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23(J,36 R/008/61/000/001/011/011 A method of measuri-rig ... D237/D301 in which cf is the center ar-gle of the spiral arc, f the deflection- frequencyt and At -the time interval to-be measured. The propaga- 'tion velocity is th'us determined by the formula V C= 1P I being the distance between the detectors. The stability was ccin- trolled and checked by a atandard freq.uoncy generator. The defleo__ tion frequency had 2,000 cps~ po that the luminoue spot: doscribOd t~ an arc of 2~Y in 500 microsec. The oEcillator may also cupply a quency of 400 c fil.corresponding to a total deflention time of k~! 2,500 microsec, arger than the maximum interval t~ be measured The selected ci cuit diagram permitted the reduction of distor;.,.- ons produced by the fact that the modulating stage operated under non-linear cond tions. The errors which may have an effect on the measurement resi'lts can be divided into the following categorieB: a) reading errols; b) geometrical errors due to the fact that the ratio of tl~e ti e interva.1 to the arc described by the ST)ot is not: Card 5/7 23036 R/008/61 /000/001 /011 /01 11 A method of measuring ... D237/D301 fixed; a) systematic errors due to the inaccuracy of the deflecti- on frequencyt not exceeding 0'.01 %; d) errors produced by the in- equality of the reEiponse times of the wave detectors and amplif:L- cation -channels , representing 0.03 7'2 for a measuring interval oT 1--tooo---Ihi-6r6-a-ec-;---anct-: e) -errord-a_bpeai?ing---whon-measuriiiG,--the -dis- tance between the detectors, not exceeding 0.05 cj'~. The relative errors.du6 to'caaeo a) And b) may bo kept below 0'.1 ~6. To these. errors-ma be-added-certain-differences produced becauiBe the sh:)ck wave does not ma 'intain its flatness in the immediate vicinity of the tube walls. i~6vever, -the total errors do 'not ex6eei 0.3 //a. The deacribed installa'-ion wa"i~--usad.'for a series of tests, placing the detectors temporarily 'at a distance Ofj,115,mm from each other. The first detector was placed at ap,proximatel-y'20,eqU4.valen-L.- dia- met-ers-from the diaphragm. For reading the spiral are on the os- cillogram, the position of the spiral's center*,aas ma:-ked by plac- ing a transparent aheet in front of the cathode tube :3creen, or w~Uch two porpendi,,.~ular axes were traced. Tjhetl*~,~ CXeS appeared on the photographs as interruptiono of the luminoua opirals, pe=,Utt- Card 6/7 ~wgffsfigm g 529~_M R "MA/6 1 /000/00 1 /0 11, /01 1 A method of measur:Lng D237/D3,91 ing, d&tormination of the rFnLer. Before ever'y exp;~riment, the shoc-k -ti~iba haet to be - care.Fudly clea'.'Ied .There are 3 f.-.1,7urles and 6 refeven,'~es: 3 Soviot-blo_- End ~ non.-Sovi et -bloc. The ~-D-feronces to the English-languag i > ge publication~t read as follows: J. Gordon 'Hall: Shock tubes. institut-e of i.,~~rDphysica University of 'To.ronto, UTIA Review, 12. Part I!., iday 1958; and B.D. Henighall- On Some Aspects of the Usc of Shock Tubes f.5r .4 e.-odynari c" Rese arch, R 3044.9 London, 1957, SI'JI.-';~i;'TTTE!)- E!ay 129 1960 Card 7/7 V 94 V. B311 ?M ao UMLI"M V.-[Torjescu, V.); BYUTESKU, E. [Biutescu E WHOM., TORZHESKU .A.K. [Zaharkg,~; TYMS11-Us F.. [Tiufescu. R:J; KALMO M. [Calota-,M.I; MAULEANU, E. [Caraulosnu, E.1 Activity of the aldolase, pseud-ocholinesterase, and trans- aminases in the blood serum in epidemic hepatitis. khim. 8 no.ls27-30 Ja-F 162. (MIR& 15M) 1. Infektsionnaya bolOnitea g. Kraynova,, Ruzyanskaya Narodnaya Respublika. (HEPATITIS, INFECTIOUS)(ALDOLASFI) (10HOLINESTERASE)(TRAtiSAMINASE) ZAHARTA, C.Al., dr.; BMZU, I., dr. --l ------- Severe infoctions caused by Salwnella typhiwirium. Microbiologla (Bucur) 3 no.5:419-425 3-0158. WivrZIM AljQP-4-",k;M4 ICAMUM 9 1 MMM vwlwaol W vvw~~.. ti); LAPEDATU, E..(Buzuresti);IAUABIA,-f,~JJbicuresti); MOZES, G. (Bucures, FRIE M.M., A. (Ducuresti);, ARABIAN, L. (Bucuressti); RADU, 0. (Hucuresti); BARTOS, V. (Bucureisti); DEDULESC.U, L. (Bucuresti) Now types of selenium rectifying celLa. Electrotehnica 10 no.2/3:72-86 F-Mr 162. 1. Colectiv do la Inatitutul do Corcotari Electrotelinice f:for Mozes, Lapedatu,, Zaharia, and Friedmann). 2. Colectiv de la uzinele "Grigore Preoteasaft (for Arabian, Radu, Bartos, and Dedulescu). M.ip7mmiam-Um q wf-waIkxxdmOz-j ZAH ARIR, IC HINCULMSCU, X.- BnUjU, I.; MMU, S. - --IOfIAR=, - PA6LZi IS.; ROURU, A.; RUSOVXI, I.; UJPUIXM, T"; HICIM, a., ZAHARIA, C. 0009~~ - The first foous of infantile leislmaniasis Mentified in the RumaAlan People's Republic. Stud. cercet. inframicrobiol.., Bucur. 6 no*3-4:595,-603 July-Deo, 1955. (LIZSHIUNIASIS, in inf. & dntl& in Rumania, pathol. & erpidemiol.) A910 R/004/62/000/002/002/002 DO14/D105 AUTHORS: Mozes, G., Laped~)u, E., z ri L,.gj, Friedmann, A., Arabian,, L., Radu, Cl., Barto?, V,, and Dedulescu, L.,(Bucharest) TITLE: New types of selenium rectifier.-cells PERIODICAL: ElectrotehrLica, no. 2-3, 1962, '72 - 86 --=T:- --The -article -describes- the possibilities of --improving-- the- performance of Rumanian selenium rectifiers and presents -three new rectifiers deirelcped by ICET--Institutul de cerceilri electrotehnice (Slectrotechnical Research Insti- tute) and the Uziriele "Grigore Preoteasall ("Grigore Preoteasa" Planf;J. The performance of Rumanian selenium rectifiers was improved either by increasing .the-inverse-peak voltage as in SV-1 rectifiers, by increasing the cu;7reat density as in SV-3 rectifiers, or by increasing the inverse-peak vol-tage and the current density as in SV-2 rectifiers. T :he3SV-1 cell was impro-~,.-d by in- trod ucing thallium in a concentration of 8.10 % into the SnCd cowiter-electrode and applying solid sulfur-in-selenium solution on the surface of th,.- selen* layer. This gave the SV-l cell in normal cooling conditions an inve:rse-peak Card 11Y New types of selenium rectifier-cells R/004/62/000/002/002/002 D014/D105 voltage of 25 40 v , a. current density of 25 ma/sq cm, a specific rectifying power of 0.3 0.4 sq cm, an over-all. effic4ency of 95 - 97%, an operating temperature of 65 - 750C, and a volt-wnpere ciiaracteristic as shown in Fig-5. The SV-1 cells are produced in series by the ItGrigore Preoteasall Pliait. An increase of the current density in SV-3 rectifiers was achieved without re- ducing the inverse-peak voltage-by providing the SnCd counter-electrode with adequate thallium. The S,V-3 cell has in natural cooling, conditions ur. inverse- peak voltage of 25-30 v ef" a current density of 50 ma/sqcm, a specifJ.c recti- fying power of 0.8 w/sq cm, an over-all efficlency.of 96%, an operat.,ng 4'em- perature of approx. 600C, and a volt-ampere characteristic as shown ;Ln Fig-19. In forced cooling conditions, the specific rei.-tifying power increasell to 2.4 w/sq cm. Serial production of the SV-3 cell is being prepared. J"'n SV-2 rectifiers, the aluminum base was first coated with a 0.5 - 1.5-A -thick cad- mium layer and then with a 60 - 70" -thick selenium layer. The now-rectifying junction was obtained by soldering under pressure a 40-A -thick bisixith-coated aluminum sheet on the selenium layer. The SV-2 rectifier has in natural Card 2/ 6 R/004/62/000/00-2/002/002 New types of selenium rectifier-colls D014/DIOS cooling conditions an inverse-peak voltage of 35 50 vef, a current: density of .50 ma/sq cm, a specific rectifying power of 0.7 - 0.95 w/sq cm, an over-all efficiency of 96 - 97%, an operating temperature of 65 - 701C and a volt-ampere characteristic as shown in Fig. 28. There aro 31 figures. ASSOCIATION: Mozes, L.,.Lapedatu, E., Zahar:La, C., an(f Friedmann, L.: ICET; Arabian, L., Radu, 0., Bartoq, V., and Dedulescu, L.: Uzinele "Grigore Freoteasa!' ("Grigore Preoteasa!' Plant) Card 3/6 IVAN, I.M., prof.; 13OHDRIANU, Vera, dr.; GAICULESCU, Stefanla,ltL-41 POPESCU, Zr,., dr.; dr,j BORDETANU, P., dr,,I~ P3'7PMCU, R,,, dr.; TMUGUIU, A., dr. Epidemiolog!xal considerations on acute enterocolitle IzL a dils- trict of tho city of BLichare.9t. 'Pedlatria (Bucur) 14 no,.:L:45-54 Ja-FI65. 1. Lucrare ofectuata in Inspectia de'stat pentru 'giena si protectia mimcii a Raionului "Lenin* (Vr) si la Ca.adra le Tnetitutul medleo-famaceutic, Bucuresti., 5qT,2 M-L~: -.13N w Wj"'j*j .19 1 F, AR Ou EM034PIE EXCERPTA MWICA see 6 vol 13/1,% Interml Mod. NO'T 59 6216. SEVERE INE-ECTIO-49 CAUSED BY SALMONELLA TYPHIMURIUM - Infectil grave cu Salmonella typhimurium - Z a h a r is C. A 1. uW BTr - zu 1. Sanelkidul Reg.. Cralova - MICHOBIOLCGM(Bucuresti) 1958. 3/5 (419-425) TajAe3 2 Acute, cholera-lik,- food poisoning in an epidemic form was obderveJ In 7 mumbers of a family after Ingestion of a soup and a roast meat course prepared from the meat of a gosling %Kith piratyphold fever caused by S. typhimurium. Th-A symptoms began 8-16 hr. aftor the rneal. Morbidity was 100%, mortality, 57% Four mem- bers of the family Jied within 1-3 days after oitset of the first symptoms. w-J:'l the clinical- picture of refractory votialting, diarrhoea (30-40 stools per day), ati. dominal spasm. dehydration. fever. anuria, epistaxis. and haematemosis. Tile 3 remaining victims recovered after 5 days of fever and 16 days of hospitalirlition. Another group. coosiating of 3 people ~tho were infected at about the same t:jne by a thecae hatidled by one of the patients of (tic first group, showed Me samo picture. All members of this group recovered after 4 daysi of illnoss and 15 dayi of convalescence lit hospital. Blood culture. bile culture and organ culture fr~rn one of the cadaver:i revealed S.typhimurium. its did blood culture from one cif the cases of the 2nd group. The histological f Indings in ore patient are re;,orted. The cIncal forms of these Wections, the pathogenesis of the toxic syndrome, tLrd the epidemiological aspects are'discussed. Pecurariu - Orasul Stalin (L, 6) Al COUNTRY Rumania H-34 CATEGORY I Ari. Joull. -;o, 77039 T ITLS' T'Ae Sizing of, the Vlai7p as an Important F&,Aor in Increasing Froductiv:Lty in the Textile Industry ORIG. PM Ind Textila, 9, 11o 9, 356-340 (1958) ,~B: 3 T in, A 0, TA review article (sizing compositions, their propertiem, aad methods of analysis; the role of additives; sizing defects). The bibli.ograpby 11-sts 4 titles. D. Kanter RMANIA DRAGHIC19 1. 0 TEODORESCUp Maria, J a 10h i Liliana, and 14AKOLACHEp Viorica, Buc.hares 'L2CU' givenj t taMfTaqi~tion not "The Relation Be two Dn Part and Whole in Biology." Bucharest, Natura. Seria Biologie, V01 18t NO 1t Jan-Feb 66, PP 3-8. Abstract: A summary of the ;)rincipal views currently Lcting held among biologiijts of various countries with regard to the relation between the characteristics of Parts of organieims and those of the organiam. as a whole. 1/1 WIV E+P$1*15~ Y." 1YI-1 I POU 1, Margareta P.; PAPAFIL, Anne-*dj~ia~; POPESCU'll.; BOOM, CPACTIM, A.j MADO M,j ~~-MMTA, 1.1 WHICA, Do Complex salts of aurIntricarborflic (.41, 411- diNrdro- fuchsonetrLearboxylic) acid and determination of their constants, Rev chimis 7 4*. 1-'36~-37-3' 162, 1. "Petru Poni" Institute of Chemistry of the AcAlfty of the R.P.R., Iasi. CMATESCU,, R,, acad, I PONI Mar reta; PAPAPILO M.; BOSTLIij,*M.; MOTAS, M.; ZARMA,, 1jeticeasedi Complex salts of aurintricarbonic WX - dlex*furonetrimr~enic) aoid. Rev chtalle 6 nc.107.~-65 161, 1. Academia do Is Ropubliquo'Populaire Pumumaine, Filiale do Jasoyj Institut do Chimto *Petru Peni.8 Univereite OAI. I. Cousaw do Jassy, Chaire do chimie inareanique. ;R74 ZAHARTA, 13-ieq. RADALUTA, Gh. Utilization. of credit and circulating currency dw-ing Abe first stage of the revolution of peoplols demoracy. Pmbleme econ 14 no.9:69-83- S-1-61. (Rumnia-Gred,"Lt) ZAHARIA, Ion, prof. Conference on the thame OTeachilig.ilome important noticyls In mAther.aticu and physics in seco:.,id&:.-y schools.'* orgainisied by the Society of Mathematical and Ph~rsical Sciences. 660--661 D 161. buzh&rest, d# 04od*%te at Cpr*nI-v%r*a '~trz-r%uaii VO I V: , X4 Mr 1. *R*;Drt OU the CO=PldttO-% Of fO!a6OtlTXlAti*7l M=d tzha, or XEriculture -*~~,%:tted to th& z=tra- rdln&r7 Session of the G-r=4 It.-Ional Asswmbl- at tho Session of 27 kprll 19~7,* Ch. 2. OTho Old 04odetio Tr!A-sgu2mtl*m Mcetw*rU In 'Whe tc~zsra Pw % or the Country Carried ovt tn -11 LvA the rassi4~!!Lj :n,- 1'~' f Systan State Owdev I* 34tvOrk *.nEr A. IDTA , Lw-r 1. ZA2!~e;~ and -Irgr T. tlPkN of the Torrizory (tQM-^-Ll do MA-zaars, pp 33-". 3, "he Had M.P.B. 21/1818 Fhqtcec:-~ Came,& in lvu~-Anlor 0. X.0101 Cand-dat* In fti~* ICsrdidat Ilk St-1 Into) amd:~~F'4. 210;M. YP45-51- 4- "The Xsoosoitj or A41,ptlmg '!~* for tht ZIrf.~itatia or Territory, Ing- M. LWISTA41-0 and hiv 1. vp 53-59. ;1afram for the Cz~&rliatlon or t~:o tjrT In Su2jart of tvu 3ottLllst Azriftalt,4ral nits, ~r+~r A. COW14A. p, 6C--6,4. t 6. oTha ltmaml I30m.-tar 1z n1ratlemn of Twrlwry a. LVIkAX, Cent or for the Or L ;297Z4-66 -11 - ri- ACC NRi Ap6020886 SOURCE CODES RU/0M,f65TGr 1043 AUrHOR: Biazzis Felicia; Valtinp Edith; lohan, Franciecal Zaharia# Kfwtica; onoca, loana ORG: none TITLE: Considerations,on Eodde formation by the :,,eaction of fatty acids with ureat Note II. V SOURCE: Revista de'chimiej v. 16, no. 9, 1965, 428-433 organic amides, chemical decotap)sition TOPIC TAGS: urea ABSTRAM The reaction mechanisms involvod in the fox=Ltion of arAiaes by the reaction of fatty acids ifith urea were studied. 'In a general way, the decomposition was followed thermogravi- a4d the decomposition products were analyzed chro- Lma~tographically; in partioulart the appearance of biure,; and the presence'of unreacted va-ea were followed. Or.".g. art. has: 15 filgiwes and 2 formilas. J PRSJ" SUB CODE: 07, SUEM DATE: none OTH REFS 007 NICOLAU,C.T., prof.; IOIIESCU,V., dr. TEEITEL, P., dr.; POPESCU, Daina T., dr.; GHMRGH1U, Georgeta; ZAHARIA, Me.ria. Cytochemical determination- f hemogloldn F as a diagnontic :nethod 0 in thalassemia. (Consideratims on several clinical cases)* Med. intern. (Ricur.) 16 no.lotll8l-1186 0 164 3 Imcrare efec,;uata in Centrul de hematologle (director: prof. I ~,.T. Ificolau, membru corespondent al kademlai RepublAciJ PopmIare Ramire., --- ---- --- - -- - - -- --- - --- - -- CRAGWIll F,.'p prof.; PROTOPOPESCU, Iosefina,,, assist. prof.; ZIHARI&, Maria; GHORGLISCU, L; LUCAp Cecilia , ... The process or cancerous Invasion as studied in tise!ia clAtures of lvgman cancer of the cervix and corpus uterl. Rumanian M B3v. no,2:3-8 Ap-,Te 160. (-.7,,RVIX NEOPLASMS patboli)gy) (UTERUS 1130FLUMS pathololU) TURCU, Gr. TSITEL, P.; BRATU, V.;,-ung, -j""JxOTmSCuI A. Erythrocytic biochomical lesion rendered evident by radioactive phosphorus. Studii cerc biochimis 6 no.1:97-108 163* 1. Laboratorul, de biochimie si imotopi radiactivi, Centrul de hematologle, Bucuresti. PROTOPOPESCU, li2sefinap asoist.proft; IIRLOI:UO Rodica; ZAMIA.,-14,,__, - I - - . Considerations on Intra=al pr~V=,cy, - HumenJen 14 fty. ro,2:80-P,3 Ap-Je 160. (FT"NANCYj ECTOPIC) 'I 11 V. G:Dlh%ZCUl L~-. TASGA, 0,; ~iADUL-S(.U, N, of sillcocis cuused ljy TrLica ilist. Stud. cercet. -m5d, intern. 3 no.1:11.9-129 t62. (SILICOSIS experimental) A V1 AR. I A lyl, (ir, capa); Given Naziall Country: Rumani a Afailiation: 11N. Bale()Seu" Agrommic: Institute (Institutul Agronomic, voixis 110 109 source; Bucharest. Probleme. Zootebnieci si_ Veterinare Oct 1961, W-17-26. Data: "Studies for tlie Determination c-f -Mixed Concentratas Used in the Feeding of Chioks for- Broilers-" uthors: AA Ghe, -Prof. Dr.- 11A TIN, V. , -Veterinarian.- BTjN1CELU I E. , -Engineer*- J ~TED DO RESCU 2 S. , -Engineer /TINCUJ A. -Technioian*- ZAHARIA, -Chemist.- BRkUM,R.,prof.; DW.YO,A.,dr.; BUILA6,1.,,dr.; ZAURUMo,dr, 'r Gonsidarations on a case of auricular Intra-saptal bezutoce. Ked. int.,Bacw,. 11 no.11:1739-1744 N 139. 1 1. luerare efeetuats. in Glinica medicala. Spitalul gBrincoienescO, Bucuresti. (HRA I.;VTU)4, diseasee) (EMTOIIA,,,cass reports) (AORTL, diseases) (ARMI(SOLIROSIS, complications) PARHON,0.1.,acad.; GRACIUN,, ASLAS,Ana, prof.; MAIM. Tior ivi; VALCIU,V.; D&VID,I.: UWIA,4ftria; CONSTANT WASCU,Smarandk; TASCA,C.; POPOVICI,N. Tissular changes and lesions related to the pathology of Vie aged* RwasalAn No Rov- I Ao-313-11 JI-6 159- (GIRUTRICS, pat holoa) 0,RACIUN#X.,prof.; ZARARU,Haria; CONSTANT DMSCU, Smaranda; X&M,Viorica Histochemical investigations in geriatrics. Ramnlan M- Rev. 3 no.3:21-22 J1-S 159. (KMBOLISM In old age noRTowum, x.; cmatm, Ex,; Giamcu, T.. ; VAUTCHI, Kam; aqilu. mria Imortance of biopsies of the left auricle for surgery of' nitral stenosts. Probl. tore, Bacur. 10 iw.1:7-10 lr>9. (COMOSUMONY p'erop. biopsy of left auricle) (CAM)IAC SIPM, pathologr biopsy of left auriole in commissurotosW for mitral stenosis) OAM&,Gh., GRACIU9,2.0s; MIRCU.I-; SuNalmiscu.N UURU,,Karia VndoMocardial fibraeUstools (Lnatomoolinictl study).,Probl. ter'.. Bucur, 10 no.2*-13-28 '59. (OWCARDIAL rUROXWTMIS), (MYOCARDIUM dl~easee 'j-V And iWi-alwAl law ON Ila to a TITIW~Iw~~- ZAHAMs M.; CA=IAO V. For the contirvAnce of tractor brigades, of the treator and machine otations in conective farms. Problems ocon 15 no,3:340-146 Mr. 162t U= N is 9 HORTOLMO N., academician; CRACIUNp Z,, C.1 WITESCUI T.; KUJVCHI, glens.; MHART Ila The importarme of biopsies of tho left auricle fdr'surv-i7 of mitre.1 stenools. Probl. tar. 10 no.1:7-:10 159. (MITM STEMOSIS m=ge (Shn pathology) r7F JOW, Frsncisca; W~uf,.Kbnica - Thin layer chromatography, Rev chimie Min petr 311. noellfl2l 1 682-667 N-D'63. MOLDOVAN 1 1. j MAIT, Mcrinela; 2MM-RIA, 1,1101ilca Reaction of superp4daphoric acid.1vith 4omo . mineral valts. Ptol,Rov chimie Min petr,:L5 no,2't7649 P 164. &;2 SW MIRZA, V,D,p academician; DRAGAII,, 1.1 ZAARIAO U, H&M 0 C, Hatheintica.i. -study- of tho-functioral-correlationo bet;af-om--tbe_-thMp1d- gland,, ovary and cortain factors of the phyaloal mviroment, in wild birds. Stud. cercet. endocr, 14 no,4/5/6:467-473 163, RUMANIA MMA, V. Dr.; ZAHARrA, N. Professor, Dr., Iasi "Study of General Biology in the High School" Bucharest, Hatura, S!ria Biologie, Vol. 18, No. 3, May-June 66, pp. 60-6U. Abstract; Development of an analytical program fer the last year of high Moo!"r ises two questions: 1. What is and what is not general biology? 2. The level of the required minimum knowledge of general biology in the culture of a high school graduate in the second half of the 20th century. It is proposed to include a section of ecology and basic concclits about riucleoprotains. The meaning of terms such as DNA, MIA, should AL be included in the general vocabulary of modern man. ill ,,ZARMA.I.P..Prpf - inv,. madin OkWresll) About some plans transf6ft6tions. Gas mat fix 14 ro,5025-231 my t62. ZAHARIA, N.O. Graphlo represontation of coq~md functions, Gas mat B .13 ho*7t4OO-/+04 71 162, UMIA. H.O., prof, (Bucuresti) Iterative equAttiom. 4s mat D 14 no./+s2l7-221 Ap 163. --v, wgg - JU rip -,.,A I Is ~ja*KVG~ 14IRZA, V.D., acad,; MURIA 1; assist. prof.; MARCU, C., assist. prof.; MCRANSIa, 9.7 C. Contributions to the problem of narrous regulatIon of the riorpbophysio- logical procesties involved in gastric -secretion -in male reM. Rumanicx M Rev. no.3t7-12 ~61. (31:01MACH phyciology) (GERWAL CORTEX physiology) (WLEXI CONDITIONED physiology) I - - - - - - - 2~HARIA, Nicolae, dr., conf. univ. (Iasi) The state of r1pening and live matter. Natura Geografie 12 no# 6t48-59 N-D 160o -L 44757-66 T DJ WE 4;; 51010~ 4 ACC NRi AP6032893 31mjrh75W~E! 31 r 'Olicy 6~ IF i AUTHat: 100oveanu, 0.; 7,aharia, H.; Pilea, V* ORG: Qhemical Pharmaceutical Research Inst 0 (Institutul do corcetari chimico- farraaaeutice) i TITLE; Determination of 'the lubricating power of comnon adjuvant& SOURCE: Rovista de chiml), V- 17, no. 2, 1966, 3-12-3.13 TOPIC TAGS: lubricant property, lubricant ABSMACTt The authors made use of a dovico sindlar in principle to am hour glass to dotornine the effect of comion lubricants%n t~to flowing speed of gwmlatod substanus, The studies confirmed that a3-1 iu-b-:,tancor. toot3d with the exception 43,;r mapenium and alurdnum stearatos have a favorable offoct on the flow speed. Orige art. has: 1 figure and 1 table. J-1,Rst 36,5527 SUB CODz--. 3.1 / SUBM DAN.: none ORIG UF,- 001 / 30V RF.Fs W1 on! REF: 011 L MACOVSCHI, Eugent acad.; ZAPJAU, 0.; BUZILA9 L. AsIsi milation-mt-amonlux tkitrate- introduced into tmato-plwits by the CaPIIIar7 meth,:d* Rev chimie 5 no.1:49-56 060. (Inui 10:2) 1. Academie do la Republique PopulaLre Roumaijag Membre do l'Acedemis do la Republicpxe Populaire Rawaineg Comits do rodaotiong Itevue de chWe (for Kaf3ovachi) (Tomato) Oxiioniux nitrate) ZAHARIA,.O. Variation of the activity of esterases of extracts of seed3 of autumn A,~;wheat In the c.-ourse of vernalization. p. 1177. COMUNICAR .. Buouresti. Vol. 5. no. 8, Aug. 1955- SOURCE: Flat European Accessions List (EEAL) Library of Congress Vol. 5, No. 7, July 1956. Oxidation of :some amIno acids In the presence of the polyr,henelexidasic system -of plamts-.: Studil care blechlabs no.1003-112 162. 1. Institutul do blochimis al Academlel R.P.R., Bucuresti. --fl'.115-MMSSM 4XIMM&MO&I "Ll-lb flr- j"KIiir R~O t ;~*N - V 1w11j1;wM1M1J"P.MSFOW von Nat,,-is Country: human I a Aca&ndc Degrees: -not given- Affiliations Institute of :Biochemistry _(In3titutul do Mochinio) Bucharest. Source: Bucharest , StiInta si Tehnica , Vol XIII , No 11 , Nov 19611 pp Y'. Data:"Why Do the) Leaves Change Thoir Color?" 4Frtt'~~,~~llu~,:r~,~-1111,4t,~;r_~R~~mh, ZAIL'71T-11 P'. ct 7p m-l ell! ~t 'ol. 51 I-Op 00 M-1, f cl q, 5 Tj-n c I ZARARIA, K. ; UU)CRESOU, 1. Otdoul-ation of deformiation of. aimpla cotton knotted.fabrice. be corttd.) 60. (Industria Textila, Ifol.8, No. 2. Feb. 1937, Bucuresti, Ibmanial SO: Nonthly List of Ust European Accessions (ML) Le. Vol. 6, No. 11, Aug 1937,, Uncl. ll~ C4 r 'be r I lu ci, a r o n c. ( 7 7 c.: ldst c `;n st --Lixr LF, 3 Y~a-clll 1955, Urci O]MIU, S.; MUNTIU, U.1 HZTTRAMM, C.; PRXI)OVICI, Ir.; BMNSSCU, P.; ZAHMA T. Iffat of the central nervous systfm on chowtherapy. Is Xff4ct of drug-induced sleep on evolution and therapy of exp"rimental trypanosomlasis. In mt~*. Probl. ter*, Bucur. 3:147-157 1956. - 1. Membru corespondent al academifil R.P.R.(for Oeriu) (TRYPANOSOMIASIS, experimental off.-of ozopbonarsine. prolonged sleep, relation to GNS funct.) (CINTRAL MMVOUS SYSTZK, phytiiology "ff. on chomother. of Mier. trypanosomiasts) (OXOPHREARSINE, effects on axper. trypanosomiasiti, off. of ORB funct. 4 prolonged sleep) (SLXKPO effects prolonged sleep an evolution & chemother. of exper. tryj~anomomiasis$ GOUESCUt Maria., dr.; STERESCU.. Lelia, dr.;.ZAHA1aAj Valeria.. cb,.,; VASILIUr K., dr. Grave upecto of pertuaois pne=opathy. V-04.1- intern., hwur 12 -1604 -Clinica de boli. infeetioage a 1.11J. '1 I Lucrare evectuata in (director, P)?Of. H.Voiculescu). WHOOPING COUGH pethology) (LUNG pathology) OLUU. S., nerAbru corespondent al academ1iii R.P.R.; kIMIU, V.; 14MZA, X.; PMOCNIICIU, P.; NXRZM:[U, Y.; BMMCU, P.; URARIA, T. Zffect of the central nervous systom on therapy of er;-etricental meningoal tuborculosts la dogs. Stud. carcet. inframicrol4ol., Bucur. 6 no*3-.4:513-522 July-Doo. 1955. (TUMCRILOSIS, WIXOM, experimental Ioff. of antibiotics, role of CUS funct. & off. of phanobarbital-induced slelep & of amphetamine) (ANTIBI(YPICS, off. on exper. moningeal tubem., role of CUS funct. A off. of phonobarbital-induced sleep & of amphetamine) (SIM, off . phenobarbital-induced sleep, on meningeal tubero. during antiblotio ther., in dogs) (AMWAM INS, off , on wisaingeal tuberc. during antibiotic ther., tit doC4) (C1KTK6 RWOUS SYSM. in -various dis. expe,.r. meningeal tuberc., off. of phenobarbital-Induced al"? & amphetamine on response to antibiotic th-sr., in dogn) GWRC'tE!=, D. Ichievements In tile f Jeld of iron. and ~nanraneae orea, and nonmetallic m!Uierals6 Ps )WO REVIST.Al-frNELOR. (Y-inisterul Minelor. MLnisterul Industriel :?etrolului Ist Shimiei, Directia 'ExTIoatiLrilor Finiere 9i Asociatia StUntifica a Inginowilor si Tehnicienilor (iin Rordnia) Bucuresti, Rumania, Vol* 10# noe El. Auge 1959. Monthly list of List -European Accessions (FUI) W Vol. 9, ni). 2. Feb. _ 1()60 U41 c1 11 BRUCKNER, Silvia, oortf.; TEOIXRESCU, Tatiana; ZAjiARIA, Valeria (Bucur) 6 no.101 Ja-F 161. UNGUIMMM Ernest M.1 TIEODWSCU, qdnstanta; UNOREM, Stelialuv" PUSCiSUO E.; WWRIA, V OW Studios on t1o resistance of - Musca dmestica L. to inseoiicldes#~ J. hyg. epidem. 7 no.2t252-256 16J. 1. Malaria Soctiop, Institute of 'Hygiene, Iasi. (HOUSEFLIES) (IMECTICIDES) RUKUM/Human and Artimal physiology (Nonnl and Pathological) T Nervous Systemi Higher Nerrous Activity. Behavior, Abs Jour : Ref Zhur Riol*, No 6, 1959, 27051 Author : Unger, J., Predescu, I., Zahariade, St. Inst ---------- Title Neurotic Conditions Induced by Overstrain of Inhibitory Process Under Conditions of Free Motor Activity. Crig Pub Studil si cercetari neurol., Acad RER, Inst. deurol, 1957, 2, No 2, 185-203 Abstract In 5 dogs, in prolon&ution of conditioned inhibitory oti- mulation up to 5 min, temporary changes of situation re- flexes produced under the conditions of free moverrent occurred; increaae of Wont period, partial or full inhibition of conditione4 reflex, notor-alimantary, did- sociation, releasing of differentiation, Interalfinal mo- vements, respiration acceleration, frequent iLrination, squealing, barkinG. Card 1/1 Ak rar;o (91:w~)anfij"e tied T`Z~t-a~;j Of l;kll~:,,-,Aa,i flora. P. 833. A',A%E~'JA POPTIL"Ju; lrulld:i ;01. ~, ITO# 50 '"ay 1955 S 0 1:7 1 CIL );AST T,~710F.4i-71 IL3'vh3-3T0-;,rs LIS~? library of OwTeq 9 lol. 5, o. 11, Aug-jut 1956. DR I i I;M I; I-, ~~Ai4RAOEk~. r, r, A FA;m !Fad, W.~3 in 4.-oxnia' 5 f lora p.. 1,32) 'AIT.E, Sv,,Ilr;asti Vol. 5, no 6, June 1955 3CURCE. East Etiropean 11ccesslons List, (MkL) Library of ConfTess Vul. 5, no 12 Lecember 1956 Rip 6~12 I'M 1 9 It MW WAM'M V441's w NA, W T~Gmt, ZAJOAEADS, C.; BRATU, N. Destvioll-ion of bindweed by clMical methods brY agroteckinical action* p., 1079o Acadwd9L Republicii Populare ROmins- OOMMUCAILE- Bucureal.l. Vol. 5. no. 7. July 1955 Ary SOURCE: - Fast European Accessions Us". --(EEAL)---Libr of Cmq,ress, Vol. 5, No. 12, December 195'S !I -11MN ZAHARIME, C.; NUOU, He Destruction of weeds with herbicides in cereal and vegetabbg mativation by mechanized m,%=se Ps 1065. koiLdemia Republicii Popularv Itaminee COMICKIM, aucuresti. Vol. 5, no. 7, July 1955- suoRC-3- East European Accessicna Ust (E:-:AL) Library of Cmmivza, Vol. 5, 11o. 12. December 195-k 01 W-,td~ by htlrbllCltk!~ aa (be cflKi of fbe 14(to ou mp qF, 'if ~I~j 1. C', CoNt"', "2vi , ,, tit 1- arA Vt414 31folza VB- A ok,4~~ ~L 44' fuund r,---cT ii~ry. Tb-- best mcA-l (~f (M'~' 2 '. 44) itj, mirleraf or il Ihe 'n, and cc,. nt-. -Ffvnc4 -5~.ry.r T60r ZMARIADI C. liew spe6ies of plants for Ruvanian flora. P. 1367 (Academia Republicti. Populare Rumine. Commicarile. Vol. 6" iv).1.2, Dec. 19156 Bucure.-tip Rumwiia) Monthly Index of Fast Europvan Accessions (EFAI) W. Vole 7,,no. 2, February 1955 ZAHARIADI New speties in Hu,lanian flora and sone considerations on the hete-mrhita of the genus 2tM. P. 1377 (Academia Republic-Ii Populare Runine. Q:riunicarile. Vol,, 6., nc,, 12., Dec. 3.956 Bucuresti., Farmnia) Ibnthly Indexof East European Accessions (MI) W. Vol. 7, no, 2. 'Februa]7 1958 ~3 MY w4cwQ Wm2m F L~A I I tin 12=zId=!vxj ZAHARIADII C. TaxononV of som phanerogams in the flora of RtImUilt, Studii cerc biol a. bot, 16 no. 3s205-220 #64. 1. Laboratory o:r Phytopathology and KIcrobiologyp "Traian Savulascu" IneUtute of BI*Iogy. M~--- I w ng-~'"~I FUR= N OA r's FIRA V IIPM PMIZU, Al.; ZAHARIADI Cj BONTEA, Vera; MARCHES, C.; EUCUR, Eliona Investigations on the biological action of saw thiourea derivatives. Studii care biol a. bot 17 no.LSO-100 1. Laboratorr of Insectifungicides and Toxicology, "Tralan Savulestu" Institute of Biology. Submitted MArch 21,, 19~4. - - tillufallgln_wmwcw.,W~;~w-.-.-----, 4AHAPIADE, C.; T;ADFA~ 1. Results obtained in fightin(-, weeds with cherdealE. r,. 273. RFiISTA DE CHIMIE. Bucuresti, Rumania. Vol. 10, no. 5, May ]!)!;9. Monthly Li,t of Fast E~-ropean Accessions. (EEAI), Lr,. Vol. no. 9,M09. Uncl. ;wif IN I&IMU I F ALFAN, H.; TUTURUU, I.; ZAIIARIS, 0. Votas on eavoral cases of usligns;2t systesic primw'Y ret,'.culosis,- A4, int. Bucur. :LO no.5012.9-734 Kay 513. 16 Incrare eJ!ectuata in Spitalul orasenese de adultis Sibiu. (LYM0IDTLS6UJ,-neop]Aqms- malignant mystemic primiLry raticulosisp-rozifutit. A case reports - - -7,AI4AAI]EVj--Ki - - - - - --- -- -- - -- I -- - - , patU ~L alcieml., I "A. Nikolov and K. Nonkov's NevroendokrimA ostep rina -- _C et __.)c Oste2mthy); a Book Review. 11 p, 2, (ZORAVEN FRONT, No. 1,9, Dec. 19%, Sofi.7a., Bulgaria) SO: ~Ionthly List of East Europeaft Accessions, !%EEAL), 'IC, V.-I. 1. No. 5, May 1955, Uncl. ZA,DUULV, 11, n Lm &tandar,i feeding r-.itions a;'O nttandard foe-el cor s* i, ion of dairf (xvE." Tr. fm!m 54--MA the- Fwasiano- P. 94- ICE. Vol. 6, se ria a 11-ap w. ILg July/5e;)t- AccessJionz., Vol. 2, #B) Library of Q)np SO: P.,on'-fily Ust of h~ast Earap,~an 4 mss August, 1953, Uncl. 71AIlAidEV k4i 0(Z&khariev, S.) org=izing produo-tion. bulg tr urk no.5:2&-2-9 161. H MIA I I RAMIR'sa" ZIUIP31,EVA-K-OVACHEVA, K. lZakharieva-Kovacheira, K.],, WARE, S.; C.-AA"ILLOV, G. Geological age of low netamorpf.Ac rncka north vf Golya!a Delyent, S.E.Bulga.ria. Doklady,!3AN 17 no.8049-751 164. 1. British Misoum (Natural HIstory), London, and Chair :)f Paleontology, Sofia University. ZABRUA0 To I "Central Leptospirosiz Inst. for Leptospirosis, Yugo Acad. Soience aml L~tters in Zigareb.* Imt * & clAnic for Infectious dlana5ms, Vet. Fac., U. of Zagreb & Cmt,-.r fnr L%tro3pirc-sis Vat. Archiv.-22 : 177-186, 1952 Yu.~o Acmd. of Litters of Scicn-,Ds, Zagreb. Terlareala Vet. Gla,3nik 7 '- 527,533, 190 I ~ I ZMRI,,TAt 1. - "Residual antibodus for the antigon of Loptospira in ardmals used fo-" the -.3roduAian of semi." Center for Loptaspirosis# Yugo. A=ierrf Scienf.-e & Art. Co-au WSAT, 121. Lmt. & Clinic infect'ljus disaaoes. V-A;. Fac., U. of Z~-ar~--Ov. Vot. Ar,-.*bif. 22 : 2 2-2J81 1952 Vet. Ardiiv. 23: 209-21 , 1953 I ZAW&RIJAI L. i zubl f "The Rr--s~alts of invesUiptions into Leptospirosis in Dan"stic AnInals n the Pit, I ic 0 Croatia." XV - Intemat'l Vat. Congress, Stockholm, 1953 ZAHARIJAI is "Treatment of glanders in horses wilth sulphathiazola." co-au KROLI, ruiarp-nia. Vat. Archiv. 231 245-252, 1953 Vet. Glasnik 7 : 527-533. Sept. 1953 AU; I. ig"N A! V.*Vll-~~~.-7-,,,,~i,4~it~lv;.fi~~,17,-~,"-I~-~~~iU'-'I V1,NXA,!W P1nwt-A6-T44 1 03 Ruiz m Mpu Me, XUARIJAs, L. If IMMY, I* The value of agglutination lysts in retrograile 41agnoal.s of. leptaspIrosis In man. Hlgljeua, Beogre 6 uc~2:173-177 1154. 1. h Zaroda I KlInAke s& sara-as bolesti Taterinarskog fakultsta Svenciltsta, -a Zagrebu I Rie1jenskog sawo" u rarlovau (IMPPOSPUMIS, Uag. se'rodiag,, aggluto lysis In retregrads diag.) ZAKARIJA, Ivan: HRUH, Julio,- KOSMC, Zvonluir, Small epidemic of leptospiroole australls In Croatia. Hilg1jena, B(togr. 6 no-3-~:24&-251 '54. 1. Centar za loptospirozu,-Zagreb, HIg1janski sayod, Karlomrac I Solnica aa, sarLSne bolesti. Zagreb. (LIMSPIROSIS. opidamtoloas In Tugool, laptospirosts australis) ZAHARIJA, 1. The protection of agricultural worloors too benign leptoepLroges. Arh.hig.reda 6 no.1:61-70 1955. -1. Zavod L-kIltilks sa samisne bolasti,jetorinarski faiculUst, Ugreb. (LIMSPIROSIS, prey. & control, in agricultural workers In Yu&mosl.(Ser)) ZAHARIJA, I.; rALISIVAC, J. The0exposure of slaughter-house workers to Leptospira Infectiom Arbe big. red& 6 no-31221-229 1955- 1. Zavod I klinika s& serasne boleett Veterinarskog fakultsta SCeUCIJJ$t& ULZagrabu i Bolnica I katedra za'zarasna boleatt u Zagrebu. Institute and Clinic for Infectious Diseases, Veterinary Faculty. University of Zagreb. Arver Hospital and Clinic for infectious Diseases, Medical Faculty. University Zagreb. (WEILS DISLIASES, Ircidence in slaughter-houses, Prev. (Ser)) (OCCUPIATIOM DISMIS, Weil's die. In slaughtforhouse workers. (Ser)) ZAHARTJA, Ivan. Doc.. dr, 19pids2iological data on leptospirosis In People's Republie of Croatia. Hig1jena, Beogr. 7 no.1-4:113-117 1955. 1. Klinika va infektivne bolesti, Zagreb. (L.UMEPIROSIS, apidexiol. in Yugool. (Ser)) ZAHARIJA, Ivan, Prof., dr. Epidemiological data on leptospirosts In the People's Ropmblic of Croatia. Voj. ean. pregl.. Beogr. 12 no-7-8:391-393 July-Aug 55. 1. Zavod I klinike, za zaras'ne bolesti Taterinarokog fakultsta Sveucilista u Zagrebu. (LIMSPIROSIS, epidemiol. In Croatia, incidence & types (Bar)) ZAHARIJA, I.; UVEDTIC, R. In the area, of the-General Hospital at Pulameg, Croatia in I.q52 and 1953- Fiturijvma. Beogr. 8 no.1:62-611 19,56. 1. Institute and Hospital for the iftfactious diseasis, Veterinary Paculty, Zagreb. Internal Ward of the Hotpitsl. Pakrad. (LEMETIROSIS, spidemiol. in Yugoel. (Ser)) YUGOSLAVIA Microbiology. Microbes Pathogenic for Man F andAnimals. Bacteria. Anaerobic Bacilli. Abs Jour Ref Zhur Biologiya, No 6, 1959, No. 24099 Author Zelenka, P. Inst bTo t g v~n Title Dovlha 11,nterotoxemia Induced by Cl. per- fringtno Orig Pub Veterin. arh., 1958, 28, No 1-2, 17-22 Abstract 2 cases of a disease of cows with charac- teristic symptoms of enterotoxemia are des- cribed. Afler the death of animals, Clos- tridium perfringens type A and.01. septicum in one cow and a pure culture of Cl. per- fringens type A in the other were isolated from the spleen. The authors assume that Cl. septicum penetrated into the spleen after the Card 1/2 YUGOSLAVIA Microbiology. Microbes Pathogenic for Man F and Animals. Bacteria. Anaerobic Bacilli. Abs Jour Ref Zhur - Biologiya, No 6t 1959, No, 24099 deat 'ii of 'the animals. Cases described In the literatura of enterotoxemia in domestic animals and men conditioned by Cl. per- fringenst are cited. --- V. V, Vlodavato Card 2/2 62 ZAHARTA; TVCU Countx-y yuroglavie. Acadvaic D-,grIe not gIV02/ Z nat givsW A'riliatiOn mlasniks go 49 1961p pP ~39-34o. 150urea 1. Beigradep ., eterLMirski- - Data: NOWSS.$Prof. Dr. Johannes Katha is 80 years Old." Gpirst Dootorm of Yetarinaly HediGins In Given Na=f Yugoslavia Arlzi~-.-alc Dr-6rc-.r.-!; not givenJ iatic", not givenj sca:~C'-: Bolgradep Lciterinarski 7,lasni Ito 9,, 19610 pp 763-765. nl~a. OForeign Word.9 in thi Veterinary Terminology.* ?,gTARTJA& L.; FILIMV,140 J. "Remilts of field exeminations of pcraomi corrmected with Onflas of lentospirosis," p. 221. (Irhiv 7-s Higijem Rode. Vol. 4, no. 2, 1953. Zrgred.) 10-. Monthly List of 'Emst EuroDepn -.ccessions, Vol. 3. No. 6., Library of Congre-sa, Feb. 1954, Uncl. ZAHARIJA, Salom -A--new - objective - metht d - for the- d4lagaosla of- urlrarv- cal calosis. Srpski arh. :.-elok. lik. 88 no.30.279-27W Mr 160. 1. Centralna specijallsticka poliklinika u Beogradu. Upmmik: dr Damjan Vardic. (URINAIX CALCULI diag) . ZAHARIKOV N A [Zakharikov,, N.A.]; LESOVOI, N.V. (Losovoy, N.V.); MITIN, N.G.; PIGRO, L.S. - I - - -- . ---- Intensifying porcclain whiteness by-eblorXne treatment. Analele- chlinis 17 no.2:1.52-163 AP-J'e 162. IF , - 9N~vF~-t-g-! . -,~ 1-1 Vffl~ iwv, ui,;~ r ~l . , P TOKA, Ion, ing.; Z&HAI!aV .~, T~jLa ~n Structure modelling. St a I Teh Buc .13 no.7;3&-~n Jl 161. (ir, ca~~U) G 70a r1aa=3 Coi intry Humani 9. Aaa6vaia D.-g-reea: A'Atilintioa: -not given- Source; Bucharest I st-lints g'--Lt=m9 No 7t Jul 1961p pp 36-37, Data: 111,1,odelling of Struoturaft." AuVnors: .~A, Iont Engineer. ZAHAWVAt Tal;iana, Engineer. VItIMON 10 N11, J 2AHMMUCtYs Art. 101Dr; SIAM, Wdilf Occurrence of AuttiganicalIr divermy toxin of beta h*moW;J.c Streptoooccl In scarlet fewer. Conic* bygo spIden, sticrab, 2 nvAs 264-269 Aug '~53- 1, UstaT Spidlimialogle a milcrobLologto v Praze, redital. does Dr Karel Ranks, & BLogena, n.p., raiL. Dr JIrl Wake (SUAR T 1911 - imUlwl0f7t anUgemdo properties, tif 11 howlytt* Straptooe- toristo In) - - - ASTRMOCCOC'Uso hemalytte B, sattganic proporties of toxins In scarlet favor) MWi I f R~Q),Vkj. -,r4-q f M 957,WARLl*- Vh 7MARMUNIOTYo Arts HUDr Problem of active Immunization spdnst scarlet f4vior and of Its recurrence. Cask. hyg. apidam. nilwob. 2 noAtZ70-276 Aug 053. L- %itay- optdontol(Cie a aftrobiol,ogle v-Prazo.- a(titel-doo. Dr r a *a (SOTB;jm nnR6 Immn. & recur.) V Vyll R I a i~~tvg~u~ I IQ~I' I Fz 40A, a 9 HR~t I a r=wlimyljj~wrat~i.11%"MO,4~.wn_yly~R a id I Fr! TOSTIj,A.; FAZMI,M.:L.; ZAREJSKY,,.T. Contact nicroradiographY of the skin. Cook. do=* 39 no.23 73-77 Apt 654 1. Dex-mato-wenwr-ologidsa klinika Palemo; prednostat prof d:.-. I.Bosco. POSPISIL, leopold; ZAEWSKr, Jiri Consideraticro on funetioning of it laboratory for ffelsonia test, cessr. dorm. 36 no,0233-237 Je 161o DermatoverArologielta klinika-lokw4ske.- faktaty-Uhtyerelty Purkyne v Brne, prednosta prof. MUDri Jaroslav Horacek. (TRENMU IMOBITMATION MST) POSPISIL, Leopold; ZAHUSKY) Ari; %a tschn.Loka ispolupraw PROCHAZKY, Boh=im Modem seradiagnoots of sypblMs. Scr. nod. fac. wd. Brunansis 34 no.61263-279 161. griWe v Brno Prednotita prof. KUDr. Jaroslav Horaosk. (Srl'HUM dicg) POSPISIL9 L.; ZAHWSKZ, J. Importance of the Wson-Mayer J=obillzation test in pedLatric practice. Cook. pediat. 18 no.IM-44-Ja 163. 1. Domatovensrologicka klinika, lakarake fakulty UJ3vP v Sms, prodsDota prof. dr. J. Horacek. (TWON&M IMMBILIZATIOR TEST) (SYPHILIS CONGENUAL) (PRUNANGY CCHPLICAIIONS)