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October 3, 2003
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Publication Date:
December 6, 1974
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Approved For Release 2003/10/16 : CIA-RDP80R01731 R002300020024-3
December 6, 1974
IEonorable Thomas E. Morgan, N, C.
United States House Of Represent ativ; s
Room 3133
Rayburn Rouse Office Building
Washjn ;toxc, D. Cu 20515
Dear Congressman Morgan
In behalf of the Republic of Chile and its people, I hope you can
give serioua consideration to restoring to the Foreign Assistance Act the prc, ;ra:n
for Chile proposed by the Executive Branch of your government for the 1975 fiscal
year. That program included total economic and military assistance and credit sales
of $84,976,000, consisting of $26,035,000 AID, $516,000 Peace Corps, $37,097,000
under Public Las 480, $28,000 international narcotics control, $800,000 military
assistance grants (MM) and $20,500,000 military credit sales.
When the Senate passed this bill on December 4, it limited the
amount of assistance that may be made available for Chile to $55,000,000, none of
which may be made available for military assistance. The reason given in Senate
Report 93-1299 was
"These reductions and limitations on assistance
to Chile are an expression of the Committee's
concern about the continuing disregard for the
protection of human rights in Chile."
As you know, the present Government of Chile came to power on
September 11, 1973, in response to the will of the people to restork order and return
Our Government to the democratic pattern of life de'Veloped under our Constitution of
1925, which had been virtually destroyed by the Allende Government. Since then Chile
has been under almost constant and false attack in some segments of the American press,
and n Any of these false and erroneous news stories were used to limit the foreign assis-
tance program for Chile in the Senata.
When Vice Admiral Peet testified before the House Committee on
Foreign Affairs in June of this year in support of the Adnini.str. tion's program for
Chile, he said:
"Our interests in Chile are threefold, I would
Say. One is access to its copper supply and
another access to the waters and the straits
around that section of Latin America. Quite
obviously, we would also like to deny influence
in that area to potentially hostile countries,
and to maintain our own relations with Chile."
Approved For Release 2003/10/16 :'CIA-RDP80R01731 R002300020024-3
December_ 6, 1974
Page: Approved For Release 2003/10/16 : CIA-RDP80R01731 R002300020024-3
United States. The Chilean people and its Government are strong friends of the
We need the $21.3 million of
very purpose Admiral Peet said it was d'ro rao de credit sales for the
Potentially t:osttle countries." Thaw intended to deny infl_uPrce .
as eney are h pro-Allende forces in the world to
a ite by intere.,ts hostile to the United States and to the Governmentofd
are carrying
th o on an enormously effectlve program present Government of Chile and cause difficulty betweeneit and the Uni e
States. I am taking the the image of
unusual step of writing to you because t _d
cern about this problem and in he t hope that you could l.oolf at of
proposed foreign assistance program th in terms of what best
of Chile and of
the hemispherz protects the secur.i.ty
Of C , and not in terms of the false issue of human rights
being promoted by the enemies of free governments.
persons confined during the state of siege h Actually
is moving
ave. been released ,andnearly al.l of the
g toward full restoration. of the rights embodied in our Const_i.tgovern
Just as quickly as our national security will permit.
Very truly yours,
Walter feitmann
Ambassador of Chile
Approved For Release 2003/10/16 : CIA-RDP80R01731 R002300020024-3
Approved For Release 2003/10/16 : CIA-RDP80R01731 R002300020024-3
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Approved For Release 2003/10/16 : CIA-RDP80R01731 R002300020024-3