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S/065/61/000/001/006/008 E030/E212 AUTHORS: and Shor, G. I. TITILE: Investigation of -the Stability of Solutions of Additives in Oils by Means of their Electrical n ! G Vonductivity PERIODICAL: Khimiya i tekhnologiya topliv i masel, 1961,,,No. 1, PP. 52-54 TEXV, Electrical conductivity determinations are suggested as a rapid means of determining the stability of additives in oils to transitions between the colloidal and truly ionic states. Conventional electrolytic type cells are used, being concentric aluminium cylinders, 50 mm high, and 20 and 35 mm diameter respectively. Py incorporating a thermostat bath, thermal stability to temperatures up to 2500C may be investigated. By studying change of conductivity with time alone, storage stability may be determined. Molybdenum blue is found to be indefinitely stable at room temperature,,-but after a short period of heating to 1000C, the conductivity suffers a sudden and permanent decrease. By contrast, the conductivity of molybdenum nonyl-xanthen,,ate Card 1/2 S/065/61/000/001/006/008 E03O/E212 Investigation of the Stability of Solutions of Additives in Oils by Means of their Electrical Conductivity solutions increases to a maximum after-about 400 hours storage, then falls to a lower, but stable, value after about 600 hours. On taking a series of straight lubricating oil fractions from a high-sulphur crude, and plotting their conductivity versus viscosity a distinct curvature is obtained-,,in apparent violation---" ,of Waldenis Rule. It clearly shows that the~concentration of electrically conducting material increases with boiling point. On heating straight oils with or without thermally stable additives to 250*'C, little change in conduotivity is found on cooling, but with unstable additives, the heating curve is much higher than the cooling curvo over a cortain bigh temporaturo range, but rojoine It at lower temperatures, thus exhibiting a hyateresia-type curve: this is attributed to a shift at high temperatures of the reaction between colloidal micelles and ions. By plotting conductivities versus conGentrations, the conductivity of phenolate solutions is ~seen to be iol.Lic, but that of sulphonate solutions micellar. There are 3 figures, 1 table and 8 references: 6 Soviet and 2 non-Soviet. ASSOCIATION: VNII NP Card 2/2 32530 s/o65/61/000/012/00kiOO5 E194/E135 AUTHORSs Zai!;lavskiy. Yu.S., Shor, G.I.," Shneyerova, R.N.j ICu-znetsovat A#I.p. and Lebedeva, F.b. TITUs Reducing the corrosivity of extretie pressure (E.P.) additives without impairing their.effectiveness PERIODICALi Xhimiya i tekhnologiya topliv I nuisel,~no.12, 1961, 39-43 TEXTt Previous work by the authors has ishown that whereats anti-corrosion additives should have strongly bonded sulphur or phosphorus in. the molecule,,, E. P. addit ives sh*uld cam ily re lea Be sulphur, phosphorus or chlorine to form compounds on the metallic high contact temperatures, This explains the well- known correlation between good anti-wear properties and high corrosivity. A combination of anti-wear and anti-eorrosion additive components should overcome the effect of delayed E.P. action in high-speed friction tests. in surfaces subject to high speed friction there is not always time for the E.P. additive to operate. For laboratory tests of two component additives the Card 1/ 5 32530 s/o65/61/oOo/ol2/oo4/oo5 Reducing the corrosivity of, .... E194/E135 authors developed radiotracer methods of determining the chemical ~ac,tivlty of E.P. additives in oils in the presence or absence of friction. The chemical activity of the E.P. additives was assessed by determining the kinetics of solution of radioactive steel In oil or of copper which was activated with A9110. Determination of the chemical activity relative to radioactive copper and steel were made with various sulphurised and chlorinated organic compounds and mixtures of these. For example, in tests with copper foil at a temperature of 150 OC it was found that chemical activity of the sulphur-containing additive dibenzyl disulphide and that of chlorinated wax were both much less than the chemical activity of a mixture of these additives. .A mixture containing base oil plus 3% d1benzyl disulphide plus 7% chlorinated wax -gave the beat E.P. protection in the four ball. test. When 6% of barium alkyl phenolate dissolved in oxpropylated alkyl-phenol was.added to the oil containing dibenzyl disulphide and chlorinated wax there was a marked diminution in corrosivity of the oil without impairment of the E.P. properties. However, the reduced corrosivity to copper lasted for only ton hours, The anti-corrosion propertioB of Card 2/ 5 =7 32530 Reducing the corrosivity of s/o65/6i/ooo/ol2/004/005 E194/E135 phosphorus-containing compounds wer6 also tested on the assumption that effective protection of metallic surfaces against corrosion by atoms of chlorine and sulphur can be achieved by creating$ not a molecular, but a more continuous atomic film which is less penetrable. To create such films the~phosphorus- containing compounds must be soluble in the base oil and release phosphorus at considerably lower temperatures than the ,decomposition temperatures of the E.P.,components. It was indeed found that the use of phosphorus-containing additives ensured effective reduction of corrosion of steel at an oil temperature of 200 OC in the presence of a mixture of dibenzyl disulphide and chlorinated wax. Moreover, four ball machine tests showed that the E.P, properties were not impaired. Tricresyl phosphate had no anti-corrosive effect, whilst triphenyl phosphate caused a marked reduction in corrosion. By using phosphorus-containing anti-corrosion components in blends with more chemically active E.P. additives, effective-blends may be made using chemical compounds that hitherto have been rejected because of their high corrosivity. E.P. oils were tested on a friction machine in which Card 3/5 32530 Reducing,the corrosivity,of..... s/o65/6l/ooo/ol2/004/005 E194/E135 -the rubbing surfaces are the ends of two hollow cast iron cylinders of.116 mm external diameter, one of which was radioactive. The tests were made at a speed of 600.r.p.m. with a load of 2.5 kg/CM2 for a period'of-one hour. Typical teat results show, that the base oil gave a mean wear rate of 66o impulses/min of the counteri the base oil Plus 316' of additive J13-6/9 (LZ-6/9) plus .7% chlorinated wax gave a wear rate of 1920 impulses/min. The same plus 0.5% triphenyl phosphite gave'a wear rate of-840 impulses/min. Thus the triphenyl ph.osphite reduced tho corrosivity of the E.P. oil to the level of the base oil. - There are 3 figures, I table and 17 references: 11 Soviet-bloc and 6 non-Soviet-bloc. The four most recent English language references read as follouss Ref.111 J.S# Elliot, N.E. Hitchcock, E.D. Edwards* Hypoid Gear Lubricants and Additives. J. of the Institute of Petroleum, v4451 noo428, 219-235, 1959. Pef.129 F.T. Barcroft A Technique for Investigating Reactions between E.P. additives and Metal Surfaces at High Temperatures. Wear, v.3, no.6, 413-500, 196o. Card 4/5 32$30 s/o65/61/000/012/004/005 Reducing the-corrosivity of E194/EI35 Ref.14i R.B..Campbell, L. Grunberg. Study of.reactions.of metals with.sulphur and phosphorus compounds,by pulsed temperatures. Paper no.RlCC/32 at the International Conference on the use of isotopes in Physics and Industry (Copenhagen, September 6-17, 1960). Izd. MAGATE, Venal ig6i, Ref.15; G. Hugel. Chemical nature of extreme pressure lubrication. Lubrication Engineering, v.14, no.12, 523-526, 1958~ ASSOCIATION: VNII NP Card 5/5 viol, AUTHOTIS.~!V~' qn&' TITLE s~' R a'd ir J'~ Ne'tody-1 -Sopt6ya, N "I TEXT: T'6istjk'~Nt used-'at' VNII;-M-Ai of -a dd tlvo~_type~.-:40 la, com ory-.1 en -F~px b t presence. pf tile r~ activ'#~~7 adko :,a, Icy obfni' d' 6n th4ji. w ith.Ahcose. ~Jabdratory r Card,'l Shor'- G. 13 trll methods of ~study~n~' the'~- YtA'TUyfx Ila,, lZilashivalliYel ift6~y~ lo. dek. -1 a 'htfiCi, _ V4 0 17,d-vo 'Ak:,~S ofith rottioacti've 1'3'* no, ela6where, canno~f . tuiiy~'ii* nd they -are supploinent-e4_ test 'r renc oft 0 tfgn inB t the end. f cour,~ -a'' d wear iii, nei To -;t 'o" 041*~ Alkalinq ad"d1ti:*W" they are I with n Ow a n d u t, 6:'JJ~ 't'h tojits von -o or-,,p1~'jOqdusdoj,,. d ' i J,niticat4i r pro.6eauire _4 --x 4 int ~46ir"" 7q 6 'i"'-1962- ''182&]L91-1 as, are. er,o L: r 01 vojijOilig n the tf~ touch "Mos-.: biskitim: A '; ~ '- - d': td': "Aolvtlape 41' 1, Itadibs-tra'cer I Ambooll th6 ~Oiot i oil with, V'ai~.AQW ant". z!*e',ai,' pignific 75 -66i~ri res ultif Jin~ Uvil Th~-~~ f r i c t Ao ri~ 1. 46 Ak~ v_4 ifh dh uses~ hollo'i -ing''act One he Oil -is-- contained, p Ov tka. t o il'Ia ;*Oi i;6r a d I a t a quoted 'd iAi:~- it h acIdit_'vaB,.' 'Thi'."i 't 'i;i changLs n. hiq% can sometime,s..p, comb "xied bxidat4q t e C Ip im cu p ~w 4#,;,1 -Card 2/3 04D~)/PI8/020 Utudying 194 il ~aotivityx of atiti-wear a4di 0s:b tile soilvinz'-.'~, rs'-- iii ~ the 6il., Tcbt:`k~a ti ~kre, quoted'for t4j';j6`U~_jjtfi of, dibenzy1dis-ulphAd".1 btained in. 'wl' ~~&V~200 C in a Oe 150 C in -iea`4,Ah4- n"-~;~houirs,, ',,T a Aoi4zur#i Ibad'do'tenIUn:'AA ok'k4I'.on'-3he'.fotir-b&IJL* ce, -or ~ i0hemic a* 1` adilltivex_ on k~~Aljht,,Abids is ~*-yliiridi~'ic'al-- te ie e's ."16 1' do at. p c ;06k is drive 606 r. ps ~tvqen cylindcrai*-.~Thie r4d oact 5Id-r**d,:and.-6o is -thert, from the_ ""ItAi6c"t ilie rubbing' surfa`c'o** T-06V, recitAlt'i -itra lphur'basic lubricei _,j, vario", , 44;%tab Ilis, ~Of~-~t or varilptis "il'ity is.,. good, and., V .14*a clearly shown, Dot ergiik, 4i4bie '-* Adit ives is' describ,a'd,_ -ch,c6oprisex 'A rig sT6n`d--vehr. tests. - The oijL,i&-!"-r_*~,ntA.IAed~in A. :AAst iron'', base agaiinst wh I a W; (W-Jr k* d la t P- 39530 s/o65/62/000/008/002/003 E075/E135 AUTHORS: Shor, G.I., Zaslay Morozova, IsA., and Ryabova,, D.V. TITLEs Electrochemical aspects of the mechanism of action of detergent additives to motor oils PERXODICALI Xhimiya i tolchnologiya topliv i masel,qno.8, 19621 58-66 TEXT: Electrical conductivity measur'ements of solutions of detergent additives in mineral oils wore carried out in the belief that ionic dissociation of the additives, followed by subsequent adsorption of the-ions on carbonaceous particles and metal surfaces-, constitutes the mechanism.of action of'most detergent additives. The additives investigated were:'~alkylphenate - V~ formaldehyde condensation product SH14K . Hn-370 (VNII NP-370), h�gh-ash calcium sulphonate RMC (PMS), and their mixtures. Different amounts of the additives were dissolved in oil A C-5RK2 (AS-5 NICZ)- The co nductivity meaourements were carried out with .microamnfeter (0.1 amp, full ,scale deflection) and a teraohmmeter tiom-4 (mom-4) giving a d.c. of 105 Vo All the solutions obeyed Card 1/3 - -- -------- S/063/62/000/006/002/003 :.-.Electrochemical aspects of the #so- E075/E135 Ohm',,thus` showing that they are non-aqueous elelctrolytes. -Some of the additive mixtures dissolved in the*oil gave considerably increased conductivities compared with the solutions. containing individual additives andIthe same cation concentration, which-indicated that the additive mixtures dissociated to a considerably higher degree.than the single additives. Experiments I with a metal plate heated to 250 *C and covered with a*thin film* of oil containing the additives with Ca45 and c14 showed that the additives fo3~med films on the metal surface. By studying deposition of 'soot particles labelled with T-`204 on the hot plate and adsorption of the add�t!vez.wIth labelled Ca atoms on the metal surface in the presence of so ot, it.was est ablished that the higher the degree of additive dissociation, the more effective its detergent activity. For a number,of alkyl phenate additives the .admixture of,sulphonated did not give increased electrical conductivity, pr esumably due to their.low solubility. All batches of the investigated additive VNII.NP-370 with the added Ca sulphonate were completely soluble in mineral oils, whichgave high electrical conductivities* MeAsurements of the electrical Card 2/3 --.. ".1 ,, ~ _. - ,E~, ~ k ~ '~ ~, ~i , - . I -I - F , - ~%.- ~~a I ~ r - , Eirri r-, 7-7 Tr M~ffT:-!tn- -a' - 1 . iL~~ . - - - t. . . . vl I A&/ Z, -I J. -T. is illustra:ed Fi' ~,lt -j :1L1 a t 0 (i ox -077 e b~wcW-miss7e--ld-tr- or od a Y-S- ar c- t i-Q- it 3tft-,jGtttr(j sc:, -r m y b .1c a e r- na, a x i-num countin-e: rp.L c 2. 5 OU L EAJ- It Ut. T1 ,liar -5/1-20/63/ 00(),'0c'1/(; 9/072 f . . . . C 0 :11 is ";lo a I-is 0, e C, S cc I I o Determination of .... b~lurcc Z-ic error reac.1-as it at d 7", 1 e t T- 1 1 T t a nu a r v Card 3/4 3/12o/63/000/001/09/072 Determinatioii of .... S1,32/E311, ig, 1: Micrometer screw sca ler Cathode fellower meilb End wind.-w counter, Screen 110A"361mue COri t I ;I& BIAIGOVIDOV, I.F.; BOROVAYAp M.S.j MIUMNIVA, A.V.; DERYABIN, A.A.; ZASLAVSKIY, Yu ONASTYfwxir, v.*; FUGHKOV.. M. G. Selecting additives -to oils for various uses,, Khim. itekh. topl. i masel, 8 to.:3154-62 Mr 163, (MIRA 1624) 1, Voesoyuznyv nauchao-iseledwatellakiy institut, po perera- botke nefti i gazov :1 polucheniyu iskusetyennogo zhidkogo toplivaj (Lubrication and lubricante-Additives) MCI __J__ ~19-66 EViP(j)/EV1T(m)/T /RM/DJ ACC NRI AP6018621 (A) SOURCE CODE: uR/0065/66/000/006/0024,10027 AU111 OR: Makeye va, Yo. D.; HaVhnonko, G. Kh.; Z.!-e ORG: VNII NP TITLES Radiatibn resiatant~ lubricatipK-greasolebaned on aodium terephthalamutal~ SOURCE., Khimiya.,i tekhnologiya-topliv i maselp no. 6j 1966, 24-27 ~\TOP'IC TAGS: lubricent,' radiation prot'~bction ABSTRACT: Lubricating greases prepared by thv. thiekeining 'of mineral oils and synthetic liquidevith terephthalamates, which are assymetric derivatives of terevhthalic acid' f the general formula 0 'H me0oc- R :,exhibit high-radiation resistance, high water repellencyt and good structural .strength and adhesion to rubbTn-g surfaces at above 200C. Sodium terephthalainate- base lubricating greases were prepared in two stepa: 1) synthesis of-sodium terephthalamate, and 2) preparation of greases from mineral oils MS-20s/land DS-11 Card 1/2 UDC: 665.582 MM ACC NR: AP6018621 aynthetic hydrocarbon oil MAS-3511and polymethylphenylsiJoxane liquid FM-1322/300, Specification numbers of tr-e-0--ffill are given in the source. The thickener con- centration varied from 8 to 14%. The preparative procedure of the'greases is described in the source, Study of the properties of the greases showed that: 1) they melt at 200-245C; 2) the thickening capacity of qodium terephthalamate and the colloidal stability of the greases can be further improved by using a I.sodium terephthalamate-sodium benzoate complex (molar ratiol 1/0.5); 3) the basic physicochemical properties of terephthalamate greasda are not substantially -impaired by y-radiation doses of 108 rad.' Origo-am has:. 1 figure and 5 tables# (BO] SUB CODE:. 1l/ SUBM DATE., none ''ORIG REIF 1 007/- OTIIt RIi*F:' 012/ ATD PRESS-,5*06~ 5 1 2'. Card 2/2 L 20632-6� EWT(m)/r DJ ACC NRs AP6011220 SOURCE CODE: uR/o4l3/66/ooo/0o6/0O5T/OO5T INVENTOR: 'Blagovidov.-I. F.; ILruzhinina, A. V.; Monastirrskiy, V. N.; Puchkov, N. G.;z Deryabin, A a A. Borovaya, M. S. Filippov S V-.F. *, Avaliani , T -K. -`~--Tarmanyan, G. S,; Shor. G, I ; DmAt'FrUeva, H. IF; Be ikov. G. P.; Kuliyev, A. M.; Suleymanova, F. G. Zayn&lova, G. A.; Sadykhov, K. I. ORG: none TITLE: Preparative method for motor oils. Class 23, No. 179868 SOURCE: Izobretenlya, prom;yahlennyye obraztey, tovarnyye znaki, no. 6. 1966, 5T TOPIC TAGS: lubricating oil,'Iubricant additive ABSTRACT: An Author Certificate has been issued for a preparative method f6r motor oils,involving the introduction of aaditiveall To impart the required service proper- ties, the additives used are an aity-rp-henof--formiadehyde condensation product (3-15%), a.sulfon&Le additive an Witive based on xanthates or dithio- phosphates (0:5-1%), and an organosilicon additive (0-003-0-005%).(the additives are no further identified in the source,. (BM]. SUB CODE: 1l/ SUBM PATE: O2Aug62/ ATD PRESS:y -z -Qrd Ii-A UDC,," 665.521,5002.237 Z~pSLAUKr4-Y-u.- ~S.SHOR, G. I. MDROZOVA) I. A. 13,-; YEVSTIGNEYEV)-- Ye.-I V. SHNEYMOVA, R. N. New methods of investigation of lubricant properties." report submitted for Intl Lubrication Conf) Washington) D.C., 13-16 oct 64. .9. Monthly List of Russian Accessions, Library of Congress, Febrwiry -1953. Unclassified. Sectional chute door vith pneumatic control. Kast.ugl-3 no.3:20-21 .xr 134. (HLRA 7:4) (mine hoisting) EM IMMKIT, Tu., inshener. New development In shaft slaing In the Donets Basin. Rast.ugl. no.M-9 JI 154. (aft 7:7) (Donate Basin-Shaft oinking) -Z.IX,,-. Yu-Z---7.ORI -A.S. uvywv# mop 150 maters of prepared mine shafts per month. Kakt.trud.rab. 8 no.8:17-20 D 154. (KM 8:1) 1. Upravlyayushchiy trestom Stalinshakhtoprokhodka (for Davydov) 2i Glavnyy inzhener prokhodcheekogo stroyupravlentya NO-3 (for Zaelavskiy). 3. Nachallnik tekbnichefjkogo otdola tresta (for Zori) (Donate Basin--Mining engineering) (Donate Basin--Mine timbering) ZASLAVSKIY' Improve methods of vartical shaft sinking in the rriny Rog Basin, Shakht. stroi. nk).2.9-12 158s. (MM 11130 1, Glavnyy inzhener treata Krivbacsshakhtoprokhoajm. (Krivoy Rog-Shaft sinking) -A V K Y In 17 c n cf!t: T'r'n w0 .,ZASLAVSKIY,, Yu.Z.,, kand. tekhn. nauk (Donetak)j KOCIIETOV.. V.V.,, kand. teifi6. nauk; BYDU4VSKIY, S.I., in-sh.1 PULIYAN., V.H., inzh.; KAZAKEVICH, E.V., Inah.j HkKSIMGHUK, A*A., inzhe Create a Soviet firm ~or vertical shaft sinking. Gor. zhur. no.90-8 S 164o (KM 17112) 1. TSentrallnyy nattahno-iseledovateltakiy i proyektno- konstruktorskiy inatitut podzemnogo i shakhtnogo otroitell- stva,, Moskva (for I:ochetov,, Byderovskiy), 2. Krivorozhokiy filial Vsesoyuznogo nauchno-issledovatellskiy inatitut organizataii i mekhanizatsii Bhakhtnogo stroitelletva (for Pullman.. Kazakevich, Maksimchuk). ZASLAVSKIY,.Yu.Z., kand.tekbn.nauk Predicting the~simlbng of rook in the grour, of single horizontal workings. Shak~tvxtroi. 8 no.11ill-12 11 164- - (MIRA le;21) 1, Donetakly nauchnc-issledovatellskiy ugolInyy inatitut. Lit V,--.~ _77 kand.tekhnnauk; CLUMV0 V,A, j k&W,tokbn.nauk 11~9,quipment for sinking and drilling vertical* oh&M* by N.A. Malevich (doktor telthn.naukl. Reviewed by IU.Z. Zaslavskii and V.A. Chekarev. Shakht..stroii 5 no.7%30-32 n 161. (MIRA 15:6) (Shaft sinking-kuipment and suppliea)- (Automatic control) (Maloviob, N.A.) -lam ZASLAVSKIY Yu~Z.. kand.tekhn.rauk; LADOZHINSKlYs V*Nq inzh. Efficianey of various flowsheats for shaft sinking in the Kri- voy Rog Basin* Shakht. strol. 5 ijo.5t1l.16 tb, 161. (HIPA 14,6) 1. Trest Krivbasstihakhtoprokhodka (for Zaalavskiy). 2. Hauchno- issledovatellskiy o:ornorundnyy institut (for Ladothinskiy). 88677 8/127/60/000/001/001/005 B012/BO58 AUTH,ORSs :Vagin, G. I., Manager of the Trust, Zaslavskiy. Yu. Z.1- Chief Engineer of the Trust TITLEt Large-scale mechanization of the sinking of vertical shafts PERIODICALs Gornyy zhurnal, no. 1, 1960, 44-46 TEXTs The sinking of shaftei (usually to a depth of from 700 to 1000 m) in the Krivorozhakiy basin largely determines the total construction time of the mine. :In 1957, the trent Krivbassahakhtoprokhodka (Krivbass- shakhtoprokhodka Trust) was established in the Krivorozhskiy basin, similar to the other trusts in the coal mining industry, in order to in- crease the speed of sinking vertical shafts. Starting in August 1957, the collective of engineers and technicians has taken a number of important measures on thebasis of experience made at home and abroad. Concrete of high early strength is used for reinforcing the.shafts, Metal casings (Fig.1) developed by engineers of the Trust are used for this purpose. In most oases concrete is fed to a depth of up to 650 M through a pipeline as is shown in Fig. 2. Fig. 3 shown a mechanized mixing installation Card 1/8 t 88677 S/127/60/000/001/001/005 Large-scale.meohanization of.... B012/B056 operated by two to three persons, The control of the loading equipment in the Novaya-Rakhmanovskays mines, Yuzhnaya Gleyevatskaya mines, and others was centralized from a control column with automatic blocking of the loading equipment and the hoist. Despite the rook hardness of 10 to 20 (according to Protod'yakonov), the measures indicated resulted in an increase in production. Fig. 4 shows equipment for shaft sinking according to the parallel process without provisional reinforcing, developed by the engineers of the Trust. The collective of the Trust works together with the krilrorozhakiy inatitut Giprorudmash (Krivoy Rog Institute Giprorudmash), kr:Lvorozhakiy institut Krivbassproyekt (Krivoy RogInstitute Krivbassproyekt) and Dnepropetrovskiy gornyy inatitut (Dnepropetrovsk Mi.-ning Insti,tute) and makes here a number of recommendations for the increase of the speed of sinking and the production as such..Thero are 4 figures. ASSOCIATIONs Treat Krivbassabakhtoprokhodka Card 218 - --- ------ 5/127/601000/0 17001/005 Large-scale mechanization.oir... B012/BO58 ~Fig. 2.~ Scheme for concrete mixing., Legends Q)'Seotion A~-A. 4v Card 4/8 N N I 116L- bard 5/8 -vA -88677 3/127/69/000/001/001/005 Large-scale m~ chanization of.... B012/BO58 Fig. Mechanized concrete- . mixing installation of the Mine imeni Lenin Legend: (1) Building for'two mixerst (2) building for two scraper winches, (3)'cement store, (4) aggregate- and sand bunker, (5) -inclined ramp for bunker loading, (6) concrete cit mixer of 425 1 ca i L y, p (7). scraper winch -10 (LA-10), 7~ (8) skip for charging the mixer, (9) dump car (dosage instrument), (10) horizontal vertical screw conveyor 11 screw conveyor: ~12 water- and ~ calcium'chloride container, (13).bunker for ready mixed Card 6/8 concrete.: Ai r "R~ $8677 8/12Y60/000/001/001/005 Large-scale mechanization ofooe B012 B058 Fig-~4- Shaft sinking equipment ropoeed by the Krivbaesshakhtoprokhodka p Trust (2 -of j.,, Legendt oncrete mixer, a et .,concrete* lines, for feeding concrete into the ahaftp (3) tentering-frame, 14' (4) 'short shield-loading pla.tforml conical part of the shiold loading latform, (6) ring platform for einkers, (7) displabeable.plankingy (8) lower IV bottom for the planking. Card T/8 1: ~ . .11 - , ~ ~ i- I i - . - - .. - - 7 1- - , ` * "E~ I , . ': I ,~ -,;; " - -. - 'z -, " OW ,- 1 '. - f I 41 -,~ I . 5~~ !!~ !-~t ~M! . .. " .'- -T -- - i4. - Flow of concrete ml' 'xtures being fed into shafts b7 pipe. Shakht. stroi. no.12:11-14 D 159. (KIU 13:3) I.Trest Krivbassehakhtoprokhodkao (Shal't sinking) (Concrete-.Transportation) Mimra HPO-aKm Mail won W am &L-a4i _77 ZZ !7r~~ " . . . -. : .1 . 1. - F f, R ,;WESKIT. Tuliy.7-inoviyovich; 31OLDIRN, A.Te.,,; ROKANOVA, T.V., (vartiefil shaft sirJdng in Krivoy Rog Iron Ore Zapin) Opyt prokhodki vartikailnykh stvolov v Krivoroxhakom sholaxorudnom bassaine. Koskva, Gos,nauchno-takhnAzd-vo lit-ry po gornomu dela, 19600 42 p., (14IRA 13:5) (Krivoy Itog--Iron mines and mining) (Sbaft sinking) ---- IZASTAVSKIT--Tuz Insv* 0. 09 Investigating the segregation of concreto aixao when feeding it by pipeline into OR shaft. Shaldit.stroi. no.6:12-i6 Ja '59- (141RI, 12 -.9) ZASLAVSKIYj Yu.Z., insh. I~ew davelppmento in shaft sinking in Krivoy Rog'Basiu. Shakbt. strol.. no.,12:9-14 1 .58. (MDU 11.12) 1. Glavwy in2benor tresta Krivbasshakhtoprokhodka. (Kriioy-Rog-Shaft Isinking) (mining machinez7) henerp Safelainking of vertical mirve shafts* liesopetruda v prosig I no*30-7 Mr '570 (MLIRA 10:4) I. -Glavmhakhtoproldi~kDm Hinisterstva stroitellstva pr~dprlyatli ug6l, noy proriyehlenziosti USSR. (Sbaft, simifug) AID P-lT3 Subject USSR/A,~tronautics Card Author Zaslavskiy, Z. Lt.-Col- Engineer Title Bombing froma Fighter Aircraft Periodical Air Force Herald, 1, 39 43, Ja 195.11 Abstract The dive bombing from a fighter aircraft is described in detail. The author analyzes all turns,' direction and velocity changes, diving, recovery, etc. Diagrams. Institution None Submitted No date ZASLAVSKI Z B. Pamiatka rabochego po filltratsii vsodovom proizvodstve. Moskva, Goo. nauch.-tekhn. izd-vo khim. lit-ry,, 1946. 62 p. diagra. Instructions in filtration for worklers in soda industry. DLCt TP245.S77,3 SO: Manufacturing and Mechanical Engineering in the Soviet Union,, LLbrary of Congress, 1953 'iVSLAV'KY r -1c G.M. VOIS:-:YEV i S. S.; SAGDEYV o 6sibi S "On the vanishing dlsi~ipation raradox In the mt, -no tohydrodynamic stability theory Report presented at the 2nd All-Union Congress on Theoretical and Applied "echanicst. Aoscow) 29 Jan 5 Feb,64. 27-4--8/25 AUTffOR% Zaalav~sky, L., Teacher at Railway School No. 1, Chernovtuy TITLEs Learning a New Technique (lzucheniye ndvoy tekbniki) PERIODICALs 'Professionallno-,Tekhnicheek-oye Obravoyaniye, 1958# 4, p 16 (USSR.) ABSTRACTs Gbheral infox4mation is given on'the-Chbrnovtsy RitilwAy'Soho6l No. 1. The-school hele-'3 conferences recently for ~utils' many of whom joined in preparing the material for the lectures. ASSOCIATION: Zheleznodoroihnoye udhilishche No. 1 (G. Chernovtoy) (Railroacl School Nr. 1., Chernovtoy' AVAILABLE: Library of Congress C"d, 1/1 Am- pj 4-- moo i9- ISO A Samoa 3 0 1 6 Y 0-1 4 u u"Muld tie We it a is is "A x $I Is Is 0 a 00 1 It- 1, 1 is A. AA_j, A A I a A I X I A-A-J- - 0 1 v_".XAx.jvJx IT, -.!P 3r -"Of *I... tap .-0 4r-~ ".,!Vs 00 J1 _0* -00 Furnace for continuous cementation with lases or Pirod. 00 a ucts of pyrolysis of lasts. S. 1. zaslmlko. Ru%4' A2,1M. I.S11 31 I(IN 00 00 -*a ad see 0 j 000 400 XOO 00 000 00 Zoo 60* e0 a "A Uoo -I L A011ALLUwGicAt wCOAT"E CLAItWICATIC* too 0 we* Sol w _1110 is 0 0 0 0 v 0 6 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 000 V: a a 0 V : : 0 :1 o0 0 00 0 0 0 0 0 9 0 0 0 * 9 0 0 0 AUTHOR; Zaalonko, $.I., Bjiginoer. 110-9-19/23 TITLE: Nickel-free laat-resisting Steel and Cast Irons for the Plates (Hearths) and other Pgrt6of Elpetric Furnaces Operating at Temperatures up to 1 000 C. (Bezriikelevyye-zharoupornyyo. stali i chuguny dlya plit (podin) i drugikh deta;ey elektro- pechey,,rabotayushchikh pri temperature do 1000 C.) PERIODICAL:. Vestaik Blektropromyshlennosti, 195? Vol.28 No.9, pp- 76 ~USSR). ABSTRACT: Rxpensive chrome-nickel steels with,a nickel content of 12 - 18% are used in the manufacture of the plates (hearths) of chamber-tgpe electric furnaces working at temperatures of 850 - 1 000 C. The design office of the Blektropech' Trust souE;ht a cheaper heat-resistant alloy for this purpose which did not contain nickel or other scarce constituents. A literature survey on the chemical composition and heat-resistance of steel and cast iron was first made. Hearth castings of the selected alloys were tested in industrial furnaces to determine their life and in the laboratory to.establish their resistance to scale formation and to heat. This article gives tho test results on tho different alloys. Chrome-manganese stee34 some contiin- ing titanium, proved quite unsatisfactory because scale from (;ardl/3 the metal dropped on to the heating elements and short-circuited 110 9;;;-19/L vickel-free Heat-resisting Steel and east Irons for the Plates (Hearths) and otheg Pa:L-W of Blectric ifurnaces Operating at Tempera- .,.tures up to 1 000 C. them., High chromium steel (22-33%) was rejected on account of its ansatisfactory casting properties. This also applied to similar steels containing aluminium. Chrome-Sopper steels opera- ted satisfactorily at a temperature of 1 000 0 with a lo4ding of 150 kg/m for more than 500 hours without distortion. The quantity of scale formed was negligible. High-chrome cast iron had impossibly bad casting characteristics. However, after te manganese content.had been raised to ?%, the casting properties became good. The results of scaling tests at high temperatures on chrome-magnesi~m.. cast irons are tabulated together with their composition. Some of these materials worked for periods up to a year in furnaces. In comparing the mechanical properties of these steels with steel DIA-417 which contains 18% nickel, it should be rememberedthat the 30-417 samples were made from rolled material and the others from cast sheets. When steel with a minimum nickel content of 12% is replaced by nickel-free steel or cast iron, the saving is not less than 2.50 RoubleS Der kg. The various.steels and cast irons were melted in induction furnaces*with capacities up to 150 kg. It is concluded that Uard2/3 hearths for electric, furnaces working at temperatures of up to Tom 110-9-19/23 Nickel-free Heat-resisting Steel and Cast Irons for the Plates (Hearths) and otheg Parts of Electric Furnaces Operating at Tezapera- ,tures up to 1 000 0. 0 1 000 0 may be made of chrome-manganese cast iron and chrome- copper steel of the following chemical compositions: a) cast iron; 1.5 - 2.5% C, 4.0 to 5.5% Mn, 29 - 3ZY6 Cr, 2 3% Si: b) chrome-copper steel; 0.2 - 0.3% 0, 0.8 19~ Un, 18 22116 Cr, 2 - 2.716 Si and 2-3 - 2.8% Cu. There is 1 table. ASSOCIATION: Elektropech' Trust (Trest "Elektropechl") SUBMITTED: February.!,11, 195?.,. AVAII&BIR: Library of Congress. uard 3/3 W-M MIKELADZE, G.Sh.; NADIRADZE, Ye.M.; PKHAKADZEs Sh.S.; GOGORISHVILI, B.P.; DGEBAUDZE, G.A.; SOLOSHENKOO P.S.; SEMOV.. Me.; BARASHKIN,, I.I.; SHIRYAYEV, Yu.S.; PPSPEIDV, Yu.P.; KATSEVICH,.L.S.; ROMMERG, V.I..; Prinimali uchastiye-. LORDKIPAKIDZE,, I&S..; TSKMDIAIII, R.N.; DZODZIJASHVILII A.G.; DUNIAVAp A.G.; PEbRSKIY,, L.F.; GRITSFITYUK, Yu.V.; ZHELTOVp D.D.; UJZANOVj, I.I.; GLADKOVSKIYs V.P.; PODMOGILINky, V.P.; VOROPAYEVI I.P.; BRIKOVA., O.V.; VRUBLEVSKIY,, Yu.P,; KLYUYEV9 V.I.; BAYCHER., M.Yu.; LOGINOV, G.A.; SHILINj V.K#; POPOV, A.I, Industrial experiments in the smelting of 45 o/o ferrosilicon in a heavy-duty closed electnic furnace. Stall 25 no.5-426-.429 14Y 165. (KrRA 18:6) 1. Gruzinskiy institut metallurgii (for Lordkipanidze, TSkhvediani, Dzodzuashvili, Guniava). 2. Nauchno-issledovatellskiy i proyektnyy institut metallurgicheskoy promyshlennosti (for Brikova, Vrublevskiy, Klyuyev). 3. Vsesoyuznyy nauchno-issledovatellskiy institut elektro- termicheskogo oborudovaniya (for Baycher, Loginov, Shilin, Popov, Zaclonko). ZASLONK:O~p 3 1 j Inih& ~ka,lless,hia~ r'60b~tant Steele ther' and iron for plates ana o parts of electric furnaces.operating at temperatures to 10000'0, a e'k! (MIRA 10:11) Vast Z' I troprfoids, 21) no-9:74-76's '57. ' - 11 AFilectric furnaces) (Plates, Iron and'ateel) w- ,,WTOROVICH, R.A., ZASLONOV M..$.; Epizootiology of rabies in.enimals in the forest-steppe zone of the Southern Urals. Veterinariia 40 ~o.7tl,1-11. J1 163. (mim 16:8) 1. Direktor Troitskoy veterinarnoy laboraflori'i (for 7Aslonov). 2. Institut virusologii MI SSSR (for Kantorovich). (Ural, &untain region-Rabies) .LAZAREV, P.S.; FEDCROV, A.I., prof.; BUKHTILOV, F.N., dotsent; PAVLOV, P.I., dotsent; ~OV,,.Jf.S.; PLEKHANOV, B.P.; Prinimall uchastiye: GRIBOVSKIY, G.P., veterinarnyy vrach; RYBAKOVA, A.V., veterinarnyy vrach Som pharacteristics of the course of rabies in cattle. Veterinariia 39 no.9.-20-22 3 162. (WRA 1611o) 1. Troitskiy veterJ.narnyy institut (for Lazarev, Fedorov, Bukhtilov, Pavlov). 2. Direktor Troitakoy mozhsavkhoznoy veteri~arno-bakte- riologicheskoy laboratorii (for Zaslonav). 3. GIavnyy-vaterinarrsyy vrach Bredinskogo rayona, Chelyabinskoy oblasti (for Plekhanov). Or ZASLOV, V.Ya.; MURZIN, C.A.-I PAVMV, ON.; EELYAYEVO S.G.; ETINGOV, 3,1. Powered tool for imstalling roof bolting. Gor.zhur. ho-4:55-58 Ap 164* (MIRA 17W 1. Nauchno-issledovatel'skly i proyektno-konstruktorikiy institut gornogo i obogatit)ltnogo oborudovaniya.(for Zaslov, Murzin, Pavlov, Belyayev). 2. Severouraltalkiye boksitovyye rudniki (for Etingov). 7 Bit !~S! Ir-rY-!~P-11_~F. 20154 .~Joo S/029/61/000/005/002/002 D034/Dll3 AUTHORA Zaslov,.V. (Sverdlovsk) TITLEt Bar.reinforcement PERIODICALs Tekhnika molodezhi, no. 5, 1961, 12 TEXTt The author points out the difficulties arising from inorenning strata ' pressure on the roofs of workings in mining. Among the various systems emp- loyed for mine roof reinforcement, ouch as props, walls and arches made of wood, metalq and reinforced concrete, bar reinforcement is considered the most . Although this method is not new and was men- dependable reinforcing method . tioned in 1878 for the first time, extensive use of the principle started only recently and is Coing to replace all other methods of reinforcement. For maximum protection against cave-in of the working roof, metal bars are inserted into holes drilled in the roof. The bars have a wedge-type or split- type lock on one end for fantening within the rock and are threaded on the other end. A nut screwed on the threaded end prensea a thrust plate atainat the roof of the working-to absorb the pressure of the upper rock layers. The bars can also be inserted into concrete mortar pumped under pressure into boreholes drilled in the rock.. The concrete mortar penetrates also into Card 1/3 20154 8102 511000105/~021'002 Bar reinforcement D034YDL13 small cracks and thus binds the rock into one monolithic mass. The nut and plate are attached to the threaded end of the bar protruding from the bore- hole. -The main advan.tagos of bar reinforcement are operational safety and economy in materialg cost and manpower. Fifteen million cubic moteraof tim- ber can be navad annually, the prime costs xeduced 4 to 5 times, and the work can- be - mechanized. - A machine ,','or setting bar reinf oroomen'.s - (Fig* 2) is be- ing tested. It is to drill boreholes, set wooden or metal bars into themq wedge the bareg-and screw on the nuts. If the bars are to be inserted into concrete mortars the machine w'JU1 also pump the concrete into the boreholes. There are 2 figures. Card 2/3 PAVLOV., O.V... inzh.; ZASWV. V.Ya.. inzh. Ways of macbanizing the installation of rod boltlAg. Gor. ztur* no#79 64-66 J1 t62. (MIRA 15-.7) 1, Hauchrio-issledovatellokiyproyektno-konstruktorskiy inatitut gornogo i obogatiteltnogd oborudovaniyal, Sverdlovsk* (Mine roof bctlting-Fquipment and aupplies) ZASLOVUGIaT, T.I. Case of paralysis of diagphragmatic and recurrent nerres following thoracocautery. Probl. tubork,, Moskva No. 1:73-74 Jfu~-Feb 52. OLML :21:5) 1. Of Kirovograd Oblaut Tuberculosis Sanatorium (Read Phynician-N.A. Yeremenko). 04 F, -Zt~i ZASL-OV V Ya inzh.; PAVL401r, O.V.,, inzh.; BELYA S.G.p ipzh. Mechanization of theierection of.rod bolt;Wg, no.5s46-48 MY162. (Km .16 1. Mauchno-iseledovetellski-y i proyektno-konstruktorok-Ly institut gornogo i obogatitellnogo oboi:Wovaniya, Sverdlovsk, (Kine root bolting) i (Wety appliances) ~:1 f . . . N ; I !~5 I-t 5 ~: ! -1 '1" - - 9, ZASLUZIINgAj M.S. Effectiveness of seroanatmin therapy of.diphterla; experimental 'data, Zhur. mikroULol.,, epid. i immun. Q no.4:60-64 A 164. &~RA 18:4) 1. Kazanakiy moditisinskiy institut. R. Elm ZASMETA, Vitezslav, prof. inz.; KNOP, Jan, doc. CSC. y in liberated Czechoslovakia. lpea cas Twenty years of forostr. 11 no-4027-337 Ap.165. 1. Faculty of Forestry of the Higher School of Agriculture, Brno (for Zasmeta). 2. Higher School of Economica, Prague (for Knop). V. AGRICULTUM PSRIODICAL: 11 TINIK, VOL. 6, no. 2, 1959 Zasmetap V. Kabele# J. Interfration of swall forest into collective farms. P# 98# Monthly List of East European Accenjions (EEAI), LCI Vol. 8P no. 5., Ylay.1959p Unchiss. I ;!,!'AI'AvKINJUP, J. 'j3u4NIK. WWA LESINIGTVI The tasks of forestr. 11 .1 afte tir e 11th Congress, p. 255. 2raha, Gzechoslowdda; Vol. 5, No. 3, har. 1959 Ilonthly list of iast Euro~ean Accession Index (LEEAI), Library of Congress, 'Vol. 8, No. 7, JulY, 1959 Unclas MU KABELE, Jaroslav, inz.; ZASMETA. Vitezslav,,,.prof. inz. Econtmic analysis Of the state of Czechoslovak forests and the prosprict of their dovolopmont. LaR cno 10 na.120043-1070 D 164. 1. Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry and Water R83ources, Prague (for Kabele). 2. Faculty of Forestry of the Higher S;hool of Agriculture, Brno (for Zaameta). WMA, Vitezslavp prof. Iriz.; HMIUTH, Bedrich,, inz. Waluation of poplar and willov tree plantations. Los cas 10 no.U701-704 Ag'64~ 1. Faculty of Forestryp lUgher School of Agricultarep H=o (for M%smeta). 2. Kinistry of Agriculture Foreatz7 and Mater Resources Hanagements, Prague (for Hermut~l- ZASMETAp V.; VACLENAV F. U long-range plan should fDM the basis of correct planning In the forest economy." P. 329 (Los) Vol, 12, no. 7/8, July/Aug. 1956 Prague, Czechoslovakia SOt Monthly Index of East European Accessions (EEAI) LC. Vol. 7, no. 4, April 1958 ZASMSTA.Vitepslavp inz. Implementing- the -Resolution- of the .1-2th-.-Congressof --the- Co=w-nist Party of Czechoslovakia in the-field of helping forests and the economical use of wood. Drevo 18 no-5:169 UF 163a, 1. Hinisterstvo zemedelstvi, leaniho a vodniho hospodarstvi. F-ACc-Ni,- AT60005 SOURCE CODE: UR/0000o'65/000/000/03,W/0351 AUTHOR: Alekseyev, A. G.; Zasolots!TYA!, M. V. ORG: Non e P44( Some crystalline p Wkses_ p-gar ing-An _M2041201-S 102 - glas sea with 6=1 I Ap admixtures SOURCE: Vseeoyuznoye- s.oveskhani e a stekloobraznomu soatoyankT. 4th, Leningr d, 1964. stek raznoye sostoyanLye (Vitreous state); trudy soveshchanlyn, Leningrad, tzd-vo Nauka, 1965, 348-351 TOIC TAGS: silicate glass, lithium glass, solid solution, catalized crystallization, .aluminum silicate ABSTRACT:, Existing scientific literature concerning the state diagram of the LiO- .-"A1203.SiO2 system-refers to the W041203-SLO3 cut only and cannot yield information on phase transitions. The present author carried out x-ray studies of crystal glasses along the LLZO-1.16AI203402 ('11t, X-ray spectra were recorded for glasses wiLhout and with a 5% admixture of T102. Changes in the parameters of I:he elementary cell and in the density are shown in Figures I asid 2, respectively. The results show that In devitrified titanium-containing lithia-aluminooLlica glasses the oucr:tptLc series of solid solutions (0-series) begins with a et stalline phase the latt1ce and properties of which are different from those of thew _eucryptj.te. The series of solid solutions is stable within a wide range of temperatures up to a composition -Card, 1/3 L 12882-a ACC MRs AT6000TO-2 7 3122 ACC NRI _AT6000502 having approximately 62% of SiO2. -In samples with a still higher content of SLO2 at tem-p-eratures above 1660-1180C the substance goes 'aver Into the spodumene series of solid volutionse Orig. art. has: 3 figures. SUB CODE: 11, 20 / SUBH DATE: 22MAy65 I ORIG REP: 001 / OTH REF: 003 ZASONO V N.1.2 Icand teldin. nalak, red. SOBOMVA---~ Y -eA4.p -tokhno redo (Combined steam- and gaB-turbine power pl-fmts] Konbinirov=- nya paro-gazovye energoustimovki. Moskvaq G6,senergoizdat, 1962. 291 p. (Power plants) (MIFU 15:8) I.K.; IXMICT5, G.Ya.; BOGOSLAVSKILY, Ta.K.-, SHEM-K, K.A. Recon3tructian of the 1,1410 blooming M11 drives at tlt,6 Dzerzhinakii Metallurgical Plant. Stall 24 no.5*432-4.33 14Y 164.. 17iW~ 1, DroprovrRAy motallurgloheuldy Y.&vod im. Dzorrhinakogo. Translation from: Referativnyy zhurnal, Khtmiya, 1959, Hr 21, p 491 (USSR) y. Zasorln, -A.M. TITLE: SVKh Copolymers- New,Synthetic Materials PERIODICAL: Stalingr. prom-st' (Sovnarkhoz Stalingr. ekon. adm. r-na), 1958, Nr 7, pp 14 - 18 ABSTRACT: The technological system of.producing copolymers of vinyl chloride with vinylidene, chloride (latex of SVKh and dry resin of SVKh) is explaAned in a popular way. The fields of application of theae products and the prospect of developiz4g their production are briefly examined. Card 1/1 50) 06236 AUTHORS: Biushteynt A.# Atroshohenkoj V. I.p 507/64-59-6-26/20- Zasorin, A, P. TITLE: Critics and Bibliography PERIODICAL: Xhimicheskaya,promyshlennoett, 1959f Nr 6, PP 552 553 (USSR) ABSTRACT: Brushteyn reviews the-book by V. A. nevkej ff. N. Polyakov, and L. Z. Arsenlyeva iTe.khnologiya azotnykh udobreniy" (Technology of Nitrogen Fertilizers), published by Goskhimizdatj~ 11956, 287 pages. Atkoshebet&oand Zaoorin give a review of the same book; the book "Tekhnologiya azotnik udobreniy" by S. I. Vollfkovich and A# M. Dubovitakiy et al. published!,in 1935, is mentioned as being the first of this kino- in the USSR. ATROSHCHMOD VasMy Ivanovich; GIL'FORIN, losif 1111ch; ZA-S~W Anstolly Petrovich; KOMSM, Viktor Ivanovich; IMAYNTATA, Antonin& TakovIs"s; LZIRM, Agnests Dricor$yema; TASTELMWMIT, Anisim Rudollfovich; TATUMM, P.A., red,'; ZBOROZMM, V.S., ECA-Culation--m-atliods- -in--the -technology-of -combined nitrogen] Matody.-,- ras.chetov po tekhnologil. avissannogo as ot.a Foil- -obahchei- red.--Y.I-. A,troehohanko. Kharlkov, Isd-vo, Kharlkovskogo goa.univ., 1960. 302 po (Nitrogen) slo641016ooloiI201024 B022[BOOB AUTHORS., Itroshohenko, V. I., Tseytlin, Zasorin, A. P"7 ZolotarevP V. S. TITLE: The Utilization of Nitrogen Oxides~- the Waste Prom Some Processes PERIODICAL: Khimichaskaya promyshlonnostit 19601 No. It PP 80 0 79 TEXT: The problem of the utilization of nitrogen oxide waste developing during the manufacture of some products of the organic synthesis is dealt with in the paper under review. The development of a simple method for the utilization of nitrogen oxide waste in industry is desirable. The principal reactions which determine the forming of nitric acid from nitro gen oxide are mentioned and equations for the reaction rate are given* The utilization of highly concentrated nitrogen oxides permits the pro- duction of 55~ nitric acid1lin accordance with the equation of equilibrium of the secondIreactio.n .(Kp- 1) NO/pN02). The absorption takes place in a bubbling column which represents an absorber of improved type in the Caid 1/2 The Utilization of Nitrogen Oxides the 8106A16010001011201024 Waste From Some Processes B0227BOO8 given case. The high nitrogen oxide oontent in the gas permits also a simplified gas flow through the eyetem,the gas flow being obtained with the aid of a vacuum pump of the type RKK (from aoid-resisting alloys). The arrangement is given schematically (Fig.) and its characteristic values are given. The oxygen consumption for a daily production of 55% of HNO amounts to 14 M3/h in alli the dimensions of tha second cooler 1 3 are reduced to two servenths, the weight of the column to one fourth, the number of bottoms to 8, and the consumption of electric power to one fifth. There is I figure. Card:2/2 3/153/60/003/004/026/040/XX B02O/BO54 AUTHORS: Zasorin, A. P., Khalabuzarl, V. G., Pizin, Ye, I. -~*~ -MA"Wow., . , TITLE: Kinetics of Ammonia Synthesis on an Iron Catalyst With Addition of Uranium PERIODICAL: Izv eatiya vyashikh uchebnykh zavedeniy., Khimlya i khimicheskaya tekilnologiya, 1960, Vol. 3, No. 4, pp. 695 - 698 TEXT: The authors studied the effect of an addition.of a natural radio- active substance, uranium, on the catalytic activity of an industrial catalyst. They compared the catalyst with uranium addition with an In- dustrial catalyst of the type "Sit ("Bit) (2~6 K2 0 and 4% A1203) and with the catal yst of the type "ST', ("BT11) with increased Al 203 content (2% K 0 and 11-12-% Al 0 The catalyst investigated was produced by 2 2 3 sintering an industrial catalyst with uranyl nitrate UO,(NO .6 3)2 H20' the finished catalyst containing 5% of U0. 3* The investigations were Card 1/3