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ZAMARAYEV, V.N, Fegeneration of tracheal gills in mayfly larvae. Trudy,MOIP. Otd. biolo llzl57.-164 164. (MIRA 18:1) 1, Kafedra zoologii sallskokhozyaystvannogo falmlItate. Universiteta druzhby narodov imeni P,Lumumbya ZAMARA , VeRe, dote.; OSTROUXOVp V#G*, dote.; BOGOW. VO*, red.; N.N., takhn. red. -;air-w [Ptograms of pedagogical institutes; histolog7 with the elements of embryologyj ProgrammV pedagog'icheskikh lustitutov; gistologiia a oanovami embriologii. Mookwa. Gba. uchabno-pedagog. izd-vo X-va Prom 0M, 1955. 7 P. (MIRA lltg) 1. Russia (1917- R.S.P.S.R.) Glavnoye upravlenl7e podgotovkl uchiteley. (HISTOLOGY) ZAMAPAYEV ~v Regeneration of extremities in the water scopion Kepa cinerea L. (Hemiptera)a DokleAN SSSR 145 no.2z467-468 J1 162. (MM -15:7) 1. Zoologicheskiy institut AN SSSR. Predstavleno akademikom Ye.N.Favlo,mkim. (Water scorpions) (Regeneration (Biology)) A.I., dota.L ZANAUYXV Toll., dots., red.; KRHYS, I.G., [Programs of pedagogical institutes; general biology with principles ofiDavwiniam for faculties of physical education] Programny pedago- gicheskikh inctitutov; obshchais biologile a o9novami darvLnizma dlia fakultetov fizicheakogo vospitaniia. [Hoskval Uchpadgiz, 1957 9 P. CNW 110) 1. Russia (191.7- R.S.F.S.R.) Glavnoye uprayleniye vyso'hikh i erednikh pedag:ogicheakikh uchebnykh zavedenii. (Biology-Study and teaching) UXARAYAV. T. 1. Proben of the distortion of polarity in Wdra, Bluleakep,biol, i ised. 42 no,12:57-613 D 156. (MIRA - 10:2) 1. Is laboratoril rosta i ranvitlya (say. - prof. XA.Voroutsova) Inati uta eksperimentaPnoy biologii ANN SSSR (dir. - prof. 1.M. Keqskiy) (UMTHOPHYSIOLOGY, ditstortion of polarity in Hadra (Rua)) BUYANOV, N.V.; ZAMIIRA,YEVf V.P. - -1 _0 - I . 1 0 - Investigating the effect of magnetic field on the sensitivity and reproducibility of the results of emission spectrum ana.1j,sis. Sbor.- trud, TSNIICHM no.31:53-Q 163. (NMA 16:7) (Spectrum analysis) (Magnetic fields) ZAMARAYEV, Ye.P. Percussive piin in the clinical picture of gastric peptic: ulcer. Khlrurgiia no.341-44 163. (HIRA. 160) 1. Iz kafedry gospitallnoy khirurgii (zav.-prof.G.D.Obraztsov) Chelyabinskoigo meditainskogo inetitutae (PEMUSSION) (PAIN) (PEPTIC ULCER) ZAMARAYXV, Ye.P. 9ffect of anesthesia of the zone of percutox7 painfulness on the motor and secretor7 function of the stomach in peptic ulcer. Trach. delo no.4.-427 AP '59. NM 12:7) 1. KafedrE% goopitallnoy khirurgii (zav. - G.D. ObraztBov) Chelyabinskogo meditsinskogo instituta. UJiMTHMIA) (PEPTIC ULM) (PAIN) (Choly4binsk., Ufimskiy trakt, d.51, kv. 16); KRIZEANOVSKIY, V.A. Thrombosis o1' the major vessels in fractures of th I tubular bones. Ortopo trav7n. i protez, 24 no.606-38 Je'63e onfNIM 16:12) 1. ZZ gospit-iLltnoy khirurgicheskoy kliniki (zav.. - prof@ GaDa Obrazteov) G),~lyabinskogo meditsinskogo institute. (rektox, - dotsent P.M.Tarasor) i Oblastnoy klinicheskoy bolinitsy. ZAHARAYLY. Ye.P. Effect of anDethenia of the zone of percussion pain on the motor function of the stomach in peptic ulcer. Sov*mad# 22 no.3:123-126 Mr 158. (HMA 11:4) 1. Is kafedry goopitallnoy kh1rurgii (save - prof4 O.D*Cbrosteov) Cholyabinakorgo moditainakogo inatitutao (PEPTIC UIM. physiol, off. of aneeth. of zone of porcunnion pain on motor funct. of stomach (Rua)) (STOKAGH, physiol. off. of anesth. of zone of percussion pain on motor functe In peptic ulcief (Rus)) TOFGHIYIY, A.Y., akaliamik, redaktor; TROrIMUK, A.A., redaktor; TEMBLIF. F.A.. doktor takhnicheekikh nauki radaktor;, YMNSTIT, T.T., do,ktor fiziko- matematichealcLkh asuk, radaIct9r; SUKHAUOVA. Y.P.. inzhanar. radaktor; POSTNIXOT, V.1),.. redaktor; VOL-IISON, S.I., radalctor; BIMAY, Yu.K., vedushchiy redaktor; KOTALEVA, A.A., veduahchiy redaktor; PUSHINA. Ye,.G.. vedush,.hly redakt6r; SAVINA, Z.A., vedushchly redO:tor: USOVA, H.G., vedushchty redaktor; ZAHARAYX K.K., veduahchiy redaktor; NOVIKDYA" M.M., veaushchly'rFM'for; L.A.. vedushchiy redaktor; YSRSHOV, P.R., vedushchiy redaktor; POLOSINA.'A.'S., takhatch6akiy radaktor; TB.GFIMOV, A.Y., tekhnicheskiy radaktor (4th International Petroleum Congress] IT Kezbdunarodnyi neftilanoi kongress. Moskva. Goo. nauchno-takhn. izd-vo neftianoi i gorno-toplivnoi lit-rye Vol.l. [The geology of oil and gas depobital Geologiia naftia- nykh i gaz0'w7kh mestorozhdanii. (Pod red. A.A.Trof imuka). 1956. 534 p. Vol.2. [Geoph7sicail methods in prospectiiig) Geofizichaskio metody razvedki. (Pod red. V&V.Fedynskogo). 1956. 392 p. Vol.4. [Thi technology of oil and shale processing] Takhriologiia pererabotki nafti i olantsev. 1956. 527 P- Vod.~. -[Chemical processing of oil and gas] Khimicheskaia perarabotka nafti i gaze. 19-1-6. 302 p. Vol.8. [Equipment, metals and protection from corrosion] Oborudovania, metally i zashchita ot korrozii., 1956. 227 p. (14LRA 9:12) 1. International Patrolsum Congress. 4th. Romo. 1955. 2. Chlan- Icorreepondent AN SSSR (for Trofimuk) (Protspecting--4leophysical methods) (Patrolaum--Rafining) (Gas, Natural) A-A A-v,~_ V A, GRIGORTAN, Grigoriy Markovich. doktor tekhaicheakikh nauk; ALIKSIN, Alaksandr Georgiyevich, inzhener; 74D, Saveliv Livovich, kandidat tekhaichaskikh uauk; KUZIN. Mikhail Ivanovich, inzhener; POTMOV. Vladimir Vikhano- vich, kandidet tekhnichesUkh nauk; SUKHAYOV. Vasiliy Favlovich, Inzhener; BUITANOV, D.K., inshener; STEMLICMX, Hikolay Ai2tonovich, inzhener; CIURNYAK. 111ya LOvovieh, inzhener; KUSHILIV. T.P., retsen- zent; ROYZHN, I.S.. otvetstvennyy redaktor; 2AMARAYEVA, K.H., vedu- ahchiy redaktor; KOVAIRVA, A.A., vedushchir N&W tw. Z.A.. veduahchiy redaktor; TROFIMOV, A.V., tekhnicheskiy redaktor (Safety engineering and fire prevention in the petroleum -Industry] Takhnika bencpaenosti i protivopotharnaia takhnike v neftLanoi promyshlonnosti. Motikva, Goo. nauchno-tokhn. izd-vo neftianot I gorno- toplivnoi lit-r7, 1956. 508 P. (MLRA 10:1) (Patroleum Industry--Safety measures) (Piro prevention) CMMOZHUKOV, N.I., prof., doktor tekhn.nauk, red,; ZHIGACHO K,F,t, prof., red.; KURAIFIYBV, I.M..; TIKHOKIROV, A.A.. kand.ekon. nauk, red.; Y300HOT, V.I., kand.ekan.nauk, red.; CRW4131, N.M., prof., red..; DWAYF.Y. F.F.9 prof., red*; KUZXAKg Y6.H4, prof., red.; CH=iYY, I.A., prof., red.; PAYCHMOV. G.K., prof., red,; DAMOT& VJN.b prof., red.; HAMMIN, N.8,, doktor kh1m*aaukq redo; ALKAZOV, N.A.. doteent, red.; VINOGRAPOV. V.N.' k&nd.'tekhn.nauk. red.; BIRYUKOV, IT.I., kEknd.tekhn.nauk, red.; TAGIYU: S'I,, red.; GUE[EVICH, Y.K., red.; ZAH1ARAYZVA,,X.K.,-veduehchiy red.; MUKRINA. 3.A.. [Petroleum refining-: articles] Parerabotka usftl; zaterialy. Roakva, Gov.iLa1mchno--tekhn.izd-ve neh. i gorno-toplivnoi lit-ry. Tol.2. 1958, 289 p. (HrRA 12:1) 1. Hashvuzoirskoye eoveshchaniye po voprosam, novei tekhniki v neftyanoy prorWeblenaosti, Xoscow, 1956. 2. Moskovskiy neft'yanoy institut (for" Chernozhakov, Panchenkov), (Petroleum-Refining) I t-,' - -s-- A,111 A P, A RIZNIK, Ana olty Abramovich: BTJDOVOY. G.T.. kandidat okonomichaskikh nank. retsenzent; BAMEM, M.N., redaktor; ZfiUA - ., vedushchty rodaktor; POLDSINA, A.S., takhnicheskiy redakt* r [Principles o:r economic analysis of petroleum industries and boring enterprises] 'Donovy ekonomicheskogo analiza raboty neftepromyela i kontory burenlia. Hoskva, Goo. nauchno-tokha. isd-vo neftianoi I gorno-toplivniDi lit-ry, 1957. 176 p. (MIMA 10:3) (Petroleum industry-Accounting) (Oil voll drilling-Accounting) KUYZBLIMAN, Saamil Raiseyevichi Ins hii6i'- vXOPYRT. likoll aovlch,-.- '&'--I KOGAN, GrigorLv Tefizovich, i_ zhanarl-lWtiatita a I -- admatAty redaktor; POLDSIMA. A.S., tekhnicheskly radaktor (Aaaambling aad welding main pipe lines] Montash I 9varim magistrall- uykh truboprwrodov. Roskva. Goo. nauchno-takhn. izd-vo neftianot I gorno-toplimoi lit-ry, 1956. 191 P. %'KM 9:12) (Pipalino-S) GEESHNOZHUKOV, N. prof., ao~tor tekbn.rauk, rea.;.*ZHIGACH, K.7., prof., otvetstvenn3r,r red.; MMV*Y3V.-I.M.,* prof., red.; TUMOKMOV, A.A., kand.ekon.rauk, -red.; YXGGROV,.V.I., Im~deekonpnauk, red.; CHARYGIV. H.H., prof., red.; DURAYST, F.Y., prof,, redol KIIZHAKI TCIAH*p profev red.: cHARin -I*As, profoo red@; PANOMIXOT, G.K., profl., rod.: , DAKIfilov, Val., prof., red,; 11AMTKIN, U.S., aoktor khtm.nauk, red.; ALKAZOV. N.A., dote.. red.; VINOGRADOV. V.N., kand.tekhn..nauk, red.: BrRYUKOV, 11.1., kand.tekhn.nauk, red.; TAGIYXV.; GURBVZCH, V.M... red., ZAMAYBYA, K.H., veduabohty red.; HUIMINA, B.A., tekha. red, [Materials cLf the Into runivers ity Conference on Problems of New Practices iv, the Petroleum Industry] Hatarialy mezbvuzovskogo soveshchaniya po voproaam novoy tekbniki v neftyanoy prouvahlen- nosti. Mookxa , Goo. nauchno-tekha. tzd-vo neft. i gorno-toplivnoi lit-ry. Vol.2. [Petroleum refining] Pererabotka nefti. 1958. 289 p. (MIR& 11:6) 1. Hezhvuzorrskoye soveshchaniye oo voprosam aovoy tekhniki v neftyanoy procWshlennosti. 1956. (Petroleum-Ref ining) ZAMARAIEV V.N. Web-buildlag technique of the spider,Aranea foliata. flauch. trud Kal. otd. IQIF no.2:53-62 160. (FIRA 24:0 (6PIDER WFM) WIARA Yk;v V.11. Effect of preliminary trawmtization on regeneration in, planarians, llauch. trLuiy Kall. otd. MOIP no.2:169-174,160. (14ha 24:10) j'REGEMATION (BIOLOGY)) (14ERVOUS SYSTEM) (TUIWELLARIA) ZAIWUEV, V.11. ds Effect of prelimina y traumatization on the healing of s'7 kin wounds 0u in rats. Nauch. trudy Kal. otd. 140IP no.2:175-178 160. WILA14:10) .1 ~ (WOUIMS) ZAKUUYEVp V.N. Materials cn. regeneration in the larvae of may flies. Nauch. trudy Kal. otd. VDIP no.2:M~-200 160. (Km 14:10) (REGFIEFATION (BIOLOGY)) (LARVAE-INSECTS) ZAKARAYEVA, V.P.1 STAROVOYTOVA, R.P. Concentrated excitation of a metallic cylinder vith a dielectric cover. Part 2. Izv.vys.ucheb.zav.; radiotekh. 7 no.6,,751-T56 H-D 164e (MIRA 18:4) ILI a DUBROVIN, A.K.p Yea Me lnzh,- KUZNETSOV, A.Fp AnA.; MAZURIK, P.N., 'Moh, Effect of irerious factv:~s on the surfFice quality of B,.84-nless ztee"' she,A. Stall 25 nc.5~430-433 Vv 165. L (MURA I'Wi) 1. Ywmatsld.y mptallurgl(,~osVay kmbinat. L 0 f Li 'cli GLAZOVP A.N., inzh.; DANILOV, P.M., kand. tekhn* nauk; ~AWUYEVA, Ye.M., 1nzh.; MWTATS, V.I., insh.; PASHCHENKO, V.Ye., inzb. Influence of the technology of ampIting on the quality of Khl7N7IU steel sheet and rolled shapes. Stall 25 no.10: 911-913 .3 165. (MIRA 18811) 1. Kuznets)Lly metallurgicheskiy kombinat. Pon w 0 v PHASE I BOOK EXPLOITATION SOV/2868 Akademiya nauk Ks~vkhskoy SSR. Institut nefti Trudy, t. 3 (Transactions of the Petroleum Institute, Kazakh SSR. Academy of Sciences, Vol. 3) Alma-Ata, Izd-vo AN Kazakhsko3r SSR, 1959. 163 p. 700 copies printed, Eds.- M.P. Korotovskiy and M.Ya. Brailovskaya; Tech. Ed.: Z.P. Rorokina; Editorial Boardt M.A. Ayrapetyan (Reap. Ed.), V.G. Benlkovskiy, T.N. Dzhumagaliyev, tind N.A. Zavorokhina. PURPOSE: T4is book is intended for ..sbientibft p engineers, and technicians in the petroleum industry. COVERAGE, This volume contains 15 studies on the petroleum geology of Western Kazakhstan. The following studies are of special interest: 1) exploration for water in the southern Emba region to offset an inadequate water supply; the possibility of injecting heated water into oil-bearing formations; the possibi- lity of heating the components of an oil-bearing formetion in an electric field of high frequencycurrent; the dielectric permeability and the tangent of the angle of dielectric loss for sands of different porosity at various degrees of moisture and oil. saturationj the mineral charges for hydraUia fracturing of Card 1A Transactions of the Petroleum Institute (Cont.) SOV/2868 formations at the Emba oilfields, the adsorption of sodium humateg on clay; and the effect of electrolytes on the quality of clay suspensions. No personalities are mentioned. References accompany individual articles. TABLE OF CONTENTS: Dzhumagaliyev, T.N, Cretace6us Depo Isits of the Auketaychagyl Dome 3 Zamarenov, A.K. -Eocene Deposits at the Southeastern Fringe of the Prikaspiy- 'rk~ Hess fon 6 Kononov, Yu.S. Some New Data on the Structure and Petroliferous Nature of the Upper Permian and Triassic Deposits in the Southern Emba Region 33 Posadskaya, A.S. New Drta on the Stratigraphy of Upper Cretaceous Deposits of the Mayli-Say Sector in the Khobdinskiy Region (Khobda River) of Maximum Gravity 43 Aleshin, V.M. Modes of Occurrence of Paleogene Deposits at the 3outhern Emba' Uplift of Northwestern and Western Ustyurt 53 Card 2/4 Trandactions of the Petroleum Institute (Cont.) SOV/2868 Kolpakovj V.B., and D.A. Dzhangirlyants. Certain Hydrogeological Regularities in the Southern Emba Artesian Basin 61 Kolpakov, V.B. Ancient Delta of the Emba River and the Genesis of the Emba Atrauskiye Karakumy 74 Kolpakov, V.B. Some Problems of Exploration for Water in the Southern Part of the Emba Region 82 Ayrapetyan, M.A. Thermal Flooding of Oil Horizons and Methods of Doing It 87 Ayrapetyan, M.A., V.S. Velikanov, and Ye.Ya. Mezhnikov. Studies of High- frequency Heating of Oil-bearing Formations 113 Ayrapetyan, M.A., end N.I. Slotin. Some Results of Studying the E and jr for Sands of Different Porocity at Various Degrees of Moisture and Oil Saturation 125 Meshcheryakov, S.V. Mineral Charges for Hydraulic Fracturing of Formations at the Emba Oilfields 133 Card 3/ 4 M1- Transactions of the Petroleum Institute (cont.) SOV/2868 Zavorokhina, N.A., end V.G. Benlkovskiy. Adsorptlon of Sodium Humates in Clays Kaganskeyat K.A., and S.S. Sukharev. Effect of Electrolytes on the Quality of Clay Suspensions Kosmacheva, L.G., and I.I. Shmays. Studies of the Upper Paleozoic Deposits of the Aktvubinskoye Priurallye by the Bitumen Luminescence Method Using Ultraviolet Rays as an Excitation Source AVAILABLE: Library of Congress 143 149 158 Card 4/4 Tm/sfm 12-31-59 ZAPARE NOV ~! Eocene sediments in the southeastern margin of the Caspian Lowland. Trudy InBt.nefti Ali KaZRkh.S.SR 3:6-32 159. (Caspian Lmiland-Geoloi,7, Stratigraphic) (MIRA 13--l) ZAMARENOV, A.K.; BEYSENOV, B.B.; TRAYNIN, L.P. - _~ -X~ ~ - 'Structure and oil occurrences of Permian and Triassic mediments in the Kenlciyak field. Trudy Inst. geol. i geofiz. AN Kazakh. SSR 1:32-43- 163. (MIRA 16-7) (Emba region--Petroleum geology) UMARENOV, A.K. Upper Paloozoic facies in the Aktyubinsk Probinceportion of the Ural Mountains., Trudy Inst. nefti All Kazakh-SSR 4V0-40 '61- (JURA 16-4) (Aktyubinsk Province-Geology., Stratilgraphic) AVROV, P.Ya.; DALIYAN, I.B.; ZAMARENOV, A.K.; MSADSKAYA, A.S. New data on the subsurface structure of the Dzhusy fold In the Ural Mountain portion of Aktyubinsk Province. Izv. All Kazakh. SSR. Ser. geol. 21 no.2:61-67 Mr-Ap'64. 1. Institut geologicheskikh nauk imeni Satpayeva AN Kazakhskoy SSR, Alma-Ata, Trest "Aktyubnefterazvedkall-, gorod Aktyubinsk I Gurlyevskiy institut geologii I geofiziki, Gurlyev. BOGOMDL(JVA., L.I.; GARETSKIY, R.G.; GRIDASOV, Yu.M.; ZAMARENOV, A.K.;- I ~IUZIHGEJI, A. Ye.; Subdalt sediments on the eastern ad syneellse ~ge of the Gas (Kenkiyak--Nbrtuk-Zhana-Zhol region). DAL AN SSSR .149 no-5: 1147-1149 Ap 163. (MIRA 16:5) 11 Institut geojogli nefti AN KazSSR, Geologicheskiy institut All SSSH i Trost Aktyubnefterazvodka". (Caspian Lowland-.4jedimento (Goology)) ,Z-AMARENOV. A.Kq ZII,1VODKROVO A.B.; VOLOZH, Yu#A.; TRAYNINp Lelle Tectonics of the western pArt of the Ifigodzhar Hilla region" 3LY-, d evaluation of the prospects for finding oil and gaa in the subsaIL Upper Paleoisoic sedireants. Sov. geol. 8 noo8:45-53 Ag 165. (MI I RA 18 110) 1. Institut geologii geofiziki Sibirskogo otdeleaiya All MR, Aktyubinskqre otdeleniyel Trest "Kazakhotanneftegeofizika", Aktyubinskaya geofizichei3kaya ekspeditsiya. .ZgWNpy,,.Alaksay.,Konatantinavich; AVROVp P.Ya.,,, C!tvo rod.; NEMROVA, I.N., rad.j PICHKUNOVA# V-Aov rado; ALFEROVAj F-F-9 tekkin. red. (Upper Paleozoic in the Ura:L Mountain region of Aktyubinsk Province] Vi3rkhnii paleozoi Aktiubinskogo Priurall.lao Al=- Ata., Izd-vo Akad. nauk Kazakhskoi SSR, 1962. 89 P. (MIRA 15:7) (Akt,rubinsk Province-Geology,, Stratigraphic) SAMARIN, L.G.p dotsont Iodine oontent in the milk of owe in regions of iodine deficiency. Trudy SZVI 3.11.125-130 162. (MIRA 16:7) (Saratov Province-44ilk-Composition) (Iodine) U-MIN,.4~A?-; LOS",, L.I.; PYATNITSKAYA., L.K. Content of copper, manganeses molybdenum and iodine il, cov's milk of Saratov Province. Vop. pit. 21 no.6:81-82 N-D 162. (MIRA 17:5) 1. Iz kafedry obahchey gigiyeny (zav. - prof. L.I. Los') moditainskogo institute. J. kafedry vnutrennikh nezaraznykh bo-lezriey sellskokho- zyaystvenn3,kh zhivotnykh (zav. - pr'of. A.M. Kolesov) Zootekhnichesko- veterinarnogo institutap Saratov. ZAIaKNI L. G., YE]41:LIYLNOV, A. N., TARASOV, I. I. and KOLESOV, A. M. (Assistant Professor, Candidates of Veterinary Sciences and Professor) . "Noninfectioua pneumonia in sheep" Veterinariya, Vol. IS, no. 10, October 1961, pp. 81-89 ~z 4 ff, /, /v , --, 4, r, - ,,v 7 "111-MARL111-9 - - - RT-1429 (Concerning the "experimental determination of the ercolation coefficient of clayey voil" (on the article by Estifauv) 5 IRRIGATION NEWS BULLET1111 (3) s. 67-71, 1926 (Russian ortgtnal unidentified) ZIV-1AN, Ye. A.( i'rof.) FJP0V and Others "Kurs L;i(.Irotekhtlicheskikh Sooruzhoniy" 1940 ZAYARINq Ev~enll Alekseevich - - - Designing hydraulic engineering installations; manual. Moskva, Cos. izd-vo selkhoz. lit-ry, 1%, 123 P. ---Z&.ARIN, --Evgenii -AleksecvicKb---- -- -- --- - - - - -- -- -- -- - CaMing capacity of open ducts. Moskva, Cros. lzd-vo stroit. 13t--rv, 1948. 76 p. U~L52265) QA9l3.Z3 ZAI-VaBl. YE . A. Zamarin, Ye. A. "The moveinent of f1cod waters tha,ough a breach in a den", Nauch. zai,)isl.d Wosk. gidroijiciliorat. in-t ;L-.i. Villywasa), Vol- XV, 1948, -,3. 3-10- .4 SO: U-3261, 10 Alprill 53, (Letopis lZh=-ial Inyldi Statey, No. 11, 1910). 'ItIO'ATRINY YE. A. "?lanning of Flydro-Tacbnical Structures," bk., !-' scow, 1940 1 10 25OC3 Zf"W' 1"llrX, E. A. Be::-e"Ovaya Filltrat6iya V Q*Glk~od Zra,~,Jya,,jy,,,~ F .1cuin. Dok-'ady 'isesoYu-z. lik-ad. (".0- X- !,'auk la. L-enina, 10,49, 7-f 15-2-1. so: Letopis 1, 'T - 331, ].'.-'49 l'0 1,1(9, k&vALIA&t takhnichaskikh nank; FA V.T., detsent, kandidat tekhnichimikikh nauk; ZO :MIN, Te.A., %&sluzhannyy deyatoll navki i takhnW , professor doktor tekhh'~6skikh nauk, redaktar; TORMN, K.P., tekhnichfinkiy redaktor. [Canals) lans,17. Pod red. Ye.A.Zama In*. Nookya, Gos.itid-vo lit-rjr po atroit. I arkhitakturs, 1951. 87 p. (Microfilul (nu 9:6) (Canals) 1. I'MAMAN, Ye. A. 2. USSR (600) 4. Technology I . 7. Planning hydrotechniczd structures. Moskva, Sellkhozaiz, 1952. 9. Monthly List of Russian Accessions, Library of Congress, April .1953. Unclassified. PA 227TWi Ussit/decrohysies -FiltrIation, Jun 52 FAuthen Dams 'Tiltration Through Rolled Earthen Dams," Aca'd Ye. A. 7-husaria "Gidrotelth i Melio" No 6, PP 59-63 Considers ~the influence of usual assumption of homogenici:ty of ground upon the calcn of fil-tra- tion throuAoi compacted earthen thm . Mentions related e:q)ts conducted by G.I. Zhuravlev, Eagr, at the i_.11-villnms. Studies the influence of the poro- sity coeff BE the filtration factor, which also was investigated during the Mosccv-Nolga ecastruction, 2M44 PA 247T48 MMtE'i~ineering - Hyftaulica, Dam Doc 52 "Calculation of Water Drops," Acad Ye. A. Zamarin Gidrolekh i Vieliorata, No 11., PP 43-47 Revie-vs usual hy&aulic calcn procedure for water drop of overfall dam, concluding that it gives con- cealed excessive safety allowances elimination of which would not affect strength and stability of struatt'tres,. Suggests one of three analyzed methods. as M013t efficient; method is based on jump eq which iB obtained from equality of momentum to impulse of forceg",,whereas impulse of forces is calculated :hydrostatically for flow not hindered by energy- dissil6ting sill.. 247T48 1, &WRIN, TZ. k. 2, USSR (600) 4, Irrigation 7. Great com-vanist conlitruction projects Find tbe development of new irrigation technology Dol-d Akad sellkhoz. No. 12 1952. 9. Monthl List of Russian Accessions, 'ibrary of Congress, April 1953, Uncl. Ye. A. Hydrodynamics Hydraulic apron wells and baffles. Gidr. i mel. 5, No. 2, 1953. Monthly List of Russian.Accessionsi Library of Congress, June 1953. Uncl. 1. ZLMAL'UN, Ye. A. 2. USISM (6co) 4. Soil Percolation 7. Results of a conference on mcasurc3 to prevent seepage. Gidr. i mel. 5, No. 3, 1953. 9. Monthl List of Russian Accessions, Library of Congress, . April -1953, Uncl. ZAKARINY'll.A., akadmik. Lminar MA in hydraulics. Gldr-I molo 3 ROA;26-36 Ap 13). (MM 6:3) (Nydraulloo) The Committee an M112 PrUes (of the Cc=jl of MULtaters useR) in the ricuw OL sale=* &A Inmtl= a=ot=es that the foUcvlrg saLeatific varkaj, popul" sicaten- t1fic books,, end textbocks bave been submitted for caq;cUtion for 84*11a Prizes for the yeare 1952 end 1953. (Go"UM Katurs. X*ACQW# go- 22-40# 20 Feb - 3 AR 1954) Nam Title or Wbrk NOnImUd by Zamarin, Ye. ~L. "Trangport Capability and Moscow ::nstitute of -Water Saf~a Speed of Flow in Economy imeni V.R. Villyams Canalill-Od edition) "Planning of 'hydraulic i~ngineerinr, InstallaUonsll (student manual, 2d edition) SO: ..W-30604o 7 JUY 1954 ZAKARIN. Ye.A., professor, vaslusheinnyr avatail naukl' I t6khnl'k:i RYABYSM, M.G,,. radaktor; BALUM, A.I., taihnIcheakly radaktor [Planning bydraulto structureal Proektiroyanie gidrotekbiticheakikh soorusbenii. 4-9, 19pr. izd. Moakvav Goes izd-,ro ealkhos. lit-ry, 1954, 2% p. (MML 7-10) (Wraulic engineering) - - . - - --, -j "E.- - - dl.oktor tokhnicheskikh nank; rANDIM, RTABTSHEY, N,-~~~d.ektor; SOKOLOTA, R.N.. tekhaichookly redaktor Dwdraulto InotalUttons] Oidrotakhnichookie soorushonLta. 5. izd. Koakva, Goo. tzd-vo solkhou. lit-ry, 1954. 559 p. (KMA 7:9) (Hydraulic engineering) MIARITT, 'Tt.A. ZMWIN, Te, A. ProfOricated hydroteohnlc&l structutes. Oidr. I nal, 6 no.7:26-34 JI 154. . (WaA 7: 7) (Hydraulic engineering) RYABYSM, M.G.- IMAR33, re.A., doktor takhnicheakikh nauk, zaalushannn tel; .~ a7a nAW2- rleljwln!iin~mu RSM, rodaktor; - WSKOT, LoSI. , redaktor; d BALWD, A.I. tekhnichaskir redaktor. (Doolgaing atructures in hydraulic engineering] Proaktirovania gidra- tokhnichaal:ikh oooruxhanil. Pod red, NoA.Zamarina. Mooltva, Goa.lzd- vo.selkhos..lit-ry. 1955. 191 po' (MIU 8:.6) (Hydraulic engineering) SUBJECTs USSR/Elydrotochnical Calculations AUTHOR: Zamarin, Ts.A., Acadtmician TITLEt "About qdrotachnicala Calculations" (0 gidro-bekhnicheakon raschato) PERIODICAL: "Giilrotakhnika i Meliorataiya", 1957s #7, pp 29-30, (USSR) ABSTRAM Several methods of hydrotechnical calculations have recently been proposedt hydrodynamic, hydraulic, and combined systems. Since all solutions by using these systems wore obtained by solving plans and not threedimensional probloms, accuracy was notlLceably reduced. Great attention is given to problems of extrusion and suffusion of*soil behind the witter permeable sections of the (underwater) foundation bad. Effects of ex- trucion (resulting from pressure of structuroa and filtering) and suffusion can always be calculated and avoided by taking appropriate measures. More dangerous in moil. erosion caused by turface streams. The following grouping Is frequently ob- serveds a long earth dam-is adjoined by a concrete or rein- forced concrete dam, with Wlei_p flat or porous rabbet in- Card 1/3 stalled underneath the gates, Asaumingg that the concrete dam 9,9-r r-61/4 TITLEt "About flTdrotechnical Calculations" (0 g1drotekhnicheskom raschate) is not drained, and that drainage facilities are installed in the hydraulic apron. If by means of hydrodyi~amical or other methods a d*presaion curvo in obtained in thwearth dam, and a line of piesometrio pressures under the foundation bad of the conorets dam is construed, we shall find thao by joining these 2 curvas the pressures underneath the dam fo undations (bode) are smaller than in the earth dam. Consequently, the under- wator flow will rush from the earth dam under the foundation of the concrete dam, and will to some extent increase the piezo- metric pressure there. Purthermore# by rejecting deep vertical paths of filtration# and by building flat dazi foundational we should obtain beneath them a piesonstric linei which is close to the earth dai's depression linet iteo near the average slope of 10.5 - 1:3. This is somewhat steeper than the .average measurementep and somewhat less steep,than for large structurse, Studies conducted at concrete showed the necessity for drainagot and that easy access to the structure for repair purposes in indispensable, Cikrd- 99-7-6/14 TITLEt "Abouttldrotechnical Calculations" (0 gidrotekhnichesko= rascho ASSOCIATIORI PRESENTED BYt SUBNITTEDi AVAIL ABLEt At the Libr~ry of Congress. Card 3/3 7 A i AVER'YANOTO 3,7,; ALUSANDROV, B.K.; ASIOCHINSKIY, A*N.; BLIZNYAK, Ys.B.; ZAK44~ jX"Jw*A.; KOTAMNO, I.I.; XOGHIR, P.Ya.; MNETSOT, I.A.; -9s,iiisny, V.T.; SRIBNn, M.P.; TURCHINOVICH, T.T.; FAVORIN, N.N.; SHLROV, I.A. Aleksoi Nikolaevich Kostiakov; obituary. lzv. AN SSSR. Otd. takh. nauk no.10:113-114 (Y '57. (MIRA 10:12) (Koetlakov, A-lakeel Nikolaevich, 1887-1957) AUTHOR: Zamarinj Ye.A. Acadeadpian 99-58-6-7/11 TITLEt Earth Dams With Non-Stabilized Upper Slopes (Zi?mlyanyye plotiny s neul:replennymi verkhovymi otkosami) PERIODICAL: Gidrotekhnika i Melioratsiya, 1958, Nr 6, PP 47-49 (USSR) ABSTRACT: The construction of earth dams with non-8tabil.Lzed upper slopes proved to be of great importance in reducing building costs. In this connection, the embankment formation plays an important part. Oeveral Soviet scientists, such as F.P. Savarenskiy, V.A. Shiryamov, B.V. Polyakov, I.Ya. Fillipova, B.A. Pyshkin, P.A. Shankin, G.S. Zolotarev, L.B. Rozovskiy, N.Ye. Kondratlyev, Ye. G. Kachugin, and I. Nad', have done research work in this field. Ye.G. Kachugin suggested that the degree of embankment slope of water reservoirs be determined by the energy of wind waves and the resistance of the embankment soils to erosion. This method of embankment formation, however, did not prove to be quite sa- tisfactory. Earth dams with non-stabilized slopes, such as the "Volgostroy" built in 1939 by G.A. Chernilov, O.V. Yyasemskiy, and Ya.I. Kobzikov, can be strongly recommended for water reaer- voirs with little water level variation. By coating the slopes Card 1/2 of argillaceous and loese dams with sand or gravel layers, it is I Earth Dame With Non-Stabilized Upper Slopes 99-58-6-7/11 possible to increase the degree of the slopes, since these soils have a smaller angle of rest (figure 1 and table). There is 1 figure, 1 table, and 1 Soviet reference. AVAILABLE: Library of Congress Card 2/2 1. lkms-Construction 2. Dams-Economic aspects FADEYEV~ V.V.j dots.; KRAVTSOV, G.Ya... red. (Hydraulic engineering structures] Gidrotekhnicheskie sooru- zheniia. 5- izd. Moskva, Kolos, 1965. 622 p. (MIRA 1835) ZAMARIN, Ye.A., a1cademik "Water rei3ovxces of India and their utilization* [an.articlej by F.IA.Nesti?ruk. Reviewed by E.A.Zamarin. Gidr.' I mel. 13 no.5:60- ,62 ~y 161. (MIRA 14:5) 1. Moskovigkaya or~dena Lenina sellskokhozyaystve"aya skademiya iia. K.A.T:Lmiryazeva. (India-Water resources development) (Nosteruk, F.IA.) A .. AlAkCleyAyjgh2-Akademik; YELIZAVETSKAYA,, G.V.p red.; GUMICHI, K,M.t tekhn.rede [Designixg bydraulic structures] Proelitiravania gidrotekbni- cheskikh so6ruzbeniie Izd.5. Moskva,, Goa.izd-vo sellkhos. lit-ryp 1961. 2V p. .(MIRA 14:6) 1. Vsesoyvznaya akademiya sellskokhozyaystvennykh nauk imeni V#I, Ioenina (for Zamarin). (Yqdrau.Ile structures) ZAWIN, Tevjp3niy Alekqeyavich._pF .; FANDSM, Youilly VaRillyevich, - ~~ `- - ' - I I ~ pr B.Ya-,.-, -r*'ed'.; KAHOVAI U,N,,; ZUBRIL;DU, Z.P., [Hydr3ulic structures] 4drotakhaichaskis sooruzhaniia. Izd.4. Moskva, Goe,isd-vo sallkhos.lit-ry, 1960. 623 p. (MIRA 13:5) (Hydraulic structures) ZAIUMN, Ye.A.,. ukademik Foundation drainage. Dokl. Akad- sallkhoz. 24 no.3-.40-45 '59. (MIU 12:5) l.VoeE;o,,ruzVy nauchno-icaledovatellakiy institut gidrotekhniki i malierstaii. (DrainW ) (Hydraulic engineering) ZAMARIN. Te.A..akademik H~draulic structures of drainage and irrigation systems. Dokl- Akad.eellkhoz. 24 no.1:44-48 059. (MIRA 12:2) (Irrigation canals and flumes) (Drainage) 14(10) SOV/99-59-4-3/10 AUTHOR: Zamarin, Ye.A., Academician TITLE: Seepage Through the Foundations of Earth Dams (Fil'tratsiya cherez osnovaniya zemlyanykh plotin) RE'RIODICAL: Gidrotekhnika i melioratsiya, 1959, Nr 4, pp 22-25 ( U 33 S, R ) ABSTRACT: The author analyzes a split-calculation method to determine the seepage through an earth dam and its water-permeable foundations as proposed by Academi- CiML IT.N. Pavlovskiy. After having compared it with the hydrodynamic grid method, the author calculates the seepage both ways and arrives at a divergence of 67 ';~06. He ascribes it to the dis- reLr,ard of the draininr-- effect of the dam foun- dations. In this case, the state of the depression surface of the seeping water is overestimated which Card 1/2 is illustrated by a dotted line on diagram Nr 4. I SOV/99-59-4-3/10 Seepa,-,c Throuch the Foundations of Earth Dams (page 24). There are 4 diagrams. ASSOCIATION: VASBIMI, Card 2/2 II Ye.A.. Akmdemik RStructures and operations for regulating rivers in piedsont areas" by K.F.Artamonov. Revidwed by B.A.Zamarin. Mr. i sal. 10 no. 8:62 Ag 158. (KIRA '11:10) (Rivers--Regulation) (Artamonov, K.T.) - - -.1 -1- --- 11 ~, iiiiiiiiii" 11~!n Ye,A., akndemik F~rth dws with unprotected upstream slopes. Gicir. i m-el. 10 no.6:474,9 Je 158. (MIRA 11:7) (Dams) AUTHOR: Zamarin, Ye. A., Academician SOV-99-58-8- 10/11 TITLE: Critique and Bibliography (Kritika i bibliografiya) K.F. Artamonov "Regulating Constructions and River Works in Foothill flegiond" published by the AS _' KtrSSR9 Frunze, 1957, 170 pages, price 9 rubles$ 60 kopeks. (K.F. Artamonov "Re- gu.lirovochnrjesooruzheniya i raboty na rekakhv predgornykh rayonakh" Izdaniye AN KirSSR, g. Frunze, 1957, 170 str., tsena 9 rub, 60 kop PERIODICALt Gidrotekhnika i melioratsiyap 1958, Nr 8, p 62 (USSR) ABSTRACT: This is a review of the above mentioned book. Inland waterways--USSR Card 1/1 ZAMARIN TA doktor takhn. uauk,, prof,; ZHM&TWg, Me, kwidl. takim uk; KCBIM:, S.1a, Imnd. tekhn. nank; KBZKMWSKIY* $eD9, kavA, tekhn. Amik; NIKOYAM. 1.G., I&h., naucbmy rsd~; GOVIDIMMAj, L.A., red,, Izd-va; PERSON, K*go, tekhn. red, (91dramlia structures in agricultuis] S~l'skokhoxj&Istv9nvqe gidi?o- teMudcheakle gooruzhaniia. Itookya, Goa* iod-vo Ut-ry:po strolt. i arkhita' 1 19:57, 289- Pe* (Hydraulic engineeringY (IKM& Us?) IMLIYANOV, A.U.; RANARIN, L.Q.. redaktor (Prevention of disease in calves] Preduprazhdonia bolesnat teliat. [Saratov] Saratovskoe kn-vo. 1955. 66 p. (MMA 9:10) (Callres-Diseases) ~~Chp-ngvg in the total protela and prottim fractl&~,C,~ bloc-din cattle andhorsezinrtlation tosge. L.G.Zammrin.' T'rudy Sararm. Zoom,.- last. 19SI. XQ-4,4~ ,4 - r4- Xh~m, Biz4, KUM. 105S, 96--6M.-Total pro - ., allmmin. E~Asulin and fibrinuEzen of Oft! blood of cattle and: C1 hn.~rl -rr &M., file prot~m coeffs, c-tlcff. wid file dat-i vualyzed ita(iiwalty in relation to atltgeA of inimal de- velepramr. Tbrce itages 4ppwtd distinguish2ble, Li the Ent-. (r,,m birth to 3 years of age. total t:~-ein and ~bri~op:j grad-jal)y rj-~c to the ag-, oi 6 months, then d~crcwe sv, at 3 years of age; the albumins gimlualir rizt ulii!.- 04t globulins are lessened. 77he sccmd period, frC= a i~, 5 pt-," d age is chatacttrizrd Ly - impar.,tic r i Tht Irl aabi-i- J thc- total protein and lt,~ tractkms ,I I f-Til 5 vml- Irp t . y is charact.~rizcd by i o oljj"tj m 1,1;t tc-z~; prolciii m."; 19,urnin ruldap, inerth" in L11- g~m buirl Iz-'d 6hrincqvi I'fim pmt"'a up to 4 ;-,f I_-, rldually ri~" lrd aftcr rm-Ching it. mv,- w dtdint. R. Lexi-rf ZAKARIN, YZ Hj:ftoyTkhnicheakiy8 800,'Mzhaniya (Hydrotechnical 9tractureop y8- A- Za*&rin j V.V. Tondeyev. 3 IZD,. Koskva, Sel' khozgiz, 1954. 559 p. illus., Diagro., Tables. so; N15 663.2 .41 1954 ZAM-OG2;Y, Dezso, Aleveles banyamernok., fcmernok Mmintenance of galleries supported by steel rings. Ban7 lap 93 no.3:159.-166 Mr 160. 1. 111. bairrauzem, Tatabanyai Szenbanyaszati Troszt, Tatabanya. ZA14AROCZyt D. Relationship between transporting and loading operations in shafts sunk by an excavator of the BCS-1 type. p.531. BAIMMATI LAPOK. Budapest. Vol. 11, no. 9, Sept. 1956. SOURCE; East %ropean Accessi,,ns List (EEAL), Library of Congress Vol. No. 12, December 191~ ZAY-LRWZYI D.; aSAJACHY.. G. Pyritic metal deposition from the Tatabarwa basin. p. 270 FOIDrIJF.r- FOZWIrf . BULLETIN OF TRE HOGARIM GBOLWICAL SOCI.Eff - (Magyar Foldtani T,jr-sulat" Budapest, Hungary. Vol. 89j No. 3j JUIY/SePt- 2-959 11onth3y List of East Diropean Accessionst (EW) LC, Vol- 9,, No. 1, Jan- 196o Unal banyamernok Cleava-7es in-coal sears. Barv lap 92 no.3:345-158 Mr. 162. 1. Tallabarvai Szenbanyaazati Troazt, Tatabanya ZMAROCZY, Dezso, okl. banyaniarnak ----------------- Faint,enances cf galeries supported by steel ring. Bnny lai) 93 no. 3;159-- 166 Tir 60. - 1. A XII. banyatizem fmernokn, Tatsbanyai Szenbanyastati Troszt, Tatabanya. ZWARSKI, Bohumil, inz.; VUH, Josef, inz. Effect of fault folding deformations on the safety of mining in the Ostrava coalfield. Geol pruzkum 6 no. 7:211-212 Jl 164. 1. Scientific Research Institute of Coal, Ostrava - Radvanice. ZAMARSKI, Bohumil., inz.; DUZI, Otakar, inz. Compressibility oil the stowage to be used in mining the protectiie pillar of Ostrava. Uhli 6 no-9:305-307 S t64. 1. Scientific Research institute of Coal, Ostrava-Hadvanine. 26031 S/139/61/oOO/003/013/013 E073/E335 AUTHORS: Polosathin, G.D., Zamashanskaya, N.F. and Stepanova, G.S. TITLED Effect of Ultrahigh Machining Speeds on the Depth of the Work-ixa.L %A IZLLeU .41Y UA.1 PERIODICAL; Izveistiya vysshikh uchobnylch zavedeniy, Fizika, pp-,173 - 175 T"T. In 1947 V.D. Kuznetsov proposed the following principle of ultrahigh-speed machining of metals. At the end of a rifle a cylindrical p a r t is placed, which forms a continuation of the barrel. beveral cutting tools are fixed onto -this cylinder. which machine speclmena that have been shot out oz'tne rifle. It is possible, by means of this method, to realise cutting speeds ot several hundred m/s. On the basin of this principle a laboratory test rig was produced, under the direction of G.D. Polosatkin, which permitted qualitative study of the process of machining and measuring the machining forces and speeds. The results of the Influence of such high machining speeds on the depth of the Card 1/4 Effect of .... 6- j 5/139/61/ooo/003/013/'013 60 3 2 E073/E-335 work-hardened layer are given in this paper for aluminium and duralumin cylinders of 7.6 mm diameter, 25 mm long, which, prior to machining, were annealed for the purpose of stress relief. Chips wer* cut from two sides of those specimons by, 0 high-speed steel-cutting tools set at a negative angle'of 30 The depth of the work-hardened layer was measured by measuring the microhardness across sections produced by electrolytit polishing. It was found that with increasing cuttiiig speeds the depth of the work-hardened layer decreased at first and then stabilized to a constant value at cutting speeds above 250 M/sec (aluminium) and 350 m/sec (duralumin), the values being approx1mately-0-38 and o.47, mm, respectIvely. The micro- hardness of the work-hardned layer showed a similar behaviour; after an initial decrease with increasing cutting speeds up to 250 m/sec, it remained almost constant - if the cutting speed increased further, to values up to 700 m/sec. This phenomenon is explained by the theory of work-hardening and relaxation proposed by M.A. BolOshanina. Work-hardening and r~Blaxation occur simultaneously during deformation; whilst the Card 2/4 2 ~4'12 5/139/6i/000/003/Oi3/013 Effect of .... E073/F.335 work-hardening depends only on the degree of deformation, the relaxation depends on the time, temperature and degree of deformation. The higher the rate of deformation, the shorter will be the time available for relaxation and at very high speeds relaxation may be completely absent� in this case, the work-hardening: will not depend on speed. If it is taken into consideration. that deformation at speeds of hundreds of m/sec is adiabatic, the stabilization temperature of the layer should also be constant. This explains the fact that for aluminium stab.:tlization occurred earlier than for duralumin. Deformation of the machined surface is also c1tsely linked with deformation of thei chip and the former can only be stabilized when the latter ih stabilized* The surface of the machined duralumin was rougher than the surfaca of the machined aluminium. Deformation of the sirface layer is qualitatively linked with deformation of the chip and therefore it can be assumed that a decrease in the depth and degree of work- hardening is linked, with the decrease in deformation in the work-hardening of the chip. In this case, the procegs of Card 3/4 26,032 S/139/61/000/003/013/013 Effect of E073/E335 cutting and the chip -temperature, which depend on the plastic deformation, should decrease with increasing machining speed. However, this does not,hold for the temperature of the cutting tool -aince this temperature is primarily determined by friction. There are 4 figures and 2 Soviet references. ASSOCIATION: Sibirskiy fiziko-tekhnicheskiy institut pri Tomskogo gosuniversitet imeni V*V. Kuybysheva, (Siberian Physicotechnical Institute of Tonsk State University imeni V.V. Kuybyshev) SUBMITTED- September. 17, 1959 Card-4/4 C~;I , - ~m POLOSATKIN, G.D.1 UW)HMKA%AO N.F,; STEPANOVAS G.S. Effect of superhigh shearing speeds on the depth of the cold- worked layer. Izv.vys.ucheb.zave; fiz. no.3:173-175 161. (MIRA 14:8) 1. Sibirskly fiziko-tekhnicheskiy institut pri Tomokom gosudaretvennom universitete im. V.V.Kuybysheva. (Shears (Machine tools)) (Metals-Cold working) 6 SOV/137_58- 12-24239 Translation from: Referativnyy zhurnal. Metallurgiya, 1958, Nr 12, p 45 (USSR) AUTHOR: Zamatairev, S. P. TITLE: Vacuum Casting of Large Ingots (0i.livka krupnykh slitkov pod vaku- umom) PERIODICAL: Tr. Islauchno-tekhri. o-va chernoy metallurgii, 1957, Vol 18, pp 576-581 ABSTRACT: The experlence of the Uralmashzavod in vacuum casting of large in- gots is described. The ingots are cast into a triotcl in a special tanl,. One such tank is 41 m3 in volume and permits the casting of ingots up to 30 t in weight, the second is 140 m3 i-n volume and will permit 120 t of ingots to be cast. Each container is equipped with a pouring box with stopper. The vacuum is preserved prior to pouring by careful fitting of the plug to the nozzle and by inserting a special 1. 5-2 mm thick P'd gasket coated with water-glass sotution in the nozzle orifice beneath the plug. The steel (St) pouring procedure is described. Measurement of the uantity of gases taken off shows low values, from 1. 05 to 1. 74 ml per 15-t in ot. TI-e % composition of the Card 1/2 gases at the onset of pouring is 3~ - I CO, 8. 8 H?-, 56. 6 N2; in the Vacuum Casting of Large Ingots (cont. ' SOV /13'7- 58-12-24239 middle of the pour it j s 59. 4 CO, I I - 4 H2: and 3 0. 2 NZ; at i he end of t -he pour it i s 77. 4 CO, 11. 0 H2 and .10. 7 N2 . Four fo-gings of vacuum-cast ingots are invesli- gated. Ultrasonic inspection reveals no defects in any billet. Periscopic exami- nation shows that '. in a billet niade of an ingot cast witli -12 minuies of holding in vacuum after the filling of the hot lop, defects in tile forn-1 of small 3-S mm inclu- sions are observed in the gate. Sulfur prints of the tipper neck of forgings of de- gasified metal (Me) show somewhat increased segregation! i1-Z points instead of I point in a forging from a standard casting;. The upper and lower necks and the body of a billet made from degasified Me have smaller dendrites Ihan billets of ordinary Me. Areas of segregation are somewhat more numerous in the upper neck of a billet of degasified Me rhan in -a billet o- ord;n,3rv Me. Degastfication improves plastic properties somewhat, particularly in transverse samples. The degasified Me is less subject to cold shortness than Me of an ordinary melt. Vacuum casting permits reduction of nonmetallic inclusions by about half i*down to 0. 0059%~4 and an approximate 30% reduction in T-H) in the ingot. Comparison of two 10-t ingots, one of which is cast in vacuum and the other under ord,.nary conditions, shows that the ingot cast in vacuum is of denser structure and less pronounced cent ral porositV. Ye. K, Card 2/2 ZAMATAYEVA$ A~V. Double and triple gems of the bluegrass, Hauch, trWy Kal, otd. MrP no.2:235-238 160. ("'MU 1/,,t10) (BLUEGRASS) (GERMINATION) Iq 107-57-6-47/57 AUTHOR: -- Zamayev. B. (Belorechenskaya, Krasnodarskiy-Kray) TITLE', Plug for Coianecting a Sound Pickup (Vilka dlya vklyucheniya zvukosrLimatelya) PERIODICAL: Radio, 1957, Nr 6, p 56 (USSR) ABSTRACT: Soviet phonographs have two cords with identical plugs, one from the sound pickup, the other from the motor. To prevent their erroneous connec- tion, the author recommends adding a special pin to one of the plugs and that a slit be made in the corresponding socket. There is one figure. AVAILABLE- Library of Congress Card 1/1 ZAKAYET, B. (at. Belorechenskaya, Kraon-odarskogo-Kraya)-.- ~Two-pin plug: for phonogTaphs. Radio no.6:56 Je 157. (KMA 10:7) Monograph) -~2:141 fit It- V) RAZVODOV. B.,I,.; ZAMAYEV, B.N.; MELINIK, T.A. Zxperience In polytechnical education. Fis. v shkole 17 no.2:73- 76 Mr-Ap '57-0 (KM 10:3) 1. I-ya arednva7a shkola imeni U.I.Kalinina, St.BelarachenskVa Xrasnodarokogo kraya. (Technical education) ZAKATIV, B.N. (StonLtsa Belorechanakaya Krasnodarokogo kraya) School broadcasting wdt based an Dmpr-3 type magmetophous. Fiz.v shkolo 16 no.4:94 il-Ag 156. (HLR& 9:9) 1. 1-ya sroduyaya shkola imeui M.I.KrAlinina. (Radio stationO