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ZAGORODNEVA, A.G. (Kiyev) Effect of fe6di4reglmies on tbe processes of bile forvation and seoration. Vrach.dolo no,l2tl22-123 D 162o (KERA 151.12) 1. Laboratorlya fizi6logii-p-ishchevareniya,Inatituta fitiololgii-_ imeni A.A.Bogomolltea AN UkrSSR. (N M ITION) (BILE) Iffect of stimlating pstrIe cachwaoreceptore-cm-bils -ferm,tion- dixiiUg =ocular -activitjr of the avlml. fisiol.shr,Ulm, 6 uo.4026-531 JI-Ag ~0600 Laboratorifa filliologil Im* A*A* Bogamolltst AN USSR, Kiyem. (STOXACM-MMUTION) (DMZ) ZAGORODNEVA, A.G. Bile formation and bile "-retion proco-Sass it varima allseat'aary regimens. Fiziolalmr.Mr.] 9 no.W18-120 Ja--F 163. (MIRA 1815) 1, Laboratoriya fiziologii zhivotnykh Inatituta fiziologii it. Bog=olltaa AN U),.rSSR,, Kiyev. ZAGORODNEVA, A. G. .1c Cand Biol Sci - (diss) 'Effect of irritation of the gastri mechanoreceptors on the secretory function of the dif,ta-stive organs during a period of locomotion." Kiev, 1961. 15 pP; (Ministry of Public Health Ukrainian SSR, Kiev Order of Labor Red Banner Medical Inst imeni A. A. Bogomol'ts); 200 -.opies; price not given; (KLI 6-61 sup, 207) ZAGORODMA, A.G. Changes in the processes of billgeneals and bile secretion under the influence of various dietary regimenB. Vop. pit. 22 nD.4z25- 30 JI-Ag 164- (MIRA 17:10) 1. 1z laboratorii flziologil plahchovardniYa (W. - prof. N.J., Putilin) Instituta fiziologli imeni A.A. Bogomolitaa AN UkrSSR, Kiye-.,. u "j~ VAOOROMMVA, Ye. T. late roeultoof -trdatidg pulmonoxy-taborculoole -with pnotmoporitormm Probl. tub. 35 no.6-.40-43 157. U.-1) 1. 1z Irkutskoy oblastuoy tubark-ulesnoy bolinitay (glaviNry vrach Ye.A, taratayeva, konsulitant-dots. X.A. VolkDva). (PNMOMITOWN, ARTUICUL, ther. use tuberc.-, pulm. clin. results (Rw)) ZAGORODNIKOV. A.A. (Leningrad) . . ....- Use of radar stations for the study of the atmospheric turbulence. Meteor. i gidrol. no.10:28-32 0 163. (MMA 161ll) 71 gm~r~-- ZAGORODNIKOVp A.A. Some results of radar moasurements of turbulanco in the froo pure atmosphere. Dok-1. AN WSR 156 no.6tl336-1338 Js 161+9 (MIRA 17t 13) I, rrudstavieno akademikom Ye.K. Fedororjm. 6, k, u 25(2) T' PHASE I BOOK EX?LOITATION SOV/2043 Moscow. Vyssheye tekhnicheskoye uchilishche imeni N. Ye. Baumana. Kafedra "Metallorezhushchie stanki i avtomaty" Voprosy avtomatostroyeniya (sbornik] (Problems in "he Construction 0 of Automatic: Machine Tools [Collection of Articles)) Moucowp Mash- giz, 1955). 213 P. 30200 copies printed. Ed.: G.A. Shaumyan,, Doctor of Technical-Sciencest Professor: Ed. of Publishing House: A.F, Balandin; Tech. Ed,: A.F. Uvarova; Manag- Ing Ed. for Literature on Metalworking and Tool Making 1:Mai!ogiz): R.D. Beyzellman, Engineer. PURPOSE: This collection of articles is intended for engineero and technicians in machine-tool manufacturing. COVERAGE: This collection of articles deals with theoretical and ex- perimental investigations on thei functioning of transmitisic'n mech- anisms of single-spindle bar-stock automatid machine tools, the L' kinematic and dynamic design of cam mechanisms, and machining ac- ,Card 1/5 Problems in the Construction (Cont.) scv/2o4_3 curacy of bar-Btock automatic machine tools. Investigation of re- lieving lathes by means of wire resistance gages, and the con- struction of instrumento for detormining the rigidity of automatic machine tools are discussed. No personalities are mentJ.oned. Re- ferences follow several of the articles, TABIE OF CONTENTS; Shaumyan, G.A. (Doctor of Technical Sciences, Professor]. Experience of Innovators in Manufacture e-nd the Problems of the Science of Machinery 3 The author points out innovations in various fields and streoses the necessity of developing the science of machinery in close contact with plant practices. Kamyshnyy, N.I. [Candidate of Technical Sciencesp Docent). G*M.. Golovin -- Initiator of Machine Tool Kinematics 13 The essentials of G.M. Golovin's method of machine tool kine- matics, his general formula for designing machine toolsj, and the dividing head of his design are presented. Card 2/5 Problems in the Constrraction (Cont.) SC'v/2o43 Zagorod nikovp_.4.Y4 (Candidate of Technical Saiencesp Docent]. In- v.. 6_tU6ti ' " - -$_ e on of Transmission Rechanismo of Single-apindle Automatic Lathes 215 Transmi5slonmechanisms (gearing between cam and operating unit) of single-spindle automatic lathes are reviewed, Bellows andball- -type transmission mechanisms are kinematically analyzed. The article describes-a-unit-for testing-lubranamission mechanisms designed by the authorp automatic lathes with ball-type control, and GASh-11 and GASh-12 tra-vismission mechanisms designed a'; NUTU. Pronikovj A.S. [Doctor of Technical Sciencesp Professor]. Methods for the Kinematic and Dynamic Design of Cam Mechanisms for Automatic Machine Tools 71 Types of cam mechanisms are described., basic formulas derived, and nomograms presontcd for their kinematic design. Methods for determining,geometrid parameters of typical cam mechanisms and review problems of kinematic analysis are given. The elynamic ir.- terpretation of formulas for kinematic analysis ,Lnd design methods for maximum effectiveness of automatic machine tools are also pre- Card 3/ 5 Problems in the Construction (Cont.) sOV/2043 sented. Filimonovp L.V, [Engineer), (Deceased). inveatigation of Machinery Accuracy of Bar-stock Form-cutting and Cut-off Automatic YRthos 123 Factors determining machining accuracy of an automaticlInachine tool are discussed. The machine,, the tool., and the mafthined part are treated as a whole elastic systemo and the effp)ct of errors in this system(especially between chuck and part) on the machining accuracy is analyzed In detail. Kuznetsovo M.M. [Candidate of Technical Sciences, Docent]. Irivesti- gation of Relieving Lathes During Operation by Use of Wire Henistance Gages 18:-5 Forces active during operation, their distributiono and vibrations of _' the toolp arbor, wayso and frame are discussed. Some spe- cial features in construction and operation are analyzed. Dallskiyp A.M. (Candidate oil' Technic'al Sciencesp Docent]# Instru- ments for Determining Rigidity of Metal-cutting Automatic Machine Tools 207 An instrument for simultaneous loading of elements of con- ventional machine tools with simulated cutting forens was built Card V 5 Problems in the Construction (Cont.) sov/2o43 at Leningradskiy politekhnicheskiy institute Imeni Kalinins. (Lenir.- grad Polytechnical Institute imeni Kalinin) and used-successfully to determine the rigidity of conventional lathes. A special dyna.- mometer for the same purpose Cdr use on the model 1112 itutomatic lathe is also discussed. Application of this dynamometor 1.8 shown. AVAMABLE: Library of Congress GO/bg Card 5/5 9-18-59 '0 0' 0 0 S/145/62/000/009/001/005 9 0 D262/D308 encos Candidate of cl AUTHOR: z -9,dnL; al Sciences, _~~gqX_ Zechnic Docent c n cy of T I'll, E 11'ethods for increasing thn economic efficiency of the machining of bodies of revolution shino- PZRIODICil: izvestiya -v- Mashino- ysshi'&I.-h uchebnykh zavedeniy. stroyeniye, no. 9,1962, 20-31 TEXT: The author discusses tl-o,- problem of reducing the working tim,--- rr.,quired for the machining of'a' component, and presents';' a new method of multi-too). broaching, the main feature of which -is .that the tool and the worhcd component totate in the smc dircctiort'. 4. A The ewperiments were conducted 011 a apecially constructed madhine (based on the semi -automatic multi-toole, lathe desiri), which also included 'a special tool block for machining iAternal 5urfaceF. The, optimum cutting conditions, the effect of feed and depth of cutting on loading, suitable material and geometrical parariatetrs for cutting tools, and the best cutting schemes are astablishcd in order to obtain Card 1/2 31145J621000100!V0011005 Methods for increasing D262/D308 the mnimum wor"ng, -time per component. Conclusion: The required accuracy of working is obtaiTied and the production costs k'cxc:luding----"-- material)- are _.halvod in co4iparison vrith the standard tccW:dcjviq,,--. There are 10-figures and ASSOCLUION: IIVTU im. N.E. Baurnana, OWTU im. N.E. Baunan) SUBMIWED: July 17, 1962 Card 2/2 ZAGORODNIKOV,, A.Ya., kand.tekhn.nau14 dotsent, Ways for increaoin& econcm&c.efficiency of the maobining of bodies of revolutiob. -Izv.vyo.ucheb..zav.1-mashinostr.-Ixi,gs 20-)l 162. (KERA 16 x2) 1. Moskovskoye vyasheye tekbnloheskoys uchilAshche ineni Baumana. (Metal cutting) ~tat i. or; 17F. D,17M! S 'T' lin nA. 1~ Jul 4? I-An-ORODNIKOV, A.U., kwAidet takhatchaskikh muk, doteent. Automatization of the production process for bearing rings. (Trudy] NVTV no.38:74-90 155. (MMA 9:6) (Bearings) (Xachinery, Autowatlo) k0A-,,wn,(V)/v` ilk' Al soujiuz yt'l-orodnikov. Chorriyz,=kly, V. 14.; Yormakov, Yu. M. zamIchaloy A. Ya 7- YU . I` 011auW(Inj UO A* OHG., none I U-i'; A-.mothod -for-taking- a-finish cut, -in- producing bodies of -revolution, --Class _.~~qsc .1 Idio In).qtil ~qljqol, Qt L(min 119, i~O 16OW Cannouncod by Pit 'i . ~rJ99_11_ _14ho Ordc.- o.0 the Workers' Red Bannar imani N. E. Bauman (Hookovakoys ordona 14inina 4 - - -------- ordona TrudovogQ Krasnogo Znamoni vyushoyo tokhnacheakoye uchillahoho)7 SCiROL: Izobrot prom obraz tov zn, no. 15, 19661, 129-130 'I'AUGS: moLalworking, metalwo.-king machine accessory, machine tool, Mot(LI cutting ilachine tool, body of revolution AA.BS7,MCT: This Author Certificate presents a method for taking a liniash cut in A producing bodies of revolution being simultaneously turned (see Fig. 1) . To increase tho officioncy arid to improve the quality of surface, the finish cut i.-; taken with a tool bit f~-id in the radial and the tangential directions in reapcict to the product. wj~U-, .".,o Outting blades, one of wii i cli A' & ho-J, -, i, an angle "Ij of ~WiIQ a.%,Q~ Cod gradually into the contact, with the product at the renoval zono of the outer layer. The other blade is hold the axis Lqc,~SLI 2 tg&x 621,9),j_no8 L -.,~q,,%_67 ACC NRs a6029952 Fig. 1. 1 - tool bit; 2 first cutting bla4o.- 3 - pr,Wuc,t; zono of outor laywr removal; second cutting bla( to- of the product and is ground to fit that region of the body of revolution which is bein~g out by this blade. It is this-second blade which produces the finish cut on ,he product. Orig. art. has 1 1 figure* SLra COI)E4 13/ SUBM DATE: ijoct64 vwz~wE ZAGORODNIKOV, 8. 1. PA 6n51 bet* 406 Apr - Itrdrooleatelo-p1duts aGorlkly Hydroolootrio Statka, 3 1. Ugorodnikoy *01drotakh Stroi" No 4 Thle: Installatlon Is an lmpcrtdat ane, of postwar FIv6-Yew Plan. Lo--.&U4 belovSheherbakcv Power Station on Volga, it v13-1 ha=eiis water power for a stretch e 400 I= from Shcherbako-r to Gorodets. foming a water reservoir of 179 thoasand hootexcep it Is supplied by 18 I= shunt lin&, equippod with " kilovolt transmission lines. go completion da+.# Is given. Dee, 48 T1.44atric Pover r~a HyaVoelectXic Station,;; b :E W:1 tekh stroll, NO 121 beaiiribea first of tbree 4ydroelectrie stati*U d for the X=a River: upper-Solikammko, iddhld--M63~otov, and lover-Votkinsk. CozstrrectUft, ~bt*AAe UpW statiou v:Lll iacrease the piaver pro- duttion of KAWIFS (Razo 1!~h~let--ftation) bY ~ 33$ - cO=ect witu- the Uralpower zi~rtvnrk- :Heir 63/49TI5 /~',le!&=icity, (Coutd) Dec.48 Uations vill decrease considerablzy the, voluw Of e~kh and concrete work required since the power i pl~mt building will be combined vith the cot**&& ~i~illvwy dam. Briefly describes preliminary vork t,6be coxried out 6314Q-T~3 Plants Fonstruct ion Industrv to Complete Volga installatic Ikov, Fhgr, I P #d~btekh Strai" No 3 177 Wft o of work romining to be dme InOfolfostr V ij,~ atims 213,000 cu M., j~:alli bLm: earth OXCaV cu m, bricklaying 2,500 cu m, metal 0 Wl~r=tlLn 750 tonn) vooden construction 1, du U$'~ -,~Xy work on t m*n and roads 60, ODO Gu 2, a~j dIng 6,500 nq m. "Volgostroe program jis tuia~r 3YUm8 i~i~~/Mngineering (Contd): Air. U9 vay: in thron min aectors: Uglichakly and Shc r~,; LAZUTKIN, Ye.S.: RUSANOVp Ye.8,; MDELIPIAN, R.A.; TRU11NIKOV, S.V.; KAPLANO GOLITSOV, A.N.; TATAIWOVA, N.I.; SONINP M.Ya.; SHISEXTI-11p N.I.I doktor geogr.nauk; ANTOSIXYM, 'fe.G.; ZFIIYKHOVA, I.I.; KOSYAYOVI P.O.; MATROZDVA, I.I.; ZELENS~IaYo G.U.; SEMENKOV,, Ya.S.; ZALMID,, A.I., red.; HUSANOV, Ye.S., red.; Sh7EYM, ,A.V... red.; 141 KHALI CITNKO IN. Z.,, red.; GERASIMOVAI Ye.S., tekhn. red. (Manpower of the U.S.S.R.; problems in distribution avd utilization) Tradorle reBuray MR; problemy raspredelenlia I iopolIzovaniia. Pod red.N.I.Shishkina. Yoskva,Izd-vo ekon.lit-ry, 11961. 243 r.-. (1411tA 34:32) Moscow. flauchno-isoledovatellskiy Institut, (Manpower) mmM.G,I.; YAVPMMM,rL.D.; SPMIN, S.A.; MMBASOF,A.M.: IVANCN. K. I.; UFATET.K.Ts.; GRISHnF, I.E.; KOSTIN,M.Y.,; FMW. V.A.,.- -Z&'%MOXJW. Ps I. -FOOKMOV, P.0,; KAZININ, A.T.; YCKICHV, G.I.; TIMHOW.P.r.; nWM0F,3.G.; Wrl, IsS.; WYU KV.Lol.; MCM, Ifikolrd Alekasevich Andreav. lkfgrgatik 4 %Lo.9:4o s 56. (MA 9:10) (Indreav, Ylkelai Alekesevich, 1896-1956) SOUME CODE: UP,/0386/65/cx'~-/oor,-,Ic.-3-3/02.r4T '/-i" 5 AU711OR: Zagorodnikay, S. P.; Rudakov, L. T.; Soolk-inj, G. Sho':i1i. r,. V~ n TITLE I Investigation of tht, structure of the front of a strong tivtgne"Ac-tound in a rarefied ulasm SOURCE: Zhurn Pla"ful V r#A Al ekoperimentai'My i teoreticheakoy MiXi. A Prilozhenly of Ve 2t 441, and insezt, side A, bLelvuen it- --AA -Ma wa'; E, T 0 PHI TOPTO TAnS - 15 -a pinima, helkam'tiatma,- AWTRACT: The article is devoted to an experimental investigation of the gtruceturree of the front of a strong magnetie-cound wav7e propagating in-a, rarefied -Rbu~- tranes- verse to a mD netle field. i -L meww'a-vem- car-flail .,j-A under-,thfa. -candit long de- -earller PaOei~ --t~fi - w& a -scrWid-In - --- -bk -e authors (zhrzt-v- 4-T. 19641 Tme %Paie an;t -4t - iT exr4ted C -by a i - a -eld H, produced c,n thft n cylindrical plasma column 5~, CM) in a rvigtx r, -VLg~~ ~t r I ..eld Hn. The pulse tlmta Sec he P -t ~ 'IM i -4~ n a i It V 11neac' c-f ewave front. --krwe-,! -t x LL, 'rrw magnetic M&ch L iiurAbt!z- ~-. ye-riod Ir. t4e range -1.3--4.2. 11be following results were otlained. Nbn~- linear twiating of the witya front. in the plaamn was observed for aJ1 tte indicated values of p. The profile of the ragnotle field In the plascut was In gcod agreement Card 1/2 L 9228-66 ACC_ NR, Ap5o2ftu5 with the profile calculated by J. H. Adlam and E. Allen (Proj.. Phytt. Soc. (London,, V. T5P 640, 1960) within the accuracy of the c~lind~rical ef fect, The vidth of the t mmaition, region cointide-0 with -501 neouracy (taking nonataticiartly int* arcour.'.),, U-I&T- t~lp (_11 tip -_q_L-no W11. I rh i n'- - PA A g Son r'-., n -?)A r-a P;; L:-" Wave ene'-&i -1 with increasing n,. At the same time, electrons with erierl-,_f larpfr tt &n 50 e-v ap- peared behiad the wave front. The energy tr,%nsfer from the wave to tl e plasna elec- i trons is attributed eit.herr to InetabUlty or iontzation collisior.2 cf the eluctrons -)n the wave front. ALthors are gratefLC to Ye. K. Zavoyski.f for !rrteiest the work and to A. A. Vede=v &-.d Ye. F. Ve-11kh6i., for va~_Ke discussiorm. OiLg. &_rt. has: 3 figwes and 2 formulaa. MM COD t 20/ SMA DATT; IT"5/ M-M RU 003/ OTH TV'r. OOT 2V2 a I AMA ZAGORODNIKOV. t'-%Nj RUDAKOV, L.I.; MOWN, Me.; SIMIAN, 6.11, Study of the front structure of a strong vAgnotoponle vRvo in a rarefied plasma. Pie'. v red. Zhur. elupor. i teoret. Tlz. 2 no.59238-241 6 165. (MIRA 16: 12) 1. Submitted July 17.. 1965. TNAAI~4;W 6/63/11041W64850 A ACCESSION NR: AP4009105 -85T Zagorodnikovs S. P.;,Smolkin, 0. Ye.,- Sholin, 0. V, TITLH;~ Spectroscopio investigation or &-turbulently heatod pleAma AIS lid PV 0 451 not 6v 1963P Zhurn~4 ekspor. I tooret, f" so URC 1850-1 -----TOPIC TAGS:--plasma--heating,,-plasma-turbulence-heating,,-high--densLtv plasma, high temperature plasma,, plasma spectrum,, plasma,speatros- copic--investigation-f-wave penetration,, electron-heating-rate.-alec- tron temperature,, electron temperature distribution,, emission line -intensity,, impurity effect- 'ABSTRACT: A spectroscopic investigation is reported of turbulence --heating-of-a --bellmn -plasma--with -- a--re lative 1y- hlgh--o lea tran __ density, for the-purpose-of using turbulence obtain &nd. --invest -high-temperature-plasmas. -An Image converter--was igate ~-used to. obt ain- a time-resolved speatrum of-the--heated plaoma,, so as t*_tradethedynamio Oehavior of the spectral lines in caoh phase ot, a single card ------------- ACCESSION HR: AP4009105 diooharge. Testa were made to determine the panetration-of -the wave into the- plasma$ tha - eleatron heating rabi,,_ avid the radial distri- bution of the electron temperature in the disoharge tube. All these characteristics were determined from the radial distribution of them emission intensity of the individual spectral lines. An estimate4 TO ts 100 eV was obtained ror the electron temperature in a plasma of 13 .3 density n 2 x 10 am- . The impurity content, which plays an e important role in the heat balance of a p -lasma. hot -electrons, I - - n ___ - th ri ---was - found -not- -to exceed- I -per, ce- t of e p mary component under .typical experimental conditions. "In conclusion,, we thank Ye. K. Zavoyakiy under whose Initiative and constant . attention--tb? -work'- was - - --performed 0----We --are 'also.ea-t- e f4l to- L. _. I, . Rudakov for continuous in-.; terest in the7work and useful-discussions* M, V, Rabykin for help in constructing the experimentallapparatus# ahd Ps To Blinov j,"Or help with the microwave measurehurits Orig,~_arb# haev 6-figwvo and I C42fd no ZAGORODNI,KOV, S.P.; HUDAKOV, L.I.; SIBAKIN, G.Yo.; SHOLIN, G.V. I -11~ -111.1 1--,--.--. Observation of Bhock 'waves in a coliialcri-free plaez-~a. 11hur. ek3p. 1 tecr- fiz- 47 no-5:1717-1720 N 164. MIRA 18:2) LT fj~qLf- WE Pt L /ong (m I/C -AC-C NZ ZO ODIZ - UR,'ii~-N` TITI9 Inves:Ugatiort of the stractuxe of a Str wwre front in WORCE: Moucov. Institut atomnoy energii, DokWy,, ZU.qgj,, 1965, jffjjedOVILniYi lvktury froAtA. oil' noy mamit kovoy VoIny v rezra--zhann-ay plno~wtt, ! -A, Da-K I-td -plasma. mognetic field, sound wave, MaE-:neTAe field, riamfiful pla!m-a, co=talixt M4-retic 'A"Iellu, Plasirra Wave R-ZTPLACT; Mia is a conticuation of pmvivus experiments rej*rted ty tlx., authcrs in ref. 4 (zhEw, 47, 1717, 10,64). The exTcriwnts were inspired by tte voi-k olf ". H. Adlam and JT~ 0- Ailen (FrO~c- P11-G. 9--c. Lcn:lou, 75, 640, Wherc n rkumertcfll solution van rrnlyy! ff- ~he~ -T-=','---r- -iMecuV motion of a magretic pia o txm a-1 rEu--flled plasma. brLse-I nn tv-- !-ncretp- fcz--.LLaz, an tbe. chE-D-Jup of th- Magviatic f Leld t-"-- P-t tha betzudary of plasm.- Ha(ta) 1 + Ir- ta and +)a[! e--p (-Mta)] IL2 _-Art- ACC NR4 jNWJ 559 1_3 UC Droff If*, of tlig- mAnrrn I nfleld of Plasm fmind for certain viduce of ta, %41en 1 and 8 1. The a-oarimnts -w-Tre conducted under cond1tionn ri-ni-lar to those :--f. 7he .4-1 wai c xc a tra-) -!a. ~m, S', N AILL anther reatUts coinclide vltli the fildIrIGS of Adixi and tUcn. Ln wnclusion, the authors note that they have observe-I during their emeriments im ahh- isurution o-f wm-e enera-Y at ths front. vhlch =UV W-ith the Increane (Y:f n-. In pia3lrn- behinr-i the wave IF'ront, electrons vith an m2~rmr of 50 cv a-mxwLred. 7ne auttors I-ac 4G_XPQz'_Imer.1;s and A. A., I-leavN ani, L. Volurdiav for their valuable discussions. Orig. art. has: 2 fo,rmLIApi_-Yi_d_ -3figlu--a. ORIG REFt Wal OTS M: 008 -z-Ad oR0DY-lKU-v,- OHIZHOV, D.G.: KOGTXV, G.I.: IAVMSI=, K.D.j SPIRIN, S.A.-. NUMSOV. A.M.; IYAUOV. R.I.; UFAYXV. K.Ta.; GRISHIN. I.K.-, KOSTIM, H.P.; POPOV. V.A.; F=070f, P.M.; XAZIMIN, A.T.; TOKIC'nT. G.r.; HESHCMYAKOV. V.I.; -yjrjjjMoV, S.G.; Ialrlff, I.S.; LETUGHBY, L.I.; BULKIN, M.N.; OBOLONKOV, R.I.; BATININ,, B.A.; BURIYAKOV, B.P.; KAIIATOV, P.1.1 KOKORXV, S.V. Nilcolai Alekseevich Andreev. Alsk. sta. 27 no.10:62 1) 156, (Andreav, Nikolol Aleksoovich, 1897-1956) 1',MLRA 9:12) PAM wfirl~w vim UMM" uGOROjM=V, V., Insh.; SOSOIKIM, B-s Insho White Ruselan lzmavators and efficiewy promoters intro- duce autowatio processes. I'lokhatr9l. 17 ao.SM"24 Ag 160 KM 13t8) (Whi;G Ilusaia-4onstnction tdduetry~ (Automation) WOMMIA 9 9 11 VWls Vk'Awn.25 L4 a I a 4 Pood atticbment for a fUsblvspo Soy, foto IS no*9t45 5 158. (Photograptq, Ylitsblight) (KlU lItIO) UGORODNIY, A. Go Single-revolution multicolor method of -reproducing graplIc - - -geological -- materials'. Razved.-i okh. nedr 28 no.5-150-53 162. (MIRA 15. -0~ 1. GeologorazvedocbrW treat Noa. (%o1ogy-,%pG) (Color printing) Uwamillys S. V. USSR/Chemistry - Petroleum Tul/,Lv4; 52 *Contemporary Trends in the Field of Ap plication, of Boron Fluorides for the Catalytic Conve-3ion, of Hydrocarbons,u A. V. Topchiyev. Y&. M. Paushkin. Moscow. S. V. Zagorodnly, "Uspekh Khla" Vol XXI, No 4, pp 422-451 !) __ BY alkylatioa of hydrocarboas, disproportloviation-and Isouerization of hydrocarboas, cracking in the presence of BF3, polymerization catalyzed by BF3 sepa and parIfication of hydrocarbons with the aid of Br3 compile, alkylation of phenols with olefins. alky- lation of carboxylic acids with olefins. The discussion in based on 40 Russian refer- ences (among which publications by the authors of this review predominate) anti 132 foreign references. PA216T23 OT,t CtV,rGdo; BVINIXt T.T. kr7pwkq V.T.1y red. -the -.Velfare-of- the-soviert-people] Zroartacnia dobrobutu radianalkoho narodus XyLvp 1961o 46 p. (TmryotvG dUa posbymnnia politycbzWkh i naukovykh man' Ukrainatkai RER. Ser.3v U002) (YMA 14M (YAbor and laboring olasnes) ZAGORODUIT, Vladimir AnIalmovich [Zaborodaly. Tolodymyr]; STARMIX. lot r aX; -";. -. OTSKA-TA .-~S. Elhtrkatovalb3, TS.1, takhred. (The Lenin Collective Yarn] ;meal Lanina. LIviv, KV%W:ovo- shurnallne vyd-vo, 1960. 25 p. (KIM 14t1) (Ternopol Province -Collect ive far"a) ZAGMODNOVt A.M.; SMf%'OVr N.M. Tectonic pattorn of the Tomi-Yap intorttIO* bewad on thq results of aeromagaStic survey. Trudy WIIGGDZ no.17:841--92 61. (MIRA, 15:9) (Tcmak Provinc&-Geolom, Structural) -ZAGORODNOV,, A.M.; ZALINKHrN,, M.I. Tectonic pattern of the Pdr-Taz-Yenisey interfluve. Trmdy SNIIGGIIG no.10:23-40 160. (KMA 1.5 x12) (West Siberian Plain-4eology, Structural) I j EVrr(I)IT JK CE COD& ~UR/0346/66/000 C~~ ACC NRs AP6029379 (AN) Sam CODE t UR/034 A. AUTHCR: /-%agorodnov, M. V. Muatgg2vi A.; ShagLdnp'V* e a, To. B. CRG: [Zagorodnovo MwtafayeYLState Scientific Control institute of Ve orinary Preparations (Gosudaretvannyy-nauchno-kantrolfrqy institut yeterinarny4i preparatov)~ ShapkinJ Main Adminiutrationt-Biologcal Indust!Z, MSKh SSM (Glaynoye upravlaniyu biologichookoy promyshiennosti MKh -3=)l Lrelaginaj Kursk biological Plant (Kurskaya biofabrika) T1TL3 tj Effect of proUngators on the activity of #44 SOM:'- Veterinariyap no. 6, 1966,18-19 TOPIC TAGSs hoof and mouth disease,, serum, wtperiment animal,, virus, Impinizationp diagnostic drug ABSTRACT: HYPerimrwmizition of guinea pigs with a suspension of foort--e;W-mouth disease virus ccontaining aluminun hydrodde (AH) and a saponin greatly increases the activity of diagnostic serum,, regardless of the virus type, In the authortlf experiwntsj the optimun dose of AH was J%j, that of the sapmin 0.5%. IbWr- immunization of guinea pigs with a virus suspension containing 1% Afi yielded tyM 0 serum with a titer of 1:60; types A and C,, 1:80. 11yperi=wnizatiori of the animal -with 0.5% saponin yielded type 0 ser= with a titer of 1SUO to 11150; t A vnA 4t 13140 to 1;170; type Go 1:170. A pronounced inflamatay reaction was ra~ Urd L/2 UDG# 619*626-988.10-077-A L 4017546 ACC MR, AF6029379' the injection site fonowing injection of virus with 2% AH or 0.5% spwin. With increwe in AH or saponin content,, necrosis develop" In the, Inflamator7 fw= mid some of the guinea pigs died4l- Orige art. hass 2 tables* IVILS, 36#9321 SUB CODEt. 06, SUBX UM none L 4?h2-66 ACCESSION Mgt ATSO07973 06/AT/JXT -I Bolog AWHORt Berezin, A. 'K.; Berezina, 0- p-, W- rallov i. A,..' Kurliko V. 1,'rj Luteankip. Yo-t,'t ';u T~imk a LP Y U. IP' Peden 0 a a 0~ Laypkala Peden 0 S. ~ K arq A v , ~-Shevchenko. V. 1. 1 FsynlZ;:.~' v - - TITLCs AccoloratLr;~5 of charged par'tjlclts with the 414 of lwgLtvt:1n&l waves In p1ass& and Plasma wavegUL4414 :SOURCE: International Conference an Ifigh Energy Accelerator$.--oubC14, 1263.W'5tr ;Trudy. Moscow, XfosLad-af-,1264 TOPIC TAGGs high energy accelerator, electron beast plasna accelerator. plassa Wavegulds ASSTRAM ples*& wavaguidds and noncwpsnj&to4 electron &n4 Lon boas c9i be utl-~ lized " occeleriting systems in linear accolerato-ml(raynb4vg, Va. B., Sj"Lun dRW 1, 64 1256)& Atavattqt such systems, 81411 alec- tromisguatLe wave* v. .9 a am propatatod, 16tch am VAC4884ty fdr particle accolera- tLon. The wavoguide,pt rtL4* of rmstro.Lmd plans and noucomptuested basso are displayed In the Case of wovsi LN the "top ad GoAtUster range oven for can- [.card us L 4242-66 ACCESSIOM OR: AT5007973 perstLvely small plasma densities around 109 to 1013 ca3). Under these One& th high-frequency energy losses during wave p. gotten, which art due tc. lhettnl~~ Ilona of plasma particlest we saiall, The density of electrons In setals (about 1023) Is many orders greater than is necessary for ensuring wavegulds properties in the microwave range. This leads to great losses of high-frequency power during l 'wave propagation In metallic conductoro. For plasma densities around 109 tc 1013 Icarl, the energy losses during particle t through the plasma. ALch are pro-! 1portional to plasma density. are insignificant, from 10--% to 10-6 ey/cm. Me I Imeans that plasma wavegtiLdas or* "tranap4ront" for accelerated particles. Accord- ting to the conditions of accelsratkn the particlae are divided Into individual ibunchos. Thus the lose of particles moving In the plasma can Increase greatly b4- !cause of the occurrence of coherent deceleration representing the Inverse of-th* !effect of coherent acceler4tLonv which was established by V. 1. Vqkol4r (SYWpQ~LuM CEFX 1, 50 (1956)). Ho"ver, even for accelerated particle flUX48 Of the 0944r Of I tons of ampdres, these loss** are all Insignificant. Because wavegulde pixVirtife !are determined by the plasmat the metal' surfaces can be remote fr4= regions Ath large field strenithe or *11stinatod altopther. which permits a #I&MUcant In- ~crsaso In the paralasible voltages of the accelerating fields aM a substaidal do-' ~Card 2/3 r L 4242-66 4CCESSION NRs AT5007273 crease In the high-frequency energy losses. It is also- Isportant to concentrate the electromagnetic energy in the radial direction only In the regions where the accelerated particles are moving. Thus for a given field strength tta electromag- netic energy flux decreases markedly. If the fluxes of accelorated r.4rticles am large, the wovequido Properties necessary for a4ccoleratton can be smumd by the particles of the beau which are not cntrapped In the acceleration prce4es, through which particles the entrapped particles says. The beam Itself which Is Injected 1nto the accelerator operates under these conditions of an accelerating systes. To :clarify the possibilities of particle acceleration by means of electrCmagnoti; *aves excited by charged particle beam, and also to Investigate the influenes of ;beam instabilitiso upon the acceleration process, the Phyalcotachnical Instit'ste, ',Academy of Sciences Ukrainian SSR conducted theoretical and experimental lnve;iti- Cations an the Lateractica of charged particle beams with a pl"m4. These lmmstJ- Igations were Intended to load tot not the design and construction of a definite ac- !celsrator modal, Wt the physical processes occumLng during the interaction linder 1consIderstion, and in this way to 4 determination of the possibilities of p1mime methods of acceleration whtch am being developed at this Institute. The theory ideveloped up to the present time of the Interaction between boas@ and Olasma lum ;been essentially a Unear th4o:7. As a rvoult of the wft* of Ts De Gh4piro old V. L 4242-66 ATS007973 _IACCESSION NRI L Shavch4oko- at this Institute for the case of beams of not very large densI1.70 a nonlinear theory has been created %&Lch permits one to trace the proc4ss of In- me Iteraction of an Initially nonmodulated boas and mono-energaile bean with & plos frova the Initial stage to saturation. As is shown, a large part of the beamloi 'energy of ord4r*d motion (75% of Its Initial tmorzy) Is lost by the beam as & ra- sult of collective Interactions with the plum&. Thus the energy e*tndgd upw jaxcitatLon of oscillations amounts to 30%1 " Increasing the thermal energy iDf ~tho plasma, to 30t; fad Won Increasing the thermal energy of beam, to 1;%. -1he !experimental Investigations of this Interaction ware carried out by 1. r. musch4n Iko and A. K. Derazin and their respective co-workers. Their results are In 41jrso- ~nent with the theory of M. F. Corbatanko. The mentioned Institute has also car- ried out further theoretical and experLmental Investigations an the problass of elect r=agnst La wave propagation In plasma waveguld" excited by high-frtquevAq w&11 isoure". The experimental studiasw by 0. G. Zagarodnav, at al., ahowt4 that :he rs~- cults agree well idth theory under conditions of InsipLficant nonlinear affairts. Current experiments are concerned with highly-lodlud plasmas with daulty 1031 to 11012. OrIge art. has1 4 !4pras# 1 table* L 4242-66' AM966100 NAI A15091#11 'ASMIATIONt Fjzjko-tokWdwvMy LaftLtut AN Wr6SR tillititutIls AN UkrSSR wmimol 26MY6 4 EKCL 1 00 am Coact 9p NO AU GOVS 003 OTHEA 1 001 ~ M.M., T M. 3hW 7 S/1 8 5/6 1/006 /01) 6110 ! 6/03 0 2 14 0 0 Yf/ il 4 1, D299/D304 AUTHORS: Lifohyts', Ye.V#j Yehorovp A.M., and Zahorodnov, 0.11. TITLE: Measuring field strength In a plasma by means of -the Stark effect PERIODICAL: Ukrayinslkyy fizychnyy zhurnal, v# 6, no* 69 i961~ 793 - 796 TEXT: A method is proposed for measuring parameters of plasma wave- guides which has the advantage (over existing methods) of inturoduc- ing only very small perturbations. The Stark effect is used for de- termining the mean field strength in plasma waveguides in a magne- tic field. First, the radial distribution of the electric-field com- ponents in the waveguide are determinedp and then the phase velo,~ity of the wave and the field strength at the waveguide axis. The field -strength measurements were based on the Epstein-Schwartzschild for- mula: A-0 3hE-- (n (nq - n, - n,(n nt),,l Card G 83r PZe 2 )2 t 8/18 5/6 1 /'006/006/0 -16/V-30 0 Measuring high-frequency field D299/D304 for the static Stark effect. It was found that the magnitude of the Stark line broadening was considerably greater in the erper-lmenrG conducted. than line broadening due to other facters which co~ild therefore be neglected. The diameter of the,Blasmalwaveg-uide was 20 mm, the plasma density varied between 10 - 10 1. 'Phe field silrength was measured by the broadening of the H line. This Line was aelected because it was more suitable for the operating condl- tionB of the apectrograph used in the experiment. The dietcharge spectrum was recorded on photographic plates of type "Pankhrom"'. the exposure varied between 30 minutes to 2 hours. A f'.Lgure shov,;s a typical line shape. The line broadening, due to the experimental apparatus, was taken into account be means of a calibration devi~-_e; incorporating a thyratron. From formula (1) follow-.-i that the fie'ld str'ength E = 2.31 # 103L~,, where L,~ is'expressed in A, and B - in kw/cm. The obtained values of B are listed in a table, together with the values of The described method is effeC4--7,; 1. P ita ef- fectiveness increases with higher field strength. The UiBe of photo- electric recording ensures much greater speed of measuri~ment, Thert, Card 2/3 3/1 85/61,/006/006/016/0--;o Measuring high-frequency field ... D299/D304 are 2 figures, 1 table and 6 references: 5 Soviet.-bloc and 1 non- Soviet-bloc (in translation). ASSOCIATION: Pizyko-tekhnichnyy instytut.AS UkrRS11 (Phyaico-Techni- cal Institute of the AS UkrSSR)j Kharkiv 1~ Card 3/3 - ZAGOROID)NIY A.P.; DYAI)ECHKTN,, N.I. -Method of Ireaking.: hard: ore:-in nor-thorn -Krivoy-PA)g -Basin mimess.- Met. i gornorud.,prom. no-4380--82 Jl-Ag 164. (MMA 1e: 7) jai ,r-,-ZAGORODKOV, O.G.; FAYNBERG, Ya.B.; YEGOROV, A.M. Reflection of electrom agnetic waves -from. a -plasma moviyig in slow- - wave -guides. - Zhur. eksp. i teor. fiz. 38 no. 1;7-9 Zan 160. (MIRA 14:9) (Electromagnetic waves) (Plasma (Ionized gases)) (Wave guides) 20921. S/057/61/031/'003/005/019 B125/B202 AUTHORS% Zago'ro nov * .0 Gaynbergo Ya. B., Yegorov, A. H-# and Bol otin, L. . TITLE1 Multiplication of the frequency by means of p',-.asma"slammine"- PERIODICALi Zhurnal takhniohookoy fitikit v. 31j no. 3# 11)61, 297-300 TEXT: The present paper deals with the experimental study qf the problem of frequency multiplication by.slamming. As-is knqwnt-a Doppler effect occurs when electromagnetic waves are reflected fromx a moved surface. In this case.frequency-and =Dlitudeof-the :Lncidant.-wave--are i:hanged. The effect concerned-can be considerably increased in.the case of multiple reflection. -This is attained, e.g., by concentrating the i3lectromagnstic energy in a volume completely or partially filled with.the :plasma. This volume is then rapidly reduced by slamming the plasma. In this case not only density but also the total electromagnetic energy are Lncreased. In the case concerned the energy of the photons that are multiply reflected from the plasma Is increased. This effects the reverBal of the Fermi Oard 1/4 20921 S/057/61/031/003/005/019 Multiplication of the frequency... B125/S202 acceleration effect. In the case o f multiple reflootion-frequency and amplitude -strofigly increase even in the case 40~bO(V-40). This effect was experimentally checked for an HOil wave in the 10-cm region. The electro- magnetic field was compressed in a resonator having the shape of a metallic rectangular resonator. The plasma piston entered the resonator by a grating consisting of three metal bands. The second front face of this waveguide gradually passed into a waveguide with the critical wavelength Xcr = 4.6 cm. This waveguide serves as filter for the harmomic frequencies. The plasma piston was produced by a two-electrode discharge ivith special ignitor and with additional eleatrodynamic acceleration. Fig. I shows the general block diagram of the experimental arrangement. The beginning of discharge can be regulated such that the plasma compreusion occurs two to three microseconds after the beginning of the high-frequency pulse in the waveguide. On slamming also the frequency of the- electromacatetic field, increases-as-a result of multiplerefleation from the moved plasma until the frequency of the field exceeds the critical frequency of the waveguide filter. Fig. 3 illustrates the oscillograms of the high-frequency signals with the "multiplied" frequency at different instants of time of the Card 2/4 -20921- 8/057J61/031/003/005/019 Multiplication of the frequency... 5125/B202 plasma slamming. In this case the maximum pulse.height of the high- frequency signal with the multiplied frequency.oorrespands to the shortest duration of slamming. These outputs are separated from the high-frequency pulse interrupted by the moving piston by the time interval T.. This time.interval correspond3 to the "slamming time", i.e., the time required for the.multiplication.of the frequency of the initial value (in this case 2840 megacycles) to, a, value elightly exceeding the critical frequency of the wavaguida (6530 magacyclos). Thus, the frequency was increased by littlamore than 2.3 times. The spectrum of the oscillations produced by the magnetron-contained harmonic oscillations of-small amplitudes which penetrate into the_wavegulde. Theit amplitudes reproduce the-form of the magnetron pulse. During-slamming dAssipation of the field energy. caused by losses-in t.he cavity,and in the plasma com- pression occurs besides the frequency multiplication and the Antensifica- tion of the field amplitude. To obtain a sufficiently large amplitude of the signal at the output the "slamming time" must be of tho same order of magnitude as the attenuation time ~6, a Q/(j. In the experinents described slamming takes -0-4 microseconds, which corresponde to a Card 3/4 -20921 Multiplication of the frequency... velooity of motion of 2-107 om/ooo of the was shown that by slammin'g % sufficiently can-be attained. There are-3 figures and 2 non-Soviet-bloc. The 2 references to English as followst E. L. Ginstonp Science, 1271 Rev., 107, 345, 1957. S/057/61/031/C'03/005/015 B125/B202 plasm4 compression. Thus# it str -ong frequenoy'multiplication 8 referencest 6 Soviet-bloc and language publications read 33051 1858; A. C. Kolb, Phys. ASSOCIATION: Fiziko-tekhnicheskiy inatitut AN USSR Xhartkov (Institute of Physiceand Engineering of the AS UkrSSR Kharikov) SUBMITTEDt May 20, 1960 Card 4/4 AUTHOR: Zagorodnov, 0. G., kaynberg, Ya. B., Yegoro~, A. M., Mvshlk, A. F. T IT LE' Reflection. of electroinagnetic waves from a moving placma. bi testigntion Gf waveguide prope rties of a plasma Rzik-a- plazmy L, prob'Lemy.uproLviyayemog4-ter-ino-yadern~,3_m atwtizau 4okMj 1 V, T f, i TEXT: The first part of the article describce exp~eriments on the reflection (4' glow electro- maplai~n Wav,?c fr,,~M a --n-vinq; m, nzic-ertdining wnetner the fre( uencl, mu, 11 - i)1teaticir, -qnti RIM :!"itlge i:, ule A ip. wave reflected from a maving mirro, c .9 -n b(, made qr I -,-It j, surface oz T,rsriable or b)' grtaLly L110 vejociiy of the refle tion of electromagnetic waves from by changing the phase velocity of the wa-ve In the &pa,~-e- wh-ere-th-e Weerwtio!~,---dtes r4--ce. =,--d awnc;e It is i1vi practical to Uotal.-I nigh pnysicai Purror velocities (ever, when in ele:tron UUum vr a pi-Isma Is Usec as a reflectirici iurfaeaj, the experiment waE carriev out with jr eiLctruniagaeuc 'WZLVe 01 k ptias~.: veloeL) doWn to t.tat, of the ref"weting )Iasina The slovv-~,ave c:lructUre consisted A i hviic~tl voITIP119ing F1 1, ~JbQ ~ ) RIM irl d1arneter, with a helLx made of' copper wi re 0 inm (n diarnefer &ound ilk a On of f)-q nim, Ill-7 expurimuritaky measured pilarie velocity In the helix wa6 vpil/c - 1/20C-. A pla-sma. platan was pixidkicid by disoharwing a 766 niierofirad capacm:)r b-anik ebLavge6l n -1.6 ~V All 24.75 Nllen, the, frequency uf t1-. und to he Increased by I I x-r cent r,!:a- 10 Uvt~ w uh,-, iqc,.denrl wave, ajW v~t,VE!a the phat3-- vrixay was decreased to 1/3' 5 o1 th(- velr>c;ty oi light., the frequency increased by 20 per ceat- The valw-fty of that plaerna p4vtn~n -xan m!- Lij De ~-.45 QM.; See. f aiz euec! c:an be uaud ;or hleaemtkun of microwaves, acceleration of particles, and various measurements in Plavirs. and also ta Lnorease Lht~ stability oi a piasm a. The second part of tAie investigwinn was devoted to waveguWe properd"es of plasma. A plaama waveguide was produced by e h1Vh frequency discharge in a quaitz tub-i 1500 rnm long. Card 2/4 ------- ---- - ------- - --- -- 7~ RC-flection, of ek~c t MMalglia- ttC Waves I ro In: which a - vacuum. or, !"-x 10-1 ml* -f,I- was maintained. The jdoLsma denatty Jr the waveguide- ~o_uldj* e~- ,A-alow ,16etiromagnotle wave of low powerica the evrdt~~- -~f I wattl at frequAmebaf-L from Isq -h-, 'N'101 "'vels excited III L~'e plasma wavep ide, :tn,-.1 t~e .-u- sulfant phats,! veirv it- of lhc st,, -Air- Ad I iwjj::t10r, o1 Uli ~requt~rw .)r pl,'t F Cttl S i t LQ S a n(~ r s -2 v e r-,Ls:m 1,)ngaudvial magnetic fiE, I J. A studv of me dependence of the waveguiric- field istvris~'v on .1111he hi-h-frt-quency power : i-plier'. to I h plasma tin the z~aige From 1 -it-, t, ot - j.~ tz., c~t mi, imonoLon IC tu rusanarce in the pl-istria Other quanutles m,amiarto( wor- P~-- radial tienendl:nc-e of thn :' 'i i'' ~-' Ir _11-, rw -,I a ~ rn e a .'. "i'le pi-1311i a 1h a VE- gpi de ac, e.t3ra-ii i;,z Grie pjasm 1 Was by means 0.1 it $Mail rnodei of EL helical- piasumm azzoelerator. An analpsit~ of the energy spectrum Of Thai beam, made by alectrostatO deflection, -showa Chat the spectrtim ;a quite broad and that a considerable fm, 4,n* c4 'he electrons had the expAc e"~ -"Y naar 5 3 -vrvV. 7~'18 tituwa uiat Lho fteid I& c pable f ac, n o - Lra .1i".6 ar'o ve-ac ning th-e qxi Rf n e p!;1 -q-,, -1 jMCj [1~p .7) 1 iit!. 1 S/7 " -wap plasma wavogulde. Thorn are nino figures and stvteon reforences, including article. b-,r 8, 8i Buchabaum and S. 0. Brwwn. Phyti. 'Riev. 108, My 1 -6 (1957), V. Josefilison, J - Appl, - Phys. ~9, 30 (.1968); Gf-nzto*i, Sclerce, 127, 3308 (1~58)2 wid M. Lampert, Phya. Rev. 102, 289 (1956). 22778 3/057/61/031Y'005/009/020 B104/B205 AUTHORSi Zagorodnov 0, G.. Faynberg, Ya. B., Ivanov, B. I*, Us, V*S*j t L* Is TITLEs Non-linear effects in the propagation of elect:rDmagnotio waves in a plasma waveguide PERIODICALi Zhurnal tekhnioheskoy fizikip v. 31, no. 5P 1961, 574-576 TEXT: An experimental study has been made of,non-linear distortions of electromagnetic vaves in a plasma. Non-linearitiev of this kind occur when the velocity of the plasma electrons interacting with the wave becomes comparable to the phase velocity of the waves. The experi- ments were conducted with a cylindrical plasma column of I cm diameter and 160 cm length, produced by a d-o discharge in mercury vapor within a longitudinal magnetic field. The signals at.the input and the output of the discharge tube were oonveyed to a double-beam oscilloscope. The dependence of the ratio a n/a, (ai - amplitude of the i-th harmonic) on the spacing of the two spirals exciting and reoeiving the electromagnetic Card 1/f -;x- -p~v - -"t4_ ~ ~ - - - 3/05 2277~031/01) 5/009/020 Non-linear effects ... B104/B205 waves (see Fig 1) shows that a sinusoidal signal undergoes distort;on at a distance of i0lom-and acquires-a sawtooth-shape.- Fig. 2 ahcns a 2/a1as a function of a1, for different amplitudes of the input signal and differont densities of the plasma. It waa found further that non-linearities are also produced by a deorease in plasma density, due to the decreasing phase velocity of the,waves and the growing amplitude rif the signal in the plaama. It in concluded that a sinusoidal signal is distorted by a non- linear plasma. The sawtooth signal observed at the output undi~rgoes further distortion with inureasing non-linearity. There are 4 figures and 4 references: 2 Soviet-bloc and 2 non-Soviet-bloc. ASSOCIATION: Fiziko-tekbnicheskiy inat itut-AN -USSR.Kharlkov (Institute of Physics and - Technology, AS UkrSSR, Khar I kov) SUBMITTEDi July 30, 1960 Card 2/6 a( 6m"4 am Mwd 94CCY&M 444 Z. CAM aqw: Poland). NsaxW 21 Tim adsomdou al Wirs vi~'Ms at rektive =rwr of CA WXPQC Up to 0.4 Wes lovesdPled. At- as pp#A. fmm the solo. of )m um" of variable amts. of NIt.011. Tbe mtvs=wm Ouls. to belaWmIMM #4 the ma, temp. oW 4M*. There 1=mt kkW*of activated sJusulsit Sets __* fimme . No. 1 *46 a :opl* at pit A c%W a qtuidA=4tg* Vtl No. 2 all a 3 4) land No. 3 w" a buk I (twice The "FIO(c% wrto differet f In appmramm wW (a mo& pruM Lf the 4M Set POWSI&C the mmik" Mich. ftel"Sace. For the nwral. of Care vapor lnymfpfr4 The " Cd sheared the Me two otbler kinds sdwd*d sloot He in t6pw firruenslaam. but the ba* VI ass somt- supwriut itt this f"ImTt. L. 1. pwrwo,*i 3 Poland CAMMY I ABS* JOUR. I RMWMvp 110* 5 1960# NO* 3.?533 AUTFOR t,ZaVEP4k--~ " I 4o t Siven KIVE; j The Det,--rmination of Oxygen in Gar, Mixturen WIG PUB j Chem Analit (Poltind), 4, No 1-2, 361-364 (1959) j , AWTPACT t A semicontinuoun method for the polarographic determinntion oP 0, in gas mixtures it.- describod, u&ine, a dropping mercury electrode ar, tho cathode and an inner mercury elestrode as the anode. "he mixture :o be analyzed is riucllred througn the polar- ograpnic cell. A 5?; 11 SO, solution serves as the background. The instrument is calibrated with air. V. Mirkin ZA=SUS ze fog AI& t -ZOMIC. CAL". I Abatracts ~-,y 25, 1954 -Umr-T4M'Z--Scv-,trM saiiipk-s of "natts hxi t- " 0 irlce I in necus in 120/0 yiell from air-dricd Funa i:ejkukjgrcd4--c-l ja tl~-, ~ BzWc thare. Ttr-- uic of Na idgirwe in suLiliz4~tj;,, inroducts . ns w-u igrvitigated. janim, .1 Z-AGORSKI Z. necent Soviet schlevem-ents in the field-of Instmuntal chemlo.,il swaVale." P. 193. (418domosci Chemic Vol. 7.. no. 50 May 1953. 14ftw1aw.) SO: Monthlr jAst of East Hur2oan Acggsgslons; Vol. 3., No, 2, Library of Coneress,, February 1954, Uncl. tAl"M410 oc ImilnRtion 0( 1 trace IA! lc~ ~.Ldvwr-. w" mmwuiiim,,~~ KEN, irl IgM L) sy POLAND/Analytical Chemistry Analysis of Inorganic Substances E-2 Abe Jour : Rof 2hur - Khimiya) No 3) 1958) No 7595 Author L_Z~q~ Inst Not Given Title The Polarographic Determination of Lead Oxides in laad Wal Orig Pub Chem. Anal.p 1956t 11 No 2-31 188-198 Lbstract Me lead being analyzed is dissolved ir- mercury.. the lead oxides floating on the sitrface of the amlgm (A) are dis- solved In 0.5 N HCC and the zosulting solution Is estimted polarographically at known time intervals W. Because of' the slow transition of Fb from A into solution the polarographic results are extrapolated grnphically to t-a Oj, whereby the correction is introduced for the &creasing volume of the solution above A (as the result of the sappling). The re- sults of the analyses are good when !; lOg of the Fb oxides are determined per 1 g of the Pb metal. Card 1/1 / ? - -- , /-~ zy~,,f s A P&AM/kialytical Chemistry - A=JWis of Inorganic Substances. E-2 Abe Jour Ref Zhui~ -, Mlimiya, No 8, 19580 24765 Author Zagorski Zbigniev., Kempinaki 01gierd Inst Title FolArographic Determination of Traces of Thallium in Metmllic Oidmium aneL Laml mid Also in livn-Cadmium B(xlioa. Orig Pub Chem. Analit... 1~56, 1, No 4, 273-284 Abstract Description of & method of determining Tl in "aadmium sponge" (Cd) Fe and their oxides) (CS) of alkaline starm- ge batteries, and also in metallic Cd and Pb. Concentra- tion of TI by precipitatiou of the thio-urea-perchlor-ite complex of Tl (RzhKhim~ 1953, 9121; 1955,, 40326) does not yield satisfactory results since Cd is almost completely precipitated together with the Tl. Good results were ob- tained an using the extraction method, 3 g CS are dissol- ved in 30 ml 7 N HNOZ., the insoluble residue filter--I off, the filtrate is eveLporated to 10 ml, tranaforred to Vac Card 1/2 POLABD/Analytical Chemistry - Analysis of Inorganic Substances. E-2 Abe Jour Ref Zhur - Khimiya,. No 81 1958, 24765 extraction apparatus., 5 ml of bromine water are added and extraction with ether is conducted for 5 hours. The ax- tract is-evaporatecl., 2 ml of MfOl and HASO* are added,, and the mixture is evaporated to dryness. The residue is dis- solved in 5 ml of the background solution (300 ml 25% 11HyM + 214 g NHq C1 t 300 ml warer saturated with SOa -f- 2.2 li- ters of water) and subjected to polarography, Under the described conditions of extraction T1 is separated from Fe~ Cd, Cu and Fb. Analogously T1 is determined in vn-tal_- lic Pb and Cd. Relative error of determination of T1 in CS (lo-4.Tl) is t 8%0 while in metallic Fb and Od contai- ning 10-q Tl) it is of 10-4 C?_7 t 3%- Card 2/2 Application Medicinalep Vitamins# Antibiotics. Abe Jour : Ref Zhur - Khiraiya, ITO 3, 19580 8994 Author : Kuczynski Wienczeslaw., Inat : Univeraity of Poznan Title : Stabilizing Properties of Alginates Derived from Baltic Seaweeds. I. Chemistry and Uses of Alginic Acid. Grig Pub : Zeez. nauk. Univ. Poznaniu, 1957, No 6, 53-54 Abstract : A procedure has been developed for producing alginicacid M from Fucus vesiculosus (yield 80%). An investigation has been made of the stabilizing action of the lh-salt of I (II) on model-study auspensions. Stabilizing actio:a of II is observed at a concentration as low as 0.001%. card 1/1 .,Z AGORSKI, Zbignievp dre iMustrial application of the radiation chemistrx. Frzer.1 teohn no.36:3p5 7 5 160. MORSKI. ZbIgniow Pawel -The -determination of the G,.;value- of gwm-radiatiama-indurced reactions by polarographic electrolysis at constant potectial. ITukleonika 5 no.5,253-260 160. 1. Institute of Nuclear Research, Warszawa, Department of' Radiation Chemistry ZAGORSXI, Zbigniaw Pavel z& - radiation Induced chain reaction of oxygen reduction In Up aqueous system 02 - 1142S03 - KaOH. Nuklednika-6 no.9:567-599 '61. L-Tolish- AcadsvW -of Sciewasi -Institute of Nualear Rsaear,3hp Warsaw, D"rtmont of Radiation Chezintry. MINCt S.; ZAGORSKI ZP.j EROSZKIUICZ, R, Continuous Mtbods of traoing 4'h4zlCal changes in fluids umdar gamma irradiation. Nuk-leonika 9 no*7/816U--623 164 2. Institute of Nuolear Researoho Warazauu-Swierk. ZAGORSK doe. dr Role of radiation chemistry in studies on absolute rate constants. Wiad chem 18 no. 7091-412 Jl 164. 1. Head, Laboratory of the Department of Radiation Chamistrj',' Institute of Nuclear Research, Warsaw. F ACC N'h AP6036TOI SOURCE CODE1 Po/oohG/66/on/i)O9/O661/0663 AUTHORs Zagorskio -Z.. ~_*j Pants# P, P* ORG: lzagorski) Department of Radiation Chemistry, of Nuclear ReS -e1Lrch9.War9&vg (Panta) Department of- Adaptor Exploitationg, Institute of Nuclear Researcht Svierk TITM Electrochemical call vith direct conversioo-of ionizing radia- tion into electrical energy SOURM Nuk_leoulkag Y. Ilt no6 99 1966o 661-683 radioisotope# Irradiation effect ABSTRACT: Experiments In'the 4se of -gamma rays from a radioisotope, source for the production electric current are briefly described* An'electrochemical call consisting of two kinds of aluninum foil elec- trodea placed In d semiliquid solutlon of ai2monium glycol and ethylene-, gly-.ol developed an incre" Ing potential difference vhen oubjected to gamma irradiation-from a WO source, This difference wam of opposite direction to that measured In the case of the spontaneous building up of voltage. In'the case of very high external resistance, the potentia difference Increases regularly'before gradually leveling*.. 7t the cam Gwwmt,-radi&tion-1nducs4 chain -reaction -of - oxygen the aqueous system C2-R&2So3-H%OH. Kukleanika 6 no.9087-599 161. 1. Polish Acadenq of Sciences, Institute of Nuclear Research, Warstmaip Department of Radiation Cbemistz7. ZAGORSKI, ZbIgniew Pawel Ga=a radiation induced chain - reactiod 6f. oxygen -retluctlon- In the af4twotw system'C -Na, SO -KaCH. Nukleonika 6-no..99587-599 t611. 2 2 3 10 Polish Jl-iademy of Sciences, Institute of Nuclear Research, Warszawag Departmant of Radiation Chemistry. 0 fu w! w r 19 T C--71)Ue Of d reirdara, as d-ete-m-Intd lbe ~ T p">-'t."grrphy ~ $~ ~Ntn -,,ig -,sit cx;vT,.'nlc% are givc1l, provifir thd appl!'Calwity C,! ml,.%t in a t-.!.5t of 1'"e~r detiprullcnc,~ d 4OL-sion curnixt on cvnci. he amr. nf er,!rgy -.v-a3 dl~l:i 'iv a Fricl:~ dagitneter. Tve4o ,Fl~ :~, ~nducu,)n I-,cnc,lu r-rr post r- A:--A t t, Lr,- I r 85443 P/046/60/005/004/00,3/007 A222/AO26 AUMORSt Zag6raki, Zbigniev Powell Ney. W3:odzimierz TIME: Installation for Direct Physico-Chemical Observation of Systems in a Gamma IrradiationField PERIODICALI Nukleonika, 1960, Vol. 5, No. 4# pp. 219 226. TM: Iq In the Russian-language article an installation for Clotalt 60 1r_ra_-_, _41e.ion~is described, which makes possible physiAl wid physico-c'nemital research during gamma irradiation. Reference Is made to a paper by Z.P. Zag6rskl, "Post,?py Teabniki Jitdrowej" (Progre-es In Nuclear Engineering ), now being printed, for the description of other irradiation devices. The concept of a Cobalt 60 irra&.ation device forabsorption measurement of different light, waveq during irradiat'l,zn was brolught tip by Professor Stefan Mine. To that end, a simple device was built, which consisted of a-vacuum or selenium photocell illuminated by a small light bulb. !he dose rate was about 20 r/sec. Subjected to test wero two type3 of photocells most frequently used in photo absorption meters: a "Pressler 90-350 PAIA OXV" vaoww photocell and a gold-plated selenium photocell made by the Card 1/4 85W P/046/60/005/OD4/0OVOO7 A222/AO26 Tnst%llation for Direct Phystoo-Chemical Observation of Systems in a Gamma Irra- M&LIon Field British companyE.M and used in Hilger photo ab orpti,on mcootrat Tho curregt measu.-ed. for the vacuum pho+ocell was 3.2.x 10- A In darkness, 9.92 z 10"I A with the bulb on, 4.5 x 10-8 A during gamma Lrradiatio'n In darkness, 10.8 x 10-TA during gamma irradiation arA with the bulb on, and 9.95 x 10-7 A unler latter conditions though after a dose of 5 x 106 r The respective current alues meas- ured for the selenium 1~hotocell weree_-10-8A, 6.2 x 1o-7 A, 3 x 10- eA, 6.7 x X jo-7 A and 4.65 x 10-f A. The results showed that standari photccells may be used in gaxina irradiation fields under proper precautions. Apart from a dec:r*5ze In sensitivity after extended irradiation, another serious deficiency is the glass opacity in photocell and container. In theirradiation devif,,e designed, mobile gammaArradiation sources were provided, because the system required a fixed oploical system for reasons of mechanical srinsUivity. The device consists of body, irradiation system, working .-hamber, removable cap and optical system (Fig. 1). She loody consists of a flask-shaped J%oket with a smaller concent'rical dead-end aYlinde-r-i-r-side, both made of steel. The space between 141acket and cy-- linder, latter also referred to as socket,- is -filled- -with- lead constlt!.Aea Card P,/ 4 85h43 P/046/60/005/004/003/OGr7 A222/AO26 Installation for Direct Physico-Chemical Observetion of Systems in a Gamma I"a- diation Field a biological radiation shield. Optical and manipulation channels are attached horizontally to the socket. The body weighs 4 tons. The Yertical top ends of six acid-resistant steel tubes are welded to the bottom of the dead-end cylindf~r, The other ends of the bent, tubes horizontally protrude from the ext-!rnal body jacket. Each of the tubes receives a Cobalt 60 charge at the end oV a flexiblB shaft. PY means of the flexible shaft, each of the Cobalt charges may be eith6r pushed thrcragh the tube into the dead-end cylinder, or VAlled back and withdrawn into the tube. The wall of the dead-end cylinder has a slot w1th a. variable aperture,~which permits controllable passage of radiation to a photocell, The dead-end cylinder, which then receives the test container* Is topp4d by a heavy lead-shielded cap balanced by counterweights. The six Cobalt 60 charges have a total of 300 gram - equivalents in radiation Intensity. Design alut technical projecting of the device were worked out by W. Ney. W, Olszewski, it. Stanek and Z.P. Zagbrskl, all-of-the Institute of Muc leap - RjjCA=-jL. There art! 2 figiFes Card 3/4 85443 P/046/60/()()5/DO4/003/007 A222/AO26 Installation for-Direot Physico-Chemical Observation of Byetems in a 11amma Irra - diation Field and 1 table. ASSOCIATION: Institute of Nuclear Research, PAN, Warsaw, Laboratory of Radiation Cbmistry Sunkr1m: Fah?-jary 24, 1960 Card 4/4 82210 P/046/60/005/1)5/01/004, AUTHORs Zag6rski, Zbigniew Pawel- TITLEs Determination of the (.-Value ofty-Radiation-Induced Reaction;3 by Polarographic Electrolysis at Constant Potential PERIODICAM Nukleonika, 1960, Vol. 5, No 5* pp 253 . 260 TEXT: The author preeents experimental -details -and an ecuation for polarcgraphic determination of the G-value which entablishes thf i yield of reactions in radiation chemistry. He shows that tracing the roaotion by polarographic means during i 'rradiation provides information, wh:ich id hard to obtain by other means. The G-value specifying the number ol chadged mollacules (either formed or destroyed) per 100 eV of absorbed energy is helpful in the investigation of reaction mechanisms and in technological work on the application of radiation-induced reactions in industry. The author indicates that pertinent publications (Ref. 1, 2, 3 and 4) do not contain reports of polarography having been used in heavy gamma radiation or as a means of calculating G-values from data obtained during irradia- ticn. In the series of experiments presented, a Gammacell 220 source (A.- tomic Energy of Canada Ltd.) was used, with an activity of about 6,000 kA--- Card 1/4 82220 P/046/60/005A15/01/001 Determination of the G-Value of -,Radiation- Induced Reactions ty Polaro- graphic - Electrolysis at Cons tant Potontial Curies of Cobalt 60, average rate of dose 120 r/eeo, as well as e. test compartment of 3 liters in volume and a comparatively uniform field in- tensity (-20~ tolerance between strongest and weakest sections). Figure 1 shows the Irradiation chamber where the small polarographic thermostat vessel with ground glass fittings was placed. Currents were measured and recorded-by means of-the electronic polarograph Radiometer P04 with a self.- balancing bridge and a recording paper of 250 mm effective width, The rec.- ords (Fig. 2) concern cases of oxygen consumption occuring as a result of various radiation-induoed reactions. The reactions were seloctel as to il.- lustrate various measurable rates. The amount of energy absorbe,1 in a par,. ticular vessel is determined by chemical reference doeimetrf in a separate test without a polarograph. In the investigation presented, the Fricke dosimeter was used (0,001 UFeS04 0-6 NH SO saturated with air';; the increase in absorption due to Fe~+ formaiiorin a specified period of time was measured by means of a Unicam S? 500 spectrophotometer at 302 mp. The G-value was deduced from the linear dependence of the diffusion ourrent. on concentration as well as from the linear dependence of concentration change ~Card 2/4 8 a ()/002 P/046/6- 5 05 01/001 Determination of the G-Value of '-Radiation-Induced Reactions by Polaro- graphic Electrolysis at Constant Potential in the standard reference dosimeter on the dose within the investigated range of irradiation time and dose rates G iAc xGDoe dDos x JA Dos tdx where the symbols specify, i - current intensity at the initial (final) concentration ,of the routing substance x - change in current intensity in the selected time and co"11- centration range c x-initial (final) concentration of the reaetine,substance G - G-value of the gauge dosimeter used ')Bs- G-value of the reaction investigated X- change in concentration of the gauge dosimetor constitu.- Doe ent, to which the G-value refers, in a given unit of time t - time during which the change ia takes place d - density of the standard dosimeter liquid Daa- density of the liquid investigated Card 3/4 P/046/6C,/005/05/01/001 Determination of the G-Value of 7-Radiation-Induced Reactions by Polaro- graphic Electrolysis-at Constant Potential The equation is valid for cases bo th of consumption-and formation of a --product-*-- - In -case -of -consumption the symbols I and cxspecify initial val- ues (G_ is derived), and in case of formation I and c are final products (G is the result). Polarographic determination of fuhamental.1sta for caf culation of the G-value along with tracing_ of the, reaction duting ir- radiation hq~sproved useful-and helped in solving some problems )f the re-- action mechanism, Further papers on the problems of polarograph;r in radi- ation and on reactions of 0 In the radiation field will be publi-shed lator. Tho author acknowle3ges the cooperation of Professor S. Uine, Mr.. R. Broszkiewicz and Miss T. Bryl. There are 2 Figures and 6 references? I Soviet, 2 Polish and 3 American. ASSOCIATIONs Institute of ITuclcar.Research, Warsaw (Department oJ' Radia- tion Chemistry) SUBMITTEDt February 24, 1960 Card 4/4 /rho o"Mill of U41gam 4( p A u$ Mg P41MX[a R M, &=feh' N and Rio So g., was exposed to -s-radiatlaa (6&)0 c. from C. for 16 br3. at atm. prt=tre. W ot the leriLdlated wdn. reveated PhNG~M=-Q vuldeptilled compde. Mana"UMPIMWIl were aot detected, The reaction mcchanIsm prapnO Invotye 2 gkvf NO$- +1 H - K04- + Off, vW MOs- + OH - NO# (000Md by: Celf6. + NOs - C ~I&N% ot NO*+ MC60 + OR aud Cjf# + NOt CallsNOt + IP. . . . ...... ZAOORSKII 2. Automation in analytical chemistry. P. 313. CMIA ANALITYCZNA. (Komisja Analityczna Polaskiej AkademV. Nauk j Naezelan Organizaeja Tachnicana) Warszawa, Poland,, VoL, 3/4 1958 Menthly Idst of East European Accessions, (EEAI) IoC# Vol. Bo no. 7p July 1959 Uncl. COUNTR' L-2 A,?,;3, J OU R. RZK him. I NO. 19 59 no. 'M231 AUTH OR Zaii-orskil Z. Cyrankowslkaj 1,10 T I T L T, t I-_- Lead ~~jojj 0" Coppel in O:jTrl. IU'O, : Chc in. ana 11 ic,-. 5 F , 3 1t,)5-5()() A i;', ~-T RA C T:C-, dete~rminatlcn c.,' tr~c(--~s uf I-b anu C,-, L,- . a - I-- A r - t e unced ir tj,-~, r,anurL~crurc of alkad,.,-ne st(jrap:! I. ic, sthc g) is disso,vc(l 301-ltu til 1~1,c-,3 t ~L! it !,-A'-"~ I ()., L with ~imall, txqictir-t u" is uL.;Lut(-,d witil -,:,Atc~r to 50 rul anci thorcut,,Lly Tf contcnt of' Phi and. Cu ir. the pa-~tc, -In Lit lc!~~St ,~~f 0-005~,u, 5 ml ol" the set::lea so-lUic"I an, T-Adrc:a in a i.-,Lo wh'ch arc 10 ml c't.-,Ac- soiutlon (90 g ei.+ ric dissolvcCL in 5U L,,! ,j,,;ter j- ana 5o flu. ~511~ I'llil'OH) 1 10 ril NI, Oh :.r-d 5 r-l-L 0.4-- solution of Na-(.~iiel~lityle,,itli~Lric~irba,-,,ut.,c ZI). Alf cc-Iltent 111) a.-J Ou i-,, 1(-ss t1i;an 0.00-~I;u, 20 ril of* the solution "w'OUNTRY CAMORY /~Ilh"o , j OU R. AT.TT HOR TITLE PUB. 1'. Fs T RA 14, T are zaken V" cf i~- v, - cc I i c- I t '0 t I I I' cl d . or C f o bath, -ad u C; 1 j 3 ar,,42 j 2 l4f~ pulal i~ .1, i e 1 r, 1, uk . ZAGORSKI$ Z.; IW'eIGYZKj W. SomA methods of determining perchlorates in macro and micro quantities. P. 505. (Komisja Analitczna- Polsklaj Akadwdi Neuk i Naczalm CIffMA VIALITYUNA. OrganizacJs, Technic7-na) _',-Tarszawa,- Poland, Vol-b 3, no. 3/4 15513 Monthly List of East European 'Accessions ( "E 1) LC, Vol. 8, no. 7, JUI.V 1959 Uncl, NOR Wfm COUNTRY I Poland Fk- 2 CATEGORY 86206 .AJ33# JOUR. t AZXhiA. i~o. 1959# AUTHOR 'Zagorski, Z.; Krawc'zyk, W. TITLE Methods of Di~termining.Macro- and Eiicro- i cAmounts of Ferchlorate. orirl, PUB, Clvum, analit.) 1558f 31 No 3-41 505-513 AB;.,TRACT Imp of C104- ,about O.OG1$0 In storage battery electrolyte;5, bas!a_.don Lheir reduction- to Ce 41- with Ti,(~U,)3 ard_Zn-metall in H2SO,-medlum, and subsf-quent turbidimc;try of Gl- in the fo= of AgC1 (RZhK1,AJm 11-55, No 1, 61+8). For det#~:rminatlon C' 'L'110,,~ (about Lv) a r.;1.4etr:od is proj~osed ,jt'_jCjo_arjo,,~rjtS of with Ti i,ich- is based on mi~u-tion of C104 1(60L)3 anA Zn- :ic,talt by heating ulide~ reflux -on boill i~g_,.4~tcr bath, and sljb5~_,quent polarography of Cl- formcd. completerless of' the wtlt_lauc~iari of CIO - depends on conccntvation of H2SO in -solutlon and on ~,aratton of heatino 40'AO concent rat tcri of 332601, is 4tfma I heating for - 1 hour- 13 -suff-icl4int fcr a CARD: 1/2 ?-~WtOKI, Z. Ditemination of oxyCen in a ,,-as mixtures. P. 361. CM-Mt ANULITMZa-M.. (Kcm-'~.sja Arwlitycanii Polskie Alf-adenil flauk i Naczelna Organizacja Techniczna) Varszawa. Poland. Vol. hs No. X, 1959. Monthly list of East European Accessicas (EF.AI) LC, Vol. 6, 8, Auj--ust 1959 Uncla.