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BOYKO,, A Statute of the All-Union Volunteer Society for Assistance to the Army, Air Force, amd Navy is the basis of the activity of the society. Voen. znan. 38 no.7:7-8 J1 162. (MIRA 15:6) 1. Starshiy inspektor TSentrallnogo komiteta Dobrovollnogo obshchestva sodeystviya armii, aviatsii i flotu. (Military education) !W17(6) SOV/177-58-4-24/32 4AUTHOR: Boyko, A*A91 Colonel of the Medical Corps, Candidate of Medical Sciences TITLE: A New Model of the Apparatus for Disinfecting Water by Bactericidal Rays (Novaya model' apparata dlya obez- zarazhivaniya vody bakteritsidnymi luchami) PERIODICAL: Voyenno-meditsinskiy zhurnal'. 1958, Nr 49 pp 81-86 (USSR) ABSTRACT: The author reports on his experiments with an improved apparatus for disinfecting water by bactericidal rays. The apparatus is made of stainless steel and is compo- sed of three fundamental parts: the section for irra- diating the water, a cloth filter and a starter for lighting the low-pressure bactericidal lamps type BUV. The author sums up the results of his experiments in the following conclusions: 1) the improved ultra- violet installation guarantees disinfection of drinking water, infected by.vegetative and cryptogamous kinds Card 1/2 SOV/17-(-58-4-24/32 A New Model of the Apparatus for Disinfecting Water by Bactericidal Rays of bacteria. Seawatercan be disinfected independent of the degree of its saltiness; 2) depending on the supposed water consumption, the number of the bacteri- cidal lamps may be reduced or increased; 3) fastening the installation at the water main guarantees automatic water disinfection; 4) the ultraviolet water disinfecting installation can be used on river and sea vessels, in camps and harbors, and at railway stations. There are 2 photos, 2 diagrams, and 5 tables. Card 2/2 BOYKOj, A.At-Lkand. tekhn. naukv dotsent Construction of clothing factories in foreign countries. Nauch. trudy NTILP 25:234-255 162. (mnu 160) 1. Kafedra oanow stroitellnogo dela i tekhniki bezopasnosti .Moskovakogo takhnologicheskogo instituta legkoy prcmyshlen- nosti. "Bone resection of the ribs in horses during suppurative outeomyelitis developed from bullet . wounds," In symposium Nauch.- prakt. raboty voyanvet sluzhby, Moscow, 1948, P. 37-39 SO: U-3850. 106 June 53, (Let.opis 'Zhurnal inylth Statey, No. 5, 1949). - ~ I BOYKO, A.A., Chief, Main Vat Admin of Moscow Agricultural Society of USSR "On the Tasks of Veterinary and Zootechnical Workers in the Matter of Realizing the Revolutions of the 20th Meeting of the KPS3 concerning Agriculture BCYrO, A.A. luprove voterlaW. wrice in stock raising In evory way. Vater- Inarlia 33 ".2:9-14 7 156.. (Km 9: 5) 1. Nwhallnik Glavno" upiavlml" veterimaxil. chlen kollogii Uluisterstva sel'skogo kWIMStva SM. (VBMIRIWY NEDICIU) BOYD A W Method for active Immlsatlou of farm anImals against foot-and-sauth disease. Veterinarila, 33 no.5:26-29 My 156. (um 9:8) 1. lachallnik Glavzop vprawlentyaveterinarit Ninisterstva sell- skogo khomMetva SM.- (Foot-mA-mouth disease) BOYNO, A.A. Sow results of work in 1956 and task# of veterinary specialists for the second year of the sixth five-year plan. Yeterinarils, 34 no.1:3-9 J& 157. (NLRA 10:2) I.-Vaeball.nlk Glawnogo iMrawlenlya veterinarli. dh1en kollegil WInIsterstva sellskogo kbosyaystva SSSR. (Teterinary medicine) Bono. A..A, Work of the 25th session of the Internatiorind Union of EpJl-.-rclctlr,!w.4- Veterinartla 34 no.9r85-94 S 157. (ma~. mg) (Co=unicable disesEes in animals) BOYID, A.A. Veterinary medicine on the 40th anniversary of the Great October Socialist Revolution.jeterinartle, 34 no.11:12-24 1. 157. (MIRA 10:12) I.Nachallnik GlaTnogo upraylenlys, veterinarii, ehlen kollegii Ministerstva sellskago khosymystva SSSR. (Veterinary medicine) BOYND, A.A. a economic aspects of veterinAry medicine. Veterinariia 35 n0-3:10 Mr '58. (MIRA 11:1) 1. Nnchnllnlk Glavnogo upra,vleniye Yeterinarti. chlen Kollegii Ministerstva sallskogo khozyaystva SSSR. (Veterinary medicine) BOYKO. A-.A. Conferenee on YeterInAVY wdlolm for reprosentati"s of Ocuntriag belooilag to the Council of *Atual loonomic Assistance. Taterinarlia 35 no.6:74-75 Jo 158. (mm 11S6) (Ursaw-Vaterlowy wdloine-GoWemsem) GIMURG. A.G.;. ITANOT. A.D.;:-30311~9,_#!A. , red.; KALOVA, L.I., red.; PZCHMIN, I.T.. ['veterinary legislation; Veterinary statutes, regulations, decrees. instructions, directives. and rules on veterinary medicine) Veterin'arnos sakonodatelletv; veterinarnyi ustav SM. poloshenlia. ukananits. ipstruktaft, nastavleniia L pravila po vaterinarnoma delu. Pod red. A.A.Bolko. Moskva, Isd-vo H-va nall.khos.SSSR, 1959. 1230 p. (MINA 13:5) 1. Russia (1923- U.S.S.Ro) Laws. stabotes, etc. (Toterinery medicine-Laws and legislation) BOYM, A.A. Pay more attention to research problems in veterinary sanitation, Vaterinariia 36 uo*4:8-13 Ap 159. (MIRA 12:7) 1'Nachallnik Glavnogo upraylonlya vaterinarli. chlen kollegii Ministerstva sellikogo khozyarstva SSSR. (Veterinary hygiene) --,- ---- - BOTKO. A. A. i Brief account of what we learned about veterinary medicine In the UoS A. Veterinariia 36 no.7-174-93 JI '59. (MIRA 12:10) (United States-Vaterinary medicine) QV V) "Liquidation of foot-and-mouth disease ih an urgent business." Veterinariya, Val. 37, No.B~ 19601 J)f 10 C, v m 'S SSj R - BOYKOL A~IA. Eradication of the foot-and--moutb disease Js an urgent taBk. I Yeterinariia 3? no*8.1(~-16 Ag 260. MU 15:4) 1. Nachal'nik GoaudarsUrennoy-iwpektaii po veterinarii M.nisterstva sellskogo khozyavatva SSSR. (Foot-and-mouth dinsaae) BO)M,A".,, IVANOV, M. M. PROW I YEVA, M. T. and MMMV) B. N., At the do-nfer-t-ince of Veterinary Surgeons of the German Democratic Republic Veterinarlya, vol. 39, no. 6, June 1962 P. T8 KOZLOV, F.R. -, KOSYGIU, A-N. ZLSYA3)'KC), A~X.; UNSWUNOV, i-N-; AUTROPOV, F-Ta.; YALYUTIN, V. P. ; XJDAKOT, A. P. - I MILLIN, V. A. ; TOPCHIYEV, Al-dr V. BUGONRAVOV, A. A. SHMAKOV, L.9 D. ; SH3113, A. A. ; MUI NIXOV, H. V. KRASA IKOVSKIY, G. V. ; , TOPCHMV, A-7 V.'; ; BRLTCE=O. B. F. GE"OV. L. Te. ; KUZ I MICH, A. S. ; KRATENKO, 1. M. -, MAU 0 KOVW lY, G. I. ; PLAKSIU, I.H.; AGOSHKOV, M. L; SPIVAKOVZIY. A, 0-;'POCE3UOV, K. L; KRASOZOV, I.P.; KOZHEVIN, G-V--, LINDENAU, N.I.; KUZNETSDV, K.K. Academician A.A.Skochinakii; dbituELry. Bezov.truda v prom. 4 no.11: 18-19 N l6o. (MIRA 13:11) (Skochinakii, Aleksanlr Aleksandrovich, 1873-1960) KOZLOV, F.R.; KOSYGINI A-N-;. ZASYAD'KO, A.F.; NESHWANOV, A.M.; AWWPOV, F-Ya.; YBLUTIH, V-P ; RUDAKOV, A.P.; KMILLIu, V-A,; TOPCHIYEY, Alokeandr.Y.; DLAGO~izvov, A.A.; SIMVYAKOV, L.D.; SHILIN, A?A?; MILINIKOV, IV.; ICOASHIKOVSXlY, G.V.; TOPOWNY, Aleksey V.; BOrKO, A.A.; BRAZHNNKO, B.F.: GRAWY, L.Ye.; KUZIMICH, A.S.; kRATENKO, I.M.:'MARIKOVSKiy, m.; PLAxsiN, i.H.; AGOMMOV, M.I. SPIVAKOVSKIT, A.O.; P0013NKOV,.K.I.; KRASOZOV, I.P.; KOURVIN, G.V.; LINIMMU, N.I.; KUUMTSOV, K.K. A.S.Skochinskii; obituary. Vest.AN SUR 30 no-11:73-75'N 160. (MIRA 13:11) .0kochinskii, Aleksandr-Alskeandrovich, 1874-1960.) KOZLOV, P.R. ; KOSYGIN, A.N.; ZASYADIKO, A.F.; NISMNYANOT, A.R.; ANTROPOV, P-Ya.; YBLYUTIN, V.P.; HUDAZOV, A.P.; KIRILLIN, V.A.; TOPCHIYEV, Aleksardr T.; BL&GOIIRAVUV, A.A. ; SHEVYAKOV, L.D. ; SHILID, A.A.; MILINIKOV, N.V.; KRASNIKOVMIY, G.V.; TOPCHITEV, Aleksey Vs; MLYKO, A.A.; BRATCIMKO, B.F.; GRAFOV, L.Ye.; KUZ'MICH. A.8.; KRATENKO, IsM.; MKIKOVSKIY, G.I.; FLAKSIN, I.N.; AGOSHKOV, M.I.; SPIVAKOVSKIY, A.O.; POCILMOV, K.I.; KRASOZOV, I.?.; -KOZHEVIN, G-V.; LIIMAU. N.I.; KUZNETSOV, K.K. Academician A-A-Skochinsk-ii; obituary. Mast.ugl. 9 no.11:22 N 160. (MIRA 13:12) (Skochinskii. Aleksandr Aleksiandrovich, 3873-:L96o) GINZBURG, A.G.; IVANOi, A.D.;-BD ),A.Aj red.; KkRTASH&VA, N.M., red.; PROKOFIYEVA, L.N.-, temm. red.; SOKOLOVA,-N.N., tekhn. red. [Veterinary legislation; statutes, regulations, instructions direct~vps and rules on veterinary medicine) Veterinamoe za- konod&teT1'stvo;-polc,zheniia, ukazaniia, instruktoiii nastavle- niia i previla po veterinarnomu delu. P~d obshchei red. A.A. Boiko. Moskva, Selikhozizda.t, 1962. 358 p. (MIRA 16:4) 1. Russia (1923- U.S.S.R.) Laws, stat4es, etc. BOYKO A. inzh. Results of the vork of the coal industry in 1962 and tasks for 1963. Ugoll 38 no.ltl-5 Ja 163, (PaRk 18:3) ZVYAGIN, Pavel Zakharovich, doktor tekhn. nauk; )U tv. red.; OSVALID, E.Ya., red.izd-va; LOMILINA, L.N., tekhn. red. '[Selection of thecapacity and operating period of coal mines; efiectiveness of capital Investments in mines)Vybor moshchnosti I srokov slushby ugolinykh ahakht; effektivnobtl kapitalovlo- zhenii na shakhtakh. Moskva, Goagortakhizdat, 1963 467 (coal mines ind i4ning-Finance) (Milk 16:Z BCIYKO, A.A., inzh.; DRUKOVMM, M.F., kand. tekhn. nauk; BABOK131, I.A., inzh.; ZAYTSEV, A.P., inzh.; POLESIN, Ya.L., inzh.,- SOBOLEV, G.G., inzh.; ZHUKOV, V.V., kand. tekbn. nauk,- TOPCHIYEVp A.V., prof.; VEDERNIKOV, V.I., kand. tekhn. nauk; OK11RIMENKO, V.A., kand*tekhn. nauk; MELAMED, M.Z., kand.tokhn. nauk; KUZNETSOV, K.K., inzh.,- 11JBINOVICH, I.A.; YASNYY) V.K., inzh.; LIVSHITS, I.I., kand. tekhn. nauk, rersenzent; BARANOV, A.I., inzh., retsenzent; LOMILINA, L.W., tekhn. red. (Brief handbook of a coal mining engineer] Kratkii spra- vochnik gornogo inzhenera ugollnoi shakhty. Moskva, Gos- goftekhizdat, 1963. 639 p. (MRA 17: 3) SELYANIN, Vitaliy Georgiyovich, kand. tekba. nauk; SHOLOMOVICH, Abram.Mikbaylovich, inzh, Prinbaal uchastiye ViRSHAVSKIT, A.M.j kand. tekhn. nauk- BUYKO A A retsenzent; NIKOLISKIYj V.S., otv, redt.7796MVS *fAYA, I.M., red.izd-va; ILIINSKAYA, G.M.,, tekhn. r;d.; PROZOROVSKAYA, V.L., tekhn. red. bleducing labor conmming operationsin in open pit mines] Sni- zhenie trudoemkosti rabot na karlerakh. Moskva, !zd-vo "Nedra," 1964. 2,13 P. (MIRA 17:3) ZEDTKOV )Leonid Filippovich; FECHNIKOV, A.I... retsenzent; ~,, retsenzent [Establishing standards for strip mining operations] Tekhnicheskoe normirovanie na otkrytykh gornykh rabotakh. Moskva# Nedra., 1964. 239 p. (MIRA 18:6) ALEKHIN, F.K.; ALOTIN, L.M.; ALTAYEV, Sh.A.; ARTONOV, P.Ye.; BEVZlK, Yu.Ya.; BELENIKIY, D.M.; BRATCHENKOv B.F.# gornyy inzh.i BRENNER, V.A.; BYR'Kmv 7.F.; VALISHTErN, G.I.; YWOLENOlp N.S.; MISLIN, I.M.; IVANOV, V.A.; IVANCHENKO, G.Ye.; KVON,, S.S.; KODYK, G.T.; KREMENCHUTSKIY, N.F.; KURDYAYEV, B.S.; KUSHCHANOV, G.K.; MASTER, A.Z.; PREOERAZHENSKAYA, Ye.I.; ROZENTALlp Yu.M.; RUDOY, I.L.; RUSHCHIN, A.A.; RYBAKOV, I.P.; SAGINOV, A.S.; SAMSONOV, M.T.; SERGAZIN, F.S.; SKLEPCHUK, V.M.; USTINOVp A.M.; UTTS, V.N.; FEDOTOV, I.P.; KHRAPKOV, G.Ye.; SHILENKOV,V.N.; SHNAYDMAN, M.I.; lM.KOA-,A.', retsenzent; SUROVA, V.A.p ved. red. [Mining of coal deposits in Kazakhstan] Razrabotka ugoll- nykh mestorozhdenii Kazakhstama. Moskva, Nedra, 1965. 292 p. (MIRA 18:5) BOTKO. A4,,; YAKUBOV, S.A., kand.biol.nauk Conservation of a potable water supply. Voen.-med.zhur. no.12:38-39 D (KIRA 12:12) (WATM WMY, conservation of potable water supply In containers GRMV, L.Te.,rod.; GUBFJMN. I.D., red.-., ZADIMIDKO., A.N.. red.;,ZkSTkD'KO. A.F., red.j KRASHIKOVSKIT, G.T.. red.; KUZIMICH, A.S.,,*red.: LALATNTS, 1M.,1KIEDY, L.G., red.; MINDELIj X.O., kand.,* tekhn,sauk; OKIKA. P.G., d*ktor tokbe.sauk, ;0.; PANOT, A.D.,.red.; POCIMMOV, X.I., red.;. TW1OOMff. -A.N., akadimlk, red.; PSETtA.A., red.,:.KHARCFM,?JKO-, A.K.. red.-,.SRCHIDRIN, N.A., ~44.; ETKO.-A-.A.. red.; MILAMED. Z.M., 6nd.tekhn.*red.; PNRVUKMI. A.G., 779M.-Ow"" BARABANOVj P.A., red.;,SOSNOV. G.A., red.; TSTPKIN.-VuS., red.; ALMVA.,Ts..L, [Restoration of the coal Industry In the Donato Basin] Toostano- ~wlente ugallmol, prevWshlennosti Donstakigo'bassaina. Ybakwa, Goa. nauchne-takhn.W-vo~-lit-ry po ugallnol.prosViehl. Uglatekhizdat. Vol-1. 1957. 371 1957. 782 P. , -.WRL, n:4) (Donets Basin-Coal mines and mining) BUTKO, A.A. Coal Industry's -potentialities and their use. Ugol'-43 no.10:1-4 0 '58. (MRA 11.-11) 1. Gosplan SSSR. (Coal mines and mining) I I ROMW.-AAA.,-red.; DAYDOT. A.P., Ped.; POLYAKOT, A.A.. prof.. red.; SOKOLOTA, L.Md.. vetvrach, red.; TARN7KH. T.S., kand. vateri- narnykh nauk.'red.-; KULICHMO, V.S.. red.-, KALOTA. L.I., red.; PMBNKIN, IsTep takhn, Ped, [Invention and Innovat Ion In veterinary medicine; materials of the First All-Union Conference, 19581'Isobretatelletvo i ro- tolonalizataila v vbtorinaril; materialy Tsesoiuznogo sove- shchanila isobretatelei I ratsionalizatorov v oblasti veteri- narii. lot, 1958. Moskva. Izd-vo H-va sellkhoz. SSSR, 1960. 188 P. (HIRA 14:5) L Tsesoynznoye.soveshchanlys Izobretateley i,retsionalizato- roy v oblaiti vaterinaril. lot, 1958. 2. Nachallnik Glavnogo upravlaniya veterinaril, chlon'kollegii Kinisterstva sel'sko- go khozysystva SSSR ( for Boyko) 3. Nachallnik otdels po izo- brotatellstvu I ratsionalizatsii Ministerstva sellskogo kho- SYSystva SSSR. (for'Davydov). 4. Direktor Tsesoyuznogo nauchno-iseledovatellskogo institute vaterinarnoy sanitarii (for Polyakov). 5. Glavnoye upravleniye veterinarii Hini- sterstva sallskogo khoxyaystva SSSR (for Sokolova). 6. Ze- Toduyushchly laboratoriyey mekhanizat8ii Tsesoyuznogo nsuchno- Issladovatel'skogo institute veterinnrnoy sanitarii (for Yar- nym) (Veterinary madicIne-Congresses) '(Veterinary Instruments and apparatus) - _BOYKO.-A ~-ZB~NKIS. Ya. "Development of the fuel-power industry In the U.S.S.R.0 by A*F.Zasiadlkoe Reviewed by AeBolko, UeZenklso Topeekone no-7:1?2-i~,6 ji t6o. (KIRk 13'.5) (Fuel) (Blectric power production) (Zasladlko, A.F.) MScHCWq Vasilly Dmi"evicb; BWKOg A,Apv otv,red,,-, ZHUOV9 V.V,, redeizd-va; MINSEIRt JVWergromd coal milml - mystme] SistmV podzemoi razrabotki ugollmykh mentorosbdenii, Moskva, Goo.nauchno-tekbn.izd-vo lit-ry po gornom dalup 1961, 70 pe (MM 34t6) (Coal miras avid mial KAPLAN, Isaak Isaakovichj-_BOXIWA.A..,, retsenzent- KLINDUKROVI A.A.p retsenzent; NOSIM# Teelev re"ffl~zextq KRNIXOVSKn, G.V0.9 otv. red.; GOLUBYMTMVA, 05-3-v red. Jzd-va; MINSKERO L.I., tekhn. red. [Use of nev equipment and techniques in coal mining; basic stages of technological proms& in the Donets Basin mines] Vnedrenie novoi tekbniki v ugollnoi provy9blennosti; osnov- rqe etapy tekbuicheskogo progressa na sbakhtakh Dotbassa. Moskvaj Goa. nauchno-tekbn.izd-vo lit-ry po gornovu delu., 1961. 93 P. (KERA 15:2) (Donets Basin--Coal mines and mining) DIYACIMKO, Ivan h; DY,~=, V.W., gornyy inzh., retsenzent; KAGAN., Fi.Y -.inzh., gorrqy inzh., retsenzent- BOrKO a 06.* -Y A,A-p gor]IY7 "'th. 00tv. red.; SMOVA, V.A., redo izd-va; LOMILINA., L.N., tekhn. red. (Organization of labor in mine sectiowil Organizatsiia truda, na uchastkakh sbakhty. Moskvap Gos. maucbno-tekhn. izd-vo lit-ry po gornomu deluo 1961. 127 p. (Miu 15-W (Mine ymnagement) (Coal mines and mining) BUKHAID, Sergey Makelmovich; NAUMENNO, K.D.9 doktor skonam, nauk$ retwnsent; T~YK~,, inzh.p otv. red.; SUROVA, V.A., (Production organization an~ planning in coal mines] Organiza- taiis, proizvodstva i planiravanie na ugollrqkh shakhtakh. Izd.2.,, perer. i dop. Moakvaj, Gos.mauchno-tekhn.izd-vo lit-ry, po gornomm deluj 1961. 43,3 p, (MIU 15a) (Coal.mines and mining) BODIAGIN, Mikhail Vikola:yevicb, kand. tekhn. nauk. PrIni-I uchastiye KULIKOVp G.S., inzh.; W__YKO, A.A., otv. red.; OKffUKMO., V.Aep red. izd-va; PROZOROVSKAYA, V.L., tekhn. red. [Mine ventilation] Pravetrivani6 shakht. Moskva, Gos.nauchno tekbn.izd-vo lit-ry po gornom delup 1961. 230 p. (MIU 15:1) (Mine ventilation) BOYKO, A.A., Itand.teklai.miLk ------------- -- Ready mixed concrete plants in so-a foreign countries. Opyt stroi. no-31:7248 161. Oall 14:2) (concrete) BOYRO, A.A.; PRYAKIIIII, I..M., pornyy inzh.-ekonomist "Handbook on coal mining economics" by M.K.Bogasbev, D.M.Eirzhner, Vi-I.Cbetyrkin. Reviewed by A.A.Boiko, 1.14-Priakhin. U o1' 36 no.8:63-64 Ag 16,1. ~FURA 14:9) 1. Gosplan SSSR (for Bqyko). 2. Skopinskiy gornyy tekhnikum (for Pryakhin). (Coal mines.and minine) (Bogashev, M.K.) (K.irzhner, D.M.) (Chetyrkin, M.I.) ALTAYEV, Sh.A- kand.tekhn.nauk; POIQZHIY,F.M.; MASM,A.-Z.,- ZHISLIN,I.M.; iiiiPO'SIMIKOVA, I.I.; NABOKIN, V.F.; MAKSPIOVA, A. I.; BOYKOI A*A*1 red *; LEMMR, B.I., red.; MIROSIMICMKO, V.D., red. iz-::V-a; IX*ULINA, L.N.,, tekbn. red, (Karaganda soil basin; reference book] Karagandinski-i ugolInyi bassein; spravochnik. Pod-obshchei red. A.A.Boiko i'B.I. Lernera. Moskva.9 Gos. nauchno-teldm. izd-vo lit-ry po gornomu dolu, 1962. 367 p. (MIM 15-3) 1. Karagandinskiy khimiko-metallurgicheskiy institut Akademii nauk Kazakhakoy SSR (for Altayev). 2. Karagandinskiy sovnarkhoz (forPolozhiyj Master, Zhislin, Shaposhnikova). 3. Kombirat Karagandaugoll (for Nabokin). 3. Karagandinskiy nauchno- issledovatel golInyy institut (for Maksinova). =yOa2a Basin-Coal mines and mining) GIAGOLLN, Viktor Artexalyevich; ZHUKOV, Vsevolod Vasillye-.-ich; BOYEO, AsA. I- =d--;, OJUMIMENKO, V.A.., red. izd-va; -BQI2-;-ETZV,;, ---fe red. (Technical principleB of the mining and fuel industryl0snovy tokhnologii gornorudnoi i toplivoi proxqahlennosti. Pod red. A.A.Boiko. Moskva#. Gosgortekbizdat, 1962. 382 p. (MIRA 1539) (Mineral industries) BOTKOI A.A. Results of the operations of the coal industry during 1961 and its tasks for 2962. U013 37 no.1:1-6 Ja t62. MRA 15:2) 1. Nachallnik otdo3a UplInoy, torfyawy i slantsevoy promwshlennosti..chlen QWIa= SSM. (Coal min" and miniM) KOZKO, Fedor Isaakovicb; PHYAKM Ivan Mikbaylovich;KIRZBNER, D.M.1 rete4nzent; CIMI=,, A.K:, reteenzent,-AMM, A.A., otv. red.; SUROVA, V.A., red. izd-va; BOLVYREVA, Z.A., teklar. red. [The econoties, organization and planning of production in coal mines]gkonomikal organizataiia i planirovanie proizvodetva na ugollrqkh shakhtakh. Moskup Gosgortekhizdat, 1962. 397 P. (MIU i6a) Waal mines and mUdug) KHRUSHCHEV, N.S.; PODGORNYY, N.V.; ZASYADIKO, A.F.; RUDAKOV, A.P.; KAZANETS, I.P.; SHILIN, A.A.; HELINIKOV, N.V.; BURMISTROVP A.A.; SfMVCRLMOO V.V.t KAYAKOV, L.I.; ROM09 P.A.j RUZIMCH A.S.- ZADWDKO, A.H.; ERATCHENKO, B.F.; STRUYEV' A.L;~ KWHIKOVSKIY,*G.V.; DO 0, A.A.; KAGAN, F.Ya.; USKOV, A.A.; VLADTCHENKO, I.M.'; TOPCHIYEV' A.V.; DEGTYARE,V, V.I.; XHUDOSOVTSEV, N.M.; GRAFOV, L.Ye.; IVANOV,, V.A.. KRATENKO, I.M.'; GOLUB,.A.D'.; IVONIN, I.P.; SAVCHENKO, A.A.; ROZHCHENKO, Ye.N.; CHERNEGbV, A.S.; MARkELOV, M.N.; LAIIYAks A.M.; GAPONENKO, F.T.; POLUNKTOV, I.k,,; SKLYAR, D.S.; PONOHARENKO, N.F.; POTAPOVt A.I.;'kLYAXOV, N.V.; SUBBOTIN,-A.A,'; POLSTYANOY, G.t.; TRUKRIN, P.M.;.TKACHENKO, Lt..; OSTRbVSKIY., S.B.; NYRTSEV, M.P.; DYADYK, I.I.; SHPANIKO, T.P.; RUBCHENKO, V.P. Rondrat Ivanovich Poebenkov;-obituar7. Sov. shakhts '12 noo9: 48 S 162. OURA 15:9) (Pochenkov, londrat Ivanovich, 1905-19621 BOYKOJV A. A. Improve control meamires against foot-and-mouth disease. Veterinariia 40 no.3:5-9. Mr 163. (MIRA 17::L) 1. Nachallnik Upravlaniya vaterinarli Ministerstva sallakogo khozyaystva SSSR. -- - ------- -- -- - --,- . I BOYKO, A.A.y kand. vet. nauk; USACHEVA, I.G,, red. -1. [Foot-and-mouth disease and its elimination] IAshchur i ego iskorenenie. Moskva, Izd-vo "Kolos," 1964. 174 p. WIRA 17:7) BOYKO, A*A* Let's answer the decision of the January Plenum of the Central Committee of the CPSU with the improvement of our work in every Possible way. Vaterinariia 38 no*3:5-11 MY 161 (MIRA 18:1) 1. Vachallnik Gosudaretvamoy inspektsil po veterinarii Minister- stva, seltskago khozyaystva. SSSR. BOYKO, -A.Ao -4 Improve veterinary prophylactic meaBureB.. direct all efforts to the development of animal husbandry. Vaterinarlia 39 no.50-12 My 162 (MIRA 18s1) 1. Nachallnik Upravleni7a, vaterinarii Ministerstva sel'skogo khomyayetva SSSR. BOYKOY A.A.; IVANOV, M.M.; PRONFIlEvA, M.T.; FEDOTOV, B.r,. Visiting the veterinarians of the German Democratic Republico Vaterinarlia 39 noeW843 Je 162 (MIRA 18:1) - --- ------- BOYKO.-~.A.,,,kand. 7ater. nauk More on the infection focuses. reterinariia 41 no.7%28-31 ii 164. (ERA 18:11) .-BO.YKO.Y ZVYAGIN, I.V. Veterinary service in the Czechoslovak Socialist Republic. Veterinariia 41 no.11:112-114 N 164. (MIRA 18:11) ANIRRIV, I.A.,prof.; GLUSKIN, L.1a., k:and.tekhn.nauk; LITUMV, V.D., inzhi; NOVACHICH, V.A.,rlnzh*; FRUMKIN, I.A., inzh.; MOSHCHUK, Ta.I., inzho'; DOLBILKIN, V.I., inzh.; ROXANOVt P.A., inzh.; _10YK0L A.B. Using furnaces withlasic high-refractory arches to improve the quality of chromium steel. Stall 20 no.10:896-898 0 160. (MIRA 13:9) 1. Tgentral'un nauchno-looledovatellskiy institut i Ishorskiy zavod. (Chrodium steel--Metallurgy) (Open-hearth furnaces) USM/General Problems of Patholo a, - Tuu,.)rs. Couparative Abs Jour 'wthor ., I Inst Title OriG EV-) Abstract Oncology. Humn Neoplaams. Ref Mur - Diol., No 19, 1953, 39730 Bjyk.:), A.F.- AnSiomtosis of the Colon. Vestn. laiirurgii, 1957, 110 3, 123. No abstrict. U. BWOMAZ, H.S.; B07KO', A.G,, Preventionof abscesses at a sugar flLotory. Med. sestra, 21 no.1:49-50, Ta 162. (MJRA 15:3) 1. Zdravpunkt Ghernominakogo sakharnogo zavoda imeni Bebelya. Vinnitskiy snkb 0t. (SUGAR WaUCERS-DISEASES AIM HYGIENE) BGTKO, A.G., inshdner. Production of building and rood construction machiiis In 1"7. Nekh.strot. 4 no.l:l J& '47. MMA 9:3) 1. Nintaterstvo stroltellaoco I doroshnogo mashinostroyenlya. (Building machinery Industry) (Road machinery) DO M , A.G., inshenor. Kountod and trailer-type building. machtuer7 f or use with caterpillar pasimt1o tired vehicles, Kokh. trud.rab. 9 zo.11:44-47 1 155. (Building machisery) (KLIA 9:2) BOTKO, A.G., inshoner. ?"T Progreso In the mcbmalsatlon of the construction Industry. Nekh.strot. 10 no.11:6-12 N 1530 6:11) (Construction lndnatz~r) KOSTIN, H.I.; SHIKANOVICH, S.T.; TMHITSKIT. A.M.. inzhener, retsenzent; BOTKO, A.G., Inzhener. redaktor; TUMONOT. A.Ta., tekhnichookiy r au [Skoavating. mehinery;,handbook] Akskavatory; spravochnik. Moskva, Goa. nauchno-tekbn. Isd-vo mashinostrolt. i sudostroit. lit-ry, 1954. 493 P. 0m" 7:10) (I kcavating mach1wry). BGTKO, A.S., inshener. Ar"rience - In- separate concreting of the facing of an under water tunnel during construction of a Canadian water.power station. Xokhstrol..'13 no-9:2%-31 Jl-.'56. (96n 9: 11) (Canada-97droelectrIc power station@) (Tanneli) 30-i-KO, i, -G.. -*ii7,henvr. W-61 ~ K-werimental Investigation of methodr, I r snparate 4~*-uxipp- 'o , of .1ortare and coarse flilers Into forms. Bot. i zhel.-'Vet, -aa. ": U16-132 i~p '57. (Xpi, (Concrete donotruntior-Formwork) Wcrtar) GCRYAYNOV, K.B.. doktor,takhn-nauk; MIKKAYLOV, A.V., dote.; BOTKO, A.G.. red. C Now data on stiff ooncrete mixtures) Nov7e dannye o zbeBtkikb -betonnykh smestakh, Moskma, 1957. 32 p. (MIRA 11M 1. Moscow. Tseecrwnyy nouchno-isaledovateliekly inatitut po stroitallstvu. (Concrete) L .XTHOR: Boyko' A G.' Encleer. scv/100-518-5-7/35 TITLE: Poncrate Factories EiLploying Mow Technology (Betonnyye zavoi!7) po novoy tekluiologlt.) PERIODICAL: Makhar2izatsiya Stroitellstva, 1958, Nr 5, pp 21-26. ABSTUCT: The Researah Organizations S7irlstroy, Kuybyshevgidro- stroy, Narvagesstroy, Gorlkovgesstroy, Giprostrommash and "IIStroydormash are working on the popularization of the mixing, t-ransport-ing and casting of roinforced concrete mixes by continuou3 methods of operation. The technology of these methods is described in detail. The successful test -s wJith vibro-mixing of concrete mixes were carried out in NII---,~jO md in VhIITISK - Academician P. A.Rebinder-developed a method to improved the quality of the conarete mix and reduce the quantity of cement used. Inveotigatiorl-S on the effect of.vibration on concrete mix containing coarss app-t-egate were made by Dra of Technical S jenceS A. '11'e,, Deem and N.V. Mikhaylov. The VNIITISM and the Leningrad Branch of the VNIIStroydor- masl; Central Constructional Ralreau of Glavmosstroy and NIIOMTP` are working on the construction of machines which prepare cone--r-ete mkxes at the same time activating them Card 1/2 Concreting Factorles Employing New Technology SOV/100-58-5-7/15 and mixing them-by meana of vibration. Figure 1 il- lustrates the vork:Lng prizv2iple of a "turbulent" mixer of French manufacture. Various other foreign mixers., ,e.g. English, American, Czeohoslovakian 2 Austrian and German are desoribed. Figure 2 illustrat6s the working scheme of a mixer for colloidal mix. A co=veyer belt feeder of the Gorlkovgesstroy factory is illustrated in Figure 3. The visaosimetric method of replation of water content in cement mix is described n an article in Mekhanizatsiya Stroitel'st *va, Nr7,, IX by A.G. Boyko jentitled "Concreting Factories with Continuous Production lar-d Autometi-; ReGalation of the PI-sticity of Concrete FAx". iFigure 9 4 11-a 'rai-ees the doseing and concrete mixing pla4t of i-ontinuolus provess design by Gipr.r.-trommash with 12NII capaco; tv Tal)li~ 2 to-ohni-al dq'a of this - Y per h-xr. 1; rilwat-.. Table 3 ;givl~1_11 '70117C., characterizing physioal chan~r-s of cn-n(-,-re+,P mix and se-u concret-o in limits of t3% o s a r, %,:A' h u m i d i t yFigure 10 illustrates ascbemi),for auuomatic ragulation of the time of agitation of the concrete Ic IM _sipp..ed by N m.: C -IM411P. There are ten figures and three tables. Card 2/2 1. Reinforced concrete--Producti(,,n 2. Industrial plants--Equipment SOKOLOV, K.R.; YEVSTA MIT, S.V.; ROSTOTSKIY, V.K.: GRECHIN, N.X.; STAWISKIY, A.P.; BAUUN, V.A.; BEHOU-N, I.L.-, PORODACHEY. VALUTSKIY, IwIe; VATSBIATSXAYA, L.Ta.; VOLIPSON. A.T.; I)OMBROVSKIY, N,G.; YIGNUS. M.Ta.; YRYAMNKO. V.P.; ZIMIN. P.A.;. ITANOV, V.A.; KOZIOrJKIY, A.A.; KOSTIN, R.I.; KRIKM". M.N.; LI'NEVA, M. S.; MUMOT, ApS*;-MIROPOLSXAYA, N,X.; PXMV, G.D.; RIBROV, ApSw; R=VWIY, L.V.; SMIRNOV. G.Ya.; SHAYIIANSKIY. V..N.; SHIMANOVIGH, S.T. SKNNMI V.A. fteull Richardovich Peters; obituary; Makh. stroi. 15 no-1:3 of cover ja 158. (MIRA 11:11 Obters. Drgenii Richardovich, 1892-1957) BOYED, A.G., inzh. now mehinery in concrete plants. Makh. stroi. 15 no.6:21-Z6 MY 158. (MIRA 11:6) (Concrete plants) ZELICHNNOK, %vriil Grigarlyevich. knnd.tekhn."auk; BOYKO. A.G.. inzh.. nauchnyy red.;.IMYUM. Tu.V., red.izd-va; 30MTTSWrX.-L.M.,, (Conerete.plantal Betonnye savody. Moskva. Goo.izd-vo lit-ry po stroit., arkhIt. I stroit.mterialam. 1939. 91 p. (N33A 12:12) (Concrete plants) SOIDDIA)V, K-M. YBVSTAYBYZV, S.V.; RDSTOTSKIT, V.I.; STAIMDVSKIY, A.P.; VANNUrK, Tool.; ONUFRITU, I.A.; SVISHNIKDV, I.P.; UKFIOV, -11.S.; BOUN, V.A.; 3MOV, 1..P. -.- BASHINSKIT, S.V.; - BOUD4z VAIMSKIT, I'l.; ZAPOLISKIT, ToP*; ZOTOVg V~P.; IYANDV, V.A*; KAZARiNIV. Y.N.; I&VI, Soso; Y"Wmv, YeA.; KRUMV. A.5.; MIRDPOLISKATA, N.K.-, OSIPOV,~ ~L~.G.; PXMINAN, ~*M.; PWWV. G.D.: PRMV, N.M.: POLYAIDV. V.I.*,, VATSSUVSKATA, L.Ta.-. VAKRRAMZTZV. S.A.: VWHITSKIT, A.M.; VIASOV. P.A.; VOL17SOM, A.V.,; VOSHCHININ. Aj.; DZHUNKDVSUtT# N.N.; POMBRDTSKIT. N.Gs; TXPIFAWDV, S.P. - YlrFdMNKO, V.P.; ZZLICHNW1, G.G.; ZIMIN, P*A.;- TOPOTAs NoT.; ROGOVSXIT, L..V.; REBROVO A.S.; rAFRYK111, V.A.; SOVA.ZOV, I.G.; SOSHIN. A.V.; STARUKRIN, N.M.; SUMWANi- G.S.; TOIMATA, ''D.7. -, TROITSKIY. Ih.L TUSMIYAEDV, M.D.; 1PROID7, P.T.; TSIRKUMV, I.po Anarei Vladiatrovich Kenarov; obituar7. Hakh. stroi. 16 no.102 J& 159. (KIRA 22: 1) (Konoray, Andral Vladimiravich, 1890-1958) B0710, iuzh.; SOVALOT, I,G., kand.tekhn.nauk, red*; takhn.'red. UM, T.Ya., red.isd-va; BOROTM, N.K.. [Making reinforced concrete construction elements using layers of mortar and coarse.aggregatoo] Isgotovlenle shelesobetonnykh konstruktali a rasdellnol ukladkoi rastvors I kraynogo sapolni- tells. Pod red. I.G.Sovalove. Moskva, Gov.izd-ve lit-ry po strolt., arkhit. I strolt.materialas, 1960. 38 p. (Reinforced concrete) (KIRA 13:7) BOYKO, A.G., insh. ------------- Principal objectives in introducing autoiatic processes in the construction industry. Hokh.strol. 17 no.8: 2-5 Ag 060. (MIRA 13:8) (Automation) (Gonotruction industry) BOYK9~L,P.,Goj;~ chn. redo (SmIl-acale mochanizatic-n bi tho tiornstruotJun Induatryl materials of a seminar) Mals-ia mekhanizabsiia v str'o3tell- sue; materialy seminara. Moskva, 19614, 107 p. kIN111FA 17:11) lo Moscow. Glavmye upravlenlye po zhiliuhchnomu i grazh- danskomu stroitellstvu. RODYAKIN, VS.; ANDREYEV, A.Ye.; BRAGIN, A.M.; BOYKO, A.Ij RIGANELOVICH, AS. Determination of oxygen and nitrogen in metallic magnesium, Zav. lab. 30 no.M1203-1206 164. (MIRA 18W 1. Ukrainskiy go.sudarstvannyy proyektnyy i nauchno-issledovatel'skiy institut tavetnoy metallurgii. ACC Nr, AT6028969 SOURCE COM: Ull/0000/65/000/000 0081110090 AUTHOR: Boyko, A. I., Yarish, M. S. f ORG: Western Ukrainian Geophysical Prospecting Expedition'of the Urge.qfizra:,.vedka Trusi (Zapadno-Ukrainskaya geofizicheskay4*razvedoch- naya ekspeditsiya tresta Ukrgeofizrazvedka TITLE: Application or the central ray method on the southwestern border'of the Russian platform, SOURCE: Vs sesoyuznyy seminar po novoy metodike seysmorazvedki. Seysmorazvedka s primeneniyem gruppirovaniya vzryvov na dl'innykh bazakhl i spos.oba tsentrallnykh luchey (Seismic prospecting using.'.the-grouping. of.shots on long bases and the method of central rays); trudy se.minara. Moscowl Izd-vo Nedra, 1965, 84-90 TOPIC TAGS: seismic prospecting, seismic wave, seismography, seis- mologyj underground explosion ABSTRACT: A description is given of the results of experimental investigations conducted by the central-ray method (STsL).' -It-is shown L.hat this is a reliable and economical way of probing gently sloping structural formations in.the presence of reflecting reference horizons, such as the outer zone of the cis-Carpathian trough. In,- .~.he case of ACC NR, AT6_028969 the southwestc.-n border of the Russian platform..' where re.f.6r&nc*e horizons are absent-and angles of inclination are steep,-.-a considerable!, divergence is observed between the data obtained by STsL-.,. the reflected, waves method, and the method of controlled directional reception This discrepancy requires further compilation of data on*:the effective-I ness,of STsL. Orig.::art, has: 4 figures. SUB CODEz 08/ SUBM DATE:- 30Apr65/ ' Farm. AnDh"! r"-" lone- t, Abs, Jour 49 19,591t Vo. 16769 Autho~~- !Boyko, A. ra Instituti : IIA tI A. Gzavq Pest of tree Bees the Senotaenia 71%Y.; Or Pub. : Poll 91ovGdStv0 7, 19581IND 7v 52-5A- A batract :1'a order to control senotaaniosiS7 10 g of staroh itad .160 9 of & 10 pereenct-I or 2""'10 9 of a 5 perc-eyA dust are put into 1 liter csf hot water-i szoarec- i1i a thin laver npon a sheet of papexr, pasteboard or plywood, and - l- f t th 1 th b D l d d ea on oofs 0 e ec ace ile = ves. u an p bees and boeu wh4ch crowl around the beehi'vos " are g"rther6d and burned, SOLODKOVA NIO.P kandi sellkhoz. nauk; MM&,OV- LM.; ES PZOROVA, :9. fBilozoraval 33.1,]; CREMNIKOVA9 V,So; WBAy F*Oo[HabapP; * RiBICHO I A BiWch.. I.A.], kwW. gellkhos. vauk;j(ffKQ4-A-X~- (Bolkop A:K:ig kaW. voter. mauk; GONCHARENKOp F.1 lHonchareako, F 1 1. kand. biol.-mauk; KMASHCHEVSKIY, V.H.[;~;iasbebevs'kyij, V:M:I, A.[Cherevatolkyi, S.A.~J,, tekhn. red.: (Concise mumal for the beekeeper] Korotkyi dovidnyk pasich- nika. Kyiv, Derzh, vyd-vo sills*khohospodixrslkoi lit-ry URSR,. 1961. 16/+ p. (MIRA 35 : 1) (Bee culture-Handbo6kap mismals, etc.) BOYKO, A.K.- IVANCHENKOv A.I.; KURYACHIY, L.K. [Kuriachyi, L.K.); '-TEPWV, V.P. (Tieplov, V.P.1 Age of the Kuzya series of Rakhov Massif. Dop. AN URSR no.8:1095-1098 164. (MMA 17: 8) 1. Llvovskiy gosudarstvennyy universitet i Zakarpatskaya geologicheskaya ekspeditsiya tresta "Kii4geologiYall, Predstavleno akademikom AN UkrSSR O.S. Vyalovym [Vialov, O.S.). BOYKO, A.K._____ Stratigraphy of the lader part of the metamorphic complex of the Rakhov Massif (Eastern Carpathians). Vest. LIvov. un. Ser. geol. no.2:29-24 164. (MM 19:1) APAZID1, G.D., lnzh.;,BOM A.M., inzh.; SHARAPOV, A.V., inzh. Rotary-piston engines of the Curtiss-Wright firm. Trakt. i sellkhozmash. 33 no.5t45-46 IV 163. (NIRA 16:10) 1. Gosudarstvannyy soyuznyy nauchno-issladovatellskiy traktornyy institut. inzh. APAZIDI, G.D.? inzh.; DOYKO A.M., Rotary-piston engines of the NSU make. Trakt. i se-llkhozmash. 33 no.llgO-46 N 063. (MIRA 17~9) 1. Gosudarstvennyy soyuznyy nauchno-Ina-ledovatellskiy traltorW institut. STARTSEV, V.I., Inzh.; STRELICHENKO, I.I.; ANTIPOV, VA.; PILIPENKO, G.l.; STOLIKA, 6.1. Performance of Communist Youth League brigades. Ugoll 39 .no.ll-.27-32 N-164. (MIRA 18:2) 1, Kombinat Kuzbass ugoll (for Startsev). 2. Shakhta No*5-bis "Trudovskaya" (for all except Startsev). BOTKC, A,N, I'll, -, Radlation method for measuring surfaes te"ratures. Trudy THIN no.4:31-4) 147. (MIRA 11M) (Temnraturv-Neopurement). BOYKO, A. N. Cand Mod-Sci _-i- (diss) "Bioelootrio activity of the brain during tiw -mm Of certain ~~Ileading to the VP e of experimental pneumonia. Moe, 1957. 20 pp ( Aoad Mod -Soi USSR). 200 copies (XL, 43-57, 90) Country : USSR CateGory: Human and "aiiLal Mysiology. Narvous Syston. Cerebral Cortex Abs Jour: PZhBiol., No 199, 19513, 89215 Author Inst : --lostov-on-Don Madical Institute Title : The Bioelectrical A",ctivity of the Brain Following Crushing of the Upper Cervical Sympathetic Ganglia, Produced Under Anesthesia. Orie Pub: Tr. Otchetn. nauchn. konferentaii (Rostovsk.-n-D. med. in-t) za 1956 Rcistov-na-Donul 1957, 37-90 Lbstract: Crushing of -the upper cervical sympathetic Ganglia in rabbits under anesthesia maintained at uniform depth for a xriod of 5-10 hours by intravenous injection of evipan sodium and subcutaneous inject- Card 1/2 T T-95 dountry : USSR T Category: Human and Physlology. Nervous Systun. Cerebml Cartux Abs Jour: R=iol-, Ho 19, 1956, 39215 ion of chloral hydrate, was followed by patho- logical chanGes in the lungs in 6 of 15 animals, while, without anesthesia, changes were observed in almost all the operated aninals. The changes occurred within 3-7 days. The bloclectrical acti- vity of the brain of the operated rabbits was char- acterized by cui increase of the phase of depression. The patholopical components of the EEC; - peaks, ejections, etc. - were not observed. -- T.G. Betelava Card 2/2 S/1 69/'62/000/004/023//103 D228ID302 AUTHOR: TITLE: The sun's ultraviolet radiation as a climatic factor* and questions of its measurement PERIODICAL: Referativnyy zhurnal, Geofizika, no. 4, 1962, 14, ab- stract 4B107 (V sb. Aktinometriya i atmosfern. optika, L., Gidrometeoizdat, i961, 291) TEXT: The author notes that, in order to obtain reliable data on the diurnal variation of ultraviolet radiation, it is necessary to operate with instruments, which will ensure the distinguishing of the narrow spectral sections. /-Abstracter's note: Complete trans- lation. Gard.1/1 KOCMGk, A.N., red.; BOYKO, A.N.j. red.; SOROKINA, Z.I.,j [Control of mountain soil erosion and torrential at'reams in the U.S.S.R.; materials] Bor'ba. a gornoi eroziei pochv i selevymi po- tokami v SSSR; materialy. Tashkent.. Vaes. Akad. sellkhoz.nauk 1962. 287 p. (MIRA 15:7) FELITSIANT, Izraill Noyevich; FEDOROV, B.V., doktor sellkhoz.nauk,,_A.N.,_red.; KRASNOPOLISKIY, S.A... tekhn. red. , '. (Studying the laws of capillary motion of water and salt solu- tions in stratified soils] Opyt izucheniia zakonomernostei ka- pilliarnogo peredvizhaniia vody i rastvorov solei v sloistykh gruntakh. Tasbkent., M-vo sell.khoz. Uzbekskoi SSR, 1961. 108 p. (MIRA 15:7) ($oil percolation)