banner Petroleum Just inteni Acadonician M. Gubkin DiGsertations presented for science and engineering: deep-oas In Moscow during 1951. SO: Sum. No. 480, 9 Mv 55 ZOLOV, A. We are expanding economic contacts aid improving the organizatioh of labor. Vnesh.torg, no.1-32-:35 '62. (MRA 15'. ., 42 1. Zamestitell predsedatelya Soveta Hinistrov Belorusskoy SSR, predsedatel' Homissii sodoystviya eksportu po ESSR. (White fbiania-Commim-ce) ZOLOVSKIr, A.P. [Zolovalkyl, A.P.3 Agricultural map nf the Ukrainian 13.8.R, at tho Rnjmj)jjr,- exbibl- tIon'of advanced practIres in the national eoonW, Vinnyk XyIT. un.Sor.geol.ts, geog. no.1:133-139 '58- (MIU 12.'10) (Ukraine-Agriculture-Haps) BELOVI V.V.; ZOLIDYEV, K,K.; SPASSKITp A.A. Localization of mineralization in anbeatom zonem of the Urals and :Large-scale prospec-ting mapping (if ultrabaoits camj)lexes. Zakonom. razm. Polezn. iskop. 62206-221 t62. (MIRA 16--6) 1. Ural'skoye ologichaskoye upravlairti 00 FVral Mountains.-Asbestolai (Ural Mountain s-Ultralia ai te) (Ural Mountains-Geolopy-11aps) ZOLOMP K.K. iieo*1"o"g'i--eal conditions of the diRtribution otaml:jgston lanes in the Umls. Zakonom. razm. polazn. iskop. 6t1!0-169 162. (it TRA it', t 6) 1. Urallskoye geologichaskoye upravleaiya (Ural Mountains-Asbestoal ji r!pplij ZOIOYIV. M.T. Oil recovery of layere. Geol. nafti 2 no.600-53 Jn 15R. (MIRA ll.-7) I.Neftepromyslovoys upravleuVO uTujrmazaiasft'," (Petrolauum-Analysim) MPI- ZOLOYEV, N.T.; MIKHAYLOTSICIT, N.K.; SHCHEMACEW, 7.1t., profussor, doktor nauk. Some characteristice of the oil-water bomdatli shift in the caiso of peripheral flooding In sloping stuAs. TrvAy KNI no.M126-1.V~, 153. (NM 9:8) 1. Glavnyy goolog tresta Taymmaneft' (for Zolayev)j 2. Uchallnik. goologichaskogo otdala tresta Tuymacaueftl (for Mildisylovskly). (Oilfield flooding) M.T.; LEBEDEV, S.A.; USMO, V,F, i 1~11-11, Study of oil wells when bottom pressure is below the saturation pressure. Trudy VNII no.25:80-114 159. (MIRA 15:4) 1. Ufimskiy neftyanoy nauchno-issledovatel',-kiy institiit. (Oil reservoir englneerin~) Z0-W)MV7-X,Z-r USENK02 V.F.; KOBELEVA,, V.A. i KISW,0V YU.P.; ISANGULOV, K.I.; GAZIZOVs Z.S. $ P Study of producing wells having bottom pressure belcni saturation pressure. Trudy 1411,1KIMP no.33:213-~225 161. (DIM 15:1) (Oil r4gkrvoir engineering) ZOLOYEV, T.M.; IMANAYEV, N.G.; KOBELEVA, *V.).,.; YAKUPOV, F.M. Development of the Apsalyamovo water cut petroleiim arell of the Tuy7nazy field. Naft. khoz. 42 no. 3:21--26 Mr 164. (MIRA 17:7) , Oil in th-E, volga-Ural mi"on Por -Ir-j, Gac.l. wifti i gaza 8 rlu.~IjV-.32 31 1'7:"'.].') 1 'v-. t. -rill 1") -Jno,;o k-110 -,1y CA.Y ~,t I.Va arodn-,'gO 31" 1111L IHTAI 11,11 'fill IVIN WHIAIUCH IIIIJ111 HINII ZOLOM, T. It XCBZTAVA, T. I., Namns for tacrattaing oil Yield. 00010 nafti t li:aza to 1:1o. 13.04-59X s6o. 1311t) lo Hof toproValovoya upravleatye Tuq%%zansf 41 (Oil fields-Prolviotiatt, totblIxts) ZOTOYIV, T.K.; MBELLTA, V.A.; SHUMAMA, N.A. ---- Uplottation rates and reenvery facti)rs of oil polot Wtokhow. 36 n0-1001-35 0 158- (KRA 11:12) (Petroleum research) Z01011T, T.H.#, IMAHATET, N-G. ----------- Affectiveness of vell plugging and methoda for imating and corrsdting the airtightness of cement well walls* Neft, khov. 36 vo.7:38.-44 Jl '58- (HIM 11:12) (Oil well cementing) MYKIN., S.I.1 OVAMSOVp G,,P,,; ZOLOW., T.M.; SITAYEVSKKY., TU.I. Oil recover7 from a nowmiform stratum Geol. Iflaftl L gaza 5 no.12*,23-30 A f61. (013LI 14 I'll) L Bashkirskly smarkhoza . (Baohkiria-Oil reservoir ena;ineering) BOLISHAKOV, L.; ZOWYEV, T. Development of soviet exports. Vnesim.torg. 30 no*'?*-2-9 ,6o. CKIRA 13:7) (Russia-Com rce) ZOLOYLT, Tasilly Timofeyevich; XMINIKOVA, Te,Z.,; VOUOTA. (Operational accounting In the foreign trade of the U.S.S.R.] Operativnyi uchat vnesimei torgovli SSSR. Kosk-7a, Vneshtorg- izdat. 1959. 171 P. (MIRA 13:4) (Russia-70ommerce) (Accounting) MOM, Vasiliy Timolfayevich Opuratlonal accounting in UOSR forgign trade. New York, USHILS, 1961. I 202 P. tablev. WHIS3 OCA'j', Cn(,': 1133-31) Translated from the origintil Russl,nn: Op~.ratlvnyy- uchet vneshney torgovli SSLIRL, Moscow, 1959. ZOLTAI, Denes "Psychology of musical talents" by B.M. Tyaplov ULM. iral"10*7 R4viewed by Denes Zoltai. Magy pazichol smemle .1.8 no,.3:390-393 161. SZTANKAY A, and ZOMAT H. A Szogedi Woman. Seb. Ilin. Itoolon. lkzai toxicitasi vitagalatok alfanaphthylthiocarbeLmiddalp a korszeim patkdVirtos sorrel . Toxicity assays with a-naphthylthiocarbmide (a rat poison), Nepegaszsegugy, Budapest 1950 3111 (36-41) Tables 4 so: Medical Mcrobiology and Rygione, Section IT, Vol 3, fro. 1-6 ZOLTAI, N.; JOBAHAZI, J. IfEffoct of the free-cyanic content of the, bat.*a for the vivrid process of coating with copper on the current efficiency." p. 1k GEP. (Gepiparl Tudomanyos Egyevulet). Budavest, P-"=P'Srr, Vol. 11, No. 4, A-Dr. 1959 Monthly list of East 11aropean Acceesions (MAI), LC, Vol. 8, 11o. 8, August 1959 Uncla. EXCMnA 11MICA Sao.lj~ Vol 4/!1 Pabege Ahe 11te Vzq $8 _7 1815. THE MOSQUITO PROBLEMS IN THE FLOODING AREA3 OF THE DANUBS AND THE POSSIBILITIES OF THEIR SOLUTION ON THE BASIS OF EX- PERIENCE IN TILE LAST THRZE YEARS - A duniti. drte'res ter(Iletek szdn-. yog probl6mdja ~s annak megold4si lehettlf;Oge~ - 4 OttiLk N, OrszAgos KdzcgdszsdgQgyi Intdzet, Budapest - EG9SZSE,GTU5701X9RY 1957, 2 (21-30) Illus. 3 The dominant mosquitoes in the areas are Aedes species (A. vexans, caspius, sticticus, rossicus and hungaricus Mihelyi n. op.). The procreation begins imme. diately with the flood, if the water temperaWre is over 30* C.. Larval destruction should be started at this moment to inhibit the breedingi DDT.spraying of the ve getatiot& in the flood area and Its surroundings is a very suitable measure for this purpose, which has a lasting effect until thc next flood. By means of spraying machinery with tractor locomotion or from aircraft, extonsivo areas, including woodland, can be dealt with in a short time., ZOLTAI, N~Aor, dr.; JAXXO, Karla, dr. ------- ~ I Pathogenetic significance of Indamosba histolytica s4rains In HungwT. Ory.hatil. 101 n0.39:1369--1374 25 3 160. 1. Orazagos loss'gesseegual. Intese4l, ftratitologlat Oaztaly (XVAMORRA HISTOLYTICA) ZOLTAI Nandor Present state and perspectives of reaearch arn kiu=-n lirDtozoology in Hungary. Biol kozl 12 no.1:67-73 164. 1. National Institute of Public Health, Budapest. KINTIL, Karo-y (Budapest); MATAI BALOGH, Janos (Budapest)jj ZOLTAI, Peter (Budapest) Innovators' letters. Ujit lap 14 na.23-00 10 D 162,, 20LOrEV, A-, lash.-ekonomot Kechanical assistants In office vork. JITO 2 no.8320 Ag 16o. (Office equipment and supplies) (HIM 13:10) AUTHOR: Zclr~pv, T.M. azid Immayev, N.G. InEns: Q-til-l"Oy i f Oil Well Plugs and YethiAs for T--s~,img aniX Imprtving -lb& Tig)~.%--eSs cf C!imat Collars at the 14wr Ead of CAsi)Ag Callzm-B 0 tqmjxrzazhz-u sk-vazhin i wtodakh prsverli;i i ivja-p-v1eniy% tsemanatitago kolltv). za kolxancfy) FEBIODICAL: khczywrstvo, 1958, Nr 7, PP. 38-114 (USSR) ABSI7W-T: Tly~ ar`-,icle statas that, leaYq cermW; collmra &~,'the 3bw:-!r fial of;cas-4 Lng ccl%,,mas, pr,or of cc=--nt, and t1he off-center poijitim r.,:f 0',M- 4~asing' n5 'F'.Lg . !I ls~ad -'-,o pmmat.-.-xe fl:)oding of wells at t)jj!j Tv~&azy cilf ColliTL i0:11 T'ry-- a'-,';hors Mdp a !Ily r ,f tIr,,,I,4r:!d valls a:3A preserted tIM,; exp'!xJ-rrs-.Y;aI Bata ta 1--- 1. The qc a 1 1 lzy cf cownt employed is ptesented :L,-, Tdbj(,1 .2. 7rr- c,~~mpn-% -~es-~/--d by pzqTing actilratled fli--id ii0xi t1u, well acce.)vd- ing t---- a pr-~T)