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ZASLAVSKIY,, V.A. flew Palaearctic spmies of Chilocorus (Coleopterap CoccineLlidao). Ent. oboz. 41 no.2:398-401 162. (KIM 15:11) 1. Zoologicheakiy institut AN SSSRI Leningrad* (Ladybirds) Z A,"j' I AV J) K I YV..~. 11, c wa nd Hyperappli icol(topturap from Ynzakhatan and Cen~ral An-a. Trudy 7culp ~hnt* l4tl~2- 154 164. Mm IF 19. R ~-, 4i Vil V 4 -f t, V. A. ~sl Zoo]. Inat. 34:1,72-1'7f*l 01-0.1m. pop -.7vv 1~1 14, GMI YON Yu. Z .Z k--, LA VO 7, --,L V. GI Uil~'H EMKO A.' Some probUms of expediency in the preparation of polio- myelitis vaccine. Trudy Moak. nauch.-issl. inst. virus. prep. 2:107-110 161. (MIPA '17: 1) LEVMMUK2 T.Sq,,~ASLAVSMp VA.; MAPICBENKO, A. T. Criterion of the proper introduction of test vaccines into the aptnal-cord of monkeys. Trudy,Mosk. vaudha-leal. inat. virus* prop, 2064-369 1611 (MIRA 171l) ZASLANSW., V.G.; AMCMIKOVAO A.M. Cytochemical Stud7 of ewe enzymes and protein Wo2 groups in the cells of tissue cultures inoculated with the polio- rye2itis virus. TrudyMosk. nauch,-ioal, inBt, virutialrep. 2: 323-329 161. (MIRA r1: i, Emma' ZASLAVSKY. V.G. Cytological and cytochemical investigations of nonkey kidney call cultures. Acta virol. Ingl. 14., Praha 4 no.2:124-127 Mr 160 1. Scientific Research Institute of Anti-polioc7elitis Preparations and the Tarasevich State Control Institute of Medical Biological Preparations, Moscow. (TISSUE CULTURN) (Xllffzys) ZASIAVSKIY, V.G.p AMORENKOVAY A.M. Cytochemical. study of the activity of succinic dehydrogenase in explanteex calls. Blul.ekwp. b1ol. I mod. 51 no.1:9.1-91+ Ja 161. (MIRA 1/05) l.'Iz mcrfologicheskoy laboratorii ( S.Ya.Zalkind) i laboratorii patogistologii (zav. - prof. Ya.Y.e.Khesin) Moskav- skogo nauchno-issledovatellskogo instituta preparatov protiv poliomiyelita (dir. O.G,Andzhaparidze). Predstav2ena akddemikom V.11.Chernigovakim. (TISSUE CULTun) (SUGGINIC, DEHYDROGENASE) -ZASUVSKIY-~:VsG.---------- Comparative dy-tochemical study of the activity t~f succinic dehydro- genase and alkaline phosphatase in the cells of primary and transplanted tissue cultures. Biul. eksp. biol. i med. no.2; 107-110 F 161. TA V, SO 1. Iz morfologicheskoy laboratorti (zav. Prof. S.Ya.Zalkind) 14oskovskogo nauchno-issledovatellskogo institute, preFaratov protiv poliomiyelita (dir. - dotsent O.G.Andzhaparidze). Predstavlem deystvitellnym chlenom MIN SSSR V.V.Parinym. (SUCCINIC DEIIMROGMIASE) (PROSPHATASE) .(TISSUE CULTURE) AGOL, V.I.; ZASLAYSKIYj V.G. Effect of normal human sera on metabolism in the eel-Is of Ehrlichs ascites carcinoma., Biokhimiia 27 no.4:583-588 Jl-A 162. IMIRA 15: 11) 1. Institute of Poliomyelitis and Viral Ensephalitides of the Academy of Medical Sciences of the U.S.S.R., Moscow. (CANCER RESEARCH) (CELL METABOLISM) (SERUM) ZALKIND, S,Ya,; ZASLAVSKIYI V.G. Adaptation of cells to conditions of cultivation In vitro. ISitologiia 5 no.5019-529 S-0 1620 (MnU 1895) 1.1aboratorlya virusnoy tsitopatologii Moskovakogo naucbno- iseledovatellskogo Instituta virusnykh preparatov, Moakva. INME - .. ~ - 59RLmz,vlA%A ~ I .! - - I r.. I . * :I "Cytochemical Study of the Activity of Certain Enzymes in the Cells of Primary and Transpaltned Epithelial Tissue Cultures." report submitted for,the First Conference on the preblems of Cyto and Histochemistry, Moscow, 19-21 Dee 1960. Laboratory of Virus Cytopathology of-the Soientific Research Institute of Virus Preparationso Moscow. IL PI VIR, I.Ye.; POGOSYANTS, Te.Ye.; ZASLkVSKIT,.V.G. Effect of ultrasonic.vares on the milk factor. Top.onk. I no.2:42-44 '55. (MLRA 8:10) 1. Ix laboratorii okeparimentallnoy onkologii (sav. chl.korr. RW SSSR prof. L.M.Shabad) Akademii meditainakikh nauk SSSR) (ULTRALSONICS. offficte. on milk factor) (NEOPLASMS, experimental, milk factor, off. of ultrasonics) (BREAST. neoplasms. milk factor, eff. of ultraeonice) PIER 3Y -h -VOLOBAINS4 -, Sergey-Davidovic .-kand. tokhn* naukj KUDRYAVTSEV, Mikhail, Vasil lyevich;, ~ kand. tekhn. nauki dots.; STEPZOV,' Vladimir Nikolayevich.. prof.; KOLESOV, D.S., inzh., retsenzent; RYSHKOVS107, I.Ya., kand. tekbn. nauk, retsenzent; NECHAYEV, 1479A. #Aiinda, teklms nauk$. retsonzent; ZUUYSM-. Vj retsenzen.k.; ZUBC101KO, VS. inzh,, red.; MMM- EVA, M.A., tekhn. red, [Electrical networks and power systems]Eloktrichoskie ueti i energosisteNy. Moskva, Transzheldorizdat,, 1962. 313 P (Electric lines.) (MIM i5 10) (Electric Power diotribution) AP6021482 INVENTOR: Zaalavskiy, V.-.I.-- ORG., None I TITLE: A free piston engine cycle controller. Class 46, No. 182441 SOURCE: Izobreteniyal promyshlennirye obraztsy, tovarnyye znaki, no. il, 1966, 111-112 TOPIC TAGS: piston engine, engine control system ABSTRACT: This Author's Certificate introduces: 'l. A free piston engine cycle con- troller containing a mechanism for steady variation of piston group cycles, Design is simplified and better control is achieved by making the mechanism in the form of a telescoping unit composed of two tubes, one located in the cylinder head and the other inthe piston. The second tube:supplies the piston with. a fluid such as mercur-t for varying piston mass during engine operation. 2. A modification of this unit incorpora- ting a filler (a. g. plastic) 31n the internal areas of the piston. This filler has helical channesl which are filled by the vorking fluid. 3. A modification of this do- vice equipped with an automatic valve in the piston for maintaining overpressure in the piston cavity. Card 1/2 mc; 621.43-543.3 01:!, ".N R L AP602 1482 M AM ------------ 2,-intelescoping section in the cylinder head; 2-telescoping section-in the piston; 3-filler; 4-helical channels; 5-automatic valve SUB CODE., 21,ja/, Sum DATE... o%r65 Card 2/2 Using ultrasonic equipment in cutting*optical parts. Opt.-makh.prow. 25 no.5:1-5 My 158. (XIIIAn-.95 (Ultras onic waves-Industrial applications) ZaiAVSLOU. V6;' lzraillyovic KORSAKOV,, Alekaundr Pavlovichj UN-y-a-i-My, Yefim Abramov-1ch; BRYANTSEVA, V,P., inzb,p ved, red.; HARKOV, A.I., kand. tekhn. naukred.; PONOMAREVtS.A., tekhn. red. CUZG-:! ultrasonic equipment for made of hard materials]Ulltrazvukovaia ustanovka UZG-2 dlia obrabotki do- talei iz tverdykh materialov. Moskva ' Filial nauchn. i tekhn.informateli, 1958. 15 p. (Peredovoi nauchno- tekhnicheskil i proizvodstvennyi opyt. Tema 8. No.M-58-267/4) (MIRA 160) (Ultrasonic metal cutting) SHAROVI S.K. (Chelyabinsk, ul. TSvillinga., d,43s kv,.l) I ZASLA.V3Kj-.Y, Y.K. Azygography. Grud. khir. 6 no.ls6l-68 Ja-F 164. (MIRA i8jil) 1. Otdolaniye grudnoy Wrurgii (zav. - dotsent G.L. Ratner) fakulltetakoy Airurgicheskoy kliniki (ze,-. - prof'. I.D. Kmwo VAl 1 "4 V^u) 4 mnA 4 V~* o"4 + a"" own -1k a 4 1 tn M, ol 1 4 1e T. r. -",Mm RAVER, G. L. (Chelyabinsk, prosp. Lenina, d. 61, kv. 31);. ZASLAVSKIY V. X. Intubation of the esophagus In inoperable tumors; report No. 2, Grud. khir. 4 no.3:55-58 MY-Je 162. (MIRA 15:7) 1 Iz otdeleniya gminay khirurgii (zav..- dotsent G. L. Ratner) ~iiniki fakulftetskay khiruraii (zav. - prof. I. D. Korabell- nikov) Chelyabinskog,c) meditsinskogo instituta (dir. - dotsent P. M. Tarasov) (ESOPHAGUS-iJANCER) (ESOPHAGUS-IIMBATION) 7-A5 L~ V5t~rl Y Yot 107-57-5-39/63 AUIHOR: Zaslavskiy, Ya. (Moscow) TITLE: A o oresistor-Type Relay. (Rele na.fotoooprotivlenil) ~PERIODICAL: Radio, 1957, Nr 59 p 35 (USS.Rj AW.rRACT: A short description of a relay circuit designed with one type 6S2S tube is offered. A bridge circuit v4iose one am includes type FS-1a photoresistor is connected to the grid of the tube. An electromagnetic final relay In In the anode circuit. Supply: 127/220 v a.c. via a power transformer. There is one circuit diagram, VAILABLE: Library of Congress A ZASLILVSKIY. Ya., (Roskva,). Relay based on a photoresistor. Radio no.~;35 KY 157.(W-U 10:6) (RlectrIo relaym; -ZASTAV5KIY#-U.-(HoScow) Testing the insulation of transitional capacities. Radio no-3: 60 Hr 134. (HLRA 7:3) (Condensers (Blectricity)) VEDENKIN, D4P.-p Inzh., red.; *S~tXSKIY,,Je~,T., inzh., red.; KOVALISM, L.Ya., inzh.: VOYTIOV", V,P.y Jnzh.j IPLIFJIOV~ i UDAYIN) X*A*.? rod.; SHE S.N., inzh.p red.; NE rpd. [Price list for the as.-embly of equipment] TSenriik na Montazh oborudovaniia. Moskva, Stroiizdat. No.U. 1965. 104 P. 1. Russia (1923- U.S.S.R.) Gosudarstvennyy komitet po de- lam stroitellstva. 2. Gosstroy SSSR (for Vedenkin). 3. Nauchno-issledovatelInkiy Institut ekonomiki stroitell- '(for Zaslavokly, Kovallskiy, stva Gosstroya.SSSR Voytova). 4. Proyektno-konstmkLorokoye byuro No.12 Glavmontazhavto.- matiki (for Neudakin). 5. Vaesuyuzwjy bank fin-ansirovaniya kapitaltnykh vlozheniy.SSSR (for Shelikhov). LMO, I., inzh.; ZASUNSKIYO re., arkh-f- Homing construction carried out b7 White Russian enterprises# Zhil,stroi. no.7:8-9 158o (HIILI 12t6) (Iffilte Ausin-Apartment houses) 7 A I-LAVSKIY IYofim Grigorlyovich, FORTNOYj Vladimir Ivankovich, "A' ' XOShEVGY ~ VladWr Ivanovich zh.; DUBROVSKIY, n .; , in 'Vladim-ir Zakharovich a ., inzh.; KESIL51M, A.P.,' inzh., .retsenzent; STRrLIIIIKGV,, S.V.~ inzh., retsenzent; EELINIKOV, Me., red. (Repair of TE10 diesel locomotivoo in tho roundhouse] Re- mont teplovozov.TE:10 v depo. Yoskva, Transport, 1965. 90 P. (MIRA 18:2) .1. Kharikovskiy teplovozostroiteVrjyy zavod imeni V.A.Malysheva (for Zaslavskiy, Portnoy, Koshevoyp Dubrovskiy). ARTIZANOV, Ye.A.$ inzh.,- D0101AN, Yu.1., inzho;- Z'Ls~'' ~Yyo ~G inzb.; K.USHIMR, B.I., inzh..,- PLUTSNER-SAW10, U.N.., inzh.; a!OWY;11INOV, A.Ye., inzh.; SPIVAK, Ya.L., inzh.; STRUNCE, B.No. inzh.0 EPSTUEYN, A.S.p inzh,; SAZONOVp A.G.p inzh., red.; USENKOp L.A.p tekhn. red. (Tho;TE.10 dionol freight locomotive] Gruzovoi teplovoz TE10. Moskva, Trannholdarizdat, 1962. 1?1 p. (MIRA l5t1O) (Diecal locomotivea) KOSHEVOY, V L, konstruktor; DUBROVSKIY, V.Z., konstruktor; ZASLAVSKIY, Ye,.Gal kon;truktor Recommndations on the operation of TEIO and TEP10 diesel loccmotives. Elek. i tepl.tiaga 7 no.1103-35 N 163. (MIRA 17s,2) 1. Khartkovskiy zavod transportnogo mashinortroyeniya. 9w9mcHmm rumm WIN I W.MdWammmm ;L2-0 3L- EVIT (d) EM U)IEM "--uPW/T-2_1 viv L _kO k/ Q I AM HR i 06W25115 SGUME GOM JUTHORSI Z4zj&vskiy#. Us. Gel ?ortnoy, Wo L t none UR/0286/65/000/023/bOl69/0070 a -c dbustiory 0 ineqi- ~AdWr in __f ii ~-cor SOMEs Byulleten' izobreteniyItovarnfth znakov, no* 2), 19651 69-70 TOPIC TAQSt engine starter eystenn, internal combustion engine component ABSTRAM Th" Author Certificate presents a device for starting inkqgnal oombustion angines.pThe device contains a storage battery, an electric motor -Flased as a startarp and an actatating unit consisting of a eyst'am of relays and con-tactse ThU eyotem connects tfta fuel and oil pump motors t-o the storage bettery and zubaWiantly awitohes the alrictalo motor into the gonerator mode (see Fig. 1). To increase the relUbility of startingj, ope of the coils of a double- .,oil relay Is co=eoted in the wtuating unit circuit. This coil locks with the itctivation of the second coil. of We relay as a reGult of the activation of the 434473- Fig, 1, 1 storage batteryl 2 - electrio motor; 3 - actuAtt-ins wdt; h - fuel pw* motorl 5 - oil pump motor; 6 - doub2*- coJI relayl 7 - W2 preemwe relayl a - looking coil; b - ualockiag co.4.2, VYAZOVSAYA, T.M.; ATROSHC1041:0, F.A.;. ZASLAVSKIY.,-.Ye.,I,R; ZAYTOV, M.A. Establishing standarchi for the number of cutting bite used* Nauch. trudy KNIJI nol3t351-356 164 (MIRA 18o1) 06179 3~a (5p 7) SOV/115-59-11-7/36 AUTHOR: Zaslavskiy, Ye.Ye. TITLE. Improving Met hods of Checking WeighbrAdg ea, PERIODICAL: lzmeritellnaya tekhnika 19599 TIr 11, p 24 9 ABSTRACT: The existing methods of checking weighbridges at blast furnace departments of metallurgical plants do not provide a reliable accuracyq since the weighbridges are not evenly loaded with reference weights. In addition these methods are very time consuming. For this reason, the author recommends a simpler, but more reliable check- ing method, which has been successfully used for two years. Double-T beams are used with winches at their ends for lifting the reference weights. The beams are inotalled on the knife edges of the weighbridge and the 500 kg reference weight are lifted by the winches, as shov.,n in a diagram. A note from.the editor says that the ratios of the lever arms must be strictly maintai- ned, thus an identical loads acts on all arms. There Card 1/11 is 1 diagram. i-~ k Kum" 1AIL! lug, 191 AL-Meft, SOV/115- 59-i-2-11/38 9(6) AUTHOR: Zaslavskiyj Ye.Ye. TITLE: -Simplified Calculations When Checking Analytical-Scales (Uproshcheniyd raschetov pri poverke analiticheskikh Vesov) PERIODICAL: Izmeriteltnaya tekhnika, 1959,, Nr 2, p 22 (USSR) ABSTRACT: The author gives the usual formula for checking anal- -ytical scales, then presents a simplified-computational formula-,-which results in greater accuracy of checking, as it avoids the need for expressing intermediate cal- culations in round figures. There are 2 formulae. Card 1/1 GROSIIIKOVp Nikolay1oDifavicbp Inzb,;-.Z&SLAVSKIY Yuriy L'yovichp inzh.; GORBMIKO,, Vikolay loolfovich, In"2-h. tekhn. naukp dotsent,, reteenzent; MUM, V.Ya.p kaM. tekhn. vaukp red.j HOROZOVA, P.B., red. izd-vaj ROZHINI V.P., tekhn, red. (Preparing and stamp:b3g operations in the manufacture of airplanes] Zagotovitel'no-nhtiwpovocbnye raboty v samoletostroonii. Moskvap Goo. nauchno-tekhn. izd-vo Oborongiz, 1961. 555 (MIRA 14:10) (Sheet-metal work) (Airplane indu3try~, PHASE i Bom EnwITATION SOV/5902 urodd~"2 Aleksandr Ivanovichp Yurly L'vovich Zaslavskiyp and Nikolay Iosifovich Gorbenko Zagotovitel'no-shtampovoohnyye rab~ty v swoletostroyenii (Pressworking Process6s in Aircraft Fabrication) Moscowq Oborongizq 1961. 555 P. Errata slip in- serted. 5000 copies printed. Revievers M. Y..Gorbunov.. Candidate of Tochnical Sciencest Docent; Eds V. Ya. Shekhters,-Candidate of Technical Sciences; Ed. of Publishing House: P. B. Morozova; Tech. Ed,s V. P. Rozhin; Managing Ed.t S. D. Krasilinikov., Engineer. i'URPOSEs This textbook is intended for students in airor~Xt-construation tekh- nikums. It can also be useful to workerep foremeng and proo'ess engineers in aircraft fabrication. COVERAGE2 Basic information ia given on pressworking processes used on aircraftp incluAing methods of planning the manufacturing processes and the design of Card 1/4 PreHaworking Processes (Cont.) SOV/5902 accessories for shops making prensworked. parts. The equipment, accessories.# and processes used in making aircraft parts from she~tp'shapes2 and tube are described. -Also discussed are the means for mechanization and automation of pressworking processes.. particularly manual finishing operations, which account for to 30 to 60% of the labor in all pressworking operations in ex- perimental ard small-lot production. Ch. I to III were written by 11. 1. Gorbankov Engineer; Ch. IV to VI1,, n., X111, and XVI, by A. I. Groahikov.. Engineer; and Ch. VIII to 1, X119KV,wd XVI by-Ya. L. Zaslavskiyp Engineer. 'There are 26 references, a_U Soviet. TABLE OF CONTMITS (Abridgedli Foreword 3 Ch. 1. Basic Information on Preparation of Airoraft Production 5 Production and processing 5 Types of production 6 Engineering Preparation of production 6 Planning or manufacturing processes 7 Card 2/8 i, 7-*0 t*114 FT lk=~ in ft* od dumm. N. V. "r- Lab. 15, 400-100949b-P9 -WaW by s k,;=,dfjt-I (c"4bwA at paper types). - ft,we"m Of - -t is bmt ddd. bY SAW49 04 COW filta- 5WW17f,.ZA)O OW -10 MW Y 676* 14 a to MO* om 3-4 Ism, fodmr4 brf 6 ILI 3, w Fe mvtodausHy. The oil 00i muM*. Analyze 'be a-sh Ic 00 Ult 691-5, durki the ini" b1z'tall " de=tcd 'nt* A 14 h,wavlawmecls,orclsem extu, mglvAb Is iddlOmlory too #0 ZOO 4Z*$ A* Igoe ZOO -00 't 14AINJ it c"I oat 411411941 ii-A, *I u III if to is: I All A 11 49 it a KO A 114 '4 fW a X V 1W 'j a 4- V 00 1*` 0*1 140 so * 1 0,0 0 0 4j 0 0 0 00 * 000 0 0 0 0 000 00 00 a 0000 00000000 WLAV.=Yp Yu. S. "Test Stand Method of Investigating the DeterioraLion of Automobile Motor --~,Oils in Carburat-or- Engines with fine-grained Oil Cleaners",, p24., "Test Stand IMethod for Investigating Sediment Formation in Oil Under Low Engine Operating emperatureslt, p 43, both in the Monograph "Investigation and Use of Petroleum Products"s edited by N. G. Fuchkov "'ostoptekhizdat, Moscow-Leningrad, 1950. ZASL&VSKIY, Yu. S., Engineer "Hethod of Stand Teats of Autotractor Oils for Tendency to Precipitation During Reduced (~oeratinp, Temperatures of tho Xnglno," Sub 19 Oct 51, Moscow Inst of Meabanization and Xlectrification of Agriculture imeni V. M. Molotov Dissertations presented for science and enginnorine degrees in Moscow during 1931. SO: Sum. No. 480, 9 May 55 vy 41 i KREYNY S.R.; ZASLAVSKIY Yu.6 1 VOINOVO N.P.; LIVOVA,, L.A., ved. red.;~~:~~~ekhn. red. (Lubricant-and the ehgine] Smazoohnoe maslo I dvigatelf. Mo- ok". Gostoptekhizdat, 1952. 198 p. (MIRA 16%7) (Internal comtustion engines-Lubricalion) ILI u SSR 13 bl apron of onol", 9~ ~, -j-- 012 - P WK! tact -413 tcd 4wtivr Cidjer by md Tho ME _26 USSRAngineering FD Card V2 Authors' Zaslavskiy, Yu. S., Shor, G.-L., Lebedeva, F. B. Title Accuracy of testing engines for wear by the radioactive-indicator method Periodical Iz. Ak. Nauk SSSR, OMpaj 54-6oj Jan 1954 Abstract Gives method and results of experimental study of accuracy of "A a t ing engine fnr wear by the radioactive-indicator method. Compares results obta'ined by simultaneous testing of the piston ring of single-cylinder engine L-3/2 for wear by the folloving.methods: radioactive indicators, weight of piston ring, holes stamped in ring, and Qon in oil. Four references: 2 U.S.S.R.; all 1953. Graphs, tabloot Institution Submitted December 23,1993, Presented by Academician V. I. Dikushin. USSR/Chemical Technology ChemAcal Products and Their Application. Natural Gases and Petroleum. Motor Fuels. 1-13 Abst Journali. Referat-Zhur - Xhimiya, No 19, 1956, 62618 Authon Zaelavokiy, Tu. B.- Inatitutiont None Treatment of Lubricants, Title: Investigation of the Wear-Inhibiting Properties of Oils and Fuels by Means of-Radioactive Isotopes - Original ~Periodical: Sessiya AN SSSR po mirnomu. ispollzovaniyu atom. energii, 1955, Zasedaniya otd. tekhn. n. M., Izd-vo AN SSSR, 1955) 115-139; English resume Abstractt By means of radioact:Lve.isotopes an investigation was made of the wear inhibiting properties of motor oils, a study was made of the ,mechanism of actidn of anticorrosion additives and an evaluation was made of the protecti7e action of the film formed by the additive on the metal. The investigation van conducted on a single cylinder, Card 1/3 USSR/Chemical Technology - Chamical'Productis and Their Application. Treatmentof Natural Gases anti Petroleum. Motor Funla. Lubricants, 1-13 Abst Journal:, Referat'Zhur - Xhimiya, No.19, 1956, 62618 Abstract: 4 cycle) carburetor engine in which, the top piston ring was either activated by Irradi&bion with ne9trono to ke39 or ime van made cKt rings activated by Loserts of.Znt)5. On the basis of preliminary re- searches the followL3g operating conditions of the engine were chosent n 20000 RPMj M, 1.12 Kgm and temperature of cooling wwter 200. Under these condfflione rate of wear of the ring was: with AS-5 oil 1 mg/hour; AS-5 + 3% HAKS 0-501 su o.61 and SU + 2% addi- tive "A" = 0.30. Study of the mechanism of the action of anticor- rosion additives was.conducted by meane.of the apparatus of Pinke- vich using radioactive tracers at 90, llop 140, 170, 200 and 220) with plates-made from lead, red copper, lead-containing copper and Ost.3" brand of steel. Use was made of MK-22 oil with 0.5% added 11sulfurized oil" 035) or with 0.5% tributyl phosphite (P32). The data thus obtained indicate that formation of a film as a result of chemical interaction of 8 and P with the metal takoo place differ- ently with different combinations of metal and additive: S interacts most intensively with Cu and P with Fb. With "at.3" sulfur reacts Card 2/3 USSR/Chemical Technology Chemical Products and Their Application. Treatment of Natural Gases and Petroleum. Motor Fuels. Lubricants,, 1-13 AbBt Journal: Referat Zhur - M:Limiya,, No 19, 1956) 62618 Abstract: very slightly at >1100j on the other hand interaction of P with at-V occurs more intensively at lower temperatures. The amount of the film increases at first and then becomes stabilized, and its absolute amount In then different with different metala. Temperature of the oil affects the kinetics of film formation an well as the amount of film formed on the metal. Thus rate of film formation with triphenyl phosphite increases sharply with tempera- ture while the maximum amount of the film decreases. With increase in concentration of additive in the oil the amount of the film formed increases. Determination of radioactivity of removed microlayers of metal shaved a penetratior,of S into the metal; depth-of penetration band amount of penetrated S depending.on the nature of the metal. Experiments were also carried out with irradiated steel and cast iron platen using HK-;22 and MT-16 oil. Maximal corrosion occurs at 1700. Inclusion o;r an effective additive decreases sharply corronion of the metal. A doscription is given of the procedures used in work- ing with radioactive isotopes. Card 3/3 N W" MMM BE Y("j --- --- all- - hy ing tr 4 ograp Card 1/1 Pub. 41-3/21 Author : Zaslavskiy) Yu. S. and Shor, G. I., Moscow Title : Quantitative determination of machine parts wear by the radio- active tracer method Periodical Izv. M) SSSR) Otd. Tekh. Nauk 4, 43-52, Apr 1955 Abstract Describes two methods developed by the All Union Scientific Re- search Institute of Petroleum for the quantitative determination of the wear of friction surfaces in machines. One method con- sists of the removal of oil specimens from the machine, the measurement of their radioactivity, and their reinsertion back into the machine. In the other method a meter is inserted into the oil circuit of the machine. Presents a description of a meter for the automatic, continuous registration of radioac- tivity in the circulating oil. Developes a method for the rapid evaluation of fuel and lubricant quality on engine wear. Graphs, tables, diagrams of equipment. Fifteen references, 6 USSR. Institution Submitted December 12, 1954 ---7770[ v R/ chemi F;tr-,,r r, t i t ut )t C-r!g~ nee ;i~va ntages of t est sLanc rarm:-r-ig-Ir, Submitted akiy and 0. 1. Shor, Moscow, Gostoptekhizdat, l956-,IU-pTj from -d-'_Aandar4-LIr&Td---6f* the USSR State Libravy imeni V. I. Lenin, No Problems of utilizing the achievements of nuclear physics in the &re follows: explorat.ion,.pirospecting, And,development of petroleum fields; procesoingp transport, storage'. and .iproperties of petroleum products. Liat. of references follows each aec- Alon-of-the-book. --Written- for engineerina-and- -techaical-vorkera-In- all -ImanIche C! - otI-the. pet-roleum-Industry and-readers.-intereated-.-in peaceful Usea,of atomic energy." (U) 77- 1~5 1- 4 t/5 USSR/Chemical Technology. Chemical Products and Their Application -- Treatment of natural gases and petroleum# Motor fuels. Lubricants, 1-13 Abst Journal: Referat Zhur - Xhimiya, No 2, 1 957, 5590 Authors ZaslavBkiy, Yu. S., Shneyerova, R,W., Shor, G. 1. Institution: 47MW-' Titles Radlochemical Method for the lavestigation of the Stability of Solu- tions of Additives in Lubricant 0116 Original Publicat.ion; Zavod. laboratoriya, 1956, No 4, 417-418 Abstract$ Description of the procedure of determining the stability of solu- tione of oil additives, by. the use of radioactive Isotopes emitting b eta -radiation. According to the procedure that has been developed, an investigation was made of the effect of addition of water on the stability of a solution of the additIve AzHII-4 in various oiln. In the prtoence of 20% water in the oil the stability of the aolution of the additive is decreased. Card 1/1 VINOGRHOTV GOV*, )CUSAMVP M.M.; SANIM, P.I.; ZASLAVSKIT, Tu.S.; RAZUMUVSXAYA, E.A,; UL'YAMOVA, A.T,; RTABOTA, D#V. Use of radioactive Indicators in studying the action of organic thiophosphoric additives In oils. Xhim.i tekho Je '56, (KRA 9:9) i.Institut nefti AN SSSRO (Oils) (Radioactive tracars-Industrial applications) Co i" 4 I MTAVS yu~, S~ "Presnet and Possible Future Utilization of Radioactive Isotopes in Petroleum Refining, as Well as in the Transportation and Storage of Crude Petroleum and Petroleum Products," Utilization of Radioactive Isotopes & Emanations in the Petroleum Industry (Sym-p-o-s-lu-m7-,14in. Petroleum Industry USSR, 1957- Results of the Joint Session of the Technical Council of 14in. of the Petroleum Industry USSR.and Soviet Sci. and Technical Association, moscow 14-19 Mar 1956. _gA�_LAYjUXJA.J,.rAdaktor; Z1M11OT,1.X,.rodaktor; Pn'KOV. ff.A.radaktor; SMRODOLISXIY, D.14,,'isdaktor; MRMOTA, R.P.,vedwbchiy rad4sktor; ~MTNA, lJoJokhnichookly rodaktor IT" uMe.of radioactive isotopes and radiation in the petroleum industry; proceedings of an All-Wot conference] Primen6nie rAdioaktivnykh ikotopov i izluchenii,V neftianoi promyshlennosti; trudy Veasoiumogo soveshchftniia. Weiva, Goo. rLauchno-takhn. iad-vo-nefti i gorno-topliinol lit-ry' 1957. 23!? p.(ML17A 10:5) (Radloiaotopes-wIndustrial applications (Petroleum engineering) T M Elm MI ad F.M.." F.Wt"' Study and Use of Petroleum Products, Moscow,, Gostoptekhlzdat.. 1957, 213pp Serov, A.V. The Basirs for Methods of Short-torm Toots for Evaluating the Wear-resistant Properties of Diesel Oils 46 In this article the author cites methods ofevaluating wear-resistant properties of diesel oils on:the basis of several considerations which are discussed at length- It is stated that determination of motor wear according to the amount of iron dissolved in the'lubricating oil is quite possible. It is concluded that the basic factors determining the rate of motor wear are the rotational speed of the crankshaft, motor load, and temperature, although the influence of the latter is apparently less noticeable in diesels than in carburetor motors. There are 7 figures, 4 tables.and,7 Soviet references. II. XMSTIGATION-OF PETROLEUM PRODUCTS 9~~avmkxy_"___Yuk~ 3.1 Shor,, 04',1 j Xirillov,, I.G.; Lebedeva.,, F.B.,; Yevstigneyev, Ye. V.; Efud Zlo;in, O.A. The Application of Card This collection of articles gives results of soi. roe. vork of AU-Mion Sci. Roe. Inst.'for 06 Processing of Patrojem and Gas fcw Z~oduotjan of Synthetic Liquid Fuel. Study and Use of Petroleum Products 917 Radioactive Indicators (Tigged Atoms) in the Investigation of Wear-resistant'Properties of Lubricating Oils 58 The purpose of this investigation was to establish a rapid method of evaluating wear-resistant properties of, lubricating oils by the use of radioactive.isoto a. A moto r part was exposed to an isotope, eogo., Coo 98., and wear was measured by measuring the radiation intensity of the lubricating oil with a-counter tube. A structural scheme is given for an automatic apparatus,which will continuously record the radioactivity of circulating oil (thereby making "visible" the wear on components as it fluctuates with changing test conditions). There are 17 figures, 6 tables and 32 references, of which 11 are Soviet and 21 English. Zaslavokly, Yu. S.- Kreyn S.E.; Shneyerova, R.N.; and Shor, _d --EF 1 ve ioc -mica In stigation of the Action of Oil Additives 85 Card 49!!i~r ;a i-~~Vl M. j437i4TIM -,t 111 M-4 M-M 1, 71 ~71_1111~P-V,:.~S__ Study and Use of Petroleum Products 917 This investigation concerned the capacity of additives to demonstrate an,inhibiting action on oil during the operative process (ioia.,to ensure an antioxidizing effect)., orthe capacity to prevent the catalytic influence of surface metal on the oxidation of oil. It was found that the protective coating, once having formed, later begins to decompose and-erode., and is eventually washed off the metal surface completely; retardation of corrosion, therefore, is most effective during the brmation of the protective coating. Engineers A.I. Kuznetsova, I.A. Morozova; Technicians M.B. Koziyenko, N.M. Avde-yeva.,; and laboratory assistants P.I. Shishova and N.V. Dmitriyeva'participated in thd work. There are 16 figures, 1 table..,and 14 refere.nees,'of which 12 are Soviet and 2 English. Zaslavskiy, Yu. S.; Shneyerova, R.N.; Shor, G.I.; and Kuznetsova, A.I. Radiochemical Investigation of the Stability of Solutions of Additives in Oils 107 This investigation was mM6 because of need for additives that will not Card JNW P"Obitats from oil w2der influence of various factors. V3 USSR/Chemical Technoiogy - Chemical Products and Their 1-6 Application. Treatment of Natural Gases and PetroleLm. Motor and Jet Fuels. Lubricants. Abs Jour Ref Zhur - Xhimiya, No 1, 1958, 2514 Author Zaslavakiy) YU.S. I-nst Title Present State and Prospects of the Utilization of Radioac- tive Isotopes in Processing, Transportation, Storage and Use of Petroleum and Petroleum Products. Crig Pub Sb.: Primeneniye radioaktivnykh izotopov i izlucheniy v neft. prom-sti. M., Gostoptekhizdat, 1957, 84-99 Abatract A review# Bibliography 13 raferonoon. Card 1/1 E -:;L-, ZASL SHOR, G.I.; KIRIIJDV, I.G.; IMEDEVA, F.D.,- YZVSTIG W, .4XkXj YeJ.; ZLOBIN, O.A. Using radioactive tracers (tagged atoms) for studying wear properties of lubricants. Trudy VNII NP no.6-58-84 157. (MIRA 10:10) (Lubrication and lubricants) (Radioactive tracers) TIM E'T I P-M-11 -R, ~~Z, ONE ZAStAVSXIY-,--Y-a S..-KUYN-S.Z SMYIMOVA-V Radiochemidal study of the mechanism of action of additives for oils. Trudy VNII NP 'no.6:85-106 '57. (MIRA 10:10) (Lubrication and lubricants) (Corrosion and anticorrosives) ZAS~~Y~Kly,-U,S.; SHttMOVA~-R-.N-----SHOR-G-.I.--,--KUZMSOVA-A-.I.- Hadiochemical analysis of the stability of additives in oil. Trudy VNII NP no.6.-107-116 157. OIIRA 10:10) (Lubrication and lubricants) (Radioactive tracers) USLAVSKIYO Yu.S.; SHOR, G.I. - - - - - -..... Radlochanical investigation of 'the action of.additires for redreivC corroeive-wear In motor cylinders and pistons. KUm. I takh. topl. I. meel no.9:41-49 S 157. (ULRA, lOzll) 1. Vassoyuznyy nauchno-isoledovatellakiy institut po pererabotke nefti I gaza I poluchaniyu.takusetvennogo zhidkogo topliva. (Corrosionand anticorrosives) (Radiochomistry) (Labrication and lubricants) - ---------- AMMOKIM107o A.A~ ZASLILVEKIYI Th, S. TAWINO A.A. KWIL&TVO- A -090; WIN$ V.P. Goutrolling consecutivs pmmping of petroleum und petroleum products through pipelinea by use of gamma-dansitometer. Naft. khoz. 35 U0.12: 60-61:D 1574- (KM lIt2) (P~troleum-Trausportation) (Umma rave-Indiistrial applioation) Yu.S., kand. tekhn. nauk; MY11, S.H., doktor takhn. nauk, Wioactive isotopes in the on industry. Priroda 46 no.8:35-" P9 f,57. (KLRA 10tg) 1. V9e9oyuznyy nauchno-looledovatellakly.tnstltut po perarabotka nefti i gata i poluchaniyu iskustyennogo ihidkogo topliva, Kookya, "(Petroleum industry) (Radioisoto~e#--Induetrial applications) LZ .)-SHOR) --G. and-SHRETEROV4 R. "Researches Into the Mechanism of Protection of Friction Surfaces from Corrosive Wear." paper to be presented at 2nd UK Intl. Conf. on the peaceful uses of Atomic Energyp Geneva) 1 13 Sep 58. -HII vI I P4 61 'Jag- 5 "Ito g J1 14 64.15 ;4"0n so* q 0 12 1 1 0 .1 0. 9.4 9 -0. 95 r. . . . V. 3. S Z -Jknz.:j t.. 3]J--4 1 A ~- -0 of J3 go o.. ,al 1 5 ?K 940 Ia 04 A h Pill 0 0 i 51-4-v 05 0 4.104 9. "t-V 2 15 . .. 1'. ;.ZIA "n 5. g- Ml 1 13 4 '0 A 0 . O" go :3 0 1 cv 14 .403 cm C4 m m 66 oq c 41, 0 but- 00 ". 1 *~4 .I . It 13 .4 aw 4 L IS I H Z - 8 ~a - I 00 2 1 "0 'd Ho. 00 .0 o .0 to -.1 Vt 9.4 uu 0 r 6 A-A U 0 :01 A Oi M& c3c A.~ w ~o 04 0 o oil"a V. 4. c -a .a L. I dc 0. "C V. -9 067 cc~ " . '� 04 0 00 a 01 -V a Ig 132 ". ..S- C 0 c -3 0a 00 no 0 V a a 0 ca 10 11, 6.11 ~ u ~ i k 4 0 AN, r4 WO 10 96 H .0 too -g V 9-03 PI ZASJAVSKI'f, Tu.S. Present state of knowledge-of the application of radioisotopes cmd, in radioactivity proce8ming-petroleum products. Xhim. i takh.topl. i masel 4 no-1:5-15 Ja '59~ (MIRA 12.-1) 1. Vset3oy=W nauchno-issledovatel'skly Inatitut neftyanoy proVehlennostle (Radioisotopeo-InduBtrial: applications) (Petroleum products) V.N. Neutralizing action of anticorrosive additives in motor oils. Xhim.l. takh.topl.1 mhLeel 4 no.2:51-56 F 1159- (MIRA 12:2) (Lubrication and lubricanto--Additives) 5 66188 AUTHORS: Zaslavskiy, Yu. S., Shor, 0. Iot SOY/20-128-5-42/67 Shneyerova,- R. N. TITLE: Mechanism of the Destruction of Protective Films Formed by Anticorrosive Admixtures PERIODICAL: Doklady Akademii nauk SSSR, 1959, Vol 128# Nr 5, PP 1010 1011t (USSR) ABSTRACT: The authors investigated this mechanism of chemical destruction so far unknown whichIlimits the service life of the admixtures as lubricating oils in the engine. The problem in question is tho protection of the bearing bush in combustion engines a- . gainst corrosion caused by the oxidation products of the 1u - bricating oil. The authors used the Pinkevich apparatus (GOST 5162-49) and a radiometrio method worked out already earlier (Ref 2). Film destruction was investigated on the surface of lead. Lead plates were pu*v into Xt-16 oil. In the first case, 2 8~ of diphanyl sulphido lab Isled with 835 and C14, and 0.066~ .0i stearic acid were introduced into that oill in the second case, the same amount of nonlabeled admixture and 0.05~ of tri- Card 1/3 decanoic acid labeled with 014 were introduced. Figure I shows 66188 Nechanism of the Destruction of Protective.Filma Formed BOY/20-128-5-42/67 by Anticorrosive Admixtures the experimental results at 1400C. It appears that there is a synchronism in the formation and destruction of the film. It may be assumed that the synchronism of the vanishing of the acid together with the radicals of the admixture from the lead surface is related to the fact that the acid formed the metal- admixture complex by solvation due to its polarity. Thereby the acid carries over the radicals -,because sulphur is more strongly bound to the metal than to the radicals - and disap- pears with them from the surface. The synchronism of the van- ishing of the film formed by the acid and the film observed from sulphur radiation seems to be related to the chemical in- teraQtion of the acid with lead sulphide (it takes place after .destruction of the complex of the admixture with the metal, i.o* with formation of a lead salt soluble in oil (Refs 19394)). Reaction diagrams of formation and destruction of the protec. tivo film on the load surfaoo aro givon. Vanishing of the acid and radicals of the admixture in experiments with a phosphori~s- containing admixture also showed synchronism (Fig 2). in this case, howevert the film causp!-by,the acid and the radicals of Card 2/3 the admixture disappear completely and-simultaneously. The acid 66188 Mechanism ofthe Destruction of Protective Films,Formed BOV/2.0-128-5-42/67 by Anticorrosive Admixtures seems not to react with the lead.phosphide formed in the.dts- truotion of the admixture complex with metal dae to solvation. This may explain why phosphorus remains on the lead surface so long after the radicals of the.admixture have disappeared ~(Ref 4). There are 2 figures and 4 references# 2 of which are Soviet. ASSOCIATION: Vsesoyuznyy.nauchno-iseledovatellakiy institut po pererabotke nefti i gaza i Doluoheniyu iskusstvennogo zhidkogo topliva (All-Union Scientific Research Institute for Petroleum and Natural Gas Refining and the Production of Synthetic Liquid Fuels) PRESENTED: May 18, 1959p by V. 1. Dikushinp Academician till- SUBMITTED: May 18, 1959 r Da d ! 82502 S/01 %/160/000/009/001/003 319 84, AUTHORS: -Zaslavskiz, YU.S.9 Shor, G.L. Monastyrskiy, V.N-,, and Kezn:mov. - V. D. TITLE: The Effects of Suppression of Panctional Activity when the Components of Oil Additives are Mixed PERIODICALs Xhimlya I tekhaologiya topliv i masel, 1960, No 9, PP 51-57 A TEXT: Brigine oil additives often contain components With A different func tioni' lis Ing , wettin N\ anti.- corro WD~ etc, , Tests have shown that a ~ombiftatiari o+-a Fnuee'utralTsing c:omponent with a protective one gives less engine wear than does the neutrallsing component alone vith the same total metal content In the oil. ~However, in many cases mixing of additives has resulted in 1105s of some of their effectiveness. For e amp 0, on mixing a4ditives--ANII-NP-3 50 (barium alkyl2henolate), TsIATIM-339 (barium dia-ulphidi-.-~ik;~ipli'en6lat'e)---arcL-,VBII-.Nr-jbu kbarium alWlphenolate mixed with zinc --dialkk1dithiophd --sphAte)-suppr -sion of functional activity is observed as -will--be -se-en- from:_i;he'. _vesf-results.- plotted in Fig 1. This shows results of determinat-dons If the duration-of neutral.isationof corrosive wear of radioactive sliding parts in a'-. Card 1/ 5 82502P B/065/60/000/009/001/003 The Effeets of Suppression of Functional Activity when the Components Of Oil Additives are Mixed laboratory rig- in oorToalve acid vapours as funotion of the barium oonc:entratlon in oil grade AS-9.5 NKZ. The duration of neutrali.sat-lon'I's a linear function of the metal content. Ash determinations on the used oil showed that the tests depleted all. the barium In each of the th',ee additives. but, -with equal initial. barium contents In the oi-1, additive VNII-NP--350 gave mucth longer neutralisation time than additive TsIATIK-339 and VNII NP-360. because the barium in the last two additives was expended not only in neutrallsing the corrosive acid bat also in reacting with other compon6nts of the additives, probably those t%, sulphur. To verl.-Ify this, tests were made with specially synthesized additives containing various amounts and kinds. f sulphur compounds, as shown in Fig 1. These additives were blended;?w'ith oil grade AS-9.f; NKZ to constant barium rontent., the test results are given in Table I and FIgs 2 and 3, which show the duration of effe-tive neutrallsation and the angle of slope of the wear cur'!,re of radloactive components after neutrallsation, as functions of the sulphur oontent in the oil for various additives. It will be seen that the neutralising action of ba:-Ium alkylphenolate varies a r d 2/ 82502 F.194/9181f The Effects.,of Suppression of Functional Activity when the Components of Oil Additives are Mixed inversely as the sulphur ~-ont.ent of the additive. The different effects of the various sulphur compounds used in the tests are described. It is considered that in some cases the sulphur compounds can easily be split off when the' additive is attacked by acid and that the free sulphur evolved interacts with the barium ions to form barium sulphide, so reducing the barium available for neutralisation of acids. The formation of barium sulphida'is, confirmed by the high .rate of we'ar after effective neutralisation. However, when sulphurised oil Is used it; may form a proteetive film after the ,barium additive is used upt so reducing wear. Interaction between additive components alters the electrical. oonductivity of oll containing these components as compared with that of the same oil containing eaoh component separately. Fig 4 shows a graph of the electrical conduQtivity of oil grade AS-9.5 NKZ containing 5% barium alkylphenolate as function of the sulphur oontent of the blend when sulphurised oil is added to it. The direct current conduotivity was measured at &,temperature of 100 OC with a microammeter. It w-111 be seen that adding sulphur reduces the conductivity and the curve Card 3/5 a25011 8/065/60/000/1009/003./003 The Effeets of Suppression of Panotional Activity when the Components of Oil Additives. are Mixed corresponds closely to that of reduction in duTation of nautralising effe--t. Interaction of componentavith suppression of neutralising efferit was also observed on mixing barium alkyl henolate and basto calcium sulphonate with dialkyldithioRhosphate,Tand here too ~qo-rrespondenoe was observed brstween the decrease in electrical conductivity and that of duration of neutralising effect. The results of duration of neutralising effect tests.given In Table 1 were.compared. with hundred hour engine tests, using & type D-315 ,engine; see Table 2. The-engine test conditions are stated; the fuel contained .1% sulphur. It will be seen that the minimum wear obtained with barium alkylphenolate additive results from the more effective neutralisation, The high barium and low iron content of the deposits Is evidence of greater use of barium for neutralisation. .Tests with othar additives.revealed similar correlation between engine tests and those of duration of neutralising effect. Similar .correlation was observed in tests on used oil. Fig 5 shows graphs of the change in, neutral is -ing effe,,,-tiveness of oil DS-11 plus additives as function of thet operating time of the oil in a diesel Card 82502 S/065/60/000/009/001/003 H19VE184 The Effects. of Suppression of Functional Activity when the Components of Oil Additives are Mixed engine type D-38. It will be seen that the-difference in neutralising effectiveness of different oils.initially containing equal quantities of barium is mainly due to-the dialkyldithio- phosphate components which remain in the oil throughout the engine ,tests. The results of engine tests given In Table 3 show that increased wear of piston rings associated with suppression of the neutrallsing effect of barium alkylphenolate by dialkyldithio- phosphate components is appreciable reduction in deposits., particularly on pistons.. Apparently It is. often necessary to use mixtures of additive components which give satisfactory wetting action with some impairment of neutralisation and so of anti-wear properties. However, it would be better-to select the additive components in such a way that such interaction is absent. There are 5 figures., 3 tables and 7 references$ 1+ Soviet and 3 English. ASSOCIATION9 VNII NP Card 515 B015/Bo64 AUTHORS: UaInvok Shq I. A. i .1jil, T,, And 10L I TITLE: Investigation of Electrokinetic Processes and Sedimentation the Method of,Radionctive Indicators in Disperse Systems by ;. f PERIODICAL: Kolloidnyy zhurnal, 1960, Vol. 22, No. 5, pp. 593-598 TEXT; A "radioindicator" method of studying electrokinetic processes re- lated to the action of "dispersive"admixturee to motor oils is described here. Two beta counters are used simultaneously as counters and as elec- trodes (forming an electric field), as well as for recording the shift of the tagged disperse phase. Carbon black tagged with T120 was dispern - ed in motor oil n-354 of the type AC-5 (AS-5) and the admixtures B140 ;4 N I . .and' -353 (VNII NP-354 and -353) (dialkyldithiophosphates) i nmc-19 (PMS-19) (calcium sulfonate with 17-0% ash content produced by V. N. Monaotyrakiy and T. K. Avill PM3-19 i barium alkyl rhanolato, TATW-_339 (Ts1_ATN t~ 33~ cerium disulfide alkyl phenolate) %are teat- ed. The device used (Fig. ircontains two beta counters of the type T-25 6(fil (T--25 BFL), arranged one above other, and connected to a radiometric Card 1/3 84277 Investigation of Elentrokinetic Procevies 3106cl,1601022100510001011 and Sedimeitation in Disporne Systems by tho Dm/'Do64 Method of Radioactive Indicators apparatus of the "Bambull type (with electronic p.otentiometers of the types Bnn-og (EPP-09) and n6_1 (PS-1), as well as 11CM(VSM) rectifiers). The upper counter measures the sedimentation rate under the action of the electric field, i.e., the intensity of electrophoresis, while the lower one measures sedimentation with and without electric field. Calcium oulfonate was found to be adsorbed on the surface of the carbon black particles and to give them a positive charge. The deflocculating effect of PMS-19 oulfonate is apparently due tc a molecular adsorption in which the negative charge of the sulfonate molecules is directed toward the colloid particles, and the positive charge toward the oil. Addition c f PMS-19 sulfonate in any concentration caused the migration of carbon black to the cathode, v 'hile in the presence of TaIATIM-339 phenolate carbon black migrated to the cathode only. In the two thiophosphate ad- mixtures, the carbon-black charge depends on the concentration of the admixture (Fig. 4). There are 4 figurea and 6 referenceo: 5 Soviet, I US, 2 French., and 1 Datch. ASSOCIATION: Nauchno-issledovatel~akdy institut po pererabotke nefti i gaza i polucheniyu iskunstvennogo zhidkogo topliva, Moskva Card 2/3 (scientific Research Institute of Petroleum and Gas Emma-mom 65277 Investigation of Electrokinetlo, eroccOflea 3/069/60/022/005/008/011 and Sadimentation in Disperse, Systems by the B015/B064 W-Al Methodof Radioactive Indicators Processing and the Production of Artificial Liquid Fuel, MOSCOW) SUBMITTED: August 11, 1959 VX/ Card 3/3 klFWplOl~HkLfp9Tl Ai I .MF 19-!t2, 9 i1i kin k~riq A I I WL5.*~J%-tCr~-fl V I *,lr ~~A) 119 a *dv iplt~ ~CZ~tp if i-I ZAS WSLU.~ ~Seme~movich; TARAKX-llOVAp A.A., red.; PCHELINTSEVA, G#M., red.; VLASOVK,7,_lT-Xg. tekhn, red. - [Radiation resistance of lubricants] Radiatsionnaia stoikostt SrA_ zoahrorkh materialov. Moskva, Gos.izd-vo 21t-ry v oblasti atomnoi nauki i tekhniki, 1961 158 (MIRA 14:12) (Lubrication and lub;icanti3~* (Materials, Effect of radiation on) amt. E p I --7 PH= x BM EXPLOITATION 807/34% Vaenoy=noye 0oYeshchmlye po vnedrenlya radloaktivvIkh Izotopor I ys&rAykb izlucbeniy Y narodnole k3myaystTo MM. Riga, 1960. R,&UoWAvnyye izotopy 1 4ailernyye IzInchenlya Y narodnom khozyaystvv SSMj trudy sovonbebaniya v towkh. t. 1: Obshchiyo Topway primeneniya izotopw, pribory a istoahnikamil radicaktivnykh iz1ueb=1y, radiatsionna7a khimiya,khimichonkaya I noftoporornbatyraMuchaya proaquhUn at, (PAU0. active Inotopos and %clear Radiations In tho National Economy of tho UMJ Trozaactions of the Syzqjoalum in 4 Vol=cs. Y. 1% General Problems in the Utilization of Isotopos; Lwtrumcnts With Soarces of Fa4lowtiya Radlationj Radiation Chemistry; the Chemical. and Petroleum-Refin1mg Industry) YONCOV, GoatoPtekbIzdat, 1961. ~340 P. 4,U0 copies printed. Bponsoring Azency: Gonudarstvannyy vauchno-takhaicheakiy komitet'Saveta Mildstror SSM, and GoaudarstvenM kozitet Sweta MnIstray SM po Ispollsovanlyu ato=l enargii. .,(Title p6ge)i N.Aj Petrov, L.Xi Petrenko ad P.O. Savitskiyj Eds. of this Vol.1 d E LA. Petrenko, P.O. Oaritskly) 7~1. Sinitain, Ta. H. Kolotyrkin, H.P. Syrkuz Ed.: and R.F. Ro=j Executive Eds.t Te. S. UvIna an4 S. F. Titskayaj.Tech. Mbins, Radioactive isotopes (cent.) SM/5486 PMPOSE, The book is intended for technical personnel concerned vith proble= of application of radioactive Isotopes and nuclear rodlatlon In all branches of the Soviet economy. COVERAGE, An All-Union Conference on problems in the introduction of radioactive Isotopes and nuclear radiation into the national economy of the Soviet Union took place in Hip on 12-16 April 1960. The Conference vas sponsored by: the Goaudarst-orennyy nauchno-tekhnicheakiy komitat Sovets. Hinistrov SSSH (State Scientific and Technical Co=itto.-a of the Council of Mnisters, twR)j Olmoya upraylaniye po inpoilzovanlyu st4)=y enargil pri Goveto Hinistrov SM (wn Administration for the Utilization of Atomic Energy of the Council of Ministers, UM); Academy of Sciences, USSR; Gosplan USSRI Gosudaretvennyy komitet Soveta 14iniatroy 653n po avtomatizataii I manhinoetroyeniyu (State Co=zittee of the Caancil of Hinlaterap IMSH, for Automation and Machine Building) and the Council of Ministers of tha Latvian M. The transactions of this Conference am pub3Auhed in four volumes. Volum I contains articles on the folloving subjectsi tb) general problew of the Conference topics; tba state and prospects of development of ra&tation chemistry; and results and prospects'of applying rsdlo- active isotopes aml nu,-.lear radiation in the petroleum refIning and chanical, industries, Problems of designing and =tnufacturing Instruments vhich contain ocarcca of radioactive radiation and am used for checking and autozation of terhaological procesees an exwdmd, along with problens of accident prevention in hgir.use No personalities are mentioned. References accompany eome of th* Card4-1-le Radioactive Isotopes (Cont.) Ro=,, R,F, Application of Radioactive Isotopes for Checking Cheideal. Processes Shelyubskiyp VX, Checking the Homogeneity of the Charge by (Itej Natural Radioactivity Vekslery X*A, Prospect of Implementation of.Certain Level Indicators and [Other] Indicators Utilizing Radioactive Radiation in the Organic Synthesis Industry -Zaalavskiy 'Yu. S,., and 0.1, Shor. Radioindicating Checking of =Aes of Admixtures to oils AVAMM: Library of Congress 807/54W 302 313 318 329 9-13-61 ZASLAVSKIrg YU.S*,q SHORO G.I. VAchaniamus der-DieWrsionswirung von Motorenolsusatzen Trato.- Report to be submitted for the Symposium lubricants and ~Lubricationj, Dresden,, 27-30 June 1961 DIA PGC Pr-4 BWAT41 EPF(_b)/EriP(q)/E'fT(m)/EYiP(b)/BDS AFFTf/,AS _: )LCC,.ESSI0N NAW AT3001986 S1 26641/61/000/000/0168/0173 Zaslavskiy, Yu. .,* Shor, Go L: a Ne" AUTHORS: 'of the action of additives. On the mechanism of the action TITLE: The mechanism of some types of additives for lubricants. (datergent, corrosioq-inhibiting~,,_ and additives). Al~ A I SOURCE: Prisadki k'maslam i toplivam; trudy nauchno-tekhnIchesko99____._ soveshchaniya-, Moscow, io'jTte-khi'z'aa:iA96 1, '1 68-173','t TOPIC TAGS: lubricant, lubrication, oil, additive, detergent, cormolon, Inhibitor, Inhibiting, anticorrosion, seizure, antisaizure, aggrnssiveoass, corro- sional, friction, wear, ant1wear, radioactive tracer, mixed, ionic, atsorption. ABSTRACT: The paper provides a literature survey of the mefhp-Elient of detergent, c o rro 9 ton- inhibiting, and seizure-preventing additives. Apprenimately one-haU of the sources cited are by the authors and other coauthors. The paper rummarizes ihi RUM-1 te.sts-with- radioactive matched parts for the. precis W4 ~mea surement of r9 on the leterforation of the'- corrosion And'weare It refers-to studies by the autho_ functional effectiveness of mixed additives. 100-hour.test dati on the D-38 enginal the Ils witl~ operational time. I ,show the change in'the neutralizing effectiveness, In o The'rep-o-rt mentiohs the- findin s on the especially high effectit' ness of protective Card T 1. 20322-63 ~66'E' _SS_ I ON, _N RTA T 3 0-0 19 8 6 D additives that form complex compounds with the metal to be protected. It mentions Studies in which the loss in co r ro sion- inhibiting effectiveneiis is shown to be attri-I butable "to the solvational removal of the radicals of the additive by acids. It cites the conclusion that the grelLteSt effectiveness of antleeizure -additives depends not only on the selection of suitable chemical compounds that combin e' an antiselzure I effect, with a minimal corrosional activity but:o)ia selection of 2-component addi- tives that comprise a combination of the most effective antiselzure and anticorro- sion components. Thi paper describes the radlometric determination of the corro~- oive aggressiveness of an oil in combination with an evaluation of its antiseirure properties on an ordinary 4-ball VNII NP wear tester. A description Is given of the radioactive-tracor method for the Investigation of the alectrokinetic processes that provide data on:the mechanism of the detergent action of some additives Intro., duced into,engine oils. It is postulated. in conclusion, that the r6echanism of the action of some detergent additives depends on the micellar structure of solutions I' of these additives in oils'and the capability of the micelles (coll(Adal ions) to render the soot particles solubl46, whereas the mechanism'of the effectiveness of other additives depends on their capability to dissociate In oils and affect an Ionic absorption on soot particles and metallic surfaces. Orig. art. has 3 figures and 3 tables. Card L 2033U.;b-3 EPF(c)/UiT(m),hD3. AFFTC/APGC 1~rr4 B4/111-1/w ACCESSION NR-. AT3.001998 S/ZL64/61/000/000/0264/0269i AUTHORS: Z&slax!t9y,.Yu,,S.,! Shqr,P_J~' LablWo-vA.Y..D. Moroz "k, -, W, A YA Kwxa. _"., . *.- 8 pyaaj,i ^j k~ ; ~v7a,_D V'.1 -S.tukip, D.1 Yevst1grkey*y._YejY.', Yurchenko. ya F. NlAtmlk TITLE: Methods of Investigation.of the effectiveness of additives." RadloactiVe-P - tracer' methods for the investigation of the functional P;_4e-r_Ue__s of oils. with- additive a. SOURCE: Prisadki kmaslam., i toplivam; trudy nauchno-tekhni heskogo __sovop4chaniva. Moscow, Gost-o-p-t-ekh-iz.d~'a-t-,-1-9-6'1','-7264-ZbV. TOPIC TAGS: lubricant, lubrication, additive, ra&oactive, tracer, test. Isotope, tagging, tagged, electrophoresis dispersion, soo deter ent, varnish, wear, re, 1101 Fe.5v, Agl,10. beta radiation, antiwear, seizure, antiselzu. 1204. Ca45, C06 As-5, VNII NP-354. ABSTRACT: In addition to a literature survey on the use of radioactive tracer* (RAT) methods for testing of. the fu rctional and operational properties of oils with additives, the*paper describes several newiy developed So~viet methods: (1) The VNII NP method for the RAT study of the electrokinetic processes involved In the Card L 2033U&63 ACCESSION NR:. AT300199.8 m0chanism, of the action of some dispersion-augmenting additives to engine oils. In this method, the RAT radiation counters are employed simultaneously as elec- trodes for the formation of an electrical field and for the registration of the dis- placements of the tagged dispersive phase, The soot that simulates the dispersi-m' phase (oxidatiovioducts of oil and fuel combustion) was tagged by the radioactive (RA) isotope TI . The experimental equipment Is schematically portrayed and described, and a diagram of the electrophoresis of the tagged soot in AS-5 engine oil (an S-containing-c rude derivative) with VNII NP-354 additive Is shown readings in pulses/sec vs.time in min). (Z) RAT methods for the investigation of the detergent properties of oils with additives. The degree of varnish formation is measured with a method based on the measurement of t a thickness of varnish %, C060(NO3)? film by means of Its aboorption'of the beta- radiation of Co 0. servedl, to activate a-reas on-apis ton- which were not- subject to -wear,-- The- amount -of var- niiih film formed an the piston surface during a given testing period was evaluated with the aid of a calibrated graph that expressed the chang,p in the Intensity of radiation in units of the density of varnish film (in mg/dm). Test results, com- prioing the amount of deposits and the amount of soot in the deposits, foi- AS-5 oil with various additives, are tabulated. RAT methods, developed at the VNII VPfor the evaluation of the chemical activity of antiscizure additives. are based on the postulate that the most effective antiseizure additives must be those chemical ! Card Z/3 L 20330'1.63 ACCESSION NR: _AT3001998 ~ornpounds that have the greatest corrosional aggressiveness. The chemical ~Cti_ vity, such additives was evaluated by the transfer kinetics of radioactive steel (F05 neutron irradiated) or Cu (activated by tracer quantities. of Agl10 in fused lCu). Tests of the radiometric determination of the chemical activity of additives are shown. Inasmuch as chemically active antiselzure additives may lead to .!appreciable chemical wear of friction surfaces under normal and even small loadsR, the VNII NP has developed a RAT method *for an evaluation of the wear properties I of oil with additives on a spec!ally desigped frictional-wear tester. The operativel' part of the machine is activated with Cooo. Small quantities of oil (appx. I cm3) are enyloyed; the global radioactivity of the oil to measured. Loads up to 80 kg/crn- at 1,000 rpm and oil T up to Z500C are attainable. Test results are graphed. Orig. art. has 5 figures and Z tables. ASSOCIATION: f _YZ44 NP SUBMITTED: 00 DATE ACQ- 23Jan63 ENCL: .00. SUB CODE: FL, CH, EL NOREF SOV: 006 OTHER: 006 Ca, r-d 3/3 sum Y 112i4~11 Z/011/61/018/012/002/007 E073/E535 0 ,70 AUNORSt Reznikov, V.D.. Zaslavakiy. Yu.S. and Shor, G.I. TITLEt New method of etermining the content of active neutralising additives in motor oils V PERIODICAL: Chemie a chemickA technologiel Prehled technickod a hospod4~sk~ literatury, v.180 no.12, 1961, 56o, abstract Ch6l-7745 (Khimiya i tekhnologiya topliv i masel, no.5, 1961, 63-66) TEXT: The proposed method is based on the existence of a linear relation between the content of those additives in the oil and the degree of neutralisation of the corrosive impurities. The engine defects caused by these abrasive products are enumerated. 5 figures, 6references.. Abstractor's note: Complete translation. 10 Card 1/11 q