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ZHABOTINSFaY, V. X. 37502. Stochnyye Vody.ProrWshlenriykh PredpriyatV Donbassa itlsloviya Ikh SpusIca v VodoyenV. v Sbr XII Vsesoyuz. S"ezd Glatenistov, Rpidemiologov, a D11krobiologov i Infekhsionistov6 T*I*Mot 1949# so 91-93a SO: letopis' Zh,urnallnykh,Statey, Vol. 7p 1949 BELYAYEV, Ill., prof.; BLIOKH, S.S., kand. med. nau1c; GABOVICH, R.D.p prof.; GORBOVO V.A.2 dots.;.gUQQT2L %IY, V.K.,_ prof.; ZASLAVSKAYA, AIX., kand. med.'nauk; KIBALICHICH, I.A.p kandi. mad. nauk; KROTKOVI F.G.y prof.; MOGILEVSKIY, Ya.A., kand. zed. nauk[deceased]; "TRAKHTMAN, N.N.p dots.; CHERKINSKIY, S.N., prof.; GOROMOSOV, M.S., doktor med.- nauk, red.; RYAZANOV, V.A., prof.9 red.; BUSHTUYEVA, X9A9j dotal) red*; SELEaIRIDI, I.G.p dots., red*; OSTROVE-11HEOV, G,7e,, prof.~ glav. red.; PETROVA, N.K.2 tekhn. red. (Manual on cor-n=al hygiene ]Rukovodstvo po koramnal'noi gigiene. Moskva, Medgiz. Vol.2. l962. 763 p. (MIRA, 15:12) 1. Deystvitellrgy clUen Akademii meditsinskikh nauk SSSR (for Krotkov). 2. Ghlen-korrespondent Akaderii meditsinskikh nauk SSSR (for Cherkimkiy, Ryazanov). (SOIL DISINFECTION) (WATER SUPPLY) MARZEUV, A.N., prof.. rrimli uchastiye: AGLITSKIY, S.S., prof.; VETOSBKIN, S.I., prof.; ZRABOTIN .474--A., Prof.; A.H.,; SILIVANIK, K.76..'GORBOV, V.A., red.; SWCHILO, K.K.,; ZAKHAROVA, A.I., Ecommmal hygiene] Kommmalinaia gigiena. Fri uchaetii S.S.Aglitakogo i dr. Izd.2., dop. i ispr, Moskvap Goa* izd-vo med.lit-ry, 1958. 554 -o. (IIIEUI 13:1) 1. Deystvitellnvy chlen Akademii meditsinskikh nauk SSSR (for Marzeyev). (PUBLIC HEALTH) ZHABOTINSKIYO V. ItCortain problems of the hygli.enIc study of toxic substances in industrial drainage. report subm-itted at the 13th Coneress of Ilyeienietb, Epidemiologists and Infectionists, 1959. RPM- AUTHOR: Zhabin'skiy, Yan 26-10-32/44 TITLE: The First Gorilla Born in Captivity (Pervyy-gorilla rodiv- shiysya v nevole) PERIODICAL: Priroda, 1957, No 10, pp 113-114 (USSR) ABSTRACT: This is atranslation from Polish of an article appearing in the periodical "Problemy", 1957,~ No 4, dealing with the birth of a gorilla baby in the Columbia Zoological Garden, USA. It points out that there record of a gorilla ever born in captivity. Thanks to expert treatment, the young gorilla stayed alive. In this special case scientific approach to a new problem gave excellent results, showing that even a zoo- logical garden can offer opportunities for scientific research. There are 2 photos and 1 reference, which is Slavic (Polish) AVAILCBLE: Library of Congress Card 1/1 SHVIDKOVSKIY, Yevgeair Georgiyevich; TKAGHUIS.G., redaktor; ZE&BOTIN- SKIY Te.Ye radaktor; AXIMWOY,S.H., takhalchookly rgWfm-Pt;~$' [Some problems in the viscosity of molten metals] Nekotorye vop- roby viazkooti rasplivlenufth metallov. Moskva, Goo.izcl-vo takhni- ko-tooret. lit-ry. 1955. 206 p. (MIRA 9:3) (Retals-Testing.) "I "MW F.W,IZV 1 1 YEL'YASHZV,ICH, ~Iikhail Aleksandrovich; VERES, L.F.J. red.;_~BBMM9111,, ,,Ye.Ye..,-zqd.; MURASBOVA, N.Ya., tekhn. red. [Atomic and-molecular spectroseopy)Atomnaia i molekuliarnaia spektroskopiia. Moskva, Gos.izd-vo fiziko-matern. lit-ry, 1962. SIIPOLISKIY, Eduard Vladimirovich; LIKIIAMNA, L.V., tekl,,r,. (Atomic phyIsics]-Atomnaia fizika. Mosk7a, Fizmtgiz. VoLl.[Introduction to atomic plWsics] Vvedenie v atormuht flzlku. Izd.5, ispr. i dop. 1963. 575 p. (MIRA 17:2) MARTIN, P.[Martin, Paul]; SHV Yu.[Schwinger., Julianj- .9 :MOSKAIZU40, V.A.1trans -'KASIYAN, A.I.[tranBlator]; BqNCH-BRUYEvICH., V.L.[t-.~abblat*bi-];_~~INSK~IY) ~Ye.Ye~.j rs4.;.,DUDMHVAj-G.M.p tekhn. red. rTheory of maro-particI6 systims'. Brownian motion of a q L uwtum oscillator]Teoriia sistem mno ikh chasttte. Brounovskoe dvizhe- nie kvantovogo ostsilliatora fBy] Julian Schwinger. Hoskvap Izd-vo inostr. lit-ryt 1962. 167 p. (MIRA 15:12) (Quantum field theory) (Potential, Theory of) KAGAN, Yu., red.; ZHADMINSM, Ye.Ye.p red.; BEIEVA, M.A., t0" /red. [The Vlossbauer effect]Effekt Messbauera;'sbornik statel. Moskva, lzd-vo -.-,nostr. lit-ry, 1962. 444 p. (MIRA 15:12) (Mossbauer effect) on - %~11-1-111-- ESTULIN, Isay Veriiaminovich; FRANK, I.M., red.; ZHABOTINSKIY, Ye.Ye., red.1 MURASHOVA, N.Ya., tekhn. red. (Radioactive radiations]Radioaktivnye izlucheniia. Moskvs, Fizmatgiz. No.l. 1962. 266 p. (MIRA 16:4) Chlen-korrespondent Akademii nauk SSSR (for Frank). (Radioactivity) ES TULIN Isay Ventaminovich; ZHABOTINSKIY. red.; FRW, 1.14., redo; kUfiiliHOVAP N&Ya., tekhn, bred, (Radioactive radiatioIno], Radiactivnye izlucheniia. Moskva., Fizmatgiz, 1962. 260 p,,(Praktikum po iadernoi fizike 110 1). (MIRA 16,41 1. Chlen-korrespondent AN SSM (for Frank)o (Radioactivity) PUT IIA)VO Konstantin Anatoloyevich, f.; Prinimali uchastiye: FABRIKANT, V.A., prof,; TAm"'HENKO, S.M.; ZHABOTINSKIY, Ye.Ye., red.; MURASHOVA, N.'M-,,tekhnr. red.. (Physics course] Kurs fiziki. Izd.3.1. Moskva, Fizmatgis,,. Vol.l. (Mechanics., Acoustics. Molecular physics. Thermo- dynamics] Mekhanika. 11 iMz RIM Molekuliarnaia fizika. Termodinamika. 1963. 560 p. (MIRA 16:7) (Physics) YEL'YASHEVICH, Mikhail Aleksandrovich; VMES, L.F.,, red.; ZIIAWTINSKIY Yejg,,,,. red.; 1,IJRASHOVA., N.Ya... tekhn. red. [Atomic and molecular spectroscopy] Atomnaia i molekuliarnaia spektroskopiia. MosWa, Fizmatgiz, 1962. 892 (KW 15:7) (Spectrum., Atomic) (Molecular spectrj* ALIMIANOV, Abram Isaakovich. akademik; zHA oTiNsKIT, Te.Te., rail.; YERMOVA, Te,A.,, (Weak interactions; recent investigations of beta decay] Slabye walmodeletviia; novelshie iosledovanlia P-raspada. Moskva, Gos.izd-vo fisiko-matem.lit-ry, 1960. 143 p. (Beta rays) (KnU 13:7) BAIXIN, Alekenndr Kikheylovich; GOLIDANSKIY, Vitaliy Iopifovich; ROZINTALI, losif Leonidovich; ZFIABOTINSKIT.-Ye.Ye., red.; GAVRILOV, S.S., 7' [Kinematics of nuclear reactions] Kinewtika iadernylch reaktaii. Moskva, Goe.izd-vo fiziko-matem.lit-ry, 1959. 226 p. OURA 13:1) (Nuclear reactions) DAVYDOV, Aleksandr Sergeyevich: Z TINSXIX,.-YAAe,, red.; MURASHDVA, Me, (Theory of the atomic nucleus3 Teoriia atomnogo iadra. Moskya, Gos.izd-vo fiziko-matem. lit~-rY, 1958. 611 p. (MIRA 12:2) (Nuclei. Atomic) BOGOLYUBOV, Nikolay Hikolayevich; MITROPOLISKIY, Yuriy Alekoeyevich; ZHOOTINSKIY# Tejo., red.; KOLBSNIKOVA, A.P., tekbn. red. [A`sy'qptotlo methods in the theory of.uouliaear vibrations] Asimpto- ticheskie mitody v tooril nelineinfth kolebanii, lzd.2., isyr. i dop. Moskva, Goo. iod-vo fiziko-mtomtioheskoi lit-rv 1958. 408 p, 17 (Vibration) ZIIIR& 11:9) IM-03.16 rUTTILOV, Konstantin Anatollyevich; FAIMIKANT, Valentin Aleksandrovich; ZHABOTIMSKIT reare.1 red*; XUZXSTSOVAv Ye.B., red.; KRIUMOTA, T.K., .(Course in physics] Kura Miki, Koskva. Goe.12d-vo fiziko-mateme lit-ry, Vol.3. [Optics atomic physics, nuclear physical Optikav atomnaia fizika, isdernals fizika. 196o. 634 p. (Physics) (MMA, 14:1) SHA,SKOLI:XAYA, Marianna Petrovna; HLITSIN, Ionif Abramovich; KHAYKIN,.. 3.3o, profs# red.; -WMTINSKTY, Te.Ye., red.; KRYUCHKOVA, T.H.,, [Collection of selected problems in physical Sbornik izbrannykh zadach po fizike. Pod red. S.R.Khaikina. Moskva, Goo.izd-vo fiziko-matem.lit-rys 1959* 207 P, (MIU 13:4) (Physics-Problemng exercises, ate.) PUTILOV, Konstantia Anstollyevich, prof.;, Prinimal uchastlye: Saams V.V.. ZHABOTINSKIT, Ye.Ye., red.; MMSHOVA, N.Ta., [Textbook of physical Kure fi;ciki. Izd.g., porer. RoAva, Gos.izd-vo fiziko-matem.lit-ry. Vol.l. (Mechanics. Acoustics. Molecular -physics. Thermodynamical Mekhanika. Akustika. Molelculiernain fizilta. Termodinamtka. 1959. 560 p. (1111IRI 13:1) (Physics) %WM RIM SHASKOLISKAYA, garianna Petrovna; ELITSIN, Iosif Abramovich; KHAIKIN, S.S., prof., red.; 21MOTINSKIY, Yeje., red.; KRYUCHKOVA, VA, (Collection of selected problems in physics] Sbornik izbrannykh zadach. po fizike. Pod red. SiR.Khaikina. Hoskva, Goo.izd-vo fiziko-matem.lit-ryl 1959. 207 130 (HIaA 12:11) (Physics--Problems, exercises, etc.) J MeRWIM trwo-". w AMMUR, Alekoandr Illich;'BKRBSMSKIY, Vladimir Borisovich; ZHABOTINSKIY, Te.Ye.. red.; TUKAMNA, N.A., Upantum electrodynsmi~s] Kvantovaia elektrodinamika.' .Izd.2., perer. Mosk7a. Goo.:Ezd-vo fiziko-matem.lit-ry, 1959. 656 p. (MIR A 12: 8) (Quantum electrodynamics) RAYSKIY, S.M.; SHIRNOV, V.P.; ZETABOI!INSKffo Tejo.. -rodaktor; TUMARKINA, N.A., takhnicheskiy, [Physical principles of a method of radioactive indicators; a Oractical manuaIj,Yizicheskie oanovy matoda radioaktivnykh indikato- rov; rukovodetvo k-praktichaskim rabotam, Moskva, Goa, izd-vo takhniko-teoret. lit-rY, 1958- 335 p- (KaA 9:9) (Radioactivity) STSPRINSON, Richard; SEHINOV, Yu.V. [translator]; TSIMRMAN, M.G.. [translator]; VOSKOBOYNIK, D.I., 30 redaktor; 29 ,.YINSKI.X elf ,Al redaktor; KURASHOVA, N.Ya,, takhnicheokiy (introduction to nuclear engineering. Translated from the llnghobl Vvedenie v iadernuiu takhniku, Peravod a angliiskogo IU.V.6emeaova i H.&TSImmermana. Pod red. D.I.Yoskoboinika. Moskva, Goa. izd-vo tekh- niko"'toorate lit-ry, 1956. 536 p. (KLRA 10:1) (Nuclear engineering) GOLIDMAN, losif Il'ich-, KRUGHEIZOV, Vladimir Dmitriyevich. GBYLMMII, B.T., profes3or, radaktor,- ZRABOTIMSKIY, Ye.Tes, redgktor; GITAILOV, U.S., tek-hnichoskiy redskt [Collection of problems in quantum mechanics) Sbornik za(Lekch p0 kvantovol merhanike. Pod red. B.T.Gqllikmans. Moskva, GosAzd-vu toUntko-tooret. lit-ry, 1957, 275 P. (HLRh 10:1,o) (,juantum theoz7--Problems, exercises, ~tc,) ZILIBUTIRSKly, Iu. M. normalinaia i patologicheskaia morfologiia vegetativrrjkh gangliev ~("Normal 7. Moskva, Izd-vo'AMN SSSR, And pathological morphology of vegetative gangliaj 1953. 292 p. SO: MonthlX List of Russian Accessions, Vol. 6 No. 9 December 1953 Zhabotinaldy Yu. M. and ZilBerbergj S. It ITEIthomorphology of the Vnots o.C the solarp ich have been ron, oved through operations in connection with hypertonic affectionj" In symposim: VIIT Sessiya Ileyrokhixurg. .9ovet-a i Lemingr. in-ta neyrokhirurgii) (Akad. ned. nauk SSSR), Moscow, 1948, p. 78-86 SO: U-3600, 10 July 53, (Letopis 'Zhurn--l Inyl-h Statey, No. 6, 1949)- r, 184 X Fzj UY Zhal,)otinskiy,, llu. .1". "Umn-es in -the peripheral nerve xj3tem Ouring, teqporai~y ischemia (.L~~pcrimcntal rez;caroch In symposimv. VIII Sossiya 1,17eyrokhirtmg. soveta i Leningr. in-ta myroVdiirurgii (Akad. med. riaulc 3SSiZ)_, ~:oucovj 19401 p. 173-30 SO: J-360,01 10 July 53, (TotoPis 12"llurnal ll~y 1-ch Statey, No. 6, 1949)- K WOMA, "-,7 SHABOTINSKIY, YUX (Normal and pathological morphology of the'vagetative ganglions] NormalInala i patologichookaia morfologlia vegatativnykh ganglia-1. Moskva, Izd-vo Akademii mod. nauk SSSR, 1953. W p. (MLRA 7:2) (Nervous system, Sympathetic) ATTICHKOV, 11. N. ZIMBOTITISKIY, Yu. N. and SIbITSYNA, T. A. "On the Origin of Cells and Fibers in Inflamiatiou," imt Reports of the Conference to Review Scientific Research for 1953, (tnat. Exptl. Med. Acad. Med. Sci. U.S.S.R., Moscow, 1954), pp.41-42. =gal P Me" ZHABOTINSKIY, Tu.M. Conference on problems on intransural. connections hold at the Pavlov, Institute of Pbysiologr of the AcadwW of Sciences of the U.S.S.R. Fiziol.chur. 41 no.3:447-452 My-Jo '55. (MLRA 8:8) (Nervous system) ZHABOT: :11m. GOYKHMAN. V. A. Modification of nerve calls around a maningocarebral cIcatrJx In traumatic eptlepsy saconiaa7 to gunshot wounds. Zhurneyr. I polkh.55 no,g:.669471 1554, (MIRA 8111) 1. lay~rogistologichaskaya.:Laboratorlya.LaniWadekogo nanchno, Issladovatellskogo ueyrokhtrurg~cheakog'o instituta Imeni A.-I. Polanoia. (Epumsy, traum. histol..of nerve calls of cerebral cicatrix after gunshot wds) (WOUNDS tM INSURM,. sPot of rin, causing epilepsy, histol. of norve calls un Icat J I I (BRAS.c M, and Injuries i=ot' anaing epi spay, histol. of nerve in cicatrix) (CICATRIX, brain, histol. changes in gunshot wds causivg epilepsy) USSR/General Problems of Pathiloa - Pathophysiology if the U. Infectious Prod6ss Abs J)ur ilef 71me - bioit, No pt 155�, 8685 Author Zhabotinskiy, Yu.M. ----------- Inst Institute if Experii:iental Medicine )f the AMS USSR Title Central Nervous System Lesions In Pertussis Orig Pub Yezhepdnik In-ta eksperim. ned. AM1J SSSR, 1956, vol P- (M), 1957, 506-515 Abstract No abstract. Card 1/1 ANIGHKOV, ZHABOTINSKIY, Yu.H.,; ZAYKO, SOPOVA, T.L.,; TYSYACMiiT ~,. -10.(Leningrad) Tiss,4e changes following disorders of innervation. Arkh. pat. 18 no.1 3-14 156, (HUI 9; 6) 1. Iz otdala patologichookoy anatomli (zav.m&kad. N.N, Anichkov) Instituta akeperimentallnoy meditainy AVJ SSSR. OCERVOUS. SYSTEM, i~4siology, off. of denervation on eurrounding tissue (Run)) --ya.M., professor -Pithomorphology of the autonomic nervous nystem in tubnrculoaiso by N.B-lArygin, Reviewed by IU.N.Zhabotinskii. Arkb.pat. 19 no.6-, 72-76 '57- (HUIA 10: 10) (IORYGUS SYSTSM, AUTONORIG) (TUMMULOSIS) (IARYGIN, U.S.) Feb 59 EXCERPTA YEDICA See 5 Vol 12/2 den, Path 539. THE GENESIS OF LESIONS OF THE SPINAL CORD AND ITS MENINGES IN TUBERCULOUS SPONDYLITIS (Russian text) ' Zhabotinsky Yu. M. and K r i I o v D. M. - ARKII. PATOL. 1958, 20/7 (5) While tuberculous spondylitis is a relatively common disease, reports on implica- tion of the 1~dinal cord are only rarely found in the literature, although neurologic- al symptoms are frequently observed. The authors have made a careful examina- tion of the total spinal cord and its membranes in 10 cases -of tuberculous spondy- litis (8 of them with obvious neurological symptoms). The dura mater forms anim- portant obstruction to a subdural expdnsion of the tuberculous infection. The spinal cord is affected by pressure of peripachymeningitic tuberculous granulations and connective tissue changes in the epidural cavity. No significant role is pinyed by, oedema of the spinal 'Cord and anomalies oirthe-blood vessels. Toxic effects oil the spinal cord in tuberculous spondylitis could not be observed. Brandt Berlin (V, 15*) A-0 Z~ 17 ZHA'BOTIIqSKIY, Yu.H. (Leningrad, Ligovskaya, Ule d,lo6, kv.3) Division of nerve cells In the nervous system of man jind MaMMAIR (with summary in English]. Arkh.aunt.gist. I embr. 35 U60'3:19-28 Hy-Ja 158 (MIRA l1-'7) (CENTRAL, MMYOUS SYMN, onat. & hiatol. division of nerve q*61, review (Rua)) (CELL DIVISION, ONS, review (Rua)) KHARAUZOV, N.A., prof., glavn" red.; HIMYLOY, V,P., prof,, zemestitell glavnogo red.; BIRYUKOV, D.Aol prof*#; AVSTIL-Wo BeGov doktor biol.nauko red.; ANICHKOV, 11.11. , skcadeihik, red.; J&HICHKOV. S,V,, prof., red.; ARBUZOV, S.14., prof., red.; VESELKIN, P.Me, prof., red.; VOYNO-YAS=TSKIY, M.V., prof,, red*; DANILOV, I.Vot kand.biol.nauk, red. ;C24PDMSU.TO_Tu*He --prof.. red.; IHINXIN' L.Ha, prof., red.; WIN, V.S., red..: IOFFH, V.I., prof., red..- KARASIK, V.M., prof.j red.; KUPALOV,' P.S., pTof.i red.; XMIWA, A*A*p, red.; NHYFAKH, S.A., doktor biol.nauk. red.: RIKELI, A.V,, prof.,.red.; SMLOV, P.G., prof., red.; SMCRODIIITSEV, A.A., prof*, red,;: CHISrOVICH, G*N,, doktor medonauk, red.; BESEDIM. I.E.# tekhae red. (Yearbook of the Institute of Rxperimental Medicine of the Academy of Medicol Sciences of the U.S.S.R. for 19581 BZliagodnik,za 1958 god. Leningrad, 1959. 338 p. wRa 14a) 1. Akademiya meditsinakikh nauk SSSR, Moscow. Inatitut eksperimen- tallnoy meditsiny. 2. Chleny-karresponde'nty Akademii meditusinakikh nauk SSSR (for Biryukov, Veselkin, Illin, Ioffe, Karasik, Svetlow-,- Smorodintsev). 3.,Deyst~itellnyye chleny Akademii meditsinskikh nauk SSSR (for Anichkov, S.V., Kupalov). (MEDICINE, EnWIMENTAL) YuA Histogenesis of infectious gramulcmas in the central nervous system in parasitic diseases. Arkhopat. 21 no.n%24-30 159. (KMA 13.-12) (13&M-DISEMES) (MEDICAL PAWITOIWY) ZMB'OTINsKIy,--L4,,L6(Laningrad, Ligovskaya u1., d.106, kv.3) Scientific activities of B.S. Doinikov and of his school; 10th anniversary of his death. Arkh. anat. gist. i embr. 36 no.4: 94-99 Ap 159. ()4IRA 12:?) (BIOGRAPHIES# Doinikov, B.S. (R")) ZH&BOTINSKIY Yu 14. (Leningyad) Reply to G.A.Koblov's letter on my article "Division of nerve cells in the central,nervous oytte6i of man and mammals.u Arkh. anat.gist.i embr. 38 no.2:76-81 F 1~0. (KIRA 14: 6) (04VES) (KOUOVI G.A.) ZILOOTIDSOY, YU. M.; 4WATM111A, V.A. and, SHUSTROV, A.K. "Particular Features In the 141ultiplication of Toxoplasma in the Central 1-Fervous System and theFormation of Pseudocysts" Voprosy, tokso-plazinoza, renorb theses of a conference on toxoplasmosis Moscow, 3-5 April 1961, publ. by Inst Epidemiology and IMicrobiolo,07 im. N. Gamaleya, Acad. Med. Sci USST, Moscow, 1961, 69 *IDI im Oamaleya A1131 335R, Moscow We ZIIABOTINSKIY.. Yu.M. (lAningrad) Interrelation between the morphological structures and the ,functions and metabolism of neurons. Vest. AMN SSSR 21 50-62 166. (MRA 19:1) 'USTROV, A. K. ZNABOTDISKIY-~ Ya~M SWATUYUMIA, O.A.; SH Intracellular multiplication of Toxoplasma and formation of pseudocysts in the nervous system. Med. paraz. i paraz. bol. 32 no.6z671-675 N-D 163 XIMIPUI 18:1) 1. Iz otdela patologicheskoy anatomil (zav. - akademik V..N. Anichkov) Instituta eksperimentr-"' Inoy meditsiny AHII SSSR i kafedry s parazitologiyoy imeni akademika Ye.N. Favlovskogo (nachallnika - Prof. G.S. Pervomayskiy) Voyenno-meditsinskiy ordena Lenina akademii imeni S.M. Kirova. MABOTU KHAY, L.M. (Loningrad) ~~I'qyay YuM Pathomorphological changes in the nervous system of rabbit-s in experimental allergic polyneuritis. Arkh. pat. 26 nc-.5t 19-25 164 (MIRA 1-8ti) 1. laboratoriya patologii nervnoy sistemy (zav prof., Yb.M. Zhabotinskiy) otdela patologicheokoy anatomil iza-v. - akademik N.N. Anichkov) i otdela mikrobiologii ( zP chlen-1correspan- d ent MT SSSR prof. V.I. loffe) InstituU eksperimentallnoy meditsiny A141 SSSR. wftx KOGAN, Vladimir Il"ich; GALI=Y. Viktor Mikbiylovich,-1pllo.~ly.SXI.Y,,,IXULO, redaktor; TUMARKINA, II.A., tekhnicheshy redaktor (collection of problems on quantum,machanics] Sbornik zadach po kvantovoi mekhanike. Hoskva, Goo. izd-vo tekhniko-tooret. lit-ry, ,1956. 415 p. (Kw, 1o:,4) (quantum theory-Problems. exercises. etc.,) n-B (OT I N S K ( Yq CHICHIK, Hikolay Oskarovioh; FAYNSHYBYN, Semen Keyerovich; LIFSHITS, T.K., Toodor Moisey4vichi ZF-RNOT. D.T.. redaktor; ZHABOT T TO.Yee, MRAIR N redaktor; GATRU47. S.S.i teichnicheekly rs&W LElectron multipliers] Ilektronnye umnozhiteli. Izd,2-oe,dcp. t perer. Pod red..D.V.Zernova. Moskva, GosAzd-vo takhatko- teorst,lit-ry, 1957. 575 p. (HLRA 10:7) (Photooloctrio multipliers) IMMVMXM~c U2013 AZAROV, S.A.; BRUSILOVSKIY, K.-Iq- ZHA )VSXIY, A.F.; GITMAN, E.S. Modernization of the wom apparatus for peacemeal u4oading of stiff leather. Kozh.-obav.prom. 4 no.12ilO-12 D !6AI,~ ftRA 16:1) (Leather industry--~quipment and supplies) (Loading and unloading) Now BRTJSIIDVSKIY, M. L.; ZHABOVSKIY, A. F. Substituting fabrics for felt in the cuffs of roller machines* Kozh. Q,buv, Pz!oms 5 no, 12:29 D 163, (MIRA 17:5) BRUSILOVSKIY9 M.I.; ZHABOVSKIY, A.F. Utilization of the worn-out cutters of band-knife splitting machines for the drum dryers in glue manufacture. Kozh,-obuv. prom. 6 no.2:42 F164. (MIRA 17:5) BRUSILOVSKIYI M.I.; ZWOVSXIY, A.F. ------------- .'VaJxe for the discharge of gasea from tanning drums. Kozh.-obuv. prom. -V-,0*5&34v-35,--W 20. (MIRA 160) (Taiining-Equipment and supplies) ZMBR6V., D. Zhabreva D. Five Years of Electrical Exploration for OIL Deporitas Basic Achievementa in the Ratioralization ot the Geological Service at the Azneft Fields* Azerbaidzhanskoe Neftianoe Khoziastve.9 Baku, No. 10/11o 19351 PP- 9-11- ~ 7 ZHASREV, 0. Komarovo S,, and Zhabray,-A. "The C h;i nze in the Viluer. of R-~corded Resistivity Titkinj Place in the Practice of Coring. Azer.,-aidzhanskoe Ueftignoc Khoziaiatvol paku, No. 10/11, 1935, 20-32. ,!R?WW- "'IM -- ;- M ------ ZHAB.R,E,,V, D-V and KUTSnMCH, N, 1, "The Origin of Oil Field Waters,," Naft. Khoz.,, N0.129 1951 t4~a~am' al avnyy redaktor; AZIZBEKOV, Sh.A., otvet0tven- nyy redaktor; EASHAT, M.A., otvetstvewiy7 redaktor; ABRAXOVICH, M.V., redaktor; A212BUOV, 'Sh.A., redaktor; ALITZV, A.G., redaktor-, ALIYEV, M.M., redaktor; ALIUDE, K.A., redaktor; AIMSOV, S.M., ro- daktor; AKFOOMY, GdA.., redaktor; BAYRAMOV, A.S., redaktor; GORIN, V.A., redaktor; ZWREV. D.V., redaktar; MEKHTIYEV, Sh.F., redAkt-or; SOLOVKIN, A.H., ATWT*07~,~ANOV, A.D., redaktor; KRUN, V.Ye., redaktor. (Geology of Azerbaijan; petrograpby] Geologiia Azerbaidshana. Petro- graflia. D.S.Bel'iankin. Otvetstvennye redaktory: Sh.1. Azizbekov, M.A.Eashkai. Baku, Izd-vo Akad. nauk Azerbaidzhangkoi SSR, 1952. 827 p. [Microfilm] (MIRA 8:2.) 1. Akademiya nauk Azarbaydzhanskoy SSR. Institut geologii. (Azarbaijan-~-Petrology) (Geology, Stiatigraphic) ZVABAEV. Danlll Vasilly~vicb; VjU3M, V.Y., dokfor md. b DEIM.'~All ,Yu.K. (Syngenetic oil-bearing series and ~the ol I pri-AlloAng rocks forming them] tivity 11 neftPprodutsiralustiphte porody, slagaius~-Aie lkh. Moslma, lzd-vo "Nedra," 1964. 194 P. (VIRA IA.RSKAYA, Ye.S.; ZHABREV, D.T. Effect'of,temperature and formation pressure on the composition of disseminated organic matter as -~,-tudy of the Mesozoic and Genozoic sediments of western ClEdim-asia. Dolcl. All SSSR 157 no.4;897-900 Ag t64 0,11RA 170) 1. V-set3oyuznyy nauchno-issledovateltskiy geologoravveloebiyy neftyanoy instituto Predstavleno akademikom N.M. Strakhoi-ym. VEBM, V.V.; DIKENSHTE YN' G.M.- '0100MIKOp N.A.; IWREV D V MAKSDIOV, S. F.; MSSINENA,, H.A.; MEFJITMVA~ V.L.; RODIONOVA, K. F. Developing the theories of 1.11. Gubkin concerni?g the origin of oil and the Z-7 mm. Lion of oil fields. TrueLy VNIGNI no.40:5-29 164. (MIJU 17:6) ZHABREV, D. V. Dr. Geol-n~og. Sci (diss) "Geologo-geochemical cbnditions for the formation of syngenetic-oil bearing formations and oil-producing rocks constituting these.formations, and an evz~ luation of their possible productiveness. (According to the research data in thelimits of the Kolystano-Apsheronsk deprijo- sion, the P outh-eas tern portion of the Tersk forrard depress.-Ion, south-eastern portion.of the Moscow syneclise and northern portion of the Sarat-fqazan depression)," Baku, 1960, 33 pps, 203 cop, (Inst, of Geology- im I. M. Gubkin,, AS AzSSR#, All-Union Sci Ras Geological Surveying of Petroleum Institute,& VNIGNI) (KL, 44-602 129) ZHABRZV,,,.I)aniil Vasil! yav TIM, Sbafayat Farkhadovich; FUSTOTALOT,~ L.T.,,_;.DMITAIY3Y Te.Ya., zam. TOPCffIMVJI 'A.T., akademik# red.; HIRONOV,.S.I demiki red.; 4LIM,, M.M., rM.; AKHKMV, G.A., red.; =-TSOV, K.I., redo; DOLGOPOLOV,'N.11., red.;-IL'IN, A.A., red.; HIRdRINK. X.F., ::ed.; MOZESON. D.L.1-red.; YOM, A.V.i red,; POLEVA, Ye.H., red.Lzd-va; KASHINA, P.S.-, takhn,rad. CBituminology of the Tertiary complex of-southeastern Azerbaijan] K bituminologii tratlohnogo- komplekna iugo-voutoka..Azerbaidschanas Koskva, Izd-vo,Akad.nauk SSSa, 1959. 110 p. (KIRA 12:6) 1. Chlen-korrespondent AN AzSSR (for Mekhtiyev).'2. Chlen- koriespondent-AN.SSSR (for Pastovalov, Varentoov, Mirchink.). Deystiitelln~7 chlen AN AzSSR (for Aliyav). BAKIRDT, A.A.,doktor nauk, redaktor; VASS)YAVICH, Y.B., doktor nauk- VEBER, V.Y., doktor nauk; DYALI, M-P., dektor nauk; DOBWAIISKIT, A.V., doktor na)xk; WMIN, Z.L., doktor nauk; MIRCHINK, H.V., redaktor; ANDRWEV, P.F., kandidat nauk; ATZKNSHTADT, Me., kandidat nauk-,.BOrAOHOWVA, A.I.# kandidat nauk; GORSKATA, A.I., kandidat nauk-Z REV, D.Y.. kandidat nauk, rodaktor,- KAZHIIIA. T.A.. kandidat M.A., kandidat nauk, PWROVA. Yu.N., kandidut nank; RAWHMO, O.A., kandidat nauk; TATARSKIT, Y.T., kandidat nauk; TWIT, Y.N., kandidat nauk; USPWS)KIT, V.A. kandidat nauk, DYAKOT, B.F., redaktor; SAVINA, Z.A., xedaktor; TROFIMOV, A.V., takhnicheikiy redaktor. [Origin of oil] Proiskhozbdenie nefti. Pod red. M.F.Mirchinks i dr. Moskva, Gos.nauchno-tekhn.izd'-vo neftianoi i gorno-toplivaoi lit-ry, 1955.483 P. (MLRA 9:1) 1. Chlon korresporident AN SSSR (for Mirchink) (Petroleum geology) ZHABREV, J).V. 1--_,...,,-.,-.,.-,,!-. ~- i- ~ Geological and geochemical characteristics of petroleum forming series. Trudy VNIGNI no.17:31-53 '59. (MIRA 13:1) - RUBOSHCHU, T.; ZRABSKIT, A. How we use our internal regourcm Zhil-kom. khoz. 8 no-5:19 158, (MIRA 11:6) l.Upravlyayushchiy Perovskim dorozhno-mostovym trestom (for Ryabo- Shchuk). 2.Glavnvy inshener 'Perovskogo doroshno-mostovogo tresta (for Zhabskiy) (Perovo--Road construction) om j NETSETSKIY, Mikhail Aleksandrovi ch, zasluzhenyy veterinarny7 vrach Uz- bekskoy SSR; ZHABSKIY' V.P., redaktors, #AMEATUIIIN, F.tekh- redaktor. (Veterinary hygious and the diseases of cattle] Zoogigiens i. mery borlby a bolesniami krupnogo rogatogo skota. Tashkent,, Gos.izd-vo Uzbekskoi SSR. 1956. 70 P. (MLRA 10:6) (Cattle-Diseases and pests) 'A# We VIM varllatidi of wir-4 In Vv upl*r tropoophore cmd lo*w 19(o3-0 16.91 IUTA 1911) Ttw vtt-.iatim o-j' tmn)oraU= and pmaswo In Vio atmilhwee Iblds W1.09 ACCESSZON NRI AT40.18151 8/2633/63/000/015/000/0112 AUMOR9 Verle, Y*. I.; ~&SS -vo po TITLE: Certiin data on.atmospheric turbulence in the upper troposphere arA loverl stratosphere SOMWE; Vladivostok., Dallnevostacb. n.-i. Sidromiteor. institut. Trudy*,. no. mi i 1963, 83-112 r TOPIC TAGS; meteorologyp atmospheric turbulenco,;troposphers, upper traposphees lower stratosphere, stratosphere, clouds, jet str'am, atmapheric pressurot field: tropopause ABSTIWT SpdbiAl aircraft soldading with an IL-28`near Khabarovsk has provided J dato, on the frequency and structure of turbulent zones at heights of 6-12 ka and ,.their relationship to upper level clouds, atmospheric thermodynamic processes, ,the tropopause, jet streanto and the pressure field4 The apparatus used, tichema- Itically shown in-Ithe Enclosure, is described biiefl~* During vertical soxind :1.i4 'the indicated heights 49A of all flights were without turbulence, 35A wero with slight turbule4ch, 15A with moderate turbulence and 3A with moderate to strong ,:turbulence. During horizontal sounding no turbulence was observed 56%-of the Xight turbulence 37% of the iime and moderate turbulence 7A of the time. 1A3 ACCESSION N2: AT4018ul hStrong aircraft turbulence at heights of 6-12 km outiside convective clouds isoa lirare phenomenon.,, The frequency of moderate turbulence increases sharply above '.110 km. The most.unfavorable flight level is 9-10 km, the region of thit tropopauses' liMaxitm= turbulence is in spring; a second maximum is idautuma-winter. Turbulence :Iat these heightelis least frequent in summer, but there are individual cases of very strong. tur*lonce associated with .:cumulonimbus and well-developed cymulus clouds. Annual yariation of turbulence correlates well with the annual occurrence iof jet streams.; .-:'T~o mean horizontal extent of turbulent zones is about 80 km~, bui ! only 50 16u for, zones of moderate turbulence and 85. km for zones of slight turbu- ~Ilence. Complex zones of alteru;kting slight and moderate turbulence may,extend up ,Ito 200-250 km. The latter cases are most common when the plane flies along the, lf~margin of oirro0ratus clouds, sometimes passing through the clouds. Turbulent Ilayers can be 300 to -4 000 meters or more thick, mean thickness is 1,500-2,500 me-1 itore. Turbulent layers ex6eading-3,000-4,000 meters in thickness are associated !with Ns-Cs warm front cloud systems; in such cases the turbulent zone can extend I I I 1 from the eart~fs. surface to a height of 12 km. Moderate and strong turbulence is No iuaco=oa outaide;eloud zones; tarbulcace increases when thunderstorms or CU and f !clouds are developing. The probability of turbulence in the jet stroan zone or at', iits ma ains is appreciably higher;than outside this zone; moderate and strong tur- .1bulence is less on the northern periphery of a jet stream than on its southern per.'r Vertical distributiows4f turbulence is dependent an the position of the .ip4ory. .Card 1 TZ ACC ESSION NRi A24018151 tropopause. The mini-- nuiaber of cases of turbulence was in the layer 500-1,000 meters above the tropopause; no vases were observed in the layer 1,500.4,000 u abovo the tropopause. Maxim- frequency is in the layer 1,000-1,500 meters below tropopause. Turbulence correlates wall with vertical taW*ratmr* graAWntsp wind volocitiest Richardson numbers auii the form of tho'bigh-level pressure field. Orig. art. has: 4 fermullas, 7 figures and 25 tables. ASSOCIATION: Dallnevistochuy*y n.-i. gidrometeorologichaskly institato VUdi", Ate) stok.:(Far Z"tern HydromeUorologiaal Usti MICL: 01 SULMITTED: 00 DA23 ACQ: 20W64 10 QMM: coo No Bw SOVS 0 SUB CODE: 'AS A n, %'Card; P A ACCESSION NRt A24018150 S/2633/63/000/OIVO060/0042 TITLE: Hatearologicia conditions aisociated with alr~raft turbulence on the lb&- barovsk - Yusbao4h4thalinsk air ftnto SOUME: Vladivostok. Dallnevostach. n.-i. gidroms' or. Institute Trudyff, a), .5 '1963 6042 TOPIC TAGSs meteorology, alroraft'lWAulencel a spWrIcAurbulonco iABSTRACT: ~A study Vag made of turbialence.conditiais along the Khabarovsk - :Sakhalinsk air route in 1958-1959. Data were collected on the freqaency oficir- ~craft tuibulencle As a function^of season of yeat, topography and meteorological P .conditions., The route vas divided into eight parts vith different topograpbj'-for more meaningful analysis of data.- Most data, vere collected from crew of acbeftled' ,airliners* Spacial data sheets, such as illustrated in text, were given to p12ote.." for reporting tPrIpdance observations; 529 such,;data sheets were analyzed, Air- :craft sounding and radiosonde data &log were used, All results apply to the 2-4 ' j!' .km layer. Six+& percent of all flights vers vithout turbulence or vith oidy slightf ;turbulence. Mch of the moderate and strong aircraft turbulence was aaaaciated Card If; the iaf luencer, of topograpby is altaim in cl l?Ar fha~,pfqmouatainoua r4plie C r I.- ACCESSION NH: AT4 18150 3 Figur~ I of Ba4opure, where.the aircraft turbulence cur7e in in general. clase4r !,related to the terrain profile;. 4L special f actor causing turbulence along -this routo is the to= erature contrast between the iand.and the Gulf of Tartcry.' Tar--- J !bulence is mos., equent in.the lowest 1,000- meter~air layer; there is a gradual 1 decream 'b ence witlr height'. At heights of 3.4 km, where-the influence.of of tu~ !;the underlyi face is poor~yprrcssed, turbulence occurs either at discon- ~Itinuitiea (froAa blocking layers orju clouds*- Strong turbulence increanes; .withI 'i~increase of wiard' locity: from 46% at'30 km/hour to 57% at 100 kw/hour. However.J. itthe same wind ~relocities overilains and over mountains are characterized by 4~if.~ ~Iferent probabilitles of occurren" of strong t~rbuieuce. In mountainous,sAistors i1the development of strong turbulence also is dependent on the direction of i4nd I "Iflow' relative to the mountain range; in this~case frequency of aircraft turbulence :2waa maximal dixiing westerly winds with velocities greater than 100 km/hour. At ,)Khabarovsk and Yuzha"akhalinsk the frequency of moderate and strong tu:rbulence '!at Richardson numbers less than 4 was 90-93%, at Ri> 41t9 frequency ranijes from :158 to 67%. Thei'rq are two well-4xpressed seasonal turbulence maxima! April--May (40-43%), and September (42~) and two minimal su=or (August 15%) and winter (Jan. i Uar. I v 4%). MaA4 are associated with wall-davoloped cyglonic activity; frouts.aa- ;..sociated with the'se cyclones have considerabla horizontal temperature gradients, 4'The moderate or. aitrong turbulence of au=aer in mostly of thermal origin tmd'is .J.fta-veSfit~er inl*011-develop~d cumalus,or cunailonimbua clouds or aver =uutainsa- Card 77777 ACCESS= 04 A24018150 The Annual turbulance curve Is directly related to the mon'th-by-wath 46VAO t of*synoptio procesiesp for example the greatest frequency *f front* is in Alpril- July, the months of maxin= frequency of turbulence. -StrQng turbulence in abseLN- via wat frequently at the rear,of a cyclone and In a region vith straight itabars* Strong turbulence is observed least frequently in anticyclones and in ridges. Strong turbulence Is found to various de-reei near bath warm and cold front*# but - the duration in greatest near vam front&. "The au*ar thanks Ye. K. Vorle sad L; A. Timofeyev for assistance in abalysis of data aaCO. So Popovs, and Lo 01 RAZU" mova for processing materials and finalizing the article". Orig. art. hwil: I for-! mmla, 3 figures and 23 tables. ASSOVI&ION: Da-1$nQVQs'tochaY*Y -nauchno-issledavatel6okly gidrometearologich institut, Vladivostok (Par Elsatern Hydrometearological Scientific R"earch. Xa4)+*L- tute) L MWITM 00 DM Aq 2MW" ZXCL 01 U : : s SUB CODE AS NO M WV 0 M : 00 OL W 1 : 000 ' Card , ,, 7 AUTHOR: Verle, Ye. K.; Zhabunina,.V. P. ORG: Far Eastern Scientific Research Hydrometeorological Institute (Ekillsievastochn-YY naucbiib- ssledovafel akiy g1dromeEeorologl5eskiy InstituE) q 1~ 7- TITLE: Time-vise variability of.:vind in the upper troposphere and lower stratosphere, SOURCE: Vladivostok. Dallnevostochnyy nauchno-issledovatellskiy gidromvteorologiche- skiy institut. Trudy, no. 19, 1965. Voprosy aerologii i sinopticheskoy reteorologii (Problems in aerology and synoptic meteorology), 3-6o TOPIC TAGS: tropospheric win -stratospheric wind, wind variability, timewise wind variabaity, ABSTRAM This,monograph:is.-divided.into four pimris. and presents results for inves- t1gatims carried out to define more~accurately Ithe time-wise variability, at inter- vals of up to 12 hr, of the vector, velocity, and directioL of the-vinds--arer-the-L--:~ -southern Primoi~'y~-L-region--of-.t~e--86~,i~'E~:Fa6~',-Ed-s-f.7--Piif-l-described-.th4- ob~aervational 2 a . andthe ational pr es~'- Part deals with the investigation, for a sit dard time period, of the time-vise variability in wind vector as deterLitned from two closely spaced aerological stations. Data obtained from a special semes of radiosonde observations are also analyzed. Part 3 discusses similar characteristice. for the variability in the scalar velocity of the winds, and Part 4, the results of Card lZ2 7_ 7~~ --ACC NRi -AT5028655- studies on variability in]-vind.,direction.' Thedata usekin the Study-,,were obtained-- -22- .' ~? at the two stations as follows: Station 1, with RZ-0491and A IIIIiadiosondes 2, vith' tracked with a "Malakhit" radiotheodolite, with 47~s`cents a day; Station RZ-049 radiosondes tracked by SON-4 radar, with 6 ascents a day; special radiosondes at the first station using the "RKZ-lVeteorological radar station,"Ovith ascents every 2 hr; and special radiAo6n~-e--ad-fa ~co ~ece ealn by the research-, ship "Yu. ff. Shokallskiy," with ascents every 3 hr. Special observat.;L6na were alm made over a longer period of-time in the vicinity of Vladivostok. The cbaracteris- ties of: the --vise varl time: calculated by combining observations of thetwo stations made 4 times a day with those made 6 times a day at iatervals of 0100, 0300, 0500, 0700, 0900, and,1100 hr, thereby making these data comparable to- those obtained from the special.radiosonde observations. Wind variabUitr character- istics used inthe study included.the mean square variability in a) w,"nd,vector,- scalar velocity of the,wind, and wind direction-And b) the relative variability in wind vector and scalar velocity.: Data on the variability in wind vector are-.presented separately for each season for heights of 5 to 14-16 km for time intervats of 1 to 12 hr. Observational data,.- theoretical and data processing proceduref6 anl;conclu- sions drawn from the.studies are..presented in detail. Orig. art. has,- 14 figures, 27 tables, pn4 33 formulas SO CODE: O8/__ SUBM DATE:-. none/ ~_ORIG_ REP:, 0091 OTH REP:, - 005/ - JITD Awl PIP I Card MANIKOVSKAYA N.K.1 W.SNOVA, S.I.; MAKSD411,IAN, A.P.; ZRABURDA, L.YR, Producing stable solu catalysts for continuous oxidation of paraffins. Nefteper. i neftekhIm. no.5t4O-42- 165. (MDb% 18:7) 1. UkrMlgiproneftl. F ZRABYKIN, i. P. "Effect of Mixed Plantings on the Growth, Developmen~,, and Yield of Agricultural Plants." Dr Biol Sci, Kiev State U, Kiev, 1953- (RZhBiol, No 3. Oct 54) Survey of Scientific and Technical Dissertations Defeuded at USSR Higher Educational Institutions (16) So: Sum. No- 481, 5 May 55 NOVIKOV, -' V.-; GAITINA, A.Z.; ONWINA, A.K.; STUDOVA, M.Y.; AZAROVA, L.A.; DAHIKOVA, U.N.; OPOLCHEMSEVA, T.D.;-SHIBAYL?V, HINXINA, A.G.; OVSYAIIKIUA, Yn.I.; SATWOV, I.S.. redb; 81=1N, A4A*, redo;.YOHIGHU. P.M., takhn.rea. C&onovv of Kaluga Frovince; collected otatiBtical Heroanoe khoziai- 8tvO Kaluzhakoi oblasti; statisticheekii abornik. Mosima, Gos.stat. iza-vo, 1957s 142 pe ()(LIRA 11:6) 1. raluz hakeya oblast', Statioticheskoye'u~ravlenie. 2. Statisti- chaskaye upravleniyo,rmluzhekoV oblasti.(for all except Savenkov, Slemzin, Fomichev) 2. 11achallnik Statistichaskogo uprikvlaaiya raldzhoko oblasti (for Savenkov) ~Ulugm Province-,-Zoonomilo conditions-4tatistics) r - rm V-1 Methodological iustructions for isolating the poltowyelitle virus on tissue culture. Vop.vlrusm 1 no,2:35-57 Xr-Ap 156. (IIIJU 10: 1) laboratoriya poliouielita Inetituta, epidemiclogii i milLrobtologii v Prage Chekhoolovakiya. tPOLIOKYBLITIS VAUS. isolation with tissue culture (Bus)) (TISSEM CULTUPJ, isolation,of polio. virms (Rue)) SOV/ 137-57-6-11190 Translation from: Referativnyy.zhurnal, Metallurgiya, 1957, Nr 6, p 257 (USSR) -AUTHORS: Zharkova, Z.P.,.,Zhacheva, Ye.I. TITLE: A Method for the Analytical Precipitation of Gold With Hydrazine Hydrochloride in Gold Electrolytes (Analiticheskiy metoa osazhde- niya, zolota, solyanokislym gidrazinom v zolotykh elektrolitakh) PERIODICAL: Nauch.-issled. tr. Tsentr. n.-i. in-t vspomogat. izdeliy i zapas.' detaley k tekstil'n. oborud., 1956, Nr 4. pp 44-47 ABSTRACT: A 10-cc test sample is taken for the determination of Au in cya- nide electrolytes that contain 3-4 g/1 of the metal. For concentrated electrolytes containing 17-36 g1l Au, a 10-cc test sample is diluted to 500 cc with water and a 20-50 cc aliquot is used for the analysis. The test sample is neutralized with HC1 to phenolphthalein and heated to boiling. 50 cc of 1056 hydrazine hydrochloride are added to the boiling solution and the boiling is continued to the complete reduction of Au according to the following reaction: 4KAu(CN)Z-f N2H4'ZHC1 4Au+ NZ+ ZKCI+ 6HCN+ ZKCN. The brown Au precipitate is filtered Card 1/2 off ~nd calcined in a porcelain crucible at 8001C. The Au in the SOV/ 137-57-6-11190 A Method for the Analytical Precipitation of Gold (cont.) crucible is dissolved in 5 cc-aqua regia and evaporated three times. on a water bath with 1:3 HC1. Then 3 cc.of 1:50 HC1 and 2-3 drops of Br water are added to oxidize the monovalent Au. The contents of the crucible are evaporated to 1.5 volurne (sic!). The remaining,solution is filtered, the paper is waghed until the total volume of the filtrate attains 30-40 cc, whereupon 0. 1 g of K bifluoride are added. 2-3 drops of orthodianizidine solution are then added to the filtrate which after five minutes is titrated with a solution of hydroquinone to discoloration or to the appeara:nce of a light blue colo"r of-Idispersed Au. The Au content of the solu- tion is calculated according to the following reaction: ZAuC13+3C6H602=2Au+3C6H40Z+6HCI. V. N. Card 2/2 Category; USSR/Analytical Chemistry - Analysis of inorganic G-2 substances. Abs Jour: Referat Zhur-Ehimiya, No 9, 1957, 30966 Author Zharkova, Z. P., Zhacheva Ye - I - Inst Central Scientific Rese-&M-NAitute of Ttxtile Accessories and Spare Parts Title Analytical Method of Gold Precipitation with Hydrazine Rydro- chloride from Gold Electrolytes. Orig Pub: Nauch.-isaled. tr. Tsentr. n.-i- in-t vapomogat. izdeliy I zapas. detaley k tekstil n. oborud., 1956, ab. 4, 44-47 Abstract: The method of NIGRIZoloto for determining the Au content ot cyanide extracts ofore, has been modified to permit deterni- nation of Au in gold-plating electrolytes. A swWle of the electrolyte (0-05-0.005 g An) is neutralized, to phenolphtlal- ein, with hydrochloric acid, heated to a boll, 50 ml of 10% solution of N ,,,,Hit-2HC1 are added and the mixture is boiled while maintaining the'volume of the solution at a constant Card 1/2 Category: USSR/Analytical Chemistry - Analysis of inorganic 0-2 substances. Abs Jour: Referat Zhur-Khimiya, No 9, 1957, 3o966 level. The Au precipitate is filtered off, washed with hat mater, dried anal calcined at 8WO. To the filtrate are added 25 ml of lof solution of end the mixture Is boiled to chock ccWleteness of precipitation. The calcined precipitate is dis- solved in 5 ml of aqua regia, evaporated, and the residue is eva- porated to dryness, 3 times, with 1-2 ml dilute HCl (1:3). 3 ml of dilute HC1 (1:50) are added, followed by 2-3 drops of a bydro- chloric acid solution of Bra, and the mixture is evaporated to dryness. The residue is diluted to 30-W ml, combined vith 0.1 g K-bifluoride, 2-3 drops of o-dianisidine solution (10 lo ml H01, 1:300) and titrated, after 5 minutes, with a solution of hydroquinone (0.4180 g dissolved in 500 ml water, acidified with 10 ml enacentrated HC1, and diluted with dilute hydrochloric acid, 1:300) at a ratio of 1:100) until a colorless or faintly bluieh solution is obtained (2AUClj + 3C4 Njl~O.;& 2AU + 6W.1). -6- ZHACHKOVA. AeAo Ilffoot of vitmin Bj 'on the regeneration of the poriphorm nsrveo MR. log no.4-.879-881 Ag 1956. in into. Dokl. A4,SS (MLRA 9:10) le Predstavlano akademikom A.D. 9peran0d.m. (MMYRS) ~.(VITAMINS B12) (MMMATIOM (B I 014,GY USSR Pam knimals. Cattle. Abs, Tour s Rolf, Zhur - Bicloglyn, No 2. 1959. go. 7356 Author t OU177. M- P.: Pshanichnyy, P. D.; Veallankc, D. To.; JLa 1 ill ~m i!M&a 4 1. Xurbatov, - . , skers. 0. To.; Sheychanko, X. r. rnst r Not given Title s Wayx,of AsIaLng theMilklo Pat Content In COW3. OtrIg Pub, Veotn. a.-kh. nauk. 1957, No 8 41-50 ibotract, :3 2n rep anted expe Irinento It won established that whom brower's yeast (3.3 liters per head daily) van terporarily fed to cow*, , thaL- d Ilk's fat content became Incr4asa (by 0 percent an the avorage) for a c=pa- s ratively long time. When they ware, red bra-- Card JA warts Toast and then sulfuric OcId spaxonla (60-75 a per cow dolly, the milk's ave"94 rat content won additionally Increased by 0.20-0.25 percent. card 2/2 ACCESSION NR: AP4017607 S/0109164/009/002/0355/0356 AUTHOR: Zhadan, I.; Tsarev, B. M TITLE: Pressed iridium-base tungstate* cathode SOURCE: Radiotekhni~a i elektronika, v. 9, no, 2, 1964, 355-356 -KOPIC TAGS: electron tube, electron tube cathode, tungstate cathode, iridi-am. base cathode, iridium base tungstate cathode ABSTRACT: Conventional tungsten-base tungstate cathodes have a widely varying emission and are aelf-poiBoned rapidly due to an oxide film that covers thetungsten grains. A nevr cathode was prepared by pressing a cathode pellet. at 20 t/crn', into a moly cylinder base. The pellet consisted of 89.71o iridium, 9. 5% barium- calcium tungstate, *and 0. 8% aluminum. It was found, that the new cathodes: (1) Permit easier and quicker degassing and activation, thanks to the higher temperature of processing permissible; (2) HaN:e a much higher ctirrent Card I/Z 30689 //3 7 3 st; 1.4 1/6 1/004/004/024/4)24 AUTHORs Zhadan A TITLEi Evaluation of the. emissive properties of pressed cathodes containing barium aluminates PERIODICALs Izventiya vysshikh uchabnykh navedeniy, Radiofizika, .vol.41 no#4l .1961, 772-776 TEXTs This paper was reported At the Seventh Scientific- Technical Conference of the Taganrog Radioengineering Institute. Emissive proportion of pressed cathodes made of 90% W-Mo powder and 10% powdered barium aluminates BaO, BaA1204s B 3AI206v &r# : discussed. This type of cathode was shown to resi t well the attack of the residual gases pnd was capable of working at pressures of the order of 10-% mm Hg. Furthermore, repeated exposures of the activated cathode to air did not impair 'the emissive properties, hence this cathode material could be employed in demountable tubes. All the activating processes and the conditions of measuring the values for the volt-ampere curves were carried out under strictly controlled conditions. The errors due to the Itedge effect" of the cathodes were reduced by means of a Card 1/3 JW9 Evaluation of the emissive properties ... S/141/61/004/004/024/024 E202/E135 molybdenum screening flange. The cathode temperatures were measured by means of an optical pyrometer, applying all the usual corrections, These corrections were in some cases rather tonsiderable, e.g. 12%. Xn the first instance volt-ampere curves were plotted for 4 different temperatures ranging from 14381-iOK to 1613 OX. Some of these isotherms were analysed further for the departure from the Child-Lazigmuir law. The universal (Richardson) constant A, and the thermionic work function yo, were'evaluated by plotting the Richardson relation in the.torm of a straight line. Typical values found for one of these cithodes w~dre an followst A: = 1.180; yo = 2.21 volt. Cathodes prepared under identical conditions nevertheless showed discrepancies of t 0.2 volt for v. and up to +300% for A. The author concluden'that the discrepancles between the Values'of A and yo, as determined by him from the Richardson straight line plot, and those quotcd by other authors (Ref.21 E.S., W.C, Rutledge and R.H. Ahlert, J. Appl. Phys., Vol.281 1468, 1957, and Ref.4i P. Coppola, R. Hughes, ?roe, IRE Vol-44, 351, 1.956) are due to different processing and activating conditions of the Card 2/:3 30689, Evaluation o-f the emissive s/141/61/004/004/024/024- E202/E135 cathode, The above two constants were"al o determined by thief present author from the Schottky curves, :nd the-results (for the same cathode) were found to be 1.35 and 2.23 respectively, -by --slating the working temperature to the Schottky,temperature, the degree of surface heterogeneity was also,found''and, according to the author, the latter together with the data for the compens*tion of the heterogeneity barrier'Save some broad'indication of the possible Iffine structure', defects, (e'.S. the changes in^the anode-grid characteristics). The behaviour of- If in-the cathode temperature intervals of 1438-1493 OX and 1493 153; OK, where there 'was a change inthe sign of'the temperature coefficient of resistance, confirmed.that some of the constituents of the cathode vare semiconducting. B.V. Bondarenko in mentioned in the-arti6le. There are 5 figurest 2 tables and 5 referen6en't 3.5oviist-bloc and 2 non-Soviet-bloc, The two English language, references are an quoted~in the text above. ASSOCIATIONi Taganrogskiy radiotekhnicheskiy institut (Taganrog Radioengineering institute) Card 3/3 SURNITTEDi May 13, 196o ACC NR'. AP6027236 SOURCE CODE: UR/0109/66/011/008/1447/1450 AUTHOR: Zhadan, A. 1. ORG: none TITLE: Pressed distributing cathode life evaluated SOURCE: Radiotekhnika i elektronika, v. 11, no. 8, 1966, 1447-1450 TOPIC TAGS: electron tube cathode, hot cathode ABSTRACT: Based qn some Western works (H. Huber et al. Le vide, 1954, 9, 54, 234; E. S. Rittner et al., J. Appl. Phys.., 1957, 28, 12, 1468; W. C. Rutledge et al., X. Appl. Phys. , 1957, Z8, 2, 167), which analyze therino- chernical reactions involved and mechanism of Ba delivery to the emitting surface, this formula is developed for Ba-cathode life:1 0,412 Elf hra. here: S'P Cord UDG; ,'ACC NR: AP6027236 0 - quantity of liberated Ba'. T -cathode temperature, S., -pellet emitting area, P - Ba pres sure in pores, r - inside radius of a theoretical capillary, oc cathode- surface porosity, A effective length of migration. Source data for tathode-life ;calculations is tabulated. The'above formula replaces the actual corniplex-phase- cathode structure with a simplified metal -plus -filrn structure. Orig. 'art. has; 12 formulas and I table. ,iSUB CODE: 09 SUBM DATE., 1 ZAPAS ORIG REF. 004 OTJI REF: 005 Card Z/2