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mlmvo~~5 rx~ m , kl~ - PAVINSKIYp P.P.;,_~~KMOV, V.K. Zeeman effect in the quadrupole exciton line of a cuprous oxide crystal. rest.LGU -16 no.4:143-1" 161. . (MIRA 14:3) (Copper oxide crystala) V058/62/000/007/033/066 A061/A101 AUTHORS: Zakharov, V. K., Koka, P. A. TITLE; On the possible use of a "cactus"-type apparatus for flame photometry PERIODICAL. Referativnyy zhurnal, Fizika, no. 7, 1962, 16, abstract 7G135 ("Tr. Kazakhsk. n.-i. in-ta mineralln. syrlyall, 1960, no. 3, 350 - 351) TEXT: A test made with a "cactus"-type microroentgenometer for use in flame photometry is described. The "cactus"-type appratus, fitted out with a YM -2 (U.14-2) universal monochromator, is insignificantly rerwdeled to the effect that background and filtei compensation is inserted in the dircuitry and the ionization chamber voltage stabilizer Is eliminated. The apparatus has displayed good performance characteristics in routine andlyses for Rb, Cs,-and other elements. [Abstracter's note: Complete translation] F. Ortenberg Cara 1/1 ZAICHAROV, V. K. Zakharov, V. K. "The pine fungus (TI-ametes 4nf~ in the . ftrests of the Belova?.ha Pushcha. (Study metiiodology, de- gres of infection of the pine standx, use of the infect6d wood), Sbornik nauch. trudov (Belorus. lexotekhn. in-t im. Kirova), Issue 7, 1948, p. 3 M 5. SOt U-37-u-; 21 May 53 (Letopix ?Zhurnal lnykh Statay, No. 17, 19lt9)- ~.A -: ; A; crj ; 'i -N . ~ ~ I I . I Zakliarovl, V . K. 110ri tho investigation of' the ~.-odar stands of the liurt'lovil 'Ljrtl!j,tl I 'j. Sb~jrnil- oo It,;. khoz-vu, Issue 1, 190, 1). 3041. SO: U-37361 21 M;Xy 53, (Letopis tZhurnal IrVkh Ratey, no. !.'I, BUDYXA, 83h., kandidat takhnicheakikh nouk, dotsent; TIIDIWOV, A.F.. kandidat tokhnichaskikb nauk, doteent; YU TICH, I.D., profesoGr, redaktor; ZAKFAROV Y.X. professor, doictor sellskokhozynystvanafth nauk. red9ITiNo;'r-c,IItMWOVICH, Kh., tekhnicheskiy redektor [Kemal for workers in the logging industry] Spravochnik rabotniks losovagotovitallnot promyshlennosti. Soot. 6.1h.Budyke i A.P.Tikhono-r. Minsk, 1955. 774 p. (KLRA 10-1) le Akedonlys, navuk 38SR, Kinsk.Institut lose. 2* Chlen-korrespondent AN 118n (for Yurkovich) (Imbering) Zr1KHAf,'k,,v V. K, - 140AU*OPM1~tPrafooarg doktar oallskagaepadarchykh navuk. Izion-t of experimAtal ;Lrpap..Z~yep.the numb -or-of trwiks per hectare. 'rental AN DSSR. Ser. biial. nav. u6.4-111-115 '56. (nU !,0:6) (Tarests wa& forestry-Uperimeutal areas) . VK. Dbthods for classifyirg unfelled timber for an moricial p*urpowl Natody propWahlormoi sortimentatsil lee& n& korne. Izd.2., ispr. I dop. NDnkva, Gonlesbusis"t I.1957. 95 P0, (MIRA 11:9) (Timber) (Wood) IF,-,I~ -~ 1) V-fk GHIKILEVSKIY, Nikolay Nikolayevich, prof.; TIKHOMIROV, B1,N.. dot6ent, kand. sell skokhozyayutvannykh nauk. retsenzent; SHAVIN. S.S., dots. kand. sollskokhozyaystvennykh nauk, retsenzent; - 4.4 prof.; reteenznet; VZTATYSHEYO F.Y., inzh., re teil4e#nt 'Phi-clH IN, H.P., prof.. red.; KHIATIN, S.A.. red.; ARNOLIDOVA. K.S.. red.izd-va. BACHtMINA, A.M., [Forest management] Lesoustroistvo. Moskva, Goelesbumisdat, 1957. 331 P. (MIRA 11:7) 1. Chlon-korrespondent Vaosoyuznoy akademit sellskokhozyaystvannykh nauk (for Anuchin). 2. Kafodra takeatsit i lesoustroyetva Sibirskogo lesotekhnicheakogo instituta (for Tikhomirov, Shanin). 3. Otdol lesoustraystva Vaesay-aznogo obwyedinaniya Lesproekt (for Vzyatyshev). 4. Belorueskiy lemotekhaichookiy institut (for Zekharoy) (Forest us~nagexent) i USSR/Forestry Forest Management. K-4 Abs Jour : Ref Zhur - Biol., No 5, 1958, 2ol46 Author : Zakharov, V.K. Inst Title Methoda oC Investigating tie Course of Growth and Condi.- tion of the Overmture Coniferous Plantings in the Karelian AssR. Orig Pub Sb. atatey po rezulltatara isoled. v obl. lean. kh-va i lesn. prom-sti v tayezhn. zone SSSR, M.-L., AN SSSR~ 1957, 36-44. Abstract Strees is placed on the necessity of studying the valuatJon structure and comeciability of the overmature coniferous Groves in the Karelian ASSR. Corresponding methods are suggested. Card 1/1 - 42 - Z // A/ // /) /f '0 V, V, /f" USSR/norcutry - Foreut Mana:~,('nwnt, K-3 Abe J-)or Ret 71,ur Iro 20, J-553, 91-530 Ior &,%'Ciarov, V.K. Aut' Inat F,~,rcnt En6Ixecrin,,- Kijw~, lj'c,io:)l Title Jai Investi':'Ation of the Forn j:C Tree Truailts. OriC; Wj Hauclxni. dolfl. vyssii. shkoly. LesoinzIl. 195u" 11) 1, 13-17- Abstract Me autnor emplains a metLDd which he developeft to sV,.iOy tree trimlc foms4 One divides tIlle trunks Lit-) 10 ti,xis of equal lelyth (0.1 11.)) i-xaamirin- the diai-acters bot", with mid wit-~,out bark, lje~,imin..-, at tlic root collar, and then at the eud of each~ section. The diazieter is also i-masurc(! nt chast heijit. rae diamater -,t 0.1 11 ill taken L tors at tlw rolliAw Ji-ijit, (0.2 -is 1000) Vic otlaer ~Iiai.ic 1 0 -- 0.5 H) are expressed in percentar_cs of the dinmeter at Card 1/2 - 22 - e.&AX.6;-AZ&kharau V K 1-d'ktar ael'skagaspadarchykh navuk.; Z4&]F.g,WW SIROTKIN, Tu.D. tsl;o;~ina, M.D.] Pine-spruce associations of the White Ruaslan S.S.R. and their composition by timber classes. Ventsi AN BSSR Ser. biial. nav. nool:16-27 '56- (MIRA 11:5) (White Russia--Pine) (white Russia-Spruce) Coutry S USSR Category s Forestry. Porest Management. Abs Jour : PZhBiol.9 No 69 19599 No 24729 Author : Zakharov. V.. K. Inst : --i"e: ~;~-~t,,'61n-t-ific-Experimental State Forestry* Title : Concerning Highly Productive and EcoiftomicallY Valuable Coniferous Plantation in BSSR. - Orig Pub t Izv. vyssh. uchebin, zavedeniy, Lesn. zhe$ 1958, No. 19 39-45 Abstract : Data on the taxation investigatIon of conife- rous cultivations In Negorell Scientifid-&pe- rimental State Forestry k*BSOR'O are mibmittede Experimental azeas were established In spruce- pine stands of the type of subor'--~hazelmt-wood- sorrel forest on peaty-podzol soil and In pure pine stan, 79 of the type of pine-1hazelnut-wood- sorrel forest wi','i arkalogoue aoll ground ondi- tions. At the end of 1955, on the experimental Card V3 Country : USSR Category : Forestry. Forest Management* K Abs Jour : FtZhBiol., No 6, 1959, No 24729 Author Inst 9 Title Orig Pub I Abstract areas, attentive tree-fellings prooeeded which had a slight effect on the structure of the spruce forest but affected strongly the pine stands, it is noted that the current Increase of the plantations exceeds their average in- crease$ which Indicates the impossibility of their attaining the age of quantitative matu- rity. Notwithstanding the decrease of the num- ber of trun1cs due to fellingst the reserve for Card 2/3 37 UsSR /.Forost Scionco. Forost managomorrt. K-3 Abu Tbur Ref. Zhur - Blo.',,ogi", No 17, 1958, No- 77505 Author Zukharov V, Xi Inst Nof ~n Titln Compe ativo Productivity of Pine and Spmco Plantations with SUAlar Forest Vegetation Environwnts Orig Pub Loan. kh-vo, 1958, No 2, 8-10 Abstract No abstract given C ardlA 16V V, 1~o Iq A // 4 A 9 USSP/F:-)rcstry - Forcot, K-3 A.'as Jour : lief Z!lu-' 11-~ 20, 195j, 91523 Author : ZiKmrov, V.K., Trull', O.A. Inst : Dcl7!rus!Aan Forcr,", Tec%nola,,-;y Institute. Title : The Pato of Gr,.-.,.4t,-. in IfixeO. Spruco-Dirch PIx...'Clations of tile :~Clorus~;ian Ori Pub : 'j"j. iLmcIlic., ra',.A. Delol-11-301". 19r 53.. vyo. 9, 97-104. IV) s t ra c: No clostract. Care.. 1/1 MMOSUIXOT, r1adimir Som3novich; ZARUROT Ti K0, prof., red.; 1.11i~ ;-i !~-il ~, 7 SMMDY'UKOVA, S.I.6 ied.;- YK.-, tekhred. (Kethodu of field work In foreot valvation] Ketodika provodeniia uchabnoi praktiki po takestaii le9a. Pod red. Y.K.Zakhsrova. Kinsk, Izd-vo Belgosuniv. in. T.I.Leinina, 1960. 40 p. (MIRA 14-:4) (Foreate and foreatrr.-Talustion) VASILIM, P.V.., prof.,, doktor ekon. nauk; PONOMAREV, A.D.; SOLDATOV, A.G.., kand. sellkhoz. rauk; MOTOTIIIDV, G.P.2 doktor sellkhoz. nauk; IIEV.ZORUVj 1U., kajad. okon. nauk.; WSITSU7, K.B*; kand, gellkhoz,, naukj RODIONOV, A.Ya., kand. vallkboa. nauk: CILWIIIA, A.F.# kand. sellkhoz. nauk; LUTSEVICH, A.A., kand. sellkhoz. nauk; KOZHEVNIKOV, M.G., dots.; ALEKSEYEV, P.V., kand. sellkhoz. nauk; ZORIII, A.V.p aspirant; BARANOV, N.I.0 kand. sellkhoz.nauk (deceasedjj MEMO$ I.M., prof., doktor seltkhoz.nauk; WIN, A.I., kand.sellkhoz. nsuk; MOISEMKO,F.P.., kArd. biol. nauk;'ZAKHAROV V.K., prof.., doktor selt- khoz. nauk; GECHIS, Yu,'P.., sta-.ahJy -nauchnyy sotr.; BUTENAS, Yu.P... kand. sellkhoz. nauk; BUBLIS, K.A.., aspirant; KAININISH, A.Ya., kand. sellkhoz. nauk; ZVIYEDRIS, A.I.,, kande sellkhoz. nauk; SUKACHEV, V.N.j akad. red.; ZHUKOV, A.B.2 prof.~ red.; PRAVDIIII L.F.., prof... red.; MAKAWVA, L.V., red. izd-va; LODMOVA, R.Ye., tekhn. red. [Problems of increasing forest productivity in four volumes] Pro- blemy povysheniia produktivnosti Iewv v chetyrekh torakh. Moskva, Goslesbunizdat. Vol.4.[Economic probl 'ems 6f increasing forest productivity and accelerating ripening and cutting ages]Ekonomichoskie voprosy povysheniia produktivnosti lesov, vozrasty spelosti i vozrasty rubok. 1961. 253 p. (MIFLA 15:1) 16 "qmiya nauk SSSR. Institut load. 2. Iqachallnik Glavnoy inspektaii po leswmu khozyaystvu i polezashchitnomu. lesorazvedeniyu Ministerstva seltskogo kho.-yaystva. SSSR (for Ponomarev). (Forests and forestry-Economic aspects) BAYTINr Ayzik Abramovich, dots.; MCTOVILOV, German Petrovich; GEMUTS, Osvalld Ottovich, dots.; BAMIOV, Nikolay Tvanovich, dots., (deceased]; KRESLIII) Ernst Petrovich, dots. (deceased]. Prinimal uchastiye MOTOVILOV, M.P., prof.; ZAKHARGV V*K prof.,, re- ";d. izd-va; tsenzent; GORYACHEV.. IN., red.; LOBANKOVA, R~Ye., tekbn. red. [Forest management] Lesoustroiatvo. [By] A,A*Baitin i dr. lzd,2,, parer. i dop. Moskva, Goslesbumizdat, 1961. 283 p. (MIRA 15:3) 1. Belorusakiy lesotekhnicheskiy institut (for Zakharov). (Forest management) ~ZA~KMRG~VV ~~~rprof.; TRULLI,Oleg Antonovieb;.MIROSMIIKOV, - Vladimir Semenovich; YE-RMAKUV, Viktor YOVSeyevich; CBMiYAK, I., red.; NOYINOVA, V., tekhn. red. [Forest valuation handbook] Lesotaksatsionrqi spravochnik. Pod obshchei, red. V.K.7-akharava. Izd.2., isprA dop. Minsk, Gos. izd-vo BSSR. Red. nauchno-tekhn.lit-ryl 1962. 367 p. WIRA 15:6) (Forests and forestry-Valuation) GENKI.'42 i,.A.; ZAXP%ROV, V,K~.4 TA6-Blu';U~i~ V.1, /..uto,r.qtic analysifi of the durv.'-cri of a6mdinp and dcancereilrig phasus of clectroancj~phalngiaphlx ~':hur. vyri. rierv, deiat. 14 no.3:553-561 My-Te 164. (141FU,. 17-11) 1. Kir,,v I-Illitarf Medical i-csckxy ani -Iolytachnical institute, leninGrad. SAI-TYLOVICII, Georgiy Goorgiyevich, prof. Prinimnli uchtwtiye: YEMIEYEV, V.S.; KUDHITSKIY, D.E.; ZEIID~', F.I.; BAKH, M.K.; CIOIWKG~j V.P.; Or'11TSENOVA, K.N.; HAFF-S, F.F..; ZAKRWROV, P.M.; DEYNEKO, V.F.p doktor tekhn. nauko prof.0 retuenzent; ZAKRAROV V.K., prof., retsenzent; MIROSHNIKOV, V.S.. dots., ".~e ~'senz~ent-,-IF S.V., doktor sellkhoz. nsuk, red. (Use of aerial phoTogrnphic surveying and airplanes in forestry; aerial photography of forests and forest aviation] Primenenie aorofotos"emki i aviatsii v Icanom khoziaiatvc; aerofotos"erWca lesov i lesnaia aviatzdLia. Izd.2., dop. i ispr. Moskva, Lesnaia promyshl., 1964. 485 p. (MIRA 17: 10) 1, Kafedra lesnoy taksatsii i lasoustroystva Belorusskogo tekhnologicheskogo'instituta (for Zakharov, Mirosimikov). L OMI-466 E-VIT(1)/E'-IP(e)/4Etvr(m)/EPF(c)/EWP(i)/E'IIP(b) IJP(c) VN/GG/WH SIOU NR: - AP50125W twolal/6V0070/1571AM AUTHOR: VAkhar6vs V. K. t1di I M~A D_ 27 TITIZ: Investigation of glasses with chromium by tho M method SOURCE: Fizika tvardogo tela, v. 7j, noo 5j, 1965) 1571-1572 i': TOPIC TAGS- EPR_ff __*inction, Hamiltonian pectrump gl&Ys property., spin s7stemp wave C-11 I. ABSTRACT: This is 6 Continuation of earlier EPR studieX7, glasses with ions of trivalent chromium (Opt. I gpelctr. v. 14, 700-T-1~63 ~-The present investigation had for its purpose to checi on the values of t1he g-factors) which in some cases were found to be dUfferent :rxom those calculated In the earlier paper. Measurementl of a glass with caVosition i(al.1 molar percent) 50% PA5., 7% AlA3P V Zn0j ani 13% K20 containing 0.4 and 1.6% CrV02P yielded an WR spectrum of Cr ions with values 1.78 t 0.05 and 5.0 � 0.2 for the transverse and parallel g-factors. The measurements were ciade with IMI.301 apparatus at an operating frequency - 93M Mes. A in 3+ ,,in Hamiltonian) wave funotiona,, and a scheme for the spin sublevels of the Cr iOn are proposed to reconcilo these values of the g-factore. "The authors thank G. ~ 0. Fara ) ir, his interest which contributed to the performance of this - W-MMWI Pilas: 2 figures and 6 formulas. rk. Oilg. & Card 1/2 v.K., 1). M. ufie! or slfctror, rfiPOnElr~C;~' N!th(A- In Stifly.4ng k1ol G- 3 .1 , 8 r, e, I .; onUt i r 'rg, chroad um. Fl. z. tv~~,- . to, la 7 ric, ~ ~ 1 ~ ' 1.- 1 17~ MY 16 1' (MIRA 180) 1. GosiOarstvenn.vy apticheskiy institut imani Vriv-11 JcvR, Lenirgrad. DEMil,'$ A ZAMAROV, V.K. [aeceased] Frac' recomm, ations on the for navigation pu o3eu. Inform. a .L 5viazl no.26:75-81F 164. taking of tides into account sbor~ T111111V no.115. Sudovozh. (MA 18:2) -,,~.AKFIAROV V.K kand, tekhn, r.-aulf iWaving ths perfo-rmem-ce of ma-rines diesel engines sm'411 loading, Trudy TOMIT no.60:14-24 164. kT-cgt" !314,,'. SARiMANCIII, O.V- cha-,'- and Cunsolidution of the sta,~-s 7alliation oi' the spaCtrlm- Dlokl. A!", Z-S3Ff 16) kv!IPA 1-8:2) ',,Ip-tf,-!ratlcheskiy institut im. V.A. rj',-,klova AN SSSR. Submiled July 21, L964. Rk,' --,jVjRV I I 1W INA XFD1149 LVT(I)/EEC(b)-Z~'4D-,!/,EWA-(,h) Peb/PJ-4 rjP(c:) a8 ACCESUGN NR: ATS011625 UR/00001641000f000/0496/0503 AUTHOR.- S~uchWn, A.M.: Zakhavov. V. TITLE: Dusign. af ferrite transWor cells tmeing a. delayed blodking- generator with a rectangular hysteresis loop forrito Ireaeso Uld -telcinek----~I 9(Wes a -Y j-, 0_17iditia-k 80TIRM J YU-=- ~~ ~t - . ~zf~~-- ka 74 -4--tl - _U6 J62 4*~,_Lzm,Lritellnoy i.n. I Eff I'Loj u4QE", re a ernenty avtomatiki, telemekhalLiki, izrnoritallnoy i vvehislitellnoy tokhnilU (Majp2etic elemeritc autornaar., control, rerzote contral, micasurement and computer engiziaering); trudy 0 f goveshchanlya. Kii3v, Nauk-ova dui6ai, 1.964, 496-503 TOPIC TAGS: ferrite transistor cell, ferrite blocking generator, delay blocking geTierator, rectangular hysteresis loop 4 Modern digital computers and various other d'evices for aulomadon and telemechar-ics often -ise ferrite-tramiisWr cells based on a delayed blocking- generator with reciaq;uiar hysteresis loop tcarLafoi~mera. A aurvtrf of theavailable acientific literature a howed that, as a rule, the aiWysis and design of such cells are carried out la aa extraraely simplified and qWte superf iodal manner. To fill this gap the author 1. theroughly digcussed the ba-sio theorWcal approximtions and the ebaractariztice of Card 77777777 71-7 ACCESERIOU -NR:- -AT5611626 experimental rw U-ts. The pulse current amplitudes were within: 5-35% -of the calculated valuuig, avil the largoat (35% errorappeared in the coUector current due to uncertainties -:-,It !, of the ferrite -nercivo for-cc usel during efAlculations. The error in Clio dtirstion deterwinat.~'un did iot ax-eodl .10-301r. Tho largest time tirn-)r was during the determination of the back (docreasing) portion of the pulse (f rom 50-: 00'v); however, this bj a gm all f racLion of the total duration of the pulse and 11. "Ili r1ot ai precia-bl) Iffeci tbo mtrd] -~-sztlt. Orig. art, has: 31 formultis and 5 fi6ruxes. VASILIYBV, V.P.; ZAKHAROV, T.K.; CHAMOMROIUANKO, S.G. Wioactivo tracer technique for the study of votal diffusion proce3sen in metals (applicable to the technology of oxide iathctws), Timdr SAGU no.91:17-38 157. (KMA 1122) (Diffusion) (Itectron tubeal (Radioactive tracer*-Indastrial applications) AUTHOR; Zakbarov, V. K - "It S/194/61/000/012/054/097 D256/D303 TITLE; Choosing methods of disturbance-stable codings PERIODICAL: Referativnyy zhurnal, Avtomatika i radioelektronika, no. 12, 1961, 57,abstract 12V506 (Nauchno-tekhn. in- form. b u1. Leningr. politekhn. in-t, 1960, no. 12, 103-106~ TEXT: A number of disturbance stable methods of digital computer data communication was compared. Using coding with error detec- tion and correction inevitably leads to a surplus of information in the code. The objective of choosing a suitable method of coding is to keep the surplus small, and at the same time to obtain as small as possible the probability of passing an undetected error. In comparing the codes the following assumptions were used: 1) The numbers communicated are of the order 1010 to 1015 ; 2) binary sym- bols are used for coding; 3) the probability of an error occurring Card 1/2 3/194/61,/000/012/054/097 Choosing methods of ... D256/D303 is determined by a mean probability p being of the order 10- 2 to 10-4. The results of the comparison are collected in a table show- /", ing that an optimum choice presents a code with a provision for detecting double errors and correcting single ones, giving a high pc~ disturbance stability and a small surplus. /-Abstractor's note: Coindlete translation._7 Card 2/2 GOLIDBAUM, I. Y&.; ZAIMOV, V. K. Interference proof code for a zvmote tranmianion syntsm. Pribarostroanie no,10:3-4 0 162. (MLU 15: 10) (Eleatronic control) (Inform%tion tbaory)', i/194/62/000/010/052/084 A051/A126 AMORSt Zakharov.-VO.K1, Lazarov, W..A. q TITLEs A photoelectronic generator with photoconductive cell and neon lamif PERIODICAL: Referativryy zhurnal, Avtomatika i radtoelektronika, no. 10, 1962, 5 - 6, abstract 1OZh4O (Tr. Kazakhsk. n.-i. In-ta mineral.1n. syr1ya, 1960, no. 3, 352 - 353) TEXT: A version of the circuit of a breaking-oscillation generator with a neon lamp is presented in which the role of the capacitorshunting the neon lamp), is played by a photoconductive cell. The time characteristics of the majority of photoconductive cells have the form of time charactoristics of capacitor charge 'lamp are contained in a or discharge. The photoconductive cell and the neon light-tight shield such that the luminous flux from the neon lamp almost fully hits the working part of the photoconductive cell. The shield has an aperture to- allow for illumination by the external light source. The generating period de- pends on the voltage fed to the generator, and on the degree to which the photo- conductive cell Is illuminated by the external light source. The pulse shape on Car;d 1/2 1,11, 1 ()cr 1616. 10~~ 6. Z, 4 I P/194/62/000/010/052/084 A photoelectronic generator with-'.... A051/A126 the noon-lamp electrodes is almoSt rectangular. Diagrams of generation frequency as a function of the voltage fed and of illumination'by the external light source are given. The frequency of Son6ration largely depeftds an the external luminous flux; it Increases with a decredse of Illumination. This makes it possible to use photogenerators in luminous-flux measurements. T. YaotrebtReva [Abstracter's note: Comple7te translation] Card 2/2 h 3 01 2 0 S11 q4/6Z/0()0/01 0/043/084 AO51/A126 AUTHORS: Zakharov, V.K., Lazarev, Yu.A. TITLEt A pbotoelectronic generator with photoconductive cell and neon lamp PERIODICALs Referativnyy zhurnal, Avtomatika I radloelektronika, no. 10, 1962, 4, abstract 10-5-8t8 (Tr.-Kazakhsk. n.-I. In-ta mitieralln. z;yr'ya, 1960, no. 3, 352 - 353) TEVT i In the relaxation genorator deacribedthe unpaolt0j, function 11n per-, formed by an 1X-K1 (FS-K1) photoconductive cell. Both the photoconductive C011 and the neon lamp are contained in a light-tight shield and are arranged one over'" the other such that the luminous flux of the neon lamp hits more fully the work- ing part of the cell. An aperture for the exporsure to light is provided In ' the shield. A circuit diagram of the generator is given and its operation is de- scribed. The period of generation depends on the voltage-fed to the generator, and on the degree to which the photoconductive cell is illuminated by the exter- nal light source. The pulse shape on the neon-lamp electrodes is almost rectan- gular with a slight slope toward the trailing-edge side. The generation feequen- Cr.rd 1/2 /av S/194/62/0W/010/043/0P4 A photoelectronic generator with photoconductive .... Ao61/A126 cy is given as a function of the voltage fed and of Illumination by the external light source. A photogenerator~with these functions can be employed in luminous- flux measurements, particularly when developing apparatus for spectnim analysl-3. There are 3 figures and 3 references. [Abstracter's note: Complete translation) Card 2,/2 ZAKNAMV, -1. K. ZAKHAMV, V. K.- "Some qUE13tiO115 in he theor~y of limitinF, problims for elliptic a(~uations vanorated at the boundary of a ref,ion." Acad Sci USSR. Mothcmatii:s Inst imeni V. A. Steklov, Moucow, 1956. (DISSSRTATION For the DeCree of Candidate in FMICO- RATHEZIATICAL SCIENCES.) So: Knizhna3ra 16topis' No 24 1956 zi i0 ilpe LLtjvW.Wji, 103-8-4/8 AMR: BAM)AoL.L, ZAKEAMVtV.K. (Lwxinsrad) TITLIC: Regime and Calculation of Zleotromia Voltage Stabilisors. (Vj%or reshim I rasahat slektranafth stabillsatorov napryas 4- t Rus Lan) PIRIMICAU A"MUM I TelankhanDat 1957P W, Nr Sao pp 724-739 (U.S.S.R.) MMUCTS Bystesm of electronic voltage stabilizers of the conpansation 10"s axe InvestiptaC A setbod of calculation In given, with the help of w1dah sufficiently rational modes of operation for the assenbly grotrp of the device can; be selected and the corros- pandIng parameters of the atabillsor am be calculated. By this mom the experimental ezusination an won am tming of the do- vIces Is considerably sloplifled. Small series (of 3-10 each) of some types of electronic volte&e stebillsere ware develop" and built In the Idbontory for AutmIlon avid Remote Ocutral of the Leningrad Xleattoteabalo Institute. Two of them an investigated In abort and the mobamen and parameters are described. (With 12 Illustraticom wA 2 Slavic Reformoss). AMMUTM Not SLTM Px~~ BE I -ff ow 1 100501956 AMMAM LONN7 or Caug"as can 1/1 \,(AV .1 corm tE.Ift (flilt PWSCER nu mollilelc= uchlll~cc G.-laftal olbfwL Ni-, j! ~~-77~7 - ---77~ 7~7 7 2D-114-3-5/60 AUTHORt Zakharov. V. X. TITLEs Embedding Theorems for a Space With a Metrics That Degenerates on a Rectilinear rart of the Boundary of Domain (Teoremy vlozheniya dlya prostranstva a metrikoyl vyrozhdayushcheyeva na pryamolineynom uchastke granitsy oblasti) PERIODICALe Doklady Akademii Hauk S.SSR,1957,VoIOI14,Nr 3,pp#464-471( USSR) ABSTRACTs lot D be a flidto damIn In the T4pper ~3emiplane, a part of its 'P boundary lies on thd Ox-axia. The other part of 1-he bound- ary is denoted by For the oomplgte boundary T,.," u r .1 .Ls written down in this case. Let Q' be the manifold 8f all functions continuous in the domain D which have limited partially continuous second derivatives and in a certain boundary-strip of the tomaig D, become equal to zero. On the set of the functions u E an operator of the type of a gradients 0 2U2 2uo 2uo Gu I - 21 x2 j~ 2 3ay 0 y ) is defined. The0manifold (where u FS? Y.Pplies) consisting of Card 1/3 the elements Gu is here denoted with Ro. A certain soalar is 2o-ii4-3-5/6o Embedding Theorems for a Space With a Metrics That Degenerates on a Recti- linear-Part of the Boundary of Domain 0 0 then introduced in R,The termination of the space R in the metrics defined by the just-mentioned scalar product is de- noted by R. In any domain D& the functions uo4ff P on the n average tend toward a certain function u which has generalized second derivatives in this domain. Therefore the element gG k is equal to the system of the generalized second order derivatives of the function u in the domain DO . This also holds for the partial derivatives of this type, i.e. g = Gu a(62u/ax2, a2u/,axay, ~2 U/ay2 relevant theorems are given results of this paper can the derivatives of the scalar product and that the on n variables. There depend of which are Sovi&t. applies. Two outlined. All for the case that tained in the derivatives and the proofs are also be generalized m-th order are con- coefficients and are 2 referencessboth ASSOCIATIONt Mathematical Institute AS USSR imani V. A. Steklov I (Matematicheskiy institut im. V. A. Steklova Akademii nauk SSSR) PRESEHMS November 16, 1956, by S. L. Sobolev, Member of the Academy Card 2/3 2D-13);-3-5/60 Embedding Theorems for a Space With a Metrica That Degenerates on a Recti- linear Part of the Boundary of Domain SUBMITTEDi November 13, 1956 Card 3/3 AUTHOR 7ArKAJt0V V.K. 20-5-6/60 TITLX -XiVi'ddine Theorems for a Space Having Its Metrio Degene- rating at a finite'lumber of Internal Points within a 3ounded Domain. (Teoremy vlozheuiya d1ya proetr--,astva a metrikoy, vyrozhda- yushaheyeya v koneahnom chisle v7lArennikh tochek ograni- channoy ablaa-411-1..- Ra,:tsian) PERIODICAL Doklady kkademii Nauk SSSR 195TP 'fol 114, Nr 5, PP 938-941 (USSR) I ABSTRACT Be it asaumed DI-is a finitle domain located in the plane vf the varlablue (x,,y). The author de3otes the alosed our-re limiting the domain W vi 41.h r1- , The coordinate source is assumed to be lanated within D' and for the e tice limit P - r' + (0,C). is ~4"Ssumed to be valid. a. 0 is the mani:fold of all functions steady in D' which have limited and piece-vise stleady deviations and in a certain boundary strip of the domain and in a certain neighborh'ood of Lhe point (0,0) tend-tow&rds zero, Next, a lannifolo Consisting of, gradients is defined and a scalar product is Introduced. A voluminous theorem is given. CARD 1/2 The author next investigated the manifold of all functions '_Jc AUTHOR; Zakharov,V.K. SOV20-124-4-41/~ 67 TITLE': First 'Ioundarv-Value problem for Second and Fourth Degree ELliptical r,nu'nt1nn- Deeenerating-PrEhvineSingularitida in a Finite Number of Points i,i a Region (Pervaya krayevaya zadacha aiya uravneniy ellipticheskogo tipa vtorogo i chctvertogo poryad- kov, vyrozhdayushchikhsya ili imayu3hchikh osobennosti v konech- nom chisle vnutrennikh tochek oblasti) PERIODICAL- Doklady AkademJ.i nauk SSSR,1959,Vol 124'tNr 4,pp 747-750 (USSR) ABSTRACT- The author considers the first boLndary value problem for two partial differential equations with two independent variables. In three theorems formulated without proof, the author given sufficient conditions for the existence of a unique generalized solution u=u(X,Y). The boundary of the considered domain satisfies t~g imbedding thaorems of S.L.3obOlev. The proofs of the theorems7%ased on the application of the functional method of M.I.Vishik Z-Ref 32- There are 3 Soviet references. ASSOCIATION:Matema'ilicheskiy institut imeni V.A.Gt9klova Akadomii nauk SSSR (Mathematical Institute imer-i V.A.Steklov AS USSR) PRESENTED: October 8,1958, by S.L.Sobolev, kcademician SUBMITTED: October 3, 1958 Card 1/1 16(1) OOV/20-128-2-6/5('- AUTHOR3j Sarmanov, OvVr, and Zakharov V. TITLE: Spectra of Enlarged Stochastic Matrices PERIODICALt Doklady Akademli nauk 535Ry 1959, Vol 128,11r 2,pp 243-245 (USSR) ABSTRACT: Let Aill jBi~ be two dependent finite sequenoes of ovents with a symmetric table of correlation fpij~p i,J.1,2,...,n: (1) 0 -e-pij = pjj P(Ai n Bi). Let n (2) Pi = P(Ai) P(Bi) 2: Pi.;~. 0 J-1 and n n (3) Z Pij - 2:Pi i,j=l i=1 The spectrum of the stochastic matrix (4) 1pij I, i,j=l,...,n has the form Card 1/2 (5) 1,> :~ '?, ... ~11 1A,1 1AJ Spectra of Enlarged Stochastic Vatricen 1,;0V/20-120-2-6/-,) Some events A,, (and simultaneously the events Bi with the corresponding numbers) are united in one event. The authors obtain a stochastic matrix of lower order. Lot e.g. A ~A,UA 2- Principal theorems The eigenvalues 1/)q of this enlarged stochastic matrix are alwayR weighted means of the eigenvalues 1/Ail 1/ A i+10 ... 91/)6 21-1 of the initial matrix (4), i.e.: n-1 a? /10 3.k -A k=i k where (11) aik 1. k=i Several conclusions are given. There are 2 Soviet references. ASSOCIATION:Matematicheskiy institut imeni V.A.Steklova Akadenii nauk SSSR (Mathematical Institute imeni V.A.Steklov,AS USSR) PRESENTED: MELY 18, 1959, by S.N.Bernshteyn, kcademician SUBMITTED: May 15, 1959 Card 2/2 87115 IV 0 S/03 60/052/004/001/002 C111YC222 AUTHORSs Sarmanov,O.V., and Zak-harov- VAC- (Mosenw) TITLEt Measures of the Dependence Between Random Terms and Spectra of Stochastic Kernels and Matrices PERIODICAL: Matematicheskiy sbornik, 1960, Vol-52, No-4, PP-953-990. TEXT: The authors consider two continuous dependent random variables in dl= ~ 4x:fib, c ','~-y 4,d3. Let F(x,y) be the distribution density of x and y; let p x) and P(y) be the a'pri6ri'distribution densities of x and y. Let b d F(x,y)>,,.O, fF(x,y)dxdy = 1, I I LY d a c b (0-1) p(X) =JF(x,y)dy>O, P(y) - fF(X,y)dx>O0 -b d a a F (x.x) dxdy