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4"SrW"~K w4w XOJMMM~ L -:W$38-& 3W(d)tr-SS-2 ACC NR: ARSO 18780 &:)URCE CODE: UR/0274/65/000/007/VO04/VO04 IT ..'-SOURCE: Ref. xh4 Radiotekhnika I atektrosvyaz'. Svodnyy tom, Abe. 7V23 I? AUTHOR: Z!Nnrq TITLE: Operation of a -chain of compensators an a linear variation of attenuation CITED SOURCE: Tr. uchebn. in--tov ovyazi. M-vo evyazi SSSR, vyp. 21, 1964, .109-115 TOPIC TAGS: signal level c~)mpe1nsatot-.,-:. communication channel laplke transfortwo electronic circuft, error TRANSLATION: The dynami('Is of, controlling the level in a chain of astatic corfipensators is considered vrhen the line sections undergo linear attenuation variations4 Based on an anal, ysis with Laplace transforms, curves are obtained of a function which determineis the dynamic control error in a circuit comprising I compensators In the case of a simultaneous disturbance to all of them. From Card 1/2 UDC: 6zl.39S.664.078 bRKWRILINI I 10538-M ACC NR: ARSO 18780 the apparatus data, possible control errors in a chain of five V-3 and V-12 compensators are determined. Similar calculations are carried out for the case of nonsimultaneous disturbances to I controllers. An inference to drawn that, with a permissible dynamic-contral error up to 0. 1 nepp the compensation rate must exceed the rate of attenuation variation by 20 times or more. Also, the i dynamic error in a chain of static compensators is considered. It is stated that, in this case, the error Is lower than that in a similar Oain of astatc compensators. Bib-2, figs 3. SUB CODE: 17, 09 Card 2 /Z i~ M- USSR ONUFRIYEV. V. P., SHVETSOV. Yu. F., DUDINIKOV, A. I., PRONINP 1. A.f ZAKHAROV. YV ot+, and Kravets, I. K., All-Union Solenfifii~'Hes4iitaft- 0, 1713MIMMmo oot-and-Mouth Disease, USSR "Effect of Immune Serum on the ForEstion of Active Immunity to Foot-and-Mouth Disease" Sofia, Veterinarna Sbirka, Vol 63, No 11, pp 5-9 Abstract: Immune serum Is used to produce passive immunity In cattle In regions In which foot-and-mouth disease occurs. The effect of preceding administration of Immune serum on the formation of active Immunity upon Injection of live virus of type 0 was tested on mice. The Imnune serum was derived from cattle that had recovered from foot-and-mouth disease after Infection with type 0 virus. It was e~tabllshed that administration of the Immune serum to the mice 5-7 days before Immunization with live virus pr6vented formationof aotive Immunity In them, while administra- tion of the immune sertua 10, 13, 20, or 30 days before Immuniza- tion with the viruq had no affect on the development of active immunity, On administration of Immune serum to the mice, the passive immunity persioted for 7 days. Tables. amaov- v. U. "Methods of Determining Maximum Power Ar.-pligation Frequency and Maximim Generated Frequency of Transistors,,)' Semiconductor Devices and Tlheir.Uses; Collection of Articles, No 2. p. 205, Mollcow, Izd-vo "Bovetskoye radio,, " 1957, 398 P. ZAINAROV, V.N. Determining =Lx:Lwam frequencies of power amplification and oscillation of crystal triodes. Pbluprov. prib. I ikh prim. no.2:205-222 157. (MIRA 11:6) (Transistor amplifiers) (Ovoillatorej Transistor) ZUR"", V. H. ft-""""bWv"W Mechanical feeding of shive tiato furnaces. Tokmt.prom. 17 no.2-44- 45 3F '57. (mak 10: 2) 1., GlavW tnshener Istviyokogo l1notrestas (Stokers. Mechanical) ARKHANGELISKIY, V.L.; BIR.MAN, B.A.; ZAKHAROV, V.N.; MARGOLIN, L.M.; NEWHINOV, S.V.; PASHKOV, Yu.S. Brief news. Matoor. i gidrol. no.8:63-64 Ag 163. (?URA 16t10) ZAIMAROV.- Is the presidium of the actentific-Tachnological Council of the Chief Administration of the Hydrometeorelogical Service. Meteor. i g1drol. ike.6:69 Je 156. (MIRA 9:9) (K6teorelogy) 7ArRABOV, V91. Arctic conference. Mateor.i g1drol. no.8:67 Ag '56. (MLOA 9:12) (Arctic regions) ZAM"Ov International avard. Meteor.1 gicirol. no.9:67-68 S '56. (NLRL 9:11) (Notoorology) .1 ZAKUAROV, Y.N. Conference in Kazakhstan. Meteor.i gictrol. no-3:67-68 Nr '57. (XLRA 10:3) (Kazakhstan-Meteorology, Agricultural-Congresses) 1. -. - ". 3M AUTHORs Zakhoiny, T. N. sov/5o-6o-i-17/20 TITLEt On the Board of the lbsin Administration of the%Hydrometeorolofflad Service PERIODICALt Meteorologiya I gidrologiy&, 1960t Nr 1. p 62 (USSR) ABSTRACTs The Board of the Glairnoys upravlQniyo gidrometooolushby (main Administration of this Hydrometsorological Service) not an October So 1959 to discuss the problem of improving coordination and planning in scientific research work on hydrenotsorology. This problem had previously been closely dealt with In the Institute* and in the Presidium Nauahno-tokhnicheakogo eoveta 4~1-~ GUGNS (Presidium of the Scientific Technical Council of the Main Administration of the Hydrometeorological Service). Following resolutions adopted by the Board, a naw planning system was worked out and enforced for scientific research worko experimenteg designing# and expeditions. The coordination of scientific investigations will be the task of the central and zonal institutes of the Gidrometeoslushba (Hydrometeorologioal Service). The fields to be coordinated are sharply outlined and divided up between the institutes# The central institutes are to Card 1/2 coordinate in769tigations on hydrometeorological forecasts and On the Board of the 11ain Administration of the SOV/50-60-1-17/20 Hydrometeorologioal Service information (TsIP Cent:ral Institute of Forecasts ), on climatology and generall meteorology (GGO(State Hydrological Institute)), on water reserves, calculation of water 'oconomyo hydrometry, hydrophysio:,(processes occurring in river beds, hydrological instrument; GGI( cal - Institule)). the physics of the free atmosphere, and methods of its investigation (TsAO), on oceanography and maritimi meteorology (GOIN(State Oceanographic Institute))t the elaboration of meteorological, ae"logii-Al and oceanographic instruments (Nil GNP(Scientiflo, Research Institute of Hydrometeorological instruments)), aeraclimatology and mechanization of Interpreting hydroneteorological. datis (NIIAK # The zonal institutes are to coordinate the inVeStigMtiOn Of landslides, snow covers, and snow avalanches as well as Vrobleas of glaciology. Furthermore, ooordination oomaissionts were formed at the Nauchno-tekhnic-haskiy sovet GUGMS (Scientific Technical Council of the gain Administration of the Hydrozeteorological Service). Card 2/2 2 Z Do AUTHORS: T=. PERIODICAL: I-Sob 1 1413f 41:)'(P 26750 s/122/61/ooo/ow/m/oi i A16l/A126 Genkin, M. D.,~ Candidate of Technical Sciences, Zakharov,'V. N., Engineer, Mislutrin, Yu. A., Candidate of Technick Some results of gear tests with hot lubricants. Vestnik mashin-ostroyeniya, no. 2, 1961, 14 - 16 TEXT: Gears have been tested In a special test machine for 50 hours at 2000C lubricating oil temperature, and for seizure 'at 150 and 150'C. The article includes details such as the gear module, tooth numbers, contact factor, steel grade, hardness, eto. Oil was feel into contact area. Gears were rotated with 33.4 m/sea. velocity. The test results led to the conclusion thaL seizure pre- sents the highest danger at high temperature. It appeared in 75 % of all tests as thq first cause of wear. Pitting did not develop progressively. The pheno- mena proved a high effect of the heat balance in gears and a strength in teeth surface as a result of tempering. Higher effect of tempering was stated on pinions than on the mating gears, due to smaller cooling suface and hence a higher temperature in pinions. It is expected that an oil feed in- Card 1/2 26750 S/122/61/000/bo2/boYon Some results of gear test with hot lubricants. A16l/A126 crease to a certain limit and oil cooling applied to the gear body will have a positive effect on the load capacity of transmissions at high temperatures. The load application mode. was also stated to have some effect. Conclusions: 1) The most dangerous kind of destruction In gears working at 150 - 250OCis seizure. The mechanical strength and resistance to scoring of gears designed for such service must be evaluated taking into account the changing properties of oil and metal at high temperature.. 2) The bending resistance of gears made of 18XHOA(18KhNVA) steel practically does not decrease at 1507- 2560C. 3) The metal strength in con- tact is dropping (due to reduced hardness and rising friction factor), but fati- gue cracks mostly do not have time to develop into progressively growing cavities due to seizure. 4) The relative strength reserve for fatigue pitting and bending in hot gears is higher than thst for seizure. This is particularly clear in short-life transmissions where contact stresses can normally be raised without expecting pitting from fatigue. There ar6 3 Soviet-bloc references. Card 2/2 TKACfM,'V, V.V., Lnzh.; S11OLEKNOV, V.M., 1110I.; Prinianli uci,,iietiy~- KONSTANTINOV, V.G.; UVIN, L.Ya.; GRTGOF1YFVYUi, G.F.,- !AKffdOV,_V.N.j 7FDAYOV, L.A.; PUZI-ANOV, N.A.; VASTLIYEV., A.N.; ZHELF21TAYA, P.T.; njWiljolllk, YP~11.; LEVKEN, A.S.; MOKIYEVSKIY, N,M.; SHAKHAII)V, V.; SMTRNOV, A.L. D6veloping the technology of producing a high-basicity open-hearth sinter. Stall 25 no.8-683-686 Ag '65. (MIRA 18:8) 1. Cherepovettskiy melallurglcheakiy zavod (for Tklichev, Sholeminov). .1,1~,-F,Ty, A.,! IFJT,~ E I -vr - I ~- jk). 1.1 i - i ccondur-tivitir and the rmccle!2 tromctve fcxc:e Of iclid rigane~r;, oxideo at high t-emperatures. 1z,,,. AN SSSR. (117RA 18:~) B CGI I I N GRIGOR'YEV, V-7-; YEFREM(YI) P.V.; ZAKFIIROV L.!-.; Y.; --PASHKOV, Yru.s.; Brief news. Meteor. -idrol. no.9:61-64. 8 165. (MIRA 18:8) TUNUM ILT*#;- NALIUMICH, F.F.; IVAMA, T.1a.; EWIYCHUX, N.V.; ki&, W.I.; MIAV,, A.-G.; SIMTS07A, Yu.Ye.;- SHUMA, Z.S.; 7URWCHv V.A.; 2UMM7, V.I. RemIts-of photographic observations of artificial earth satel- lite@. Riul.sta.olytonableiskeeput*Zomo vo*29:37--" 162* (MIRA 1632) 1. laebml~aik Yerevanskoy stentsii tLabl-yudeniya iskuestveznykh oputdkov Zmli (for T=anyan). 2. Wikolaymkaya_ ftanteiya ;"rdw#a iakupetwenn7kh sputtikov Zemli (for Wlikhevich. b6kina). 3. Nachillnik Uzhgorodskoy stantaii nablqudeniya ykh aptatnikov Temli (for Bmtiycbuk). 4* Zvenigorod- okay& otantoiya Astronmicheakogo soveta AN SSSR (for Belemko, Kr7lov, Sentoova, Shilkinav Yurevich). 5. 11achallnik Irkutokoy Btartaii *blyudeni7a iakumstvemnykh oputnikov Zemli (for Zakharoyp. (Artificial satellites-Tracking) BELOGUROV, Yu.A.; BELYAYI-X, A.F.; VISIDIEWlY, P.; ZAKHAROV~-V.N.'-, KAGANER, M.; MARGOL111, L.M.; PASPICOV, Yu.S.; PGLYAKOVA, Ye.A. SMIRIOVA, S.I. In the Main Adminiolration of the Itrdrometeorolo imal Service. Meteor. i gidrol. no'.6:62 Je 164 ~MIRA 17-.8) In the institutions of the Hydraaeteorological Service. lbidet 63. Meetings, conferencea.. seminars. Ibid.163-64 Abroad. lbid.:64,. -- Fiftieth anniversary of the Ilydrochemical InstitUte. MaLaore 1. gidrol no.80-58-59 Ag 761~ (MM 17:8) AVAGIMDV, Ye.A. [Avahimov., E.A.1, assistent; ZAKHAROV, V.N., student 4-go kursa; ZAKWOVA, A.A., student 4-go kursa; L%IbXURbV, V.G. [Bielokurov, V.H.], student 4-go kursa I Stand for cleaning fuel and oil filters. Mekh. siV. hosp. 13 no.9:10-11 S 162. (MIRA, 17:3) 1. Kubanskiy sellskokhozyaystvennyy institut. BALAXHCINOT, V.P.; BOGED, R.A.; GUTEWO, I.G.- ZAKSAWV V.R.; ZMIY]ff, I R A.B.; KARWOV, V.D..; EWKH, A.M.; MAW~, ~.; ~AL, I.D. Brief newn. Meteor.i gidrol no.2t6l--U+ IF 163. (MIRA 16s2) (Meteorology) MARKOV, Yu.V.; ZAKHAROV, V.N. -- . ..... Using a quartz clock at the Irkut8k Tracking Station. Biul. eta. opt. nabl, isk. sput. Zem. no.3015-10 162. (MIRA 16:6) 1. Irkitakaya astronomicbeakaya observatoriya, Stantsiya nablyudeniya islaisetvannogo sputnika Zemli No. 1079. (IrIcutsk-Astronomical clocks) ZAKHAROV, V.N.; MOSKVITINA, R.N.; FOTEYKOY Vj, am~80MMMMMONO Observations of lunar occultations of atara in Irkutsk. Astron. tair. no.233:5-6 F 163. (MIR& l6z6) 1. Stantsiya, nablyudenly iskusetvannykh aputnikov Zemli, Irkutsk. - (Occultations) F_ 0 : 040 a- 66#09046601111 0 0 :* :: 416- sit-44-6.4- 0 Isiftioe * s so** q it it 1 , 1, 1, IV llu b)tb MIVAR V m n MAD 12 2 loot Mli M is 4 d 4 L Jo % IN v a ill a 4, 0 it It 41 AI L 2 IL --fi 0 041 A_A-L F Q I to - __ _ t 1 - ___ j - . , flow Allm Wow bnW V. P. Zoilifloamy WrAta. Kkiltn'ronota 19411 311 33 It 1 00 '. . . ; . Jill). lift, 111). -.411di (. f&v,, 1164.1, *1 43111). glotmi $111MIJIliff. (III, IIII.brojint" Stiff lwdin"Y b"N" It, I-Irvirflal Inachirtrot -00 00 leall fi-Mud 111 4 foram is ills .12-11 1 % -of 4"I'lorr 411.1 4T, 6.r joill.% I'll. - Illul the fivrx"I all-It' (.1mviliv t."twal rroini'sn'ti, (~44,$ 41~jk'j 01 have- Tor"I'V~11irriv-, teflAile otIrruthit 43 antiU hit.ioij. nini., virM 1%Antn 13 t I anti Ili -.-t he !& ". firino-11 -00 00 Vin Nov AM V& li All. M a Nnothwltw. a inarlitai~ foram 00 "4111" Itil 4K 111414161WOol" 3 3-14. in,41 I - vo-r% -00 "'Ili the '"row rIeCtril-al n-111111141n4l as tinfirlary bralloet.. 2 lih l fi t =60 nn n nn - niarl;an~ a it'" "'nitaining 2 .s. 5. anti ltv", (if manitane" at%. ""rr suitAW fllr win-finP than In foun, Alunisinitirn. jlal~v hAve a h4hpor 400 m6tan~ (up j.~ itj. 1. zoo C. st o 0 0 coo zoo :400 400 "Go IP - t, 00 U60 00 Clots I IF * 4 Io* U or 01T4 ,1 e -V to It if x 04 a a IC It n is F 00 4 * 0 a gee Is 0" v 1I a la A I ~ 11111 * 0 M 9 0 01 0 Go 0 & 6 el o 4 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 a 0 0 0 0 41 0 " untmv' V. P. Termist. Utv. v kachestvtt uchebnika dlia remeslennvkh uchilishch. Sverdlovsk, MashgIz, 1946. 191 p. illus., tables. Bibliography: p. lm. Heat-treatment technician. "~W: TN73l-Z3 SO: Manufacturing and Mechanical Engineering in the Soviet Union, Library of Congress. 1953. ZAKWOV, V.P.; GULYAYEV. A.P., profoooor, doktor takhnichookikh nauk, PLOKHOV. B.G., inshener, retsonsent; DUGINA, N.A.. tokhnicheakikh redaktor (The universal heat-traixfment furnace operator] Termist-universal. Izd. 3-e. Moskva, Goo. aauchno-takhn. Ird-va m&shinostrottellnoi lit-ry, 1954s 240 po (WBA 8:4) (Steel-Heat treatment) YURCUK, I.Ya., kand. teldm. nank-, ZAKHAROV, V.P.; SMIKO, V.P.; RXZNI-KOV, L.G.; KIM=, K.B. Organizing assembly limastm Ukrainian porcelain manufacture. Trudy GIZI no.3:31-52 156. (KIDA 110) (Ultralne-Ceramic Industries)' (Pottery) (Aseemb~y line methods) 4 LJJG:NINA, I.G., kand. tekhn. nauk; ZA1,11AROV, V.P., inzh.; IKUISSLIN, V.K., inzh. ~ Causes of the appearance of clinker dust. T-Sezent 30 M~-Je 164. (MITRA 1. Kazakhskiy tekhnologicheskly institut i Ch-imkeritskiy tsementnyy zavod. L 37118-66 E.'-`T(1)/Ej ACC Nk, APG015763 ~Al sou'r-B CME: UrVO048/66/030/005/0789/0792 WM03: ~Ljpnkovich, As N.; Wrlinrov, V. P.; ClitilInyov, V. N. Oin: Institute for the Study of Materinis, Ica(leriy o.' Scienc-!s of thc .7 (Ins trt-W-7 nnuk Uk ro TITLE, Investigation of rocrystnllizntion of thin films under electron bombnrdmont fRoport, Fifth All-Union Conference on Electron Mirroscopy hold in Sumy 6-8 July 196~7 V)URCE., AN SSSR. Izvestiya. Soriyn fizic)icsknyn, v. 30, no. 5, 196G, 789-792 TOPIC TAGS: electron microscopy, semiconducting film, germanium, silicon, film grain, crystallization, electron diff Ition %% 1~~ ABSTRACT, The =i l,,'Z'LtiC:1n?kunder the influence of electron bombardment of npproximately 500 A films of silicoOLd re rmnn itun'll" tac titan deposited a----4 t 1 X 10 mm 11C, was observed with an olect~_~n_mlcroscopo. 4 The f resh films were in a metastable qunsi-amorphous state; no grain structure cold, be observed with the electron micro- scope and the electron diffraction patterns exhibited four very diffuse halos. Re- crystallization was effected by rapidly refocusing the 25 pA 50 W electron beam of the microscope onto a small portion of the film. Rccrystnllization was "practically instantaneous", although under normal operation of the microscope no change in the film could be perceived after 30 minutes of exposure. After electron bombardment Card ACC NRx AP6015766 three sharply distinguished regions were discerned: a cdntral region with fine equi- axial grains; an intermediate region with 10 A ncicular or dondritic crystals orient- ed radially from the periphery toward the center of each mesh of the supporting grid; and n peripheral region in which the film retnincd its initial structure. This zone structure is nscribed to the nction of tompornture gradients arising in the film undei electron bombnrdment as a result of the high heat conductivity of the wires of the supporting grid. Whon the Mw woro hentod directly in the microscope there wore no large temperature gradients and the anneal led to the appearance of fine equinxial crystals which grow by recrystallizntion.I&The electron diffraction patterns of the crystallized films showed, in addition to many lines of the diamond-'type lattice of germanium and silicon, a number of lines associated with the face-centered cubic lattice and forbidden for the diamond-typo lattice by the structure factore. It is suggosted that thono forbidden 11non mny be duo to multiple diffrnotion. Orig. art. has: 3 figures. BUD CM: 20/ SUIR DATE: 00/ ORIG REF: 000/ OTH REF: 004 Card - 2/2 SEDELINIKOV, G.N., polkoirnik madituinskoy oluzhby; ZAKHAROV V p podpolkovnik meditsirwkoy sluzbby; SOjWMt-T- * .p .7.-; podpolkovnik maditsinskay siu-mhby Waya of leading (unloadiN) of wourided on naval veasp-la. Voen. med. zhur. no.lOt47-49 0 165. (MIRA 3.8tl-l) ZAKIIAPOV.- Vj. Ltirull f,l -,.g cy(, I es of -" rfldi te imil cl ty. ID A t'. ur a V. 1 no. 4, 464-466 Ap 165. (AURA 18-5) 1. Chuvishsky potiagoglr~A(-:;kly in,it"JAut imem, Yqlcovleva. ZAKHAROV, V.P.0 akademik Raising the efficiency of combined power generation and irrigation systems. Vest. AN Kazakh. SSR 20 no.lill-15 A 164. (MIRA 17:3) 1. Akademiya nauk Kazakhokoy SSR. GARASHCHUK, V.P.; ZAKHAROV, V.P. Concentration of lithium and strontium In the plasma of a d-c are in a helium atmosphere at high pressures. Opt. I spektr. 15 no.1:129 J1 163. (MIRA 16r8) (Electric are) (Plasma (Ionized gases)) ZAKHA'ROV$ V. F. "Ways of Overcon&ng Difficulties Created by Sludge Ice at Hydroelectric Power Station Constructions in Central Asia," Gidrotekh. Stroi., No.1, 1948 271 A K TMI i nn OV, - V. F . - - Hydrod,ynazTdcs Statistical methods of determing the maximum water discharge of rivers. Izv. An SSSR Otd. tekh. nauk, No- 3. 1952. Monthly List of Russian Accessions. Library of Congressp October., 1952. UNCLASSIFIED. . 1. SHULITS, V. L.; ZAKHAROV..Y_.P. 2. USSR (600) 4, Hydrology 7, Aye of further developing 5oviet river hydrology. Inv. AN SSW Otd. tekh. nauk no. 8, 1952 9. Monthly List of Russian Accessions, Library of Congress, January -1953. Unclassified. 1. zAxj~1_1.01ILIL-p--i-MROV.) USIMOV, A. P. 2. ussm (6oo) 4. Main Turkmen Canal 7. Cold-weather operating conditions of the hydro-technical structures of the Main Turk- men Canal. Gidr. Stroi. 21 no. 8,, 152, 7.1 9. Monthly List of Russian Accessions, Library of Congress, JanuarY -1953, Unclassified. - - a - - - , i -1 ~ ~, - -1 r- - - T - t , ; , I ZAKHAROV,V.P. Statistical methods for working vIth cartographic material. rzv. AN razakh.SSR-Senenerg. no.7:47-50 154. (KLRA 8:12) (Cartography) ZAM"V, V.P.; CHIZHDV, D.P. .-V Combating ice Jame in the Syr Darya by blasting. Mateor.1 gidrol. no.1:44-45 156. (MIRA 9:6) (Syr Darya--Ice) ZAM&MV, V.P. ------------ Dividing the republics of Central Asia into districts on the basis of power requirements. Izv.AN '56- (MIRA 140) 1, Phlen-korrespondent AN KazSSR, (SOViet Central Asia-Bleatria power) 8(5) , SOV/112-58-3-3766 Translation from; Referativny-y zhurnal - Elektrotekhnika, 1958, Nr 3, p 35 (USSR) AUTHOR;~~~~. -and Chokin, Sh. Ch. TITLE; Basic Methods for Determining an Estimated Rule Curve for Operation of Hydro Plants and the Hydro-Power System (0snovy metodiki opredeleniya raschetnoy obespechennosti raboty GES i gidroenergosistemy) PERIODICAL. Izv. AS Xazakhakaya SSR, Ser. energ., 1956, Nr 10, pp 3-47 ABSTRACT: Fundamental methods are pi~esented for determining the optimum hydro-operating schedules for hydro plants and for power systems with predominating hydro plants, for both cases of controlled and noncontrolled runoffs - Principal power -economy peculiarities of operating such plants and power systems are presented. Additional cost of labor caused by variable hydro-power production conditions is discussed in detail, methods are presented for evaluating the power -production cleficits under various plant operating conditions (curves of energy deficit division, curves of hydro-plant Card 1/Z 8(5). SOVIl 12-58-3-3766 Basic Methods for Determining an Estimated Rule Curve for Operation of Hydro . . . . shares in peak-load taking; an analysis is submitted of additional cost of non- productive labor caused by variable conditions of energy production at hydro plants; an evaluation is offered of the part played by steam plants and industrial enterprises in regulating the energy balance of the power systern (curves of power deficit in the system). Materials and graphic methods are presented for determining the probable average values of national -economy deficits of energy production by a power system; methods are recommended for approximate evaluation of estimated rule curves for hydro plants and power systems with predominating hydro plants, for both natural and controlled runoff conditions. V.A.P. Card 2/2 ZAKUROV I V.P. ..... .'--' All-Unio'n IfyArological Congress, Test, AN guakh, SSR 14 naj: 95-100 Kr '58, (Kin 11:5) 1. Chlwi.-korrespondent AN LasSIR. (HYI)ROLMY-COWHISSM) , - Aw~~ ;6~ Development directions of large-seals hydreale-etric power 97oteme (in irrigated regiou). Proble rag. rach. stalm no.7:212-232 158. (MIRA 11:9) (Sovlet Central Asla--4droelectrlc power station) ~,_ZAKHAROVP j*P* ------- Calculation of streamflow regulation b7 a series of ressrvoirB in a basin with urLLfom feeding conditions. Izv. AN Kazakh. SSR. Ser. energe ao*2:11-16 160o (IaRA 14.3) (Reservoirs) IZAKHAROV-P--V.P. Methodology for determining the calculational safety margin for the operation of a hviroelectric power station. Trudy Inst. energ. AN Kazakh. SSR 2:123-129 '60. (MIRA 15:1) (Hydroelectric power stations) S/031/60/000/03/016/024 D035/DO03 AUTHOR: Zakharov, V.P., Academician TITLE: Certain Problems of Taking Into Account the Time Factor in Technico-Economic Calculations PERIODICAL: Vestnik AkademLi nauk Kazakhskoy SSR, 10,60, Nr pp 82-85 (USSR) ABSTRACT: In this article the author sums up the result of a seminar on concrete economics conducted at the In- stitut energetiki AN KazSSR (Institute of Power En- gineer:Lng of the AS Kazakhskaya SSR). Certain pro- Diems of taking in-Eo account the time-factor in tech- nico-economic Galculations were discussed. The Dro- blem was never studied in all its extent, because some aspects of the problem - as the Soviet scien- tists thought-could have been applied only in capita- Card 1/2 list society. The problem was posed anew by Khrush- S/031/60/000/03/016/024 D035/DOO3 Certain Problems of Taking Into Account the Time Factor in Technico- Economic Calculations chev in his speech at the inauguration of the Volzh- skaya GES imeni V.I. Lenina (Volga GES imeni V.I. Lenin). Solutions of some of problems connected with the time LIZ -factors were proposed by N.S. Kalachev, V.A. Kiktenko,, V.I. Khmyron and A.Zh. Zhulayev, Can- didates of Technical Sciences and by I.M. Panasenko. The author welcomes further discussions of these pro- blems. There are 2 graphs, 1 table and 1 Soviet re- ference. ASSOCIATION: AN Kaz SSR (AS Kaz SSR) Card 2/2 NIEDNOVA, Te.I.; FROKOPIM, V.K.; Z&MROV, V.P._ Concentration of metal atoms In a d,c, carbon are* Fix* abor. no.4:611-~ '58- 1 (MIRA 12:5) 1. Gosudarst-wenalpy ordens Lenina opticheekly Institut imeni S.I.Taviloys. (Atoms) (Blectric are) ZAKHAROV, V.P.; SHISHLOVSKIY,, O.A. (Shyshlovalkyi,, O.A,j Determining the effect of the composition of the test on the inflow of matter into the plasma of the direct current are. Viazwk khim. no.1:21-25 159. (MM 14:8) (Electric are) (YlAsma (Ioaised gasea)) 24(7) SOV/48-23-9-5/57 AUTHORS: Zakharovp V. P., TITLE: An Investigation Plasma. The Case PERIODICAL: Izvestiya Akademli Vol 23, Nr 9,, pp Shishlovskiys A. A. of the Entry of a Substance Into the Arc of the Binary Kixtures of He and Li nauk SSSR. Seriya fizicheekayaq 19599 1o63-1o64 (USSR) ABSTRACT: In the present paper the concentration of the atoms in a direot-current are at atmospheric proosure is investigated, and, at the name time, the influence exercised by experimen- tal conditions upon the entry of substances is investigated. The IT-23 interferometer according to Rozhdestvenskiy and an ISP-67 spqctrograph were used. and the mixtures of NaClq Na 2co, and Li2CO3 with carbon were investigated by means of this instrument. These mixtures viere located in the hole of one of the carbon electrodes. The entry of atoms into the direct current arc was found to be 1-33 times (Na) and 1.41 times greater (Li) respectively than that into the alternating cur- rent are. During the inveatigation of the reciprocal influencing by the elements on the entry of atoms in the case of a change of the concentration of one of the components, it was found that the content of Na atoms in the discharge gap does not Card 1/2 depend on tho Li-content in the tuest sample. There is proper- SOV/48-23-9-5/57 An Investigation of the Entry of a Substance Into the Arc Plasma, The Case of the Binary Mlixturea of Na and Li tionality of the lithium content between disoharme gap and toot sample. An increase of the ooncontration of a component in the toot sample causes a monotonla increaue of the conoon- tration in the discharge gap. Only within the range of 25-4eQ Na was a deviation from the above result observed. Because of the different diffusion coefficients of Na and Li in the case of an oqual*oontent of elements in the toot sample, the con- centration o,.r the Ila atoms in the discharge gap is higher than that of the Li atoms. Furthermore,, the influence exercisee by the melting -temperature of the mixturs upon the entry of Ila and Li atoms is investigatedp and it is found that, with an increase of the average melting temperature, the entry both of Na and of Li decreaaes. If bivalent Ca is used instead of monovalent Li in the test samplop the entry of Ila is decreased -~ftm!A-r-t4. t'no-fold. Thera are 3 fibmras and 2 Soviet references. Card 2/2 S/058/61/000/012/035/0e" ~05_8/AIOI AUTHOR: Zakharov, V. P. TITLE. Anomalous-dispersion method of determination of electrode moiterial entry into discharge space PERIODICAL: Referativnyy zhurnal, Fizlka, no. 12, 1961, 249, abstract 123197 ("Visnyk JDivs'k. un-tu", no. 3, 1960, ser. f iz. ta khimjyi, no. 1, 58-60, Ukr., Russian summary) TEXT: There are considered the results of determination of the concentra- tion of normal atoms of electrode material in spectral-excitation sources. A comparison of material entry into spectral-excitation sources of different kinds was carried out. There are given data on the effect of third components, properties of the chemical elements and compounds In which the e1nmrrIl- 3,, for analysis on entry of material into a DC arc. [Abstracter's note: Complete translation] Card 1/1 32221 S/139/61/000/004/011/023 E194/E135 AUTHOR! Zakharov, V.P. --------------- TITLE: The influence of atmospheric composition and pressure on the entry into an arc discharge of atoms of certain elements from the electrode PERIODICALt Izvestiya vyishikh uchebnykh zavedeniy. Fizika, no, 4, ig6i. 92-95 TEXT: Several workn have shown that radiation of a spark discharge is markedly affected when air is replaced by inert gases or the air pressure is Altered. This may be due to changes in the concentration of easily ionised atoms entering the discharge from the electrodes and so it in of interest to study this process. The present work was undertaken to determine the concentration of atoms-of Na, Bat Cat Sr, entering an are discharge from the electrodes in atmospheres of argon, helium, and at various air pressures. Samples consisting of mixtures of salts with carbon powder were introduced into a hole in a graphite anode. -For the monovalent metals the following salts were used: Na2CO3, NaF, NaCl, NaBr, and Li2CO3, The investigations were made with a d.c~ Card 1/CY ,32221 The influence of atmospheric ..... 5/139/01/000/004/011/023 E194/E135 arc at a current of 4 A with the distance between electrodes of 2.5 mmi. The spectral lines used were the yellow doublet of sodium and the line 6107 1 of lithium. The following salts of bivalent metals were used: BaC03, CaO, and SrC03, with a current of 6 A using the resonance lines of barium 5537 1, calcium 4226 1 and strontium 4607 L In all cases the amount of salt in the-sample was designed to ensure identical atomic concentration of the elements in the sample, To carry out the measurements a vacuum chamber, in which the arc discharge could be set up, was introduced into one beam of an interferometer whilst the other beam contained an evacuated vessel of the same length. The concentration of atoms of sodium and lithium in the arc was followed over the pressure range from atmospheric to 10-15 mm Hg. Results for barium, talc-ium and strontium were clear only from pressures of 400 mm fig and lower, at higher pressurea the concentrations could only be asseased approximately, Fig.1 zl7aows the relationship between the concentration of Na and Li atoms in the spark gap as a function of the air pressure, and Fig.2 shown a similar curve for Ba, Ca and Sr. Different sodium sults were also tried and a relationship was observed between the concentration in the arc gt,.kp and properties Card 2F 3 2 2 2'1 The influence of atmospheric ..... S/139/61/000/004/011/023 E194/EI35 which characterise the bond strength such an the dissociation energy and the heat of formation. Thus, the salts were, in order of rising bond strength and of increasing concentration, NaBr, NaCl, NaF,.and Na2CO Studies with argon and helium atmosphere were made on carbonaze*a of the elements in a d.c. are with a current of 6 A. The results are given in Table 2. When the air is replaced by inert gas the visible spectrum becomes less intense and both the atomic and ionic spectral 13-nes are weakened. The effects--of using inert ga.s are similar to those of reducing the air pressure. To explain these results, it will be necessary to determine the temperature and other experimental conditions. There are 2 figures, 2 tables and 9 references'. 7 Soviet-bloc and 2 Engli:sh. The English language references read as follows; Ref.4i.Backer,-Eidelstein and Bailley. JOSA, Vol.46, No.2, 1956. Ref-5: Bailley, Backer. JOSA, Vol.46, No.2, 1956. ASSOCIATION: Kiyevskiy gosuniversitet imeni T.G~ Shevchenko (Kiyev State Univers-ity Imeni T.G. Shevchenko) SUBMITTED: May 24 .196o initially, and after revision October 18, 1960. Card 3//~ 22234 S/125/61/000/001/003/010' A16VA133 AUTHOR: Zakharov, V.P. TITLEs The effect of the are atmosphere and electrode material on the arc stability I no. 1. 1961, 24-26 PERIODICAL: Avtomaticheskaya avarka,," TEXT: Studies have been made in view of more extensive application of gas- shielded welding. The Rozhdestvenakiy "hooks" method was used to determine the absolute concentrations of normal atoms in the are gap, described in Ref.1 (Ye.l. Nikonova andL V.K. Prokoflyev, in "Optika i Spektroskopiya", vol.0, no-3, 1956) and Ref. 2 (7.P. Zakharov and A.A. Shishlovskiy, in "Izvestiya AN SSSR. Seriya fizicheakayal vol.XXII, no.9, 1959). The experi- mental installation consisted of a Rozhdestvenskiy "14T-23" (IT-23) interfe- rometer in combination with an AUT-67 (ISP-67) speotograph. Na, Li, 3r, Ca and Ba were introduced into the bore in the anode in the form of carbonates mixed with graphite powder. A horizontal carbon arc was chosen for experi- Card I 22234 S/125/61/000/001/003/016 V The effect of the are atmosphere ... A16VA133 ments, and the are current varied between 4 and 25 amp; the gap width was 2.5 mm. The concentration of atoms in the gap was measured with an accurac of_tl5%. Measurement results in the 6 amp arc were (concentration in at/cm5 ,o 15): Na Li Sr Ca BF, in helium .......... in argon ........... in air ... .......... 16 2.1 2.2 0.8 0 10 1.2 0.8 0.4 0:2 11.3 3.7 2.0 1.0 0.1 As can be Been, the highest concentration is in helium, the lowest in argon. The presence of atoms from electrodes in the are depended an the arc power, P - IU (where I is the current in amp, and U the are voltage). The are power was as a rule highest in helium and lowest in argon. The discharg- ed power in the same media and with equal current depended on the element getting into the are gap and on the concentration of the easily-ionized com- ponent. The dependence determined for Na at 4 amp is shown by the curves. The power stabilized at cortain concentrations of the easy-ionized component which is lowest in helium. But the emission spectra were very different in different media, and the weakest in helium (most intense in air). The phe- nomenon w%s not explained. The metastable state of atoms pointed out pre- viously (Ref.4) may play a considerable role in it. The arcs burned more Card 0/125/61/000/001/003/016 The effect of the are atmosphere ... 11061/k133 sta:ble in neutral gas, particularly in helium, -which nay be due to the lower discharge energy because of a high heat release from the are and less prob- able fluotuationn. Tho offoot i)C nir proonxi-ro waa invofltigfttod, aiid At W,,u% stated that the concentratLon of alkaline element atoms deer Tr ed nearly uniformly with air pressure decrease from atmospheric i;0 10- mm Hg, with the only exception for the range 100110 mm Hg where the quantity of atoms dropped abruptly. Alkali-earth metals behave differently, and the concen- tration of their atoms at 200 mn 'Hg was the same as or even higher than at atmospheric pressure. The content of barium, calcium and strontium was al- ways considerably lower than of sqdium and lithium. All spectra weakened with dropping pressure. Conclusions: 1) It was proved that the Rozhdenst- venskiy's "hooks method" can be used for the investigation of electric arcs in different media. 2) It was proved by direct measurements that electrode matter getting into the discharge depends on the are Power. 3) The concen- tration of the easily ionized component at which the arc voltage stabilizes dep6nds on the surrounding medium. There is I figure, 3 Soviet-bloc and I non-Soviet-bloo references. The reference to English-language publications reads as followst R. Baker, S. Aldelstein and L. Valle, Physical Basis of Line Enhancement in Argon and Krypton, "Journal of the Optical Society of Card 3/5- S ~~ .1 4_,__ X, _L 08524-U. -EWT(1~IX4~%I~W-IWJOIIIPlt -/CTI 0) 1 . ACC _NRt URC2 06j~'P&l - -"c AP6034T5 R 61~2016 005/105cfi AUTHORt Zakharov, V4 Ps; Tsvirko, Yu, As; Chugayevo V4 He 19 ORG: none TITLE: Recrystallization of thin semiconductor films under the effect of a laser beam SOURCE: AN SSSR. Dok&1dyq v9 1TO9 no. 59 1966, io56_1o58 TOPIC TAGS: semiconductor film, amorphous germanium film, germanium film irradiation, laser irradiation. germanium film recrystallization ABSTRACT: Amorphous germanium films 300-150G X thick produced by vacuum VaT r depositio_~ ~0?~ng~lass substrate were removed from substrates, p1 Kuminum-foii\150-V thick, 4nd irradiated with laser-beam pulses which had an energy of 1 joule and a duration of 1 meec. The beam spot on germanium film was about 0.01 mm in diameter. The foil (see Fig. 1) was provided with openings b1 and c' through which the germanium film could be observed with an elect:,on microscope. The laser beam burned hole &I in the film and foil. In openings located at a distance of up to 2 am from a', the germanium film disintegrated completely. Hoveyere in openings located at a distance of 2-4 am (specimen in air)-or 2-8 am (specimen in a vacuum of 0.1 am Hg) from &I .L 08524-67 ACC NO' AP6034TO Fig. 1, Laser beam on germanium films ial - Laser burned.hole; b9 and c1 openings; d - germanium film; e - aluminum foil; f - laser bean., a recrystallization of germanium took place. The disintegration and recrystallization took place only in the portion of film facing the openings. No structural changes were observed in the portion# adjacent to hole a$, No recrystallization was observed when thin 300 A films were used. Since the lattice heat conductivity of germanium is in- sufficient to carry within I usec an amount of heat which would pro- duce a recrystallizationg the phenomenon is presumed to be caused by recombination emission, which also explains why thin films are less affected than the heavy onesb Orig, art. has: 2 figures, SUB CODE: 20, 11/ SUBM DATE: 12Jan66/ ATD PRESS: 5103 COM 2/2 `Vru ;twp ZAKHAROV, V.P.; KIM, V."Tj Elementary thi6ry of infinitely bounded distributions. Probl. gidroenerg. i vod. khoz. no-1:53-72 163. Contimms periodicity-of a kqdrological process as a methodological bAsis for vater supply calculati6ns. Ibid.:73-100 (MIRA 16:12) 1. Institut energetiki AN KazSSR. -- ZAKHAROVY V.P,.; KIM, V.1a.; CHOKIN, Sh.Ch. Methods for the practical calculation or water supply guaranteed to hydroeleotric power stations, Probl. gidroenerg i vod. khoz. no.1:10-52 163. irl-RA 16:12) 1. Institut energetiki AN KazSSR. I - / r J 1 -I I'r 4 1 i-- / ! , -~ !-~l , ,ty,'-6- 6.~/v. /. " VASIL'YEV. A.V.. kandidat tekhnichookikh nauk; ZAKHAROV, V.P.. kandidat tekhnichookikh nauk; UTKIN, O.L., Measurement of forces and moments. Vest.masheM no.9:16-21 5 '55. (KLIA 9:1) 1.1anchne-Issledowatellskiy avtotraktornyy institut. (Yoreis and energy--Measurement) (Kinematics-Aeasurement) 7AVHAROV- V- P- Regular limit cycles* UchozapaCbmegooopedolzmt. no-7:3-11 159. (KIRA 1319) (Difforential. equations) Peculiarities of oarbohydrAtO metabolism In patients with An excluded stomach following plastic surgery for an artiflotal esophagus using the method of Ron-Eerzon-Yudin. Vrach.delo no.8019-823 Ag 159. (MlM 12- 12) 1. laf-edra obahchey khirurgii (zav. - zaeluzhennn de7atell nauki. prof. N.I. EDlomlychenko) I kafedra normallnc7 fiziologli (zav. - prof. N.I. Patilin) Kiyen,skogo meditsinskogo instituta. (CARBOHTERATE )CITABOLISK) (ASOMOOJIMOSTOM ZAKHAROV, V.P. (Zaporozhakaya oblast', Melitopoll,ul.Pushkina,d.97) Observations of a traumatic rupture of the pancreas and spleen. Klin.khir. no.8:75-76 Jl 162. (MrRA 15:11) 1. Khirurgicheskoye otdeleniye (zav. - N.I.Orlov) Melitopollskoy gorodskoy bollnitsy. Nauchnyy rukovoditell rabotyi, - zasluzheruVy deyatell nauki, prof. M.LKolomiychanko. (PANCREAS-RUPTURE) (SPLEEN-RUPTURE) ZAKHAROV V.P. Distribution of capital investments and production costs between the constituents of complex objects. izv. AN Kazakh. SSR. Ser. energ. no.1:118-121 161. (MIRA 14:12) 1. Rukovoditell seminara po konkretnoy ekonomike Instituta enorgotiki All KasSSR., (Kazakhstan--Pawaai~ Oftineoribg-Acemnting) (Nazaldistan-Capital investments) ZAKHAR Pv-vdoktor tekhn.nauk., akademik -----44~ Same problems of calcu2ations of the efficiency of capital Invest- mento in complex hydraulic engineering construction. Cidr.stroi. 32 no.705-37 J1 162. (HM 15:7) 1. Akademiya nauk R (Capital ijxveo * ats j4draulic structures) ZAKHAROVJ, V.P, Development of h-ydraulic engineering during the last forty years. Trudy Inst.energ.AN Kazakh.SSR 3:26-33 161. (MIRA 14:12) (Kazakhstan-Hydraulic engineering) . 40151 S/058/62/0(,0/007/032/068 A06IIA101 AU771ORSs Zakharov, V. P., Shishlovslkly, 0. A. TITLE: Supply of material into the discharge gap of d-c and a-c arcs PrMODICAL: Referativnyy zhurnal, Fizika, no. 7, 1962, 14, abstract 7G118 ("Visnyk Xylvs1k. un-tu", 1958, no. 1, ser. fiz.'ta khimil, no. 1, 129 - 131, Ukrainian; Russian summary) TEXT: Atomic concentrations were measured in a-c and7d-c arcs burning at atmospheric pressure between carbon electrodes. 'The elements concerned (Na and Li in concentrations of 8.5 and 24, respectively) were introduced into one of the electrodes in the form of a mixture of salts of these elements with graphite. The atomic concentration in the discharge gas was determined by the method of "Rozhdestvenskiyls hooks", obtained on Rozhdestvenskiy'sl4T-23 (IT-2.3) interfero- meter crossed with th~ xcil-67 (isp-67) spectrograph. A comparison of the supply of material into a-c and d-c arcs leads to the conclusion that the input is proportional to the power'of current consumed by the are. [Abstracter's note: Complete translation] F. Ortenberg Card 1/1 91 SUM to I RUMMM-499 Nov OR 1MaNA=fiW9 ~Tj 13108-63 7,7F (k);1FWP(q)/EWT.(M)/FDVkM (b)_2/F~ (F~-? A"T ST/ SED ft-4,/Pi-4/Fb-4/N&- - AT/JD MMIXFOMI: AP3003423 S/0051/63/015/001/0129/0129 17 -1 AUMOR: Garrshchuk, V. P. Zakharov. V. P. At" TITL11: Entry of lithium and strontlum into the-Plasma of a do arc in a hollum atmosphere at high pressures SOURCE.- Optilea i 9po1ctroq1CopiYd1,.v..'[5, no.1, 1903, 120 TOPIC TAW: are spectrum analy.9'ria, (to arc# Sr Li ABSTRACT: It has been reported by A.G.Zhiglinskiy, A.~.Zaydell and E.A.Xarklina (Optika i spaktroskopiya, 10, 697, %9Gl) that in a do are b!A--ning in a COz atmos- phere the lines of some elements in4:rease in intensity, while those,of others do not as the pressure of the C02~is increased to 10 atm. Accordingly, the authors used the Rozhdestvenskiy method of "hooks" to measure the concentration of -1i atoms and Sr atoms'and ions InA dc,arc in helium as a function of-pressure up !--to-8.5- atm-for Li--and--6-atm--for-Sr. -(Above these- pressures -:and in measuremants- in a C02 atmosphere the interlerenc( i lines are smeared out and determinaticis be- come impossible.) Tho results are prottionted Lit a figure; Li atom conceiitr~tion iticreases lilicarly with Ile progsurol the Sr atom and ion concentrationts incroa!jo more slowlv and tend to saturation. The rasult-9 are explained by decrease of dif-i- th rising inert gas pressure* funio from the arc gap wi i Cardlx Z"UA ROY. -Y-E-,--doktro tekbn,nauk (Alma-AtaN,- MZHENITINOV, A.L.', prof. (LeningraA, ORANSKIY* I.N., kand.tekhn.nauk (Tashkent); TROITSKIYj A.V.,, inzk. (Tashkent) Methodology for dotormining tho economic efficient~r of hydroelectric power stations. Klektrichostvo no.3z9lp.93 Yw 163. (MIIA 1614) (Hydroelectric power stations) ZMMOTO-Y.z.- Plan for development of the power systems of NarUmm Kazakhstan. Report to be submitted for the Coinference an Electrification of Siberia,, Development and unification of its power sjoYteme., 7-9 Doc 61 L- 18842-65-- E m 2/nv (l /E w z VEWAA-11m)-2 Pt-la/pah-lo (a)/ -ACCESS-DON NRt--AP-1049033 S/QOS7/64/034/GjL/j986/1991 AUTHOR-Zakharav, V.Sj-- Rabirtovich,. U.S TJ.TLE-. Strong focusing In helical-magnatic fields SCURCZ.- Zhurnal takhaichaskoy f izild, v.34, no.11, 1964, 1986-1991 r -dtge rid -their- eritical_~enorgy., frequertay-and-ph volum&_;~ie cill:atians are -similar to those of ordinary st rcn[; foewing synchrotrons and should,; present no special difficulties. Resonance phenomena, including second order non- linear resonances, are briefly dia;cussod; and it is concluded that operation of the acaelarator far from resonance canbe oasil.- assured. It is concluded that the use of helical fields can considerably imp:,-ove the focusing, simplify the design and increase the intensity of small ivon-f~i-ee betatrons and electron synchrotrons. 44 for=las. ASSCCXATIM: no no S=T.TM:-20JanG4 Mk L ~W -S'OB CMS 2/Z ------- --- V 18843-65-- Pab-IO/Pt-10 AFdL/AEDC(a)/, ACCESSION HE: AP,1049039 s/0057/641034/011/L992/1097 AU11101U. Zaldiarov, -TIME: Cyclic accelerators %ith triply helical magnetic f ie. Ids SOURCU: -Zhtirral tel~hnic' aaskoy f fzikt, v.34,-noall' 1VG4, 196i-1997 -'---:-W W-TAGS: helical- izianz atli f Iold, ittron- focusing accelerator -betatron, synchro-. C? tron, electron accolarator JABSTPUC7. The-- mot ion - of a~ claza ij;cd pl;rticle-in a--triply -h*lical _tPrGJdal_ magnatic, fiela supariLiposad on a synchrotron type guiding :field- is- discussed vith the pur- pose of assessina the advantages of such fields for particle accalorators. The he- lical Zlield Is derived from the scalar potential A,R whora r,9 z a ra- cylirAl,rical co6omlirmtos is the rad ius of the equilibrium orbit, p Is tho distance from the orbit, 9 = s (z/p) ,and N is an intaGcr. Only the first term Is retained in the expansion of the imaginary argument Bessel function 13- Tito equaticns of motion are lormulated with quadratic terms retained, and solu- _17-1 T_ tw=s ION m: A-koe.SO39 -tions are derivad for therl the index n r_'RdH/ffdr of the guidefield is IM Particular sol4~i5on-s-aic.-ftii~t--%'ibtaijti~d-in the- -lorm, -of:Fourier- series: involvina, a- paramlater, and these- are generalized by second order parturba6ion theory. The beta- tron. and syrLphrotron oscillations are di-scussed and their frequencies and phase vc- luTaos are calculated. ro-- strong helical fields the 14inse volume of the betatron Oscillations is much groater, ard that ot the synchrotron osoillatiors Is much lesa, t-lian--in thcy- case of the doubly Itelimil fteld discussed in the previous paper W.S. Zalcharov and '.1.S.?abinov1,r:h,ZhT11 3-1, 1986,1CG4; sea Abstract AP404003".) ; and the phase volume of the betatron osuillat*_'ons coasiderably exceeds the usual value for weal, fccusing accelerators. It Is concluded that triply helical magnetic ~iald tX stron--focusing can be very ndvantagaotLsly ennloyad in electron accalorators, par- ticulariv in betatrons. The mothod is especially valuable in iron -free designs, aid -it can . als o be linear accelerators. 111.1 concluoicu., the author express- as 11tis deep gratitude to M.S.Rabinovich for roDcatad consultations and valuable r(- marks.", Grig.azt.has: 31 formulas. "I"SCCIATIONT:, none SUD"a WED: lOFebS4 M: 00 EN SUB CO=: NP, EM r NA REP SCV:' 064 :000 _ng c betdtron,~ lbngltie 'Inal ii~rpjq t I' _f J'ld T-- :!-ABSTPACT: - ---The - authdrs' d iscuss I.ha strong-4ocusing- properties ~of -a- icingittdinal- -fleld-OV alternating -dArection.- --The -magnetic f ields- -dideussed - are' those desaribcd by a scalar potential ol: the form 4D= NUL'I. jf2r -f- 1) ap) sin ((2a re-r- _DF~Z- are -cylindrical-c~"rdi.~'ates- It-Js -the _i em-auccaodive7w L -n -J fid x $are in opposite directions, e u the distance from the ~4uilibrfum orbit, I is thei 13cas1al timetlan o:C an Imaginary arGum-int, and the h &-re constants. Only the firat car ZAKFAROV, U"',LVEV. KONKIN, A.A. prcper"es of plas"cized acetyl callull-ise. volok, 165. (WRA 181:8) Vaesoyuzny-y ne.-,.chro-'-i;,tledovatelisk'~y lnstlt%t 5intaticheskikh volokon, g. Kalinin (frr Zakharo7, Vasillyev't. 2. Moskovskiy te'x5l.-ilInyy Insti.tut (far Konkin, ZAKIIATIOV, V. S. CRMDKOV, V. N., NIKANCROV, V. A. AND ZAKHAROV, V. S.: Surgerl and orthopedics. I" Lranslation from the Fourth revised and supplemented ejitiop. Kiev. Agricultural. Publishing House, Ukrainian SSR. 1952. 500 pages with illustrations. Price 11 rubles, 85 kopeks, bound. 10,000 copies. (Textbooks for veterinary technical schools). In Ukrainian. SO: Veterinariya; 30; (1); January 1953; Uncl. TABCON go *go go 0 *419 0000 9004104169o -,3000 RODIONOV, V.X.; ZAMIAROV,; V.S.; PJMH, A.K. [coal mine equipment] Oborldovanie ugollnykh karlerov. 1952. 175 p. Moskya. U69tGkhizU,t (MLRk 6 -.8 ) (Coal mine equipmout) ALABIN, V.I., lush.; ZALUROV, V.S., inzh.; SHMYAYBV, G.I., inzh. Press for making door panels. Suggested by T.I.Alabin. V.3. Zakharov. G.I.Shvy-ryayev. RateJ isobr.predl.v strol. no.13: 110-111 159. (HTMA 13:6) 1. Balashithinski), kombinat proizvodst"nnykh prodpriyatiy Glavmosoblstro7a, g.Balaeblkha, Mookovskoy oblasti, Rabochiy poselok. (Doors) (Wood, Compressed) TRUNW, Yu.M.j ZAKHAROV, V.S. Use of phosphorescent screens in making contact prints. Geod, I kart* noo?s45-47 JI 161. (MIR& 14,7) (Ilotomechanical processes) ZAKHAROV V-S..-.-,ZXLKNTSOV, I.G.; FAKSHVXR, A.B. - Studying the fnrmation procage of v1scoge cord fiber, Khlm.volok. no-504-35 159. (MM 13:4) 1. Kalininskly filial Vuesoy=nago nauchna-issledovatellskogo inatituta iqkusetvel2nogo volokna (VIIIIV), Olayon) S118316010001003101010161xx BO04/Bo67 AUTHORS: Zakharov, V. S., Zelentsov, I. G., and Pakshver, A. B. . ..... ...... ........ TITLE: Diffusion of the Components of the Precipitating Bath Into the Viscose.Fiber During Spinning PERIODICAL: Khimicheskiye volokna, 1960,'No. 3* pp. 28-30 TEXT: The authors deal with the dependence of the spinning process of viscose fiber (coagulation~ decomposition of the xanthogenate, desulfuri- zation, etc.) on the rate of diffusion of the acid, the salts, and other components of the precipitating bath into the fiber. They attempted to find conditions under which a fiber of homogeneous structure is obtained. In this case, the difference between the rate of diffusion of the com- ponents of the precipitating bath and the saponification rate of the xanthogenate should be a minimum. The authors studied the effect of the composition of the precipitating bath on the diffusion rate under practical conditions. In order to interrupt the formation process rapidly, the fiber spun in an experimental apparatus was passed through a neutralizing bi- carbonate salt solution which was at a distance of 1q, 30, 45, 60, or 90cm Card 1/4 Diffusion of the Components of the Precipitating S/18 60/000/()G3/010/0107 Bath Into the Viscose Fiber During Spinning B004YB067 from the spinneret. The fiber was wound onto 'U-he godet wheel with a sneed of 39 m/min. The thread diameter was 0.018 mm. Proceeding from the equa- tions Mt/Mco - KYT" (Mt = amount of the substance diffused into the fiber Mco = the same for the case of equilibrium, K = coefficient, T = duration of diffusion in see.) and K = (4/r)-~677TE (D = diffusion coefficient, r = radius of the fiber), D was experimentally determined. The following was found in dependence on the composition of the bath and 11a tempera- ture: Card 2/4 Difr4sion of the Components of the Precipitating S118316010001003101n,1-11,',~,i:( Bath~Into the Viscose Fiber DtIring Spirning B004/306.' bath!g/1 t' 0 C D.10-7 Results: 1) The rate of formation znSo If SP M SQ of the viscose fiber depends on + 2+ 4 a 'k , I the concentration o' the H Z-n 1.38 11 ISO 50 0,5 , and S02" ions in the precipitating 4 138 138 33 33 1350 .350 59 66 0.61 0,~2 bath, as well as on its tempera- 138 33 :150 72 1'0 ture and the rate of diffusion of 116 28 296 60 067 . ions. 2) With rising temperature 148 160 23 28 296 296 60 60 1:1 1.3 of the precipita-ting bath, the 200 28 296 60 1.24 diffusion of ions into the fiber 135 135 20 35 231 231 5.5 55 1,15 0 86 ncreases bnly to a certain value. 135 58 231 55 . 0,67 A further increase in temDerature 135 138 78 33 231 350 55 66 0 7 0:86 does not accelerate diffusion. 138 60 350 66 0,67 3) Rising conce:-',ration of Zn2+ 138 80 350 66 0.6 ions (up to 80 g11 of ZnSO ) de- 135 so 235-240 45 0,43 4 135 -80 235-240 56 0.7 lays the decomposition of the 135 80 235-240 64 110 I IM 10 235-240 74 1.5 e. concen- xanthogenat With ZnSO 4 -Card,13/4 Irations above 00 6111, horever, Diffision. of the Corlponents of the Precipitat- S/183J60/000/003/010/016/XXI ing bath Into .the Viscose Fiber During B004/1~067 Spiniaing ~he diffusion of H+ iono ia no longer influenced by ZnSO 4) Rivinz con- 4' cent~ation of R SO accelerateu the processes, but deltiya the ion diffu- 2 4 sion;into the fiber, since an e:cLuernal layer is formed on the fiber. Hence, withiiising H 2SO4 concentration, D increases to a maximum value, and then decr6ases again. The authors mention Ye. M. Mogilevskiy, D. N. Arkhangell- j skiyand V. A. Kargin. There are 6 figures, I table, and 6 references:' 5 SoViet and 1 German. ASSOCIATION; Kalininskiy filial VNIIV (Kalinin Branch of the All-Union Scientific Research Institute of Synthetic Fibers 10ard)4/4- ~,:-ZAXHAROV, T.S.; ZXLENTSOV, I.G.; PAKSHM. A.B. Structural changes in viscose fiber in the process of spinning. Xhim..volok. no. 6:30-32 160. (MIU 13:12) 1. Kalininskiy filial Vaesoyonogo nauchno-issledovatellakogo instituta isakusstvennogo volokna. (Bayou spinning) I'Sor;e 'Reserves' for IncreazinE the Gemination of Spring 'Wheat Seed5 in the Forest-Steppe Regions of flovosibirsYVa Oblast." Cand Agr Sci,Crisk Agricultural Inst, Omsk, 1954. (RZhBiol, No 7, Dee 54) 5urvey of Scientific and Technical Dissertations Defended at USSR higher Educational Institutions (12) SO: Sum. No. 556, 24, Jun 55 ZATHAR T, Me.agronom, Crop yields on interbelt fields. Akuka L pared. op. v sellkhos. 7 no.10:54-55 0 157. (NLRA losil) (Field crops) (Windbreaks. shelterbelts, etc.) ~Zgqpov I V-. V. Adhesive forces between bark and wood at low temperatures. Der. prom. 12 no.90.0 3 163. (MIRA 16:10) 1. TSentrnlfnyy riauclino-isgledovat,;-ill.,ikiy institut Mokhanizatsii i anergetiki lesnoy proV stile nnoati. V. 7. ~ 7 "Temp-3rature durinol, Alr.-eno of 37phili~, ~' Vt~,". i D--rr-atol., 110. 4, 1948. libr.,, ClIn. atrn:Ac-Ifencreal Di:!viott3, Kuyb,1,31it-,v Stata Inst., ZNIN. A.S.; ZRNI N, B. A. ZAKHAROV, V. V. Results of the treatiment of lupus tuberculosis with vitsain D2 associated with diat'hormocoagulation. Vast. vener., Moskva no. 3:24-28 May-,Ium 1952. (CLML 22:4) 1. Profesmor for A. :5. Zenin; Candidate Medical Sciences for B. A. Zenin. 2. Kvrbysbev.