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8(4) SOV/IIZ-59-5-8510
Translation. from: Referativnyy zhurnal. Elektrotekhnika, 19 59, Nr 5, p 15 (USSR)
AUTHOR: Yushko
TITLE: A Difference Scheme of Numerical Integration of the Heat - Conductaxic e
PERIODICAL: Dokl. Ali BeISSR, 1957,'Vol 1, Nr 3, pp 89-91
ABSTRACT: Bibliographic entry.
Numerical integration of equations for heat conduction in
three-dimeasional space, Insh,-211s,shur, no#2:22-31 F 158.
(MIRA 13 . 1)
1, Institut onargetiki AN BSSR, Minok.
(Heat--conduction) (.4proximate solutions)
r 9, P 87 (u -
Zhurna 1959
fr-om lief era -gteau 1jeat_ Con
irranslati'OrL p,oblems Of 1401%
JuShX0 Sol'atIon nces
1. te )if f er 3 apvlied
Nkivoll P'n Appro7tima inIte S 6, PP 0 'K ,,taod as stIons of
i4ethod Of ? 195 the new r Que of
TTT1,B the 0 Caount 0 naxictIvity. e degree
eTierg - tIc a . Ile at 00 as the ~s of
-in ta teilla n-steady detail, as eQ Uatlo jtjoT1
5y s 4
CAI,' oatains a bleMs Of %10 Ined in dimeAs onal und Con plication
j,ERIODI st,.xd:Y of pro . are exam VO a One-. of bo e aP zes
.t,ae,sojutj.011 Vergenee tjjodS - r In .. ease Ines
lie al
p5svNcT to and Con .10,15 me arIsing tIou he eYam so olic
Stability f the Va Aitions sIonal equa 01 ate.) - ~ar P problem
ro,c-j 0 COJJUA dimen p art -nonlin d
lax e I nal
accu studies tile a two- (tri. ati-On 0 ee-dil S0Ical metilo
l~ Sr men apil
Ut)30'f ?or forms e- , a thr r roblem
a types. ,rIOUs he ,merica j0 fol analyzes S e p
olut n the tb
Xs of tyle r 5c sse
-f networ cernirg ?,01--M - 0 axktho he d U
0 tj,)nl~ clon -Octal d- Th vinallyl
Of a 3-P twory matho am..
t - l - probi
equ3- ,te ne 'Iona
,s Sjven bY a One-dimen
An Approximate solution to Problems of Non-Steady Heat Conductivity by the Method of
FJnite Differences
of solving.a system of equations which describe the simultaneous transfer of mass and
he at (for example, the process of drying). nle study contains a host of numerical
examples carried out to their completion, as well as an analysis of the contemporary
literature on the subject. The bibliography lists 84 titles.
B. Kat*enelenbaum
Card 2/2
yumov. P.P. Lustion in cause
host.conductivity Oq .a L.ith summary
luteers lef riciouts on tesyerstur U.10)
of d*p4ndGqc8 Of themal Cc 102-106 6 so.
in InglishJ. lash.-fis. sbur.dO- 92
norgatiki AN BSSR- 9-
I.-,Inoti.tut 8 (He9t-Conducti0n) Partial)
(Differential equations#
C , .
BLOVINA, A. I - I -- - , - -- 11 ~ convergence of the saries Of
ProbleM in ImPrOV"'g thea graphs represent the Imimlation
. pourier's fun-tions wbos' KV 15:186-195 .'58-
0f second degree parAhoja. TrudyILT, (lam 13-.4)
I. Prodstavlana Xafqdroy vy9shey matematiki, LentngradskogO
logicbeekog instituta kholodil'nOY proVshlennostie
I takhno (HartAonic analysis)
24(8), $07/170-59-6-10/20
AUTHORSs Shimko, M. ULhkO
TITLE: A Hankel Final Integral Tranaforaation.
PERIODICAL: Inzhenerno-pizicheakiy zhurnal, 1959,.Nr 6, pp 72-79 (USSR)
ABSTRAM For final integral transformations Sneddon ffefs .2, 17 introduced
kernels, which'include Bessel functions, in orde'r to study.the
physical state of.bodies possessing cylindrical symmetry. The
transformations of this kind he denoted as Hankel final integral
transformations. A general method for solving certain boundary-.
val e roblems.with-separable variableswas proposed by G.A. Grin-
I The authors describe three.cases of Henkel
erg- Refs 6, 17,.
finallintegral transformations which were considered. by Sneddon
and bring them to the form which could be applied for solving the
problems on thermal state of a hollow cylinder. The inner surfaqe~
of thia oylindor io maintainad at a given temperature, and the
outersurfaoe in tharmally insulatod. The HAnkol final integral
transformation is' then expressed by Formuid 3.13 t%tid tho gorrooi!
ponding conversion formula is 3.14. This integral transformation
Card 1/2 is,used in the solution of the problem of heat conductivity for a
A Hankel Final Integral Transformation r conditions (4.2
d r (Equation 4ol) with boundarl.
h 11ow cylin e
4-4) of the second type.. The solution is.given by FormulA 4.9.
There are 14 references$ 0 of which are Soviet, and 5 English.-
ASSOCIATION: Institut energatiki AN BSSR (Institute of Power Engineering of.the
AS Belorussian SSR), Minsk.
Card 2/2
integratine' simultaneous differential
equations of heat transfer and the mass of a substance.
Tru4y Inst.euerg. AN BSSR no.10..73-80 159
QM& 13: 6)
(Heat-Tranamission) '(Differential ecluations)
AUTHORS: Loginov, L. I.,._Yushkov, P. P.
T-ITLE::-.:-- --The Numerical Integration. of the Equation System for the
Heat -mass.. -Exchange With the Aid of Implicit Formulas
PERIODICAL: Inzhenerne-fizicheskiy zhurnal, 1960, Vol. 3-1 No_.___1Oi_
pp. 93-96
TEXT: The authora study the numerical integration of the differential
n Mass 4.
equation. ayotom for the hant- d transfer. 'd hey restrict themselves
to the one-dimensional ~a-a7e~C) P-Dalwo ttlal ULI' transfer coefficients are
constant: at/aT = aa 2t/ax2 + b8u/at (b Q/,_ (6)
au/aT = a',a 2u/ax2 (-R 1~- x 6~ R) (7)
The corre3ponding boundary and initial conditions are given by (a) - (IJO).
V. Lykov (Refs. 3, 4) had already studied this eystem.+A numerical
integration of this system by-explicilu formulas had been described by
Yushkov(Ref. 5). For the boundary and initial conditions (9) and (10),
Card 1/2
The Numerical Integration of the Equation )VR70/60/003/010/014/023
System for the Heat-mass Exchange With the B019/BO54,
Aid of Imi)licit Formulas
the authors introduce the analogous difference formulas (1!) and (12),
and derive the implicit difference formulas (13) - (14) analogrous to
(6) -- (7). These implicit difference formulan are aomewhat more complex
than the explicit ones, but they permit an increase of the step. Pinally,
the authors give the formulas (15) for the numerical integration in the
case in wid-ch. a ayaten-, of four oquatlonv with 'our unknowria it; to be
solved. There. are figure and 5 references: 4 Soviet and I Brit-lah.,
ASSOCIATION: Irstitut energetiki All BSSR, g. Minsk
(Institute of Power Eng~neering of the.AS BSSR, 144-nsk)
SUBMITTED:, March 8. 1960
YUSHKOV P~etr pr X LYKOV AN akademik.-red,-
__EetzQxjahp 0 09
--BARkBkIGVAP Ye., red. izd-va; ATIAS, A.,, tekhn.,red.
[Bessel's functions and their applications to problems in the cool-
ing of a cylinder-l-Punktsii Besselia i-ikh prilozheniia k zadacham
okhlazhdenii t&tlindra. Pod red, A.V.Bykova. Minsk, Izd-vo
Akad. nauk BSSR. 1962, 169 p. (MM 15:7)
1. Akademiya nauk Belomskoy SSR (for Lykov).
(Bessell functions) (HeeTransmission)
Conference of readera of the fil=henerno-fizicheskil. zk=wl,9 m'd the
international jourml Olleat and Haas Transfer* at Leningrad* TrAzh.-
riz, zllur, 5 no.7tl34,-136 Jl 162o (1,11M 15:7)
(Heat-Transmission) (Mass transfer)
---1USh-KOvj' F. 'P.
"-:-~....Inf.Luen:!e~,of-.t~Qundar -conditions:1and.typ -of~grid lines on-the-stability
of -differential -. schemes for the numerical -integration, of the heatu-conduction
report submitted for 22nd All-Union Conf on Heat & Mass Transfer, Minsk, 4-12
May 1961v.--
Leningrad Technological Iw3t of the Refrigeration Industry.
Konatantin Ivanovich Strakhovich, 1905- ; on his U)tb birthday.
I Inzh.-fiz. 2hur. 8 no-3:,409-410 mr.165. I (IU',qA 18: 5)
1 -
A 4p;
RT, KVriia~