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24(l) AU THOR: Brokhovskikho L.M. BOV/46-5-3-3/32 TITLEs On the Propagation of the Rayleigh Surface Waves Along a Rough Bmadary of an Elastic Body (0 rasprostranonii poverkhnostnykh releyevskikh voln vdoll nerovnoy granitay uprugogo tela) PERIODICALs Akustichaskiy zhurnal, 1959, Val 5, Nr 3, pp 282-289 (USSR) ABSTR&M, This paper Yam presented at the IV-th All-Union Gonference on Acoustics in 195e. The author deals with propagation of Rayleigh waves along a "rough" surface and calculates attenuation due to scattering on the non-uniformities of this surface. These non-uniformities are treated collectively and scattering on a single non-uniformity Is not discussed. The heights of the non-uniformities are assumed to be small compared with the Rayleigh wavelength. It vas found that, even if the non- uniformities were small, attenuation vas strong at certain values of the space period of the non-uniformities. This can be seen clearly In Fig 2-where the results obtained for aluminium (curve 1). the earth's crust (curve 2) and steel (curve 3) are plotted; the ordinate represents Card 1/2 -which is proportional to the attenuation coefficient, and the abscissa Ofi the Damping of Rayleigh-waves During Propagation SOV/20-12,-5-.146/052 Along an Uneven Surface X w 0 furnish the connection between the amplitudes A and B, 3 2 2 i. e. the equation ?ipPB - (2p IX. )A, and an equation for the determination of p and.. consequently, also of the velocity of the Rayleigh--waves (2p 2 _ Y:2)2 _ 4p2ap . 0. The equation of the uneven surface is given in the form x 3 =J(%1'%2)' The solid is to take up the half--space x 0 '3* The following is further assumed: a) The depth of the uneven places is small against the length of "he Raylei-h-wave. b) The surface has only Blight inclinations. in this case it iB best to solve the problem by the method of successive approximations on the assumption that in --ero-th approximation an undamped surface wave propagates along a plane wave. At every point of the uneven surface a local system of coordinates x I, x ' 1 2 and x' is introduced in such a manner ihat the x '-axis is 3 3 directioned. along the inner vertical to the surface. The Card 2/4 directions of the axes x,' and xj then differ only little from 24M AUTHOR; Brekhovskikh, L. M., Corresponding SOV/20-124-5-16/62 ldember-,-AS USSIF-- TITLEt On the Damping of Rayleigh-waves During Propagation Along an Uneven Surface (0 zatukhanii releyevskikh voln pri rasprostranenii vdoll nerovnoy poverkhnosti) PERIODICAL: Doklady Akademii nauk SSSR, 1959, Vol 124, Nr 5, pp 1018-1021 (USSR) ABSTRACT: A Rayleigh-wave is damped during propagation along an uneven surface by scattering on uneven places. The present paper gives a short report on the results obtained by calculating the damping coefficient. These results are of interest in seismology and acoustics, where ultrasonic Rayleigh waves are,used. In the case of a plane boundary the potentials of the Rayleigh-wave are q) - As iPX4 - ax.3" 1) . 'DeipX4 - PX3 ; here the factor e- iWt is always tacitly assumed and it holds that 2 . 2 _ 2 2. 2 2 2 21(?~+ 2~L)' 2 2 a p k _ z , k = QW X = 9W lei- - In this connection the rectangular system of coordinates Card 1/4 x 11 X29 X3 is used. The boundary conditions on the free aiwface On the Damping of Rayleigh.-waves During Propagation SOV/20-124-5-16/62 Along an Uneven Surface The resulting damping coefficient 6 is the sum of the partial damping coefficients. A diagram graphically shows the results obtained by calculating the damping coefficient for the earth crust, for steel, and for aluminum. There are 1 figure and 3 Soviet references. ASSOCIATION: kkusticheskiy institut Akademii nauk SSSR (Acoustics Institute of the Academy of Sciences, USSR) SUEMITTED: November 12, 1958 Card 4/4 On the Damping of Rayleigh-waves During Propagation SOV/20-124-5--16/62 Along an Uneven Surface the directions of the axes x 1 and x2* If the tensions a 3i(0) disappear in zero-th approximation, there are tensions in this plane in first approximation, which have the same order of smallness asf . These additional minor tensions will cause scattered waives by which also the damping of the Rayleigh- waves is caused. The functionf,,x X ) is to be representable 1 2 j e'(Mglx' + ng~-'XZ). To as a Fourier series: each pair of numbers there corresponds a scattered wave; the corresponding scalar potentials and vector potentials are given. For the determination of the damping coefficient of the Rayleigh-wave it is necessary to !~.,aicul~te the energy conveyed away from the boundary by the scattered wave in order then to compare it with the energy of the main wave. Also a "Partial damping coefftoient" is defined, which is due to the energy conveyed into the scatte-e~ wave with the number mn. Furthera (rather long) expression. is written down for this partial damping coefficient ~ m Card 3/4 for the most simple case of a onedimensional unevenness. L? glove) AUTHORS: Brekhovskikhq~Lo Me TITLE: Wave Propagation in a 4 ,_I PERIODICAL: Akusticheskiy zhurnal, 82725 5/046/60/006/003/001/012 B006/BO63 Yeliseyevning Vo A. Non-homogeneoue Waveguidd_~ 1960, Vol. 6, No. 3, pp. 284-291 TEXT: Special attention has been devoted in recent years to the propaga- tion of electromagnetic and sound waves in natural waveguides over long distances. A theory of natural waveguides has also been developed, but only for homogeneous onesq ioeo, waveguides whose properties remain un- changed along the line on which the waves propagate. Over distances between 1,000 and 10,000 km this a&sumption is hardly realized in nature. Real non-homogeneous waveguides offer a complicated problem which can be solved only by approximation methods. Exact solutions are only posoible in very simple special oases.-Suoh a case is studied in the present paper, and the exact solution is analyzed. The authors proceed from the assumption that the line of the waveguide is, for the major part, homogeneous, and that only a certain part, which is sufficiently distant from the wave source, has a transition zone of the length 2L9 within which the properties of Card 1/3 ~'BREKHOVSKIKH, Leonid Maksimovich Acceleration of about 1,000 9. IzobrA rats. no.1:19-20 Ja 160. 13>-Q~ 1. Direktor Akustichaskogo inatituta, cblon-Icorrespondent AN SSSR. (Ultrasonic waves) 82725) Wave Propagation in a Non-homogeneous Waveguide 8/04 60/006/003/001/012 BOO YBO 3 dz/dx - tan f(c h z ;R tion of the angle L which emitted from the source. (24) (24) is finally discussed. and I US. + a - m2)/(b thx/L + m2) where m is a funo- indicates the direction in which the ray is leads to equation (26) for the ray. Equation There are 3 figures and 6 references: 5 Soviet ASSOCIATION: Akustiaheskiy.inatitut AN SSSR Moskva (Institute of Acoustics of the AS USSR, Moscow) SUBMITTED: May 25t 1960 Card 3/3 82725 Wave Propagation in a Non-homogeneous Waveguide S/046/60/006/003/001/012 Boo6/Bo63 the waveguide may change. As usual, the wave field in the homogeneous part is given by the superposition of the normal waves. In the transition zone, the shape of the waves may change and the waves may be reflected partly or completely. Furthermore, 2L is assumed to be small as compared to the dis- tance between the source and the transition zone, so that a divergence of the wave front in the horizontal direction within this zone is negligible. The line is assumed to be perpendicular to the transition zone, These as- suzptions make It possible to study the problem as a two-dimensional one. This two-dimensional problem is further specialized. The following relation is assumed to hold for the square of the wave number in the medium: k2(X'Z k 2[(l-a)/ch 2 zff + b th 2E + a] - If O< a < 19 the axis of the 0 L waveguide is in the plane z - 0. Within the range I xl*p L the -waveguide is homogeneouag and lxl,< L corresponds to the transition zone (Fig. 1). A differential equation is derive d fo the sound potential *(Xgz). it can be solved by separating the variables (Xpz) - X(X)Z(Z)] . Next, expressions are given for the reflection coeffitotent and the phase and group velocities. Finally, the problem is considered from the viewpoint of ray thoory, and the following relation (24) is derived for the direction of the ray to the plans z - 0: Oard 2/3 The Long-range Propagation of Bound- and Infra- S/053/60/070/02/008/016 sounAwayes in Natural Wave Guides B006/BO07 which axis coincides with the level of the minimum velocity ~f propagation. In the tropical oceanic zones this level is at a depth of 1000 to 1500 m, and decreases with increasing latitude. In the north it is near the surface. In the atmosphere the natural wave guide is aj a height of 15 to 30 km and ex- tends in height over some 10 km. Although these wave guides are of different nature, the same physical rules nevertheless apply to them; the latter are in the following dealt with separately for oceans and the atmosphere, and are discussed in detail, First of all, the acoustic conditions of the oceans, which may be somewhat more easily analyzadq are dealt with oh the basis of dal Grosso's formula, which represents the velocityof sound as a function of temperature, salt content, and depth (hydrostatic pressure). For the Atlantic, for instance, the sound velocity minimum for a depth of 1500 m, is at 350561 north latitude, 69 0001 meet longitude - i.e. the axis of the sound channel is at this depth. The damping co Card 2/4 efficient is a a 0.036 f3/21 which is very small (f is the AUTHOR: Br6khovskikhv L. S/053J60/070/02/008/016 1 B006/BOO7 X TITLE: and Infrasoundwaves in The Long-range Propagation of Soun Natural Wave Guides, PERIODICAL: Uspekhi fizicheskikh nauk, 1960, Vol 70P Nr 2, pp 351-360 (USSR) ABSTRACT: The present article is the reproduction of a lecture deliver- ed at the 3. International Acoustics Conference held at Stutt- gart (Western Germany)-in September 1959. The author speaks about the propagation of sound in the oceans and in the at- mosphere, which# thanks to the natural wave guides, may ex- tend over long distances. Thus, the sound of an under-water explosion of several kilograms of trinitrotoluene may propa- gate over a distance of 5 - 6000 km. Natural wave guides are so-called sound channels, which are a result of the specific dependence of aound velocity on the vertical coordinate. The relative change in velocity is, in itself, not great (15% in the oceant 30% in the air), but it is nevertheless responsible for the fact that sound waves are able to propagate over large distances. The most favorable conditions for propagation pre- Card 1/4 vail when the sound source is near the axis of such a channel The Long-range Propagation of Bound- and Infra- B/053/60/070/02/008/016 soundwavea in Natural Wave Guides B006/BO07 sequence of regular oscillations. Yu. L. Gazaryan and K. I. Balashov are mentioned. There are 11 figures and 12 references, 9 of which are Soviet. Card 4/4 The Long-range Fropagation.of Sound- and Infra- S/053/60 070/02/008/016 soundmaves in Natural Wave Guides BO frequency of sound in kc/sec)- With f 50 c;p;so, sound intensity utider these conditions decreases t /10 only after 26000 km. For several simple oases the sound wave patterns are constructed and discussed. In the atmosphere the velocity.of sound may be represented with sufficient accuracy by the formula _V'TT7 O(z 20.1 z m/seoi T(z) is the absolute air temperature at the altitude z. A T(z)-curve, which was drawn in the USSR by means of data supplied by meteorological rockets, is shown by figure 6. The temperature curve has two minim4Lj one at a heiqht of 15 and one at a height of 80km, which means that tut; propagation velocity minima exist and thus also two wave raide levels. Figure 8 shows the corresponding sound waye pattern. The sound absorp- tion coefficient is a a 30-1 8/0, ithere X denotes the wave- length and a, the free length of path. (At a height of 120 km a o4 60 cm). In the last part of this paper the variations of the form of a sound impulse occurring at large distances are briefly dealt with. They consist essentially in the fact that a short-lived sound impulse (e.g. originating from an Card 3/4 explosion) at a large distance occurs in the form of a long!~/ 86o36 Vertical Profile of Sound Propagation Velocity in the Ocean BO 9/B077 when there are sharp deviations of the dc/d% gradient-. The new method is advantageous through these parameters used to analyze acoustic processes. The authors were able to determine two types of -verTical distributions of the sonic velocity in a 10 degree square of the North-west Atlan't'ic. The warm Gulfstream influences the first distribution type and can be divided into five layers. The cold Labradorstream influences the other distribu- tion type and can be divided into four layers. Fig. 2 shows both distribution types. The authors thank V. Ya. Tolkachev, G. I. Merinova, N. P. Markov,~, and N. A. Smirnova for the calculations done. The Gosudarstvennyy okeanograficheskiy institut (State Institute of Qceana- graphy) is mentioned~ Legend to Fig. 2: A is the first type of the velocity distribution and B the second. There are 2 figures and 4 Soviet references. ~-itute of ASSOCIATION; Akusticheskiy institut Akademii nauk SSSR (Ins4 Armnstirts of the Acadamv of Sciences, USSR) SUBMITTED: August 20, !960 Card~2/-3~ 86038 S/020/60/135/003/020/039 ~4000 ~37411 lafqjll~z) B019/B077 AUTHORS: Brek)2=_skjkb_, L.,_ M. , Corresponding Member of the AS USSR, Yevtushenko, V, A., Makarov, S. S., and Pisarenko, V. F. TITLE: Vertical Profile of Sound Propagation Velocity in the\0cean PERIODICAL: Doklady Akademii nauK SSSR, 1960, Vol- 135, No~ 3, PP~ 581-583 TEXT; The authors describe a new me%-.od of determining the sonic velocity in dependence of the depth of the ocer , using the so.-called "character- istic points". The ocean depth is div ~,,d into a certain number of layers, taking their physical and chemical 6-Aracteristics into account. Each curve which characterizes the mutual depenlence of sonic velocity and ocean depth is approximated by a broken line, where the de/dz gradient is con- stant within each individual layer (c is the sonic velocity, z is the ocean depth). The salient points of this curve are the characteristic points in the c-z plane, for which the mean depth and the sonic velocity are determined. By changing in time the curve c - c(z), a family of curves is obtained which describe the actual conditions much better especially C5rk 11-3- ,-BREKHOVSKIKH, L.M. Notes on acoustical activity in the United States. no.1:109-114 161* (United States--Sound) Akust. zhur. (MIRA 14*.4) MY-IMMEM, Leonid M. Naveguides in inhomogenous media." report to be pmmmiz submitted for the Intl. Colloquium on the :Propagation of Shooks in Heterogeneous 1,L-dia, Rat. Center of Sci. lies. ) Marseilles, France, 11-16 Sei, 1961. IXABt. Of ACOUStiCS) Aced. Sci. USSR BREKHOVSKIKH,-~.M- Sound rq~eals the mysteries of the ocean. Priroda 52 no.6:65-70 163. (MMA 16:6) 1. Alcusticheskiy institut AN SSSR, Noskva; Chlen-korrespondent AN SSSR. (Oceanographic research) (Echo sounding) BREKHOVSKIKH, L. M. and MIJ9=TSKV, I. Ye . "Acoustics and oceanology" report submitted for the 4th Tntl. Congress of Acoustics, Copenhagen, Denmark, 21-28 Aug 1962. Acoustical Institute of Sciences, of U.S.S.R., Moscow. ~ - ~, 1 - -'*~ - - 1 DREKHOVSKIM, L.M. Ar. asymntotic law governing wave propagat-ion in natural wave guides. Akust. zhur. 10 no.1:114-116 164. (MIRA 17:5) 1. AkustichesMy institut All SSSR, Moskva. I 'T i- Rols of acoustics In stludying Ithe ocear. Tzv. AN Fiz. at i. Okc--aftq 1 no-lOzIG50-1064 0 165. (MIRA 18:10) 1. ilikustiehaskiy institvt AN SSSR. ACC NR, AP60OC-131 cient of 10-6/m. 3) scattering of sound wave depends on the nature of the ocean bot---', tom. Orig; art. has; 21 formulas, 15 figures. SUB CODE: 08,20/ SUBM DATE: 25Jun65/ ORIG REr: 012/ OTH REr: on 2/2 llb ACC NRt AP6006131 SOURCE CODE: AUTHOR: -Brekhovskikh, L. M. ORG: Acoustics Institute, AcadeMy of Sciences4SSSR (Akustichoskiy institut, Akademiya nauk SSSR) TITLE: Role of acoustics in ocean research_~/ SOURCE': AN SSSR. Izvestiya. Fizika atmoofery i okeana, v. 1, no. 10, 1965, 1050-1064 TOPIC TAGS: ocean acoustics, sound wave, sound propagation, underwater sound equip- ment ABSTRACT: Several parameters connecting acoustics and oceanology ar~discussed and analyzed for the purpose of determining the extent to which acoustical methods can be applied in oceanography. The following points are discussed: the investigation of sound-scattering layers, investigation of ocean bottoms, and the relation of a sound field to the hydrological features. A case where the sound velocity profile and the ocean depth are a function of x and y was investigated. An equation of sound pressure, as a function of the proper functions of a waveguide, was derived and solved using equations of geometrical acoustics. The data show that 1) for a charge of 300 g, an air bubble 1 = in diameter at 100 m depth can be detected at a distance of 1 M; 2) for a frequency of 5-103 cps, a layer located at 400 m depth has a scattering coeffi- 1/2 UDC: 551.463.2 NKI AP6032074 (/V) SOURCE CODE: UR/03 AUTHOR; Brekhovskikh L. M. - -4_9~6~ ORG: Acoustics Institute, Academy of SciencesMSR (Akademiya nauk SSSR. Akusticheskiy institut) TITLE: Underwater sound waves in the oLce 0), neratea by surface waves m' ge SOURCE! AN SSSR. Izvestiya. Fizika atmoofery i okeana, Y. 2,,no. 9, 1966, 970-980 TOPIC TAGS: sound wave, hydrodynamics, surface wave,.vcA===-. ABSTRACT: It is shown that interacting surface waves can generate sound waves in a volume of fluid. The theory of this phenomenon is based onthe solution of hydro- . dynamic equations, taking nonlinear terms into account. Calculations are given for two harmonic surface waves as well as for the continuous spectrum waves. The direc- tion properties of radiated sound waves and their statistical characteristics are co'nsidered. It is possible that an essential part of low-frequency ambient noise in the ocean is due to this phenomenon, though the definite conclusions could be hardly made at the present time because of the lack of data on the sea surface-wave spectra. Orig. art. has' 56 formulas. SUB CODE: 08/ SUBM DATE: IlApr66/ ORIG REF: 004/ OTH REF: 006 CIO l uDc: 551.463.288 L 07875-67 V_dT 1Y, EXT(i C NR, AP60295.07 SOURCE CODEt UR/0046/66/012/003/0374/0376 UTHOR: Brekhovskikh,'-L H _ic RG. Acoustic I (Akusticheakiy institut AN SSSR) ITLE: 9AuZf~Lqq_!,(avee in,a"-eolid~body ustichesk ~Ys 121, no. 3, 1966, 374-376 PIC TAGS: surface wave eigh wave, curved profile, boundary problem, mathematLe nalysis,' wave equation-' mathematical analysis of surface waves in a solid body was made. Convex undaries contain surface waves which are different from R~yleigh waves, hav"Ing shear 'components confinbd to curved boundaries and longitudinal components similar to Ray-~ leigh waves. Calculations were made an solid cylinders of radius R, assuming that the ave function does not depend on the y coordinatei-the direction along the cylindev is. Two cases were considered. -In the first, the displacement u was parallel to U , while in'the s6cond, U lay in the rv plane, where r and V are the polar co- y ordinates in the,plane noimak,to the k axis. Wave equations, in complex form, are given for both cases. and ~'Weir'e--!'sdived -by introducing Airy functions. The boundary cm- dition for the first case was.X The depths of wave ponetration were calculated UM 534.231.1-16 d lt2 -L.- _Q74Zi-_-47__ ACC NR: AP60 537 and the surface wave velocity was found greater than the shear wave velocity. The boundary condition r = R applied to the second case. Here, the solution of the Airy equations showed that the waves had a phase velocity greater than the shear wave velo- city. rurthermore, these waves had two components: a) a shear component confined to the curved boundary and penetrating deeply; b),a Rayleigh type longitudinal canponent. Some calculations were made for"the case of a heterogeneous solid. All of the mathe- matical results applied to the spherical case if R is des.ignated as the radLuz of the sphere. Orig.,artchas:. 17 formulas. SUB CODE: 20,12/. SUBM"DAM- -IBApr66/ ORIG REF: 004 Car'd 2L2 be L Ob238-67 - EIVT(l) QP(c) QW ACC NRI AP6029538 ( 4j IV) SOURff 046/66/0127DO370-3767 AUTHOR: Brekhovskikh* L. M. ORG; Acoustics Institute AN SSSR, Moscow (Abusticheskiy institut AN SSSR) TITLE: Generation of sound waves-in a liquid by surface waves .I-V SOURCE: Akusticheskiy zhurmal, v. 12, no. 3, 1966, 376-379 TOPIC TAGS: gravitation wave, sound wave, surface tension, sound propagation, noise I ABSTRACT: An effort is made to fill certain gaps in the theory of the propagation of sound waves of substantial amplitude generated by the nonlinear interaction of surface waves. The author investigates the generation of sound waves by surface waves with a continuous spectrum, taking into account the effect of surface tension. The formulated theory indicates that a certain portion of observed underwater sounds in the ocean may be due to surface phenomena. In order to confirm this, it is necessary to investigate the two-dimeDsional spectrum of surface disturbances which have not been studied to any appreciable extent in the past. Rough estimates show that acoustic noises in the ocean produced by surface disturbances may be quite substantial at certain frequencies and may be further amplified by reflection from the ocean bottom. Orig. art. has: 13 formulas. W" UB CODE: SUBM DATE: 26Mar66/ ORIG REF: 002/ OTH REF: 006 rCard 1/1 141,111 UDC: 524.23:532.594 0 *-A 000 too 004 641, --a- YbUr A-L-A-L.J-L .04 -*0 64 IN* ** because of Its 0 zffild-05-ftn -00 "Mm" -00 Ike. R; content. lu cooteat for that 411 and apdescence vwas obtained by Introduft CSO 0 dehydrated W TIw TePlacen"t of SYPOW b otber CA oft did not Pro m awe U* arcesmary Opk*., 7% introduction of MEO it In anaN RMM, dnbvytd On effect of Opscifirstion: malting tbe sun trawmp&w. - (7) emu ptid" of As tk bwaWaf-the owdem JL) 7%e rep"ce- ment of Pb oAde by Dh mid Zu mides m the effed no &a wouxt be annealed betwev 38FO 0 DPW At an awwwas temp. of 440, OP%dfk-- bum out and at 400' or 470' Shm becomes abnost tmns- pam with a wmk blue color tone. M Is probaW due to a = In the Are of pardefes of the opficifier. (10) The character of fitiog n"M be reducing as with an burn out moore- r th. fft .1 grdialatrw I L A MEM1046K&L LMNATURR C"SSWCIT" "Dow 61"411" 13101 m O"V 01 Sam. .4 NIP Umv ant a v I IF 0 t0 0 3 6 U lost.- ;1-412 ;J1 0 0 0 0 0 0 OU 0 0 0 0 0 0 9 0 0 0 0 0 9 0 0 0 0 0 90 0 010 o 0 0 0 9 0 0 0 f 00 0 0 0 a g, 0 0 0000000,00900 Ives we* 0 0 Me P ~ ~ 1 0 0 40 49,4 I I v v v -A . I I AA CL IV U 1 Sff t 01 Ithe CAM coin 13 rC 1811 or 1914sh &J1o ff" at t used on of selenium ruby. S. lea 00 VeMna ,w 1'rvttt. 11. No. 12. L-5 7 00 a llictiav ti Zito in Ilse glwa dcrpent; the red Marine. Not ICU than .3% U0 Ulust be .00 ' W"VR V thAll 00 it It 01 tol-ICAMI the tWMlVAtVu%'~' t4 tile IIIA-. *1 Ile j I ) i l j K 1 1 l 4 N j -0 , 'J" i jj ll 1 1%. 11 le It"I jt jjS I ,j j,J II v,4'stills. The xhum litily vVilwill holu I"S to 1XILAII. fliv Addo. ul At-Oil as iedum -tahiliot, tile buttoilig 111PO 11i9111MI.; NAI ill VA11fidAl 61110 iS 111-t-411MV114VII a, =00 '.0thict. To vilkillev tile r'Llm cAmilig, tile 1,416 J CdS 0 00 stwoM 1w 01,111geil'. illvt,.A~illg tile .14- % it M, '1m L 00 j t"I %4a,plwety I xLt-,; ill i,itti: lite C&S, to,-M, I-Kltl Ivd w1julwily) tv).n. Tile J0,111. A cullcl (h.-1. 11"d th, 00 tvictknittill of gLA-t, N all vu-m M. V. Cmuh.i.h. got 00 00 00 00 00::t: : *0 00 00 f A t L a *1lAL1t1FrKAL tlltffl.1LXf CtASSIFKATION loo 0 00 a I ON it rw 0 a 1p $I a 0 o 0 0 a 0 a 0 0 0 Wo 0 0 6 0 0 * 0 0 9 0000 000 0 09 o o o 0 0*10 0 * 0 0 0 * 0 0 0 q 0 0 o w-0 4. ~io i 4, ~04 4 it 11 it it 4 0% 0"n L V L: 13 U t 4 to oduedoo 01 selenium ruby glaw in muldpol tunuces JI.P.Alloy Keraw. I A Q ~Ihlj, '~ I -- '&- -- 'Irkh, 14, Ni,~ 4, 1.1 17 A: I 1 -00 R7. w '34ot t'"k., % all 1. ((" 114.111%1 Stillill. Still 111---. -00 I'.') Tfir Svilwit'll CIA,* t"4" "A" J" J.'. 66 a %I'llis %V""UmWilis "-skill lost. ta 11101 ilix. ClIallstr tic Olvin. Alld Pilill"Illts. '3) Sv hurti% otic OakIlv iii the Prikul tJ Ifivitiox. At Oil- thint the it-stip. a~mij,j iti.1 lowt Will'. Ullit, Nr i% %ijkiiiijiml 41ts,111% t.jtRttv4tjK f4 I I 1k' fla" &114111141 HII( I(Mtlt, see Z.40 0 00 0 0 1 L 4, OtIALIUCLICK 1.111111,10f CILAS1104CATICK Z _46 0 1;0 0 0 j - .1i 'A I I Is 9 Kit ot. t it at no n 00004900 0 0000 00 6911110:0 &1 * 0 0 : 0 0 0 al 0 0 9 o 100 00 1009 0 00 0 0 0 ~jo 0 0 0 0 0 v f 1. 1 1 1. - - Gal A A- p PO"I IM AW 040014M$ -6,144, )AWh to Adu mask stiffets by utwift the best ot w"M S. M, ra"floa of a S ram. -00 AND H. x **A No. -, -& 1, - I B.- -A %ketch ik wu tit a utuMv for I firing cerarvicAtUrrmn at letnivrature4 of N17o" w IWP'C.; Me muffle Is Installed at an opening itt the 44 the furnace and utilizes the heat Of rudiittitm. Ttw compirle 00 firing cycle requhts 48 hr. Zoo, Ze 0 I It r-0 0 OPOU vo 4 fie 0 A S a - I L A SITALLURSKAL WERATWIt CLAWMATMa We t .0 kc OL111669 SIAL11 OK OR- 4 1 U 9 AV 10 At K 'j 't A 1 14 R If so 9 ~O 0 :1 9 T 4 U 0 0 .0 0- 0 0 !-~q PC ~119 0 0 0 *0 0 0 0 A; 0 0: 0 0 0- 41 0. 0 0 0 0 0 0 00 0 0 0 0 0 00 0 All W MAMA of dryt" "Vale. .vrlt i Arram. 6, No. M. d7 quljV5*kXh o0 h' h. t No to I lat). k. to 'M wall.. ibe . 1M6 with * mcioure not over 1.5"; compared with initial evaitent of 36%. After I to 1.3 firs. of operation. the in- let and rmivln$ section of the (from muA be cleaned with q%ecially designed shaveb. Cksuing recluirts 10 to 12 min. before the opes lion can be nmuned. Tk output of th! " i. 13 sons of sulfate per day. B. Z. KAmk-h 1ffiEQQVSKIXH, ;S.M.- PORTUGALOV, D-1, Glass - Testing Method of determining the quality-of technical sheet glass, Stek. i ker., 9, No. 8, 1952. 9. Monthl List of Russian Accessions, Library of Congress) Nolember 19ca'-Aptt, Uncl. 2. US 37t. (600) 4, Glass wanufacture 7. Valuable textbook ("Manufacture of polished glass." B. S. Temkin. Reviewed by S. M. Brekhovskikh.) Stek. i ker., 9, no. 10, 1952. 9. Monthly List of Russian Accessions, Library of Congress, February .1953. Unclassified. 1. BREMO jXq .. . I .VSK _ I S. m. 1. -k, 2. IJS-IR (6GO) 4. Glass manufacture 7. Pbr order in technical processes in the glass industrv enterprises., I Stek. 1. ker., 9, no. 10, 1952. 9. Monthly List of Russian Accessions, Library of Congress, EqhMMLrZ 1953. Unclassified. 1. BIREKHOVSKIKH, S.H, 2. ussR (6oo) 4. Glass Manufacture 7. Production of "Stalinit" glass. (results of discussion on the exchange of outstanding experience). Stek. i ker. 9 no.12, 1952 9. Monthly hat of Russian Accessions, Librax7 of Congress, I'larch 1953, Unclassified BREMOVSKM N~.J[reviewerl; VIYNMG, K.L.; KOSSOY. B.S.; NOLIKEN, M.P.; lowd""M U WON- N.I. [authors]. Useful manual ("Glass manufaoturing pl.ant equipment." K.L.Voinberg, B.S.Kossoi. H.P.Nol*ken, M.I.Retnikov. Reviewed by S.M.BrokhovokiW. Stek.i ker. 10 no.12:27-29 D 153. - (MIRA 6:11) (Glass manufacture) (Voinberg, K.L.) (Koesoi, B.S.) BRIMVSKIKHA Seraf in Makalmovich; 7RAIXIN. David Arkad lyvvich; ISLANKM. Tore p redd=or; IMTUYNA# R.Y., takhnicheakly redaktor. [Modern techniques in the mnufactare of glass] Soyremennaia takhnika stokollnogo proizvodstva. Moskva, Izd-vo gZnanis.11 1955. 31 P. (Vae- soiuznoe obahchastvo po ramprostraneniiu politicheskikh i nauchnyth snanii, Bore 4, U0.10). (MIaL 8:5) (Glass manufactwe) EnKHOVSKIXH. S.M. - --- Conference on electric furnace processes for the manufacture of glass. Stek.t ker. 14 no.6:30-31 is 157. (min 10-7) (Glass furnaces) ;~e j - ,,-/ C) P-,5 "k- IA~~ /~~ d, - -, 12 11*~