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ZLNAY, Karol) inz,
Removal of the troublesome drying out of fird3bilig liatel"als
t, 4
on hard fiberwood pan(~In. Drevo a9 nc,./,,.152 Ap '(,,L
ZLNAY, KarolA,, inz.
Removal of the felt lining traces from ski varnish. Drpvo 20
no.3tlll-112 Mr 165.
ZLNAY, Karol, inz.
Application of coating materials based on urea, Dreio 19 no.10:
385-387 0 164.
1. State Research Institute Ot Wad, 13ratislava.
ZIDBENKD G. (Zlobanko, V.H.1; Z
brigin aW stratigraphic oetting of porphyrobwfile P0.1pnigratitt4l
in the middle of the Siksamwl Geol.mhur.,662 no.,,'l..-8l-g7 '624:
OURA 15:2),
1. Treat ""vgeolo, iya."
rseksauan' VaUsy-Vigmatitem)
ZLOBINO A.I.p inzh*
Vibration and roller siftar, Stroje i dor, moh.
Rr 64. (11111A 17: 6)
Injection of field waste waters into wells of the Oil Field
Administration of the Chapayersk Patrolo= Truot. Nefteprom.
delo no.lOtl9-23 163. (MMA 17t6)
1. Neftepromyelovoye upravleniye "Chapayevakneft'".
Repair equipment-fd contrifugal pamps Transp,. i ktrmn-~ - wfti: I
nefteprod. no.ltl3-16 165. (MRA M4Y
1. Kuybyshavskoye nefteprovodnoye-upravleniye,
Removing paraffin residues from tanks. Transp.11. Khrar..nefti
i 2:24-28 164. (MIM 17:5)
1. Proizvodstvenno-konstruktorskoye byuro Kuybyshevskogo
neftepromyslovogo upravleniya.
ZLOBIN' ZOV, A.; AMUM, vasilly, ra d.; TASI-
iftXrryf T VI~GORA, Petr, red, I DAN19i Danill, rad,;
PROIffSLOT. T.F., red.; KOREM. G., red.izd-val YAKOVWA, To.,
(Twonty-three stories on bAiildersl 23 rasakax$ a str6iteliakh,
Koskva# Hook.rabochii, 1958, 386 P. ~(1412A 12:11)
(Moscow--Construction workers)
ZMMIN. Anatolly Pavlovich; VISWYAKOTA, Ya.A.. red.; jQTV?;mV , 4op. ,
[The meridian of Batkall BaLkal'skii marldiaA. KoOkva, Izd-vo
*Sovetakaia Rossilag' 1959. 190 pe (HMA 13:4)
(Siberia--Deseription and travel)
ItIv /t / 04- 4 ~ rtf Vr- L" V I L"/7
Z1OBIN,.-An,ato1iy.Pav.lovjch; AYDIROV, G., red.; ZOVA A.,
[Report from a floating bridge: a sketch describing no conflicts
with prolog and epilog] Reportazl~ a naplavnogo most&:: beskonfliktayl
ocherk a prologom i opilogom. (Moskva] Izd-vo TeX VUSH "Holodait
gvardita," 1957. 43 p. I (MIRA 101-12)
(Kuybyshev Hydroelectric Power Station)
'atiotial ~co ].on,
-ZLOBIN, B. A., Cand Tech Sc-i (diss)~ "Theory I nstruct'
and braking conditions of block-band brakes. " Moscow, 1960. 26 1
with charts; (Ministry of Higher and Secondary Specialist Education
RSFSR, Moscow Order of Labor Red Banner
Construcinn FaI,-, i ne e ri ii ir inst
m V. V. Kuybyshev); 200 copies; free; (KL, lc)-60, 134)
Problem of speeding up ftltss~ cross zdahantijas,:Atrol. I dor.
"shi~oatr, 1 156, 10a)
Semiautomatic machine for the edge knurllzg ol 6crapar-coaveyer:
pins. Kuz.-shtam. roizv. 3 no.8;44-45 Ag t6l. (KIRA 14:8)
Gorgiag machinery)
ZLOBIK. Bel.; V, V.I.
Geochemical relations of Lj, Fa, 1, Rb, and TI In alkiLline maggas
and their petrogeastic signivicance. Gookhtmita, no.2:B7-103 160
(MIRA 13,'6)
I.- Ternadsjq InstitiLt of. Gooiohemjqt4.'.. Chemistry,
Acsdeq7 o? Scioncis, U.S.S.R., t681-0-0,
(Sandyk, Hount N'Kir&h1z1stan)--4cksj Igneoun)
(Alkali metals)
Card 1/3
Zlobin, B. I. 4OV/7-58 - 5;- 5/15
On the Geochemistry of Thallium in Alktaine;Rocks as Shown bythe
Example of the Sandyk Massif (North Kii-ghizia) (K geokhimi,'i
talliya v shchelochnykh porodakb na priijiere;massiva g.Gandyk
(Severnaya Kirgiziya))
Geokhimiya, 1958, Ur 5, PP; 441 - 45I.:(USSR)
44 rock samples and 7 individual minerals -from them -,Ndre-
investigated. Thallium was determined::aologimetricall
according to N.T.Vonkres,enskaya (Ref:5), Thelminerals:were
selected under the binoculars MBS-2- Thre~ transparent cuts
were measured (Table 1). The author deals"in short with. Ithe
composition and the structure of the alkaline massif of
Sandyk; then he mentions the distribution of thallium. An.the
crystallization of the alkaline intrusion-ao well as the
behaviour of thallium in the differentiation processlof the
alkali intrusion. Se-,reral tables are'enclased- Table:2 gives
the thallium and potassium content u well e~s the K/Tl ratio;
K was determined by V.I.Lebedev (flamephotometrically) and
L.A.Pevtsova (chemical analysis). The mean thallium contents
On thz Geochemistry of Thallium in Alkaline Rocks
as Shown by the Example of the.Sandyk 111assif (North Kirghii-,ia)
amount to: basic gabbroid6 1,1olO-1%q aLkaline limestone
lo6-10- 4%, syenite s,2. -4~
syenites leucocrate 0-10 alkaline:
- 4q;
hornblende syenites 2,0-10 , nephelin,syenl.t.vs of the:
miaskite type 3.7610~A; the mean content~of the intrusion ambunts
to 189*10-4% Tl, the mean K/T1 ratio is 3,63-10 ~3
,, Table
gives the calculation of the mean thallium content of the
intrusion. The total content of thallim Ii in tIhe rock takes the
place of K in potassium minerals (orthoeilase and biotite').
In general thallium concentrates in thedate:r, developed4magma
derivatives which are ricb~r in potassigm. The prefervti
intrusion into biotite as compared to orthoclase is exp~aln4d
by the characteristic features of the crystal structurq.~
There are 4 tables and 16 referoncesp '13 of jyhAch are solviet~
Card 2/3
On the Geochemistry of Thallium in Alkaline Rocks SPY /7-48-5-5/15
as Shown by the Example of the Sandyk Massif (Horth Kirghizia)
ASSOCIATION: Institut geokhimii i analiticheakoy khimii im..V.I.VernAdskogo
AN SSSR, Moskva (Moscow institute of Geachemistry and An alytical
Chemistry imeni V.I.Vernadakiy,AS USSR)
SUBMITTED: May 12, 1958
AUTHOR: Zlobin, B. I.
TITLE: The Paragenesis o-T--Dark-colored flineral~s of:the Alkalifie E~ocks
in Connection With the New Term for the Agpoitic Coeff*cidnt
(Paragenezisy temnotsvetnykh mineralov shche'lochnykh Pgrod v
svyazi s novym vyrazheniyem koeffitsiyenta agpaitnosti)
PERIODICAL: Geokhimiya, 1959, Nr 5, PP 410 - 422 kUSSR)
ABSTRACT; V. 14. Goldschmidt divided the all~alinfl roclesinto a.-Pditib
and plumasitic ones accordin.,', to the excess of alkali. 0"
alumina. He gave the coefficient
f . Al- (in moles) as a means of distinction, f >1:has, an
excess of alkali and is therefore agpaitic, f< I has an"ex-
cess of alumina'and is therefore plur-iiasitia. This division
has, however$ several short comin,-,s. The author sugE.;osts ~here-
fore the use of the following coefficientst
(Na) Na Na The critical V .alue:or these coeff4cients
A I - K - -,&A I
is at 0.851 typically aj3paitie zafites li4e agirine,rieb eckite,
Card 1/2 arfvedsonite, eudialyte occur in rocks with (Na)>0.65; racks
The Paragenesis of Dark-oolored Minerals of the Alkaline' SOV/7-59-5-3/14
Rooks in Connection.With the New Term for the Agpaitic Coefficient
with (Na)(0-85 contain typically pluma'.0itic liafites like bio-
tite, augite, common hornblende. The Alt~lhor: gives as proof
77 analyses (Table) which are exploittlid in':three diagrams;
(Pigs 10, and 3). The critical value in at 0 .85, not at 1,
as was theoretically expected. This Is explaine-d by the fact
that nepheline and feldspar alrajs contain an,excess of alu-
minum which is compensated by Ca or Ba~lin fuldapar. The inv'es-
tigation shows that the critical value was a.pproxinately at
0.9 as rell in the case of the coefficient acoording to Gcld-
schmidt. The new coefficient taakes not only possible amore
precise division, but also reacts better to ohanges of;the
parazenecis. Fur"'hermoret the author refers ~o the assumptions
of F. Yu. Levinson-Lessing concerning the er:istallization of
the ma-ma (.'Ief 7). There are 3 figures, I table,' and 11'.Soviet
ASSOCIATION: Institut geo'rl-himii i analiticheskoy khi-aii im. V. 1. Vernads-
ko-o AN SSSR, Moskva (Institute of Geocht~mistr3, and Analyti~cal
Chemistry imeni V. 1. Vern-adskiy AS USSa, Moscow)
SUMMITTEDt February 7, 1959
Card 2/2
Petrography and petrochemict of the alkali Imtrusio*.of FAudYk
Mountains (northern Xirgh1sZ. lav. AS SSSR. Ser. geol.'.25 mo-2:91-
1o4 7 16o. (KMA 13 t 10)
1. Institut gookhimil I smalitichaskoy khimli Imni T.I.Ternadekogo
AN SSSR, Moskva.
(Sandyk Kountains-Rocks, Igneotw)
3(5)i 3(8)
AUTHORS: Borisenok, L. A., Zlobin, B.:I. SO-1/7-5946;,3/17
TITLEi Gallium in the AliZ Rooks'of the Massif Sandyk (Ifortheft
PERIODICAL: Geokhimiya, 1959, Nr 6, pp 505 - 512 (Usa)
ABSTRAM Altogether 50 rock specimens and 11 mineriuls frou these r6ck4
were investigated. The method has been deirelopod by L. A. Bori-
senok (Ref 4). Table 1 shows the gallium content of the rock-
forming minerals from three syenites. Table 2 gives the average
contenra of the individual types of rook -9.nd their surface in %~
The average Ga-content of the massif is 19,3.10-4 the average
- _Ga/Al:-w-ra-ti 9,1~at ~:-!M;! U
mal. ate s-,---haioe~var,
2.3.10-4. In the course.of diffe'rentiatioh'thi1:0 e
A oont i1tj rides
parallel with the .Al-content, whereas th6'Fe+3; &so
i-do,ntent reases
(Fi -',_TWr_-distribution of Ga in the minerals depends on 't -he
aoul )f -precipt, a ioa-i- -coor na
Aih i~
- .1
-the giillfujb con ent che
Card 1/2 mother rock (tabie-3).~-The authors thank V- ~adson, for! M4
-the Massif Sandyk 0
Gallium in the Alkali Rocks of~ S 59
(Northern Kirgiziya)
advice. There are 1 figure- 3 tables, and 10 re'f
6 of which are Soviet.
ASSOCIATION: Institut geokhimli i analltichesk6y khlmil im. 1-, 1. Vo~nad.,
skogo i Moskovskiy gosudarstTennyy universitet im. M. V. Lomo.,
nosova (Institute of Geochemistry and Analytica.1 Chemistry
imeni V. 1. Vernadskf-j and Moscow State University imeni M. V.
SUBMITTED: December 8, 1958
Card 2/2
"Potassium metamorphism" and hydrothermal metaluarph.lam of granites.
Zap. Kir. otd. Vaes. min. ob-va no.3:23-30 162.
. (MM 17 c 3-1)
In the V.I. VarnMakil Institute of Geochatalstq, and las4tical
Chemistry (meeting of the scientific counall and a cotif4ranclk of
young scientists). Vest.AN SSM 26 no-5:78-81 * '56. (nU 9:8.)
(Geachemistry) (Chemistry, Analytical)
B. 1. ; PEV"r-S OVA, L. I K.I. I-S SO, VA, 3.
Distrit-04on cf l(gid ai-vl and =-ai;&Llvgqric-: 1.4al -Izatixn
in VaTis-.1p-n Pranitold.9 wilth lacreased um;~ciLy k1c2rl.ral par".
of the Tien 'zjhljn), C-.cRhlr-'.'a nod'rt$51-863
Institut geokhlm~l i ruvill"Otchuskoy kb~-%".- i-ywrl 1". T
Vernadukogo AN SS-SH, Ylurikvs. ~Sul-mitttil Dccmb~r 2~,~ 1.9 6 '3.
_~caledonian intausidw. of-the
Recent phases in the development of
Susamyr batholith in the central Tien $hm. Zipel(Ire oida Vses,*
min. ob-va no.1:101-111 159,,
(Susarvr Pmgd-Rocks, I~Meous)
khn. red.
[Testing power transformers during-their installation] Ispyta-
niia silovykh transformatorov pri montazhe. Yo pkvap Gosenergo-
izdat, 1962. 62 p. (Biblioteka elektromontera~ lio&64)
(MIIU 150)
(Electric transformers-Te sting)
SA35/6 000/tO I/W7~t 16
A006 I
AUMOR Zlob1n, G,I. Engineer
TrM: Shunting of Current in Tvo-Spot Welding
PERIODICAL: Svarochnoye proizvodstvo, 1961,,No. 1, pp. 24~_ 26
TEXT- Shunting of current is a character'A'Atio feature of two-spot wolding.
The shunting current does not participate in the formation ot weld,'Joints. in .ves~i-
gations were made at VNIIESO by measuring the shunting currents in,two-spot weld-1
ing of I - 4 mm thick low carbon steels at a distance between the electrode axes
of 50 - 2D0 mm. Welding conditions are given in Table 1. The shuhting currt-nts
were measured by a method suggested by Engineer B.M. Nekrasolt. A set of speaimen~
was welded according to Figure 2a at an electrode gap of -90, 100, -150 and 200 mm;
during welding the current from the primary side of the welding transformer an.d the
voltage on the electrodes were measured. Another set of specTimens'was welded.ac_~
cording to Figure 2b; the ~ip~eoimen located at the side of power c,bnnection was q
cut, thus eliminating the possibility of shunting, The eam:testrz.7 were madelwith;
two transformers. Welding was performed on a machine with fo,ur hydraulic pistols,
The specimens were subjected to sand-blaat treatment prior to welding. The follo-4-
Card lb
Shunting of Current in TWo-Spot Welding A0061AOOI
Ing results were obtained: In two spot welding of low carbon steel specimens of
1+1; 1.5 + 1.5 and 2 + 2 mm thickness and 75 = width, at a power,'connection :f rom,
one side from one transformer, the shunting current in the spenimon on* the side
of power connection is 12-16% of the welding current, under voft conditions, when
the electrodes gap is 200 mm; it is 30-43% at an electrode gap diminished to 50
mm; and 16-20 and 42-50% respectively under rigid conditions. In two spot weld-,
Ing of low.carbon steels at a power connection from both sides from two trans-
formers, the shunting currents, which do not participate in the formation ofthe
weld joint, increase sharply with a greater thickness of the specimens to be welded
and amount to 6-22% of the welding current when welding 2 + 2 mm thick specimeris of
75 mm width; the electrode gap being 50 - 200 mm; at a thiokness,of the spg~,oi_
mens of 4 + 4 mm, this value rises to 13-50%.
Card 2/5
Shunting of Current in Two-Spot Felding
Table I
Conditions of two-spot welding of low-carbon steel
zema "mom Toy
b~ c
a P
g. T.x 00 510pit,411 Roarype caspoviato tPilic U3700'a a a
lecloamme mfxUy djoulva;UUM a AtAr,
m too so
iz a
C 0A11011 CTOP01114 1 +1 6 ISO O's 5 10 000 10 250 10 76 11 SOO 0 9M 450
OT 0,1110ro 1palic- I+1 - so 200 0,3 5 14 000 14 700 15 5N. 17 000 112 000 450
(~OPNIOTOPa 1,5+1,5 6 - 200 1,0 6.5 12 100 12 800 13 W) 14 700 1070 800
1.5+1.5 - so 350 0"1 6,5 17 000 17 500 19 000 211 000 14600 800
2+2 8 - 300 1 g 8 0 13 900 .14 500 15 7W 11 200 12 000 1200
2+2 - 75 500 0:0 8:0 21 000 21. 200 23 809 20 000 17 300 1200
C, 06CIIX CTOP011 OT 2+2 75 250 0 8 8, 5 13 500 14 000 14 70 15 WO 12 Soo 1700
A13YX TpaitctDop- 3+3 - 150 IR-50 0: 8 10 IQ 7 00 11 501) IS 506 20 500 15s00 250()
maTOPUB 4+4 - 250 600 1,0 12,5 20 000 21 300 23 400 25 500 17 ~700. 45M
Card 3/5
Shunting of Current in Two-Spot Welding A006/AO01
Conditions of two-spot gelding of low-carbon steel
b) Thickness of parts to be welded In mm
c) Diameter of the contact surface of electrodes In mm
d) Radius of the spherical surface of electrodes in nn i
e)' Force of clamping the electrodes in kg
f) Duration of switching of the welding current in see
g) Diameter of the nucleus of the welded soot in mm
h) Current in the secondary circuit of the welding transformer in amp
Distance between the electrodes in mm
Welding of cut specimens
I) Break-down load on the cut in kg
1) From one side, and bone. transformer
2) From two sideq and two transformers
card 4/5
Shunting of Current in Two-Spot Welding Aoo6/AOPI
Figure 2
There are 1 table and 4 figures.
Pleasurement of seoondary currents an.d
voltages on the electrodes in two-'s'pot
welding with one-6ided J)ower connection:
a) welding of compact spthximens
b) welding of out zpecimeens
Card 5/5
AUTHOR: Zlobin, G.I. 119-2-7/13
TITLE: Electric Welding of Relsy Contacts (Elektro Iavaika. kontaktoy'rele).
PERIODICAL: PriborostroyenVe. 1958, Nr 2, pp. 21-22 (USSR)
ABSTRACT: The spot welding machine PITIIK-25 its rouglay described. Besideto a
table shows the ad justnents necessary on the spot welding apparatus ,
in order to weld silver contacts (99.T% pure) idth the different
base materials.
The teobnical data or the spot welding machine are:
gains voltage in V . . . . . . . . . . 380
Nominal power in VA . . . . . . . . . 25
Number of switching steps . . . 0 * * 0 8
Working operation of the upper electrode ift Inm 25
Second=7 voltage at idle motion in V . . . 1.25 2.64
Maximum pressure between the eleatroaes in kg 100
/cm2 . . . . . . . . 3
Air pressure in kff
Measurements in mmi
Height . . . . 1260
Width 600
Card 1/2 Depth . . . . 650
Electric Welding of Relay Contacts 119-2-7/13
Total weight in kg: 2,r0. There are 2 figures and I table.
AVAIWLE: Library of Congress
Caid 2/2 1, Silver-Spot welding 2. Welding-Equipment
[777, ZIDB
Resistance seam welding or capp6r screenm and toil. A-vtow.
avar. 18 no.4:64,66 Ap 165. (MnU 18:6)
1. Vaesoyanyy naucho-isgledovatallakiy inatitut elAtrosvaxoohnago
1. Vaesopmnyy nauchno-issladovatellskiy institut,
alektroavarochnogo oborudovaniya.
(Copper-Welding) (Sheet metal,--41eldi4)
NEKRASOV, B.Mo, inzh.; ZLOBIN, G.I.v inzho; RUSAKOV, Yu.A., inzh.
Using the MM-100 mnablas for brazing short-circaited rotors of-a0-
cbranotis electric mofors. Svar.proizv. no.10:39-40 () 164-
i (MIRA l8rl)-
1. Voesoyuznyy nauchno.-issledovatel'skiy institut elaktroovaroohnogo
AKSELIROD) F.A., inzh.; ZAYTSEV, M.P., kand. tekhn. houk;
G I inzh KOCHERGIN, K.A.0 lemind, tekbri. nai3k; NWA9OVp
1. in zj h SLIOZICAG) SGK41 pauchrO7 1,e(j.; r.)OJISKQf A. V.
naucluW red.; DE14YANTSEVICH, V.P.~ nauchrWy red.; IARAFANOVS
S.G.p nauchrrjy red.; BONDAROVSKAYA, G.V.j red.; DOIODNOVA,
L.A., tekhn. red.; PERSON, M.N., tekhn. red.
[Resistance welding]Kontaktnala avarka. (By] ?.A.A%.qolIrcd i
dr. Floskvaj Proftekhizdato 1962. 1,63 pe (KTPA 15312)
(Electric welding)
AUTHOR: Zlobin, G.I., Engineer ~135-56-4-12/19;
TITLE: Electric Welding of Silver Contacts (Blektroevarka sere-
bryannykh kon-taktov)
PERIODICAL: Svarochnoye Proizvodstvol 19581 Nr 4, Pp 36-38 (USSR):!
ABSTRACT: A new welding machine 'IMTPK-25" for welding silver pontad to
to contact holders - developed by VNI.IESO .. is described,i
along with the developed welding technology, and illdstri~t-
ed by a photograph and cirouit diagram. The welding.techno-
logy of the most extensively used silver c6ntacts to~the:'
holders of various metal I', such as Geriuan sIlver, brass and
bronze of various grades, electric steel a4d zinc-plateU
steel, is given in a table (Page 39). The first series
of "UTPK-25" machines was produced by the "Elektrik" PlanA
in 1957.
AVAILABLE: Library of Congress
Card 1/1
Mir.-Iff. RIM 'Iff-12" M111"Pt"1111
F M'1111-31F
ZIOBIN, G.P.g.insh,
Construction of warships abroad:during 1957. Sudeotroanie 24 no.lor
(141RAI 3U2
.56-62 0 '58.
G.I., inshon6r.
3xperirtental spot -.,91!jor for volding small contacto.. Vniot,eloc~roprcm,
27 no.?:17-2) J1 '56- MaA 10:8)
I.VsesoYuzqy nauchno-isvIedovatel'skir inatitut olektroavarochnogo
(NIentric contactors-Welding)
(I'-lectric welding)
ZWBIN, G.P., inzh.
American experimental underwaWr-winged passengipr launch "Denison."
Sudostroe de 29 no.701-73 J1: 163. (MIRA 16:9)
(United States-Hydrofoil boats~, 7.
ZLOBINJI G.P., inzh.
Foreign warship construction in 1960. Sudostroonie 27 no.28
59-64 F 161. (KMA 16:7)
ZIDBIV, G.K.I. inzh.; BOROVKOV, X.T9, inzh.
Rapid aining of gradients with wide workings.: Makht atrol. no.,2:
29-31 '58- (MIR& llo):
OfInIng engineering)
Foreign construction of warships during 1958. Sudomtroento 25
no.4-.58-67 AP 159. (MIRA 12:6)
ZU)BIN, O.P., tushener.
Zffect of an sIonic blast on ships and antl-stowle p"ttetIon
(from foreign sources). Sudostronate 23 zko.1:66-71 Ja 157.
(N UIA 10: 10)
(Atoute warf are)
ZIOBIN, G.P.0 inzh.
Ships of the "Utnt laurent" type for anti.mAmdan Wense In 08
CaTwAjan Hav7..Sudoutroonle 24 no.2:60-61 7,1581, (Km 1193)
ZWBIN, G.?~,,,-Anzhs
Submarine ohasers of the Britlah, Nav, SudootroanI4,124 no.5:60-66
Mr 158. 11:0)
(Orcat Britain-Submrino ahmners)
Aircraft armament of large carriers in the United States.
Sudostroente 22 no.11:43-47 N lii6- (MLRA
(United States--Airplane carriers)
ZWBIN Go? tash.
Faill construction of wooden obips,built In Great,BritaU.
Sudostroenle 24 no-7:71-73 a '18* WRA 11:9).
(Great Britain--[Eulls (Naval architerAure))
(Great Britain--Ships, Woodem)
ATLAS, M., prof.; prof.; VINOKUR, R.v doltijolit
Deficiancies of a monograph. Fin,. SSSR 38 no.3-:93-95 J& 1644.
(MRA 17:2)
doktor skon,nauk, prof.
The armament race amd the gold reserve of the U.S.JL. Dan't
kred* 18 no-7:76-82 JI 160. (H2L 13:7)
(United States--Gold)
(United States-Var--Iconomic aspects)
ZLOBIN, I., prof,
The m7th about *People's capitalism.0 Fin.SSSR 21 no.5:28-38
My 16o. (KI2A 13:7)
ZLDBIN, I., professoro
The economic collaboration of countries in the c*mp Of peac~A
democracy and socialism. Fla. SSSR 17 no.2:64--77 Y 156.
(RuBsta,-Foralga economic relations) (HIaA 9:6)
ZLOBW# I.. professor.
Nconomic collaboration of the U.S.S.R. with the gaciaAst countri,Ias.
Yin.SSSR 18 no.10:65-75 0 f57- .I (Kr" 10110)
(Russia-Yoreign economic relations) ,
ARAKWANt A.0 akztdemik;.ZGOBIU,.,,Z.;,,IVAIIOV., Ye.F Mli)R" L,;:
More on the theory of itdortia,%tion. Vap. akw. no,D130-133
J'a 164. (HIRAT70)
ZX40BM I.E. P ofessor,
AlgVessive charaoter of the U.5, budget for the 1955136 fi *W
year. Fin.SSSa 16 no*4:78-85 Ap 155. 8:3)
(United states-IhAgst)
Foreign exchange parity and its significance in pres6nt-dar
capitalism. Fin.= 15 n0-11-.80-91 H154. 8: 2)
(Foreign exchange)
World socialist market, Its prices, foreign 4mhangj! and paymnt-
system. Vop. okon. no.2:68-81 F 162. (VIRA I
(Commnist countries..'Coffne-rce)
E w
; . i I
.1 . . .
The International Monetar~ Fund and the International Pank for Recoantruct
and Development; textbook. Moskva, roiflnlzdat, 1947. 15 p. (50-57695)
ZLOBDI.I.D., profesoor; 1KOUNIXOY.T.1f.. radaktor; IMOINSUTAOR.,
-- - - - -fWWJctor; MISOVA,O., takhalcheekly redaktor
[Money in the capitalist system azA money In th~ ' soc4list systexi
Dealgi. pri, kapitalizue L den'Cl pri sotelalizue., Kaskft Goef icUdaC
1955. 134 P. 95)
BREGELI,Ye.Ya., professor; ZLOBIH,I.D., professor, re"Irtor;. ITONDRATIYSVA.
A., redaktor; rodaktor
[Money circulation and credit in capitalist Icountries) Deneshnw
obrashchania i kredit kapitn1laticheakikh stran. Izds 2-oe, "mrore
Hoakwa, Gosf inizdat. 1955. 423 P. (mm 9-.2)
(Money) (Credit)
ZLOBIN, Ivan Danilovich
Cilature and function'of money In the U.S.S.R.] Sushchnost I fli*tmil
deneg v SSSR. Koskva, Goofinizdat, 1956. 38 p. (iua& 10:
SITNIM. VA., nauchM7 red. MINA, To 4..:
[Credit and the credit eyeten of the U.S.S.R.] Kredit i lcreditiata
istema SSSR. Kbakwa, Izd-vo "Zaania," 19580,39 po (Veesoiuznio~e
0-oshcheetvo po resprostraneuiiu politicheakikh i amuchnykh zuaa*ii.~
Ser. 3, no*U) (MIRA 11:5)
ALLAXHVERDYAN, D.A., prof.1 kMINOVj A.M.,, doktor,akon.: ilnuk;. IGUS,
H.S., prof.; DOYACHENKO, V.V.~ dots.,; zWBIN -D. P ;~prof
prof.; LEVITANUS, I.M., dota.1 LIVSHITS$ A.L., dots.'l LYAPIN,
A.P., prof.j MAKAROVA, H.F., prof.; MASLOV, P.P.J. Pftf-i*,
BONIN, M.Ya.v doktor ekon.nauk; SOROKIN, 0,H.;"aTRbMI1,IN, S.G.0
akademik; TUMANOVA0 LA, dots.; TUROVTSSV, V.I., datsiq
FIGUNNOV, P.K., pm~.j WK110VAj H.1.9 dota,p "d.; 491EIHERIBAKOV41
V.V., dots., red.; SHVEYTSER, Ye.K., red.; MURASHOVA, V.A.9
tolahn. red.
[The economics of socialism)Politichesksia ekonomila notala-
lizma. Izd.2., perer. Moakva, Gos.izd-vo lVy~vhaia ahkolag"
1962. 614 P. (MIRA 16:3)
1. Chlen-korrespondent Akademii nauk SSSR (for Sorokim).
(Economics) (communism)
ukt KOKkTA.. ~ ; 0
prof dolttor skonana
SAYGONIG, Te.T., taklut.rad.
EThe Soviet rable) Soyetaldi rubl', lfoskva, lid-vo 4MOAaLe."
1961. 39 p. (Tsesoiumoe obahchast.-vo po rasprostramntlu poli-
tichaskikh i nauchnykh mauli. Sar.-3. Mconomika. no.6).
(MM 14:3)
ZLOBIV', Ivan Danilovich, doktor ekon. nauk, prof.; KOGN P Ye. LO,
RAKITI11, I.T.', tekhr. red.
[World socialist ma:rket] mirovoi sotsialisticherkii rynok.
Foskva, Izd-vo "Znanie," 1963. 39 P. (Iqovoo v zhi2ni,
nauke, takhnike. III Serlia: El-onomika, no.19)
(MIRA 16:12)
(Europe, Eastern-colmnerce)
(Futual Eponomic Assistance Council)
ZLOBIN, roustantin Ta 11 oh;. ~BOLDTWO T.B., re4;~ RULVA. M.$., tsikhni~
I.ftBI01097 Of singing in prevention of d1aeases oUthe throat
among singers] Iriziologila penile v profilaitil'm za~olsvwdi
golosa p'GvtoqT,4 Cloningmd] Goo* Ind-vo me&, iit-rr, unitwe
otd-nie, 1958. 135 p0 (KMA 11 t10)
In. the propbria-Xis' of dlosames
[ftsiologleal aspects of. ed
affecting the voice of singers] Rdiologila jleldlia profilaktibe
zabolavanil 9*10M DGvt&Gv- EQUIAgmd. W049136'1958-i 135 N
(XIU ll;:9)
L. I... LYU.Brxov. Tit
Transistor preamplifier for maintillatica comatera. #rRb. t
takh.akap. no.4:137-138 JI-Ag l6o. (MIRA 13:9)
1. lastitat radiatsiamoy gtgiyeny.
(SciatillAtion counters)
Study,of the natural radioactivity of the sol-I and: plant cov of!
the Armenian S.S.R. Trudy no-Iltl05-150 160.
(KIRA 15--ll)
1. Kafedra obahchey digiyeny Yerevanskogo maditsWltogo, instiiuta'!
(for Mwtchyan). 2. Xnatitut radiatsionnoy g3giyewr, Leningrad (for
ZLOBINA. M., otv. as vyp., red.; SAVKINA, B,, takha, redo
[Traffic regulations for streets and roods of tMe U.$~'S,R*
Pra&ila dvisheniia po ulitsam i dorogam Soiuza SOSR. Aphkhabad,
Turkmenskoe gos. izd-vo, 1963 97 NaRk i6--4)
(Traffic regul;tionZ*
ACC NRs AP0013490 UR/0120/66/000/002/0041/0043
AUTHOR: Belle. Yu.S.; Shchedrin, D.A.; Zlobin, LOX-
ORG: NII of Radiation Hygiene. Leningrad (NII radiatslonnoy giglyeriy)
TITLE: Dependence of gamma spectrometer resolving power upon the nonuniformity of the
photocathode sensitivity, and choice of the spectrometric regime for the pliotomulti-
plier FFU-43
SOURCE: Pribory i tekhnika eksperimenta, no.2, 1966, 41-43
TOPIC TAGS: gamma spectrometer, gamma spectrometer resolving pow6
r, photocathode,
photomultiplier EM-43 photomultiplier, photomultiplier adjustment method, aul,ti-
channel analyser A14A-4S multichannel analyzer
ABSTRACT: A technique for the measurement of the photoelectric sensitivity distr ibu-
tion on the surface of the photocathode, and an optimum adjuistmeni method for;the.pho-I
toelectric multiplier FEU-43, forming part of a gammaray spectrometer system isdis-1
cussed. A Na-T(TI) miniature crystal illuminator is arranged to Stan the photosensitiv
surface of the photmathode wHIe illuminating it by light flashes ilrenerated byalp~a
particles from Pu239. A histogram of sensitivity values is'obtained by sorting the
photocathode output voltages using a multichannel analyser, the Mlk-4S. The histogram
can be influenced by adjusting the divider regime of the P-1310-43, tt was found that the
C.,-d 1/2
UDC: 621.;383.:533
ACC NR: AP6013490
optimum resolving regime for the spectrometer resultzCby. tuning for the maximum signal
amplitude of the impulse in the area of least photoelectric stnsilivity. This: prollosi-
tion is substantiated by a table of resolving data. Orig. art. has 3 figures and L ta-
SUB CODE: 20,09 SUER DAM 28Dec64 ORIG REP: 003 OTH REF. 601
AUTHORS: Lyubimov, Yuj.
TITLE: Transistorized Pro-amplifier for Scintillation Counters
PERIODICAL: Pribory i tekhnika eksperimenta, 1960, No.4,
TEXT: The pre-amplifier is a two-stage one, Fig.).
(Bx - input; BbOx - output and Unum - supply voltage),
The besttransfer coefficient and the maximum in jput rasiptan,::eIa n
be obtained by using diffusion type transistorsl,n -402 (P-402). ~
The transfer coefficient K of a circuit with P-4:02 transistorl~
is independent of the voltage in the range of -.,"-,5 ti) 2-1$ V ifich
a capacitive load of 300 pF. Fig.2 shows Clio dependen,_.e K(U)
for [1-14 (P-1.4) transistors. The investi ati,on wist :carried
out using signals front a s$gnal generator Z'4,Y.(FEU.). For the
first case, the dependence of the maximum linoa4r signal at the
output of the supply voltage was as follows.
Card 1/3
Transistorized Pre-amplifier for Scintillationcourd.eir-4
Supply voltage. U_,_ V. 7 10 13 15 18 2.*5.,
Maximum linear signal, V 2.7- 4.31 6 7 .8.2 -10,5,
Comparison of the here given results shows clearly,that P-401'
transistors are preferable. Tn the case of operat:ion with: is la*ng
matched cable (100 Ohm), the transfer coefflc44,~rtt of the cire~ult with
P-402 transistors equals 0.66, whilst that willi P-44 transi.44tors
equals 0.18. The stability of the transistor para -mititers wO.b. ilm_-
and also the thermal stability is ensured by ubing.L~rge emitter
-loads (in terms of d.c.), shim.,e in flie some way, as Irl tile PIlJ)G-1`Cf
Graveson and Sadowski (Ref.1) the stability walq better than ~,% ~
during eight hours continuous operation. Ihe duration of pltls4
rise time (for the circuit with R-402 transistors) iB better:: tho-'r,
Card 2/3
5/21 20/60/UOIJ/0(,'11/j)~~ 1 /0!!,"'-:
Transistorized Pre-~amplifier for Scintillation Counters
0.1 jLsec (from 0.1 to 0.9 of its heis'lit). The input resistan'cp of
such a pre-amplifier (using P-402 transistors witli a Ufeed -20
is about 500 k0hin. The pre-amplifier can be usod sxlccesafull~ III
conjunction with a scintillation spettrometer -%,rkth a :N,1.iI(T1 cr~rsU,.l
and also
[1-C (FEU-S) and WY-13 (FEM-13). There ar'r-- 2 figures
2 tables an 1 non-Soviet reference.
(Note: This is a slightly abridged translation):.,
ASSOCIATION: Institut radiatsionney Sigiyeny (Institute of
Radiation Hygiene)
SUBMITTED: June 24, 1959 17PZ
Pue. 2.3amicuumb xo-
944MITewa UCPeAam K
oT iianpimann IMMIM
1-1 -
U AMI Oxom, c0Gp3jm0fE
PU4. 1j 17PM1111MURAbliall MAR 11POA
Card 3/3 Fig. 2
149thods of measuring radioactivity in hivvtn subjectn4 114d.
r&A. 4 no.6:85-87 Je 159. OMU 12-.8)
1, In Instituta. radistsionnoy gigiyeny Hinistaretva. %dravo-
okhruneniya W&L.
intravital measurement of huma roAlloactivity,
review (Rug))
AUTHORS:Zlobin L Nemilov, Yu.
TITLE: The Behaviour of Some Types
Magnetic Pield (Povedeniye
v slabom magnitnom pole)
SOV/120-59 1-40/5d
A., Pisa-revskiy, N.
of Phobomultipliex-_~, in a ftak~
nekotorykh ti*,,1ov f*o~ouanozhiteley
PERIODICAL: Pribory i tekhn:,-ka eksperimenta, 195~), Nr 1, pp 140-141
A33STRACT: Scintillation counters are of tOn U&Jdi in '4ht neie;Mlmr6ood
of strong magnets. In order to use ph6tomulti
C3 pliers
fully under such conditions special magnatic screens mustibe
used and hence it is necessary to know Vle px,operties of ;
photomultipliers working in the weak mag, rietic. fields. ln~ the
work described in this paper a longitudinal i(iagnetic field
was applied to the photomultiplier under investigation by:
placing the latter inside a long solenoid, The current supply-
ing -the --solenoid -was control'led, to 1%. -_ -The- -fi-eld was ~Urii.6rm
along the length of the photomultiplierj~ the
edges being less than 2%. Pulse height measilrements wy:~q~
carried out, using.the position of the photopeak of Cd The
rise times were measured by delayed self coincidences~(Ref:s 1
and 2). Fig 1 shows the dependence of the total sensitivity
of the photomultiplier ftU-11 and the resolution on the a*ver-
age magnitude of the magnetic field along the axis of.the
Card 1/3