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CUSATESCUP R.p lead I PONI Marg&reta; PAPAFIL, M.1 BOSTAN.)M.1 MOTAS, M.; Complex salts of aurintrietrbonic disz*fuzonetricarbonic) acid. Rev chimie 6 no'A:'57~-65 161. 1. Aeadwais do la Plopubliquo"Pepulaire Reumine, Alial* do Jamayp Inotitut do ChWe,'Petru Penism Univermite Oil; I. CauzaO do Jansy, Chaire do chimle inarganique. POPESCUP I.; BOSTAN, Marcel; CRACIUM, Aglaia; PONI, Margareta, prof. Metallic compounds of aurintricarboxylic abid. I. Dissociation constants of aurintricarboiWlic acid. Studii chim Iasi 12 no.1:7-19 161. 1. Academia R.PiR., Filial& Iasi, Institutul de chimie "P. Poni." 2. Membru al Comitetului do redactie si Secretar stiintific de redactie, "Studii si cercetari stiintifice, Chimie*--Filiala Iasi- (for Bostan). 3. 'Oembru al Comitetului de redactie, "Studil ai cercetari atiintifice, Chimiew - Filiala Iasi- (for Poni). POPESCUf I.; BOSTAN, Marcel; CRACIUN, Aglaia; PONI, Margareta, prof. Metallic compounds of aurintricarboxylic acid. II. Constants of the ~qrzing of the compounds of aurintricarboxylic acid with Nir. Studii chim Iasi 12 no.1s21-31 161. L.Acadwda R.P.R., Filials. Iasi, Institutul do chimie "P.Poni." 2. Mwbru al Camitetului do redactie si secretar stiintific do redactie, "Studii si corcetari dtiintifice, Chimie" -Filiala Iasi- (for Bostan). 3. Membru al Comitetului do redactie, "Studii si corcetari stiintifice, Chimie" -Filiala Iasi- (for Poni). FONIP Margareta,, prof,; POPESCU, loan; BOSTAN., CRAGIUN, Aglaia Contributions to the studies of the complex [Ipy]CJ3. Pte. I and 2. Studii chim-Iasi 13 no.1:11-32 162. 1. Academia R.P.R., Filiala Iasi, Institutul de chimie OP. Poniu, Sectia do chimie anorganica, 2.0 Hembru al Comitetului, do redactie, wStudii 9i cercetari stiintifice, ChimieO.- Filiala *Iasi"-(for.Foni), 3. Membru al Comitetulvi de redactie si secretar stiintific do rodactie,..*Studii si cercetari stiintifice, Chimleg - Filiala Iasi - (for Boatan)* PONI, Margareta; IORGA, N.; BOSTAN Marcel Thermogravimetric and X-ray diffraction study of some 5-nitrobarbituric acid complexes. Studii chim Iasi 14 no.l: 19-32 163. 1. Filiala Iasi a Academiel R.P.R., Institutul de chimie "P.Poni", sectia de chimia combinatiilor coordinative. PONI, Margareta P.; PAPAFIL, Anne-Karia; POPESQU,)I.; BOSTAN _M. - CRACIUN, A.; MOTAS, M.; ZAHARIA , let WNICA I D, Complex salts of auri utrickrboxylic (4% 412- dihydro- fuchsoneti-icarboxylic) acid and determination of their constants. Rev chimie 7 no. 1: 36?-Y73 162. 1. "Petru Poni" listitute of Chemistry of the Academy of the R.P.R., Iasi. PONI, Margareta -l.; BUSTAIJ, Marcel; AORG."., G~W-:, Julian ~,-at complexes, with 5 -nitrobrirbituric acl-~'. jl(W chlr:ii;~ Rown 9 no. 10: 57~- 584 164. -~otru -om Institute of lChonnistvy of th.., limarn-lan iicade!,m, Branch 41 Ue--Yi Gri-ore Chica Voila. PONI, Margareta P.; BOSTAN, Marcel; 1ORGA, Nicolae; GABE, Iulian Complex salts of tile 5-nitrobartdturic acid. Pt.2. Studli cerc chim. 13 no.10:619-628 0 164. 1. "Petru Poni" Institute of Chemistry, Rumanian Academy, Iasi Branch, 41 A Aleea Grigore Wen Voda. PONI, Marguerite P., dr. prof. de chimie inorganica; GAIGINSKI, Alexandrine; -STRAT, Helena; PETREMU, Viorica; PAVEL, Marianne; Bacteriostatic and bactericide action of the compound 1,8- oxyquinoline IC13 in vitro and in vivo. Anal St-Jassy 1 10 no.1:37-43 164. 1. University of Iasi, Rumania (for Poni). SAUCIUCP Al.; BUDAI, Margareta; RUSAN, M.; BDSTAN Rodica On the presence of heterogeneous peniciUin in industrial fermentation with two strains of Penici:11-4um chrysogenum. Studii cerc biochimie 7 no.l.-105-108 '64. 1. Antibiotic Plant, Iasi. RUVW41A BOSTANARUO V.0 Pharmacist, Lt-Col NICOLAU, Dot Pharmacist, and Dr. Lt-Col [affiliation-not'givenj "The Use of Plastic Packaging for the Conservation of Drugs in Maritime Climates." Bucharest, Revista Sanitara 14-ilitarat Vol 62, No 1, Jan-Feb 66, PP 131--~138- Abstract: The authors examined the suitability of various types of plastics to supplement glass as the material for containers of drugs of different types in maritime climates. The advantages and disadvantages'of the various plastics for specific uses are lisied in tabular form. Includes one table and 6 re~ferencesp of which 2 are RumiCajan, 3 other Eastern European and one American. Manuscript submitted 23 May 1965. RUDWIA LOST WTT__-*P Pharmacist, Lt-Col, COSTINESCUp H.p Dro It-Col, and ICU, G., Veterinarian, Kaj (affiliation not given] "Considerations on the Prevention and Treatment of Intoxication with Organo-Chlorinated Insecticides." Bucharest, Revista Sanitara Militara, Vol 62, No 2, Ylar-Apr 66, pp 383-390. Abstract: A survey of the toxic ef f ects of the more common insecticidal preparations, with suggestions as to first aid measures and treatment for cases of intoxication or accidents resulting in excessive contact. The authors stress the im- portance of using the insecticides according to directions in order to avoid damage to the operators or to bystanders. Includes 9 references, of which 3 French and 6 Rumanian. Manuscript submitted 24 June 1965- DAVID, V3,adimir 14., ing.; ~~Cu, Dumitru, A., ing.; BRIBEA, I., ing. -CALUTE-SCU, I., ~ng.; GHERGHEL, C., ing.; PAVELjGh., ing.; TAFLAN, M., ing"; BOSTAN, V., ing.; KABA, E., ing. Manufacturing metallurgic coke from gas coal by the. classic method. Hetalurgia Rum 15 no-5:338-345 My 163. DASKAIOV, D.; BOSTANMHI 9--T.; NkNO10VA, Z.; KOLLROVA, D.; STOUNOV, St. Experience vith therapentic affect of serpasil in psychiatric therapy. Stivrem. mod., SoM 8 n0-10.32-39 1957. 1. Ii Nauchnoissledovatelsklia paikhonevrologlehen institut- Sofita (Direktor., G. Oanev). I lktedrata po pelkhtatrila pri ]SUL.-Sofila (sav.-katedrata: dots. Im. Sharankov). (RISIRPINI, therapeutic use, ment. disord. (Bul)) BULGARIA SHARANKOV, Em., -BOSTANDZHIEV, T., STOIMENOV, I ., MANOLOVA, Z. and GENCHEV, I.; Department orflt~~Institute for Postgraduate Medical Studies (Katedra po psikhiatriya pri ISUL) Read Prof 'E. SHARANKOV, and Institute for Scientific Research in Neurology and Psychiatry (Nauchno-izsledovatelskiy institut po nevrologiya i psikhiatriya,) Director (direktor) G. GANEV; [Sofia. ] - "Treatment of Depressive Conditions with Tafranil.11 Sofia, Nevrologiya i Psikhiatriya, Vol 2, No 2, Mar-Apr 63; pp 88-95. Abstract [English summary modified]: Comprehensive report on clinical study with inipramine in 107 patients 1960-1961: diagnostic tabulation, dosage, side effects, results. In general, 'excellent, results in 33, good in 45; 7 weretworsel - latter classification apparently includes 2 who died [no data or comments]. One patient took 40 I-Om tablets in suicidal attempt and recovered but it is not stated with what promptness and type of first aid. Four tables. m n i~n-ternory system of ibb Alo.14" -ad m- A. K of tz.., -admiant.iand I., T Z141% AvCOL~4 W.-J!, -14.4t 3-XCIZdM,- &92. 2KCLP1,Cl, 10.4. a-KCUPW12 5-65, S-KCI.2r-bCl, 6.75, .-PbC'.! i~ '-13, 8- PbCi, 6 24, f, h4KCI C ilCi, 1.5-4. ~-,KCI.CdCl; 0 ~1-1 ;~z 3-'1' '3-PI)CI, ~- J-UCI, -- i-KC-1 ~: 1C) 2111,1212 j.- -'KCI PhO. 4 ,-KC: C-J~-. (2kcl.PLCII+ P-KCI.CJC!; - -4Kt~ -points applur at ;F3j4 (;I-Pbci~ + 0-KCI.C.tlc;3 2pbCl,),;iiul;5t -V~ -4- a--4KCI.CIcl, + A" Z-' P ILITASM. I.I.; 3=U Aele MEN Ternary system consisting of Wt=, cadmium, and lead Iodides. Zhur. neorg. khIm. 2 no.1:167-171 Ja *57. (KM 10:4) (Iodides) (Systems (Chemistry)) In"-'04--c6n-stitutio Diagram of the Ternary System Composed of the Chl9rides of Sodium, Po tassium, and Cadmium, by 1. I.-Illyasov, A. K. Bostandzhiyan, and A. G. Bergman, Rostov-na-DDnu Engineering-Construction In- stitute, Zhurnal Neorganicheskol Xhimii, Vol 2, No 1, Jan 57, Pp 172-i7T- 'Me The ternary system fia, x,.ca//clwas subjected to investigation. constitutional diagram which was obtained differed in some essential re- S -'~-,_.-spect from that determined by non-USSR scientists. It was established that the stable compound ]Ml.CdCl' is formed, which melts without decom 2 position, and that the unstable compounds 4ol-cdolp and P_NaCl.CdC12,, vhich~." 42W V decoftqsit~ 5(4) sov/78-4-5--31/46 AUTHORS; Bukhaloval G. A., Sulaymankulovf K., Bostandzhiyan, A. X. TITLE: PER10DICAL; The Melting Diagram of the System Consisting of Fluorides of Lithium, Sodium and Calcium (Diagramma plavkosti sistemy iz ftoridov litiya, hatriya i kalltsiya) Zhurnal-neorganicheskoy khimii, 1959, Vol 4. Nr 5, PP 1138 1140 (USSR) ABSTRACT: For the purpose of determining the easily meltable mixtures of alkali- and alkaline earth fluorides, the three-component system Li, Na, Ca1F was investigated by means of the visual- thermal method in a platinum crucible with a plalinum stirrer. First, the two-component systems were investigated, and the '~o following eutectics were found: Li 2F2 -CaF 2 with 766 and 34% CaF2 , L'F2 -Na2F2with 6520 and 39% Na 2F2; Na2P2-C&F2 with 8180 and 49% CaF2 . In the three--compamt system 8 sections were investigated. There is no interaction among the com- ponents of the system. The common crystallization line of the components harmonizes with the triple eutectic point in Card 1/2 the case of a'oomposition of 33-5~o Na2F2, 46.5% L'2 F2 -and SOV/78-4-5--31/46 The Melting Diagram of the Syetem Consisting of Fluorides of Lithium, Sodium and Calcium 20% CaF2 with a melting temperature of 607 0C. The low-melting eutectio mixture of the system Li, Na, CajjF is recommended as a fluxing material for melting nonferrous metals. There are 3 figures and 5 references, 3 of which are Soviet. ASSOCIATION: Rostovskiy-na-Donu inzhenerno-stroiteltnyy institut (Rostov w. Do= Tsngineer-Building Institute) - Laboratoriya goryuchikh i3kopayemykh Akademii nauk Kirgizs1coy SSR (Laboratory for Wneral 1jubls of tLe Acalemy of Samie=ea of ihe Kdrgiz SSR) SUBMITTED: February 20, 1958 Card 2/2 5(2) SOV/78-4-9-9-5/4414 "UTHORS: B 11 yasov, I. I., Bergman, A.G. TITLE: The Fusibility in a System of Chlorides and Bromides of Potassium and Lead PERIODICAL: Zhurnal neorganicheskoy khimii, 1959, Vol 4, Nr 9, pp 2079-2u"-- (USSR) A36TRACT: Before the combined system mentioned in the title is dealt wish the melting curves of the binary systems X 01 PbCl 2 2 - 2 K2Br 2 - FbBr2 (in accordance with the data given by S. D. Grouakov, reference 2), K 2cl 2 - X2Br2 and PbGl 2 - Mr. (in contrast with the data given by L. I. Favorskiy, reference 5) are given in figure 1, In the combined system two diagonal and four interior sections were investigated (Table 1, Pigs 2-4). In the four crystallization ranges K [Cl,Br] , 2K [Cl,Brj.Pb [CI,Dr]29 K [Cl,Brl.2Pb [C"Br]2 and Pb [CllBr]2 are.formed. The system under examination belongs to the group of mutual systems -sith Card 1/2 The Fusibility in a System of Chlorides and SOV/78-4-9-25/44 Bromides of Potassium and Lead complex formations of the belt type in rhich all components and compounds of the sides opposite one another form stable continuous solid solutions with each other. There are 4 figures, 1 table, and 9 references, 7 of which are Soviet. SUBMUTTED: April 30, 1958 Card 2/2 05876 5(2) SOV/78 4-11-29/50 AUTHORS: !~%ta z h "au A Bergman, _A.. G.- TITLE: The Melting Diagram of the System of Sodium-, Cadmium- and Thallium Chlorides PERIODICAL. Zhurnal neorganicheskoy khimii, 1959, Vol 4, Nr 11, pp 2564 - 2566 (USSR) ABSTRACTs The system mentioned in the title was investigated in 14 sections (Tables 1,2, Fig I). The crystallization surface consists of five crystallization fields of the components and complexes meeting in three nonvariant points (Table 3, Figs 1,2). The section leading t ,o the Na2C12-corner with 67.7% CdC12+33-3% T12C12 corresponds to the binary stable system TlCl.CdC12-NaCl with the eutectic point at 3840 and 16.5% Na2Cl2* A characteristic.feature is the stable equilibrium of the systems 2NaCl.CdCl and TlCl.CdC12 with CdC12 in the ternary point El (3580). Some brief data,are given on the.three binary systems which are components of the ternary system. The data by A. P. Palkin (Ref 5) on a eutectic in the system NaCl - TIC1 at 7% NaCl and 4090 were corrected into 6% NaCl and 4120. Card 1/2 05876 The Melting Diagram of the System of Sodium-, SOV/76-4-11-29/50 Cadmium- and Thallium Chlorides There are 2 figures, 3 tables, and 5 references, 3 of which are Soviet. ASSOCIATION: Rostovskiy-na-Donu inzhenerno-stroitollnyy institut (Rostov- na-Donu Institute of Civil Engineers) SUBMITTED: June 22, 1958 Card 2/2 MNDZHOTAN, A.L., akademik; TATEVOSTAN. G.T.; AGRALYAN, S.G.; BOSTAIMCHW, R.Kh. Study of derivatives of substituted acetic acids. Report No.16: Amino esters of diphenylalkylacetic acids. DokI.AW Arn.SSR 28 noaasn-26 * 159. (MIRA 12:7) 1~ Inatitut tonkoy organicheskoy khinii AN ArmSSR. 2. AN ArmSSR (for i1ndshoyan). (Acetic acid) )UWSAKANOVJI T.S., musluzhemmy deyatell mou i, prof.; BOSTANMHYAN, O.Sh. Diabetes mellitue therapy with mdfonllmide preparatiozw. - Teirap.arkh. 33 noO4274-60 161. (MIRA, 14:5) 1. Is fakulltetskoy terapn-ticheakoy kliniki (zave prof. T.S. Nnatmakenov) Tereviumkogo meditsinskogo inatitutao (DIAMM) (MUMMAMIDE) S/040/61/025/001/016/022 B120204 AUTHOR: A. (Moscow) TITLE:- A uniform helical motion in a cone PERIODICAL: Prikladnaya matOmatika i mekhanika, v., 25, no. 1, 1961, 140-145 TEXT- The present-.paper deals with the problem of the uniform helical motion in a finite cone. (0. F. Vasillye-i dealt with the analogous problem for an infinite cone),. The liquid is assumed to be perfect and incompressible, and the motio n within the cone is uniform and helical, as well as symmetric with respect to the cone axis. The liquid enters the cone through an annular gap in a quantity of q units per second. It then flows off through the vertex of the cone in quantities of q, an d q2and through point P. The length of the generatrix of the cone is assumed to be R , and the half angle at the vertex 9 . The upper limit of the cone 0 0 is bounded by a spherioal-surfaoe of the radius R 0 in whose point of intersection with the axis of the cone the already mentioned opening 5 is Card 1/7 S/040/61/025/001/016/022 A uniform helical a cone B125/t2O4 located. This scheme approximatively describes the principle of the effect produced by a hydrocyclone. This reduced to the solution of a homogeneous differential equation .12t 2 sing 16 1 + k kOt (k,C'- const) (1) within the Zr2 r2 19 sin 9 29 domain ()4r/*R0, 04940 0 with the,boundary conditions q r9O) = 0, T(r, 90) - jj,IY(R , 9) (1, L, I T2 + 2 (2)-. 0 T2 2 With u(r, G) *(r, G) ,sin 8,;72-9 (3) there follows from (1) 0 Vu sing 1. Du 2 1#1 2 2 - + - Tg) + k u kC - - ) sin 9 (4) with 2 2 10, sing 'in2"o (k2 - -2 Zr r r 2 9 the boundary conditions u(r,O) 0, u(r,GO) 0, u(Ro,Q) T2 t1sin2 fd sin G0 Gard 2/7 I - 3zL* t, ~~ S104 61/025/001/016T022 A uniform helical motion in acone.. YB204 B125 The,veloci ty component S are -here expressed by T(r,G) by means of the C+k -i' V formula M -I D'P .0 - 1 a .. The peripheral r sin 9' 'r: r sing 'dr r'sinG -60 the cone axis at C ~ O-becomes equal to infinity. This also explains the formatioh of an air column on the cone axis, which is observed also in reality with hydrocyclones. By the introduction of the dimensionless quantities, r/R , X - kR formula (13) may .0 t2411 0 ~.~be represented in the.form suited for calculations (IRP) aln' 9 (1 + 2 (M) - + YJ Ila-T- 4n (K) sin OP,.' (coe 0) + + YWP' (2 (UP) - 8%. (XP) sin OP,.' (ow 0) (14) (UP)] + YX8%O' W owl Card~4 7 4 [~-Ca S/040/61/025/001/016/022 -A uniform helical; motion In.~a cone- B125/B204 With k -~-4 0, the solutian-of the.problem of,'the'potential motion of a p'P:; liquid in. -the cone is obtained. FromJ14)-follows alsq the solution ol' them problem for other.special ca es- t.Thus case r.-0 the lack of a-hole in point'd 1 corresponds to the lack of the annular With k 0, two inae e pena nt wa s 1dad to gap- 00 2 + 2Pn n sinQP~ vos (G) (15, 9) sin 29 + Lic;kn Pn + VnT + T 1 sin go n-1 Vn .1) Vn(Vn is not small, one, obtains if 110 dn 89P SPWI (CM + (17) P.. + jv 2 NIS 2 2 + 2 N2 n n 2 ind' sin 9. (COSOO (18) after some*steps. n 2Vn +,I ~PVn dj)n/dQ IG-9 0 6ara S/040/61/025/001/016/022__~ A un orm helical motion in a cone if B125/B204 The calculations become simplified,considerably if the asymptotic repre- sentation of the function R 1(cosQ) and P. (coag) is used with large Vn Vn Already with 10 good results are obtained,. With 1 V and m. 1 n n may be determined with the simple relation (V + go - xn' Here x" n n ~.denotes the n-th non-vanishing root of the equ ation Jl(x)'. 0. In this -case, the flow function i~ siTpk:L e"o (P. 0) Sidi 0 x NO + V, 0. 6. j1&.JL % (t + 2 YX ,.(X) ,.(X))IYP 7,~(-x) tic (x )jYTs_inqJOA.Q)_ go C (up) M rp )GP k*& n #./,.,,(Xp) Y-ostne.46,j) (22) 'X 4, Fig. 2 shows the-flow lines for the special case go 7/6, C/kIP, -4, -r -2. The results obtained here correctly describe the Card, 6 7 zx~ 61/025/001/016/022 S/04 Y A uniform helical~mo tion in a cone B125 B204 motion of the liquid particles.' 'Thbre~are 2 fi& and 4 references, 3 Soviet-bloc and 1 non-Soviet-bloo'.- r SUBMITTED, March 4, 1960 li-A I Ti l- J77 L - BOSTANDZHIYAN S.A (Moskva); STOLIN, A.M. (Moskva) Flow of a non-Newtonian fluid between two parallel planes. Izv. AN SSSR. Mekh. no.1:185-188 Ja-F 165. (MIRA 18:5) ACC NRt 05027270: SOURCE CODE: UR/0207/65/0()0/005/0045/0051 YYJ 5 AUTHORS: Bostand5h&IM, St.A. (Moscow); Merzhanov, A. G. (Moscow); .1hudynyort S. 1, (Moscow) none TITLE: Some,problem on noniao*erval steady flow of a viscous fluid SOURCE: Zhurnal prikladnoy melkhaniki,i-tekhnicheskoy fiziki, no. 5, 1965, 45-50 TOPIC TAGS: lubricaticat, liqi1id flow, lubricant viscosity, flow rate, flow temperaturt neasurementf fluid mechanics, heat transfer AWDUCT: Three problems ofunforced flows'are atudieds flow between two parallel pl ates, flow in an annular spaoe between two -infi nite', cylinders (axial flow)p and flow between -two rotating cylinders with account of energy dissipation and the variation of visoosit7 with-temperaturegiven in the Reynolds' equation P ex-P Two types of boundary conditions are'con.6idered_-' a) on both surfaces the constant (ando in the.general,case,,unequal en; and b) the constant temperature ).temperatures are giv on one surface is given, and heat exchange with the surrounding medium occurs through the other. The moo of flowbetween two parallel plates (given simply by y - h and y --h), one of which moves with a oonstant velocity V in the positive-x - direction, Card. 1/2 L 9275-66 ACC NRt Ap5O27270 is described by the system d 4 dv' WdII 0' + ke4 - . -- , , , - M. dql q where dimensionless parameters are given,as V= P(T T, and boundary,conditions-as V.=1,-6=OfqrII= 0, ~~O Oof~or. 11-1. 0S-$(Tj-Tj). J denotes the mechanical equivalent of heatg and X is the fluid's coefficient of heat flow, and To ~- T (surface temperatures),, An.expression for velocity as a fun tion of and three constants of integration are determined from a transcendental system based on boundary conditionol,and the Couette problem with isothermy is solved. The pattern of solution of.the two remaining problems is analogous to that of the first, after account is made of thedifferent flow and,geometry conditions as expressed in the equationa of motion and heat flow. Some,speciial cases such as the case of.equal cylinder temperatures and the insulation of one cylinder are discussed. A means of computing the torsional moment due to friction is,given for the flov between two coaxial cylinders. Orig. art, has: 38 equations. Be CODE: 20/- SM BM: W=6~/ ORIG REFz 0110/ OTH IWs 002 Card 2/2 TITIEt Hydrodynamic thermal explvsion S01JRCE: AN SSSR. Doklady, v. 163, no. 1, 1965, 133-136 TOPIC TAGS: hydrodynmaic thermal explosion, exothermic reaction, thermal explo- sion, chemically inert fluid, viscous fluid, laminar flow, nonlinear temperatur:e dependence, energy dissipation, nonlinear heat source ABSTRACT: In the presence of an exothermic chemical reaction in a system there may ari:3e conditions in u&ich temperature progressively increases until the go- called thermal explosion takes place. By analogy with the above, the author shows that an effect similar to thermal explosion may take place during the flow of a chemically inert viscous fluid. This is illustrated with an elementary exmple: the stationary axially symmetric laminar flow of a viscous incompressible fluid of fixed density in an infinitely long round tube under the action of a fixed pressure gradient. The system of equations of motion and heat conduction, on taking into account energy dissipation, is presented and, for the particular case Lc,~. d 1/3 ACCESSIOn NR: AP501SOB6 of fluids with a strong temperature-dependence of viscosity, reduced to the equation + 0. explosion which is identical with the equation of the stationary theory of thermal (see, e.g. Frank-Kamenetskiy, D.A. ZhFKh, 13, no. 6, 738, 1939). Thus many of the (I -e dred Ke . Kocee i -Z7 --itiferences- of-_thia_- theory--may -b -_~ppii~d to--tlie- case7l c6ndid re -P tiot U. a i -of---critic Tom I f . a A sei_-,~ e-au or, er, as-, or. h I- -16iV.-Art -th4~ resence- of - c~-, erma di, f the, Re tiumb li~dib :t .!yn a - ----- ated;~I~th_e_-calculatkow,o, critical con itions for glyteiiii-af-Re 500*--The differences between thermal "ex- 1 plosion!' of chemical and of hydrodynamic origin are defined. Thus, during the flow of a viscous fluid, the liberation of.heat ultimately corresponds to a zero-order #TxeactioW' and the so-called "burnout". is alisent. Furthermore, the maximm inten- sity, of :ehemical - sources of heat fs--pre ent, 'in: t le center of the system whereas for -mechanical sources it is present near the surface. As a result, the stationary temperature profile in the hydrodynamic problem is flatter in the central layers and steeper in the surface layers. Mic overall findings thus indicate that in the I cane of a strong (nonlijiear) temperature-dependence of viscosity owing to energy ~ACCESSION NR: AP5018086 dissipation there may exist critical conditions of the thermal regime of fluid flow. Such conditions characterize vany thermal problems with nonlinear heat sources (thermal breakdown of dielectrics, thermal explosion, etc. ). Orig, art. has: 2 figures, I table, and 14 formula.% ~'ASSOtIATICN: Vilial Ins tituta IMmicheskoy fiziki Akademii nauk SSSR (Affiliate of the Institute of Chemical Physics, Academy of Sciences)SSSR) SUMrMD: 07Dec64 ENCL: 00 suB com. TD M REF SOV: ODS .-OMER: c6id BCSTANDZHIYAN, S.A. (Yioskva); STOLIN, A.M. (Moolva) Some cases of a flOW Of ViSCODlastic fluid in a flat gap between two coaxial cylinders. Izv. .0 SSSR.Mekh. no.4:160-16~-- J1-Ag 165. (19RA 18-.12) ACC NRs AP7001577 SOURCE CODE: UR/0421/66/000/006/0106/011 AUTHORS: Bostandzhiyan't S. A. (Moscow); Gorloyq Le P. (Moscow) ORG: none TITIZ: Nonisothermal steady flow of a visco-plastic fluid between two coaxially rotating cylinders ,S01r;-.CL: AN SSSH. Izvestiya. Mekhanika zhidkosti i gaza, no. 6, iq66,--io6-i14 TOPIC TAGS: steady flow, thermodynamics, Newtonian fluid, viscous flowt rotational flow ,ABSTRACT: The authors develop a solution for the problem on the nonisothermal steady flow of a visco-plastic fluid between two coaxially rotating cylinders. The proposed ,solution is applicable without limitations on the angular velocity, the viscosity of the fluid, or the gap between the cylinders. Two types of temperature boundary conditions are considered: a) on the cylinder surfaces tem5eratures are shown differ- ing, in the general case, from cylinder to cylinder, and b the temperature on the outer cylinder's surface is constant, while the inner cylinder is thermally insulated.- The variation of viscosity with temperature is (;iven by the hyperbolic law T+ -n.TSY. where T2 is the outer cylinder's temperature. Two states of flow are possibleg - - - J- ACC NRi AP7001577 depending upon the parameters of the fluid, the geometry of the domain, and the angular velocity of rotation: flow without an elastic zone, and flow with an elastic zone. Both states are considered and the range of variation of the problem parame- ters corresponding to each etate of flow is developed. For each set of conditions considered, an equation for the velocity profile between the cylinders is developed. These formulae are used in plotting diagrams of statep showing the domains of flow -with and without an elastic zone. Orig. art* bas: 41 equations and 5 figures. SUB COM"M SUBM DATE: 09Apr66/ ORIG RJWs 004/ OTH MWs OD2 BULGAM#harmacology and ToxicoloG7. Tranquilizers V-2 Abs Jour Ref Zhur -Biol.., No 15, 1958, No 73-110 Author Daskalov D., 010va Z., Kolarova D., Stoyanov St. Inst Title Experience in the Therapeutic Use of Serpasil in Psychiatry ~'rig Pub S"vrem; ned., 19571 81 No 101 32-39 Abstract In the treatment of 40 patients affected with psychoses by reserpine (less than 10 mg. daily)., a decrease of psycho- motor excitation in theraniacal phase of circular psychosis and in the catatonic form of schizophrenia, as well as in the sypptoms of abstinence in the narca3aniacs., was noted. Side effects (nainly syrptons of Parkinsonism) developed in 10 percent of cases. Bibliogmphy:16-tities. Card 1/1 BOSTAVDWM, Koralwt Nkrtichevich [Nals features of the economic structure of socialism] "Osuovnys charty okonomichookogo strole notsialisma. Erevan,, Armisnakee goseisd-vol 1958. 258 p- Elm, Armenian]. (NIRA 12;2) (31condmice) PNAM"079 T.S. prof waslushemyy deyatell nauki; BWTANDZHXO., Opme (Yerevanj Omparative evaluation of the effectiveness of certain diumtics (merawal, promesnp novurit,, ~omurit)e Ilinemed*6 39 zo,142-87 Is. 161,, (MM 3.431) le Iz fakulitetskoy terapeyticbeekoy kliniki (zav. - mlushsmmyy deyatel nanki prof. T.S. Whatmaksmor) Terevanskogo ~aeditsimskogo instituta. (Dr=ICS AND DZURESIS) pi liv. sl x" lr~)- MMHDYAN, A.L.; TATIVOSYAW, G.T.. akademik; AGBALYAN. S.G.;-NSTANWHYAN, R-11h. Research in the field of substituted acetic acid derivatives. Report No., 15: M.-dimethyl- ?' -dialkvlaminopropjrl and tatra- alkyldlaninoisopropyl astern of dialkylphonylacetic acids. Dokl. AN Arm. SSR 27 no*3:179-185 '58-7 (KIRA 31:12) 1,Inatitut tpnkor 0 icheskoy khimll AN Arm,yanskoy SSR. u9nit'le acid) N)MZHOTAN, A.L.. Skademik; 2MVOSTAN, G*To,- AOALTAN, SG&; BGSZLUZIMLN, A-3he Research In the field of amino others. Report Io.2: SyrA- thesis of At-djaMw3mminoothyl, others of 8 -trisub- gtituted otbri alcohols* Dold AN Arm.SM 29 no*4:187-19'2 159. (IGM 13:4) 1, Institut tomkoy orgmichookoy khtnii AN ArmSSR. 2. AN Arm= (for Ymdzhoyan). (Ilthwwl) (Amines) NO REF SOV: 001 OTHER: 002 Card 2/2 ~:~ .. L 33759-66 EWT(d)/EWT(1)/EWP(m)/EWT(m)/EWP(-wNE~IPVv)fTfbwrv-jK-7 ACC NRs AP6010840 EM/DJ RVT SOURCE CODE: UR/0421/66/000/001/0044/0050 AUTHOR: Bostandzhiyan, So A. (Noscow) ORG: none TITLE: Homogeneous vortex motion of liquid in a cone with. a diaphrap SOURCE: AN SSSR. Izvestiya. Nekhanika xhidkosti i gaze, no. 1, 1966, 44-50 TOPIC TAGS: Yor ex flow, conic. nozzle, Incompressible fluid, fluid velocity, COAPIC_ ABSTRACT: The notion of an incmiressibl* fluid through a cone with a cyl.indrical di phragm is analyzed wathematicZ11y. A non-homogeneous spherical differential equation.-. for the stream fWation Is 4qr$vpd Vq describe the motion of the fluid. The general solution is obtained using expawiol;~ in tems of the characteristic functions. It is then shown that the problem can be considerably simplified when the Legendre functions which appear in.the analysis are replaced by the asymptotic values. Utilizing such. simplifications, the results for a flow in a cone with a half-angle of 150 are obtain_ ~ - ~'i,I., - ad by numerical methods and am shown in figure 1. Axial and azimuthal velocity compo- nents are computed and It is found that theoretical curves for the azimuthal velocity'. have greater radius of curvature than experisental results indicate, but in general,the cmVesondence witb experimental results is good. Orig. art. has: 29 formulas, 4, figures Card 1112 C/r, PJ03 Coo j TdIHLO /coo :JMI SIVO /992n.V9T Ma MS /OZ W03 IMS 4'4b :mb * ' I NN DDV ottooTogiv 99 BMSVSKI 0 N.; BOSTANOV-p V. Form of electrolytic- development in copper spherical monocrystals. Ixw IrAt- fis- 'rhi- 2.s65-75 962. 1. Olen na Radaktsionnata, kole Ra, lIs"atija na Instituta po fisikokbimilas (for Budeveldl. BUDEWSKI, E. [Budevski, E.]; VITANOV, T.; BOSTANOV, V. Mechanical equipment for producing rectangular galvanostatic impulses. Doklady BAN 17 no.8:725-728 164. 1. Institute of Physical Chemistry of the Bulgarian Academy of Sciences, Sofia. Vorgelegt von St. Christov (Khristov, St.], korr. Mitglied der Akademie. AUTHOR: Bostellman, P.,.Engineer SOV/29-58-8-10/u TITM, Do You Know the Cause of Several Astonishing Phenomena ? (Znayete li vy prichinu nekotorykh porazitelInykh yavleniy AT TCAL: TekhnikEL molodezhi, 1958, Nr 8, pp. 14-15 (USSR) ABSTRAOTt The author of this article is himself an engineer and inventor. He is the author of n=erous original works dealing with varivas fields of technology. Although he is already 70 years of age, he. 3.8 Still full of energy. The following among his inventions aree well-known: The first miniature camera in the USSR, the three-phase are lamp, the three-phase incandescent bulb, and a nunber~ of.others. In this article he deals withBernoulli's (Bernulli) lair. Numerous physical phenomena take place before our eyes, but no notice is taken of them and. they are taken for granted. One of these phenom- ena. is the atomizer. It took more than 150 years before in 1726 the active member of the Petersburg Academy of Sciences Bernoulli, solved this mystery and fo=aUtea this phenomenon as a law of physics, which was later named after him. Twobundrea years haT-,e passed since that time, but this phenomenon as well as several Cara '1/ 3 other experiments carried out in connection withBernoullils law Do You Know the Cause of Several Astonishing Phenomena ? SOV/29-58-8-10/2,- s till cause much surprise and wonder. Bernoulli' a law is frequently used in technology, amd numerous devices are based on this principle. Several examples are illustrated on the third cover page. The Bunsen burner as well as the so-called injector, which may be found on nearly every locomotive, haire been construct- ed on the principles of Bernoulli's law. The same may be said of the carburetors of internal combustion engines. The law can be applied when draining boggy land if, near the bog, there is a river with a tolerably fast current. Ventilation tubes in railroad cars owe their T-shape also to Bernoulli's law. This astonishing law I'S applied both in daily life and in technology, It may, how- ever, also be the cause of major catastrophes. Thus~ a forcra of attraction develops betv-pen two ships that aree too olose togethher, which leads to a collUion. This attractive force is also effec- tive if a ship is too close -to an iceberg. This is only a very small selection of examples. Bernoulli's law is also appliea to the latest inventiorm, and it may be assumed that, without aadlt, Cara 2/3 it will be instrumental of solving many difficult technical Do You Knovj the Cause of Seveml Astonishing Phenomena problems also in future. There is I figure. 1. Scientific personnel--Performance Card V3 SOV/29-58-8-10/23 0 101 Ul q- IS " R crechoslov&kia i~ P~ T 11~ 0 JOUR A&S No. 21 1959, No. 76944 : R3101im. . . , A UT H OR : BostAk V. and Jelinek, Z. K. ~ ~ iv e n T I TL The Effect of the Carrie'-s on the Mechanical Properties of Polyethyleneterephthalic Fibers Q.-RiG. PUB. Chem Prumyal, 8, No 8, 445-446 (1958) A~"Q-TILMOT The effect of diphenyl, solvent naphtha, mothyl Selicylsto, and o-phenylphenol, used a.& carriers in the dyeing of polyethyleneterephtbalic [Tery- lene, Dacron] fibers, on the mechanical proper- tier. of the I&-tter has been investigated. It haa,been found that the carriers do not affect the strength of the fibers-and increace th6ir elongation when used In concentrationn of 4 gms/ liter under standard conditions. B. Vollfson -3, D 313 Poya-cul 0.; CAME4., V.; BQBTIUV C. Reduction of the cost price of vegetable production. Problem econ 15 no.8:57-70 Ag 162o BOSTINA, Vasile, corespondent The plan is overfulfined every month. Constr Buc 15 no.697:2 18 My 16,4. 'U, Vlctor (Bucureati) BOSTL%SSCU, 1.,- 1, uresti); NED-1311, SOI.C kijllc OD some porphyrogenous rocks of the stem Carpathips. Natura Geografte 13 iio,3:51-53 1,17-Jo 161. BORGOS, 14,; GM-'Q]~ffflFrA,. I., C~vasidarations cit emmu Ne,,,t;y~a ;,Aorafttj.o Unear oliaracter in the f~'Aallferi Moxntain.- and i-be ;tlLIC4-Ij of the limes volcanic, apr.,vatits. liari swim aod 49 pt,-203*40 161-962[publ. 16-4.1. 1. Submitted Janurary 26., 1962. SIKHARULIDZE, A.I.; BOSTOGANASHVIL1, N.I. Interrelations between the Inhibitory, process and bypCmia in schizophrenia. Soob. Aft Gruz. SSR 31 no.1:187-194 J1 163. (MIRA 170) BUSTOCANASHVILIL, N.I. O-Aygmn content of tho b'Lc,od and ite reJhtion to the functional at.ate of the derebral COT'll-ex in schizophrenia. Soob. LN Gruz. SSI! 119, no.1:223-230 JI 161+. MMIA 17:10) 0 5 T o G- V1 L WSR / Pharmacology and Toxicology. Cardiovascular Agents v-6 Abe Jour : Ref. Zhur - Biologiya, No 17, 1958, No. 80597 Author :Bost2rwhy'31. V. S.; Kenertelifte, 2. P. Inst :ivot given Title :On the Question of the Preparation of Drugs from Rhododemdron Unqe-=4 vith a Possible Hypotensive, Effect Orig Pub : Sb. tr. ThiUsek. n.-i- khim.-farmateeft. in-ta, 1956, Im. 8P 25-e9 Abstract :A preparation of rhodogem (1) vas obtained; in the Thi-lisi chemical-phazmcoutical Institute from Rhododer-Aron unmmi It is a transparent liquid of yellowrlah7c-oior, bitter taste, neutral rE reaction., vhIch gives a positive glucoolde reaction. In muto testa on varnbloodecl aninals, I exerts a depressor effect. I can be introduced internally and suboutemously. During clinical experiments, In 44.2% of patients vith hypertension of the I and II stages, I Card 1/2 USSR / Phermcology amd Tc=icology. caordiomocular Agents v-6 Abe jaw Ref. Zbur - Biologlys,, No 17s. 1958, No. W597 obtained a satiefte.torily decreame of arterial ynawim, accompanied by a subjective impmvenent. Another drug obtained frm the leaves of,this plant - a pcwder of bronish color., also exerted a jWpotwwjve effect in the c0ndLitiOns Of an &cutO t8st- FrOM the leaves, a series of subAMMISS Of S 91=061de character vere secreted; andro- medotoxin and crystals of three types, the chemical and PharMceUtioal study of which is being continued. Card 2/2 ITZ-I Mikhail Markovich; WCUOT, Vikoley Denilovich;, Cm. T. I.&- dotBent. insh., retsensent; 960KYANSKIY, G.A.. dotsent. kand. tekhn.nauk, red,; TWAKKAU, F.G.,; PLUILIKOTA, N.A.,, [Fundamentals of the assembly, adjustment and inspection of aeronautical gyroscopic Instruments] Oanovy aborki, regulirovkI I kontrolis aviatsionnykh alektrogirookopichookikh priborov. Pod red. G.A.Sloulanskogo. Koakwa. Gos.nauchno-tekhn.isd-vo Oborongiz. 1960. 354 p. OnA 14: 1) (Aeronautical Instruments) ---BOSTORTIIA L.N., inzh. Noise control in the enterprises of the Northern Railroad. Zhel,dor.transp. 43 no,11:82-83 N 161* (MIRA 14:3-1) 1- Nachallnik tekhnicheskogo otde3A Severnoy dorogis 90 Yaro a lav). I (Industrial hygiene) U'SSOQicine - Whooping cough FD-2310 Card 1/1 Pub 148 - 11136 Author : Zakharova, M. S.; Dadashlyan, M. A.; Bostrem, G. G.; Pospelova, L. A. Title : Application of bicaWcin for the treatment of patients with whoop- ing cough Periodical : Zhur. mikio. epid i I=un. No 2. 34-371 Feb 1955 Abstract : Describe favorable results obtained in the therapy with biomwcin of whooping cough affecting children. One reference, USSR, since 1940. Two tables. Institution : Division of Children's Infectious Diseases, 2 d Moscow Medical Institute imeni 1. V. Stalin; Institute of Epidemiology and Micro- biology imeni B. F. Gamaleya, Acadeny Medical Sciences USSR Submitted : July 8, 1954 BOSTRENt G.G. AtYPical cowas of mmles. 24 noinw-17 N (MIA 2413) L** Is otdola astrykh detokikh infektoiy.(nauc mkovodiiill "ob n chlon-korrespondent ANN SURt somiushenM doygoll nauki pof. Ael.Dobrokhotova [dei m idl) Instituta diatrii (dir. - daystvitellny7 chlen ANN SSSR prof. O.D.Solwlova-Pon AMN,SSSR. (MUSLIS) SOV/58-59-8-18Y73 Translated from: Referativnyy Zhurnal Fizika, 1959, Nr 8, p 272 (USSR) AUTHORS: Rudnaya, A.I.,, Bostrem, Z.D. TITLE: The Radiation Method of Measuring the Temperature of Metallic Surfaces in the 1000 - 9000C Range PERIODICAL: Tr. Vses. n.-i. in-ta metrol., 1958, Nr 35 (95), PP 95-107 ABSTRACT: The authors studied the total radiation coefficient (TRC) of the surface of some steels and non-ferrous metals. The measurements were carried out on an apparatus consisting of an electric furnace, a thermocouple and a "RPZ-3" radiation pyrometer (abstract 18974). The uniform heating of the samples was ensured. Measurements were made of the TRC of surfaces burnished, polished or oxidized at a certain temperature. The TRC was determined along the perpendicular to the surface. The resultant curves of the TRC versus the temperature show that the character of the in- crease in the TRC with'a rise in temperature is distinctive for each individual case. Thus, for example, in the case of the burnished sur- face of steel 50, the TRC varies from 0.4 at 3500C to 0.84 at 5000C, and Card 1/2 with a further rise in temperature up to 9000C, it stays between 0.8 and SOV/58-59-8-18973 0 0 The Radiation Method of Measuring the Temperature of Metallic Surfaces in the 100 - goo C Range 0.9. Some curves have maxima. In all cases the temperature rose at a rate of 100 deg/hr. The variation of the TRC as a function of heating time at various temperatures is basically a function of the "saturation curve" type. The emergence, in time, of a special type of stabilization in the TRC of low-alloy carbon steels e.stablishes the single-valued dependence of the TRC upon the temperature. Ye. Antropov Card 2/2 KLOAR9 U.Dzh. (Cloret Wj ]I UYESTLEM, U.Ye.; UOKERI, Kennet.3 UEL~L,Viktor R: Baswen, Victor R.1; TSEYDLERj V i1ranslatorl Residual effect of insecticides placed in soils on faru crops Agrobiologila no.6t892..898 N-D 162. (MRA 16sli Manteg Effect of Insecticides on) HOLUB,, Jo; VINSIOVA, N.; JWWAgZs- J. j GSC. Iavel of GOT and GPT-tranomminsises in different patho2ogical conditions In children. I. Newborn infants. Gesk. gynek. 27 no.9:643-650 N 162. 2. IV dot. klin. KU v ?raze, prednosta prof. dr. F. Blazek II gyn.-por. klin. KU v Praze, prednosta rof. dr. J. Lukas, DrSc. (ALANINE AMINOTU;= . (ASPAUATE AMINOTPAMFERARE) (INFANT NEWBORN DISWFZ) (ANOXIA) (ASPHYXIA NEONATORUM) (MMILICAL GORD) /J A NO SYNTMIS 01 6-nCNO-3-NICTROXYTOLMI. J. B9Fw!,rt and J. V. Koftfl. Chm. Listy 43, :'3.5(1949).-4,3-Jr(N~0)C6R3M* was anoth-v mot.I,,,od- seWlstion of 6, 3-lr(Y*)Ce" vith %S04 in an h1k., rolu. at 6001 Tiold. 93%. b34 156-640, b. OW". N. Hudlickf 'VA Ce" &'ad 4 AM VOW. chpal. 44 Arm) bwed 3 hes. at XIDO thm embd. tnated with di, Ha. fiblowd, the ;.Wm bWW & thm with Water. I~Ld. god t ntd~ urkh boo AvOll to *M 1.4 g, (30%) Oraw BT,A Z*;BOSWAW, J.; HOR P. N. Variation of alkaloid content in Irgot sclerotium during 24 hours. Gesk. farm. 2 no'7-8:2 1-233 Aqg 1953~,. (GIKL 25-4) .3 1. Of the Research Inatitate, of Medi~inal Plants. Prague. BOSWART. J.; BIAZAK. Z. Culorimtric deterw1nation of bulbocapnine, Cook. farm. 3 no.6: 11 Z Tystmonho ustavu loclvych rostlis v Prase. *bt bulbocapaias) (BULBOUMIU, determination. %olarlmtry) BOSWART, J.; BIAM, Z. Iffect of ultrasonics on ergot alkaloid extracts. Cask. farm.*7:226-220 Sept 54. 1. Z Vrokazoneho ustayu loolyrob rostl1n v Prase. (IRGOT ALKMOMS$ eff. of ultrasonics) (ULTRASONICS, effects on ergot alkslotdO JIM&. A. -. BMART, J.. Stu4r on the use of vanillin reaction In-determinatIon of Isouloo- tIW3ydr&sId*. Cook. farm. Oct 54. lo Z biochosicksho ustawn university Marlowe v Fraso (NIODTINIC ACID IBONM, determination leoula'sIde' =* of vanIllIn reaction) (TANEMC. ACID. reaction In deters. of tsonlasid) (A), CZECHOSLIVAKIA Chemical Technology& Chemical Products and J-3 Their Application - Medicinals. Vitamins, Antibiotics Abs Jour :Referat Zhur - Khimiyag No 2, 19589 5595 Author :Boswart Jo. Blazek ZdI Inst :Not given Title :Quantitative Determination of Active Principles in Medicinal Materials According to Czechoslovak Pharmacopoeia 2. 1. Alkaloid and Clucoside Raw Materials. II. Tannic, Bitter, Mucilage and Other Materials. Orig Pub :Ceskosl. farmac., 1955, 4., No 7, 363-368; No 8,, 431-433 Abstract :I, A review of the above-stated inethods for 14 alkaloid and 19 glucoside forms of raw materials. II, Methods for 5 forms of tannic,, 6 forms of bitter and 2 Card 1/2 M= Alk.loid coxite.,it of erpt cultivated in-M-eichoslovLkia L'I / the Years 19! 3 and 1954. B55--vaT t, a al. (Vy Ik. L"ut V 5, 32-5`1t~-,6) 11, CT, Cultivated 1,,IL,3 ,I -c! alkaloids wefe drid. Siwl st",156-,I tvaItiz-Own of -hr rc-,ults ~-tnx-] pr--i iucr~~7e of the a,. canrr~t in th, :Z1:11 Z,;mpdrt,~, v,-ith i9'.'3 ~77 49. A ceJohmetrIv meibcd-loT the "limation o1 and brucine lu nu--x vrimica by the ase of MMOIDUPI relnE4Aaw. ~a 7~- I W-6. 95 1 L jk~ 14 A:~, art a, I C-C ul a,~t~slc and the extinction at 61-3 inju ra meawed. The alkololds Cure extit-acted. from the sample by the method of the ether - chlorufonn p-A.11 V1, with ptra-vide-fMC 2i 1: 1 0 an 1"-CQld alkqu,,~, repl~ntng (k-4 g of -all!plei n I I ItSf ). add -tv.1, arvirrioniurn rpirieth-atf, 2 1--! ~1101 to ~tapd n :in ice bath for ppl. or, a No. 4 8111rc--d -las5 :ilter and -a~h t-ice, kith 5 rn! ,f of sata I wa -ter.: TIP at 525 rrif~ and cadculate the alinaloid c,nt,nt from a calibration carve obtairwil by usirzo A mixture of equal quantititts of strychnine and brocine. --P. S. STRCGS CZE-CHOSLOVY'dM/Cheri-i-cal Tceinolo,!y. Cho*,-jical Products a:--A1 01cir H-17 Applicatimi. Fharzzeuuticals. VitmAns. ~'xtibiotics. Abs Jour: Ref 7hur-MAm., 1qc 2, 1959, 5710. ,'.utlior BtgHarL. Jirij Jindra, ,ntoilin. Lis U Title Application of Ioiditcs in Cho,-dstry of "Jimloids. I. Study of Behavior of MorlYaLne Chloride and Most B-.Lportcait Pon- Phanol 1almloids of Q~Aum on Ionitca. II. Study ofSeparn- Ir-11.1 Poppy Capsules with Iorites. tion of ;Xhaloids c OriL,.,- Pub: Ceskosl. farmac., 1957., 6, Ho 2., 77-87- -ibstract: I. MorVaine (I) is absorbed gumititatively on the anionites w.-berlite IW~ IWO, lovatito 1411, wofatite L 150 and wofatito L 160 froin, aquoous aml not-hanol Liedia. The elution of I fron the first two an%ionitcs proceeds best. By this nothod I mn be sepamtod Card 1/2 C7,D-C]IOSTOV,'JM-./ChciiicaI Tealmoloa. ChayAcal Products ard Their 11-17 Alipl-Jeation. Pharmccuticala. Vitamins. :ntibicitics. ,Ibs Jour: Rof Zhur-10iixi., No 2, 1959, 5710. fraLl other OpiI,-- allmloids. It is slImm t1lat the 'Nluti-m of IT 11 0- cationito i..,afatitu F mid a 3 se FIU h arQ --Qst co--wonicmt for the adsoiTtion and ebitJm. of I. Bibliography wiUa, I'( titles. II. The extraction of I fron poppy cr%psulles proceeds best in allmlii-ic aqueous or methanol nedia ou licating. 1 is adsorbc-d quna-ititatively froti the no"'limao! extract ~,Iy basic m-Lionites (levatite 1-T., m.iberlite by strmir IRh 400), fra.1 w1aich it emn be elirted easily. A r2othod of separation rf I fa7on other all-mloids applicable allso to its quantitative determination -was developed. - A. Vaviluva. Card 2/2 91 CZECHOSLaIAHIA / Chemical Compounds. Chemical Products H and their Applications. Pharmiaceuticals. Vitamins. Antibiotics. Abs Jour: Ref Zhur-Khimlya, 1959J. No 4J. 12503. Author Bosi-grt- jiri; Jindra, Antonin. Inst TIO-T --g DV -en 7 - -- Title Use of Ion-Exchange Resins in the Chemistry of Alkaloids. III. Study of the Separation of Mor- phine from Opium, OrIg Pub: Ceskosl, farmac.., 1957,, 6., No Z, 145-147. Abstract- Opium was extracted with hot water (B11), I n. HCI, witb a solution of Ba(OH) 2 and CH30H with 57c NH.30 Extracts were passed through anionite levatite MN (L) and cationite vofatite F (V); the quantity of morphine (1) was Investigated In the effluent, was eluted and I determined in the eluate. Results of the investigation showed that L completely absorbs Card I/Z 60 CZECHOSLOVAKIA / Chemical Technology. Chemical Products H and Their Applications. Pharmaceuticals. Vitamins. Antibiotics Abs Jour: Ref Zhur-Rhimiya, 1959, No 4., IZ803. Abstract: I from extracts in HW and CH3 OH with subsequent elution of I by 930103%; unsatisfactory results (54-66% of 1) were obtained with treatment of neutralized extracts (hydrochloric acid and Ba(OH) Ba(OH)Z and alkali), which Is explained by the hig content of salts, preventing absorption of I by the anionite, V-completely absorbs I from extracts of HW and with a solution of Ba(OH)p, whereupon the absorbed I is almost completely eluted. During passing of other extracts through V. results are unsatisfactory. In this manner it Is shown that with the selection of a suitable extracting agent, I can be sufficiently, accurately, simply and ra- idly determined in opium. For Report 11, see R ZhKhim,, 1959.. 5710. Card Z/2 HERDEGIN91w; ~TW4T J.; JANOUSKOVAgA. Intrap0monary mixing of-gases in th* lungs of children. Cesk. pediat. 18 no.3-1064-971 V163. 1. Laborator pro detskou pneumologii fakulty vseobeeneho lekar- stri MI v Praze; vedoucit prof.dr.F,Blazek. MDEGEN,L.; JAKOUSKOVA,A.; BOSWART,J.; STEBETAKOVA, I. Pormal palmonary volumes in children. Cesk. pediat. 18 noolls 972--??g F 163. 1. Laborator pro detakou pneumologii fikulty woobeeneho le- karst7i KU v Pmze; vedauci*.prof. dr. F.Blazek.