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BORZUNOV, A*Ae Physical processes in the map tic circuit of Okappol aeter deoigned by N.A.Ivanov. Trudy Gor.gool.inat.UFAN SSSR no.6:217-222 160, (NM 14:10) (mognetic prompecUms) BORZUNOV, I. G. "Investigation of Up Operation of the Drum-Head Assembly on a Carding Machine." S~b 22 Nov 51, Moscow Textile Inst Dissertations presented f6r science and engineering degrees in Moscow during 1951. SO: Sum. No. 480, 9 ~bY 55 BORZUIW, I.G., kendidat tddmidoddkh nank. '' Correlation between the amount of fiber delivered to the wire tooth surface of & carding machine and the amount of carded *liver produced. 2ekst.prom. 15 no.12:27-30 D 155. (MLRk 9:3) (Carding machines) BORZUVOT- 6- - Confer4nee on problems In carding. Tokst.prom. 16 no.?-68-69 JIL 1 56..- I (Carding) (MLEA 9: 8) BMUMV, I.G. Investigating the porformance of sesIrIgid card clothIng, Izv, vys, uchob, zave-; tokhe Isibst.. prom. no.5:60-65 '58. (MIA 11:12) c I.Keekovskiy tekotlllnyy InstItut. (Carding mchlusa) -P- - -BMUNOV.-~.kand.tekbn.nnuk I - ~ - Ability to even in carding mnahines. Tekst. prom. 18 no.1:22-25 Kr 158. (MIRA 11:3) (Carding machines) BORZUNOV. 1.G.; SMMVA. N.A.: UNTOV, R.F. ------------------ Redesigning the draw box of a higb-draft slubber fortwo-sone high drafting. Isv*vysucheb.sav.; tekh.tekst.prom. no.6:88-91 160. (KIRA 14: 1) 1. Koskovskiy tekstiPuyy institut. (8pluning machinery) IN BORZUNOV, I.G.. Ways to reduce the load an the cylinder and flats of the carder in the increase of its operative capacity. Izv. vys. ucheb. zav.; tekh. tekst. prom, no.2.'55-60 165. (KRA ISO) 1. Moskovskiy tekstilInyy institut. BOLOGA, Mircha KirIllovi9j4---BUAMQL4 L.V..jL red.; SYikDV., B.G., red.; POLONSKITy-O-M.-p tekhn. red. -C [Solar lsnqWW am*-As uUlization] Solneck6als, energiia 1 99 Impollsovanle. SUPW, L.V.BDrsunova. Kishinev, Isd-vo "Shtiinteal Akad. nauk Moldavskot SSR,, 1962. 68 p. .(Solar energy) (MIBA 16s5) BDIDGA, Mireba Kirillovich; BDRZUROV, L.V. red.; SYROV, iI.G., red.; POLONSKIY, S.A., tekhn. red. [Solar energy and its use] Solnechnaia energiia i so ispoll zovanie. Pod red. L.V.Borzunova. Kishinev, Izd-vo "Shtiintsall AN Moldavskoi SSR., 1%2. (A pe (MIRA 16:7) (Solar energy) BORZUNOV, Leonid Vasil_!y -. _4; 80LOGA, Flirchya Kiril-lovich; ,.pxip llikitovich; SYROV, B.G.9 red.; MiCHEGLOV, Yu.A.p red. - [Energy characteristics of the solar~regims of Moldw~ia) Energeticheskie kbarakteristiki solnechnogo rezhima Moldavil. Kishinev$ -lzd-vo "Shtlintsa;" .1962. 42 P. (MIRA 18:5) BORZUNOV,'N. A. and CRLINSKIY, D. V. '~Distribution of the Intensity of the Neutron Radiation along the Axis of a Straight Tube for a Strong Pulse Discharge in Deuterium. (Work - 1954); Pp. 150-10;. 11 The Physics of Plasma; Problems of Controlled Thermonuclear Reactions." Vol. 11. 1958, published by Inst. Atomic Energy, Aced. Sci. USSR. reap. ed. M. A. Leontovich, editorial work V. I. Kogan. Available in Library. 0~ e, AUTHORS: Borzunov, N. A., Orlinskiy., D. V., Osovets, S. M. 89-2-6/35 TME: Investigablon of an Intense pulsed Gas Discharge by Nbans of a High-Speed Photography (Issledovaniye moshchnogo iniPul'snogo raZryada V gazakh s pamoshchtyu skoroBtnoy fotos"yemki) PERIODICAL: AtomaYa EnergiYa, 1958, Nr 2, pp. 149-153 (USSR) ADMACT; Discharges are produced in deuterium, argon, krypton and -xenon with the help of a current exceeding lo5 A at a gas pressure of glass rtULe o1ol to 1,o mm of mercury. A , with a diameter'of 18,5 cm served as discharge tubee, the electrodes being at a distance of 97 cm. A condenser battery with a capacity of 35 F served as a current source, which was charged up to 40 kv. The course taken by the gas discharge a recorded photographically by means of a high-speed camera (J exposures per second). The pictures obtained are shown for all 5 gases. On the basis of these pictures the course of the gas discharge in its initial state is acepared In a qualitative way for the different gases. The results of this comparison show a good accord vith the theoretical predictions, Card 1/2 On-2-6135 V~r Investigation or an Intense Pulsed Gas DisehE_-Se by Means of a High-Speed Photography which can be made with respect to the coat.,--ae.1an in ama of the plasm fran the w1nertla-theorya by Leontovich (re-fereace 5). There are 9 figures, and 5 Slavic references. September 3.1, 1957. AVAILABLE: IAbrary of Congress Card 2/2 1. Cks discharges-Photographic analysis 2. Gas discharges- Test results 3. High speed photography-Applioations '3C AUTHOT,S: 30ri unov, 1'eO ~,rliln-~-kiy, 89-2-12/35 Estimuim -.iectrf7-n -e-.,q)Qrat,ure and Vne egree of Ionization in Ulu first -Lage of C-L :-owerfiil !., Usoharge (Otsenka elektronnoy temperatury i stepIeni ionizatsii v nachallnoy stadii moshchnogo im- pul'snogo, razzryada). ,.tomnaya il,*nergiya., 1958, Nr 2. pp. 18o-183 (USSR)* BS Ti,".C; in a glass tube of a diameter of 18.5 cm and a distance between the electrodes of 97 cm the discharge takes place. as source of carrent a charged condenser battery of 35.&F was used. In an experiments the current in the maximum of the fir;t half period attained about 25o 161.. Ls apparatus for the registration of the radiation of discharge a Cs- O-ivacuum pboto-tube was used which bad an integral sensitivity if Lo 1jiL/Lumen. The distance between the cell and the discharge tube was 330o mm, of the discharge tube only 2o cm being eyposed. The signals from the rhoto-tube -were directed to the deffector plate of a two beam oscillograph. Y'ith hydrogen pressure values of 0,,3,, 0,5., 1.0 and 2,0 mm H& (iriitia~ pressure) the corresponding oscillograms were made* The exlyarimental data - measured intensity of radiation in the visible part of the spectrum-express the following: liitle within a long ard 1/2 a) a given initial pressure T. changes only Hatimatibn -)f 2.1.1ectron Temperature and the De&ee of Ionization 89=2"12/35 in tne First litage of a Powerful ~i`ulsed Discharges interval, that is to say, within the range in which a salient point is to be expected in the current curve. i ! reaches a value of abouT, 40 b ) 1'.ith increasing initial pressure T. at 0,2L mai Hg and a value of about 2,5 eV at 2 = Ilig. c) The degree of ionization averaged with respect to the gas-discharge cross-section ai,.iounts, as regards the salient point tb,p to some per, cents. There are 11 ficures, 2 tables, and 3 Slavic references. M; September 11, 19579 Library of GonarC3S. Card '21/2 1. Eleetr6ns-lonizing Offeats-Retimation 2. Hydrogen-Ionization 3* Gas disoharges-Properties So!/ 0 G.r. and Ou. r LukIt VIV r anor v-kI L VfHORS - , Ar&n* ., , & , A y y. SLrotenke I.Q. TITLBt Report *a the Second A41-UsIon CAnX.ronce on Q48 OlostromAce rMODICALt Red Wekhn I elektronlk., 1959. V.I 4. xv " s a ussm) pq 133 - 133 -d X-.Q~9q':.L'.kjy - 'New Data ou X-ray .- I.StLom During pufiliw Disch r a ges dealt with the Lm~ L out Aw r. I.. g o Los of the In P...'ful gas dimcharE4 ; In chanbers with sondUctIng wells. ,JWAA~19r"M At &I- aXnv*sti9.tLo. of the Gas Djaoh~&& -A T. C plus. I. Traa.,A,.. magmatis Field-. ------- las 1.1 AXAX- out* an the Division of a Cathode Spot an MWcury In a Lo--prossuro Are- P 1289 of the Journal). ,oc A.$.-BabAnn (20910") - "A Now Theory of the Cathode Spot- - - - To ii P li 93 air %h~ Journal). _L.X-RC&U&27a - *P-91tive, Coluun in A Hydrogen Dlecbarg* -. with Station&" and Pulse Lo!: : kramlimook And As,. -Z d - -Current OLotz1bution An I - " h . Ll feco of Blectrodam Ln 21"tric Pulse OLochargoo8. k ; Somse Propereles of Gas VischarSes in Low -voltage - a Rolex, Counters . narlso. at the Ill, 'L.JC D I.. a. iu~t' . l.. 1. Hydrogen (N And W. L.k. oA -a comenualon&durso=o results on the pro-broakdown -Whr,,:k V gfln .4 At low P a.. X.Ta. met - And A.A rt..v - Ch.rgo-doisolty .40 a Lou wave a in E~Rndrj..I PL*...-. -zakar.k at Csochosloval"A co~unicated some information an the wave-Like ph*"*." 1. S.x-disch~rge plowns. . .. -I I alt with the problem, or thv deteratantlem, I; fast loan 1. pulse disobarges. Conv"tion 1natability or a PLasma Strimg4. and J~.V. W~rr-v - *Th-ry of a High. ;r ture via*" Stri-drAL- P the I;th amtLan was pre.L4&d over by N.A. Sapiens, And dealt with hIgh-Croqu.say c~..t. in gases. The reliojus; IPA-pore war* read: T.Te. %pl#nt - mromation of Ultra-high FroqueffitY.P4184 Inert G larl zsco of the Bouftdarr Conditions an MalMnanco of HLgh-frequency Discharigs,- AmjkLA at *I. - 61~#mtigatlon of a SeLf-mxImtmIuod1 Ultra-bigh Frolts'" y Pulse Discharge And the Procesm of to Developments. �AX__Z40xAW1ksr and (I j_SaLAt~- osome Results of the Investigation of the ForWALlon of Low-pressure, High- frequosay DLooh. S*.: Ar) - ionductivity of Weekly 20ftizad ,*The CoadItious of Tr.mALtj.u Fr.. C;.q...YvCo on* Djmeh~rgs at Atmospheric Proamur"O. be relationship Bat-... the Cher.ot. wraquoncy Current And the Dir~oct r Currost in &a Di charges". "s__L&"jtjyer "slysed the conductivity or the dimin- %bgratin, plaaas 1. the wlndw of a rem.n,anco discharge IA. L7 mad 1.2--uumburu dealt with the the probe imothod to hiSh-Crellusavy .._,,,/,,appIAc.bI1.1tjr At discharge. Co.. r 1236 of the jour"l). The pop" by V. To. Kjt..k at &1. ..4 devoted to the 1.vA&tIg.tI:0,t.f tn:,ujtra.hiZh fr.qu.isay pl.miss by ...& of hArk root. I I' _qjL_1kWq_,, at .1. dealt -itt, tis. problem or electric fields in a hiab.rrequency 4i.chargo at low Pr*msUr04- TjU_msdAc&"_Qf itumAnIa read A paper ..titlod HLSh- frequency Discharge. in N - 11 *t_ ::; devoted to the problea. Th. work or the r pLas" "d it- r-dL.ti..; the so ti.. was pr.sided A jovjn~-. papare we & .war by V.A. F.brp t Th- f-I of .. ear y ognij;'4el~robe Method. A a lut"o 141- .~f.tft I .'.miiGmT1.nT ?i At. I. pl....&_ ado V.I. Dro V ":t I ".11.11 .C the or 10M, 21M SOV/56-36-3-10/71 AUTHORS: Borzunov, N. A._L Orlinskiy, D. V., Osovets, S. M. TITLE: Investigation of a Strong hilse Discharge in Conical Chambers (Issledovaniye moshchnogo impulfsnogo razryada v konicheakildi kamerakh) PERIODICAL: Zburnal eksperimentallnoy i teoreticheskoy fizikil 1959, Vol 36, Tir 3, pp 717-726 (USSR) ABSTRACT: The present paper contributes towards solving the hitherto unsolved problem of the theoretical description of the con- traction of conical plasma envelopes at high current pulse d'ischarges. In this paper the behavior of a gas plasma of conical shape (in a conical container) through which a rapid- ly increasing current flows, the magnetic field of which endeavors to contract the plasma in the direction of the container's axis, is, at first, theoretically investigated. The main part of the paper deals with results obtained by experimental investigations in a single and in a double cone vessel. Investigation results are given by diagrams and by a number of photographs. Thus, figure 5 shows series of photographs of a discharge in a conicgl chamber filled with Card 1/3 deuterium taken at intervals of 0 .5.10 sec. The discharge SOV/56-36-3-10/71 Investigation of a Strong Pulse Discharge in Conical Chambers source was a condenser pile with a capacity of 35 45 F, primary voltage at the condensers: UO = 25 - 40 kv at a deu- terium primary pressure of 0.02 to 1.0 torr. The "double cone" chamber (Fig 10) had its greatest radius (100 mm) in the middle and consisted essentially of a symmetric glass vessel enclosed by a copper fooder (angle of inclination of the 0 lateral wal1s: 7 . Figure 11 shows a photograph of a discharge in such a vessel filled -with deuterium (po = 0.2 torr) with the corresponding oscillogram, and figure 12 shows the same for an argon filling (PO =. 0-05 torr). Data for deuterium filling: C 43 F, UO = 35 kv (J m- 410 ka); data for argon filling: Uo 32 kv (J M. Pe 350 ha). An investigation of the neutron emission of the plasma showed that this emission is in no connection with respect to the time with the singularities of the current- and voltage diagrams and is not accompanied by X-ray radiation. Figure 16 shows oscil- lograms of the discharge current J, of the voltage U between the electrodes and the neutron radiation in the case of a dis- Card 2/3 charge in a double cone chamber (hydrogen filling, wall: SOV/56-36-3-10/71 Investigation of a Strong Pulse Discharge in Conical Chambers 2.5 cm Porcelain, 0-1 cm Cu, 0-3 cm Pb, 0-5 cm Al); no hard X-ray radiation could be observed. The oscillograms indicate a possiblity of attaining stabilization of the plaama column by means of the primary discharge form mentioned. There are 16 figures and 7 references, 5 of which are Soviet. SUBMITTED: August 26, 1958 Card 3/3 BOR41ygy.-N-A.; KUZIMINA, Nja.; NEVYAZHSKIY, I.Kh.; OSMTS, S.M.; PETROV, Yu.F.; POLYANOV, B.I.; POPOV, I.A.; KHODATAYEV, X.V.; SHIICHUK, V.P. Studying a plasma on a traveling wave setup. Dokl. AN SSSR 152 no..3s581-584 S t63. (MIRA 16:12) 1. Predstavleno akademikom A.L.Mintsem. BORZUNGV . S. , po:Lkovnik Military Publishing House has 'brought out these books. Tome -W-f Ci~ , ~AA. - --m ~ . 0 1 1 'at's- (MIRA .15:2) 10311,113~, 1. Glavnyy rodaktor.kbudozhestvennoy literatury Voyenizdata. (Bibliography-44ilitary art and science) BoRZUNOvj S., polkovAik They are guarding the peace. Voss. z"zi, 38 no,3.0:39 0 162, (MM 15:10) 11 Glavnyy rodaktor kbiudozbestvannoy literatury Voyenizdata. (Bib3iography-Military art and science) BORZUVOT Samoa Kikhaylovich; USPINSOY, N.M.. red.-, KOBZARI, T.N., r-- (For young people about Soviet military discipline; popular sketch] Molodeshl a sovetskol voinskol distsipllue; popu- liarayl ochork. Moskva, Isd-vo DOGW. 1959. 87 p. (MIRA 13:2) (Military discipline) GAGARIN, Yuriy Alekseyevich,. Geroy Sovetskogo Soyuza; BORZUNOV. red.; RUDIN, M.Z., red.; BUKOVSKAYA, N.A., takhn. r [Road to outer space; notes of the Soviet astronaut-pilot] Doroga v kosmos; zapiski letchika-kosmonavta SSSR. 14oakwa,, Voen.izd-vo M-va obor.SSSR, 1961. 237 p. (Astronautics) (MIRA 24:12) TITOV, German Stepanovich, Geroy Sovetskogo Soyuza; K&IIANIN, N. P. , general-leytenant aviataii, red.; FORZI]NOV,_S.11 ZOIllklOvn3ik red. ; RUDIN, M. Z. , polkovnik, red. ; ICRASHOVA, 11. tei4~n. red. [A-viation-and space] Aviatsiia i kosmos; rasskaz Ietchika- kosmonavta SSSR. 14oskval Voenizdat, 1963. 244 P. (MIRA 16:4) (Titov, Geman Stepanovich, 1935-) BORZUNOV, Semen Mikhaylovich; USPENSKIY, N.M., red.; KUZIMIN, I.F., T.ej=. rea, [The very essence of xilitaz7 service]O aamom glavnom v sluzhbe soldatakoi. Moskva, Izd-vo DOSA),F,)1962. 138 p. (MIRA 1631) (Amed forces-Military life S/123/61/000/011/029/034 I lboo 25543 AO04/A1O1 AUTHORS: Borzunov, V. A.j Semin, V. P. TITLEt Aggregate assembly employed in high pressure experiments PERIODICAL: Referativnyy zhurnal, Mashinostroyeniye, no. 11, 1961, 16. abstract 11EIA ("Tr. in-tov Kom-ta standartov, mer i lzmerit. pr1borov pri Sov. Min. SSSR", 1960, no. 46 [1061, 107-116) _. - TEXT: The authors describe the main units of an assembly operating at high pressures (10,6oo - 30,000 kgf/cm2). In the multiplier with automatic counterpressure control, acting on the outer surface of the working chamber, the counterpressure is produced by compression in the closed space of the rubber jacket placed on the vForking part of the cylinder, On the outside the jacket Is held by a sleeve with thick-walled rings fitted on the latter. The authors present the multiplier layout with automatic tightening of the piston seal which is effected by the prissure of the pressure fluid getting into the multiplier low-pressure zone. A special ring-shaped piston under the effect of ~~e fluid pressup produces a tension on the padding of the seal which is proportional to the pressure in the multiplier. The authors present the grades of the materials Card 1/2 15543 3/123/61/000/011/029/034 Aggregate assembly employed in high pressur" ... Aoo4/Aioi utilized and the requirements an to their heat treatment and auto-'ratting ("avto- fretirovaniye"). They analyze a manual plunger pump and a pump with electric drive by a link gear intended to produce the preliminary pressure in the working chamber of the multiplier and the working pressure In the zone of the large piston. The maximum pressure developed by the pump is 2,000 kgf/cm2. To feed the pump, the pressure fluid is fed from a tank at a pressure of 1.5 - 2 atm which is produced by a compressor mounted on the upper pump part. The authors present the design of a valve with hydraulic seal and self-paoking gland and also of a valve with hydraulic seal and stuffing-box seal with automatic tightening. They de- scribe the device for the fixing of the thermocouple in the high-pressure,chamber and the electric lead-in with four self-contained lead-outs. The electric lead- in Is sealed by a cone out into four parts, which are insulated along the cutting planes with mica. It.1a recommended to carry out the autofrettlrjLg ("avtofretiro- vanlye") of short channels with rubber an transmitting media, producing a pressure with the aid of a connecting rod and a hydraulic press. K. PerohikhIn [Abstracter's note: Complete translation] Card 2/2 05472 SOV/120-59-3-43/46 AUTHORS: Borzundv V. A., and 11irinskiy, D. S. of Pre'sure Amplifiers TITILE: Sealing the s (Uplotneniye shtokov mulltiplikatorov vysokogo davleniya) PERIODICAL: Pribory i tekhnika.eksperimenta, 1959, Nr 3, pp 152-153 (USSR) ABSTRACT: Fig 1 shows the proposed sealing method and Fig-2 shows the geal itself. The high-pressure cylinder 1 is joined to the cylinder of the press 2 and to the low-pressure cylinder of themultiplier 3; these two-latter cylinders are connected to the same pressure source. The force on the piston 4 is transmitted by the shaft 5i the force from the piston 6 is exerted on the base of the cone 7 and serves to compress the seal. The seal consists of the thrust ring 8, of the insert 9. of the pressure washer 10, of the second thrust ring 11 and of the spacer 12. Ring 8 fits the shaft very closely, and has a small radial hole, which allows the liquid to enter the gap outside the ring. The second thrust ring 11 also fits tightly on the shaft at one end. Parts ? and 12 have Card 1/2 a clearance of 0.05 mm from the shaft. Washer 10 is RAZUXIXHIN. Y.M.; BORZUNOT. V.A. Higb-pressur* piston moometers. Trm4y Inst. Im. stand., vierl, its. prILb. no. 46:55-61 ,6o. (MML 13:12) Obnometer) I BORZUNOV, V.A.; SIMIN. V.P. I Equipment used In high-pressure researah. Trudy Inst. Iom. stand., nor I ism. prib. no. 46:107-116 160. (MIRA 13:12) (High-pressure researob-Squipment and supplies) BORNNOV V.A.,; llalZUMIKHlN, V"N. Unit for measuring the density --if liq,,ijds at pressures up to tar 10,000 i~gf/em:2. by the hydrostatic method. Trudy inst,Kom,.s id. mar i izm.pr1b. no.75:'134-142 164- (MIRA i8:1) 1. V.;eaoy-uzn)-y nauabno-issladova tel I ski y bistitut flziko-takhni- ohesklkh i radiotekhnicheskikh izmereniy. ATANOVY Yu.A.; 130.W.UNOV, V.A.; RASUMMIN, V.N. Measuring the compressibility of 119aids by the method of UK- bellowr-ealed piezometar at pressures up to 20,000 ICgf/cm2. Truc~y 'nst.Kom.stand.mer i izm.prib. no.75:.143-150 164. (MIRA .18s1) 1. Vaenoyuznyy nauchno-issledovatel'skly institut fiziko-tekhni- cheskikh i radiotakhalcheakikh lzmereniy. ALEKSEYEV, K.A.;_~O ~a~L, V.A.; SWIN, V.P.; SEKOYAN, S.S. Units and parts of high-pressure equipment. Trudy inst.Kom.stand,, - mer i izm.prib. no.751151-159 164. (MIRA 18:1) ~ 1. Vsesoyuznyy nauchno-issledovatellskiy institut fiziko-tekhni- cheskikh i radiotekhnicheakikh izmereniy. AGAPOVA, T.I., red.; DORODNOV, Ye.V., red.; KASHCHENKO, Ye.l., red.; KRUSHANOV, A.I., red.; REYKHBERG, G.Ye., red.; VOROBOYEV., V.V.,, red.; BORZUNOV, V.F., red. [Abstracts of papers and reports of the Third Far Eastern Conference on Historv, archaeology and Ethnograph.v Siction: Socialist building projects in Siberia and the Far East] Tezisy dokladov i soobshchenii. Sektsiiat Sotsialisticheskie novostroiki'Sibiri i D&.Ll- nego Vostoka. Komsomollskna-Amure, Komwmol'skii-na Amure Gospedinstitut, 1962. 76 p. (MIRA 17:9) 1. Dallnevostochnaya konferentsiya po istorii, arkheo- logii i etnografii. 3d, Komsomolsk-on-Amur, 1962. 2. Komsomollskiy-na-Amure Gosudarstvennyy pedagogiche- skiy institut (for Kashchprko. 3. Dallnevostochryy filial Sibirskogo otdeleniya AN SSSR (for Reykhberg~. /+. Institut gougi-aiii Sibirskogo otdeleniya All SSSR (for Voroblyev). 5. Institut istorii AN SSSR (for Borzanov). KATJ STOV, P.L.; ZEZJKOV, D.A.; PHOKOFIYEV, A.P. , Prinimali uobastiye: BOGDANOV, F.M.; BORZUNOV Us.; BURYBLIN, A.V.; DROZDOV, M.D.; YEROn-ZVv B.N.-;K-0NIWA11OV, EX.; KOGAN, I.D.; LYUBIHOV, I.A.; MIRLIN, R.'Te.; ROKnINj M.I.,- SMGEM, P.V.; SEMOVp A.D.; FROIDVO V.V.; NDIANOVA9 G.F., red. izd-va;' QWJnMXQij*.B.,q tekhn. red. [Instructions for.applyi"g the classification of reservesto primary gold deposits] Instruktsiia po primenaniiu klassifi- kataii zapasov k korenrjym mestorozhdaniiam zolota. MoSwa,' Gos. nauchno-tekhn.izd-vo lit-ry po geol. i okhrane nedr., 1955. 46 p. (MIM 15:2) 1. Russia (1923- U.S.S.R.) Gosudarstvennaya komiss1ya po sapa- sam poleznykh isko e 0 Gold ores-Zlassification) BORZVNDV, V,M. Correlation of resources of various categories nocosf&17 for putting deposits Into co~mmerclal operation. ftsved.1 1 23 no.3.*2D-23 Nr*157. (WAA 10:5) 1-0- we (NIneral Industrism) KbGAN, I.D., oty.rede; ANDMMO, V.r., red.; red*; KIRLIN. R.Ye., red.; KIRONOV, K.T.. =RGBMA. N.A. red.izd-va; GROTAp O.A., tekhn.rede [Materials of the State Comittes on Resources on prospecting methods, evaluation and calculation of mineral depositat collected studies] Materialy GK2 po metodike ranvadki. proaWsh- lennoi otsenks I podshchatu sapasoy matoroshdonli poleznykh Isko- pa9mjykh; sbornik. Moskva, Gon.nauchno-tekhn.izd-vo lit-ry po geol. I okhrane nedr. Nol. 1959. 133 P. (KMA 13:4) 1. Russia (1923- U.S.S.R.) Gosudarstyennays komissiya po zapassm poleznykh Iskopayefffth. (Mines and mineral resources) BORZUMT, V. M. GOMMI Owftlustlft Of dsPoilts of C&rbmato rocks and sand. Raw0d.1 okh.nedr 25 no.11:216-31 N '59. OGM 1-3:5) IL. Gof~darstvemmya koldealp po Sapasan sinerallnogo syriya. (Roakt. CarbovAte) (Swd) *, BORZUNOV V M Pn=p V-P-p naucb3V7 N".,- STOLYAROV, A.G., red. izd- Va. 0 Ag'A.G., tekbn. red.- (Industry' a requirements all tothe quality of mineral rav materials] Trebovaniia proiWablemostl k kachestwu minera3.1- nogo syrlia; spravoebnik dlia geologov. Moskva# Goa, nauabno- tekbn, isd-vo lit-ry po geol. i okbrane nedre No*12*[Foldepar materials] Polevosbpatovoe syr1e, Vauebue red* V.PoPetrove Isd*2,9 perere 1960. 25 pe (KMA 3-4: 8) 1. Moscow. VsewYyuzzWy nauebno-issledovatellsk1y institut minerall- nogo syrliae (Feldqw) WIRNOT, V.I.; PROKOF'TZV, A.P.;. BOMUL-Y-M.1- DYUKOV. A.1.. ZnMOV, N.A.; LWBINOT, I.A.: NXIF)MOT, T.Ye.; PLMNIXOT, W.A.; AMOPOV. P.Ya.. g1svw red.; FZDOTOTA. A.I., red.izd-,ra; (RMOTA. 0.A.. [Betimation of a of w"ineral deposits) Podschet sapesov, es nestorothdonli Vfl. esnykh iskopasufth. Pod red. T.I.Sairnova I a F, G=- A.P.Prokofleva ! P.IA.Antropow, Koskva. Goo.nauchno- "7try va tokha.ixd-vo I ~ ry pp/geol. I okhrans nedr. 1960. 6n p. (Km 14:1) (Mines and mineral resources) BORZUNOV V *M - CHERNOSVITOV,, Yu.L., nauchnyy red.; VIASOVA, L.V., T'd-d-Had '--:va- IYERUSALI14MMA, Ye., tekhn. red. (Industry's requirements as to the quality of mineral rav materials] Trebovaniia, prou7shlennosti k kachestvu mineral'- nogo sy.-Iia; spravochnik dlia geologov. Moskva, Gosgeol- tekhizdat. No.6. Chalk]Mel.. 19U. 29 p. (NDU 15:7) 1. Moscow. VBOBoyuzEWy nauchno-Issledovatell'skiy institut minerallnogo pyr1ya. (Chalk) BORZUNOV V. Isti-tion of rock products in prospecting for metals, ooal2 oil, and gas. Mat.GKZ no.2z26-43 161. W~A 16:3) (rrospecting)* ~011 ILOV or kt:~k a V.P,~ . mg-achn. red. A- _kj~_ [Evaiuation of nijaerrous mineral reso-urces from the viewpoint of econoude geol.-z&vl Geol6go-promyshlennala otsenka mestorozhdeniia nerudnogo mfnerallnogo syrlia. Moskva, Nedrap 1.965. 271 p. (MIRA 180.2) IOSOVITSKATA, SA.; BORSUNDV, Ye.Te. UvestliMflon of the ptocess of formlig tablets from medicinal. powders, Ybd,*Prome 14 uoe4tI&22 Ap 160. (NM l3r6) 1. MwIlcovikly usuchno-Issledovatel'skly khImIko-f&rmts*v- t1oheekly inst'Itut, (UXM (KIDICIU)) HOSOVITSKAYA, S.A.; BORZUfiQV, Ye.Ye. Significance of external and inte~MAI friction durJng the compression of medicinal powders. Mod. prom. 15 no.12:29-35 D 161. (MIRA .15:2) 1. Kharfkovskiy nauchno-iseledovatellskiy khimiko-farzaatsevticheskiy institui. (POWDYM I(PIIAIZIACY)) SAFIULIN R.M.; NOSOVIT3KAYA S.A. [No!3oiritalka, S.A.J; ~;OIIWLOV, Ye.10, tBorzwiov, , Kaolin as a disintegrator in the produotion of tabluts. Fanmtsov zII'w- 17 no.3il7-20 1623. OMIRA 17: 10) NQSOVrTSKAU, S.A. EllosovyUlka, S.A.]; BORMMOV,_Ye.Ye,,,. [Bormmov, SAFIULIN, R.M. &Attu carboxymethyloollulose as a binding agent in the pr*pLntion of tablets. Farmatsev.zhuro 17 no*4:6-8 162. (RIHJA 1613) 2, Dartkovskiy nauchno-issledovatellokiy khimiko-famatsev- ticheskiy institate (TAB= (MBDICBZ)) (GEMWSIC) NOSOTLTSKAYA', S.A. [Nosovyts'ka, S.A.]; BORZUNOV., Ye.Ye. [Borzunov, IE.1E.]; OGIYENKOP V.P. [Ohiienko, V.P.);VRURENKO, Yu.T. [Borysenko, IU.B.) Use of polyvinylpyrrolidone and poly-vinyl alcohol as binding substances in the production af tablets. Harmatsev.zhur. 19 n0,1941-45 164, (MIRA 18:5) 1. Kharlkovskiy nauchno-issledovatellskiy khimiko-far-matsevticheskiy institut. BORZTJNOVA, A.S. Probleam of disability evaluation in neuroses. Top. psikh i new. no.3-.179-190 158. (KIRA 12-43) 1. Is Isningradakogo nauchno-iseledovatel'skogo Instituta ekepartizv trudosposobnosti I trudoustroyetva inTalidoy I Is Psikhonevrologich- esko InstItuta, im. V. M. Bekhtereva. (MMMIS) (DLUBILITY STALULTION) B(MZUNDVA. A.So, prof.; TWINA, X.N.,; SANAMTAW, E.A., Problem of disability evaluation In neurotic sanifestations ~at a late period following closed crantocerebral trama; Trady WITIN W18-224 1.59. (MIRA 13t?) (DIMILITT NAWATION) (SWLL--VOMS AM INJURISS) (NNUMS STSM-3)ISMSES) saazu!ROVA, A.S.$ Prof... Tw1u. K.XO. kmud.m".tauk Dlsm~y "aluation probleas In psychopethy. Truo LIVIN 2:225-231 159. (NM 13:7) (NWAL ILLUSS) (DIMILITT ICTALLTATIM) M.M. Q!~Rz!!7 Importance of cver~all methods of investigation in disability evaluation in psychiatric cases. Trudy Gos. nauc#.-isal, paikhonevr. inst. no.20:163-170 159. DMA 14: 1) T 1, Gosudarstvennyy muchno-isoledovatel'skiy paikhonevrologicheskiy institut imeni V.M, Bekhtereva Leningrad i Leningradskiy nauchno- issledovatellskiy institut ekspertizy trudosposobnosti i organizatsii truda invalidov. (DLWILITY EVALUATION) (KWAL iLLNEW) BDRZUNOVA, A.S. Characteristics of melical and occupational expertise in psycho- pathy. Trudy LIETIN 7:189-197 162s, (MIRA 15:8) (DISABILITY EVALUATION) (PSYCHOLOGY, PATHOLOGICAL) BORZUICQVA,,,Al~)kqp#a,S.t!apanovna; BIRYUKOV, Dmitriy Andreyevich; VASYUKOV, Nikolay Mikhaylovich; VASILIYEVA, Z.A., red.; KHARASH, G.A., tekhn. red. [Theoretical fundamentals of medical 4xpertise on the capacity for work] 0 teoreticheskikh osnovakh vracbebno- tr%* 0 ,pv i ekspertizy. Leningrad,, Medgiz,, 1963. 185 Pe (MIRA 17:1) MARKOVAI Ye.N.p otv. red.; AVERBUKH, Ye.S.p red.; BLOM, N.I., red.; BONDAREV, N.J., red.; BORZUNOVA) AS,p redo; ZIFWEVICH, G.V., red.; MNU IDI-,- ".;-,'?W.-,--WASISHCHEV, V.N., red.; PERVOMAYSKIY, B.Yaos red.; POVORINSKIY, YuoA.,q red.; POLIKARPOV, S.N.,, red.; SIBIRKIII, N.V., red.; FEDOTOV, D.D., red.; CHISTOVICH, A.S., red.; ZACHEPITSK3Y, R.A., red. [Problems of psychiatry; anniversary collection of articles dedicated to the 60th birthday of Professor Izmail Fedorovich Sluchevskii] Problemy psikhiatrii; iubileinyi sbornik, posviashchenrWi 60-letiiu so dnia rozhdeniia profee- sora Izmaila Fedorovicha Sluchevskogo. Leningrad, Meditsina, 1964o 434 P. (MIRA 17:32) "FMIOV, S.Ye.; BORZZUNOVA, G.P. .Recent volcanic formations in the vicinity of the Avacha BaYe Vop. geog. Kamah. w.1334-40 163. (MA 11:10) A BMYAK, A. lbtablIpAing nom for work on e.everal machines In mohluery flanufacturing. gets, trud no*218&93 7 158. (NMA liti) (Machlnery lndustry-Productlon standards) BORZYAK A F. HVISIN, R.I., inzh., retsenzent; CR94OVSKIY, Ye.N., inzh., red.; 3,1IRNOVA, G.V., tekhn. red. [Establishment of norms and wages for operators of machine tool units] Normirovanie i oplata mogostanochiUkh rabot. Moskva 1 Mashgiz, 1961. 62 p. (MIRA 15:7) (Hetal cutting.-Production standards) (Wages) __W~Www w AV4AV'IF AA 0 ~90 We 0 0 0 As As AA _ As - 9 It L 1w I -!t -A L.1. AA a CC 6V it it t 00 -Go Wapil" pbattimcmdudivily is polycirysialline cuprome -00 00 ad&. r, h 1 .00 , I 1111A 1, T ill Colql M11% tllklVf tile A-16111 44 while All%j glet,it light -00 0* has 1XV15 inve"ligaled at tile tellip. of liquLl ail whril tile 00 Cu ckvtndr was twa, 11arrIld Orthinowitz -00 -00 00 '7 09 j WW 00 00 to a Abe 00 1, 0 9~_ zoo 9 * # 046 0 .00 100 1--- 11, J- ' , - 0: . - 11; It 1. . I . a .. ! .. V. t h o 0 0 0 O's 0 0 0 o 0 0 0 0 1 4 4 0 0 0 9 0 0 0 0 0 6 0 0 0 0 00000,0000000000000000100000000*00609000000ee F-e "--v At I I U U 1. 13 It n r. A,11 I I 1,_1 11 -,JV f 1 9 3 1, V -1 -1 -1- 1 M Q W LE-1 06 calismilve subject IQ 011mullaneaus 00 -1! 7 M. rhys. mic s. K-) 9. 6W, it-ower)-- is-rivi a-, ; not a the "Sknakov rflect." 1. r, a lowedue of the mccurs4tury cmnL~iom by, illuntinatim of C~10 cathotle,. Neg. resmaks ote also obtained with sb-Ci cathodei.. Ai- 9 C-4) catbo&9 do not show the Dendwr ellect, i. c., an in Calt of the election 1-IniWon over tile additive value 'rhii .1"M ShIRIUMICOUS ithoniflAtiOn MIA indirtattv t1sr 1"alctimacy of tile "Onal interpretation of the J; 'Nind. of the suartave lAyt-r i, (x"Isidelubly laiu'l I lutainallona. ased an ottimmite effect Inight be obwrvrd when the cond. tA the, suifacr lavet i% imufficirnt tit let pt" tfw sum of (tie Viectrons gifthloctil Ify alld light. 'a Neg see i re* see !a** No* f:J i :?I age a S 6, 1 L -ttAUUft(KAL (ITIMIATURt CLAWFICATICO A"[ twr b u v AV 41~ I Nato so 1,4-0,V-01 . 0 0 0 rt IV a It a No a 404! 0 0 0 a o 0 0 0 o 196; 00 0 0 6 41 Oooooolo*OOOOOOO*Oooo0*006,'*ooooo::Go ***go** A Jeo l ~ ow 'LKM ":I ve" a c a w 6 is a k a b a PC a 31 is a is a a v a Im 6_4 4 0 At 0 43 0 0. V S 11TI14 00. ' 1 00 D&MV11140 1" 34 111.1" son 0 0 ~ 0 0 0 0 - _ 1 1 I* too 0 " : . 0 00 Ole 1 . 0 * 00 oom .%3jL IVUW AJOHM "Awl it, v 00 00= 01 )np aq )M P111113 XMI 00 SON ' 00- All so "m ;~ jp4wj- Aj",-"-m Z m, roo ' It 0- . alhlwqj i j4p ani %"punj it- 3461*1" ~# 00 oo~ 1 omit ISAPHIP 10) wtiqzwtuqvmllll JW jtp"n' 1 'Powl 2 , '!r 00 00.: Anwmn apv4l*3 1 4 A"11poll so 0I s .9 fk) mqmsspn p 11011 1w. ~fhsl N"Arq ""Ps", A ow A 0 - l p -jol"n" vow-& p 00 00 00 I 00 T3 40 73 a vv 7 1 r t v 4 If I I 1 00 T r Ir 4 " " " . " " " " " " '! ~ , 1 00 'o 0 0 ;' i ;' 4.04 0 *1 -0 o--~- I I If , " a I W a . A 2M10 , I fop .00 .00 -of Poo Andbeft swam oes GA - 0 hmmdomw oldie maim too@ 1 we's woo L 1 am t1'"6 wit do M i4sal 0A env All / j 0 1 w fA 6 4 4 3 6 V M 0 1 !j ' so 0.00 o *see,,* o off so 0 0 4 o 0 * 0 z T 0 4'~ 00 0 0 0 0 - - - - - - - --- - 0, 0 * W 0,0 a 0 0 0 0 o e a a all mumb lop Aipov U&JU .1 A It, _I, _& -1- I-A peactims ..D P&CWeprics owau.- 000 d god" Oll" I'lkil I't mt- vw 601 a Immysuill k-tv"t'.1 1'. v"-g'0--I ou Von Illip. aild gullml: 0411"I'll I.M4 by lwaohlig io 170-210 awl Gwring -Ad C% n see After mavis W, 11 1 vok,161.g the 10".10,1svOy . -.1 it.. 16vvg. ul,~1-19.eelll dw l'i Ow vI. - Ili.* see ("Iran 0. awl The fawfl. 8 1.1 Im, Wet.. .0 awaywol~ dr 41. ev.1-1 trRulamly. Aild i .1111111.11-8 Il.w6gle &Mas~.a% Ike No.. of I.-Aiiag III I JJW RWRIlikIC' id a Wilt Ilifl M, higis 111A 1h. Lee Imahotil-A Wa jAmlasy.-I free A% Walk irrup. Woo.. bt'td li'~ Aild -141'. a WAN Oust It lill:60-foall 114 Hill ly 1AXIM-9 4-4. see it on- 4mm"In Imm:044 04 111"l ;.WI 1.. 1-4 -Ily Jim I let Cooll. flistib" vs,11,4"I J CWA;Uu C4111O.&C-4 art IvI0,4101, see too DID loom oito oaf m I111" too L) ;m filial i1111MI ALM 11~16M= Me of a VIA AM 0 v 0000, A., Ohm tit tile ailin 1~ tile thVIUMV.111.11.44 iib~Cll OUMM 1111 difil"Will 614PO lit 11,11111401100 OhlWat" 'hat tfirv have twomlisminatilly a tildo ulsi, I., torwonwe r1witisook: om lattimlactlim u1 anceim Ali ('11 Ifil.. II&r 11 exiviis lit C* is addloild to a itiormod Ou. its dark condact tv it y dm tr.&wa. but dWO = 00 NUINEW&I Of the SZOMS of Cm, The rhoto-con. ductivity Alma is 4tweend. , . J. At. =7 71 mv 1 L11 - *Oslo, I f, 0a - " : ,: 008 16 eel d 4 (A &V it 6 o S 00 o All VMS: Idbas Lai a MAN* lot wee no* ill- -i_ t a IN a Joe* 0 a it time *Goo** %oo 00 L :,so low Go d " d ASUABOMI' 0 v 00 -14 1) *WSU it. ' 00 13 1- 7 ' - 4 so Sol., 0441101 OR 8100 0 s 11 0' -B : : : I Ve 0 p 11/-19T1 - BORZYA-K, P. G. en- W A 13 f -a Op" &*d phoWheirk pmpomoa ot Silm-olum- I -. P. G. limlyox anti N, 1). himmulis. mdm - a DrAhmly Ab". ".I. = SOW)~A H of As wvA tysixi. onto g4wi and Pt, =91t r lntm in liquhl air. Thr Ax was w midiml to AjtO by cmtJP4 a Slow diockup in the, I,"' wart ij 0. The AMA) wo* tmmqustent. atul had a . of * i J jk j une- *buml Lo. Curvvs ob ts q v l nti pt)wrr in it lion of sl~ the diatanev froom the crater of the wtdgir. hA-vr 'eritalk-Atruc-lurv. - S AI. and a wsvnd reforillaws tww mramiml. The A. /I, ravo%uml Wills a 111p) aimilt"I a lorvitolit, valklitmi with d whk,h was afni-I exactly out af pbam with the ort-A"I tedmthm votyr. A graph shwors P. tht apt Y. And Is. the rr- su$. In- cgrosco with deenvoliag lay"-Ibk-lknm-. It has A sharp I 1) l~ f 1 4 i 1 1 as -ns uw k"W VM 1, AIN "SoC CWWt% Or 6 ftl 1, sit A im a larcr 62 is* fbich. It the vfhvtivv noran lert I QU"I& 01111 jlllUIllTkWW"M in the UYVI AIT Path* 14 1 ftm mAx, mnve FAIIIIA4 C a) I . . see too VALLW60CO UVIIIIII641 CLWOK04" ...... tfoo .... ......... KO* ov at U a kv 60 as b lp 0 a It a a owl a n ~l it a Im a a 0 9 ol 0 a 6 3 v .T.4 00 00 00 0& 000 0 0 Pboklaodwtiwify W antimanyce.lung fioo ovA16 ltw.. Actut, ';,I I'Lo. S 1, R . klo i. 16W.-MA. #Its. jo. it;Kj 71 1 It,- Al-AtIaNot A N't,- '404-2) fitti%% list a lms%. gKilylo the Ahort -%4t Vital I M file 'Wide traiAnt. ot,lellifind itito the I~ ul1VAvi44V4. SAW 44's allitni. StNAW110111 ill the fill"Ll"I up its 2.41 1.1, Oui%onpitntly. Kidelutikov 61141 (t"IlL U, 3710N I il411TjWWlMt6w% Ad the hith-W111%, ilit-AW11. Clit-TAY .4 file rulfrill Calfirn, 11.8 C.V. jonlill the 1"11 Irlwl"I'll. A, 04 the rim. ro"Id, at.,Vc "."Is tell%)..) &% W6111111ta file bot ~ 1,61dell I.Air j. ilh-olvert, olul the effivi. 14'.Wivni by K. AIN) 1W mll't for ollic 1" 11111,111114" Whrlra~ iott..lllrli~"I - "I "A'". (" 1111#1. little ill fit" 'I'll, litl'$ tirAL11.11th' 1pn"l, AuN1 lin't I.vhk-~ Asul 1111411v .11ppov-4, the in'twal sen-itivur &,W lite -1- -4 it-, film. det'l. as they are fly file maill atwwlyl~,n band. re'n4l's A--'rotialiv unaffecial, FTNol '~ilhwramp of the ruffeut ititoWtv ill m-faiiijular light liopol--r% 4 (IJ11 w.. with ,101L 1.014WA, 14 41.4 MV.. al filtim fritill.. the lit" A'( file A-Allowl. %'ror dr(d' to 'O.M4 alut -it tl~"j lotigth (-- It Applux .4 pf owltv.- 111111% AM lAWSI l1VvI- S4-tTA1 1.11 the I.IjIt.Acf-. tailing (Ali it, the *attic TO litull lik'161-11thl mo, i.e. A. 1.1 v.v. Thb, Is oww mum totuid that the value .%( O.s( e.v. rantRA l"IsAtibly Convoijujol t. In intestinal dislance in j opticoal tmisitims. TW ciatirnal lwb4xmltv. cffcvt 4 CIV&D filn", twing deld. by tile eneW stsuctum of the lattke. 11. a ormst. rb~erwie of obe Substance. In watma Owirlo, rim. voloul., 14"urond.. *out lintiltincew, brinif St"m stil"lK valitshiflty. N. Tb,"i -I- Y4 r, I e- C, 9014 ad (plityli. Fe. N, wjI4-:I4SMk1M- w"Ime-Ni4ml filln, 411 CS Use 814- wirs, leetubscril hy rimilimi%mil,"i fems a nitill. Iwam. Chight. li. tit thi%cutillis wilbi I &I I ter 14.1111'.411 NpAlisk plisturrs I% eqViewilroa fitin. utistiviectalAt- i%% imassmiumsim, best t"Airruble fly im"frociftv fiffufr-~ is% n4mlicals. By luklawrittkillif. the- mwisvtl filill ha, the cultil"I. C-th. Irlemkilette JIIWNOUIC"l 41" IW44JNS 40 COMI 1471111IN, Will Sheeler; 41w admw 61111, Issit Ohili~h. I, 446titilini b%. mimidlin" &I rtsimt scini. Ito vqilmlcslak,~ c,olitatiitis life iiietiolicr xilartrw4ll WOwto xCoM film ill lecalesel imilb C, val"N *I I"do-POO. 0.1 V%wntall plopfuriev. eflerl brifill. :11 411.1srar V%"I bite the fills) ill mill Ibe Tarct livirs"rt Willi the pilgli- III jj)4%WlVM*1 jmMI *IF C.. 'Aills tier ..Al.6 %,Vtiitd lis virthm, 41W 14U.44wkv- willativitv ill a IIIA" -111 me little. Vitwirms, V-41 I* saki w Im sell. A Miss Iw Itractowal ,I C.O. wlith C, .& At aliestr LN111, 4161 4ww feel I'mr4twil.k. 1,441 it. ploi.w4w. _i-*ii%-jjv 4u, blvert, shmi shelf 44 thevethro cowl"44twittly. 611wr lbe 41M.Us slim, w"$ C~41, i. i-tetwiect. Ow Shr 44.1imunt plimolmlells. ""I. 4tivily j. IMIJ Ijj1krj Illith IIK- cimiless. C-Al. Ther -4imectrall In&%, OA life VellsitivilT I-11 The vVillso C.-o fill" Iii-Is of Mf utlifiormly with uavr kimth. SIPPWS tell 4"welfity wiltatever 10 tbr *PVTt"J CUfVC 01 IISC PINKAIMINIC. SMAidViAlif. Ill 4.1101#atm seb CA-MI fill"m Mkirwitme. C,,~44 filmses dvjw me lormilklisiss tw1wrru tlw atuivivall nw%" of plietturicr. wni lhily Oki tit ablam"Itkoes. F(w Oww fibus. Ow y4wirel curve'l 411 It* FeltdoCtiVe kkICIL 6 SAW thl! lithoMPOLM 9MV11- * Were lietst. Itualt ske rojill. SnVtfGl C*rtV% Ill fI4Mt4Mk-V &MI Jbr 41614 4.1 4 Still k OkIllt that CC 1111ft-11" at Ibr 1011111441011, fibillivellimi" is figures glrelfrf lball '81 she lie"lli'laiv 1,11.1 KU". "Oh #title. -if a lbie-kor., It- Mail Oft fill It.. .I Illi..vm J I'llesturin-Iff"I~, the Iwk ph.,I, will I vill Islil't Iw mmilewillif Stralcr fillet) tile flout xi little C*-.141 phill". 174tht-Irl. III 0-111tAll I's OW lallt-l'. Whric tile quanju... riticirlicy'll' I he ph"I.Ill- vllwl I, vlt,w, 1,, 1. the CiA).Ajg vAill'.14. 11.1, d 4111.611111111 Alh V M I_% thall 11.111, cull. -muctiliv. 11, 1 -4 1 ls,W C, I A, Mill'. tile 1154111 juitt .4 the I. S."t 7*etii* of the Department 6f'Phy4i66imtheizatical Chiui6il- Sciences, Acadaw of,Sciences Ukrai nian SOR P.~Borzyak 'VaIrkh-M-Naue Vdl.IILI,' No 4, PY 555-562, Cbiorddle4"subJett session on-lov-temperature'php- idi* held in Kiev 25~-26 A~r 50. ' Le: eture s - by B. - G.' .,' Laxerev. (low -tei2p!3r&iures)J-, Ye. S. Boiovik (Hall of- tikt'and: strozig' fields); - B.':E. Verkin (magnetism it low tetperatures); A. A. Galkin and P. A. Bezuj n .(frequency dependence of AC detection by supercon- ductors); M. Lifshits (rupture of superconducting 16M5~ UNAR/Physics Academy of :Sciences Aug 510 (Contd) state by magnetic field); S. 1. Pekar (F-centers); Fekar and Yu. Te. Perlin (recombination of 6lectral3a in'' colored crystali);.. L M. Lifshits and L' S 'Gulidii ~("cal phase transformations in solids); V: 1: Limi- loy, and A. F. SkrishevAiy, (a maiscules by X-raying. fluids,); IL Ye' &x1yenko tallization centers); ~V. S' .' Kagan and B; - y&.; (local.stato'by X-~ray methods); and,other P: BORZYAK, P. General sessions of the Ulaainian Acadciq of Science and of its departments for physics, mathematics and chemistry Usp. fiz. nauk. 45 no.4, 1,051 Optitil find pl- J7 V, USSIR/Physice SmIconduetor Cathodes, 'Tan/Feb 52 Photoemission "Investigation of.Photo- and Secondary Electron Emission of Some Semiconducting Cathodes," N. D. Mor- gulis, P. G. Borzynk, B. Dyatlovitakaya "Iz Ak Nauk SSSR, Ser Fiz" Vol XVI, No 1, p 121 Current article Is a brief description of a report that appeared in Jubilee issue of 60th Birthday of S. I. Vavilov. States comparative investigation of some cathodes with similar optic characteristics but different integral sensitivity proved that the cause was related to a difference in photoelec output of electrons frm filled zones. BORMAK, P. G. ~_, I -Al" Characteristics of the photoelectric effect of silver-oxygen-cesium photo-cathodes. Trudv Inst.fix. AN IRS no.4-.11-27 15). (Photoelectric cells) (MM 7:12) BORZ-YAK. P. G. Optical absorption and photoelectric effect of semiconductor antimony-osslum photocathodes at low temperatures. Trudy Geof. Inst. no.4:28-32 153. (KLRA 7:12) (Photoelectric calls) (Ketals at low temperatures) (Semiconductors) PORZYAI~, Fetr Grigorlyevich BORZYAK,_ Petr Grigorlyevkchs kcadeird.c Degree of Doctor bf Physico-Yathematical 9ciencesp based on-his defense., 3 July 1954, in the United Council of the Insts of Physics and Mathematics of the Acad Sci UkSSR, of his dissertation entitled: "Research on Effective Cathodes". For the Academic Title of Doctor of Sciences. SO: Byulleten' Ministerstva, Vysshego Obrazovaniya SSSR, List No 19, 24 Sept. 1955, Decisionc~of Higher Certification Commission Concerning Academic Degrees and Titles. W&SR/Electronics - Electronic and Ionic Emission H-2 Ps Jour : Referat Zhur - Fizika, No 5,, 1957., 12286 Author : Borzymk, P,G., Bibik, V.1F., tramaremho, G.S. Inst : Institute of Physics, Academy of Sciences, Ukrainian SSR. Title : On the Nature or Silver-Oxygen-Cesium Photocathodes and Their Spectral Sensitivity. orig Pub : Dopovidi AN um, 1956, No 4, 330-333 Abstract : As a result of an investipLtion of the optical properties of film of cesium oxide it has been shown that in the ul- tralviolet region.. they have great "intrinsic" absorption. The red boundary of this absorption lies near 600 bjAo~,. The forbidden zone for Cs2O can be estimated at two elec- tron volts. It is shown also that the spectral chiaracte- ristics of the photocurrent from the cesium oxide consists of two parts -- a short-vave part, due to the "intrinsic" Card 1/3 Category : USM/111ectronics Photoeffect. Electron ftid Ion Buission Abe Jour : Ref Zkow - Fizika,, No 2, 1957., No 4266 Author : Borzyak, P.G., W'Lkp V-7-jo Womareakop G.S. Inst : Mutitute of Pbysics , Academy of Sciences Ukrainim SSR, Kiev Title : Investigation of the Fatigae 6f Silver-Oxygen-Caesium Photocathodes Orig Plab f1adiotekhnika I elektroniks, 1956, 1, No 3, 358-369 H-2 Abstract Based on jaw'iy observations of rbeconew occurring during the fatigue of oxygen sIlver-caesima photocathodes (changes in the spectral cbaracterisitcs and in the contact pDtential of the cathode, :tlumges in the sensitivity of portions of the ;jthode that are not ~,_-Vjectcd to illimination during the fatigue process, fatiguing action of infrared illimination, and pb-r- of illumination aftereffects) the authors reach the that the.ideas proposed by de Boer-concerning the fatigue mechanism or such phatocathod a are not adequate. GmaidarlOg that an Important role in the fatigue of oxygen~-silver-c&esiun cathodes should be played. by processes occurring iihen Light acts on -the caesium oxide in the latter, the authors call attention to the need of a fundamen- tal investigation of the physical features of this property. Bibliogmphy, 8 titles. Card : 1/1 BMTAK, P.G.; DYATIOTITSUTA, B.I.; CHEWSHUA. T.N. Zfficiener of llgh~. utilization In coating of ~ ant;mozq-ceglum photocatlwdes. Radiotakh.i elektron. 1 no.3:3,70'4376 Ur '56. (NM 9;7) l4natitut fisild AN an, 11yev. (Phot!?lectric calls) DORZUK, P.G. --- - -mmummad. Beginning period is the history of the external photoelectric effect and the significance of Steletov's work; 60th annivoreary of A.G. Stoletwe death. 58 no-4:715-747 Ap 156. (KWA 9:8) (Steletev, Al*sksandr, Grigerlevich, 1839-1896) (PhsteelectrictIty-HIstory) 9 (3) SOV/112-57-S-10960 Translation from: Referativnyy shurnal. Elaktrotekhnika, 1957, Nr 5# p ZOZ (USSR) A UTHOR: B or syak, P. G. TITLE: Coated Gold-B"o Photocathodes (Slozhnyye fotokatody na zolotoy o5nove) PERIODICAL: Tr. in-ta fisiki AS UkrSSR, 1956, Nr 7, pp 35-43 ABSTRACT: The interest in oxygen-cesium photocathodes containing gold can be explained by the views of a number of researchers in the USSR and abroad on their new important characteristics, via.: (1) a higher integral sensitivity and a possibility of appreciably controlling the jhotocatthode spectral sensitivity by means of the fourth metallic component; (2) the photocathode fatigue decrease with an incrkase in the quantity.of gold introduced into the chthodef (3) the possibility of preparing gold -ox~ken-cesium and gold -silver -oxygen - cesium photocathodes on the basis of initial gold films without resorting to the glow oxygen discharge. The tests made, however, did not give the results expected. The spectral characteristic of gold-oxygen-cesium photocathodes, as compared to that of silver -oxygen-cesium and to gold - silver -oxygen-cesium Card I /Z SOV/112-57-5-10960 Gold-Base Coated Photocathodes photocathodes, extends less over the longer-wave range because free gold and cesium cannot exist together in the cathode film. This fact is responsible for an integral sensitivity three times less than that of silver- and gold-silver- oxygen cesium cathodes. By introducing the third component in the form of metal particles into the cathode, only.the short-wave and medium-wave ranges of the spectral characteristic can be adjusted, and the phototube sensitivity can be increased around 630-800 millirn~crons. The gold -oxygen-cesium photocathodes suffer very little fatigue; hence, they can be used in specific cases of photocathode applications around X = 650 millimicrons, where the sensitivity of an antimony -c e sium cathodeis already low and the sensitivity of silver -oxygen-cesium cathode has the same order as that of the g'0141-oxygen- cesium. The gold- silver -oxygen-cesium photockthodes do not completely solve the problem of fatigue, although their fatigue is lower than that of commercial silver -oxygen -cesium cathodes. This testifies to the fact that our knowledge about photocathode fatigue phenomenon is incomplete and further investigations are necessary. A. M.B. Card. 2 / Z sm -Fir. mghig front solld to 0- 20, M D Q dIspw4ed, Mills -W-tre- candt'nsW -bit III-- illMdt 5102C tlItM_.'jOjCt ilansiltitting g1ass bulb. The red cut-off of AS pbototmlss~jon it W - 2W rip. Cs absorption does not in- -fluence the ciptical Properties of AS films. An anomaly of transparency apprars, In light of 405 nip in the transition region s6lid-microdisperstd. A transparency band exists Q066nip. The 5pret" mrimfivity curves for AS filins with labrairbed Cil ba" a -inin, at M6 infi, and max. at r*340 i andMinju. Cs:O layets were also obtuiniA by condens- ing Cs oa tb e spherimil wall, oxidizing it to CXi0j, and treat- Ing it with Cg,.-apor above 150' to obtain CsO. Absorp- tion and 4w&slao 4m-rvts tire shown for Csi-Q, and CsO, From thcs~ tests the hati-width of th~! forbidden zone is to 2 vv. Front the differeriev. of the ab5orptimj edge and the photoeffect red limit wave length the height of the Potential lxuykx in Cr,,G can be caled. to 1.0 e.v. and sonle- timer- to 0.5-0.6 e.v. Some Cs.0 layers are more sensitive at250m)itlianf.4-SbeitbDde,,i, Tile 1--itraviulct jellsitivity of CS~O is larger than that of Ag-Cs and introduction of Ag into Cs2O decreases short Valve sensitivity but it a6r) in. CreftSeS long wAve sen5itivity. rvaint, of Ag oti C,-,,O films and collsxclitive heating filefe-.ts" 10,19 Wave smisitivity but does not afrect.--hort Nvave absorption. The photoeflect. in - the l0ag WAVe in". 6 enhanced by incorporation of Ag. This is attribuied to the formation of C&20 films ax~ouad aggmPted Az crystallite5. The Ag-O-La cathoft is con. side" as a combination of .1 belmirate eathodcs-a semi. condull:6vtcathodeol CrO(detg. thrultmvioletsensitivity) and a c.,AhWe formCd by disim-wd Ag comcil with Cs O q - % jrr/S 7~ i d0g. the Ong wave sensitivity. Introduct on of Ag does not Cure frtl~ple. phenoluen't. BORZTAK. P.G. [Borziak, P.H.] ~ptlcal methods to Increase the sensitivity of Cs Sb-phctocathodes Ukr. [with summary In Inglieb3. -fiz. zbur. 3 n -3:324-327 W-Je 158. (MIRA 11:261 1. Institut fizikt AN USSR. (Cesium antimoulde) (Photoolectricity) SOV/10)-3-9-17/20 AUTHOR: Borzyak, P. G. TIM: On the Problem of the Presence of a Discontinuous Change of the Sensitivity of an Antimony-Caesium Photo-Cathode (K voprosu. o'nalichii skachk-oobraznogo izmereniya chuvstvitel,'- nosti sur'myano-tseziyevogo fotokatoda) PERIODICAL: Radiotekhnika i elelctronika, 195', Vol 3, Nr 9, p 1220 (USSR) ABSTRACT: It is pointed out that the discontinuous change in the sensitivity of an antimony-caesiam photo-cathode was never observed by the author, as was erroneously stated in a paper by G. A. Zheludeva and N. A. Alchmatova, which appeared in this journal (Vol 3, Nr 3, p 400). SUBMITTED: April 12, 1958. Card 1/1 AUTHORS; Borzyak, P, G., Bibik, V. F., Sarbey, 0, C, 48-22,-5-12/22 TfTLE: Photoelectronic Emission of Some Semiconductor and N-etal Ca- thodes With a Diminished Work Function (Fotoelektroniiaya emiss- iya nekotorykh poluproyodnikovykh i raetallicheakikli katodoy s umenlahennoy rabotoy v7khoda)(Data From the V111th A!'.-Union Conference on Cathode Electronics, Leningrad, October 17-24, 1957)(Materialy VIII Vaesoyuznogo soveshchaniya po katodnoy elektronike, Leningrad, 17-24 oktyabrya 1957 a-) PERIODICALs Izvestiya Akademii Nauk SSSRISeriya Fizicheskaya, 195B Vol. 22, Nr 5, PP, 566-575 CUSSR) ABSTRAM At present the interest of thelphysicists is occupied by the electronic processes in semiconductors. Therefore all C0111- cerning phenomena must be investigated as perfectly as possib- le. In view of several difficulties the authors had the idea (reference 1) to enlarge the spectrum range on account of the work function of the photocathode which is to be investigated. A short bibli ography (Refs 2, 3) is given. FiG. 1 shows the de- vices used for this work. The experiments made pos5ible the following concluoic-n: The application of the method o--:' the work function of electrons from the cathode by means of dunted B_-Q Card 1/3 films makes possible a considerable enlargen, ent of the spectrum Photoelectronic Emission of Some Semiconductor and Metal 45-22-5-12/221 Cathodes With a Diminished Work FunctionAXta From the VIIIth All-Union Conference on Cathode .6jectronjoB, Leningrad, October 17-24, 1957) domain of the photoelectric sensitivity of these cathodes and the shift of the boundary of the spectrum characteristic into the visible domain. A comparative investigation of the metal ~.nd semiconductor samples showed that the concentration of the di- pole molecules of BaO, which guarantees a minimum of the viorI, function in a metal (T&), is 1/4 ~- 1/5 of that concentr~_'Vion which provides a work function to a semiconductor, (1118b; J'L&2'e) In case of both kinds of cathodes the lowering of the photo- electric emission starts somewhat before the low point cf the work function on occasion of precipitation of BaG molecules on the surface was reached, The spectrum characteristics of" io photocathodes of the type Me - BaO can be worked after the method by Fowler (Fawler) just as well as in the case of p-are metals, Even at a quite long distance from the red li-ait Zhu sensitivity of the photocathodes of InSb and A92Te is consider-, ably 'Less than the sensitiyity of the efficient Cs 3b p'!oto- cathodes, in spite of the known proper charactez, o1 the L*.:oto- effect,, In the discussion on this abstract participated: A. A, Mostovskiy~ A.. 1. Pyatnitskiv, Kireyko, N~ 1.1~ Politcva, Ye. Card 2/3 A. Kra8oybkiy, K. B. Tolpygo, I~ 11, Dykman and the first author. Photoeleotronic Emission of Some Semiconductor and Metal 48-22-5-12/22 Cathodes With a Diminished Work Function. (Data From the VIII-th AJILUnion Conference on Cathode Electronics, teningrad, October 17-24v 1957) There are 8 figures and 6 references, 5 of which are Soviet. ASSOCIATIONs Institut fiziki 2kademii nauk USSR (Institute of Ph7sics AS Ukrainian SUR) 1. SemiconductDrs--Properties 2. Cathodes (Electron tubes)--Pro- perties 3. Work functions Card 3/3 AUTHOR`~: 3arbey, 0. 2, - Bprzyak, F. G. , TIT L E It 0 ect-ro 1! iTind S uc or da 1-y ec 41, ro n, JL un of 0 e rm_a -n t-M /Vol 28' L; 12 (11 ~~R rp. 1.- J UJI.C.Or tlre.~,F~ the pboto- ii zi,,) - adG e - cathodes, t ~i E: I 'Ac C12 tlh.~ --pEaCLrum. TLC, -j*,t_-' dtistriou- tilon o--:' tliz ohc4.oeffact o~_' ihj~ W-BaC.-cLtnode is in accord-ance "'Cory 1-Y 4 te_,f, o '.1ic! i Patil e:r U j -6 r I 10,-I t ions 1L %-M-b i t ed by pure W-Cn. tti od E~3 ':`Ihe ii th -a BaG -mo-I e - cule.,i on the tlur:~~,zten surfpce had a near-orit-Imum -3oncep-tration uf ill-t fcr trie sn- TO = 1,9 eV was obtainnd Q .. - 4:-y ~f tlc phott)C-ffect acoording to UiL! method ~f Tlio i-,r, 0_~ 1;11;e taken b.1 thL- CI i'rcr, a Ge-BaO-,;atho:,-! b.,/ t q ta t o f L . ""k-r! (N~,;L- :1 _,'~ gives k 71 0- IA 1 , ~'~ c.v The decrease. in the value-- of ~'the work IP unction O 6 1, c. E.0 IA I'n VC:."ttitilig 111 4111 2 c -JI;d I ~:ctrori Emission oi German' um Coofficient of ~3econdnry emission b,,~, a factor of 4. The ef- of -Photoelectron emission of a Ga-BaC-emitter con- .bi-, excee.~, that of a metallic emitter, as *.--7-BaO. The .9 t, U. C. Ge-PmC however, with a photoelectron 11 C - t i o r to thn't uf Cq_:A exhibits a smill,:~r of photoelectrons !ii.: -well as of secondary electrons, rilthouj~h trie conditions of photoelectron excitation should be bat.,iar -in j-;-,r- manium. Hence, apart from the oonditiow~ which cre in thc electron emission of Pemi-conductora still Qthcr ;~Ikay important role in the electron emincion o --.' s z~ ri i c c~ r d ur,_ . I Th e authors advance the as.,umntion that this oause is rep ri~ co by the inelastic oolli-iorta'of the exal-ted -,,Ith the intrinsic electror,-q of Lhe came conductor. The Conditicu-s vailing in thi8 proci?-a aare, horeverr, deterlylinucl by tn& rbtio of the width of the forbidden zone ot the semioondact;~r ~';i,6 .6-11~ photoelectron Avorlk function of the intrinple electron:, th~:- There -74re 0 figure:; and 21 ri_Iercnott~. o.f S(;-v "-174 :-9-6/33 and Secondary-Electron Emission of Germaniuri 0 AS'30CIATION: Institut fiziki AN USSR, "v (Institute of Phyf~,ics AS UkrSSR, K iy'~~v ) cal"I 51/3 24(4) PIIA31%7 I b~;A KXPUIL-VATEMI SOV/JI40 Ak2d=LYA nimic Ukratnaisay =,R. Inatitut- rL--Ikt Pokoelaktricheakiy,t I opt1,qh,enkjy" yavlenLyn v polup-ovodnikakni tnd[,PQrvcgO vseBO7uv1OAj uOvouhuhanlyn po t'OtO.lektrlQAQMJ1LM I OP afteakLis ynvlenLyna'v poluprovadnLknkh, 9. Klyev. 20 26 noYabrra 1957 9 (PhotcelLatrLe and Opttoal ftpnom~na In SM. conductor*, Transactiona or the' Virat Conference on FhotoeleatrLo and Optlaial Phenomena In 3"Loonduatorn... ) Klyev, 1959. 403 9. 4,000 copLess printed. Additional Sponsoring Agency: Undemlya nauk 333R. Presidium. FAMISSLya po poluprovodnikam. R:f PubliabIng Houses 1. V. Klein&, Tech. FAd.t A. A. PAtV~ychUkj 1&k op. Bd.s V. Ye. Lashkarev, Acnd=lcian, UkraInIM SSR, Aa:domr of 1.16130610. 1 IUPJWgt ftls book is Lntcndod for scientists In the field of *ad- conductor physics. solid state spectroscopy, and nemiconductor devices. The collection W1 unerNu --Tdv-a-n-r-ea -students In Universities and Institutes orbh*Iuhner-tactinical training Specializing In the physics and technical application or somi- conductors. CUMAUt Ifte collection contains reports -nd Information bulletins (the letter are Indicated by astarlo" read at the First All Union Conference on Optical and Phorialectric Phenomena in S;al- conductors. A wide scope of problems In semiconductor physics and t**ftn0lOW are oonsidereds photocenductl Ivity, phatcelectro- native forces, optical propertiesp photoelectric calls and. Photormiletorso the actions of hard and corpuscu2sr radiation@, the properties of thin films And complex 34micanductor systems, go. fte materials were prepared for publication by E. 1. PAshboy. 0. V. SnItko, K. B. Tolpygot A. P. Lubehank0oand X. K. Shernkman. References and discussion follow each article. tidal ftenomona (00"t.) notoolectria add OP h.,U, V. y@. fe-liaritl~~ Of the good) 319 o (Th g ~Otoqloctrlc Wood In semiconductors * ','I V. The frObles, of I A Z., and A . L RjUktaltivity maxim Of 323 444EY %Ajtg~ -yp-~Ctr&l Son echa.las or 0 an Ltio r the ij R*Ctlrior Pftotcelge tric' Col" C. A Ph"ONGOOn Accompanying tte phatooloctro- 330 SMaCOMCTM pso"CMTRIC C=JZ AND PHOZOMZSTMS v. A 041JUum Arsenide and g~~~ko 335 =aT d T. yo. Cholnokov. 3111000 Photoelectric WoMovich, T. X an 339 care 13/ 16 ~, BORZTAKI P.G. (Borz1ak, P.H.); Narchuk. P.N.; Sarbey, O.G. [Barbel, O.H.] Current-voltage characteristics of the photoelectron emission of germnium. Ukr.fis.shur. 4 no.4:525-526 J1-Ag '59. (MM 13:4) I* ;nstitut fisiki AN UM, Wermanium) (Phatoolectricity) 'HNICHIM. L.S. [Hrroohnvchenko. L.S.]; SARENEx-GoG. arb 9 OR Photoelectron emission of germanium aM silicon in the amorphous and crystalline states. Ukr.fls.zhur. 4 no.4:524-525 JI-Ag 1". (mm 13:4) ;nstItut fIs1kI Ali WSR,, le (Germsidue) (Silicon) (Photoolectricity)