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S/O 58/6O/W6T/;36/00 4/040 AOO5/AOOl 1960, No. 6 3142 Translation from: Referativnyy zhurna.1, P. 30, 13 AUTHORSi Sinellnikov, KIK, Nekrashevich, AOM., Bolotin,~ L. 4hulskeyer, ~B S4~ 4cERak N.Ye.,, 14ontovich, ~ am K.A,, Akhiyezer, - in I,M,, Faynberg, Ya.B Hozents- veyg, L.N., Lyubarskiy, O.Ya., Kaganov, M.I., Pf~rgFviElnk' L.B. TITLE- A 2D.5-Mev Linear Proton MM XaLonrV PERIODICAL: Tr. Sessii AN UkrSSR, po, mirn. ispol'zovaniyu atoffin. energit. Kiyev, AN UkrSSR, 1958, PP. 5-15 TEXT: The physical substantiation cf -the parameter choice is presented and the design of a linear proton accelerator -,qith a drift tube at 20.5 Mev 49nergy x Is described; the accelerator was UU!rWCT-_M;r.Tv1 In the Fiziko-tekhnichoskly imsti_ tut AN UkrSSR (Institute of Physical DMMJUGM~ g of the AS UkrSSR). The main-ocm- putational data of the accelerator are the 'Mkowing: the operational wave length is)L= 215 cm; the injection energy is 1.7 ZM the length of the accelerator is 1,446.8 cm; the synchronous phase is 200; -;'#Ta length of the first half-tube is 4,875 cm; that of the last one is 16.725 cm; the length of the first gap is Card 1/2 S1/0- 58/60A~8~306/1004/040 A 20.5-Mev Linear Proton Accelerator A005/A001 3.380 am; that of the last one is 11.150 aml the length of the first drift tube is 0.145 am; that of the last one is 32-955 am. Altoghether, the number of drift tubes is 50, that of the half tubes is 2; the acceleration system begins and ends with the latter. At the entrance of every drift tube, focusing grids are fixed consisting of parallel tungsten wires of 0.07 mm thickness; their total geometric transmittance amounts to 30%. The drift tubes are Installed within the r(tsonator by means of a suspension systemjthe resonator is made as a 1,446.8-cm lons regul&r 16-face prism. The resonator is fedfrom 20 h.f 4generators. The Q-fac-t-or of 'the resonator in the loaded state is equal to 6.5-10 in consequence of '01110h the hj. pcwer needed for accelerating particles to the rated energy amounts to 1.~':! Mw. An electrostatic generator operating by pulses with the pulse duration of .500A se^- at about 1 ma current intensity and 1.7 mv voltage serves as proton inja-,4~or. The principal circuit and the design of.the individual accelerator units are presented. ASSOCIATION: Fiz,.-tekhn. in-t AN UkrSSR (Physloo-Engineering Institute of 'he Ukralnian Academy of Sciences) A.P. Fateyev Translator's note: This is the full translation of the original Russian ifost-rao". Card 2/2 84096 S1058160100010061003.1040 AO05/AO01 i i4o Translation from: Referativnyy zhurnal,- Fizika, 1960, No.,6, P. 29, # 3. AUTHORSt Sinellnikov,-K, zeydI GrishSyev, I,A.. Kitayevskiy, L.Kh., Akhiyezer, A,I PpLynberg, Ya.B., Selivanov, N.P., Xhizh- nyak, N,A, TITLE: An Electron Acceleratoq With -3.5 Mev Output Energy PERIODICAL: Tr. Sessii AN UkrSSR po mirn. ispol'zobaniyu, atom . energii. Kiyev, AN UkrSSR, 1958, pp. 16-23 TEM The authors describe a linear electron accelerator with a travel- ling wave of 3.5 Mev energy. A waveguide loaded with disks is used as accelerating system. The necessary law of wave phase velocity variation is brought about by variation of the diameter of the apertures in the-disks. The 280-cm long wave- guide is divided into three seotions. -In the first section., the phase velocity is varied from 0.5 to 0.'97 C; In the second and third section it is equal to 0.98 and 0.99 a respectively. The electron equilibrium phase increases during the acceleration process; its initial value is equal to 450 and is chosen according to the optimum capture condition. The computational value of the h.fpower at the Card 1/2 -S/0- 58/60YMOOM/003/1040 AO05/AOOl An Electron Accelerator With 3.5 Mev Output Energy accelerator input is 900 kw; the accelerator field intensity amounts hereat to 16.5 kv/cm- The accelerator 'output power (about 600 kw) is absorved in a mteel lQad witty-water cooling; approximately 300 kK are dissipated in the waveguide walls. An additional axisymmetrical magnetic field with an intensity up to 400 Gs is developed by solenoids for focusing the electrons along the waveguide axis . An electron gun with three electrodes serves as electron source; it operates pulsing synchronously with the magnetron generator and provides for a beam of 5- 6 mm diameter at the accelerator Input. The output parameters of the accelerator measured arei the current is about 20-30 ma in the pulse of 2,Useo duration, the average current is about 20-30 ~L a; the beam diameter is 3-4 mm with the diver- gence angle of 7. 10-4 - 3.10-3 radian; the energy beam half-width is about 8%. AiSOCIATIONs Fiz.-tekhn. in-t AN UkrSSR (Physico-Engineering Institute of' the Ukrainian Academy of Scienc?s)- A.P. Fateyev Translator's note: This is the full translation of the original Russian abstract. Card 2/2 --------- T- , w(TVATC(thipwa(la) :Ijptdl~ , 8838 SOURCE CODEf ZBYTIBNOX, G.A.; RIDITAMSU, V.V.; SMIRNOV, V.L..; FOMITI. L.P.; KHOMOV, V.K.; GRIMM, I.A.;'ZLTDLITS, P.M. Tge rationale of high-snerg7 llnear-oleotron accelerator design. Atom. e.nerg. 4 no.5:448-454 Mr 158. CWIRA 11:6) (Particle accelerators) Itj J.j il"ill -cl 11 qiiil Ain S~ Sol 3 0- .1 ifila US 14, a 41 114. till its; A A f. P M 05444 SOV/120-59-3-15/46 AUTH(IRS: Kharchenko, I. F., Nikolayev, R. M., Nekrashevich,, A,M., and Zez~liil~,F . M. TITLE: A Computer for Studying the Motion of Particles in a Linear Elect-ron Accelerator (Schetno-reshayushcheye ustroystvo dlya issledovaniya dvizheniya chastits v lineynom elektronnom uskoritele) PERIODICAL: Pribory i tekh.-aika eksperimenta, 1959, Nr 3, pp 71-?6 (USSR) ABSTRACT: This mechanical analyzer is supplied with the parameters of the accelerating system and indicates the parameters of the output beam (energy spectrum, phase width of bunch, mean current)l it is also used to examino the phase motion of the particle,, The z axis.lies along the wavegu',.de- A is the phase of a particle relative -to the accelerat ng field, LT is the initial enexgy of that particle, and c is tRe speed of light-, '~ a Vc, Eq (1) is simply the kinetic equation; Eq (2) gives the change in phase occurring in a time d and X is the wavelength in the guide,, Eq (3) is the integral of (2) Card 1/2 ajid (4) is found by combining (3) with (1), Eq,(5) 05h44 SOV/120-59-3-15/46 A Computer for Studying the Motion of Particles in a Linear Electron Accelerator, gives the quantity indicated by the computer, which is seen in Fig 1; Fig 2 shows the kinematic system. The equations on P-73 relate to the operations of the , various parts. Fig 3 shows the follower system and the multiplying mechanism; Fig 4 gives the ci-rcults, which use microswitches and a reversible asynchronous motor, Fig '5 shows the phase, velocity and accelexating I = 10.7 cm; field for on.1m section as functions of z for Xot the calculation took 5 - 7 min. It is stated hat the errors do not exceed 3% in phase or 2% in energy, Fig 6 shows tho phase oscillations occurring in an accelerator designed to an output of 4 - 5 MeV There are 6 figures and 3.references, 1 of which is Soviet and 2 English. ASSOCIATIONt Fiziko-t-akhnicheskiy institut &N USSR (Physico- Technical Institute AS Ukr SSR) SUBMITTED: March 31, 1958 'Card 2/2 -d OW CA A HA ~h4 A, 4 a E 3~ I I I ~. a A- 13 at 5 10 g S x gn A r 4. 0 '17 A, gi ?j 11 F4 0 lie - 9 a " .9 a 5 .4 13 An J9 '-21.21000 772112 sov/89-8-2-7/30 AUTHORS: _gfZdlits, P.-A-, Bolotin, L. I., Revutskiy, E. I.,, SuprunE-1co, V. A. TITLE: Strong Focusing in a Linear Accelerator PERIODICALi Atonu-iaya energiya, 1960, Vol 8, Nr 2, pp 127-133 (USSR) ABSTRACT" Application of strong focusing In linear accelerators. The strong focusing method was proposed by Courant, Livingston, Snyder, and Blewett (see refs at end of abstract) in .1952., while Zellmanov sug- ted in 1953 that-a.lens be,put at the origin of the focusing system. This half lens and multiple periodicity proposed by Ya. B. Faynberg, A. I. Akhiyezer, and K. N. Stepanov lead to a substantial reduction of the field gradient needed for focusing. A. A. Sharshanov developed a method for setting up approximate solu- tions of the equation for particle-oscillations in the patraxial region of the accelerating system due to the alternate focusing and defocusing fcrces of the Card 1/15 quadrupole lens: Focusing in a Linear Accelerator 77242 sov/89-8-,2-7/30 d2x 7V- + E13 (to) XP-/ (X, 2 where is quasi-period~c function of alternating sign; a small parameter; 7- . dimensionless nate; X, waveugth; 13 longitudinal coordi n relative velocity. Since older references contained only approximate diagrams of stable regions, the authors calculated regions of stability sufficiently accurate to be useful for practical purposes. They are shown in FIgs. 1-3 for various combinations of ..focusing and defocusing lenses and consequently, various values for FIF and computed for the case that: Card 2/15 Strong Focusing in a Linear Accelerator 77242 SOV/89-8--2-7/30 cLY in the defocusing lens I CL X in the accelerating ga,P 1a-y in the focuaing lens Card 3/15 while Y2 (3) In the case of electrostatic lenses: Z*(1 - u? eVkV (4a) and in the case of magnetic lenses: Y1 where HI Is gradient of the magnetic field; V, potential differences on lens electrodesi k, ..Strong Focusing in a Linear Accelerator 77242 sov/89-8-2-7/30 coefficient depending on shape of electrodes; 2a, lens aperture; CL, ratio of gap length to length of the period (- CL= 0.25); Z, A are respective charge and mass numbers; Cps is synchronous phase; E, average over the accelerator length of field strength ampli- tude of the accelerating fielft G, utilization factor of the accelerating field (for GL= O-g5, maxImum value of 0 = 0.9); IF subscript with I refers to the initially focusing.planes. Fig. 1. Stability region Tj- to .0 for N 1. .0 Card 4/15 Strong Focusing in a Linear Accelerator YZ 44 r Y: r2sO 48 47- /01 P-0 4 Ai 74 0 40t 002 a, .Fig. 2. Stability region Fig. 3. Stability region for N = 2. f or N N represents the number of successive lenses of the same sign (multiple periodicity). Clioosing the working point in the middle of the stabilit region, Card 5/15 the potential on the lenses deaeases az 2-kN,.Y). Strong Focusing in a Linear Accelerator 77242 SOV/89-8-2-7/30 The, parameter "IF which can be computed numerically and whose values are given in Figs. 1-3, enters into the equation for the amplitude of the periodic solu-. tion of,Eq.,(l) which is here presented for the case of a symmetrical period of variation of the function in initially defocusing planes (ID): X, X1 .11 GPX r(0) 0+ (2) V ( TF) IFM where x and x I arerespectively, initial elongation 0 0 in cm) and initial angle of the particle trajectory n radians). Similar equations exist for the R initially focusing planes (IF). Amplitude variations with rising N are shown in Figs. It and Strong Focusing in a Linear Accelerator r2m 77242 SOV/89-8-2-7/30 M-Z YLUY Y~-0,3 Fig. It. Regions.covered by parameters of entering beam for various values of N at X2 0.02. Card 7/15 7 --T T~ --R Strong Focusing in a Linear Accelerator 77242 sov/89-8-2-7/30 fWA Fig- 5. Regions covered by parametera of entering beam for varho lens.potentials with N = 2sand X2 = 0.02. Car ~Y5 4 CAN If, Strong Foomil.,w, in a Linear ACCe'!CV,0,01' ),v/8 ri8 r,c -7/30 A:3 ;.icen in 5, an ln(,rea,*_ie~ of' IL-1he leijo potentials Bharply reckicis the region coverod due to a increase -ton ( of' oscIllation in the ID Peg. ~ increases sharply).. Calctilationa showed that the amp! ide of' radial 03011lationo Increaucti wLth the increa-,e of' while 'IF in Eq. (2) decrea~ie,; with an increase of ion velocitleo, provided thQ Lrradlent 1,i con8tant on lenses along the oyotem. Numerical J.nve.,jt1j-!,iLIon13 Of the ratio of aniplitudes at the sta'rt and end of aeGelera- tion as function of the lens potential sho,,,ied that the smallest rise in amplitudes Is obtained fol potentials the lower boundary of' the .,,tability region. A simultaneous variation Of, R, potenttalq with the ion velocitie3 can koep FT F ( unchanged and, con- sequontly, kee-ps the amplAtude conotant. Calculation of a focusing system for a 21near accelerator. The authors calculated a focusing syutem. starting with th6 choice of the number of consecutive lenses of Car.d 9/15 the samIa sign in drift tubes. From the, stability Strong Fociis-Ing J.n a Wneap Aceelerator 7f 242 3 011/8 S/ - 8- P. -(/3 0 regions In Figs. 1-3 one detcrmine3 for a given X 2 the Value of Y which for the given lens aperture determines the necessary focusing potential.. Strong focus~-ng studies were per rilied oil a 5-5 mev linear proton accelerator with ~ = .71. 18 in; E = 20 )cv/cnil 130 0.0328; 13f = 0.1; ps = 160j Ic = 1; 00 = 0.51 0. 1111. The choice of' 2a = 1.5 cia aper -ture, N 2, 2 and __ 0.21 fixes other parameters. Parameters of c Y ellipses on the phase plai-iov P 16. 5 ) are, for the ID plane; 0.5-, 8 jo-2. d ra and for the IF plane; r L where xi is angular divergenec of the entE~ring beam. Lens co-notruction. Of tho tivo lenno-. constructed, Card 10/15 Strong Focusing in a Linear Accelerator 77242 SOV/89-8-2-7/30 the one with an aperture of 2a 1.5 and a 15 kv potential Is shown In Fig. 6. Blectro2tatic lens has surfaces of a hyperbolic shape; the magnetic ones are cylindrical. Experimental investigations of the focusing system on the 5.5 mev linear accelerator. .Calculations and construction were done atthe beginning of 1955. First experimental results were obtained toward the end of 1955. Entering and outgoing beam currents were meaoured u2in a Faraday cage. Figure 7 shows some results. The 9 kv max1trimrn agrees sAtls- factorily with calculations. The 15 mm aperture of the lenses trapped a beam of approximately 6 mm, diameter as was calculated. Impulse magnetic lenses for the linear proton accelerator. Magnetic quadrupole lenses could be useful in cases of high-current beams. Calculations showed that for,a 30 mev alternating gradient of a magnetic focusing linear proton acceler- ator witli 4 mev injections, one would need a power of 250 kw. Since most linear,accelerators work in iapulses anyway, one can avoid many technical problems by feeding the lenses discontinuously. Using Eq. (4b).# Card 11/15 I .I Card 12/15 O-Lb. - (Cuptlon on next card - W- -- 77242 SOV/89-8-2-7/30 Strong Focusing in a Linear Accelerator 772112 SOV/89-q-,",-7/30 Captionto Fig. 6 Fig. 6. Construction of electrostatic lenses with the drift tube: (1) dia~h-,;agm ringj (2) cooling loopj (3) body of drift tubel (4 ens electrodesj (5) lens InsulatorI.(6,7) adjusting screws; (8) adjustment disIq (9) cables; (10) nut regulating height. Fig. 7. Current on 2 accelerator exit vs. lens potential. /0 Y, Kv Card 13/15 Strong Focusing in a Linear Accelerator 77242 SOV/89-8-2-7/30 the authors obtain for the gradient of the magnetic field in the lens the expression: Ame %Y2 (5) They constructed the-lens using transformer core material of thickness 0.35 mm. Three windings of PEV-2 w1re of,2 mm diameter were covered with a layer of BF-2 glue, placed into the pole grooves., and baked. Such a coil was 'able to withstand current impulses of the order of 2 Ica. For the ~.5 kqv proton acceler- ator the authorp needed HI = 1.42-10D Oe/cm. This required per pole n1 = 1,,000 ampere turnso i.e., with a three-turn coil they needed approximately 300 a per pole or approximately 600 a per lens, and 12 ka for all the 20 lenses. The Hall effect in bisurath served for measurements of the field gradient. The system performed in a manner completely analogous to the electrostatic system. Professor K~ D.-Slinellnikov (Member of the AS UkrSSR) and Ya. B. Faynberg Card 14/15 Strong Focusing in a Linear Accelerator 77242 sov/89-8-2-7/30 (Candidate of Physico-Mathematical Sciences) showed constant interest and discussed the experiments, There are 7 figures; and it references, I Soviet, 3 U.S. The U.S, references are: L. Smith, R. Gluckstern, Rev. Scient. Instrum., 26, 220 (1955); T. Blewett, Phys. Rev., 88, 1197 (1952); E. Courant, M. Livingston, H. Snyder, Phys. Rev . 88, 1190 (1952). SUBMITTED: April 27, 1959 Card 15/15 2'2875 s/oag/61/olO/005/003/015 B102/B214 AUTHORS: Zeydlits, P. M.,,,Yamnitskiy, V. A. TITLE.- Investigation of accelerating systems operating with H waves PERIODICAL: Atomnaya energiya, v. 10, no- 5, 1961, 469-477 TEM A report on the most important results of the experimental investiga- tions of accelerating systems operating with H waves given here was made already at the conference of the Fiziko-tekhnicheskiy institut AN USSR (Institute of Physics and Technology AS UkrSSR) in November 1959. The investigations showed that In contrast to the earlier view accelerating systems operating with H waves (specially with H III type oscillations) have important advantages in comparison to those operating with E 010 type oscillations. These consist above all in the simplicity of the H wave cavity resonator and in the fact that the use of H maves reduces high frequency output. Linear accelerators operating with H waves can be used up to particle velocities a witbout alterations in their fundamental structure, which is not possible by the use of E 010 waves. Since, power Card 116 22875 S1089161101010051003/015 Investigation of accelerating systems ... B102/B214 consumption and construction work form the main items of the cost of the. modern linear resonance amplifier, the H wave accelerator is also cheaper. The reduction of the h-f power is brought about above all by the repeated traversing by the particles through one and the name accelerating potential. In order to find the optimum values of the size, parameters, and construc- tion the change of the operating frequency f and the equivalent shunt R,,.,. with a, T, and the area S (see Figs. 6 and 7) was determined for different forms of supports in endovibrators (of the form of Fig. 2:1u). A comparison of the curves Rtd,-4.- f(P) shows that,for drift tubes with comb (Curve 1) P ,0-15,is economic and for those with small feet (3) P C-2-0.25 is economic. R -kf1/2C_3/2 2 U14. 0 0- , wh, ere C0is the capacitance of the condenser per unit length of the accelerator. For optimum ratios between the dimensions of the supports RUL3.ohanges from 600-700 megohma/m to 40-50 megohmn/m in the range 0-0154P40-15. For len th f drift tubes required for focusing 8~mt -goo (6o-70 mm) Rwx -35-40 megohm f r P -0-05-0-35. Experiments were carried out on two models of proton accelerator tubes (Ep= 2-23 MeN" Card 2/6 221J75 S/089J61/010/005/003/015 ,Inves tigation~ ~of accelerating. systems... B102/3214 7-f:' 21i~o mc M /m;':and E 6. 0. 2 .'5 -Mev,f 200 t1c, p R&). 140 megohms/;n)*toIcheok.the results obtained. It was found that by using endovibrators (Fig. 2g) with H waves wavelengths could be-obtained .-which were 3-5 times as large as those;obtained with E wave. Thid 010 system is also 2-3 times an eoonomiol the tube is,only half as long and the eva6uated volume oan be reduaed,to 1/20. This system'c6nbe usei ab6ve ail ~or ion acceleration where essentially larger waves are employed than in the-electron acceleration. A. I. Akhiyezer,and 0. Ya. L barski- YU Y are mentioned There 'are 17 figures, I table, and 14 referenoes: 8 Soviet- bloo and ~ non-Sovie~-bloo.. The three most recent references to English- languagepublioations read as follows:, J Blevett, Symposium CERN, 1956; J. Slater. Ap5l-. Phys.~~ 68 (1952); L. Alvarez. Rev. Scient. Instrum., 26, ill (1955 ~SUBMITTED: June 27, 1960 Card 3/6 WT(1) L 16930-66 ACC NR: AT6002496 SOURCE CODE- TJR/3131/64/000/070/0001/0013 1AW HOR- Sinell IWAnyuk, A. 40a1 M. r nikov. K.D... _pv N.S Zeydlits, P. 'Yamnitskly, V.A. Az2yskava, Z. A, _0 jRG: -none q q 1.~7 iTITLE:..Jnject1on o grLicles through an-acute-angled magnetic trapainto a inirror trap with increasing fields of ke mirrors sSOURCE: AILILkSMI, , gizft-fa -1964.- Im-kek-61ya Doklady, no. 70,, ichastits v zerkallnuyu lovushku s narastayuslichim polem v probkakh cherez magnitnuYu. -lovushku ostrougbllnc!y geometrii, 1-13 Z TOPIC TAGS: - magnetic mirror machine, pk*iele bmpping magnetic trap- co"pu z1r__. -,IVv lorj:~ VA %eke- kt ..:.-IABSTRACT.- The-auR Ora- inmtlgate the passage of -charged particles Injected thrOugh an end slit parallel to the axis of Uie magnetic field through an acute-angled magnetic tra A, general introduction of magnetic mirror effect is followed by a theoretical study of the effect of acute-angled field geometry on the eccentricity of particles passing throul;h the 'zero field plane$ and the filling of an increasing field mirror trap by partioles pasning j Card 1/2. .-~L~ l8tj40-66 EWTU), IJP(C) as. -~/00/000/0386/046-2,-!' ACC IIR:- AT502689 SOURCE CODE.- UR?0000/6 AUTHOR.i Sinellnikov-,_Ks' D (Aoidemician AN.UkrSSR); jLh~n a~k lov go a L-A Z. A. Yamnitski V. A. z s a M N. S.~; dlitE ORG: none fence magnetic-- traps I TITLE: - Inw-stigatilon - of the - charged - particle motionJn picket SOURCE: Konf;6~eltslya po-fizike yayego joyadernego tormoyaTernogo -sint6za. 4 th . -ki-aAR-M-k-19 6 3 ~, rizika plazmy i problemy upravlyayemogo ~sinteza (Physics of plasma and problems of controllable themonuclear uynthesis); doklady konferen-tsii, no. 4, Kiev, flaukova dumka, 1965, 388-402 7----~77- TOPI C'TAGS-*. t- tra-- p-,-. i-0--l-a-f 1:41s ti-- Icle , plasma chay,%ed c part particle, parti- cle'trajedtopy, partic e mag6euc~field I Motio n, ADSTRACT:~- The properties of::6ar~ed'particle:moti -In agnetic-traps of the k-I -on P3.C I! 17- et.fence and "magnetic wall" (with negative- field curvature) types are considered trajqctories.detei-i~ined.,by.-numericaI imtegrations. The trzips~ are cbam6-1-~-~ terized b7 axial symmetry and =all angles between field lines. The analytical fow of thelields is desqcribed-by the expansion of the scalar magnatic potential A CaiA 1/2 -L~ `188404sW CC NR: ~AT5028.569 A n Bessel-~~ functions retair~in the firs t. term only. Since both -curl' and divei-gence 9 'coils .1 van s e ensity for~~Wcket,:-~ A of th e , field within magnetic h th magAetic int Oasily n -era-lized-to o.ther.geometrie .s) is determined and analytical fence- traps ge expressions are derived for two extreme cases of extended and compressed traps. A method for determining the fields in'the throat area of the trap of a given radius is also given. Application of the Lagrangian and Hamiltonian of the charged parti- cle motion and the utilization of the cyclic azimuthal coordinate of W-Lsymmtitric fields leads to derivation of a potential in which a particle moves and deteimines the extent of -regions of particle confi*nement. It is found that there always exisig; A_ a region through which particles can escape. The escape criteria and it classifica-~ tion of transmitted and reflected particles in which the gyroradius of the parti- clea, and hence mass, play a strong role are presented. Additional cLtssification. relative to the initial particle parameters is also discussed. In particular- it s shown-that the behavior of particles injected in a direction opposite to the sys4, tem axis is similar,tor that of -those injected parallel to the axis, excepting that. I, the Initial radial separation of the former from the axis Is greater. Representa-, tive trajectories am graphed. The discussion is further generalized 1-.03 the rela- tivistic particles for which presently realizable magnetic confinement achemes re- A quire very strong fields, Orig. art. hast 17 figures, 34 fomulas. SUB CODE: DATE:l 2"ay6S/ ~ORIG REF: 002/ OTH MF; 20/ SUBM Card 2/2 'ACCESSION NR: :AT3007907~ S/2957/63/000/060/0061/0064 AUTHOR: Amonenko, V -H.; Bolgov, 1. S 1.;'Zeydlits,~ H.-P. Athazhat H.* V -TITLE: Ef f ed't". of yacuum meltin r6perites, of'EIS46,- B1852, ,on p EI847, and.E1437B steels -'SOURCEs Primeneniye vakuuma V metallurgit: .trudy* Tretlyego eshchaniya. Oo.primeneniyu vakuuma v-m6talluirgii. Hoscow'. 1963, sov 61-64.- TOPIC TAGS: :`v'acuum melti ng, vacuum induction me I ting 31846 stea B1847 steeli,E1852 steel K143.75 alloy EI846 steel vacuum melting,~ E1847 steel .4iL~uum meltO ;.E1852 ste6" 9 .1 vacuum melting,. E1437B alloy-'-' vacuum-melting,.mcchanical property, gas content, nonmetallic in-. clusion content,..ducti-lity, hardness, tensile strength, yield strength, notch toughness, ~ABSTRACT: Small,' 20--25-%g, beats of'Er846 (apparently an auete4itic -0.03% C an'l steel containing 0.02 d 0.1"0.8% 33, EI,847 CO. 5-V. 10% C,, 14 0---:17.0% Cr,':14.0-16.0% Ni,. 0.45-0*.85% Nb.,:" Cara 1 4 ',,_,AC,CESSTON MR1 'A:T3007907'r 2.5-3.5% Ho I and E 16 5 2. 10.50% max C I . 4 -2 . I Z S 1 12 . 0-14 02 Cr,., .,,.0% NJ, r 1.2 2'.0% M o] steel -basa alloy (flimonic' g and E1437B nickel 80A] we re melted 'in a laboratory induction furnace under a voicuum of 0.00005-0'.0001 inm 11g. In all four materials vacuum d greatlyr re uce.d the gas _content: oxygen '-to 0 . 0007-0..002% Itydrogen, to.00.0001---~0.0003%; and nitrogen. to 0,.001-0.003%, that is, by .~Omparedwith conven.t*ionallyimelted steels.' The size and conten of n ,onmitallic7 inclusions was also conside'rably reduted This..resulted-In a significaint-impriovement of ductility, espaci;lly: a t 500-BOOC-(see Fig. 1 of thi E.nelosure).. Tensile and yield hs wer' -,strengt e-not significantly affected by vacuum melting; hardness. ropp. j-: d ed by 10!--20% compared with con4entiopAl melting. The benef cial affecto. vacuum melting was es'eci-aily..p'rondunced in E:1846 p -to low carbon and highboron contents,it is difficul' :W_ st:eel. -to obtain steel of satisfactory,quality by conventional arc.or in- duction melting' Satisfactory ductility can be obtained onl:r by keeping the boion content, close to the. lower JJMJ'rt" In 'acuum-melti3d v '.steel, however,'ductility drops with increased boron content, but still's.._, ..remains satisfactoty; a t~.8% boron'the elongation at 20, 501), ~nd j :800C- amounted 18,,and 56%. ncrea'se of boron content to' I a I I I TF' 8/861 62/000/000/0C13/022 ~J B125/BI02 AUTHOR Sine lhikoir, K. Dip Zeydlitst Po got Nekrashevicht p v-, 4', Shutskeyer,j Ya. S.1-TI)ecease -v-WMjeserp A. I-# Faynberg, Ya. B., Lyubarskiy, Go Ya. ton*.' TITLEs The physical bases-of the injector of the 4. synchrotron Fix. Loi s,ouam Teoriya I rasohet lineynykh ubkoritel4y, abornik etatey.i.. tekhn. ifiet-AN USSR. Ed. by To V. Kukoleva. Moscowq Gosatomizdat, 1962, 94 - 108 TEXTs The linear accelorator discussed here is the Injector of tile. protp, synchrotron of the OIYa3:. It furnishes a strong flux of accelerated particles in short pulses. The pulees are separated by-relatively lon 01~ intervals of time. The resonator, containing screening tubes# exoitee standing waves .. It needs orly i, relatively small rmf,~.power dnd -it allows Of synchronizing several generators feeding the accelerator. Simults,neoua phase stability and radial stability of the acoelekated bunch is achieved.. with the screening tubes and nets. The injection eftergy is, 600 kiv aia4-the-.1 synchronous phtise 200. The generator, wave length is 215 amp the periods-ovt- Card 1/3- S/E161/62/006/00-6/00j/02-2 The physical bases of the.66 B125/BI02 the accelerator have the length L C T, where T .,A/c, and the mean k Ok Z effective field strength in all the gaps of the resonator is 19.9 kV/CMO The phase focusing effect is accompanied by radial defocusing. The criticsl~.*...-_.... phase y lies..between 540 and 710; in the present case, y >2TU# 'The. _a max a max utilization' factor of the current injected should'be increased by inserting a clyetron~_'type buncher 1)etween injector and injecting accelerator. During one period'of the r-f osoillations, the energies aboorbpd by a particle of phase y and by the synchronous particle are different. The first term of; the final particle energj' at the accelerator output is the energy calculatedp~t:", and the second term is the deviation'from it. The relative energy spread 2 is 0-3-10 in the case considered here. Supplementary investigat-fons ar6,~ necessary to determine the spread in energy*due to radial oscillations; in particular, the way the accelerating field E depends on the radius must b 49. studied. The capture angle calculated for (p. a 200 has a minimum at (F 30q Currents of less than, 10 ins haie but little.effect on capture during acceleration. Furthermorof the effect of the space chargeon the radial an'le of~ stability of the accelerator discussed here is.insignificant. 9 ;_Card 44875 1/861/62/000/000/'06/022i, 0 Bi 25/B10? AUMORSt Sinellnikov, K#' Do'# Faynberg, Ya.' B,,,-Zeydlits, P. M, -possible modification of th 'iinear'a'nd oyoliq 'metho f TITLE A 10 of,:. acceleration., SOURCEs Vczriya -i raschet linjeynykh- uskoriteley, abornik's' 4tey Fiz, - tekhn. ins-t - AN USY. T Ed. by T.-V~ Kukoleva. Mosobwt Gosatomizdat# 1'962# tog 113 TEXT j A type of accelerator combining the advantages of cyclic.,and linear accelerators is discussed. It is a lin(ta ~O e r accelerator bent to a , noloo -kept in' ring or another non-closed curve. The acearerated particle are their.trajectories of c*onstant or'-variable.radius by a magn:tic fieldo Radial and axial stability is attained in'the'way o4stomary.for oyclic accelerators... Phase stability'dan*~be 'aahieve~-,uzing,~he dependence',of -the.k revolution'period-of the aocel'erated,partioleq on'their frequency. High,. ca*n be lattained in systems 6f'large. radius and comparatively* strength (N 1 kgauss for I Bev). The condition of phase 22.' 2 2 j stability is 00 N kA 'Where in the'fre'q;Uenoi of the phase j, Gard I .62/000/000/006/C)22 oleOV A possible modification of the... Bli~/B102 oscillations and N is the number of'the.periods of the linear accelerator. 'The. frequency of the generator can be kept.constant by varying. the structural period of the Iin6ar accelerator. -The advantages of such accelerators are simplicity of injecting and extracting particles, con- siderable increase of the beam current, constancy.ofthei generator frequency and of the magnetic field strength. The energy gai'ned per revolutionlis of ,The magnetic field*is-.a'. ...,the same order of magnitude as the t 'otal: energy. ifunction,of radius.and angle. When the quasistationarity conditio 2 2