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YEGOYAII, V.L. Etrsnslatorj;-~ ~-I.Pjtransiatorj; KOLCHANOV, V.P. '[translator]; MOISMVA, T.K.Ctranaiatorl; PMTWO,V.S. (translator]; PETRENKO, I.K. (translator]; SrRUKOV, N.-D. (translator]; TITOVA, N.A. [translator];-MINO V.Ye., red.; ROMAITOVICH, G.P., red.; REZOUKHOVA, A.G., [Present-day studies of the tectonics of foreign countries) Voprosy sovremnnoi zarubezh~oi tektoniki; sbornik statel. Moskva, Izd-vo inostr.lit-ry, 1960. 498 p. Translated articles. (MM 13:12) (Geology, Structural) GROSSGEYM, V.A.; YEGOYAN, Y.L.; Z9411m, I.P.; SURDANOV, A.N. "Structural geology" by G.D.Ar-bgirei. Reviewed by YJ.. Grosegeim and otbers, Izv*v7s,uaheb.zav.; geolei rezv. no.3.'136-139 MY 160, (MIBA 230 1. Krasnodarskiy filial Voesoyuznogo nauchno-iseledovatall- skogo inatituta nefti. (Geology, Structural) (Azhgirei, O.P,) ZRAMM, I.P. Oil and gas-bearing prospects in the eastern part of the Azov region. Geol.neftl I no.10:16-20 0 '57. (MIRA 10:10) 1. Kraonodarskiv filial Vuesoyuznogo neftyanogo nauchno-iteledovatelookogo instituta. (Azov region--Petroleum geolog7) (Azov region--Gas, Natural--Geology) KHAIN, V.Ye.; SHAMMY , I P. Role of dispir folds in the tectonics of southeastern Caucasu4. Trudy Inst.geol.AN Azerb.SSR 15:~-58 '54. WaA 9:1) (Caucasus--Geology, Structural) MIX 1114,11 W Ito ZHABREV, I. P. "Characteristics of the Tectonics of the Central Part of Eastern Kobystan Northwest Apsheron." Cand Geol-Min Sci, Inst of Geology imeni I. M. Gubkin, Acad Sci Azerbaydzhan SSR.. 13 Nov 54. (BR, 3 Nov 54) Survey of Scientific and Technical Dissertations Defended at USSR Higher Educational Institutions (11) SO: Sum. No-521, 2 Jun 55 (Krasnodar Territory--Petroleum geology) (Krasnodar Territory-Gas, Natural-Geology) ZHABLEV, I.P. Some problems of the'history-of the geological development of Ciscaucasia in the.Mezozoic and-Cenozoic. Trudy KF ViffI no.10:1?7-184 162a (HIRA 15:11) (Caucasus, Northern-Geology) WN NAROMM LT-1~iil-4~ma;_~mav~,~.a-lw-g&%RB&M Rum wldsd~- -AWNIMM, ZHMEVO I.P,;,DVORTSOVA,, A.A. Types ofiD:Ll and gas.pools in Miocene sediments in the ocuthern edge-of the western Kuban marginal_-6!6ugh and methods of''prospecting for them. Trudy V VIIII no.10:19-A".7 162. (MIRA 15:11) (Kuban Lowland-Petroleum geology) (Kuban Lovland-Gaso.Natural--Geology) ACC NR1 AP6029745 SOURCE com: UR/0210/66/000/005/0021/0029 AUTHOR: Zhabrev,_ I..---P. ORG- Krasnodar Branch, All-Union Oil and Gas Scientific Research Institute (Krasnodarskiy filial Vse6oyuznogo neftegazovogo nauchno-issledovatel'skogo instituta) TITLE: Some problems in the use of mathematics in geolo SOURCE: Geologiya i geofizika, no, 5, 1966, 21-29 OPIC TAGS: mathematical modeling, geological model, stochastic,.model, information heory f ABSTRACT: Using logical and mathematical methods, possible st~'cihastic no els are developed for the quantitative description of the boundaries of geological bodies -and objects. These models are based on bnalogous ones of material objects described' by I. A. Achkurin -[Teoriya elementarnykh chastits i teoriya informatslya - Sb. Filo- sofskiye probl. fiiiki elementarnykh chastits. M. IL, 1963) as created in, informa-; tion theory, programming, and automation. The'applications of the simplest models,'; , those associated with information theory, to geology are described. Computations are made to determine the information required for one atom in different rock types,',' and ways are explored to eliminate unnecessary information. The possibilities of correlating geological sections on the basis of the information theory and of J, h69)dj-66 ACC NR: AP6029745 employing computers in these operations are examined. Orig. art. has: 2 tables and 3 formulas. (DM] SUB CODE: 08/ SUBM DATE: 23Mar64/ ORIG REF: 009/ OTH REF: 003/ Card 2/2 Nutrition of the cod in shore waters of the Eastern Muman Coast. Tirudy Harm. biol. sta. 3.-14o-147 157. (MIRA 11:2) (Hurmn Coast--Codfish) (Fishea-Pood) Lithologic and petrogr aphic characteristics of Albian sediments in western Ciscaucasia. Trudy KF VNII no.10:195-206 1,62, (MIRA 15:11) (Caucasus, Northern-Rocksp Sedimentary) ZHAWZVA, P.S. Gone-in-cone structures in Lover Crataceous sediments of tha north- western Caucasus. Trudy XF VIIII no.1:237-242 159. (I-aRA 16:!?) (Caucasus, Northarn-Petrology) Carbonate rocks in Cretaceous sediments of the northvestern Cauca- sus. Trudy KF VNII no.6;2Z2-233 "61. (MM 15.2) (Caucasus, Northern-Rocks, Carbonate) VASILITRA, V.Ta,, otv,red,; GIJBIR, A.A.,; UZTAWV, A.N.. otv.rado; ZRABREM, A.F,, red,; VASILITW, red.;-IPSHT3TN,-V.G., red. -WrtYT-MMM, Ta.L., red.ikd-va: FR3MLI, M.Yu., red.isd-va,, PAITASOYARTS, M.D., red.izd,7'va; TSIGELIMAW, L.T., (Union of Burma; a collection of articles] Birmaniskii SoWs'; sbornik statel. 14oskva, Ind-vo vostochnoi lit-r7, 1958. 291 p. (MIRA 12:2) 1. Akademiyaj2auk SSSR. Institut vostokovedonlya. 2. Naucbm7 sotrudnik Instituta',~ostokovedeniya-(for Spahteyn). (Burma) w I Egli, "OMNI.; v I ~~~ -IM -2 WON MORT = I W-1 4111 MY 10"M W SIMPI'M MIMYEVA, 09N.; ZHABRONOVA, Z.A.LPOPOVA. L.A.; X&MENSKIY, I.M. [deceased]; BELIKinuo M.G.; TSVRWA, I.A.; SMOLINATA, L.M.; KOTKOVA, M.P.; USHITSYNA, A.D. Blosynthesis of tetracycline on enriched media. Ked.prom. 14 nQ,It3!-!34 Za 160, (MIRA 1. Xoskovskiy zavod meditsinskikh.preparatov 16.1 1 T8aqOYuzu37 nanchuo-issledovatellskly institnt antibiotikov. ITZMCYCLINI) M~I- MWORM MERUMVIM NWSIRMVII--~- WMM P11 1GT88 ZURMV A. ' USL 8R OPU3:10106:~ Feb 1947- Aircraft PropUlej OM "Jet Propelled Aviation," A. Zhabrov, 2 pp "Za Oboronu" Vol XXIII, No 3 Discusses siibJect on popular le*el. Principle of operation explained. Types of Jet prcpulsion engines discussed.- "Shooting Star" and "Air CCMet"L perf or - mance discussed kwith photographs). American-British conference on jet propulsion and gas turbInes in 1945 is mentioned. ioT88L ZHABRO MIKIRNMOV, X.,. redaktor; BZLYAKOV, A., tekhnicheekly re- W, t or. [Airplanes, gliders, autog~ros, helicopters] Samolet, planer, avtozhir, gelikopter. Koskva, Redizdat US Soiuza osoaviakhim SSSR, 1948. 192 p. [Microfilm] (KLRA Ba) (Airplanes) (Gliders (Aeronautics)) (Autogiros) (Heli- copters) t 0 HE PANKOV, M.I.; !!!!!&,,~daktor; ENLYAKOV, A., tekhnicheskiy redaktor [Work of the model airplane club] Rabota aviamodellnogo Icruzhka. Moskva, Itedizdat ToS-Soiuza osoaviakhim SSSR, 1947. 125 [Microfilm) (MA gal) (Airplanes--Xodels) "1111 SPIN R-01-11TROW-W -Zhabrovi-A:Leksel-Alelcsandrovieb-,~-- The theory and practice of fli-ht. Foskva, Redaktsionno-iz-datellskil otdel Aeroflotal 1948. 483 p. (49-.15782) TL.5?0.Z3 V4 R.: to ?I ZHABT-W, JILEYSE1 ALEKSANDROVICH. Tporiia i teklmika poleLa; prakticheskniti aprodinamika. Chast'l. Qsnovy poleta namolcta. Moskva, Izd-vo Dosam, 1950. 191 p., illus., -orts. Title tr.: Theory and techiiique of flying. Applied aerodynamics.. Part I. Fundamentals of flying of 3ircraft. TL570-Z32 SO. Aeronautical Science and Aviation in the Soviet Union. Library of Congress, 1955. "The Airplane Glider, Autogiro and Helicopter.," P. 314) 1952. ZFIAIMOV,A. Gyroocopic effect of the propeller. Kryl.rod. 2 no.10: 21-22 0 '51. (KWA 8:8) (Propellers, Aerial) PHASE I BPOK EXPLOIMATION SOV/3782 Zhebrov, Aleksey Aleks-androvich Teoriya poleta i pilotirovaniya samoleta (Theonj of Flight and Pilotiog of Airplanes) Moscav., Izd-vo, DOSAAF., 1959. 411 p. Errata ollp innertsd, 10,2D0 copies printed, Ecb.: A.A. Vasillyev,, and V.I. Fedorov; Tech. Ed.: M.S. Karyakina, PURPOSE: This ,is a textbook for self-instraction. of students and yongg pilots. COVERAGE: The textbook conforms vith the program of USSR aeroclube for tesebing the theory of flight and piloting of propeller aircraft. The book also gives a brlef,~utline of the theory of flight and piloting of jet planes. Basic aerodynamics, aerodynamic characteristics of aircraft, pover plants, various regimes of aircraft flight, stability and maneuNmrability,.-acrobatic flight, and maneuvering characteristics of the Mig-15 bis airplaneare discussed. The author used material from books by V.S. Pyshnov, I.V. Ostoslavskiy, V.F. Bolot- nikov, B.T. Goroshchenko, P.M. Shirmanov, B.N. Yurtyev, N.A. Zaks, A.K. Martynov, and Ya.l. Levinson) and also from official publications on the aerodynamics and piloting of the Yak-18, Yak-11, and Mig-15 bis airplanes. There are no references Card 1/ 14 Theory of Flight and Moting of Airplanes SOV/3782 TABLE OF CONTMS: Introduction PART I. THHOBY OF FLIGM AND PI10MG OF PROPELLER AIRM.FT Ch. 1. Air and Its Properties 9 1. Earthts atmosphere 9 2. Air temperature. Absolute temperature 11 3. Air pressurei, Decrease of pressure with altitude 4. Air density. Density as a function of pressure and temperature 13 5. Standard atmosphere 1T 6. Viscosity of air 19 T. Compressibility of air 19 Ch. II. Basic Laws of Air Flow 20 8. Air flow and principle of revers ibility. Wind tunnel, Steady flov 20 9. Laminar and turbulent air flows. Boundary layer 23, 10. Equation of continuity 25, 11. Static pressure in the flow and dynamic pressure 2T 12. Bernoulli's equation 28 13. Velocity measurement of an air flovVelcicity coefficient of an aircraft 30 Card 2/14 Theory of Flight and Piloting of Airplanes sov/3782 Ch. 1 27. Aerodynamic Forces 33 14. Air drag. Air flow about liodies 33 15. Basic law of air drag 34 16. Symmetrical flow and source of drag force 36 17. Aerodynamic drag coefficients of various bodies and non-loadcarrying components of aircraft 38 Unsymmetrical flow-and generatian or total aerodynamic force 41 Ch. IV* Aerodynamic Characteristics, of Wings 43 19. Wing aircraft. Incidence angle and angle of attack of a wing 43 20. Formation of the lifting force of a wing. Pressure distribution along the wing*. 49 21. Aerodynamic forces on a wing., their coefficientsj, and relationships between theza 52 22. Aerodynamic coefficients as functions of angle of attack and vJj4; shape 54 23. Aerodynamic efficiency of a wing. Angle of maximum efficiency 56 24. Drag of a vingi Profile drag and induced drag 58 25. Aerodynamic testing of wings. Polar of a wing 62 26, Adding flaps to a ving (methods 43f increasing maxlymun lift force) 67 Card 3/114 Theory of Flight and Pilorting of Airplanes SOV/3782 Ch. V. Aerodynamic Characteristics of Aircraft 71 21. Lift.-force and drag of an aircraft 71 28. Polar of an aircraft 73 29. Aerodynamic efficiency of an aircraft. Methods of increasdng efficiency 76 30- Effect of sideslip of an aircraft on lift force and efficiency 79 Ch. VI. Power Plant 82 31. Purpose of th e power plant and general information on propellers 82 32. -N,,ometrical characteristics of a propeller4- Effective pitch and .Propeller slip 84 33. Angle of attack of a bleide element and its.dependence on trans-. lational and circumferential velocities 88 34. Thrust and resisting torque of a propeller and regimes of its operation 91 35. Propeller thrust as a function of aircraft speede Effect of altiVide on propeller thrust 94 36. PropeUer resistance moment and engine torque 95 ~7, Useful pover and efficiency of the propeller and their dependence on aircraft speed. Effect of altitude on power-plant output 96 38. shortcomings of propellers of Invariable or fixed pitch. Variable- pitch propellers and their advantages 100 Card 4/ 34 Theory of Flight and Piloting of Airplanes sov13782 39. Working principle of a hydraulic propeller 103. 40. Working principle of an aeromechanical propeller 106 41. Feathering, reversible., and coaiial propellers 110 42. Contribution of Soviet scientists to the development of propeller theory 111 Ch. VII. Horizontal Flight of an Aircraft 112 43. Conditions of equilibrium of forces in horizontal flight. Wing unit loading 113 44, Velocity required for horizontal flight 115 45. Effect of angle of attack on necessary velocity. Inclination of the airplane toward the,horizontal at various speeds and maxim= speed, Minimum speed 115 46. Thrust required for horizontal flight 119 47. Required thrust as a function of aircraft speed (Zhukovskiy's curve). Necessary and available thrusts 121 48. Power required for horizontal flight 125 49. Required power as a function of aircraft speed (Zhukovskiy's curve). Required and available power 127 50. First and second regimes and velocity range of horizontal flight 130 Card 5/ 14 Theory of Flight and knoting of Airplanes SOY/3782 51. Effect of altitude on required speed. Altitude instrument readiag* Instrument speed., indicated and true flight velocities 132 52- Effect of altitude on required power. Required and avail6le pover at altitude 136 53. Effect of wing loading on flight characteristics of an aircraft In horizontal flight 141 54. Eff eat of wind on horizontal flight 143 55. Work of Soviet scientists on aerodynamic calculation and dynamics of aircraft 145 Ch. VIII. Climb of an Aircraft 146 56. conditions-6f equilibrium of forces in climb 146 57. Velocity required for climb 147 58. Thrust required for climb 148 59. Angle of climb and inclination of the aircraft toward the horizaital in climb 149 60. Power required in climb and vertical climbing speed 151 61. Tndicative curve of climb trajectories. First and second regimes of climb 153 62. Effect of altitude on vertical speed., ceiling, and rate of climb of an aircraft 156 63. Effect of wind on climb 16o Card 6/ 3,4 Theory of Flight and Piloting of Airplanes SOV/3782 Ch. IX. Gliding of an Aircraft 162 64. of equilibrium of forces in gliding. Diving Conditiono 162 . 65. , Gliding speed. Limiting speed of an aircraft 164 66. rizoatal Gliding angle and inclination of the aircraft toward the ho , , in gliding 166 67. Vqrtical gliding,speed 68. Indicative curve of gliding trajectories. First and second regimes oT gliding 69. Gliding range (in the absence of wind). Time of gliding 172 70. Effect of vind on gliding 174 Ch. X. Equilibrium,, Maneuverability., and Stability of an Aircraft 179 71. Aircraft equilibrium in flight (general: concept). Axes of rotation 9ments of forces 1 of the aircraft and n 179 72. . . Center of pressure of a wing. Mean aerodynamic chord 181 73. Gravitational center of an aira=aft 74. Centering of an aircraft and its recalculation .185 75. Iongitu Idinal equilibrium of an aircraft 188 76. Effect df wing moment on longitudinal equilibrium 191 17. Effect of horiznntal tail assembly moment on longitudinal equilibrium 194 Card 7/14 Theory ofFlight and Piloting of Airplanes SOV/3782 78. Effect of pover-plant moments 'on longitudinal eqmilibijum 196 79. lateral equilibrium of an aircraft. Effect of reaction of propaller rotation on lateral equilibrium 199 80. Directional equilibrium of an aircraft, Effect of propeller slip- . stream on directional Oquilibrium 200 81. General concept of aircraft maneuverability 203 82. Longitudinal Ymneuverability of an aircraft. Action of the Clevator. Balancing curve. ,Degree of maneuverability 203 83. Effect of the position of benter of gravity of an aircraft Ion its longitudinal maneuverability 207 84. Methods of reducing pressure on the control stick. Acirodyneoic compensation of the elevator. Trim tab 208 85. lateral and- directional -neuVerability of an aircraft. Action of ailerons and the rudder 21-1 86. General concept of stability of an aircraft. 215 87. Longitudinal stability. Acrodynamid center. Center of litt of the aircraft and dependence of stability on the position of center of gravity 216 88. Manifestation of stability in flight = . 89. Lateral and directional stability of an aircraft 223 90. lateral damping of vings 226 Card 8/34 Theory of Flight and Piloting of Airplanes SOV/37132 Ch.. XI. Take-O,,ff and Landing 2Z,' 91. Take-off of an aircraft (general concept). Take-off stages and take-off distance 228 92. Ground run of an aircraft and aeparation from the ground. Accele- ration during ground run. Separation speed 229 93. Leveling-off of an aircraft to pick up speed. Take-off speed and climbing stage 232 94. Normal take-off and take-off errors. Restrictive take-off (abrapt termination of take-off run). ~Take-off with loy tail 233 95. Calculation of length and time of ground run and take-off d1staace (in the absence of wind) 236 96. Effect of veight, and other factors on length of ground run imd 'take- off distance 239 97. Effect of vind on take-off. Take-off in a cross wind 240 98. Landing of an aircraft (general concept). -Landing stages 245 99. Calculation of landing. Error in the calculation of glidir*,, range. Methods of reducing gliding range 246 100. Trimming of an aircraft. Leveling offj, landing., and landing rwi ~252 101. Landing speed and methods of reducing it. Types of landing and errors in landing 255 Card 9/114 Theory of YUght and Piloting.ofAirplanes SOV/3782 102. Length of landing ran and calculation 9f landing distance (in the absence.of vihd) 258 103. Effect of vind on landing. -landing in a cross wind 26o 'Ch. XIL Turns and S~~s 262 104. General concept of curvilinear flight. Effect of gyroscopic montent of the propeller. Aerodyqamic load factors 262 105. Turns. Correct turns) action of forces 268 106. Radius of tu= and its dependence on flight speed and angle of bank, Time of a turn. load factors in turns 270 107. Speed in turns. Turning errors 275 108. Thrust and pover required for turns. Turns vith maximum efficiency 278 109. Control of aircraft and operation of rudders in correct turns 279 110. Incorrect turns vith sideslip 283 M. Spiral, action of forces and speed in a spiral. Most efficient spiral 2B6 Ch. -Xin. Spin of an Aircraft 288 112. General information on spins. Danger of invbluntary spin at low altitude 288 113. Principles of spin. Autorotation of wing. Rotational moments iia spin 292 Card ID/ JJ4 Theory of Flight and Piloting of Airplanes Sov/3782 3.14. Effect of position of center of gravity and other factors on spin characteristics 296 115. Characteristics of spin regimes 298 116. Placing an aircraft into a spin and pulling it out. Effect of ailerons and pover plant. Load factors in spins 299 Ch. XIV. Acrobatic Flight 303 117. Purpose of acrobatic flight. The role of Soviet fliers in the development of acrobatic flying 303 118. Nesterovts loop [Norn~ai loop]. Action of forces and speed inthe loop. Performance of a loop 307 119. Steep climb after take-off. Action of forces and performance; of the:steep climb 312 120. Combat [climbing] turns 313 121. Pushing over into a nose dive and pulling out of it. 1,oss of altitude in pulling out 315 122. Wing-over with spin and controllable ving-over 318 123. Nesterov's halfloop (Immelman turn] 322 124. Turn in a steep climb 323 125. Inverted flight 324 Card 11h.4 Theory of Flight and Piloting of Airplanes SOV/3782 PART 11. SPECIAL FEATURES OF TMW OF FLIGHT AND PIZM33G OF JET XTRCRAFT Ch. X7. 4sic Aspects of High4 peed Aerodynamics 329 126. Compressibility of air. Speed of sound. Mach number 329 127. Propagation of sound vaves in an airflow 333 128. Flow of a supersonic air stream about bodies. Shock Vave aneL Vave drag 335 129. Drag rise of near-sonic speeds. Criticial Mach number 338 Ch. SVI. Aerodynamic Characteristics and Types of High-Speed 400 4iraeaft 340 130. Pi~6ssure distribution along the airfoil of the ving at hypercwitical Mach numbers 340 131. Variation of aerodynamic coefficients and quality of the vine: as functions of the Mach number 341 132. Polar of a jet aircraft, its lift force and drag 3114 133. Aerodynamic forms of high-speed jet aircraft. The Mig-15 bis air- ,plane 346 134. Propellers for high-speed aircraft 351 135- Contribution of Soviet scientists to the development of aerodyawlics of high speeds and of high-speed aircraft 352 Card 3~/114 Theory of Flight and Piloting of Airplanes SOV/3782 Ch. XVIL Power Plant of a Jet Aircraft 354 136. Jet engines (general concept). Air-breathing jet engines (VIM) 354 137. Turbojet engine (m) 357 138. Thrust and thrust power of turbojet engines. Effect of flight speed and altitude on thrust of turbojet engines 359 Ch. XVM. Rectilinear Flight of a Jet Aircraft 362 139- Thrust required for horizontal flight and its dependence on the Mach number 362 140. First and second regimes and velocity range of horizontal flight 364 141. Acceleration and deceleration in horizontal flight 367 142. Speed in climbj, angXe of climbj, vertical velocity, ceiling., Cind rate of climb 369 143. Descent with engine running) gliding., and nose dive 371 144. Restrictions with respect to speed and Mach number. Flight blach- number index 373 Car5d 13/14 Theory of Flight and Piloting of Airplanes SOV/3782 Ch. XIX. Stability and Maneuverability 145. Longitudinal stability and maneuverability 146. Forces on the control stick transmitted by the elevator in rectLI-inear flight at hypercritical Mach numbers 147. IncreAse of forces for producing unit over load faetor 148. Lateral and directional stabilityand maneuverabi-lity 149. Reduction of effectiveness of ailerons. Wdraulic amplifier (booster) and internal compensation of ailerons 150. 14voluntary banking of an aircraft ("Irregularrolling") 151. Reverse reaction of aircraft for deflection 6f the'rudder Ch. XX. Take-off and Landing 152. Take-off of jet aircraft 153-~ Landing and -landing speed. Landing vith cross wind Ch. Ma. Spin and Acrobatic Flight 154. Spinning of the Mig-15 bis airplane. Execution of spin 155. Maneuvering characteristics' of the Mig-15 bis airplane 156. Simple and complex pilotingt,, Appendix: Greek Alphabet Ann~wm Library of Congress fCard lh/14 375 375 376 380 380 38P 383 385 387 ~89 393 393 396 398 404 AC/mg 6-21-60 NAME 7' ZHABROV) ALEKSE( ALEKSAYDROVIC.H. Annotirovannyi ukazatelf literatury na russkom iazyke po aviatsii i vozdukhoplavaniiu za 50 let, 1881-1931. Teoriia. Tekhnika. Stroitel'stvo. Ekonomika. Statistika. Istoriia. Mirnoe primenenie. Moskva, OTITIJ NKTP SSSR, G~s. aviat. i avtotrakt izd-vo, 193). 312 p. Title tr.: Annotated bibliography of litbrature in the Russian language on aviation and aeronautics for 50 years, 1881-1931. Theory. Technology. Construction. Ecoromics. Statistics. History. Peace- time aviation. Z5065.R9Z6 SO: Aeronautical Sciences and Aviation in the Soviet Union., Library of Congress, 1955. ZPABRGV, ALMEY JkLIEKSANDROVICT.I. Pochcmu i kak letaet avtozhir. Moskva, Glav. red. nouchno-popul. i iunosh. lit-ry, 1936. 174 P., illus., diagrs. Bibliography; P. 172. Titletr.: How and why an autogiro flies. TL715-Z5 SO: Aeronautical Sciences and Aviation in the Soviet Union, Library of Congress, 1955- W M MMMMOMI-M MWOMM ZTIABROV, ALEMEI AI,7.KSANDHOVTCII. Kak i pochamu letaet planer. 2, izd., inopr. i dop. Moskva, Glav. red. nauchno-popul. i iunosh. lit-ry, 1938. 203 p-, illus., diagrso Title tr.: Pow and why a glider flies. TL760.Z46 1938 SO: Aeronautical Sciences and AvLation in the Soviet Union, Library of' Congress, 1955. gig mm=zimjmmawm~ f 1 MABROVI ALEKSJ ALEKSANDROVICH. Teoriia i tekhnika poleta, Moskvaj Redaktsionno-izdateliskii otidel Aeroflota, 1948. 483 p., diagra. Bibliography; P. 478. Title tr.: Theox7 and technique of flying. TL570.Z3 SO: Aeronautical Sciences and Aviation in the Soviet Union., Library of Congress, 1955. -OV HABR p AIEKSE ALENSANDROVICH. Z Teoriia i tekhnika poleta; prakticheskaia aerodinamika, ChaBt'I. 0snory polota sawlata Ifoskva, lzd-vo Dosarm, 1950. 191 p., illus.j ports. Title tr.-. Theory and technique cf flying. Applied aerodynamics. Part I. Fundamentals ,of flying of aircraft. TL5?O-Z32 SO: Aeronautical Sciences and Aviation in the Soviet Union, Librar7 of Congress, 1955 IMI "41-1 ,X KATRMO, D.A., redaktor; GAVRUOT, -B.S. ,,Aleksey Aleksandrqvich ZW (Why and how an airplane flies] Pochemu i kak letaet samolet. Moskva.' Goo..izd-vo tekhaiko-teoret. lit-ry, 1956. 54 P. (Nauchio- Populiarnaia biblioteko,.no. 91) (MLw, 10:4) (Airplane a-Aerokynamice w m P Me, BMW. ZHABROV, Aleksey Aleksandravi6h; VASILIYEV, A.A.,rea.; FEDOROT, T.I., to ;'M AKINAT tekhn.rea. [Theory of the flight and piloting of an 'airplane] Teoriia, poleta i pilotirovaniia samoleta. Moslcva, Izd-vo DOSAAF,, 1959. 411 P. (ICIRA :13:2) (Airplanes--Piloting) ZHABROV, A.B,. inzh. Investigating rotarry throwers. YAUJ -J,31.,r-ots.sellkhoz. 19 no.504-55 '61. (MA 14-10) 1. Vsesoyuznyy nauchno--isaledovatel r3Wrj institut gidrotekJmiki i meliorat-siJ.. (Agricultural w-wArmy) ZHABROVP A.B.,-,inzh. Effect of some factors on the dumping range of rotary edl~tb, tbrowers. Trudy VNIIGiM 42t133-137 163. (KRA 176) ' A I?' J9 P Q it jj 0 4 W is to AS a rov