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Cyclic Metal Strength (qont' SOVA025 and growth of fatigue cracks, the role of' plaistic defonickillon In fatigue fracture, an accelerated method of d,Ai~vrjtnIrjF fatigue strength, the plotting of fatit;uo dlatrramv, and various fatigue tect-inethodo. New data nre presi~ntcd on the sensitivity or high-ntrrngth steel to titrenis cone4ailratton, the effect of stress concentration on bhe criteritin of Val;lguo failure, the effect or the sizzo factor on the otronf,~h or metal. under cyclic loads, and reoulto of enduranct tonto or various ma,:hlne parts. Problems conneatod ifith cyalle metal toughness, Internal. friat Ion, and the effect of corvoolon media and temperature on the fatigue al;rength of matals ari? also discussed. No personalities are mentioned. Rach article to accompanied by references, Mostly SDVIet. TA13LE OF CONTENTSi NATURE OP FATXGUH AIACTURC Odingp L A. Diffuolonleso Mechanion of FOrmatlon and 11rowth o)C a Fatigue Crack Card 21,p Cycli-c Metal Strength (cont. W/6025 Postnikov, V. 0. A. GOrghkOVe Investigation of Mechanical and Thermal Fatigue of Metals by the Method of Internal Friction 218 Pochtennyyp Ye. K. Heat Effect in Cyolic. Symmetric Loading of Parts 227 EFFECT OF EWIRONMENT ON THE FATIGUE STRENGTH Karpenko, T. V. Basic Factors in the Investigation of the Effect of Environment oii Fatigue Strength ~233 Bykov, V. A., and 0. N. Vsevolodov. Corrosion-Fattgue Strength of Cast Brass 238 Chayevskiy,, M. I. Effect of Melts of Low-Keltil5g Metals on the Fatigue Strength of Carbon and Chroalum- 141ckel Steels 243 Card 7/9 - - --------- ACCESSION NR-. AR4041610 S0 137 641060/ 005110150/1050 SOURCE: lief. zh. Metallurgiya, Abg. 51292 AUTHOR: Postnikov, V. S.; zojotUkhjn,._lr _V TITLE: Investigation of thermal fatigue of alloys of aluminum with copper by method of internal friction CITED SOURCE: Sb. Relaksato. yavleniya. vmet. I splavaikh. M. jMetallurgizdato 1963, 105-U1 TOPIC TAGS: thermal fatigue, aluminum alloy, copper contaidng alloy. Internal friction TRANSLATION: By method of internal friction the Influence.of cyWcal heat treatment on form change of single crystals and polycrystalline alloys of syskein Al-cu 'Wall invesiigatod (0. 5;, 4i, !~- 5;, 10 "a a -W t*% Cu)'j omaesai4j Licitiopic pro-. parties with respeat to,.~kevwl_j~~skcnd plea in the tam of 1dra.100 CUL) Card 1/3 w dill ACCESSION NIR: AR4041610 An 1engih*arA'i iW in section were-annealed at *a temperaturili equal to 0.8T 'for 1 hour and then were tested on special instaUation, with tho help of Aich Unternal. friction was measured and cyclical heat treatment woo carried out. !Change of length of samples as a result of cyclical'heat trwttnent was controlled 1with the help of HIR-12 microscope with accuracy up to 0.02 aim. Drperiments showed that dependences of high-temperature part of internal. friction (back- ground) and 5 with given cyclical heat treatmtnt (number of cycles n - 0 and 2000',~ Cycles) on composition of alloy have identical character. Level ot internal friction at room temperature and 6 in region of l(nr concentrations (up to 0. 5%, Cu, are changed differently. Tncrease of maximum temperature of cycle causes sharper decrease of background with growth in n and leads to growth of internal friction at- room temperature. The latter is connected with formtion of (Iulpor-41reston zonos 4during cooling of s3mple from maximum temperature of cycle. Maractor of chan lof temperature dependency of internal friction during cyclical heat, treatment for poly- mid single crystals in approyJwtaly identical, Four allvy With 0.5%,Cu', as a result of cyclical heat treatment on temperature cv"es (if internal friction, lof.eingl~.~ryetala and polyer pea" s,peak. whose height ynk4lin~ ~am.ples therl*.ap Card 2/3 ACCESSICN MR. AT4014055 8/3073/63/000/000/0216/0282 i AUTHOR: PosbWwv, V. S.; Zolotukhin. TITLE: Investigation of thermal fatigue of alloys by the mothod of intema friction SOURCE: Prochnost' metallov pri perememy*kh nagruzkakb; materialy* tretlyego :x soveshchaniya po ustalosti metallov, 1962 g. Moscow, lzd-vo AN 88SR, 19133, 275-282 TOPIC TAGS: alloy, thermal fatigue, internal friction, cadmiunk zinc tilloy, zinc aon- taining alloy ABSTR&CT: The physical nature of the thermal fatigue of alloys of cadmiwn and zino containing from 0. 5 to 24% zinc has been studied by the metallographic and internal friction methods. The cast polycrystalline specimens were annesded at 2,00C for I hour. Monocrystals of some specimens containing 1. 5-17%zinc were obtained using a device similar to that used by Lichtmann and Maslennikov. The dependimce al Intumal friotion and relative elongation on alloy compositionat AT = 150 C and t ts: 30 sac(inds Is sbmvn In Figure 1 of the Enclosure. The lowest reLative elongation and ikiternal friction was shown by alloyi; corresponding to t1io limiting solubility of zinc In the eklim 1$=e at 266 C. The effect of tomporaturo and duration of the cycloo of heallng on the Wtownal frictlon of Cird 1/6 --------------- ACCESSION NR: AT4014055 the alpha solid solution of zinc in cadmium is shown in Figure 2 of the Enclosure.' At AT = 150 C, maximal changes in internal friction occur in the area of the first thousand thermocycles when t = 30 seconds. After 2000 thermocycles, the changes in internal friction are very slight. The effect of structure on the relationship between. Interiml friction, temperature and the number of thormocyoles to shown W. Figue 3 of the Enclosure. The metallographic investigation of pare polyerystalline metals and of itiloys containing 1. 5% zinc showed, after a few thermocycles, lines of slidirg,in the sepuate ains of the pure metal and separate m1crocracks In the alloy. After 250 cycles, faUgue i gr cracks were formed and in the area of 1500-3000 cycles, the individuaL graLns and their i boundaries were destroyed and complete destruction of the metAl due to fatigue was seez. Oxig. art. has: 5 figuresi ASSOCIATION: None SuBb=n 00 DATE ACQ: 2011sb64 EIINCIA (13 SUB CODE: NO REV SOV: 020 CYMER;jq03 2/5 Ir N" ACCESSION NR: AT4014055 J.NC LOSMM. Fig. I - Relationahip between Internal friction, relativa olongaUon aad Alloy iozapor& tion during cyclic heat treatment at 4T 160C and t 30 secondoo; 1 T 0.8 Tst a 0; 2 - T - 0o8 Ts, n 3000. cycles 3 - T 20 n 3000 cycles 0 A p 8: t'# 19 ACCESSION NR: AT4014056 ENCLOSURE: 02 Fig. 2 - Effect of cycle t ic length t and temperature l i interval 4 T on internal friction Q-1(T) of Cd-Zn alloys at T = 0. 8 TS. a - 1. 5% Zn, 60 see. F (1 -AT = 600, 2- 4 T = 150", -3 -4 T = 2001; b - 2. 95% Zn,-r = 30 sec. (I -4T 60*; 2 -4 T = 100*0 3 - 4 T 1500); I AP a - shepe of Uxe thermal cycle S91 d - 1. 6%. Zn, 4 T = 160* ~ ' - 2 6 - r!= (I -r = 30 sec. ; 0 Bee* 3 - 'r- 90 ace#,; 4 - 120. iE[eQ *,j J, 4 4/6 rd C a ACCESSION NR: AT4014054 Fig. 3 - Relationship AM between internal friction temperature, number of cycles and state (A or B) to or Cd-Zn alloys. a- ihape of the thermal cycle; b -t-30 sec., 4 T - 150% T - 0. 8Tk3 (1 - A, 1. 5% Zn; E- B, A 1. 5% Zn; 3 - , 17.4% Zn; 60 4 - B, 17. 4% Zn); . . a - n - 0 (1 - A, 1.5% ZU; 2-B, 1.5%Zn;3-A, 17.4% Zn; 4 - B, 17.4%-Zn)' A -roe owl' nNuostmEt 03 Ile Card SA48163100100 1/089,/M 050101 AUTHORS: Postnikov, V. S., Zolotukhino I. Vo, Oorshkow, 0. A. TITLE: 'An investigation of the Me0hudcal ad th414M1 fatlp* of Mtale by the.internal friction method PERIODICAL:' Referativnyy zhurnal* Fizlka,. no. 11 1963, 94, abstarlwt IBSN * "Tailaich. proobnost' W&U.w." Mi, AN S&M, (In collection. 1962, 218 - 2L~6) TEXT: Investigated was the low-frequenoy Internal firiction of Cd, Zn,'Al, -and Au under mechanical and thermal fatigue conditions. It was establidwd that the total amount of defects in polyar7stals especIally st^ngly Pore"vi durlas the first 2-10-3 oycl~s, and then a saturation takes place up to the failure. During the first 2-103 cycles, an accumulation of ths defs4ts' takes plamo, ad then defeat coagulation processes and other preparational fraotum proaams c.o mm e n.a e~. The amount of defects for the single arystals continuousl:r Is*- creases up to the failure. The peak of the 1nternal-frictlon, which 1x ahem- teristic of.- polycrystalline metals) cUsappears during a ay*lio land. 13do Is Card 1/2 SAFAASAMAOMM91M An investigation of thet.2 A160/AIOI apparently caused by the broadening of 'the releirAtIon time, MWO4,1MIS of IL11", along the division boundaries. The thermal 'cycles also destroy alsoat tMplete- ly the peak of the internal friction in the polyorystalliam metal., The lattAw seems to be cauzed by a fractionation of the grains.. 1A Vmportlan to on ft- crease of the number of the thermal oyalqs, the baakawund *f thAl'inUrnal Ma- tion increases, passes through the maximups and then doomases. KerebW, the background of the internal friction of ~the inetal, wh1oh Is oubje9tad-to IL juw'.. number of thermal cycles has.&,zmaller mognitude tbw the b&*kCvaVnd fate an mo rei%je,& metal. L.- KirkIn [Abstracter's note: Complete translation) Card 2/2 zozarmlml,xit ~ - . 0,- " ,, !; w'! 4 '- -,r; - Organizational and methodological work of a district stomatologLot. Stomatologiia 36 no4.4:74-75 Jl-Ag 157. (MIRA 10:11) -1. 1z Gelendthikskogo, rayonnogo otdola z&ravockhrenenira (rav. X.G.Koetyuk) i traenodarskoy krayevoy stomatologii-heekoy polikli'alki (konsal'tont - dotsent YujAernadpkiy) .I (MOUTH-Dis"Sms) ZOLOTU'ARIM, K. I., Ingineor ItTool Manufacturing Technology," Stpnki i Instrwent, 10, No. 12, 1939- Re-nort &-1505, 4 Oct 1951. ZOTOTUMM., A. A. "The USSR Hydrometeorological Service," Matoorologiya i Gidrrt:Lariya, x10 pp 3-9, IAningrad, 1953 XMILl ~ZOLOTUKHIii, G. To. - Investigating the effect of electrode cooling conditionn on the intensitv of spectral lines. Yiz.e*bor. no.4-:1289-2!)l '58. (MIRA 1215) (spectrum analysis) Ollectrodes) ZOWTUXHIN...;~qA#v insh. Improve4 pip4-wroach Oa#To %mop, truft v prolo, I ROPUS11 3) 157, (MlAt U13) (wrenches) vv~ Ij oil 0- i o r.101 1 0 1? a R:? F p I, tr "0 .0 or 0 1. 1 10 t4 14 -P It 4oc Ol 11:14 '0 3 w UI IS If IR TI '111,11IN SMARCHM,- G. P., Engineer; ZOLCTUMT]T,~ K, 1. Mal, mTool Manufacturing Tachnoloa," Stanki i Inetrument, 10, No. 1~!, 1939 Report U-1505, 4 Oct 1951- ZOLOTUMO, K.I. --ft6quency of paradontosis in deaf-muton, Stoinntologlit 3? no.600 raL N-D 160, MIT, 1. Iz kliniki stomatologii Kubanmkogo meditsim1cogo Anotituta. (GUMS-DISLASkS) (DUF) ZOL(YrUKIIIN, K.S.; ULAACIV, I.M. Thermoc ou files for inoamirir4?, tcnperatvv~13 of tho hfd~ bLast and v n L - )9 of the crowns of hol-blaot , ovoti. Stall 2.5 no.!- W~,O-I' 1 Ag 165. (NITRA 18.8) 1. Ghorvpovet.~~Iy .1 LISITSYN, M.S., profeagor, saslushenq" deyatell nauki; ZOLOTUIMIN. N.A. kandidat meditsinakikh nauk. Hemostatic action of resorptive gauze (oxidized collulooe) Vest.kbir.76 nn.9:69-74 0 '55- (MLR& 9:1) 1. Is kliniki obsbche7 khirurgii (nach-prof. X.S.1pisitsyn) Voyenno-morskoy meditsinekoy akademil. (OLLULOSM, oxidized cellulose gauze, hemostatic action) (MOSTASIS, hemostatic action of oxidized cellulose gauze) 8 4 325 0 0--LI S/128/60/CGO,/0O8/O09/'014 A1O5/AO29 AUTHOR: Zolotukhin,.1L.I. V1 TITLE: Production of Silicon Magnesium Addition Alloy An Ferroalloy Plants PERIODICAL: Liteynoye proizvodstvo, 1960, No. 8, p. 46 TEXT: Experiments were carried out by the author in cooperwtion with A.A. Kuz'mina and Yu.A. Shul'te in the Zaporozhskiy ferrosplavniy zavod (Zaporozh 11. ye Fei;~o-alloy Plant) by applying a simplified method of production of silicon mag- nesium alloys containing 8 - 30% Mg. As a starting material 75 - 80% ferrosill- con of first melt were used, melted in a 3-phase electric svplting furnace or 9,000 kva and magnesium pigs rOCT 8o4-49 (GOST 13o4-49). A doficrilytion of thoi' melting procedure is given and the components of three alloym are It was established that the waste of magnesium depends on the temperature of molten fer- rosilicon and the alloy. By improving these methods the ~tasto could. be reduced to 10%. The simplicity of the proposed process makes it posiolble to produce cheap ferrosilicon magnesium alloys with various composition.o and sj..,,ecific gi,av- ities in large quantities at insignificant supplementary lovins duving the pro- duction of cast Iron grids used for this process. There are 2 tables and 1 So- viet reference. Card 1/1 S/121V60/000/004/002/006 A104/AI33, AUTHOR: Zolotukhin, N. I. TITLED. The practice of oxygen-enrichment of the cupola Maat PERIODICAL: Liteynoye proizvodstvo, no. 4, 1960, 12-13 TEXT: A method of smelting with oxygen enrichment to olotain ferritic malleable cast iron and magnesium iron is described. Ths method is applied at the "Kommunar" Plant in Zaporozhlye in a 700 mm diameter o"i-ola and one row of tuyeres and in ** the "Zaporozhastall" plant in a 600 mm (liameter cupola and three rows of tuyeres- The choice of,the most advantageoa~3 admission point of oxygen and its quantity presented considerable diffioulties due to contradictory scientific data. At the "Kommunar" Plant oxygen was supplied to each tuyere from a cylinder fitted on a special platform. EKperimental. data are given in a table. Oxygen supply into the upper tuydres and paxti- cularly into the third row of tuy~res increases the temppratuxe of the flue gases and increases the heat loss. It is recommended to supply oxygen into the lower row of tuye'res of cupolas with a recciver and iyito the second row of tuyeres of cupolas without receiver. Specific oxygen consumption is 0.32 ard 1 S/12 60/OCID/004/002/006 The practice of oxygen-enrichment... A104X133 - 0, 5 m3 per 11C and ton of overheated metal. Oxygen enrichment has no effeat on the carbon loam (36 - 3elo) whereas manganese and silion loams decrease from 25.5 to 24%. Oxygen blowing reduced the coke consutaptiou from 17 to 14% and its supply to the lower row of tuy6rea did not affect the oupola lining. Based on the described teste,the enrichrient with 0.5 m3/t0n ol, oxygen per ~a for cast iron 8melting is-recommended. When oxygen was supplied to the lower tuyeres in cupolas with receivers, the metal was produced at 1,380 - 1,40000 and in cupolas without receivere at 1,400 1,4200C. There are 2 tableo and 14 Soviet-bloc references. 2 ,qCN/1.23-59-16-65202 Translation from: Referativnyy zhurnal. MashIn"troyenlye, ~959, :Nr 1.6, p 213 (USSR) AUTHOR: Zolotukhj"Vl~-,, TITLE: An Effiaient Method of Admitting Oxygen Into,the Cupola ftrnace PERIODICAL: Tekhn.-ekon.. byul. Sovaarkhoz Zaparazhsk. ekon, aft. Y-aa, 1958, lbz 7 35 - 37 ABSTRACTt In order to obtain cast Iran with a hlgh,w*erht~at tesits were oeirOied out to blow 0 Into a cupola. fUrmade of-I= diameter with one row of tuyeres wi?hout forehearth and into a cupola-Purnave of' 600 mm in dia- meter with three rows of tuyeres with forohearth and withcut. In the latter case 0. was admitted separately-to-each row of tuyers. The 02 was forced in through a nozzle of 3 - 5 am-in diameter, w;Lth a. pressure of 6 - 12 at. The most favorable affect In. reachad if O,,~ Is forced into the lower row of t7ayeres. When being forced Into t1te uppar rcws the temperature of the waste gas rose and increased the heating of the lining. It is re- coamended to force 0 into the second row as the lower row of tt4eres is Card 112 filled with slag. ;?e most favorable emmumption Of 02 for an additional An Efficient Method of Admitting Oxygen Into the Cupola Furnaoe euperheating of 1 t of metal by one degree centigrade varies f"rom 0,32 to 0.5 M~ IV blowing 02 into the cupola furnace it is possible to smelt wroiVht Iron and magnesilim cast iron. L.A.M. Card 2/2 ,q/ 14?/6-0/rxo/oo6/ooi/ooq A161/AO29 AUrHORS- Moshnin, Ye.N.; Zolotukhin, N.M. TITLE- Determination of -the Forging"Pressure - PERIODICAL, Kiiznechno-shtampovochnoye pvoizvodstvo, 1960, IN. 6, J)P- I - 5 TEXT: It had been noted before by many authors that the actual forces act- ing in forging of large metal masses are c6nsiderabl~ lower than calculated by theoretical f onwilae. 3.G. Golovanoy (Ref - 3) anid S.I. Gubicin (R~f . 1) experi- mentally found correction coefficients to -the formulae (according to 'S.I. Glabkin the correction coefficient is reduced from I to 0.4 with a targit* Volume in-~ creasing from 25 to 25,000 cm3). To study pecuWrities of doformation in large forgings, an experimental investigation has been carried out at T.:,1r1_V.5LUh with a 1,'roo-ton press and at the 'Novo -Kramatorskiy mashinostroitWnyy zavod (Novo- Kramatorsk Machinebuilding Works) with 3,000 and 10,000-ton'press~es. The cQoling process in air and during deformation has been investigated, Tbe former conalu- sion5 drawn by D.I.- Berezhkovskiy (Ref. 6) concerning the ho-at effect proved wrong. The results of temperature measurements in the surfAtce and center layers of forgings of 0.5 tons and 360 mm in diameter to 100 tons ilind 1,8~?O mm in dia- Card 1/ 5 8/182/60/0()Q/006/001/009 Determination of the Forging Pressure A16l/AO-X,) meter (cooling in air) and the observed changes of pressing efforts pressure and deformation rezist-ance are shown In curves for a 123-ton ingot of "45" steel on a hydraulic 10,000-ton press. It was observed that forginC.,s cooLed faster during deformation due to separation of scale and heat transfer Into tho fullers, than during transportattior, from the heating furnace and placing on thn press. The cooling rate during deformatiork. was approximately 3 times higher than in air. The perceptible effect of the deformation rate on the deformation resistance st-arts with a 10 times higner deformation rate. It is concluded, therefore, that this effect may be ignored when using laboratory test data for the calculation of swaging process forces, brat correction coefficients irrust be used arA the deforma- tion resistance of the forging at the end of deformation wUl be Sop = SAkik 2~3 (3) where S ,At is the highest deformation resistance value at memn temperature of the forging, determined in mechanical tests; ki - a coefficient accounting for de- formation resistance drop in large relative deformations; k2 - ;3. coefficient adcounting for the duration difference of heating and holding a test specimen and an actual forging at, forging temperature; k3 - a coefficient accounting for the respective difference of deformation. Extensive experimental investigation Card 2/5 .,/if,,,P,/6o/i)(io,/006/ooi/oog Determination of the Forging Pressure A161/AO29. is yet- necessary to determine these coefficients. It Is reao=,ended to calculate the actual deformation resistance of large forgings (ingc~to) appi-6ximately, using the formula S ~/4k (4) where k is a coefficient allowing for the values of tho coefficienzs k2, and k 3* For forgings (ingots) of plain carbon steel or low- alloy steel being deformed to half of the initial height, the k coefficient values (taken with some reserve in view of uncertainty) are given in a table: F a c t o r s 0.5 6.o 20 50 100 Transportation time of the forging to the press.' in min. Swaging time, in min. Conditional total time, in min. Temperature of the forging sur- face (maximum mean) in OC Coefficient k 12 15 20 22 25 1.5 2 3 4 5 16.5 21 29 34 40 850 880 900 930 960 0.8 0.7 0.6 0.55 0.5 Card 3/5 sl i~'32/6o/wo/oWoo Woog Determination of the Forging Pressure A161/AG2)L So calculated, th resistance in a 123-ton carbon steel ingot heated to 1, 2000C will be 1.4 kg/mm (the actual resistance is lower) . In gerieral the results of the investigation coincide with data obtained by S.G. Golcrvanov (Ref. 14) who ob- tained about 1.3 kg/mm in a comparable case, and by A.D. Tomlenav (Ref. 15) who concluded that in swaging of large ingots with the diameter near4 equal to the height and heated to 1,2000C, the swaging pressure q for strtictural carbon steel is about 1.25 - 1.55 kg/mm2. The chosen k coefficient values are clcse to (.9light-r, ly higher) the values of an analogous coefficient that was i~-uggewted by Sj, Gub- kin (Ref. 1). The followi~ conclusions are drawrit 1) The beat effect in de- formation has no material influence on deformation resistanee in forging carbon and low-alloy steel on hydraulic forging presses. 2) For loxge f,orgings, the mean deformation resistance corresponding to the mean temperature in the croos section area is to be accepted for caloulationa. 3) 1he meon temperature iii cnM section is to be determined allowing for the parabolic heat distvibution curve. 4) When using data of tests on small specimens, corrections are 'Recesaaryl a) for dropping resistance at high-degree deformation (in 900 - 1,250cC),; b) for different heating time of laboratory specimens and actual forging1j; 1.) for the difference between swaging deformation (in one press stroke) and the relative theoretic deformation, at which the deformation resistance reache" tho maximum. Card 4/5 3/18,~R/60A,00/006/001/009 , Determination of the Forging Pressure A16L/AO29 5) The actual deformation resistance in large forgings is about 0.5 - 0-8 of the . resistance determined in tests at a temperature correspondiAS to 1-.bD Mean temper- etur6 in the forging. There are 4 figures and 15 references.- 13 Soviet, 2 Eng- lish. Card 5/5 ZOWT.U.KHIN,. N.M.; ENTIN, I.Z.; GETMANSKIY, A.P. Investigating the distribrution of plastic r1fl-formatJons by the photoplauticity method, Izv. vys. ucheb. zav.; chern. met. 8 no.5:76-81 165. (WRA 18:5) 1! Kramatorskiy irdustriallnyy institut. ZOLO-TU,KHI-Np,-.H.X,j SUTIN.. I.Z. Optical polarization-Zor the study of dofomttond in three-dimensional plaetically-dafo:emed plexiglas models. Kuz.-shtam. proizve 5 no.10:10-13 0 163. (MnA l61ll) .J/18?/61/000/003/00_VOO9 A161/A133 AVIEORS: Moshnin, Ye. N., Zolotlakhin, N. M. TEME: Improving the accuracy of determining the upsetting stxes~; of forgings PERIODICAL- Kuznechno-shtampovochnoye proizvodsvo, no. 3, 1961, 18 - 19 TEXT -, The amicle presents supplementing data on -the results of an experi- mer al investigation of factors affecting the deformation in hot upsetting proces- ses [Ref. 1: Ye. N. Moshnin and N. M. Zolotulhin, "Kuzn. shtamp. proizvodstvoll, no. 6, ig6o]. A method had been suggested in the first a&.icle to determine the required upsetting stress, that; included the assumption that -the coolirg of the forging is stabilized by the end of the upsetting process, i.e. that the cooling has reached the center of the forging. Additimal invest 18ationo vevealed that this may be assumed for forgings not above 15 ton weight, but, that tile up:Ietting, of 20-ton and heavier forgings ends with irregular cooling that must be taken lnt,o account to prevent a considerable error in the rated required stress. The informa- tion in this second article includes two heat distribution 1,rraphs; a new equation for the determination of the mean temperature during an irvi-,T'Plar ,iooling p~.oces.,': f, mean = tsurface + a (tcenter - tsurface)! (2) Card 112 Id/ 182/6 I/W()/003/0)5/009 Improving -the accuracy of determining the ... MWA133 I empirically determined values of the a-factor, wid a tab"Ie of d,~Vovmatlon tteaist-- j- ance values determined for forgings of 0.5, 6, 23, 50 and 100 tons of the "45" grade steel la accordance with Tiew and more accurate datta. TKere are 2 figures, I cable and 2 Soviet-bloc references. Card 212 S/182/61/000/004/003/007 D038/r)112 AUTHORS: Zolotukhin, N.M. and Miltchevskly, If.Ya. --------------------------- TITLE: Upsetting pipes FERIODICAL: Kuznechno-shtampovochnoye proizvodstvo~ no- 4, 1961, 13-15 TEXT: The article describes a method of upsetting thickened end aections of pipes for excavators. The method of upsetting pipes both in a calibrated ring and "dth- out dies was submitted in 1955, and is under development at the NIIPTMASh (Krama- torsk). The NIIPTMASh in conjunction with ITM have tested 299 x 12, 299 x 14) and 180 x: 12 mm dimension pipes for excavators for 'which grade 20 or X steel ulth no more than 0.12% C, 1.3-1.7% Mn, 0.3-0.6% Si, 0.15-0.4% Cu, 0.01-0.03% Ti, 0.3% Gr and Ni, 0.045% S and 0.04% P, were used. The device, mounted on a lathe frame, comprised: a working tool, a wedged mechanism with hydraulic driviD for clanpIng down the upset pipes, a hydraulic drive for feedinj;,t the pipoij and a device for thei coordination of pipe and inductor feed. It is stated that (I the mechaniaal 'Oro_ _ perties and fiber texture in the upset metal did not differ fTom the initial metal; (2) the metal ain microstructure couia be iontrolled by the temp4irature of up- setting and (3fit was possible to upset pipes with a 2-3 fold wall thickening in a single operation by a continuous step-by-step method. Candidate of Technical Card 1/2 3/18:?/61/000/004/003/607 Upsetting pipes D038/DI12 Sciences N.M. Zolotukhin supervised the work, and Engineer irJA. W I InbovskiT deve- loped the metnoa kAuthorts Certificates no. 104402,iII461.5ilmd 117296),,-,.Theroi~irqj'~.. 7 figures and I Soviet reference. Card 2/2 ZOWTMMIN. 1. R. Modeling processes of hot forging (with sunmry in Inglish]. Insh.-fis-shur. no-12:59-63 158. Oulu, lit 12) 1. Kramatorskiy filial TSentrallnogo naucbno-iasl9doTatelImkog6 institute, tekhnologit i rashinnstroytonlya. goltrRmtol-SIC., (ftinaering models) (Forging$ T7FFIIF~ll,-.,,,-11!iifiiltl!iil~IfLwi J~ j~'Iii----' ~1~- ;~~t~L~ i--' !... i 4"mr. ZOLJ3TUKHIH, N.M.) kandetekhmnauk Solving the differential equation of heat condixOtion Opplicablo to the probloms of-heating of forging and roll~rig ingotm. Konstr.i takh.mash. no*1:174-181 261, (141RA 15:2) (Heat-Conduction) ZOWTUKHIN, N.M.,, kand.tekhn.nauk Calculating the heating of ingots and blanke for for&g and their cop2ing during the forging. Konstr.i teUwaash,', no.l:182402 161. (MIRA (Heat-Conduction) (Forging) ZOLOTUKHINP N.M., kand.takhn.nauk ModnlMprocaasna of hot foraing of motals, Tact4 nuoh. 38 no-9:36-49 S 158. (MRA 11110) (Inginearing models) ZOLOTUXHIN, N. M. Zolotukhin, N. M. "A method of approximate modeling of the process of hot Of metals." Min HeAvy Machine BuildinE (TeNUT14ash). Houc3w, 1956. (Dissertation for theDegree of Q&ndidate in Technical Sclette). So: Knizhnaya letopit' No. 25, 1956. Moscow MOS191IN, Ye.N.,- ZOWTUKHIN. N.M. Greater accuracy in the methods of determining Xorcesi required for upset forging. Kuz.zhtan.proizvo 3 no.3:16-1-119 Mr ~61. (MIRA 14:6) (Forging machinery) I I11U~ 11 All I IT, -01 Ilk - $/I 2V6ZI000101VOl 1/013 A0521A 10 1 AUTHORS: Zolotukhin, K. M., Kuz'mintsev, V. N. TITLE: On the drop of deformation resistance of metal wheti fox%,Iaig large ingots FERIODICAL: Referativnyy zhurnal, Mashinostroyaniye, no. 15, 1962,.J', abstract 15V13 (In collection: "Konstruir. i telchnol. Moscow-Kiyev, Mashgiz, no. 1, 1961, 203 - 207) TECT: When forging blanks out of large Ingots, a drop of the deformation resistance taken place as the degree of deformation increases. So when sinking a 125 t 40H (40N) steel blank the deformation resistance decroaaes J.n the pro- cess of sinking from 2.52 kg/mM2 at the first prossing to 1.28 ~.-IVM64~ lkt the last one. The deformation resistance of a metal in affeated by the temperature, degree and rate of deformation. When forging large blanks the inner'temperature practically does not change. -The conversicn of a part of mechanical emergy into thermal energy of the forging contributes to this phenomenon. Por tblis reason tfie main bulk of metal, with the exception of surface layers, has a coastant Card 1/2 sl i 2a/6 Wocolo 15/o 11/0 13 On the drop of deformation resistance of... AO5P_/A101 temperature. As in the process of forging the degree of defordation increases the deformation resistance can decrease due to the crushing of thecast dendrIte' structure; this crushing facilitates the softening processes. An increase of external friction farees with. the,4noreaso of the degree of detlormation has aaL insignificant effect on large'forgings, since because of their large dimensions the relation of the contact surface to the volume is rather loir as compared with small blanks. The rate of deformation when sinking heavy ingol;s decreases con- siderably in the course of one pressing and also from pressing to pressing, par- ticularly when the pread iz !qcrking at tha limit of its capacity which is the case at last pressings. At the same time the rate of deformatl.Qn drops from its maximum value to zero. Oiuch a sharp decrease of the rate results in a consider- able decrease of the deformation resistance of the metal of tho blank. A very considerable decrease of the deformation resistance at the end of a pressing, when the speed of the crosshead approaches zero, takes place also as a result of' the strain relaxation, that is if the transition of a part of clastio deforma-. tion Into plastic onej because o' this transition, the forglx4l recoWas iome deformation at a considerably lower C"Rforriation resistance. There are 2 refer- ences and 2 graphs. CAbstracterls notes Complete translation] V. Paylyuchunko Card 2/2 ZOLOTUKHIN, N.P. Surgery In a 14-week-old child for "double osophaqtvm4 (witero- genic cyst. Vest.khir.76 no.8:112-113 S '55- (Mr-PA 8:11) 1. Is 2-y fakal'tetakoy khirurgichaskoy, kliniki ( P.A.Kurpiyanov) Vorenno-meditsinskoy ordena Lenium akmdemii in. S.M.Kirova Leningrad, Stalingradekly pr. d.158 kv,.B. (IOSOPHACAUS, abnormalities doi~ble duplicittion, surg. in 14-week-old child) (ABNDM4AL ITIES, duplication of anophague, ourg. in 114--ireek-old child) BYKHOVSKIY, Izraill Adollfovich; ZOLOTLUIN, N.S., umtichnyll red.; VASIVYIrr, A.V., red.itd-va; 01=2111 (Atomic warships of the NATO countries are womponij, of imporialtatio aggression; stanograpbia record of a lecture givan,in various ental).- lishments In Leningrad) Boevys atotmyo korabli, strna NATO - oritzhim imperialistichaskoi agreasil; stanograimna loktaii, pi~ocbitannoi no predprilmtilakh Laningrada. &eninjqad# O-%ro po rouprostranonliji polit. i nauchn.ananil RGM, Yveningr.otd-nJap 1959. 51 P. (MIRK 12:12) (Atomic ships) LOSKMOV, K-; ZOLMMIN. P*# aviatakhnik Our experience In the use of a motor vinch. tr-,rl-rod, 10 no-3-- 18-19 Wr '59. (MnU 12:4) 10 Bachallnik planernor stants1i g. Toshlkar-Ola (for Loskatov). 2. Planernaya stantsiya g. Yoshkar-01a (fior Zoiatukhin). (Gliding end mooring) .Ai, V rN 14. i Ill i It--,. LOSKUTOV.K.; DONDARENKO,N., instruktor-latchik; ZOIAMMIN,P., avist- takhnik ~-rmw 11 ii v It r".$,WI I "; Iv Some problems in elementary training of glider pilots. Kryl.rod. 6 n0-8:7 A9'55- (14LRA 8:10) 1. Nachallnik Yoshkar-Olinakoy planernoy stantati (for Lookutov) (Gliding (Aeronautics)) SUILOISKlY, Israill MISHUYLGH, Adollfovich: otwotstminyy redsk-tor; G.I., redektor%..Nk k."I.M., to'chnichookly redalctor [Atocie 3uhaarinee) AtomrWa podvodqo lodki. 1-rialni'md, Uos. goiuznoe izd-vo sudostroit, promyshl., 195?. ?6 p. OlMi 10:10i (Atomic outmarines) ZOLOT011111-11113 0. G. Awn.rded the order of the M ST.AR, for -,t 'prolongod giii",rice in L611 trot;j)-,i and or(jtna of the Ministry of State Secufity. Soviet Source: N! RAdyan's Ulaayiua Kiev 10 Sept. 47 A~stracted in US.42 "Trigasure Island", on file in Library of Con,;,-re3a, Air Informa-6ion DiviaJor, Report No. 99771. Unclassified LOSMOV, I.; ZMOTMIN 6 P. Chassis for the A.-I glider. Xryl.rod. .4 no.8:9 Al; 153. (KWU 6: 7~) (411dore (Limonamttes)) 10 L 0 KIZIMOV, Nikolay Afanaslyevich; MLOMMIN, P.D,radaktor; ADWOV. V.I. reaaktor; PROZOROVSKATA, Y'.*'t'."," tAktnA6W4A!1y rwlalctor. [Booklet for operators of -nine hoisting and hmull% w1n),h] Pontatka 411a mashinista Phaklitnot pod"emnot i otkatochnot lebo(Dri. Moskva. Ugletekhizdat, 1955. 52 p. (MLRA 8:6) (Mine 'hoist ing-Safety measures) ZOLOTUKHIN, P. E. Production accounting and calculation in local industry, ffofskva, Goo. izd-vo mestnoi promyshl. RSF It, 1951. 113 ;,. (55-20'151) HF5653-Z6 EOZA)TMHFI Ply. ; . - , , ielat'ion between pmatical .science instruction ant socially aseful X9rk....(!opg. _.Y_ ;~*qle,.20._uo.3:41_42 Ky-Je 157. (KLU IOW 1. Shkola stanii'%y_.S'* '_ - ,.qyqktsI;oy- Stavropol' skago Icraya. (Geography, Economic-Study an& tsaching) kAgriculture-StvAy and teaching) -ral.,R4 ZO-K-OVIRMN P.M. nary msulta rif u~Ang IVbrid bolla frtAh ths,, "OtyricU ,toinlnakiye~~ Fam ixL lewinp,-,al --c.33383-.388 My---~ro 16'50 (MIRA 10:a1) 1. Sovam-ZapadW j.nj3tlj;llt s5llskoao khouay-B-11ra. lonlng-!-ad.-3'kwra obWtl. 2, G-lavufy zoot-Winlk 4+6raogo lur-kta, Ratipublikanaltvy laborator-11 po zh~rnomolaoMcsti lviro7,, Laningradskaja oblant- Z!r.,);,,tukWm). : I 19i , SHEYKO, Sergey Sergeyevich; YANKEUVICH, Mikhail-Nikourevich; ANANIYEV, A.I... retsenzent;-ZQWTWH1H.,F.Y%i, retijenzent; ILINICH, B.K., red.; TRUSOV, N.S., tekha. red, [Accounting and calculation of protinetion coets iST& cloth- ing factorylUchat i kallkulirovaniis aebestointosti pwdtdcteii shveinol fabriki. Leningrad, Gomostpromizaat, M2. 195 p. (MIRA 16:1,) (Clothing industry-Accounting) (Costs, Industrial) ZOLUTU.Utill, R. YA. , LEVOCRM-1, F.F. IlMettod for Dotermininf Pal4um Aeroprilr in Air". p. 106 Trudy Vaevoy-Lanoy Konferent"li po J~edIJBIRnKOZI lif-(11011~ffjj (Vaprosy uigim4 i Dozmatrxi) PjndFj2.# I~Pj'eg .40,)COW HUSStIlrA, nK. Proceedings of the All-Unian Conference on Meaaavi Hai%aollofld (Hygienic nnd Dosimezric Proulams.) TMKOV A YMIAKOVP V. tdaster-povar; STL P , maBter-povvr (g.A3=4ta); TULICHINSMY.0 N. , master-povar (fflyev); KRII.,"KOVICIIIJ, Yu., master-povar (g.Minskh KOZ7RE-V, IT.', masteef-povar (Moskvu) AVDUSHEVI M., master-pavar(g.Riga,, UKEIN.? S., piqister- povar (g:Tashkent); ITEUGAYLIS, 14. [M;7z-ga=5-,jTj, mjstj,r- povar (g Riga); TURS1410"I , A., master-paver (kashkent) j-, MARTOSS, N., master-pwax (g.II$rilsk) Shcvw the example., share the aliperience. Obahchestv. pit. no,8:37-40 Ag 161, (Cookery) (MIRA 34: 10) ZOLOTUMIN, S. 1. 70LI'll"WHIll, S. 1. - "Effect of llarc6tice on the '~eitaboljnm of. lulfur-Containing Amino Acids in Animal Proteins." Sub 5 Ian 53j. First Mwrcow Order of Le- nin Medical Inst. (Dissertation for the Dep,ee of Candidate in N!edinaj . Sciences). SO: Vechernaya Maskva January-December 1952 Country , USSR V Category: Pharmacology. Tox.,.cology. Tranquilizers. Abs Jour: RZhBiol-, No 6, 1959, No 27687 Author : Nikolayeva, M.M.; Zolotukhin S I Inst :Moscow Phan=ceutir~c_'_a~;;Z~Nuje*~- Title ;Relation Between Chemical Structum. of Phonothiazine Derivatives and Their Influence on Blood CoaVlation. Orig Pub: Sb. nauchn. mbot Mosk. farmatsevt. in-t, 1957, 1, 313-317 Abstract: Blood-coagulation and prothrombin time was deter- mined in rabbits I - 1 - 2 hours ater introduction of phenothiazine derivatives: melazine (I), =inazima (II), diparcole (III), T-020 (IV), G-015 (V) and ethizine (VI) in a dose of 10 mg/kg. Experiments de- monstrated that I, II and VI prolong the time of blood Card 1/2 V-7 ZOLOTUKHIN, S. j."'? '-.~ I I.,-- . - I gof~!Pl~~fPW " 11 Nedical history in Lithuania, Farm. i toks. 20 ao-1:9) 14y--Jo 057. (HISTORY, MEDICAL (14lu 10:10) in Uthuania Pus)) "'lhe Effect of Antibi6tics of the Tetracycline Circup (in r:ll.,xxJ report prenented at the 1148th mv-,-eting (A' t(Ne Mamracijlaey &nd~ TrxJx(:!L(j, or tile Moscow Society of PllyGiQl%,istf,!, Bioellf-umiats Una 24 n. 1958. 1--loscow Pharmaceutlcal lw3tl.tute (Fannakologiia i Tohzihologiia, 21, no 0", Nov-Dec 53, P- 619) ZOLOTUMIN' Penicillin and blood coagulation; review of the literntureo 7arm. i toks. 20 no.6:8o-86 N-D 158 OURA 11:6) 1. isfedrs formakologil (zav. - prof. M.M. Slkolaynva) 14oakovskogo fnmntsevticheskogo inatitutn. (PENICILLIN. effecte. on blood congulntion, review (Rus)) (13LM COAGUL~T ION, ef f ect of drugs on, penicillin. review (Rue)) ZOLUTUKHIN, S.I. Xffect of chlortetracycline on blood comCulatione Farm, i toks 21 no,5272-76 S-0 158 (KIRA U:llj I*' Xafedrafarnakologli (zav* - prof KdM,, HilcolVevu) Hvekovskogo~ farmateevt1chastogo Inatituta Iftnisterstra wirdivooba,anenlya RSM4 (AIMMOHYCrN) (BLOOD-COAGUIAT ION) ZOUYZMIN, S. 1. Iffeet 7ofan~tlbiotios of the tetmeyelina group on blood coagian,tion, Antibiottki 4 no.317O-73 93r--T-0 '59W. (MMA 1219) 1. Keedra fiumakologli (zav. - prof *X.MeNikolayeva) Moskov- skogo farmateevtichaskogo Institutak. (BLOOD COAGLUTIMIt effect of drugs on, tetmayaline I (%a)) (TBMCTCLIIM, off. on blood cosgilation (Rue)) ZOLOTMIN, S.I. e of antibiotics on blooia coagulation; reylmw# y(hrm. I toks. 22 no.2:182-188 Hr-Ap '59. Ottm U!:6) 1. Fafedra farmakologii (uav. - prof AM-Irikolf)Veva) Moskov- skogo farnatsevticheakogo instituta Iftniaterstva z~ravyooldiransniya RSYSR. (BLOOD COAGUTATION, effect of druga on, antibiotics, review (Run)) (ANTIBIOTICS, effects, on blood coagulation . review (HUB)) ZOLOTUKHIN, Yachanism of the action of morphine on blood toagulati*n4 ftrz, % tolcg, 22 no.4:332-336 JL-Ag 159. (MM 13:1) 1. Xafedra farmakologil (sav, - prof, M*M. Miltalsyeva.) lkskovskogo farmateevtIchaskogo,institata Ministaretva, sdravookhraitedya RSISR. (HIMMINA pharmcil. ) (BLOOD COAGULAVION pharmeol.) .iRll ZOLOTUKRINO S.I. Antihaparin activitl of polymrdn K, Antibiotih 5 *046j.13-17 N-D 160., (141RA 14:3) 1. Kafedra farms ologii (zav. - prof. M.M.Nikolayeva) fanaatsevtiche- skogo fakullteta I Moskovskogo ordena Lenima-maditsinalrogo Instituta imeni I.M.Sechenova. (HRPARIN) (POLDIYXIN) KUDRIN, Aleksandr Nikolayevich; ZAYDLEitt Yakov Izrailevichl ZOLOTUKHIII, Stepan Ivanovichl CHISTYAKOVAI 14F., rp.4.; MATVEYEVA, (Manual on practical work in pharmacology) Rx0tovodstVID k prakticheskim zaniatiian po farmakologii. Mo.Ava, Tva-vo "Meditsina," 1964. 210 p. (MIRA J-70) ;TU 'Lill 1-1; -11 ,.~91PTIUKHIN,A.,,kand. tekhn. nauko GRISHKO, N., inzh.,l ItURSHMU1, V. , inzh. Erocting a building of gas-ash-lime-conarete panels vith fram reinforcement. Zhil. stroi. no.3.0:23-26 164. (MIRA 18-14) ZOLOTUJKHIN, V. Useful initiative. Pozb.dol* 7 no.,5tlO My: 16L, (KDU, (Ivanovo Province-Farm buildino-Fires ar4 fire, prevention) q ZOLOTUKHIN, V.; UFANOVI, G. They go on trial ... Posh.delo 9 no.5ill ~Kr 1 163. OGRAI 161 0 (Factories-Fires and fire prevobtion) 140ROZOV, )I.# kand.tnVhn.nauk; NVITAROVO ,j.0 limh.; AIIAIIOIN,,, It., Ingh.; NUMTKIIIN atarshiy prolsvoditell rahot. The first five-atory house 'huilt of vibrated brick. panAH. Stroltell no.6:3-5 Je 15(). WIRA 12339) Ouilclizu" blo'eks) (MOBCOW-Anartment houses) I ZOWTUKHINq V. Beginning of a great program. Pozh.dolo 8 no..20 F,162.(MLU 1!42) (Penza Province-Fires and fire provention) ZOLOTUKM V. Ever7thing found in good order in one respect,, Int what about the rest? Pozh.delo, 9 no.ls8-9 A 163, (Mlj~.k 16s1) (Volgograd Province.-Fire preventun-1weation) J V, RMKAN, Ye.A.. imnd.ned.; AHLRKHAHOV. Ya.L.; Apparatus for noist disinfection with compressed air ani its advantages [with summary, In Mnglishl. Gig. I emn. 22 no-5:50-55 Ky '57- (MOA 10:10) 1. Is doroshnoy, sanitarno-apidemiologicheakoy stentaii. Stalinskey zhaleznoy dorogi. (ANTISVSIS AND ASWSIS, apparatus and instruments, moist disinfect. with sompressed air (Rua)) ZOLOTUKH &wA&i SHCHM107, PeS.; SCSUMV* G-P- Fixed vibration acreen with anazilar motion. Trudy XMIX 31 no-li85- 90 '59- (MIRA 13:10) (Vibrators) RIVLM, I.I.; ZOLOMHN LL.'' g .11 IM.1 Naking foamed silicate and concrete with barithana. Trudy KhPI 31 no.1:113-124 1599 (MMA 13:10) (Building materials) (Lightweight eflacrete) 15(6) 11""'THOR: Zhodziohiokiy, 1*1~*7 c--nrl ZolotL~kd-iln, fN-G* TITI!E: The De-t,,:.,I'.1.1i!Mti oil of 13ands in 13".1ent S During Field and Facto-.Y Te.stlnj~ ,-ERIODICAL: Izrieritellnaya teklinika, 1~115L?, Ur 9, pp 19-20~ SR) AB'S'TRACT; The authors of this ar,',icle de-I;Lgned a do-%,rice, f oi, mea3uring vertical. dizj]?1acr;.rr4ent;3 for factory ~md, field tests of prefabricatod concrei~e pa~7ts.~ ~ T'ho in- strument, shown in Pig 1, is based on a micromet4,r of conventional design,, which vias ccInverted f,pr this purpose. T.,Ieasuring pins are installed in thercon- crete part as shown in Pig 1. There rue 2 di~,agrsims. Card 1/1 .1 1 11 1 111:~ 11111~HHEIIFIIIT; I'M 11111H HII- 1i JI[IIIIII.]f 1111 N! E-1111111 86on! /4,65700 J/052/6o/oo /6011/U07/007 0 111~ C 335 AUTHORStlermakov, S. M., Zolotu.khin, V. G. TITLEs Polynomial Approximationoi"and the konte -Carl p- _IPrWw'A' PERIODICAL: Teoriya veroyatnostey i yeye primeneni)#e, lc)(,,O, Vol. 9,, No. 4, pp. 473-476 TEXT: The authors propose an imDroved Monte-Carlo method for calculating multiple integrals~,/The improvement is carried out by reducing the dispersion, whe-rely the mean quadratic error is re- duced for its part. Let D be the domain of the k-dimenBional Buclidean space; 2 (Q) EL 2 whero f(Q) L D ; TON), efl(Q), Yn Do (1) ~ i(Q) Ti(Q) dq 0 for i i = Ojlt2j...., n D I for i j j - 0,1,12 ......n The linear combinations of the ~ i(Q) form the subijpace 2 2 LD,n+l C L D . If the determinant W n+l(Qo 9 q19 Card 1/ 3 f, 010Dri 0 40 7 /0 0 7 C 111 C 5 33i Polynomial Approximations and the Monte-r!t~rlo Method det T,(Qi), . .., ~0,(Qi) 11 " is different frum 01 then it holds the approximation formula det jf(Q)t d Wn+1(Qo' q11-.9 q7n If f(Q) C- L2 then the remaining term is equal to zero. D, n+1 ' Theorem 1: if QOY Qn are random points of tho k-dimensional Euclidean space, the probability density of which F (qo' Q'V ... ) On) is equal to I W 2 (Qoo Q19 then ~Wie mathematical (n + 1)i n+1 expectation of the random variables (q0 9 q1 Qn) det A f (Qi) ' ' ' ~ " %((14) 11 -'0 Wn+1 (Q0""' Qn) Card 2/3 ,1602Z ~ 2/052/60/005/04/007/007 0 111/ C 333 Polynomial Approximations and the Monte-Carlolfiethod is equal to i f(Q) '~o (Q) d Q . Theorem 2: The dispersion of the random magnitude 2 9(Q '..' %1) _ ~f2 11 2 1) 0 (Q) dQ 7 where D 1 0 ~fm Yi(Q) d 9 i - 0, 1, 2, ., n The application of the improved method based on themo theorems is especially favorable, if the Fourier series of f(Q) with respect to the system itfil converges quickly to f(Q) in the mean. The authors thank G. J. Marchuk and J. M. Soboll. There are 3 referencest 1 Soviet, I English and I Amea,ican, SUBMITTEDs July 14, 1959 Card 3/3 ZHODZISRSKIYI I.L., kand.takhn.nauk; Z014TUKHINp",V G., injIsh., Flexures of foamed reinforced concre to alai:6, and, ways to Iddsen them. Trudy RII prom, zdan. i voor. 110'J'181-105 160. (Lightweight concrete) (14iju 15: 1) '/027 S/OT/61/010/004/01 B I .mVB'2 12 AUTI-TORS: MoGil I ner A. 1-y ?o1otmkhir,,V. C'. .............. TITLE: Yeasurina the kinetic ch~aracteristixs :of a,r(iactor by~the' statistical Nmeth`od, PERIODICA: Aiomnaya eneroiya, v. 10, no. 4, 1,961 377 379 2 TIAT; In tests conducted with a thermal subcritical ar". ment havin[,, U a. -aW enriched to 75~~' and a moderato'r of hydroffen, the iiiqnn lifietime of pron-rt nt~utron.~ has been measured, and alzo the lconstanl. Las bq-2n determijied,' ~,ihich eatoblishes the relation between the ,ieutron-ccuntiriL ri.te of the eb~t'ector and k-Cf, and also-the absolute level of the atead,1', output. The mbasurements. wo r 1;~Ised on the Po-metho~ described ~y -flie authoi,x io Ref. I (,~tomnaya ener~,J'ya, 10, vyi,. 4, 279 where all iisec". h-:!re a.Te 1cf-ined, and on the --elations - =T) KI evTv 17 jCp)2V 7 Card 1/5 z1 0100,tlol 2/02 7 14eaourinc the 31 WV1 2 In the core of the reactor, a neutron proportioial couritex of type CIIII-I", aith a pre m*plifier havin- 'Lour si-ii-con trio(le3 off type N03 PiOW' was located. The lees fror-i the out~lut e.iitti%.., recreate.:_- of the pre- aiaplifior (R - 56d ohms), we%,e fed to a three-91~a~-e ivxplifier with silicon IT I - triod6o . ThU. total' signal amT)lificatlion was 104.' Tli--!n, the eijnal ;reaahed a scaler of type 1-~64 (Ps-6~,') and.flw prol)-abi!-Lty F,-itJerj?nt vin a s,tarvlard di3crimiinator. T,,-io different, siC,-nalri control thi., P-elogientf' i.e., siC;nuls from the pulse detector and ilhose fz-om the tiner. Thq timer con3isted of a simole Ilu'artz f-enerator -(60 kc) with a 67/,4 (6Zh4) tube. The -probability P-;Iement ill-ust"ated in 1 conslots c,f a triggar havin- r .1 U two stable states, and is controlled by ~ulrjes of ne(~:ativij- pol~lrity. A f t or thn~d4:nal of the timer is cent, the riCht triode will be block9d arid~-tbe loft onQ will be open. I'lie pulaen from the detector, which ar~e fed to input no. 1 (A),chanjes the state of the triode.,j only ona tiaii? durin- ohe interval., .,nd send one Pulse -to the P-channel of the.scald-1. ',"he initial or final nulse of-an-.interval re-eutablishes the initial state of tho -Y 'and - 11 Otor triodes in the r-elemen -preparesAt for the 11-re6eptian" of the dete piilce in the next interval." ihe'refore, -the .number of countli in the channel io c qmal t,o the number of intervals where at least one pulse he's be,~n received from the detector. The total,nvmber of inlq-rvale is d.eternined*by C~,Ard 2/5 ',)$1X61 1.01 O/M~/Oi ~/V'~ 1.1ea'suring, the ... the tininf,:, end the length of the interval by cali'Pration. Tor ea'ch -f t h -6 four interval lenCthst.(4.65, 11 .0, 21.0, and 61 . 0 *~ ~03 01 r. )"Che valu~~,~: of !;Y Can -lie deternined from R and P.. 'in order to detorniall Cc W td. Z , lour Of - T i,re troated by the method of least oqu,I,rus. For,' f Vm": a 1 /1 one obtains a - a (1 + c/im) , v.,here ir. dti.noto,~, the count~nk: rate; m i s C;iven by m FE where F denotes tho' fio,,qion rF%te, ~nd E the efficiency' of the detector; the la ter is determined from'the'relation 2 -4.r. 'Fit . 3, shows 'a f(11~) for Z(a/a 0) 2PO 0.6,16-10 g eff three test series (p ean. Iif~time eff,= 0-0071 1 - (9.8.2 + 0. 02 5) -1 0-1~ se a (M of prompt,neutrons in the reactor)) . ~The result ag';reestvoll with that obtained from the two-group approximation. The authors thank A'. 1. Lezrpun kiy, V. V Orlov G I. hlarchiok,' and V. A. Kuznetsov for their interest and scussions, and V. Sapozhnikov and A. P. Tarasoir'for essistance,in, ie Qxperiments. Thete'are 3 figv:pes and 3 references: ~ 2 Soviet-bloc and ~n 1 non-Sov~ The reference to the Elnglish-languad~, publication r .5 Let-bloc~ eads~~ as -follows- 'Ref.,,1,3: C. E. Cohn. ITuel..Sci. and Enj.MG+I, 3.51 (1959), i4 Card 3/5 1 /004/013/027! -26, 2,7.9- (,0,2 S10891611010 B102/DPO5 AUTHORS: Zolotukhin,_.Vo.._G._p__.,Mogillner, A. 1. TITLE., Distribution of the number of counts oi' a n(tubron dete6tor'~ placed in a reactor PERIODICAL.- Atomnaya energiya, v. 10, no. 4, 1961, 379-381 TEM The distribution of the number of counts of a-neutj".on deteotoi placed in a stationary sub-critical reactor deviates from Folgeon's law on account of the occurrence of reaction chains. In each interval of time, the mean number of counts depends on that of the prs(~eding interval and is unevenly distributed. It may be assumed in this case throt the actual distribution of the number of records can be described by a negative binomial distribution whose generating function is gi-ven by 2 (Z) ' Po +Piz +P2z + 11 --Y (Z - 1)3 I dk z where Pk -71 k is the probability of k counts ina given int erval, dz LO Card 1/6 S/089/61/0 10/004/013/027 Distribution of.... B102/B205 and n the mean number of counts in the interval. 1V and the dispersion of the number of records are interrelated by n7 (1 Thus, Poisson's law is a limit for *--*0. In order to verIfy experimentally', the pulses of an CHM-5 (SNU-5) proportional. counter placed,in a reactor were recorded on the film of a loop oscilloscope together with time markings and subsequently counted visually. The %2 crite.1-jan was applied to the results of two experiments and two a9lectiona each. For three selections, the agreement between the experimental restilts and the distribu- tion law (1) was found to be good, whereas a deviation ocetirrod in 26 (of. Table), which is related to the small number of InterVals with three counts. The "composed selection" of all 1672 intervals haij also shown goodaagreement with (1). The dispersion of the number of oounto for it stationary, sub-critical reactor can also be expressea by t- -- V K2 -7 t ,JT 2 -2 - P e-am ) n -n -n (I +V) , (1 _K 2_~ p 'Where Kpis the prompt-neutron multiplication factorl ixt. (1 -KpVl; I is Card 216 Distribution of... Z26.1d 3/089/61/010/004/013/027, B102/B205 the mean lifetime of prompt neutrons, t the length of one in-terval, and & the efficiency of the detector. The mean lifetimo I and th,o absolute reactor power are obtained by measuring-V. According to tho Feynmar,-Alp~ia method which is analogous to that of V.*Golldanakiy and M. Porigoretskiy,, n and J are measured directly. According to the Feynman-Alpha mathod, ihe statistical error of the parameter a Is found to be 1 [1 +q(I and according to the po method, it is 0 ex - 1 2 2 x -n Q; 9 (1 X is the total number of lime intervals, p where x - IV 0 the probability of zero counts per interval; 1W J')) lnil The results obtained by application of the X2 criter71on to the miga.tive binomial distribution are given in Table 1, and the pa.raneters obtained Card 3/6 Distribution of... 2263.o 3/089/61/010/004/013/027 B102/1'.',205 from an evaluation of Table 1 are nontained in Table 2. There are 2 tables and 6 references: 4 Soviet-bloc and 2 nor.-Soviet-bloo. The tmo references to English-language publications read as follows. J, Orndorf. Nucl. Sci. and Engng, Z, 450-0957); J~ Bengston et al.,'Vortrag No. 1783 (USA) auf der Zweiten Genfer Atomkonferenz (1958). SUBMITTED- August 25, 1960 Legend to Tables 1 and 21 1) Experiment 11 2) experiment 2; 3) selection a; 4) selection b; pi -probability of i counts per interval (1 .1-6), P7 -probability of seven or more oounts; Vi -aotualIX observed number of intervals. The follojing relations hold for R and 10 ?e v? 2 (Vi - Np j) 2 2 2 - 0; X ; P - PO(, >Xmln) io the probability 0 Hpi '4- that V> X2 (x2 _%2 Min min Mti4)- Card 4/6 SUNGATULLIN, Ya,G., inzh.; ZOLOTYKHI&. V.G.., lnzh.; D"IMY"Y' N-'V-P U zb. Flat slabo for flooru and attic mofs made of' lig1vtweight concrete. Bet. i thel.-bet. no.11004-507 N 161. (WRA 160) (Concrete slabs) tj at fn kj .0 to 0 61 ,u t; la; ci to a 0 110 d 44 JU to 44' 0 r r 41 If ".44 0 9. 41 f. O'S Lb 4 1.4 PI Il 4m R "j 1~ -- rl .1 4 to C4 &4 fl w," to S/049/62/0'12/006/00~/01 Blot'!/ B I Oil AUTHOR: Zolotukhin, V. G. V TITLE- Statistioal errors in the parametern ~)f neilt;ron resonanov~ levels in the low-onerj,,y range PERIODICAL: Atomnaya energiyaj v. 12, no. 6, 1962, 467-471 TEXT: Neutron spectroscopy requires very exact neutron resonance parameters. The errcws of such parameters were estimated by conventional methods of mathematical statistics on the followine 6ssumptions: (a) the quantities Xi(i - 1,21 .. m), which are used to determine tho unknown parameters a and P, are independent random quantitioi following a woll- known dispersion law with the mean values Xi(alp); (b) the relative errors of a and P are small. The errors of the neutron resonance parameterd in the total cross section, determined from experimental. data on the passage of neutrons, are analyzed. The.parameters obtained with instruments of high resolution are analyzed by the method of least equareng while the method of areas is used for those obtained with poorly resolving inbtrumonta (of. D. Hughes, J. Nucl. Energy# 1, 418P 1955)- In the forner casep'the' Card 1/2 3/0139/62/012/006/062/019 Statistical errors in the B102/B104 optimum thicknese was determined for tho samplas on which the p(LOSA64 04 neutrons was measured, and formulae were derived for calaulatilig the:eriore of the parameters which allow for the background ancl,othev sourees of I error. Numerical results of the area method are tabulated. it is found Ll~~ that accuracy will deteriorate considerably if the firo sadiples diffev only slightly in thickness. There are i figure and tables. SUBMITTED: April 17P 1961 Card 2 Ll T 7t. 1.-] 7 -:-._;- - . -- - - .- - - , . .!;,~ .-, - - - - i. . t;.~. 1-11 ~' , - 2, , , 'I I - - - .1-1 ., ; " ,, L"Al ,~ -, I p 1.1 ; 1"141 ll:!Il,i [11-IL111111RI I IMili~r:,111 :1.1 i : !! I !I i - I I - I " ,:,! It !i, ! ACCESSION NR: AT4021264 11/2892163/000/00210146/0151 AUTHOR: Zolotukhin!~.~V. G Doreshenko, 0. G., Yefimenko B. TITLS: The registration efficiency of a neutron scintillatioti detector SOURCE: Voprosy* dozimetrii L cashchity* ot Lalucheniy, no. 2, 1963, 146-151 TOPIC TAGS: scintillation dete--tor, neutron detector, tmiutron. absorption, Monte Carlo method., scintillation, carbon, Taylor series, hydr(igen ABSTRACT: Accurate data on detector characteristics, such as the shapet of the spectral line and the registration efficiency-of scin.tillation,detectors with. organic crystals is not as yet available. Only a number of approximate formulas for the calculation of registration efficiency of countets to available. These formulas take into consideration: 1) the single stage scatertog In hydrosent 2) the single stage acattering in hydrogen and carbon, twid 3) the aingla'qstagd scattering in carbon and the single and double stage ocal~terimg in hydroge~n. The authors (Neutron Dosimetry (Proceedings of a Symposium ovi niutcon detection, ; dosimetry and standardizations Harwell, 10-14 December, 1,962), v. 1, 597#1ntar- national Atomic Energy Agency# Vienna, 1963] have develogied a neimi-saalyttic M6nta- Carlo method for calculating the amplitude distribution dig pullien ana the counter Card 1/2