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Publication Date:
December 31, 1967
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distilling capacity equal to 36 theoretical plates). Fractions at 140-160C veere hydrogenatla~
over Raney nickel and sulfides isolated from fractions at 160-190C ivere purified with
picric. acid to remove aromatic hydrocarbons. Using described identification procedures,
the authors found 13 cyclic sulfides, basically C8H16S with an admixture of C71114S and
C61112S, and identified 2-methylthlacyclohexane, 3-methylthlacyclohexaxte, 4-me y1thip.6 I-
hexane, 2-methyl-5-ethyl thlophane, 2-propyl thiophane, 2,5-dlethyl thi;*phane and 2-
methyl-5-propylthlophane. Orig. art. has: 11 graphs and 3. tables. Y~l
ASSOCIATION: InaUtut organicheskoy khimil, Bashkirskii filial AN SMR, (Institute of
Organic Chemistry, Bashkir Branch, AN WSR)
SU13MTTED: 00 tA
ENCL: 0.0
PARKHORENKO, Galina Kakslaovna; 7jQWr=IRA, Rita Taltovlevu; NOTIKOTO'
Tu.T., red*; WMA, U.K., ---- - -- --
[Industrial hygiene in work with radiun] Gid,,Iena brads pri rsbote
a redism. Moskva, Gos.izd-vo tmod.lit-ry Hedd~izp 196D. 64 pv
.(KM 14:3)
(RADioAcTrrim-sAmy wAsms)
0'0 -------- ...... .......................
0*..; CA
amw fmm s dittAnce Intwo as istmkitc
V. ()trim sond T. ZolotuUNno. 11 11 b" Off i
R, S. S. 4. W400ttifi; 11137); 4;
IWA,-Wbt4fi ish " cill pisteq wrte p, I Y
10kh ("diThillat
1,011 dMeo III
jovJM%%% (M 'Al'Alf"t %W%f P"Wn IN 1110111-10
06 Ittrdia. 11W 1111tt"Air of ivil tjjvW,,ft **% Irdiftd. MIMI
00 1:01 tipto. "IV cudtd rRit. Tbf rifect 44 111V 111) 41"
thon 11"t of Ow Cu.
I L A -CIALLIJIMCIL L111111%,10, ILAVIOrKalson
0 04 '00' 0"o 0 00
Is it 0
0 0 0 0
... wo q.,
Condensation of the al-fonns of sugars 1.41th A.-hydroxycomial-in.
Dokl. AN SSSR 157 no-4017-918 Ag 1(,!, ~MTM 17t8)
1. Rostovskly-na-Dcnu gosudam;Wetiriyy unUver.-itert. Predstav-
leno almdemikom B.A. Kazansk-.Lrn.
DROZDOV~ P.I., kand. tekbn. nauk; ROLESHIKOV, V.S.0 linh.) ~,P)WTUKUNAI-1tv.,
starshiy nauchnyy sotrudnik
"Stramite" slabs. Stroi.mat. 10 no.8:40-3 of cover Ag 164.
(MIRA 17:12)
1. Rukovoditell lRboratorii Giproninollproma (for Drozdov).
USSR/Cultivated Plailts - Potatoca. Vaf~ctables. 9VI011s.
Abs Jour : Ref Zhur Blol., No 13, 1958, 82363
Author : Gag:L--.a, Ye.V., Zolotvkhina, Yu.S.
111st Scie!Itific Research Laotituto of :Aaxic,Jt~tr6 elf the
Ce-,Itral Chernozom Belt
111.1itle Torinto a).id Cue,tuber Varieties for the Mothouses of
Kirovskaya, Oblast'
Ctrig Pub Byul. inuch:,o-tekhn.'iiifori-.i. IT.-i. ili-ttt:s- Rh.
vost, r-i-ov ;iecher:ioZOLLI.; 'P0106y, 195'G No 20~3, 27-30
Abstract Tomato varieties Urallskiy LiLogoplodnyy), Teplle,,aiyy
Brez!Lneva, Budeinovka and'Gruntovyy Gribovskly were
studied. Seedlings were prepared In the hothiV-aes
with - atural soil 45-50 days prior to bciiig tra:ispla;Aod
in a permanent place at the rate of 5 pl=ts per I oq a-
re meter. The cultire was Cj -ided by o:ie atetaty tying
Card 1/2
- 44
USSR/Cultivated Plarits - Potatoes. Vecetables. MC101IS. m
Abs jour : Ref Mur Diol., No 12, 1958, 53643
Author : ZolotukhLm, Yu.S.
Inst : Scientific Reacurch Institute for AtTiculturo in tho
North F-istarn ReGionc of tho Non-Ommozen S*il Dolt
Title : A Now Cucumber Varicty - Parnikovyy N;) 6
Ori(; Pub : 13yul. nauchno-toWlin. inforn. N.A. in-ta s. kh. soy,vost.
r-nov mchernommi. polosy, 1957, Yj P-3, 3.1-32
Abstract No abstract.
Card 1/1
- 54 -
t- - - #
"Kok-Saghyz of 1,11atural I'Mishwooda as the Initial Mat-m-1111 for Selection."
Cand Aer -Sci, Inst of Socialized I riculture, Acad Sci 11elorui-t;ian S.SR, Minsk,
1954'~. (RZhBiol, No 7, Dee 54)
Survey of Scientific and Technical Dis3ortations M-forded at WSR
UE.her Educational Institutions (12)
SO: Sum. No. 556, 24. Jun 55
usut/44a -ctrici ty F~tb L9
Rectifiers, Xlercury
u a
"Selecting the Proper Control Range for a Re,-, 1: ted Mercury System
Qperatiqg Uith Power ReIzeneration in theCircuit," V. V. Ferai~tt;, Can:l Tecli od$
Z. P. 7olotWJ)ina, ErV--.r, 3 Pp
"Prom Energet" No 2
Studies iriechanical characteristics of ref,,ulated :,qercury sys,tem to
establish efficient:.operating, limits of the system. Gives reg%ilation characteri s tics
of the corivixter for its oneration as a rec,.tifier and as an i-mrorter.
PA 33169 T34
IA-kov Grigorlevich Usachav. vest.mash, 34 no.6-.101-103 joi 154.
(Usachav. Ikkov Grigorlevith. 1873-1941) (nu 11: 7)
limu'ovin, conditions of ~-,rmrth frr m-ik cr, ~,mijs of I'laporcig'-ly Tj, 3 j
' " ". j . - .
no. 6, 1,Q52.
9. Monthl List of Russian Accessions, Library of Congress, Unv.l.
Oak--Zaporw~'i Yc'
1'raproviijr; !,A." 1,on- of -:rurt.h on't, c ii r"" ut-t i. I.,; (T ;"apur (:I;" I I, p!
no. 1952.
tA!.:; J.
9. Monthly List 2.f Russian Accessions, Library of Congress, Uncl.
I 1111,1111"IT1111 11P]TV Ill, I` U I "ill
SID-1-17T, D.!., Prof., ZODY2.-I, V.P.
Za:ioroz`-,'vc 'rovince-Oak
hiprovinc cond.',.-~-Ions of for o,-~~c on ev(-.)dud '--;f-'JT:3 of
no. 1952.
9. Monthl List of Russian Accessions, Library of Congress, Uncl.
Translation from: Referativnyy zhurnal, Elektrotekhnika, 1957, NT 7, p 127 (USSR)
AUTHOR: Zolotushkin, G. A.
TITLE: Electrical Vibration Knockout Grates
(Elektrovibratsionnyye vybivnyye reshetki)
PERIODICAL: Techn. transp. mashinostroyeniya (Technology of the
Transportation Machine Construction), 1956, Nr 5, p 58
ABSTRACT: Bibliographic entry.
Card I /I
17~WOV, I.T., tokarl; IrOSTOKOV, Ya.Bb., doktor tekhniohealdd), Uauk,
professor, redaktor; ZO Moltj., redaktor; IMMESIrlY, I.,
tekhnicheskiy redakti*?--M~ -
CKy experience in rapid machining] Koi opyt alcorostnoi obrabotki.
Pod red. IL.Kh.Kostiukova. [Kharkov) Xharlkovskoto knialino-gazetnoe
izd-vo, 1951. 47 p. (14LPA 8:2)
(metal cutting)
HIKOLISKIY, S.N., professor; ZOLOTUSOVA, A*I., kaididat veterimarnykh nalik,
Penicillin in coccidiosis and pullorum dieoame in poultry. Veteri-
nariia 32 no.7:85 Jl '55. (luau 8 9)
loStavropollskiy MI.
I i H; 11 N!;, :1 7111111111 F111h 111111~ H 11fl! I 11~,
Rapid heating of stainless steel ingots in soaking pitm with
central heating. Stall 22 no.3:46-279 Zt, 062. OMA 15 - 3)
1, Voesoyuznyy nauchno-issledovatel2skiy Institat metallurgicheakoy
teplotekhniki i Chelyablnsk-ty metallurgicheski-y pavod.
(steel, Ingtits) (Furnaces, Heating)
. .......... ......
A Uri I tORS: Dloldiin, Ye. P., Suto:rlovich, Yu. A., aultinov, V,, 111., L.-iLljU:~jva,
11. M., Liboinan, L. F., Zolotuyeva, S. M.
T=I.L.': Accelerated heating of stainlena 3teel ingots In heatin~j pits 111th
central bu-ner
PZRIODICAL; Stall, no, 3, 1962, W.6 - 279
T=: At the Cholyab1n&Riy MOt4lIurjrjChOaUY 'Invol
gtoal Plant) tho cold I Y Is H9 -I (IKh1Q;9r) atafril"an Atmal. 11"'tota 111,41 1'.11111(tt-M
for 15 - 19 houra prior to rolliz-4 In recu~orating heating pils with central bur-
ner; in the first 10 - 11 hours a temperature of 1,2E0 - 1,3):t~o`C i:s zttatned,
depending on the ferrite-content (alpha-phase) of the steel. The hojdin~ time
is 5 - 8 hours; the ingot aurfaco temperature is kept balow 1,240-1,2'06 G. Teats
were nide to increase the rehoating rate. Ingots of 5"10 )r !,:t:1 - G-21) x C)20 rin
(widening upward), weighing 4.5 tuna were toGtod In th,~ heati,-,~ pLt, with liquid
slag skim-mIng aM fired with blast-furt-Ace coke-gas (calorifi,,, valuej 21,2C0 Cal/
standard r,,P). 13 ingots were heated at the maximim rate with a holdliv, time of
not longer than 1 1/2 2 hours; the entire heating period l.Lzted 7 1/2 hours.
Card 1A
. ..... .. ....
13"1/6 ~/OOV003/007/008
Accelerated heating of... Ao5tVAI.T7
The test ingot surface tcmporrturrj vins 1,2DO 113000C. At tkia rnmv.tlti~! c!vDck
toati Ath tho conventlonal 19-hourn hnat!n; period aril vt it jjiI;-te11j4!Vi1turo of
- 1,,170oG vure e"at. X11 tho M'Ithod it tonl.~* va 1111-1 Or
1,2800C of the int;ot wrfiten nttained in 6 hours. Thoi toi-purattin) diffortn-
tial In the middle section waa Socc and could be reduacd to 31,"U' duvii1r, tan next
1 1/1 hours holding; time. Ovor the helillit (if tho li%,i;ot, Lhe tompor.%-
ture differential wats 100 - 150'3 at thi 1,-,;1rvn1nG of hitittiliji., 'tut 11, w~a reduced
after 3 1; hours in the accelerated procenn (in tho conventirnal prinew; this ro-
quired 6 7 hours). The ingots reheated by the accolorated ~ivrccnu Iv.1 food
rollirZ properties. Micra were no rejects In bloorz due to 31~rfacq defects Md ;Or
microstructure; the quicls r-heatinZ procc3s (at rain,,d tempvraturos) (lid not in-
crease the alpha-phase content of the finished product. The vi~ectn of rolled
products due to dross and haircra,:Rv. wore also reduced. An earirZ wicnIerated
heating the maximum tomporature dLfrerential In the avosa swrLion t-~',.woon in-
act surface ard, the coldest point. of the ingot rnay attain 550 - 651V:C', thO effect
of heat stresses arising in the first period of heating had fio be determined.
Calculations (partly carried out by Yu. A, Sanoylovich on a Mrola oor.;uter),
taking into account the high ductility of IMIEN91L grade steol, ahcriled that at.
4t, to 66 ka/=2, An the tenzile
,,, - 6500C the stresses are reduced from 118
3/1 P/62/0CO/M/007/008
Accelerated heatinZ of ... AQ-4 1A In
rtron_-th of IMIIQ;r. steel npecimzna In rather hiGh (tboya I.jQ kgInt.0), the pos-
nibility of nipture due to heat *trennej I* remote. Th" auclilaratol r,theatina
testa supported tha accuracy of those calwWicne. There are It fl~~-amz, I table
and 7 Soviet-bloc rofertineca.
ASSOCIATION, Vscnoyuznyy nauchno-lunledovatel'okly institut metialulgichoskoy
teplotakhmiki (All-Union Scientific Research 1nhtituto of Matallur-
gical Heat Teclunicuo) and.ChaIyabknak1iy metallurgichen1j:r zivwl
(Chely0imalc Met4lurgical Plant)
Card 3/3
GULUKOV, Vasiliy Slangeriyevich; fn#
LIBERMAN, Lev FedoroyicAj'f1)ftN4 -3 W140"'0:1
SAPIR, Yakov Romenovich; GOLUBCHIK, R.M.1 red.;
DOBUZHINSKATA, L.V., tekhn. red.
[Metal heating before rolling] Nagrev metalla pored pro-
katkoi; spravochnik dlia rabochikh. [*1 V.S.Giaunov, i dr.
Moskva, Metallurgisdat 1963. 220 p. OE RA 16 c 10)
(Rolling (Metalwork)~--Equipment and oupplies)
(Furnaces, Heating-Handbooks, manuals, etc.)
fee t
go 8 4 go
so 13 If 0
IV 4
OffULUMM UWAlb" fL"&"KAI" tit- Mae
r -1 RK
u a 0
a 00000 00 a of a 00, 0 4 0 4. 0 41 0 91 0 41 0 0 000 G 0
to ;q
a a a, a a IN WO 4 #1 .4-:0100 0 0:0 0 t01
- ~
[The rallorum disease ard ways of controlling it] ftllsr*g ptits I
nery bor'by a nim, Frunze, KirgisgosIsdat. 1954. 11 p# (KM 10:2)
(Pullorum disease)
A. __ ,-Ihe Viability Of Streptococcus
zowlyup A
cf t~ru
7 ~t
Sc. i -E -M. :re
Fqui w1dar Yoncus
USSR/Microbiology - Antibiosis and Symbiosis. AntibioticiT.
Abs Jour : Ref 2,hur - Biol., No 3, lQ,58, 1,*57
Author : Zolotykh, A.A.
Inst :
Title : Bacteriostatic and Bactericidal Antion of Strept-wrycin
on Cultures of Molt CT) Streptoc"cus -
Orig Pub Tr. Kirg. s.-kh. in-ta, 19516, No 91 16-5-170
Abatract Streptomycin (I) after exposure for 24 hours at 360 ex-
erts a bacterlostatte action cii a stvan of' volt Cu
streptococcus in concentrations of 20-30 %U11's pt~r vil.
of medium and a bactericidal one in doses of 30-150 units
per ml of riedlun. I in bacteriostatic doses dovii -riot
affect the hemolytic and biochemical propetties of molt
r?] streptococcus.
Card 1/1
T 7 T 7, ; -,, ; '
kit)Vi. Itcary BAdchc4r, TvmOW= W 1XI, I'thviia,
ritfill Variks i Admmtrie (Mubina Tod; and F.ItIlLs-
mcck I, V. 18, fill.
ttwfy (d "W Inv(sithro tim-
(ImIrms fat O"t MI)rjvq.,, jNt*,,"fA da(A to" All 4,11imi.
irk-al ('0101(fells for vtiy emeut. ('0014r, 917(1 half.
uIsAtate clinanT, a for qnkbng~ SlAd It-tiviiii, I c
C4 (unvarAlitz t",
sow lots lxq gIv",
...... .......
1;j it
~411141 llx~ off
V. I-
C' tt It 00 4K C If IK SU K M It W AV k" #
fp dis. it fop a 41) 0 41 a s# 0
ZOLOMB, B. if.
Elektroiskrovoi kontaktrWi sposob uprochneniia metallicheskikh
povarkhnostei. Z,4oskva, Gosenergoizdat, 1951. 55 P.
Electric spark contact method of strengthening met-nllic surfaqtiz.
SO: Manufacturing and Mechanical ftineering in the Soviet Union, Library of
Congress, 1953.
[Physical principles of electric epark treatment of metals] lizicbeekle os-
novy elektrolakrovoi obrabotki metallov. Mook-ya, Goe.izd-vo te).-hniko-tearet.
lit-ry, 1953. 107 P. - (MA 6:7)
(Alectric spark)
Akademiya nauk SSSR. TsentralInaye. nauchno-issledovatellsikaya laboratorijym elek-
tricheiskoy obrabotki materialov
Blektroiskrovaya obrabotka metallov (Electrospark Machining of Metals) Moscow,
Izd-vo AN SSSR, 1957. 225 P. (Series: Its: Trudy, vyp. 1) 5,000 CoPies
Reap. Ed.: lazarenko, B. R.; Ed. of Pablishidg,HDuze: Noyzbes, S. H.; Tisth.
Ed.; Astaflyeva, G. A.
POPOSE: This book is intended for scientists and enginewers working in the field
of electrospark machining of metals and for meta-Uurgists and machine builders.
COVERAGE: This collection of technical papers deals with electrospark machining
of metals. It presents information on developments im this field in the
Soviet Union and abroad. A detailed discussion is given of the results of
investigations of physical pbenomena of electrosperk pTocess the methods of
measuring spark-gap power, metallographic examination of machned surftces,
and the design and development of new types of electrosparlt lnstallat~ions-
For the abstract of each paper see the Table of Contents. There are 126 rof-
erenLea of which 91 are Soviet, 19 English, 10 Germ=, and 6 French.
Card l/T
Blectrospark Machining of Metals
t: 4
tric. The experimental date and the mathematical expme-asions of the relations
between the rate of metal erosion and the electrode gap eneigy are given and
the effects of electrode polarity and pulse duration aa the rete of eromian
are investigated. Various existing theories developed ia order to explain the
ne.ture of spark erosion are reviewed and their reliability In the light of
available experimental data are discussed. The artic2m contsins several
graphs of experimental data, There are 42 refereaces# '~3 o1? which are Soviet,
5 English, 3 German, and 1 French. I
Lazaxenko, N. I. Change in the Initial Properties of the Cathode Surface Wder
the ActioA'of Electric Spark Pulses Flowing In Gaseous Wain 70
In this article tbe author investigates chazges in the prorArties of a neg.-
ative electrode resulting from an electrical discharpP vhen electrodes wt.
immersed in a gaSeDus dialectric, and describes flote practical. applications
of electrical erosion. Both electric spark and elzatric are discharges were
investigated. 7he author concludes that any type of alectriml discharge is
followed by erosion of electrodes and that for each type of electrical disc
charge there existo a corresponding polarity of erosion. There are 6 refer-
ences, 5 of which sre Soviet, and 1 German.
Mogilevskiy, I. Z.; and Cbepovaya, S. A. Yletallographie Thveatigation of
tbaSurface Wrer of Steel Following Electrospark Hacbinbg 95
This article deals with the techniaws of investiosting thm at-matum and
Card 3/f
Electrospark Machining of Metals
properties of the surface layer of steel after electrosparl-c machinin -espec-
ially in the machining of carbon steels with a gmphite electrode. The
investigation included U8 steel and Armco iron after vachiulng with a e;ra;-
phite electrode under various operating conditions. It is concluded that
after machining the surface layer becomes saturated with carbon to a con-
siderable depth and it is possible to observe all stnLetures and phases
similar to those in iron-carbon equilibrium diagms utd nanequilibrium struc-
tures and phases observed after heat treatment of steel. It is also con-
cluded that after electrospark coating of metals a diffusiom of coating
particles and the base material takes place. Thu article comtains several
photographs of the observed microstracture and a detailed description of
their characteristics. There are 14 Soviet references.
Senatorov, K. Ya. Measurement of Power in Spark Gaps of Installations for
Blectrospark Machining of Metals 117
The article presents some of the results of experimeiatal tavestigations
conducted by MOIL-EISKMM AN SWR (Central Scientific Fhoearch laboratory
for Electric Treatment of Metals) in connactiom with the development of
universal equipment and techniVina for measuring the powtr of elactroopark
installations through the use of multielectrode tubes. n1j.- following methods
of power measurement were investigated: 1) Calorimetric method 2) In-
Card 4/7
Electrosperk Machining of Metals 548
direct (graphical-analytioal) method 3) YbthoA based oz the tw- of electron-
tuLbe equipment. The procedure of each metW it o *Avantios and div-~
advantages are presented in det~ll. - It- is stated UAVUe egorimetric
method is a direct method based on measuring energy di~6#ated in~U6 i~r6
of 'heat but as it requires the construction of a special electror-Park iastalw~
lation with calorimeter, it is only feasible in laboratory cotditions. Also
this method does not make it possible to meavure energy lost due to chenIcal
transformtions and the method gives onlT avvtpage results. livi graphical-
analytical method includes a method of graphical Integration Im the coord-
inates of "u" and "i" (where u-voltage applied, and i=CVip current). If the
relationship between-nu" and "i" is available as a function of t (t-time)
the problem reduces to the solution of the following integralt
W-- u(t)i(t) dt (where W- average power; ta - pulse duration,-
and N = number of pulses). It is concluded that thim amthod nakeo It ybs-
sible to determine the energy and power in the spark ejap with a high degree
of accumey, but requires special equipment to obtainthe oucillograma of
the relations between u(t) and i(t) or u(i) and thmt the solution of the
integral is in many cases a time-consuming operation. The third method vhich
is based on tie use of electron-tube equipment is said to be am exact method
Card 5/7
3lectrospark Machining of Metals
and applicable to various types of electrospeirk-muchintag inatqO-Istions.
A detailed description and illustration of the eleatron-tube wift retar used
in this method are presented. There are 5 Soviet references.
Zolot,&IU B. H., Mordyinov, Yu. B., and Kruglov, A. 1. I*Oianlval Type Disebarge
J~~s for Peeding Elpctrospark Installations and Their Characteristics 133
According to the article an increase in machining rato'by t1r. eleetroslark
machining method may be achieved by the two followina wthodsi 1) by pulge
frequency 2) by increasing pulse energy. Since previoat irNentigations haw
shown that the quality of a machined surface is inveramly prolprtional W
pulse energy, increase in energy will reaukb in the reduction or ourface
quality, ta" this is not a practical methol for incimiasintgVle rate of much-
ining., On the other hemd, an increase in pulse freqwjncy doea not affect mw-
face quality, but can not be achieved in a system baving coadenser-chawging
circuit. As a result it was necessary to develop nev types of pulse gawretoris.
A detailed description and an experimental investigation of such pulse gener-
ators are presented. It is stated that t1w mximum machining rate achieved
by use of nev machine generators during the process of pra4.wA-j3g holes at i~w
fall load was between 5000 and 5500 mm3/mlll-, and the use of ba(;-3A and HM-3B
electrospark geaerators increases the rate of machining stmel and hard alloys
from 2-3 times more than the estimated rate when using a condenser-charging
system. There =-e 9 Soviet references.
Card 6/7
Zo ~O H) O.N.
Soveshchaniye po elektricheskim kontaktam. Moscow. 1956.
Elek,tricheskiye kontakty; trudy sovesbehaniya (Electrical Contmats; Transactions
of the CDnference) MoscowY Gosenergoizdat, 1958- 303 T,4 4,150 copies printed.
Editorial board: B.S. Sotskov (Resp. Ed.), V.V. Usov, R.S. Kugnotsov, I-Te.
Dekabrun, and Z*S. Kirillova; Ed.: I.Yeo Delabrun; Tech. Ed4: K.P. Voronin.
PUFd"OSE: This collection of articles is intmndjad for enRiamers sad technicians
designing, developing and operating electricill apparatus and is concerned with
electric contact materials. It W also be Lwefua in neientIfIc X-esearch in-
stitates and laboratories.
COVDAGE: , This book comprises reports delivered at the Electric Contacts Conference
- held in Moscow in Novembertl956. These papors cover physical procesoes occIrring
during connecting or disconnecting, methods of designing and testing electric
contacts, production and characteristics of contact materials. During this: con-
ference of the Institut qvt=atild telemekhaniki. All SSOR (Institute ~>f Automation
and Telemachanics,, Academy of Sciences, USSR) paxticipants approve& peri(xiia
conferences of physicists.. metallurgists, chemists and apparatus design specialists
to discuss problems of electric contacts'. which are the components of electric
Card I/ it
Electrical Contacts (Cont.) BOY/1855
Mandellshtam, S.L., Sukhodrev, N.K. and Shabaaskiy, V.P. (Fizicaleakly inatitut
AN SSSR - Institute of Physics, Acodemy of SCIOnced, M34) Processes Occurring
on Electrodes During an Are Discharge 25
This article is an abkdged version of the rerort tJxe 10th
Spectroscopy Symposium. *.It was printed in full in the trannactions of
this symposium. It is based on the results of research carried out by
the authors at the Institute of Physics. The authors found that pro-
cesses of arc discharge axe different for the plate and cathocbt. Pho-
tographs of spots., left after the discharge shov & different structure,
the plate sport, being much larger than the catWde are*
Zolotykh B.N. (Tanilelektrom, Academy of Sciancies, USSR) Dynamics of the
f~~ocess 6-f-, eattic Erosion of Metals by E16ctric Pulse Dismiarge
The author explains briefly the theoretical ftidamentalB of tbls pheno-
menon and discusses in detail its basic regula:mities, the additivity law,
the relation between erosion volume and spark onergy, the relation be-
tween erosion volume and thermal constants of netals, the polwity of
electric erosion and its relation to pulse duration, He reports results
of expeAmental investigation of the formation of &VotiG imd indentations
on electrode surfaces caused by single pulne discharge. 11a refers to G.V.
Gusev and A.S. Zingerman and thanks A.I. Kruglov, Zh.Yt, Oryazunova and I.P.
C ard 31 it
Tola.; UJAVUSMNo Te.l.; GM1ffM1KOV# S.S.
"UsInG electric erosion method In mahInine, w4abl" loy A,L.
Livelichits. Reviewed:by B.S. Zolotykh and othersi. Izv. All SSSR.
Otd. takh. nauk no.2:163-165 IP 158.;' (HIU 1133)
(Metal cutting' Blectric)
(ldvehohits: A. L. )
AUTHORS: Aleksai2drov, V.P. and ~~.olotykh, B.19. (bloszow)
TITLE: On the Selection of Optimum Rejlim~i of Wachining if e a -t
Resistant Nickel Bass Alloys by the Hleotft-Spark Method.
(0 vybore optimallnykh rezhimov pri obratbotke elektrois-
krovym metodom zharoprochnykh splailov imi nikelevoy
PERIODICAL: Izvestiya Akadenii Nauk SSSR, OtAe'law !Ye Tekhni,ohegkikh
Nauk, 1958, Nr 6, pp, 99-100 (USSR),
ABSTRACT: Various authors have fornd, (refs 1-3) that the main
technological characteristics of tho process o:'.' electric-
spark treatment are determined by the chatracteristicr, of
the pulse, namely, its duration and its energy. In this
paper results are described of Invos tigat ions of'olectric
spark treatment of a widely used high tomperature alloy,
EI-167B, which were earriod out at TsNIL.-BLEXTROM AN, SSSR.
The results obtained for other nickel batre high 11;emperature
alloys were similar. It.was found that if the energy
reserve in the impulse is constant, the dependenoe of the
magnitude of the erosion Of the electroides qn. the duration
Card 115 of the pulse has a maximum. Thus, ror inst&ncef for a
pulse energy Wu = 0.5 joules, tho naximum erosion stfeet
SOV/24-58-,&-~,6/3 5
On the Selection of Optimum Regimes of Machining Fleat Re:.t!8tar,,f
Nickel Base Alloys by the Electrli-Spa'rk Methol
is obtained for a puise duration of' t1jr-251) ps-v f(~,Y, a
pulse energy Of 4.15 JOU.119S VIO Optiraiva divriation ia. 600
Thus, for the range ~:)f pais,b energies 0.51' to 4.5 J~,ulesl
the pulse durationsfa:i, whi:--~h the firoslon effec,t is
highest for the alloy K-43'7B ara 2,50 to 600 pec.
The problem of selib-oting optimum pul.,.;e dar-ations In
electric spark treatment --annot be sol',ved without taking
into ccnsideration e--hanges vhi,~h take pli6ce in thq*
surface layar.,, par in components of madhines
which operate undez load voriliti-ons and, are
exposed to the effects of' &ggrassivii med,~.& (espocially
combustion p2odu,.ts). The metallolpeaplak,.: investigativa
of tha surfa,-Ia layez of thj in,!,,astIjjat9(.,[ alloy indi,,,ates
that this layer has a dznIT-iti,.i st'r-mo:tui,e which is
chara,-,taristie: for a produced J'rrja the liquid
state (see Yie;s I aad Directly behind
the layer c;f the matal vII;,a a dendxitic structuzo,
Card 2/5 pzodu,.,~ad by fasion, there J.,5 a thermh1ly influanead zona
whicIi nanitests itself i.-a tha In,--astigatal alloy by
SOV/24-i-58-6 ... 1.6/35
On the Selection of Optimum Rep:imas of Machining Reat R-~?slstant
Nickel Base Alloys bi t:18 Ele,,4~e4-0--SpW~k Mpthod
intensive diffasion of thq ~4,arbon frt)m the medium 4nd
from the electxod-9 material a.-Long tho grain boundaries
(Pigs la,lb and, 2&1'~ Which b:rIngs ab-..)ixt a r.1r..)p in 11:11 j;rarigth
and In the anti----~r:-Dsion propertiiss of Ithe alloy6
there"',y the dipth of d,-1ffasion 1r, the ind-ividual tasB-3
is 1.5 to 2 tir-es a:~, large its Via layer thinlaioss.' A,
further undesila".2,J P~,anozenon in the case~of .
c6-staiL pz"Lse durat4ona namely, t?rla appeaLrane.-P, of laicro-
era~,ks i-n the slarfase lay6l' ematiat-ing pai-tly from the
gzain boundaries I,F:,Lg 45. It was ostablished that Tar
a palsa en~3rjgy resOT'-,e of W != 0.,5 JoLilesli the depth of
tha fusa-4 layo-'- 1.,3 41-io f-Al PUISIA durations of -ti'l
130 J.seo Li,-a-ea. in, t!o 20 Ii fox jimlse durations of'
1 .9 V,
1050 i2sec; foy a p,--.Ise energy re:3ovve 14(l = 4-5 J&i1el; the
depth of t".. fusod Day-a7.- is q to 20 for a galse duzation
of i~a = 130 ps, inl~raasiua to 90_1'210 fbr t =, 1050 Ilseo.
Micro cra(;k3 &nd dlfftsioI4 & g'rain
Card 3/5 boundaries fox A. 300 11 r, limij. M.:"!1-41. Fo., ptlls~e
durations of 1~JO t;--, iis~-,-,, micro (::ra-(,ks as Well a'S'
SO V/21+~.
On the Selection of Optimum Regimes of Machi6ing Heat Rozlstan'*
Nickel Base Alloys by the Electrio-Spark I'lethoij
diffusion phenomena tjease (Figo lb mai 2b); theroty a.,
fused layer with a dendritic structure ~iill ocau:vj the
depth of which is 4 to 30 p for pulse enr*rgy reserves ot
0.5 to 4.5 joules. Thus, the duration of the pulse and
the reserve of energy in the pulse determines ths depth
in the character of the cluLnges whi0i tako plaua In the
surface layer, whereby the duration of the pulse Is of
predominant importance. It is evilbpnt f:rom tha results
that in selecting the opt:Uxum rogimoN for electrict s :ark
machining and treatmont of nickel-1,aSe hilth tempetature
alloys, the pulse duration must be taken into Considera-
tion and this should not exceed 200 jisea. Thereby~
micro cracks in the surface layer, Und diffusion along
the grain boundaries can bo avoidei and if even a ver,y
Card 1+15
66700 -8-20/35
AUTHOR: Zolotykh, B.N.
TITLE: Some Problems of tile Qualitative Theory of Electric Erosion
in the Pulse Discharges in Liquid Dielectric, Media
PERIODICAL: Radioteldinika i alektronikaj, l9r)9, Vol 4, Nr 8.
pp 1330 - 1334 + 1 plate (USSR)
ABSTRACT: The phenomenon of electric erosion has been li:nown for
over 150 yearn (J. Priestley - Ref 1). 11owover, the study
of the physical nature of this phenomenon iras Commenced
only after Lama-renko proposed a method of the electro-
spark machining of metals, in 1941. TiLe physical theory
of the electric erosion can be based on the princip14' of
additivity and on the consideration of non-stationary
thermal processes a t the surface of the electrodes. A
number of authors (Refs 2-7) showed that the additivity
does, in fact, take place in normal erosion Processes.
The overall effect of the eronioti can therefore be repi~e-
sented as a sum of the action of mingle pulses. Further,
it can reasonably be assumed (Refs 4. 5, 8) that the
erosion process is datermined by the metiou of a planar
heat source, which is produced at the surflice of the
Cardl/5 electrodes as a result of the discharge. The qualitative
Some Problems of the Qualitative Theory of Electric groijion in the
Pulse Discharges in Liquid Dielectric Media
description of the erosion process can tjius bo based on
the solution of the well-knovm Stefan problem for a uni-
dimensional case. It can further be assumed (Ref 8) that
the displacement of the boundary of fusion (with respect
to the cantre) can be approximately describod by;
h = art
where t is time,
a is a coefficient dependent wx the thermal stress
of material and,tewiperature, and
h is the depth of the so-called "moon".
The Stefan problem should be isolved by assujaing the
following boundary condition:
Ti(O' t) (2)
where T is a certain effective temperaturo on the
surface of the electrode; subscript I refers to the
Card2/5 liquid phase. K
Some Problems of the Qu&litative Theory of Slectric Mronion in:the
Pulse Discharges in ~- Liquid Dielectric Media
The solution ofthe Stefan problem (Rot 9) lihows that the
volume of the "moon" is given by:
V W2 2
k Y (00)
where k is a coeffic:Lent dependent on the polarity of
the electrodes, V e is the energy suppliad to the
electrode, wo is the energy density in the centre of
the source and 9 is a function which is determined by
solving the Stefan'problem. The theory is compared with
experiments in Figures 2 and 3. Figure 2 givea cxperi-
mental and calculated curves showing the dependence of the
depth of anode erosion on the duration of the pulses; the
electrodes were made of copper, nickol or molybdenum and
the pulse energy was constant. It is seen that the
Card3/5 agreement between the experiment and the theory is quite
Some Problems of the Qualitative Theory of Electric Erosion in the
Pulse Discharges in Liquid Dielectric bledia
satisfactory. Figure 3 gives experimental and calculated
curves showing the dependence of the magnitude of erosion
on the energy for the case of copper and iron electrodes
(Figures 3a, X, respectively). The agreement between
the curves is quite satisfatory. However, the solution
of the Stefan problem does not fully describe the
phenomena of electric erosion, Furtlier data can be
obtained from X-ray and I'veldaity" photogritphs. These
are shown in Figures 1, from %rhich. it can be seen that
the ejection of the main portion of the metal (about
70-800%) takes place after the disappoarance of the current
pulse. This means that the electrodynamic. forces play a
negligible part in the ejection of metal. U'urther photo-
graphs are shovni in Figure 4; these vrere taken at
velocities of 6MQO and 500 000 lines/see. Vrom these, it
is concluded that, during the initial stage of the dis-
,Charge, the most important effect is the ervaporatiQn of
metal; during the following stages, the fOrCeS of thermal
Card4/5 natuie are pred.ominant; these includ i) thc irnto-capill,~y
Some Problems of the Qualitative Theory of Electri~ frosion in the
Pulse Discharges in -. Liquid Dielectric Media
forces#-the fore-as of compression at thro front of tho
thermal wave and also a turbulent boiling of metal At
the instant of a rapid fall of temperature izwAAe tho
gas bubble, after fa.tertiiinaticn of the current pulse.
There are 4 figures and 10 references, 9 of which ecre
Soviet and I English#
ASSOCIATION: Tsentrallnaya laboratoriya elektrichesicay obrabotki
materialov AN SSSR (Central Laboratory for the Electrical
ffarahjiming of Materials of the A1',.Sc'USS7A)
SUBMITTED: March 5, 1959
Card 5/5
11 jtj
2Vf.XJ20 sov/10
AUMORS; rr&navskAy, T.L., Lak~yanow, ~-Tu- 5P'v - G'T'
TITLS: Report an the Second All-Unla. an Us
PMUODICALs Rdl.t.k--tk4 L -I.ktranik., 1959. Val #A. Or 8,
pp 1339 - L318 (USIN)
ABSTRACT, Th. conf.r.".W was orgauLs*4 joy the A-So.USSR, the 0
Ministry air 1111hor 944c.tL.. ad Moscow State UOIWOr.Lty.
of ReducinS the Xnargy Lost in the I
Plvov- -4 V.I. C-Oly-ka - -fticr.dis.harg.. -4 -r_
L. 1.
pra- C~ ~"t. Between X.t.1 Zlectrdem in HIgn
U-now and Q_P4~tuk.v, of the
rral"s.a~-4r Initi
ati.m aa~X_D-aw*lapoeat of & ULSh-voltage
01.1harg* L. Va..-.. X
A.M. R.ykbrdsl And Qr_3=L=LLUlaYs-- -Th* Character-
latioa oC Isrtti.a in Migh-wa..- in K-za.Z4. field.-.
I~T_TALC^&2n at &I. dealt with the transfer of the 614atrado
-torlal 4~rln& the pro-brea"aWn at&&$ in WACUns-
N.D. L. - -Th. Notion C of
Ing Blectric Breakdown in Y-8-
The third sactLan dealt with the problems, of electric
sparks. ~am= and thm'pr..ti..l Xt a-
presided over by I.S. Stakol-nik*v- Th* COlIOwlA9 PaPers
were r..4.
T~J_Lsocj'tow at &X. - *probe Invastization of the
-Siment.ry Processes in the
Z... of C."na-type, G..d..tar. at A~Aphmric Press~"'.
ourmkx%IL 6Appazrancm or & Carcn* OL"harga, In
Itydrol.. and Hitra&-"
f the Corona
P.N. Chlakyk., at -I. Pr-
Cyjid~lc.l Sy-t-*.
-A"~a=l f Disatmrga
p .. at a- pr or
10-3 - 1.0 - Has.
polar I..L..ti.^ of
.1. at U.'
Air By me- Of Aro-i-l-r- C... p 1333 or the
_Y.n='kQx at al. wri- Sp,otra of the Radiation Of
.sp-k Di-ok-E. in Gas.., (a.. p 1294 or the
Pg. _,k -pr.4-ti.. of RlLb
-taJ3&XQX_ and
-p.r.9iirse by X-as Of k
-A- P"*tXAjLLU K.C..4A..
bimharx. - the I)tv%dl-Z
I.S. st.UQI..Ik.w - 'Xeur Data From the stdy Or Los&
Al-SX-441 - :Pr.p4tti.. Of the ar..k4.- of C..Pr"..4
A par t&..Iy U.Lr~ TL.Ld 1. th. 1-220=0 Of
ir in . C.
A . V.-b-T
n a'
Tat 0. ft._ or c D~ -6.
UnAq.w~ f
1. Dialsetri... is- r Liz.
lolotrLh d..Lt with the probles of thq
,W 4r %
%~I.. tua~ry or the ar-la. j4i.. k I
we. pr..Idd -- by S.T.- Luk-yanow
T'll to"
no -atttlouary anA low-
om*d with th
and we.
vctlarx". Th war& r4a.4z
-az Z'A. ~Z-_= mm~ ~f th"
W-Ty~tli- I-Pl--L-A or
;.K.'T=naW - *prop&6&tion of Pl...A rr" 2,acal pulse
--- Of gleatr..
. -
are. t 7
Card 7/13 c or glactron-oplit.1
t4ff-tL.. at
xlacc~i' ri.ld
_Y-A-M-*4y.V- sa,I with as
=&czroA x~ai or 4 Zj.i_
A-H- A-4rl ... v at -I- K-Z-2L4 and R_~~trL.
mwircul rul..
of 'K. foer-t_~ i. I -I.t.. ziW'pment.
0 152t. or the
T it
.he P. "' b ard inz -L-4 a 1,-. or interest and
A-dool.l.n.L.1 Arta-'-.
,r the rd-; t
r.t._ I t%-. thalt
High-speed photograplW of a pulse dismhirge in a liquid dielectric
mediun using SIS-1 Rud SFR.cameras and in X-rays no applied to the
investigation of the dynamics of electric orosioa fragmentation of
metals. Usp.nauch.fot. 6:185-192 1.59. (MIRA 13:6)
(Photography-Scientific applications)
(Blectrie disablirges)
FachAnism of the aloatric aronion of mtals In a liqtaid dialsIatric
medium. Zhur.tekhaflso 29 no,12tI04-206: 1) 1~9o (KMA 3.446)
(Elaotrlc wta.1 cuhing) (Zlootrodes)
BOTSKOV, B.S.,; USOV, V.V., red.; IWMIHTSOV~ I.S., red.;
ZOLOT I., red.; DMEABMN, I.Ta., red.; 113M)VA, Z.S.,
re .; VOROVIN' K,P,,
[Blectrical contacts; transactions of the All-Uaion Conference
on Blectrical Contacte and Haterials for them) Blektrichaskis
kontakty. Trudy Vaosoiusnogo soveshchaniia pa slektrichaskim
kontaktam I kontaktaym materialam. Rad.kollegiia: B.S.Sotskov
i dr. Mosk7a, Goo.energ,isd-vol 1960, 42) p, (KIRA UtlO)
1. Vassoyuznoye noveshchaniya po slaktricheakim kontaktan I
kontaktnym materialam, 2d, Moscow, 1959.
(Blectric contactors)
GATRILOT, A*N*o prof*# doktor tokhn.nauk; MMITARM, IND., prof,, doktor
takhn.nauk; MITRCWAUOT, S.P.. kand.tekho.neuk; URSAM', V.S..
prof., doktor takhn.naulc,- WARM. D.F.0 doktor 11,9khn.;wvak,* STO-
ROZW, H.T., kand.tolchn.nnuk; KALOV. A.R.. kanij.6tekitmonank;
KMTAVTSZV, I.Yet profop doktor tekbasank;- EfflJ117MR0 TVA.,
kand4tekhn.nauk; MMROV, Tu.V., dotemat; FAZW,~Iv, 94'rot kando
tokhn.nauk;..-Z-OI.==,,.B,eJiq,*, kaa4at8kbn*rkauk-. WtUNDMI00 L.D.,
prof., doictor tekhn.vaulc; TAHRIKOVICH. D.Ya., imzh.; SUCLAY9T.
G.A., prof., doktor tekhn.nauk; TUDZITUSKIY, A.P., d6ktor tekkw.
nauk; SHAUNTAN, G.A.. prof., &oktor takha.nauk; H.WSK110, L.H.,
kand.tekhn.nauk; BMW, Y.Pof kand.tekhn.nauk; HUM', Map*,
kand.tekhn.nauk; VIKEW, V.S., kand,tekhn.nauk; UMISHER, A.Vo.,
kj%nA.tekhn.nauk-, KLIMMO. K.I., prof., daktor okonom.mauk;
YTATKIN, A.Te., inzh,,; SAM'# B.A., profa# do)rtor VMaktn.nauk;
FOYANOV, I.G., insh.; HATYSIM0, VJ., insh.; )COUSTOTA, G.F.,
ixxzh., radjzd-va; ELIKIND, Y.D.,, 1111KH"101', I.Ya..
(Present status and trends of future develo-pmenL of technological
processes in the manufacture of machinery and instruments] Sovre-
mannoe sostoiania i napravlaniia ravy-itiia, tolthtiologti maghino-
stroeniia i priborostroaniia. Moakvei, Goo.nanclito-teldin.illd-vo
mashinostroit.lit-ry. 1960. 56) P. OtHA 13:7)
(Kachinery industry-Technological innovations)
(Instrument manufacture-Technological. innovations) (Automation)
Soveshchanlye po kompleksnoy rtrkkviniratall I avtcr.UtIr=tvII tekhno-
logichenk1kh protzesnov v manhinontroyenii. 2d. Moscow. 1956
Avtorvitizatelya c,.aah-fnostroItel1nykh p~at3oszov, t. III; Obrabotka
razanlyen I ob*hehlyc Voprocy avtbmatizatsii (Aitz--tion of FA-
ch-Ine-Buildin,, Processes. v. 3: Fetal Cutttng and General Auto-
mation ProbleraO Moscow, Izd-vo AN SSSR, 1960. 296 p. (Series:
Its: Trudy, t. 3) 4,700 copies printt;d.
Sponsoring AFency; Akademiya nauk SSSR. Institut mashinovedomiya.
Komlsolya po tekhnologli mashinoetroyeniya.
Rasp. Ed..' V. 1. Dikushin, Academician: Ed. of Publishing House:
V. A. Xotovj Tech. Ed.. 1. F. Xuzlr.1n.
nuosZ: This collection or articles is Intended for technical ,
p4raonnel concerned with the autorcation of the vachino Industry.
COVM.GE: This is Vol=a III of the transactions of the Second
Conference on the Full Meclanization and Automation or Kinurac-
turIM Procesisez In the Machine Industry, hold September 25-29,
'956. The transactions have bean published In three voltLmes.
Volume I deals with the hot presswor1kine or metals, and volume
Ir, with the actuation =~ control or machines. The present
volumm deals with the autog-Atlon of Actal cach1ning &nd work_
hardenine, " with, gencral proble.1s encountered In automa-
tl0n. VId tranzactIons on the auto=tion of metal-mac4ining
processes were published under the supervision of ?. 3. Demy-
and A. M. Karatysin, and those an the automAtIon of work
hardening procezzat, under the supervision or X. A. Satell "-
P1. 0. Yakobson. No personalities ara mentioned. There are no
Erpsher, ru. B. On the Operation of the Toolv In Automatle
'?Reduction Lines 32
D. 0. Experience of the SKB4 14ccIll D'--51Fn
Office 140, in Daz.LCnIn& and Ma3terInZ Automatic PrQd
tion-Linie, Operations 43
Yer-orov. B. V. Autc-&tIon or Universal getal-Cutting Kach.Ines
foi, jo~zz Froduct1cm 53
Xaklyudcv, 0. 1. Autoratic machining of Parts Used In
of Procesner (Ccrnt.) --ov/5291
1-koomc.n. 7t. 0. A=t~=t-~d rrC-'L=t-1=r. of O=" ~nd 2-11-0
Shafts 66
Koahk1n, L. N. Automation of' Kanuracturinz rrocciat5 Baoed
2-~rzz7 Tmn.f6r =~~-mcz 82
k'VkIn' a. X- lietal-Cuttifir Tools for Automated ?r*:!LctIcn 94-3
borLiz.her. A. V, Autor-atlon of Vanufacturin,- Procozzc3 at
the I OPZ llzt State Bearins Plant)
SoLoloy, Y~. F. Exq~ricncc in the Opc~utlon or Sc=fauto-
vatic HydravlIc Cop7irg K~ichlnes 124
Va~illyaw, V. S. AutvwAtlc Balancing Machinen 1--9
11uritsyna, A. D. 1jew Aivik.i.,id 11MaC-.zc= f- t" 9%oa Pro-
auction of SlIdIng LcarItWn 141
Autor-Itlen of Machine-Wildine Fracessea (Cont.) SWI~i291
F114kin, V . P . Securing StabIllLy in Motion of Part: DurIng
Centerlcz3 Grinding 1b.8
"olotykh B N Prezent State of and Prospects for Electro-
of Mctal:i and Methods for Its Auto=tIC11 156
Rozenb~arg, L. D., and D. F. Yal~hlmavlch. Use of Ultrasonics
for Kachlning Hard and Brittle Materials 164
Zheleznov, Te. S. Automation of the Process for Grinding
Bo4rInZ RInZ3
Dashchenko, A. 1. Investirating the Process Parameters or
Small Semlauteciatle Unit-Head Machine Toole 186
Chirikov, V. T. Controlling the Carburizing Proce%a 203
Card 5/7
Automation of Michine-BuIldInS Proce3aes (Cont.) SOV/5291
Nikol-zk-ly, A. P. Units for Q%,enchlnr and Tempering by
Ri&h-Prequency HcjtjZ in Auto:-.atic Production Lines 211
R. Automatic Urit for the Shot Peening or Lear
Sprinaa 21T
Origulls, Yu. K. Automating the Tllckne5z Control of Sur-
raoe FI11=z 222
pA= 111. aE21ERAL PROPLE11-9 114 AUTICKATIC?;
Blagonra~.v, A. A. [Academician). ObJectivez or Automating
,the rmce3xca In Machine Duldine 229
V_Luzh.n. V. 1, (Acade.:cianj. Problem of Automation in
F.athlne Building 231
Kuleb.-kin. V. S. iAcadealclanl. EM matnoas of !=P~vlm
24 6
Automatic Syate=
Automazion or XAC=110-bulldlng Processes (Cont.) SaV/5291
1- 1. racnlikIC E-'f0ttlv*n,&afl of ALtc--tlon and
keth=dz or nct=x=-Injr'a Xt 2-
A- B- EasIc PrIncl-PI05 or DeterednIng the
in the Auto7ation or Production 2TT
I03we47'&nt3, ". Ta. Invest=ent per Unit of ERated) F~rne-
pawar -.n Z-,a Auto~,,bJJ6 Ijduatr_y
AVAZLkw-E- of
I rrtbeft t~-rwtljv ?~-t -Late =f -a t~.
=d -t~-- ,; -1
'-%C. 533 P. 5.X-0 ~!.. vrlmteml.
X.T. ftxrv,,3x!l. cr
bo=k -4
-as -d .~d ror f zzh-ls :f
Idear edtmo.ti-
their t'o-
t. IV- to zee are -M~.Irqrz, .1-tr-z
Mee=xmc, 6-14 P=volgz.
t.ld U- Zee. -1a.4 L. t.. li#,.
-he fl*:4- A C!-.P-- I. d-td t. ..t-tL-
*r4 vft~w*;Nt:~ or uio t~t~"try. zzvi,t -4 -o-zovist mr-as ^z-
;amr amea of -'~ CkA;ters.
D~~t~r of Scum.@, 5
cr xzcml_,;z
ch. -he ra-ts -T;lfl'-'I.. cf Y--fwt=irg Proo.- 1. M-hl..
PaIlLing Jr.S. Dem'jr%zrA, Dvctcr of 7-~=Izml :kience., Professor]
1 Fmbi~ o-eot eth ti-~ -y-!ficmtim :f =-razt~rick p-99.
p:: ri..ti~
2: Sule prt~l watf of part. &~d tj7,- r
emew.fac tw.-.c
Present State (Cont.) SOV/4718
Ch. IX. The [Present] State of Electric MachLning Methods in the Machine and
Instrument Industries.and Trends for Developmorit [B.N. Zolotvkb,,,.
Candidate of Technical Sciences] 239
1, Technical-economic characteristics of alectrospark (eloctro-erosion)
machining methods 239
2. The physical bases of electrospark machining 241
3. The relationship between the process characteristics of electrospark
machining and the pulse parameters 248
4. The [present] state of electrospark precision-machining of metalj
and trends for development 250
Ch. X. The Present State of the Supersonic-Cutting Method, and. Trends for
Development [L.D. Rozenbergp Doctor of Technical Sciences, Professor$
and D.Ya. Yakhimovich, Engineer] 1260
1. The essentials and physical bases of the supersonic machining mebhod 260
2. Process parameters 261
3. Field of application 265
4. Equipment 268
5. Basic ways for developing and designing supersonic maoliining equip-
ment 276
Card 6/11
AUTHORS-. Zolotykh,,-B.N., Gioyev, K.Kh., and Tarasovq Ye.A.
TITLE& The mechanism of electrical erosion of metals in
a liquid dielectric medium
PERIODICALt Referativnyy zhurnal, ElektrotekliniNa i onergetika,
no.10, 1961, 41, abstract 10K 237. jSymposium "Problems
of electrical machining of materials", DI-1 AS USSR,
i96o, 58-64)
TEXTs Electrical erosion of metal in a fluid d1olectric was
investigated by a technique which disclosed the dynamics of
formation and collapse of a gas bubble and also -the processes
occurring within the bubble and on the electrodmsi. the
development of processes in the discharge gap vots photographed
with a type COP (SFR) camera. at the rate of* 25-500 thousand
frames per second. The dielectric flUILd was ke1:-osirie, and th(i
electrode gap was 10-100 microns. Two arrangemt~nts of electrodes
were used, to overcome the considerable influence of large
electrodes on the shape of the gas bubbles, With the first
variant4 comprising wire electrodes 0.!3-1 mm diamet*rl records wtre
Card l/ 2
The mechanism of electrical erosion.. S/196/61/ooo/o.'10/029/037
made of the external appearance of the gas bubble but processes on
the electrode remained invisible. In order to record simultaijeous-
ly both the dynamics of development of the gas bubble and the
processes occurring within it, another electrode arrangement was
used consisting of a strip of thin copper foil ().05-0,1 mm thick
(anode) firmly pressed against a transparent plate and a copper
wire I mm diameter (cathode) at an angle of 900 to the plane of the
anode. PIctures were taken from the side of the transparent sheet.
The following conclusions are drawn- a) in the pulse duration
range of 50-100 microseconds, metal removal occurs snuinly in the
liquid and only partially in the gas phase. b) In the gas phase
metal is removed during the current impulse. c) In the liquid
phase most of the eroded metal is removed after the end of the
impulse. d) Hydrodynamic and gas dynamic processes play a vital
part in the mechanism of erosion.
Illustrated. 3 literature references.
[Abstractor,s note; Complete translation.
Card 2/2 -
S/196/ 1 00/010/032/037
AUTHORS. z Kruglov, AJ,
TITLE, Thermal processes at the surface ot' olectro(ias during
electrospark machining of metals
PERIODICAL: Referativnyy zhurnal, Klektrotekliml.ka J. onergetika,
no.10, 1961, 42, abstract 10 K240. (Sympoigium
"Problems of electrical machining of materials", M.
AS USSR, ig6o, 65-76)
TEXT~- The shape of calculated curves of the dependence of
the volume of the cavity on the pulse energy for pu1ses of
constant duration are in agreement with experlmental data. Both
calculated and experimental curves of the dependence of the
erosion on the pulse energy show inflection points, The location
of these points corresponds with the duration of the pulse at
which maximum erosion occurs for a given value of energy, The
fact that there is an inflection point shift towar(Is higher
values of energy in the case of increasing pulse duration
indicates a shift of the maximum erosion towmrds ptilses of long
duration with increasing pulse energies. The ahift is attributed
Card 1/3
Thernal processes at the S,/196/6.L/o'oo/o].0/032/037
to an increase in the density of the eikergy of the source on the
electrode with increasing source energy, This increase is more
pronounced for metals with ferromagnetkc properties and front thits
theconclusion can be drawn that the magnetic fields which are
generated during the discharge affint the diineni!;ions of the heat
sources at the surface of the electrod4;s and, conse(Inently, they
also affect the diameter of the discharge channel. The obtained
results are of practical interest; -their shy that by using pulse
generators with pulses of the order of 10- sec and longer the
increase in productivity with increasing energiao is faster than
linear and consequently machining of steel by using current pulsos
of longer durations is most favout-able in the case of high pulso
energies of the order of tens of Joules. The given results of the
thermal calculation-explain the quantitative and the qualitative
relations ob 4erved in the case of machining with pulses of the
order of 10- sec, which corresponds to the average regimes
obtained with A typical RC circuit and also to characterigtics
which pertain to machining with pulses which last for 10"-, sec
and longer,, This is a further proof that there Is no justification
Card 2/3
Thermal processes at the S/196/61./OOO/oIO/032/037
for singling out spark erosion machining with pulses of the order
of lo-3 sec and referring to it as a new "electric ptilset, method,
Formulae are given and graphs are included which illustrate the
investigations that have been carr:Led out,,
8 literature references,
rAbstractor's Noteg Complete translation
Card 3/3
AUTHORS8 Zolotykh, BqN.2 and Kruglov, A.I.
'r IT LE Tile procedure and irosultti or investilgation ot chalinel
potentials of a low-voltagc impulse discharge
PERIODICAL3 Referativnyy zhurnal, Elektrotekhnilca i energetika.
no.10, 1961, 41, abstract IOK 238. (Symposium
"Problems of electrical machining of materials", H.,
AS USSR, 196o, 77-85)
TEXT: This article briefly describes the procedure and
results of measurement of energy distribution in the .!;park gap
for impulses of 8 - 20 microsecond durettion (no.-load voltage
6o - 14o V). The impulse energy comprises energy dispersed in
the discharge column and energy transmitted to the surface of the
electrodes. The former consists of lojeses on heating the gast on
ionisation and on radiationt part is oxpended in forming and
moving gas bubbles and impact waves, I'lie energy tranitmitted to
the electrodes consists of losses on the attode ond an the cathode.
The impulse energy is easily determined from synchronised
oscillograms of current and voltage. The amount dissipated in
Card 1/3
The procedure and results o.f s/196/61/000/010/030/937
the discharge column can be calculated from the volfage gradient
in the column, which is determined by an oscillograph. A
procedure was developed for measuring voltage gradients and the
sum of anode and cathode voltage drops in low-voltalpe impulse
discharges in a liquid dielectric, The potential gradient in the
discharge column and the cathode and anode voltage drops were
governed by elementary processes in the discharge channel.
Alteration of these values with time reflects changes in the
processes of formation of space charge and in the thermodynamic
condition of the plasma. The experimental results show that
during the initial development of the discharge, volume chargbs
play a vital part in the discharge channel. At the end of an
impulse the condition of the discharge column is probably near to
that of plasma in thermal equilibrium. Consequently, in
describing electrical processes occtirring in mptirk Teps during
spark machining, the part played by space charges must be allowed
for. The results obtained give clear ideas about the effective
dimensions of a plane heat source formed on the electrode under
the influence of impulse discharge. This in i%A txit-ik is
Card 2/3
The procedure and results of s/196/61/000/010/030/037
essential for solution of the thermal problem wid calculation
of the erosion process, Diagrams, graiphs and oscillograms are
given to illustrate the procedure and results of the
8 literature references,
I~bstractorls notea Complete translation.1
Card 3/3
34054 8/XhP3/62/0O0/0O3/W8/016
Zolotykh, B. N., Korobova, I. F.
Selecting optimum conditions of electrospark machining of certmet
sintered carbides
PERIODICAL: Referativnyy zhurnal, Mashinoitroyenlye, no. 3, 196?, 35, abstraot
3B176 ("Tr. Tsentr. n.-i. labor. elektr. obrabotkimaterialov,
AN SSSR", 196o, no, 2, n4-iiq)
TEXT-~ The authors Investigated the dependence of thib erosion magnitude
of the cermet compositions BK 3 (VK3), BK8 (VK8), TOM, '1'5KIO,- on the pulse
parameters (duration and energy) and algo the connection ol' the ~,%ature and
magnitude of the defective layer (microcrack network) with the wntioned piltra-
meters. The operating electrode (cathode) was made of gray cast Iron; thm.
medium was kerosene. The curve picturing the dependence of erosion of the
investigated sintered carbides on the pulse duration at a constmit energy
reaches its maximum In the duration range of 150 - 250 microseconds. If the
energy is reduced, the maximum shifts in the direction of a reduced pulse dtira-
tion. An analysis of the cross sections of machined sintered ca.'rblde specimens
Card 1/2
Selecting optimum conditions ... A004/AlOl
showed that the depth of microcracks grows with an increased puls-9 duration.
An increase In-the depth of microcracks with an incroased pulso energy is less
pronounced. If the pulse duration is reductd to 100 mierose0onds'. the depth
of cracks easentially decreases but they do not disappear i-xmplotely. At a
pulse duration of 10 microseconds no cracks are observed. A comparlson of -the
hole shape and the crack geometry shows that the, formation of the latter in of'
a thermal nature, Under the effect of short pulses, the Opth of thermal
action is localized within the limits of the hole volume, ,,)wing ti.-i which no
microcracks arise. The authors recommend for roughing or mami-finish machIning
of sintered carbides to use pulses having a duration of letts thi4n 200 micro-
seconds and an energy in the range of 1 - 2 joule. A flawless mohining Own
be attained with pulses of less than 10 microseconds duratlon and an energy
of less than I joule. There are 4 figures and 5 referencen.
A, Kruglov
(Abstracter's note; Complete translation]
Card 2/2
AUTHORS; Aleksandrov, V. P., Zolotykh, B. N,,
sl i_:>3/69Aoo/bo3,/bo6/oi 8
TITLE. Selecting optimum conditions for the electroil)ark ma-nhining of
heat-resistant alloys on a nickel base
PERIODICAL. Referativnyy zhurnal, Mashinostroyenlye, no. 3, 1962, 311, abstract
3BI74 ("Tr. Tsentr. n.-i. labor. e1ektr, abrabotki materialov.
AN SSSR", 1960, no. 2, i96-2o4)
TEXI!: The difficulties arising with the mechanical machining of heat-
resistant alloys of high toughness together with sufficient harilness and tendency
to workhardening make it necessary to use electrospark mat)hIning. To determine
the conditions of a flawless electiospark machining of these alloys, the authors
measured the metal removal and surface finish, and analyzed the structural
changes of the surface layer subjected to the effects of pulses of various
energy (0 .5 - 4.5 joule) and duration. (130 - 1,050 microseconds) . It was f ound
that the dependence of the erosion magnitude on the pulse duration has a maximum
at the constant energy. If the energy is increased, the maximum shrifts in the
direction of an Increase in the pulse duration; at an energy of 0.5 joule the
Card 1/2
Selecting optimum conditions ... A00k/AIO.I
maximum corresponds to a duration of 250 microseconds; If the energy amounts
to 4.5 joule, the duration is 600 microseconds. The surfhe 'e roq;hness increases
with the rise in energy and pulse duration. Metallographic Invtstigations of
the machined surface showed that the upper layer had the doodritic structure-
characteristical for metal obtained from the molten state. Belmi the fused
layer, a zone of thermal effect is located which shows structural changes at the
grain boundaries and microcrackb. The thickness of the zonf,) of -the fused layer
and that of structural changes depends, to a great extent, on the pulse duration.
Microcracks and structural changes at the grain boundaries can be observed if
the pulse duration exceeds 300 microseconds, while they disappear with pulses
of less than 200 microseconds. The data presented pertain to the OH 4375
(B14375) alloy, while the results for other alloys differ only slightly. Thun
the conclusion on the use of pulses having a duration of le2s than P-00 micro-
seconds can be considered as a general recommendation for the flawless ele;2tro-
spark machining of heat-resistant alloys on a nic):el base.
S. Kruglova
[Abstrac-~er's note: Complete translation)
C-ard 2/2
AUTUORS: Zolotykhj___4,1j!_,, and Sidorov, V.N.
TITLE: A demountable sh4krp-focus impulse X-ray tube
SOURCE; I-roblemy elektricheakoy obrabotki nlat-eridLIOV. Tsentr..
nauchnoif3sl. labor. elek. obrab'4 mat. AN SSSR.
Ed. by B.R. Lazarenko. Moscow, Jzd-vo AN SSSR, 1962.
TEXT. To investigate the dynamics of the erosion process in.
it liquid dielectric with short pulses and short gaps
(10 - lou microns) it was necessary to develop a aharp-focus
(some tenths of a millinietre) X-ray tube of relrii;ively long wave-
length. fligh iiiteusity was not required hut long, tube life was
necessary. Impulse X-ray tubes of sealed-off type are of short
life, difficult to repair and not easily made for the Jonger wi Ikve-
lengths. Accordingly, TsM-1-I'LERTHOM AN SSSR detrelolmid a
demountable tube, The conical or tieedle-shaped anode, wade of
tungsten, molybdenum or copper, is arranged vert.1cally 12.5 m above
the top sharp edge of a hollow cylindrical stainXess steel cathode.
The ignition electrode is insulated from the cathode by
Card 1/2
A demountable sliarl)-focus
transparent plastic. The
liners. The X-ray window
rubber seals. The tube 13
h.v. supplies and control
impulse 6/ b 2/()Of)/U()0/003/0 I I
E194/r 135
main bushings iinve teflun '4taliag
is of cellophane film vith vacuum
mounted in a unit with vactium aiid
equipment. The operating VIICLIUIII Of
1-2 x 10_~) mm tig is reaciied in 20 ininutes pumping and the best
vacuum is 8 x 10- Mm 11g. The voltage range is 30-100 kV, and
the focal spot diameter does not exceed L mm. The X-ray pulse
duration is 1 microseccond. The film holder is 200 mm distant
from the anode. ilerformance is illustrated by raidioq;rams of
bubble development in an electric discharge takers at
100-microsecund intervals with 130 rnm clearance betwetin anode
and object.
There are 0 figures.
Card 2/2
'1~7-' I B*N.f kand.tokhn.nault
MY reply to A.S. SUgerman and D.A. Kaplan. lbist.elelttroprcu.
33 no.12%62-64 D t62, (IMA 15-0,12)
(Meetric diamharges)
F-1-11 1-111
I : - I-Ti
ZOLOTYKH, B.N.9 kand.takhn.nauk
Study of metal ejection in electric erosion" by A.,S#Zingerm9zd
viewed. by B.N.Zolotykh, Izv. vys. ucheb. zmv.,- elektromekh,~
6 no.lsl37 163. (MIRA16t5)
(Electrodes) (U'agermon, A.3.)
"'M;KV, B.S., otv. red.; DEKAEPUN, 1.Ye., red.; W1,I)TYKII, )L11"
red. ; FUJ72TETSOV, R. S.,, red. ; KIRI UOVA.'
SITROVA, Yu.P.p red.
[Electric contactors; trans actions] kon-
takty, fnidy. Red. kc,31. B.S.Sotskmv i d1r. Mozhra.'
Energi. a, 1964. 5 0 A"-' P - (I'ma nl~~
1. Vsesoyuznoye soveshchaniye po eliktrichesklm kontaktam
i leontaktnym materialam. 3d, I-Ioscou, 196-~.
]~V::cntery Toxin I'lay/Ju-- 53~~
"T"he Ef fect a-ir C,11"feine on the S'.;_IJI.v!1_tion of Dof~s. t
Dysertei:7y'JC..tjon,'~.:G. S. ZOJO4-'-%V
Moroz Ch-., t 0PI"Irra"col ',nd To;. Icol, A
r~~' M.1hol i Tok-sil-ml, Vol 16, hro 3, 39-43
ShiEa avscr
aj~yr =otoyiin produces d_J'.,.;turbnrces
cerebr---.l Cf tto shOlwn 1) chnnges -:r. tuei
reaction to c!-fjOejne,. a drtL3 which
incr~-~wsed cal" . __ t-
Tba functiorEl
of the cortex continue up to oar= month, srd resto-
r.,:ttion of normal functions. proc-eeda siavly, taking
1_11.f- moz; - TI.,e results check with I obser-
vatit-ms -to the efflct thInt there
in Sblga, &., 4 S7.Wt-
th=t the aetion of cl~~ffelnc is different in
to;nicoinfc~ctious diseoses, smalle-, do~:nr. 'Uhin
Sand drying In suspension. Lit.proizv. no.709-40 Jl 162,
(MIRA 26:2)
(Drying 4pparatue-Foundry sand)
7, 7 7 7- 7 7 7 77 7 7 71
ZOLOTpmt-~Qr-2mRno71 h knnd. tokhn. nauk; ASfMHRAZI, H-L,,
1~ S_.p _
red.; BRTMUO, X.F., tekhn. red.
(Nnglish-Russion welding dictionar'y] An-lo-ru,,-.~,:'i alovart
0 1 po
evarochnoma Proizvodstv-u. Ifoalm. Glpv. rod. lnoEjtr,. nauchno-
takhn. sloverel Flxmntgioa# 1961. 191 p. (MIRA 14:5)
(Inglish langwgo-Dictionaries-Russion)
Training courses for welding engineers. Avtom. svar. 13 no.,8390-
94 Ag 16o. (MIRA 13:8)
1. Rostovskiy-na-Donu inutitub sellskakhozyaystvennogo maahinos-
(Blectric welding-Stuiy and teanhing)
1 1 , 1 1RI 1
Sub.: USSR/Engineering AID 4179 - P
ALOV, A. A. and V. T. ZO-D~QT.YKH.,
Are Welding of L62 Brass). Svarochnoye proizvodstvo, no. 1p
Ja 1956: 1-4.
The authors describe the new process of autorw~tic d.c. electric
are butt welding of L62 brass sheets 3 to 4mm thick, using brass
and copper electrodes. The new meihod of welding was developed
at the Moscow Aviation Technological Institute (MATT) to replace
th;~ very combersome and inefficient gas welding procedure now
prevailing. The new method performed well in laboratory and
mechanical tests, and is now in practice at a chemical machine-
building plant. Further experiments are being; conducted with 6 to
8mm thick brass sheets to be welded by the same process, with
direct current of reversed polarity, 'the MATI-53 fusing agent and
copper electrodis. One table, oscillogram, and pictures of welded
AWHORS: Budnik, N.M.; Candidates of' Teclinical Science.-;.
Gufan, R.M.; Ishchenko, Yu.L., Sapov, P.M.; Engineers
TITLE: Automatic Arq-SpotRiveting d
PERIODICAL, Svarochnoye prozvodstvo, 1960, No. 5, pP. 32 35
TEXT: Flux welding used In the manufacture of agricultuvil machines is
carried out manually in most cases. The apparatus RCM-8 (fMM~8) designed by
Rostseltmash (Rostov Agricultural Machine Plant) has sever,a). drawbacks. A liew
apparatus was developed by the plant, the distinguishing feature of which i~, a
new welding head. A diagram of the head is shown. The new machine equipped Kith
this head makes it possible to facilitate welding, to inaveaae the productivitT,
to reduce the consumption of electric energy and electrode wire, A detailed de-
ocription of the operation principle Is given. The new waldtng Ilead c,,m be used
as basis for 'developing welding machines%Viith progrwti control aild also of urtiver-
sal and specialized multielectrode mach1hbG.
Card 1/1
ALOT, A.A., doktor tekhaichaskikh nauk, professorl ZOUJIM, Y.T.,
kandidat teknichookikh nauk,
Automatic are welding of L62 brass. Svar.proisv. no.1:1-4
Ja 156. (KIM 9:4)
1.Moskovskiy aviatsionny7 tekhnologicheakir Inatitut.
ZOLOTM, V.T., kandidat tekhnichoskikh wkuk.
Vaporization of the zin.6 wA formation of porouities in the
metal when welding brause Syare proizv, no.1:29-30 Ja 156.
Orass-Welding) (mIju 9: 4)
IlInvestir,ation of the Automatic Weldinc- Frocoss '.;it'- ;xmsumable~dectrode
Made of L62 Btass." Cand Tech Sci, ,-:oscow A~'viaticjn Technolorical Inst, flin filAgher
ducation USSR, Moscow, 1955. (KL, No 18, Apr
SO: Sun. No. 704, 2 Nov 55 - .5urvey of Scientific and Technical Dissertations
Defended at USSR HiZher Educational Institutions (16).
GUFANJ R.1111, inzh.; 17OLOTYE.TI, V.T., kand. te-kiin. niid(
Attachment for a series connecticn of an into a
welding circuit. S,,rar. proizv. no.1:44 Ja 16r.
1. Roo tovski y-ria-Donu intititut t-imshIII.-
IQIPTYKH, V.-T., kand. -tekhn. nauk; ZHAK, S.V.,, kand. fi-,-matem. ra7ak;
GuFf.-I'll P.1111., irzh.; BEIBIUSN"Iff Yu..G.) frizh.
Mochanlim of strildtij;, the woldinf nlil,, proivit.
F 165. OIRIFI- 113:3)
DUBASHITISKIY, M.M. , inzh.; ZOLO'I"Mp V.T. , kand.,toikhri.natik
Conference of readers of "Svarochnoe"p"rolvirodstvall In
Rosto"V--On-Don. Svar. proizv. nc),6:43-" Je 161. (MIRA 14:6)
DYURGEIIOV, N.G., Inah.; ISPICHEN110, Yu.LA insh.; WLOTYKH,, V.T.P kand..
tekhn.nauk; SAPOV, P,,M.) in%h.5-GRIGOR'9v_,'II.G.,, ~nzh.; ZRIMOVI
A.I., inzh.I_BABILO'V, O.A., inzh.
MultIPIP-operator automatic welding under flux without ballast
rheostat.s. Svar. proizv. no#4:40 Ap 163. (MIRA 16s5)
1. Rostovskiy-na-Danu institut sellskokhozyaystvennolgo
mashinostroyeniya (for Dyurgerov, Ishchenko). 2. Rostovskiy zavod
sallskokhozyaystvennogo mashinostroyeniya (for Sapov, Barilov,,,
Grigorlyev, Zhidkov).
(Electric welding--Equipment and oupplies)
030273 SOURCE CODE: UR/0.125/-*6'C//-D,-)-O,/O-08/-0050/0053
iAbTHOR: Gu~an, R. M.i Zolotyk Budnik, N. M.; VarUnovich, V. V.; Gurl
h, V. T yev, I
1K. S.; Sapqv, P. M.; Barilov, 0. A.; Fell ima
ORG: (Gufan, Zolotykh, Budnik, Martinovichl Roatov-na-Donu Insti.tute of Agricultural
Machine Building (Rostov sk iy-u a-Donu inrtitut se--Ikhozmr-Lshi~iostrcyi~niya); Lv^ur,yev3
Taganrog Electrical Equipment Plant_ (Viganrogskiy zavod el.u'!~l;rot,,ql,kl-.Lniclieskogo
oborudovaniya); (Sapov, Barilov, Felldmanl "Rost~~;ellmash" VlAnt (Zijvod "Rost nel I mash")
TITLE: The ISO universal welding oscillator-
SOURCE: Avtomaticheskaya svarka, no. 8, 1966, 50-53
TOPIC TAGS: welding, bf oscillator, spark ignition, automatic welding y cop_A~vdv 6:
5q-0x-)e,vr oon,PoA-irlar 1A
ABSTRACT: The authors describe the new ISO. s ol~cillwt developed oft the
- pl~rk..weldirigg ____ _ or %I
basis ol' an experimental investigation '~f_the operation of rariouS -types of oscilla- I
tors. This is a general-purpose unit, JL.. e. it may be used both as a series and as a
~parallel oscillator. The unit conn-cted in series for tfelding currents
-Which do not exceed the value given in the specifications mid in parallel for higher
,currents. The hot side of the power line is fused Euid the unit has a line filter,
step-up power transformer with limiting resistors, spark oscillator circuit, high-fte,
quency output transformer and output capacitor. A schematic.- diagran and photographs
Card 1/2 uDc: 62.1.791-03:621-3.072
Developing the basic formila for the viscosim-tar wIth an inclined
tube. Izm.tokh. no.4s44-48 AP 162. (mm 15:4)
,-...?~O.LOTYKH, Ye.V.
Thf4i:~retizal and experimental Inventigation af with
a falling and a rolling ball. T~~dy
no.T5,,:93-110 164-
lavestigating the relati.onghip betwe,3n the v1scolfity t,:I'
and pr6s3urea up 0 lif
19 Vseqoyuzay-.f riauciirio-4;.sslrjdo-vtitAllak~'I tnatLtufi, (IzIkO-tAhnL--
sheskikh i izmereWy,,
i; -~!l It !,--! , -- -]
: I
I I I ~ I III I I, i- -I A . , '. I 1., 11 , I - . ., .~ I.. . , , ..
Irilt for m!nimuring the viscon,,Ay of "Liquids at
3.0 rA)O Trudy Irize I,-,, Kom.atind..mtir I izzm,p1b
12 2 M."o
'I. nauclinz,'.s3_7 'ednvatf)11.3k~.y InstituL flz,Ckr~~tskhn~-
chook.'.1(h J. radiob-Ahn',cheskikh limere "I i.y.
-1 Al
Z014QZTXV eialrikli nauk; KO"V, X. L.,
Yovdoklys Va!l~%
,yM,,..Aondidat takbnlc~
nauk, redaktor; MALIT80f, A.S., glavW
[High pressure viscosimajor (up to 5000 kG/a%2)] Viskii0itatr vyskokogo
davlaniia (do 5000 kOlwafl. Tema 4. no. P-56-406. Moslma. Akadamika
nauk $3M, 1956. 9 p. MRA 100)
24 (8) 06 81
AUTHORS: Zhokhovskiy, M.K.9 Razumikhin, V.X.,j_,.,Zplotykh, Ye.V,t
TITLE- A The modynamic Scale of High Pressures up to 25,000
PERIODICAL: Izmeritellnaya tekhnika, 1959, Nr 11, Pp 26'29
ABSTRkCT-. This article is based on
a previous publication of the
aforementioned authors ~Ref 17, At that time the au-
thors investirrated the curve of" melting mercury up to
209000 kg/cm2
. They apolied it for solving the problem
of a high pressure scale. They confirmed experimental-
ly that the extrapolation of. the equation of the curve
of melting, mercury (on which the tile rmod ynam i e., scale of
pressure is base) is permissible up to 20,000 kglcm
with an accuracy of 0.4-0.856. In this article, the au-
thors Dresent the results of new investigations in a
pressure range extended to 25,000 kg/cm ., . The equip-
men'. for the experimental determination of the phase
Card 1/2 equilibrium of mercury and the methods of determininj~
A Thermodynamic Scale of High Presn-urns up to 2~5,000 kg/=2
the equilibrium pressures and tempernt%ireB in the new
y up to 25,000 kg,/cm2
pressure ra: , rellMined the sane
as in ~R_ef . The thermodynamic scale of pressures was
extended to 25,000 kg/cm2 with an accuracy of t 0.51%, A
group of reference resistance pressure gages was deve-
loped which reproduce the thermodynainio scale of press-
ures within the aforementioned limits and with the afo-
rementioned accuracy. A device was developed which may
be used for transferring the values of the pressure
scale to any device of, high --pressure, eriginee'r-'ng. -_ This-
device consists -of manually; -and -mechanically operated
hydraulic pumps, pressure multiplicators to 6060 and
25,000 kg/cm2 and the necessary valve system.As shown
in Fig 2. In the interval between 5000 and 25,000 kg/=2,
any intermediate value may be produced. There are 1
diagram, 1 graph, 1 table, and 3 Soviet references.
Card 2/2
31 -i Imil lldkll 111 11,1111111!
24(0); 50). 6(2) PHASE I BOOK EXPLOITATION SOV/2215
Vaeaoyuznyy nauchno-isaledovatel'3kiy lnstituct m6trO10511 iMent
DI. Mandeleyeva
Referaty nauchno-133ledovatalIzkIkh rabot; abornik No.2 (Sclcnt-rl--
Research Abstracts; Collection of A-r-ticles. Nr 2) Moscow,
ftandartgjz, 1958. 139 p. 1,000 Copies Printed.
Additional Sponsoring Agencyt USSR. Komitet standaztov, mer I
lzmat-Itel-nykh priborov.
Ed.: 3. V. Reabotins; Tech. Ed.i X. A. londratlyova.
PURPOSEs These reports are intended for scientists, researchers,
and engineers engaged In developing, standards, meas~3, and
&age* for the various industries.
COVERAOE. The volume contains 123 reports On standards of measure.
Mont and control. The report* were prepared by scientists or
instj tutsa of the Komitet 3-tandartov, mor I i=o:-Itnl'nykJl
priborov prI Sovete MInistrov 3358 (Cc=A&&ss1on cn Standard$,
Measures, and Moasuring Inatrumenta under the USSR Council or
Klnlotera). The participating Institutes &"Z VNIJX
V3e5OYuZnYY nauchno-133ledovatellakly moz-ologli imani D.I.
Nandeleyeva (Lll-Union Scientific Research Institute or Met-
rology 1menl D.I,.Mcnd&Isyw) in Leningrad; Sverdlovsk branch
or this inatitut .
~ VWIIK - Votsoyuzny-y nauchno-L6sI*dovateI-*iKjy
Inat1tut 10mitata 3tandartov, mar I 1~rltallnyxA priborv
(All-Unlon Scientific Research institute of the Co=!.*zicn
an 3twidards, Xcasures, and X"suring :nstrumentz). created
from MGIKIP - Mozkovokiy go3udar3tvenn" imstItut =r I
I=orItol'nYkh Priborov (Moscow State Zrat.4tuta of rtea3ures
and Measuring Instruments) October 1, 1.955;
Vacsoyu=yy naucnno-cajedovatel,dii~ in-autut az~~o-tzkwni-
cheakikh I ra4lotekhnichoski" I=orqnly (All-Union ScientiCic
Resaaren Institute of Phys1cotechnicall and Radio-engineering
Measurement:, ) In Moscow. KhODUP . K)- xcvzkly gcsu~:arstvenr4y
Instl-ut mer I priborcv (Ma skov State inatituzo,
or Keasuraft and Measuring Instruments,'; and KGIMIT - Novool-
bIrxk17 gosudaretyanyy Inatitut ter I %=erjtol'nykh priborgv
(XovosIbIrok State Institute of Measures and Measuring Instru-
No perso,nalitiez are menziono,=. Tnara are no rarerences.
Y_qdWl_M.4- OHM). DatermisIng the Coefficients of Standard
High-spe.d (Pitot static) Tub., b, th, -"'t. 6:5
!gqt,kh. Y- . (MGLKIP). Designing a HIgs-pressure Viscoamater
mayIng thS Dependence of Fluid VI&4o<y on PrOSaurs up
5'=C 1;gr",- 66
MftlYar0V, O.As (VNIIM). Determining Water Viscosity at 200C 6a
T*"I%at4r* vma#ur~ts (K~jratzyov~ a.?!., Ediver, Proreosor)
an= X,r. Cr_'QV=
'Practical Twptrr.tur. So.!. -in th- R-g- W-
Boroylk-Romanov, A.S.. M.P. Orlova. and X~_Mlrey"* (V.NIIFIRI).
Deterzdning !~eriationz fro:= Cur-le's !,~
tha nurpaaa 5:* r., Eh. or
Scala of Tc=p&ratur-ca 19.1c. 1COX
Pill ptuLk~~.I_ and S.k,_4 _jLj=jmx Interpolation
Card 14/27 ~ne (VNIIM).
Investigating some properties of manganin resist4jace u1nometers
for measuring pressurew up to 10, cm2. Trudy Lapt.
Kom. stan., nor I ism. prib. no. 46:62-67 160. (Ml.RA 13:12)
S/ 124/6 1/000/003/0 19/028
AOO A 105
AUTHOR: Zolotykh, Ye. V.
TI=- Investigation of the dependence of liquid vis,~osity on preazure up
to 5,000 kgf/cme
PERIODICAL: Referativnyy zhurnal, Mekhanika, no. 3, 1961, 79, abstract 3B543
(Tr. in-tov Kom-ta standartov, mer i izmerit. priborov pri Sov.
Min. SSSR, 1960, no. 46 (lo6),81-95)
TM: Having briefly given characteristics of the m(Wiodi3.of liquid
viscosity measurement at high pressures, the author descrtbet3 a Tit~cometer
in-tended for the measurement of viscosity at pressures up to 5,000 kgf/cm2. The
liquid viscosity in the viscometer was determIned during the drop of a ball in a
verticg.1 pipe of 36 mm in diameter. The time of fall of the balls was visually
determined through sight holes. The liquid presiture In -the pipe wits supplied
from a press-pump. An investigation of the viscosity of various liquids in the
viscometer and A comparison of the obtained data showed that the errors of the
viscosity measurement did not exceed 51. The Ose!en-Fuxon formula is recommended
for the calculation of the viscosity. The experimental dep,~ndences of viscosity
Card 1/2